V el RE DEMOCRATIC WATCHMAN, ISIM BELLS/021TE MAY 17. 1860 LOCAL AN)) PERSONAL IMPORTANT TO DIWOOTSTS. The folloWing section of the new Penal Code, passed by lte Legislature last winter, is of great im. portauce to thoso who deal in drugs of any kind whioh are used as poisons: 44 No apothecary, druggist or, other person shall sell or dispose of by retail any morphia, 1/11111111 L strychpia arsenic, prussic acid or corrosive WI upon the prescription of a phy perional application of some abitant, of full age, of the'town or in which such Ale shall be made. In all cases or such sae tho word roam shall he carefully and legibly marked or placed upon tlic lishel.packAge. bottle or other aressel or thing in who'll slicll poison is cOlitAlliefl; and when sold or disiinsed of oil, (Twig° th i an Under the prescription of a phy• brown, thu apothecary, druggist or other person selling or disposing of the same, shall note in a register, kept for that purpose, the tome and residence of the poison to w how such sale WAR MIMIC, the quantity sold arid the date of such sale. Any person offending herein shall be gni'.• ty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction, ho sentenced to pay a One not exceeding fifty dot:ars. ' It %%111 h. ,ern that no stile can itter„urrntle itit.tit the pt, , -rip'iol7 ll ßT a'ph)qiiNtit) nr to all 11111 n , tttlllt, ill hill ',l4e, of Lint 111%{11 r phi( t lit tiltwlt out , It t. II- 0.111 lie ittrolu'l tit till, ;alter ease the name and the rest den. c Ot the ptirelmtt.r t he 'late or the Sale anal quittittoy soft Nisi lie 6tpl. It - Our "oldest inhabitants" state that they cannot recollect ever 1., foie Jao. nig wduessed slid. continual ile.IV) 1 . 4111.1 c. 1.1,4i5e which have fail, n he, elibutim within 11, last week. F. tr a length t,f time the rain ft II io a constant mice, s , n)II t,f slim% ers enniparneigenemlly in the evening and during to , I 11,1. t a ith thiunlet and lightning. The con ntv rats al e 111 a had eOltdllloll, and (hi .110,1I1a, n, evei r dnletwu, flute bten ro %%11q; Omar eint.ank mem, and dumg d a n, Th g e n one of tin. li.ln,fonte and Stioa abo, rail- WR• aired a•• ay Along lie ft Lid Nagle Intl , II ~111.1gu %%UN .11.. to flit. IeCICOS 63311 rectuily planted .rn neer V 111 at 11'08 e.lslj dune lull wt In at of It)8 Xis haying Leen nu•ittnne4 in domierAn ci w,„ of 'ugh wa t er Nu mail tiag ttee,ved here throng-It from Lewtgt, Thuraday the 10.11 until Monday the 14th wet. The Gait fifteen !Dad wax dlao tktitintd It in esul that the LLId Eagle canal hint been mach rnjtmed . to what extent, howert r %ru nut int./ILI/0d t.C.4:TABI.V. Pil i v -. We at e it All, ell, nil having no et azon to doubt thatiruth of the statement hnsten to lay it heft", e our raeders, that good h potatoes mnke the to.,st val• 41111 ht vegetat,l.• pulls Ilt present. kn-yak• - I , du allusaiiiiin to ita (Atreus— *" .. unity with the Aystelli and entli el) hey should be prepared by . • till they be-othe -mealy," butter t thin to he added in proper propor lOns, or they may tot taken inatied, but with plenty 01 juice of a roasted turkey, or any Min r palatahle gravy ilint mill make them t aey to swallow 'lite patient must exercise Ina own judgment an to the proper quantity to he taken: alto general rule, how evert, three tun.", a day mull not be too often —eau - rise in the open air, after each does, ail] be lound highly beneficial. Tits FAMILY scams —What looks ricer %that is sweeter, what 14 pleasanter, than to see a family gathered togeiher to have a talk after tt.e hu.swess care of the day has gone by! In the evening, the place for the family man is at Inane, where he can enjoy (li, sweets and comforts of domestic life. There he can find sympathy; there he can plate confidevice ; tilers ho can seek bliss. His. better halt should be able to comfort and console' his often peipli..xcd mild. When Ins spirits are drooping with despondency, the can soothe his troubled mind, and make glad tiding,: of great j o) come up I/1 r , re his presence. Where can is a,ill tilore comfort than here f Where can he spend his even ings more profitably I What attractions are greater to him than those which he can hind in the family Circle? EMPLOYMENT —"To be.empfoyed is to ho happy'" said Gray. If he bad never said an) thing (15e, either jn ',lose or verse, he v.nild have deserved the esteem of all pos nnity. Itt vow of the good soeteth iii teon ,n) of ta etystr rii.eurit) of lila and 'propel - fy it erutild be cheaper for the State to fur nish *equate employment for all who are unemployed "Ferlatirtan finds some thimble f still, l'or idle Lands to do Employment is nature's physician, and Galen says is essential to human happiness. The usual employments, and every day occur ences of life, are the best things to take our grief ; jogging effectuallyyfiends many to sleep. _Let ever, citizen seek to lessen the number of the idlers. • MAIL La - rrizas.—lThe Utmarsl Poet Office Department has afforded the contract for carrying the malheretween Lewistown and Bellefonte, so, of Blair county at 047 50; botwaen Lewistown and Lewis burg, to J. J. Wet:inc. of Tina county, at $982; betwccn Reedsville and Mill Creek, to John ft. Metz, of Allenville, at $320 ; nod between Reodsville, and Locke's Mills, to J. B. Alexander, of the latter place, at $BO. Maj. M. Buoy, of this place, obtained the cootroot for route No. 2504, between Belle fonte ind kin° Grove Mills, at $395. S7BUCI. BY Idontmacm—A house on cheap side was street% by lightning during •the tbsoder storm op last Sunday. A number orposons were In •the house ate time by • one was injured. Mr. 11. Derr was about taentyftive NO from where the lightning dettairuted and arceivad a considerable shock bat no materiel iajary. The .builOing was considerably damaged. BALLOON SCIESSION.