II Li TIMM IPAINCOOMAII• A. 9. 81011.7 AND J. 8. lIAZINIJART, EDITORS BELL EFON TE , PEN N'A TRITRB.IIIIY, MAY 17. 1860 DEMOCRATIC' STATE NOMINATION FOR COV.ERNOR, GEN. nENRY D. POSTER FOR PRESIDENTIAL F.LECTOR6 oci.EcTolo AT LAltc:li. ()Roma ;tl. ICslw, of Berks county. RICTARD 'YAM Or Philadelphia; bViTIVICT EI.P.IITORS. 1. Fred'k. A. Server, 13 Jos. Lanlrach, 2. W—C. Patterson, 11 Isaac Reels how, 3. Jo/1. Crockett, jr. 15. 14 D. Jackson, 4.. John II Brenner, ' hi John ,1 A hi, 5. (I. W Jacoby, 17 lot 1 II Danner, (I.,ernrrlem Kell), IS .1 R Craw lord, 7. °lrv(/' l'iciriirres, 10 11. II Lei, 2(1. !Ina ell, 21 N P Fetterman 22 S :11ar,111411, 23 1V illiarn Hook, 21 R I) Itamlnt, Ulm n•h H. David &hall, L Lightner, S S Barber. 11. Thos 11. Walker. S ittehr•oer . 25. Gaylord D . u'CEAIIC bTATE CONINFITI E The foilevo nig tamed gen ileum n U 0111141,10 hue IZMII WILI It. II IV* 1 , 11 l ' hairine 11, 'he ft'• tiolion Of the t'on, cation,' Ftrot 1)to , r let City 01 PlilLole , r.l.lo HnMilfn A , .Ir .1% I. Br Ilet,ry 14,,t.pmtn II V. 1111.1,11 ll,r4l‘t It 1,11,1. 10..rn I'll.lrl,—, IV Car r lgon It ~brrl 111 l'lty /..,1 rir.l 1) Ili nn Hugh Ilari I. IV /ruin, J,.1111 NII•F.1.111141, A e Don lop 11..1,1, I+ A. Mlnane lo•et.11 F jr :11,tavv, 10ho, It (Turd" oh eIF.. rge Litik F 1' 111.1.1r.hc1l *clenmi Chance I/ 51■11ly, Robert E Monaghan Thud Iligtrw , Ain I.mor tI Fourth ,lobo Du.te Fifth - P H IL•trry N..). Si XIII Loon , l Ur "b rII utger 111. W Miller, LattirClice ti eix Lr F IlrvNn tierrnth Vilt net —Lirrour,l ItrOy Samuel II t• onon F. igh h i) trnt If It flu t •In .Ittgo..ll Wtrkl rentri t C Mire! E ti It ii. 1,1,11 }ie. unth I nit-11 A iinrruu, 8 Hyde Ton nth I'i.t.t 11omv L IltefTen bar h, W II Blair Thirteenth lOotrmt - Peter Ent, J W Brown Jim Cullum:lgo IL., hii.lor P..arzectitil 1./411w/ -John FS Arriiton, W Porker Fifteenth Peal nrr -A I. Him. ( idiom II A/111,, 1/1”1,,, [4. /04 ho r t) .1 brrnrr M f'.rgo W in I Icon. R illtam II Echt•ln J.l/.. I/ /.44.4Wr 1./...ortet S Pyf, Pnrkrr .1:l1 1 / 1 ,1 W ('Pork fir A t fl ire nel.nterntli District-- Peter \lrlnt} rc Eighteenth Dimtriet —Henry .1 Stn hI J /I !in Nineteenth Dt4triet— 11 F Meyers, If Bruer, retriken Tweutietli District -itoliert L Test .1 ,tlhl 4111 i. 11:11 144 orgariiiii turn We call nr.t too earne,tly impress he begun - t - ;, ". „ c" " k i el l iralitrea nd i togii;N and LOwn,htp ' and county should he de-trench ly canvassed, Vliihs should be Premed in{ every section of the State, and document, N 110,11,1 he distributed in every locality. - %very democrat should feel the necessity 'of pvi Ronal action and should not leave to 1 others a single thing that he Can 110 himself `Fachmaq should cuuctrrotic i nna ,,,4 a con y coininit t vermin , and every one idiould remem her that be ha% an-'ulal share m the great which uric devolve upon the thn colcop.irary. the Ilt /VIE MU: 1N of National Iteii.orrii , v The :mule most be C o t Curtin and kno%‘n av llie Ceti , , t i „ g h t on !cat mi t' grounds and the runt-ht Press, has gone ofl i ur ^ranptption fits" An %ill be beta,• n the fil,mitt and tl,a foes of Pie result of the 'Borough election in tit's ' : civil and ndigp uo lrhurty We have a bade: place, held during teat week The ,41Coni: _we 1:11 , 11 . R muted party and if we liver claim tt as a complete triumph for the Hack complete and thorough nrganrzatlon, we will Renubhran Ili hlrh•they how ilei - ted r sweep the coalition enemy before us like tick - et by an "overtrheirmm; inn 'or chaff befifre the nine' wind Thee further claim the result as a complete •indjeal err of Col. Curtin a, the Standard Trent) Or.i I,4)riet -.1 Ales m.ler Fu))..n J M Thom p.,,r) I Wanly • I btstric I - .fn s C r 0 Searlght ......c r, A Twenty third 1 , 1.0 rjj—.•- •• T.II.IVN Gturth IMntriol—Amnreit }lurk! John M hrwtn %V at 11 Mrlihoe 111 , a ut nt Pkir RJw 1,1 entilpl.ll, Jr , I M P Parr Twrnky filth Ihst rick- homaa Cunningham John Ur.hnm -Thom pro n ()rah 110 J TV/f,II , y a aria Ittalll , l W )parr Tyrante y, antli Thstriet Wtlann Laird, Janie/ E Tvronty-oiegh Dna w ,Il4nrn T A irl‘nr“, Jm F y rd.•r Ih.• eon, mu nn H Will the Press Acknowledge the Corn bearer of !bp, mongrel party, anti expati elate largrly on the F opposition that the same fee hag prevails throughout the counts' Now we have a word or two to say upon this wolves as regards the recta. The Dem. ocratlc p►rly placed no tsclti in nomination for Borough officers atoll. llenee there was no contest on any subject involving either Col Curtin's popularity or his party princi- 'plea. The litack ftepoldicart, Seward and ilelperitc polit‘ctens controled the matter in their own via), and without. op t .tion, and have even had the unititimbonte impudence to pervert the truth This eines of polio- Citing fluent be ha d rim Mr' nutter al when they resort to Fitch inisensble attempts to miaronsirue pgbhr onnoon We have no doubt Ihe Col could be elected by a very "sAarge mojorily if no perlon would run in op- I...alfitiCni CO Turn EIACITMN I.ADv.I DMA -FR 01) AND Comet-rum ---The election in Philadelphia on Tuesday week resulted in the success of all the Rlock Republican ea ntlidatist. The most shameful frauds were committed by colonizing 'ricers, seeping tip the paupers out of the Alois lieuseN, altering the returns after the votes had hies counted. fit the 24th Ward of tlikftity admit a diflerence of nearly 400 votes was made, after it was found that fluffy, for City Controller. was defeated—so . as to elect him. All the ofIl: cars' seats will' be contested. Republican loss since last Mayor'Oleetiou. 