Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 28, 1861, Image 2

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    Mr. Lincoln's Departure from Harrisburg
f r l • ... Mr. Lincoln left Ilarrisburg, says the Pa:
I trim. and Union, on Fridry evening at six
o'clock in a vecial train for Philadelphia'
where he took the cars for Washington, and
arrived i r the Federal before its
denizens were Out of bed, The programme
prevraoly arranged, was, fir -turn to leave
this place on Saturday morning for Balti
itHita cm ' tob . an ma At l ie and
to proceed to Washington in day
iS trhouliworwimo . ', lFe understand that arrangements
, N, _
4ir „.......
~.,,,,..„,,,,, r 4 O i k u 4 ,0-li Xl
---- ' •
4 sm.) " ANII J. 4. lIIVINHARr.
hail been made at Baltimore for his recep.
lion, and that a committee were here to as
sure Lim there was not the least danger to
be apprehended in passing through that city.
But for some mysterious reason he departed
FOR SALE i from Harrisburg so secretly as to elude ob
servation. and went all The way round by
undersigned beiAg desirous of ahem !
dotting the Printing business, offers for sale Philadelphia so as to avoid a change of cars
Wu interest in the Democratic % aichinan at Baltimore. Even the person who drove
Theestablishment Is a paying one havingf him to the cars was not aware that the gen
about 1,000 subscribers and a fair share of
tleman who stelmed into the vehicle at Coy-
Job Work and Advertising. Airy person;
erley's ❑Hotel, disguised in a slouch hat, was
wishing to embark in the bukiriess would
ua .had a more pleasant locatrn 4 , t aw President elect of the tinned States on
S. SEELY- his way to the Capital to bk plaugurated—
I never supposing it for ',moment, possible
CE \I" 1)"11(e)N3 The t''''ntre lira the President would depart in that secret
gains. toe some reason best known to them- I and undignified manner.
solves, did riot parade on the '2'2.0 instant,
Various reasons are assigned for this hasty
ss had been. intended. Si there was no
exit. One story has it, that 'Mr. Lincoln
derimAr tion. of any Lind, in this P lace, feared he" would be assassinated at Bahl
worrly...of. The. memory of the smartest
more. If
the case
we don't believe
Washingtont the slightest grounds existed for het appre
: 1 1 11USE1T104 FEBRUARY - 14, 1861
ui: i'll,),PA present , ea _ !tension. ft would Oily show the power of
1 :(1%
an accusing conscience. The wicked flee
14 sal, by those who, toterest It is to
when no mail pursueth Another story' Is,
Limp Looked or. in anal !natters to be an ca
ceettingly favorable one for the growing ori that t i e fled fur the purpose of avoiding the
horde of ravenous office hunters assembled
the wheat crop Si tar as we have heard.
t 3 lay serge to him : aril that he feared he
the whit at Melds throughnut the Stale pre
sent a very flourishing appearance. Provihould be compelled to undergo the esces-
_ ..saiwits.. . upou isjui. juum.. „ .6.4 save fa (WIC 121 listening to Anolber _ oration _
And still another nccount says that he was
•Landing the political troubles with which
we are temporarily alllictitl I summoned to Washington by Mr. Seward
for higib reasons of State.
Whieb of these stories are correct we will
not undertake to sty. But there wee cer
tainly something ridiculous in a President
elect of the United States making a trium
phal zigzag progriss to Washington, and
cow tag observation and applause until be
arrived tat llarrisburgNanit thershassung tiara
place at jp:ght to finish his journey like a
fugitive hotly pursued by tht ministers of
It oicor,that }x Secretary Floyd is
intidi;tng n lengthy and elaborate deletwe
ati.l his r lli<tal acts. Ile will bike
the ground lint his acts here justified by
prw•tdeut si . 4l the tit eessi•lei 04 the Goren,
un of 'that the 1,114:ne , ,s of Li-e
mull nul,p4 UCLA LI Li/031(1i some ix.pc
-411,t1 to rr lit ye trie I rt a-urt•, aid that the
r.a.oly I), ',arum nt and Congress are at
ninit In not properl) pres !Zing (or the ittl
hlun t of the (Inm-flog
—The Fem.! blemworn.
\ on 41' 1' tail*:
00( red nut for ittrade on the
but did not Intike thtir fppearanee
straggling soldiers hON ever, were seen
wandering about the ~ trects At two o'clock
the hand hinted o .t Ind pia) ed a few tuner
on the loncco of the l'oirt [louse, aLtr
which tt ri tutni d hi the Armory and ths
missed We unde}stand that the fairtain
hued every mrarthets v. ho did not make him
appearance according to the call
We, notice from f IC, stern paper, that nor
fellow towomman. llr .lag B Cook, a in, to
tal. of the croft: Me bren distinguiAing
Lanienelf en the way of giving popular ler
turn. We clip the following from the Rock
ford Daily Neiri.
" A friend ache, heard the lecture before
the South-tn. Vivre! iim, at the S'hool
lionse hint event nit, gay, it was a file effort,
and was su.atttvtly lisieoril to by en sp
regulative •i.ilience Jas II Cook w as the
speaker, soil Lis subject_ "'lfe l'iiiiy of
the States, or the Relations between hi It
'withal and National Liberty "
Ws notice fr orn our l'learfi. Id exchanges
that the bridAe over (.;learfielif creek two
miles east of hewn, was carried ofl by the
tee flood, a short time ago •• The pier of
the hnil;e at Junes orrest'e on the old
Lime pike, was al.° tot n away by the ice,
thus Teltdertllg It unsafe to er•tse that one --
The rossequence is that hauling, has in a
great measure been a ppended and the mails_
arc now rimed across the Creek on a font
log. and :dr Johii,m, of the Matistim
House • rung a c ni Vey tree to and front t h e
Cr' tk, with the nulls and passengers •'
Tar, !Avast sprit.; fashions fir
Tint:loons are alrea ly _out in Pilikdelphia 1
and of (tour s° will soon he in , rodu-ed here
by the ton." The favorite style 14 a ear
mw plaid in enormous squares Ourrepor
entemporary of the lii 4 , tat nom.
saw 2 MI Wide yesterday. which he thos de.
scribes •• One bar rests upon the hoot, the
next at the knee ry d the third at the lop
the ft urth forming the waistband. rhelega
01 the gentleman sporting these trowsers
reminded UP of the long loop-hale windows
in the front of the Yiistern Penitentiary.
