Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 23, 1861, Image 2

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    ‘ eh a—
a a a rn + 33a EL ed ——— oT pli Re i am yea YT a Tn ESR
rm 3 Te! ye cE is di ish- |" i i ich hes From Chambersburg.
— z z =: : S. DickeNsoN. —This distinguish- | perrdent regiment fi om Maryland, whichhas| , om Cha i
3 re-established in every State) 76 will have Free So belt Tage i Piotest He, Davitt ivered i i in accepted by th e Government. _ CiiAMBersBURG, Pa,, May 20. —A detach
dhe Til at chm an ear to listen to the complaints of every | like all true American citizens, will rash to £8 geusifgen delivered a 8 cech in New OR es oD Td y are iing be 5 sent of 700 Virginia troops have amved
’ ? géction of tte confederacy. Until then let| ihe rescue when our country is in danger) ork on Saturday last, and during his re- ‘tween this city >a hiladelphia, as before | opposite Williamsport, on the Potomac riv-
§iir motto be, © To your tents, oh ‘ereal ! 7? | and fight to the bitter end to maintain its marks said : the troubles, and on _ the old schedule. or, only twenty six miles south of this
BELLEFONTE, THURSDAY, MAY 93.10 ¢ : ity ME Lionor arid those highest and noblest princi- Nly desires and efforts, sod anxieties and | The Government bas not given op Uisipoint, _ . <r. IL, :
I 2 (ahd let the loyal men of this nation tke Tos ay Freedom of fayers, have been for: peace, that every- | control of the Wash ington Branch of the | It is believed hers hat they intend to
everything ‘élse for the preservation Of t8) toneech, and freedom of th | thing might be yielded that could be con- | Baltimore and Ohio taiiroad, as has been | make an incursion into the southern borders
land of WastNGTON in its integrity—1fdr fhe [freedom of speech, an freedom of the press, | igang with 3gatons dignity and honor, { reported. of this State. Affairs grow interesting here.
‘honor of the American flag, for the respect Let those, then, who have made so many hard | and our great Republic can yield ‘much fo Texas Um orotected. Gen. Wilhams left here to-day for Harris-
‘of Amcdrican ‘Citizens, and the perpettity threats against men for the expression of | a portion of its erring people, rather than| A gentleman, who arrived on Saturday | burg on special business. His object is be-
of fie Aicrican Union. After that is
THE UNonad ff ass
‘their opinions, fead the fourth resolution, provoke or even permit a conflict of hostile | from the South, states ‘hat it will be impos- lieved to be to obtain the presence here of
Ze then look Within their own hearts and be forces ; , and even yet I invoke : the benign | sible for the people of Texas to protect | two batteries of artillery and a battalion of
Ak NO NGG ih tiorh their attention to the J Th qq b > S 1 dered by the forward
OF OLR RE. done, let theily turh their atten tion rai spirit of conciliation] The Governinent | themselves from the inc:ursions of the Indi: | cavalry, rendered necessary by the forw
ETA - ALG north, and visit ‘With rope and halter the | hold 8 Botton: So 2 2 must arm, and that in a gale Come. ans, the Northern Cami inches and the Indi- movement of the Virginia troops.
