Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 08, 1859, Image 2

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    II !. tvr ai4" -11 - 4 1;;111 1 r - ,
'et • 7
Tie X WM TO IX 014 Ph
Areas for the Watchman
fallowing gentlemen an. authorised sad
will Hamm not If Agrnto fur the D,tzweratu
Wetehman in proem:fug timbipeehers Adi ertl,l4
Ae and reoeipting for th. simd
• ilvaliburg—James Wenn
Feral Seh9ul—.lohn W Crutoriue, Jr
Hmlieribwrg—licm, /4:'roht, kyr
l'hkmrille-13. It. Hueco!,
WWI; Stnre, ;: -Tb,Mlll3 Wulf
Plittiosbarg—llon C 11 Pollee
Militieim— Amos Aleminder.
Pw.greee— Alexander Sample
.111tisiry—ivreel whslfer
ilountiow E egle —1,.
, Howard —Boleer Weber
YlesemitHap—J N 1.0110ti111 , 40
Milesburg—J I'vmdf.ed
Snow Shoe— Wm liolt
DON* no—C Ewe* ,
Eagle Marg. W 110,0631,
/leech Creek --fume
Half 31,mo—Cept J A fleeter
(lento Liall —Wu!. Wulf
Zioda —.Michael Shafer •
hlyring Milt" -Jared II Yieher
Walker—Win. Ewt
lews of the Week.
Th, dm I went, nil top-, of our Euro
pean t achart an thnt 'fa Tn alter of 7.11
nth have been iongeti t and as (rile ftertio t m.
ly rt nunkv, •• a paper pt art has thtreby
been itfict. d. The fact !,, houuser, that
the " cause" Ili 600 ahu h these vont, oiling
partua lit to Dar. 110 , 111 110 waniet r Irt en
it wort& Ibe treat ul4 ItaTe not ►etihd the
Itiltdre — nottliira Ventral italy. and li r i.
doubtful whether the contemplated l'ongrems
' will el feet any thou; more than here the
many. conferences h( Id he re tdor,
There are rumors ~ideal that' tetra Ernsn•
mil ILaa reminded his imperial idly. that If
France Is bound by the protnwn. f tin
tinwenUou Of Villa francs, Sardinia I; also
bound by the plrdges I: her essi;.;ll,
in her behalf, has made to tin Italian peo
ple .by his t x pressed sympathy ii tti thin
unanimous desire fn atm':i4,ii argil
hie promise to plead their eati-e in the pr.,
once of the atostitatils,i powers of Ensope -
De furthermore insi•its on the .pie.tion of ,
annexation bi..* urged before the t'otTrt ss
The Italians have replied to the Imperial
Acutifintacr, and ureteral of preparation to re
ceive back the expelled prirmes, or to accept
the propo.sipon of Franey to the es
tablishment of an Italian Nationality "
they show a disposition to ,lo th, it own
work. and if they cannot form pert or o Sar
odunan-Kntriom they air recolv4.4 lobe ruled
Jby a Sardinian Prince The first and fore
arm& in 618 movement were the !ironic or
I.ldemagua, who were promptly followed by
limpopulation e( the Duchies. The Pope I A
ilea bad kaiser &lout the letter of hie dm.
'penal ally, and is said to have declared that
•'if the 'teller wax a apecimen of Napoleon
the Thisrl's eathefieity, the l'ateholiellinrch
had spethrug more to hope from man, " but
talked wildly and iltlianily of .• taking ref
uge in ilk , Cateeouril,s, - and challenged the
'Ltiperor "to do his WUT/it, ac he had to do
with a man whoa "old prove as willingly a
martyr before the nephew, as Pius VII
had been in the priYelvli2 of his uncle.
The war bel Weep Spain and lorocco, has
fairly set in. Tangieis and oilier forts upon
the coast, have been bloot(ailtd by a Spa:
Stea4rvin, and 11lar•thall irl)onnel left \l a
rid to direct the operatimim of the treopm
4" The Moore are actively engaged ui prerit
ritionii for a milt Red deiFetioe. and the war.
in all prtibabehty, though a brief one, will
be doubLicse a biloudy one while it lasts.
Nothing mere of the fittnati4peditto it but
apeoulationa and calculations upon the Ic
lank, if we may judge by the tenor of the
English press, the whole European II t 11164
1/here is strongly imp tepin ted n its .altpp
tre, and it only itextll the application of a
match to create none grand II riv ersal coo
ttagraten.•" While Europe is eettvulaed
with the coming of "great events," America
is becoming less and less enlarged by the
passing away or small ones. 111 au•n and
Brownsville hare bet n the ordt rof the ,lay,
and the fodder 1111011 VI hick the most of our
exchanges have grown fat Indeed Alany
interesting ot4;inal coultnintivatlona" have
been excluded from • !tango' Saw
and "Mosier Broad A xo, " to gee place to
"important telegiaph dispateht " iced yed
from the two seats of war, Bronusulle and
Brown's headquarters
lebucriau O' l'imnuEss. Congress met
on Monday. Several of the Democratic
isiesdbens were absent. A rote was taken
for Speaker. The Administration members
supported Mr. lkwock, of Vfigmia„. A por•
Con of the Republicans voted for Mr. Sher
man, and a portion for Mr. (J w. The votes
of the American aiu,l ant& Lecompton mem
bers Ware " scaltereil. After the ballot, Mr.
