Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 04, 1861, Image 5

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-ONTE, APRIL 11, 1861
Tur ‘absence of the editor will account for
the deficiency in our local department this
_# It will be seen that the outside of this
week's paper is dated wrong —it should have
been the I1th instead of the 4th. The mis-
take was not discovered until the outside of
aur edition was worked off. :
ee Oem
ArcApk Amsroryee Roous.—This estab-
Jishment has been closed, but the proprietor
"will epen, in a short time, sky-light ambro-
‘type rooms, and wili then be prepared to
take the largest sized photographs, and pic-
(tures of every size and description in the
3 Heliographic art.
{ {= The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
Ne have just established a reduction” of ‘three
mills per mile on all their freight charges,
in view of the removal of the tonnage tax.
ha During the special session of the U. S.
«Senate, commencing on the 4th and termina-
ting on the 28th of March, about four hun-
¢ dred Presidential nominations were confirm-
Sx 5
An amendment to tae patent laws passed
by Congress, provides that ‘All patents
“hereafter granted shall remain in force IT
. years from the date of issue, and all exten-
_ sion of such patents is hereby prohibited.
—Both branches of the State Legislature
a have agreed upon the 18th of April —next
Thursday a week —as the day for final ad-
—— —
The world has been weighed by Mr. Bai-
~~ ley, president of some astronomical society,
; and found to pull down the neat little a-
mount of six thousand and sixty-two trill-
ions, one hundred and sixty-five thousand
= five hundred and ninety-two billions, two
£ . hundred and eleven thousand millions, four
hundred and eighty—eight thousand, eight
, hundred and cighty-nine tons—more or less.
IN A Quanpaey.—The N, Y. Tribune ad-
mits that Old Abe is in a quandary about
the Forts in the Confederated States. He is
almost as badly off as the poor drunken tat-
- terdemalion who was caught holding on to
a lamp post, soliloquizing thus to himself :
I'm in (hic) a quan (hic) dery—if 1 let go
(hic) I shall tumble down, and ;f1 hold on
§ shall (hic) tear my breeches.” We suggest
that the best thing Lincoln can do is let go,
_ as the least offensive thing he can do.
: Pe
_Purrip Sore Trroar—Cure.—A lady,
says the New York Tribune, who has expe-
rienced the benefit of the following simple
‘remedy, is very anxious that others should
be acquainted with it and its value :
«Alix one gill of strong apple vinegar, one
Ee table spoonful of common salt, and table
La spoonful of drained honey, and a half pod of
; red pepper (or half tea spoonful of ground
{ : pepper,) boil them together to a proper con—
, “ sistency, then pour it into half a pint of
“strong sage tea, In severe cases half a tea
“spoonful every hour for a child; one tea
spoonful for an adult. As the cancer dé-
creases, decrease the frequency of the doses.
Island has pronounced against the Republi-
cans. The Union candidate for Governor is
elected by a large majority, and the Repub-
lican candidates are defeated in both Con.
gressional Districts,
3 The Republicans have elected their State
ticket in Connecticut by soma 1,500 majori-
ty, and carried both branches of the Legis-
lature, but they have log'ggsma members of
“Congress. The Democrats fave 4ained two
~ of the four Congressmen, defeating two very
_ Black Republicans, Ferry and John Weod-
Every member of Congress from New
_England in the last Congress was a Repub-
“Jican. The elections in Connecticut and
Rhode Island have displaced four of them,
and substituted Democrats and Union men
in their stead.
a —
Tre Tarirr. —The following is from the
New York Times, of last week, one of the
leading Republican papers, whose editor is
i _ about to be appointed Consul to Paris :
¢ The recent tarift was enacted under the
most extraordinary circumstances. it was
i brought forward and earnestly pressed at
¢ the first session of the last Congress, and at
' a period of remarkable prosperity in every
& * branch of industry. At no previous time in
the history of the country had the manufac
"turing interest been so successful as from
1850 to 1860. The population of the man-
nfacturing States of Massachusetts, Con-
necticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey and
Pennsylvania had increased in this decade,
1,144,645 against 1,060,346 from 1840 to
1850. The New England States never made
taore money than in the past ten years.—
Their great manufacturing districts never
gained so rapidly in population. The same
may be said of New Jersey and Pennsylva-
nia. The anthacite coal trade of that State
ter 0 from 3,200,000 tons mn 1850,
to gver 8,000,000 tons in 1860, or at the rate
of nearly 200 per cent. !
- No such depression existed in the manu-
facturing interest as to call for gn extraor-
dinary increase of duties. It was a snap
“judgment in favor of a comparatively small
knot lof interested manufacturers: The
countdy at large did not désire it. We nev-
ade such progress in population, wealth
ands ount of production, as from 1850 to
0. % No further duty on the great” mass
importations was needed for protection,
‘none for revenue, unless we reduced the
fies list, and taxed more heavily articles we
‘must have and cannot produce.”
Here is proof positive that the Republi-
cans were false and hypocritical in their
rofessions last fall in favor of a protective
Aarift. | They got what they asked for, and
i ow'the Editors and Orators of the Repub-
: can school admit that it was obtained by
: _ 3|““snap judgment,” was a political blun-
Ed “ dbr without parallel,” and want an extra
“ sdission of Congress called to repeal it. |
3 Tr A 0" . vw aw
, I The New York Supreme Court has
Zecided that a person resident in'that State
“is liable to| be taxed for personal property
“which he olwns or uses in-another State.
Shine hig aby . {
] .
publican Legislature is great on * retrench-
"ment and reform.”’. About a month azo they
voted to raise a flag over the Capitsl, and
ged to make the job cost the State
somewhere between five and ten ‘thousand
dollars —when one hundred and fifty dollars
would have been abundantly sufficient.—
Then they raised the pasters and folders to
Assistant door keepers, and increased their
salaries to correspond with their additional
dignity. Next they sent on a large commit-
tee to Pittsburg; at a'cost of not less than a
thousand dollars, to” invite ** Honest Abe”
to faver ther ‘with his presence. To these
and other little *¢ reforms” they added an
appropriation of thirty thousand dollars for
the relief of « Bleeding Kansas,” (there are
no needy people in Pennsylvania.) And
then, to recover strength after such arduous
labor in spending the public money, they
took for themselves a recess of twelve days,
to go down and bore the President for chances
as the national crib. At the rate of speed
they have been going this winter, it would
take only a few years more to ‘reform’ the
State from the condition of prosperity in
which they found it into bankruptcy, But
then the people last fall clamored for a
¢ change,” and they made a *¢ change,” so
this exceedingly liberal disbursement of the
change of the State must be all right, of
course. And an eminent set of changers
they got into the Legislature. They know
about as well as anybody ought to how to
change money out of one set of hards into
another—and never once out of their own
hands. — Lycoming Gazette.
