om STORRS SFT - \a BELLEFONTE, THURSDAY MORNIN G, MAY 30, 1861. NO, 20. EE Terms of Publication. PERMS :—81,60 ots. if paid within three months $2,00 if dlayed six months, and $2,50 if not paid ghibin the year, These terms will bo rigidly ad- Hered to. ADVERTISEMENTS and Business Notices insert od at tho usual rates. and every deseription of JOB PRINTING EXECUTED in the neatest r, at the lowest prices, and with the wtmos atch. Having purchased a large collection of type, we &re pre- pared to satisfy the orders of our friends. 3 trorfory. “WILLIAM NI. BLAIR, ATTORNEY AT LAW. BELLEFONTE, PA. Qfilce in the Arcade, second floor. Busines 5 N. MALLISTER. JAMES A. BEAVER. MPALLISTER & BEAVER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENN'A. JAMES EH. BANKAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENN’A. @doe, on the Diamond, one deor west of the Port Office. - EV 7, BLANCHAR D, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PEN'NA. wffiee formally occupied by the fon. James Burn- sido. omnis ste “3. 3. LINGLE, SURGEON DENTIST BELLEFONTE, CENTRE €O., PA. 1s now prepared to wait upon all who may desire ts professional services. Rooms at his residence on Spring street. TTT AMBROTYPES, PHOTOGRAPHS & DAGUERREOTY PES, Feken daily (except Sundays) from 8 A.x.t0 5 p.x BY J. 8. BARNHART, n his eplendid Saleon, in the Arcade Building, Bellefonte Penn'a. AR tee rt——————— -— DB. G, L. POTTER PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, BELLEFONTE, CENTRE CO., PA, Offies on High Street (cld office.) Will attend to ppofessional calls as heretofore, and respectfully ¢ffors hie services to his friends and the public. DR. J. B, MITCHELL, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, BELLEFONTE, CENTRECO., PA. 711 attend to professional calls as heretofore, he os ofers his services to hia friends and she public.” Office mart door to his residence on Spring street. Oct 28-08-tf. 8. T. MURRAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENNA. OFFICE—The one formerly ocoupicd by Judge Burupside. Feb. 14th, 1861--Vol. 6: No. 6. MA €. MITCHELL. CYRUS T. ALEXANDER MICHELE & ALEXANDER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BELEFONTE, PENN‘A Office in Reynolds’ Arcade on the Diamond. . Ira C. Mitchell ha ciated C. T. Alexander with him in the practice of law, and-they will ve prompt attention to all business entrusted to a Centre, Mifflin, Clinton and Clearfield seunties. BANKING HOUSE, oR = WM. F. REYNOLDS & CO., BELLEFONTE, CENTRE CO., PA. Bills of exchange and Notes discounted. Col- iections made and proceeds promptly remitted. — Interest paid on special deposits. Ixchangein the anstern cities constantly on hand for sale. Depos- its receivea H. N. MALLISTER. J. T. DALE. ‘A. G. CURTIN. DEPOSIT BANK, —O0F— HUMES, MecALLISTER, IIALE & CO. BELLEFONTE, CENTRE CO., PA. Dopoeits Received— Bills of Exchange and Notes Discounted —Interest Paid on Special Deposits— Qollections Made, and Proceeds Remitted Prompt- y—Exohange on the East constontly on hand: B. 0. HUMES. J. BH. STOVER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. BELLEFONTE, PENN’A, Willpractice his profession in the several Courts of Centre County, Ali business intrusted to him will be faithfully attended to. Particular attention prid to collections, and all monies promptly re- mitted. Can be consulted in the German as well a3 in the English language. Office on Highst., formerly occupied by Judze Burnside and D. C. Boal, Esq. } ” CRARLES H .HALE. HALE & HOY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, l BELLEFONTE, PENN’A, Wilt attend promptly to all business entrusted to their care. Office in the building formerly occu pled by Hon. Jas. T. Hale. A CARD. Messrs Hang & Hoy will attend co my business daring my absence in Congress, and will be as Mistod by mo in the trial of all causes entrusted to them. Jawes T. H . December 15, 1859. = HEB ADAM HOY. F. P. GREEN, DRUGGIST. BELLEFONTE, PA. WaoLesALE AND ReTAIx DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Paints, Qils, Var. nishes, Dye-Stuffs, Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Trussels and Shoulder Braces. Garden Seeds. Customers will find myst pck complete and fresh, and ell sold at moderate prices. _ Ez@~Farmers and Physicians are nvited to examine my stock. A. 0. FURST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PA. 3 ILL practice in the several Courts of Centro and Clinton counties. All lega; 1 aginess entrusted to his care will receive prompg attention. OFFICE—On the North-west corner of the Di- om the country amond. March 28, 1861.