M VAS twitesame,. N. N OR KI.S Agl) J. S. 11A,INWART, CD (TORS 11F,LLEFONTE, PENN'A THUR DAY, DEC. 22. Hla Agents for the Watchman. The following gentlemen are Ithorire.l Ind will Please net as Agefitn for the Deinoct nth. Watchman, in procuring Sit toicri hers, Art vet in rig Ac , and receipt r ng fur ill's same t Ilenhslos rg —Janson Ulenrr Farm School—.lnter W Cruinrioe, Jr ^C , Fliberelwarg—nnn 5 Strhheeker Unionrillo—ll It Huston \Voice Store—Thomas Wolf hdtpaiiurg—Hon C. It. Foster illlseim—AlmtwAlocritolot Pinegrone— Ale render Sample Nitta.ny—lsrael Shaffer Mountain ilng,le—Capt II Dopps Howard —ll.rleer %Veber Plentwit linp —.I it loinrinsore Mitclbutg-,1 S Prpiolfoot Snow Shoe—Win Holt Ihi gale Ito n—o Herne Engle Forge—lt W Barnhart, lletch Creek--m-ounin Lingle • pallltOson -Copt J A tinnier Centre 111111 Wolf Eton —3d reliant Sh a ffer Spring - Jared II ' , wilier Witlker W Th. All iron Eat Roll of Honor, tVe feel grateful to 11111 y of out subsori -14.14 for tin it I ilicrilily and patronage We suieriely thud. them for the unrouragement they have tra•ardits hit On re are till cri a Lo halt not ttttore,tt 1111 oral a spirit. Wki Allall noon commence filth toiume or the 10einoc, title Vi at. and still there are ninny vritiserttwr4 who have yard trtnotittm—. will cintiiiiie ra — riot fqr ns to Inter nine Pt cunutry ina. It ri dell not prnnit OS to tOICIFttIi the ,1,111111111iliC) 11111 ill [DMZ') We have teen ht %Arnie of a 7,/,,t, and //.n list, to reinnly the et 1.1. lof in the first place nLall give (ler) one 'the oi • portunityof c 'lroning liih name ilia list of cash paying sulihritlier4 Any person, ply mg either 511104,1 liilll,ll or joh true k heti\ viii 1111, and the end of the st 001. t\ttlt of Itte Jan nary I . olllt, 113Ve his 11111111` att.i. tn.] to the white list, alit 1 %% hi. li our t itlise in re gard to a h.'ar4 list shall he gotclutd ac COrd:ngly . The Charleston Convection The day designated by the N tunnel rein ounce for th , assembling of the Dtmo•ratie National Cony( is call er by scut r. 41 weeks flan It hat been usual fin that body to assemble. The Conventions at I:altimore and l'iminnati, in 1852 and 1" , '01, were Ind.' In the first a cek of Jule Th ion at Charleston is, however in a lati LIP'. •-•/ 644= South sa 'n make rim earlier il.i) proper, regard being hail to the comfort and health of the delegates and Mhori Who ho in attendance. It is 1110',Ibie also that other considerations have had w, ight ‘ki.ll the committee, in iletet minim; upon the time for bringing the , onvi ntion to 7, , the r The deep interest in Tiestioni elf o,t;lig our national welfare, the conflicting opinions en tertainerl respecting caii , lidates of h,UI of the'great pnhu al pt r. is 1 to n s -ti ..r n witii the importan , :e alts , hntl to tin action of the eenvention to meet at (1)rrl sum all go to urge an early meeting ,t 1 t l r it the y the platform or prilivll,l , 4 11111111 will' - 'h the compaign n In he (ought may be known and understood, aria the Harm' of the r;ta inlard bearer fur t: r.• early emitt 111,, Ilt. dto OW people Bill little over filar Monti, fi main fur poeitnrit tit, and we nay I 1.,_1111 ac tive movement nn the part frtetek of the re spective candidates 'Pie '2 \ptl I All be an important day 111 the I)Nn'lCratl , tal andel —a day I rao itti tuip ntant tutnite to the future of that orgainzttorn, and we may, with pr, , ,,titty a Id, to th, country . . The :nst Central Prooi ha, takcn Its pntii liar. m Incur Or on , llon A 6 rum, ' rui Governor. One year ago, we predicted such would he the course of Consistent ti,orge ui prnciple,notu 111,st:wiling his repeated decla rations of atilt, i nig to the It ino, laty neito,l of polities We knew. the olyete for u the Central Press had been ts'aidthlie4l. and endeavored to caution our ri eler, against its Black ILepeiblican proclivities. The truth of what we then uttered, can he no longer questioneek. Consistent George is now in the front rank of the enemy, where die is marching forward to the Gubernatorial con flict, rolling tit:aeon under his tongue as a sweet morsel. Ile ties ■t length stepped from behind the thin viil with which tie sought to cover up his pretended Democracy., a lull-blooded rampant Illack Republican.— Ilis insidious treachery to the Democratic party cannot bo doubted Whether tol. Curtin will add anything to 1111 political prospect from the laudation of so unscrupu lous a politician, is yet to be getermined There is nothing more certain, than that Consistent Ge irge, guided by the innate principles of his nature, will prove an un certain pilot, on the turbulent sea of a !gub ernatorial contest. We shall take occasion to curer to this subject more at length at auother Woe. =SEM The accusation against Dr. J. Q. Ayer, of Lowell, for stabbing IL. S. Fay, Jr , the Treasurer of the Middlesex Mills, has been withdrawn because the prosecutor found that no complaint against him could be sustained. Thelact is that Dr. Ayer merely defended, himself as best he might. with a penknife he happened to have in his hand, against a cowardly assail mole on him from liellind, with the premeditated intention to dishonor and punish him for the exposure he has made and is making of the wrongs practiced by the °Moors upoomporiour nianulacturingcorpor scions. This community not only upholds the Doctor's slcedeaetul defence of his poi son, but it heartily approves his course in publicly denonncing the Tie it rude Fam ily managemint- -the abus a of our public property for private ends. Dr. Ayer's Wed• :cones, however valuable, are not all for wtueh tite.tuause aiii our people huld hum in regard.