Nor WerL Baraxcep.—The New Eng-
land States have managed to get possession
of a larger share of the power of the Gov-
ernment than of right belongs to them.—
With a population little greater than that of
Pennsylvania, the New England States have
twelve United States Senators to our two. —
Eleven of her twelve Senators are chairmen
of Senate Committees: There are but’ 21
of these committees ; £o that the three mil-
lions of people in New England have more
chairmen than the remaining 27 milliohs of
people in tke United States. This is the
most ddious seclionalism ever witnessed in
the American Government, and it comes from
those whe have been loudest in reproaching
the South for that quality! New England
with her tremenduous representation in the
Senate, iS now practically controlling the
Government, leading it to suit her peculiar
local interests, withqut regard to those of
the West or South. The Republican major-
ity in the Senate, by their arrangement of
these committees, seem to imagine that
New England is of more importance than
all the rest of the country. There will he
a revolt in the West ere long, against this
New England Senate oligarchy. .
—The New York Commercial, at one time a
staid old Whig journal, but now intensely
Republican, earnestly calls for an extra ses-
sion of Congress to repeal the Morrill ¢ wood
screw’ tariff law. © It hints that if not
repealed, nullification may be resorted to at
the North. Here is the language: *
«The people of the North are undoubted-
ly a law abiding people, and they will obey
much rather than evade or defy the laws.—
But their commerce 1s Lheir first interest, and
if a high scale of import duties is enforced
ai their ports, while importations are admit
ted free or witha comparatively nominal du
ty at the South, there is grave reason to fear
that one of two temptations will b¢ yielded
to—either the law will be evaded, and sys-
tematic smuggling will “be resorted to, or
the laws will be set at defiance.”
Or=r=ez= |
Lerrer rrod GEORGE PEABODY, Esq. —The
Boston Courier publishes a letter from Geo.
Peabody, Esq., {the American banker in
London, in reference to our national crisis,
in which he says :
“The anticipation of a bloody conflict
between the North and the South has al-
ready destroyed confidence in the United
States Goyernment stocks and many of the
State securities, and millions have, within a
few months, been sent home for a market in
consequence,” It is only by concession on
the part of the Northern States, and a com-
promise which would secure the best feelings
of the border States toward the North and
West, that we can reinstate our credit
77 A Washington correspondent of the
Philadelphia Ledger, reports Senator Wade
‘as saying that he "¢“:s sick of politics.” —
Wg should think that any man who swal-
lows the negrd'whole as Wade does, would
be sick,
17~ The Hon John C. Breckinridge arriv-
ed at home, in Kentucky, from Washington,
on Saturday evening, and will address the
Legislature before their adjournment.
7" The city election held at St. Paul,
Minn., onthe 3d inst., went Democratic.—
Columbus, Ohio, for the first time, has also
elected Democratic city officers.
077 Under a recent act of the Hawain
parliament, one of the duties of the -sherift
is to ¢ provide healthy and merchantable
women for the foreign commerce of the port.”
O1r.—There are about 3,000 barrels of oil
a day received at Pittsburg from the numer-
ous wells—the prices ranging from 50 to 70
cents per gallon.
* List of (and Jurors drawn for the April
Term, 1861 :
Snoshoe, James Gilliland ; Bellefonte, I1.
P. Harris and Wm. Wolf ; Milesburg, H. H.
Kinnie and Thomas Brooks: Walker, Wm.
P. Harns; Gregg, David Burrell, Michael
Tibbons, and Daniel Gift ; Harris, Jacob S.
Awl, Daniel Mokel, Daniel Hess, Jonathan
Kreamer, Johu S. Faber, and Geo. Johnson-
baugh ; Houston, John Q. Adams, and A. J.
Thompson ; Half Moon, Caleb Way, Jr.;
Ferguson, Jobn Fortney, and John Shifiler ;
Spring, John'R. Tate; Patton, Jeremiah
Mayes and Jonas Stein; Penn, Samucl
Weiser. - .
-On the 25th ult., by the Rey. W. H. Groh,
Mr. Henry B. Hartswick ‘and Miss Maria
RET NEIDIGH, both of Harris township.
April 1st, 1361 : :
Allard, Susan
‘atherton W. Watson,
Aber, Robert
‘Addison, James
Butler, Jane
Bechdol, Jos,
Conner, Jos.
Campbell, Jacob
Caulfield, Haus
Corl; John
Casey, Bridget
Decker, Adam
Dounlap, Hannah Maria
David, Jos. W-. .
Lmond, Jchp
Ernst, Michael
Forseman, Eliza
Mitchell, John
Neidigh, John
Pannchaker, Dr. S. B.
Roop, Mattie
Roush, G. &H.
Righter, James
Smith, Samuel P.
Stover, Uriah
Fox, Michael
Nazair, Fournie 3
Gill, Susana
@row, George N.
Glenn, S. A.
(Gross & Dunn 2
Harris, R, T.
Hahn, John
Hill, Rev. Louis
Holland, Nicholas
Koch, Sallie M B.
“Keffer, Henry
Lawrence, Jos.
Mease, Geo rge
McKinney, Mrs. J
Mack, Bartle
Miess John M.
Shirk, Harriet
Saylor, Elizabeth
Thomas, Marion
Lurner, Carrie II.
Weaver, Maria
Willets, S. L.
Walter, Charles
Wolles, Franklin
Stewart Irwin.
All person: caliing for letters in the above list
will please say that they aro advertised
> WM. COOK, P. M.
April 1ith, 1861
Ail Abertisements.
(Patani Applied For)" &
This Tie is made ‘entirely of paper, in 100 iff
erent styles, and in perfget imitation of silk ‘and
other fabrics. The price is so low_that a gentle-
man may wear a NEW TIE EVERY DEY, and
yet not be chargable with extravagance, or one
Tie can be worn 3 to 6 days, if necessary to econ-
omize. ae
(Patented Jan. 29, 1861.)
