Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 09, 1861, Image 1

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    Terms of Publication,
TELRMS :—81,50 ots. if paid within three months
£2,00 if dlayed six months, and $2.50 if not paid
within the year, These terms will be rigidly ad-
hered to.
ADVERTISEMENTS and Business Notices insert
ed at the usual rates, and every deseription of
EXECUTED in the neatest manner, at the lowest
prices, and with the utmost despatch. Having
purchased a largo collection of type, we are pre-
pared to satisfy the orders of our friends.
0) * . .
Business Directory.
Glee in the Arcade, second iloor.
fice, on the Diamond, one door we"tof the
Post Office.
Gffice formally oceupied by the fon. James Burn-
18 now prepared to wait upon all who may desire
bis professional service:
Rooms at his residence on Spring street.
Office on Allegany street, in the by
merly occupied by Humes, McAllister, H
Faken deily (except Sundays) fiom 8 aa. to dpm
loon, in the Arcade Building,
In his splendid ©
Deifefonte Penn’a.
igh Street (old office.) Will att
1 calls as heretofore, and respect!
rvices to his friends and the public.
Will attend to professional calls as heretofore, he
respectfully offers his services to his friends and
tho public. Odfice ext door to his residences on
Bpring street. Out 20-58-tf.
OFFICE—The one furmerly occupied by Judge
Hob. 14th, 1801--Vol. 6: No. C.
Office in Reynolds’ Arcade on the Diamond.
Ira C. Mitchell has associated C. T. Alexander
with him in the practice of law, and they will
give prompt attention to all business entrusted to
them in Centre, Mifilin, Clinton and Clearfield
Office and residence on the North Kast Corner
fthe Diamond, near the Court House.
5 Will be found at his office ept two weekld
n each month, commencing on tho first Monday 0
is month, when hh willbo awa filling professional
—0F —
Bills of exchange and Notes discounted. Col-
lootions made and proceeds promptly remitted. —
Lnterest paid on special deposits. Exchangein the
eastern cities constantly on hand for sale.” Depos-
its receivea
Deposits Received —Bills of Exchange und Notes
Discounted—Interest Paid on Special Deposits—
Collections Made, and Proceeds Remitted Prompt-
y—Exchange on the Hast constsntly on hand:
4 rere
y J. Ii. STOVER,
Will pieactice his profession in the several Courts
of Centre County, Al business intrusted to him
will be f: thfully attended to. Particular attention
paid to collections, and all monies promptly re-
mitted. Can be consulted in the German as well
28in Sou language.
Office on High st., formerly occapied b »
Buraside and D. C. Boalp Esq. > y Taine
Will attend prompily to all business entrusted to
their care. Offica in tho building formerly occu
pied by Hon. Jas. T. Hale.
Messrs Hane & Hoy will attend to my business
durinzmy absence in Congress, and will
Snfey by mo in the trial of all gutsy entrusted to
m. AMES T. .
_Decembor I5, 12,9. 2 Hus
Ke OU Gls BRN,
Perfumery, Paints, Oils, Var.
oilet Soaps, Brushes, Hair and
Drugs, Medici
nishes, Dye-Stufly
Als) )
Lodth Brushes, Faney and Toilet Articles, Trussels
i i] Garden Seeds.
Will find myst o 0s!
and all sold at modoraty oy comple me
{3 Farmors ang Physicians
ere nvited to examine my stock.
—— 20 NING my
A. 0. FURST,
ILL practice in the several Cour
W Conlon and Clinton a. os
business entrusted to his caro will reco t
attention. Iopoive Dron
OFFICE—On the North- : :
anal n the North-west corner -of the Di.
March 28, 1801.--1y-
om {he country
From the Atlantic Monthly for May.]
She has gone—she has left us in passion and pride,
Our stormy-browed sister so long at our side!
She has torn her own star from our firmament’s
And turned on her brother tho faze of a foc!
0 Caroline, Caroline, child cf the sun,
We can never forget that our hearts have been
Our foreheads both sprinkled in Liberty’s name,
From the fountain of blood with the finger of flame
You were always too ready to fire at a touch;
But we said “she is hasty,—she does not mean
Wo havo scowlod when you uttered somo turbu
lent threat,
But Friendship still whispered, * Forgive and
las our love all died out? Have its altars grown
as the curse come at Inst which the fathers fore-
told ?