—Blaion //crab/. " Union Savers, " This 13 the favorite tom of derision em ployed by certain newspapers which for years post have been propogating treasona ble sentiments disguised by ingenious soph istry, throughout the land, and - hatching a brood ofotccelitrio philosophers possessed of one idea and that a wrong owe. These jour nals, says the Juurnaliol• CoiMini - il-71111've become fully-persuaded that the salvition of the country is confided peculiarly to their care, and that they have-received some spe cial commission—either from on high or by virtue of nature's inspiration --to confer lib erty upon Ilse oppressed in these, United Statan 'they have ',rests vett in malign'ant denunciation of all (101;111* from themselves in opinion, inflaming large communities Wall senseless animosity, till nothing short of actual war fare would give satisfactory ex pression to their insane teal. These same organs of Abolitionism have as diligently la bored to bring contempt on the decisions of the Supreme Court and the enactments of Uortheks—some of them, with the avowed object of breaking up the whole federal sys tem in hOplo of are construction such as they feel fully competent to arrange. Well, matters have at length advanced so far that ,blood has actually been shed,"and the whole country is stirred up its foundations.— mvn pi all parties manifest a fear that an alienation will grow tip beta ism sister States for which their can be • no tffectual recoiled lotion) Yet the editors M %Omni we have t, - fel red allect to look on with perfect COllll/09- , tire. They can 14 • 1111C'ii the raTging flames kr:illed by themselves, and continue'llie si rut song which lull; into fake security, like the a iley insect that buzzes around its prey oil sings while it stings They tell you John Brim 's IfIVII , IOII was nothing. ridicule the feais nlnch it ie•casiontil, mak to divest the liiiii•ble transaction of its significance, fused that the art it as instigated by a nut MAO, and at the same twit, pronounce lum a .'•hero," and apologise for Ins MUM. - • 'tilt the hypocrisy or all this was uncoil srimislj hat rayed by their own partm tus live:, bell that inns tolled in honor of John throw n, every gun that was fired snit every Inn Lhr demonstrator made on'that eventful day of the execution, proe'ainied that he was a lepreselitaiive man the exponent of a that this principle uas in viol, ii an; agmil sin 'A the Ciolerninent or the I rut, it States—and ghat foie, that the alit tors of lilt; high han d . d It ova' inust lie cvllt-1 upon for a ili,a‘iivrAl of (lieu compile oi be compelled to take upon themselves the reseonsibility of its consequences It is at tin, pm:tore that the country has aniveid . -thtri wield period whir n the sympathizer; a it li John thrown must repudiate their firm on the floor of (:'0114128%, or Minify brew 011 disguise anti declare themselves re/obit:ow-As of the School of Robespierre. No wonder, then, that dt inonstrations of .• abhorrence " are T....iron( ly distasteful in itonic quarters, for there is dinger of a popu• ulai recreation of great political significance Witness the wild contortions of the 'tribune how it_ fulminates ioiitmns of IttAlbe, Stab ut personalities, against citivens of irre prolchable character and statesmen ilistin guishe,l for their wisdom, purity and patri otism. The tune has come, and they know it is hen Abolition headers Host. either beat back the waves of an entrapsd public sen timent, or be swept away 'l'he exigency employs every nerve -exhausts every re ...ice l'he great pul.ty al dogma, so plaus ible in its pretenses, under which many have ralli..l for —freedom," li is proved to be an lion —a tniserald, Shinn and delusion able fur the realizstion of its oil beets, and wanting in everything. except power to lii sluee mischief luere Was 'reason to appreb ind serious ft um the lobo Brown nit asion. but set have hope that it may be oveirlilLe I. ) a be Proi id, fir the good of the Daum.. The old sore ha t been healing op I and is now broken, and the virus is Lich ran kled iii the political sj stern has opportunity to it.schaige. The l rube can be used now more hopefully than if there Ltd been longer J. lay The case, how ever, demands the ex ercise of consuinumte 'sit un on the part of the N oth, and at the South there is need of SIR , itl forbearance The latter„ if wise, will r, frartt from retaliation and reprisals, or any proceedings which w,ll seem to justify the.hostility of Abolitionists Or tend to ton ,it rass the frietek of the ['mon in their pi. endeavors , for crc long, the voice of the North will reverberate from the granite hulls of New Hampshire and the prairies of the West to the Keystone of the federal arch, convincing the most doubtful that the free Slates are still true to the Corstitution, and that the ir silence heretofore cannot right fully be construed as approbation of great public wrongs II the positao , l if the Nort h appears equivocal to the southern mind, rt cannot remain so much longer Moreover, the position taken by patriotic men, the no blest of whom Atnerica can boast, will have a prodigious elLict in tonight.; Pan( I e.:resiit individuals to Vim fealty Demagogues and philosophers have had their Way lnn enough and have brought things to a very pretty viiss. "Union Savers'"will now interpose and do what they can to repair the dams- At a meeting of the Teachers' Association of Potter township, on Saturday t h u Igth inst., at Centre Hall, atie following rasolL t ions were passed in reference to the meet ing of the Centre County Institute . Resolved, That we consider the selection of Unionville, as the place of meeting for the approaching Centro County Teachers' Insti tute, an imposition upon the teachers in Brush and Pu mu; valleys Ite , olreil, That since the Unionville side of the mountains have Lad the benflt of the Institutes in its loeaturrifor several successive years, we think that this side of the County were fairly entitled to it for the present year, and further, that we helnivo the teachers of 1.1118 and every other part of this County have a right to be heard to regard to the lo• cation of the Institute. The Georgia House of Representatives has paased a bill hillciting the penalty of death on any white person who shall procure a slave to commit an °Hence which by -law_for leits the life of the :!ave. XXXVIth Congress—First Fession WASHINGTON, Dec. 15 SRNATK.