\ other wing of the ecession army =rilip 850: e Stay Law sale With 10 vas} TESOUSel AN oir {aly from the Govern tent Reserve having. Witar ts MARTIAL Law 2—At the present
Hint beer i the priceless interests confided to its keepin tn ir { ntention to enter the| .'! Mar
: : : litionists—who, being less noble than their| qe Stay passed at the extra session i ming ¢ great, generous and Prk trendy Site ho} A os ioe crisis, the significance of a term so much
* Sitio Sal 4 gress O00 ngle’s Sisktynenss secoision friends of Ui Thee, stand aloof | i; gecond only in importance to the Loan | ing people, and becoming the, lamentable | g15ly, the citizens not coming forward as ye, and With 5» jie acepnaie Sere &
Tnoawed by party or. unbribed By gain; and cry hiss. Secession aiid abolitionism are | py Tt was once fairly defeated in the Sen- | 9564807: bau it Suid put on its armor or hel as was expectedl, and our informant J a en aw 08 nL
Pledsed truth to liberty and law, both of the-same school, and should both] io byt almost aménf the last atts it was preservation, not for destraction ; not for|yidicules the idea of any” soldiers being spar- tablished for th tof th
No favor sivay's ws and ‘no fear shall ate.” nad ate, 2 E ey aggressive war, but for defensive peace, not |\oq from the State to assiist in the war against established for the Brad St of the army
y go down together. We shall not, therefore, passed by the votes of afew who Telented, | for subjugation or coercion, but to arrest | the Union, as they cannot raise enough to and navy of the nited States,” whose °
HE — | wage a political warfare against any party, | and moved a reconsideration. There is a tumult, lawlessness and disorder ; Tot to protect themselves. : priocie rules are $0 be found in is arieles
eam Be ns. eho ny, hs rs FAS Sr opm a 4 rst be GPL 2 8 5 Lf) tr Bos ang oi tse | ihn Rend rs
pence and order, when, as in days gone BY, | fits, or whether it will work «the greatest | yu 1, vindicate the laws, to_put down tool Very strong intimatiod s have been re-} applies only to military law, w ile martial
#0 the Patrons of the Democratic Watch- | we shall strive to convince them of the er- good to the greatest number” —4 question | gurrection and to repel invasion ; to main- | ceived, through Southern gources, that Gen. | law is quite a different thing, and is founded
man, :
Yors in their creed, as they will us the same. | which time alone can answer. We ‘deem | tain the power and dignit of the nation, | Bragg docs not contemy late opening on | on paramount necessity, and proclaimed by
| ; ay 5 : e " ign yr ] ‘ + | Fort Pickens until he shall hear of some |g military chief. ?
Several weeks go 4. S. Banxmank, the | We have thus foreshadowed. briefly, the | yo bill of sufficient importance to publish it and to Disses its flag inviolate ; to save, | ROFL eKans Be movet nent onthe part Wiiary Sisk geapilly and vaguely oil
former editor and" proprietor of this paper, | ‘course that the Warcmuax will pursue inj gg sength : Fv a Do re No nenagent. | The qui stion, however, | to be a suspension of all ordinary civil rights
nade the announcement that he had retired {he futare, believing it to be right, and hop-| AN ACT relating to Judgments and Execu- | : i i is freely canvassed here, as to the necessity | ang and h imates
. . 2 b w with which it is menaced. The con- y Y | and 'process—and as such, approximates
from that position, and that the next week's | 108 that it may meet with tire approbation) tions. . a Bin PA evn the most brilliant suc | for the ‘Government to commence at Pensa- | closely to a despotism,
1ssue would give the names of the parties of all its patrons. SecmoN 1. Beit enacted by the Senate and | cesges upon the field of blood, brings me in | cols, and reduce the batteri¢ s that the Reb- | ~ {tis an arbitrary law, originating in emer-
i it Vol . ied i ea ‘CYRUS T. ALEXANDER House of Representatives of the Common- | this controversy only heart sickness and | els are daily building. : gencies. fn times of extreme peril to the
by whom it would be controlled in the fu ; ) : ; a 2
\ ’ : i P. GRAY MEEK. wealth of Pennsylvania wn General Assembly | sorrow, for I cannot forget that it is a war The Maryland Reg! ments. State either from without or within, the
ture. But, owing to Sota misunderstand met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority | between those who should have loved, and | Gen. Uameron has decline:d to receive the | public welfare demands extraordinary meas-
ing between the proprietors 4nd the party The Democracy and the Crisis. o the same, That upon all judgmitnts now | cheered, and consoled each other along the | four regiments from Maryland, profiered by | ures. And martial law being proclaimed,
they had engaged as editor, which culminat- : ; maining unsatified, or which may be ob- | pleak and desolate pathway of life’s perilous | Governor Hicks, with the qualification that | signifies that the operation of the ordinary
ed in the declination of that person to take The following resolutions were adopted up | tained within s1x months from, the passage | pilgrimage, and that we may say of him wh | they were simply for the defence of the |legal delays of justice is suspended by the
: Hd 1 1 has been {0 the raising of aflag in Beech Creek twp., | of this act, or upon which a salé of real es- | fall in the wicked and unnatural strife: | District of Columbia, ‘The War Depart- | military power, which has for the time be-
charge of its editorial columns, it has been | oi. 0 0 oonne v, a few days ago, by the pa tate has not yet been confirmed, there shall « Another sword has laid him low hens adheres to its deter mination only to | come supreme. : NEPA
for some weeks without any ostensible edi- | ot. "oc > : be a stay of execution for one year from the Another and another's, ? accept volunteers from the States for gener» | It suspends the operation of the writ of
tor, which will acéount for the delay in the triotic cilizens of tbat Township, the most passage hereof, as regards judgments now And every hand that dealt the blow, il service. Independent regiments will be habeus corpus; enables persons charge:
fione and lack of interesting Matter in the of whom were Democrats which we recom- | existing, and from their date as regards Ah me it was a brother's ” accepted from Maryland if they come within with treason to be summarily tried by Court
I mend to the careful perusal not only of all | judgments, obtained within six months atter| Would to God, that our country Wasi the rule. Martial instead of Grand Jury; justifies
Yast few numbers. It is extremely unfortu- P J : : : Ford
nate that'any change in the itor matiage Democrats in this County, but also all Re iy or ui Dre fi a blessed with more men like the Hon. Daniel Goversment, Yinantes: po oa sel Tr!