—We announced laßt week that arrangements were makiub for q Balloon ascension in this pineo. We have been recently informed that .Nlr John A Light, the n maul, will !limpid from the Jail yard en Thins,tlny, t h e 24th inst., at which time we have heard it rumored that he will he accompanied by one of our citizens. Mr. Light is oneof our most surcessful serial ,voyagers, having - had mai.y years expert *nee In the business. lie made an ascension recently from Lock !Liven, in the pros( nce of a vast assemblage of people. This is only the second instance in the history of Bellefsnto ip which a Balloon ascension has been announced to take place hero, and we consequently pro , fict that a large crowd of people will be present to witness it. AcringsT --A brraltsman- on the Belle• fonte and Snowshoe railroad timed Jack. Spence, wile SMMisl3' Injpiell one day last week by falling against. tree passenger cat while it was in motion. The beam 'of the breaks IKfront rolled him over several times and finally passed over his body Minting in sqverely bnl as \vo aro ipfornyd not fatally Ram) lire Goldsmith & Co'n. advertise meta and if you are in any way officio(' white to then' at once and get their advice The Murder at Danvill9 The Ihmville lhlnocrat of last Saturday, giv s f.ll,,sving amount of the r. cent at thi 10.1 Soto eve tong het Is yen 8 and 9 o'cl(e.k whet' moor of oar eittzt nti were NS lidded in the lorise nI 1;1111 with move, .1 1 ,1 good nill toward all im•ri to On II In RIK, dn• arch to od tt n. lor , y 111 nll O lll l l part (4 d l e to, n , ao % mg the r 4 and In wol word( r 1,1 n fellow being 111 10,111 Hood ! .111 11101- man 1111j , 1411111 ON a workman in the Montour Mith mune of .\ tido I.W I%ll'- 11.3', Ell 11 1 11.rIltPly !,1a11h,,1 one Thoorts .0 h' v land, in the groin, causing. his 4100 Illutontly Tlr re second to have been nn appal cot provoration, and the noriaerpient xriteownt among the crowd who were at tracted to the spot by the cry of "murder," 1101. —NO nlll , ll no, that it was with difficultyd'nnitehie'creiTi, 11 , 4 , 11101 hp a few energetic eltiZellS, effilid tithe him safely, to the Jail . 11hen Creilzurrested him, he was cow' , sled tinder the bed In his own lIMISC, IePV/11g 111 111 I, 11111 "ly chased 011 ough cry era, 111( , 1107 14,1 11 , 1 1 before Esqpire 1(11,e1, an It 1(,, , d1tV Afternoon I )0e10r.4 SholSa and Rhodes testdied, that had exntnnicd the body ol Thomas , hevland, and f r ond a wound of about thnr ne h s in length and of the , :uhe depth m lis ,I..dornen, ade by some sharp initru o,, nt a lneh caused his depth Win McCoon testified that he e;w Nlo limb.), w the house of l'lminns Shavland, on Sunday ovening about 8 olthiek and that the former struck the latter, which made ihe 1,1,, flow John Shovland (minified that he saw the driemer make a stroke at I hohlaa zihevland that he (-aught flee latter to his arras : that he saw hlood And that the murdered man ,oiAie ncit-rwattdi, tent filed in about 1 . 10,0 minutes oil the Sallie spot. l'a , riek Murray testifie4 that he was. on the evening of tlo 29th, at the house of Tinos She% land, that Shvvland and McKinley had small quarrel in the, early part of the even irg, and that NirKtriley returned erifteremede to the house of the deceased. sod said it wino Ma the main-that put me nut of the 110', it, 1" That Sheri - mind's wife came in and caught him by the arm ; that he saw the blood, which was all about hts wife's shoes., and that McKinley lilted e' by to where She v Wad strict!. Patrick Burns testified, t eaw Mc- Kelly and Sheviand toils", in the curly part of the Sunday-evenirfg, that McKinley was afterwards Minting for his knife, nod swore by his maker, that it hi' was to find ins knife, that hi would rip Thomas Sheviand or witn , an ! that about. In or 15 inimites nit, r ti aids lie heard the cry of “tiiiirder I hie eta all the testimony, in substance, d b. tor, Squire Itmsel, anti the ,any gave a verdict in aeco Hance with the above, ire • that Thomas Slicvland ,came to his death by Nonni! inflicted - upon him with nun,. %hat ti instrument in the hand of An ew 'I litv mural. red man, 'Thomas Shevland, was (mile% cii at the Blast Furnact ef the %doom Iron Co Ile was about 36 years or age It foreiener by birth, having been horn in In Loin, and I, ayes a wile and two moll eliddreu to mourn his untimely loss lie lived in Centre street, near the Company's store, and is said to have been a very quiet and peaceable citizen, and industrious work• man, and a member of the Roman Catcholic Church. Ms remains were buried on Wed nesday oftenwon, followed by a very large conceur.o of pt., pie Aniltew McKinley, the murderer, is lit) years of age, about 5 feet 5 inches in linfht, of stout frame, large, broad and timid face, bald headed, amity an Irishman by lerift although he rusithil ler '2O 3•1•11 r just pr., olln to his arrival in this country, (which nay about yelrs ago) in the city of Was gow irrScotland —titre be has yet three boys living, the oldest of whom is now about 21'i years 01 at r Ile is married to his seem] I or third [tile, but has no children with her ; and al,o Lit longs to the Ititintall church In regard to the toil:der, he denten knee tog anything about it. but sale that he 1.1 inl et/11/MUM/8 id anything that happened until he lound himself the next accruing !toppled 111 pu t trial will in all probability Conic (Arm the May sealant of our court which it ill coalitioner on Monday the 21st inst. THE FEMALE ORGANIZATION is of ten as hail as that of a tender hewer. Many of the sex entek,-into inarriagtk rittAl(g without bcirg able to undergo t latiiirs and tinily of maternity ID this country thousands of young and '4O/Pitiful women are sacrificed every year this cause alone. Ilostetter'ir Oelebrattd Stomach Bit ters will save many of this class from an, untimely grave. This medicine has been i used with great benefit by aminimenso oem bers of people throughout the republic, and the primrimorrhave removed grateful corn- Inenilations from all sections of the country. The Bitters will be found to he very pleasant to the taste, even as a beverage, and prompt and powerful in its effect as a medicine. It infuses new vitality into the frame, and strengthens the whole system, so that wo men who use it are enabled to go through with labors which would, without it, be cer tain to prostrate them. Sold by all druggists. Our whole life is - intermixed •with joys, hopes fears and sorrows. We have a suc cession of pleasure dnd pain, in which, hOW ever,sthe latter predominates in nrlbst men. The great majority of um got only acivart of bonerto a gallon of wormwood, an ounce of pleasure to a pound of pain, an inch of joy to a foot of troublo. eakt4lates for Oftft. I ,, .troota --Plea.. 