EOSTETTER'S ' EA/ 3 43TA)11.X. OF SI'UMACIf gmrEßt VfatiotitiM Its plat beet' litow,ed full Or FAII, AND erer3, In. ni- H which for beauty and Va . ,••••t• io ilia i„, n a roily boo never been age:Merl by any. establish rr di.tiir hiture of the hodUave•fatnetiona , but. moot in Una elootlna of country ult the aid of a good for mon he (4430.1)14, ..r plain cotsinion eenor, (het dui. In, o.li' ai to low rrire,, Is the role nt Wits , ins, nod if vh 141 ii,,,,, t in ett t hove it .leeiro to loot On% (I,:t 0.11 untilpa/u r r.l, in li , ll thin 'lron, llleir shieh, an you will 4111 teetintony to le '•i'vt illru(. " '" I " tii I" I"' -11 eery "TY fn ti heir stork ensirts of a gon ral assorttnent of t... oleo a lt ono, notitrat tlnti 61 . y Grore, ics, !lard:mire, Queens /1i nt.lb. 'le ‘4llll 1,111 1.1111/ G 1,13,11"(1 I f II • r pv.11,0, 110 ,1, 80 focluding host of other artieles in their line, Ti, 1 PITH' ion Len among which Ali be fours( an extensive and varied I. 0,. I, VIWIi 1 1 / 44: '.hJV. 1111211i1Ille, bill nlie ~,,, It t'IUI his loo.n trued I. r test,. giving sullenly- D TE'S' DI?I , ,'SS GOODS, iilo.ll 1./ 4111 OW Lnr e-rd n. The flitter% i opegli le poweshillt npotr the •ciolnach, Loweist, such Per(tqn Cloth, Deheige, Co na ond liver, restyling them to healthy and bat C'ashmeres. Dela:nes, vigorimi action, nod thus, by the simply tiro 41paraq,French Mer -1 or strengthening 'sutre, enabler the sys tnoes Plaedg, 1...1 to II itimpti ()ter disease. tirc• l'u, the .pepsin, Indigestion, Nan- • • Th eir fientlernena' wear consists or o large an i •ic of .1p petite, or any Bilious irtnient of Canenneres Cloths Sattinetw, 'Satin, 'sing honk it morbid inaction Zoning. Tweeds, Ilan! and Caps .4 /MI/ stornooli or Rowell, producing Crahips, kfl 1/I(lollBl,e,varioty of 111•eila h !Shoes, It) vowel), Colic, Cholera Mortitio, , these fur Ladies, Illnitienion and Chilliteea, with Minor tirletn 1110 e DO equal ('every ether article that luny bd villicesnory to dur I tinrrlioc.i,,il, sent cry or flu v, co generally con- ply the wants of 2h ib e e e i 4 , 7 o, Te u v ni n t l Y nrket having had Ivied new , ethers, null caused prineipnlly nrP . r t 7 . e r e n ' e l tetc the p -.„ of „r 1,, the elinligu 01 %Mel and ilit•t, IspeCillly /11741 11141140, the onslersigned him, been enabled I.v/titled by ti two of tins preparation, to buy their stock at nigh rates (lout they Cali sell jiy,peratn. a disease which is probably more good, nt pricey to suit the time. And having In rill eurinou forms,l an t - any ,lertuttfore endeavored to please (heir eustemers, ..f h, r, 1101 the tame of II 'licit !nay always both in Itr nunlily of goods and the inn... at attributed to derangement• of the digestive whteli they sold 'ht m 'bey can lie cured without foil by ti•ing x " . ' tli g i e their stock of cheep IttI"FERS, as per 'II plea xll and d,metiona on the bottle Foil this disease everylo4.,,„„lry proucenil Lod, token in en• oteinn will ifTOlllllll//111 1/11 IVI /1 Of SOllle kind; f , o wools hen why not use tin :nitric knot n to Is , infal- oil. No, 2, IHLR v 11110' All not lone base tin ir linters, no mite ol dinyos,• 111111 ' 4 /lengthener of the t• • 4- tit in genet al, runt among thorn nll there is nut to he (mina 11. 111411 . l healthy people than rho itsruitins. ti 0111 IN :01111 1 1118 preparation Mila n iled, bostsl upon s, n •nt ifie e‘ pet intents which Lary tended to pr, • c the value of this great ',potation In 1l„• ill motif n 1 seit•rice l'r.i Lit A it/ AG( by ing and provok ing iltilniSe. 11111,11 tiZ to Its lelentlens glai..p on the hotly of um', educing Lira ton mete slut iime_maLatiort. time, and ren4l.l.lvg lam Thy . .11) Old mentally useless, con be di liven .1.411 the tinily by the nee or 111 .1( F.NOWNED 141 . 1"11:1:S, nirilwr, nuns of the 1 60%11 81 11/0•11 hr - tourti acted, even A eap0,...1. If the Nile" , are used • , per- turret(lollo A oil 11'1 Ihr 111/I(iler ercnta 0tr,•,..1 Ihe poi oe. owl route' any ILnIITI of 11101 el uurnupnuu • f 101 l plounor •0111141 , (cep t I lo•shlty digest 1011. Ihe rmophulll is re on nure.l.l, its ri #ll o lrlelit vi 1111 the ND, or a I 31141 1/ 4/ 1 . 11111411“11 out e. Pw. 1,.•• • Y ear s Int are votl, (tool /141 -ut.rLlrd tonetrtnuoll and t, firth le.hl, li. .1 , 141 1 VI, :1r Intallial.lt• is ii Worm ive nt •u ength nun l igor, :Ifni need ..aly it ,csi to br tipl it eclat/id. And to I Wilber IN Inle these Ii iilerr hue nulls ' c•pectall y !tete the 1110 liter a notir .lioirrt n, luelenpu.tle 10 the of the Grid conotuptvo , • ber strength m utt • tel he, it lo ahem a good how% rnr h as / 1441 1.1 ler S SlOOlll4/11 1:11 11/1 , , Is needed 141 iinprirt v strength and ilii• 1.•31.1011. sboilltl lit nil I ,cuts by tl.rr lemeily try nfl ,:tarr of if...hails, kit I, )u•bire s o doing, atiould a•k their ;I,\ si.l in who, if' to vioasnleil with the tirrin. / I Ili, liillei•. will I • bet, sir 111 all 14410 111 CAUTION.- Wu ratill,llll.e 4,111. rung any of WM ninny 1111111.10 0 1, 0r its, tint ask 110ITI! ~ rft 11.011101 D :TOllll II I:irises, I t it •ed roe that tali Wilk !ma the wiitaa :•tlr. Roittetter's Fun., h Boons" blown on the Ale of Ilia 6011,, 11.11.1 'tamped on ihn tortaplo cap covering the cork. and 01,...,0 thu our autograph signature la on till. IsLel. 4: Prepared And sold by lloElTyrrraut & SMITH. Pittsburgh. Pa.., and .014.1 by all druggists. grocers, ant deelmra generally throughout the United States,rantula, South Amoriesa. and Germany rer m i. I,y r I ri rtlfln end I .1 II a,ri. Nenry 11,361. r•hilrg " illrnm wnlf l'erom II tii , e-lober 27 I- I LOGAN FOUNDRY -1111: I I) I It I(; N le4lre I 111 V. 1.4) , ; iI'YUKI 111 th. likiewagii ..1 :•An, I,Materll.l. Liodryi6r , r Ifi., 414 alol ithiln• general ,b‘l 11,•, , are Jr. . to. rr•l ••In A It, I I • Ae, • Not,„ » , 1 111 •• AOll e nthe r 1.10.1 .1 rlttnt PO I il•s !... ll),ikn,a lArge wart• 'y clu\(~' 4118.1tn6 the 11ert, Ph.‘• the ller'? fthprwed 3,1 er,er.al nth«, .11 the ul.l 01,1 r• an I at ihe midooh or I.r..in pl itr tntea 1"r tr,ele et eat ki“lt4 Mr tly.. being A prat w•,.1.1,• w...rlowiri fl ,rte, him -•I( 01 it hi WI • rin entire I lonv tOll a tun , . 011 haul - CM) K. t.% rill VS, •Ittattle i tr either Co al ttr wattll they wall .91 on rn,,, 114 10. 