An n 118 'ttittement io Fartnet 'Pt 11initial Instir pent: of Centre en , located 11 . South of the Nitnny.Moun.tains. , (`E.Nittu Ilat.t„ Jan. 14, • I'lle tioard of director, ptescnt to the Members, the following statement of the af fairs of the COtnpany, in conformity eittli the Previsions of their Chatter . Assetta, Bills receiialile, lag Premiere soles due 111111 papally by ,Members, for l n eutral-leo tallith: din iive s the petit year, of which amount 3 per went has been assessed and call cd in for expenses, Thu■ leaving an summit dug on - Vremitun Nides, seen SRI fin the past year, To Which add CaAlt heretofore paid and received into the Treasury, Akio amount duo hom Agents for Insurances made, uncol• lected, Showing the total Asoetht rind kteceiptti of the tiouTpany, for the past year, - Expentics Comp, Itt,ttlun to IhructorN, till to SeC,relitri' Tunmer. r. Payment of. sundry I.IIIA, of fice renbi, Election Notes, ISlahks, Post agcs, nr, , film) lugs paid Juh , i 11. Nitism per AM' II I 1, 'Total.' 1 °toil ettimint of Re, riiing'fo., , ls of Ow 'ompady fw the year 114611. lIR L 1011 fends hei ado! e fot the yt arm 18:',8 and I Nli. king .1 he 101 111 a i ;nl,i t Fund, ur the 1,0,4.4, (lining the lirat 31.11 F, Ire 11, elm% v ,ported. settled 111111pnl.1 Juhu 11 Niturrif I by award 01 Cominiktt. 01 Ow Iluaid ll= RI I.h Awl I I oil:the:4 midu durti.g th.• 1,0,t )111r, 1 . 0 irlawil n(1.1 .111 , ..itet/t 4, ftri.l the yvir, 1,45" , aik51,14,59; • Toilll 1 ;mil wht, h 1 (111 , :t l'oheics ran••••11e , 1 1,3 t lit f pat I 1 , 11. ti( iiti 4;1 Ihr ( . .;lop In ,Ihl. d,y 1110111,1 ..110 of 1,96 7 1"1 110 1%-,r n 1,1,1. 512 l'oh, of Insorai r, lutse lo• 1 II for 1,1 , . ‘IVIII6t1 , 11•41 , 1 u, I 111 11,1,4,1,4) All ii. Prop(4ly cow, red by Ilaurnnry . 1; n .10;111 thelennelartei of hv.,, t ty,,),. row Il• 01 Centre 10,1,0 1.. - 1101 lonill 01 th, N'utiny is% Aft,}lll, it ,f ll.t Repot tlOl Win 11.1.1 . b! 51. 111,,,, nod Ito 1111 I tu e toy I aim u l 1.1 lIV (II . 111 Nnnnnl Frank I I Slot cc, Aline. Al, 1 , Iniei It \ Il , itter, wo. lI IrhanAu. .1 e.t Can 1,, ell, Pelt t f10(10, t-• , 1 DAt I • kl 111 11111 , 1. • .1:1• •• I r, (,0, I:1 1 II 111 .1 %%nu , It 115'..,1!", Jon.. y ll n niirtinv Ih, 21. t 1; nr.l 1,.1 10%iltt! 01114,, Pt , xidrnt ..-orge. Iluchnonit 1 Jr, to .•,/ Poth t SI:1,11011 Tr , 01•1/4, -11,11 r) \ ‘llllll r 111 F, lira: \ I I: \ ~ 1 I` , ll RENIF.I)I Sll{ .1 \11:‘; CLARK - CELEBRATED FEMALE FILLS. Pr. pa, prctr, eon Sit .h 1 "of • Ph,,5 (re, , drmrry lu Mr Tbia in en hin hit meth, 1,..11:4111r.g till the r lll . l of all three painful end Mi. I. 'the feterkle 1101/Nll 11111 n In M111 , J ,0 1 rar, tlerol, 1111 , 1 1 . 4 Irll o l , o nil olntro• • a rune ro.iv he ryllePl nu To MARRIED LA ‘z 't IA p•rcull trip •nilo I ti nih bting on Ills nom lily I I nttli regalarity Each hurtle No, Ilte tol.o to I,en,. the lieu •rnmentlllskup of Great Ilewnrs nt coo terfeiti CAI TION Those rah 4,1,4111,1 nu, /,, • 'be rang IR. IgIViTTIII?1:1•: /11( motry, a• they 'III To,ro „„ At 4,1,, but at fally I.FFIr filer y I, In all moot of Nnr,,,U. ,t.t I Sm.. LI A ft...A n,. NMI In the 'lark and Unit, 1 , .. , t4.141 1111 exertion, Palptlatt..n Ot the 114 trl, II p 1 ,4•111, ,11,1 Whiles, these I Mc will ellen n cure when ell other means hate failed, and although a pone riot edy, do not onntaut Iron, ealoulel., or anything hurtful to the constitution Full Itireottons in the pamphlet around earl. 1 1,4 tgo, ShoUILI he carefully preset vii S /le Agent for the United item. and 4.7aniule, JirrrklOSES, (Loll - - 7 C - nkldhht x C 4 i) - heetr, N •13 - ttl u 0 nod f preingo elyinan• WlOlllOOll to 1111 authortild Agent will truce u bottle, con ing 50 PlllB, by return mail F P riItHEN. Agont for liolloronfb I' ,r sale by Jvly b-'O9 FOR SALE OR RENT Ahouse and lot in the pototigliof Miles• burg. known an the Janice Fltaitatrio proper , xy, Th• house la it two story &amt. building There are siTio till the premises • good stable, amoke bowie, and other out buildtogm Any per eon wishing to examine them will WOWS° apply to the undersigned. ILEAtio property is not sold by 'the first of March, it will be for rent PITZPAptIC, MANTIIB DOLAN. blllbsburg,.Jen Al, 1861. EXECII rows NOTICE• Nut lin is hereby given the, I:tders letda ,nantary on the estate of Mary Love, deo'd , late or Potter township, have boon grunted to the subscriber, who requosts all persons - knowing ,therasolves Indebted tomtit! estate, to corn., for- Til And make ionnedisto settlement, and those box rtg agsbat it to prodont them duly au. thenticitasi fur settlement. Joo.ll, 1801. A.DlEriler ALEX KERR, Ex BATORTI NOTICE LJOTTERS of adminhstration on the estate or clasper Peter', late of Union township. damaged, base been granted to the uudersigned, whortoquest'ail persons Indebted to said estate, name forward and make immediate payment nd Stmeehaving claimsagalust the'come to p sent them . duly authenticated for settlement LEWIS 0 PETERS. JESSE PARSWiS, ,tldminirtrator 17.180 ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE NOTICE is hereby gteen that lettere; of administration on the estate of Arthur Burne t late of Bellefonte, deeepsed, have been granted tb !he subscriber, who requests all persons indebted to sold estate to come forward and make ifieniedlete Oayment, and those having panne them day auohentieated for settlement. EDWARD BROWN, Aditt'r. M 1,735. 47 352 OG ,the obetructlone which make dinars. A z..l` .ttlas .ontewhero in the body, and oh stntets It. natural functions. The., U not relieved, react upon them.] sea and the surrounding organ., pro ducing general eggravallon . suffering, and 3VIIII. in this condition, oppes;eed by the derangements, take Ayer'. Pills, and see how ditectly they restore the natural action or the aysient, and with it the buoyant feeling of health ageht-. IV hut le Imo and in apparent In this trivial mul common oomplaint, in also true In many of the deep Rated and dang•ouns distempers. The ••1110 purgative effect expel. them. Consod by ohnilar obattuo-. Wm, and derangement of the natural functions of lbe laady, they are rapidly, emit many of them surely, cured by the name mean.. None who know the virtu. of these Pills, will neglect to entploy them when tailoring from the disorder. they cure. litatements from leading phyalchtn. In some of the principal cid., and from other well known pulellt• per son. 11,183 41 760 Al 441 00 /2,W) 22 Prom a Arloartfing Mr chant of R. h.o uu, II b 4, 1858. DA An. Your aro tlio paragon of all (lint Is groat In mertiellis. They bare coital sum little daughter of Wearer'. bares open her Wools nod foot that had proved Incurable for year.. Iler Mosher ha been long griev ously afflirted will. blotches and ',holdee on her .81.1 and to her hair A for our child