; - : endant is p of real estate with a3 ps isto be d on Tuesday | 80d the taking possession of public high-
ment of this paper should have occurred at Publisans, aad espegialiy v thal contraband 1 41s respective county or counties in which 8. Diskensen, ru we Jorke fora Seals = I a ns ee To ways and other means of communication.—
this time, as the delay necessarily caused by atticle known as Abolitionists, tho latter of | such judgments shall have been obtained, sul honorable’ AdjiSHRent ofcour, RATA , Involving the highest exercise of sovereignty,
i sthi ‘ Government daily receives assurances from | IV
that change has deprived, for the time being, whorit we hope may profit thereby. or in any other county within the Common- troubles, and have sorte hope that the hor- rs quarter A desire of the people to it is, of course, capable of great abuse, 4nd
its patrons of the news, which all are 80 | Beech Oreck township assetnbled; that what- have been transferred, subject to be sold for
Resolved, By the patriotic citizens of wealth to which the said judgment shall| rors of civil war would never desolate and |)o,n’i¢ funds. Yesterday, a Committee from is only to be justified in emergencics of the
anxious to hear and read during the progress | ever may have been the causes of the pres- the payment of such judgment, worth, fm prea by
disgrace our mighty nation. Boston—similar © the bay from Row York mush imparative a0 perilous gati, Sueh
J A i —— —_waited on the Secretary of the Treasury, ;
of the war and the developments of natioual | ent international war, We will pass thom b he opinion of any Court or Judge in vaca-| Brooxapk or PexsioLoa.—On the night aed him that Si DE G rT 3 Muauh
events. We are happy, however, to congrat- | While the struggle lasts, and forgetting all| “O% justice or aldermbn having jurisdiction | 0-10 74h inst., the steamers Henry Lewis | should be forthcoming to aid the Govern- |p ig ER go gi en pach
; , party distinctions, will rally to a man for the of such judgments, at a fair valuation, a Rag ht | ment . rom Harrisburg informs us at an applica
ulate its patrons that in the future the | {7yion and the Constitution, and in support | Sum sufficient to pay or satisly the same and Dick Keys, from Mobile, were broug > tion made private parties in the Eastern
W ATonSAN will come to them as early in [of all measures of the legally constituted | over and above other incumbratices, and the to and detained by the United States fleet The TU. 8. Troops from Texas. States to Gov. Curtin, to permit bodies of
the week as possible, snd containing the | authorities calculated to defend and protect Sung sxempled on Jory 2a sale on - as they were about entering the harbor of glen YORE May Ee amie A, LT
ted iaheri 12 i 1d defendant s ive secu- ; » ) ,
latest news up to the time of, its issue.— aS a rity for the payment of the i fo be ap- Pensacola, They were held over night, and | 4} 3 441) inst., of the schobners Urbana |al. The object of these applications was
Hoping that this may be sufficient apology | ioc of the revolution. P proved by the Court or a Judge thereof, in the next morning were got underway and | and Hor ice, from Texas, with two hundred | to rouse the slaves of the Southern States to
to its patrons for the manner in Which it | Resolved, That it is the duty of every vacation, or the justice or alderman before | forced to return teward Mobile. They were | and fifty United States troops. Ten woman | rebellion. Great satisfaction is expressed
has been conducted during the last two | man who loves his country, of every patriot, whiom the same was obtained or may be de- |‘convoyed beyond tie mouth of the Peridido | and twenty-two children accompany the | by men of all parties at this prompt refusal