11.r11111 at, , or.lang lit MI, dtyle, +lon 111110 pastellll . 1 1 4111 .144 ...pi other c u lt ) 111 , 100, Ca rettatenti mane "I hey nntattl all talent ~,,, no at p Wiern•of 4'0.11 ',tie, •tattlu latently ele to iron, nltell they nrrrime tualtind end for nee.ne.e 4.1 .1110 y ...sr caJt e 5 1 el led —They hove *I., on •ir.• n( wed end •101,411 Ig.lll 0 1 11 1 11 kerta les, Brie* •ni hoe whorl. A • • Thetty .r' allot prttiorrt d to to thy Irrttti I Ailtrtg any tin I dr. iipn.,,, it..., %%at, r and Hl.. e r' yre of rr . v , r v go /, I 11,111 Imre lop ..Ira q witr, ran; tlettro• All • rd.,. from n ,‘,11pr•„I, 0, 1.111 twi to h• ber,•l ,fk., n.. 41 oh. r by nrr nod el op !/101 N/1.1 It 11 , .VVIR. the levimg catalllielimn an in, tin, . truly Stellef ou+o, 411,;itrt I 1'1)9 CENTRE AND CLEARFIELD HOTEL THE 8,0,../ . IIIIIT I.lkI•• 1111,411, ticcoriu log his frt«.1•111 Ihu h«renceol It, «Icarge ..r Ow allot,' well cl i.e.ccc Ind rc• :MI it,,, , IP folly preicarel t., ,t ceice I cic• I el«. re« fleet trtm Itrilit - thter lerrenerge titer a rA will be r,eo,lwhattvtlr the Markel c.e cal .r.I ahcl 11.111 with Ihe I/0111 I,,,tqw.re As t« well he... Le „ provided with iciterreme ST \ESL, Vci .c.I .• /1.• . .otruit . rol tin ea heretofore, the larg. , wylglO//111g ellP•11/. n Ilia( COMP'S recta the adj cluing «octet ICS el llnul ulKJon, Conl re Cle %algid and Cambria 1114 111)1'8Etw•oon,fort trb•a anti reentp, and hit c barges re «1., tte Th•nktil for p orit from tvin (10 ablio, be will be plvoce.l to take hi, of I (rondo Iy the brodeegem ?4o• I. L,'18611 SNOW SHOE. Tribe uderetgced linvitg pet open -144 .... ed.slargc Rod fretb et.it of . 44 prty GOODS GROCERIES, eta., ~ at the terminus of the Rah finite 1 Sn..w -• §MICMI Rail Kea& invite the citizens of the ri eurrtrundinitiountry tn mill and essmine their soak rbey ere determined to aell Cheaper than the cheapest, and &loop bum. 0 •full stook of everything In their lime of v beef ueu JOS D. HARRIS & CO r• December 15, 1559 0.4 3 4 0 Varagoolo ' OISIAINIct .118111 w it - . gaLOA - 0T KL, OrPoRITS W BRANCH HAWK WILLIAMiIif•ORT LA UM:ltteSilMfM= N. 11.--An Onanlbua will run to and from the repot and Paekot Loadings, to title Hotel. free of charge. fItAl. 3-37-lf f. -- J. T. BIAINHALL, WORT= AND DEALER IN FINE DIUJGS AND CHEMICALS, Mao Moraufastanor of Cbentiosi Preparations, French Camden Pine Perfumer, Le., No 32 Gil No Wimp y !. Now York. Prfoo Lloroupolie.l to tbo trade on Opplttottkro. August NI, 1640 - - • flyer's Sarsaparilla: MARRIAGE GUIDE living 15 i ppr inwrltelor for rit•ii ye rnlm, rh,e 411,010 i 1.31 1. Mir, It'd 1110 h malr TITI.I f,ttl,t ie tti rh vn,4,1 fm 1 erir N..; 1111/ .1,01,11 111/ 1 1 the r1.P11111•11011 or pro, .11 I.iTlring tuelurling theol I+o4ll e 111,, I. g1,I•11 the 1:,41.11 140 , 4, lyt I, 11 M 1111 Ni/ M 11 hi. r , allrt 11.1.• 1111 I lor4ork Ti Is WI trt p,lll , tegt,ge for the getterml tea 1,, toot 1,1 I tri.l tad with totinerounl. rig nn togs 11 rmnic twn-rrtrtt r ,"„pio Wrthngt , Mffil'einptnring - m-rr •o.ze ol It tit tog the lenitt tuipethtur tit to liar I lit n , 'ol.'oo reiVi 1111. Ito lit t 11 ,• e i•tii th a t y to r hot, 1., lie art thirsted with, 41111 it u i h nth tint taunt ho looked up Ada tilt; lon ah ut ihe hnuu , It will he rant to any now on the r00...tp. ii 'twenty h., cientp to np,ito t.r reel i4emp. Atltir;tot Itit %V NI 1011 Stl, Na 4111 -gilt I CI- S. lib", r 4,.i Id AFFI,I.'II,I) AND \*Fillt.Tl N ATE sO, I t Si , lll .I.enskr. Lefurn prui the t‘u ul rota, oru. 41f Q 1 , I, - e arly ,• or L,reigh —a 100 ;oh er aA lu lira. us 11.111, other paper, got st eupw of either ,„" • it, s „ke itiot real st el,serully It Is. I „i logl,l rll . llly a dollar, sour heolth nf , .l I.•••eiblt your lite flit s s; „1,. r../P•1/1 , 1•11 OD am of the It. .. , ho. mom at 111.1 t , or.o o ahoy* Fourth A rrll 12 ' lot) Brn CODII tA.D HOUSE, BELLEFONTE, PENN J. H. BUTTPt H ks PLEA ltE oF ANN(I(;Nc t,. fo• !h.• ptul.ll,- in Ken Pr.! thili )1.• Iry I I MI . .41...rge ..1 111.. Vll.ll hioni 1 1 0,4 ‘ sully rririon ./ II Mor, .I.IiIII prt.l.nrel tr IN q .I.IV .111 I ill inner I...rnrner.o -nule will. 41i. pr..g rl Ig i• ,J 1 1 1 . 1 ,1 p11411P1..11 Ali prov , •- me 01, ....144v,.....,4•444. al 1. AlPYlrillg 113.31nri tivelitr arid by 111/i1p111,1111111 , 11 , /klr 01111 ..h....•ritt Ow a trLeto nn.l his !Jut wlth the purr... , 4 R oh the 0101 1 081801 1 1 N 001,41111nyx 880010111 1 0 1 11111 1 /110 11104 8111 1 1111%1 1 80.1 sililri oaller4 totrether with al ..cholip at lella .11 fir lottenesm he feels . 111.11f10.1 111 01110110 K a 811./0 of patrunnge and the otoppert In• Crtntet • Bellefonte flat g '57 47 tf CLIYIHING STORE FALL AND WINTER Cr()()DS. 111 \ I It 10. El) FRIA \ I 'l'll 114 4 11 1.41111 aid., 11 , 1 Hmek of heady Made CI ohlog of the Ilia tons t , i(elher with lar4.• nod mii,4lllll, en! droorltnent Cl,dlol I ' doetro re.l 111111 Furl, ono/f , exioilleroo nd alyley any tiling rit i r i•ff mud to the publm Among the .19,191) may he hound the iolloen‘g er L der mirth 11199 lo 911 xelei•ted wuh 4:rem earn, .91 II Oa and edi,9 Po• t Ilmotken hog. k , hu. I ' .P/111 ,1 limit 1,131. 4 . 4111 , 1 W 1.11 1 .1 "1111 - 111 In, es : - .lapendera hr 1404r1114 44 1 . Wllll 45•4 4 1 . .11,11 • 141111114111y.T 41 1 1 / 1 111 • Ilehriernen ' s Fur oilrig, `gore r • Axxonerel and Ve9ling will he loy Ihe y and or p wet n or 'n.1..114.41,11. 41 to or•ler awl the grim's of euntornern at the .rry loans ,11,•9 for 4 1101.11 . cot try proolnee Clfull No 11, a ktirlioff F this one door South of the Drug nl and make a lir,,,rul 01111111111 H and y. , 11 wll.l hod owe idle, low and b..rg on. to he I,ad W 11,1.1 MeCI.EI.I,AN Nov II I /ISM 11 , • MEDICAL CARD. -DR. J. RHOAI roapeetfolly insorm 9 the 'Pismo, of Jana*. re vivo awl of the aarroololiog eouillry that he hag permanently lieftiod wt inOklllo.,lllE 4 1111141 *l,l innwitptly .Fen d al all nail, in tho , liffirent branehet of 109 pinfn meta neilie1111,141111414 • 111 ul reanonald, prepered leeth 'se ensiling to the !item 1t1111,1,1410111.11 rind the mos appriiieil styles and I" perform ell 4othe, opernlion• in Dental surgery w gond style and La reasonable TAU" Thankful for paat favors he hopes by prompt at rention to hostiles s Min to merit a continuance Of share of the riblic patronage tit, him r trial (lc vitsltes to rum or fall ,nly as his wenu anti in FARM FOR BALE DEN/It 117L1: /A t /„sTMEN'I T h, (tilt rm fur enir a 110,•1 elthoLle In Hell tow eghoto Clearnelot rn Pa 21 mitre frown )lell heelonMolle on the Samla.. orma Flier 1"0/1111111i/IX tLte Ihrnelted /Ir,, 'lntl h o O,ILI .