—The Vito President announced that the xpecinl committee, under Mr. Ma son's resolution:Au inquire into the circum stances attending the invasion of Ifarptr'A terry, had turn appointed. The coininittee consits of Messrs. Mason, Davis, Vollatfich, Fitch and,Doolittle. Mr. Pugh (Ohio) submitted a resohilion, which hes over, instruating the Committee on Territories to inquire into the expediency of repealing so much 'dile act for the or• ganization of -the ;tet ritorial government of New Mexico and Utah, es requires that all laws passed by those Territories filial! . 30 submitted to Congress for approval or re jection. Mr. Mallory (14a) gave notice* his in tention to hitt - mince a hill $p regulate and met ease the pay of the navy. The Semite then proceeded to the election of a Chaplain. Cu the first ballot there was no choice. The SONMIi ballot resulted in the election of Rev. Dr. Curley, who reeCived 35 votes out of al. Several petitions were presented, ...when the *nate adjourned till Monday next. 111111.1 K OP REPRESENTATIVF:9 - -Mr. Val landighnin remarked chat the courtesy he extended to others at all tones, he was re solved to eXact for honselt, at every hazard . and therefore, last (waning, lie had n right to expect the courtesy of an adjournment, as he did not then wish to, riddre:,s the !louse. Ile repeated what he had.saul, that the man who had endorsed Helper's book, containing inPurrechimery sentiments, and inteniled to sow the seeds of discord and strife tied civil war, was not lit to be Speak er or a member of dos House. The gentle man (lion Virginia, t Mr Nhllson,) the other day, went tardier, and said such a IF an watt net.iit to live ; vet the Republicans received this remark as mute as fishes and as gentle as lambs , and they must regard the obser vation from tutu not as mcliace. but the so ber truth. Ile had been served with a no- urn (torn the Republican side that they were leternuned not to listen to any further re mark,: from Intn. For dm, he did not care. Ile would tell thin the country twill its Meath in mi,pen,e, and listem4 to the alight. it n ord n Inch falls from the lips of the g,co th•wer) lo re pre4etit 'Chili Uut.,u had twin threatened. Ili on copied t position of neutrality. Ile was tint north rn man, /111 , 1 hail 110 sympathy, and very little good feeling, for the North. lle %%as bound tort by 110 ties whatever, except by the slrimgest of all ties - a CIIIIIIEIOO lan cnage. and a common country ; tint all was he a nu ithern man with Mt them 1,161 , 11 , 1 es Ile watt a United States Mall, with United Slates Finciples Ile was for gut mg the south all that belonged it—the fogiti%e slave tart. the right to slavery in 'the Ti iiitormii, and xhatever rights tilie Con stitution confers Our fathers made this compact and they would yield to it, not a grudging, but a heady (udience ui a'l its points. Opplause lle Ha, nut a pro sl,v,ery man nor i 11011 pro-thvery /DIM but hail a strene main . ..remit. on (he subject - Ile thought he occupied the constitutional 'ground of our fathers, in a hose days the •pcnple were animated by patriotism, and ad not, as sours have now an anti slavery Ile 1, an anti-slavery Bible, and an antrala veiy Constitution. Be avowed himself a western man by birth, sentiment and education • while at the same time he avowed Imnself a constitu tional nta•t He said Mr Corwin had been aletailed to lend the forlorn hope of the and to be .hut dun n at the Mala koff be could never conquer. The next cen sd,i tt ould show that the valley or the M issis sappi has is majority of the people of the country, w Ito Vkpilld adMllll:,ter a gore it, meld fur the benefit of all People hate lent theuaselven tut) long to the North to make a cause against start ry, and help to fight for north, rn masters, who, if successful with Seward or any other Republican, would divide the spoils among themselves They would not listen to the voice of patriotism Let tin in lie governs d by self meuf,ei t . let them l.•ty ItBll It their 11 , 1 not be western secuonnh-•ts lie dispdsed them as much for their ter% day to the North as they could dispise servility it others in the SW/ ill. • lie 'tame now to speak of a 'painful and Idli •ult hubject disunion—wind' had he •.nne as fainilhar as the must onlinary words mr salutation. There was not a day but they heard the eroa6my a of the raven and it, neelenfOl, and ihrgelike wail lie would tell gentlemen the do' trio , , that Mr tiewar hail declared in the roan,, of his r marks it, against disunion now and forcvir - -la In Id lo une l 0100, one COW4II.IItIOII And one destiny, a loch could not he fultllli d rept as a until people. and by the munch ate, total and unconditional destruction of, the sectional and anti Ala very Republican party. [ Applause I r - After some fui Ater dismission, t h e House pioeeeded to a handl, for Speakt:r, with the lullowntg re,alt Sherman, I 111 ; Boeuek, 8 , , 22; salt ring. 9 ; ta , ressary Lo a choice, 114 On thui ballot, Messrs. 111,kinof New lark Hickman and Schwartz of l'unnaylvaina, went over to Sherman.