'whoopee Ow name of J A I lAN HIIRAMER or llarrim to‘,‘nglitp, an a do eantliflato fur 0,0 erhvt, he Sborill, nuthiect to thu dooinion of the Etelholhtio Unotity Collvontion. MANY DrNIOCILITS M 1 HSU FI t . . 1) !TORII '=—PIOaBB 1111110111101 , the 1111M0 of CoPI It I) CUMMI.oOI3, of Port Matilda. es Boilable onndhlete for the oft. r f Hheriff, tub- Pug to the deeltion of theitetneeratle County Con• +mutton. , MANY DEMOOItATS 14 Erten ?J. tßnirort et • —Sloane an not) nue the name of THQS C 1 IrDWELL of Bellefonte, an n suita ble nandidnto for the offien of Sheriff, eultjeet, to Oho di:Edition of the Damoorntio County Oenveo• Lion, MANY Matinee EDITORS . Plena° announce the name of 111rNRY KREPS of Feminine learnable oa ei candblaiii for the office of Sheriff et the approcub ing eleotion. cubical. to the decirloncat tbe, Demo arctic County Convention Mr. Kropp is a farmer and e good burdens' man and well ocqunintod in the County, and If cleated will Make nn erdellent officer MANY. Mr. PPITIVIR • Pinann AhnnnnOn the mtrln of 111.:01.WR. /4. 441:5T . 41N n .1 , 1 , 1tv I• , r Sheriff la the oppro,ehtng elect Inn 81111 rot In • io County Coin otltion Mr litiStOn Is ti-meolv4inlo and II gm.] b 11.111,4 malt nun wtil. All dm ofAee with unruly and In the best .if folgttiovtl MANY MI , 11 , 1 Pions° n nominee Iho n , mn of I61*(; II 1 , 10 1( , 1; 14.t4 (.1‘101.1%, an ernollidale fr , r 4,1 . th o Iho dee1•1 , 111 of Ihr 1/olimerl, lis C4,4lnLy C./I%mm'. Mr L 4.1111,0 4 .1,1 j, ml, , f)I pir., 144011411 , 41,11, t 414 , r , looirge the r ir; ~ f I,lf, iril,tuntu.ted ,jll he °lode,' 1, 3 a 140(0C ft A &0,000 COPILS ALREADY BOLD EV ER Y BODY ,S j, A VVYTat Counsellor in Business, BY FAANK CROSBY, Or 1111 .1111 .1.1.• 1111 I ~1 .1 T, 1 1,. 11.. , r, /I PO GllO 11, I I.kr rw I , r ill hit. I+ 1.01- .4 1,0 tyr,th IT 1 , ,.1:*;"c‘ Nfort M:UMMI EMEMI t,lete,e Iter4 101. end TT • r C1.1..1 Y(/11 'rho Lno• f r ,i,„, „I DOOR, IT lb the 51, 1 , 11 ,,.. 4.1 1 lei Leiku nn,t 1m oe.tl nod 1,10 of proP , 'rtv Rvnplt from 1•: yout bin In el ,•rir Stole IT TILLLS*MI how to Tooke no A •Ai t r,n r•ril pr—p art. , vOlit form, fnr toro t tifro rnt. stlith ete Ito,* Ito} ale rh, L.W. o f . very 'ital.. IT rgLt.B 101 rn ,•1,,.., v4 • r , 17 onr.lion. and I If r A prre•nitoc nnl I, 11 , , I at 1 Tattlnt rT TX1.1.8 ton 14 I, xl nonalit °ten 1,0“.1 •nrl Stan 41, 'lntl tlit• tt •" rr 'll $l. • 11 ' l l l lit IT TXr t.a Ynt . 1,• I, Ivr for % II lk lii , kkn. l u/ V Qt . lll. 1 1111 ti. 111/ I!OI law. of lhi+,Nomt.V nodhnr e"rii ply wit la Ole • IT T 61.101 You l'hu pp elv how to ot, .1.1 11. 4. emplion lnw. r , P.,100 • I Jo toim IT TILL , YOt , ' rite I.or fur Paror t i• wlth Tuna , ~f prnoodurs ru ol,rni,rt • vrl,h i~ 1? T•LLIII You M.. nri.kp .1111,1 to nartuni•l•r on II /I v* it h the loivr and oroin•MV. , " Ilivreor In arrerN Stn•r. If TEL! 9 TOE , The mentlinffor low Pprn, vI von. erano4l.,pl "on I i t I thr )041 ,v rive rx,,•1111ko I .111.1 i M=MMIMIiMI end Nlnt ,, f7li ,• 11.111,1i. ti ht,s Yut /lon ,o 6..• p ow ..1 I, 1 , • 0 3 , ,H ing how to ,to v “er grilir ILnr r. 0.? ,nn null vreepee t If. qt. I e'e ee, I ty. lion I/1 • V,T,':Ki4ll:rnfV‘ II NI AN Si Br art t./19 • • •••• it Es e 'e F . TATR no rikerept of 110 lee it e 11.• eei I nir 141 11/ 25 $lOOO A YEAH ent , .rpri.utic moo I, •r) nhun. the work, io 1 , ) 1 ,ery 1111 ern', I.'“r gitig/o nopinA of 11, w , 'h other irf.risl.l.. Intl Nr I. i 1 .; mg, IP 111..14 N.. 1117 ue.nn4n.•l /. Pn ?Any 17, 18h0 CITY CABINET WAKE LOONS, NO 2:111, SIFT)) SNO osr 10 II! P, Thf.f„,. v ,•„„ thi• Niteloon elf the 01,, I I, 111 ir• to Me Norrlor -toek of (' lIIIVNI . brie \////,'/', whirh ho I,rolidred Al 0 roil hi e price... A 4,11 it ri.p. , .•11111!y ••,11 1,1 lot iic inking Vi nr fitirohno., Mny 3 'CO if I' iFI, M it \ RCM IF.M. LIME! LIME ! ! LIME! ! ! The millPicrilier•resuei'l fully litfitropi rtir public they hn hen erected n Ltino End,,,,,,r the itormigh of lirnilitionte, whor li tx r 04 41 ,4444 Linie of a Ili /Kirin, quality ,wlooh 1414 littoqh,of,c,tl 19 he as whit,• awl pure as (ho VI rtittatt Ittitt• Atl he askl4 to 144,givonr a trial and he 1,1 ...i4u4l the puiehmier will come beck attain I,hlOhr MACK ALL. - . -- If ()TIPP. 0 TKB PUBLIC. P ERSON` wanting graves tin nr rnrio, r 4 ono or gra, /I 1 .,, „ „ dune to ii•ei hut word 1%11,1 filo • xtott at the entry frot.4o un it., in the In ~on nrl.",ttl" for •itttl I'u, lll,lttrynlt. f..,111.1 Ap,i 11 :ha JUILN It' 004 AV ADMISISTRATORS NOTICE. N T.., heti by gbvi it letter; or mis ..ss the ert ae.,f 11 ' 11. I II ervi, . late .or Sitleelmr4 h u been genet 1.0 the who refiner' 1111 peer .1.4 leg them..el, it itsdeb.e.l r.. emtse forwnntsrl• make immediate ply moist asol thee, 11g1IIIISIHMI/ USW 11 will them ',Pp f:y t,l held 1 , • 0,1 1, botch...no U 11 KlN\l{ March 15 I H4lll JAMES ' 4 11.11.1, CAST IRON PLOWS S IiAIIPT (1) iespectililly _ . . heir vo.h.olovi that tlicy aro nnw c.; Doll NOV. I.bleh render .al I,laotioo to all who have um! thou). nonfinite to rotilte ILo Wortt' Itoptorlol Plow ill It it 0 II pumitly nn hand =1 LAMPS! LAMPS!! Jgr. J. HARRIS have ,lost,eivc , l • largo supply of CO 011 A l' Alt I,A.MI'S, orbital. nro trartted no, to stook° Thular Lamps arn 011111111 g is goner a are, and are noknovrlodged to lie tho beg They give a light equal in intensity of Ilaistr, and 'imaac in