{ l l.llO thi I V ist rt• who, lo are eleoo red and under eo I t oval ten The rea o am. ug pore Poo "11 ho trn, t o•ont 11111 i goad htm1,,,11 The whittle.,...l I 1011,1104 i 10 ago wooltural toorpoothoot - tAlt There on 1, , ./ Ind ea the welemint• • Fit %MI., 11111'1E, - mares irh n Ott never fatting wiitor For loariyoul.Arn apply oo the unotereigneol who may be lowad edLor at the A road., Plekurn Roman., or the 4)0'0,4 Ihr• Doloort,4llo Wnbdunnw =I July 21 '59-1( 1 S BAK:4h ART WILL BUY ON e: OF TILE • best Worm MN:mines ever hmughTioefitra the puhlt)), slauity F P , CELICIMATI:II WORM EXPELLER, (formorly lien . 1 N1 ) ) ))) ,' ) It in plima..l, guru and Certain ttpod log nn )1.4.ittt0n.41 intra.)ttne arid will r.))))111newl itself where aver 11515,1 Try a bottle and 13. eou vutcod Prepartßl by 'IIIOMAI MATE Druggist, N W Cor Diamond Hollt,fonte Pa • AoltSTe —C 11 Hyman .1111 Job 410.11 A Hon losburg , Brew k Barlow Btorinstown, It Light Buffalo Hun; 3110 Ring. Unionville, Chas sl ot . Hendervon, Ales Semple k Co , Pinegrovn, John ,on A. Keller Boolahurg, Wm A lideCalmon Jacksonville . .Jno 1' Packer. Howard epl 11 17-If QOAVEYA DBonds,Ainrigagem and Article LIF of agreement neatly and oorreetl! executed Also, attention will be given to tkn adjostment of Book, Accounts, and accounts of Administrator gzeoutora prepared for filing And WM J ICHALSII, Office nextioor t^ the Post Office. Ral'• ".e. Ar-'1 '5/1-tf HOTS MILL The subscriber keeps cbrisiantly on band At the MW nese Jaoltsonvil le. Ceetre en , Ft. UR, 0110!'. Aso GROUND PLARTER wh i .h he will gall at the lowest cub prices K KERLIN CLOTHINO CLOTH,Tatee. d and Satinet Conte, pants and rests. A large ruwortment of Woolen and Cotton Drawers and tin dershirts for sale by TONNER A OfICEL Bellefonte. Oct It-'5B-tf - THE CENTRE OF ATTRACTION. A STERNER() k cheap a d fish XX, 'Arable Olothing and Gantletnen`i Fur nhhing Store In the Diamond, Bellefonte. Pa. n. 11, IMO 1::•: ' 1 :- HO I STOP FRIENDS 1 STOP: DON'T MISS A GOOD BARGAIN 98E1 AND YOU WILL Vpsli II Halm TOI cAblll 1 TIM 01,7111K1,D Straw and Fodder Cutter. the tqatit egerili Itl Slim% cud Anf''Quillg Itlor Cutter, which Inge recently come into use. tutu subscriber 0011041, idly ace's t. ash Patent ill embracing points in its construed, id which•render It atipeinir fii inhere It Rua pal -0,11211 Iboil Ith of October, 11450, nud an filly hale the expectation. of the Patentee been lealired, in higetiorts to get up n nhe.tp simple and a Ificient machine, then it bon already been adopted be the largest manufacturer, in many COIIIIIIOII ,n Penn- Hylvania, who lotto warmly oppressed a heir prof. erctme for II me, other machined, and kilns pur chased Counti 'rho point. in etbleh Limb's Pattt v 'trew and Fodder Cutter tuliiitewl im to he port t all ot`iers, are, first its simplicity, hekig alkeomplicated cog getting, sec omi, that it cuts on a different principle, cutting down on the knife instead of omitting hue, thus re quirieg less rumor to work it air erne I no that 1, may be operated by almost any tormer's boy third the power which in gained over other nil, ehiiien by the increase of speed in n heat y hie wheiti,eliveby greatly-S/111,Am the lahor of iirork• ing it; foirth. the peeithar cAntruotion of the ma chine so that by otihply setting a Screw the ma chine in enabled to out the straw any desired length from an eighth of an inch °eve n ts The importanee of Bits leaf itiiprovement will be remit, oil when it is remembered that other machines can only be regulated local short or long by cuttings en of gearing or kiiittia at considerable trouble and loss ut tuna This machine Is ciiiiairlicled' with roller* for crushing fodder as It pisses through and the crank hrtrhich ihe hand 1111101.Ine to norkrd la au tin righth,, 8 d side, anti thus =ore cougutilent Lo the operator We would also Mille particular attention to the feet that in time ninchine die stationary knife eon be token Out and ground when neeem.ory, and re placed na a mioore ' s 111110 by 1111 1 111111 of set screws, th e . obviating the Jdfn nit) in other inaelitne. caused by the iodtdig liar nearing round on It, edge Fran Ilia. II he rotary knives on my ',meld.e uni t y , lie lined four 111111, 11, long WlOllllll gi rioting a. , 1.11 aft) I tlicr 1111.1 • Inc a great saving of !ruble I“ the I,irnier Ilesiden the. linpro,e Incubi the is In all other respects equal to the bran now In iiiiihelornd 'l'llo. nonstritter lotting poretinnoll the right for Inn Couto of t'rof re pur pt..o to wants Net .1 the Htl...es nl M 0011110 and Itelleforite, where nll ottlex.s .111 hr 1 pa-y otterwled rn I'l{lo2ft of nee built riiiher nand or hone 7 power. Ni. I 14 the /1111.1 ii 1 , 11 , 1.111(111Ch outs Cllll , lll 3a. LIMP tin nny olio. now In lota No 2ln eon solemnly brounler, which crottflun II to cut omen timer Priors --Small size, $2500, Large site $lOOO relies A pphe in ale for 111 whioe• [nay be odd re , o4orl by letter to Sato NI .V 13,11 \lillhrun Coolre Coun t, l'a lourebn•ter of the Patent . SAM M SWARTZ 4 Ffn dl -in•d worknig maehtne rant en nt Flu nu Ivc (, v )()1111 \,; 1(711 s kvi , r h , 1,1,Y I,lforin, the citizens of ,1110), I hit they hate op. the FOUIId ri awl Nla,lorw,twp• ui Nall resin and Lain leaned the Fitiottlry lineriu h Ca at the fitg ,protg near Iln I lefnme w here they are rep mitt with 111 ileo.o tint earerterterni meet now.. ttt '4. all loath , tif rep.oring at Tit re,tholg NIR ,ho t t ('later Hallett , and tlratt lirtlltt at the 4,„ r 0 al 11011, PHIVI.I: P r/ l' , )1V1:•: r r Ile hr•t n f..r Its pull .ot II 311 0.4 , " nlll he (.10 rm`loll 1.11, tvp.tit,s‘g ta s. thore i.lellfig (rots n !beret.) smug the lino. n(n nrl,ml 'rip All kiwi -or vraltilan ntol Ihorr The Lent 1..1, h.,r lerso.l.l‘ dolr nnA nO,iL n wilt hr TtlI4P to onto,. of nu!wri, leg ttire J,.,•111 ri un,vr 411 iuJu vinrul to ,6, 1 . 1111 (1111,41.• 111,.11.1a1e Au 041 4 In sv - Pllo'l OGR PHI STOCK DEPOT A P. BEECIIP:I{, I=lllll AVEROTIPE /1111 'L tAaiLL JL.