— This action was notch applauded. Mr. Bonham obtained the floor, but gave way to Mr Winslow, who ptoponed to take another vote, and then adjourn, so that Mr Bonham would have the floor to-mourrow ; which was agreed to The House tto n pro ceded to another vote, when Sherman and 110 cock each re ceived the same number of votes as before ; Ulmer, IH ; se.ittermi.; 13 Adjourned. On the itStli the House again proceeded to vote for Speaker. Preliminary to taking a vote, the roll of the House was called =1 Sherman, IS )cock, (Miner, Scattersng, W hole number, Necessary to a choice Another ♦ote WRS anxiously demanded. Mr. Winslow, of North Caro -tea*. gested an adjournment till Monday. Mr. Gilmer, of North Carolina, then with drew his name as a candidate, and returned thanks to his friends who had complimented him by their votes, lle felt, in no less a de• gree, coinplintentby the votes of gentle• men with whom ha my much disagreed politically. lie nominated Mr. Roteler, of Virginia, and thought from the indications, and a corresponding action on the Demo- cratic side, that his nominee could be elect ed Speaker. [ Applause. I The House then proceed to the SIGHTII BA L.1.0t Shermap, %cock, Bolder. Scattering, Whole number, Necessary to a choice On motion, the house then adjourned itallotii.g has been'going on from day to day, but up to the present time no Speaker has been eledea. Tile PAY, or Mpainiits.—lt is stated that the Secretary of the Treasury refuse!, to pay members mileage and salary though appro priated, on the ground that no evidence of membership exists till a Speaker's certificate 13 furnirlied. PER, PASTE it SCISSORS ay Coming —the Holidays. • Chanicable—the weather. 37 Why is killing beeslike a confession I Because you unbua um. • P ",mil Ile whose soul does not sing. need not try-to whistle with tis throat. fry Returned—the Senior' after an absence of over two %Melia, Wegt of 'Bib inatanius. ry PhilosophY triddiplis cattily ose'r past and futon; evils: but preient evils triupipli over philosphy. lrY Don't expect to be called a good low p moment longer thin you bonsent to do precisely what other people wish you to do. irTe - A thriving trade has been driven at Harper's Ferry in dohs ]]rove ICH pikes. An buterprising mechanic manufactures them to order. [i7 A young saw-bones, haying courted a girl for a year, and got tho mitten, turned round and sued her father for ' visit.s" he paid her. Sotnebody . rays that • 'snoring is the sikuasineous es , mpe of those maglitiant feel ings which the sleeper %Is nO time to vent when,i,,wake." ffl Advice to young men—Jive tempet ately—go to church—attend to your affairs --love all the pretty girls-inarry one of them live like a man, and die like a Christian There are large plantations of peantits in California, and the article will be emit uallyexported in voftinilerarble quantities.— The Senior in making preparations to eint• grate. Tho Meanest Dan in tho world in in London. Ile buttons his shirt with wafers, and looks at his money through a magnify ing glass to make hall-dunes Wok as big ad quarters. The only liberty eitp;" sap a learn ed and natty ittOtpl , „!•is jhoo!filit oer, lgs men visit, one-third of their lives, t h e laud of sleep the only land where they are free and equal /- tiers. Henry 1) Foster has nate') a letter to a Itading, Democt at of Reading:Ps, , ‘lithdraa nig his naine`froni before the Dem ocratic Convention as a candidate for the liovernorship. • r A Scotch parson, praying after a flow cry younger brother had preached, said lord blessthy, young hervant, and with thy great wisdom prick him with thy Spirit and let the wind out of him " 3 - 7 - It is said that a girl at Shoelmryness was &ruck dumb by the firing of a canon. Singe then a number of married men have invited the artillery to crone and discharge their pieces on their premises. ,T hey. Ilenry A. Wise, second son of the present Clover! . Or of Virginia. occupies a high position among the pulpitiorators of his age le is pastor of the " l'hur.:ll of our S3N our,''l to West Philadelphia Olio of the night sentinel-, at Charles town l'a , iv reported by th;• cormtpontiont of tho Dal amoro Atncrizan, to have been a ft:lldt. May not atone, end .-.manly pant boy .15 to go out with tuna anlst.t,plf,r two hours 7 - ..Ma, thP truntster say, last Sunday, that spark, dew opwar•l 1 " es, my dear , how came you 'to th uk of it f" Ile , atthe e,terilay 1 gam, co.,sto Sall, , - Staggcrjuig down the TA, ect, nod fall dowuward.'r ^"J"' Ain ' t exeeptton to your law about punclimg a fellow 7 ' said a scamp to a pvlF. .• No sir ; no exceptions 'what ever " • Now )0(1 , 4e, I guess your :ire ems taken 9nprio4e. fax instance. I shonhl bran• dy pinch a man, what then f•'' No Ict•ity in Court sir ' 1" Deeds executed iti this State Inuit lie recorded within six m mlhs, otherwise to be deemed fraudulent and void rightist subse quent purcharsers or rnortgag-•s for value unless recorded before the deed under which the purchaser Cillllll4. 7 -See Pardon's 1)s grlt. ^—/- A young tyro m declamation in a ntighboring seminary, who had linen told by hin teacher that he mast make gesture.; ac cording to the donee. In commencing a piece a ith Tha oomst lifts its fiery tail lifted his coat-tail to a horirontal posi rjAt one time when the Rev Mr Peters was preaching, a young man started to leave the house, and making some noise as he went, Mr. Peters paused, and said, " I will finish my discourse when. that young man gets out." The fellow very-x.eally took his seat and said, "Then it will be sometime be fore you get through!" qt . There is a place in New Hampshire where they never have any old mauls.