40(10 ttotes ! /Mother such a victor) and Phdadelplita will be right side up. TOR EDITORIAL Coors —During our visit to Pittsburg last week, we had the pleasure of taking by the paw, the following Demo cratic Editors, who were in attendance as Jurors in tile U. S. District Court : McKnight, of tho Democuatic Register, Mer; oer ; Clark Wilson, at the illesaenger,'ln• diana ; Campbell. of the Record. ; Barclay, of the Beaver Star ; and blePike, of the Johnstown Echo. MI good looking Ind clever set of-fellows. _ treoatssista cs Neramies.—:-Candidstes for the various oocipty otlioss. 4.lmely time cosy be expected sOOO. • Organisation is Victory! The two great political parties in PennsyP trania, says the York Gazette, have placed their standard 'Tatars in the field, and the tattle will soon commence with vigor and energy on both sides. Viet it nil] be a hotly contested fight, there is not the sllgh teat doubt. Both parties will brink their most effective engines to bear upon the work, and no labor will be spared to seture a victory in'October, which Must necessarily , have a controling influence on the Presiden hie•struggle in November. nVe are not disposed to be over sanguine, but we keep believing that the signs of the times indicate a complete Democratic triumph. We will briefly give a reason for the faith that is in us. During the past two years, the; Democracy in Pennsylvania were torn by feuds and dissensions in their own ranks. It was impossible to bring the whole Democratic army in line. Alen. ail over the Commonwealth, saw the evil genius nf din-_ cord controlling the destincts of a great and mighty party. There was no ithseoce of that united and harmonious action without which no party can hope to win a triumph This was seen, and felt, and permitted to exert its malign influence in the two State battles %%Lich resulted so 1.1180,811101181 y. to the Deumerittic party, In the coining fight, however, the 'Repoli lieati party will find that • a change has come over the spirit' of their antagoneas. Irh.re disco, 1 reigned before. now onion anl liar many preva'll The break in our ranks h teen dosed. lati our cotorno stands lima •! unpeldwr trnpregnable Thele Is not. a dissenting virce, among the Democracy to he action of the Reading t oust rit 10/1. ' l hh . nonitinition sr} Item% It Foster healed every %round, and remmed every rause mf dissen sion lie is huoun to be boost, capable, and gifted mill talents of ire highest order, Wheire;er he hag been called to perform a duly, whether in private or political life, let- lon. Atm lvt • g.d it •• ith wilittnntotl sod limit lily. winning "golden opinions from all sorts of people " lie was no aspirant for the nerniiintion l lie positively refused to mingle strife Or artifilleig pat tiNalla. lIV ert , lallllit away from the seine of action., and hail no gait in the arunn or the conven tion When the unnimmins voti;t. of • that 11011 y allallaraled him from hot ri mu merit I and proudly pioelnoni th.• lender of the light, he heard (tint summons with regret and would gladly have fielded that Lonny tin' nnother. But he could not shrink from the high responsiloliiies uloch he was Called upon to assume--and he now stands before the people of this er,rnmonsreStth, the cho sen ehninpion of the unit( d Demorraor, ready and willing Cr meet the foe uherever they may he horrid, arid determined to do his ;thole dirty to llo• pasty that demand.; his ser‘t.....; % it h such a lender and thou. ongh ninon in our rands ire 1 , 1•111 ye that' th,. Democracy Hell assuredly not the battle. and mire more stun-in.(' to nrerihrowing' the enemies of the I'mon and the Constitution 1 , Bat there rs talt thtug yi t needed t o ..mike ME The Presidency and Howie of Congreu In view of the po,obility that the' choice or the i ext President of floc,l'niu•ii Stairs rtviy &lady, ulnas the pr,simt Ilom.e of Re presentative. we vthpnn a statement of its political cast by Sitnivs It vial b e twn e i n mind that to choo.ing a Peamident. each State ea.t• one vfde. The prevent (louse IS dtvtded pdirlevily ai ((Mows • Alabama. Arkanscia, 1). aro., Florid*, (:o orp., !Halms, Nll,otlot.ippi 1414 , 44°11 F t Or, gm' South l'arolitia, Tvlcam. Virwitin 14 Republonm Conne.tirut. Indiana, lowa, Mame, Mibg.aelm-etts. New Jersey New York, Ohio Pr no yleenia, Rhode 141 and, Vermont, W Neonsm 15 Equally - Ken tuf ky, Muyls n4 and North Grnbnn 3. Arne- 1:0“. - Ten r eggee - 1. It requires F 7 wites to died a chmee. and as neither the Democrats 114 the Repuhlj• cans have a anffkient number' the fur 'ant named States will, of c.mrse, hold "the balance of power." Should the I (Mist fail to elect a Preanletit }afore the -I of March, that duty will then in effect devolve upon the Senate, whirl, has the election of a 1 711 . f. President, whir, iindter the provitoons of the United States The Senate is composed of a majority of Democrats Mg„everil Vo•rtm; rN VIE CIIARIANTOY CON VENTION There ore many persons on doubt, unable 'to espial!' how the •dialtrotes" are given in 'the Chirleston Conventign. Por the information of such, let LIR illustrate it Each congressional district sends two dele gates, but under the rides adopted by Wit body, a district is entitled to only one vote. When, therefore, the two ktegates vote as a unit--for instance, for Mr. Douglas—they are counted as one ; but wllitn they divide, one for Mr. Dong . las, and the other Tor Mr• Guthrie, they are set down as half for each. This mode of voting secures to each con gressional district the fell vote to which it is entitled, whereas, incase the two delegates disagreed p there would, under a different rule, boa tie, and therefore no vote helicon. Mere is nothing new, however, in this mode of Toting, as the same course 'hire bran poi.