• - 3/ . 322 i'lll: , r r l'1111,1111?1,1'll I A ler my,. 4411 14 0441 Att 1 r 41 .1,44 4,t441 1'.411 Ilf CAIN. Ci . ,l• A 4re. 31 1,, Pr.-or" rol PIA tr..i; I , f . 1,1111. 4/4.1, ['Art , III! 140.t. , 41111,1110 t It Ia tl rv0i....11.141.4 rat, 11r4ler (root voulltry promptly •rol ‘nite14414441 to g? Agent 1.4 he otolv of ritiso,l4'm ret.r..type Fir I~ 23 1){110 he high rind 1111'101 004.12ra% vi hii h rrt. all, 1.1 111.411, 1., has Frit for 11. 14.1,141144 k Ili. y all Oil 111m.tts,n n1,1;11,0 pro el .11, r1.n , 11• rid Illr otsu4l prontn, ,4014 141.11,4, ;411411111,4 .441 "lily 1411114.4 •Nn 4) 1.01 in Ity iit 'limn I her nre Ipy their their glut a.,rke ti rllly I. a tlirmrill !hallhlnr the I kith id' the etetlulttint I n nll 4 ism, r .41)141a p 441.1 lull nig! liver of 4 110101 pile, rhimitii•tiiii% le, ern till ago., untie be.iilm•htio vnl rill grim, al Arnn,g, ntentn ..1 health thenr Tulle hart• invnrinltly itry)etln t Lim anti mpoedy remedy A os,.iclin irml will rerler 11117 Llff. Iii• 111 1111,•41,,11 4,4,1111,14.t111441. the, 41111 Itinn 11l every It tit rut llr M"lfol'.. rhoetit• 11iitere will he equally Mn 14,11.0,11, lu nll 111,V,1111 0.- pOllOlll 110.4 I iehe the •tok newt Inepient to ft lilnie• to 41elleete health and a ry kind of weal( new ill the titgeett,e orgene For n.ln by fir W WWI' Cl', Pill lir" Away and h• Me,iteine heal ers nut tliffigglius generally ihr“ugliout coun try -, lIMIE A CHANCE FOR A BARGAIN. TII E end , ruirnol 011..rsleit:nale hta hum Wonted 10 Ferguaiie townarlip near the id. lag, id I'll. Orin 0 1,11114 one lo 'id red oil rr41„ ,,, 0P, huti r 4red mi ri y .1 ele tr. il and tub state g m .] eoitiv. 1 " . l"' , ^ 1 1 Pisak-umtixtulluiud uu timauou 1,4 , 1 leading front lie wuhu ig 10 Spruee Creek Anil within diet/ince 1.1 the 'nage of Pine ro, e ' I here Pt a line young growing on the Freon...a 411(1 nun truly be rolled the beat Inn' to the Guluty Any I. tAllndentroum of :our 111 aptlig /I good lariat would do well to call and !naafie cam ',mil". before tiorehltalng oleo is hare rt r , or tering apply to .101 W NEEDLE THREADER rlhe nuloterther off re lor he counulrrttton of the publin of iiellofonle his Double Ended Metall° Needle Threader, With tho Patent Wor steel Threader—the greateal labor oaring inven tion of the day. Mr Lawrence is prevented front retailing the article personally but uan be had at Messrs Wilson & Brother'enry tiood Storm, Belle finite F P ORN:EN Ler Atowta wanted in the County May 31-'6O LAWitgNCE CAST IRON WAGON SPINDLES. C •,,,Sl' IRON SPINDLES with Luxes, can I"' now be purchased et the fiellefonte Foundry They are of four different sizes as follows seven eight, ten and twelve inches. These epindles can he either put on old or new wagons end are man. f Lctured and (d sale by Feb. 16 'Ma 8 eyT„ JR. At-CO. • HAUPT, Jr. & CO.. Roccesm o rm t o S J. D Harris & Co • manufantuiers of Hun" sicker a Clover liuDerThroching Mach' rice, Rich" Patent Iranitepris-Vlcrts & Side 11111 PIOII, Cul tivrtore,yttlaps ".- - starfous kinds, gurn Sheller., ,Thi tat& Illefires.Airki. A Rost, N afar Wheel. Iron Fencing of any giro and.' weight made and fitted op to ardor also Natio/rot B,r Rolling MITI. and Furnaces, work Invariably warranted as recom mended Delleronte, April 26 1860 HOOPS ! HOOP ! ! HOl PR I ! ! MRS OIL F - US hne justreceived • new lotof exaeilent «rye which xec4n• mend.. idayll7. 18 59. 4 gfRA SUPERFINE FAMILY PLinllt or eale by D. LEYDEN r co. • j Prordwz: J S. 'LASH'S PATENT BELLEFUNTE FOUNDRY. ), /' // I / Nllll no .1 11111 I \Wig: II It \\l 14 , I Flt MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS A FARM MR S,‘LE: ~ik w it z,N CE'S PATEN i DR MOTT'S Avceik slo ,o, - ,% PILLS 3‘C IRON. Annrt - it:in awl Stomach preparation of (RUN urtliell of ()tiger) and Carbon by comboation to p dfigen. Sanctioned by the bigheal Medical Authorities bah In burope and the United litotes, and prescrilwi In their praelloe. The expellent:lf of thousands doily prove that nn preparation of Iron can be otunpared with it fm. purities of the blood, depression of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly oganpleigons indicate its II POndel In almost every ootorelvable eaten Innornous In all maladies in which it has been. tried it lion proved absolutely curative in each of the following eamplaints viz : In Debility, NeTV.III.I Affections. Enionci otion Pt/sp./ma, Constipation, Pia?, limo, Dysentery nsumption, Se olit loos Tobereil,' Cholorosis. Liver Comp/moil, (711(1111C licodorhes, I?heumatiso.. inferno)! (lilt Fen' IS, Pimples on the Farr, fn Cl,ll, of OF.4l(it %L. DINILITC whether the TC Ault of Acute dittoes° , or of the contlnuen dhninm tion of nervous and Inticetilar energy front chronic Co lon]mini. one trial this restorative has proved nneeccerni In ac'ex lent *Mph no descriptton nor written attestation would nuttier credible Juval ols so long loot ridden TIT to bunco become forgot ten In their 11.11 neighlantroire, have soddenly re oppenred in the _boxy won as if just rethrnoti front at e p otracted trl Inn distan hind Some very signni mitotic. ..1 this kind are attested of female golf. re rs, .111111einted T Intim', of apparent mares mos, sanguitteous exhaustion, unite/if chenges,and hat complication or COrVolill and dy spoptio titer Si,,, to or and excivise for winch the pbpick, has 110 a mnn In NI. ni 4 Aril^ ItCTIONJI of all kinds and for reasona fainilt,r to modfenl men 11, operation marl nevernarily be imintary fey unlike the odd oxides, loom without being exciting and ; and gel.lly regularly aperient, et • 111 Illy tint.i4leniitate ease or eialtiverions, wllhfrlll em er being a kminrie lourgat“e. or inflicting greeab ie _Y6IIIIOIOII It ie thin laityr property etuohg other. which tnnkrx it ro rylnatkaldu and portunneut n remedy for Parr upon it sing appear. to oar rt a distinvt rand aprnifir, dalrerning: local ton doncy whlth form, Meth - t_ In IIIMPLI , III, innumerable ae are Its onuses, a mingle hoz of thew Chalyheate Nile hat often sea,' for the moet elutes, including the attentlent Coto. rue.. In ul,cheektal even when advanced to Its e rn I till CIA firmed, emanrtating nod ap. pn rent I) rnatnonnt the effect!. 