— When a girl reaches the age of twenty•nine and wain on the la dder of expectation, the young fellows club together and draw lots fir her. Those who escape pay a bonus to the one who gets bee. Qj "Perhaps, Brothor Johnsithan does carry his hands in his pockets," said a drawl ing Yankee, in dispute with an Englishman, but all the difference between him and John Bull is that Brother Johnatlian always has his hands in his own pockets, while John Bull has his in other people's. 06 K 6 36 0 Q - " Did 1 not give you a flogging the other day ?" said a school-master, to a tram. bling urchin, "Yes, sir," said the boy. "Well what do the Scriptures 6sy upon the subject ?" "I don't know, sir," said the boy, "ex cept it is more blessed to give than to re ceive!' 111 83 25 9 TY" " A country editor is "giving boots" td a rival town and among other Raney things says that, "it takes several of their pigs to pull a blade of grass ; and they ate so poor that the foremost seizes the spear in his mouth, the balance having taken each other -by the tail, when they give a pull and a strong pull and a pull altogether, and if it breaks the whore turnblo to tho ground for want of sufficient strength to support them. It takes three or four of them to make a shad I,.Atte fed recap of Cook and Coppie• C ARIASTOM NI, VA., MC. 15. .1t 8 O'clock this evening,) twd of the 1 condemned mistimes, Cook and Coppie, es- • citped:acati pit and were fired upon by the 1 sentinel, and Oriven back to prism. They are now in the custody of Sheriff Uatnphell. The prisoners hailtonnited the jail Wall, when Oh wet e desclied by the sentinal ' the outside, Who immediately gave the alarm' and fired upon theiii. They had sawed their manaelea liswider with the blade of a Barlow . knife, which they had concealed, and made, into a fine saw. It is ascertained, from their confession, that they have been engaged in, preparing for their escape during the last ten days. They made p hole in the wall near the window, which they concealed kith' paper, hiding the bricks they removed under' the bed. Upon the alarm being given.. they made no reiestanee, but surrendered as soon - as they discovered, by the shot of the son tinul, that they were detected. The event has produced the utmost excitement here, r and all are on the alert. Major General Tali-1 aferrn is directing everything in person, and will maintain an uninterrupted supervision of affairs until after the e*ocurion. We do not apprehend any further difficulty. s r,co 1/I:4I'ATCII The prisoners no* say-that they' mot the shackles oil their, feet by sawing them with an old Ettnre, and then forced the bars. A mistitidergtanding occurred several days Igo between flan. Taliafeleo and the jaileir in regy to placing sentinels Mendel. the '1 he jailor claimed the right to have but own men. The General gave way to hint, lint placed a guard on the outside, which ha% thus prevented the escape of the prisoners. Cool; says Its could have made his escape had he jumped ildien and throt tled the sentinel. EXECUTION" OF THE INSURfIENTS CIIAI . I.I.ESTIIWN,. VA , the 15 'rhe ilegroes, Shield '3 ()reel) and John Copeland, have Just paid the forfeit of their lives The crowd in town was very great, and the execution V,114 witnessed by sixteen hundred persons At tl o'clock this morning the field was occupied by the troops, and at seven minutes id II o'clock the procession pilule its appearance It art tvel at II o'elnuk at the scall4l. 'the p1141»lels were in a wagim,aogoinfaute.a Ivy !Ma slam Itl anti pillar. They mounted the ne,Lfrold with a firm step The plisoner , 4 had the cap placed over their heads by the sherill, and alter an npproprr ate priyer by Hey. Mr. North, of the l'reg bytii an church they were launched into eternity. lt..fore the lope was cut, ((rein waS Ii nra to offer up a fervent prayer (!ipelanit nas not heard to ptay. trreeit'n neck erns Inol , fett and he du 1 without jt straggle Copeland wt [thud to violent con• tortiotoi for ~event ininuteit The prisoner' bade f oesveld ou the s-alfuld, to 4he tiiinisur3 %Vatittb,l North, Ind Leeek, expressing n hope to meet them in beaver The drop fell at eltuen minutes after II o'c'.o holm, will hu plaowd ni the jail fur interment toinurrutw ^eli 1/Isl' VITIT Plus afternoon notice was given to (~k and 0111141 e that their tune %Tag approaching, only one hour more being Allowed them - lite military moventents, similar to thyse nt the iirst execution, were Ytpeated, and a wagon 1 4 111.11 11%0 more 1101111 S 11 as standing at the ilo2r of the jail at l?'? same Halt try eseor, Was in readiness - Nlearittute the closing religions cerettioniea were progressiog in the cell Since the fall. lire of 1111 4 allellllll of cook an,f t scape last night then /14414011111.411 composure and apparent rexignation had gt‘ en way and they now look at the reality of their fate with the full conviction of Ita ay, fnl C, rtulllty They wt ro reserved and rather quiet, but joined with fervor in the religio is reremontes conducted by the Rev. Mta ra North, Lehr and 11'augli. ' I %%ien ealltil upon by the Sher IT th e y stood calm and 41111411), WlO '441 their arms were lane:, pinioned. a id aft, r bidding fare well to the guards of the j it they were In hied Into 1114• wag., 1 111141 took 41011 s on their (milli'', Then appesrauce W 4141 !tither that of hopri,,, Ilespur than 4.1 resignation and the) stemed to tab, hat little notice of enllhmr4 114 the 11,0 44 ,114 M 1110 Vol on to O w Vold of death The wagon readied the scallold at thirteen 1141141111. 4 4 before 1 11 lock :Lod the promo,. N no, ended with a 4 14141111111 1,1 Itrtimel , ,, Pt 314 4 4 I y rui passed by that of [frown A brief preya-r was oilered by mie of the clergy:nen , the nmes were adjusted, the caps draw ii over th, al4 and both v ere launelit d into etei n ay in seven 1111111111 4 44; al, er they as ,m,1 , •1 1 Ole gill IL"A. Tircy 11 , 1111 Vollint. , l llle 111 lOIII'YY, ha) 111,.: 11.)011114 tt nth the ee'rptnr I of bidding l.rrt wi II I 0 the• utmost, rs an I sherif After the rope was adjusted Uniik'id neck, lie exclaimed, ' Itrognick . as quick as piinlilA.' whedi was al'n repealed by Coppie. Antr haugin, about thirty min Lae', both bodies were LikvlS down and pl.