- Pied by previous Demoqatio National Con ventual.. 1111 A Aogno Set of Marty:rt. The Black Republicans joet now. Om the kelatiL_Free Gress, have several inelpienc martyry taho enewaniatious, In a alma Way : for somebody to hurt tiler% They aro tub, ar rant cowaMs to walk up to martyrdom as old John BroWn did. so that their necks will be endangered, but they are nevertheless en deavoring to make peopit believe that they aro terrible sufferers in' the cause of friae . doili • The first of these is' Hyatt, who is now histirialing in the Washingtontaill hfause the SelllllP of the United Stldes will not back down and acknowledge thaithe is tight. The Senate, including nearly all the Black Re publicans, think it easier for the contuma cies of Hyatt to come to them titan for them to„go to him, and so he is left to vegetate wlthin the four stone walls of his prison The second is Sanborn, of Massachusetts. who furnished old Brown with money and means with which In invade a State of dig (intim and riontnit monies. and treason. The Senate wished him tai"tell what he knew of the atlirir , and accordingly despatched no of ficer to serve a summons. Sanborn wits frightened out pfhis five senses, anti shone ed fire and murder until a mob was colleet• of who ri silted hitn from the hands or the 101100 k. Ili a;leges tha. fears for his persiittal'tiafeiy, nod wfd he may, it his-toll ronoertion with old John ftrown aho‘tld ; corny to light, and the last allowed to take tintr course. /Hie third NI ('lay, who w late ,ly out uilh n statreent that his neighltors wale plate a. , assootting 6nn beraiNe to. nnsa)Shmk lteruil.lican The committee ho tore 10 III) Ihw I, 3 rr.i d.rd imhhoi ,t,ton,.nt nl winch they that. that has been Most ~ r nelly hoaxer! So far Non, nny .noli ksign, his name has III•Ver be en no iitiont , l in it meeting of that colninit tee, except incidentally " So he cannot be 'lecominoilatt,l to P. martyrdom just now. The last is heath of 'Wisconsin, who like Ilyatt, is luxuriating in jail, serving nut a term of violation of law. These arc the kind of porn nho arc rill, Norio;; to foist the in ~Ives maul the publte siitiererx end mar• tors for hi% etli.M . 3 •Pl• Homblo Outrage upon a Woman in Pennsylvania. Iha Slitlfifty aught last, n sores of the n.o , t tor letruna eruelin , were lain tell tipon "Its rt siding in Itzlattal lioningh, Chester inanity Ile Nlonday night nreviou4 the house hail tarn entered Nirs !Inlay waking op alarm. il the burglara and 'tut them to :light Oil Styria night last. Mr Relay Went to . last It and !ell ire; Irtuther at lame to lake !large of the Carrell; ; lost his brother also started away, and altortly alter. altont 94 u cut k, a man entered ate: asked if she knew hum by loitked at ?Jilin and Sat , Lhat he More .1 Unnallavrk larel•utain and front that reengruzeil ham as one or the hur g i,,, who had titan there and Monday night Ile said, You -- d it had not lees f you I %wall have got all away ' a Mrs Many alit n run towards the door le• eanglit her, locked the doors, tbiot,t the key in her ~,,, nth, lint finding the key %vandal nut g-ag r, he Jilin thrinit the blirnitig candle in rt hi , It nu 'oust) burned the roof of ha r 1././t/ lie then tied her on the chair, with birth hands behind her : )(tilted her aeleral tthies earaigl'ti eft Tietrip,"itenOlt a hainal• rn ken•ef from under tier apronmat e use 111 it fastening her bred hack to idw chair, Taking spa tl was the stove, hi. spat 111,0 n it In see if it writ hot I and plat-edit Open her 'treat; t, horning port of the flesh to a crisp Ile then tud her feet on the baking plate of the wove. After turpentinespnnkluig liver her dress• and nr it mg a candle behind her, so that her chatting might ratch Ihe, and w hil e in the Itilitnt of other nets 011 le.rfilble and indecent to !motion S than at the door cried, •• Yes, i yes'" as If to signify the approach of •nn one When they both left, locking, the choir after them Shortly after the ehildren who hail been tip stairs, Cane down and moved the it moiler from the stove. An attain was i gavel". the door wan broken open and in it few re was a large windier' of l eople pros, it At last arcroirits Mrs Iliday was tint r alumni to live her limbs, f.. 0 breast and mrnath being horsed in many plan's to a Crisp These and other injuries of a far more ‘erions nature ruttier her re. knavery almird. impossible. She desritheil the (I , mni-liko prrpetraior as a tall, thtn Than, with heavy Hht.kr 's inclined to gray and wrothd rev igniat• h In if brought hatin - e her Several tote,. rn•sted hut liher ated on her lathy to reeo4ni cc 'them The tinnvilNti WIIKAT I*ll.ol' —The ac counts furnished by newspaper+ in regard to' the plospeets of the growing wheat crop in the elicit granary' of the Northwest are ea• ceeditiglji favorable, so that unless th se(son between now and harvest should prove remarkably unpropitious. 111111 effect a wide extent of termlory, a large yield will he realized In Wowontuu, where farmer% have been discouraged in their eturts to grow winter wheat, unusual effort is 'risking to get in large crops of spring u hot. in [the Southern Staley, pidging frorn present Indleallonn, the a heat crop will leld a fair average ; for while thtre are occaajonaein stanc e s o f mat, promise, cquiplainta•Of bid weather have, till lately, been very frequent From Virginia the accounts are very con flicting. How Jolts Bum, —The new political or• Hatits.ttion bearing the euphonious tide of the Constitutional party. met at Baltimore on the 901 lost , and nominated Hon. JOHN 11 L L , of Tenn„ for President. This party compost d of Old Li n o, Wh i p, w h o rt p ff . diate Abolitionism, and refuse to be led by die Abolition Convention about to assemble at Chicago. Whether the Chicago sectional movement will quietly withdraw from the contest, by accepting the instructions of the Balt;:nore movement, remains to be eeen.