1101'0 I 1 e, ,Ivet Mid nrtoul thing In leant pain. lose or fkO r uld rength dchrll toting mgh aid remittent le , tie which general ly tielie.lie Incipient l'onetimp'.ll Win remedy has attayed the alarm of frtrnete and phrttethriX, airs eral so ry gr,thr3itig a nd II ti r.s ins; two( arwen ',SOF./11 S 111.11 CI a. rvar 14 Siedli•sted 11 . 011 11,0 I,or mare than the ga , ..1 err , el the moat eanibanoly balanced ',rep Ir al none of amlue cloy of !hoar well 10..wn 'I hr. xll,, ni !Pinnies, ninot tor too 0,1 ... !hp. y rettelralt, in the ln • olotrly niTt'enna itnqn In lin 11 a %Ilya both obraile thfinnirrint.ry - 11111.• Isiter however .1111. del•Pledly:7ll 11.111 'him-told, w Il A reparleil,it I fr` “ling od roil., tog flue imulling.. an .111Toese of the hl,ll 11111P0.1 11 rTI,NT Fr vrilq it f nereeoririly hi.n gre it tio ily rg. Ito remarat tee and in the lire Pelt , . 1111.1101 of the Went wtU protialit) he one ,if high teuiin n and useful S•remedy tils Moen rrol in the 01, , ry ntoolivine •1,1,11 rxerre torob loort,s.t lll,' .1,1 full rfr, npr., tor toonpletr oligeol ion ropol wegio•ltl.l. ein.oK..L 101111, $ll Ultl.lollllll 111”/”.1lon r,, r ,•,,„ .od elle, rfol exert tre lirltriroli lie', foil n it. Wl'. Pli , t ~ nnlng SO rot. prie , 1t ernror A. 1 G,r 0.411 I. drug 1,1 dr.le, {t 111 heodoo frer y,iy I.lj ”11 lesoopi of the prier All left , iv orden o o• rho old oldre.ord Il It d'.11414: k CO M. '/ WO 11 1 9 ltlio ion tt N To C> EV ES Li 1%/1,:. I'l ST AL: lel 12311 svi.l - 0T K HUY l'311.1:11.:1 r d ).1 , 114 1 1 ,, t •i•l—e,er, I .• tmnip 11 ..:,•1,.1. I, I.lre ',att • e t re ptt,,,, I ,Lmt. I • N•r r. 1' , illiv r , he heti -ntnpltrte Irpi Nett nnt Irfo, f hc r. I Ir..i t in 61, itn t.ter Ith...ll"inge it tie •• , 'I ret4 , l :hi. Pr, e, tip h t *oh 101 l ill, ill• r,"( . • t h e en•theil n lurch thty 111..1 n eenit t.tti entthhineil..t. NO ur. PI/ ht.rit 'fipe••ln.irlng the err,. •.ly cur übLnu I by retnrh n nt hr addreeein4 J CI /torAvit• 1.11 v %pi • 12V Brood tray Ne Y-rk A 1,11 12, 1,160 It FAerg M4li t BTUBBORN Tnitis Am+l, lean ittidtsputeti feet the' Ott rho , . to Ito) , , 111 kt.ds 4 . 4 woolen goods •t. the OAK lIALL FAC1 1 0ItY, \ h %It llt where Sat Inets Caseiraers 11.1tek Itl 10E4,4 and • variety 01 Rupert I:k.th•roun,.ontly kept on hind anti offered for sale tar the lowness pHs ea or in exchange for wool I want it distinetly wale...nerd that in laud of neatness Of finish, and fur durability of wear ins gouda elm n( be excelled in the Interior of l'en1111)in ,u , lll I do not fittek " thy goods to gin • ill. in a Ilea, appearauee loth total. may mead err// hot do ant wear troll V i It we Things are es they seem Eves. person should M eearnge HOMP MAIM! . le tin mod the right pines to hewn Is nt the Oak Hall ry MATH W KEATLEY Mnn•h 12 'l5O ly ROOPEBURG 888 WFBY• (N EAR RELLEFONTE THE I:NDEIisiuNED WOULD RES peetfully announce to the people of this vicinity, and the public generally, that he Is en gegtl, at Itoopshhrg. near Bellefonte, In the men et...riot, of Ale, Porter, Leger and Table Peer, which will be nlllllOlO4l wholesale to poodles, ra In liege or barrels at desirable rates These articles are leJeUrd ' et tired purr and are warranted to be a pawl «seen Ire pwreerneed-fn tlnriftwra -- -- --_ fresh Brewer's Yeast left daily at the Store of Martin Steak, in the borough of Ballaronta, for sale LEWIS HAAS. Bellefonte, July 11-29-4 , . TO THE LADIES. IL ving just returned from Philadelph'a . oh a new and splendid assortment o • MILLINERY GOODS, of the Weld ttyloa and faahlon, So feel proper.' to please all, both young and old. grave and gay, who may lee proper to give Ws nail Our 111.00 k con 111/00 in part of SILK ANI) STRAIV lIONNRTS. PLAIN ANA PA Y TRIMMINGS and all ether articles generally kept in a Millinery Store 1.40 Ws hers propured the services of one of the mooexperienced Milliners in the oily. Store on Bishop street. next door to the old stand Bellefonte. May 3'60. 'Loa souttnEcic• ARCADE PICTURE GALLERY. wToTwIIIisTANDINd MY CONN FIC II Linn with the •' Deinooratie Watchman," the business of this Anthrtityps establishment will he conducted by lllVtle In person u formerly Per sons desirous to metre anything in that Lne will a ways find the operator Is his rilorbs between the hours of 8 o'oloelt A Mind p M. Oct U. J. B. BARNHART F BEEMBOHER 1107 anaitelureeof Guns,. Rifles and Piqtols, IV, and Oealpre In Colin. Alla Ll. and all klndi of Revolei g Pistols; antanition and sportsmen' ~.ecoutrementx Repairing done prpmptly and at a reaelnahle oh-rge Ran 11 '64 im Lowlibilrg Union no. Pa. DR. JAIIIE81). GREGO bir ptrofespoonal aervic AV es to the people of 111111eabura 1101 i Residence. Den. R. Bolleau's National Hotel. Refer to Dr..10.M. MoOoy, Dr. B. L.. Potter. Dr 7• M.tobo,l & Go . 'have .1 VII/CietY Se SUWON 011 hand, either for Coal or Wood,to !Olio they holt* the attention of the public, . August 1889 TANNER & STEEL HAVE OPENED I The largest onset. tit of eels ever before offered in for axle Itv (hero elottlog es heretofore of ill r e t ook arepiregnieltene are ukuell) kept in n nountr) rt., together with ell the NEIV STTLES. IN If ARKLT. DABS GOODS, Mal-4 ow/ Paw,/ Brorad . et, bfa fb , 44,1 , IPPktf ,, !Wainer al/ trool,goltd and kv,,r.,e Alpacas. (h,ighamx amid, law , as• so'lolB.l 01 TRA rEhi NO /7K it'SS (WO DM. A LSO— di largo and floe oivinetmoat of Mottux !No API4II —A 1,90 Man( Sil( Thibet Cashmere ,rod 81intele, :•;Alarei. ..v, It and ' dorthle C1004,y, th , niers Sear& fifer,, he , it Cloth. Calrsitneces,;Saltl nets, Un ion Kentucky Jean', uco rdA , row— teen t,LX,c.:Ae. ftEADY-MAMPLOTIII —A 1411) A LABOR A SHORTNIVIT OP t (if,/ v II el hail I tiOder-( v /o/// tog. 110 , 1er , Woros liiirdre art I, /arty, (~.do, Collars, ilndrr Lace. k Edgings -- A LSO— Oiled IV ii,doro and ormstnental Lirrrn 11,111 ( ' ll rbr lua Gilt (40•WiPCI /Or 'l,lfhlr Covrs, Floor Oti Clothr.:• 4 lirrol fibitv, A I.ti(T NANCY TRAVELINO lk MARKET BASKETS BEMS 1100 P ,AN►) SKELETON SKIRTS Alro n large nrenrlment or SIME:i and WO/TS or Men, %V onion, nod Children —A I.' o -- QUEENSW ARE, I'EDARW ARE, ANP (MO. (TRIES FSPECIALLI Woolf Toyl}n A Mer.b (Mil attention of Me elismes nod Builders to their introit ouhrgell stuck of Hardware, Suddiery nod ('ouch Tritmotogs Bellefotitr.Noloor. 