Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 14, 1860, Image 3

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COUNTRY tetra.—We 10TO to take an ex
witurstom-intsthe country, when all nature
seems to partake so much of the spirit of
poetry as it does at the present time. How
our heart thrills with an indefinable emotion,
wire look abroad upon' the majesty of na
tures works. The plmot of eurhutnble pen
is too in inatiletptatb to delineate these charm
log and Inspiring fentgres in, their proper
colors. Our vein of poetical fancy sinks
into total insignificance, when attempting to
describe theta. We tuver - to dwelt in dont
bunion with our own thoughts on such
occasions. it is a refreabing meditation for
it lifts the heart beyond the present to
higher and tr more exsoltedsphere. A
of a few. miles into the farmings districts
must give rise to such emiltlonal feelings --
Tho prisoners of our pent up and cit
ies, know "not how to appreciate a courthy
life, or they would more than envy thp
shady .groves, the sweet scented fields, the
spacious green lawns, and thif rustle
phcity of t; rural life. There aro Many
pleasant places within a circuit of a few miles
VI Bellefonte for au hours recreation. Let
, us try then to visit them occasionally and lie
Ibenclited—let us see the visible hand of im
pmvement too, es it 15 marching onward.,-
Let us pause and examine how the thrifty
Pittner with the addition of the stock of
knowledge which science has supplied, re
deems marshes, rejuvenates long neglected
soils, doubles it a crops, and has time to
spare to bertU:.iry his residence with walks
and trees and other evidences of a cultivated
civilization. At this season of the year our
eilizenq would do well to lake a look at
our country friends. If they are not other
wise benefitted, they will return with their
ideas of village life somewhat curtailed of
their fair proportions.
Tun APrLe CROP. --We have been felici
tating ourselves, says the Wrightsville Star,
with the expectation of an abundant crop of
apples this season, but ails for human hopes
and expectations, in these changeful times,
for the slips between the cup and the bps
have become sn frer♦aeel that we inty well
adopt—the wise aphorism that • doubtful
things are very uncertain." Everything
the shape of an apple tree was literally cue
ered with lolossonis, but either the trees ex
misted their energies in thus showing off, or
else the copious rains we had in bl o ssom
time destroyed the germinating prolierties
of the buds or petals. Whatever the cause
may be, we are sorry to have it to say, that
the apple crop in this seetmn is a failure,
with the exception of the crab species, such
an the Jersey people manufacture the best
forearn champagne from.
The same may be said in regard to the
apple crop in this county, generally. A few
weeks since the prospect for an aboutlant
crop was cheering, hett tow, as we learn
from our farmers, all hopes to this respect
are blast( d
Tito FOIIIIII OP Jr is is rapidly approach
g, and no movement has been made by
our citizens for the proper observance of
that glorious Annivertiriry, the mere mention
of which should make every true American
heart "with rapture thrill like that above."
If the spirit of ' Seventy Sri" has not en
tirely died out in this community, we hope
measures will at once ho taken to get up a
erliibration worthy-of the occasion * Let us
show that we still cherish they memory of
the Fathers Of the Republic, end properly
appreciate tote priceless blessing purchased
by their blood and treasure. to the pat ri
olio and publio-Siontod young men of our
town we appeal to Tome in this matter, and
trust4that the appeal will be promptly re
sponded to.
OUR SANCTrIf -=Persons haring Los iness
with am Democratic IVatchnaln during the
absence of Col. Seely will eall on the junior
who can be found at his Ambrotype Rooms
in the Arcade budding. The looks and ac
counts of the office are there at at times
teady for examination and settlement, and
hope those knowing themselves indebted
the establishment will not forwet to wilt
den us by a friendly greei ing and a little of
the "tiesyltut."- seitiorNple tngagoil
in taking the census will necessarily call
upon many of our subscribers alto it is ex
pected will discharge their indebtedness.
tiara C$ TIM Nrws hope our sub
•nbera in different sections will tiip oc
ivunially of things happening in In
alines. It iv surpriving what an intehest•
NS sheet ati paper can be made %then friends
alp us in this way. Don't:be alarmed that
will charge yo s u anything for publishing
or items, but send them along any way,
we will fir thm-144-11+4-66--ttraTtlrtuT
Wawr-linAKow Bubbam.--This is the ti.
or a new paper started recently by our
friend Cyrus Jeffries in Williamsport.--
paper is devoted to the interest of Col.
loin and the benefit ofihn_Republiean'par
in general. Mr. Jeffries is a man of abil
and we wish him suooess in everything
hie politics.
Wu. J. STEIN, the Jeweler atilt Smiles
limplacently as ever behind the counter
in waiting on customers. No wati.i.
hie gouda aro disappearing co ropidly.
e. m making matters count and deserves
ill. He keeps good jewelry and a great.
iety of notions. Call and see him.
JUNIATA Taus DIMOCRAT."--Tbk first
per of this promising Domooratio giro.
ipon our table. The paper is published
Messrs. Greer and Harris, dntl will dou bt
be a Very iniportant auxiliary to the
lersay of Juniata.
W Goons. —Mr. Wm, llicalelen, Sler
, tailor bee pist returned from Phila..
le with a new end very oxtonsjru es.
Ike, _clothe. cue imerea and ready
clothing. to /a a good fellow end de.
of a liberal patronage.
ACCIDICNT.-r. A little daughter or- Mr.
Thomas Schanesoy, aged ibotit thrce years
was run over on last Friday, by a two horse
wagon, while playing in the greet on cheap
side. Strange to say, lho child was only
slightly injured.
Tni BIIADM Tagss in the Court house yard
present a flourishing appoiance. They
have been recently straightened up and fixed
permanently in that condition.
Tug NEW Cuirucu belonging lo the colored
People in this place has recently undergone
a mint of paint, and will ere long be entirely
completed. So-hays our informant.
Great Battle With the Indians
The last Pony Express gave the intelli
gence that several Americans had been mur
dered by the Indians while asleep at Miller's
Stalion, on Carson river, some thirty miles
from the settlement ; and also
companies had organized at Virgout City,
(told hill, and other settlements io the
Washoe mines, and gone in pursatt of the
supported to have committed the
mar ders.
It subsequently appeared that lbtlan vol
unteers wore united undor the, command of'
Major Ormsby, numbering 105 mottlite.d
On the 12th they canto upon the IniiiimpaA
at a bend of the ginekto river, (15 inilA
northward 'towards Pyraintil Lake from Vir•
lonia t tty. The 4iiiltati4 wine m ambush at
Niirow Cass, through which ltltijor Orms
by's party were proceeding, and nurnher
fit atinut five hundred, hatzug plenty of
fire arms and ammunition, add
horses within convenient distance. They
Opened fire upon the troops rioin their suns
hiding pliice.
Major Or Insby ordered a charge, and the
Indians continued to skulk, lining from be,
bind the rocks and hushes, doing damage,
but suit, img much in return.
Tiii4 condition of things continned for two
hours, when the ammunition of Major ()rums
by's party gave out.
The Indians seeing this, closed upon C.ein, r
pouring in volley rater volley, killing motif
On the spot. The balance retiented, scat
tering in all directions. The ladianit pur
sued them for twenty-five es- thirly _sillies,
nutting ofl many detached partie s. '
The stragglers carne into Virginia City
during the two subsequent days. 'rhe exact
number of killed has not been ascertained,
but it probably exceeds fifty,
Among the stain are Major Ormsby, liar
ry Meredith, a distinguished California law
yer, Win Li Sitter, Ku hard Stiowil in, Win
Arl nig ton, Chart eo John Fleming,
S Anderson, Andrew Scealleil, Kritizar
witch. John n, A K. Elliott, W.
flaw kills, George Jones, Win Mackintosh,
C. McNalightim.
The total known to he killed is 21 ;
wounded 3 fate unknown, 43 ; returned
alive, 311
Wagons have been tient out to melt up any
of the wounded that may be found, antl an
armed tore to protect the parties burying
the dt ad.