•t Ced ut black walnut ooNinti prepared for them That or rook was then placed in a poplar box. labeled and directed u" lollowa • Aslib.ll P. Willard and Barbet t 104, William street, New York, care of Ad ants' Express " The coffin of Comm, was placed in a similar box, to be foiw tr lel to his mother in lowa Kentucky Stands by the Union Sentiments Gov Maw,llln, in his recent message !ci the Legislature of Ken.lnlay, discusses at length and with moult power the Mischievous tendeocies of Northern fanaticism, and in re ference to the sialui of his own State, tis(s this emphatic and encouraging Icing,' tge : “What says Kentucky f Caluunly and resolutely looking the, danger in face. she fuels that sac is able to prat et herself m any dmergency. With seven hundred miles of freesou border line, and having more cause of complaint than any other State in the Un ion .becauSe her annual loss in slave proper- I ty is over 9100,000 ; the theatre of Aboli tion emissaries, robbed of her property ; with out threats, without excitement, with the full responsibilites that devolve upon her in the present momentuS crisis, she will act with the dignity, moderation and Wisdom,' that becomes her. Under the broad shield of the Constitution she will gland by the Um ion. Ever true, ever loyal, she is ready to die, as she- has lived for that government that protects her. She stands fortified by j the history of tho past, doubly intruncitedin her impregnable opposition, and that is, to stand by the compact of the Conatittltion as our fathers made it." The following is tho closing psgtsph of the message : " W,g, do not looli to a dissolution of the Union afil remedy for the evils of which we complain. Oh, no ; this Union is hallowed bir too many associations which ought to be L dlir to every American heart Its Tory iMength consists in its seeming antagonistic interests. It/ power is in its apparent op posing fore& The coin' eroisl and planes mg intemestO, 4vhich wer so difficult to re concile by eliii Opilydikti that framed the Constitution ill 119 i ,Or a, together. Agri. culture, manufkctures,'Aottinierce and the arts have become mutually dependent upon each Wier, and she Id strengthen our social and friendly relatioi s under our glorious sys• tem of governmen . The interests of the North and the South, the East and the West which seetneA irreconcilable, have been so happily adjusted, so teautifully balanced, TEACHER'S INSTITUTE. and so powerfully j - krottce is hereby given that the Teaelterit nemonized in the Consti -1111 of Centro enmity, will hold titeknezt annual lotion upon in principlc„ as to constitute the chief strength of the Republic — and that ! [mallet° in the Borongh elf Unionville, Gam io priuciple to permit the people of each log ' 111'rue:0.1y, 27141 Dee , •,1859, at 10 n'oieak section orthe Union lu s regulete t Mr domes- o I: re eOr or nap Th4 i te. tic and local Institutions for thentselvee, , 110 1 t oordia'llyli t i l t; n lt7e f ir Z r a t i l' o st i liend giving to Gongres 4 the power, coupled wan nt4 It 1411 y .their pm.). that bile strefoolb a t o nl ; Ric duty to attend to our external relations te:teltine Is expected to ir nd vaneeel and Improved. Hod Every effort will be nkle to eecure ooropelen.l to regulate our national snails. Alice-1 lion d.nd confidence are the bonds of this .'ll''' lo3 " toA'l'lr'Tvii,/,.."1":1"6"i°Ii. (39.99 HORT]. MOB, Pres't Union. May edo nothing to weaken, but 10 1,,..7 . ,in everything to strengthenntlie ligaments that C. Jarrivig }Coro of ArrenOtnen tn. hied its together as a nation, aud may Ood 18. 'Mermen, - • still continue to - protect us as equals, 98 B e tiefeete, Deo. friends, as brethren, and 'as pintidts in the Republic as it is, deeply devoted td ifb con tinuance ; and may we and our posterity, as the worthy descendants of the gallaot.herbea of the revolution, both now nod in ftaure,. stand by the einupace , of ljne Constitution tonne(' by Omit = Wisdom noir eotiseciated Ity their blood, as the wily hope of freedom ad time and eternlty." dibituarg. Man: In this borough on the 9th of Nov• after a ling ling illn or, Mrs. SAIIAIR Dl l O ", In the 53a year of h( r rgo The deceased was born in Buffalo Run Valley in 1807 and removed tu this borough in the following year. She viras the daugh ter of Benjamin and Catharine Lucas, who were aition the first settlers of the County, and were noted for their industry and intel ligence. klrs Dixon has been a resident of Bellefonte fur fifty' years, and was acquaint ed with many incidents in regard to the e ersonal listory and character of tlie found ers of the place, all remembered distinctly from her earliest si hnol days tho "various chang cc a hich were instituted from time to time 'She lived in the hearts of the people as a rheimlipl lt•gaey of A pa s t generation whom all lo's't to ss`orslup• The record of her life is her best eulogy She watt kilut nod rhvttahle. ever ready to relieve the solel or4s of the allhetell, to vt ell With the d , se. to e,ottfo•t the striek o heart, aim to rhttrfeter to the wants of the vessly. In het the rlAor ohs ti)s found a ft lend, fur ' It it if rto or her gots° to rt glt "tt: jwytor Or aught humane " mpti.lh‘l.l.• lots hy nn u.ndte 1'1 1 11.11 , 111 , 11.. - . 6 . I f If 0 ) ;ho fulfil in. 111 of t 1..• Lion It, r:o~hr the poor. H. q . the I..i.k.:ry :oh] Itrr the ,wn h. the ltntlul —for Ow I,rl nl In .10 ..h.