weeks, we introduce ourselves to you, ac- | to raily in support of the Union—to “contri~ pending, Vion 0 faye from the Ligh river, on their homeward voyage, by a Uni- party. ; Ge Both 2 ovoror Soren 30 Sancliol He $70
drcto the easton of editors, with. the bute his time, and money, and his personal e judgment or from the passage of this| oo 000 coam frigate, which then return The Appointment of Gov. er. of the ultra Abolitionists to convert a rights
cording litors, services in the ranks whenever men are |23ct, which Securily shall consist of one or gai ; 3 | Phe appointment of Ex-Governor Reeder, | €0US war for the preservation of the Union,
usual assurance that tio pains shall be spar- | wanted, to sustain and uphold the National | 110% persons, who shall satisfy the Court, | ed to her anchorage with the fleet. Their | ¢ pennsylvania, to a Brigadier Generalship into a sanguinary crusade for tiie externing-
ed, on our part, to make this papet as inter- | cause, and that we hold as its incipient ene- Judge or justice, by oath or affirmation, | papers were endorsed with a ¢ warning” | was made at the earnest solicitation of a tion of slavery.
esting as 1n days goneby, with some addi- | mies all who wotild disturb the peace of the and such other evidences as may be requir- | ¢hat jf they attempted again to enter the | large number of prominent public men of that
i i loyal States tith Fi | ed, that they are the booa fide owners of real State. THE ADMINISTRATION is steadily carrying
tional attractions, of course. The Warci- i a a en i i we or personal estate within the county where harbor they would be captured and sent tne - out the line of policy, indicated oy the a.
MAN, a8 heretofore, will continue to be the | jersonal injury to party Opponents. We such judgment has been entered, worth, at | North as prisoners and the boats sold as pri- Interesting from Baltimore. ural Address of the President, with reference
exponent of Democratic principles, pure and | hold those to be the true friends of the {4. | ® fair valuation double the amount of such | zes, A cotemporary says of this blockade : | Bavrivore, May 16.—The New York and to the Seceding States. Reliable authorities
untarnished by party as those that inspired | ion wie, forgesting all things else, i know Judgmeis, over 80d Seve ol oa Maps « Tt settles the i Sain a fie capture of Masswelnisetty troops withdrew from Yoon Sect hat Jp dele to Appelt Collestocs
no par! ul eir country—no du an ’ y Fort Pickens, comple! . Hitherto . | Hill this morning, taking hal e batter ’
the fon of & JACKSON and a JesrgEsoN, 4nd co to its laws and Se its | plaintiffs may file exceptions, as now provi-| federate army ander Capt. Bragg Dm, Sud enna Ee Rony Lot tn ry men of energy have been selected for the
made to speak in words of burning eloquence | 4 uthority—no allegience but to the Flag that ded by law, and that in all actions DOW | eq 4]t its provisions and supplies, and indeed Cadwalader remains in command of the Bal. { ofice. It is further stated that the duties
the lips of the immortal WasmiNatox. We |is an emblem to its nationality.” pending or instituted within twelve months | 44; jts reinforcements from New Orleans) timore scction. will be collected on the decks of nen-of- war;
shall strive to inculcate those principles as | Resolved, That our sympathies are hearti- Set ihe passage oF this act, in any of the | 14 Mobile by sea ; but, with the entrance | General Butler has gone to Annapolis. — whatever may be the opinions of legal au-
ly with the brave men from this county and | urts of this Commonwealth, on notes, | to Pensacola Bay effectually blockaded, all | He is still 3a command of the Annapolis thorities here or elsewere on the subject.
elsewhere, who have entered the ranks of bills, bonds or other instruments, for the | vescels from Mobile and New Orleans would | depurtment, and has been promoted to Ma.