- 110 n. Edward Everett is on the ticket .for Vine President. A corresimmlent front Washington says : "Seward l perfectly confident of the Chi cago nomination ;.' in fact, he regards hint self awelready nominated. the ape - aka of "my pogition" ati if the thing ware fully set tled., manner is most/arrogant." ANOTHER POLITICAL Move/sexy —A large meeting of the friends of General !buskin( from all partsof the Union, was held at the Metropolitan lintel, last evepjag—aahe timore, Charleston and Miller national party conventions ware representOd lan/ the deter mination expressed that the people shall mitre - their — oivn ChelieToi President. PEN, Mid= & SCISSORS v.- Political , oR Pnifeeeional reputation "cannot last forever ; put a cnnecience, void i;f offence before dud and men, is an Inheri. 'lnce for eternity; Tho ceneUellkers are cautioned agninst communititing results to individu• R.111,.(br private pueposers to the pre9B for • • twf tendon. AU-Froth every direction we hear the Vcry he fterminttv in regard to tho crops —gi ng unmistakable proidise of an abundant her• vest. 0 - The" man put up a atove-plpe elthout any prof • been found, and company, hare a In for exhibition in the principal cid*. lie will draw better than the pipe. • • f ry We may diriplinp.the miteclem of the face,Atnil control the voice ; hut there is motruithitut-itt..thr#o beyond the will, and we frequently find if givingd t fhe tongue the lie direct. member of tht Boller county bar. named !honk, of the . 111 m of ThomparM A.- auiple, lately eloped with a young lady named Maria .1 Brinker. Ile Itft a wife and two children, and took hill eldest. He . iilvo Married away some $2 boo or $3,000 which did not belong to him. • jr Never °rower a calornsintor If vat will only give n rattleanake Ilme enough be will sling himself and die of Ifis owm venom J 7-- lien. Chas has ennverd 'to the city of Defroit a lot of land valued at IVleen Omn i sand dollnrn. for a ['mon Sehol '' fr.. 7" A young man adrettlaes lox de , ire for "nrettramd (Wordy ri,'nnroot of thr fart " Evidently he 'Nelda a fond .%ry arnart meth./ woman knows she'a pretty -. she srmlldn't he smart if she didn't. C rA novel Testn- 7 The ek,wn attached to a circus exhibition 'at Nashville. Tennes see. was on Wettneastil hat-drawn •bout the elimb6-,and lil>iif in • waah-lub, to %lia' a pair of peen *ere attached. The sublime spectacle seas rrilnessed by a large ero• d. ,r - Orr Saturday Andrew til`Ginty stabbed and instantly killed Thomas Shaveland. at Ilnnrrlle, I'a. Al'Ointy went into shave 1ne01.4 house with a bottle of liquor, and in r,ted him to tiring. Moreland refused and ordered 311Iinty to leave Ile went out but soon ref limed with a knife Ann committed the murkier, without uttering a word Shaveland died in three winutes. The ;nor drier was captured and lodged in prison The crowd wax prevented from lynching the prisoner. The Coroner 18 investigating the farts , 17 - An embassy of distinguished person ages from the Japanese ginpire have arrived in America in the U. E; Steamer, Pow ha tan by wny of it,mol,ll. and Aspiiival. This is the first embassy whit,' ever left Japan 'of any distant country, and speaks viliimeit favor of the eminentkit,iwicreasful fort , ign policy of our nations,' &ministration The strangers bring With them many valuable presents for the ' , mil ornaments and roller to thlt alsonnt of about SS° 9110 are nnid to form part of the magnill , ,ent peace-ollering of the gmperor. Tae embas sy is now m W;:iliiiighm,suni will proceed from thence to Philadelphia. New York, tun and all time principal cities on the Allan tic essitSt The revolt of this visit will pro). slily he a commercial treaty between Japan and the f lilted States, throwing open (o the trade of America the ports of that rich empire which have been to resolutely closed for centuries against all outside influences TM Most At. TO TM; VA:Nrl . 4ll6il —A nweting has-been held In Toronto, Canada, to get up a, lestimomAl to Torn Sayers—for not gluing up the tb the Benicia Boy. after haring been fairly lifigged by him, we suppose Dy the way, the following certall- Cate as in the Slate of the ci Champion's arm, frum the Surgeon's of St Thomas' Hos pital, London, Indicates plainly enough how thiffOrighly4hC wax Hogged ~ tlavtng examined Bi Sayers this day, we are of opt 111011, firma t e contused Mato of the mu.rf.w • tendons ile, inner bones of the right fore a rtn,,thrt lie will be unable to uwe that arm for two months a► probably more." The Republichns are preparing (or a fight at Chicago lion. Anson Burlingame, it is maid, will lead Young America and boar aloft the standard of Goy Banlsm Mr. Corwin takes charge of the Mc!man Practicala, while Mr. Blair heads forlorn hope fur Bites. Mr. V. Thayer reprementi, in part... Oregon, with mstructionm for WWI. Igen. Wilmot], wilh more impulmo than priulduce:will pitch in own hook for whoceer will win. Mr. Spaulding will represent Gov:Seivard, but under no.t met loom for We ed, lIIKNAN AND SAlrgBB. —The Stook Ex change, L o ndon, and the aristocracy of Eng land. generally, are paying handsome court to Turn Sayers for his great endurance under the sledge hammer blows of Heenan. They have made him up a handsome purse and run after him pretty much as the Aboiltion lets do after the nigger. Heenan In the,, meantime makes* fosual demand for the "belt," which is refused, andpeensn de mands another trial, but tharlwill not be granted. SENTICNOX OF RSV- J. B. J. S. ilarden, who wilurtephtlrnelffdere, N. J., and convicted of tnnider in the first' degroe. for killing hie wife nrith poison, was brought to court on Thnrsilsy for sentence. lie was greatly agitinetvid could hmdly stand. When asked why sentence should not be pronounced, he repliti with difficulty, 1 have nothing to any." 