cured, elle oleo triad your Pills, owl they 11.0 yowl het ANA MORUILIDO IC • A• in'Arisnilly Phyalc. F. um 1h E. 11. firrhre/gsf, firma Orleans. r r 011 0 110 HEM MED 730 r,O Your Pllle are the prince of purges Their excellent qualitier vortexes any cathartic we imam. They aro mOd, but very certain and ell,tnnl lu their action on the tylik h makes them in tal cable to ua In the dully treatment of Meani, 12,451 72 Ileadsehe,Rieklleadaeho,Troul Rtometeh =ID 19 7'13 IS Pete Hun Attu I t ant.' anawor you Olaf complaint§ I hate enrol with yttnr ballot than to my at/ i/od me I." iurlA n ImOritme media me I plate weal deprnr dente on an orfortnal Knott Ilr In 111$ daily con, old with (Lamm* at .1 I Itertli t i_ai . I flu Ilintatity)AlakrAlltalt RI!, II cuursooaiihollf, 4.lerentmo Pa „I'day 1, 18515 52 DO, 20 • Da 3 C. Aran. $h I barn 11..11 rephitedly cored of th•worut hnolo o hr , body r.o bole by • .Itwo or rw• of poor Villa. )1 to artmt from • foul stototaclh Which they Lbtaneo at I/111, Youu • Ith_gront leettett, VD. rnEntn, /InL J Slrnwrr /'larm. Dllorel•rm— Liver Complaints. f, 1,720 2tl = Not only aro your lllll.ntlnaltaltly lidtipted to thalr purr tow , an an 01a tionl but I 111111 'Amanda! elTects otant 'ha I,lrer rr. y work, , I d hay hay. In toy prat, 11, a 1,, , ,te , 1 ilmra alTa, I no? for UM cola or batons O.IF emu,. 1111411 MO 1.11. r• Pa. ly I ,novoshotidt. I •Inearely that we has, .al 1 , 1101, a jaagalive which I. nor. thy Lba conlldota, la till' PI ulesi•Ziou and Om !outdo. EIEI 7113 31.5 311 1111,1,111,11 . er rue INI/111011, /%411/1.01,11, Lb Feb, 18513. Ala t 1 han.......1) 1 . 111.4 111 111) NWur alawl humpttgl practita 01101 WO( )00. outtlothaohuntlalonoiat.allale to ). y t h ey are .11.1 brat calborti. 1,9 employ. Thrtr rt 'wing aali.a. o 1 tho ll,er Is wilt k and deckled, coml. tiht.otly they t,. on admit able for tleraogottanota id that o.tgao 1011. ad I hate ot.loloto tort • riane of tot di arltt 1.0 , •141111ent., that It 11141 not rtaahly )1..1.1 to I.llam . 11ttallo011y Al.ll‘ BALI., SI 1,, G ;00 011 I Wirt /CUM 1,/ do Mat int Iln.ptlal. Dy•enbler), Dian itr•, Itrlu, %V ornus. t• 11, J I. 0, ern, ol li.tae Intel n I,roK It 1011 111 no nu ~,,,, of the nprswill•J Imre four,d "1%.• eflt el Ihr. mak. 111“ru nn e.,11. est 11.1. t . ,), MI/P0 $,1•011 Ilk .m.ll for 1,11,,,,,J 'lnsets! , r , ot , f,nr, Inva 11.1, g o•nring mike. LI ‘,/ preeplAthlo wad 4.011V1.1.1.1 tor LIM 11011 ul mr.,ell• Il i pt/ ,1111,111 Dy.pep.l•. Inspol By of the Blood MM= Da AT,. I ha', Tour I . sll. with rzli.rdinary succema In my ftunnintt.l,..motv. thork , I no, csilo.l to 'Nit In ilintrem. iln 0,111114 of digrot ..... !awl purity the loitm•I bar o rvrr 1611/1 1 1111, 1111 1 i t .11 1 1111 , 1•101) setcdoenruil thella to wy frlrlid. J V lIIME IV , ()rt 24, 1865. !qt. 11, .., •11.111 I ark It%nlr lo.xr ... ”r 1,-“11,0 , to drat... tho .1 I,IIA 11, , t 1 11 n. , 4111,1.4 1.. f W. , flpillicr••110.11. .• 1141E41• ..•“11i, Igin, Drop , 1.8 1.. VIII+, left • I I I JI I, • no , • , 1 or 14.111 rm. f“r inn cur* nf •-•ul•r•o ,, • II 11.• t.• 4 tt”. , $.lO 1•101. (0111111 !hell, ni o. I I,lt • • 11,. Phroid,/ //)• In to o• Imno 1•.: the. 14,10..) 0.. null. I 1 - 1..1 th..l I. I , nd •no.ngli In 116, II 111 1/ .1 11”t •II i• 1 1. I Idle /ter/WI , 1.. ~,...1. 11...5.1 .01" Pllla affect that oigln and • In , 11. e =I I 14w1 0/01 02 la. lalgt.ll , q,. GOO n nt the prof., 111,. 1111 I • MO, 111 11%.../ 1)... 0i1.., ..! set., .1. ,111 ....1 elk. tlial to •I , h owl • q.. 1 1.14.1 11. Ili. y aro not 1110111 in 41 ph, u that I te.ulaia.•ll , l urr otlt.l to 801 nnl p, nrn Ho F. I, I! ~,.J Uv 11, r4.l Ei, = 11.tronru Pik I 6.1.,c I i.. .I.IIJI u , r 111., Telt. r Jos" . :44111),A0.1.,..,11111., 11 1 .1,.01. j..,et guy i.. A 111 WV 111111/11•11.1 111..1,11t Im 00 ear,. elating llrde, 1 Uhl.ll f 041..1 111 r bPOIIII, I •11041 t051,.,... 110 IF 11, 111 I ~1 1,1 nfrian• th• tthoeuse I(10,4 ad, n tor 'our ...trallora mien. 1.m., I triml I luM f. 11.. in mto. perbutm I.g 111.. I /MI 1..01,3111.i) pll = DI AM.. I h Ise boon entli• It et... 1, I.y your PIN, of RArtgme4fe Goof —a pal oto I digeteett that i o afflicted me fur year, I NVICIST B LIDISLI.. oar Meet of the Iltle In merliet runteln Mercury, with h, although • •elnal.le :cintely In manful hands, I. danger°. In • putelle ply, hem &leaf lid con.- quennee that freunentlr n,11..,. Ile Inceutlone nee. Thom contain no :mu-, Try or "duel el annotates whenuer Price, 25 cents per Doe, or 5 Bores for Si. Prepared by Dr. J cl. AYER & CO , Lowell, NUL I-o'd by J II nrric A Cc_ Bnllnfnuto, C 17 Ity• mon :NI Ilemborg N. I) Cumming. Port Matilda. II 11,0.4 co , lloMburg, mud by ono dueler Ilk I. ry village In the °our ty Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. 8. J. MURRik.Y, AT I BN EY AT I,IIV, BY! 11.,,NTY l'rq`l A ICL 0 0 0 formerly oo,upled by Judgl . B u ro•ml Fol 14111,111,:l AUDITORS NOTICE ho 'undersigned nn andlior appointed by T the Orphana Court of Centre moody, to make rl but ion 01 the moiler mixing from the ante of tho It eat Entide of Wm II lienderaon, doeoaxe.l, 1, 0 m od mmolor thole legally untitled to tho rerun. will allanil to rho dation of him appointment, at lire Mlle., in Itellonitito, on thiturday the 26th day of Jamul ry. 16111, at 2 o'clock P M , of mild flay, who HMI where nit porsima Intereatoil lire re • q , .."0.1 to attend ADAM LIOY, January 3, Hilt. Auditor AIIDITOR'3 NOTICE. In the (kJlaw. Court /hr the Connty of Centre n.• the matter of the Ereeptiona to the eidotto tAirtitVio account on the I,:state of Ma+. Pet male, dee'd 7be undgrmigned on Auditor ftopointed by .s• the said Court to settle and adjust the Adrian I/Oration account on the estate of Moses Palmate, deo'd , will 'smith° parties interested for the pur. poses of his appointment. on Tuesday, the 22't day of January, A I) , 11461, at his office on High el , in the Borough of Ilenrionto EVAN.M. BLANCHARD, Jan 3,1801, 61. 'Auditor. NOTICE. TIIE, undersigned an Auditor appointed by the Court of Corn. Pleas of Centro Coun ty to audit awl adjust the Recount of Thos Har per sweignee of Jacob Wolf, will attend to the du Lion of sold appointment at Ma °Moe l,n Bellefonte, on Thursday, 3d of Jan nest, when and where all persona interpted may attend If they think proper. J D [WERT, Adin . r. Deo. 13, 1860.-31.. • %VIE undersiglind an Auditor appoint ed by the Court, of Com. Pleas of Centre County, to distribute the money arrlsing from the sole of the Real Benito of Martin Stone, will at,- Mii to the duties of said appointment at his °Moe In Bellefonte, on Wednesday the 2d tiny of Jan next. when and where all persons Interested may attend if they think proper . 13 . BUDOBIL,T, Dec. 13, 10613.