• W.l, Ihs no..ohering 1111„11 (1) many a %% 1.10%* 11 11,;111.•1" nmi hoi, I , ' , I orphan. Site -ki d no other lea ard lint the , nolitea of Cl/11.111We and lidge that the vogin it!diem the Lamb., t ti n r tp.r. a (tiii,,i 11.%1 at on t h e last pint dal thi ru eoril, I and faithful iteri,iiiit" Tour th nr 111 . 0 Ole Jo) eterthil id thy I Ain! lint pared for the right I'ollB mime the foundation of the world. She Waii a kinil nughliir, lot well an no atleet tionate tooth , r, anal nit large iir. of literati and if abu mourn lit r h,'. allllllre the UNtc.'lll With Wit I -lie Was reai 4111 by thotte a ho k uea h. r. A Wither fill II lohip's erllolo.l I 4 au. A re lellll..ss I,tral , • Ant tliql . ..j/cflil !tomb. Mo Luallutf 1118 5011,At 11. 11 bend Another Ihnllinß v -- In lay flericPel di,. tin A not 114 r Iwk ha: pnl tt.,T . /e.on The ' f holly lee chitin ORPHANS COURT SALE "IQ irt tit of an oidt r born OK: 1 / 1 IJ/ tour! ul Centrr 4 iii y. ILo I ., ,ll‘ , rltig rrty will he rikpbrirl 1 , 11,1 c Lk of Lim nu aty t "art One Ira, in I.arril townrhip Ooelniol lig 122 nerve I 12 ',etches in net Ilion nn re, tin iv err r u led n line k bL.unmu llourfo, lenant .i // /Ilk 111 i,, nthl•r..wn 1 Al.", 111 r , id g infiiido II !Joining Ili/ yl . ri t o Ctrurcli, snd iniirlieit In the plan ”I ...1.1 Al S I I II wit,.in iv ere • ied two elms Mime Houma, r 1”1.1,111iir. awl Ilew IU linenn tract Mn. ..f land in I :11,1 40,/ hnown !111, IV 11114..4 surrey, and in 11,0 110,11 , -,11 .• ' llia den I it y ..111 /111 111 I r nu. 'l.l, hall..in c. ulirnluUnu cif the link. thepaid 111 yo tlie. varier, I lie ni nitil uilh timid uud inorig 1111.,Wr rdLII f 1 . :4,••11 1.., 11.tenic4n rulher 'l, HOM FOR ff AIX. !THE soh y`rilk r lins t It) Ifirge hogs, only ~ 1,1 wh,. h Foff.•r.i (Pr 2,141 Ihe h•pg. wrtglt ' hi. :r.V. I. ilrni nil 1.....r01n Pr. fere tire will 1... witilimg tho Intehlrun of keeping them Centro 11..11, Dee 21 J II VP PIER ELECTION NOTICE 111 alumni tneellng the of the Farmer,' M etiml Fire I , e renee Com. pany Celli, 0...0i1 , no,' el •et,n of hot •I% t. Ul reetora t eon•lmt the min rare 41110 I'esiuov for the eo.ei nig year will be hull al the Howe. of I ll Yeager, Leal.. 11.111,411 Monday, thu Ink dry 0( January nevi, nbfw,en the boor, of In, A M , and 2 I' AI , of maid day, silf , thu members ere re quelled to be lire.enl, a, the nominal at iteinont of (ho imam Lome of the Company for the pelt year will be laid befeie the tneelieg Noble 1/ r.l) ItrellANAN, t Centre hell, Dec 12 186 'J COMMON SENSE rolcs the tease of the people whatever tho inearounod and misanthrope philom pliers may say to the coot nary ShoWithim a gOO , l thing , let its incritsie closely demottettjtted L and they will not hesitate o give it their meet ourdial patronage The memos have already ratified the Judgment of a physician, concerning the virtuoso( lIONTETTER'S (LITTERS, as may 46 seen by the immense quantities of this medicine which aro Annually sold in every et:imbrue( the land It is now recogittiod an greatly superior to all other remedies yot devised for diseases of the digestive organs, such as diarrhoea, dysentery, dyspepsia, and fur the various (evert that arise front derange. went of those portioes of the rutetem Ilostettor'e name is rapidly becoming a household word, from Maine to Texas, (rota the shores of the Atlantic to the Pooled. Try the article and be satisfied. Bold b$ all druggists in the world. up. dee advertisement ►o anothei oolurtin SNOW SHOE. Mho undersigned having just open- E=4 od a large and froah stook of 0 11, DRY GOODS, UROCERIEN, &0., 4at the terminus of the Belle font. Snow § Shoe Mad, Invite the dosses of the surrounding country to mill and examine their stook they are dot ermined to sell (Mealier than the cheapest, nodal ways have IS a full stock of everything In their lino of business JOS.). II ARIUS & Cd. December 16, 1859. .° 2 O 11811110011.0 'll/101111A0111 VE4LI Q HAUPT, Jr. & Co., have a variety of Stoves on hand, either for Coal or Wood,to whiohthoy invito law attention of the August 8185 TI I E undersigned, no Auditor, appointed by I ho Court of Common Pleas of Centre oo , to ;mike dint rib ohm of tho rnonoy In the*henda 'of the Sheriff, raising from the sale of the Real Fs tate knave as the Mealtannon Tannery, cold so tho property of Hays, Hoover, A , Co. To and iftnongu drove entitled to receive the same, ikiki apollitod Weitradny, the IRh day of JanUary, lASO, to attend le; tbo„duties of his app ridtanont,.4l his aloe in Doi lefolde, Those intorested are in vitod la attend Deo. lb, '510.4t A,the Pat m School N ,Clontri. co.—A lam 11g to Hop of the &bent° take charge of the washing 111111 Ironing department. • et• Illeelmekb (o onrpentor, blacksmith or wheelrigbt,) whoop leaf° could attend to thlbdepartment would be de. nimble, As lie could oleo be employed nt hie trade on the promisee Dulles to commeneb on the 16th of Fob , 11160 For portioulars address PROF WARING, Form Bokool; Oentre em. Ibmombot 15-'59-3t A"pursons indebted to Moyer 4_ zinr merman by Soles, etr hook itec''Orlttl, will ;deem. 4,,k• a konl, but earnest notice, to pay to l'hiltp Meyet , Linden Il all, Barrie township, ecutio co ,uu or before the 20111 of Jan neat, in order to sere cored After that date all isooounti not settled end loud will ho put Into the kande of n dtiotine all 1.44zu fur aulloatinn. _ Doe 15 if Pita!? MEYER TIIE undersigned , an Auditor, appointed by the Orphan's Court of Centre oounty, t pivot up ni the r xceptit.rie Mod le the account of William and John ilarberiek. Execotors of A moo trio , OA late Walker dao'd , has appointed 'ft....lay, the 11 1 th day of Jono.try, A It , Belo, to attend to the deltas°, 11,is appoint ment at tic in Bellefonte 'lllOl.O interested are mlite• i 1,, nt bond DURII Doc 15, '6ll It AM Noire is hereby given that the firm here torgirP o{l4l log meter Iho names of Meyer 7.11r1171,111311 %•,1•1 lllernit nil on the 19th day JLrtuh Inct All porconc knowing theinmel re. m il Well to 1.14 firm ere requutirl to niche ILIMIlle• ol ibgi•le briN elnitn, to present theui duly an' bent (or pottlenient. The 1,w,10, Ind a o,lll', in 1r the 'meth of lien I'll 1 I.ll' M I. Y LP. - - ilic il• r hr 1-1 col-slant ly on fouvl of the Mill nom' Jikekw,o9ll . t,!..:culte oo • Po , 11,0 t K. (. r , (11t0t , 'SI , PLASTER, n‘lorh 11.