the early founders of this government under-
© stood them, fully satisfied that they alone | iho armies of the Union, and we pledge our- payment of money, or for the recovery of | pe intercepted, and Capt. Bragg's army | jor General. J. HOFFMAN— Lab
constitute the basis of our government, and | selves to them that, while thus 2 1) the book debts, wherein the defendant or de- oR from Site rind ) The Michigan regiment is expected from F. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALRA Ww
that the triumph of any other must sound | loved ones they have left behind sha 1 know fon Bnisy at any Stage of he’ rosin The region around Pensacola is a sandy | Harrisburg this afternoon. Hardware. Saddler oi; Qouty Witelren,
the death-knell of republican liberty. For |R0 Want and no wrong, Sd wa will heartily | Delors actiial sale hy the shenlf, Sha}, ave | waste, incapable of furnishing food or any-| The correspondent of the Lynchburg Vir- a
P 2: accord to them our life long gratitude filed an affidavit setting forth that majority | thing else that an army needs ; and there | ginian gives as a report the removal of Wash- thorn, Paina paige
8s surely as the house will fall whose foun- | ““Recorved, That hoping for a speedy ter- | of hisor their creditors, whose demands eX- | will he no means of rapid communication ont remains, art ground that the ee Eyes Wail Pas
dation is undermined, so surely wil! the tem- | mination of our present troubles, and the ceed two thirds of his or their entire indebt.. | with the country above until the railroad | North was going to do the same. Red Solo Leather, best, at 23 to 24 cents,
: : _ | edness, have agreed in writing to extend the Oak Extra city, at 30 cents
ple of liberty be brought to the dust, should | re establishment of domestic peace through g from Montgomery to Pensacola shall be Shoe Pegs, 4 cts. per qt} Nails, 7 Gi pound |
3 rs i stots time of payment of the debts due them re- 3
the foundation be destroyed upon which it out the Nation, under the Constitution and > 3 2 completed, It seems probable, therefore, | Bavriyoilg, May 20, 1861.—An enX¥age-| Best No. 14 Thread, 56 cts.
te bullt. We shall all A there. | the Union as of former times, we demand of Speeively he Gore Sal direct ¢ fe ro that Capt. Bragg will have to strike.his camp | ment occurred yesterday, at Sewall’s Point, Burning Fluid, 25 to 48 cents pot gallon. ;
. all parses, LACTe-} gq constituted authorities a vigorous prose- onotary to report the terms of the said} op rnp the risk of being starved out.” the full particulars of which have not yetf Coal Oil, Portland, $1, & best West. 88 pr. gal.
fore, to study well the principles upon which | cution of the war against all who resist its extension upon evidence submitted to him eee been received. It is known, however, that Flaxseed Oil, 85 cts. by the quantity.
this fair fabric has been built, believing | authority or defy its laws. by a8 Shyiidags or Seianginty, and ha THE LATEST NEWS. the U.S. steamers Free Borit and Monti- best a 25. A ty:
that the love of liberty and the patriotic o rear, Jit Seslon of niin, free- hy 430 that no execution shall Se except E elo > S56 red Ybor Tho 8 1484 battery Sugars, goo i Browns, at 6, 7'& 8 ots :
v » : . x . . a A
reverence for those brave sires whose lives | ot. ors edom (Of opiion: f 5 the periods when and in the proportions Front Washinglon sry heavily moins sy Smmedialely $s best ny = "at 30 ts :
0 Trodly i S | within the law, are amongst the highest coco tg b ¢ WasmINGTON, May 16. ~The resumption replied with such effect, that the battery 0%) Oration So St 10 cou.
were so freely given to secure to us, their | and noblest principles of the Constitdtioit, | it shall appear by the report of the j was speedily demolished, and its Rio Coffee, best, at 154 cts. by the quantity.
