Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 25, 1861, Image 1

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    ?WM 4,44?12004144160
TII I", .1 IL 25', 18151
Oro. ISrusoninuits must excuse US fur the
WI sheet whreli we issue this week. It ie
all we here bent, able to give. Lase weok
one or our 11..tidn was BO 1111 Weir RS to be un
atle tg work, and another, 111 r. James Culp,
/Minted in the army Ond wynt off with the
Eagle, titiß r.l. The prevailing war errite.
mot ; 1.180 bad n tendency In distra , our
attention. and all things considered, we ;Ire
entitled tO / Aunie indulgence
FLAGS are going up all rim town. On
Tuesday lafititiorertil were run up, and see
tral more areihe . if,a to be reified. A large
and hasoineitag has hien the
Catholic Uhhrch, through the vatliott%trt of
Rev. Mr londergreen and }it .oi,gregation
We would sung i that all the different fim
gregAtione m tnlyri fnll , rw lie rzarnldc. and
place u pon the .V1.11P41
and atnpa iit htluved coup' y
Phr G.,verivir ham made a &wall np•
the State fur ti ttwel shuts, fer the anl , ll ,
to near during the war. ti a matter of
rourle, the lathes Itellefonte con, in
or their share of making the do 1 -
If they cnn cr. toce as much hplf It Of pat! o
leo) as did the women of the Errolut on,
of port toluy lo do I. Two r
arce bubdird . 11111LN vrtll full to their hit, and
let Orin chow 111; r patrol thin hr tallom?
WI a lea net tile.
/- Ihe kliolvir7, is •hit of the nitneo
of the B furac Feticihlis, J o hn B mu f t i .
ill l Crptain
Jam H Minot,ll, M^( -, "min, 1.1• A
Veer•r. John A Roger., Jahn 11. err, lb, 11.
Ii "Akin, Henry 11 feldnignmettaxi.
T 1.1601 y, Cvnas EtttlAlk' 'At , nerr
Alonrob. r, Llintind
Nam inn], lohu J tun, ./ %hien II
halo. II lit!, At .1' irt liar' 11enry
Plenty I Nieliole, .1 h'ern, 11, try II
Mo o r, h e ro. H .wen ).11 , 1 , • I` W./111111,
I HOt:OV, hoovaA h liellv, C,rnel,nt W.
re , l, Abrein \ Miller, Henry I' "eni..not , ..ref
meenr.l. Diniee, Win
.1 In I , Aden., fl II Donner, J II
'noon. A Unetner, Loon, T It Stephanie
j.,e ei h 11 1 hiAnee, W WC, Iny, 1e5e4.%jb,.01
re. I ho A n her•on Jerein.eli 0 Leery, A A Val
•titine,n , ft C I. T berm (let. W
1101. , n, (..1,,,.•e HubAl, John't. , e. (7 W
No.lgot., I It I 00. IV tn.
A4inhein Una., John I'. Jerk J Fo•tor W
Armpit. 170.. I.eriee llullork Win Al-(kiir•
000 ii. Hu i Kent. I/en 1 eeyiti 1, err ..I.connlt•r,
(16,00 W Vent elin, J. NI
stet I, I •tal Ile:m/111a, Gaon, Johe v A I:ey
ard, 'Thomas W bully, Jam.. N t.tezig
11 Pifer. T.lin It 'Lire. A:1111111 111., , L llor,ry C
Teeger, John . lottogerie;i, Wil , ie... /I Awl/101111411,
idllllloll /few., 1..1.11 It tulle u A Mtl , .ry
ertrel Prow r. A tiregg Iliuth..: , iteei Mc
Inarney, U,chnl Leu K tilix. 'don .lay., Lew.
Durlaeber, Allred !lice., Jot,, An, ,t. H. urge
D. li.gram, J, W._Duelf,.. Dal 61 hi
eel Itt.nor, Jobn Jobneobi, Jatocs F Ile,
Tbonte. C. Crawford, John 1;11;‘,: It
Miter. Walter Juhowa, Jos. O. L'ltai•, J. It Ilo.•
ter, 71,0.. H. Groan., John Virs.rtz, JAM. U Lu
lISO, Henry Calhat n, J M Lateen, John Kerr, Jos.
Potato, (1.0. W. I.unam, Park 8 r Hoch, Albert
Porn, Auto! lis.roish, T. .Mcenliorty, ?boa. both
3:) 0 " The following is a list of the tuatara
of those who contributed, on IVednasdny
Mat, to thy fund fur the retie of the fatal
/NW of those who hare gone to tight the bat•
Iles of our country
151nouel I,lln,
W T Valentine,
Jac T.
11,. I' Reynolds,
II N MoAllt•ter,
P. B. Valentine,
M. T. Milhkee,
Wm. Rostra,
L 0. names,
Jaa. Gordo°,
A S. VatAttn., -
lrleenv„ Linn (t,
U. 'l' A lee ander,
M. W".1(11e,
Geo. LtflnK•tuo,
Jeeerl, ()teen,
Jab,. liranklnll,
Ilenry Ventlyte,
John T
Wen IL 1,,,twv•11,
.7. 1) I,
K. S, CO
If .1 don,
Wen 11. Blair.
J. Ci 111JMeen,
Ww. J. Stole,
M it I.tola,
WM, Mlireb/111,
nomad Sherlock,
K. (1.- !Durham,
• Jaibra Tusher,
Jambe Alosnmler,
Wee Motaerty,
A. A crinternsti,
• George Doicoing,,
WED. S. Tripple,
John Wsii,
Verdanamd Leolaa,
ti+llll.,au Wolf.