appear onto t o gas, at ono-fourth Ifni price 'I hay are appointed solo agonts for tho Uil and Lamps Fab 24, INEt9 FACTS ARE STUBBORN THINGS 1 A Nua .11 titt , h•ittited film dila the Ora, to buy all woolen goody at O. OAK lIALL FACTORY, NEAR 11(,4 LS II URI I, where liatineineavnnierti, Flannela Illaakete, Yarn, and a variety of aeperl or Clotho axe oonalantly kopt on hand hod offered for sale at the lowest mires, or LI axahanxe for WOO] I want It disti wetly natio Nehrhi, That In point of neatness of finish, and for durability of wear, my 14.441,aap not bo oxcelled In the interior of Ponneylvattla I do not ." flock "my gouda to glve'them a heavy appearanoe. Snrli goods may Took well but do root wear well W 4 me "Things are as they sem!' Every person should encourage Home ?ditherer larks. and the right place to begin is at the Oak llnllFact MATH. ILICATLEY. March 22, '60,-Iy. SETTLE tfP ! NOTICE is hereby given to everybody knowing themselves indebted to the firm of J. R. Willy, or Muffiy &' Oro., that the hooks and accounts or said arra have tieen assigned to the lionds.of the unikerslgned who reqwests all such parsons to oonef tbrwfrd, io eke immediate settle• mane and MVO 1,1,10 WM. J. STRIP. M ay SUM & HARNESS ONUFACTORY, J. H. ifaLliiii liin Rub pee t folly i n fort,* the Izon, of lielLefonta and , ' a d . 1 imitytliat he bus ......, P. . tot d hothilogloritterly uaelt or I - r. Dol , pl Lte.3llo kilt ed a !loot and fihno Mann ' ;on the a - ner of Main and Bishop scree :ire he is pm pared to I°omm:iodate bib old ends with a pt oral assortment of the followl tales: RADDL ES. /MIDI ARNESR, TRUNKS I'AGIS . COI,. •L'Ans, W p, antleVorything nodally kept 4 well regulated oStablishinent. Hie leather i Of ti", very beat duniity, and without being.eoTaio, la% le confi dent that Ito ono make work 1431ider in. sou • neat, and subotant3nl manner 41 ,cant be Suf. pattithi this SUN tn . the °Med Ho keepeponetnntly on handjilliat kind, of Leather, *ilieh hat will werrito :t beat qual ity. and sell as cheep as can be' d else , where? - lie returns has thanks for the '$S oral patron ago he rstor,m,i exl roam( to him, at hopes to merit n enilllllll,ll,ce 4 th. P.111(1P, Itattrfintte - Mtl,iii:Pl TFIBO —TY c • ER'S CRIA+I I / 1 kTh FAMILY SEWING M/CIIINES. 495 Broadway, lPjw York. A NEW STI LE-110,CE, .5() Tllll , MO, hi'' POWs fi,to We 9111,115 no l ik 0,1 !min the 6nmi. squiring o rt•-M1 ding ..1 11 1 1 1 01 II 141 trnitunlind i L A AuLA,i,4 atvtn, 1111,-htng nn¢n Prtri 111 Ir, 1 11117 . ..ti01 , 111171, 1 , 43.11r.0 t.xlhe 11:mi ii , e11,1t.,„11% iP r, 1 , 111 - 0,1 by Mho!' 111 I. hblel/11 11 , 1,11 et" 1,0 , 11. , nu I 1 than it $l,llll , real • 111 el n i 11 nun an hour S..nfl IPANIEI.IIO.I , II,•AqA . ni 19• ' 59 Milmborg. Cents, Co FAIRVIEW SEMINARY JACK CHNTRI COUNTY PA Mill", S11111(11(1' Sl,llOll of tills Tm.lun tool gill or,, on Ihe 10101 of A pri I, nod elm.. on h e , 411$ "f• 1h0,.10, is Isorttion qr.. 1‘1,•111. .Irvin' Vurust II for 1.111; I, rIn.Y I /1.1 ont I. 11 O , IIIpatIMIL TO Wilsi al. rinHop..l I: ,r ', ~ lib fn rni.ll,. I r ,,, ,n, pet gunrlcr, $ fl, t'n i i30,1111J P, ir,,,,,, i , ..ritt'llt per lort,, t'.. 41 C , ,,,,,,,,,,, Knglush imenehr. , t on 111 j 1, F 4014 lk 14.011,011,iten, ,on Latin purlAireek 6,00 (411,11..4.0in' rtranchos Mush, Frui.ch and (ler L„,,„ Mn, Worthing Liglit, 4 , 4 k • Ti MIR 1;11)04 udynl:o7 Irprivrthei tblor. mot orrr edfireet REV VI'N R Yr A EI( . 1 111., ft :l lAlle W , Pz ('LOCK, AND FANCY StORE. Mho 5ti 1,4 5411 1 .1 ‘1;11 1t is 014 .Itroul nt No 4 1154,4041 5 HOlllMiliAllf,gl4, ) , rrat r , hr. I, iiji t 1,1:nll I'd flora the r ,lerll now offer, for male s Wioll 5. ladled mod ~sortoomi of .4, 11' 11CIIKS, AND .11'11 I'I.RY G 1r I ill rr•r:loilt ligvirrtnleint rrf Ye ' rra t• Ili . I 1.4 kisidl and Ira, Si/. ! 11 . ;r1 4r ng thIL plink" hie Pt io Gdl a. lery. ntoi i 0u11..1.1.• as cyst, *ad MI him r 0.1,10 'lie .. li ,•.• ,I t• Jill vre.ti care freem the in inul .i.i..i. r• ,i 1 0. • i 1 , 1, i, r i ti t , air, /1.1 latek style. 1, !...t. ...,:. 1... a .4.,,,,,, " , ,rw•ii..n .all 11,- -. , k ... , ,,,ot • ..1 fi ne (bli and : , I' , r . , .4. ri In. .„,i { ~u , r , •.1„ fall Jewe lll a E , .g 1, • , 1 r. c. ~ si„,l , I. tnelowl ',vet 11 kichks , +SIR" 1.4 i Ili., 0..1 Q ., r " '', J a w' I ry 01 et cry style 01..,0. , ... 1.. 1 iJi ,i Ir. i 4 , P.I i e ar.lry StOre, bad F.. , v .. r i m •1,.. , it ii.,, I. err t tuttAttv Ile lass elm. .‘ h . / 1' / 4 ~1I Sr •goot, oebortment, 01010 Y 1 . "" l''. 'I t " ~,,o all o V., Alen Podket. Books, Pia .k fq hi..,. • I'l , l-14 A.• xy at , eniion pa Id In repaistnr nrehee nod Jewelry pp r Ilnr r PirrlN Bell fent* Orli '1.'59 I. NTON 1101 S 4, I,lW* 11A%P.J's IL/ TIR 4 1 1 1 .‘orir4 - Y - E11117171 . ea5,..1 the ai,v, looroigh of Loek lln•en LI. . 4, 0 ,1 } r 'hill in : 111. f' ho, made emery no,, .1 in 0100 11j,rii,10 11,0 g.. 11. and LOU! I' 1.11 .• 11. •i..` I , l.lbie vunnuer lln I J. 1 ,• 1 , 111 fit tv,fs. 111 1 / 1 the chtsleett tut ”r ti 1/,t ...try w 1 ,t ford And be /zdloe , lie .1 111 Ili 111,1/111/446i1 111 t hl. , lepartmodt 'to r litdai along the Neal Ib 414 h lII+ It It w 111 .•ont..in the t letleasi liquors that eat. h. nI tr, Ike illy .14 rk .1 fo. to tlol o , Into Ile t/of ler rottoltanlly lo o II 1 , I I. luk. iterpte ~f Ite t ereetel ere that they et, I , re nl .t . 14.11.1e 1 l t., , l,rqt thet Iterttatay ret...tre a rerrti.lll) Of the • e.,e ..r the tr,,ko.; rul3lo• herifol e Lr i,,•• , .t!. to be aid, o render gamer/11 t• t oo II ANIEIiLIN , i I alt 21 Al If r r I r,ill OM • , .... CABINET AND lIPEOL-a . :•!, ot I ',St.{ I::' , TAIII,ITIIbiIiNT.- _., The ,1;14er1).• rro , pecifollyialhritia rip ~.., „ „ ~,i• and thepuhlie that h , • hat routm, ste e.i i a ~ , ,1„,,,,1 or, I phal.ierivg bowiaose ir all ita-tak r ~,.. I,..heh, , and VIII be prepared go rue...ph w. k 1: , As 111; 1 mural"a with any sonde in the ..elll a, , . . riser larger MaCi llevieg had pcnettext , ‘I-. irr nee in every livAllioliSlT lettrtneee, pereetts en i rte. e 4 .oak to lain win b; Insured that it will In. ,loi, .ri a ruttodartory 111141111 Cr E l'A MENU ppmptly apett , lNl to VAR It I/I; It lUK SNIT!! A 11,;;I,ohj! stmeN lis*lteshts, Its shop forPerly cupied by Mr !tenth."