AN Awern. Waitsrivo.- We heard yes
terday, from an entirely relraldc arid respon
sible source, the particulars of an occurrence
which can only be l o oked upon as an instance
of Ifßine rebuke for taking the name of the
Almighty in instiliontion of a falsehood
We refrain from mowinning 1111111 es Ihrough
cont.eleration of the parties, who arc ie•
spi table persons, ri siding u 1 ttle
ern neetion of the city. It apps ors that a
few dale sines the aunt of a young girl
shout t ightecii years of age accused her of
having hoer guilty of goo,e misconduct,
whit+ she positively denied, and on being
she celled upon God to strike her
blind if she was not telling the troth In
moment after. /wool-ding to her own state
meat,a ({lit seemed to pass before her eyes,
and to the course of five minute& she sv,ta
totally blind, and has continned InightleNn
ever move The afflicted victim of her own
impiety confessed that she had called upon
her Alsace. to panty hvr in *hat was a
falsehood Miy not this be considered IS a
terrible initaiire of Divine wrath and may
not thin' thoughtless take warning
Inure Chive, June I.
' uR FOI !AI% IN!". IH a sample of the nuttier
ons letters constantly receiving ttr llostet!
ter's Stomach !litter's :
CANA \ 1111;CA, July 15, 1859
3h al. lln frr 4 Nina! t, Pittsburgh,
Pa —Gents : Ati we are strangers, I here•
enclose you twenty aught dollars for
four deceit flestetter's Stomach Bitters,
which please forward via Michigan Southern
Railroad, Toledo, Ohio, and Clayton Station.
I have purchased several dozen bottles at
Toledo this Summer, but the sale is on the
Increase so much that I wish to .open a di.
rcct trade with you. I was indeliedot try
your 13111179 by my physician, for the lover
Complaint, and received such material aid
that I have recommended it to others and
hai , e sold about two dozen per week for
some time. I have all kinds of medicine In
my store, but there IA none that I can so
cheerfully and truthfully recommend as your
bajt Is, for I know they have helped me be
yld my expeetation.
ours respectfully. LO WILSON.
- ljpintniaL
On the 7 inst.. by lIKv. V.'ll
both Froth the vicinity of Uentro
Obituarg. -,
Dom : On Sunday morning, May, 6th
1860, at the realdenne of his father in how
aid, Centre county, Pa., Dr. Just KNORR.
aged 32 years, of consumption.
•'lllesaud the soul. that leuvos its weigh: below
And goes its way to Heaven, where it huth Joy
Entire, without a touoh of woo or plan
Ewell saint looks on him with °Atoning eye,
And ha Mantis ever In ;ilva ion's sight
Apd every virtue bandana hint ilsioght
*lighter than morning's lucid etdr he sho d
And fair EIJ that which fuirust Is on high.
On the 4th Iris , In Crawford Ca t 'llitta
ELIZAIO.III Ng'7l t fe of Alai Bennet fur
tnerly ni tha place, aged about GO year.;
WHEREAS letters teatemeity on the
°Mate of David Bohm, doo'd, late of Pat
ton township, have boon granted to the auhsori
bars, all pyritous knowing. thernsolvos indebted to
said estato aro her, by tequatitod to oumo forward
and wake innnodtato plymont, and tholes having
whams against the sable will present them duly
aßthontfouted for settlement ,
June 14, 'OO-11t, Ezeoutere,
ETTERS of acituinistrtition ou tho estate
esliA of Oatharlna Fleisher deo'd late of 0 regg
townlihiP, hose been granted to the undersigned
who requests all portions iudobted weak( estate to
entue forward and make immediate payment and
those having °lakes against It to present them
properly euthentioated Air settlement.
DANIRL PhOltifiEff.,
June 14, 1800. Potter Township
eanbibatts for OM¢.
MRAHUR EMTOrtli Planet, nonounue Hot IlOttio
of JOS SCHNELL, yr ,of Itullufoot u, rx n onr
ditioto for thu oilier of SheritT tothjout to Hot duci
etoo of thq Peutouratic County OmzVrntinn
NII-11SIIS EDITORS I lease ammo.... the Immo
of EIM A al> h ILEA:MI:It. of llnnis township, no
unioild fa Om on, of Sher iIT no hj..ot to the
Ifeciaion oftlw Denim:ratio County r !onver (0111
MEssilq ti..ri,T h. 11110.111 We Pleas° on
TOMICO 1110 nen.] of JOlOl )1 Itiil FL. DI., or
Gregg totto4l4, rot nit: Ann of Sliorilt nt r the
pronohing elevtioll on ',Jeer, 1.111.1)o dooieton of the
tn,,eratte Cdool y Colll ention.
AIPINS II 14 IbrraU ' —Pions(' 'mat nee the MIMIC
.4 II ENItV II WEA VElt, of Minos to‘Vonliip, Its
a VaMlidllie for filo Oleo of Sheriff subject to tho
dooision of tho llernoorstlo County Convention.
MENfIRS Forrons •—Ploneo announce the name
of JA s FURRY, of Boggs township, Ban oniklate
for the olfuvo ut Sheriff, subject to the decision of
the Detstooratio County Convention.
111 roar! I'DerOIIS - Pll.l,ollllllollneo the noon
of JONA I II AN Klt EA M ER, of II orris toninelii p
ten euiniblo ettinlidale for the timer of t . 4 bona,
subject to ilho decision 04 the Detnovrotio ray .
Convention MANY h EMOC It ATS
MNOSIIS NPIToIt s —Monne nom - lent, 'he 1111,110
OfCnpt P CUMMI S of Port Metildn. nn
it Suitable entololet a for the fit . 1. i f Sheriff .ult•
Joel , lot the dee 161011 of thr newrillo Coents Con
n entlon MANS pumocit-i;n4
I'vfllgynp nnrou lice OW WIMP
of (;),1,1)%1 1.:1.l. of 11vitt . 1 , 111% . , 1 , a ' , W.'
Zia f4jr Ilke offien of ',Abject to
i lip de Amon of the 1i.......44•61;44 v('ooteu
tinU MANS Ill.:M(%rit
NI .00, I'M Men, onto uneetlin unme
of II ENll.‘" It REPS of l'..rgonwl tow.hip on a
a nidt , inte t,o ilov-otfo, of -.lnllfr OI 1111, 1111.1,1101-
Jog elootom, nolijoo to the ,)011,00. of Iho 1)0.0
et oho. C iv 4:mfr.-WPM :01 Ihels is 11 fl,fl/I , r
1111.1 .1 IPlselti , ++ in in nil 1,11 iet $1.a1111 , 1 in
I`..unty, slit if elected eill make nn exe,ltent
M KNhIIV 1:10To Plent+i , itubotztlet. tilt, Immo
of ~,01 , 11, nv n vou
ditinti• for Ow MIL : 4 1i1•Itir itt Iltt• It ptir.,a,lttlig
tilectiott t I. the ilia Liao of the litasta,ral
county l'on, voila') Mr Ila• 000 14 .L ate'
and a good litpa, .4 taro and lull fill rho olijaa
tit fidelity owl to tho beta of lh,polgroaot
1111 , ..+81114 E.T , ./18 Plr.txr nn,riv . l nuftwo
bl ld U U H I. A 11 It t MIME, pf I.lwoothlp,
as n enuilirlato 11/1 . the 1,1111111 of bhrnlf at the ntt
protodting eleollon, nol.joot to the deeloodr Ilto
Detnooratie (lonely Gooveotilln Mr I. uiriunrto,
in on old Jelt , r,odan lbonovrot vroll 16,1 to
dlsohnrKo the dello. of the ottlqe, nod if eoodenteA
will to elected by a trlomphortt tntdority
. )
Thl9 B antiliff Engraving v,
RI ncvr ime of dm 111011 rolebriltetl 'Wirt;
that ever 1141,1 , I}ol 11'..1 401 0111 Ong, ri it oloego
/11;t1 plate being over s•4oolle r e 22 b y 211
'rho l'hilmlelphia Daily Neestop • lhe mere
nole.ll/11 mum asked fPr III). re4rlll'ing ItElnlii
( . 1.! 11 and nerau eul for De 1,10101 10 pub 11050, n + a
theta ,
(Ito a l i ttOunl rilft "
To be given to the purelit,era F.T fall par twa
are loud fur a 10;1
Cash, $1 01/0 5 Cash, $3llO
Cash, $ 10110 10 1 . ,111 $lll
Cush, $l. IWO 'lO I*.”.h. .12 )11
Cash, $1 6so I 0 C.iiii Oil)
Cash, $1 11110 In C. ii , :111,i
Cash, $ ,09 I 0 C.lsh $ PH
Cash, $.,,5) l hhn Ca.h , $ .1111
4 Cash, g hi° 70niti C..rh, $ sou
Together erlh ngre it t wet of nth, v ilnlllll.