Grow With - drew his nano as a candidate for
theSpt:akeroht and Dui House adjourtril
without A salfud vote.
ThitrolMilling* of a Democratic meeting
heledueing conftwbeic in this place, have
bat - 611 44 1 aW loiAlublication, but in_con
al Wing been incorrectly reported
they eiwinot appear. No resolution author
izing their publicadoo was passed, but the
whole proceedings were deferred until Tues
day of the January court, at which limo a
"heeling will ho called by the Standing Com
8740bn A. 4V asiington's Goa
Mr. John A. Washington' has sent. to
Ceorge W. Aiggs, the treasurer of the
dies' Ilfeittb f e'Veirubi 'Association, an order'
IA $1,228 25, ao hits contribution to the
Mount Vernon Feud, ibirig eho - proccols of
the, Mount Vernon steaMniat trips for tbo
piat'keitrjfelkl6li.-,Miottg'h . potable to
. Mr.
11Vastogton,' he' generoti , ;l3i ea - used iO'ba,
Pilule one to the Aroociatiou.
11o1P 'Staid' the Democracy T
Notwithslanditig all the adverse circum•
stances by yeltith the Democracy of the
gorthern States have been surrounded they
have gained largely at all recent-elections,
.aiiiicept in Nliiiiicsota. Iti 11i56, Fremont had
a majority of 8441:11 in the State of Now
York- now we hare iliketed ais of the nine
'gate otticers', and the.majore on the bal
ance against us to materially reduced. Then
the , Americans or Know -Nothings
some 60,000 totes. now they have dwindled
down to, not orer 21000. The Republican
'NM remains pretty muctrthe same, whilst
the Democratic has been steadily increasing.
hi New der, y, in 1t 56, elected an
.1 0 PPolsitnin Governor by 260 t, ; and last
year gave nimority against us on the
Congressional vote ; and aim" carried sit Op
!position majority, on joint ballot, in the Leg
islature of eight - this year tlintr'''CreCii . fhe
Republican Governor by some 1600, and
there is a Derhocratic majority In the Legis•
Isture, on joint ballot, of f'cur. , In 'Massa
chusetts we gain several Secators and a
large number of Representatives. We also
rain largely on the popular vote -ill Ohio,
lowa and Wisconsin' Ih California, the
Republicans and Rilters have fizzled out to
next to nothing and theyfete is almost
unanimously Derno , ratio. 'Oregon, too. has
i wheeled into the Ile inucra colunin, and
' Pennsylvania has trdlictd the Republican
majority below 18 000. And Maryland,
notwithstanding the Plug l'g,ly rills i
tiwort:, hiss re turned for thi first tune in
maay long }oat-4, a ittinoerattr majority in
both branclos oithe Legio,lature.
Our Democraere blench: will, therefore,
woe that Ire are on (being!) road to victorY
—steadily gaining on the enerny —and pre
paring to rout the combined forces of Black
Republicanism at the Presidential election
of lsein. The o ld Democratic flag a II be
everywhere flying iti less than a twelve
month from this daft
Confitcting Testimtinf. '
Ever WWI the 111.arper's Ferry enwute, thu;
Republican prenv throughout Lim ~hire
North has lain ho'::y at work, in endeavor
ing to conino e the ' , obit , ' that John Brown
I noel IVtll/11 liar,, 11it111.4111 of making a raid
into lirgitiia, n 1111 the new if inciting a
111 I VII, iniairreeti o u, had It DOt bet n fur the
etc d II poll him And Inn family in
1 Kansa, . and farther, ~that these crin Wes '
ft wit red him 'owne, and catiled tutu to de-'
tote the remainder of 1118 life to rex cog , --
All dill look, sell on paper.
These nucee nn ive attempts to create the
iirinresaiun that Brown acted under the in
fluence of a eraied brain, rendered no by his
Kansas wrongs, go to show the solici hide of
the Rapublicana to screen him from moral
and legal re.•,unsibihty, and, as a conio•
quenou, to exonerate tlao,e who have been
ykiparged with encomagitig his treasonable
designe They it ish to stamp the whole of-1
fair as the heel( of a madman. But Mrs
Brown, the wife of John Brown, gives her
testimony in the ratio, and refutes all their
assertions. In a conversation between a
correspondent. of the New York Independent
and the wife of Itrovrn, and now publiabod
ui the Chicago Press and Tribune, we have
the folloaing as a portion, of that converse
1 referred ineidtutally to the design up • or last 'n,., h, bet Irteri
; 5 and G o'clock. 1.3
on ilarper's Furry as having been pretnedi- , the alarming. thongh not °flate unusual, cry
toted for ten years, to which slit immediate- of “fire, tiro," caused by the burning of a
ly replied —. Not for two years but for, large stable belonging to Mrs. Agnes Reed,
twenty' flu had been waiting twenty years t and occupied by Ilniiiiss Stroup, E*l A
(or some opportunity to fr. e the slavei ; we i fen moment.. before the lire broke con, the
had all been waiting with him, the proper nolkniaid hail left, the stable. an I observed
tune when he should told In; resolve into an- ; a man running in an opposite direction, but
lion, and when at last the enterprise of Har she did not recognize Min. The building
per's Ferry was planned, we all thought that was consented, together with a lot
the time had now seine . Mr. ItrJwn was of hay ar.d straw. The building was insured
sanguine of ; we all Were equally ih the Kisliricoquillas Company.