( *PIG Q HAUPT., * Of).- mumegmorm to eo • .1 Ir 11 ntrlM & Co, r likatutf.o , ll,r3 of Hun 'sinker n ifinver If nl'er,thtedlrig Qnrhr mo, t`nr out Iron Drinnl, WOtts A 814. n Put .t ,, rn, 4 rations kinds, Corn ,I,llnrn Thimblr rtes, s lltitt It'iPlf Watt., 11 $ 1 roe. l' , •ot log E.r 1111VIIAL/Mi Weight mode tip to oraer • 111.. MI r.r nom., or• Pod Yororen, north in%nriArdy wavanted , Api 1! 2ti RARMAN BAII(44, TiTRNi No 1:16 Elie h's A Iley, Dot wean' 'Front A 2r,d, and Arell Keen, l'hdadelplm geroll,tinwing. Cabinet and Carpenter Turning In all r branoll,•• N 11 Ilona and !land Strewn cow , . ntly or atilt A lea, Tvn fine and Bella r MILLINERY GOODS MISS HAIIREIT A. WIZEN, Huh jt returnml fronilhe city 01 Phila wi (Uphill with a large and linudeome assort mem of MILLINERY GOODS, Conei,titqc t o part of the fhtlouring ettkolee, to , qt : Lodi,' doreette, Callers andk fll. Lad &t other ortiehot ueunllyk ep bo w ,501,0 t which will he nod (thee!, :- , he etl/1 (tohtioner to a ihe Millinery hereof, nt the old stand I edhelltply nen*, the It .1 , 1 I, tgle Bridge ta whit' she Invitee the nt FP tention of the pantie, AEll 5 'llO-Iy_ PIIFMIOVE ACADEV. • I ii' IY. I , IN p,;R ;(ovE MILL S, O. * . TR$ '.-, . J E TunaAs A. hi., Pawn"l.. THE „ , :l ~enqiort of (him inAitukion will upon on WEANINDAY April 25th T to 4 r d, I'Oll.lOM Englleh brannlicii, $45 per Ingliion. Send for a Cat alogue, apl 5.6041 AD XINISTRE TORT NOTICE: NOTiCE 114 hereby, given that lotcerm of Administration on the estate oflaeob /barter. deo'd., late of Marion, tp., haeolotton granted trt the undersignid, who taquents all persons indebted to maid *state io come 'for% ard and make immediate payment, mud these having claims to present them duly authentieuttal for settlement. , JOIIN I..Aii nr si DAVID • itpl 6 804 t. .11 — . — WLExi,qms..' 1 "°* — ' 1 "t" _A s• t OP ,• LYCOXING CQUNTY. MII 001 IPA• RQOE, [WADI* PA. September 8-'69-lf PENSE3 LXTUAq *kali EECEEM ri he high an. ed celebrity is this. pee-eminen • .one Lee, oetptirtd foe invariable eltroy the Weems. Willt..;l It prO fitlee to cope has re. Ld the usual produce 01 ostentatious pudlitig not only unneeetaary but Un worthy of them. They are known by their fruits; their good works testify far them, rind they thrive not by the faith or the erodnlotis In all cams of o-tativeneast:dys4sia, Militias and liver nfr..„. don& pules, rheltdbetisrn, fermi awl agues obeli nate bendsehea a d all genii nr n.pwinents of health, these 1 3 111 i bore lift - Art.lMS ',roved acer Mill and speedy remedy A "Ingle trial will place the t,ifo Pills beyond the mob compeiiiien I. the estimation of oicry Dr hieffothi Phootde Mere will ho Coon,' equally audacious in alf nervous debility, dys pepsia. headache, the oloknesa oncolent to forma, to delicate health sad ev, ry klud of went. noss 01 the Algesliva Organs Per sale by Dr W 11 -MOP AT, lit tliegdway. and by Medieitie beat ers and Druggists generally I/Atonement the coun try. • Saddle and liaratas jiaaarariory. CENTirR I CO , PA 7ircsAsT7irtitlL'H ----Rempretfielly ttsforetus thr ritlyrtiq of Centre Como rt he 1.11.1 tore to order Al ho 01.1 /41:11i I to =EI N MOLES 111;11)1, ES i ll IRNf:ss 1•41.1.441:s R 111 PR T,RUNKS . , ..Sc. to Ahlth t4dl Vl. of 011.41.nr• !hit tusk.. 4, •. "(thy 11.1.3 hoc tiv pr•II . 111 - 1 • nn 1 h..r tte W h it! t h , •m nll ellt •4 rent I r. r 111 r PI 1 . MT, h I inill tivvirt pvr sv ,01 i• v. v. In the ;3- if the 0110011,14011 1 011' 0111 A 'lll 1 11 11`10 104 , 1114111 11°11 , bin 11.rn..4 C. r, ,hy in I nomi t .11 v , 4 •t, wad 11,4 1 , .r., ttorii of eoloriallit 7,41. , 11 , 4 0t,:t.4.- , lb 1 fbr 1,q4 f.vor, ha h,,pes to 'till men I • n fan Ti ll' tb al N. 111. , 111) 14, 2.6 u if V. BRIGADE ORDERS. - 9 - he lodepend , nk , '.1.1 i'..•ter 1,11 rirp , et Phii th , • I , P/ •.1 11 n lINI BE II 1 I I ON, .tanet..• v villat n.t or.at.mn. Ili , 1.. II .Ins 4 Plr •I I.l • J r I • ritror r. r 1.. , I, 1..11 .• rii . r •.' v • •,• It ;PI r l •r . l P I 1 a•l. la,. It ri'r 1 ,...p. rr • u.,t tti 1..,4 I.t / • ~• IW, \ P r If) th !WIT ho 6,, •• , 01 ti. red, a. 1 0.1 :• 'lnt 11,1 11 I Th, .0? ..r y 'l r t• • 8,1 r •-1,1 , f . 1I I 1 S% ‘I! WI 1..01 r I . , I la. ‘ , tt W . lt 1.14 an.l r .1. 'l. P 1.•11 rr:nl 0 1'1 t C Plr O P I. ' Pr I r • P 1 rh. t l .); 'l/ .1111' I rt r.. 1 •• . . I . rt. I.lp f 4, puroli r/ r . Ir. I. it ft, 11 tl• , 4. f .1 .117 train,l, l•/... I. 1 ir . •••••': • i• if,rnie Anne mad Firaipto.irta 'r •" • • ! • 7 rrf to. •. •• •r, I • /‘ 1 , 1 j r ibree pr or • 411, Ti,'s onnil.er of Uniforms belonging 10 s 11 , 1 111311{6 \ Trl• I 1 '.7f I 1,/.11 I nit !sr I.:. It • ro .11, Ib. I ar•l rquipmenl.. in a sr a. ,1 01,1 1.4 1,011 imp loon .ll‘ ell.. h ICI ion hp,/ 1.1 lA, 1 AI11,1,1i10:1 , 5 Cu,' if I. ro,brltl rt I I I nrsTi f yys4 1111.1, 4 Irt A ii I'u \ F: 1 , 101(“)0 I 1.7.F0 31,C0y. wnl ... Nlilv•hor.z on rhostwin% 1701 Am. .r ty The 1'"(.1s 111 (I I M r•germ...roled 1.. Cot er it art Iterrerol.urg. rr e. Frl4 4 y as h .pi - IfrerT‘einte owting nsic.ft of tRe 071 77 .70i . h7 17 7' h- .h- 777.41.7 P. 41, 7I 1.1. , IF). rrirh n 1.. t AZ , 'dr .7 n h. 'B7lll in , r et W... 011114..1w 1. , Ihe number ti.e ...M.0.., . , t a I.e• c•,,,. r •,lf. or T,... 1 , iniro r 0.11 I un L. .111 panV IN IS Innfnelt.r nest.itartieuhirl, store s a nd t...ifni•totion 11 t lint ,kith Di, M buiLonot o•n.1 , 1 In' Arrled or, In ?bin I , ' o • .1;1 Dr , rr•rwr...r't I j ff , f I.' , It. .1 nl od , nitlogn V.l i•L , .O •,• ft. I. I .11,1" pril 2 , 1 led° t l, I ill 11 , 11 i WI ii • Or ag • li iiiill,ll I. rM•t0.1. 4 f r e,.lit/' •1n i 11.., • • I ,„ TO THE LAblEg.- I•us Ireslf fff , fill ..• ' • . /17 ft Ulf: rollinied frr,ni Dlirind.ll4, 1 , """" " I."' 1 , !Dote.t. ." 