—1y* om ~JFARE REDUCED. STATES UNION HOTEL, 600 & 808 Market Street, above sixth, PHILADELPHIA, PA. GW. i Avs EY shag LY HINKLE, Proprietor. mse ee eli HAUPT, Jr. & C0. successors to J © J.D. Harris & Co., manufacturers of Hun- gicker’s Clover Huller, Threshing Machines, Rich’s Patent Iron Beam, Wortz & Side Hill Plow, Cul- tivators, Stoves of various kinds, Corn Shellers Thimble Boxes, Durke & Rose Wator Wheels. Iron Fencing of any size and weight made and fitted ap to order, also Castings for Rolling bills and Furnaces, work invariably warranted as recem- mended. Rellefonte, April 26, 1860. JWisgellangous. "THE LAW OF TREASON. CHARGE OF JUDGE CADWALADER TO THE GRAND JURY OF THE UNITED STATES COURT FOR THE BASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYL- VANIA, AT PHILADELPHIA. On the opening of the Court on Mon- day morning, the 20th inst., the names of the Grand Jurors for the term being called, and Anthony E. Roberts appointed fore- man, Judge Cadwalader delivered the fol- lowing very important. charge : — GENTLEMEN OF ToB GRAND JURY :—Two courts of the United States, a Circuit and a District Court, are established for this and every other judicial district. Though you aro empanneled in the District Court, you are, for all practical purposes, a Grand Jury for both Courts. An act of Congress. gives to you the cognizance of all criminal offences which are within the jurisdiction of either court. The Circuit Court has an ultimate exclusive jurisdiction for the trial of such offences against the United States as are punishable capitally. But an idictment for a capital offence may bo found by you m this court. If so found, it will, under the act of Congress, be transferred into the Cir- cuit Court for trial. You may, therefore, in the legitimate exercise of your duty, inquire #3 to all such capital and other oftences as are made criminal by the laws of the United States, You may irquire as to such of these crimes as have been com- mitted on the high seas, or out of the juris- diction of any particular State, in all cases 12 which the offender has been apprehended in, or first brought into this district. But in cther cases you are to inquire only as to such offences as have been committed in this district. You cannot, under the Constitu- tion, inquire as to offences committed in the western district of the State, or within the limits of any other State. The criminal jurisdiction of the Courts of the United States is of limited extent.— There is no general system of jurisprudence which can be can be called a common law of tho United States, as their Government is organized under the Constitution. A Court of the United States cannot punish on act as eriminal unless Congress has made it a crime, and conferred the jurisdiction to try it upon the Court. Congress cannot iegislate for this purpose otherwise than in execution of a power conferred by the Con- stitution. But the express grants in the Constitution of the specified powers of legislation as to certain crimes do impliedly exclude, or even restrain the general author- ity of Congress to vest in the Courts of the United States a criminal jurisdiction co- extensive with all the reasonabie exigencies of their government, The Supreme Court hag decided that this general authority is given by the provision of tae Constitution which enables Congress to wake all laws necessary and proper for carrying into exe- cution the powers conferred upon that body, and all other powers vested in the Govern- ment of the United States, or in any of its departments or officers. But the Constitu- tion cxcepls cases of treason from this gen- eral authority, and Congress, in legislating under it for other cases, has ordinarily refrained from extending the criminal busi- ness of the Government beyond its apparent immediate exigencies. If, at a crisis like the present, we should think an extension of the criminal jurisdic. tion of the United States within the consti- tutional limits necessary and proper, in order to meet urgent cases not provided for, we must Dear in wind that the subject is for the consideration of Congress, and not of the Grand Jury or of this Court. Our busi- ness 15 not to make but to administer laws. We must administer those in force without abridgement, but without undue extension. The ordinary criminal business of this Court is very simple. The indictments are usually framed in the words of acts of Con- gress, whose language sufficiently describes the offences with which accused persons are charged. A particular instruction from the Court ig, therefore, seldom necessary. Ido not know that any business to be acted upon Ly you is of an unusual character, or of such importanze, as to require any remarks from this Court. But passing events of public notoriety are of an importance unpre- cedented 1n the political history of the United States. You doubtless desire to know how far these occurrences may present cases proper for your consideration. If you entertain this desire, T ought, as TI think, to endeavor to satisfy it, without waiting until I shall have been informed officially that such a case has actually eccurred. The Constitution has conferred upon Con- gress alono the power to declare war, make rules concerning captures on land and water and raise and support armies and navies.