confident , lie had no idle, nor did any of Aein Astrromit.—On Mundav night last,
the family, that the experiment would result' snout 10 o'clock a frame stable owned by
in defeat; we all looked to 'trim fulfilling the Mrs. Lutz, adjacent to the brick church in
hopes of ritzily years '" LEMlS'lille, was totally destroyed by lire,
As I listened to thin, I could not help half together with all its contents Previous to
exclaiming, " What Ittruic n girds! What a this fire, a nun wile also seen running away
man' 1% hat a human I - from the stable, but was lost sight of before
I wrote down Ouse sentences a few um- ' he could be _recognized.
mews after they were uttered, and as I le- . A' buy by the name 01 Everhart, about 14
vented them she added— )cars of age, aas arrested on suspicion on
- For lie ham borne the yoke of the , op- Saturday, but no evidence could be elicited
pressed as if until' los own neck for these to warrant binding him over for trial
thirty }tar, !" ANo STILL. M. 1011061.. —CO I Tuesday •fter•
This proves IA 3 ond all cavil, t hat - Old noon, a'bsin on lliZfarin of Bon. John Henry,
uric wile from Iteedsville ' Tills totally de
Mown had int‘lit MA:it tresson e nnil murder u s , ro '
yed by fire, together with all it, contents
I tog beim e he went to KansaS, and it 3 U" A young colt perished in tee Marisa, The '
to _he presutued that those who Rifted him lose Di about 61,000, - part of which falls to
with counsel, arm-, and I.llOllCy, were igno.. "th'e tenant, Mr. Carson.
rant of his designs John Brown's life was 'l'lu, latter to I.llu seventh building that.
has been destroyed by tire within a circiiin•
devote./ to em "i e. " , and le 3/1"." that he
Terence of one 11111 e around Reedsv ill e. du •
askul tot and teeetvol assintance arid en- ring the paid few weeks, and all under such
couragement from thoee who are less. coura- circumstances as leave not a doubt /hat they
getout, but not less traitorous than he. Ills were tired by the saint blael.-bearted villain
.; , 110 clue has een dtot ~ Kansas work" was a part of his grand pro- fiend yet whose heinous a c ts would obtaine subject him he
gramme, aitd,fin that work,the had the mil- if epliglit, to the hunimary and retributive
ted sympathy of, and was cheered on by the vengeance of an exasperated populace.—
Republic:am party of the Nation. Vague suspicions have fastened on several
But the Republicans hive been endeavor-
Perseus. but it is doubtful that they will lead
to any arrests A strict surveillance is now
ing to make it appear that poor Old Brown kept up, whereby it is hoped to accomplish
was a 1116111 All. What does Brown's wile one or two things Either the apprehen
say to that. Let her tweak for herself . stun of the incendiary, or a cessation of his
" I then put, the question ,!which I had nefarious doings. If the accomplishmentof
either of these ends Pau be attained, (ran
been chiefly solicited to ask ; It is the CUM- e
liUllity will resume its wonted place in the
111011 talk of the newspapers that Capt.rown
ie insane : what do you say t A m u opm. , Big Vuntil
alloy, but then the greatest alarm
ion ?' "1
will prevail. Otherwise it could nut well
'' I never knew," she replied, is' of his in
be, since not only tho pi operty, but even the
sanity, until I read it in the papers. lie is a lives attic people are endangered, for they
clear headed man. Ile has always 'seen, know not at what moment the torch may he
and now is, entirely in his right mind. He applied to their dwellinge, for he who
rs always cool, deliberate, and never over- `would be guilty of firing 1118 neighbor's barn
hasty . bot he has always considered Ow would not hesitate to apply the torch to his
his first perceptions of duty, and his first dwelling, for. the gratification of a morbid
impulses to action, were the best, and the craving for ievenge, or whatever else would
I safest to be followed. lie has almost alwayg, instigate him to the commission Of Me former
acted upon his first suggestvere. No, he:' deed. If the taking of the law into their
is not insane, Ills reason, is clear. His last ; ownhands by any body of men was ever I
sal, was the result, as all hie other acts have 'lust: ll4 We, it-was In an instance parall.l in
j wat, _,,f_hi s _ imm t _ im ,i_ fi t ronr t voin sompt onorsnity - With - atWaii — iepeated incendiary,
lions convictions." . fires, and although we do not wish to be un-
derstond'a an advocate palliator of Lnch
After tile " Hlatemeete . 6nßP°rted as they Law, still, s
if the nom or
cached us tha t the
arc by other and abundant evidence how eau ' perpetrator had been detected in the act,
any man bell Ave that Capt. Brown is insane 1 ! caught, and bung on the spot, so far from
Nis project is easily characterized as mad, ! stigtnatizing or even upbraidintho excited
as any other daring and hazardous exploit is pop h ulace o w id h in o thus e ri co d i t! l 7 n W o o t r b d ut o r f a n d r e d m t r e
£pt to be called, particularly
sift' i t is seen i n
n uni u sliment a l iriluluquate to that A l icia tile
to have failed. But the attempts for the de- crimes so richly merited. •f
livery of the Virginia slaves did not seem I P. S. Since writing the above, we have . .