John P. [Jerrie,
J. Stewart Lyon,
N, 11,lubtah,
,J. B. Buil.,
WT I Kerlin.
T. IL. Koos,
.-4f vs. Levy.
!We, Privy.
U, J. Ourtir.
J. Wart),
. Wsienar„
• ' t ,444 nay / 4 1 41111 7 .
''',7 . • ,
sr W. Wester,
1' 'Wra. Carlin.
}Unlit, •
H. Wester
. W. Jackson,
• ](White,
: .
; MOW.
1411.11.111V—T1111 E.l4;i.e. t;, - For the
last two creeks our Mon] hum her n the scr Ile I
of the wital . escitetnent and the most in
tense enthMirtm in regard to the war; On
Saturday last, the Eagle thrards, under the
command of Capt. A. B. Snyder,- a thetine,,,
gturthed soldier of the Xe?tireti war, took
their deparOlie Ibr the fleat.of operations.-.
The Company, when It left this place, null
tiered 125 men, but on its an vii at llama
brut. wasreduced to 77 torn, in nceordance
atth ttre army segniationd, winch permit
only that 'number in one company. The
surplus of the Fraglt Guards, Bellefonte
Fencrldr a andlimeron Infantry, were then
formed into Illrother company, called the
Curtin Guards, uncriT command of our
townsman, Capt. John 11. Storer. This
company is now full, and ready to march at
any time. Prior to the departure of the
Eagle Guaratr, they sa welled. to the Court
House to hear some par Ong prayers and aft
, dresses, hot the room warred* filled to ova,
flowing, and great numbers were compelled
to rimain outsido. In view of thin ; the
meeting adjourned to t lu‘forirt House Yard,
where name interesting evercises took place.
Prayers were °tiered by the Revs. bent ace,
of the 11, E. Church, t.nd Bower, of the p,
Baptist. Addrealtea were delivered Judge 1 ,
Linn, Rev. Mr. Vonlergreen, and 11. N
M'Alirster, E.g. At the close of Mr M's
rem' Ls, he offered the following rersrlillloll,
;II , orspliment to the ladles of Bellefonte,
who liars done and arc strll long stssmuoli
In soothe and alleviate the ants mated suflets-
Ingo of those r ebut spritri, aho Davo
nobly volircteered 4i auntam the hour of
our country's flag
'1 t the I stile , . of Centre
(,)tiray who have enrouragel their firntlierm,
Siitil oud Inishanikt to e+pind to their cony,-
try'm rlll by enrolling t I Ivrlvry AI tot nt
toil of the n," Eagle
Coar,l4, ' and •• Cann riiiit.narthi," reapeet•
ively, hate inanifeht, rl to the wortil that the
writ of '7e, still actuate.. the daft_ /it,rj i,f
the ti."lle% of the Revolution, and have V 11•
tlO,llllllll t ; their ei,untr a • att',lttle Ana
.• • irai. e.
The resvhitiou was MOO. euthunlftelvAilly
The Guard+ were tin marched nil in
olottl,r to the various 'totels fur droner,
aryl rook their dl;‘.arture 11111 M ei late ly aftur
rho meal was Of r.
There is quite a number of natnes belong
ing to the tiuhril• which We hive not got.
11 e give, however. •ll we h give. fini(serFfiarard Spears, George Fronk J hu
Jamsurrger, Constance Bargnr Loan It.
04 !Helton. T .1 It Baihuret, lie" II Sint) Zob.
0011 II While SUOMI ' Bathurst lobo Funl, , Wni
II bhults Thom,,' Mar till, Javob r tilts, Wm, 1)
tlarp4r, It tii K4.4ler, Robert S, pruner,
Tliylor Joseph Funk Th 'was Kt mine, Jigs It Cur
J.mopli I. Nell, James U Lucas Henry Enna
D 11 Parsons Charles Johnsmn, Markus M
K can I) I nu, Joh 110,a,/1, A 13 sinyder, Robert
W 111 , i/allarsith Enmuul L Miller J oseph
Fallon. W.Olllll Ward, J2.11C1. Heserly Henry
?1,1,1 Winn J,uuvs Powers. Jernes(Dowileg, W C
).v.. John h 11.041, fiemy D Sands, JllllllO. K
M.eartnee, Wm 'l' McMullen, Oeorge W (ha
,Irgt t'ol, Abruhnni,S Hey., Chas Menu.
Chas John 11 Thomas. Minh Bound, Win
Boller!' E }I Hatton, Wu. J Mackey Win /I
Ilium U Fellers Henry IS Itonr•n, Lemuel
11.1' Henry H Clapp Wry W Weider James
11 . lhralrpo Harahloirger, John Shoffle A
Etui,nahlter, Thus AI/, tunnuaii K hliarp J
Analeress Mormon. John Loehettl, I' Brady,
Mlles, Jr Wni I. 11npleil•. J h6,rk, J I) gulp,
iteo Wylnild, lid Dowling, J U byriers,D
threetly after the guards hail departed
meeting was called at the Court !louse, to
reuse money for the support of the families
of tho - syr who bad enlisted, end about one
thousand dollars were subscribed in adds
Lion to the flue thousand subscribed during
the Sett part of the week. The spirit of
petriotiam tau high and men subscribed
cheerfully and liberally.