'The Judge then benteneed him to bo hung lon the 2131 h day of June, between the homy 0( 10 A. M., and 3 P. M. The Philadelphia Penneyamnion of Tues day says ''Nearly three *Weed and fifty of the pauper inmates of the elms house were dresses up in citizens' clothe,- and quartered in various parts of the eityd with a view of Voting to-day, the 'People's ticket.' " And thviditor published their mulies - in felt -- N. wonder Mayor Henry wears eleqed. The knonan and Sayan Plea. The eanada'smails brings additional par ticulats of the international prize fight.— The excitement seems to be on the increase. The London Times devotes its columns . to the controversy, and both the religious as well as the more worldly papers entertain their renders slth their opinions pro and con. Recently the subject was again allu ded to in.the Clouse of Commons, and led to an excited and angry discussion. The spor ting papers have an unexampled sale in consignence of the reports they contain in reference to this subject. The feeling of animosity between the titvp men and their adherents is greater than ever. The Ameri cans demanded ,the belt, and were hacked' by many 'Englishmen there, who belieyo Heenan did not receive fair play. Mr. ,Wilkes, of New York, on behalf of Mr. Heenan and the Americans (here, had addressed a lints; to the London Times. Mimeo went to the Times ollico personal ly to contradict the statement that he wits anxious for a draw. We are informed that he had en interview with the''editor of that paver. The result of letter was mostleorious; he was inundated with letters of every de- NCI Immo. The illustrated' paler which con tained the Arne:icon account wits returned lemirked with all NOrts of remarks, more foictlde than elegant many ream! co"' tamed, threats that if entered the ring again he should not leave it alive, and that they would !shoot t u rn like a dog. On the other hand, the eAitoi. of hell's Life has reteived letters frontilll parts of the United iGngdinn eontanurig remittances of inunenset amount for a tetditrittnual to liayers Ile Flid.iy morning the different seconds awl Wok, Nor .line millennia rttet at tide Ihe reporter of the London TIIIIII4. Mr. Dialing, the ref Tee and President of the railway which conveyed the-parties to the light, at Mr Sayers was thou.. his lace looksirg very well, lint his aiiii nit it sling Mr 11001(111 wag n o t thert•, although se saw him that morning unit ri ding, and appareudy,,,perfentir'wefi , —APhrl VllllOll4 patties „were evidently riot oil the most fiiendly terms. Sayers eyed the Amer ware; very savagely , and did not beein kis usual good spirits The President of the railway gave In his return, and the total amount of tickets sold proved to be seven 'hoicked and sixty, at 01a ergot trresmein, snows-it imverai forged tickets, and said there had been probably over one linudred used. This will account for the presence of 80 many pick pockew, The Americans 80fiered ranch from fiiese gentlemen The special artist of a well known American Illustrated paper, was, perhaps, the worst sufferer. W In'e be was busily engaged sketching—ono hand holding his book, awl the other his pencil—the thieves quickly and ilexterssnotly worst to work nod cleaned every pocket, from his watch to 1111 liOCket.))ook. 711 V to tal amount of money to be divided was $lO 263 --the railway keeping one hall, the either nerng thvidori between Savers and ileroen Maedonalil received 82,500 m gold lor Heenan. After having settled this business the fight he came the 81111jurt. Ileenall'S friends wanted the light to color. Intl this week. orl else the patty objeeting should lose The rules of the ring ore that the fight must cOllll . 011 within the week or all bets ee"tel be vertlidi Iwo Cr(' emirse the betters on irs. who hid bud their money twin to none against Wotan, desired to make fresh bets, as the odds coolii not be 8() great. The friends of Mr Sayers Hosilly preriuhxl upon Mr Dowling the editor of Bella Lute, to nen epl a CClllfirline Iron a phyourotto that Styr s area way 110 r in a condition to light, find to watt until it was well. The frierule Isthr;il firiulirtiOnLittn,P;vtid shin to limn, soil I hat such • coarse as was recriumende I was against all the rules of the ring 'fumy were, however, compelled to acrimesce. Mr Sayers took but little put m iii dis-us.,iori. None can doubt his I twat, ry or willingness to tight the moment he is in condition. lie Mays the blows which Heenan I, veiled at him were terrific , and that once when ills seconds lifted him hoot the ground lie could not see the ring or anything about burn Alan) of the friends of both parties sug gest. that Sa)ers shall present the belt to lleenan out of respect to him SS a brave ma❑, and for his pluck in coming across the Atlantic, and that afterwards shall give it back Mr. Heenan gang that may All be very pretty, but he ham been ft.:cased of want of courage, and he does riot intend to go hack without the Lek he came for j'he light will most probably he renewed, and that within two or three weekir We are very 'much afraid poor Torn will get the worst or it. The uwnber of per‘ens of rank who were at the llght was unexampled in a scene of that kind, The editor of Bella Life wl9 surrounded