— The President has no constiturional power to institute a war. But the United States may be involved in a war which has neither been dec’ared nor commenced by their Gov. ernment. When this occurs, particularly when it occurs during the recess of Congress, the Presidert, as Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy, must necessarily pre- scribe and regulate the modes in which hostilities are to be prosecuted. «This which is undisputed as to a foreign war, cannot be less true of intestine hostilities. He is, by the Constitution, required to ‘¢ take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” Other officers only swear to support the Constita. tion. His oath, as prescribed in it, is that he will, «“ to the best of his ability, preserve, protect and defend ” it. When hostilities, actually waged against the Constitution and laws, assume the dimensions of a general public war, he must prosecute opposing hostilities, offensive as we!l as defensive, upon such a proportional scale as may be necessary to reestablish, or to support and maintain, the Government. The United States ate now engdged in thus prosecuting an intestine war on a large scale. All former differences of opinion as to the merits of the disputes in which the existing dissensions may have originated, should be dismissed from the minds of good citizens while hos- tilities are pending. Nothing should be I'done that can have a tendeney to weaken array, for a hostile purpose, every step which ernment of our country, such consuiracy is not treason. To conspire to levy war, and to actually levy war, are distinct offences. All questions under this head must be pongnired ie calmness and caution. The same great Judge said that “as there is no crime which can more excite the minds of men than treason, no charge demands more from the tribunal before which itis made a deliberate and temperate inquiry.” Misprision of treason will next be ‘consid- ered. The act of Congress of 1790, which prescribes the punishment of treason, in levying war, or adhering to enemies, enacts also, that if any person or persons Having knowledge of the commission of any of the treasons aforesaid, shall not conceal, and not as soon may be, disclose and make known to the President of the United States, or some one of the Judges thereof, or to the Preident or Governor of a particular State, or some one of the Judges or Justices thercof, such person or persons, on convic- tion, shail be adjudged guilty of misprision of treason. The act then prescribes the punishment of the offen » In England this offence was anciently denned as, ** the con- cealment or keeping secret any high trea- son.” But, ender the doctrine of construc- tive treasons all persons. consenting to tret- son were deemed, in England, guilty of treason of itself. Sir M. Hale. therefore, qualified the deflinition of misprison of treason by designating it as the offence of a person who, knowing of a treason, though no party or consenter to it, yet conceals it, and doth riot reveal it in convenient time.— This definition was followed in England, in the year 1820, by Chicf Justice Abbot, (afterwards Lord Tenterden.) But the for- mer English definition is more appropriate in the United States, where a mere consent, without an act of participation, does not ‘render a tan guilty of a treason. Chief Justice Marshall, therefore, in 1807, said: «To know and conceal the treason of an- other is misprision of treason.” 4 The exemptign in the United States of revolutionary conspiracies from the penalties of the treason, seems to give a peculiar im- portance to the simple difinition of mispris- ion of treason which Chief Justice Marshall thus gave conformably to the act of Con- gress. This act is further useful in ascer- taining precisely the magistrates to whom the disclosures of the treason must be made, in order to escape the penalty of conceal. ment. In England the rule—expressed rather loosely—is that the communication of the knowledge must be to some magis- trates, or other persons in authority. A prosecution for this offence may be sustained without & previous @on¥iction of the treason which has been concealed, or proceeding of any kind, against the traitor. But his actual guilt must be as regularly roved as if the prosecution were against imse!f. The concealment is a negative fact. Yet some proof of it must be given. The circumstances under which the accused party obtained his knowledge of the treason may so manifest his probable intention to conceal it, as to cast upon him the burden of its disclosure, But, in the absence of such circumstances, or of any others of a like tendency, the prosecution cannot be supported by mere proof of the treason and of his knowledge of it. There is, I am aware, a semblance of authority that such proof may alone suffice to cast upon him the burden of making the disclosure. But this doctrine is opposed {4 rule of evidence founded upon an established principle of jurisprudence. et WILL THE SOUTH FIGHT? To those who imagine that this war would be of short duration, and would shortly re= sult ic the surrender of the Southern forces, we commend the following from the N. Y. Tribune. Although none of the editors of that paper are willing to fight for tke Con- stitution, they certainly appreciate the stat: of affairs so far as to have corrett ¥iews'o Southern daring and courage : «Let the folly be uttrly hooted of sup- posing that the rebels will not fight. The the beligerent strength of the Government. The gravest offences which can be committed at such a period, or, indeed at any period, are such as consist in breaches of the allegi- ance to the United States. The only speci- fied offences which have been made criminal under this head are treason and misprison of treason. 