Then nature must teach us the strength of the
That her petulant children would sever in vain
They may fight till the buzzards are gorged with
their gpoil, .
Till the harvest grows black as it rots in the soil,
Till the wolyes and the catamounts troop trom
their caves,
And the shark tracks tho pirate, the lord of the
wave :
In vainis the strife! When its fury is past,
Their fortunes must flow in one channel at last,
As the torrents that rush from the mountains of
Roll mingled in peace through the valleys below.
Our Unien is river, lake, ocean, and sky:
Man broak
Though da
with sicel,
The blue arch will b
the dic!
h cloven
ioned wi
ier, thoug
iton, the water:
There are battles with fale
‘The staz-dowering banner must ne
For its blossoms of light are the hope of the
world !
Geo, then, cur rash sister! afar and aloof, —
Ran wild ia tho sunshine away from our roof,
But when your heart aches and your fect have
grown sore,-
Remember the pathway that leads to our door!
I was rather disappointed, if the truth
must be told—so indeed we all were at
home—at my Kinswan’s scanty supply of
words, when he returned to us from the great
Crimean campaign.
As for the general story of the war, we
did not want that from him, but what had
personally befallen him ; for we knew that,
though it was hard, indeed, to be pre-emi-
nent in the discharge of duty or daring of
danger amidst that flower of the world’s
soldierhoed, he had been noted as notewors
thy, even among such, by those who had tho
best means of appreciating his courage and
his industry.
have found this modest, manly silence,
touching personal exposure and achieve.
went, an almost invariable characteristic of
our noble fighting men. My reader will,
therefore, kindly bear it in mind thus the
detailed and curious narrative I put under
his eyes here is of my wriling rather than
of his telling, short as it is. But { have
interwoven in it, so faras L know, nothing
but authentic threads of recollectiqn. I
picked the matter for the spinning of them
bit by bit out of his conversation, as an old
woman might pick out of a long hedgerow,
at long intervals, wool enough to furnis!
worsted for her knitting needles to work
up into a stocking or pair of mits.
He had keen under fire continuously, for
seven hours cr more, on one of the most
hard fought days of all that hard fought
struggle, and as he rode away at cvening
rode bareheaded, in reverent acknowledge.
ment to Heaven for the the marvel that he
was riding out of that hail of iron himself
As for the unobserved incidents of that
days’ danger from which a merciful preser-
vation had been vouchsafed, they would be
hard to reckon; but upon three occasions
daring those seven exposed hours, it really
seemed that the messengers of death avoided
him, as in some legend they turned aside
from the man who bears a charmed life, —
There was a six pound shot, which he saw
directly coming, as the cricketer views the
projectile which threatens his middle wicket.
It pitched right in front of him, and rose as
a cricket ball when the turf is parched and
baked, bounding clean up into the air, and
so passed right over his untouched head. 1
fell behind him, and he looked at it more
than once that day, and, but for its inconve.
ment bulk, thought of carrying it away as
a memento.
There was a twenty-four pound shot next
—a sort of twin brother to'that which, some
three weeks before, had actually torn his
forage cap from off his head—but it camo
too quick for sight. llc was at that moment
backing towards the shafts an amunition
cart horse, whose reins he held close to its
jaw, as he spurred on his own to make it
give way in the right direction. Smash
came tho great globe of iron, and gs the
blood and bones and brains bespattered him
he almost fell forward; for the poor brute
was restless no longer ; headless horses don’t
strain against the bit, although it is Just as
hard as ever to back them into the ‘shafts.
Then there wag a moment, one of those
of direst confusion, of what other than such
soldiers as fought that fight would have
reckoned a moment of disinay--a moment
wherein regimental order itself was in part
broken and confused ; the guardsmen mine
gled with linegmen, the linesmen with blue.
coated artillery.