27 ISSN CVcer,6,o ( w,l E2M7E:33ME SOU-00' oYS fivirl&tition in Snipili• and P Rouble Entry Ilentk•Nentttng Wri log, Clitnmereittl A ritlativile and Let•turett 110 till , H W tI( .1 $2O 4,1111,1111 $7, TI ITV , $35 rotten,,rvnuß sd2 I , olal lone fr. in 6 to 10 wookA - Every Sin :ent upon griolualmg, in an 111111teell COllllO.O 01 10 111111111 V the IJOU11? . 14 iticy 1.1n:un34. and yurhhed to earn a xallre of from *rico CP T O $lOOO Stile rul. en for at any 1.11.10- -No vacation— lie iew at pie Iva, VII.II Premium. for Brat {lupine.. Writing for 1459 recci, ell at l'lttal.ulg l'hitallelplun and oh, Si tie ur• Also s 1 the principal 1.11r9 1/f Ihr litoon Gar lee rut four year. 1107111 recut real 1.10 half prier t'or Ciroulare Sprelntens e nd Fan Ileltelvd Views of the College" ittelo4e flee lett, .tempt to F W .1 lENH INS F•sys City College, Plttsburgh, P• IU!B=11:1 sa l it , ce and Harness Maaufactofy. Ll.l.lii.l‘l (EN IRE (I) . l'A -MICHAEL ULRICH tc , ft..prv•lfullt rotor t. , itißtlf ai Centre r..itla !tat hr .I . milt... 'Th . munuNe ore, to., I , t no to 4)1.1 Cull.' IN ‘IiIIII.IIii i I' , 4 /)/MEN HRlfti.l"< lf I in' rc•c• l'A/,/ , ;/:' 117///"; IRI .\ lo;, re 4e In elicit a 11 , vie ttf ttathcrtnr elegance that c 10110 L. h'ig.";in4m,Cle'"eVa."l"gibit e hie w Irk •.f the eer7 bw rrneticitl en I It .9 the eta attlelioln 0f ktt.'"itt,f that he le ell c 4.11 I , s , Avir. Xea a - e 1 1111i41 , on bo , 10bee 01111 bosobbri 0 111111 It. Will wr k 'tot .:1 p.titittt the l'ttnnty tf the Pll,lllragtaet tot .111 0 arr out htte 111 thane.' ea 11. Itls I. ..,.n ti •kkile, , lriw{ I, year,. alld 11114 o.t vr./ I uplxlnt IVIIO il. u. • nlnca. nu l 1,11. 111.1 hi , 1 , . r•!•sq. rl %11 . 11 .! 11'1 11 I SADDLE &„ \LFAc,Toiii, J. H M'CLURE .1.111, mho' Pi, OW n a Zi Hy. • of It, f lily nod 1 ~.11.1.pb it 11•• ro•Pl.ovtel 'aft., I the 1,111 hog I •ritir•riy ~4•••11,,..1 by T Irh ~ Wory ..11 lIP Der Alain and 10•111,,p where LP pre 1;101.4 lit tevolliirt44 ire hi. ol I 11111111 K V• 1111 a gu11.1,31 .1,31 axsorttnout 0.. irtioles • /1/://)/,E4 // 4 RNESS, K.,' I' /,/vEs, co/ . /, IRS I I'// //'S .1114 (`• rything ostrolly kept in A well regol establishment ,/lis barber etf . h. gy qQtr lent Yi lhe a as rut w nn ' r h eke i h g" ! "' tin ter " b e " " a newt and onl•ontlitol meaner as cdnnot be cur • prised this side oh the cities lle keeps o , llllltaillly on band dill ' rent kinds 'of Leather alneli he will warrant of the hest (oral try and WI as cheap as ORO be purehastd ei. where Ile returns his thanks for the very hiperal patron age hureior,,rs extended to bun, and hopes to merit a contiouenee of the sem Bellefonte. Aprill.2 1880-1 y C 1 1 ,01:: " ,. LOCKV lIAVeN, 1"A The iiiilmeriber having leaned the shove named lintel in the borough of Look liar en Cl in lowennnty, l'a , ta.kaa-this method of informing the public generally that he has made every neeeseary preparation to entertain etrangers and travelers in the best possible manner Ilia table w ill always Cle lain the choicest lits urice that the country wi afford, And ho Is deter. mined tint to lie surpassed in this department by arty other lintel along the West Branch Ilia /ler will eiintain the elitjAst liquors that can b " , _nity..tuarkul.7 ..-- Carefuland attentive Ostlers will constantly be on hand to take charge of horses and see that they era properly attended to Trusting that he may reeeive n portion 11 the patronage e( the (traveling 'midi°, he hopes by close attention tube able to rend° r general sistill• luta uu 11 Alt1411t1;INU July 23.71•tf 2: CABINET AND lIPHOL STERINti ESTAOLISIIMENT The. subscriber respectfully informs his friends end the public that ho has counnemsed the Cabinet and Upholstering buminess In all its va rious branches, and will be prepared to furnish wo k that . will compare wish any made in the hest shops In our larger cities -- fhaving had practical experience In every branch of bulimia, persons en qua. leg work to Min will be assured that it will be done In a satisfactory manner girltllPAIltINU pnnnptly attended to. FItHDIERIRK - SMITFI, ' Allegheny Intent, Belleffente, in J abefthymetly occupied by Mr Rambola apl6 BOOR STORE GEOltillt LIVJNOSTON, at his wall known stand on .he North-eastern nor net of the public square, Bellefonte, keeps one et anpy on band a large assortment of Tff ',MUMMA!, I ISOOKB kliscatAsnsooe AND SONOOL Also, a large variety of BLANK BOOKB AND STATIONERY of the beet quality, MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, PORT FOLIOS, .1.. &.. ollitBoo4l brought to ordjr at a small advance r o city prices. jen2R-tf-8 GEO LIVINGSTON COLD Monier, Mind n Window Shadon, r Gilt Window Paper Rhodes of every pries and style' from I 1 per window on to $1 frO. for iialo b 3 FRANOI)3OURI. Lewistown:4oly N 'BO-tf. HORSE L!D BUM VOlt, BALK. On.„„ Mt, ondetwigto•doffero for Nikki ii novo, Boggy and Ilarnou.-01*- The Ems, la Ynong and without a blonalah. The buggy and harness are nearly now. S. b SEELY Ballefbnlo, lhalbar .lith, 1860 FIItIST Akin , ' AL OF TEE BEASON 1 .111r.A.'"V do r_.coNns Have just receivyd ond of the largest and bept Pthok of goods ever odered la the t ettide of this County Their stook consists in port pf the trliotriltg no tele' Mark and Panay Sulks. De Bege,- Barques, Daraze De Lams,' Afirelin De Laws, Chalk' De Larne, illpdcas. Binnba• r- sines, Lawns French inn Do mestic - a, nghamx, Crepe De • Spaene, 11101, Swiss, 'and» le, faronet, [Jarred 4- sits / 14 .4 Musirlis, Doti ed Sifts, Brilliants, l'Sfar seillee, etc. —A 1.80—":" Thaw. Cashmere and Klilla Shatigs, Black French Merino for Sherds. Mantillas, —A LSO— Cloths. Cassimeres. Kentucky Jeans, Linrn, Duck Darrey Linen, Cottonades, • —A I.Bo— Complete Assortment of Ready Made Clothing_ Hale. Caps—etc. • --A LBO— . llovirry. Gloves, Collars, Undeesleeves ellenothites. Lace and Editing Dem o/ and Worked Flouncing. Together with a beautiful assortment of Hamner chiefs Mitts, eto —A LSO— An eneortment of all kinds of •OOES, which thou cnn Sell al ealonielling low prices —A I.F l O— very lorgc lot of (A RP TI, very low BONNETS, SHAKERS, RIBBONS. And everything belonging to the Millinery line, They would call the attentionnif Lhe Mjlllne'e in the country to their gliode in thet line, as they fuel *mired they can do as well with them as they can he city,' A large lnt of ortocEmEs Flhil, SALT, AND PLASTER, —ALS° 11AIIDWARE,QUEENSWARE, And in ant, I everything to be found in a varlet" shire, it would he a useless task to try In enamor• ate all the article, they keep Call and sea fin ,ind you will find all and more than you e Tin et to MOP They will sell you goods fill. spring at your own prices Men there a pall and vonvoh.