1 will ask your attention to some remarks upon each of these crimes. The Constitution provides that ¢ treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enimies, giving them aid or com- fort.” Congress has defined the offence as that of any person or persons owing allegi- ance to the United States, levying war against them, or adhering to their enemies. giving them aid or comfort within the United States or elsewhere. A person owing neithera permanent alle- giance nor a temporary local allegiance to the United States, cannot be guilty of trea. son against their Government. Such a per- son, if engaged in prosecuting hostilities against them, without any authority from an established government is a pirate. If he prosecutes the hostilities under the pu- thority of a foreign government, he is not a pirate but a public enemy. None of these remarks apply to a citizen, resident, or inhabitant, or temporary sojourner, within the United Sfates or their {arriteries. Any such citizen, resident; sojourner or inhabitant, at any point between the Atlan- tic and Paciiic Oceans, and between the Mexican and Britigh American dominions, engaging voluntarially in hostilities against the United States, will be guilty of treason in levying war until his relation to their Government shall have been differently determined by Congress as that of a public enemy or otherwise. When a body, large.or small, of armed men, is mustered in military any one of them takes, in part execution of this purpose, is an act of levying war. The marching of such a corps, with such a purpose, though not a warlike blow be struck, is levying war upon land. Merely cruising in an armed vessel, with a hostile purpose, is levying maritime war, though the cruiser may not encounter a single ves- sel. The question what service, naval or military, should be deemed voluntary, and what compulsory, is determined, through motives ¢f policy, by a rule of great strict. ness. The excuse of compulsion is admitted only in favor of parties forced, under a per- sonal fear of death, into the hostile service, who quit it afterwards as soon as they can. Bat when intestine hostilities are prose- cuted on a large scale, captured persons are usually detained as prisoners of war, with. out being handed over to the civil authorities for trial. For this reason, and because this district is not a seat of actual hostilities, the points which have been mentioned will probably not assume the character of prac- tical questions during your attendance on the court. In passing from them, we may recapitulate what has been said on the sub- ject by stating that levying war against the United States is treason whenever the hostil- ities are voluntarily prosecuted by rebels or jusurgents in violation of their duty of als: glance. The considerations of such treasons as consist in adherencs to enemies may, be pre- faced by the remark that the word ‘ ene- mics ” here designates public enemies, the citizens or subjects of a foreign power, with which the United States are at open war, — A doubt has, therefore, been suggested whether adherence to rebels or insergents, giving tkem aid and comfort can be treason under the Constitation of the United States. But there has never been a sufficient legal reason for doubt upon the subject. Any act in giving aid and comfort, which, if afforded to foreign public enemies, would constitute a treasonable adherence to them, will, when afforded to rebels or insurgents, consitute an act of treason in levying war. For this and certain other purposes, there can be no mere accessaries or accomplices in treason, But all participants are alike in law, princi- ples in guilt. Giving to enemies aid and comfort is a specification of methods of treasonable ad- herence to enemies. The examples of such adherence usually stated are accepting com- tnissions in their service for hostile purposes and furnishing them supplies or‘intelligence to promote such purposes. Though such intelligence or supplies have been intercepted without having reached their destination, or having benefitted in any manner the enemy, the offence is consummated if they have been placed in a course of transmission to the enemy. These are, perhaps, the only trea- sons of which the cothmission in this district may be apprehended as in any degree prob- able. They may