This is doubtless the most perfeet silk Tie ever
invented, and is just what the name implies, a
poi re Relief From all further trouble in tying
An exqiisitely beautiful article—it has only to!
be seen to be admired.
SMITH & BROUWER, Sole Manufacturers, |
No. 36 Warren Street, N.Y. |
—_— =i
ONLY. Country Merchants can order our goods
of ANY WHOLESALE HOUSE with whom they
are dealing. April 11,—5t, ~ |
A UPITORS NOTICE —The Undersign- |
ed, an Auditor appointed by the Court of
Cominon Pleas of Centre county, to distribute the
money in the hands of the Sheriff arising from
the sale of the property of Mark G. Williams,
hereby gives notige to all persons interested, that
he will attond to the duties of his appointment,
at his office, in Bellefonte, on Friday the 10th
day of May next, when and where all persons
having claims, are required to present them, or
be-debarred from coming in for a share of said
fund. S. T. MURRAY,
April I1, 1851—14 4t. Auditor.
Noe is hereby given that 'etters testa-
mentary on the Estate of Mary Kerr. late
of Potter Township, deceased, have been granted
to the subseribers, who request all those indebted
to said Estate to make immediate payment, and
all those having demands against said” Estate, to
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
April, 11,—6t. ALX. KERR.
—The Summer term will open on Wednesday,
April 24th. 1861. Terms—$45 per session of five
April 11, 1881—14 3t
of Administration, de bonns non, on the Fs-
tate of Jacob Stager, late of Walker township,
awe been granted to the undersigned. All per-
sons knowing themselveslindebted to said estate,
will please ¢ me’ forward and make immediate !
payment, and those having claims against it, will |
present them, properly authenticated, for settle
ment, A. C. GEARY. |
Mareh 23, 1861—No. 13—6t. Adm’r. |
= . :
UDITOR’S NOTICE. ~ The undersigned
an Auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court
of Centre county, to make distribution of the bal-
ance in the hands of the Administrator of Fred-
erick Cowher, dec’d, to and among those legally
entitled to receive the same, will attend to the du-
ties of his appointment on the 18th day of April,
1861, at his office, in Bellefonte.
: . © W.J.KEALSH, Aud.
March 28, 1861.—No. 16—4t.
OTICE. ~The following named persons
have filed in the office of the Clerk of the
Court of Quarter Sessions of Centre county, their
petitions for License at the Apeil Sessions next
agreeably to the Act of Assembly of Mareh 28th,
1856, entitled © An Act to’ Regulate the Sale of
Intoxicating Liquors,” &e. :
John Hewes, Tavern,
George Foust, Tavern,
J. D. McGirk, Tavern,
Jno. W. Gardner, Tavern,
Jos. Q. Williams, Tavern,
Potter township,
Potter township,
Rush township.
Howard tow in
Liberty towns
Balser Weber, Store, Howard township
Daniel Kuhns, Tavern, Liberty township,
James Jack, Tavern, Ilarris township,
Tavern, Walker township.
Clerk of Court of Quarter Sessions.
March 28th, 1861. No. 13.—3t. .
Samuel Boyer,
Messrs, Hoffer Brothers,
HE Subscribers have just received a new
and {ull supply of Spring and Summer
(oods, which, for variety, have never been equal-
ed by any establishment in this section of coun
try. Having purchased the stock of goods on
hand of Mr. George Jaekson, they will continue
the business at theold stand,
No. 2, Reynolds's Arcade.
Their stock consists of a zeneral assortment of
Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware, Queensware,
y and Glassware,
including a host ot other articles in their lire, |
among which can be found an extensive and varied
selection of
such as
Ducals, Persian Cloths, Debeiges, Coburgs,
Cashmeres, Delaines, Alpacas,
French Maier, Plaids,
Their gentiemen’s wear consists of a large as-
sortment of Casimeres, Cloths, Satinets, Satin,
Vesting, Tweeds, Hats and Caps
sive assortment of Boots and Shoes for Ladies and
Gentlemen and Children, with almost every other
article that may be necessary to supply the wants
of thecommunity.
The pressure of the morey market having had
the effect of reducing the price of many articles
of merchandise, the undersigned have been ena- |
bled to buy their stock at such rates that they ean
sell goods at prices to'suit the times. And as they
intend to do their best'to please their customers,
both in the quality of goods, and prices, they
hope to receive a reasonable share of patronage.
All in want of goods will please call and examine
their stock.
¥. B.—They will keep constantly on hand, EX-
TRA FLOUR, which they will sell at the lowest
cash price
fg Country produce of all kinds taken in ex-
change for goods.
Bellefonte, March 23, 1861. —1y.
$35, 00
A YS the entire cost for Tuition in the
most popular and successful Commercial
School in the country. “Upward of Twelve Hun-
dred young meu from twenty-eight different States
have been educated for business here within the
past three years, some of whom have been employ-
ed as Book Keepers at salaries of
$2000,00 Per Annum!
Immediately upon graduating, who knew nothing
of accounts when they entered the College.
[%” Ministers sons half price. Students enter
at.any time, and reyiew when they please, with-
out extra, charge. .
.. For catalogue of 86 pages, Specimens of Prof.
Cowley’s Business and Ornamental Penmanship,
and a large Engraving of the College, enclose
twenty-five cents in Postage stamps to the Princi-
’ JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburg, Pa.
March, 21, 1861. +]
Hardware, Saddlery & Coach Ware, Iron,
Steel and Nails, Leather and Shoe. Find-
ings, Groceries, Confectionery, Drugs 4
Medicines, Paints and Wall Pa-
. os per
Red Sole Leather, best, at 23 to 24 cents,
Oak £€ Extra city, at 30 cents
Shoe Pegs, 4 cts. per qt; Nails, 7 per pound;
Best No.-14 Thread, 56 cts. kh
Burning Fluid, 45 to 48 cents per gallon.
Coal Gil, Portland, $1, & best West. 83 pr. gal.
Flaxseed 0il,.85 cts. by the quantity.
Superior Copal Varnish $2 per gal. by quantity.
Nails, best Duncannon, at $3,10 by quantity.
Sugars, goosl Browns, at 6,7 & 8 cts
A& best A. White, at 9 cts.