(LO,, var . ) ink{ in /due f‘nni Is, $1.7
Any porn on ern•ln4ing nr 11101, $1 411.1 111 p 3
cent l'oatagn(un Ly lot p anti 11.011
or) o h rece ive hy ref 1,, marl the
non) Eugrat 4.0 g ”1 r l ' ,l ' o ' l, ll, (. 1,11
)449 I,llnoe toll, OA, Oa,. nn. r 1:01
.11 ortivr. Inc hilt, nr /1, lug. to
I' p II 111.1 t; I`s
JllllO 7, '613 110% I I I'l 1,1,10111
CANir.l ,, 1.. Vi lG r p . , nll ll ' pr el 01
Hae fitni tie:11110r, Sr, . uhndi she I. of Ir.
April. a largo rod and whir,. .r. I II
pies out el Iho WI ear. end opt, • d 1.. he /demi
num plan/ old Tlmomori r q't ' , lie
rofffif pr ~ ee grope ril l •1/ ~ L 7,0, 401 I,,ke
her nwity 011ierwl, eh,: will he 4111 , 0,101 IS 111,
law dirtolB
J Yoe 7 1. KREI'S
By virtue nl MI order fi 'rip the 1 1, hippo'
Court 0r e'erl , ry Cowl!)
tho nsticrt , TI it h .w .1, .1 Ito
of Walker townstdo 4. I
to sale on the prertwon. on Folly, the I ,r • h 'lii
of Joon next to wit
A eortnlo tract of Inn.l eontuoinz one I
ari d twenty throe r l t r e , -LH hood end oil I
twenty-four pero),l b00t01 , ..1 oil the by
lands of Maury 1 .11,4:‘,11 an , / 1..L0 NI/p e r , .et by
hu l a. of brace 1. 4 ‘./rt, no.l .11rt•o1o11
t h e ' ono by b t ed4 lir r 1 4 . 110111 •1 by
ifirlik of Dap ol I !moo 011 I, h 1 .h ere , le.l ot
two story frame booe, b.tok or.d oct bud]
Al,`;() •
4 A tAther tract 00t11411111114 19 tern and Oil perell
od on the Ilia, 11, by 1,0,1,011 g 0
Ircel,, F or n o co, on the onat l,s land+ Olongu:
1)anlol &mewl( and Fred'ro•k Lei re
o n the 5,,,,ab by lands of U u,n•l Loorrioli nn.
wee by lande or J elm+ Swart a e. ahn h are ore,,
led a log dwelling house, frame bars., saw mill
*nil other out building'
Another tract of land containing one acre and
nine perches, bounded by othur lands of told
deo'd , lands of Daniel limerick and Michael Alt,
on which is creates' a log ddollia g limas° and frame
Another tree' of lani oont rinint twenty-onu
Serra and forty perebus bounded on the north by
or cold 111(0Milt0 e*st by ax nun, south
by boolx of Mr Filgtiman, and wont by lands of
Another tract al land linitaining I wenly•si armee
and twenty Fi x perches and allowpnees lying at
the fooll. of Nlttany Mountain nod biffindetl by
Lorin of Henry Markle or, the north, east by buori
of Henry MeEwen, smith by ) Ind of John C.trner
and west by land of .I,lin Miller, with niinurte
nanden All of WlllOll AVVOr.II tracts of lord ore
situated in Walker tewnsh4t aforesal,l Fratti — te
commence tot 10 o'clock
'Patten —One-half the purchase money no eon fl r
(nation or the the residue in one year Nitro
after, with interest, to be secured by bond crud
UlOrig ago 1111)'S MT.], Trunino
May 17 `111) t
he lush and envied culelirtly which this
pre•einitiont methyl. line nequtrel (or ila
invariable offootoy in nil 1110 111wnmw Wllloh It prO
(00008 to ell re has rOndOred (Ito usesl pimento of
ostentatious pulling 1101 Only u necoent.ary but uri
worthy of them They tire know,, by th e ir fruits,
their good works testify for them, and they thrive
not by the farlig of the credulous in all town of
emitiveness„ ;dyer pelts, billion+ arid 11, or Onto,
[lgoe piles, rheumutime, favors and °goon, Choi
node headaches and all general der.ingoments tit
health, those Pills have invariably proved n eer
fain and speedy remedy A single trial will plane
the Life Pills beyond the rosoh of mooned lion to
the pall ion of every pall td.
Dr. Moffat's Phoenix will be' Ptand
equally efficacious In oil non tale debility, dys
pepsia headache. the sickness incident to fOolaloll
la delimit° health rind every kind of weak not,' at
the timothy(' organs For sole by Dr tv ll
NtintieAT, ,:Id Broadway. and by Modinine Deal
ers and Druggists generally throughout the Coun
try. ~r
The onlisedfibere having taken the Store
toinarly Ueoupieol by Jleurs Johnston Nil
ler, beg to say to the people of lloalsburg and vi
olnliy that they will obntlnuo lb.
in lie carious branches, and will spare no pains to
keep up a full nanorconent of everything alimony
kept in my country Arno, and will toll nt prices
whioh we - trust will suliwit to share at least of your
All klosolsof country prodeoe taken at full rotor
kot Flees In esohangelor goods Bring oolong your
Grain, your Bacon, your Butter, your Eggs' your
Rags, your Tulbovr, your Lord, your Ilotrol Soap,
pun BOOS Was, your Feathers, and ih OSUIO you
have nothing of this kind your rash. will 'moor tor
refused. , JblIN HOW & CO,
iiosisburg, April 20, 1800—tt
the following ooniplaintli. viz :
In In 111 Nerrou3 ,4,lPcitans. moo:).
