,. Jones eured me'of bruniumALIE Ana AACHiOR 01 Yao mewis wilcr 1 MAU ITU LUO PUySICIANS OI LA1iAUCIPiiad BUU LUiSpo, id ¥ see ommend him to the afflicted. we ge £5 yi Mrs. M. DAWSON, Germantown, ia. D+: Jones. inserted an eye. forme which moves apd appears natural, and gives me no pain or incovenience. al ? ALEXANDER STEWART, Altoona, Blair county, Pa. I Dg. Jones, operated on my: sight eyes which was badly disfigured. He has renderad the sight and appearance both natural. an, ¥ : JAMES KACY, Altoona; Blair county, Pa. ~ Ihave been afflicted and suffered. more. than a hundred deaths, with diseases that two-thirds of the ladies are afflicted with. I bad given up doc- toring, and was pronounced incurable ; and bearing of and seeing so,many wanderful cures which his skillful gentleman had performed, I was in- duced to cerafully read his circular on both sides. I became convinced that he must be a physician of extraordinary attainments. T went to bis office. found bis diplomas there suspended, and everything as stated on his circular. I resolved to try Dr. Jones, anyhow—though my friends tried to dissuade me. ¢ {He appeared ta ba high in his charges, but{ took treatment for six weeks... He is the cheapest and the best doctor that I have . aver met, for.he has so perfectly. cured me that I am a new woman. : I had spent $7C0 with other doctors who did not cure me. I consider that a” whats Dr. Jones cannot.cure, can’t be cured. Rev. Mrs. S. STILLMAN, .Duncanonsyiile, Pa. ., Dr. Jones cured me, of rheumatism and deafness of 12 years standing, after I had been pronounced incarable by the head doctor in the State. . hardy i ARCHBY BALDWIN, Altoona, Blair county, Pa. i I wae disfigured with hair lip and cross eye from my youth. Dr..Jones, in. July last, operated for both —straightening my eyes and removing ., the deformity of my lip. I shall.ever remember bim with gratitude. HENRY BRYMIEL, No. 21, Atwood St; Phil’a, . Dr. Jones cured me of amaurosis cf ten years gtznding—I was entirelv blind, and ho has enabied me to see and read. Bale JAMES WHARTON, Montgamery county, Pa. AND DISEASES GF THE TS URE ATE SARTRE AS Chief Physician & Surgeon toJones’ Ear & Eye Institution, 137-4th Ave, NX. Has been persuaded t¢ make a professional visit to some of the principal cities in the United States, thereby to brine Lis skill within the reach of thousands who could not avail themselves of it in New York. (His place in New York will be temporarily filled by his Uncle, Dr. W. S. Jones.) The success of Dr. Johannes Jones, both in the Surgical aud medical treatment ‘of the Eye and Ear wherever he has practiced, has been hailed with joy. The press has recorded many of his skillful operations, reminding the people that they cannot always have Dr. Jones with them. and net to delay if they need his services. Dr. Jones will practice : At the Conrad House, Bellefonte, Pa., on the 15th and remain until the | ; the 21st of April. Dr. Jones has had a thorough Medical Education in buth America and Europe, anu is considered, by those who know him best, to be the most scientific and successful Gculist and Aurist in the world. He is a graduate of the Old and New School Medical Colleges, and of an Eye and Ear College. His Diplomas and Documents hang in his Office. Dr. J. is prepared off hand to perform any operation that can be performed in any country on the globe—but he cures by gentle and nuld remedies most of the complaints for which others use the knife. : . HE INSERTS ARTIFICIAL EYES WITHOUT PAIN, TO MOVE AND APPEAR AS THE NATURAL'EYE, He has hundreds with him, and is prepared to suit all cases. He introduces artificial ear drums where the natural drum is perforated or destroyed. Discharges from the ear and noise in the head—no matter what the cause may have been, or of how long standing—his remedies do not fail to cure. Catarrhal affections and diseases of the throat he cures successiuily. He applies electricity in many cases as.an adjuvant, and his instruments for the application of this agent, and for examining the eye and ear, enable him to detect