¢ ~hest Crushed, &e., at 10 cents.
Rio Ciffee, best, at 154 ots. by the quantity. |
Best Syrup Molasses, Penn, at 50 cts. per. gal.!
Dried Apples, at $1,50; Dried Peaches, large |
halves; at $3 to $3,25. + - a
Candies, 15 ets. ;- good Raisins, 9 cts by box.
Dried Figs, 7 cents; Segars, very good German
Sixes at $4 per 1000 in boxes.
March 21; 1861. No. 12. F.J. HOFFMAN.
: 2 ; Lewistown, Pa. |
ses, on FRIDAY, the 19th day of APRIL, 1861 :
situate in the township of Houston,
lands of Clement Be
others, containing forty-five acres more or less, cn
which are ercoted a log Dwelling House, log
Barn; ard other vut-buildings, late the property
of Wm. Dillan. dec’d.
confirmation of the sal
year thereafter, with interest, to be secured by
bond and mortgage
Centre County, the following described Real Es-
tate will be exposed to public sale, on the premi-
ses on the 25th day of March, 1861 :
lowing described Real Estate: A certain lot of
ground in the town of Magizonburg,
ship of Miles, known in the
numbers 21; 22,
in tho township of Miles, bounded by land-of Ja-
cob Hazel. Thomas Gratz. Jacob Royer and oth
ers, containing 117 neres, 19 perches and allow-
ance. All being the interest of Wm. B. Herlacher.
minor child of Elisabeth Herlacher, daughter of
firmation of the sale; the residue in one year
! | thereafter, with interest to be secur«d by bond
and mortgage
ler, beg to say to the people of Boalsburg and vi-
cinity that they will continue the
in its various branches, and will spare no pains to
keep up a fell assortment of everything usually
kept in’ any'country store, and will sell at prices
which we trust will solicit a share at least of your
your Bees Wax, your Feathers, and in ease you
And an exten- | Savo at least from 25 to 30 per cent.
any similar concern in the country. Ourlong con-
Will reopen on Wednesday, the 17th day of |
April. . ok
With the assistance of a successful teacher, I!
hope to be able to afford greater facilitics, than }
heretofore, for the acquisition of a thorough edu- |
cation 2 : :
The terms arelow; and no deduction ‘will be
made for absence, after the opening of the school.
Common Eng. Branches, $4.60
Extra Eng' Branches & Mathematics 5.00
Classics, 6.00
A. M. WHITE, Principal.
March 21, 1861. No. 12. . :
Auditor appointed hy the Court of Gdmman
Pleas of Centre connty, t6 sattie and adjust - the
account of Henry H. Weaver, ‘Assignee of John |
E. Motz, will attend to the duties of his appoint- |
ment at his office, in Bellefonte, on Monday, the !
15th day of April next. J. D. SIHHUGERT,
March 7, 1851. No. 10-4 Auditor.
Anditor appointed by the Orphans’ Court of
Cantre county, to distribute the money in the
hands of Jaries Lingle, Trustee ef Moses Felma-
lce’s Estate,’ to innd among those persons lezal-
ly entitled to receive the same, will attend to the
dutiesof his appointment at his ofice, in Belle-
forte, on Friday, the 5th day of April next
- go. J.D SHUGERT,
March 7, 1861. No. 10-4t.
—The Partnership heretofore existing be-
tween S. S. Seely and J. S. Barnhart, in the jal
li cation of the Democratic Watchman, has been
this day dissolved by mutual consent. Those
knowing themselves indebted to said firm will
please make immediate payment as we are desi-
rous of closing up the business. Persons ceming
to town and desirous of settling their accounts,
will find either one of the firm at the ambrotype
rooms of J. S. Barnhart, in the Arcade building.
S. 8. SEELY,
N. B.— All persons knowing themselves indebt
ed, and who are desirdus of saving costs, will see
the necessity of giving this notice their immediate
attention. S. 8. SEELY.
March 4, I801. it
Agent in every city, town and county in the
United'States and Canada, to sell a new patent
artisle just invented. It requires a capital of
from $1 to®5, and to persons out of employment,
it offers great inducements. For fuli particulars
write immediately, and receive our answer by re-
turn mail. SEABOLDT & CO.
432 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Feb. 28, 1861. 3 mos,
tue of an order of the Orphans C urt of
Centre county, the following described real Es-
tate will be exposed to public sale, on the premi-
Contingent Fee,
A certain messuage tenement and tract of land
kwith, Juo. T Hcover, and
alf the purchase mongy on
TER) | ®
residue in one
ale, and the
Feb. 21,1861. Adm’r of Wm. Dillan, dec’d
tue of an order of the Orphans’
By vir
Court of
All of the one undivided fourth part of the fol-
n the town-
plot of said town, ag
23 and 24, containing one acre,
ALSO. another tract of land situate
more or less.
Wm. Bair j late of Miles township, deed
TERMS :-—One-half the purchase money on con-
N.J. HILLIBISH, Guardian.
Feb. 21,1
he subscribers having taken the Store
formerly occupied ky Messrs Johnston & Kel
All kinds of country prodvce taken at full mar-
ket prices in exchange tor goods. Bring along your
Grain, your Bacon, your Butter, your Eggs your
Rags, your Tallow, your Lard, your Hard Soap,
have nothing of this kind your cask will zever be
refused. JOUN HIBLER & CO,
Can buy your Clothing, for youdselves and your
boys, in every variety and at low cash prices,
by calling at the cheap Clothing Store of
A. Sternkory & Co, in the Diamond,
- where you
All kinds of
Clothing and Furnishing Goods are to be had
at this Store, at the lowest cash prices and
receive well-made Goods Would it
not be much better to
Much valuable time by calling atonce. and te
in your stock of Clothing for the Winter a
this Establishment, where you will certain-
ly get the full value of your
Remember the place—One door above Living-
ston’s ‘Book Store, in the Diamond.
Bellefonte, Noyember 15, 1860.
he subscriber is still at his old stand at
No. 4 Brokerhoff’s Row, on Allegheny street,
where he has just received from the eastern cities,
and is now offering for sale a well selected and
beautiful assortment of
And an excellent assortmént of FANCY
ARTICLES, of all kinds and qualities, SIL-
Notwithstanding the ¢ panic’ his stock is fully
as large-and complete as ever, and as hisgoods are
selected with great care from the manufacturers
of the eastern cities, of the latest styles, he feels
confident of giving satisfaction to all.