-3 t, AYER'S CATEARtIC 1 'ILLS. Ate you uot 1., bauble, and complaining An you out of 1 1, 11101 pour spun in do t mond, and out condonable' , Theses)olie toms lure often the pi chide to 1 4 011111 lit of eIAOI.OO is unveiling npon you, mai should luo nu erica by thusly 11/10 of the right lent ell). 'fake Ayer's I'lllo, and chows° out the disordered hu mans— pm Ify the blood, and let the fluids moue on unota otructed In health again. They .Mutilate the functions of the body Into vigorous ato• thiity, polity tbe ayident frotd =MEI NOTICE MMM=I A uRPHAM3' COURT BA E. BV endu e of an order of thdPUrphans . ' Court of Centre enmity. the following de scribe real°mate will be corneae,' to sale on the F eud at hie late residence, on SAftIRDAY, MARCH 2W. of 10 . Volek A SI ,to wit • A valuable farm in I toward louttabiT, bounded on the North by land of John White and Jonathon Shank, on the Best by land "(Jonathan Schneck, on the South by Bald Bugle Creeh. on the West by land of John P Packer. coot Hitting 16M1 cores, more or less All of whirl, said true( is 13111111( ell and under guild utal tivalion N,ro than one halfof this tract IS bot tom land Tho improvements consist of a large Barn, Corn Crib an4other nut buildings There bralso a large Apple Orchard of exoellunt trait on this tract. —ALSO--.1.... A tract of land In Howard townnhiounded try lande of .1, hn Po,oker,-Oott Drown end nth o-et conteinlng 110 aoren, more or WAN, about 75 acrm of which is cleared end under gOl4 cultiva tio', the 'Woolen wood land, on which in erected a pod Primllo House, Frame Stable and other out•bnil hogs, hoeing a well of excellent teeter at the Goer On th i lntraot there ix a Poach Orchard and an Apple Orchard A LSO A tract qf unseated land in Curtin township Centre eoubty, containing 43 tierce, which we surveyed in the name of Mary Tallman, adjoin ing 141111 aurveyett to litheame Hale, Mannish Fish lune and others. - A /.SO A trent of uninialeil land adjoining the above tract, contnining 100 acrea more or leen A LSO A tracb.uf land in Howard low nchi p, con tai nioF 50 acr,a, bounded by laude of James Ha iron, S Shanty, Win Hanes ,and others, 9 acres of a hich are cleared, Ilia balance timber land - ALSO - 100 norms, more tor lei+ unimproved wood land in Curtin township, adjoining land o f atilain Curtin's heirs, Jaeoli Baker lloorge Brown and abort late t ho property t,f Thomas it light., deo'd EU= Olio thirdion confirmation of- the ant, Ihn hal allelllll Iwo 11t4141 annual paymentfi, with interest to bu !moored by bond and mortgage lin th e prom ixex .101 IN I PACKER, JOIIN 1111(11IFS, Jan a, 18111 Adm.": ,tratort • WAit WITH THE 8315TH AND IDICIPAT RE JIUCTION IN PRICiE! ! ! _ _ JOHNS LONBERGER, RoBpeet fully inforinv dm citizens of !idle Larronte and vicinity Hind lie line openeiJ a new 141.54 , - p n• h TIN 'AND SHEET IRON ESTABLISHMENT on /flattop otree, onw 1;Ipor wont of Om dwelling owno.d by Georgo Lou burger, which he itiOnda twilling (min thirty to filly par cent Cheap >r than the enealiesi ase give him It call before pur ro and Liu I out die .thew fuel brain of all taken in exPhangn for warns .1-wuuary 1 • • TAKE NOTICE! right , piddle are hereby 1101111, d that 1 have cite sed at ('titedalde's Sale, Ott the I III),1 day of February 'eel the followin nriielot P.M . /4 the toorrty Of Will Kollr, of Howard towtiahtp, to all If Reda and Bedsteads , I Du renu , I Ckent Iwo seta of Chaiis , I Cook and / Cool Stove , I sink I Copper Kettle, 2 hogs; I tosp Been, 1 01101 horse wagon. I Watch , I lot Dishsa and Warn , I Map, I (1 heelharrow , 2 o yes , 2 Tsbles , I Clunk, I Mlle, 2 Stands, I Settee, tau pima rile, I lot hay, I tot iota , elder, I lot cads, I udsutno, , I looking I eorriagit The IIbOVO property r have loaned to the a tut Wu/ K coup subject to my removal, itod the put/ he'ire hereby warned not to purchase or levy on the !bible as they belong to in... It 1.;3F,1t Vl' Ell Fit Fah 12 la,il Vol 6 NO TAKE NOTICE TIIE plibh , are Ihreby ihs purchased et rionstahle smile, on the ?7th day f tho following articles sold no tic t roporty ol W il horn MOf IY kilter too neliiii Io wit 4 Il,rors 14 11,0 ,t • 2 yearlong eistscs I two hors, %V !igen riot 1.0 liters, lot of corn in the eor ur crib I sin , 6 of hi% owl also o lot in the lot n 2 stacas eii,o r 2 1.111,1,4141 r,, 2 I for rli irr w I .0 Ul N \ ot p1. 0 ,k, I who. t lootrom, 3 41.111 11.trs. g.• or• I nr (111,gy li.irrke.a I I,litti4v, I.'l 3 ~,v, I lot ea % 111/ I. I ...lot ..... ;.1 and I IA “I cool to ot , 'I lie 10/0 , I for , qm rLy I 11 I V 111.11,11 . 1.1 011 .. 11 %V 111 1.,,,0ntg , 0tt ..1 1 1,),rt 11/ 111y wn..4 . nit ill° imp.. piro• jirrelov warrol..l not to 14144114 .•3 I 111, V on 111.11 0 11111 / 11.4 they 14,1,,,,:, t“ roy it. I t4l .11 FItANCI`; CAR. ; St NOTICE. rrlll E t6+• 111 •I R I will roriutno thou r ogul it ny next, Jen 2141 1461 I. nu• Bellefonte for Sonwsh nt • fax 11etI.•funl., Il' VI kit•tglit r veetvetl tit the new War. W3rlll DANfIgl, 11110 A Ir . :, Feu Sn:•t 11, 17 IdRl 'et )NT E AND I'llll.l,ll'SM It 4; B srA(;i.. LrN I: wv,Ex 1.11V1`., on N 10, 1 ,14 v• Wrano.dnye, lot I rt,layo nod roi tiros OIL 1 . 111 . 1 , 11‘P1, hti Tll.l/9 1 .on) la n 1 a ~,,, Fars through $2 00 .1, '2l 11481 .11/11N DI 4, • AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The riigittui an Autillor appoint e by the DrpitAn's Omni of Centre mount,. settle and adjust the nthainistratt lo aoonoo t, o the e,l µU . , Of M 'whew Adatun 4lee'd , will atten to 111011101 e, Of big flppoolthriont 011 SktUrlav th 211 . 1) day oil January 11.111, at hut in Bell f,tite ut 10 u'eluek A M of 84 , ..1:iny wl/011 110 W 11,13 1111 1101,1011.1111:0100110.1111, 1«.1 it len.l ADAM 110 Y, • *-January 3 DUD A wino r IMPROVEMENT IN BELLEFONTE The 141111.4.111 per having iptiL the Saw NMI nt the Bellefonte Mills in nornidste repair 11.11.1 having his loge boomed in the darn is now ready to furnish hills of SAWED I,UdfIIER on short mine" or tiny length not exceeding forty feet By having the logs to the tonne it mall hill of tiny length 0011 lon gat not at 41 SliSPOil 111 ono or two hour, PLASTERING LA I',ll of all 4lzes kept con stantly on hand lie will ohm fin's° n PLA,YINA MILL in opr•ruttuu to supply caw/enters end builders tn limo for notritnintetog bullthog nest nonrun fleas la, 0444-41 n JAC.OI/ A CARD TO YOUNG LADIES „AND GENTLEMEN' Mho nulmeri bar will send (free of eAarge In all who doeiro it the Recipe and directions far making n 11,1111/10 Vegeta/dr B/114% that will, In fr.on (mkta eight days, rfinuove Pimples, lliotoheir Freek/n. Sallowness. ant all impurities and roughness of the Skin, IBM v ing the nine,--as Nature intarniad it should he- volt, riot, .rmoorh, and teniihnel Thou Ileuiring the Recipe, with full instructions, nilreetinns curd advice, will p1i1.116 1 a►II 1111 or address (with returr postage.) JAS T