There had been fearful havoc among those
noble servants of the deep-voiced cannon,
and men were wanted to hand out the shells
from a cart ho had himgelf brought up, re-
plenished to a breastwork, Ie called in
some of the linesmen. One of them stood
by him foot to foot, almost or actually
in contact, They were handing amuni-
tion from one to another, as men do fire
buckets when fires are blazing in the streets.
le leaned in one direction to pass on the
load he had just taken from a soldier’s hand
—the soldier was bending toward the next
man in the chain—a Russian shell came
bounding with a whirr, then burst and scat-
tered its deadly fragments with a terriffic
force. Ono of the great shreds passed—-
there was just room for it—between his leg
and the soldier’s that stood next him. They
looked each other in the face.
« A very close shave, that, sir 7” said the
the man,
¢ Nearer than you think for, perhaps,”
he answered, for he had felt the rounder sur-
face of the fragment actually Bruise him as
it passed, whereas its ragged edge had shav-
en, with a marvelous neatness, from his
trowsers, part of the broad red stripe upen
the outer seam.
I venture to give these minute details be-
cause they may help other civilians, as they
helped me, to *¢ realize,” as they call it now
a-days, more vividly, the risk of a day of
Lattle, and the large draft they make upon
a man's fund of nerve and composure, just
as he stands, without coming into any close
But at last the firing was done, and bare-
headed, as T have said, he turned and rode
back towards camp.
It was before the famine period there, and
though there was no supertluity of food,
there was food to be had, and that long day’s
fighting men stood in sore need of it.
ft was dusk, and he was lighting a can-
dle to sit down to his meal, when the voice
of a French soldier called something like
his name from the outside. He was himself
a perfect master of that language, as the
« Soldat du train” who stood outside found
to his great relief upon his first utterance
of inq:
iman held 2 male by the bridle
the creature’s back It
wen offizier, fo bri
8 gorpse to you. TY
nd of his-—his name
stage of the
¢ startlin
s there weve few names
among those of his friends and comrades
which could and grieve him mors to
hear pronounced under such ci stances.
Gtha. Light ures fatabod... ta oa jead the, noe
body, then, with a sigh t once more
gently down. There was a small round hole
in the very centre of the forchead, whereat
the death-dealing ball had daried into the
brain of his hapless friend.
He called an orderly, and directed him to
accompany the Frenchman to the dead man’s
tent. Ile would himself soon follow and see
to his receiving soldier’s obsequies. His
weariness and exhaustion were such as to
render it imperatively necessary that he
should first take his food, to which he re-
turned, with what increased weight of heart
who shall rightly tell 2
It needsnot that the tension of a man’s
nerves should nave been strang tight by the
hand of battle, for him to know, from his
own experidnee, what is the strange, and
awful and we fceling of the fist relaxa-
tion of them in the early after hours of re.
sponsibility, danger or important erisis of
decision. If apparitions and visions of
things unearthly be indeed mere fictions of
men's brains, such after hours are just those
wherein the ind is readiest to yield to the
power of illusion. Illusion or reality more
startling, more unaccountable by far than
it. Whether of the two was this?
There entered at the curtin of hig tent the
dead man, towards whom, in some minutes
more, he should have been paying the last
sad kindnesses. The light fell full and clear
upon his face. He took off his forage cap
as he came in, The broad white forehead
showed no longer any trace of the murder-
ous Incrash of the ball winch had slain him.
Into the poor dull glazed eyes the gleam
had returned-—could it indeed be the gleam
of returned life? Or do the eyes of ghosts
gleam life-like so ?
¢ What made you sead that Frenchman
with my corpse to me 2 At least, he would
insist that it was ine.”
“X. ! Good heaven!
you indeed 7?
“ Who should it be? What ails you,
man 2 Why do you stare at me so 2”
«I cannot say what ails me; but I am
surely under some strange delusion. It is
not half an hour, surely, since I saw you
stretched lifeless across a mule’s back, with
a riffe bullet between your eyes. What can
thismean? Youare not even wounded.”
*¢ No, thank God ! nothing has touched
me (his time ; but that French soldier—did
you then send him up, indeed 2”?
¢ Indeed I did.”