!Mini nysrri ( nth pate on, 1)1,1)1110 , 1
Djt irttlerv, I nriprat Conatlllption, Xe ,/
tutor TiArretilo ( . hlOl . Oll$V Lave
Chrome ll( ntlnlhr., Rhfulnotigm, 101 l hilt
tent h (re. I, 0 OH the
In 'cote of !JIM. DinnILITY, .0111 . 1111. r the re
salt I 'unite disc/ion or of the rontinto.a dlunnn
lion of eftvotis nod frolo'clrlooi
enmphunls ono uIII , f Ihin rt e hv. nwl v 1
BOCCI elq11) to 111 r. ovtrut whie), WI ror Iwo, nor
written nittntnitnn ., ,,roltl render errairao tr, a l
Ida so lotnr bed ri , l.llen n. to barn In,arno
ten In Inuit own ra•ighloorlorotor Int, snll , lolds , -
RM....M1 . 4 Itin. kb.) w orld no 11)41411.4.14N lot%
p olnieted 011%0 in a di.lnn , rund y
signal inslarwcz of this kind tire a nr+n , ,l of I..inate
sof, rep., el...,.eluted ...rim., of imp l u Lt /11 11.10
Mar 11.411g1111....11.1 r rh.l.J.ll..ll,frill' II (.11 , D r 4 it
thnt 0.111.110 , 11. n ..r 10 . 1,0118 and .1,1401.1 , .1,
61011 to 1111 and e Xt.r,1.10 for Wlll.ll (AO I
1101 uu r Hine
In N1.11101'4 rtiisri or All 1t0n.1.4 111 .1 fir
snitteoue tiuutll4l - 4. toolitwit Trion, PI "pet r 1 it. how
111•VeSM 11111 be Nano... , for unlike the ol I i.sC ti •
It IA r IgitlollAly 101.10 in Ihun t I ti 11111,4. ;10.1
or,fllllllllllll, mut gently, 1,111
I/1 Ole mind0110;11111, or coin, ern' is Is
liter living n g.lio no pit gaitva. of t nitln Clog n dyra
gr, eat, le , el e,o l , e ,
It if Oho. lath. r properly. niminK Oho,
maker it 1 , 1. 1,1111111.1de an t i perp,l nom
it al, appe/trei to exiirt n 111 , 110,
mot Aniaill • tictloll, Ily ,Itapersi'ffig the, local tell
jitney which forms them
In Ilt n•ernrt, inuawarahlo an am Pa eat, .r •
angle bot flume t'ltalyboato Pills lint .dtru
eafra...e.l fur the moat habitual offies, ioolfultagdolto
at tooduat I 'a.t•relfll.od
In unchecked 426ol,llllllllo,.<ol4 k m ' ' 4" r"" ed
to lltlevrAßY, ennllntleaV eiusteelating. and ap
parently malignant. the effeete hole been etiuttil
tlettiive and nettorthing.
In local 11.1 illy 1,11,
tiling e. u,Ol t ud. remittent hent:o ettJ 11 A r to tal
In Indio Inriioo nt C.11121111311.,.1•111 1 , 111143
Ime oll.kycl the alarm of frleed ,,
ry grant', log and tettf II .'lll I •
,t 1,11 111 V 1 IlLospl We I
iron hoe bit or Inert, than the gill Ifl 4 .i
IneJl ca ull~~n al/ L tlatteetl prep-trent, • et 1., .
any nt th , tir it ell )1/111.WI. J111. , 11 1.
1111 . Alll.lllilm ul 11 . 111./10, , :a11110t by 14.• nih I, pl
I) Ins iled to thi+ ,oirdy song] I.
44 , 0 ( . 11111111V eff,ting then,
I it II LI , IATI•SI • hot h chronic on.) I :1 000uttort
11•JAet t.r, more 1 .4
at II t.p.c1,0,1, both no r. 114 ‘1,1m4 1.111,e
1/11.1 radtc.icg the Beetling!! and :Cal. , .1 lite
j,•icti •cci ticct,•),.
'lt Is,, nil Iry vT FEVEnII. it t ncil
ban weal iiiioi ly awl energetic rcul..tit .orcl
the to," aeltletrienti the I% •.•[
,6111 01110 Id high runow
has rl e• been 414/1 , 41, ro .1 in
tilloolwolinvory ~f • , tr+
i.r.).1,1 happy and 61i.y restor.i , , , ,, , 111. PI
,p: IP.ollolvor tltgtri ion, ,pi
oo,KII, .1,1. an ullisaual disimpellt., I /1,111.
0/ 0 0 , 0,1 rue 11111110diNi01) lull .0 114 12 0 ••
PO 0)1111 01•31 1101 VI 01•11 box, ed1,111111p.4
prw• vent, par b.;: for /111, 1,, ,Iritt
iv'', nod dealer, 11 tll he gout! Iroe 1.1
d,,+ 10..,11,t or 1110 pric.o" All 1°11,4 ~f, l t•rß
vto 0,01.1 11411•••.,1 In
R R 1,4 rch 1,; tl),:ssit Ai. A,,l' ,v 4
:thy 21 6o 3511 llxuwn ti 1
E/1111 --
B V v.ritto k wrll of V..olitto‘ , l
01/t nl (hr
..f 1 . ,41111 and to tot• dirmiur.l. Ili r.
.5111 he lino 10 1,111,11 C 41 1 / 1 it 071 r
ii. ;II Ow 8411,1110 of . 'l. rofite,(rlTll , ,'
m 11) 110. 140 i day .0 .1011...11.1.10., the 1.m11.1ivi...A
.14 ,r11...1 I.lolo.rty, to it 0
All him right L. 11.1 ioil...term-m0 nt
11 10 I lo rtov:l it, /1,1 r. tlo• followmg..l , eni ilo•
•s•i •-•• e•i .1 • 1"ntttl
'iii , oort it The Ulot,o113:11.
NI illl, d II:, •east I, ol
I' n qtli In 1,11 I I. I ,// . ...,11,„
13 n.l) ,11,1 g ill.onv 11'.••14 '
./m•—•”1 .ot lov 11111 1- tg'io k o.
bogltiiPa ti ,111 a lit ilt tfill col
4 J ve hog o hereom Ili, el art.lting cif Ciella
t ft, it n o.v opted 1 voilthil, lig : w coty act r upitt: nr
~r To Ertlk.f 1.1 , of 4,110 1 WI/ Ito. j n the
t,i II .of I .11.11111 e, 4111 NI ,in r•I Sill 1.0. W. 11,
?be 1.1.. t 4,0 Inns no 14 , s N., 24 27 nod 29 iti'd
',Art of lot NO 30 m C 1. 1 ,0001 +irl'et
0.14 trod art Is nd •ihMrn In Rn•h tnnn•.; p COll
t r e eo , nl.l O l i yo4 10 Ole 11411111 . of .4ahn Lni lru r.m
lu tong 417 ..prni, nll,Jl•lum,l 1411 , 1 4 14 ' H A Prvn
hoi 114; Worth
One other Cr et • I Lind .111.1te In Ruth 1.'1110141
eehtro c 0 . tars coca in the Hattie of John Whit•
nn. nn n mini at 141 norm! /too wk.] On the north,
by II A Prentice, and tnljot ~,,, I ,t the above
One other trete Oland elitette iu ' Rush toenehlp,
Centre an. eurvm•)ed le the name of J01.,1 Work
Lill rontlioh,g 436 nerve, atliulnlog lanai of John
Ona othrr trnet of land Agnate in Ito•h tqtro , hill
eurveyod rn tho mime of CI - 10110mIt II (...nt.rt 102 matrek anti ad) tiring the lirnekl.ll trout
One other tree , of land situate in Midi t•oetndi Ip
surveyed in the nnma of Christi's,' Ihre.
ing 4211 sere& nll Yining the Christian Caro tt,n,t,
One 440 r tract situate In Rush tor,,, ,, htp ., er , ey
e.I 1,1 the value S aka, selyt otnit,.{ 217
;wren, aldjundog the above tieseribed trier
AIN) :
Onn ollirr irnelailynto in Rust) town.lnp, enr
1...ye0l in the n one 1 , 10 o Slough, nontoinut„ la
114j.t..111g doeuritmit trail
One other tract situate an Minh toae•hio For
ve: nd w the nem) of Nvid gore , eentneong' 411
nerve, Anil adjointog the Above deaoribed tree(
Onu other traat of land rltuatn In Ruth tow , t , b , h
iurrryad in the !tn.. , of Andrew Shank contain
tug 433 acres end adtattung the llthrld llttre tenet
One of her treat rltut t le in Rush tovrafirp l7" 4
scirvryed in the name of Christian Shank e rnt Mi
lt% 433 acres, and a.ltoitting the Andrea Slunk
thpe other met eito 'e i n ltuttht townol,up, cur
,o in the moue „t Ilottotel Shrok, e• lit 11.44,eg
4S:I fie roe, mod ttoiehriatian 811 ink tiiiet
Ono other tract nitnate in Bush township flisr
voyei , l in the nn•ne of John flint, a•inn telling 1 4 1
a•crea, mid adjoining the Christian Bohm( (Iwo
Burnside's hens) tract
A :
Otto_other Irnel piloote In 1t0 , .11 ton, iiip, ,
'rept in 010 11111110 of Alusttiolor ti,tott' ooinoining
219 ante., anti action,in.„ thn Mu:haul Shank tratn
One othor treat of lend situate in Rush township,
sorsa yen in the name of Irrirnsov. Mminluitt
43J surer. adjoining John London, Itraekbilt nod
oThen, and boutided generally by of M. r.