by these dwtm guished noble men, the Marquis of Stafflird being on hia . right. while the Duke of fjeatifort was on file left. Many of the Marie who were an nOeneed as being present have addressed lotto-let° the papers denying it, the Ear? of Eghotown being of that number. Two reit gious papers charge the Bishop of Oxford with being present : he is well known as being fond of sport, and therefore the mild': would dint be greatly surprised if tt shout() torn wit to be (roe. , Tom Sayers was received to day by the stock brokers, al-lieu Rol al Exchange, lie arrived t here at one o'clock P. M. The sceint„was quite skating, Besides the port ly and dignified moucYc4 man. who had a , sembled to.do honor in the representative of muscle, ther e w as an tlllmense crowd of the imperial HIRSH, who shouted until their hinge were hoarse. Sayl•ru • upon his arri-1 val, was presented with £lOO by the stock brokers of London, and £7O was received from the Liverpool Stock Exchange. Things Forgotten Mr. Worth, who got into limbo in a North Carolina jail, some months SIMS. for circu lating Ilelper's •Impending Crisis" and other incendiary publications, is now relit. ting his adventures to the Northern public, under a temporary leave of absence. The following facts were omitted from his ad• dress io the city of New York on last Sun- day evening : "Mr. Worth was enabled to loam° the State only through the interposition* of , two slaveholdera, who .signed his bail-bond, to the amount of $3.000 -and another Ave bolder drove him fin disguise) by a eircui• tous route to•the borders of the State." thou LIVING —starvation earths the res idents of Middle Tennessee in the face...,..The editor of the Nashville Christian Advocate , 3omplains that he has - to pay forty cents a pound for all the butter used in his family, and thought himself pittieTilarly fortunate the other day in getting a '•jack fish" for half a dollar. That. fish furnished him a breakfast, but he evit it is rarely he can afford to buy a cabbage or a salad for dinrier —.cabliagea and other light and nutritious vegetables hive Veen sadly neglected - try the Tennessee farmers. • Itituo front other dountieg. LYOOMINO COUNTY.—TEBRIBLN BRAINS BLOWN OUT —PASSIRDITATBD AOT NOT INSTANT DBATIL BUT SIX 110LIRS Or INTNNEIN AooNY.—The Gazette Nava : On Monday afternoon, about halt past 2 o:clocit. the citizens of this borough were thrown in to n great state of excitement by the suicidal act of a young man residing with Ins pa rents, on Market street, below Fourth. His name was John Egger, son of G. 1., and An nie Maria Egger. • Ile was bofn in Wtssem bum France, anti was twentpone years, eleven months and fourteen (lays old. Ile came from the eastern part of &rim, to this country. After living in Africa Ana, years, ho became tired of that country. and came to this place to Me with his father, who id w harbet doing blisinead in the base ment of Nlussina's budding, corner of Third and Market streets. Ile has been in this codntry seven months, and growing tired here. he shot IMnself, the particulars of whidn are as follows his mother was out of town and hip batter was at his limiltiess, when the young man asked the father for the ~key of the'tclotittE, which he obtained and proceeded immedi ately to it, on Market street, went, into a wood shed, and shot himself - through ittO fora head witlit,a Pistol the ball going into the rightglobe of the brain. It entered about half way ,up his forehead, abo've the right .eye 'fh'b report of the inittol was heard by several persons, whit. rushadAtt the spot of tregedy, and found the young Rllll in the lennibg against some hoards with. his imehead horribly dr ligumd, and a pistol ly ing within a few inches of bie feet, withont a•chaegcm it. Jhroh excitement -prevailed. and 111,1113 , of the eilizons soon convened to wiiness the sickening acetic Uri. Crawford and Logan were Immediatel y sent or. who had die body taken into the hoit.e They a a-died the blood and b, airs from his coal fore, 111111 made examinations as to the extent of iitory thine. 'Dice aseertanted .14111 d the Mmes sere broken and well shat tereil, awl LEAL the hall had belgeil in the pirdei tor part of the brain a cote...itrable ;pinion); of I/T.IIIIR entne sit 'flit: ph) ...visits remained with the victim • of suicide for sev eral hours, drea•a I and bound up the %tonna —the patient living apparently insensible -- Abont half past eight in the evening be ea t..., tor Mt mar 'grunters an - gaftpifigs tor breath. Ile dill not speak a wont after. he shot himself • • " Nlollllo7ts —A large number of Mormons passed through thilthfce, yesterday morning. on their way to ['tail. There were...even Wil hatitsport and Elie pneeenger ear, lilted with men, .011/en and children --roarer of the let— ter - anti three baggage cars folded with baggage. They were a peculiar I hiking par ty, Si (II el ail Ily )111111 , 11.1 . 1,1V all oat r the cars, and press rued rat It r a fi,it type ; m i n .., They stopped in•re long eitrolt.4ll to get thing to eat and then c left eta Willtato.;.ort and Elmira railroad, oil their wry to pill their baother %unions in 'alt, Lake City. - • • • • * Lannit Ktat i'"--Lieurge 11 Jones, of this place, had some rEtighalt pheasant chickens Imported some tithe since, by which he is supplied wit la reify large egga, one (rum the nullifier weighing three ounces and three drain. 'this is a —good eg1.1," and its e qual to hard to tine. 411 , 111 CLIP einusTr - Tqa Nrw The J.mrnal says :.. The requisite of sitwk haring be subscribed for the • litfarfielti Con , lllanit" . 