MARSHALL. PlikeTivAr. lltrspiEnr, 1 o 32 City Buildings, New York August 18, 11.160 NOTICE The undersigned au Auditor appointed by rbaOrphann Connor Centre eoanty, to make distribution of the balance In the hands of Joe. Baker, and Jac II Looser, Admr' of the Estate of Martin Rouser, It,, will attend to the duties of hit appointment at his office in Bellefonte, on the 26th i'uy of January next. when and whore ell pd sons interested may attend if they think proper W. P MACMANtIS, Jan 3, 12, 4t. Auditor STRAY HOGS Varna to the prezniseii of the subscriber in Union township, on the 22d ult., three Hop and two Shosta—all white The throaanrgeCige have a niche under each ear ' The owner would confer a favor by paying all necessary expenses and removing them immedinteir bee 13:60-2t. JosEFlVtrronam. STRAY COW Cnuth to the premises of the Ilubgerther in- premises Boggs township, near Eagle Works, about the llith of Deoentber„ a Red Cow, with white along tho belly dho is summed to be about 8 years old. The owner is requested to onme forward, prays) property, pay charges, and take her away, °the rw iee she will be disposed of according low Jan.:3, ISM. .109. L. NEVB• HAUPT, Jr. Uo.. haw° n variety 0 S• Stoves on hand, either for - Void or Wood,to whlohthey Invite the attention of•tiepubllo. nal* 1669 AGENTS WANTED t I A BOOK THAT BVeitY FARM tat, MECHANIC' AND BUSINESS MAN WANTS JUST PUBLISHED, THE TOWNSHIP AND LOCAL I.AWB OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, C43ll`ll,Enl Fltoll 1 . 1111 ACTS ON ASSISWEILY OT 11 'I lAA AAI T:11 AIN E 9, , AND PUBLISHED By EDWARD F. JAMES, WKST 0110T6R, PA. This work ciptaing over 400 pages of eiosely printed matter, aria will be sold by subsoriptlytt It teitetiVs the duties of Justices of the fleece, with rosins for the treasselion of business It teaches the duties 9( Constables with all the necessary forms, appertsining to the office It contain. the dulls. of Supervisors of every County and Township in the State It eonteine the mode of procedure for the laying out and opening of public and private roads, of vacating and altering roads, the building of bridges, do , he , It contetne the Common &hook Law, with ex planatlons decisions and directions, tog ether with forme for Deeds, Benda, Contracts, Certifleaten, de he. This department of the work was corn Sfled at Harrisburg by Samuel P. Dates, Deputy uperintendent, and is alone worth the price of tne volume to any one interested in COIIIIIIOII Solitude It contains the duties of Township Audition It contains tho laws rolotho to Dogs aid! Sheep It con talus the duties of Assessors It contsi.s (ho laws in relation to St rays, Mules and Swine It outdoing the laws rotative to Noncom and Fenno Viewers It eontains the law. relative to Game limiting Trout end Doer It contents the Election !yawn with till the no• cess.try Forum ft contains the Naturalisation Laws, with all the tien,/11.111 Purina fur Application II contains a large number of Legal leans whwb are used in the every day trounnotom of hu•incio., such an A.knowledgmantr, Alb.tavlta, A rtieleq of Agreements and Contracts, Partner ship, Approntmen, Assignments, Attestation Bilk .if Exelmnire nail Pro nissory Notes Bills of Silo, Hoods Cheeks, Cot 01111141,, floods, iii' naanon, Duo Bilks and l'rmluce Notes, Landlord itild Teo. ant, Looser, Letters of Attorney, Marrrage, Mont gages, Receipts and Ilaletison 1 . 110 work is hound trs Law' heels, eat} will I'm sold to SulcAarltors at $1 25 poreopy, payable on delivery of the work The work him pest the revision of many of the best Lawyers in the ittate and has received their un qualified approbation, u a reliable hand book of reference upon all sub eele upon which It treats The whole laarranged t*euoh a manner as to pre. sent a pimp, ooise and erplioit statement of the Ilutaeltuf all Township Offeere as may be readily understood by any one Centre county will ho thoroughly canvassed for the Work, and the sdE port of uhe eitinolls in respe•tfully solicited ti Norge Lit ingston, i r ieneral Agent for Ceptre COlllily (lood convener. are wontekl In all port. or Coo ely fir the Alio% e work, to wboni n lib eral comm.... Won will be given Application. which ine.t , be made at an early date, add reread to the tienord Agent at Bellefonte will receiie id attention December It, vino —4t READ ! READ!! READ L! ! CAIRO, Ttftriols July 21/Iti. 18d0 1110 ,, as .luny WiLrox kCo Your' lupec tine," or Persian Pere, ('harm, " has done won der. I was wholly despondent mud wretched when I applied it, and in flee hours the chills wore re matted and rut fever has entitled lis the simplest tire itnaglltablel and awond^r of nature or art wooht out Le wittlOUt. thi■ In toeetitio — a .11Ig11/ hour It i%oistatitly wearing it 1 Peen, to be prod" Yours Very Truly, E M srouT MOBILI, Alchemic, July 231, 1866 vri,ariiit have been enateileil from the grate by the application el your wonderful • I pertine " 111 . Penile., Pen ei Charm ' For rev erol years I hove aull,ed every reason from fuvrr and ague I. Stirltot my life we■ threatened but Wert vtnefiy hat titstvii3ed the dices. I\llll I 1.111 repolly au appetite and strength Itenpeetfulty Yours. 11 N ILAttlitiN TIo• truly woo baajul iirowna , :ore etd nure for Fev. r nod Ague and Fa•ers wtII be sent by nbul ntri. hfu I fi.r use ou ro. c,•it f lore Alsq far P4lll it all renreota Druzgista aril Country Snoree l'inxinadkpor and Mrnu factory ISrl M Ili Jnnaud , Ilrunob °Med, flank of Con 'nerve Buil hug New York s er a 'igi•ly JOHNWILCOX CO PENNSYLV'A HOTEL. 1t .4, 41t111F,R RESPI.:("111;1,1,Y infoiins the citizens of CetitTo runty uud the int that he has leaned thin tel, and 14 1111 J ready and prepared to no, °m i.. dale Ira,. It it 111 a Al) le, which he flatten hie sell' will inert sub tiolilii approbation and iiiiironagi• 111 4 I . ollllty during their nojourn at liePondo. on wee. of Court, will find the Penn 1101:1 611 1101 uablo• reeling pl•iee The ILn m epaentue and furnished in superior I 111,1 APIA• of the suloseriber will be suppiii.,l with all the inhelaultal preview., dollen.oe and lusums it hich a productire . Country can furnish or nut urtn sign tunic and exertion can procure II is PA It, will always contain a general Wart Clll Of 111 C very best liquors, that the Eastern market drunk adapted to suit the 1110111 eaprieious TIIK STA TILE will lie attended by an attentive and obliging Ostler well qualified to disehargc the dot les i wrisining no this Important department oil 'white esleldishment, designed tor the neeinurno dation of travelers generally Areoinfendalog servant/ will always Inc in at tendance to guild) the wants andlfiontributo to the eonifort and monfaction of Ilia. ° who may he din poned to 1111 rottise the lintel of the nubnerfber, by whore nothing will he omitted Milloh will render his nuetoinern comfortable find happy From the attention and time which the under -41,0,1 line devoted to thin branch of buninenn, Al l ll his experience, he hopes to merit and reset vu amiable inhume of the patronage of the public Aprilr 11. 