Prootioe on the north, by Halo, ilattfirlde and
others on the wed, and J. Tbionfoi , in. VIVO Fin 4
etberloon the eolith and out, upon *blob Ire il""'
ed two B , enuo So* Mills, with dwelling hditto and
other buildings
taken in execution and to begold 7 q t the
property of 'William Underwood
Tturs It 'COY, Sheriff.
Shooire Jlno, Sollefente,
MO 14, 1860.
LAMPS! Liatr s I
J& J. HARRIS havo pat reo*ed
• huge supply of 00AL Off, h PAW%
LAMPS, whioh ere warranted not to onoki
These Lemjll are anteing Into gown). Ismael are
noknowlodgod to be the bolt. They eye 114 light
equal In iweeneleg of datiie, and shellac 10 appear
'moo to gas, at one fourth the pries. Thesy are
sprointed sole agents for the Oil and Limps
Feb-e, 1850
• Rupectfully informs the eglm
'..7140) citizens of nollefonte and
vieintlythet he het romovoil 411 CY3=
'ho building forittorts ttitiotott'a by F. 4ln°'
It lloct and filnio Illanolliotory. on the oar
' Main nPJ Bishop sheer, nhrru hr b
Loa old Wools with
wnnttnimit of the fit lowing art titre :
Inns NS, If Riff/3-N, n I,
771[ 1 ..NT .1' St I.° Yll,-
1,1 it'S, /
rem thing ,t golly ht pt to tell rozodotoit
Glnnrnt , loco, o f 11, 0, 3 butt,
"' :r i
1„ I
and Bobnatitial memoir rut eittilmt
this tilde of the (titles
keeps oottstontly on bond dittore4t kinds of
whldh he will warrant of the best viol
ind sell es cheap as ono be purohneml else
• retu Tee his hbeeh. fir the very liberal patron
age her etorora eyteadcd Likliitn, 44;ni hope , r to merit
ereirte uunru Or the re le •
Ilellefonto. A 12 PAO
485 tro t idway, New York.
A NEW\AY, PRIrE, •,-)u
'I 3?1,111311313)330 00300 from 1103, 9303133 Il 13313 - 3•13,-
1 I,m 11.0 11,310 13(1111,11 , g t 331. t 3.1
1b.,/ U 11,141 Fir 1,1 • lir,llPtlll. nip) nl Crro
n 3313,- . 13, litit.littig,,el3.ll 44 . 11111 Lv 11.31331 n
3313t.t.311-at, willt3 , lll tti,otro33 t 4 1.1• Ind 93 1' I 0, or
,ogiiml:d by other 111 lohito 4 It nil) 1303t . 03r
, 311 , 1 o +ll 1114 111 111 11 ro 301) 1 ,o3r 1 . .111 1.1 011 11
.I.k for ttite 11,1 1111 1t3 , 11r Itt3lllll, 11 ( . 11,11
I) 13N IH. 1111'IN A ri•lif
A I (9- .39 lot 1,13 . -431trg Cent. , U , 3 , I'.l
ITII N., 12 1-.1111 fOrr•vt
tt,..1 11.1.1 1 1 1t1.0•11s; I'., .llll
roll ~1 * a PRI V A
N 11 1 ill,
111.1 11 11, 11 1,1.1111•11/... I'l 11111111111 1 %/VIII 11r
1 11 ••. tl , .•111.1 , 11i,•11,11...r .1111.14 Ili' 1111(.1
1,1 tlt, t h 11,,1“r t . 1,„
•• •.1 an.l
11 1 .1:14 111.0...011 1.1. 1111 , 114,11 all 111.•
1111// 1111111/1, 111,1,1, Ser,.l),li, I 1 • • • • 1 ..
I' lip and 1/141,1•44 111 11111111111/ 11111114 th„
".,i A10.1.1..011, 11.1 to ir I'll4lolol
111 1.1 1 ' 11111 1 1 13 n 1, , i1g Irani of horrible ..ytn..1,.11.• at
Icy. 111 ; 1 11., el n... 1 or d i4Ol/11 , 1 11(.1 litnallt
011111.11.11111 •;11,11; , ..r n 0111,1
X N W --Dr R frvnteg
troleh of 1,1. 'droll/lon In Ole ar,:ll , lltera or It, “.•••••‘
.1 6 7 n .n.err.l
runt the h..IY nrd mind if , v1,111114 Ihi
,0 f.,r r I.noine-1,111 1 1 it. .11.11 '—
,ow .4 11 $,l on.l 1111., 1
II • I,llv 11.11•1 , 4 rre. 11 1 1'.6/n ..f
1..14 nn! ,11 /(111; I! trl. 11
1”" I' 11 •' "r ,r
arIIII n., r ,ere lo I
, 1 I ..• I iii,,,,',,1, 1 , 0 ,, 1.1 1.11,
•...1 1111 • 1..4.
~.!, thlnt Illy o•I ir /11111/1.4 the .14
.. 1 ” n l, l I'olo,ll it
110,1,11/v 1,,, It fil/l/P 1 . 1 , 111.,11 I.• II
11 , 11111111, A '4llO /1111/ F 1.111( 1•1./(1.11 1111.1 1111 ,' l lll
11,1 AII ~,,rt irso,l4 r.. ,1,1,1re.t....1 to
hr NI I 111 Pa mill nr, , t with 1,,,,t0r,i r ,
r, r 111 , 1111...11 , 1 1 / 1 2.1 f.,rn yr - Jed, 111.1:ti rt. from .01-
0,n1111 , /I'oll4 1 .1/(0 11111 r 11/11,d The 111,'1. 1,11
I in 411 ,141.4
aLi 1,111, I I II) 11/4,, N 12, i , 1.101 . , part,
PP, , . 1 g1111 r . I
MAV it.
iviliravd flout 1'Ittla;1, !pit a
'1:••ar ,‘ i L n PHU nwnrtun•nl oi
Oin I,tl/ • I t Io• au I folum, vro frni pr, ,r,l
1.1 u ,111 ,nt 114 un411.1.1 Knit e aud Nil.
mu 1, sin rr in I '.• It a 4,11, Our eant It a .1/
-1-f. In 11111 .If
1,/ 1/\ I \ 1) I \ l • j' 1/ If/
the,' ir,1•11 4 111% kept 111 ‘111:11/.•'3
gwed el' am nr 11.”
m ”Irf irlq 110 ,,rt Ilya err) Hire on
...1 44, the told stand
l't 11. I to . oo t fool TIA It ` , Ol 1111.:1C
SO 2: A, lIIAt i Will - II . 01.1.0 • 1 , 1111. A
r/ we( 1.1,:111 , 1 54 respe,• lfuliyr•ull
_ 1114 nll4 1111 .1 ~r or 1A1,1,31, rvr
16, !, ..!