1. P Ire do um pen „,,, „ I, a and 0 1 Infirr.11,111, , r, • •I `IIL IN ER (i(101 )S, 1..,„ Ir f. / . f al , s rf.l npn,rd. Ng• // 1.f., 1 . ,, , rar , a tn. lifer sr • of the Ininai 1.. tot' f ra i „ r „ rar .t t,, anr , It. ..01111/Ifilllir, fIL ull I 40/ sly .1 o bi g and g r ., w h it Ileonnon; •,, ran be obtained at 2.• eel,t, per n. 111,0 • .-Lr I. I „q,.n.. onll Our ntock eon , 1. "" . 4 .r. It.. ;4' 'lido holi•tottnble— onrenntee deed.' el , •I. .it , //./, IV f! I /In \" \'/ W.s of all lip ,0111, ,ere when mousy f ft, I If , ire P/ 4 / I\ifl.l ' C I /77 1.4 1 /1//Ififf7: 4 t o th" I , olnnrwl Innrw {'lnn ninon , whorl Pil ., •••1• ; nod nil •,tfi e r nt ;sob, r-glornll7 kept n 16" f." it "'"""ninn f • r 4f • I' NT 1' ore 90 • 1 , len le It •lon. f i„ 111 111% I' too torol 'be rnn, ken ..t ,ho 1! , 4 Do•raing eons ern, fat, . e., . l ie, ..• I Nit'it..rp on I'' ••• !. 1., 11, Pint) With ftyrnee r,, r ion; ,e,. , ot.n.r to drool,' .t. 1. - t-unt•l Lily dctiLlard as to IMltichnsi tan on fm. lit o, , t A ,iff MARY :,!!( will •1,•,,. bolo neer the lard in III• rfirrtlf:i , fr.. ryepo Letter,. nod appliew•!!!!!• ,•• I , oil To Till,: U 1; 11 j i) ~cr, ``. v drss/1 , 1 fu 1.•.full1 41 Byrm S, ifirmninnooort n ••• ./••• , •cy! or 4 II C. h•.!1!!!•• Iv. ....,„,,I, 1 .f,t, I,erl Plillt.hdphilll. Mai , and to Ito ‘l,t-illl [tit et V WIN 111 IN PAR TICE:LAU fin man./. . hi.• ,Nlis ru n dikbpd rit to. ~ 11. ~/.4.• • having 0,L,•,1 Ow ' 4 ,“re j “ IY 1' I , 1.1 —fan - - I iroo rli ~ . til.tr.l bi .11... i.,• I..bwitan A Had LIST OF LETTERB 1 , • , . I- -.• ~. •.% ~. , i... r••••• 1 ,1•• , • r II .alatitirn nod It oiit I di, ~.. I aid . t, t tar il o ' lop F‘i \I \ J.\ , i t't II•e Peat Olitee tit 11. lle DAY 000DS AND GROCERY BUSINESS lA/ f..10e A orit Int, la,no A Horner, Andrew ' '''""' I " " °.l ' . nod '''' n"" no 1 "'"" ''' A.l,i,b. mi., Judas Ilan lora in M . kO. ii ui I I.til .i• ..rtirier.t ~1 r 1 • • ..b.rg t,..i1'11 111ir..1.11..r, 11 .n II k'"i I. ' it ' '"" ' " ''''"" n "' l * .ll " 41 At I ' ll " I , ,ntiv it] -lin tn 2 11,1shough Il,:ta ,i, , , ..i.. . 11.1 - ..1.1.' a altars al 10.4,1 of ai , or i , r , , , ~ , i , i 11r,etaola ooit.-1 .1H ki I. .1. .... Ir 1.. r• tAkon n(1 ./ 141.iotn %I lii.on , . i 5,.,... I I In._. M Jolmnlt'h, Jeines r I. • , ~ , , . , i• 1 it gr. or ;nods iirliiir along loon Plate , 31 4, , ~„ ~..,• r•• , • ••,, Butt., a nor 1 41^ ''"'r it, lan 1r 41t..a ".{.., tt . u ,_.. ~.„, r.,51.., yen Lard ran, 11nril ',ion!. ~, 4 ~,,,,,. i , ~,,.1 Mortis,. Irat,,,. ) , iiii V. , - t'i .• •• •sr r• ...,, 11.1 I, nott, v..ti Ma o.lle : , .tr „I, 1.: I 1., .. e,...1...,4 4.. .t. 1.... r, ~ .1 r- • •,. ”'', .•,, ia he ry,, , i it r M.,1,1v .1 It.. r, f ....el .1.)11`: II lIS 1.F.il .1 CI) ~/, t , . 1 • i p ... s .virill 21..C1i..4. , ...e.t.t. 11 , H.. ‘1..b1ir,4 Apr. t.„l Irvin -II (.7 , irk. It hied Met'llg Witllont Croft, ti trait Mitpsr Pruitt In , NORMAN. 1, m w.r. Manuel Davi, It It 34, outsell. it M ,frilit, ride aril I Ili..roorgh 'trod Mitt gno Ilnr,e llountly, J..hn !Mann, Susan JL reooutly iaroliK , 4l Into IMP qtale by the nil, E Numt nein,. Samuel r. rib, r irt lattol 1 ir rertine theereratit aria,oll Nb.g„ , E N -.aid Sarah a; Ili al i li' if tht C.oir iti Hun,. Ii. 11 4 , 0 1.• and F. rVICIII. Jacob , i , It, ~,,,1,4, ~1 rho Fsllnallosisa: Inn& Iluna. - Fus•has IA tlllnitt o..olmcnoisi,,, the brat Is,sk , fltprit at la etl.oMnfei p f .. m „l„, , J„„ s 7 Smiler, Wlllfi ' intra Jet rroorid week nt Link [lnvert and a* on alter. t i Ftrolsek 0 H nat.-Is ailing thous tam nr„.,..,in Miry Suit. r 3 woh Th.nolinirers of Ono atoett •ret Int lied to *ll and d,„;,,,., 11•,11150, Shipp Darn/Imq a rt th o b o rn e for thrtnarlten"•atid judge of hi. Ins- ,;,,„,,, %% li t , ~,, Smith Jos dr F .,.•, r t," r...- affil” eon, hirINE with 1' , ,,t d•, ,, h , 1- ,4,,,i ~, ii ~, i Shirk rh.tat ;iv 4.4 . 1 . 1•111' h'.... - 111 pr eV - Ulf C1•1111in •11011i1•11 „ii.h„ ii I' W Itt ~.11.4,, I', 0t5, , ,1, tli.l kJ altAnoti .1 ha It M 3 For !wilier., 14,10.4 4.. the publte are r,.. r om- if • Iv hoot Dna , full) tiler...l la the Itatidloth lid-ler J II 111,1 e,, II ' 2 A. LEWIS 1 , 11. , 11 M. and l'i,ion l's , April 26 RO 3t A ri• p. 1 it . 101.1„ , , , , fir !01d... in a l e 10...1.: !hit plea. .13 I hey arc al V01 . 16. •, 1 11 \I 1.../I)h , I ' M LIQUORS ! LIQUORS I "- - 1 t. The s. einforinv the publle that 6, , .. i ....01)+1nntiv on mind et hit Ma 'L. 4C," T_T C->IIL 1/4 • l • CPri:E3 e 211 . 111 E ..Larg• et, l 'hew 6vst end best n ...,“ t A , earn ?,hr , he,i .1141 otoi.. , et Liqu",r, that can .11. went of Well Paper, jugt reoelt...l . .I.mpoing 1. , 1 ,,,,, t1ae'1l 41 , . I ' 4 " iii the B.li it" et "' of every/Grief ‘ eha,ll ..or 1111 i 1.1 ii e ill 11.4 eariltut all Ire /wily for Pt ac. Litallon All he ‘...,,,,, o%k 6,,,,,, , ~,,,i d i l l, , ~,,„., i. ~,„.,. Ir., w k "" t ' 0 ' t tti ` l ' eel ht ' " ill he " . "" lucre h itt th e 8 Punta to $1 1/0 Mir Ron e.,11 tel ..e mar, 0.,, 011'illUl. 1 , NW or Ire wintl'ier tell 6164 wall we feel clled.leet 11. II WQ rote Putt ..e. II AMMAN() 1 JO S It MI , FELI A CU. Loch Hot er. Aril 19, 14811 If , Daliqdbote, Aug 26, 18,8 f3/4 OW'BHOE. I ONNEBAL LAND AGENT. rye ri Lir it 4i • I 11101114 ji it open- in FST( ftws, „1 Clear 1,,,h e city, C9r Ft .11; it A I erg' and trash stack of filL. • rir Ciefibi county-lowa, will attend-lie pity -41 ot t y Gou us , oftoumgmj , k m ,i . ins bike+ in the following Counties of that State WartiA, Cerro thirds. Wltitirsirmgo RAH Hancock, Aat tiagterwlinue of Qiit Mtn 4. 0 A 11 14,, " W . ,WI null Ail) Oho r Lusters That may bo oniruSted to §lDer• Halt Dim& Invite the eittartra of lb , ' 0 r" hun n , a Close rut Laud Agent aurrionnating o i intry to call and Imam Inc ic t.. b 23, jell) their meek They are determined to mill 2 _ .._ ohi•sper than the Asapeoll, awl id Wa yr Lore . ps • how** cf everything in their line of , , A , buslheas ' ' The allisicr ii i C bti ) i Tulin tly pn band i JOR D RAIOI.IB A CO. at the ?dill n ea *anvil*, Centre es ,Da Deerember o lt, 1869 - yimult. JOT, •ret 1331 D PLASTER, ' O3 , V 311111,0010 agoiszWolia 'Hsu phich he ell at the lowest cash kw., . 