Oa Iset Monday nigt4, also, a meeting
'woe totted for the 1111114; purpose. and a large
mount of money was riisoJ. The meeting
*as addressed hy Messrs. Wilson,
ter, Stover, Hunter, Hale, Macmanus, Slush,
T e .,t, and Her. Finley Riddle. The follow•
in are the names of the subscribers of Sat
urllsy4lternoon and Monday night:
11. 13roker3ipol, $lOO 00
J. P. Ilarpa, 2u 00
11, U. Clapp, 20 00
J M. Lyon, 22 00
N. flillibish, 20 00
J H Butts, ,4 25 00
Wm Kerlin, 10 00
'l'. 12 linos, 5 00
Gaol). 1 00
J.• H. McGlum 10 00
Geo. Alexander,
...,, _ . 25 00
Vi. W. Brown, 25 00
114,.h. 5 00
J 1. Teat, . 25 0(1
D. Ithotits, ,50 (:0
I ,aar May, 100 00
li IVraver, 25
J Strillilr, 30 00
11 J. Mead, 25 00
r . .. Fisher, 10 00
Ira Fisher, 10 00
)t. McKnight, I() 00
S.I. Graham, 20 00
J. 1). Wingate, 20 00
IA Miller, 10 00
,' Jno. Alexander, 10400
!An A Iluilier„ 20 00
Jas. Alciander. 20 00
1). J. McCann, 50 00
Eli Miller, 5 00
A. /Wet, - 10 00
Jo:mlEller, 60 00
1 e, "flerr, 50 00
Thos. Burnside, , 25 00
JII9 McManus, 15 00
Wm. P SleNlanus, 10 00
M. Thompson& Co., 100 00
I). G. Bush, . • 50 00
J. Levy, 10 00
Wm. Boggs, ' ' 10 00
- '
Geo. Valentine, . 150 00
A. Gregg, Jr„ 10 00
It. S. llowuing, 20 00
Austin Curtin, llO 00•
IJ. 41Litt1a,,.... Jr.... ' '-• 0
j. Ought', 15'00
D, liy. Hall. 15 00
VVen..Brown, 25 00
Robe. Hepburn, 10 00
J. 8. Ratethart, 15 00
I D. Welch, ' 5 12/
A. O. Furst, ~..2. ~ 20 00
11. Oaldbralth, 5 00
Peak, 10 00,
J. a Paraons, 10 00 ,
ILL W. Lambert, 10 00
I Rev. J. 11. Bernard, . so 600 i
Jacob Shrom, 10 00
15 00
John Hoy, . .
B. Hutton, 5 00
R. U. Croathwaite, 00
Jai. A. Miller, 4 00
John Harvard, 10 00
J. W. Furey, 5 00
J. B. Taylor, 00
John Croathwaite, 5 00
J. Biloutpmery A boa. 10 00
B. Blab, al op
l It T.,te,
I bn,leiv: brew, Jr.,
S. 11. Nnrmant
C- 'etploidge,
It b l'i!ttersoti,
S , ,tirwl Smith,
Geo. Smith.
'BOIL D. Slrolleckcc,
Olt ~..
11 Kuchler, 1 00
Benj Locos, 25
Wm Schriber,l 00
David Rape, S 00
S. J Lucas,2. 00
. .
J. Amp, 1 00
Jno. T. lloovVr 20 00
II I' Trev . vlll4,- '. ' 10 lx)
Wm. C Welch,
J. M IV ilsotO
Win llaml, 2 00
Wm A ')'human, 150 00
.1 NIIVieR, 10 00
WJNT• Barb field, 10' 013
W. :3. (Midland, 10 00
J. Askey,,'.% 00
T. 11. Reynolds, - 100 00
S T.4murrey, 25 Q 0
IV 11. flumes, ..t. 511`no-
It I) Cm - Immo, 50 00
II Barnhart, 5 l)
D. Krapo, 5 00
J. S Awl, 25 00
C. F. Wilv.lo, 5 014
F. IS RI Idle, 10 00
J. 11e1'almout,5 110
Thou. Boas, I 00
I:tlitiorcd Attli,cli on .Nlclloilry
inarrhy and Mu I,na , in (h•' Ci(y
ft( Autintore.
AN( )111 I.
juTiz \ 6E,
1,‘.101:, (IF IltlmPs AT ANNA I'ol
U 0 V 1:k N.ll EN
111 F. (i(V-P‘3lll NAVY 5 AHD TO 11E151,1:NED
VP , 4l(Till; N 7• FORT MO VI: (01,'
WINTCIIIV , TEII, April I —A mnalenger has
maimd hare with a paper signed by euteen
mon of the neighborhood, ■taring that the
bridge at Coeval-Ingo, ease tita Suaq,lebettne.
bee been tailed koleaswn of by ;ix 14andred
men by url•r of Gov. liacks, aityLat a feared
that it okay be burned to night. The appeal
le made f.,r aid to 1111111111 a the people in it. de
Twenty-five moo of Gen Smnll'a regiment
nra stutd. un t6e .ny bode to l`bllodel
his They have made their way from Hal
-1111115711 as they teat eould
Captain Goes he,muetering trte company,
the National blunt% or lb ie place, neeeberini
one blindrel and firl'stoar mem. They will
be ready te start in the muroiaq, The streets
are a scene of bustle. Si sty of the Netunal
Gudrds are staled and equipped, but bare
oe atnesuniti.n.