1 El iou'r.rer,
oil, ell lir 1.1 , 1 4 ri Iti n/011 rcitaimabl,
r,rp04 , 1 - rolly Nulirltcd her",
o r
M 1$ / al) tl 0:1 1• 11M I(ARcu !C
r the
... ir 1.. I, oi ereeted A Lim, j,
11 , ~,,, ti.4l J .01 II lltlAito, aln,rn Ile AnALIFtz
Lime ~r t ,yro ,orgn rd , r 1•110, t. v h 0 ,,,,),.,1 ; I
, I e Nll.l , e a n.l pia •Ih , I,•rnient lime AII
1.. q s i,i rl Are' lie IA 11141.10f/1 , 11 I ho
lir.. r 1101 c..e.4 k 1111
f 4 t if I,LoN MAf R.ILL
wing grnre...; dog or corpry
r, MO , 041 er zr.iltttlre, t I up eon It Ivo them
Lair br le it tto.; o trtl with the hoslnu at the (I'M
y Lnu. u.a t )14' Iv thr itorttort lipplitti , A for
the: 1 , 11,11,0 rtnd o ur uhroynt hr holed there
'Agri, 10 3in JoIIS 111011.11 AN
No 1 r Elt.•ib'N Illey Ile, wee. Frool. .1 2:1.1
nod 4toli A 11 liet•
Semi] t.; ta t og I' thine) anti Carpenter Turning
in toll their hr tin he+
N Ratltl rl. ..11, cm - lE:int ly o r
and Al.ll len Pl. 111111 PAPA
S ",..1
r_ins piNt. 'monied from the city of l'hila
X .1 Iphfa vt Ilb a large .01.1 li ilellgoine aanort
111 I I, I N GOODS,
l'•rn•~xting in pail of the following articles, la wit
I. idles Collars, and all
"titer nrtiolii,ms illy k epl to a Millinery
which wilt he 4,4 cheap for
can it Ir carry nn the Millinery
at the old stand Immesh defy arrow the
Ilrid4e to which she int ilLc , Lll,m_
pet no- 1 y
PIN Et 7 • 111' I.: Al I LS, I'ENTR E l'A
- ,/t, tuitmAm, A. M , PRisciPm..
Df: 11l X t of lill4 institution will
open nn 'W EDN ESDAY April 251 b
18W) Board. Tuition. English
branches': Z 45 per nebonon. Sena for IL Cat
alogue. apl 5.60-ti
N uricE i% hereby given that letterm of
on the estate of Jacob
Harter late of Marion 11) , have been
;valued in the'inult_rtagne.l, Who niquegts
all perm'', itidolited to •;atil estate to mine
lortgard and make immediate pajama, and
those having nlf inn; to prement them duly
au thenti ea ted 1 t settlement
Telegant Horse, Rock. gnown the
Ater /inr,e. twit-for service at the
Bellefonte Vounilifiluelentibe illettont Mason
The nellqree of this... Wren is so well known that I
la ueole to rdor t o ler For terms spoly lb
handbills. /411 LL Eit,Groom.
April 26, 1660—tt
167 ix hereby given to ever
'AN knowing thiqiiiielvoii in lebted to lb
3,4%. Monty, or !daftly A' Bro , that the to
sooosma of said firm bard boon ssiOgne)
hoods of the andorqnsd who request.
peronot to come forward': rooka homed'
moot and MVO east. WM% .1 4
Ids 1.2,•3ra.
Couru3ellor in', Business,
Ur Tr. Lou You now to draw up Partnerothip
prre. and giro/ gonrral forme for
A ttruetnenta opal kind A, Hills of
Sale. 1:01$1.1 And Petition+
I r Ti.t.1,31:u1:.1100 to d tow rip lloluif dud Mort
gig„", A Gins it.. P..,ers if At
loran.y. Nn e /11111 lhlle 'f IA
ebonge Il erripts on.l
r VI 4.11 You Vito Lool 4 r 0.11,TH,,
r ftelotc w tit , the StototeA el Litni
b: i,mrttnd .montit nod hind of 1
. li.e.,ropt from Emmet ion
In e, my State
jr TELL 3 . 11.Q1J flow to noire nn Annlanment , pp , ' p•
ettv, %Nith forms for CompoAtion
tyllh ('re Inure. end the baolvent
L“tve or every Suite
fr Fr:i You The legol relations.. rioting
tittrwitftrrt and Ward 31 ~t er
A pprenttee, 111M1 Land.lotil awl
i Tel t. 9 You Whltl nod Sion
• • der, nod the I,t to II rrtogn
Dower t..e %VIA/ n 1141,1 in prey
rely, lunorce and 'lrmo O .
lr TPLITI VIA Th.. Lot , flu 111
of ery St•ite anti the 'tiller
lion torA ut Ow eouttiry and
• In e‘ollply
I r T.I I s YOU 100 e meet nin.; 10,00,, nlOl
ritiptirrir larva Lonll.l
1r Tr 1 1 rr Yob Tlitr I,n.r I'arent., Isiah riirrrlo of
irmr , 4rtro m olriAirririg ,r,rtt
I 10
vl re , P,i, A islgllllllCn9 nlit
th„ Lnw „„,, r
ii‘ err'
r'li it Yiri The me ..1 f, Teri. ill g, v , viii it i t , yn 11,
Inc. nit•l .111,11
rpd I'mverA of Ihr (trolial
I r aa 4 Viii /lOW k• 4110 “( otl I. rw , Itv 41,
tag 11,:w Fn
gdty, t11t14.41,11.4. n I.? a rd
of rl v nnit .rx.1.0,11+ 11.144.
r ho nrlll by in 11l Twor I,n , it kb!
",k I F 'U , 111.1 t !II ' v. 11,1 i , rill
,t 1 is la it, pIlll 4 l 1 11,n
r ilFeript of II Ott, or ut ft.,110
101 $1 )i
1()1)0 A YEAR
• .....n evorywhera aka
istorlo, os as tir in litosinetits scull art a r.y
copies or the IL,ok Ilr Sro ter, io
uith “M , ?l , 1.. or II
.51...1 ,11/iIN I: 1 4 .1 I I 1 . 0.1.411 , r,
1;17 .;.iti,,or Street, iph,
M ty 17 0040
dr:tvi,v tr ri.• I r • •
• 1,,111 - 1•• l 1..•• h mrin
I , J l•••, , d•• 11r 1•1•1•1•011,T, h • •t
qtr P /J, IliPl/1 14 11114,14.111 •1 ,llp 111 i
II '4/11. I li•Ii Pir 1r1.11.1,11111, .1l 4.111111.1 pr I'l°' It
111IP 1, 1/1,111,111+ h r, r 6.1 . v ” VT. lip Om
1.1141.'11 by %VA' 1 / N.l NI 11 rt,,,
flu tble Inf.., tr,,.1, 1; I,
1111'11 II 111 pi 1111 111/1/01/11.41 1 n‘rohitrt• tromuri! re t
.111 , 1 11111.'1" /1011 *llll 1111
, Ing war rte4l 'movie or those di,;itompl.Ll 11/..t ovir
11.140 II rid 11.4 mg the lett.t inuredietten kr
n, I W., ,b.,11 , 1 re 11 11110 ././ 4( 11 d t1.1”,4
t•t. ti v‘vry .110 tholil I 1,4. ”C,{ . / 11 oil .llv ,
.101 II 11. twilit hi. Itv•10, f p I I
11, 'more It will lle +• lit to
the rl,g p 1 /if twenty feu ecote I r
,ulr A.1 , 1re,4 Ult IV I"..I • \ N.
4 1 11.1, e lth 1.1”11,1”11,1.1,
1 . 1,1‘"I'Ili AND I. • N PI/R I I \l1:
N., to r ttlldt tatty I.e 3ttttr ti Ig11.0•
( .1 .•••• II r I and,. t..tre of - ally owl of 111.,
tt trt m• ill II r.rel4lt :PI, I
titte Al,y ,)1114, riper Ltott a erITI V l 4 Phh"r
of Dr V.titt.g . to lllroks, allot rtta I 11 enrulttll3 It
sill 1.0 Iltt• means of gtolli t 4 n II ivy a
y .ttr ilth alltl posilily our
111: 1 1 11 `:117 en. toe ;411.yolted 'on any or Ib,•
ithr II in 101 pablioaliou at hi+ 1111,.,
:IC. II III , lryet, o bu,v F ,urtti •
1 ,,,,
, I IC .111 S / (*A I, I It [END, — a Rare eyalf. in
i . i•.I 11, 1% late; .Sl , lffilka•
In ot) .111,0. r, :shoul.l proet;Te ilia' , r , • , •1.1v
I. r s .. .tiger. Pubito.llloll of V. , ,e II .11.1
I .en le. her, Piano Forte .11.1...... ~..m•
.1.: ... ,f Pop)), ~,g but 10 a' EIVIS .