‘ll he !111 tsfied April 111 IMO L NEW AND,SPLENDID STOCK !! Faßoims-AND-13111VE3 — , 4 AT BURNSIDEB. Warranted to be Just What we represent them IVs have the eery best which we warrant, and lower grades in all their varietlei and numine our RtOCknnil Pee for yours LEATHER OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS I% 1,7* ING KEPT FOR MAC 1N ER Any hist, 1 bare nut got I Clan R••t in a w•ck'i time FOLD AT CITY I•RICR fetiPr ST(WK nN SHOP INDINGs I DEFY COMPETITION IN HATS. TOBACCO, ANI ) CMARS !! ! S3DDLERI' . . DDLES, ITRIDLES, 11 ILTE Rs, CART G I,A RS, CART S InnLES, ILI R N ERR" 'CO 1, LARS lIAMPS, LIVER, cir llf UV A MAIO • r. 111 t KAI P TIO'N KR, 11 MPS I R L INU if iris pow n .11(rr r.ll's 11 r or !loofa awl, wiled w fled 1 , 1 !lOW. /ll' I '11"..111 el.iffleee I. e•• Timeto ~r s, 111/1.1. ile rope Re 111.The4s. oal kal pew.. fu44 1u nwie• Skirt. 4lf k led • ..1 far.. awl tmlne v. , ek We will ilnn• if nnh ph wun nrnl II 110,111 I, pitten v .O g 14u.. •nnd Shm, nd olob ettn Iles In our 11.. 1t Ilurel•ido . • w udy to Men, •timfiletion Mewls act tpt our thanik• for plot I tl v _ NVW F 41.1, & lIINT • It COODS. D. LEY; EN & Co , F AVE /I '4l . it F: , Io 'c ‘i and mr , rtnient • , i I ,vt,p , W int , y Ilona. r lon e.I ,• A f... 1 ~f •• 1'144 4 1 , i 41. 1.441,4 44 ‘t inter l'lnsika Tarinr4 I'4 44 144 14 r N 14.44,41, 711414roter lam" It•Pitrtmetil 'II 77 I I'()PLIN IEI I Ell 1111 , ,R1NOs (;(). I'Vni; 11E1 4IAN. lIIR ET (7.077).• I'Er • I-1V 'OH/ , C ATTI YE N A VII .1 VA VS READY-MADE CLOTHiNG, ItrkoT, A /ES of all sorts A'rifiratal wall [clewed stock of C - V <=io CJ QUEENBWARE AND HARDWARE, 1Y luck wlli I ~Id low for cash or country pro duco No• 3-'59 ' l ' ll )1 1 1AS HARRN . HAVE JUST ItRUEI \ED A LARGE AND Si' ENDID ProcK OF fik Y GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, GROCERIES, QUEENSWItE, II A It D W A It E Who.h they are now opening,and offer _to the iota their frien ds. Bellefonte, Nov. 25, 1858-y. NEW STORE AT PLEASANT GAP - - ipv—y AiL3r-IrmgaihiNoe new developments in this memiarahle 14i 0, and one hi a NEW C A Sl' A`7 D PROD PCP, liTOR g at Pleasant (lap Thu undersigned would inform the community that him stock consists of a general assortment of goods adapted to generel use in the sountry gash article will he mild at the lowest remunerating prim, for sash or country produce • My object Is not to hoard as selling lower than any other es• tablishment but would eordiely Invite all to mime arid see ear them elves My Cook consists of the latest styles In market As a great part of them have been oarefully selected by myself as late as the sth of the present month J M. CAMPBELL. If A CAMPBELL. Batsman July 12, MO —tf ARTISTS MATERIALS. MATERIALS for painting to Whits Col. on, Oil Colon in oompreaalbl• tubes, Var nish for Ureolan Oil P►lntluge, tillver Poll, Gold Leaf, Gold and Sifter brogue, Camel Sable Hair Brushes. Paper, India Ink. superior fingHsh Pre pared Canvass, &0., oan be bad al the Drag Aloll of F. P GREEN. Bellefo Ib-'6B-tnte,Aprllf UNITED /TATS■ HO'I EL, THIRD STEM. WILLIAMSPORT. PENN'A. v. R. D 06111.614, PROPRI6TOI T.TIINSICIEERS IMPROVED CLOVER .L.S. HULLER, warranted to Mean from 26 to 80 liunhela per day—Frio* $5O, at, the Bellefonte Foundry. Sento mher A, '6O -- A II kinds of (Jrain and other country pro duoe wanted, for which the highest ouh prises will be paid by Sept 28.'61341 THOMAS. I HARRIS. reANCY ARTIOLE4.—A SPLERDTI• F tot of Fanny articles meth u acrd oteet,j mums, Parses. Msfeb flexes. Bratelets. Pen frehiff, flair teal Tooth Rrathes. Horn y Ruffstit. and tuft Rubber meths. note etrierand Envolripea, Perim try soaps be.pirl removed and fseralle very shot F GRMR A 1.90- Lh Di ES DRESS GOODS I=l FISH AND SALT Cap oil sox ma Yens nor motraissa wont oi) HART Euro IN ?no !ooze.' F,R'S MAGAZINE. mil E moat popular magazine in the world, A. —N.w Yurh ObJerwor. No klegiesine in Europe or Ameries is es well known; tame hes bairns many remises; and may safely say, itene hue reignited enlarge • trilmte oradniiration from the oultive.ed Glasses, that de. fight hi a healthy diversified, %evating periodical, w tat ure. It le the foremost aged. e of the 4, y . The fireside never had • mote delightful sompam lon, nor the million a more entertainieg friend than /tempers Magazine,.— liferlsodrat Frotoettint, ) Twenty-fit e cents buys It—the obeapest, rich • and most lasting luxury Ibr the money that know Three dolleraseouresit . for pee year,'end what three dollars ever went, eg, (gr ? Put the same amount In clothes, eating U nfitting, furniture, and how much of a suAtatitled thing le obtained , If ideassfacts, and eentlinentirhave • momentary value—ahoy. all, If the humor that refreshes, the pleasantries that bring simile smile, end brighten the passage, of a truth to your brain,and the beim/ combination of the real and Imaginative without which oil one can lire a life above the animal, are to be put into the male opposite to dollars and cents, then you may be certain, that if Harper' were three or four limes as dear It would amply repay its price It is • Magesine ir.per. with the idea end purpos!, di kilagesine—not a book, tint r Ocotillo per nor yet a s4ler of light gossip and chatty ineedotes—but &sloe that taken every form of interesting, digit ea, and at , 'tractive literature In he grail? Southern T u. The volumes bound oonst 014) of themselves it library of miamillaneoun reading. such as cannot lie found to the Babe compass in'any other _tinhlP cation that has come under our notice. —Serren Courier liuquestionably it I. the best sustained work of the kind in the language, that is to lay In the world The splendid monthly essays from the Editor's Ta, bie are admire price. The prevent number is squad to any yea issued, and there is lin mason to doat•l a long careerist prosperity to the work Y Christ "in Adronste