The color is a lively brickdiist, barred with
1 here 14 a fashion that is a fish
A Ms \ last Thom lay even
mg, Mr. Andrew Loft, more familiarly
known as the •' milk man," was kilkd while
engaged in hauling saw logs on tile farm of
Doctor Fairlamb. It appears that a num
berof logs were lying on the side of a bill
from which me m( th,tn hat been detached
from the bottom of the lute aril rolled to
thei foot df the Ill!. Here the unfortunate
man was engaged in loading them on a sled,
when smother tig started from the hill-aide
and caught him before he was able to make
hicocape. lie haires a wife and • large
family of children, most of vrhomare
to mourn hid untimely end,
1101 V SO MAKI! A COAL. FIRS.— every
boay knew how to make a coal fire, there
would be more comfort inside sand lees
smoke outside the houses, in cold weather.
During the'cold spell" the Cockneys have
been pernoittd to enjoy, the smokle is said
to have *Ailed down upon London like it
dense lop t Nearly all this might have been
preventedliy knowing how to make • Coal
firs, which is: Before you throw on coals
pull ill the flre 'to the front of the grate,
towards the bare. WI up the cavity , at the
back with the cinders or ashes which will be
found under the grate, then throw an the
Goals. The glut evolved in the process of
remising the coals, will be absorbed by the
cinders, and render them in an increased de.
gfee Itomboortible. The smoke will thus be
"burAt7lols a the, glowing, smokeless 'Arai
- will bo the result.
• Eserlient7,that
A ComPatimisit —This is the
rirk — Trrtmnrit remedy-•
" fhe true compromise for the cnsis is to
buy all die nerroea of the border States,
awl thus convert them into Free States
IVtio would refuse to be taxed fo. such a
purpose ? Nobody who is not • fool or •
In other words. it proposes that the South
ern owner shall roll his negro, worth $l5OO,
for $2OO. the purchase money to be paid nut
of the I'm e ted States treasury, into which
the Southei n States have contributed n.orc
than two-thirds of the receipts. The plant—
er it to get about $66.66 I-5 for a piece of
'property worth $1.500, for the privilege of
raising his ' nigger" to a position of social
avid political equality with himself? This
is said to he compromise with the South,
and it 14 all that the Republicans will '• con
cede ""If the Southerner thinks it is rath
ler tough and refuses to •• conciliate" on
such terms, he is to be hinged, shot, sabred,
shelled, coerced, subdued, annihilated and
re.annexed, by the warlike Greely —N Y.
Day Book
Mes.dts !lorries Ilsoinicas —These Rem
tlemen have recently purchased the dry
gosls store of Mr George Jackson, former
ly known as the I R Reynolds establish
ment of this place, and intend conducting
the mercantile business on a very extensive
scale We are Informed that it is their in
teinion to deal largely in the grain and flour
business One of the partners intends leer
trig for the ity in a few days to lay in a
stock of spring and summer goods, which
will lie sold at lower rites than have ever
been ofi,red in Bellefonte heretofore. The
Messrs Boller Brothers rued no encomiums
from us, because they are known all over
the county to be fair, honorable, upright
II men They axe deserving of eircmss, awl
we predict for them a very liberai. support
W e will pulalish thiar advertisement in a
short time, when we will give a more ea
tended notice of their basieess.
%V UST TO yea Ace. - A tallUbt!T or OUT -
low townsmen went to Harrisburg lest week
to mre • • the elephant." They report having
seen the veritable animal Ile is one of rat
er elongated dimensions, stautng perpendic
ular over at: feet. They returned fully sat
isfied with having seen a full menagerie
A 11110641 from different Setae( the inhabita
ble globe were on exhibition, and whether
those persons in attendance from these '•dig•
gins" got the worth of their money, we are
not prepared to say One thing we can say,
if reports be correct, old Abe was on exhi •
baton, and no doubt the Republicans of
Bellefonte who went to see him, bad their
eunosity fully gratified.
Arrxxrr TO KVA P.s.--On ponday Morn
ing last, before daybreak, -fra Shotwell, •
convict in the Clarion county jail, whose
sentence we referred to several days ago,
managed to get his imns or, and with the
use of them picked a +hole through the wall
of the jallemt:passed into the yard. lie
had some dilliculty in selling the wall, and
was discovered andAlken back just &elle
had reached the top. The guard examined
the irons at twelve o'clock at night, and on
going to the cell in the morning, the prisoner
was not there. Shotwell said he would have
given a thousand dollars for tone hour's more
time. '1 be Shand started with the prisOner
to the penitentiary on Tuesday morning.
Snow PIINBAOOI.4.—We brae some recent
news, as late as the 7th inst.; from Pensaco
la. Everything I'M being made ready for
aotiou,and the Colonel gave orders to prevent
any reinforcepents, and to stop any vessel
coming in, unless under a flag of truce, The
I orders brought for Lieut. Shimmer, by Lieut.
k'utisam were. to be
_prepared for Aefenos,
Pend not Id firs -totil attacked, and , then to
co-operate with such vessels as may be user.
Muddy- -the s'rcete
Mr. Liocoln's Speeches
The'sbort speeches made by the,PrAident
elect at the various points in the course of
his journey from Illinois to Washington,
' have elicited considerable comment from the
press, and the 'opinion is freely expresse ,
that they betrity a most lamentable ignorance
of the reel state of the country, as well as a
total lark of the qualities that the American
people are accustomed to look for, in one
who lays the least claim to statesmanship.