unworthy children, this blessed heritage, | and that those who attack or threaten theif | Prothonotary that the majority of the cred- of regular railroad travel to the Nortward were De ies fly p r th ir li Ocgupants| | Dest Syaip Molasses, Porn, £500 02, per. gals
will yet lead those misguided men both | free exercise are not true to the spirit of our Htors of the defendant or_defendants, whose | Makes every ono feel more comfortably. and din Wid Ch vil nid Morrill De A Dr ea ae
y 15g men, arb tations aod Aik Be Strike | demands exceed two thirds of his or their secure than ever. ived hi Sd eh | Gani gH PES y Rata
north and south, who have for years been empt to strike | FT ness, have agreed, as afore- | The Government has been requested by | rived here to-day from Fort Monroe, and te- pA aisins, Yote BUMS &
/ 5 DEEN |, fatal blow at the very foundation of Amer- | ° h, | greed, i 8 Tol orts everything quiet there, They state; Dried Figg, 7 celts; Segare, very good German
hi h “ S 3 e i i d, t d th the Baltimore and Ohio railroad company to | P ything ; Y. S {
shapping their course to accomplish its|can liberty. We will sustain the Constitu- Ci 3 sxion the Hime 2 payment of he take possession of the whole of their road.— that there are three thodsand troops in the | Maven or, 1561 Rn boxe I. HOFFMAN
overthrow, to stop in their mad career, and | tion by all the means in our power, both in Tne te roo ; rn But it has not complied. Doubtless, when | Fort, which is well provisioned and has 1 "% EY ewistown, Pa,
Fa i ce of i Doo nd ee ed SS G0 i a hm "ef hdr ay pros, Gs Sn it li, SE pe EESOW ARE wo oun
Deri. 1SVINE,, 23, We 5, Liss the to the National cause all who attack its tered, as well upon bond and warrant of at- TE a belonging to | has not bioke out among ther as the South HOFFMAN'S TOBOY CRRLE SOR ASH,
: as A or x s D| r ¥ £3
present distracted condition of our country | hrinciples or impeach its binding authority torney, as upon mortgages, to secure the oung Bots of New York, and 4h su. Fo ern papers state. is the storo for Blucksiiiths.
has been brought about by a set of unprin« | in every res Sane. RL pe, grantes of Jou of Providence, have been accepted by Last evening the Freeborn cafitured two | HOFFMAN'S
cipled men, both north and south, who, in Resolved, That, looking upon the Ameri- Hi Government for the Revenue Service, and schooners 1n the Potomac, which were filied :
the hope of personal gain and sgrandize- | $0 Union as an inheritance of our fathers, Soins a % merigegen and their owner s Mave been commissioned as | With troops for the Confederate army. HOFFMAN
ment, have devoted their talents, their mon- to ourselves and to our children, with which | ov ore dentin has been or may be waiv- | Lieutenants it thie Revenue Marine corps. The vessels were towed to the Navy Yard | HOFFMAN'S Va
po Pa nis, ; or we have no right to part, no right to de- IL the deblor, in a al oblication | The fing company of Doylestown (Pa.) at this city, where they will be held as pri- is the store fot Tinners.
y and their time to perverting the public stroy, to divide, or to impair, in the words y » 1h any ongin 15! Guards, which arrived yesterday with the | ZS: HOFFMAN'S 5 i ED pokes gs
v The Polish Regiment, which is formed of is the stots for Builders.
mind by false theories and evil practices, | of the men who made 1t, * wo pledge our or contract upon which” such judgment has dr al ; :
1 s, 0 ’ Ir be ? uns of the Ringgold Artillerists, of Read- For Bellows, Anvil ints, G1 ., &a.
we shall make it an object to expose their fives, Jus fortunes, and our favied nonor, : te a a ~ oy has been ordered to the Relay House. volsntests fro the Northern Sates at large, | goto by h Auvils, paint ahd & ‘
heresies, and hold them up as targets for the | i’ “rrture ure Irae from said obligation or contract : And pro-| The arrest of Ross Winans wili” probably | 43 OEY arssnieg today, sha wii short-| - GANDLES!: Tadealess 15 oon, bot pam
bitter spleen and contempt of an outraged ra noblest structure Wi jd vided, That nothing in this act contained | nO b° Dilowel hy any veiy Stfichs ness. This ia detachment of soldiers “May 100i. : a
and indignant people, who shall yet meet | ment the Almighty ruler of all things ever Sha) bo Sastre) So Bu AY kee ton So chs Agen a done from the Philadelphia encampment came to QTICE: :
out to them a punishment commensurate vouchsafed to mortal man. By Ao te Sxplmtion | anything treasonable. 2 the sity and marched from the steamboat N Having disposed of the DrMocRATIO
is the store for Carpenters.
ig the store for Saddlers.