rash to 044. Brown, sr to his confederates, I been informed that the boy Eve'rhart was
and,' if it had been sucoessfoL, would never' seen about Judge !ivory's barn ashort time
I prSvious to its destruction, and,•suspleion
him gained claity even to the newspapers. ; fait,,tininE upon hits, ho was purfted, but ho
John Brown's insanity Means simply John l fled into the rnountaing and ovadod his pur
klrown'A faihito• ', 1 suers.— True Democrat.
lyc 'piiyhimifiri Will hear no more of John
refired "msanc" ..crtsty"
'' - ina4,",by the lisp sat wrongs which were
upim Win awl his, while Lirosteufing
hid t•Kansas work ;'' nor will the attempt to
incite seri Ile insurrection at Ilarf•er's Ferry,
and the shedding of Float, of which that at
tempt' was the cause, he longer pouted at a
the arts of a madman. On the contrary all
the evidence establishes the fact that his
treason was premeditated, and the murders
he committed were ft-out naglrce preprn•r.
indigo Gamble.
The following correspondence was intro
&iced by the members-of the Centre county
Bat, on the occasion of - the lion. James
Gamble retiring from the Bench': The
Judge has won s host, of friends while so
journing among us in his official capacity,
and flub pub:ic expression of respect by the
members of the Bellefonte Bar, Is not only a
well. 'vented compliment, but the common
sentiment pereading the entire copirnunity.
BKLLETONTI. Dec 2d, 11459.
lIQN JAMES G411181.1i.
!Par Sir :—As members
of the Centre Courity Bar we should do in
justice to our feelings, did we suffer the'oc
cosion which is io,dissolre the relations we
have sustained to each other to pass without
bears % our unanimous testimony to your
integrity. Ainluy and gentlemanly deport
ment as Presidept Judge of The 25th Judicial
District of Penna.
Be asiured that wherever our respective
lots rival be ca , ,t, we shall severally recur
wtth ifleastire to the scene of our past ta•
tercourse, and contutue to f,ell,lte - ely enter
ern 111 the future welfare of one we ho highly
Yours, Reapeetfully,
E , lmund Blanchard, James Niacmanus,
Ira Madre*, ' It. #. NteAltsttr,
James A. Beaver, James 'I Hale,
A..(1 Curtin,
Jam's II MOlin
J H Storer,
J. F
E M lilanrhard, Samuel Linn,
It I:. Ourlinm
Wm. I' WAD))
W. J. Kesish
Cyrus 'F. .11exandxr, Inn. 11. Blair,
Ifni I'. l‘lrtrinaidig, Adam 110%',
Charle , . if link
Wrn \V Brown,
HICLII.F.FuN CO, the 3 , 1, I+i69
Your kind alid complimentary
letur of the 241 , Mut., was delivered to me at
the meeting of Court this morning, and af
fords, too altoLsalunity of giving expression
to the grateful a7knowletigments I have felt
dile to you, for :hat uniform courtesy end
kindness tuanifes , cil toward me, during our
official ti fatuous - for that generou. hospiL3l
ity she Ii hai introduced me to your hippy
homes and delightful social iiitereourse
came here a few months since without
Jude ial experienc, , to preside ovt r a Bar
Justly eminent fur Its loaning and ability: to
occupy a heat which had been ihstingii shed
by the most illustrious names In our profes
sion By your courtesy and kind forbear
ance dun highly responsible duties have
been rendered eahy and pleasant . and now
that they arc boot to terminate I feel over
whelintsl with gratitude. at this 1/1101.11 1 / 4 010.
expression of your approval of my of fetal
f ran but tender to you gentlemen, inch
v and collectively, my most grateful
ackmmirdgmenls. and assure yam that ui
the plea,ant meneam , , or our brie(
intereutir,e, (hare will ever be enshrined to
ward each t4you, sentiments of the hi ghost
regard and esteem
Yours, Ev.per'folly,
To Intneg Mac:Manny, 11 N. Nle.Allater,
Jamee T Hale. an other I.l.lgr'a , member%
of the Bellefonte liar.
Another Fire at Reedsville. ' -
The citizen:, of Iteechtville and wittily
were again ztartled uu Wedinstlay evening
(Jul.pT Hoe, dot in►eptbr ntthe cylinder'
proi:is, hits Mist his Jug broken. If he it+ con
fined long he Will invent . some mods M loco
motion that.will /Nita sfiperccdo
I? Left toWn—Allen, the razor powder.
110. - 1 -"rhe Senior —on' a trip wt 'of
the mountains.
6 ^ 77 - fined—the editor of the PiAtnitgh
Chronicle on Thanksgiving evening.
'' pine" in their youth can
never look spruce" in old age..
[.end money toim enemy, and thou'll
gaiu hint ; lend to a friend, and thou'll lose
77' ftcbmedy for Fits— Buy your clothes at
a slop•shop, and )ou will never have a tit
T 7 NM" go where you wouldn't like
fe be found dead," is a mew maxim of mo
rality, juit before the people.
.7 . 17 - A man who had been married twice
to holies both !Pained Catharine, advised his
friends against taking dopli-Kates.
-' revival "has been in progress for
several weeks past, in the Methodist church,
fi IVilliam+port by which weer one hundred
persons have lioesteonverted.