be committed at any dis- tance from the seat of actual or intended hostilities. If a treason of this, or of any other kind has been committed, it may be prosecuted in any district within which any one act, in part execution of it, has been performed. But a mere unexecuted purpose to commit an ct of treason, without any step taken in performance of it, is not a criminal offence. Thus, Judge Washington was of the opinion that carrying provisions towards enemies, with an inteution to supply them, would bie treason, though the purposes were frustrated, but that merely going on an expedition for the purpose of peaceably purchasing provisions, in order that enemies might afterwards be supplied with them was not treason. European history displays a terrific regis- ter of sactifices of human victims charged with treasonable conspiracies or desigrs.— Fictitious conspiracies are said by Blackstone to have been the engines of profligate and crafty politicians in all ages. To avoid such epee evils, the language of the Constitatien of | « A Weartnt QUAKER MBEROHANT in New the United States excludes from the definition | York has lately had in his employ a stout, of treason all such intents, plots and con- gpiracies, to violate the duty of allegiance as have not been, in part at least, executed. Evidence of such a conspiracy or intent, may, sometimes, indeed, so dsfine the char- acter of acts performed in execution of it ] , as to afford proof that they amount either salary shall be continued during thy absence to levying war or adhering to enemi2s.— | as if thou wert here; but if thou dost 7dt But, unless an act of one kind or the other desire to become a soldier, and serve thy has been wverformed, no accuinyla.ion of | country, I no longer require thy services such evidence can suffice to sustam a prose- here.” The young man has enlitsd. cution for treason. ‘The Supreme Courf, through Chief Justice Matshall, have said that, ¢ however flagitious may be the crime WiLL, they Mus? fight, and that desperately. They have burned their ships, and retreat is henceforth impossible. Any peace that may be made must involve their signal triumph or their utter humiliation. ’ Nor will it answer to deprecate the mili: tary resources and efficiency of the rebels.— Even cowards in their position would fight desperately, and they are no cowards. Most of them have been trained from the eradle to consider personal bravery. the very first re quisite of manly character, and skill in the use of arms the first ne jessity of a gentle- man. The rifle and the revolver have been their playthings from boyhood, and the duel or some “difficulty’’ involving peril to life, are with them themes of daily contemplation and frequent observation, And, while we are confident that a majority of the Southern people are at heart Unionisty to day, we judge that seven eights of the fighting force __« me Chivalry” —of the slave States—the young, the daring, the ambitious, the des- perate— have been drawn into the meshes of the rebellion. They have many of the very best of our late Army officers, and their soldiers will at first be better led and han- dled than ours. Such are the advantages with which they will enter upon the con~ test, add to which it must be fought mainly on ground which they know thoroughly and we very imperfectly, in tite midstof their resources and at p distance from ours, while ten of the 1ihabitants of the seatof war will cagerly give information to their lead- ers where one will venture to give &ny to ours.” family, who he thought could serve his coun- try to advantage, and he accordingly ad. dressed him thus yesterday : « William, if itis thy desire to become a soldier, thou art at liberty to do so, and thy er Ratt Way is an old maid, Ike a dried orange ? Because neithier of them ig worth a good of conspiring to subvert, by force, the Goy- | BQueore. healthy, able-bodied young man, without | THE SOUTHERN NAVAL FORCE. A FULL DESCRIPTION OF THE VESSELS AND THEIR ARMAMENTS, PRIVATEERS, RTC. Much has been said in relation to the number of steamers the rebel States have ‘under their control, and which would, in all probability, be converted into war vessels or privateers. We append a list of their steam marine, with their tonnage, draft, and the number of guns they could safely carry. AT NEW ORLEANS. Tons. Draft. Guns. Star of the West, 1172 12 ft. 5 Steamer W. Webb, 600 10 ft. 2 Steamer Texas, 800 10 ft. 3 Steamer Arizona, 600 9 fi. 3 Propeller Austin, 900 10 ft. 3 Tow boats, say six, 1800 5 each 6 Total, . 22 AT CHARLESTON. Tons. Draft. Guns. Steamer Nashville, 1200 10 ft. 4 Steamer Nina, £00 6 ft. 1 Pro. Lady Davis, 150 4 ft. 2 Steamer Isabel, 900 10 ft. 4 Steamer Cshawba, 400 6 ft. 2 Steamer Gen. Clinch, 500 6ft | 2 Steamer Jas. Gray, 400 9 ft. i And 3 river steamers, 600 41. 