11l 60 PHILIP Kli'PflAßT Ayer's Cathartic Pills. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE By virtue of an order of the Orphana' Court of Centre county, there will ho expos ed to public rale on the premiers at 10 e'elttok A M 1111 selo ti ry a January oth 1861, a certain tract or Ina,' 40111111 111 Renner township, r,01‘.1 en the 111 , prrly ehrtatian hoary. deo d , latt4 of 'aid townsittri, Imendeni by. Jiaada =at. tieorge YouoK, 'fireman Ilattlinlo 4 heirs. and "tit err rootatot4 about forty arm., a part of which in nleared and in a good state of oultivation -One half the - wahine , money on non. roman". of sole, and the residue in one year there after, with Interest to be eeoured, by bond and mortgage., JOS M WILSON, DA 11.11, ❑OUSlilt, Dee 20, 1860 Adm're NEW MILLINERY GOODS. MRS. E, GRAFIITS RESPECTFULLY info_rm, , the citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity that she has just re. °lived from Philadelphia a splondiii lot of BONNETS, RIBBONS AND TRIIIIIINGS I of all kinds, and a suporior lot of II C:b CI 3E" Si which she direeta tin attention of the ladies °May 9116,1859 if STRAY BULL. Came to the premises of the subscriber in Walker township, about the first of lost Au gust, a Brindle Bull, wilts white tone run' a little white stripe on the back Ile Is supposed to be about two years old. The owner la requested to oome forward prove property and pay charges and take him away, otherwise he will be Maimed of awarding to law DANIEL PEALlilt. December 13, 1860 -st. STRAY flame to tho residence of Mr. J. U. Sankey IL/ in Gregg Township, about the beginning of Sept. a B oak Steer. white'aloopthe belly and lo• eidO of bind legs. The &ohne' is supppeed to be about two years old The owner Is requested to onion forwent prove property pay charges and take him sway, otherwise be will be disposed °tattooed log to law.' J. 8. BAUM Nov, 16, 1860. Ayer's parsaparilla. w A TFIROUG II TICKET TO CALIFORNIA C. S. COLBERT & CO's 5111GRA11D QUARTERLY DSTRIRUTION OF 100 (/00 AUI ICIIES. woicri suo.lmo. be sold for ..$lOO tlOO, to the poreh, , ort of our Lao' 001 itEN PENH Al' 10 Cro t' lox thir oolden Pen a the best es or used, mot is warranted nol to eorrode hl any ink Every hosti.egti 111411.1 ml uul the Golden ('en he following list of ,SI 00, 000 nand. , will ho dnitnlmied slum gent . Deft one ut $lOO 4.111•11 . ,•soil need not be psi.' for until inform the pureheser which of the .fallowing .In i. tdes we tea/ _led for $1 00, and then it in 01111011 a/ nall7th, he .1,11,14 the 1)0 /.1.,41? and Irides the G Go Il5 or out All goods 01111 he re turned our mpensn within ten dnyd niter the purehaser tooeives thein, 01111088 thee• ore sults. factory.) and the money will be refunded LINT or 00111111 IN THE . 4"1/37lOS Gold Hunting Cared ;flitches. Gold Bratehesadier . Saver Writclice. Guard. Vett rad Clot tristriChat - 111 r, Cornea Broarlies Malaga and Jet Brooches, lore and Plorent •ne Branch , Coral, Emerald and ()pal Braochee, Cameo liar DrOpT, itineale lund Jet Ear rapt, Earq and Plorentlne Ear Drops, Cora Ear Drop, Emerald and ()pa/ Ear //rope ll.urdarrne Seal Et mgt. MOS/lir nd Cameo Bracelet t, (i•tit Brea IVa tch Ke l p' Cob and Ettiboll Sett, of Rovoln Surd ,, Sleet, BB non., Plat RI aStO//rlSei tiet, t I bad i,' Garnett'(' ape .tikate/•, Alou,,sel nr rte Lain n, Chat/ rim, French. and American Y.atons, t, Poplinv, Prenrh Cal tenet and other Ladle,' :)reg, Gondl in groat ea arty for... Wier will, 111,d !better, Calm. Fa, ci/ Pan% and tit tart dlalaßr nvey ,1,,,,,p0na 01 /amp:, u,nnl/ found ill fir do, Dry (101,11 .Wor n PLAN Hp 1)ISTIt.17111'1'ION 1111:IIKST 1 . 11E:‘111 , 1 SiOn, 1,1111 FIT PU1611111! $2 The art ielee arc numbered and eorlitleatee stating whin we will .1141..thaell ja.ra.,,, fo r 11,111 ihillet ure placed it. aeahal envelooea, Wail A liet.llll.ll ruttgonterit of Pretututna , so that ill Earl] II un. Le loortifiontes thoat , w one for a H H /, 11' ,1 r// tlittollore will OA tll3 A Splusatall Premium 1u e.ll telinterlin•lien Ladles, if you dt•torl• It Shawl, 1, Drops Pat tore u beautiful tarliale of Jewelry 1 , 111,111110 118 30 von, a for IL Boa of 11.11,1 en Penn mid 1 xlll send you a vottifiale 111.. y citable you t., proeure it fir $1 ' • Hn reeediot ,of 30 eerde we wi.l eand ‘Oll 0110 1. , (d'oer 11.delen l'ene, end n monied oehee of thglar polo which NU will jell illr ,110 11011111 -•-• Jct. - sr , _AA RUES TO AGENTS, I'OST PAID.' 4 Doze+ Pew with 4 thirtifluTdee 9 do do 9 do 25 do do 25 do EGEMI N It —With each package of 100 }IOU, rre pre sent the purchaser 100 certificates ono of which IR gharan trgerl torontain one order for a Finn Watch or Bewt ug M....htitc or by lOrde4ing 50 bores in are paeltaxe yon are acre -to reeeive 50 nertifienies containing one order for n splendid Savor Wat,d. bminica a large number °rot her very valuable pre rtinms line .lertifioate sent grail.. u pon ;When Om. of Any peraua desiring 141 act ne Agral. which may entitle him it ;1n. , . r 0 tt valuable preen inn/ Opt/U.IIW payment 01 $1 PIANOS, M ELODEONS, MItSIC, BOOKS' SEWING MA41111711101. de Ilt,ught nod Sold nn 1,011111114414111 Any arne's well he sent to the country at the buses( Wholesale Prices wits the addition of per cent 00111011•111.111 for forwarding N B —Agent.. wanted in every town etreularn 80111 or; applt,ll.lm, Add r+•oe ill en t nu ttts le t ifis tt . t o f• ,S l'() ( . 1) r 1 a 1111 , 0110,011t114 11A 4T9 I ire KRA I. A OILNITY 11:4fi S Julb Fo'Crib Si Below Chestnut, Fh [fir' For our Integrn, and aliloy to fulfill our any Iments we beg to refer vou to tho following wel now: gentlemen owl bovine , . firm: ocalloney J W Uoury, Eu IiOV esinnwelnrol Palmer, Itiehlsl.on .t Co Jewellers, Philndelpbm F. A \Fluor, EN Wcc A (I ray M ecru", K cmtneror It Moore, water et below Arch MorerrM►ett A Krath Fifth A \Luke'. tit's •` • .1 C FLIP, E 9 Irwrllrr A F F.; l'ilhhnher of F lAblons Ac M. It HORNE Cat...turiu,t Hank 11., M Eure)ca CAlifortitx. Sept .•1031,E 6 146.11-1 4 0010) WOEre . mom:int •ir A SUPE FILATIVE ToNJC,DIURETIC, 4 it•Co -w DYSPEV-3 INVICDRATINC, CORDIAL To thq Citizens of New Jersey & Pennsylvania AVIITIIINCtIIIE , , 4.i.14T4 GROCMKS YKI VATF F 11 4 .11101.. Wailes Purr Cognac Fir.ndy 1,111114 , • Purr Mud. rin, %berry and-Port \Slue It elf '• Puro Jonsuitu naid 1111 Croix Rum MI of lr'• Purr •roluh and I ri•h \'hi.hy A 1,1. 11,1 1101' I'LE• I beg leave to call the ILttontom ad the outset; of the United States to the above Wines and Li quaint imported by Udelitho Wolfe of New tuck, who.