,r,r• N o one cughk j eo send a marriage
tire to an editOr tv about a dollar, orott leapt
the name Of the bridegroom as a cub-sub.
scriber. bon't forget.
1 1 - 7')Vall Street- an Fpigram.
At She heed ofth3etnet the lawyere are found,
At the foot on theriver, the renselh abound
Flj — stranger—oftly:. to A Wel - •
For there e nap m tllce(, and rr , ,ft in the
The ycsing lady whci was so delicate
that ala had to have her strawberries pared,
declared that her husband shall Pre at least
one block away from her. l oess she didn't
mean it, though.
jrj• Foot, boing once annoyed by a poet
fiddler " Awning his discords" inhltr li IR
RfiTORMT, sent - 1M a - shilling, with a request
that hcortiklikplair elsewhere, as one vi or,
at the door was iUMelent.
r We etipihe followiog from the New
York Sunday Time%
Mr ;Lawry Ward Be/triter "a Sharp rale ' gyre
To be used (Jr bh.,,lmirn trodden entire of the ala,
Ir the reverend Phil an'bropint mow would 1,1 its r k
Let bun tall how lt❑ girt late 55, u•o r A
7,7" A your man of Silver creek. Y. S . .
on his way ho;no Paul ire Lee fell lido a
well with four feet of water, and staid till
day light. lie at a son of a Baptist cler
gytnan,,,,but did not approve of iinrueralon
just then.
It wag really 11111glitrbk to witness the
interest manifested by the Black Republi
cans in the recent Democratic meeting held
in this place. Their organs arc Inu.da con
serned, and through them it Is easy to i.lee
who are wins
l)u you retail I hing,rr here ' teshetl
a green 'oolong u•per imw or hurn.utlty, as 1w
poked his head into a store urn Mature Atreet,
the other day. ' 1 (uu. - nal, Oh. latent re•
1-1/" 11 /ruittill, lit h your mild re-hill my
dog —he had it bit off alnrot a week ago "
G7* An ityhgratn
in wain the vterLl•p t ity data and score,
Two to•lng beads b •• ,
Lore In a reellaj, kriairenr)
And It must teat fet ever
Thu. woman pt. (min Ile • %en abori her
The power to in rho her •ivnothe srt, —lnver,
' Jerome Bonaparte. of Baltimore, who
eoeutly returnavi bottle, haw., to In% honor
refused the dvgnity , of *noun- whtel) Prince
Jtroime,hus lather, tendered in order to re
tarn him in Franco, 11e preferred the Min
* title of citizen of the l'inted States
) Why should society v ntit with. site!'
severity the departure of woman from the
paths of innocence; and refuge her all chance
for reformation I 'rho tu9sLloroly type or
purity we Byer saw, a water lily, grew from a
utagnent, muddy pool of green slimy water.
?The valet of lion. Gragthiiiirkley,
the modern mighty lsontir, passed, through
Pittsburg, Pa., leaf week, and gave himself
out for Isis master ; Several Pitratmrp,ers
politely gonad upon him, and paid prufortud
deference to /113 remarks.
j 7 Fascinating, Indeed ' —The corrcs ,
pondcnt of the Tyri Star describes
nieliareer," the "'fascinating young victim,"
who eloped with the Rev. Kecey, as being a
laity "of sharp features, dark skin, slab
chest soul less eyes, drum skto lips, sunken
cheeks, and her intellect (what little she has}
almost a total blank '" A pretty piece of
calico, truly, to " steal the heart and run
away" with as talented a rascal as the rev
erend absconder is represented to have becii.
Minnie, it is said, formerly worked in a cot
ton factory in Allegheny.
Mr. Ballet on John Brown's Sympathis
Mr. flatlet, of Boston, commenting on the
minims delivered upon John Brown, in
lilies In the following comments: —" • The
poor Child-bereft old man !'.citclainis the
Rev. Mr. Ward BeiNdier in his sermon oti:
slave insurrections.' And how came he child
bereft ? In Kansas he and his sons going
there not to Settle but to fight, had nitirelered
jour defenceless men in cold blood, dragged
limn their beds al midnight ! Up to tha
time, savt the Kansas Herald of Freedom,
not a hair of old Johit Brown's head, or any
of hiii sons, had beeh injured., Three months
after ghat the man of blood was attacked in
his turn, and one l orlijs sow! killed. Three
years after that he is found conspiring with
Northern Abolitionists to raise a servile war
inTiriinia, and hsearries his sons .there,
who, after dragging men 'from their Mk at
midnight, and clouting down the mayor and
other eitisent al Hdper's Ferry, aro them
selves shot in tho sot of - robbery, invasion
and murder. and *thereupon anti-slavery
phihinthrophy in 111e 7 palpit cries out, 'poor
chrld•boreit old moral' Mr. H., said ft re
minded him-of a reodht trial of ayarrioide in
France. The man had artfully murdered his
Whet and mother, and of contde he was en
orphan byhis own crime, just as John BroWn
is 'child bereft' by his orimes. The parri
cide was convicted, and, on being eallod up
for sentence, watt' asked by the judge" if he
had anything to say. 'Nothing, said he, only,
I pray you to have pity upon a poor orphan!"