The !republican Journals, it is true, "afte•t to
admire these speeches for their brevity and
good humor, , put it is very plain to see that
their praises are forced, and uttered under a
painful consciousness that Old Abe, itlitiough
he may have been a good rail splitter, is a
decided failure RI 'the Presidential line.—
Some of them find it necessary to enter into
"explanations." Thus, the Nevi Yoik Corn.
mercial, as if oppressed with the conviction
of the absurdity of Mr. Lincoln's singular
declaration, that " nobody is suderQ any
thing," tells us now that " the ident
elect was not speaking of local or commer•
cial affairs, hut in a broad, general, political
sense, simply saying what we all fgel, that
the verbal secession of certain States has
produced no &astror wreck of the Republic,"
Verbal" secession, 'does our cotempora
ry say ? If the Federal Government is pow
erless to execute a single law in any of thn
seceeding States to day, the secession, it
seems to I/9 is something more than " ver
bal " '
Really no crisis —nothing going wrong
--nothing that really hurts anytibdy," says
Mr. Lincoln, but the N Y News asks :
Does not the sweeping bankruptcy of
our merchants, the stoppage of our manu
factories, the universal stagnation of trade
-soli the tens of tkuoian44* -of- labor mg
people thrown out of employment - by the
unrest of the tunes, hurt somebody 1"
The Phi'adolphia Inquirer also shows that
somebody has been " hurt" in that city :
" In this city full_ thirty per cent of the
working population are idle. To realize the
truth of this let every man note the dullness
in h a own peculiar trade or business ; let
him call to mind the large number of his
friends, neighbors and fellow tradesmen who
walk the streets day alter day Ji.ah =Wang
to do. Ills experience in this respect will
be the type of all. Let him go into the
large manufacturing establishments which,
at this time, 00)&3 be filled with busy
hands. and observe the thinned ranss of the
workmen and work women.' From this cause
Chesnut street wears every day the appear
anc(--,'"frsi Itlintedicrsominvery-Hita pPople Axe
on that thoroughfare Our hotels and men
cantile warehouses, which by this time
should be vocal with the hum and activity
of the 'spring trade,' are dull and almost
lifeless. The building permits, which in
February a vear ago numbered hundreds,
now scarcely reach a dozen. It is stagna
tion everywhere The man who does not
see it is blind, and the public man who ig
nores :t in the Legislature or in Congress
commits • cruse."
The Washington oortespondeot of the
New York Espresa-writes
The tone of levity and hivo'ity which
characterized the speeches .31 Mr Lincoln,
causes the hearts of our citizens to sink
within They Parrette already that
'he is not the man for the crisis, and begin to
despond of an eitmeatton from impending
The Philadelphia Argus, eonumciiting on
Mr. LimoWitspeeches, remarks
.• When the people ask fur bread he gives
them a stone lie dispatches the most seri
ous subjects with a joke, and asserts, with
a smile. that the present crisis is purely
artificial ''' The tar ft and other kindred
subjects. which shoall he familiar :o every aspiiiiig to statesman,hip. he acknowl
edges he does not untlenetand No .414,41iiite
plan of action sedans to
,have been math
for his of
but everything TA to
be left to ellen le The humiliating specta•
die IS thus resented of the President elect
of this grt confederacy indulging in the
merest clap trap of the politician, thanking
the people for voting for him, flattering their
Weal pride, and appealing to their sectional
animosities. A universal reprobation conies
to us through the press of the trifling and
flippant remarks Indulged in by the Prosi
dent elect "
'1 he Philadelphia Ledger also flays •
We confess we are somewhat digiappoin•
led in the speeches which Mr. Lincoln is
noshing while on his way to the scat of tior
eminent. where he is to be invested with
the chief executive authority_ To say noth
ing of the tone of these speeches, which is
not always becoming the serious situation
of •flaire in which the country le now placed
he does inn seem to hayt fully appretkinded
ths.4l.4ll4liies he has In encounter it. the
very beginning ol his administration. and
which the wisest statesman in the land would
approach with dread and hesitation There
Is a degree of flippancy in his treatment ol
our national diflintltiA when le does ap
proach that subject, even in a remote man
ner, that shoves he not yet sufficiently
impressed with their real signiticanPa, and
has presented to his owo mind no definite
course of action which in likely to lead tle
inpesceiatul safety. , When Mr Lincoln
attempts to ignore - ths crisis which now
th,oatens the existence of the government
and the peace ol the country, and declares
that " there is nothing - prong " or nothing
which keeping cool pn both sides will not
correct, he shows a very shallow and super.
ficial appreciation of our diflkulties."
Oil in Centre Coanty
Our readers wilt not be a little surprised
at the annouccement that oil has been dis
covered in this county, but we are authoriz
ed to state, upon the most unmistakable
evidences, that oil exists in Milesburg, two
miles north of this plren- Mr. Jonathan
Bullock, a blacksmith by trade, having wok
swill on a let upon which he had just com
pleted a new dwelling, found the water so
impregnated with oil as to bq entirely use
leek for family
- ,purposes. r gentlest:ma of
that place having just returned from the oil
regions in the western part of the Slate,
brought with him a quantity of the oil in its
crude state, and, upon comparing it with
the oil found in Alt. Bullock's well, the ape•
cimens were found to be precisely the same.
It will require further investigation to deter
mine the intrinsic importance of this discov
ery, and as we understand Mr. Bullock in
tends to commence boring eat" next Spring,
we will deter further comment on the subject
until after the " jugular" is tapped—Cen
tre Frets.
lion. C. U. Yin Wjok, a representative
in oongress front the State of New York,
was severely cut with *sive., and finally
knocked Bowles. by &slung shot, br terUe
men on Capitol Hill, on „Friday night. tie
shot one of his assailants with a revolver,
rTrTPU 7 I
, pEN, p
tr?' Bobbin' Round—Poppy Pottegrave
.r." 7" You Must tell Som . ° men s great deal
to learn them a little. . • - -
17,The brightest dreams awaken tU' the
darkest realltles:
o r y- God often Jets us stumble, to put us
on our guard *gains! & fall. -
The Legislator" of Kansas has post
polled the election of two United Stites Sen
ators until April. •
Irr The question in Stormatown is not
who struck Hilly Patterson, but who knock
ed Billy Bradly.a Ifs pegs.
CO' Unscitial eitt Snarl-says that love is
a combination of diseases—an affection of
the hurt, and an infatuation of the brain. , "
II7" A 'man named Wm. Weaver is confin
ed in the Perry county jail awaiting his trial
I for poisoning his wife., '
1 17 - Query I—Were those men who em
braced Lincoln so affectionately, at Cincin
nati, on Tuesday, patriots, or office seekers 1
Q3ljrokln'but—The,..pil fever, at Cur
wensville. Wender if that town will "se
cede" and join in with the ,''State" of Iri.e•
Flange 1
ry Why is a min looking at a sthashed
up pumpkin like some of the Southern
States 1 Because he is very likely to see
ri A young ban, who, two yearn ago.
inherited 1670;000, is now posting hills at
Chicago. Highly talented, and a first class
scenuntant, rum has ruined him
77' It is very well for children to be lambs
but a very bad thing for them to grow up
sheep, and still worse for them to become
CI:7 At a fair, down east, the reporter, un•
der the head of" domestic arrangements, "
gives the following item : "Best tivd com
forter—Miss SUSIISI Thompson."