His stock consists of fine Gold and Silver open
face and hunter case full jeweled English patent
and detached Lever Watches ;—also Lepines and.|.
Quartiers. Jewelry of every stylé. which can be
found in a good Jéwelty Store, und Fancy articles
of every desepiption.’ © He has alse SPECTA-
CLES, * goo assortment, always on hand, to
suit all ages. Also Pocket Books, Pocket Knives,
Pistols, &e.
[37 Particular attention paid to repairing
asks Watshes and Jewelry at short notice.
Bellefonte, April 7-'59-1y.
OBERT KENDALL, in connection with
Samuel Houser, has eommenced business
anew at the old stand on Spring Creek, under the
firm of Kendall & Houser, where our highest am-
bition will be ta render satisfaction to all whomay
favor us with a lock of wool or otherwise. The
public generally may rely upon obtaining goods of
a superior quality from our wagons, or at the es-
tablishment, as we purpose not to be surpassed by
nection and business transactions at this place
heretofore we trust will be a sufficient guarantee
for the future. You will all please remember
that our wagons will be around in due season to
exchange goods for wool, of which we anticipate a
very generous pile. Cloth, Satinet, Flannels
Blanketing Carpeting,Shawls.Coverlets, Stocking
yarn, and some money always on hand to exchange
for wool and all marketable produse. Rell Card-
ing done well at 6} cents per pound. :
The Senior partner would eml:race this oppor-
tunity and make acknowledments to his numerous
friends and former customers, knows «f no good
yeason why old friends should not meet again in
a coat of the same cloth.
Benner township, March 3-°59-t0.
to do all kinds of repairing at Threshing Ma-
he best articles for its purpdse now in use, will be |
kept cons
Straw and Fodder Cutter.
A mong the many ‘ekcellent Straw and
Fodder Cutters which have recently come
into use, the subscriber’ confidently «ffess Lash’
Patent as, embracing points in its construction
which render it cuperior to all others, It was pat-
ented the 1ith of October, 1859, aud so fully have
the expectations of the Patentee been realized, in
his efforts to get up a cheap. simple and eflicient
inachine, that it has already been adopted by the
largest manuf. turers in many counties in Penn-
sylvania, who have warmly expressed their pref-
erence for it over other machines, and have pur-
chased County Rights. The points in which
Lash’s Patent Straw and Fodder Cutter isclaimed
to be superior to all others, are. first its simplicity,
being free from all complicated cog gearing; see-
ond, that it cuts on a different principle, cutting
down on the knife instead of a cutting bar, thus re-
quiring less powor Lo work it, go much so that i,
may be operated by almost any farmer's hoy
third, the:power which is gained over other ma-
chines by the inerease of speed in a heavy fly-
wheel, thereby greatly relieving the labor of work-
ing it; fourth, the peculiar construction of the ma-
chine, so that by simply sstting a serew tho ma-
chine is enabled to cut the straw any desired
length, from an eighth of an inch upwards. The
importance of this last improvement wi'l berealiz-
ed when it is remembered thit olier machines
can only be regulated to cut hort or long by changs
es of gearing or knives at considerable trouble and
138s of time.
This machine is coustructed with rollers for
crushing fodder as it passes through, and the crank
by which the hand mackine is worked is on the
right hand side, and thus more convenient to the |
We.would also invite particular attention to the
faef that'in this machine the stationary knife can
be taken out and ground when neccessary, and re-
placed in a minute's time by means of set screws,
thus obviating the difficulty in other machines
caused by the cutting bar wearing round on its
edge. From this fact the rotary knives on my
machine may be used four times as long without
grinding as on any cther machine. a great saving
of trouble to thie iarmer, Besides these improve-
ments the machine is in all other respects equal to
the best now manufactured :
., The subscriber having pyrchazed the right for
the County of Centre, pyrposes to manufacture the
wachimes pot Millheim abd Bellefonte, where all
orders will be promptly attended to. Two sizes of
this machine are built. for either hand or horse
power, No. 1 is the small s which cuts equal
ly as fast as any other now in uso No. 2s con-
siderably brouder, which enables it to cut much
Terms h.
Applications for machines may be addressed hy
letter to Sam. M. Swartz, Millheim, Centre Coun-
ty, Pa., purchaser of the Patent.
A small sized working machine can be s-en at
S. HAUPT.dr., & €O.,
TR orRoiaty informs the citizens of |
Centre county, that they have disposed of |
the Foundry and Machine Shopsin Miliheim and |
have leased the Foundry of J. D. Hurris & Co. at!
Jig Spring near Bellefonte. where they are
orepared with material and experienced mechanics
Small size, $25 00, Large size $30 00.—
Clover Hullers and Grain Drills, at the
notice. |
ntly on hand. =
Small jobs of repairing may be waited on by
those coming from a distance, thereby saving the
time and expense of a second trip.
All kinds of Verandas and Fence made. The
hest models of modern taste will be duly consulted, |
and articles will bo made to order in such a ‘style |
of superior elegance as will remove allinducemext
to visit the citi Charges moderate.
August 4, 1859.
“he high and envied celebrity which this
pre-eminent wedicine has acquired for its
rinble efficacy in all the diseases which it pro-
fesses to cure, has rendered the us practice ot
ostentatious pufiling not only unnec ry but un- |
worthy of them. They are known by their fruits;
their good works testify for them, and they thrive
not by the faith of the credulous In all cases cf |
costiveness, sdyspepsia, billious and liver affec- i
tions, piles, rheumatisia, fevers and agues, obsti- |
nate headaches, and all general derangements of |
health, these Pilis have invariably proved a cer-
tain and speedy remedy. A single trial wil place
the Life Pllls beyond the reach vf competition in
thre estimation of every patirnt. © = °
Dr. Moffat’s Phoenix Bitters will be found
equally eflicacious in all ‘Wervous debility, dys-
pepsia, hea he, the sickness incident to females
ia delicate ith and every kind of weaknessor |
the digestive organs. For sale by Dr. W. B. |
MOFFAT, 336 Broadway. and by Medicino Deal-
ors and Druggists generally throughout the eoun-
HE undersigned offers for sale his Farm,
situated in Ferguson township. near the vil-
lage of Pine Grove, containing one hundred and
seventy-four acres, about one hundred and thirty
of which is cleared and in astute of good cultiva-
tion. The farm is pleasantly cituated on the main
road leading from Lewisburg to Spruce Creek, |
and within hailing distance of the village of Pine |
Grove. There is a fine young orchard growing on
the premises, and ean truly be called the best
fara in the County. Any person desirous of pur-
chasing a good farm would do well to cali and
maize an examination before purchasing elie
where. For terms apply to
he subscriber offers for the consideration
of the publio of Bellefonte his Double Ended
Metalic Needle Threader, with the Patent Wor
sted Threader—the greatest labor saving inven-
tion of the day. Mr. Lawrence is preyented from
retailing the article personally, but can be had at
Messrs. Wilson & Brother's Bry Good toro, Lelia
fonts. gf;
= 31-760. | JOSEPH LAWRENCE.