Iteperta hay• boor received unnfirmiug the
'ovaeion of the Pooneylv•nia Border by
p•rty of men, who hero define w4iin the
l'onowingo Itrtdge
A detachment of the National Guard',
ouinhering MI fire men, with ammunition
eutrithent for two tbnueand rounds. will leave
here early to-morrow morning to defend the
brid,re, They go via th• Baltimore Central
Railroad to Word A collision is wimps
ted. Wtn. 11. Dock, the local editor of the
IVeet Chester Bea. d, 'companies the par
WENT CIIVIRSII. April 22, 2 A M. -Tweet s
eight mem of (len. t:;erall's Brigade arrived
yerterc4 at Oxford, Cheater county, having
walked from Baltimore, and reported that
500 Marylanders were after them, and Ware
on the boundary 15.., Troops (reM West
Chester, and OILIZOOII of Downington and
C and other parte of Cheater and ootinties, went to the point named
, alt met
llsitainstreo, April 21 —A gentleman who
has just arrived here from Baltimore, reparts
that ha left that ally at eight o'clock this
morning, at which time no unusual excite.
inent prevailed there. Ile reached Ashland,
twelve wile. from Baltimore, at tea o'clock,
and remained there until nearly noon. up
to that hoot there was no sound or news to
ind,oste any unusual procnding,s at Baltt-
11•11158t7RO, April 21. Passengers who
left Washington at 4 o'clock this morning.
cached thin tort via the Northern Central
Railroad, at 6 o'clock this evening. They
report that an intense cseitemenf pr ailed
at Baltimore. Promin m
wore wa t ched oftlyom wee ar.
rested Lot subsequently celesta on the is.
iercession of prominent Secessioniets. The
whole city had been tamed into a military
Some ef the carpenters who went to repair
the bridges of the Northern Central Railroad
hove ratumed They report that the design
to repair thin Lae been abandoned for the
lIANIIIIPIWRO, April 21, 10 o'clock, P. 111.—
It is mated by officers of the United Stales
army, who armed tote morning Irons HMO•
more, that the gene of Fort McHenry were
tamed towards Baltimore el ty, but the AP
Slbit bond oet yettottebeeeted:
Ao tear of ibtinettee of R4preeantatha
of Pii . aosylvenia, who merged taraigbt, says
that be saw in Baltimore, on Saturday, en
_parade in the streets, twelve brass field
pieoes. two troops of horse sod a regiment of
infantry. The latter seemed to be tanatposect
el-merobanta' clerics.
A rumor was prevalent in Baltimore this
morning, that the New York Seventh Regi
ment and Alasesohuests Sixth Regiment
reached Annapolis in safety.
yettnixorox, April 21et—Evetting.—.6.
message bee beta received in this city to the
efeeit' that prominent men of the .Border
States have asked fer a. •msatioa of hostili
ties. 'with the view Lowther attempt to com
Nothing new has bikreoeived from Pal•
door*, but it le.genihrty behoved that
5 00
5 0 )
10 00
4 00
5 00,
1. Oit
rOwonire, I.P1Wfl,•11 I , ..rtHomy and the
nits•takon puce.—to what extept is not
Itaportsmt from itarrisburg
The Fu el. mllt 41.10 , 011 , e1411elltlrg al Ilar
ivr'm ferry—Lower Pools ylou,aia Meal
.., cord.
' lIANRI•I3UIta. April 211, Virginia in 000-
dectirgeha her rump,. rupidly nt Harper's
l Fi.rry rive theiontind troop.; air to norm
He there, whi4e supported deetitiation la
Three eilrentl bridgen,hilwretrfhli City
4 \l l / 4,
and Help ore have been torn up or burnt.
The S'S Adipinintrothn is in Potutooit'n
of impi4ent infoi (nation rrlatire to the plane
of the Stieermiaaete in' Virginia and Nfery-
Jand, which oil.v refuse to ooMmunicate,
deeming it. publication at thie lime inoon
'intent with the Jublie welfare.
Fears are me - mtained that the Maryland
sre,will mate witemnnetration at Chambers
bust, and miters hikes been cent to .z :Franlalin
`to collets all the arms in that county bud
prepare to dafamiehasebereburg.
Three hundred regular• are corning,froui
WEN. [KIM ♦NI) fM►r *wound/ now wApu-
y A 111111RIlelia, Antil 20,—General K•irn and
staff, el•owsting ,ot ()esters; SChsefTer, of Lan
ose'er, Cal. Jordon, of Dauphin, and ninjor
of Berta, have been ordered here
from Washington, to fake charge of the
troops at this point, They left Washington
this morning and arrived 10-night, traveling
eighteen mile. fetal Belitroors by carriage
Judge Wilmot soooetrienied thorn.,
They fneind five bridge destroyed nn the
trlwrn Central reed, end were ten 13 , .ure
co the way from Btlticnore, An Intense ea
citernent was pre►ethsg in that city when
Thor lrft.
Shermen's Federal hAtery, able the bat
tery er the ft•adinv, Artillery, ron,,ting nt
four pl•eee, rill re oh here at midnight,
The fo4frreetattrio - e:ointinnies have srri -
eod in addition to those previnnely reported
ZAterree, Pie'tawny (Nerds,
Cleveland Greys, C neinnati Rover.. Pinoin
!no•t% lArviettle queris, I;rl,l'nria 'Klee and
Mansfield (adenoma...rte. Each of theee mu
t am.. gre ~•er 01 2 1 y St tlfi, end many are
In a fine mate et di..^)phoe
Iheat.numa, Ap, —A body of two
thenaand men were thrown forward, by Ahe
midnight tfein, re the first bridge nn the wig
to Baltlrnere which has been destroyed, on
the Northern Central fte,droad Those two
ih , tteand are to be f flowed by three hun
dred regulars from earlisle, end by Sher
man's Bittery of F ying Artillery end ens
trimmed More volunteers on )tg,mday,
The State Admioietrar:nn will mend muni
tions arid simable small howitzers sad field
pieces to Otsalberstord on Tueeday.