3 Total, 19 AT BAVANNAE. : Tons. Draft. Guns. ‘Steamer Everglades, 500 6 ft. 3 Three river boats, 700 3 each. 3 Total, 6 AT PENSACOLA. Tons. Draft. Guns. Steamer Fulton, 698 10 ft. 5 Total, 52 BAILING VESSELS. TLe principal portion of the armed vessels now in the possession of the Confederate rebels are those which have been seized or been surrendered by traitors on board. Name. Looasion. Guns, Rig. Washington, New Orleans, 2 Schooner R. McClelland, New Osleans, 3 Schooner Lewis Cass, Mobile, 3 Sehooner Dodge, Galveston, 3 Schooner Aiken, Charleston. i Schooner Total, 10 Grand total of guns, 62 Allow 20 privateers, each 4 guns, 80 Total, 142 DESCRIPTION O¥ THE VESSELS. The steamer Star of the West is too well known to need an extended description at our hands. She is a side wheel steamer, has two decks, and was built in Philadel phia about nine yoars ago, She is 228 feet in length, 32 fect beam, and 24 feet depth of hold. She is provided with a proper amount of canvas. Owing to her age she could not carry and work safely more than four, or at the most five guns. She is nota fast vessel, but is a good sea boat. The W. H. Webb is a side wheel steamor, and was for some time employed in Phila- delphia harbor as a tow boat. She was sold to a New Orleans house, and has been performing towing duty at that place for the past three years. The Texas is zn old fashioned boat now ‘Flying between New Qrleans- and ports in Texas, and is engaged in the cattie trade. With considerable strengthening and re- pairs she could be fitted to carry two medi- um guns. The same may be said of the Arizona.— She is an old boat, and the chmatc, as well as the worms of the gulf, have left their mark on her frame. She could carry three uns. The Austin was. buils in Philadelphia three years ago, and is in pretty good con- dition. She could carry three guns. Aside from these vessels, about six of the Y | tow boats which tow ships from the Belize wp to New Orleans might be fitted to carry one gun each. , The steamer Nashville, at Charleston, is a fine side wheel steamer, of about 1200 tons buiden. She is double decked, and could carry four medium 32 pounders. She was formerly employed in the trade between this port and Charleston. The Nina is a small tug, mounting one un. The Lady Davisis a small tug. Accord- ing to the Charleston Mercury, she is to mount five gups ; but according to common sense and actual observation, she can and does only mount two. The Isabel is a side wheel steamer, and could mount four guns. She was employed in the trade between Charleston and Ha- vana. It was in this vessel that Major Anderson was transfered from Fort Sumter to the steamer Baltic after the evacuation. The Czhawba is an old river boat, and was known in past years as the Governor Dudley, plying between Charleston and Wilmington. She could, upon a pinck, carry two guns. The General Clinch is a river steamer.— She could carry two gus. The James Gray'is an iron propeller, and was purchased by the State of South Caro- lina for the sum of $33,000. She was built mm Philadelphia two years ago. Sheis of the following dimensions :—Length, 112 feet, 22 feet beam, 12° feet held. She is armed with one § inch columbiad, cast ef the I'radegan works near Richmond, Va.— In addition to the above mentioned, there are three river steamers at Charleston which each carry one gun, but they would bo una. ble t3 go outside of the bar in rough weath- T. At Savannah they have the steamer Ever- glade (now called “the Savannah} a Emall side wheel vessel, said to have baen pur- chased by the State of Georgia, for the sum of $34,000. She can carry three small guns. She is intended for a despatch boat and coast guard. at p——— A Fort Sumter Orricer Resievs -—Lieat. Richard K. Meade, date of the U. S. Army, and co duty at Fort Sumter, during its siege by the South Carolina troops, has re- signed his position, and returned to bis na- 1 tive Stats, Virgima, ENGLAND AND THE REBEL STATES, The steamer Parana, which arrived at Boston on Saturday, the 18th inst., failed to bring any regular European mail. Itis, therefore, almost impossible to form any decided opinion as to the tone which the English press may have assumed with refer- ence fo the cival war now in this country. The following is an extract from the Dub- lin News of the 7th inst., from which it will be seen that the probability of a collision between our Government and Great Britain hag already been apprehended as being by no means impossible : «The exciting accounts which follow each other so rapidly from New York show that the crises so long anticipated has at length arrived. The American question has now superseded all others in immediate interest. * * * The Fed- eral Government has proclaimad a blockade of the Southern ports, but until they ean cover 2000 miles of seaboard with their crui- sers, the blockade will not be what is called « effective,’ and the British Admiral on the station will protect British vessels in enter ing and leaving ports not effectively closed by e consicerable naval force. This matter may easily lead to a collision with United States ships of war, and very probably John Bull may not be unwilling to seize the present favorable opportunity for wiping oft old gcores. On the other hand, it was thought that England would refuse to ac- knowledge the legality of the letters ef mar- que 1ssued by the President of the Confed- erate States, and would hold his Government accountable for any loss or capture, under the authority of these letters, of British property sailing in American bottoms. This hope, however, has been disappointed. Privateering has been condemned by the unanimous voice of the civilized nations of Europe, the United States alone raising its voice in opposition to the condemnation.