HAUPT, Jr. & CO.. successorssto
8 J.D. Harris & Co., manufacturers of Hun-
sicker's Clover Huller, Threshing Machines, Rich's
Patent Iron Beam, Wortz & Side Hill Plow, Cul-
tivators, Stoves of various kinds, Corn Shellers,
Thimble Boxes, Durke & Rose Water Wheels. ron
Fencing of any size and- weight made ,and fitted
2p to order, also Castings for Rolling Mills and
Furnaces, work invariably warranted &s recom-
Bellefonte, April 26, 1860.
HE Cars on the Bellefonte & Snowshe
Rail Road will resume their regular trips on
ay next, Jan. 21st, 1861. +:
Leave Bellefonte for Snowghoe, daily at 8, A. M.
" ‘+ for Bellefonte, 1P. M
Freight received at the new warehouse and for-
warded daily...
17,188 1-ts.
> Agents wasted in the Count
oo to the residence of Mr. J, G. Sankey
in Gregg Township, about the beginning of
Sept. a Black Steer, white along the belly and in-
side of hind legs. The animal is supposed to ke
about two years old. The owner is requested tc
come forward prove property pay charges aud taks
him away, otherwise ho will be disposed of accoré-
ing to law. .
J. 8. HAUTZ.
_ Noy. 15,1860. 0 = 1 ona
{ast IRON SPINDLES with boxes, can
now be purchased at the Bellefonte Foundry.
They are of four different sizes, as follows, seven,
eight, ten and twelve inches. These spindles can
be either put on old or new wagons and are man-
factured and for sale by
Feb, 15, 1860. S. HAUPT, JR. & CO"
RS. GRAF. US has just received a new
Totof excellent 2hoops. whieh sho yescm-
mends, a Tay : i
Mayl7, 1859
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral.
A) 7.45
Ayer’s Cathartic Pills.
| nancy, as they are sure to bring on Miscar:
- - & om—_— TRE 3 -— - Cir im; t 5 ”
fF a rs wr or oy z
peta aT td TT PRL A = RR pre =
wf =TY 5
Pil l.s.
Are yon sick, feeble, and
cafnpleining? Avo yonontof
perder, 3
ranged. and you
chmfortable?. These symp
toms are often the prelude to
serivus lines. {
sickness in creeping wpnl Fos,
and shouhl be averted a
timely nse of the ri
edy. Take Ayers
cleande out the dis
mors — purify the, bl
let the fluids move -
stigeted in Liealth again,
hey stimulate the functions
of the Lody into vigorous ae
tivity, purify the system from
the obstructions which make
disease. A cold settles somesthers jo the body, and obs
structs ite natural functions. Ti ir not i y
react upon themselves and the surro nEug Organs,
ducing general aggravation, sk ng, and diseaso:
While in this condition, oppressed the derangements,
take Ayer's Lills, and see how di y they restore the
natural action of the system. and with it the buoyant
feeling of health again, What is true and so a i
this trivial and common complaint, is also
of tho deep-seated and dangerous distemper:
purgative effect expols them. Causal by sis
tions and derangements of the natural fur
body, they sre rapidly, and many of them surely,
by the samo means. None who know the virtues of theso
Pills, will neglect to employ them when suffering from
the disorders they cure.
‘Statements from leading physicians in some of tha
principal cities, and from ‘other well known public per-
sons. wr
From a Forwarding Merchant of St. Louis, Fel. 4, 1850,
Dr. Aven: Your Plils are the paragon of all that is
great in medicine. They have cared my little deughter
of ulcerous ores upon her handgand feet that hud prove
incurable for years. Her mother has Leen long griev-
ously afflicted with Llotches and pimples on kev skiy and
in her hair. After our child was cured, she also tried
your Pills, and they have cured her.
As a Family Physic.
From Dr. KE. W. Curtwright, New Orleans,
Your Pills aro the prince of purges. Their excellen
qualities surpass any cathartic we possess, They
mild, but very certain and effectual in their action on ths
bowels, which makes them invaluable to us in the daily
treatment of disease.
Headache,SickHeadache, Foul Stomach.
From Dy. Edward Boyd, Baltimore. ;.>" 1
Dar Bro. Aver: I cannot answer you what complaints
T have cured with your Pills better than to suy all that we
ever treat with a purgative medicine. I place great depen-
dence on au effectual cathartic in my daily contest with
disease, and believing as I do that your Pills afford us the
Licst we kaye, I of course value them highly.
Pirvanvra, Pa, May 7, 1855.
Dr. J.C. Arar. Str: 1 have been repeatedly eured of
the worst Zeudiche any hody enn have by a dose or twa
of your Pills. 1t seems to arise from a foul stomach,
which they cleansa at ones.
Yours with great respect,
Clerk of Steamer Clarion, |
Bilious Disorders — Liver Complaints,
From Dr. Theodore Dell, of New York City.
Not only are your Pilla admirably adupted to their pur- |
poss as an aperient, but T find their beneficinl effects upon
tho Liver very marked indeed. They have in my prac
tice proved mors effectual for the cure of dilious com~
plaints than any ons remedy b can mentic 1 sincerely
rejoices thut wo have at length a purgative 11 is wore
thy the confidence of the profession and the people.