° name is familiar in every part of this e .11111- try for the purity of has erlehr deal Srlo edn pro :ideritie Mr Wolfe, in his letter w 1110. speak in of the ' purity of iIIOV lee. and I.tqllolll says will stake my reputation as a man my st•nd ing as a merchant of thirty yeare residence in the city of New York, that all the Brandy and Wi nee ' whish I bottle are pure Be imported, and of the best qu.itity and 0110 be relied upon by every liurolosser " Every bottle has the proprietor'e name on the wax, and a foe sonileof his signature on the certificate The public, are respectfully in Vitra Llp cell and examine for it. inselove For sale at Retail by all the Apothecaries and ti cern in Philnale'phia UKOtaili It A.Myrov, No 332 Market et , Pilot SO, Av./ tar Nat./1.11,1"a Read the following from the New York Connell Reounot a B. toss se rem eon Nary liens Men, pit ter W e are happy to 4.trforin our fellow esti Fe. ttsut there ie . one place in our city where the physician, apothecary. and country reerObellt, can go and purchase pure Winos aoldquore as pure as imported, atm of the best qu ity 'We du DO( intend to givesui elaborate des,lption of thin Mer chant'e eutmnph n, imeiness Maio/ugh it wilt repay anystraugar us eat ixen.,l,ll Vita iLLophe Wplfe ex Maud. ellrelloll ,ol . Noe pi, 20 and 22, Ireailer treat, nod NOM 17, 10 and 21, Marketfield street 1111 Mock of Schnapps Ott hand reedy forshipmen could not have been lees than thirty Ihousund cast es , the Brandy, some ten thousand ceves—Vin aged of 1836 to 1050, and ten thousand often, at Madeira, Shernr,„and Pyrt Wine, lieoteli and Irish Whtekey, Jamaica cud St, CrOIX Ruin, etium very Tld anti equal to any In thiscountry Ile al. had hree largo cellars filled With Brandy, Wine, ke In casks. under Custom•llause key, -rest for bot tling Mr. Wolf's sales of Schnappiledtst year amounted to one hundred anal eighty dinutlautl dos en, anal we hope in less than two year. he may be equally successful with his Brandies and Wtrierr Ills business merits the patronage of every lover of his apatite' Private families who wish pure Wines end Liquors for medical are shoulit renal their °Here dirout Us Mr Wolf, until every A peth sentry in the land make up their minds to &seas' the polioneue stuff from their shelvea, and replies it with Wolfe pure Wines and Liquors. We understand Mr. Wolf, for the aticommoda tion of small dealer, in the country, puts up as sorted oases of Wines and Llquoie Such a rosin and such a. merchant, should be su:talned against hie tAns , aft thousands of opponents In the United Btafien, who sell nothing but Imitations, ruinous alike to human health and happiness Fire Pale el the Drug , tores of P. P 0 1 / 4 reen, and .Pbbn Barrie at Co , Bali/I,foot*, I a Stiptemher 20 1800 STRAY CATTLE Sfrayed sway from the reeidonco of John Hines, In 1410 Sugar Valley, some time der lug the simmer, i ,Thres Steers, about three year. old. 'One Is black—large horns—and tLe point sawed off the right horn Another red—ohunky set and the right horn sawed off And another a light rod—white speckled head—a notch In each one—and shell on Any person giving any in formation of their whoreabents will be liberally rewarded. JOHN MILLS t, Nov 29.'60-3 flublersburg, Centre 00. LAND FOR SALE . . TIIE subscrilwr oftere for aide a tract or land situate In Patton Trormihip °antra co., containing ebetV 100 aortic 7 of ablob Ia (neared, and the balance g 0 ,141 timbairland. Adjoining-lands of Jobs Neldigholobn(lnitnrine and W. Blair. GEORGE 00PBN. 15 : '60.4t. Holmes P. 0 , Nair' ea- OEM - • Am EXCELLINT PROPERTY FOR 1 READ'! 31 D 1 GREAT ATTBACTIOM SALE OR WANT: 1 - 'ENV AND CHEAP -- r I Ilatit: - THE culoscl 11. r bring dcsirous In retirc Cra ... )3I' l lVII• fiT from bILIIM ,4 owl te et o%e tonne of I. railed ft Tit ft I) Lt Till fp D, nijil ['FON% X in oneerreeinewe of his broken limbs, oiler, fltr tfi f i t t 1 nr rent. the atingle /1,,t, , 1 sit wiled in fl oblerol,ur., . ('Hy I;helele 1 , 1 Pt tret.rteln firm bets, 124 Nuttb Centro ellunly Thos ll.ioi lb within Pin(' 1.1. , of , t 11101:-t... et Plltiktltli lila. , eh ° - B oroug h of 11,1j,t,,,0u oil I, turnpike, le -ii' st rir Ine etenler,.o . l el t ee+pe el - fully announce lir from .1141r1,',i,1e to 1,..A1 liiti4n 'I lie le .1.. 1.. , ' j_ ti h. er bot.eittnex ..t e:entse CoOnt, mid lb.. nonrl3 , n •Iv 00.1 mull eliktilftto H.,. 1 , 00,.• 11...,., : ~,,,. ~, w .,,,,,,, i 0,,, th, v h,.,,. orunnicat 01;1 ilia duipt4 an v‘eelitiil lot+lllll, 'I Iter le ii lino : .1,, , , ~ w .,,.. a ~ ~,,...; ,h,. L ,,,.,,,,,, , ,,,, ~, , d NO rial 11 ne.rf other. note t,r) ,iit Intlldtup ri,l net It ii , . c h, ~.,I „, 0 „,,...4, ..."' eiiii the preiniore A leo te.. nerve 01 gnnnolou which iie n bd of nude peach p. Dr rind Th. rr,v titles hearing A doll) li uo or e'tog•en sore ai ti e 11008 n nn.l marketing elm be penc ns.ii fieni Inc stirrmillii log eonntry The property being Ilitrie.ind Inn hen aml benn liful valley, make, it one 1,01 . tin 1n..11 oni 1111,1 t. In enlione for n Public linuee in the 00untry City riritore ronert to thie In during the • oln mer an inwount of the health Of Iho place and Incl scenery . . Any person wishing to embark in the business mild not suleot a locality where he would he better .aid for his nervier, than this Por•esaion gts )ii the first day of April, or sooner if d.ened If tads raborg Dee ;al A CA It Shit TO THE WORLD AT LARGE ! AND 1110ALSBUlil7 41 VICINITY IN PmurteuLan The subgerthers having Inkett the Store formetly oeettmodlorMensre lohoston h K el ler, beg to any to the people of Isoalsburg nod vi Hotly Ihnt they will eontleito the DRY GOODS AND GROCERY BUSINESS i 6, chow esellthsng ustwllY foun . din 111 'Well 111.14.10• ink/. Vll/1011, b/11111111C8, /1.1.1 11111 apart. no pv...• .. ...I NO.ral el ILI. k, .1 %1 &ails° keep a he• priori • kenp op a lull asserltaout of errrytlting, usually I Wont id Foiley r gotok and twain a suith sa l'uoirt kepi 111 /111 V t. , 11,11 ty store and a 111 sell at ton. es 1,....i5s tootle it.onnait s pocket knisri and rtitaft. while!, ive traiNt wail a 'holt s ill u.. 1 In an: of your m nil e sod 1 / 1 11.11 , N w.. eh ehadis hi ysoind gerrole pain-may rutrer ttrw. unit her ,atid Ls 5 , ,11111 and guitar All kilids of entitirry prntlet•o !al", at foil inn'. Arleen i tools end , / ,- .1 , ..P. 'llls •P' , IACI / rg• 1 , 7 1,1 pries sin ext,lutagn .i. 1;...415 Bring eleeir sour Kisses cud .11fea t , l , " I " 1,. Lacey end naefoi lire , . ,our iinnaan vetir'lluVer, 3..ur Er ••aa a on, art P . . 1 too ati meta it 1., .1. s tile , all el Vattall sr Rapp, a..tir T 1111, 1 ,1 yo it• Lital set, ii,, , i.l . I sell at the 1ue..1 i Isli pi ... al your Bova %lax I..ur Foul hers nod ' ,. .as., aett I) e 10,1 " 11 IY p• ~i." . d of e1"0 , 44 a. hula yothing or ll II kuul a our r ~it will ~• r . I. 10 , , other . r ,), OIS, i .1 , 1 I 1 i 0.1, rl nriltli., to fity,le refused youtt,;, , If I ithum . A CO . n• cl'll A call and a .