• t 00. 1 , 'v..1 eit.ll Doe 15 Y.l ly Ir%NIII. K KERLIN 1:IY virtue of an order frotn ihe Orphan'ti Court of Cent re Bounty, the ft-i)owingjlronertit ell be exposed to male at. the Public House of at Eaglet ill., on /1/()NDA Y, JANUA/C I 2nd, 1860 Tho undie tiled ,fuurth part of a tract of land eitutte portly In Clinton Anil partly in Centre county he. rig the stein inlet which the -tomfolesioners of C. titre eon saty fry fired bearing date the thirteenth dry of Di ember A , 1840, granted and coo le ) rel to James M C Runner and containing n114!5 acres being the same tract of land eurre)ed on woe root grunted to William Elliott, about forty nerve of which 11114 in Centre enmity Also, the one undue lot fourth part of a certain tract of an seated land situate I Snow kihne loynshlp, Centre county, in the warmitee names of Jeremiah Par ker. said tenet orlatain!ng In all four hundred and thirty throe 1111t1 Woe hukiddred and Wally three /1.111111 and allow armee, t being the mime treat of land whieti tire Commisaioners of Centre county I y Deed dated the iletof January, A 1046, ."'"•°/.4, to i i111 , 4/ 1 / Ratter the-one fourth of aloe}, by ilk or, ronTo;fanceit became rested ht the said Intestate Sec dried recorded in Centre county. it. Deed Rook 'R ," page 2711 'Also, the one uni thsid part of une - bunitmed and thirty-eight cores and ninety-eight and two-thirds porches, alt. Auto In Silo,. Shoe iownehip, Centre county, Pa - A Ito, lire one undPiddiT third-part of a certain, tuner piece Of land Atuate as last aforesaid, end containing one hundred and thirty Or acres and seye tc on piwebes and allowanoes, being the lamt . tiro pieces of land deseribed in a Deed of partition between drone 11611, SI/111101 111111 and Johil/100 11111, 4,111,t1 the. Light day of April A I' 1857, leen of said pieces being unmated =I Ale. the interest of maid intestate in the th.do • ruled thir I of twenty four none of ground situate to the comity of Centre, and Stale aforesaid which I Ind wale hold by Robert Br idgine Jew Bridging, end the intestate under article. of agreement and subject to the payment of it is hundred nod flay dollar. of b•ekpurchase e y nn e.och third on which piece of I. rid le erected n SRN Mill, ILII,I is fully described by. our. and 411/Lllloe, in a draft made liy Jo MVP 1 . 1.kr.4. dated , zepteniber 21Ith, 11459, an reference thereto lot mg had will fully appear Alin), the inicrein of the oil intestate Ili LllO 011.1 undtridnd ('unit of a .•. ;tom tract of land obi u•te in Snow Shoe township V.oot re county and known on the draft Toledo by Joseph F Quay, at the Samuel Dobeon tract, containing 4.11 acres and •Ilowanees, which maid trail In held under filtiolen or agreement dated 2211 of March A D , (845, between I-eine Miller trol John 1' lloover, Agent/ for thii.egrotow Shoo I n e t tontornition of the one part, and Cline Quig• Icy, Samuel Hall. mid the aid intestate of the otloer part, this undivided fourth being tub e el to the payment of nine hundred dollars of hack pur -1 cl.mia mono/. as well also to dun po-toosots for Wilber cut front thei name. B.la to edriniegoe e't I d'Olook, M , when" I !opus wl l be made knaiwn Due 8-'59 JESSE II ALL, Adno'r As THE PLEASURE OF ANNOUNC .L 1 ing to laim frienfix and the public,. in gen oral that Ito has taken charge of thin well know lately under the supervision of .1, li Morri n..n, and is fully prepared to ancommodate the traveling publi- inn style and manner commensu rate with the progroselvo spirit of the times Ile is in possession of all the modern improve ments and conveniences, as If, sleeping appart mental, and has supplied his larder with the choicest the markets afford, and his Bar with the purest Wines. With t he most extensive stabling seemktltnedstions and attentive and skilful oetlen:logether With as solemn attention to business, he feels Justified la soliciting a entre Of patrortage and the -support his friends Bellefonte. Oat 8-17-42-tt AUDITORS NOTICE. T"Eundersigned auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Centre county, to and • it the administration account Of 'mob Wolf, adm'r ot Christian Wolf, deceased, will attend to ow duties of his appointment at his Milne In Belle fonte, on Saturday the alai of December, at 10 o'clock, A Al., when and where all prisms In trust ere requeeted to Etterrd - Dec 8 '61.1--lt ADAM ROY, Adm'tr. EARMAR BAUGR, , • "IrCTIFLNIEII=I., No. 125 IF.froth'a Alley, between Front & 2nd, and Arch & Raoe, Philadelphia Scroll Sawing, Cabinet and Carpenter Turning In all their branolies N D'—llenob and Hand Borows..eonstantly on Land. Also, Ton Plns and Balls December 8, 1849 VTIIIISICKEItS IMPROVED CLOVER HULLER, warranted to oloan horn 25 (6 30 hellhole par day—Price $5O at the Bellefonte Foundry r . 1101.1 PT Jn. A.CO. Sept( ether 8 '69. S EGARS & TOBACCO -4k Choice Wee ik'n ' I I ! 7;46'1, and A r IIVARTZ & itiLL 'WANTING FARMS. HEE Al) vortlaernopt of Hammonton Lands. TILANICS of all kinds for sale at AO • gAbr'L. F SCHWARTZ lc CC'S AUDITORS NOTICE. R. u. DURHAM WKNTED NOTICE AUDITORS NOTICE DISSOLUTION HOY'B MILL ORPHAN'S COURT SALE CONRAD HOUSE, BELLEFONTE, PENN&. J. H. HUTTON