: i i er thn yen far tHE lag, | S21y divs from the passage of U is act for inte} landing to thé effice of the United Si W arcuyAX Officé all persons
th th o % " given io 2; A 3 ng office of the Uni tates | War ¥ Office all perso knowing themselves
wi BY : Wageiinie fst eine 2 three for the ladies that de it, three for jheparpee of collecting interest Jus 6s to “ho troops EE ue, ti ol a District Attorney, and delivered to him a indebted either to the firm of Seely & Barnhart,
Ou Ys ore so happy and| the Union, and three for the resolutions, e due upon any judgment for any O08 BE8 CUA CU 8 ess Vesterday eve. | document, and after & brief delay returned Rika SR ge SodidiRand and
prosperous that its ‘greatness and power | when the meeting adjourned. sum not less than five hundred dollars here-| NCR Pt Flat a Southern to camp. Th i d i peedi 3
L : arm p-. ere are many surmises and| The b ss must be closed as 1 5.
has astonished the world, and commanded | Since the day for compromise of the uns jolorasiiainels bak ho Sih wxssaticn shell ny Ahi) hind Arlington Heights, rumors with regard to the visit ; the most siblo and ail persons eglecting. this ns Ne
the respect of all the powerfnl potentates of | happy differences existingbetween the North | ges of interest : Provided, That this act| The axtillery batterics were held ready for probable of which seems to be that the yond a reasonable time will find their accounts in.
Europe, has been dishenored, and that flag, | and the South has scemingly past, the shall net apply so as to stay the collection service all night. But there was no need of | Object was to take possesion of arms said to | the hands of a proper officer for collection. My
: : tindivided attention shall be given to this business
of interest on judgment, interest for the se- them, and the reports are probably unfoun- be secreted in the city. until it is settled. z
the emblem of our liberties, which a foreign | true patriots and good men of both sections A i i
2 : Y ded. cold easterly rain has been falling all| = May 9th 61: J.8. BARNHART.
would not dare insult, lias been trampled in | having been overruled in the last Congress he He'paymens of Ine 'L0 pa Gen. Scott’s health is good, and bis spirits | 4Y; rendering the condition of the camp at EE OTT
the dust by a rebel State that owes its very | by the bad men in cach, we believe these That this act shall nov ors to any judg: | do not fail him. He is managing the yar | Locust Point very disagreeable. A number EXECUTORS NOTICE.
ste and wisdom are said to be sick, but it is believed to be tary on the Estate of Mary Kerr, late
This is @t the natural consequence of that| of Wemocrats everywhere, and of all Re- i hy uae is = enn In an account in the New Orleans Pica- nothing very serious. of Poti Pownuip. deceased, have been Deanend
pervertéd public sentiment aud the unholy | publicans who have not been led astray ine, of the ca i Eight companies of United Stat its | to the subscribers, who request all those indebted
is, ! 2 v pture of United States troops 8 panies 9, Uni ites recruits 9 ‘ errand
graspings for the spoils of office which these | by the false teachings of abolition preach- defendants or holders of collatersls. a de. | in Texts the names of certain officers 99S | have been raised in this city during the past | S4id Eatute 10 hake, Sei Aga, Mo
demagogues, north and south, have for|ers. The second and fourth resolution we | fendant shall be entitled to a stay of execu. | given 8s being on parole, amongst that of A Rs Rpm for the| present then duly authenticated for settlement.
years held in contemplation. They knew | recommend fo the csrefal study of that tion, under the provisions of this act, and Major Cunningham, Paymaster. The Intel« | 14185 e, where they are to be encamp- | = April, 11,—6t. ALX. EK
J 3 : iri 1 f to-day says that the Maj ed. It is understood that they will eccapy © WM. KERR.
DE fore ro lll Togas | head” nr’ Dilitiodt sgitatols tov. tie | lt meglevt ox veluse oshaint ihe benefit i igbios Bp dg He Le J W85| the post now held by the Massdchiselts
Tis 8 to the protection of its ample folds. | resofutions to be expressive of the feelings | ment obtained for the wages of labor, or to | movements with all bis characteristic skill | of the soldiers of Colonel Lyle's Regiment Notice is flereby given that 'etters testa
a war of ideas, and that a war of ideas | County, who, in times of peace, have cried a Wioripages of Sis promises ley. Twa spies from the South have been arres- troops, who are to be’ transferred to Fort EIRE0UTORS NOTICE. co that letters
must, sooner or later, assume a practical | war, and now that war is upon us, instead or interest therein would be affected by sale ted here and are in jul awaiting trial. Monroe. . : testamehtaryon the Estate: of Andrew Martin
4 Scouts who have returned frof' the Vir- The Boston artillery is also ordered to] ato of Walker Township, deceased, have been.