••.. ”111/ 1. 10411 s coil rf1"•11, Ittonlslturg April 211 I ' , tit) - tf nil et are confrlr id 11,11 st it r.lll gut sots(seil.te, 13/.d army perstto Ow' II t I it to I ' ll! lot - 3/ - C . . 0 T 3" lilt oda. a lit le Hu.,:' 11,1 1 he.y. ClilthlPX LIM b. ' X.l r 11 , .k.d.111.1 „ rill) r.. ell II gto edition l 1....1. r Can buy }our l'lelltitiri, for sourselt es nod 1./1/ „i,, k 11 1 ,111 )1. i,, ',fur", liras 1 . 1111,1 ' /1 with nhosa ho n, ," ' ,e ll Ittf'e l e 11 la 01 ' I " .• ' l ' lll i ll "11 I ire env venue , it,/ awl shun ,to ut. hr f14111 , 11i.1 by calllng a, the cheap rioile,g Slot.- el I „,t h,, good , a rte . , of ill /tilt , lea In eur line elools A tine: nifty e l'o in tho Itiattihtl, ndl %uritalts 11,1, le chat woll..Mludttp entleheaU i T\ Firm yeti i ~,r ~.I,le of arty other, .11„ hi ,11t111 . 181 an fhb kart I - ---- N7CT 31..-3E.--r - -- - - -- - - - - - 1- 91 ---` l "' ---- . — erVt. - A :: - 11:Irgriii • seta at least from 25 to 30 per Celli All londs of— --- ------ Clothing and rnarna•hang (10,01 s are 50 1,0 h a d 1 wlr.oLEsittk AND RETA.I6 Kt this i•tlffli at the lowr,t t Ash WIC ~ ' l /0 - ELAILDW ARE ti T 0 ' reCell,l wolf 'lode 11100,114 W... 014 It not be much better to I --- Eiii .11. TT 3MI .A.Avritr.ssr4t. A catyr "is re Just ui et/KA, in the WWI, runts Oii Oa* Mu" l, v.h."Oata 11.1.. 1., railing a' erre anti 1 , 11117 , 4 ' North %I . (tit corhot of the Diamond In Belle In your Stsiek of l'l.Nloug for the \l ii wt I ;owe, ham. rly tattupto 1 bs it 11A .1, tt rtit her.. lust' Illis Issta l diAliteul e here yen •wi11... :tam ' tsli:e cud , 1" . 1 1- .... ..... 1 , ot rieelf /torment, ly get tlot fall 1 sloe of tot, 11,0'• 1...a....0 al ~. art ,1 •4 ~ 1 1 . . M 41:00 DJ" "JM I "'Sr . - " 3 4" 01 ' I El ' Alai Tnlal, ' "Calll4l) ef averT rim lir/1,1111,er the plttee 1 11 e 11... r ..Loan Let or ' ~ l-' arty and pro, Sion if - 110 4C , l0r1; 111 the 11.1 11 . oil( ' it" ., S ( . 1. ,. / . Mall Hod l ' ireular Mavis a A "Tl' BNB! lit; ACO 1 than hest menu( tenure Bellefonte, Not rad, t 11, 1 , 1.1 t l. -) f yl,i,S , 1.1.,1id., ..1,,,i 1.1. t): ':ill Lsoik of -ol" t' ~, detarlott ,•i east the best rialtly CLOCK, IVAT('II, JJ.:\VEI.HY Ikil (ail( E u n it t1..t.. Locke end Laleltes AND FANCY STORE. LTA. t.f tit dt rent Lands arilsll F II } I+ al 11l 11l his .11.1 ',laud at C111 . 11).111.D. Chr y .t. ft , e std Tel Locks. N 4 4 Braakerholl's Itow on Allugher, areal forget •n I Small Pal Locks where he bus joltt r.,,1%.1 f the roan, rh. Ines,Tx AND; Ile , It t.. alllng and l'anoel Saws. 1111 li 14 114,V1 o ff ; 1111 g for sahassis writ seleoted al d 11. Broad, Ilona, and Chopping Asia. beautiful Am...talent of . - ril"Ii_11 MIN ' Cleat .rs •11.1 Chopper.. 4l CLOCKS, IVA 1C111:', AND .1}:11 El 111. .1.0 Dr.% ing Karfsrs ILatottri... ch , eela a Alas. 1 ~ I A .„ n rule:lent ml./ . 1:110.11 of Id,N Cy H AY l3letturt and Spading Forks, fr„,170 A IV(' ',L.' , of all kinds and titialitlrs :N/E.'tools rof 416 ry dowrAlthwarirly V 111( WAh'E • On - cas %;a111.1:10: , Ilita al. Al a . r .,...rai ...on- N „,..ith...,,h, th. " p.m. ' 1,,. Oros tis flub y 0 m ,,,,,, , ,i ~„ p , ~,,,, ,„.,,,,i,„..,, y p ia,,,,h, t. as large and complete as et e Ind as late g , nth situ dr , ~,„, u, is m „,„.,, ~,,r,,,,,„ p, Lupo •eleeted with great Cate Nom the manor rtorero of theeastet n cities ~ 1 11 in latest styles, he fuels it.l turf' Tools trld , ll tin tof br our aid ronli,lelit of ;ovule satisfactior to all - 1 - 7 ICES. A 'woe, 1 1, „}a, Strew Plates Files. lIIR Mb/t. k V 0431 1 ,111 of 1.1, 1701.1 ar , 1 Silver lIIIi, V itllo , M 1• Pipe Ski ii .ridWsgon Boxes (son and hunter ease follieweled English ' , OwnQ TEEL Sidings, Ito, slat I lota, Bent F•t• and detached It, cr Watches, also I.e; tree and ',D e btors, Ileums A• Q" "l'er. er'''''"'l'e ''t ev' r''''lle whirl' ''" he p . AINTS, (Id. ('lts', n.a.! Potty. Coal Oil found In 11 '4 , 1.1,1 Ithrelrr Storn • , ..I 1' , ... , ' , 0r.. 1 . , ,e 1 e•rrp 11.,•rlipt :on Ito lea• else .'•• i'i I' PA I awl 1, Arnp , Yi11 . 111.:I i rni Ido r f.L'S r,.,•• ne...rtlnc,ll: o` w ,y. -, 1 ~,i, ~, (\ II, uipriN i , ,,, .0, Leather. Rope, and run all aze. A 1.1 , 1 Po.tket Books rook 'flues, I 'L." W tro elf ttt I'rnineln allwintlene• l , tAt .1. he , CIIIEE\IAKERS' '1,, , ,:y oo4all oiher kis& ale - l'arti•alsr nth, to, p„ I to 1 I lilt ,g 10 ;,(I;., „h. u5,,,,p, he t o ;;; -, ;oh - rvibitid V a aa a and Jertelri al s l iert fedi , .• . lissalwatrn :- , b ,, r0 - 1111 I n 1 I'IN 1 heir •t.. k a , s . ri..11,11 .1. 1 y row one. enaaprhriew 11l 0/1. le I Bear tr,•l. • , ..etrilve.l with the Bard. ...... 1, alt , •, ar . 1 , eh. it lar . iff 11 , 4 (.n rturehaateg goods mu todlig I t•• Will I i wy na, ..4.4,41ab ana 01 al, y 1..0 4.4 Itliff tr.rtil.rllro stile to fell lg. f•• 11:1% t. , •„.• hut, :5-1 i,.r ..tat lower the* any , lier . rt;.l. 1 1 11 1 1 1 111 Ohli' , Hailt ry. and invite l' blech.ll,4l cud , ill .iiher. in netti of Ilsr•IA .;.• I.a a 11 1 nll , l ,L 1,1 1 .1 /1,1.11e111•Vi of lb, tr. ,. 1, , ,' th.• 11,11..fon•t• .110, I! 1 , ..1,1 I r (boll font, Apaxj.i:s9 1r WOOL! !! WOOL!!! SPItIN..) 1Y1)111,LN /11 ANI , FAC7IH Y Rt)/iEli K ENI)A LL. in connection n tth S roan I llouser, ha+ commenced buiiiiirs• anew at ite oil rowel ors Styr Crock OWL, Ihr Or 0. r floenilall A Houser, whore 41, high,+t hit tor/ 14.1 In. to {toiler sittirfar tom to al! who ti n ny favor us with a lock of wool or iitherwite The public generally in iy rely upon obtoinlng superior quality from uisi at the I 14/11101111,11.. pup., not to sot p4.4.,1 II runeerulu the eouritry Our long until too tool and bualue+s ir iisiellona ,i 1 1110 rib., heretofore we trust will be,, atatcielir groin wtcr• for the future You will till plc 1.0 Et wr inher that our wagiiiis .111 be round in cc meniion to exchange goods (or wool of who h) , " anrk , l..te iely generous pile Cloth cl•libut Flannel. Blanketing lorpettng Shawls Cox rli In `to. king yarn and some I/101111V always on h /nil i gir for wool and all marketable proilnine Itoll Cord log bun well at 61 cents per poutiol The Sorliiir 11.1riller would euxhr•re I hi. oppor• trinity and make iwkno.leiltuentn to hissuilltrenl. (minds and former cur/none, k o o • ii o f or, Kt , .d maxi, she old friend, ithotilil out moot irgaiii in a goat ill the same cloth Bonner trahip. ktorch 3 ' BELLEFONTE DISPENSARY J HARRIS HAVE NOVVANI) ARK tif • conetnutly receiving the folloning nr tie lea, which they wdl null as cheap as the cheapest ,lad warranted good profs and Mei'trines, (wholn,Lle or retail II 111461,1118, Dye sled's, While Lead, F lore uu• .hate, and