R•LTLX 'RI. April 'LI —The city hes been
intenvell excited 11,14 the report that there
10 COO uronpa •t Cosiey"rill• marching to
Weehingtion through Boltimors. The ring
leeder■ in the test riot are Islay at work in.
Baiting the mind" and arousing the passions
of the worst °lase of the Baltiraor• people.
l' lii Qin hirgAra-kno.kurol bin admg . liu• •
The Moat ie reitite fur nitrislng, and threats
are made 61 killing Ligoiiflti office holitere,
and burning out the:Oa/N*4p. The Union
men are preying for'hillp ffroPtien North.
i s
A force of nee Ih o eat maim loot to the
help of the Union ne nd wbd ?Auld over
°owe the polies, Ito bo eglougth to hold
Baltimore sud commitlllAaryland.
rotoo ro AIIIANSAggag.
The Steamer Mory/arutiandod her troops
safely et Ann•Polis .l lls 4 plghte
"The track was Leine ea it Sp en the An
:twills branch to presejt pair 'transporta
tion by th 4 mos.. to Washington
not 7/PAbliniring D.
. .
The steamer Lola- , nurerrived at Balti
more from N,Crfolk tlijeSurtdty) mornitY's
sod books intelligedra ih tllie Federal of-
Goers ware destryytng allege J. O. property
at the Navy yardeemdabat i deld R S. steam
arc sod oilier viiiimio.4.Viair mottled sad
sunk by order ef 6.l9,.43:Croternasosat.
The Navy 1 ard wee to be burned teat
night, if net prevented by the Staiil author.
'now from Weehiog
ts troupe et ' old Pow t
le proceeded to Ni..e
Th• 1; S winter./
tee, landed Onvernm
Comfort, after which a
The Staamor" R. S I
the Empire City of N
Point Comfort op 8
1000 troop,. at Fort U
Pram Cha
Arrival of three fugitt
ry bedr irtwn of
rompl , b —7lu. Relk,
per's Ferry
C1111111ER•HUNG, PA April 21. On the
light of ibe burning the Harper's Ferry
Armor', four men of IW. Jones' command
were on guard and no d satiate* with the
garrieen Lieut. Joiviv(epppoeed that they
were killed, but thin ; a rot oo They were
taken prisoners and h d until yeeteiday af
teronon, when two of ism wiped over the
bridge, and a tbird by witunting the river
anti renal 1 „ ' • • ,•• .. ' ".. P Ferry.
The three ft], , ^ • • •, • a I 'clock
this morning . ',a L I . 'litiOn
of the bal,l4ii (.1 • ',. ' • 1•1•16
thine, rand fill ~ , r, , w -4.• v :4t. , c here
last night, fr . ' .. ~, • adfi• " 1 .40.
There is 'rid • . ci , • , of. iii,.. • •: ‘la.
u t ilir
rylsad sod ir.5i.f...., ..,: :. 4 .;, 1 i1.1.‘,. , t , v u se
the Ideas of warfar e, , ti 4 .
Prom • •
Reports from Chamber rg
..., Attack. A pprd _
en ded— Af t , J oirea Volinfeers ,
ILIIIIIP/11120, Ira ' A—Private *deism'
1 from °ham bersharg eta that the people are
apprehensive of an attiok from the Virgin—
ians concentrating at flarper's Ferry. 1 , A
battery is to be thrown iip to repel invaeitin.
j i
pales They have patrols out to p revent a earprillh•
der oily is a vast a The 'treats are I
',rammed with posple, alm marebiag
to every dirlestiow, *alba deissia it
heard en all sides.
The follow*" P WI ktihip two
I ._ 0.
awned ,Illofl nit Ibicht
ivirtie, I hit, tit whin rr`ll ,, T 110 !nen Eau
Ounrrtr Ctetre r °city i 9; Cehier.s
try. 11(1. Th‘e rrrwH of the Centre ertmiy
iiontotisi ire WWI formed Kiln o 11 . 1 W CliMpithS
do; with 'n (el! rote:
Ortneut. Butner infantry, )4.l;f6in count',
176 nPh.
ellere Ire hlio Eve • er , milnnieß from
Subuylk,ll o , ,unty ; Marion It4lric (3 men
Asfilttod !Wire. 86 ; St Clair Itifiris, 45
Lerrellyn It 11 , 4 , , 56 ; o.lurn Infintry, 79
NE* V . pitc, April 22.—Mayor Alberg,r, to•
Ruffiln, who bedlam' opilthling imam month.
wititAtitkrelatiartti Baltimore, arri'ved heir
re-dav with a namher c‘f other rbntlimen.
whit Mistimed a sans! host there of Fritts,
for $2OO. They report the a:•ndition of Bah.
loner• as fearful. Armed mobs are pars
di g the Ergots compelling all 'manna in
unite With rhea in tint T.C/111(lne against the
North, the Governor and the Unier. The
principal streets are barieaded, and many of
the houses tars hop-!Dies eel to the shut
Mayor A lberger WAS surrounded by a mob
of drunk•n ruffians, at the Euro,' !louse
who endeavor d, by abuoive 'autiage; to
provoke a word in reek), Intending, on d uht
to idtiot bias ou the spat had be afforded (hens
inyo% l text. lie well un•ble. «,'bue T
ter .Iqcnorti, ;Le st,.r•s ) ni s m g Leen en,
tdmi by the ny,b A pronnuent cit.ten, woo
wee known a. I" Doom' man, was Cnotpalloe4
to leave thesitill•t utt tnkurs' notice, with
eight iibiAiren. It woe be4ived that u.