4sl the other re qiiirtmients having (*ell complied with. the Auditor ti'efteral SIAS „huhu (I a certlfleqte. tivtoolt It tiled in the Reconler's (Ace in dila place and as 1.100 as the note-s can he pro cured. the bank will be fully org.iiimed and openi.ld for hirwne,o;. This is the first char ter granted under the new banking law, au there will necessarily be a hpi r delAy cei, up platen aim printing inim Tile mtork la all it the hands of cotizens of the counti. It is expected that the dank will he in oper ation in a short time. 4 13 n iucuial, , MARRIRD—Ots tbe 2d luet ,by lie. S J MILO, ell, of iloward, Ventre Co•nty Mr Philip Berry end Min Martha Criepen, both of Mill /fell Clinton Co ii) bit uarti. titan' fn Bellefonte, at the resi.leit- of her mother, on Monday. April 231, ISOO, after„,a lingering illness. JANN M , daughter of Frederick and Jane 11. Wheeling, in the 2lith year ol tier age. One after another is clasped in the cold embrace of the grim monster, and borne into the narrow limit of the grave. Young and old are indisoriminately cut down, and alternately children are left to mourn the loss of parents long venerated, and parents to weep over the tomb of their early depar ted offspring High and low . , rich and poor, young and old 'Jinni WI in obedience. to the immutahle decree, ehat•all met eate ! But occasionally the shafts of death seem to be most unfortunately directed. So it was in'tlie present instance. The deceased was the support and comfort of an aged mother, who in now left to linger out her few-remaining years in the sad recollections of the LeaderileM of a devoted daughter. - But, the sweet assurances of the Bible will be her slay and comfort, and when she thinks 01 JANK la Can look upwards and say, "my daugh ter) in In ilenven, corminn. gling with the society of the good who have lone before, and then in a few mote year, at most I will he permitted . to join her, and throughout the eternal year of God, we can sing praises together." The enter of this inadequate memento of what site was.,_had the pleasure of a long acquaintance with Miss Wheeling, and he knew her but to es teem her many noble qualities of head and henri. All the attributes that elevate and adorn the human mind seemed to be concen trated in her, and ale apparently lived but to comfort and cheer those who were depen dent uppn her. Honest to a fault, she would have scorned at all times *4 set that could not command the complete ap proval of her sensitive conscience, and pa rental veneration, the' noblest imptlse of the human breast, had ~..omplete possession of her nature.. A nobler 'girl never-plowed screen the stAge of human action, and while we drew the veil over the scenes of her de parture, let us endeavor to emulate her good deeds, and to be as well prepared, when the Dna' summons comes for us, to meet mar Lord and our master. She attached herself to the Protestant Episcopal Church when but fourteen years of age, and from that time till her death was a most devoted member. She was never absent from her place in the House of God when it was possible for her to be there, and she died in the complete fait) of the "power oreiod through Jesus Christ, to two sin. oars.", 1310311.1178 SALE By virtue of a writ of VendituAl E s pou s e lamed out of the Court of Common Pleas of Centmeounty, and to me 'directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the Borough of Bellefoote,cinThuns day the 13th day of June,lBBo, the following described property, to, wit AU th• right title and interest of defendent, Wm Underwood, in and to the following describ ed resleetede, 'lterative and loMof ground bound. ed andolsseribod es follows, -is The Unionville Nth property, bounded on the east by kends of ir hi:P. Nailer, north by mill race of said proper ity, adjoining the town of Unionville, hese Illek in, este Underwood,'seatit by bald Eagle Creek to lace of beginning, with • grist Mill and old dwelling thereon erected, (new dwelling of Cyril/ Jeffries excepted) containing tweedy acres more or tem. "" • , ALSO : Sit, tots, or parts of lets. of ground ei town of Unionville, on Main *met, and in the plot of mid town on lots No. 10. 27 and part of lot No 90 in Chestnut street. • ALSO: ' One tract of land Waste in Rush township, Cen tre co . surveyed le the name of John Louden, eom taming 431 acres adjoining hinds of 11. A Pren • tine 9SI tin Rot& __ . --.. . 'I - ALSO :• One other tract of land situate in Rodhltrimneklp "Centre co. surveyed in the name of Jibe ,W'hlt pu an.coateliOng 3.33 acres odod °Oho north, by U. A Prentice., and ad joi ning the above ALSO: One ofher4rael of land Mosta In Rush toernship, Centre oo . furveynd in the mime of John !Track bill, Containing 436 nerve, adjoining lands of John 1:ouilco. ALSO One other tract of teed, tritest* In Itnph towarlilp, .u ,,, Litd in tie name neastertien Ham ennittin. Lig 492 acres. aed adjoinin th e Brack bill tract ,ALSO : One ether Irani of Issid sitaalw in Rash township, surseral in (tie name of Christian flare, contain to.g 426 acres, &Jinni A L's& SO the Christian Hare tract O t te (Abet treetreitatatel to Rilelt 14.otehip *titF•er PA 10 the 1,11,1110 of Jacob Welt, e.tet ',tete; 21; sere+. wirenteg the abet, described it let A 1..54 ()Or of her tract Ifif Ogle in litcogh toitlllatip. SU? I eye , ' in the 1.1111:10 I;c.,_wft netstrianA Ihr aelf4taing the Shore 4e.7ribed tract ALSO (Inn other trail Pitnato to re•.•l In tier ton, of 111.1.1 111-sre. r•... tinitt4 utr• .111i1 :Opining the shore lcicrzbcl tr.t.el ALSO. One other tract of land situate in Rurh tnwn•hip surveyed in the name of Andrew Pink eentath Arq SiAacres amt Atipipting the David Ilaro tract Clitfl One other trieteltunte In "Knelt township end surteeed in the noose nrChristion /*tank e-tetert ing 131ectee, and adeening the Andrew Shenk tract OEM an.. o ther tract Nit ler• in Kush t...rostqn •o r v 41,1 to the anunt—.l . „. minß 4,3 &errs orl ..