True.—Many beautiful women while
walking the streets, seem very angry if they
are gazed at, and sadly disappointed if they
are not.
" I
wonder this child don't go to
sleep," said an anxious mother to a female
Well, I don't,'' replied the iady: rot
face 18 so dirty that it can't shut its eyes."
The Queen's Appeal
The British Parli a ment was forma y
opened by the Queen in person, with great
pomp, on the sth inst. • The Queen. accord
ing to custom, delivered a speech 'on the oc
casion. Her speech has a paragraph •Ilud•
ing to the American Revolution. as iollows :
"S differences have arisen among
the St es of the North American Union it
to impossible for me to look without great
concern upon any event which elects the
happiness and welfare of a people nearly al
lied to my subjects by thscent and closely
connected with them by the most intimate
and friendly relations. My heartfelt wish is
that these ddierences may be auseet tittle of
satisfactory adjstatment. The interest which
1 talte in the wan being of the people or tee
/Jolted States cannot but be increas•d by the
kind and cordial reception given by them to
the Prince of Wales during his recent visit
to the continent of Amenca "
The Queen's speech is kind and consider
ate to us of 'the Noi-th American Panora,"
meaning all of us, North and South It is
an appeal from an august Woman abroad,
to wrangling, meddling politicians at home
It is the invocation of • Monarch) t. , a Re
public "to keep the peace." Ifth , women
2fAaricaA l lu!d but rite in the spirit of
this Queen, no negro issues would ever part
usassunder. Let our President elect imi
tate the kindness, the goodness. the spirit of
conciliation shown by an illustrious Queen,
who is as ituch•pposed to slavery in the
abstract, as he can possibly be, but who, as
a woman of sense, would not break up a
dation upon it.
The Wages of Labor
A bniuf very great importance to laborers
throughbut the State, has passed the House,
and been gent to the Senate forconcurrence.
It is entitled "est Ant for the bekter decunty
of the wages of labortes," and provides as
follows :
"Tbat all wages that may be elite from
the owner or "Miters of any 'manufacturing
establishment, to any laborer or laborers in
or about such establishment, for any period
not exceeding all months immediately pre
ceding the death or insolvimey of such owner
ter owners, shall be a lien, upon such tonal).
Itshrnent, and shall be first paid from the
proceeds of the Bale of such establishment ;
Provided, That the same be presented to the
officer executing the writ before the dtstri•
helium of the proceeds of the sale. The sec
ondosation declares that, in case of the din
solution, by-death or otherwise, of any part
nership, firm or incorporated company, alt
debts due, or owing to operatives or laborers
for service' performed for such partneaship,
' firm or incorporated company, for any period
not exceeding one year, shall first be provid
ed for, and paid out of the effects or assets
of said firm or oompany, in preference of, or
terany other AM= : Provided, %ha this
act shall not impair ox . affect the right of the
widow or children of any decedent to retain
three hundred dollars as provided by exist
leg laws of this-Commonwealth.
fortifying Charleston harbor is being pressed
with gisat vigor and skill. The chief of the
engineer corps of that State, at the instance
of the Governor and Extrutive Council, ad
valises in the Charleston papers of Friday.
far several hundred laborers to construct new
defence is thatsharbor• The State oilers to
pay for the 44114i0N1 or the laborers, and to
furnish th am with provisions and quarters
The collector of the ,port of Charleston
sires official notice thaVill Vessels from
States not mambers of thii - tonfederated
States Qt: America, (anvil:it Texas,) will,
from and afOr this date, be gllsrded as:or
:lV venal', aid, as such, must Ater, Blear,
ptly revs, and. oomply 'with all' the laws and
regulations in irons on the let of November
last. All , dutiss must be paid in gold and
tion Of Presideit Huohanan's library has bees
forwarded to tile rtaidenoe - at Whestland....-ji
The Preeklint expects to arrive home about
the 15th or 6th et-liaroh. and will receive a
warm welcotaffrOm his old neighbors and
friends. It la stated that be will be accom
panied home 111. Geo t _oool6 P.: •
Democratic Stikte Convention
The Platetonventionof the Democracy of
Pennsylvania, met .on Thursday, the 21st
inst., in Braht's Hall, at Harrisburg, and
was called to order at 3 o'clock, P. M., by
the Hon. Wm. 11. Welsh, Chairman of the
State Executive Committee. The Rev. Jno.
W. Nevin, of Lancaste'r, one of the delegates
from that counik was invited to open the
procceaings wilikprayer.
There waals full attendance of delegates
from's!! th: Counties of the State. The
whole Berke county delegation Was present,
except Daniel Buskirk. Esq., in whose place
David L. Wenrich, Esq., was substituted,
by the unanimous agreement of the delega.,
On motion ofJudge Shantron; . oMileglie•
ny, the lion. HENRY D. VOSTEti„ WIIC
pen portuanent President of the Convention,
by acclamation.
,Messrs.-W. W. Davis, of Bucks : J. R
Hunter, of Allegheny ; and C. W. Carrigan,
of Philadelphia, were chosen temporary.4ec!
On motion, a Oommittaswf•ewo (rain each
Senatorial district, was appointed to report
the 111411C0 of Vice Presidents and Secretaries
for the permanent organization of the Con
vention ; and a similar llotninittee was ap
pointed on Resolutions. clerks county was
represented on the Committee on Organize•
lion by the lion ILivid Schall ; and on the
Committee on Resolutions, by J. L. lletz
The (70nrention then adjourned until 74 o'-
clock, P M
The Convention re 'ambled at the ap
pointed time,"when trkCommitiee on Per
manent organization reported :he name' of
from each Senatorial district. (len fieorge
M Keim wan the Vice President. and Chas.
Kessler, Esq., the &crebtry, from tnis dis
The Committee on Reaolutidns obtained
leave to retire fur consultation•
The Convention was then e'oquently ad
dressed by the lion. I' C Shannon. of Alle
glieny : Wm A. Stoker', 1.;•q ,of Westmore
land.; lion. Wm. fl IV:He, of Philadelphia
and the President, Hon. Hem) 11 Foster
Adjourned till Friday tiitiniing at 9' o'clock
The•Convenuon re ametnble I at the ap
pointed hour and WAN opened with Karr
by Rev Dr. Nevin.