Hideous comico-tragic episode in the aw-
ful drama of war! They discovered by and
by that the slain brother soldier was no
comrade of their own corps, but a brave of-
fleer of another arm. Neither of them had
known him personally, nor had they ever
heard before that between him and X——
existed, in his lifetime, the most remarkable
and close resemblance ; such an identity of
feature as is 1arcly seen save in twin broth.
it be
T00 True.-—When « rakish youth goes
astray, friends gather round him in order to
restore him to the path of virtue. Gentle-
tleness and kindness are furnished to win
him back to innocence and peace. No one
would ever suspect that he had sinned. —
Bat, when a poor, confiding girlis betrayed,
she ‘receives the brand of society and is
driven fromthe ways of virtue, ~The be-
trayer is honored, respected, esteemed, but
there is no peace for her this side of the
grave. Society has no loving, helping hand
for her—no smile of peace—no voice of love
—no voice of forgiveness. These are earth-
ly moralitics unknown to heaven. There is
a deep wrong in them and fearful are the
About the middle of December, 1812, the
garrison in charge of Fort Niagara, at the
mouth of the Niagara river, was surprised
by a large party of Dritish and Tadians,
whereby the American frontier from Youngs
town to Bullalo, was laid open to tho depre-
dations of tne savages.
Ose of the most {flourishing American vil-
lages on the Niagara, was Lewistown, situ-
ated opposite to the Canadian village of
Queenstown ; and as the inhabitants of Lew-
istown had been active in the defence of the
frontier, the enemy doomed the place to
speedy destruction.
When the fiames and smoke were ascend-
ing from the wanton conflagration of
Youngstown, and the parties of villagers
flying from the murderous savages, notitied
the people of Lewistown of what would
soon be the fate of their own homes and
families, every one was thrown into the ut-
most confusion and alarm, and sought safe-
ty in flight.
Among the last to escape were two broth-
ers named Lothrop and Bates Cock, the for-
mer of whom, a few days previous, had had
his right leg amputated above the knee, and
was now a helpless invalid.
Lothrop, who in his crippled condition,
had no hope of escaping the scalping knife
of the savages, begred his brother to leave
him and {ly for his life. But the generous
man had no such intention. With all the
haste possible, Bates, after getting the teem
and sleigh to the door, managed to drag the
bed, en which his brother lay, upon the ve-
hicle ; and throwing in clottung, and such
other necessaries as came nearest to hand,
started off’ in the rear of the flying fugitives.
But so rcugh was the ground that the
wounded youth could endure no other than
the slowest motion.
therefore, found if necessary for
strain his team to the slowest walk,
while he could see in his rear the flames
burstinpout of the doors and windows of
7 quitted, and the
drunken Indi®
te as fired, and before
n had reached the top of ihe
* way out of the place, theentire
Ir {i
in i
louse a
ic. painted werriors,
and bedecked with the
¢ stores, dancing and howling
like so many inearnate do-
sled hero and thers among
them, an sing in and out of the burn-
ing buildings, their British associates, as
busily engaged wm the work of plunder as
ages; while obscene caths and
nocones. attoatad t} infernal joy.
he other hand, as they moved slowly
along, they could seo teams and groups of
neizhbors and friends disappearing rapidly
in the distanee, while they were forced to
m along slowly and exposed to the first
party of drunken and infuriated savages
who might espy them,
Moving thus along, they had proceeded
ing like half a milo from the sinoking
village, when on ascending an eminence,
Bates was startled by a fierce war-whoop in
their rear, and to his horror discovered a
band of savages in pursuit of them, aud
wildly gesticulating for him to stop,
In the excitement of the moment he urg-
ed his team to a faster gail; but a ery of
pain from Lothrop caused him to slacken
peed again, and catching up a gun he had
had the forethought to throw into the sleigh,
ared to defend his helpless brother
mons ;
to the last.