01:0111010 41 11111411r e SEMI-WEE RLY !-•Dna It.' y. •._ DA ft TEL K REALES a...3EX.rit NON DETIViDIM liiiWiriTOWN AA A __ CAUTION. BELLALFONTH - lettEitiliT AND I'AiIIKAO RR ""r r LI, person" art hereby eatitionerl not to settmearriud helmet. the Above points and inter y dr ,.h.. e lid d r awn is (Sen• or Aehibeld ate plot, a with great earn and dispatch. 're and d 211 Jan I sea for OM amount No rEs, DRAFTS INII BMUS fifteen d as I 11,1,2 nt received •aine collected either iii Iteltegnito L owia j own , o r on the r the name • detertnibed not to pay it toe road nn moderate terms andpint ipt returns te/AlO A wolUpriled II 400/0. NI liCilAtilliD - Yel lb, 1800.. OATJSI. nousFAr. per order, or any other s businemeattended to altb ..-- -ate dm patch f; and fidelity BOLOMON 1"3" I 4t--- MrilettimlC"X -1 117.1 - 713 - 1 ',lea AND ADMINISTB.4TOR'S NOTICE. ' NEX1.171)16 11 11 14171 1 31.);EIVE11.8. - kroTicE, is h e reby given that letters of ....s..— _ 111 Adinini•tribion on the estate of Simon I r e ' " d i sc " 4" several Y ea " a semi-- denim Al, ered while there, wimple ,k. deem ,late of Walker township. boa bt.en granted to the subscriber who requests r, ii., r se ;4:_N o e ug a r, , t4r„5°,47,7;4„^,.. ail persons knowing themselves indebted to •-%•,* ,• .. r,10.3 benefit of Conlawoptives Come forward end make immediate payment and ' 4.- ', ~ rift, he is willing to denim the and those hash's claims against said Matti Illa" ! r . • To hose w It s will lowa the Pro wl! preAmt, Went properly authenticated fur uripti . o : w i t vattleman. °HANLE; BEeK. Vi o „ * .„,,,,t id o ,"". ( : *r "`""g ; ) ) , L ; l it, Marob 20. 1860. . Adam tr. led • bettiatitd" ? • . of Nas t gui barbs. These • ~',...'' the remmly r lit by ratuntiddll , nig - - , - .1 If. Of • L ,... 1 1 , Be Ste. roadway. Nt# ll lW illih ' April 13, Ifilltketlik, : . c, te ROCX. try, t hitrse r* e ° lll stit i f i rr o Zie: lt et Ih. the De tont& Youildr, during the preeenFeesion.— The pedigree of thiettorseillikl . well 'known that ft All kinds of Orlijklipd o ti lronatty pro. to wielesll to refer to it For terms oppl_y to the duos iadtiod, Ode i hhibest slash handbills 81? MlLlatt, Groom. primorwill.bokald by ' April 26, 1860—tf NEW . AGIIVI 1111 AL SCITLERIV A /J. WA h'A 13 t A I ii. P It Tr .V/Tl' I A fil:Lioltrpui; A.\ O //HA L /V/ Chf MATS TWIiN• TI Fitru MIIJLI BOUTJIBASTOP pIIII,ADELPIIIA,QiV THE CAM DEN AND ATLANTA: RAIL ROAD, NEW,JENSE Y. Ac o'd estate conaleilng of sairbtal (helmeted§ of evens of prodpetive soil hat been divided into f, so ali of turioas hres to on., its purchaser A population of /Curl,. Prt/rrpe fht/idreti. (rum •Oli ouit pa rte if the nnddlu Sea , , noel Nl'n. ENO 10 t • nall/A . llll . re the ir imp, red 4/0 ir phtcrs, oral ~,..d I rho faro! fe at the low mom o•I loom SI fo o 2.0 po t mere the nod to of lion lint qualoty for the poetise hoe of who,L, Clover. corn. r...,•bc. ()tap. and legernhtea IT IS Co N. F14:11 CD Tit F; 11E31 flt Ul IN 711 It UNION The piece is porreetly assure from tonne—the destructive ene my a the fly men Cove of grain, grass and fruit ire now growing hut can be Seen 1.1, examining the place itself, a coorreet judgment Can be formed of the productiveness of the land. The fernyi ere mode easy to secure the rapid improvement of Iha fond, .hta‘ is only sold for °find! Infrrtorfr,sellf, The recall has been, 11,41 within the past year ennui 4.4.44 *Peskier's , -ioneser—inrreebrim -- rrrortinr too rem• one strain, four entree, some f,,,ty tin varoi..li 4 Penedo Oreloo role pl into 'I andlarlr ,m,bor o f ether unp r ", a dear i• .I.li noel '.l• ire plait , or 6uatoat • THE, IN A H r as Ore readrr stray pere.ivinnn its,l.sealloss, le the It 1.:3T IN 1 lIE i NON l'nol wr Itrtniing 411,161 e tho pr than in I.nn- Uotnn...tnlnan Fa, city 1. f.. 1.111 n.• 1,1,11 , 1"1111.• 1.11.111 11 , It In hot 1.1. tn . .. 1,1.1111 11114 I• .111,. I Cl'. e ....I. • 1 Jeit.t.t. n n not 11r , . 1111.11/.11 V rr pull. .1 1 110 111 It. I In rr tit,• net.tt‘r I, tit ~ , , I/. .•anl,u, i I. Nidur• n. I `tt fit,4101..1 n, I VII I te. Ii . 41 14 .4 . 1.4/.4 4.1 41 4.-•“4"44t1444 4 L. i• It 4 I. etc:) t t • 10l• .1 . lliun I 11l i 11. 1 u,111,. r al Ike .1, ,Ik• 1 . 1" •I ri i l• r, rho 1.1,41i/ , -, 0/, 1/... 1 1 , :• 1••• I In kJ* /k 01+ 1,1 • .11.1 ..t,l • 1 j., aa • leit I, I Intl •Ir I.L. el • Il • • 1111. 1' I! r t .f , h, - t • It I, r r lt t'' I. tt. 1111 =Z. ../.1. • • 11. AI :1 rirr r • 1 ti r 11 I 111 I. =I WALL PAPER Scroft]a, or King's tvili is a eunstitutional disease. a o f blood, by which tide fluid bewanee vi weak, .end Ma poo *b r. B&W and dis eirenligion. ole body, Duty 1 =On any part of it. No /My= from its attasks, nor is there one winch it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is varlotulf mused by nieteudat disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy sod, impure air, flint andMy habits, the dviissing. vibes. end, ,by the venom- d infection. Whet - CVlej be its origin, it Is hereditary in the con stitution, descending from patents to children unto the third and fourth generation i" fedt4 It seem to be the rod of Ifim who Rao, 4, 4 will visit the iniquities of the fathers upset , their children." Its.effeels. continence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcer-ems matter, which, in 6 the lungs, liver, and interns/ arms, is termed tubercles ;..in the glands, swellings; and ho. the surface, eruptions or Wires. This foul . ruption. which {fenders in the blood, dellteasatt the . t is ~f- b feTsithat - . . tithes not only sufihr from scrofulous etm plaints, but they have fur los power to kith. stand the attacks of othrr diseases; conse quently, vast numh , t prneb by disorders n hu h. alttemgh not scrofulf , ,r in their nature, are still ristiTered fatal by Cl.. taint,in the system. .Mott of the eons:o , ll;2i n wprh de cimhtee the hutomffamileln,. C. ot . , n ; lirwly in t'.