On motion, the Farewell Address of %Va.!'
ington was then read by Col Jacob Z.egler
one Of the Secretaries
•• through
their Chairman, the lion lis Lewis...pre
sensed the following, with some el...plea
prefatory re - mai its. as the Ullllll/1110,1) r eport
of the Committee •
Rrn.lrrd • That the States of this rice )0
are sovereign soil indeliendei t over evi
subject nut surrendered to the cot rol of the
Federal Government ; and they have 111 .
right to interfere with each iolier'A (bon •citic
inatitittionet„tut are hound Icy the Constit it
two of the United Sates to protect 31111 he
fetid them against dictne.ttte tosurr, C:11111 Sc.
well as foreign invasion
Roared, That the Government of the
United States, although limited in Hy tit '
thorny to the subjects enumerated in the
Federal Cmistiititlutl, 1,0401,0:v4 u II blil 11..0
1111.111.21 supreme authority, arid has the usual
and necessary powerl's for preserving itself
and, enforcing its laws.
Relotred. That the union of the SINUS
was fousofed by the wisdom of our pal ri,di.•
aucestors, Is sanctioned by the spew, eof ,
our whole political existeme, and ht. en cur
ed to us unexampled pro.p, city at home
and respect abroad. 'I lie Ihmim•ratiC
will cling to it as the last hope of freedom,
and as the great experiment in sell govern
meat, which is to light the nations of the
earth to liberty and independence
Resoterd That the D..tuocrati party
possesses the recuperative power whom no
Ong ppt integrity can give, and Is -deter
' mined to Sacrifice on the altar of patriotism
dll individual interests and past di.sensions.
and mote as a hand of brothers to rescue the
country from the control of those who are
seeking its destruction That this country
with the best form of government th t ever
was devised, is surrounded with dangers and
difficulties which threaten its very exi.t
ence;and yet the Republican patty reins
all reasonable tenns of comp:enlist. and
their leader, on his way to take puss, ssion
of the government, seemingly sat idled with
the disastrous culmination of hi: • irri prey
Bible conflict," declares "thou is nothirig
going wrong."
Pesolved, That the people of the Southern
States contributed Ilea, exertions and treas
ure in the acquisition of the Territories
equally with those of the other States, and
that the principle which recognizes the equal
rights of all the S area to the same Ia found
ed on the clearest equity and supported by
the decisiouof the highestCeurt of the coun
try It ought, therefore, to he sustained by
every law abiding citizen until a satisfactory
dividing line can be settled by an amend
merit of the Constitution.
Resaved, That every State is bound by'
the Constitution of the United States to aid
In delivering up fugitive 544 , 05 to theirown ,4
era, and all legislati rii which withholds such
aid or throws obstacles in the way, is un
constitutional, and should be repealed, and
suitable enactments substituted, ni accord
Alice with the redireal lilies of the respect
ive States.
Resolved, That the resolutions offered in
the United States Senate by the patriotic
Senator from Kentucky. and known as the ,
“Urittenden plan of Clourpromias," present a
satisfactory basis for the adjdatment of our
difficulties. The measures therein specified
are wise, just and honorable—c ilculated to
end the presint deplorable agitation and
prevent forever its recurrence. We commend ;
this plan or something similar, to patriots—
men of business—working men—political
parties—to the people everywhere ; and we
call upon all who love their whole country
and desire to preserve it, to rally to such
plan of compromise and carry it through.
Resolved, That we will, by all proper and
means, op ose, discountenance
snd prefent any a t on the part of the
Republicans no power to make any armed
aggression upon the Southern States ; espe
cially so, long as laws contravening their
rights shall remain unrepealed on the statute
books of Northern States, and so long as
the just demands of the South shall continue
to be unrecognized by the Republican ma
jo,ities in those States, and unsecured by
proper amendatory explanations of the Con
Resolved, That in the dignified and pru•
dent reserve of the Southern Border States,
and in tbeir,conoiliating enirtores, we rec
ognize the same patrioticpurposes nitwit
animated the fathers of the Republic • en I
that an appeal to the people of Pennsylvania
will . unwired% their hearty cioacnrrencie in all
' reasonable - Mid constitutionel onseafifint for
the preservation of the Union, eonnirtenii y
with .the rights.? all the States.
Resolved. ,That the oviduct of the present
Governor of ,Ponsylvanla. in confining a z.
4joilivoly his selection of Commissioners to
the Pease Conference td the t ßeguti(itlafpar
ty, anti excluding 230 00Q freetagn of Penn
sylvania from any repreaeptatioij, of that
body, was the act of a partizan, mad not of a
Resolved. That• we are In Am+ of the im•
mediate repeal of the 95th and with !Wel Inns
of the Penal Code of Pennsylvenia---cx •ent
so far as relates to the crime of kidnapping
—because said sections mend in the a ay of
a strict enforcement of the filitive alive
The resolutions were adopted by aceltv
=don, and with.the most enthusiastic de
monstrations of approval.
On motion, a Committee of thirty four
members of the Convention, with the Presi
dent. Gen. Fbster, as Chairman, was ap-
pointed to convey the reaolutiona to Wash
ington, and lay copies before the President
of the United States, the' Pelee Conference,
and both branches of Congress.
Eloquent ■m! patriotic addresses were
then made by the.venerable Josiah Randall,
lion. Richard Vans . , lion. Win. • 11. Welsh,
and others ; after which the Convention ad
journed sine
Buchanan has issued his proclamation con
vening the.k‘note of the United States in
extra Session at noon on the fourth of March
next. This is according to custom, to ena
Me the appointments which Mr. Lincoln may
make, to he confirmed The new Senators
will be sworn in at the same lime.
A New Orleans bank brought a suit a•
gullet a banker in St I, ititirto recover a'
large amount of money. and the hull has
been taken li3cthe lidhs in the anawl r which
the d. Pendant files in the Circuit Court of the
county ThOlefendant asks that the case
• :lasoiawae-{dews
State that has seceded
Lila of Jurors drawn (or the Speetul
Court, to he held March 25,h
Bellefonte, John Montgomery ,
Theodore B Win Snavely, and (icu
St4tift.; Liberty, Joseph Ilan and li , ary
Forst 1114 11 ; fin rri 9, George Shenetierger. it :
Patton. lien Hoover a n d Peter. If BriNh
L'eun, John U. Vonte, Hantet if - Weiser and
Ileitry Fuller; Spring. I an.
David Jltilct ; Potter , Siinon Long and Jr.