(rasing. the Christi.srt thinklrrert MEC One other tra.•t toner• An It nab 00, p •tor reyed on Ow tome .4 Lain II•n I e elt 1.1 n; rrrrr nl.wljvonin; (be Christian lt•.hrrr irou Itnrho•lr r ham , tract IBM (Inc nthnr trlel outtl.ta In Oto4ll town.latp. rut 4-.. rent In the rime 4Alerander H—,te enaramtnr 219 ner,‘ en,l wijoieinfi the 2fieheol sh,hk trot At.Sl' I O n , other tract of laud .itinate in Ft nab tbwoihip ii ourviive.i in the tome of --4Lemliev 4.13 Rotel adjoining Intin Louden tfracki , iii and ea her/. wed bounded Kenerelly by Lode of II Prentine on the north by Role, others oil the 'tett and J Thinrnymein (blitz an 4 nth. n o n the wind. end east, t win which ere erect I wet S cam San Mills, with draiti. A bowie soil other buildings taken in eirtientioatiniii to be son - oiii t ierty n(1911110E1 trieileriennii. Tf(o 4 )4 Sheen Olyien TlellednMe t May IT 1811 ORPHANS' CO - URT SALE. Y 'virtue of un order from the O rt.lta,, • B'Nutt or Cf.n.re County the Gal.,* int pr ,- ert the ortete or Wendell Ilarthomerr deed of Walker township, Castro Co rrilirket allowed to aide on Thateday, the litb day ft lune neat, to wit' rerisin traet of law{ eontaiolnz op* hoorlrel, noel twenty T hree Sete, sad one bilitalro4 411. r twenty i.e,. percher, bounded on tts• North tr• lands of Henry kfcgsren and John kfltler, oast by lent,. of Jews Swart,/ and Jersa i dak flaart, or , the *oath by lands of Mr Page's/tau, and wart by lends of Drekl Volans on which are ereeted 3 two story frakie house, bank bore mad net build lop OEM A nrrther tract containing 49 net 99 jo.reh , bounded on the north by lands belonging 1, Heels Pornsee, on the *an by Immix h.longiog t Dwnlnl E m .ei•h and Preolerick Slichtby's hoire. on the S,ntb hy 1.,1, of p.AI4 V.pr.rirl, and we.f by boots of Jefinn Swart& on Rhlch are er. , • toy, dwelling hour. frame barn, saw nail AIM other out "Kidding. A LCf) A noth•r tram of land con/air...4 nue sere and neon perchei, hounded by otter land, n( said dee'd . lands .1 , D1F.i..1 Enicrick awwl IA ielnoa oo which it creole& log dwelling bus* sn•l Amino otobio NEM Another trod' onland coat:lining twente-naa *erns and forty perehes hounded on the north by of b., lamb of said intestate east by imam went b♦ lands of Mr Ftletmaa, and west by lauds of D • 'rid i'artada. OEM A nother tract of NM containing tantaty-sla sole and twenty-sit: perefies and allowassate, lying ed the foot of Nittany Mountain. awl bounded/PT lands of Henry Markle or. the north, east by land of Henry McEwen. south by land a John darner , tnti weal by Wiwi J.Ain Millar, Isiah appar . W: of whieh several tree. of 1 , 114 ire situated in Walker township atrinnesid. Isle to eoatianace at IO o'cinek, P Tasna•—One-itail Ohs pause fillussal , ea Odds merlon of the as.e, the residue la Ma year %ere after, with interest, to he secured by bond and mart( age TH01111143 •Y, Trustne. May.l 7 '6O-4 s. - - AFFLICTED BEAD Dr GOLDSMITH, No 42 Sistk_ianart user Smithfield. Pittsnorg, Pa , cUR conlinami to be consulted on all diseases* a PRIV ATE or DEL ICATE NATURE From a long coarse of study and practical experience of wurimiled client. Dr. U has the gratification of Ermsenting. the unfor tunate with resnolles tblt — bare never fated to cure the meet ing onset of tionorrbrig and Syphilis. Donal is treatment. all tha *Wring of Ven•raal and fm re Rioo4 Scrofula- Meets, Painsoni Dlttrem or fiammetlenisf the IlladdsV and K iilneys, Memo. . Humor Prightfed Snell ing% and the long train ( horrible trimptome hb Goading this clue, of do es are made to become an harmless as the aimple Glings of a child. SEMINAL WEAKN —Dr G devotes suticirof his attention to the sus caused by a poet add oolitic ruins the hody sled mind, entitling mite individual for other business an&iasideity.- Some of the sad and melancholy edema prance& h► these early habit• of youth ere. Weakness of the back and lintbs,,Palpitatioanf the ileartiD_Yo' .pcpaia FerVoll/111/1. Coommaptirm, Mo. The fearful effect,: on the mind.artranuee to be dreaded, via : Lou of memory, confleion of . Nese, depres sion of spirits, evil forbodinga *verde.' tneoetely„ self distrust, timidity. ate., are the evils produced Such persons, before phithaf marriage 'Mould consult a person et skill aeon experience and be ki tees restored to keeiarleld happiness Ague and Fever eared, ppd warn* t a d, All letters tontelning a fee. suil i = m, 4 o Dr UOLDSMITH, Pa.,will sea. odd" tendon, and medic:lmM brwarded seal,. bile served in, and • cure guarantied. The allekteat seeorey 0 .1 .?111/611 in all oases Lir Don't forget the plsoe, No. 42, Blxtb 'beet, Pittsburg. Ps. Nay. 17 'BO-Iy. NEW TAILORING EBTAILIEINNEN'T. i`rho undersigned respeetfuliy informs the °Maras of Bellefonte and Tinfoil, that he has aommeneed the Tailoring Badmen In all Its various branches at Ms shop on Blebs) street. directly over the °Mee of ,the De moeratlo Waldman Baring a long lesperlenne In diakon al nem be Matters himself that russets manufao 'tared at his eatabilshment willisolapare favorably with those manufactured at any similar eshatdiab • ment either in Bellefonte or elsewbenr. Uis pri ces ire mod**. Oash or Ckisetry mews taxi° to eaahanue for work. May 17,-am. JOHN NOLSII• klkit • L1:.4 J.HE Commissioned .otErsirs of the 14th Division. U. P. M., will moot in Oonsondon is LEWISTOWN, op W , the Ski day Of MAY, to ,detipeate• OD the U 0.4 Sops for holding •nalltery Eneampmeet. J. W. ORAWFOAD, MAI Gan. 01r: U. p. Y. IE2