The Execution of Browt
The prisoner was brought out of jail at ll
o'clock. Adore leaving, he bade adieu to
his fellow prisoners. and w as ve ry a p,.et ion •
ate to all, eNrert Cooi. Ile char-grit Conk
with having deceived and mi led him In re•
lation to the Niinnorr Jic rend to leCelve nom
the slaves. He was I^d to believe that they
were ripe fur insurrection, and had found
thit rvpresenhittions were false:' rook
denied the, charge, sod made but little re
The prisoner then told tlio . sherill that he
was ready. His arms were then pinioned,
and with a black slouch hat andlhe same
clothes he wore during the trial, proceeded
to the door, apparently calm and cheerful.--
As he came outside, the companies cif in
fantry and one troop, with iion. Taliaferro
and the entire stall, were deploying in front
of the jail, whilst an Open wagon, with a
pine box, in which was a fine oak coffin, was
waiting for him. He looked around and
spoke tro several persons he recognised, and
walking down the steps was assisted to the
wagon, and took his seat on the coffin box
alongside with the jailor, Mr. Avis. He
looked with interest on the line military dis
play but niacin no remark,
The wagon moved oft flanked with two
tiles; of iillernen in close order. On reaching
i the field, the military had eaready-full pos
cession Pickets Were stationed and the
citir.ens kept hack at the point of the bay
onet from taking auy position except that
assigned them, nearly a quarter of a mile
from the s'caftold. Through the determined
persistence of Dr. Rawlings, of rrank Les
_lie's, the order for
. excluding, the press was
partially rescinded, ,and they were assigned
a position near the General's staff.
The piisilner walked , up the !nevi firmly,
rind Was the first man on the gallows.--
and Campbell stood
side, and after shaking hands, and bidding
sn affectionate adieu, thanked thou for their
kindness, put the cap over his face and
the rope aroundUus neck Mr AYH aski
inn to step forward on the trap Ile
must lead me, I cannot si e.
The rope was tile1111111113t(.11, and Elio null
tart' order given. Iti soldiers matched
and courilertnarched, and took a pl,'illloll ay
if (he enemy were lei mg lit, and nearly ten
minutes were thus ecru pitui The pi i.vmer
ropainvi standt,, and
...)Ir.-AY.Th PAked If 111,
vi as not tired. ilrou n rrpli ed No, n o t
tired, but ke. p the waiting Imi r ;ur than
I. neees , ary '
Ile was swung ofTat llTteen minutts aft• r
1.1 o'clock. There was a slight grasping of
the hands awl stretching of the nuiscTeoi. and
then all.w as quiet The body teal 60icral
times e[attelavd and the pitl,R ‘1; , 1 n"t ei
beating until thirty-five inimitel It it as
then cut down and placid ten the colitis. and
ronveyed, tinder the Military elrore, to Ur.'
1,1)01, and put in a car to he eons. t I t
the Verry by a special train at I fl ' i
Tht whole arrangement .:arrivd 0-0 niih
precision and military strictness that n
most 311110) ing
The g, nr ral rrmviction Tcrp her. c•.• r
tanud was, that tlit rar'itelnent Wort b
an expected rescru, was caused by rg r
ous hoaxes.
T 11 1 .3 1i11n14114 JJrnwo e 4 trenterl lirr7TrTl rti
mentctnlioVrVi h r itn'ttniptk II to A' !WI -
!Ste!' ail all ptop•rty 111, to the 'tat, ,tt It
d:rections to pay over the proceeds or
male of the weapons; tf ri,crvered to 1111 11 1.1
ow and hilarett. ,
iiiLo‘SN'S %Irl ILI I !At I'll',
Sherd! C.ltitioltt II latl the flrl4 , fier Ntewell
la Ilia cell l'hiltriatot ter reunited thatth . for
the Sherill'a 6tndncy,, and Tyke id Caps
l'ate ac a brave ltl 111.
The memner was thcn token Lo the cell of
Llopelaint and Green. lie told them to stand
up like men, and not betray their friends. -
lie then handed them n quartir e,o.h. squi
fichad An more Ilse for his inmw). and Ind
them ndo II
Ile Oleo vintiol Unok
very cltaikied tu4etlier.
Ile r ma: Led to Cuuk, • Vim ilavu um I
rah.: atartcm •n:.i '
'ouk aRk d., you Olt 311 7"
Brown anawered, AUttlii; III•it
I sm.( you to Harper's Ferry "
Utpult Ihd ).,u ivut tell uir nt l'•uslairg
to ritu ' M
[ ' Cir . ,' and xi tl Fur 6,,
had made , Ilicl,,ures "
Brown - sir, yon kno v I vule,tf d
agalitht your roiniog "
r4pu,d, '• wo re
member .hilv.rently," at the slime lime drop
ping hti !wail
Brown then turnesl $4, Coopie awl Plaid,
' Comae, you also made false statements,
Wit lam glad to hear that you hart., contra.
dieted them. Simi up like a luau. "au I
also handed him a quarter Ile shook Mut
by the hand and parted.