NuLt4erner's hfe he . wt,rtia. ao tr.ur'•
'o.lrobase lore when thy 001% rill wan tut rd
iu the war
The ‘Var Excitement on
the In-crease,
Three Thousand Troops in Harrisburg(
I Sp•Nal ferrese,erhue., the Phila. Dull•tin
A nampuu,alpril 19 - lock. rz
—Without t '&4p:ration, it may be said that
rlarnshurg id fairly wi;,l with excliement.—
The rival reci ;rid by telegraph, this after•
noon , o f th e .tt., Li, mails on volunteers,
while passing through the city of Baltimore.
anyhe subsequent despatch that the Arse
nal„.at harpers Ferry bid been o '•stroyeipy
o u r t r oops in ord"r to prevent In from fa7hng
11,.0 the ?Ands of the em my, brooch' th.• ea.
camera to • pitch that it Is difficult IO sup
pose any (Alice event 111 the history of bur
struggle ran r :reed ; The. teletraph offices
and the orti• - e of an afternoon t.apir was be
sieged by the public, eagerly seeking for
aty additional information that wag to be
obtained, while upon the street• and in the
hotels the :4 I,JeCt Nan diseushed in the most
veh e m e nt manne r . Add to this the stir oc
casioned by each additional arrival of •
hundred or more volunteers with the pierc
rig tones of the fife and the Jarring notes of
the drum, and you can lardy imagilie what
I mean when I say the town is odd with
Atria all this I mutinous talking end
fierce gesticulation, the State tiov.riimeht
came to for a large share of reproach And
as the war of words waif d high, the excited
crowd inquired why, in view of the condi
tom of itiattera and things. the order ea
not given by the Governor to send off the
r omits, and atrengt ben the forces of the
volunteers who have already gone South, in
case of an seat kon the City of IVitsbing
ton. Then there was forced opon them the
conviction of a truth --one w Inch the public
has known all along, but which in the ex•
°serpent of the motnent they forgot, that
with but a few exceptions none of our vol
unteers are armed, and that there are no
arms here with winch to furnish them This
lis a lamentable fact at the present
There are no arms litre. and notwithatand
trig the repeated despatches of the State
Department to the proper authorities, none
have arrived yet. Tins morning the GOler•
nor received a telegraph of to-day from
Pittsburg, (not Milled, Ipina, as the tele
graph of to day makes me say,) that five
thousand stand of arms were on their way ,
but lip to the present hour of writing, notli•
tog had ken heard notice rii Ing I hem
101 ng fo get the latest information, I'
stem), d up to the Executive Dtpartment a
few minutes ago, and was there informed
that a special flegp•lffl had pat been re
ceived stating that WOO .land of arms left
Pittsburg this evening, and would irrive
here to morrow morning at an early hour ;
alsot that a thousand arms would arrive trom
Philadelphia at the seine time. Thin is
good news to the volunteers here, as many
of thein feared that they would be obliged
to leave !patent being suitably armed, de
pending ulion supplies at Washington, and
that then, in' the came of an attack being
made upon theiu at Baltimore, they would
fall easy victims to the violence of a mob.—
Ala soon as these arms aro received, a large
number of troops will be musteigNind
merhately despatched South.
The camp ground to day presented a very
animated appearance. The tents all day
long have been hauled from the arsenal, and
the soldiers have been busily employed in
erecting them, and unmaking beds of straw,.
Stores and woking utentils have bees suip
plied in ;lumber, and camp life Is onlinmen•
ced In earnest. Besides this, a large quan.
tity of provisions are being stored away,
I and every exertion is made to secure the
comfort of the troops.
At 8 o'clock, this evening, the number of
soldiers who are encamped amounted to
about 1750 men, while in the town. quar
tered at the hotels and boarding houses,
there are about a thousand more. Camp
order's, regulating the troops, have been is
sued by F.. C. Williams. Brigadier General
in command, and the strictest enforcement
of the rules is adhered to. No soldier is al.
lowed t. be out of his toot after nine o'clock,
and all lights must be extinguished at the
tap of the drum, Special - hours are set apart
for the admission of..visitors ; but an order
from the Governor actuate me at all hours,
by which means I em enabled to obtain et
ory information:
.Ithrtg. of Boston and
York, toadied old
etay eight, and left
s iron, Hayers Per
arms and Butldtngs
cenireduiy al Har-
Affairs in Baltimore.
nitikeßirTlL,N 131 AN IY6 KITIVIC•it
I have nv otiontd , thaViraattp et;r tin lots
bean tm d rrt honor ni` 'the OtiVel 110 r. a nd
It Wan 111,1 in lee lion l to review the troops thta
nft et noon I.ot as I telegra plied hawnue.m
r wllvel to lave for Phil ~ l elplila, nt noon,
Where 11.-, preveore „un ind. 41,1. net I.le, l'ne'ny,lire review will take
place to-roorro w or daring the early part of
next Beek.
The executive dap trtment is thronged at
ell hoots s mdtvoluals pier king inicririeWS
with the Governor upo. , milit,try matters.
and to Si) great an extent is this carried,
that this non Inc ) waved two Mows at his
icinin before I could obtain an opport iiity to
speak to him, So numerous are the de
spatcliCs received t v bllll to which answerer
are required, that this morning a telegraph
s ire was placid in the (:pm-does office,
so that now mesasles can be transmitted
It is but pmper to 111.1.1 that it is to the
kindness of Thomas A. Scutt, E•q., Vice
President of the Pennsylvania Railroad, that
the Governe% is indebted for this act.