Lothrop now perceiving the danger they
were in, and knowing in his feeble condition
that eseape was hopeless unless swifter pro-
grass could be made, begged his brother to
drive on. - At least it could only be death
to him; and if the motion of the sleigh
over the rough ground should kill him, he
thought is would certainly Le better than to
fall into the hands of their merciless pucsu-
The Indians, dashing on, were soon in
hailirg distance, and in broken English
threatened Bates with the most cruel tors
tures if he did not stop, but he refused to
Soon eoraing up with the sleigh, the sav-
ages began to chase Bates round and round
it, but from some oversight paid no atien-
tion to his helpless brother. At last, Bates
snatched the gun from the sleigh, and ran
olf to one side of the road, to draw the In-
dians, if possible, away from Lothrop. The
rase partially succeeded ; but as a fierce
locking Indian pursued Bates more closely
than was consistent with his safety, he turn-
cd suddenly, and levellng his gun at the
savage, fired. The Indian gave a terrific
yell, leaped info the air, ran a few paces,
and fell dead. The death of their leader
exasperated the savages to the last degree,
and they were about to wreak ther ven-
geance on the brothers, when upon their
right, on the side of the mountain, they
heard a wild, ringing war-whoop, and the
next instant a volley of rific shots whistled
towards them, and several of the pursuers
fell killed and wounded to the ground.
The new party proved to be a baud of
friendly Tuscaroras, under Little Chief,
who hearing the firing along the road, hass
tened to reconnoitre, and sceing the two
brothers, whom they immediately recogniz«
ed, thus beset, ran down the hill to their re-
lief; and of the filteen or twenty savages
who pursued the villagers, scarcely one-
fourth returned to tell the fate of their com.
Bates Cook afterward became Controller
of the State of Now York, and Lothrop oc-
cupied many positions of trust and distinc:
tion, but both now sleep their last sleep.
Essexon or Young AMpricA.—Scene—
Cabin of the New World. Little boy, with
a “letter in the post oflice,” —cyeing old
gentleman in blue and yaller, and with a
large mouth.
Tattle boy (inquiringly)—¢ Who made
that slit under your nob, old feller #7?
Old Gentleman —¢¢ Sir, you are itnpudent.’
Little Boy (sugygestively.)—¢ Careless
cuss, warn’t he ¥—cut a little deoper ho'd
had yer head orf.”
Old gentleman vanished to the tune of
“ Go it while vour young.”
Disastrous Fire on Oil Creek—15 Lives
Lost—20 Persons Dangerously Burned—
Loss of Property $18,000—2,000 Barrels
of 0: Consumed !
The most sad, heart sickening calamity it
has ever been our painful duty to ehronicle,
transpired on Wednesday night last, (April
17th.) Tho facts briefly told are as fol-
lows :
Little and Merrick, who were boring an
cil well on the Buchanan farm, three miles
up Oilereck, and who had struck good veins
of oil previeusly, opened on Wednesday af-
ternoon about 5 o'clock a very large vein of
oil. The oil and gas instantaneously rushed
in torrents over the conductor five inches in
diameter, filling it to its utmost eapacity.—
The apparently cxaggerated, but really
truthful rumor, that a well had just been
struck that was yielding 100 barrels of oil
per hour, naturally drew around the well a
large number of persons, anxious to see the
wonderful phenomona. While the crowd
was gathered in around the derrick, which
was Hooded with oil, sudden as the electric
spark, the shanty enclosing the well, inside
and outside, was enveloped in a vast sheet
of liquid flame, and simultancously an ex-
plosion of gas occurred, which shook the
houses for a mile around, and was distinctly
heard six miles distant. © Then followed a
scene which beguars all description. Men
stunned by the report, with clothes satura-
ted with oil which the remorseless flames
were devouring, lay prostrate, unable to
help themselves, and too fearfully imperil-
ed to Le aided by others. In another mo-
ment, those who had recovored from the first
shock, ran wildly away from the source of
danger, literally shrouded ina sheet of flame.
All efforts were mado to strip them of their
flaming clothes, and in some cases with suc-
cess, bat in others, the destroyer had con-
sumed every shred of clothing, leaving the
bodies naked, charred to blackness, Three,
if not still more unfortunate if possible than |
any others, were unable to escape and could |
not be rescued from the flames. On Thurs- |
day at 4 o'clock, P. M., when we left the
scene of disaster, their skeletons could be
scen, when the wind for an instast lified the
flames from them—a sad, sad sight. The
name of one was unknown —the other two
are Judd Mason and George Hays.