Washington, D. C., 7th ¥eb., 1856, 5
Sir: I havo used y Pills in my general and hospital
practice ever since you mado then, aud cannot hesitate to
say they are the best cathartic employ. Their regu
lating action on the liver is gq and decided, conse-
quently they are an admirable remedy for dernngements
of that organ. Indeed, I have seldom found a case of
bilious disease so obstinate thut it did not'readily yield to
them. Fraternally yours, ALONZO BALL, M.D,
A'nysician of the Marine Hospital,
Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Itelax, Worms,
Bon Dr. J. G. Green, of Chicago,
Your Pills have had a long trial in my practice, and 1
hold then in esteem as one of the best aperieuts I have
4 5 conting
makes them very aceeptable and convenient for the use
of women and chi
Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood.
From Lev. J. V. Hines, Pastor of Advent (wrchy, Boston.
Dr. Aver: T have used your Pills with extraordinary
success in ry family and among thoro I am called toyvisit
in distress, To regulate the organs of digestion” and
purify the blood, they ars the very Lust remedy 1 have
ever known, and I can confidently recommend them to
my friends, Yours, J. V IIIMES.
Winsaw, Wyoming Co, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1855.
DEAR Sir: 1 am using your Catliartic Pills in my prac-
tice. and find them an excellent purgativoe to cleanse the
system and purify the fountains of the Lood,
Constipation, Costiveness, Suppression;
Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Drop=
sy, Paralysis, Fits, etc.
From Dr. J. I’. Vaughn, Montreal, Cunada.
Too much cannot he said of your Pills for the cura of
enstiveness. If others of fraternity have found them
ae efficacious as 1 have, thay should join me in proclaim-
ing it for the bensfit of the nuititudes sho sufler from
that complaint. which, although bad enough fi itself, is
the progenil [ others that are e. 1 believe cos-
fireness to originate in the liver, but your Pills affect that
organ and cure the disease.
From Mrs. E. Stuart, Physician and Midwife, Boston.
1 find one or two large doses of your Pills, taken at the
proper time, arc excellent promotives of the natural secre-
Lion when wholly or partially suppressed, and xls very
effectual to cleanse the stomach and expel worms. They
arc =o much the best physic we have that I recommend
10 oiler to my patients,
From the Rev. Dr. Hawkes, of the Methodist Epis. Church,
Prraskr House, Savannah, Ga B.:
oxoren Sp should be ungrat
your skill has brought me if T did not rep
you, A cold settled in my limbs and brought
ciating neioralyic is, whiclhvended in clon
tism. Notwithetanding1 tixd the best of ph
digease grew worse apd worse, until by the advice of your
excellent agent in Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your
Dilla. Their effects were slow, but sure. By persevering
in the use of them, I am now entirely well,
SENATE CAMBER, Baton Rouge, La., 5 Dac. 1855.
Dr. Aven: I have been entirely cured, by your P
Rheumatic Gout—n painful disesse that had «fflicted ms
AF Most of the Pills in market contain Mercury,
which, although a valuable remedy in skilful hands, is
dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful conse-
quences that frequently follow its incautions nse. Thaso
contain no mercury or niineral substance whatever.
Price, 35 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1.
Prepared by Dr. J. ©. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass,
Sold by J. Harris & Co., Bellefonte, C . Ry-
man, Milesburg, R. D. Cummings, Port Matilda,
J. H. Heter & co., Boalsburg, and by one dealer
in every village in the courty. 2
Prepared from a prescription af Sw’ James
Glarke, M. D.. Physician Extraor-
. dinary tq the Queen.
This invaluable 1ddeine is unfailing in the cure
of all those painful and’ dangerous diseases to which
the female constitution is subject. It moderate
all excess and removes all obstructions, and a
speedy cure may he relied on.
it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time
bring on tha monthly v 1 with regularity.
Each battle, price ONE DOLLAR, bears the Gov
ernment Stamp of Great Britain. Beware of coun
These pills should not be taken by femalssda
reng the FIRST THREE MONTHS of Prig
but at any other time they are safe.
Tu all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections’
Pain in the Back and Limbs, IMatigne on .&light
exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Iysteries and
Whites, these ills will effect n gure when all other
means have ‘uiled, and althougk a powerful rem-
edy, do not contain ire, cziomel, antimony, or
anything hurtful 'to the ‘constitution. 2
Full directions in. the pamphlet around each
package, which steuld be carefully preserved.
Sole Agent for the United States and Canada,
; ; JOB MOSES, _
(Late I. C Baldwin & Co.,)
Rochester, N.Y.
H. B.—$1.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to
any authorized Agent, will insure a, bottle, con-
ing 58 Pills, by return mail
For sale by F. P GREEN.
July 5-59. Agent for Bellefonte
espectfully informs the citizens of Belle
fonte and vicinity that he'hag opened a new
cheap cash Se
on’ Bishap street, 6ne Goor west of the dwelling
owned by George Lonberger, which he intends
selling from thirty to fifty per cent. cheapar than
the cheapest. Please give him a call before pur:
chasing elsewhere and find out the above fact.
Grain of all kinds taken in exchange fur wares.
January 3, 1861.
rent in
\ UIE Woe,
ATI pyspefl,
To the Citizens of New Jersey & Ponucyly
Wolfe's Pure Cognne Brandy,
Welfe's Pare Maderia, Sherry nnd ¥
Wine. :
“Welf:’s Pure Jamnica md #1,
s%fglfe’s Pave Ycoteh nn
I Leg leave tn cal
of the United Stat fries
quors, imported by U lelpho Wolfe, of New Us
| whose name is familiar iu every part of this on
try for the purity of his celebrated Sehied
Schnapps Mr. Wolfe, in his letter tv me, gps
ing of the purity of his Wines and Liquors, say
© L will stake my reputation as a man. my stand
i a merchant of thirty years residence in
w York, that all the Brandy and Wi
3 o as imported, ‘and of the
' irhoried
6 relied upon Ly evetd
‘hotiie his tiie peaprietor’d
on the certificate. Lhe publie,nre respectfully in-
| vited to eall and nine for themgelyes, For
ale at Retail by all the Apothecaried ‘apd Gro-
8 in Philade phia. roan
wie 1. Asnrov, No. 332 Market st., Phia
So'e Agent for Philadelphia.