}..‘. ry A owleu r,
... number, alai pruziouuco.l
PI OW entire Pr 1,114 the Cmtntry L. 1.0
ANDC I! h:•I.PE,ST \Cult!. Uk!
<-- - K !AU fX 'rm.: Wok ha
Tw. Ire Nil sltdd Pnges Ilea( and Piano
F.,t, NlO-I • 6 , r 10 CIOITS
,r 5 H part) el 30{ go:wetly
•ril i• to ‘' nor Niu•neal Frien , l" tiri, it
hull rlr, Fre trtlf No. irotionlo, 1,41 v r 0:11
II ii••r• 11001.01 fur your enure family, nd 10 111.1::
niflo int .• an lit yon fun! 71111,.. fur
Cort.e , Clationnt, Are, lior, , or ,
( 7 „„1„,,,,„ : 12 Mizeg,vl,z "Illy 111 Conlr r, mu
In r 4rl, 1.1.51/ 11.111 I ! . t . rly I 2,
All 11., k . 11 wk . Notnlo,,got 10 rte, on.l 1 1 0001
C Bunn
~ , Irntritri4 17 :301,114,4, it F 2 111 t•
cnolondlycu hind
C El SCI 3.
a Apl 12 60 11 107 \/LB,lO NI \.'w 1 orl,
LIQUORS ! Lmtrofts !!
rIV Thi gubacrib,r infornutlhr puldic that
keeps rnntnan illy on hand nt III;
I_. t C;? ICY CO rt. EA 7" Co Xi. In
,arittit. ttl fleet and +•liaateer l a l uorn
1,.• par. hand an)whrro in the t•ta+r
1i r: tat all h,• Pelts for Pi or Itivi All,lo ,
it.lte le x tri il nn,l ho will have no tears but tho
•untowrr• will order nottOlor hill
lowk II Ant it 15.4840 t
T nl r •1 h iv! ); tit on , s 1
n I Irg , and fresh stork of
tut, (~)(ms
at the tot 'lmola lho full font.,
ijap •Itoo It al 101441, inclto tho • (nitro. of the L- 4
r rmintry to Coll »11.1 1. illllllll. 0
their WO lint Orllllll , i itl 14 , 11
1110 111 , • r than Om ohoato.4l, till tdwat3 , ' hovc
I:rn 101 l mt It f ovorything hl their 4111 C Or Go
V I 11 .1/111.11d
JOS 1) 41-AII,IIIS h. CO
ttootoln r 15, 1%59 0-3
. : '` I • • • • -
will he carried betwvut the above poiiiiistnil inlay"
with went dare ILO dispatch.
collected either in fiellefoute, Lewistown, or do the
rood on moderate toms and ['flatlet returns tr—do
ti()MDS PtlitellASED
per order, or oily ether business attended to ‘ith
despatch nod fidelity SOLOMON .0 kat It
NOTIOE in hereby given that letters o
Administration on the estate of Simon
Beek, dee'd . late of Walker tow nship. has
Mien granted to the whiten her who 'egotists
all perimtis knowing themselves indebted to
come forward and make inunuh ate payment
and those haring Clan& against said estate
will present„ them png i t44lv aut heriticated roe
aottlemen. IMES' BECK,
Altura 29. 1860. A!tini; tr.
apl 6 60-4 L
H 111717, Jr. & COk. successors td
• J I) Harris h Co., manufeetblere of RIM
kers Clover Rulier,Threshing fifschinea, Rich's
A tilLI Iron Ream, Worts I Side Liill Plow, Mil
k atom Stoves of various kinds, Corn Sheilarlih
Thimble Boxes, Durkt. I Rnst Water Wheats. Emma
Fencing of any size and weight ruzi — fitted
up try order, ciao Castings 11:r Itolli -end
4111 4.
Iturdeces, work invariably warrant . aos recom
DellerOnteu April 26, 18 64. •
._.._ .._,
— VISSOttrnON OP P r ' friMattNir"
IaUTICE ii hereby girpn that the Wet
JiN lately ileitis' ender tbe_pemo of Vetter it
Geblii4 bait by mutual °onion{ him dlooolved.
c ii no blueness will be oonlloood In be old
stood by JNO. Vi POSTER.
Mlllheim, May 30860.
Irtn of
As end
to the
ell 'ugh
Au Bottle-
tint Ow P 1 o
how In obtain nn
1.. wh0...14, oil oil E.tolo - it. 1.
tiIIOCERIEti, ,t,
Tn ALL WANTI N a. lii A:' /HAIL
A V 1) if Y.: 1.1 jll ATH
Ty. 1.•1 AI 11, S S0(1 PH 1:4 II TOP
pru LAD If LP II lA. 0 ,V Tim CA Ihr.
bon dd tglnle 6onsoolOg of strut 05otlandtpt
l ong, - o r J,rodrrrb rr J6ll tint Itom, dr,t,l e ,l l a w
Farm of sarittus sires to •ett Mr porch/trier. A
pppielettion of Home FAftrea ondred, from 'id.
nor porn or an tholdle States anti New Phowpd
It lye tcp loot ll,ezo the pent year Improved their
piano. rria tore/l1 rropm. The peke of
11, lota m nt the 101 l rum of from Ilk 40120 pen
ettre, the soli 19 of the luott quality for the produo
lion of Wneut. Clover Co r o I. w .h,,,th mlt io and
rgro:ali.n , IT IS ( .11 Nelt),APA1TUk. 13K8'1!
04111, IN Tllli tliro3. The plate is
podeetle seem, from ft 008--- the deetruntlee enb•
my of tr...Ginner hope of Fruiti s greet, and fruit
or, now grriwing and COO ho •nen. &tam/rang
the plech itnelf, a ,orreet judgment eart he formed
of the prof oriiv mown of the lend. The terms are
mm i c euay to eyeful. the I npicl improvetzientof the
„,„1 whtrh t. n 1 ty Sold fir A171:01,/,/,lf,
be C. ; O 11
f ,1 bei ti, ant at. goat year,
501110 /5 h, ;oh,/ 1,r,, erected
I ton with, one 5r..1111, four atom , Mann forty rtu
Intik and Pepe', tt,eltart• rollitited, and o tarp
r umber i f nib, ttn l nm ploehtA, making It a di/111
Odo nio/ au lit (dolor of Lortovni
as Ole I esti , r mny 1.4 roelt t 14.111 I . l Cath , o,. Is the
ci tit ktit in k~w
lip t, „,„) f r om the
rri ••• thilli llip (V• vt if 1 , 1%1,1%0 lb!il ILVI,I-I.OIL
andlieu milli andin ibis,
P , llll. hum N ca J V1,y.111111 nm 011,1 h illy exiiorteJ
in hum ti,xti ul ,r 1
Lit,IIVF Lev ,• ILO .1001 f L.I. mnr y
4410 I 0 .1 . bnu I • ride ,1 the great
i!Jogi ,41 110 Id
11,01411%,{eiP I i))., In()411.1 I v I. to a stl
wk t. pot of coml. Prt
z, sti Ii In II 1,1 IPr t call boy rrerry (tr.
fr hr R • 114 if pell•tv, big
e I 14 1, t A I, 11. , t% eel 1.1.1 a is
L-14 1a hia ,Lull eft .1)1/1,e
.n.l I:I avii
ti• / lII' lit ~14,1111111i/101rtl.
" I
1 .1
11 • rcuiTC
1,11 to rost ,e thetn to nu
I. 1:r of bonll lo
t h„ I im 11 , / .1 tln ilt q. Itoollf?