West Skinner, Wattsburg, Erie ¢o. Pa.
Levi Walker, Butler co. Pa.
Albert Gardner, Michigan.
Judd Mason, Northeast, Erie eo. Pa.
George Iiays, Sherman, N.Y,
H R. Rouse, Enterprise, Warren co. Pa.
James Walker, residence unknown.
Augustus Cummings, Butler co. Pa.
+ . Bentley, } 9 a
oni Benes play Hig er, N.Y.
II. Eastman, Whitesborough, Oneida co,
John Glass, Lawrence co. Pa.
Archibald Montgomery, Mercer co. Pa.
James Ul. Perry, Utica, N. XY,
Joseph Loyd, Utica, N. Y.
Yony Jase, Frenchereek, Chatham co,
‘James Smith, Sandycreek, Venango co.
— —- Stratton, residence unknown.
John Westing, Sherman, N. Y.
S. H. Walker, Pittsburg, Pa.
George Glass, Butler co. Pa.
James Johnston, Mercer co. Pa.
W. Benedict, Enterprise, Warren co. Pa.
Constance Burnoli, Erie co. Pa.
James Wadsworth, Wattsburg, Iirie co.
James M. Buell, Utica, N. Y.
Themnas Page, Mercer co. Pa.
Qeorae Kent, Cherryereek, Chatham co.
A. J. Holeman.
McClintick, boy, reported injured.
Unknown man, taken away by his friends.
All the fixtures of four adjacent wells,
were utterly consumed, including engine
houses, vats, derricks, cabins, one large
barn, together with several hundred barrels
of oil and empty barrels. One of the porta-
ble engines burst its boiler from the heat of
the oil flames. Oil in vats and barrels was
consumed to the amount of about five thou-
sand gallons. The ratal well was throwing
a steady stream of gas and oil {lve inches in
diameter, varying in height from sixty to
onc Luadred fect. This was all on fire fo.
gether with what constantly flowed over the
ground around the well. The appearance
was that of a volcano of fire, shooting up
from the heart of a lake of flame, throwing
up incessant jets of liquid drops of fire, and
envolving dense masses of flames o’er cano-
pied by vast clouds of smoko, covering the
hillsides and darkening the heavens, as if
the pitchy darkness of Tartarus was shroud-
ing the valley. All this was accompanied
by a hissing, rearing sound, like muflled
thunder that could be heard a great dis-
tance. The scene was indeseribably grand
and beautiful. Words cannot picture the
sublime reality.
When we left at four o’clock, the well was
still throwing up its column of oil and gas
and flame, but with somewhat diminished
force. At twelve o’clock, midnight, as we
write, from our window, seven niles dis-
tont, with high hills intervening, the horri-
zon is lit up as if the firmanent at that point
was on fire. = At brief intervals the glare is
vivid, the flames apparently licking the
clouds that overhang the melancholy scene.
Wednesday night and all day Thursday,
thousands camo to see the grand pyrotechuic
display—others and not a few with sad
heart and tearful eye, sought among the
dead, or the suffering friends and relatives,
who a few short hours since were in the vig-
orof health and buoyant with hopes. Our
personal anxiety was relieved when we
learned that a brother operating in the vi.
cinity was unharmed, Would that others
had been equally fortunate.
Lhe origin of the fire is really unknown. |
Some assert that a person was near the well
smoking a cigar, from which the gas (ook
fire and was thus communicated to the con-
ductor, while others assert that they saw a
vivid flash as of lightning, shoot from the.
Wodrsworth engioe several rods distance, to
distance round the well must have been sat-
urated with gas, which is known to be high-
ly mflammable, this theory is perhaps the
most plausible.
We have no time for comment or caution.
Tho well to-day. Friday, is still burning,
but 1s somewhat abated, The oil and gas is
still thrown up fifteen feet in the air. When
the wind lifts the flames from the ecnductor,
a blackened mass is seen, which is supposed
to be the charred bodies of human beings,
four or five in number. Some are known to
be missing since the catastrophe. More par-
ticulars next Wednesday.
Larssr.— News has just arrived that fif-
teen persons in all have died since the oceur-
rence.— Citizen.