F Hutchinson ; James Test as,d El...ter
Hunter; Ferg 114 lift
;11 ', tins
Lilo, W Krunirine, Samuel 51 ar r. r
'Lk Irucurine mil 55 in II lu 11, r ; Buru
mle, Barney Bath:llst no I J,t,tY Aski y
names, Henry r and J. n e IV est .
Benner Task, r K K n ox ,II oio,v .
tit I eat. egg„ Andrew
ithuOuirt nnrll.,urge Kline, 1{,e44- I nn
.qapee 1 . 1111 , n , rile. l'holiv
Lint of t,r 101 J ;Hors d a to fur the A ril
Ternt 11111
Sno.hoe, J.rnes 1;1111141,1 Itt'J, loor II
I'. [Jun, eitct k% m Xv„lr \it ,i„„,. !I It
ICunin and l'hom,t, lir , ols. %1111" 11 in
l' II tt ( li.r d :11.. ha I
Ti,omJi ;col Damul I,hl Mori, jell i•it •
An 1 : I Pan•el liaffid 114..44. .1 .nn
ICreann r Johh M F. 11,4 r jIIIIIII.IIII,
llou,ron Q nod J
Thompson : Lid( Aloon, 1V,, % . J r . ;
Frrgoason, •I"h.. Fortnry, nod Joh. Sit 111 r :
Sprmg. John It TAU.: Jur. mush
!ti yeti and Jonas Srrin ; I'. on, ;• 4 1 1 ,1 i 4 I
TILE REV J FLE rcil ER gave ea
last euiettig, a 1111111 am let (tire on the rtlt
eiistotnes Anil people of I
darn little we ;dish. not 11440 t, than
the pn hire he loud t.. r. 1 111.11 , 11 . e
that it sirlirrant garden of trope • Ind. n with
its ntraege variety of fiulis nod rs,
treniing w lilt pi tpetn4l linrveid hir tie lino I
of man Sorely that 0/111101y most..Lr the
garden of the world. and If na ptnl.le h
the voterprine whtrh mourn (11/.1 Y 1114.,... na
t imaginal ion could not NI t a honed to
the ir.tilta the) a wild Nodure Ihurl A.
relevant to this roentou own. the It. el rill .1
gen t Irm a , ' stat,il Thal till I.CB' elll
- rd here f or I hr 111 5 1 ales to o lurk lh. y
are et, err invent, d and hoppltet.l to
11,1 I,) oor tut n well Lunen cooly! I man
Dr .1 1. 1. t of Low. , nut l hat
not the lo op!, .111!) . 1 , ot . the iu ohoo.' and
court of the &Moroi - hare rolls t
recour4e I h.. R thl4
widt ly eclebrah 1. all ch,
Lrdg••r, 11.,s4)1)
` . sljlitertcal.
On the 2fich of I• 'c' ra,ry by Rey N %than I'M I, A DELPfI I A
J ilitchell Mr W \V Nio...v..oubar, to A Benevolent Institution, eitabltshed ily spe
Mite KATIC 1.1%(.I IC. both of thia pla,•e cial endowment for the relief of the SIC ,
and distressed afflicted w i th V iru l en t un ,,
Matrimony, In many instances, ado: iii (be
ICP :denote Discuses min especially for the
character, and leads to noble and prix[-
Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs
worthy actions. Such has been the result NA EDICAf, ADVICE Emil grativ, by the
in the present ease, to conarquencof which L.FR Acting Surgeon, to nil who •pper by letiet
we were the recipients of a large and excel
lion,with Ltr t .rT i l i n l
en of hi ) t n an d . I t e "a.. ( "rt.:77:
lent cake. WA think_ the newly . wedded p 9 , 0 1y, medicinal yarekAhui taco aLcharge
couple •for their s kind consideration. May
other l'A t l i j oi A e ll ae l 'a E o i r t rh i e 'U n i e t a T ti B ar tt na tis ‘ ra " ed bc :n a l:!
each and every blessing which iiie 'down of NEW RRAthDIER employed In the Espesaer,
hearts affords be rouchsafero Lliatt) finuir 4 ;nt Igge A i n, ,, h' „ ` t ittrelf.'Srmernv 1 171:gi f .: t e ll
their journey down the stream ortiiirie be botetwootabie
strewn with the sweet flowers of happiyu I su A S c d rra n
0 p . % ; I d t A iKlb is liN n ll^U( l .
Noi 11
fL i e N O; A lkt 6 t ft
anti prosperity, and may three score years Stre rg et " ,l l htledelphia Pa
and ten find the joys of health as pure and 1 By order of the Dirootorg
unimpared as now. ORO FAIRCHILD, Borrinforly .
Joly 76-'6O-U .
. ,
the couutry. unaccivainted with oily vices, .
nre of ass order of ado Orphans C tit., ol
to engage in the Commission butane's. One who
Centre county, the following dtkerttmed real Ea
can command from $2OO to $3OO, and furnish sat- fete will 1,6
e expdsed to publlo sale, on the premi
isfactory reforenoet, 'will find a permanent situ.- . se, on FRIDAY, the 46th day of APRIL, 1861
lion, at a salary of $35 per month, for first six '.
certain meuuage tenetnocitmod.trset oftlond
MONTEATH, Cobitnlylon Merchant 411 Walnut
months. For particulars, address 0 ROftfiß, 0. , n
etteete in the wembir r ef , ir etteum, te gei n i, g
fitr,ot..t.hiladelphllt, Fa., lands of-Clement Betilwith, Jam 'l' Hoover, and
Feb 28, 1861 St
I others, oonteining fortpilve sores more or loos, on
whieh are oreptdd • 14 Dwelling House. log
Barn, and other owil-hadldine. %ate-Mon property
AGENTS WANTED.—WE WANT AN of iwoi. D th „ , d „„.4 .
Aii••• i• ever/ oily, town sad •••• 4 1 in the TERM :—.4lo*.holf the piirebass massy on
UMW Btoms end Omuta, ki sell • Ile w Patent econfirmatlon of 114 solo, NW the reshiPttin on ,
&Molts Jest invewtod. It requires • espital of .. t . t h im at erp with in l ai r lowthrodi by
free) $1 to $6, and to persons out of empqmont, • 1,,,,;,„/ "g stor k om ,
I 4" DILbAN.
it offers greet Inducements F,pr full pa oulare t i pgb.•2l,isr. — Aft,/ at pg, Illso, ilso'd
writ* immediately , sal receolvinoni answer y rts , l .
tarn tall. OBABOLDT A 00 ,
432 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Ps.