Read the following from the New York Courier:
Exoryovs Brsivess ror ovr New Yous M
crANT.—We are happy to inform our fellow-citi
zens t there is one place in our city where the
physician, apothecary. nud country merchant, ean
go and purchase pure Wines and Liquors. ag pure
as imported, ana_ of the heat ‘cuality. We do rol
intend to give ‘an’elpboraté deseription of this mer
ehant’ tensive business. although it wiil repny
nger or citizen to visit Udolpho Wolf's ex
ouse, Nos 20 and 22, Beaver
1. Marketfield sticet
lis stock of Schnapps on Land ready for shipmen
could not haye been lest tEan thirty thousand casi
es; the Brandy, & tén thousand eases
ages of 1836 tc
| purcinser.
| vame on the wag, aiid a fac similcaf hiss:
skes { St. Croix Rum, some 3
nd equal to any in thiscountry He plso |
ree larga cellars filled with Brandy, Wine, &c..
1 ed inder Custom-House key, ready for bo:
tling. Mr. Wolf's sales of Schnapps last yes
amounted to one hund and eighty thousand do.
en, and wg hope in less than two years he may he
equally su
| lis bu the patronage of every love
j of his spe ite families who wish pu:
| Wines ena, Liguorg, for medical use should sen
Mr. W
r. Wolf. until every Apoth
ecary' jn the land v eu} their minds to disenrc
| the poisonous stuff fron their shelves, and replaces
it with Wolf's pure Wines and Liguoza. .
We understand Mr. Wolf. for the aceommods-
tion of small dealers in the country, puts up ps
sorted cases, of Wines and Liqums. .Sugh a mwa:
| and such a merchant, should be su; tained agains
| his tens of thousands of opponents in the Uni
| States. who sell nothing but imitations, rninou
| alike to human health and happiness. i
| For sale atthe Drug Stores of F. P (ireen, gu
| John Harris & Co.. Bellefonte, }a.
| September 20, 1360.— 6m.
i City Branch of Reizenstein Brothers, 124 Nort!
Third Street, Philadel) hia. :
J a undersigned respectfully announce t
the inhabitants of Centre County aud (}
{ public in general, that they have opened at t} «
| above ‘mn d place, the most extensive and be
| selected
ods that has eve:
rand whieh thes
30 per cent. chenper then ths nhapes:
embraces a fuli and completa coco:
2 Black Cloth Dress and Frock Cont,
Cassimere Business Coats; Satinet, Tweed, Jean.
Farmers’ and Mechanics’, Cassimere, Froek
| Sack Coats, Pea Jackets. &e.. &e.
ts of five Cloth, President and Moscow
Seal and Lion skin, Union Cassimeres
ribbed and plain.
Pantaloons of fine Cassimere and Doeskin, black,
silk-mixed, and other fancy colors, of the I.
styles, as well as Satinet and Union Cassimere:
Pants of strong and subs'antial stuff, for the Lu
borer, Farmer and Meghauic.
An endless variety of Vests, such as aatin, sill
and si
Mattale £ ere, Cloth, Sating ets. ..
A general agsortugent of Boys and $ouths’ Cloth
ng and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Hata
| Caps, Undershirts and drawers. Knit Jackets, fin:
white and faney-bosom Shirts, collwrs, neckties.
handkerchiefs, stocks aud eravats, stocks sr!
gloves, trunks, valises, earpet bags, umbrollas, « nd
in short everything usually found in a well as¢or:-
ed store of this kind. We also keep a fine assori
ment.of Fancy goods and notions. such as Pocke:
books. porte-monnaier, pock i 7,
combs and brushes. watch ck 3,
finger-rings ‘und. breagtping, (yiolin’ and guit
strings, pistols and revolvers, eaps, spectacle
glas and a great many other fancy and vs
5, too numerous to describe all of which w
will sell at the lowest cash prices.
We invito every person in need of Clothing o
any other of the above-mentioned articles, to favor
us witha call and view our Goods and Pai
and we are confident that we can give satisfaetio:
and every person shall feel inclined to tell bie
friends where Goods and Cheap Clothing ean be
got. We are constantly receiving accessions tu our
stock from Reizenstein Bros.. Philad’a. with when
we are connected, and Il always We supplic
with a good variety of .rticlos in our line, which
will surpass in styfe, workmaustiip, and chicep
ness, those of any other establishment in this pat
of the cotntry. ? :
ave just opened, in the store room on tie
North West corner of the Diamond in Belle
fonte, formerly occupied by Wilson Brothers, their
largo and splendid assortment of Shell iInrdwoyo.
House Trimmings of every description.
OCKET and Table Cutlery ¢f criry va
riety and pri 3
the best may ty -
IFLES, Pistcls, Shot Guns. and Locks of
every descripticnand the best quality.
ORTICE and Rima Locks and Latche:
— eg it opm
Mill and Circular Saws «
of different kinds,
! Large and Small Pad Locka.
AND, Back, Grafting and Pannel Saw
.. Broad, Hand, and Chopping; Axes. : «
Turon Cleavers : and Chopner:
Drawing Knives, ITatchets, Chisels & Adz
AY, Manure a..4. Spading Forks, Ed.
Tools of every desirable ariety.
ment and 50 percent.lower than any place a! «
ARRIAGE Makers’ Trimmings, Carpe:
ters’ Tools which ean not be surpassed.
1CES, Anvils, Drills, Screy Plates, File:
Rasps, Pipo Skein, and Wagon Boxes.
grees Springs, fron Axclirees, Bene Fu
lows, Hames. &o.
PARTS, Oils, Glass and Patty, Coal ©
and Lamps, Varnish, Finid, &e. :
IL CLOTHS, Patent Leather, Rope, ar
Wire of overy size in nhundanco. .
HOEMAKERS’ Tools, and all other kin.
of Goods us i ¢ i
8 gs agally kept in a well vegulat
Their stock is an entirely new one, eomprisi-
all the leading articles connected with the Jar
ware trade, and their ‘facilities for purchusi
goods not being. exoelled by any other estab.
ment, they here declare themselves able to »
from fifey to gne hundred per eccut. lower than 5
other. eafahlishnient in fhe country, ‘and io
Farmers, Mechanics, and all others in mead
Hardyare, to call and satisfy themselves of :
trgth of the assettion. ?
Beliefonte, July 12, 1860. —1y
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla.
ched Velvets, ‘Grenadine, Valeneiu, -
GaviLens Hardware—a gencéral assor