shape which the abolitionists of the north | of shouldering their muskets and assisting | of the said premises, shall have the like ginia side do not confirm the rumors of boss Annapolis immediately, and it ig supposed | granted te the subscriber, who reqests all those
supposed would be the end of slavery, and |{o fight the battle they have contributed so Pg With the defendant to claim such stay fire demonstrations beyond the heights oppo- their destination is also Fortress Monroe: indebted to said estate, to male¢ immediate pay-
the ‘ fire eaters’’ of the souflr the end of | much to bring about, still remain at home| gy, 3. That pon all judgments hereto- site Washington. But it 1s not safe for any ent, and all these having demands against said
et ies x 4 3 pr tate, t t them them duly authenticated
abolitionism, and: that during the strife snd | and talk about hanging honest Democrats | fore entered, or which may hereafter be en- Sant gues the iver into the woods on 4 a Ee Axsayiie i'd i fot ethlownt.” . WAL. MARTIN.
earnage, the that peculiar tact of steal- | for i ir opinions. Verily | tered upon conditional verdicts, stipulatio rlington Hewgats. , ANNAPOLIS, 6.—Brigadier Genera ay 10, 61. —0t: zecutor.
p sey, be pe or the expression of their opinions. Verily | /8e% BF0 tions] verdicts, stipulations It is now understood that troops will be| Butler has been promoted to Major General, !
Jog public plunder pecadiar to themselves, | is the adage true—the men who talk the| warrants of attorney, in action of ejects i i ; ind 1s ordi i ; STRAYED
v 3 2 | ordered here rapidly from Philadelphia and |and is ordered to report himself at Washing- _ 5 Le
yok amass fortunes that would enable | loudest are not the men to fight. The EL fatibe ud New York. { r alia ton. ee : ; g & TRAYED from the subscriber about the
em to retire to some remote corner of the | Democratic party has always favored the ded in the first section of this act. It is believed here that ten’ thousand Pennt | General Cadwallader is appointed to the Bie May, a young, shoat, Je oaths
the earth to-set and glut over the ruin they | settlement of the difficuliy between the| Szo..4. That the provisions of this act: sylvanians are moving towards the Maryland | command of the Annapolis district, but is ar and 2S alee Soret Srowiug of the
have accomplished. We hold it to: be the | North and the South by compromise as long shall be construed to apply to all judgments eo winger of ‘Gone. Butler, &, Fortres Anoehiain where he will establish kis lead- whereub outs, or Mus tho animal, wi please to
duty of all good Democrats, and'of all hon- | as there was any possibility of it being scl in which a sale by judicial process has not ransfer of Gen. ress | quarters. give some information, and” will Bo oat bly
§ Brats; be : Mbnioe, is considered indicative of some | Colonel Pratt, of the 20th New York State | réwarded.
est Republicans, (abolitionists: we db not | complished, and are yet im favor of any on actually made important movement there, shottly. Addie | militia, réports his men guarding the railroad | + —
So : z
count,) to forget, fon the time being, all| compromise that would be honorable for the Govenxon Lucan has issued his proclas | tional men ant large quantities'of mubitions | as all well and contented. FARE REDUCED.
their party differences, and! ralty as oneman | North to: accept, but believing that none mation prohibiting the Sxortation from: Vir- | were thrown into that fort yesterday. | The presence of Ross Winaiis here yester-| STATES UNION HOTEL,
to put down rebellion in the first place, be 1 will be off : od how thsi °° | ginia of any flour, grain, beef, pork, or other The rumored change of Ex-Vice President | day created a deep impression. The troops 508 & 608 Market Street, above sixth;
place, be- | such will be offer they 8 ow their patriot- provisions. This is understood to be a Breckenridge is not credited here. uncovered as he passed down the line. PHILADELPHIA, PA.
cause now the most dangerous. When the | ism and devotion to the Union: by rallying | measure ofr etaliation for the blockade enforce Ex-Senator Cooper, of Pennsylvania, has | Active duties are doubtless to bo assigned|, , GW HINKLE, Propristsé”
supremacy of the Federal Constitutiow is |to-the defence of the Star Spangled Banner, | ed: by Lincoln. been commissioned as Colonel of an: Inde- | to Major General Butler. | Taxus: —$l IVR DAT: