SOSTETT.Eit'S STOMACH BrrTERS, IT is a fart that, al some period, every mem oer of the human flintily is subject to disease r disturbance of the bodily functionst but, with the sithof a good tonic and the exercise of plain common sense, they may be able BO to regulate the ryttetti as to secure perthanent, health. la order to accomplish this' desired object, the trite course to pursue Is ceriginly that whiult will produce a natural state of things at the leant 'laza! d of 'vital strength and, ' ate. For this purpose, Dr.liontetter his in troduced to this country a preparation heating his IMMO, which is nut a new medicine, but one that has been triol for years, giN nig sun:0'110- .Inm to all who 11111n0 11, 1 1 It. The Bitters operate powerStally upon the stomach, hovels, and liver—restoring diem to a healthy rind vigorous action, and thus, by the simple pro cess of strengthening natnre,‘entible the sys tem tolefunipli over iii.ease. ' For the cure of 1)3 spepsta, Indigestion, Nati- DM, Flatulency, Loss of A Handle, or any Bilious l'eruplainta, arising . trout a mot hid inaction bT Ithe StOinitielf or - Bus, els, lit allot ing Cramps, Dyseitibery,- Colic, Cholera .Cc., these Dater. inie no equal. Diarrhcea, dysentery or flit:, so generally con tracted by nett settler's, and caused principally by the change of water sail diet, will be speedily regulated by a Inter use 01 than preparation. Dyspepsia, a tlmen , t , which to probably mote pretaiestt, In all ' ll4 :u mus• foetus, titan any others, and-the conic 01 elite!, :tiny 1111Wilijs be aratitatted to debutgemetto. 111 the tu - gans, can he uncut u dhow fail 11.1 tying 111/STETTER ItITTEIt, a, per threetiotot nn the !with.. I'or din. ill-ease et my phy ;dental wilt 1 et tint met ol billet , lit .odic kunl; thenirli) not 11, tot alto le knot, 111 n be infal lible ' All tint ion, ha,. then Gut ens. as a pre ,entive of duet,.- tia.l ht at, ol s . twit yr, genertil nail among them till then , is not to he 14,1111 , 1 a tn, a healthy people than the ierm,utr, Runt , how 11. t, ut .11 elan. noted, ht,tott input I 111111 t h ate r o11 „1,.,1 ,„ prose Ihe N.lllLe mt Ilia peat preparation, inl am ol soodtent -tso lt,.‘ Ind •e. IN 111. Ira rl, r. mi..— .41 Ilie 1n.,1t ..1 hir.. 1...1 It , 1e SI/1- dt,, /11 4 11 time, nn,l I.ll.llring hint ph) • and tuent.ill) 11•‘ In Call be antra front ito• lusty by tt-e t:TTLB ItENDIINI.O Farther, none of the dt..e.i.ea„,,w he emit ladled, etl . ll 111 repo.e , l ` 1111111 1 ,1 W 4 , r(-tL4 • iiir timed thres.ll.ln . - Iti 1 .n• the) lit 111.01 create /11111,10/1 1101 ..1(011 O.', 11101 1111.111 uu tlr,•e..ery .any 1 . 111111,4.• of .Intl us' 1111( . 111101 , M 11 S 151114111., 1411 1.101: wit . 5..1111.1 p 11.. 1 . 1 • •n' l• ...11-1 , 11,1 111111111 V 1 , 11./- .Ilin11,•11 iti n 111010,101 url pet Ilt 1 0111 1111 e. / I •n. inn e,t I. • 1 , 11,1 tiro •attetinv hot. til 11..1 Intel warm Lu,h the„. Ilia, 1- sit. I i l, ll . 114 in 111-t oral rte ..1 .1,1.1 tlg , n, awl o y h.. 1I I. ,ipiq • , \ tol to IL ai „ L , r ‘,1,11 , • :lie 11)11,1. 1.11 141111.i 1 • h• I FlJt 112111 11111 , 1 %I, 1,1, nn I 11 , •11. It 1. , 'el 'WT.. .11 It all 11. I.f, It. I • :-•forfi f , I. t., f impult, ff, `'.en , 4 , 11 I. the ,11 H.... ren, 17 f fill I •If 1,1 , • I I -f. I I 1.1. 11, 1 1 1%11 .. 11 I WI Opla i 7ii I rp.l 11 r ' 11,11,.• CAUTION ‘‘ii OEI,II Cie I fifffle wing 111111., rffft if , hut .r.k I=l=l I .1 •,rp. I 1 1 In. I,olli p 1.1,i1t 1 : an I am Prepared and sold by IIO9TFTTER & SMITH. l'it t 'burgh. Ps, and by all di iliti i tintn. gn✓ ern, slid dealt rs genertlly throughout the Ututed States, Canada, ♦ucriva, and (lerub,y. I=lEll W MEI El II II 1,4 LOGAN FOUNDRY v.„1 , 1 , „. , !Hi I. 1; • 1(; \ 1'1) ),I‘ll, CHI t . " \ /00 ,Ir I , 4 .4 I i l g.:l. r . 1 1 I=l gl nIUI 1..' a I'I!i11,~ tt.ltriv; ,• Itl er •tlt•r• , 1 • .1i 1 if 111,, I.w. I r • I f.., 1. r it. I. ..1 .11 k, I Irt 11,A v Lerner, 11.1.• ill r,. II Ili, Pelt 111,0 Inn gli 1,11, ',ill''. I. 110 y • .111,1 I ~o h/V, c/'4Ol /',. i it le (.r 0.11 .r 15' .1 'ti. h 'h , v ,1111 It'll "It ',in, 'at -rrraiar..2 &Iv!. ittill pilot t 2ar k 1 n. 1..61 ett.‘ t•al • 1r01.4 a I • a': erteu•nm r,....• 111 ',I 011 ..I, .“e), tpt h ,It, a And (•r It,itasan al/ 11, 1,41'1' ) I ' 1•4 --Thoy have ilia" , PII h 1101 1, VI 'l'l 111'1 n( .I.ligh ...1..- .4 .11 k. Brt...ta till •• • They n pi.,.1. I r.k .k.. muy r. I 4 ~1, 1%.11er and IfLr ripe • I•ry Mifu. n. iI iit II I'L I n t p /0/ , 11.•11. I All r.lo r- : .1!‘ , tante.' 1.. er I.• h ■daps,. 1.. 1 .1. ;1,, lier.nle A 11,411 4. I I - 7 " COAL WITHOUT SULPHUR rrilie 5,11,,,,,1.,, ,n, r" for sale a 11..71. o JI. land pit. lie Ili li. It 14.11./01, Clel , ll , ld VI P.' 21,,go u.,,N1• rdre , -• ‘Fitli t.O rho ,tt•ritto It loom ri, or aLet oiling t /it/tr./tett 1 , , , , 1111.1 It, Il.linl Alto vrtittot t 1 h tut .h? e 1 y I r. 4al , lir ir sr. .le ire.] and 011.1. e colt., atom 'I he remain ing 1.,1 thati rd ti, r r,. t r ~ tit 1,04 ;rood Iloilo r Ti, wh„l., ....II .1 i pre I to ag I VI/ Burst taitt:e,nc., - ilii'l here i• ere , It to ott ill, 1./. 11“.. r a , .. 1 II OIL ID /I SE, 11,1 r e ii. 11 li /I gilt 1,; “filli ,I' I 1.111111,1,1101". Fr,r 1 partiarilar. apply t, the eieler•ignr ! eh „ In.} 1,. j•riiil e iih• I' el the Atentle Picture Ronal , or ihe On, i• ~111,.. 11../ o e. tat s W.. 000111111 1 .1 ttiv 31 ', tr .1 n 11,111.NItART )r • j ji e s WILL BUY Oii7.ol r THE . - • best Worm Meuielnes ever Dec 2J,- d 9 6ni * irrought lietore Ihe pail,lie namel,i F P . ,,t i ILEI: N A . Ehr lift 'ill all ~I t3l 1...\ PELL,J.It, eria . ..lly 1:1•0 pL EAS A N T 11 A P HOU 8 E 1 31,1, . , in, id.• .......1, safe nod e, rtara nerd On the Lawiniowai pike fur milt ti from Hedir t mu 110 11 , 1 , 111,11•il ptirg.ttir.•, nod will rowan oil Peale Th... rollowrllif rT. 10.4 ,Path o,f, auto. hoe , till a 100 c cler II nerd Try,. I.lollle mid be c.,,, friends and the fn....111,1g iothh. 11. obd has refor.d ,Ito od Prep ire'd I,y 1 I and refurnighod 1111.111,0 rt, laras.• for the a,•.„iiiinertn r .-, I , 1' r;I:11 ,• • • lion 14 gamete Ito will 'io at all firm, ready In 1 - pregitn+l N IV ,'or til+truol.d. Doll; ion , Ps furnish refrealimeiitx to parties of pleasure and re- Al.l- •ra (' (1 It, man Riot Jro ili , en .4. Son creation Tuns house ag o ras topers.. w ishi n g t , Nhienhurg! Flo, A 1i.1.114,4 StOrttilitOWll, it light pleasant 14111.1,1er reeart great 11/.111,110.nts yin e• I pare , '” Rim , ire. Fiitg I riwiii , ill__,e CIIII., Shran count of the p Ire motua,an` air, and whuleauMe Ileialereon, AN, S.Onple A Co PinegrovOr•John water 4- I Coll A Keller, llnalehurg ,'Wm A Uct3olthon my2l f (1 I, At; It t mop It: 1 ,libeknon, tile, JllO I' fucker, Howard . _ pREFIIIIIEItY AND HAIR OIL. , aid x 17-1( C --- -- large assortment of Perfumery. lhor nil ' il LOTIIING CLOTH, Twee (1,1%04k liners Pomadhs Ac , from the irelebraled eblahlimlnneat of r 11../ and r.hiiiiiet Coma !MOS sad vents A kr/5. Jules Hanel .t ,!) , 11.11, ..11.1 1101.111,..e1ved ! ttrriortmoot Id *„aloe nod Cotinti Inn ern at d I, n Yoh 11 II If I.' I' , I ItEEN iit r.ltirtti for malt , It y TON NEIL A A rio.l. Boilipr.,,,te. (Jo I I 'sl4.if FANCY •ARTICLES.. - A SPLENDID ' - hot of ra „,.., „ HA , .„. 1 , as cu r d ca ,,ea. saga pERSONS W i SIII N . ( i ,TO CH AN( i E their ' eases. Pores*. Match Hos, graec lets Pen Knides, I business to a rapidly itr'ereashq Country, it u n i t an y it,„, ( l, Brushes, Horn, liwy e l,,, ~,,,,d ja,ha , mw r-,eilleineirl a Isere 1.1141'9311 iiry going, salvo, Rubber eoliths, note 1.,..per arid J.',llvrlopes, Perfilln 111, rltinmo in mild and del iglbljel Sea ad yeti hi ory soaps &.e , foil leciet ed nail for sale t t•TV cheap, mini of 0, 0 Ilemientitnn SutOretneitt, soother col - I" 1' II !LEEN , woo- =EMI= :r 1.10, 1,{1 . 1 all 4." 016rr4 bbwk /nob knul,n by. lb..* who h u - teki Profuesor IV ut 1 10 ,1, • ~/1111/,1/1 rand C 11,11141. rb n.. P1.1 1 ..1 .^ I states he ottlmuilf. , l It 1. , I • ant 111 1.11 %fr. 1111101 VII t v,l.i r till rit „r. OF RI LIIICR rl IT A.aatieli higher prionim 1.1„1.1 for nil of pro duo,, in Phnopohorg ehany wit.,p.,l , "r th, C,.unty ri V h.n,;;.• I r r”tl B. cart Cal to I,nl,nrr fir 11, liw4 , lmw rnal if 1101 .;11, Ageut t,•INIC Cold Bank ---.._, EAGLE Isar EL , I CONVEYANOV4I). 2 OPPOSUE I'll ft; W Ehl! BRANCH BANK, r t IF. F. D. i , Honda, MurtgegN awl Al tide WII,I,IAMPPORP, PA 1, of agreement neatly add eerrewfly.exeentod VOLLIA 3r 11. ILI). ' , Roe fen:Ton. Also, attention will ho given to the adJustinent of N. 13 - An Otuttiltum will non to and Iron the t Hook Aceountx, and aveounte•of Aduilulatrator. Depot and Packet Landings. to this flotoll, Irate of I Exionutora prepared fur fling. charge • And WM. d KEALSII Rapt. 3,17.t1.. , Oahe next loot t- the Post Omen. ' ,••• • -- - ttel'• t 'a Aw l/ 'an•ti - -, LOWS! N. Haupt, Jr •S• Co,, have e , .n• r . 'ONB AP 110 USE BELtErtE,PA ti on hand a variety o Plrmt l 4- 11 114 ' • ~_ I salt examine JULE:MIMI 10.171 , I Apo* 4, - A, - I .. , Proprietor -....`• . E 3 3.0 B A 1' fi 'l' 0 it le sio,a.suots et tame2t, H" just been ntowed full of FAI I. AND Wl , ll . llllltoonn which for braoty iwd tic riety has Drier bruit olltolbol by any esintile , ll went in this nee tine • (4:0(3D (44)0135, nt low prices, ti the rule at W ikons, nail if huts n desire to toiis tho tact call in nail e•tilinili their stock, and you pill bear telitinaniy to to Piet Their 11L0e k COIIVIFI, r a pale ral luelortineet of 1), y Good.t. (I, 0( e I le,. Ilan/Wm WO e. vmd (Jim CM?, I, 111011111111 g a IMO it other nrlicies it, their litre which con be fuuutlarliexterisile lipid .pried vele. iii DR/] 'S GOODS, 4ucli rt Ditrels, Per lorn Vlofle. n, (a bui Gl,lllllll llr/r•rrrr•s, 411,d , ", PI/ 111 MCl rnoes, Ploads, Their lientlemens . wear cotiel,lo ed a large is ~orlitrat of C,1.,111111 1 er., (71111111. Satimet,, : •* ll.lta Twee-rin, 4 ft ti ti-Mk Oet n . Aurl an 1. 1 '01 1 11.1110 111 1 11/ 01 11001111 A S 11 0 1 "1 °Houten .1.1 I'llll4lli, s, !Ili .1 I Iwo , t, y art,. fe that 111.11 Ile 111,11,11) 10 •111 1 plythe 1111111• 111 1111' y " lit 1,10.., re it Ole 1110111, ttlarlrfq htt,l the vll. 1 ..t re , 111, • 11 , the price of 111111 s 111 -1 / 1 1. 111 . , 1 h 161 1 11,11, i.t.:111.41 11 a 1.1 1 111 1 1 1111 !1 . 11 le 1,111 their I, nI -ttk•ll Ale+ 11.11 diet eat. YIN prta, lo lull the tunny 111.1 ta T. 1.1,0 1114 ir ',ham,. h n, tha 1111111'N ga 1111. it .al.l 111 , In 'hll h T. 11,n?,.. 11,1, +ll arrt All In It “111, c•i.4 .I• I ,j 1 111111 1 1 111 1 4.1,1 • , 1 .111 talo hlu :t Iti 11, I alt., • 2 I FIRES IN PENNSYLVANIA ••""1 l'Arit I iLIP tr. , • I, 11 111/Mr, 11 i 1 n i 1 . 1 I I/ , I , // It -I the Ii It , .1. li„ I I ] ] ] ]] I• ] ] . ‘..• 1.10 ' if ] lii . 1,1 li] 11 ]•• I. ii r .. 11 1 .1; ], •]/ ] t..r 11 111, ]l. • ]] r it ~• Nilitt• lit 111 tnk... ?p.m rho - .alto .• .1 r I -by ] ] ].. it .• 1,,0 11,[ 1,l \k 11, , I I I 2 n I I • 1 lir I / 11 , =ME •I I 1,111 /I.l ' l ' I ' /111 Il• I A I ~ t.• ; 1111 to.I • 1, I H,0.411. 1....01• 10 , In .1. NI .; ~ II LIM INte - tlo 110 hoard, 0 , 1 0 ! 1 " „" r %, 1,1 1./ 1,4,1 •..I W :A 'Ol I, 1,1 N, 4.1 =I I i I n. • • II NI) 11 I (;0( )1 )S. I;lln.\\ 1..11'41 It \ V.l) Flo+M I flt 11 !I 11'11 11.1 , I „I, 1.1,4 1,0,1 Fio-1.1 , • I dirt , :Irv. 1.11111,:ill. • • h. I k in 'I" I 4 '44 -! I • ••I 41 44 II •14 r)lp,trit rr tr, I\\ rrl „ , I r , r 'l.t r %‘l , ll r I:rrne'y rtlflrl In Igrt ttl-rnrfl • lEEE 1•I ri 4 n r^ end 1 re4lot,i, 4.111 /444 $ iii ,!., i ,t d ill \ I I lit t !`;•,‘ I MEDICAL CARD. DR. J. RHOADg s .1 .1, ks , 111 , “1 the +I II r,llng e../I . lv 111 h /111.1, I.•N .014/ hy ./ I I,d 1,1, 1 In 11. • , 1111 rm. , 1,, 111 , 11, nll 1• 11 0.1" s•ntyrl , tl to It t5,,,t1,1, L 1... pr. prtri I 1 ,, 111 , ..•ri nrtilltral In. tli .1. 1., 11„ I .1..1 51111 , , , , 11, inn, I ..)1. • Ith.i 1.0 11..1.0 to. I r) I •I)',o 11,.1 r fean.,lla4l• tnl,llll t di t.. - •1.11 Ito In I. 1;t. 1. t• low , 1 , 4( I/+. 0:i1) at kir , 1111.1 r• .1. 1 .1 I,el ), I. Iv A It 1 A N Al,) FARM FOR SALE /:.s /: /\ /' \ =OEM =MEM 111•111 C=l ME r i, r I tr. r • tr „ , I. rt I 1 - I I I I- r ' = 1 1 i 4 I ' 1.1,1 . 1 14 ( 4 1 . 144 1 • 141 IN IP. 4 4 . 414 .1 M loth ul.,d i„•Id .1 ~', f'(UF\i f MIMI En. El lEEE •LI 1%11 l 1 , 1 '• I ii I , . ~,, r , , I, .., MOT H I NO STORE ME I= ~r..rner sal 11, ry 11, 1,. r .4,1 Y • I; r it, iin i,• „ lEEE PEN S ',VAN \AO'l`tli . "; THE , PE "FULLY informs thoneill . teilt 01 Pe is tidy and the public in genr4:ll, that as leak, this 111, tel. and ,4 55050 rosily sled *enured 1.1 0,4111110- .tetras viers lit is rlyle, which he flatlet bin eel{ will 01001 a its it. 11.11.• fq,prfau.tiou null I , tf. rralage Pc..1.• irons the rowdy during their +Jur. at Ileltuttinte nn weals of Court, will Rust the Penn s' Ivnitia tin agreeable resting. place. ,Tlse Ilouee 5s Ilpaeinuit and furnished In superior THE 'l'Al3l.b: of the subset Hier will be 'supplied wit), nil. the substantial pros is delieneiox and lottirles, which a productive Country can or hold:thy sigilativ and exertion eau procure lII,' 11. W, will ale art rented a general teeent• hunt or the self best linuers that the E....tern my hot afford, s.l.lpieil to soil the usual 13.1..4.10 STABLE, still be attended by an attetiiiso• and obligee , 11,tler urn qualified le dileharge Ilse slut lust perttattiug to this Itaytql ant algpattillutd , et p. 51.111. estaltliShinent, designed for Lite aevetutee-t dation of travelers generally. A eowniuotiniang oOryaolo will Own) v be in ad Uoldif floe to ioppl i r the nimbi nod cowl Ibuto to lire orfinfort and to pun who may bo, posed to patrol., of I Ito siiiii.oribor whom nolltinxiti'l hr molted m hielp null render big I,,r.intert oom f oHnble trod happy Fr,•111 the afientl.lll lIIId I trrt .11101 the II 11,1 q tteroted r 0 thitt tit - 11.0h or tirtn, , , , , nnif 111, 1., llt Ilt 111.11,,11,1 W 1111• I NMI retwil It II tro 1,1 the 1111 r00,11.t0 .ult the 'titbit,. ,%lo It 11' 141111 11,11' IRON !,IRON !! IRON 1 W 1 E thr nil rcvpecllully LAY• 11111 1111111h1 01.11 1111, ...glnlell II,.• as tile .111, us I at. pt0i.,.)1, 4 1..11.1.,1 lett... , 1111 I hainiiii•,” 111011 111. I. 11111 :•11 ago N1.,0111. , 11,- 11. t•e I I , 1. 1,1 ...14 •• %t Oh." hl .1,110(111V 111,11 1., MAI:111111 n 10110110,111 . 111g11 .1 1111 . 1 / 1 11, 111,111111.111 d, ,11.11 log nllla /1..1 ill 111111.1 1 . •11.1,11/“. 11 h 111, ..1 1111 .11/,.•11111111 11i 111 .111• 1111110/A4lllllll/ .411111 I . 11 Ili.. find ".'; 1 , 01 "fall I. - r 1.511, n, ci. I 111 'l' mmiari6.l I r" , l li I• I •• II On 1111 ••111. i..r 101010, .1 I r. ••••.. I Inlh• I I /11,. ti ,ht , the I \ 't ," It pr 1 , 11111 , 1 i loy ;,r1 o th, I II II I'. rlll'lll.lN .4 ( . 1, • I'. (•.• p,, •,,,, MIA sOrdETHINIi N .E* 7 \ r; • . 1 "//) /. o .kt ro.I ..t . I, 111 t.le Ile I. ate l'.‘ I r req.. o lion) 1•11.ortt, than h , Itne 1.1" i 1•1i1•111 .1 11 1, 1 •.,1 her 1 ,1 1 11 iilrl ll %1• "1. .1: 111 , 11 1 0111.11.1/111C 111 111 14.110..10e ,‘ I t o to 1,. ,t 1 l k.. j. tot onto) lid i, pot ••01.11111`1,1 • I 1,11.11.1. r, A. .1- foollotie In ti I. .illl4, 11, o)'",k J.....r I. ;1114 r Il.lit hv.lf .1.14,. I pi,. r 11,),‘ , L ol L. r, 031 l'atfuL , l 1., lug LI all. r r r, I it )14.11, •6u. )t. I r. ,, 1111+ 11,1 lir 1, 1.1.11,4-, Viope ,; lo I 1.1/Ir, I/. ,4 " , I r 1., ri , I • ,r 1 st., I,d I^l I lie I ~, lo • p it,,l I' \ r 1111 111 II I 1 II HI II ni Ilt6l I„•.1, 1 I El I 11, %. 0.. S. r, . hut rl.l J./Age f r r,' • 22 19 If 11111 M Nr•ibtf. OE B 1 1 Li 1 ONTEFOUNDRY ik 5.. /1 'I II 711%1, MINI H ('Y I lIL .f•rvi tn. the co v !Ir.! • . \I 111. ',awl 'I o I. .1 I I. II Fri- • R' ''i' t, =MI I"' I 1 1,..1 1 , 111, I' ,1\ I pi I. I I , I 11 % hn n t t .t tor p 11”. 141 t,e), nJll.e =II , -$ l• 1 t I 1. , 11. . ', .1 1. , I I 1 - q l'llo I OGR 11 ) 1111 STO4 h myor =EIII=EIIIII INIHIP, I I- I: \',l) 1 , 1. 1I I It IN. 111 111111T111 ,11111 1 11T111'111.11)111c IVTI'L.'"V3E72t X A LB. 2'2 I 111 \ I I 1.1111.\11),I.T.1111 A ,%.1T- • i 11.1 I /.. F ‘1.1 , r1.1• C , iul let. rt 11 , .114 .• 1 ..-• M t,r g • Picea m ,, iris I r • 1 . ,- ,Fr. gr ,IIJ, PI. r l il t r .1 ri I Ode r. oAltiit) MEMO ROOPSBIIRG BREWERY It fiLI.I.EFI) TI 1 T: oi,ltsloNEl) ot IA) JI.ES v.. (cull) Amwtilice lu Iho provie nf„./his li , Ilya t0..1 11.1.genelally he 1% en tg.0,4 ng It.. ..... g t^ 11,11" U01ki , .111,. 111 the imtlr ol i•I r, I. 1'.ol , •1 - losr•It au I 1 .1,1. Pt ..r . 4:11 1.. I loith..l wh..4,31.• 1., per L tAvr. In o b,loo I. I .until.. talk itr.• .1 111 0 1/ owl iiiteoi I tr AI,, 1,1, lin, rr. I:r. • I• hit Ilk 111 u bOr..rll oJI Is, w tutlir r.. r •11 Itl.ll I^ ILA At. li.•II, fonti .INI) 9 ?LI I v TAKE NOTICE • 111..1Z E:1: no! t 5 :1.11 1.. not to tne(l die r.nh the I'Hoe tog dororilol eito'reo who I h o IMF 11,1.1 I ni roonlahlo nalo on l'ri .y 2inh 111, arrl Hi 111 Nn , rn rel,l John it, hi or , ' In lor n until I . .ei • r r,ll/ , t„ wd , I -In ing 15 .gg ,o, iv, .11or , 11 l'holgho, 2 11 irrow• I Celli I 4 V I S l l , l4vuu ur I Ruuornl; 111 2 Fork m I 111 r, .111a4 NlOOlll.l. .4 II rrno Power; I 0. 114.,11.1 Voilitg Caul.% a A , ree .11 111 ill • routoI, uud ni x fierce of It yule the groeiol lIENIty ECK INROI II CAST IRON WAGON SPINDLE. INI I I(IN MBINDLES cult boxes. Call Iterr lelfellarelllll the Bellefonte Foundry 1 hey nn: et hoar difforent imi„ es n „ I , eigh. ti and Is 'pellet There elontlli Pi. an lie eith , tfll , ' ttlti or ten viagions end, Are mum I.ellared et sale by 1,111 i JIM I'l' JR & CO' Hi I) S WANT ED. —THE 111(11IEST Market pa,' in '..iii for by tho 4101181,1 h,, at the Old :Cholla 1 aenery, In I;ilite boric J 11 PP U DFOUT ur.e25.1,1,1 _ lannels, Uot(on and all Wool, 'NIII.IIII iota, samaela furl dual I=l =IN Oct 11. 5841. HOOT'S HOOPS! ! HOOPS I! 1 S ha, just freeived a new 17.111. lot of exoullent :hops uIIRO. oho ruse,,.' a 11 , Ni.t)l7 Ili 50 MILLINERY STORE. MRS. E. 11. (iRAFIUS has just re• turned from Mina(lelirbiri with II haedeeme an•nrttnent ~r Nlillmery and Funny ArHelen, to winch ml, g• Invites tile ditonlien of the ladled 01 ilellefoute and vieleity Nunotahor 4.' NEWS OFFICE Thu itsitlerttigpeti i nlietibteprtring a NeWR (ltilett, In root...non wltil hie Iteek Stern whet.' Dully and Weekly papers may be hod at ratee nen sly corresponding with subscription prices A Im monthlies nt the usual ptlces Karel] 21-'5114f. GEO. LIVING STOIC. PERSONS WISHING TO ESTABLISH Alanufautoliumin a now and thriving Macs wham business is good Sue advartleement of the If um niontv Sellismoni BE •1' ONTE DISPENSARY. DARIUS 11.1 A . E NOW A (\r l) ARE J• constantly receiving thy folttwii)pr i ;.. tic lig, • !doh thoy will POll tic Cheap the °lwo ei e l and wnrrantted , good ' pulp an 4 Modionop. rot %4R) Car 041 Olte, paints t) o Muffs, IV Lend, Florotkve i White, anttlAquitl. lturnims pine oil, fluid a n d Mlle 001:sin 1.4 pnint - and venial hrtishos. nut fl , Ii NOV, !natal& Vodka book, and aa I lelA arid tobstvlok s lij o iltgolutoortniold of l'ot•ket h I , l lt on' hay or • y ArtioloN and Perfume; y, Hair 11.3.,e and litsturritivs. Patent Modkineg...—All of Ayer', hr .lota IRQCs Lduii , an i si it em froiloiray t" , herlta 'a 'frank's Mm ford's,Nag in fall all (Ito patent 111.111:1111'0 .b 1 Ile day. ! All of Whleliand, vitriaty ..r0t6er.,1,10 can got by gnlling4the Drug Store in Ilrolcur)ioff's Row, Pb.Yohlianle Ptdectipt.inWe compountlud with cdr loot noes and ditindch For I.44llleviaes igoon CHIA win Wantly bay nn rival,llollB long b oo n n e e .t e d In xupPr erde the roisonoecrotopountr- •olil coder the nagno Ii Ii d i Am a her, rng • ttro pore totzet her 4trpi:rior, and n tor, V I Igo owl solo m inim. for li)cpciwit,t, I , llQ(Alein.y. Lon Lou. Coocral polity, Ac , It per bode. Soli. ngcntfor Centro Co , J A ./ 11.111 RN httiroal of Specific , i.dlis for ti rnt TT diWibotion at l'ilt.A . F.tor, o f • I flaws . Lealher and Shoe Findiog Store. JOIDJ C. ADAMS, CURRIER, " 1‘ liori 1 , 11 K non Ittl 111 in 11 F.lll I' ',EAT] ilik ‘ f -,!..;8i)F, FINDINC,S, I.M:%VirTolvN, PA A IN( .opeuml a atore on .I.:a 11 11 0,1 r,ent, Lea noon l'a •po , tr , thy • •dr• Ihe e...lllllern fOlll 4 k, 1. , )11 PR ICI 11. %t hoe S., e 1.0 Ilbar, at only 33 oentm por ptol 11.•-t 11,,1 dole I.e.ithyr .1,11 , 27 t runt p i r pl.rthri , I.t °gbh, r lop fn "' i MI I. ' I 10 pvi i••• • • •••i r Ira liis ip. [font 2 50 to I .0 pv t I,e, 1 pper 1 , tther from 2 1/11 to 1 71 per ,o!. 1' Ili 40. from 21 On to 1P 11l pie. 11., \I co .1 M ,1 7. , ,, ,, 111. frlall7-1 a1...Y. 10.,1 , 11.4, p1, , , , e• 11.111e1, , II „r. , •.. f ~,,, i rtII k to In . :.1 00 jil•r 1 , 111 I' link 1,11,1,111 y, frail, 1111,, 7 , O. per pl , •,••• \I1 ,, 1 1 • r klllll.l of ',arbor al propotlioll.o, 1, , 11,1 • 111, 1 ,, , pril•fo• .1• all ll.' o ,ok i , ~, l o ~,,n 7,, .41, pi, Il ' eix eon el , 111, g •1•111g1h1 hr A 111.11 \ I,qt' a ,rthient of SHOE VI NI) I NC., altsny. MI II uul C1,11 ,1 1y titoreit.ll. •opvlie.l with I.oAlter Lngto nid 'hne Finding, at priven theetillit, ItifhP-it NEW MIELINERY GOODS, MRS. E. GRAMS ILL F.` 4 I I I.IC'rII 1 1.1 inform. ii 1 . 11, 1) 1q rl I'. 11.1....1.• nmy 111.11 11. lutil re e .1 .1 IiOnETS, RIBBONS :INI) 4,111 KIWI., •n.l tor 1"1 ..1 I-3E C:0 C:) , P' SI ! ft. n hit .:to dirt •• I. • i rrt i i i•iio f the L e to, 1'.411, 1,11.1 NEW GOODS • si )r1; I; i. l • K rf ^lO, vlitiNv ••Itut .1 n 101 •.r, I. ro lun retuvtrr :rots ihr rr• I oith 111•10 A1•01`h I ry I. rr• •1 • rot , I yri .Itr•oc b /1 , • I! tt 0 t ,0 -1 tq I tk`t , ' t , ti • t t'l ' I JEI h ?IV% I N Elt 111 rill ON l'k r""l'ErTj i • Ir 1,, I. Wili•• it 1.. ill 3. nt rI. .I• ..• . I . 11 I . 1.. I I.l' .. kly , I 1( \I \ r an n I, I r,..t leo the t,,tet .1 Oath ..f “1,,, I . e ttl b• %. %11. I 1 1111 /I. /1"1...• !I 1%.1. k .1 i i. i I and ii 111 CONRAD HOUSE, BELLEFONTE, PENN'A. J. ■. IR 1"1"J 8 1 . 14: RE ()E \V \ (II IC.a. 1.. It, 1 11 1 ' 11 ,1 I, .1 11, InLreo, hart! , ef 1111. , I s. 11 1r • I. 1 r II .1 I 11,, 'r I , llllw 1.111.1. •.o styli` arid in r/..i I,lllole progr.isr.ive Pia rtt time. 114 i• i••••-•••r.i..o of all 111.• rii ,11 , 4 i' ,, 1,Ve,110111,, us I , C 14.1,111,4 .11,1,.11 . 1 • 4 , 11 i , •uppLwd +loth 11, ..I‘..trrr. 111.• 1, KM' his flint w,th the put. • 'A 111.11... 3,11 0tet.11%.• and lIIIIIr , /11 , e , 111•111 ...gother in+ atirrJ 1r1141111 , ' ppoiti...l I. ...11.,11111g of pal ri , t, 0 , 01.0.1 be rtill...rt 1 , 401 ill• 0,3 t 8-'57,42-1( JOII lIIMITGOMERV Relectiully informs the ..iOsens of Belie fcoie lle Itc gill continuo. 10 curry no tfi, T oloring 100 Clothing /mail coin at hi. ..1.1 0.1,1 tku Moo, Pivot., when Pu i• pr. 1//101 1.1 funk. In online, All kinds of Clothing In Ihe ucn hoot and moo f.ichionoble oyle Ile kelp. Mt hand a georful Inriely of CI•01 . 1118. CASiiIM Fit ES NI) I'hfITINIIB, of the lAtirM and most approved pattern. A LSO Ready made ("baking of all kipoln rtbiell he In " Ile /.et. thankful for !them! .iircoo et e. fore nd , d, end /I/Ip, t. merit ne“ , kn. •T the ^Ault. Holt, frfte /11, 1.119 ly Pr. AST ERINO.-- Thu undamped hailing made the t ex temdre arrangememp and Mining a large meek of material on hand, a dl Inc ',Ay at a short mane to attend to all orders in 1118 old line of busincio tie halt employed noire hut the b. , 11 workmen, and all work untreated to linen will he e xecut e d l e eiylo which cannot ire excelled WheneVer I fur nosh touteriak, THE WORK wri.t. 110 WARRANTED ine4 employed are Ilia. , Ind the best, Lid In the 10.511ee of 111111,1,01, oc, il•Iiiili3111 can rely upon having their work di/110-111 such a manner an will qnr ruillgtlll . ll..ll - 4,lrAil - lar4l.lK - 4144411,16011 - I , l"lferfiefortter, - Ventrer county PA , will lie promptly attended to W LAMPERT B ooIC STORE. II No Ittiß I. (V rNtigToN, at Ida well known stand on Mc NuTtivervtern nor nor of the public vinare, Bellefonte, keeps con stantly on hand a large assortment of Tit soCao it AI., CLASPIIVAL. BOOKS AND SC 11001, A Igo, a la o variet t W.A 1p AIfD,.STATIONKRY of the heel quality, MA'rNSMAT CAL INWILUMUNTS, PORT Fomos, Ac An 11.101,8 breught to order at a small advance • 047: all privigx, Jon2/44.8. GEO. LIVINGSTON ARCADE PICTURE GALLERY. mOT WITHSTANDING M Y N N lion with the " Denman atie 15'atehmanr" the of thio4fluibrot) po entabli.thinent aril he enniltelod by woo in reraon as formerly Per sum dtoirone to 'moor° auything in that. I:ne will a ways find theoporntor in Ins moms befwonn tho bourn of II o'eloek:A. len , l 5 P M. Oct 22, J i BARNHART WEt3rl3 PATVIT GALVANICCEMENT )I,OOFINO, AlinpaltiOr * lniftiele for entire new roofs, and fur wearing ever old shingle and lee- Wile rook Mat or etoop,) and iha nly Cement Roofing containing India, 'tubber and (Julia Por• Olin Warranted water nit.l lire preof. 'Ordtre may Inp_ left it the Lewistown Hotel, Tho's M ayes' Hotel, Lewistown, at at Looku'e Mills, Walla on • Pa. E LOCKE • SIIAUP'r, Jr dr- 'Co., have a variety o a Stovall on hand','e . fi her for Coal ca. 15'ood,to which they invita the at to HMS) of the pubic. August 1b69 I.•C'HriVa ( qe/0 • . 94.0.00 p„- f,,, toll courio in rho Iron City College, the I -t ..‘naaat dy ' , atomized and loon or. Folwol in 11111 linthal States 357 Students attending daily, March, 1859. I sun] now toe inpleto n hill courno from sto 111 ‘1.,14., Ey.% Rlndont, oMm grailtniting, is ruaiontesnl to Ito C1.11111stl,1( to among< the (Souks ni any Bouneou f and earn a . Mary of fiato 111/500 P SICOCOCO. Student+ rotor nt nny titne-LiNtt vnantion—Re %low at plea:aro 41 Premidnie for ikst 'Peninanehip awarded in 858. MinNeri son, rertlivoil al half Woo , Fur ('in alnr nud :11ucialeux of Wnti, g, Ivelose lau lune, nampti and Add F JENKIN:P College, Pitlxhurgll, Pa A pnl 7- o',l tt, TONNER & STEEL 11A1•NjllII;NlI) Tho In rgeo I‘f g”,.la I or I)pfore off Prod 1.. 1. ..v011,,,ntig an heretofore o f .11 alailiv,gooak no are !Mildly kept in a coutitry hog. Thor %,1111 till the VOI ;I° .4 I: I nrr rnrinx \ largo mot of tit it, IN t+ API' %It It • NEADv-mADE curriliNG ,t. !I„L, ( /of/ 11"'' .j /,.,,• 11• 1,•,.h,. COI”; • ['ado ; •/,,r /at,. A 1.:,11 I/ 4 h,/ rtllow `.',;orodq, f.r/J, ; 1.10 o; ( / lot :411,rt olr A7i,tl.. Vs'cl" 11( t‘ I uso_ WHIP l) sl%11,1:1()S \l lu,zo• a—ortinput ..f 81101;ti and BOOTS \II n, 11 ..1", n nod 1;101•41,1 ' 4 " \ 1;1 1: \ •••\‘..\ RE. cri).‘inv IRE, AND GM). 1 -Pl.( I ALIA ..til „VV, 1 . 411 M.. Ihtqr 1..1, - 4,1 tam k ...• imrn (t,ucK. ATI 'II, EW ELI Y AND FANCY STORE. •kt till AI 111, ,tand at r 1.•.11 A l l. 41 , er, , r.. •• o- /.. el‘. I IJ th• • ~mr. eri•ll , • 0 , oo._ , •,11.• 1,11 •e.l 110.1 =I I.' - AND II ‘VE1.111" , I I, I% /•*-1 ( 1/, /o / ,11 1 I I. II / MI .tk ,t. II .111 • , it., 1 t 1,11, =I 11. 11, 1..n1.. April 7 It CI I l'/NIII •L' Wk 11.11 1 ; . - 'I 1,, .1,1.,0 t tl,l lint log It tt,t•il the aimove , I II ~ 1,, 11.. I. 1..,1 , 411 41,04 k 11, en Chu 1/1,13 I t r 4 ,•, lit Ini ,, rrtastrig the ri l l I, •1.. IJ,t.ill ery neeemetry Is 1)11111 , 11 • •V,1i11,1 tru‘elere In !b. -t 111 r .01 Om,. Ltit, the choicent I . litt ,n • ary its .._nd he is .loter -11"i..1 1 , ,1 1.1 i Ili, Jepartlitent by /11,, /1•011 01,14 tbl• 'Nett Branch iti thr 'ignore that can leg. in/ • 0r. , 1 In the t u , 4111 .1 , oll,.• rP. MIN r. 411111111111 ho lakr rgn ..r horeea anJ seO that they i " ,: i"'"l :mny :l b " tt he reeelve a portion of the r,ilretr,ogr thr pohlte, he harper lay 11111./1 1., 111, Uhl. 10 r , uric r general a an /I A M IN(1 2% 11 CABINET AND UPHOL-ta . s rEit IN() I.,IAIII,II,IINILST '1 he .1. tif , .lly informs nri htn c, .it nod thr• that he hoe eon...helloed v ie c. i hinet and IT iel.tering Levine., in all 111 V%- UM. brAnchea n.wl will ha prep... 44 Le fe rt+4 oh W r. k !hat will rompare with any InU11•4111 the l•eitt eteprl In our Ihrg. r ••u ter liming /ind firiw ii en i expel - woo/ in ry hrarn h perr on . en. I r „, „. 4 In ;lint is ill he that it will be dune 111 II 'III y I(S.PAIItI\u pr.witptl v ttitewled In VIIEIIEI.IUKIM 17W, Allegheny street Pep, (outs 111 the shop formerly copied l.y Nir RI null apt 6 S HAUPT,• Jr. & CO.. successor; lO • J D Haw.. A Co , mannfeet users of Hen sp ker II uPer Threshing Machines, kirk s Patent Irwil Ilo.un, Wertz A Silk Will Plow, Col. Mors, Nlon Itl ,urines kinds Corn Spellers, 11111111,1 e A. Hst,: W Met. Wheels Trim 1.11,1111144 1/1 nay 111111 111111 1111111(111 made and Atka up to older, stir V 1,11111,11 F r Renter Mille and Pursuers, work in, timid)/ warranted ns recent -111,•11111.11 //111111i1111e. A pill 21 1 1,,110 11 1 11 T.TEVIEll No 125 El rrel Alley, Hot wren Front, A 2ml, and A rc h A 'tam Pluladolphia Scroll Mining, Cabinet awl Carpenter Tamil, In ell their bran. hes N II and Haul ner wq condtAntly ua and and Balls _ _ Doeoni er I gSU •• _ _ 11lb,. 1 , 1 is Authorized by 1116 firmed„ Wagner A Thom,. awl IV A Thom. ol Jr A 1-'o, to 'will.. H,' old nocooritn, as thvy ha, e lilt l}roti , r a loitg, time, nuibiriPli to doss their iwootinht All 1101 , 1114 hnrutg uti ❑vuled 111,0.'11111s with elth..r, aro ropitaaa.i to call at liw ”Id rtatoll slat aultilv to lINVO I n. 11 1 ,10 and OZ pon 40 . 30IIN MARTIN April 26 18110 _ _ _ Tlist David JI. %Yowler, of Bellefonte, 4iai flied his petitlun, and will make appliesthin lit ills F oist Conti of Quarter tiiulonii, In and, for rr 00 , for )ICOIIIIO hi sell liquor, with flier hatidizi•, in q 111111110 s 1101 10111 than one qua, Jew N It, Gilt. tleaS Ifulleftuito, Jun 10.'00 if 606 A 60:i 10,006, Si r . C.6. Rho", /6XIII, I ' HILADELPHIA, I'A 0, W. HINKLE, Proprietor TrIIMR: $1 25 PRII PAY LYCOMINO COUNTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, ROCK BPRINO, CENTRIC Co., PA. September /WO Just DECEIVER A largo 'Nupply of Valtman's auoatior N D11;,,S by AllO, 1: 11 ORAPIITS NEIV STYLES IN MARKET. DRESS GOODS. ,••, • //I ad v I h•be 4r, rvr/ 1,0 , 15q1 r: r no/ Fl/.,/ ` , R ihlZet, (%,,lorne,r 11,1,/ ,r,l/r 111 1 or I% \LSI, K,- n. neri - A LNI I I 1,14.1„1.4%.,11,11 T Or I I RI Es NM ! hi. 't , ,s , E rl/11V l• • 111 •Ilid 1 . hi' , g••••II 4 .1••• I. _ kll 11,11 ripe rgin.tia op I lin L! , •1 ,At CIA lee, .it• , z , IMEI r rrrrrrr• rat trurr 11%04 and Sliver oprn rrrrrGll jr,, tfrrl Etsgl . lirlt prom,. 1l rrr In • „ll*, Ireirrritr. and rrir‘ .111, wirreh cart b., , trrrr Fancy •rlrelrrs lie Ir., RIP. NI . rTA II il a , In et X nivus, 1!1=1111 1118 Poltiil :111 solo., I,ill to r. ' , string At hes and Ji w.ln ni short not to.. 1% N J VTI.IN HARMAN BAttOH, NOTICE TAKE NOTICE. FARE REDUCED ilátitlDu J. A I:EX , UK. IMAMIKIIIV, AaltNT or TUE FIRST'ARRIVAL OF THE SEASON! MZELLY c11:3 LOMB H°" just received OHO of (ho largest and boat selected stocit °farads ever °Grad to tho people R . ( this County r heir stock conga* in peril islicnitat articles illack and Fancy NtlAs, "liege, Bacages4 Btu al, , e Dr Lains,Mu.qlza. De Lams, le De Lams, /pa, :runs, Lawn, Pyrelelt Pad Dd. mot lc Ging/tams, L'repe De Smote t D7fdl, &elm, Cumin rc, Jacunel, Barr eel 4 Si, yell 1111:s/ins, Dotted Sums, Au- seillt., etc —AI :30— l'lnbet, Cashmere and Stith: Shawls, 131ack Fren&k_Mert ia for - Shawls. fircattillas, —A I.PIO Ciuths, Cci:isimeres, Xentuchq Jeans, tnen, Duck Barred Linen, Cott mimics, etc. • " —A LSO— A Complete Assortment of Beady Alude Huts, Cape, . —.A LsO 11v$1 , .rri, Wort's, l'ultal:q, Letel , l4l, e yes Cketenseite4. -fart anti Erlzt n fhw t reyel Fl mem Together %rib n beabtifbl assort wool or Ilautik(n chief', Mitts, etc - ALSO An ortortment tif all kinds of MO Ell, IThieb I Lev can null at- luhoutolllng low pricer, —ALSO— A ;cry Inrgo lot of IPA lIPIETS, very lota --•A LSO BONNETS, SHARERS, RIBBONS 411,43111111 g behiilging to thy Thoy (1101110 nnrnn,ur Or the the,c entryo 4t their gbotim in that 1 tile, in lh.•v feel uealpetl,thr • EtW4y do o ivelrovith theta a. , lint uia 111 the miy 11 , 0- PI A rit G ROC l',l(rEti 111, SALT, AA() PL %mut 11:1111)1VA E,QII NSIVA 11E, Ana in .I,li 1 . 11 . 1 s i 11111 Z t 111 , 6i1111 , 1 in 31 II Innen it Would ha 11.?4,—. in-k tcr. ry in rnyinter IV • nil tin. loci rlc iln.t ( 101 l nil ,101' y Zito hi. no.l 51,11 4191 Fuld ill awl more li,, 1 pnu arprm TIOT tyttt - urtt.r7nrt . wpn log lot ~nur nnn e tit..a a van and you 41,4111.1. salt-1 . ..1, 4, April 194 0 NEW AND SPLENDID STOCK ! ! BOOTS AND SIIOES, At BTJRNSIDEF. Warranted to he pnt AOh rt no n•pr , .•nt than We 11/, el Iho ,ery he.t nhi,•h nu n.trr.t , nml loner grail, 111 ill ih. Call MOM our h toil for LEATHER. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. 1 I. I I V(; A I;7' I' I 1(' \I l; I , An) (Ite I hi, rl.l .•. It . I; hi =I 1,.11;1,I 2-fut h (,1" -Ilul f , r ,`, nl DEFY COMPETITION IN HAT'S TOI;ACCO, ANI) CIGANS ! ! ! s Ifin/AL • Ini,i.l 1:/;11)//s, 1/ 11 / / I • 11,11,'S 1 II 4%1E , , 1...\ 4r 4, .._i.,naftr.llrlh lEEE / / / \ 1, !I lill' 11, II /,1,1\(, If II: 1'1)11 I)/ 'I: .\l/1)/ r f' `s' Cop!. I nod • , • 8.1 I:. II .1 , , 1:01,, • F..% I , :Fe ..1 lor 111 It.IC t I Con"' .1 1 k i• ‘,lll I - it I. OW ‘I I, lo • t, t • 1, ler 11 .1 C a., c 10. our e.t.d.. r. VI/I AO,l I 4 lIll•v TO PARENTS AN D GUARDIANS. TIIE TI SCAVIA INSTITLTE. m ills TION 14 located it APR a 10.1,111 Jut,iatit Iht n mile. from !ha Poem II Holm na it PalllrenPat sta 1011, nutl 0 wiles frmo the Perrysville .t MEE the Ar.1.1,m1.• )) ar 111.1.11 , 1 t pleption• of fh e tneotlin 1 . 11 It ' I I. umnn r !beta.). •ith t Win 01/11111.41/... 111 T 111.• 1 ,. el . May lrll e'ilm• II day the 2911) r 1 1 -tll nt.l the 11..... r :-)“, ie. on Thur.lny, November let I'llll, awl ()home N arch 30, 1)46. Hoard including Fuel, Light end 7 ninon, the Primary nod Collegiate flepart mentn, per term payable to atlrerne Wasbitig, per thw)), 1,ea9.14/11111 PIM., or ti uitar. 811 S $20,..;52., per deo In length l'se of . or 11 ultar, uc noroling 1., Elul, - . I, 5, or 11 1/rstmlopc Of F4,l , lrer Painting 10,111111 A 01 , 1ent or Modern I engunwas . _ •• - 10 When Fire is required in r0.,111% pupil 3 IW.Chureb Frac y leg Ireton will /le ti el At tbr Above stall..ue and rim veyed in the lift 'lotion, if a anort notice he glean by letter, add:, s.ed to the Principal at Acadbllllll. Jllllllllll ro F.. 4.9111 al►rl or other im formation addretia the Prinyi pal at the above °Mee lt}tV W ti F At/NEW Marti 15 '54 if Prim, ipal, THOMAS & HARRIS, HAVE 31 ST ItF:CEI FA) A LARGE AND SPLENDID STOCK OF DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, GROCERII , N, QUEEN,SWARE, II A- It I) W A, It E Visti AND sALT Which they lag hLly_ a t ag„ uj d ,olftri,u_ the public and their frietida. Bellefonte, Nov 25, 185 S-y , WOOL! WOOL!! WOOL! I! SPRINO CitSRIS WC!OLICN MANUFACTORY RIsERT KENTM lA, in connection with Samuel Houser, has commenced business anew at the old stand on Spring Creek, under the firm of Kendall Houser, where our highestenb• lotion will lin to render satisfaction tO all whomay favor us with a look of wool ur otherwisu. Tho public generally may rely upon obtaining goollsof n superior quality from ohr slttgons, be at obn 01- nn rvl purpose not to he ritopaseasi any shollir peneorlllll 11,44 inutility Our lung 11011 neotion and blindness tionasetione at this place herutoforo wo trust will be a. suffloiont gintrontoo for the futura. You a ill all please renumber that our wagon. will be around' In due season to exuhenge gbods for wool. o(whlch wo antiolpate very generous pito. Cloth Satinet, Flannels, Blanketing Carpeting,Slntwlceoverlets, Stocking yarn, and some money always on hand to esultango for wool and all ins, rkotablo 1111111mo' "Roil Card ing done woll at Sk omits per phund The Senior partner would umbrae° Ode oppor tunity and Maki, nob nowt.) merits to his numerous friends and !armor euslomerti, knows of no- good rtniion why old frhinils should not meet again in a cost of the same cloth Benner toWnshlp, hfarah 13-'69-tf 'BELLEFONTE LIVERY ti ES T A It LISII NI EN T /t7S pitltubseriber would respectfully Iliforal the h, Ow, ho in ptenarnd to licoloritoodatO them with YORS,R, 4 I ned . vEiff (ILES at the shortest notlue. Ilia nook of lloreee are adapted fohspeod and gentleness The voliltdatkare mint and in g nal order. Careful drivers will always be In readiness ta carry passengers to any -point desired The pat ronage of the public to respectfully requested.— Terms CAA in advance Oat 14.4/-tf MEC/JAW, RUNKLE. PUYSWIANS PRESURIPTIONS.CARig fully ootnputtnded by F P 011EEN LIVER INVIGORATOR, *erly TM' I' It 11//:1111.1TATIRS. I 'l: / 4 . , , , ~ 1 , , , c 3, 1 ., 1 , 1 , f1 , r: 11 ,, f . if i r , l . , 1 . 7 . . , 1 , 3 , : , f i rfmt , y . ka n al , r7 t , ) ,,,,k uta , l fk,,, , k ,k , I I , ‘ g I 111 k, I . e to, kl al, na,,J. ta., , . ‘ l ‘ l 11 4 . IE 4 I 1.4 44 Ikk4 ~ , ,k 1.,,,, I k , 4 I TI,, di, 1141.4 TA 4.hilli It I. Irk kk Nil. IE I.` I -- I. g 1,. etee-1 11,k..1. , 14 7 in 11111. I. 1.0 fn,,,,,,, Who Ina I a.,1,k n t,, nil 10, kki to: .f . flip nun, k kkkk 11..011. 111 ti .1 4 .0. 414, tii. .4.4, •4.1. 114.11., . , .....h., „.....4 1, 1,, .a ..-. I ' 11. OW 14 1411.1 . 4 nenellt I , f like i. 1 4, ..illal i 4.lkvi it, n ( lis / t an xln h ~,n.naia , a. In nel ~ena'y u, 11k, I.kk, k.. 141, Ilia J 1 MI. 44 )flair litadv.E,l viable ,tku In ,j,,, use OT the lIV fill;/ / NI-, " / 1(.01L I'l'olt, .h.i 14 ,1.1 cure la ver ( oitt -' %I pin11tt4,11111.11.4 .Il tokelts, 1./,i 0 I hrotth, Mart hiwn, $ U ill 11, oitCo M - 1 1 p1.,1 I. Of, 1)) .4 1141.. -3474 Dr 41 0 4. 3 ., SIM 3 .4h.h.neb, I lohil mil Cost/V.Ol NM, Clint- lit t ( 11010. (41101.14. .... /0• hiak, l'hoh,itt ill. ' tt- Inlet, Jaitto di c • , l i I' e ‘ • oh, mill Maar ,11 iss../ Nue ! 4 - hi/L. It - 1 , wi • ry .141 1 ;31 '. Bill f 1( IC II E A L/ A t! II E, 'trollly,). In 4M•, 10 : 11,10 Tee 01poonfula nro lnko cu at 4‘11,:k 411 I strholtto It Art , g 11) Vim tlreir trkalinony DIMMI 1 +4.124 _WATFAI Plol.Tli WitTu 111131 ii.t»l 1 oxt, Ask> a‘‘. ALLUA IllErli '100(.11:TII Pllce One Doune per Doll lc CATHANIY.,I NI RT WI)ICF/W PILI.S 1 . .111 Pule Vegetshl( 114.1 •no tx, and Jul up 1,, 1.;1.1.19 ( ARKS, M r '111.41L, a nd I'v. 1 {, 1 ,„.,,, In opy elleunte. rh o v.,,,,11y ( .14 . I.ll.nrt 1,. rfirr. 1,, r.n 11. 1.01 nett, Col, ti 11. 4. Isu 1. Ilar i.r.. ,ir ~ ,„- 11 , 10 , 1 In Al, prov.O. r Mot - . ..,. 1...14. ,, 11v. t , l, lue [.. ~,., .11,11•1 1 ,1 Ir..S. d 0... ./ 4 h...leniv rne.lllll/1.111•1•4 I,li i 111 , oi. 1 . 11 , “k ti v ~, t O il ~,,r , ,.. 1,, ~.gnrel 1°,1.0 a. , i.... 4.„... 4 4... t. 4 . „ . .1.,..11111.,,1wr0nrh" n 14 4 ? 1 Itr I . r.oronalon N ell kt.. , , A. i lot ,I T r , 1, , . n.,• , ~. 011 oltlo.rout •,,•• ll°. ,•1 11., ' 119 1. ...., ,1 W., VA:1111,1' I't -1 'UPI %It'll( 1. 11 r 11. .ith.p,.. rrte.1.1. , .. t 11. i• ent1i,. , ,”.,_14 1 i n .,..,, tnI , FIF F ',tr., l• .1.. , I. . , V aliin. .11,01 . ,Il .1 1111 ,i, g,,. : 1... , %II ii ..._.. . • . %I I, r, n .'ni1.,,11 , 1 vi.slig.rmewt.- f - , h , • - • 16 . . ...1 n-m , 11 cl• , ~ .1. -!'- ;.:;:b 1.?1..m. I I ,: n ip: U 1: k01d ... 1 ~,, Ihe %sq. Q !', ' l% l l ' . /f . '''( -I ,`;',l'.';' '%'.",7t7f,";';,.., S. ..,1,,,, nrcout 11111 • 1,..11, . IC. .1.-. vo.•••, I lendloch. .t I „ 0 „1„ "„ 1 ,, ~, •O I .11 ft o ost .61 a 1.. r) 4 , ~.....- ,i 1.„.... 1,1..,.....,....• Purl lir r „ lal , ill i MMIEMI=!IM , VI IITho Li. I hortlros Al I I 110/ t.T ui r o n 1./.11 g. W. I'lllf I). M EMME&MS 113=1E1 lIARPER'S AIACAZINE. T ill n„,, THolhit flit \ss AI In F isr4.isos 4.r 1•41. sr. 1 r• 1,11, 111 , 111/111, 111 ki,y .”1. 1. 111 I tr •111. lA 4 1, 1,1 t• t 11, I I 11.11010 Or.P, 1 ~1 1,,,, I ig ri hi .11,h) .11 o ti ' , to' , 1 I he hii,ole 11 t hail 1111,, 11, 'II , 11111:i , h • .1111 MAI,: ,1 1 11, 1 , 1 het,/ .1 1 • . Rlllllllll, =IS I' IL' , I nt hi rt , 0 r VIII. )013 ti (hr thus pent ii Ii tt tottl mt. t let.t titt4 111X111 the . het , lee y that ate dollarenrrur et , II for tile 3 Car and hart Ott, nat lit oto Int ' the mtelle , 6 , 1101101 le eleetlee't kin. 4 rmr,i tills b ow md...1, .4 a nil thing r. ..Ittat, It rlt ,t , It.i,/Mel +e leee, lohieelele e,I all it ill. 1.11111 t. llt the plr.,xhwl n, • 11, st I.llllg 111.• .• kg. 01 a 111/411 o, ‘“Lir I.lllla .11, 1 , 1 hal; y Mil/1,1114M .4111.• 1,11 la. v.! 1' lh ‘‘, 1 1.. “1,4 lik. a W. ala.• 1.. by 7011 11110 1110 . 4 . :111 . of 14, Ile Irp 4.,n111 .1 II an '1..., 1.kk111.0 II 114,11.11 aer, ar tlak. • Ilear It 1 ink r. vay t . . pn.c I 1 txn Magaime r OW , 11• 1 14 .1 ”11 , 1 allOl 11 1... •.11 . 11 1 11) , /1".11, .1 ti.risy.l a ...pi la np ~ 1 1.111 .1111 . . 1014 .-1.11111 AI Igll/illf MIMI 111 1 ,, I •1 inter. it,. greep tip IL r u Tn. rninntr• tmarte rmortftvir of lobytry ..f rra bug •u. I. L. I .rm One i• • // I y =ll2E2l=lll , ........ 1,1.4 /Inshathed the kind no tho t!"`tit 1.1/ 11,1. el ,rl , l '1 Ile opltitillpl m..11.1y i t r,,r • la, I,le are :the pure 'I lie It... At-0 I, unik, , .111) arl,l 1.., 1., 4, 0,1 , r iv 11, \ l'Ar/., /an /1,111,,P, Wu want ;tiler in 1..1110 of stogy to 111 , id,ol 1./0 11114 11111 • 44 . ,11!retli ... , r urpt s Nl.igefe.e I.tarttal with a inonthly lit uletinn or nun pee , .n in ',ages ate ha 10,1011.. , 11, , k1 the rt.'''. eel light Rini gs in r I. Ad.): 11 ~ ..LAT l‘ a of 1111:1 stuck ma tit t s olutamor I, 1 11 gunitle and the per , istly hen acquire , l fneritr.l t'ash 'Wade r t•ltt .1, , tally II I of Imorneitre• matte, arrr-rrtertaty 'l,tn." - ratr4 it rumbinem it. 1110 If the toe, np•ntilly /OA the more 0.10.p/110111 .111../tr 10 slonelett selth thu brut (nature+ a the 4f •dy u 1 aal It hal great ;m*o} in the create , " 0( love of tutu Ittrraturi, • Si o.! , So A mere re, It 1.11., filet, 1,6 ',du 11159 TERMS i , 011 49 The Magatine may he obtained of Pia k aeklet Periodical Agon to, or from the Pahlial.eai at Three 1/oHarm a year or TINenty•PIN e CI }lt, a Number, The amid annual ...lumen, n eel, !wetly bound in cloth, are a dat Tao liana , each , and Munlin Covent are furnished to ,I,lnan who wish their bock hunt here uniforady ebusid at Trrenty-Ft.o Cent. enah Nineteen v. 11/1111 . 4 are n reedy, bound Cloth, end al 0 llal Calf I bw Publishers will lu.ppl . y p r eCimen grattitt..u,i) Agt alln and Pest Ma•turs •. 1 will nntku lip etal arrougt inputs with thew 6, in* the Magazine they will also supply two persons •t Viva Dwilitts • 'mar. or /b. tltt Ten Dollars Clergyman ...I Ton oupro ud at Twu 1)01101a a )el.r Numb, ~ e,dtuusteeturnt pun uow bu supplied tit% holing! Veluto&es MIIgIIIIIIIA Weigh! , Over Mem.ll awl nut rot er eight .lum•em ho rostitgv upoll such Ilum!,,r, hiell mull toe pn id tillarivily .dhre w hetu 010 ii received is Thllt • eeuin 11 A Itl'Ell I) itolllElt 41c1] NEW FALL' & WINTER GOODS D. LEYDEN & CO., NIVE It iST it ECEI VED tin L 1,,,t ueroilniont ur -owl %Fluter i.” Over iilforeil in lonle A 101 l LADIES DRESS GOODS., Cloth for L‘dium' Who,. r d'art"; PI lid?. for M (imam rrsar a la rga a -so a I '1" 4, 44: • FI?RNCII 11 EBINOS. «)- 11111?(Pi, 111 ET CLOVIS, PERS IA N"IW ILLS, 4c., rou ummkwer. (• LO,TIIB, CABBIIII/iliS, BAreIIVETT.S. AN!) E AA'! BEADY-MADE CLOTRIN¢. , BOOTH A 811.0EK of all sorts. A lasgle stand ,lo toloctad await of c-. i-c c n EA • IMENSWARE AND URI/WAR E ' Which will be gold low ()tumm 3 y :o Pro . (woe. 07 ARTISTS NAT MAT Eltt ALS fur pailiting Inn(' OA' are, Oil ( :)olaril in efonpreimiltlo I il,r Vor, (deb for (f melon 011 Pajntlow, i liver Pail, lidd lobat, (101 l and Silver broom Camol "'" I.lntilios Paper, India Jolt. eoporior So;41.11 Ihn faired ()annum, ho , can be End ut tI a Drug I'm' of F P Ultksi 7 ltollefo 1111ifilifED !MATES it MUD STREMT, W I,LI AMSI'OIIT, I'l v. N. UOKBIAtii, Dn. .1 AMU. V. AUTO PIIYBICIAN 4 SUMO Suooeseor to Dr. Wm McKim, Orr bla prulosAional ravines to POTTER'S MILL'S and vloinit u A..a. IYNSIOXERS DIEPROVi 111%1,1M, warruniod to °low bushuls pur .I.y—Prloo 950, at .Partn.lry Perk mber R, '59. SANFOILID'S SANFORD'S 12E12E1 ;,,,'~