-is Prrcr(trlons rnntarrrin ; nurly de...tr ,et ,s r s a r tilrett'Fr, bro.; and, vid , wl, of all the Of_ll2L rant rr are tig7i vind by ti. Fart , r 01:eitt o rtet ••!" all MIT 11,410 , . Ire ff 7411 1 .11111; thetr rastntiq are in • ~1 • 11.1.1 lurklag to fcetton, and tl,e‘r t wit ',Taw ri it. TO il , nal4tiefr rr. reran-0. the lty nn aTt. 7 r" , 11 , u , e, nod it vta••rute it 1. In atvi exercif buck a ra-i,hcine.iir• ••;.;y in Lics Compound F,‘lrart of Sarsaparino 1111 , t CI F 0( luJ r It t Ilk In of ,u, two • ‘,." r this every 1•141.1 pr. ”o.'lLs•l% It ;acorn. I; .. 4 'rr t;..• ta.t • . -wilt/1g thot hare her., tl..emertql fa tt.e•zr.t,; tine foul ;I.c !, a; ; 04C le if the r)dtl/1'4.0' • is I. nntorlizencea. nem ,. it n.”ld .. I I.r the cure of not, fad, cc,;;fula.„thee,: other &free (lonia which ari•e rri it, all. 't As F.IIrPTTIE and s t i t. 1 .1 .7 FIRS, Or Urn, i 1' sr • rt - errLES, Ra ' , MT' '1 • Yrrrwn and T Rat• I. ul. t t 1,1 ••' Nf , tol-1•111. Du runes, Illtor.tr, 111 , 1 lOLITT. and, indeed, art. rOgrt IST. , A I ROM Vrllo,- YID Olt Ixrt r, It, "I 1.. I puler belief in r!l" 14, tortd '• t • f.oll in truth, for owrofulat a+ a tle.-mousatiou ..f t., blond. The partieohd purix - .• f this. Sentare rdli I. In pooh P. rrerrt ., l l .• tl e vital fluid 4 without whi,h 11th IS impoosible In contaminated ecnintitUttorin. 11•11 Ayer:a Cathartic Pills ) FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIM, art to composed that ini,el , ^ • ion the range of their •ettnn .1•` •.a ,, ~,,, evade thane Their p. nett-1..1z rrnpert,• th. and cleanath and int ignrate r.. r% poem. n of 1 , r human wigs.- km, rut - refill g Its t.. m, and restoring it, braltli itt il.t.r • /ta ..r,or,rr of those propertler, the 11. a het nho ,aed - down with do or phitirsrdrhilda 1.1 a•to•ushrfl to find hia health or enerp maimed I.) .111 n.) at wee Ma simple sad ii "tint; Not only do the, r - ze the rimy -day rm-plairrte of every Lerida, but alto many Mentid•Ste and danitetena dtarast v. he below named pltaard to furrosit Kral, A•nu Kau Almsna 001113111111 g el rtifieatt-t of tbn tri owe and clirectione for 'btu . oar in the follnving nn.pl Jilts I 011114 . 1 Y 11.111. 11,1111611., lit Wield., ran., du, rdered Stott"., 11111,, .r. • r 'd lir rhia buorria of. 34 Larii of Air,. owl Other laroadreik•owesph~er analog. (ram, a low stall of the body or obstructiew of it. fun, toms. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, YOU TUE RAPID ' I RE PP Coughs, Colds; Influenza. Hoarseness Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Census'sr lion, and for the relief of Coesunsptives Patients in advanced stages of Ike disease. "fio ,ride is the Ili cf it. tioe , n , ..eira and so nu {per,* ate 1.1.: • a ses fur, th s e rizioet evc ry sc rho r rf niviri•i k en sir r ., Irene hem Rat rul m a:arming and teen .11 -.;'elate elueaeat of the lunge by It use. When at,, tried, K. Ant-I.Kit) over every other medicate ut at littd : :; tort nt to cm ape obaeyeatitun, and Yet.tert d< • ''t ore lt.rtttt, t!te public nn Innywr besitan to cre v toy for the &etre...rig d. ir r ...ffirctinr ie d ie VITIOnKrIr brgati , iirit all ti 'alit tfl ow dictate. I While many 'Minim tmerdics thin-t upon 'he community have (ailed and 'trim discarded, fitly has gained friends by rreTS trial, conferred termite on the afflicted they ton never (argot. and pa dated cures too numerous and Um remarkable to ba forgotben. FREPA RCM BY VAL Jr. - C. AVER ok. CO. LONVISL/.. MASS MARRIAGE GUIDE -Ding ••• 1# ••• • t b,4*l u t ile ,• t , 4 • • iva 01.7014- en In [h.! I; 11 ler - - Thi.a t ix P,k 1. I it • .g. - .lv ;. • r, I nip., ..tsol• • os• ,g 4 A 4,1 ;••• .I• IMg n 1,1" a r F, „f+ !• ro- IMO ry I , • 1 ' • . . _ •11•• •• •O : I 11l T 1 Wi:11 t I. o to • ',1.! pc ' , • ,0 1,, • /, fa,.. the ro,irt r,,.• • -• •• 1.•.•,:• • r •••••,•!•• 1 1•!• • 1 , 4 11 %I . 1 ' l l VG, N., :••'•1..1 CF. ••• l• • • 1••' :lb I f'.• I , :t{ 4' Ir N 4.110101, 1.1 1 0 0' 1 , 1,••••' i 10 1•• f•• , i •-•• ••• 0y on.' or .he , ri .1 ..1 ott , 4. I• ... ~, • o'ol :.1 •., .b. .4p , - ..” in lb, ..r 44 •.y rr Ir rI, .F r:. , a eery nroither of 14 'i•444ro. 4-. t •II •eh. lie I. 1,1 . , o.frilly: . h.' will 1.0 11, fookr • . 1: '4, 4 ~, 111.44, A 6koilit. ;, .lif I.r.kli • iirT law - 1.1 3 ~.r .44f• .. int )0P,44f; 04 1 1.1I•f• • woilled 'au -tiny otitis, tit,,,,iitieivrthigi In hi putAidaihon, kt his IRO: - :44, lll 'prtict Fin ..t, a ,441 Finutti. , • pij I VCO dm 01 7 / 1 . 111i8/CAL IRIEND. ' - , I. It NI l',l OA I. Ili I EN l), - a 'tore Cosepusi i , .11 I. ,s. the %V inter *nabs. 1., vary "isrllsi, ' Sh.ni'd proem* this Woad', 1,1 ors' ,ilefer, l'oblio .tion of Vous! and Every It:ocher, PIINIO FU(110614.14 oost• Kvoty Pupil. lii butt 141 0 41111 4IP • li 'ivory Autatour, comber, end I.telecosod' Ily ire entire Press of the Coustry,.to be • TUE MAT AID eIIEANKeT wok" ortud KIND IN THE w - Dni.frov 'rostra full•sitod Vsloo of itedat'and Pfisie sort. Made for ill Ch,,,t rct. . • Yoe,. 3 . ,01 Quarter:it 1111.14. Subscribe to oojtialigal Wanda/ ii jrnna tho nearest. Netiiilneler, and rou will hard hlusio enough for yettir,eartre hadly, and at inidg• nigneut neat; and if "aranodadans for the Pintel Violin, Corset, Accordion, ate., olo•t srbsoribe to tda, . • INlgiatate#ol . - pan talatag i 2 pgie, nuking only 10 Cantl• Stag' r ; Yearly, MN; Halryearly. I 26 All the Back Nuthhere at 10 ota., dl Nina Volumes, containing 17 7innitvars, _aa /0 asap eopetantly on ban& C. D. 81111460 YR & 00.. . Ilq .....vskur Apl 12410;tf. I iiiit7wuSe.,New York: 19 11 kTotlee til ti &eV th*t Ole Par4i4f; v a 71 Th tlfittl i fi b rit V i tt 'tool al ' 4to l u i coal wt. tf pe' todfib .. • .... firm will wom cl make raent The Iwoiv to *II* ltnada of W. I.t.r Mon Miunedirt• Atteatkro rips. Jolly. . I e. I fn•'; 11a4 =I ~-1:1. MEE OE MEI