10. at tlo• ut Orr rnri.i•f $lO In
),r 11, 111 ' Fr Iraq 11,, Laub yard
01, of Inr the pr II I', , n nnmre cm l u ' f,nkwud
I/10 ),Inr 6 woo! rI/ ro.iirrA urn off bond, nod
IA o'l Vb., Iti Ole where 101111,1,1z/I nod
I ::1::.:• "r 1:: " :irn
p'' ek with the ed.
hereit.d ook I,'
' ,wolf lb•
11 4 I 1.0,11 111, 1 . 1 61 . 0 i , rema4
0 . 11. w.“. or 11.••• eirn mancrr; -- ind unreel
$,. r, Ortoro , . arty r a roe I no onn reoull , lie in
, 0 , 4 to r Immo dir I ire bironroll
L.. Oli • •• •" , f,ll 101 40 'They
". I, ri I t rol' it rofh ,f,, ettentut
t :! , 11 ••111 tj ,,E p er .
1 ,, Ir.. 01.11 10/I.og I!, 011,e,
111,1 •• pad { Ihe 4.1J1.r•
I f t irrth ntiew
/ //// lite /I I; ?Or I
I, I lt,•I In Atity LL day
, r i•,.t ii/1 to Lre 03.14•
Dm b. I , I I "II I
Ir t• Plithodel,ltitt,jind
~„ “1,0 nn pr, 1. /he , road (
r rt I / /1 el for lor o o o d, ad •
h / 1.,/ , r
•I •ribt% "k; Or
the art nnillural iv:clement,
1,1 , 1 antnl lbru mg:nog° ban nottunally artanern,
nyhn In prn.orn, Innnlinen Innnl• n•r kind of b u st.
.Innronn The
Err"o 41,04 Iry /11/11. this plowe anti
rola rkr.t tO-404, 1. twtlut3o.lgo• Ilu r.llt o n baajr,,aa
I lA' 11'1411111 rr rt.n refiegr lorrllural norlentonta Or
j ...1. 1. .1i •r 4; . •rrrn nrrirrleP The no -
1,00 4'111.11 1. IA •rr ,o,ora ■ ri g ,.
• rrri rI ', trier irrorr...• 01 . Town
4.4 tit,
or. , 4.11 .rirt tll rirrert, gn,
11.1111.1 11. :10 1010 n. rt 000! 01 the risco. own b.
1 tll 10 , 4 mrwarri •
// 1,1 lu, tur. t teeetlttpr ltterar7 8 , 114
o yrl, u'' I oh, eont.ll,l:,g lull int•rnualluvir.
II eatele• ean be oitaiet d at 25 cents per itt.
I am
.0. „..j,.o, 4 tulde wan. inlet Iceds ghee. ales
of CI to, Inl,r ,it when mnilvy t prod Ituent•
0. the ImJ I. rite \ u.e 01:411 . Philexint•
! dim fir 11.100. intro I• 3 11.111,.0 IA 'lt A M or
AI I"M I. 0) on thero Invert fur
It b 111.13•
.I'o a atop Dynes, n print/pal.
airy It tie 4..en10.1 ae to purtbtdog , so he
to 11 eh..w Thom II vet tin land In NB eIIITI/1/0, fn.
1,...1 e ra apHaetions can be
.1 L. I. :mho A Ilyrrn s, Itatittoonto.on P. O
All. .;• • r..ov Coughlin. 20
trret Plithile.loToin MINI and 1n
r„,,,,,.,„ f0rn1.91.t.,1
Jilh It I^,'l-Bin
I tie f If of re, eCorotll.ll
tAe air, 7 ,e, 'row-m.7IP ,errt irTairi
/ , ir
10 Bork torl.o. of .4,1 derived, Den
iterk, M Nl,tin, inter.
art,,i e ,!h St Eh, .brib Walters
1014,11n,“,,1 rah NIG,. IV .1,, li en , n ec k .
I' !him. I, .11 01 111'1,11 tr 4. L le•nt. Itoekey,
J., lc -14 wo Ili! cub !oho S
k i roiA Yrairie Segner,
mit., • 1,1 of .11,, 0 g1e75.,,,,
111. 101 Itergnrr, wEn
r I.lllllltri t 14.11... ant Johnll I 'll' • . ...11 1 1 1 1 11/0, •1r 111 II r children of
, P., 1.1.1 .101111111 in 1111.1 r thltr•11111
1.1. 1 / I, .1. 1 11 / r, and hive, and legale
141, lice ..I,,bn Beak, doodesed.
4 .,,d 0i1..? ) 2 r, 1
\ 14.14 e. ur 1, it l v Pitto.a . • writ
1 1'•t, 4ve I • f the Ilrobno ■ Pourt of
4.101 .• v roe 41,4.14 41 he rring !late May
71 II 1,0, 01. 111qt/141011'1 110 111.111 Sha r ar
11/11 J 111.. it the writ
Oil Ja'lll. 1.1 ~Ancir A Ai ,
tf.e "r porition of maid proml
ere “11.11 nm ,4,µ. ill, bet, of roof 414.L0 Beek, de
orll.l. I, and if 11nrIl.lon Sonnet be mode, then
In*nine /111//10[11.1..1.640 oho oe4w, at which time •nd
11,0 I .cretry non lied to nitriol if you see
tyre vet. MrCOY, Sheriff
, 11011.4m0°,
Nl,ty ii 1,1.,
Th.. t I Ildet ~Mt 11 rCiptlq ft' II i` ntfnerns
- the en r zero. of Ibilleforne and I ieinity thnt
he hn,•ottlinette,ti the l'Ailomig Suairmrs in
nil lie , irl,iiit ti meting nr lii. temp on Bishop
Arrvol alienl v ..i er I lio 011141 of the flemoerniie
WO , 1, into 11 .1 , 'az. a 'tog e‘nerienee in the hu, -•
vii „.„ ;„. Ito le, hiiii.elr that glirtaiontn m anmtle•
loin I ii I br oil ,l.ll.llu - 11,1i. 1111 0 .mparo favor gbly
wit/ it ,ii , • rtrionft,•'nrel ni An, inoilar establish
„,., 0 , itt ie r i n n,, , ,,.t„. re or el. -tt here Illspri•
ci, 'lry Wader toi Gash or Coontr, products taken
in , `, ,, ,..pi, fir se ,l,
Mny 17 -3m
p F', sTt'l I ;1i of Clptir City, Cer
•In G0r414 I , . •
rr—r..,w,n g °untied of that Stale •
'Worth Cr rw ilordn, 1V inDubago RNA linnoook,
and airy of her bus' Horn that may be entrusted to
brio as n iicnend Land Agent
23, 18110 •
S MAUl''' & CO resptctfully in.
torn] their e ustomnii igat tbay an now
enentifccturini Gast Iron Plown which Fender sat
ierne'l. to all e ho hart, aie4.arta.-
1111 , 3 000linuo to ninke the World' Improral
Play. /141 II yyu;atl t y Un 1384
N•truh N, 18111
, -
To CJ CO Nal 10136XX="Trwirgl IN
nr,rit - e - orrs 81:71 7 .1 ) .E33.Z11.8.
he oubsorther, (or several years a resi•
JL dent of Asia, discovered Chile there, asttaple
regetsble remedy—a sore cure for Censtliaptisa,
;Aitanta, dromealtitis, con g 4, nag Nee
yam, Debility Fur the beoeitt of Coesomptlees
and Nerratia &Torero, he la willittypto make the
same public.
To those who desire it, Le wilt seed the Pre
' seription, with full direetime (five iil;_eAlarlye);
also a amildrof the medicine) whioh lloy will
God • bokoillul oointinotloo of Nett/rote simple
herbs. Those dosithig the remedy can obtain It
by retina mall. lly_adidreislam
J. F. CITTUDSRT, Doramo ProzolO.9.
Ao. 129 Broulwliy, Ne w rock.
April 12, 1 o—tf.
The subscriber offers for the orinsidertilai
of tOo pobllo of ifelietbate bis Double
Metall° Needle Threader, with the Patentir,
sited Threader—On greatest labor aerie( 4ulls•
Men of the day. Mr. Lawrence to prereMed &ea
_the article personally, but ran. be bad at
Alatlita Wilsou & lirother'e Dry Good Bwro, Bob.
firy wanted