Feb. 28, 1861. 3 mos,
rms of an order of du Orphans' Court of
Centre County, the following described Real Kt
sou will be exposed to publlo sale, on the proud
mon the 2fith day of Marnh, 1861 :
All of am one undivided fourth part of the fol.
tarring described Beal Betels: ls certain lot of
ground In she town of Mstilmonhurg, In the town
ship of Mlles, known In the plot of said town, as
numbers 21, 231, 23 and 24, con ta ining acre,
more or ter, All,BO, another tract of lend skeet*
In the townehlp of Mlles, bounded by land of Ja
dish Hanel. Thomsa Orate, Jacob Bayer and oth
.... ....big . I Wise, 19 probed and. allow
ance All hot - interest of Wm. B .fferlasliss.
minor oblld of abeth hisslaabs, daughter of
WM. Buie, latest( Milne toinship, deal
TBRIIII2 i—Orm•lislf the poetess money on mew
iirmation of the' Mee; the residue In one year
thereafter, with intirist to be ,sound by bold
and Mortgasa. N. ef If ILLI 8188, Guardian.
Feb. 21, 1131. ' .
And ha . the speedy cure of the 11/hewing cunipinihe.l
!Wrote'lit and illerialleite Allbetlirms,•uch
■s Tumors. Vicars, Sores. Ersaptlone,
Pimple., Pustules, Matches, /ion.,
WOW, and an Skin Diseases.
OAKLAND, Ind. Oth J. 111., Inp,
J., C. Amu & CO. Goleta t I & I
el t my duty to ~,..
knowl. do laud your Panopardla has dune fur in,
Haying hilicrltedA Bdrofhlous Infection, I hare eelfet,,l
from It in endows ways for years. Sometimes It bored
out In Vlctli i ou my hands and arms; *matinee ir
4 4 1
turned Iniford and distressed me at the sto tell Tw o
yeas ago II broke out on my head and co my war
aid ears with one sure, which was painful • Joatlitonto
beyond deecription. I tried malty ~Marius al serora
1 hl.ithlllll, hid without much rata (rout any thing. In
feet, the dlstAler grew worse. At length IWM zeJuired
to mud In the (impel Messenger that you had prepared
...iterative (Sarmpallla), for I knew Nom your repot.
don that tidy thing you mid.
ft tlll must be lima, I sent to
chiffon/01 and got It, and usedE cured on. I Wk.
lt, - as you idols*, In mall dome of • teaspoonful rum a
month, Mill used olmoet three bottles. New and laealtlly
akin noon began to flirts under the scab, whietrailler •
wbilo 101 l oil My skin la now elem. mid I know by my
foelloge that the dimes. hes one from my 'velem. Yon .
cap well believe Ilea I fml what I am saylegg when I toll
you, that 1 hold yon to ha one of the apostle' alio, sg%
and remain ever gratefully. Tours,
St. Anthony's Flee, Rose or Eryolpelas,
1' and Salt Rheum deal 4 Head,
itingsve;;:n;, Bors 7Cye., bropsy•
I , r. Hobert Al. l'osble wr es from Priem, N. Y, 120,
Rapt., like, that be bee cured an Inveterate case nl
lirOpsy, .vblth threatened to terminate Mall), by tt.o
po. ~ , everina one of our Harlywrllla, and also a tlenserout
Afaltrnerd E'rysipelas by large doom of the Name; ..y. it
Ito core. the common ~frunninsts by It constantly,
Dronokocele, Goitre or fklreellect
Zebolon Sturm of l'rospect, Texas, writes s "Three lea
Iles or your Hareaturriftwured me num eGoWirt a hid
sons •welling on ibe neck, uhlth I had suffered Aoro
over Iwo"
I,ersrorrharst nrlVlallea,ny•rlate Tumor.
Etas Ime'l'lterallon, rentral• DI• Pr JII ft ('horning, of Now Yolk sltro , I
moot rimer folly r ply will, lhn rwilloot of your 11x1•111
wv,lng .1 ,b re foond your Har,44414 OW a nowt es,
liernllt to lb. norn.woiwi complaints fur whirl,
employ sorb 11 IP Inerly, but Mpeclolly In Pamir Pro ,
Of lb. sr rondo,. Ilhdloeele. I 110110 cored Homy Intel. r
•I• rims of IA oirl•noo by It, and gums where the r.,10
Mond was caused by ulcer/tin/to of the ultras. The 01, I
mien Itself ass wom mil oil. Nothing within Iny boo.,
ed,to epode It for 111000 11.11M111, dorrossetnenle"
dwa, Marrow, of Nowilnry, Ale,, wrlies, " A
rer..ll. , rt , tions honor 011 one of the noonnaa 111 me GIIIII
•III•II tool ilone.l all Ina reooollaa aro ...old 01111.4.5, IP
Our phy•lciall thought r. 11.11.1( lii ',till.
r.. 110, but be advloril Ihw irliol..(
barimpiu tit
• •
gIV.I elfectis.l. After hating Inur teutedy •Ight
110 my of pinto of IL. 111.0.6 milaleta."
Syphilis and illireurial 1/21112.111110.
New 0111 , 2 , 22211, Alb Attgowt.
Pn .7 C. A /RR 2 Rh% 7 rhoorlll) %DJ, ILr „
r/ •••••i • • 1011 T ne...1, r••••••,1 - I•••• ••••ino ulu•
•••,•• 1••••lizefl 11111h:0.1w MA
1 1.1%. rto,tl • llh it, 1., 11, tt,.. 0t...1 of ,
1.1 l• I, II I. re,,ttoolto 1.11.1 f 1 .•
.1 fr., F. t • ttl, vrowlerlol Is, tlt, rtiro .4' 111,10,4 31
CHI WI II .I,i*. Our 41 my Sy 1.1,11,11.
Iron 11.1.,,t, Whir I. yelp I ...timing hist pnl.ll, nool
1111, nr 1/11 1 1 1111/11III." Vt.llr Fnl nJl , alllia , *Lion!) Ira.. n,
1.1111 10 11,.. rt. , k• A swift. I v.. Ittlatil. , l
Irk 1r.., Pll.l 111. alio 'nil., t
tom .1 pairt 1.1 IF, n , Illot I 1.011
, • .811,11.•,., In. torph, .0.1 It 111 h, p. 11
ka / 111.111../.11 'rut 11 )0 1.1nr.101 , 1,11 1 n 11,
411, • 1 • heeled n,141 1” I. 10.• 11 pg.llll. 1. 111 4 of
.11A11georolloo In lo• 1... A v , Aims. 1.. , 1 1M. a.l I .