Persons frequently imagine that the sug-
gestions of their own human nature are the
intimations and directions of God. They
love to be guided by iim, and ihey love fo
think that their own pleasant desires and
purposes are inspired by Him ; thus they
easily deceive themselves. An arusing in-
stance of this, took place at a certain Cone
ference. Among the atiendants was a very
beautiful and intelligent looking young lady,
who drew the admiring gaze of many cys,
particular s masculine, always on the
lookout for pretty feminine faces,
During an intermission, a spruce young
ister stepped up to the Presiding Elder,
1, with an air of sco
1 observe the yo
pillar on the eft
the Eider, *+v
d the young “f feel ime
pressed that the Lord de ms to take
ti ife. th she would
that lady for my ‘
make a good compruion and helpmate in the
to make
yz the same
Iv is not
best to bi the scures
of such it prudent El-
And he had said well, for hardly were the
steps of the second youth cold at his side,
are a third a ached with the same story !
and, while the worthy confident still mars
veled, a fourth dre car with the question,
“Did your lie, noble looking wg-
man oy your leit
“Yes, cried the swelling Elder.
Well, "went on the fourth vietim of
that one unsuspicions girl, “It is strongly
borne upon my mind, that it ig the wiil of
tho Lord that © should arake proposals of”
marriage to that lady. He hag impressed
me that she is to be my wife.”
The Elder could hold in no longer. Tm.
possible ! Impossible I” he cxctaimed, in
an excited tone. “The Lord er could
have inten
that one wo
led thal four men should marry
a De AAs
APITOLS of three States in the Union
than that of Pennsylvania. The
Capitol of Ohio, at Columbus, is a maguifi-
cent bmlding, with Library rooms larger
than tke Capitol at Washington. Its dimen
sions ave 304 by 184, and cover an area of
39 = eicet., ‘The Capitol of Tennese
le, is 135 by 240, aud covers
32.400 square feet. The Capitol
arolina, nt Raleigh, is 166 by 90,
and cu area of 14,540 square feet. —
Th of Pen ania, at Harrisburg,
ii ind covers an area of 14,400
The Capitel of Indiana, at fn
? same dimensions as tho
sburg. The National Capi-
shington, covers an area of about
Ll Ld asset
Tir vor Tan, —At St. Paul, recently, a
Rev. Mr. Fisk declared that John Brown
second Jesus Christ. Some sensible
cerinin political
the domestic interests
{in view of the above,
£ !
a second Jesus Christ,”
That Mr. Fisk has made him-
's Ass ; provided, hows
ever, {ha in contained, i3 in-
tends s original Ass hy intj-
mating that Mr. Fisk is bis lineal deseend-
Ixpruicariny Dencare.—The other day
a young lady stenped mio a well known es-
tablishinent and enquired of a fine-looking
1 .
«Sir have you any mouse-colored ladies’
hose 2”
+ Mouse-colored ladies hose, miss 2”
« Yes—a sort of grey— just the color of
your, drawers here,” replied she, meaning
the store drawers, which were painted grey.
“My drawers, miss,” cjaculated the
young man looking down fo sce if cverything
was right and tight. ¢ My drawers, miss!
why, i dow’t wear any,”
The young lady was cai:ied home on a
A good ancedoteis related of
vagabond, who was broaght Le
{rate asa comucn va
ly harpooned a good ideg, he ;
eapacious poeked cf his talc:
of bread and a half of’ a di
holding then up, with a tiiam;
and gesture, 19 the mus
“You don’ ketch bim thei way! I'm no
vagrant. A’nt them! means o' supa
port, I shonld like to know 2”
Tue birth of a fifth con to a gentleman in
Si. Paul, was thas has'ily anncunced (5 an
Eastern friend :
“St. Paul, July 8, 1850.——Another boy”?
The following reply was 1oceived:
{+ You've told that story five times with
out variation—znow dry up.”
ely BRB Br
L Magise
from a
rate, exclaimed,
| Pruw.—Many - beautiful women while
walking the streets, seem very angry if they
are gazed at, and sadly disapo dit they
the flowing well. Inasmuch as the air for a
are not,