with accuracy the most obscure diseases, as well as to cure the same. Besides having twice the usual advantages in everything that pertains to the science of Medicine, he does not look upon any one as a RIVAL, much less as an EQUAL, in curing diseases of the Ear and Eye. He has had tht advantage of every civilized country to per= fect himself in Opthalmic and: Aural surgery ; he has devoted his life and fortune to the eye and ear. Dr. JONES’s treatment is of a specific nature, and neither debilitating nor painful, and so far in advance of the science of the age, that he views the painful and severe remedies commonly used, as.both dangerous and barbarous in the extreme. He performs all kinds of operations without pain, cross eyes made straight without the least danger in two minutes; cata- racts operated for, specks and tumors removed, and everything pertaining to the cye and ear treated and operated for, in the most skillful manner.—Western.oppt/ Imia or inflamed eyes peculiar to the prararies of the West, Dr. J. cures with mild and pleasant: remedies heretofore unknown. nda ~The English Magnifying Ear Lamp and French Opthalmoscope, WITH POWERFUL AMERICAN LENSES, enable Professor Jones to detect by night or day, the most deep-seated diseases of the EYE and Ear, with a degree of certainty that years of experience cannot accomplish without them. Dr. Jones has a case of 500 different kinds of medicines with him, comprising the best from every part of the world, with which he cures nearly all of the OLD STANDING (chranic) diseases that afflict both sexes and persons of every age, without any inconvenience or neglect of business. + CROSS EYES MADE STRAIGHT AND NATURAL. This operation can be performed in all cases without fail, and Prof. Jones guarantees to do it success{ully in old or young. Strabismus disfigures the person so afflicted very much, and it also renders the eye practically of no use. The operation re- stores sight and removes the disfiguratlon. . An operation on one eye does not affect - the. other—if any Doctor tells you go yom can with safety impute the assertion to his ignorance. Dr. J. operates for enlarged tonsils, and has instruments of an improved kind for thal express. purpose ; also— Artificial Pupil, . Ptosis, Pterygium,Naevi, (or mother’s mark), Encanthus, Facanthus, Tumors in or.about the Eye and Ear, Cancers of nose and: face, and is prepared also for all kinds of Plastic ope- rations, Watery Eye and Fistula Lachrymalis, Dr. J. treats’ with success, and is also - prepared to introduce gold or silver tubes where it is necessary. : Prof. Jones’ Instruments are superior to those of any Surgeon in the U. S., and are in. ‘keeping with the mechanism and science of the age and give lim a decided advantage in all difficult operations, over other good Surgeons, not ene in a thousand of whom possess, such a useful, modern and magnificent case of costly Surgical Teols. SPECTACLES —with brilliant clear and beautiful lenses cut from Scotch and Brazilian pebbels Australian and California - briliants—to correct those conditions of imperfect vision that medical or Surgical skill can not reach ; and for near andiar sighted persons as well as those whose eyes have become flatened. by age. Half the advantage of spectacles is lost by not having those that are adapted to your eyes. - 1t is therefore most desirable to have your Spectacles or pebbels selected by a Scientific Oculist and Optician like Dr. Jones. ‘ Price of spectacles three dollars, and upward. : His prices for medical treatment or Surgical and other operations are from $5 to $500, in the great majority of cases, hig prices are from $15 to $40. His terms are cash, {Z KIND READER—Time will be well employed in perusing both sides of this Circular, and you may do much good by sending it to any afflicted person you may know. 5 . Permanent address--- JOHANNES A. JONES M. D. + P.8. TESTIMONIALS, &., ON THE OPPOSITE PAGE. ® Dr. Jones will be at the Conrad House, Bellefonte, from (he 15th till 2st of A Jones’ Eye and Ear Institution, at 137-4th Avenue, N.Y. be pri