Offers of volunteer companies are made
from evt ry quarter, t the complement re
quired of this S , ate, het now made up,
i!,e Governor r, fused their /4 icee, simply
adviknis to in to neglect no oppertu•nt y
m•tkiri ilonhelres proficient in military
tactic:v. until the time arrives when they
may bc.meded more than ■t present.
An irendeut has come to my notice which
seams to illustrate the patriot inn of the men
of our State. Recently, six brothers, (Some
Wthent married Merl) enrolled tlitirlqelYeB in
the several voliinteer eortipanion recruited in
Harrisburg, for the purpose of marching to,
the defence of the National.l'epital. Before
pn•enug the (anka they had a miniature ta-
hi 71, repre4ellog the brothers on one plate.
a Iii.• 11 they presented to their mother as • '
memento of their love and patriotism
Surely it was of such men that the Rotrifn
Cher proudly exclaimed; "These are my
j sr, "'
'the swaren , e of some of theme volun
leers. an they enter the city. strongly 'peaky
the heart of t ohjeci that has brought
them here They come cloth' dto thn
coarsest fabrics. sod that scantily enough in
rime cases, Under their arms tiß.y carry
a pair of new brOCAIIR antietpiting, as it
were. the deronnd that may he made upon
ti,etr feet in marchtng. hefore they ge'. thr'o,
hill in their Sand, they sling an old leatfiet
I aga',e„ntarn og a change of raiment or an
extPs. ',hill or two. At the .0.44 e of some of
ihrm, atrapped to the:r waists, dangle nld
, swords, which, perhaps, wero wielded by
02eir forefathers to the first great struggle
for .4 merman liberty, while others carry old
enu.kels, of a hairs century ago make, on
t h eir ~bo itW ers, all of them seemingly de
trimmed t o u,.e what meanie have been pro
•id, d them, to the Vest their ability. And
then of the pisto!s, the ft It's revolvers and
other weapons, thrust into 'heir pocket', at
he lest moment, by parents and frientis.- 1 -
ICho can tell
There was a rumor afloat this afternoon.
ihat all the armed troops would leave for
'Washington during the night ; but as yet
is is fomuistien. The tberein 41.0 rag
I know., marched home* camp to there ar
mory, where they supplied themselves with
arms, and then marched back to the camp
ground. I have no doubt, however, but
that on the return o9he Governor, this ru—
mor will be vented.
After I enclosed my telegraphic despatch
es to day several other companies of volun—
teers arrive 1 , some of them armed. Others
have been arriving durini; the night. Fifteen
hudred troops from Ohio, ale telegraphed
as about to arrive at midnight. Between
tlits art 1 morning, there wilt no doubt be a
large accession to the forces already here.
The Slate Capital Band ser.naded a num
ber of public men and all the volunteers, in
torn, last night. The expense was generally
defrayed by Messrs George W. 11. Smith
Robert Randall. Charles I. Goebring, Rich
ard Wildey and Oscar Thorpe.
At a meeting of the German cititena of
this place, held last night a series of reso--
/ 'lions were adoi tad, pledging their fidelity
td the Conviti:ution of the United States.
It 111 with d ills i i y that the nun( of the
d i n, rent companies are obtained as they •r
-' me , ai in mail mos they neglect, report
ing to the prole,. a. 'bonne*, SO that no rec•
ord is to be-hsd, rare by bring on the spot
at the time - en absolute impossibility when
you are somewhere else. I have no doubt,
whatever, hut what with the arrivals I have
already telegraphed,....nagether with those
volunteers on the camp ground, there are
three thousand troops now in this town w•it
tog marching order Appended is a list of
the companies encamped { t ie veining •
John's OMIT • litfantry, Capt.tizat T. M Lap
sky, 84 turn
John,town Zonate Cadets, Captain I. M.
Power 78 men
Independent Infantry, Bloomfield, Captain
11. 0. Woodruff, no linen.
Pittsburg Turner Rifles, Captain Henry
Amliing„ 104 MIMI.
Billefonte Fencibles, Captain J. B. Mitch-
ell. 120 men.
'Tyrone Arc;Beep, Captain James Bell, 40
Wept]. Guaids, Captain W. L. Ned; 75
Juniata Rifles, Captain A. 31cLoyd, 75
State CI Guards, Captain W. B.
Sipe., 62 men.
Wyoming Artillery, CaPtain A. 11. Em
ery. 67 men.
Ewan Voltmleors, Captain Charles li.
Rietitnan, 86 melt.
t•Easten." Captain Samuel ke, 93 men.
Unn Rides, Allentown, C iPtain G. 11
Gond. Tice '
liplhburg Fencibles, Captain F. :I
cier. n.
Re ing Reipera, Captain .1. Id. booler.
89 me . •
Green OWle Light Infantry, Captain T
1:1. Strickler, 42 men.
Charnberithurg Artillery, Captain P B
1j1)11g11111, 54men.
ThZinits Captain T. B
Elder, 35 men.
Cameron Gouda. Captain T. M. Syster,
119 men.
Shawnee Guard'', Captain Thomas Welch.
40 awn.
United States ,Zonavea, Captain thaws"
iliegrist, 74 men.,
Tii journeymen coopers of gases ars
vs a etas for dos mverelosh thus the Ms•
Important Report from Washing'
Difficulties with the Baltimore Authori
ties Arranged.,-
The Railroadsmd .o l p tilir . aph Mum 1.1164,
Nur Yoga, April 22.-ooHeater %TONT
htetee that w oentiamatt, aosuaatall
*ith, the Oorernattent, flays that ha has in—
f.rmetiott from 'Washington that o w
epoodenee hat. been opened with tilde.
more stethetrities, resulting ton ertak—
lag an the part of BalaMore to resole the
rii'rlad bridge!, telegraph lines, sod t? 4O
keep the, eommunwation open for papiAlAgelli!
mail' and despatebea, as well 1. tilt troop,:
(From the Phslerlelphla Bulletin of tip 20th 1 ••
Important llfilltary Milkements.