Brown was t h an taken to Stevens' well
and they tutercbanged kind greetings. •
Stcteas said. Good bye. Captain T
know you are going to a Letter land "
Brow' replied, I know lam " lie toil
him to him- up and not heti ay Ins Ineints,
wing - bon a quarter Mao Ile did nut v 'sit
Hazlett, so In: tit, :do ay - i pi 1 Ostt el 1/1 deny
log any 6110Witsigo of film
On his way to the sentluld, Mr Sadli
the undertaker. who Weld Ili L.lie I,,:erAcetl wilt'
him, remarked,' Capt. Drown, y 4,11 Lilt it
game 111511. " I le /1114 We ru .1 '•l',. I ti's sr,
trained up ;it wag Dire ol the 1..4-ons in)
mother, but it was bard to ',art from
though newly made. " 'l;heyi r. tuurkii
'MIS is a beautiful country I ruler 1141 the
pleasure of seeing it hi fore."
Shortly after the execution and whilst the
body Wilq being taken to the depot,
excitement. was occasioned in the town by
the arrival of a hor,scinan antiounting that
Wheatland, the late residence of George W.
Turner, Shot at Harper's Ferry was on lire
and tirstit -wan extending to the farm build ,
lugs. Wm. F. 'Turner, who was in town
had left home at 100'010;k.
Ito said that several horses bad died very
sudOltly, and also some sheep It was sup
/ posft they lted, been poisoned, and it. was
I Wdc,d to have their 810115100113 analysed.
"At stuck of 31r. Castlpman an r e ',Myers,
in the same neighborhood, died
very mysteriously.
The excitement was verb and Col.
Davis had the Bautiaier_outsdry in readiness
to.go out tuld inquire iotertbo truth of the
report about the tire. •
The bo dy 01 Brown arrived in a special
train, and will be taken'en by Mrs. Brown
and friends, by express, direct to Albany.—
' It is desired to avoid all public demonsuro
"A the InOlyt w+ll nob-be finiiiiralr
where on Vhe rotite to North Elba, xls9re it
will' be 'deposited iii the fatuity bu rial
ground. r •
Mrs, *oxen speaks in the highest terms
of the kindness extended to her kit , the citi
, tens and authorities of the State. the is, of
course, in great distress, and has.most fa
vorably impressed all who have met with
her im a woman of floe feeling and possessed
of great alteration for/ber husbaud.' •
itllygvinw BETWNIEN BROWN AND 1118 Wl/711
Ortalutergwg, interwiew
between Brown and his wife last 4 koui 4
o 4 olock iu the aftesuoon until neer - b_o'clock
in the evening, when Ueneral Taliaferro in
formed them that the period allowed thorn
had elsped, and that Mrs. Brown must pre•
pare , for her departure 19 lisrpvr'a Ferry. --
lie carriage was, again brought to the door,
the military took possemlon of the square,
and, with an escort of twenty mounted men,
the cortege moved elf, Captain Moore of tho
'Montgomery Guards, actotnpanying her.-- 1 . - • AIIPITORS lifti'lCE:
1t F. untlerai,gned auditor__ a
I lie inttrview was. I learn, not e very affect-
Ing one, being rather_of a_practical OP-hankC*
' Itili•"-iirriadminidistaniti•Cu.'aucrelZ,ing71!:.t.Tirct:i co;l4"l"HtiVrenntol:iir,74,,iire'!'ai,
ter, with regard to the (inure of herself and
children, and the arrangement and 'settle- , 01 Christian Wolf. deceased,
anent of business all/oirs- They seemed
I :i i i i i ti • . ., i r l . ; • l l : , a k o o f nAs h a l l i• rd p ira po y in t tr e e .l n i t: o t r h v is, e ttli ,. e m e tie ln r: l a ! .11 i ft e
rideraltly all - vett,' when they first tart,
Nlrs. Mown was for a fewinoim ills over- .':
o r,. i t,
ireu •i
matei b t :n nerd where all penvor 10
come. loin he oas OH firm as a rock, and 50011 lltti• i d. 'lO-4t ADAM 110 T, Ailin'tr
lecovertil her composure. There anti ad , -- • --
iefpre....tun that the prisoner might possibly ! BARIUM BAUGH, _
__. _
he furnished with a weapon or with. StryOlt- i
qrll:Y 31LIFt.
~ n
wront ,
20 , 1,
him by the wilt, And before tie 'picnics , ' 1 ,6 . 126 incr . u .,,, I v
her person was earthed by the2wife Of . the i and Arch la B.t.
te, Philadelphia
jailor and a strict watch kept offer. them de- t Stroll Sawing, Cabinet and Carpenter, Turtnng
ring the tithe tbey were
A tor,ettr. ht alt their brushes , ''
if B'--Death and Hand ficrewr•eanotaatiy t the time of the •separatt . they seem baud. Al9O, TOP Pins'ami Balls. or
ca to he fully self-possessed, and the part- I 1,,,,, :8 „,b„, 8, 18.59 „
ing. espoicially on his part, exhibited a corn- l ____ - _
osure, either leigned or real, that was truly I ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.