— The South is so weak in naval resources that an energetic protest from the maritime power would probably put a stop to, the threatened renewal of this barbarous system of privateering ,which, indeed, islittle Le tor than piracy. It is worth rem arking, that one of the first writers who held up privateer- ing to evecration wag an American, the fa- mous Benjamin Franklin, next to Washing= ton, the founder of the freedom and indepen- dencz of the United Sates. His authority, however, docs not scem to have much weight with Americans of the prosent “dry, as both Northerners and Southerners have declared for the continuance of this species of legal piracy. The Times has been told that there are letters of marquee now in London, and agents have arrived by the Iagt steamer to make contracts for Armstrong guns and ail other warlike stores of the most recent invention. ¢ Both parties,” says the writer. will come into the markets of Eu- rope and bid for men and ships. so far 28 Privateering is concerncd, the South will have the advantage. No adventurer would care to take service with the North because there would be little or no pray.”’ |. ;.. + The South has no commerce, and its produce would be carried in neutral bottoms. The North, however, has ships upon every sea, and is a victim that will pay a plunder- er, ‘Lhere are silk cargoes to be intercepted, even in the Eastern seas, and the treasures of California are to be met with afloat.”’— It is now quite plain that in this quarrel, despite all that has been said and writte about slavery, England sides with the Cenle erate States. She does so, indeed, compell- ed by the strongst motives of scif interest.— Her cotton manufactures cannot flourish, or even exist, without the usual supplies of raw material from the South. The North has just adopted a protectionist tariff very unfavorable. to English interests, and in resisting the enforcement and extention of this prohibitory tariff, the South is virtually fighting England’s battle. Sill more, the jealousy of the United States, as a maritime Power, is a fixed principal of Britith site raanship ; and we may be certain that the news of the blow just inflicted on a navy which, in some respects, was formadibl, to England, has given satisfaction, not léo but deep to the great bulk of Engishmen. 1t is so easy to bring about a collision, and, under present circumstances, it would be so safe and advantageous for. England to pick a ¢uarrel with the Governnient of. tho United States, that we shall not be Suipri- scd to find her Majesty's Government assur» ing a position, with regard to this civil broil which may easily lead to war. That they will allow the cotton supply to be cut off by the blockade of the Southern ports is hardly to be e¥pected. : Doubtfull questions of right are easily and promptly settled when there 1s no doubt about the question of force. The burning of the Gosport dockyard has, for the me- ment, placed the United States navy at Eng- land’s mercy, and if, on this occasion Eng- land is considered as a rival and foe, wo must be nearer to the millennium, than is popularly supposed. This has been an- nounced to the House of Commons by Lord Joy Rusepcn in words which p2int stronge ly m the direction of a rupture between England and the United States. Lord Jori declared that the British Government would not recognize the blockade proclaimed of the Southern poztd tinless it were made effective but that they did recognize the legality of the letters of marque issued by President Days. Now, the Washington Government threatens to treat the holdersof these letters ¢f marque as pirates, and unless the spirit of Yankeeland has sunk very low, they wilt probably show fight also on the blockade question, It is evident that Lord Jomx knew mors about this matter thin ho chose to communicate to the House and the public. And it is also evident that no more favorable oceasion than the present is likely to offer for striking a blow at one of the few mari- tio rivals England has cause to dread. . BEATA CRI I A Soupier who was once wounded in bat- tle set up a terrible bellowing. An Irish- man, who laid near with both legs shot off, immediately sung out—¢ Bad luck to the likes of yo —co yer think that nobody is kild Bat yerself 2” re A Go pt tin Dox'r get above your business,” as a lady said to the shoemaker who was measuring ber ankle in order to ascertain the size of her fuet.