~ry an R.
I. , tcolt ho 1P.114.. 1.• 1.• , 1 Ix rout-
Pal k tr the W.I•111 , 1 144.1 0 4. dpy .I..•atbe .
ca alto, la her falrst• mat u w
•I • nlil. ly by y aao an. -.raw Hl. 1.. a far tt.• t. I
~,,, it 11. Ca 111.11 , 1 ',lib to ool,oot gal a
Iltto Pt , •osio faad yam Wa11a , ... ) ma* 1,. ••4 .
Ihrox• 1.03 it new. latbr 1.1.1,!t
..ill. It Haw, 1 1111.11.. 4 1 u.
I xt , tbsally yams
illittOttlt•ti•ttff t /tit t r (
Ist , 1 . 1• 4 441411 1.4., 114 441 .. 4 1.
I). .1 I'. A • Ht, 11.1 r Il•••• .4.1111. '• I • 111. •
1( 1 ..lamolosom l'of • 1../•• %%I, I. •• •
r. 1,411 Inns. wo.I %,,,c* hi Mg 1,. . •
4. . • I Awl. mall I 1.1..4 )...• 1,1
I. 4 1.:1-41 mo 111 1.. r week., • .1 1••• •
Isr•1111 i 111111 II Thal I M. far lk 11 r 1.1. r• 1 ••
kult. I Ilallak 11 a ar....1.411.1 a.1.101a... .1 1 1.1
J.tks Y Orinhell of r rh.. • I h.. 1..
1•1111“..1 'lrmo r /,“ ,
41., ~I rst, h. II I, !tr.-At worp , ud, g •,..1.
1.01.-.1 la W 1..., h..: and I haie 1.. r. • 1.1.4,e. .. .
r y..,. loci uo oth, r P, ~ n fl• •
140 7.d1 er My belosed i.tor. Sir o I I
too to try your Russugoarillst, Lenie.. h.. .1 lo L I 1. •
mud any doing you tow/. call 11/00111 3 it. .
lug a God It Inn cured and Iss• w rit1246•411 Ins P. 4
orhr us•k• • sossir amos .4 Auk I frat/..
loot Moll ran be said of you lb lost lr g
osiood • lonwl.
Mehirret•,('•neer T 111,140.1. V.s.lllll,o(tbelf at.
fill Cll.liloll, Varies •lied Ittfolla ilea. Of
the Renee.
A go ..I tot, lel, a 1.... ItAre berm 11. but •
Cl/r of h.,. Insult.," I ut
110 tow Id Iltl• rented', Ltel AP." , I."' /04 • ,/ /I t
111.01. 14 , 114/1 I.f turns um) Ile ftnitl , i t•otr A /11.
A i 111111.3•1 U 1
111Cil 11 /agent Innlor are IFlend...l .
foorttlola p. 11.1 ..II Ito retll 112.411. •
13) spapala, Ileart DI Rio
•1, Dirl•neltoly, Neuralgia
M.ny I..llTkstbir , 111,0.4 al,. L •
Made 119 the eilletsathe ieower 14 16,. I
I.tte. Imo *lg. Itr, Will' n 11.1
".1.1.11 ....I I. ....I •
so, • ..a54.41, bea. 1.4. s Lern 1.,
rrooltire and we are ...Mt t., that
1.4 11. tot ell 161.1 11.1.d6, Ito do,
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral;
( ough•, I•lllusgtea, Doer•ror••
Croup, Droutbilho, larlplrut I 0 1..
•uortyllou, au.' for Itur itrtlef
or ron•numpil•• Pailrosta
Ir sootrulareA , lllog•• '
of Cho Di
Thla ko r, onlyrrwall 1•11011 0 1. .et, .4•• ~ •
Athol for il e . , ore ..f illsout anal 100., .. 101 101.1. , ..
la owirita lo r• lo atel.liali 1 et .11.6 Ist... ( If • •11 • •
1.11,JVIL110.1.0‘l• I. In. fur 1 1 1 ro.•1 .. .1. .. .1 , 1.
i l l
otol.erfiti . 414 a.. r. It I .1.1.-v. I•• 1..
kno4. o .1+11,0.....0.V, r 1 `4lOO • A “. ..I 11,. • ~,
F. tit ... it Ow r. too, lel .. or rt 1 o 1411111. a. 010014 • I •
%Isn lot to 4,1 i ~..nal . *lee to 111 0 lit oa .P. 4
lone. li e ".1 , tr .. 1 4,4 $ 11l , I.rt , mid., .1 it. , I. i.,i) 4 Cr 4 il , •
•.11.i 1.. and dun..,. 11. 111 , 1.1. , • 111 , . 114.4.1 4.1..1 low..
.1 a mil
I. 0. .. Ow .11. ..16.1 I .:alll4 . 1 /1.6 at. .11.4.r.'• 4., •$, , l
au Ile.. M,..., 1010 1111111«. It ,I 11... 11.01 , .1), •••e or•J t.. 1
aleho 'U. Iltaa. lo *a.m.. 110 111 114 at It h.. our all the •14
lowa that IL .11.1 lot.r arlitOl oinking Om rarer ar 1. 1. 11 1,•1•
woo lo Wrong'. the cuollavowi or rsuukind•
Prepared by Dr J. C. ATE& al , 00., roe U,Nala
he keeps constantly on hand at his
LIQUOR 0110X 0 00.111LAI.
A variety of the beet and eholowst Liqu ors that naa
bol purchased onywhete to. the U. will
warrant all he sells lbr Poor Lt cos. All he
asks Is a trial, and he will hove no hate bet the
°ottoman will order wait bill.
Look Naves, April 111, 1860.—tg
5 14
The -fabooriber, ,would rolpeetfolly Inform the
public Met be hi *seared to somatoodato Ikea
wilebrillerraff, 10 sireshortees
males.- Rh stool of Herm are, adapted ibr Pars ,
and Igaitleoeee. The vordidee ere seotead`and
order. Careful drivers .111 alwaye be r
to oerry poisoners to engdzt deedre4. The pat
roness of the public le Val), reqtteeted.- -
Terme Cub lo advent's.
,Oot 15-4.14 ItitCOASI, ItONRI.II.