Liquid Burning flUill, pine oil, fluid and plea oil lamp, paint and varnish brushes, hair, elolb, tooth and drab brushes Porto moulias rant hooka and watiuts MI and tobacco a large asstortittunt, of Ptiok et k nt for Jinni v of Pettey Article. and Perfumery, flair Dye and Rest orative Patent l'iledteines --All or Ayer's Dr Joht. !lull's, Louden's, Jayne's Maymol's s.4lwqe a, Iletabold's, Holloway's Shepherd's pally A. 141 forA's Ae , and infant all the putout ,luedtet nes Id the day All of whieb end a variety of °there, you ern gel by trailing at tiro Drag tithe m - Brotertmrr !tow efouto Physicians' Proseriptioks compounded with OW 'mein coo nod dibp atc h For medical porpoise Lyons Cot terba lltrantly has no rival, and Limiting bean needed in super rode the 'mist ~,,, uscompounds sold under the come of Brandy. As a beverage, the pure article is at together superior, and a sovereign and sure reme• dy fur Dyspepsia, k,latulonay, Low Spirits, Las• guor, fieneral Debaity, Ao . ire Piles 111.25 per bottle. Soto agent for Centre Co, J A .1 HARRIS ❑omph:ie's Journal of Speoltlo Homeopathy for grovuetous dlstrtbution at the Drug Store of J J Morris Mono - " c. HARRISBURG AWL - 6034. AGENCY LEWISTOWN, PA. *8.130 X 20 .11.13E1L Km C - This Company's Nails are rqmtl in quel.ty to the beat Nails made in Pennsylvania end (Jr superior to any nail in this market. an our largely Untreated sales for the past 3 months will tastily For sale by P 0 PHANCISCIIIi, Agent Harrisburg Neil Co P 8 —lBamunt to dealers—a large mook,always on hand—all orders promptly filled—delivered the Rail Read Sleben or canal Lewistown, Aug 9-10 JOllll MONTGOMERY R"pectlitily ianrina the cavern; of &Ile fonts that he still imeitlnues to carry nn the Tailoring and Clothing bueiness at hls old Mend in Drokerhors hew. on Main street. whore he it prepared to mole to rude*. all kinds of °MMus In the neatest and moat fashionable style. Ile keeps on bond a general, variety of CDOTIIB, CASSIMEICIiS. AND V ESTINIiS, of the latest and most approved WWl's. A LSO Really made Clothing of ell kinds which he is selling at roduoed prince He feels thankful for the very liberal support heretofore extended, ■nd hopes to merit a continuance of the same. Bellefonte, Jan 6th,1860,Ay. HID E S W.A N T ED.—THE HIGHEST Market Pate paid in nu b for Hides, kr the übs° it. h Old hi vT If.--r, at the ..0-0411 -winery. In MN. ham J. S. PROUT/7110T , nin46-591 lk! CA 1 , 1 IIIt I: Cl:Hilton .111r1 gt,ll.lll.l'n 111,11. Gutb exhibit. d pnd ehlth Iher will eel! : 1 (1 r rrt,r )hen per then the elaeupesi hint Mock entbree , e.o lul I ittel oemplele Awyerl• went of Pule Hunch Ihere. and 1 , 11;uk Cou.a. Getwinielo e , ..t 1111 . 1. Te rhd. J uan Fartteri' sicol Aluohunice', Cloonnuare, Fruck n t d Sa.elt i'.,, Pen Jneket e • Over', Of or litie (71.0 h Preita.culDami aktrow neuvoeu, Seal and Lion Ala, Union elknilollltlM.,' • ribbed a nd. plain Partonloons of the Carsi mere and Damian ',lark, silk nin red, soil other fancy colors, of the l istens st:, les, ar well as Satinet on J I.!niiht Caasltnerka; 141 le of strong and a ohrla mien at Or, for•the blltelt Fernier Jowl hi schannic Ann twine.. varlet. of Vests, such as and aillt•onteined Velvets, lirequ4toe, Valencia, ltattalres, Csasinftere, Cloth AWN - . aSe. A gaunt al 111101iinrill n or a l and youlke noel, nit; and Geottenuennls Furnishing Gouda.! Rats, Clips, Untie raLitts nod drawers, Knit Janke% fine white anti henry Locum Shins, nolltirk urrktlS InJnelkorsinnets snoclon'unni etweaks, stookin dunks saliskii,unnsper hap nutaltraliste."twi a - 021E1V .11.2.00 r11....".1\7" EMCEE CLOCitS, - MMUS AM HUM H,,ltig lot,. stork of Cii.eke, nt•lirP tn I 1., Intel) m, el by Hibl• A M tn 4 , 1 I h 11l I I /org• 11.1dItion• 10 tr • paw j 4.1) iti% oIL the , ittention of the 1.01.- t.., to tt. Atit o ; 110 or 10 part 41 01 ,1 nr.l .11•., It 0111 (i•• 1 ,1 Uu,r nh and Fob Clotn.. bold A es's •• t -lee Itrseeless. Gents' Uchl stole;•ls I,s)a I 'url Can . nth er Ye oClle t Hugo r Its I. •r : inc"l 'lres•r Prate i'en• rile stet I'• 0 'steel flags Stl,•r N e tt e d se,.. • /V., I.lght deg and thief, hunt CI. k'', es the ‘try prsees John Aloral, .4,1111.0 W g r its se Ilse pub se,ess us tn e ed t h at tb.. ) , esti meet atilt setis`e.,:trin Ile Is determined so shriven s 4 erichrr 411 tuterser article or ofkr for rate aophlng in. hi. hoo but what ha can wet rust Cor•I Ir..hle etp4 . l . lolJoll in hu - sissees, and a II Imo in the public will give him an ad• T•l.lxr,, whirls lie use to tits uluinet. he p.n.'s. elarly its. hese lbw •ttessiben, of the Is• dsse to of Pa . Ringo sett Bracelets, which are of the tsarist styles; Ausi be also (o wes Ike gentlemen to en uutne a act) fine lot of tf 4 , 01. • I.lll•sffesest for mule Lie Asspentug and ch.:11,111g promptly attend aJ L • its Hermits, lan if C13:4 I1(E ANb CLEARFIELD HOTEL rill 1 E r lakl. pletcnre in inform lOR 1114 111011,1 e 11in1 lie 111.1 renamed tbv the thine well known stuml, ituA jbwt Ito i. fol:y prepared t., ivecotinkl a t e a I it 1,4' tone him with their patroongo • 111. T.% ni,w will h o bwnd tilweis well fit rtiinkrcl whittnesr 11.0 CAI) 01l ii Illtd Ili* BAIL with Zhu beet of At 1i well b tnt. rt. bait prnehiroj with r,4 , WILMS r- C 1040614 and Cuu Lri.r Ilto MAME Is oulafort• able lubl ming. stud 11,14 ...Larva urawratit II kfal f4.r te my past ("or. from the trorelitts pellllo. he will he pleased to teko his nl4 frienelf by the bond again. TIIO3IAS MAYA. NO, IS, 18110 SNOW SHOE.. flphe utlersignerl hiring pint over. H Irrir,,a arol (reel' stuck of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, &c., rn at'thererralmm or gni Dent fonts t Finnic 50 A Shoe Rnil Hon•l, Invite tlzo cillsens of the e 8 aurrouthiing t.. 11 and eaninlne Vr thnir chock fhcy are determined to fen °honing. then 'ha cheapest, end tawny, hottero It full nt•rek of everything fin their Iln• b•miness ptl JOS D. lIADRIS4 CO. tt A December 15,15511. • : 1 3 1P .13aI'ir300110 RAMA MOTEL, OPPOSITE rim WEStDRANCII BARK, wiwAilsruirr. rn. /I. 11.41, PROPRIETOR N. II —An Omnibus will run to rind from the ironot and Pouliot tp this !total, has of hong*. Sold. 3-37.11 J. T. MARSHALL, PIPOATER AND DEALICD. IN FINE DRUGS AND CRESICILS , Alio Ms, ) urscruser or chemical Preithimitseas, Fronoh Cosmetic,' Fine Porrnmery, No 32 Buildings, Nor Yorli Price Vat Nuptlll•ril to the trade OR fpPiioll4l4ll.: August 16, 1810 . ....... LISRI LUKE! I Lau!!! The eubseriber rrepietfelly Informs the publie the'. he has 'rooted • Lime Kiln Dear the Benue; of Bellefonte, whorl be is la k asl i f d Lime simperlor qualify —whiob Is idioms ... to be as white sod pure a* theoVittaloat lime, ill he sob li to in it a trial, atiii-ha is-,4patits&utis, puWiets will ems hark erkie. - AV I' r .. ._ I 81-IN XA Ot ell 1