The linseerhreetile nod NSW X 11 0 .4.011
W.I.Su Ileeeh the lti i
...._ .
Philadelphia has, within 4biast few days
been the theatre of ',important military MM.
ments, The city has a.sunied the appear
ance of the ray which was threatened by an ,
invading army. and where nine-tenths of the
men were hurrying to arms to drive back 40 .
the invaders. Recruiting aed enroiing sow'
going on upon all sides, and there aro
laterally wars and rumors of ware." Me
of the moat mortifying incidents of the week
was the return home of General
Washington Brigade, composed entirely of
Philadelphar troops. This body of men
went from Philadelphia with the Sixth Reg
iment of Masenchu St ts, yesterday morning,
and they came in for a share of the ill treat
ment heaped by the Baltimore Plug Uglier*
.ui n the Bay Ntate volunteere. The Phila
delphians were entirely unarmed, and they
were. of (nurser, unable to contend with
an immense mob of armed ruffians. They
w;re brutary treated, and ()minty edit
to Philadelphia by the authorities of Bail.
ore. 'I hey reached h ome at a hate bout
last night. and proceeded at once to their
rend.rvoisa in the Northern I-Armies, ellaltrle
their arrival creatid the most tritetute•xcite
went. The (.cling of indignation RIO ex.
Lieut. Haines. of Cormurny A. of this is.
Brigade. furnishes some facts ratiktive
to tht-drAgraceful riot. From hta nootouilt
It appear) that the train, ckastatittg of WV.
enteen ears, reached Camden Station. (with
i•t the city Multi; of ilaliimore,) without
encountering any obstacle• It was &WEIS
hall-pikit rleven o'clock when it hiwilted ie
an open Apace
The first care were occupied by the 'rand
MAA,, A cliusetts troops, who at once Carta
barked and formed into line a short dietanoe
from the railroad". A few Aeceesionista tears
spectators and rifpressed their dislike to the
volunteers by throwing middles at the eats
and u,mg objectionable epithets. The a r t
increased tit numbers. and finally ongattilir`
i n a lignite with the Massachusetts Reemeat
which cc oultegJ in the infliction of Winding* -
the parties oared. The New Fughiad ems "
became incensed be,iiituse their flag Will Will
and the mob fired stones arid became violent.
Finally theotroope 'started to march away.
and as they did so the collision occurred.
The cars being left to themselves, an inter.
val of nearly three quarters of an hour
elapsed It was impossible for the inmates
to say why the traiu was not moved, but
the supposition is that the authorities of the
road knew that the track ahead bad beta
torn tip, and did not think it advisable II
proceed All this time the crowd was
ulcer-wog, and it became so bold that an
attar , . we. made upon the cars ; the Inmates
of winch, (with theception of the Massa
' churetts Regiment, y - v had retained their seats,
• Stones, bricks and pistol balls poured late
the frail structures. The window gime
were demolished, and the woodwork heists
to yield For protection the volunteers
threw themselves upon the floor of the oars,
and in many caries secured the doors with
such fastenings as were at hand. There
were no weapons in the party, and no reply
was made to the assault. It was during
:hie unprovoked °Nine that the injuries
were inflicted upon - the persons who has
been reported as wounded. • --
This species of warfare continued until
so offemal ,which our informant believed Is
he the Baltimore Chief of Police, appeared -
upon the scene. Under his instructions the 0
unfortunate 4 volunteers were crowded Inds ,•••• •••
as few cars as possible, the riot in the cleans,
time continuing in all its force.
A roan 111 military clothes, on horse a c
then succeeded in calming the mob, by tell.
ing them that " the volunteens in the cans
were prisoners of war, and ,would immesh ,
ately be scot beck to the North.' '
An soon as,possible a new locomotive J.
attached to the train, and it moved toward*
Philadelphia. At short distances it picket
up volunteers, who, in the melee, had escap!
ed from the cars and walked homeward.— "
Some of the secessionists attached a fiat of,
the Confederate States to the engine, bat it
was taken down almost immediately: and ,
before the cars bad acquired much headway.
The rest of the frit., to Philadelphia was
devoid of interest, except that at Whining:
,40n Oenerviii Small was call;d
repelled to have responded te • brief sPettalk •
GIN. Beartusairr.
General tiltnall give" the following acnounil
of tho 'Bair .
•• One half of the Waabington Brigs' dia, A IL
consisting of six companies of the Fined
Regiment, under Lieut. Col. Berry. and fats'
companies of the Bemnd Regiment:lll4er
Lieut. 001. Seimenlar and Gunman, vaulter.
ed at DePoi. Broad and Pi/lit/0 1 at 100'6N*
on Thursday nigbt, and were ready to pro.
need at once. They were delayed by the
arrival of the Massachusetts Elogimentesed
by an uocident to one of the cars, and did 4 •
not hays the depot until 9b'eloohyssitewll 7 -.J.._
morning. The train was • beitylf ,
ing nearly titres Moulted MOD Ogi el
moved Tory eloirky. At • _ , •
not only* • „no* nada
riliterilaydastest 204 pmts. . •
vie an,leintill"it tt 0,68.410411 5 %. 4
411 ,
- •