anti Journal. We must refer In terms of eulogy to the Me tone end varied eseellencesof flwrper's Magner e a journal with a Monthly eirealatlon of ebt at 17t; 000 copies, In whose pages are to be found tome the choicest light and grattratal reedit g of thr day We speak of thin wilt an an e•idernee of the Amer teen pearie sod the populerily it Ilea iletolti-it • merited Each number coutoing fully 144 pe.t. or Instructive matter, appropriately w,lib good wood cub , . and It combines In Itself tl 6 retly monthly end the more phil. eopitioa I cutely ly, wended with the best !Wares of tha der, our tel el It hes great power In the creation of love of pure literature — , Trulner4 Guide so TERNS. The Magazine may be obtained of MO Wirer Periodical agents, or from the Publishers, u Three Dollars ,a year, or Twentydirive Cents A Nutnhor The serui•annwil volumes es a leplet cd, neatly hound in cloth are a dat Two lo Hors each , and Muslin Col ere nes,,furviefted to tau., who wish their back numbers uniformly nt Tweoty•Five Coots each. Nin- teen volumes are tr.ir ready, bound it. Cloth, arid ales in , Calf. 'I he Publishers will supply Specimen X t.albera gratultOtall to Agents and at4ilatost ALA e mike liberal sarr•ogrotrots etth thrall for - Tog the Maitusitte They atll also h two per.,ll/ at Five Dollara a year or a.. pe,sor at Ten Dollar. Clergymen and Ta.. het art pp - etl at Two Itollar• • yeti' tsombt re ft. tr. tt commencement eau now be supplied Also, 4. boo tol Volume. 'I he hingoeine weL,Ais over 'e'en •nd net per. eight nuouce The Poatege upon each outahrr, which must be paid querterly In ed•nnee et office where the Id euzi e Is recel•ld. le Threw HARPER A BROTHERS, FrimnklitiSylvir N•Erk 011T111, 1100 B'so Leather and Shoe Finding Store JOHN C. ADAMS, CURRIED, 114 , 14.,t1.{: AND loltALIOt LEATHER tSHOE FINDINGS, LEW ISTIM N, I'A IA VIN( X . ) and a , t , •ra Eno Market L 1 xIHPPI I P relip•Vl rOl7 1"• 1).1.1.“1,1149. r ~manmees owls, xi LOW I . IIICF. 11a will sell %1 Ili ieSo e Len they, to volv 23 cent, pet pound f+•+t lied Sio. Lenther only 27 vat, per pnand ..0.., ' , hi., Klp In•w II 1 , 0 to 3i 50 per piece .;;,•I.tela li Ip. from 2 SOU ♦ MI pro . few. Upper Leather, (runs 2 Oa to 3,74 per el.k Cu I I `,l If . from, 11 14 to 20olk p•• ,1,. U.„. A 1.,, 0....... fr LYI ....11. T. , V.I 1.4, pl. \% -men'. MAI., ua r,r7....1 . .1..1 4191 :AO 1 er j ~. l'il.k Linnil.46. fr./in I/ .., 7.01ai,, • A II oiler kinds of .I,,,Leth•r .1 prop.ortions , e+N ~ I. '....% 1.01,1. A. - Z(4 /'..• J 114 ia .II a., . • I,IJ pur,ll "LA e fat rt ly. t•/us the b. el 4, 0 I A Ittrge attottrtmeht d Slt , tl: FINL , INUB n'itn; tt, w) ry Lrl,rltl nt. PUNA" , I. WA I.••tber, Lao' ..d Shoe kittA , 4 4 at oil Itrhttt• 1,4,1., Ito Ltettvenbor Ittt "11"1 - - IRON ! IRON !! 1.110/11 AV E the undersigne , ten r,pcift I ;rum the public this its•igi( lately t. l+irt•dthr w.4IP o4nnrnonl% ►worn it., iib• 411 Own) Forg. , nr air nn•ablaeture . link hnimorle.l I r.on em b 1110,101 • ' • 6u. , to Mill Bak, liter Mk". g m pi. rolqotibokel Wong!, Sheet, 11 arks Tit., Feulf I r.o4Forge nod Furnace Tonle, 1e We 'all a/r mnllufnet ore Iron for tuitehin#ry wbfull for etreDiri. nod dumb] Ity iteoniniende a iiiiihnletridifing th.. esti ente tion of toll mood mach ibiste Pekonewist.inc nny of the übove iron,o an be nee ,, rnam#lo44/111101.4 riot ten Coontry prod ore and Scrap rum tf all Mks emit deser.plion taken In exchange forhammerett Iron It to unitecesvary to dwell on the superior qwellryi the hammered Iron possess., over the rells4 , lrow t , am persona using both are soon eonotreod of thw gitlitiee of the former All orders will receive prompt attentive la's. ad. d remain the Firn _ _ II 11F,TIIERLIN A CO Phillipsburg, Cooftre Cu . Pr August 9.5.'69 fin HOW AID ABSOCIATIOI, PI I I LA DELPHI A. A Benevolent Institution, estithlisheel by rpc eta/ endowment for the relief of At it , • and distressed afflicted with Virulent mn Epidemic Diseases. ana especially for th , Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL ADV ICI; Ittv, it grit 1.4. by th /toting Surgeon, to ell who •pply by Jotter, with a description of their oondition (age. °amp, Lion, habit', ..f lire, Ae ,) and in cases of Wren. jaiverty,,ffletilclnes furnished free of charge, VA LII A 111. E It EPORTh on HpertnaierrbsuSl other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and t N4-W HRH bibl-1110- - eraptnyett fir tbertltepervwxy, .01160 the afflicted in sealed letter en•elopyire, Stumps of charge Two or three Hmp fur post. nti • b c acceptable Address, Dr J t3K ILLIN1101:1111TOK, Aelirt Surgeon, HUWard Atli.iCialioll, No $, tiwith Nina, Street, Philadelphia Pa fly order of the Direstors EZItA 1) HEARTIVELL, Prest•iorrat lIFt) FAIRCHILD, ',nary Jnly 26-'6O-tf LIQUORS! LIQUORS U I liaTliestibcoriber infortniahe public i oat he keeps constantly Qn hand et his rtzrizrc)sn. er A 'variety of the beet and ohuleeat Llquore that in be purchased anywhere In the Stale. lie will warrant all he sells for Pant i 41103011. All he *eke is a trial, and he will, have so team but the euatomera will order another bill. , AMERLING. Look Haven, April 19, 1980.—tf. - - - - WM ZEIRSOSTE LIMIT A v. ABLISUMENT. ' The intbsoriber would ncepeotrully Wolin As public that he Is prepared In aodonunodate theta with HO RS RS and VEH/Ul,BB at the shortest notioe Ills stook of Horses are adapted for spin,/ and gentleness. The vehicles are neat slid In god order. Careful drivers will always be in readiocu to oarry passengers to any point desired. Tits pat ronage of the publie Is roma:drolly requested:— Terve Oash in ad vanoe:' _ Od 8-42-tf MIOHAIIL 11.4N1(1.1. CITY CABINET WARE 1001118 No. 238, 400TU 4410014 D ST., 1114111".D001, 411110 .1 I he un4ersigned would rodproifully the attootlon,of lbe °likens of Dellawore ••• to his sups for stook of CABINET FURNITURE, which he fa prepared toastl at the moat rasaeae*. prfoes. A oall is respectfully 11011eitill . 1101,“ making your purehmee May 3 'llO-tf. DAIMIL N. EAROSZA. -111 - NWEI OPPIOE, 4.4 11 1 t he undersigned le about opening &New Moo, In connexion with his P6Oll Stem where OMIT rand Weekly papers meg he bad at rata. nearly corresponding with weheeriptieo pried kW monthlies at the areal DAM*. Mare: 11-'594. 'ONO.