surprising. Mrs. Drown, 1 leant. rather ; - no y virtue of an order from the Orphan ~
repelled any attempt, on his part, to express Jo Court of Centre county, the followinekproDenty
sympathy with her under her aftlietions 1 w in b at aapatat d . to isle at t h e r a mi e D ow . of
She resisted the idea that Uapt. lirown had.' Dottie! Hones, at Raelevllle, on
done anything to dederre,deatht or to at tntnt iIIONDAY, JANUARY Tad, veto
his name with dishonor by the igrituniniou§ The undivided fourth part ol a tract of land situate
punishment that was about to he itilliti.e.4l. pearl lu Cliuttro and pertly In Centre county, be
upon him N
. She regarded luni as a martyr in So to some leant 'welch the Commissi tt ne n , a t
a lightetius cause and was. proud to be the 1 '"" t o 7 tr ,. .. , ; n 17 2/ ,. .pfl s, bettipini,lbs . th irteen th
oL te elf such a man ; that the gallows had no .eyed at, dames hi. l .. I", n . n ' n 'a • T P , X
(0 " . 0 : i n . ? co i n
terrors tuber or to him. She stated that elle all 4IS arum, being the',saanetrieetpe h a d " g e4
had not tic ithn since last June, hirootete -on warrant wranted to William rßilbott. about forty
months ago, and that, they had temp separa ' ..7. :i ....- t ar i i i til ur f t e h Co i l ti 7 bounty- Mao, this
toff, to except for, a few days, fur nearly two ;Lo
tt! tanJ sittinte In p Low Shoe knirm r s t itip, t e i n a t;e
years. They had, however, corresponded, ~,,,t arty. in tan waranten names of Jeremiah Par
and she always felt a diner interest in the her, Lad tract coy:ANNE i n all four L una , and
, thirty %lace antra Offtl MT( b b t: i tt n ilre li, ti o nt . ..ll , :l:l7 th ree
,a,,u,se in which lie 04s ciqaged.
.I . tw character of lite Interview between i etoe and allorrances,
l ' i ° l t it to hich the Commiesionora red
Cent tr u e
them tnay be jutigtil IV sumo extent from , ~ „ , .„ „
o-, oev.i uate. the .1111,, January, A,l
, e , '. 1 " ,4 ' 4 “ i
ibis . eiiiiversation with Captain Moore ProVi - c . ntreyed to Jacob Oilier the one-fourth pi wh,,t,
out the interview. I learn from Captain It, dtrors courryances beedme rested la the said
:tot the p o or, that die interview b e tw ee n intestate See deed reverilled 'in Centre minty,
the prisoner and Etta wife was characteristic ' I,',,,i'ide:li th ird p url ' ,. 14 ,1 - 0 ; 0 1 1 :1P . ' ' 22 a 4 rini A a t the one
t a 0 -
, eigb t mail i tro•thirds tkrec it i t ie:, iv'
of e l he man, awl_ the directions wren for the f totes - iia a taj ey '
management and dettributton of property oc• i taste in Soon Shoe hotsufilifp t Cent* evenly, Pa
envied an the minor detail; of a last will ; Also, the one undivided third-part of • rrtato
and It stotnent. lienerai l'altaMrro wait 0105 4 oihrriel ooo of 'nod lit° as last 4 forerod, ...I
present, and Captain brown urged that-10 '',..%"::::2l:".....trit'nrridrf thirty - .!_t_ 1 , 71 ,,,, a r e . d e
s Ire be allowed to remain with him all , ta „ p1a ,..„ f :, - I ; a4 a . t . tbaa i rr n :;: d "&" 10, 7 thli
noght To this the (knelt') refused assent, I ,l%esgiliwe !ail._ Satomellall and Johnson
only anon mg th un heir ii!iites-•• - - - ' 111 - 41, diked die . . 4 4 . , day a April. A I) , 1857
On his twetiott, tfiev li isec , l nn( a flee- 1.44 h o 4 rust Pieces bong unrested
t 1., tta tr I) etrttft need cants other . and Milt s
~,A,l:rtitnh7ll:ft.,";:nit"l said
ae ln i r . r . ; , r f , n .n
n il.% j o u n „ d t , ...
Itroa In Os .1 a few lt ar,, but immediately ,i, ihe runnty of Cniiirn stet Auto alotestid. nitwit
ri it ct., Ip r fit ling, 'l'lo y store) t fin braced i•B.lhell=ilins, Joule Dritigito
the wife , eitifinil„ rn4 theio.i..„.heao apparel+. / ss4-theest,a ttErs - OrAgrllelinefl t
ly unable lti fil , ,ak .. for nearly five minutes. i re l :t h h -j u e it . l7,l " „Vi g; Tri; bf'filir payment ~1
The prtrrnitr only gave way for n tnomend, ,,,„„ Li n e,JI, thir.l,es. widok picre of 1, a.l 7;
slid us.. ,ia,,11 Clailla and con, ettil, and re- erected • Saw 21ill. and In hilly , le,rll,erl by ruuy,
mien , •1 tit Ili 1./i,tHyltllt the it tillinfin r of the es and eltsinneva in n draft made by Jospeh Clark
~,t,,,,, ,e At the ch...• Ile y .1,,,,,k 1 8‘8 ,1,.., 'bred isei.iviiiher yid., IVO/ Is relnretire therein
I nut Ilia Nal, I Isthr:tee . -furl. as tiwv parted, ti
t ' l ': , !" ., g; ., :7`.1,.`,,,,-1,1..1iae1:4
the one _ . ;l!) , `;' ,
~,, ,,, ,e_, l , n t f , e i r , ' , 4
hi. 5.i..1 i i,,,i bb-ss .., WI and the eittlflren." • ~, r., ,,, if
~ 1
~,1 . ,, , , ill u,, ,,, Z , z ,,c , %,.: ., 41 .. . ~,w , ,..
N 1,.., It , ,a a a (• tiff,. i ' I ~ ,i !la', 1110 .) lan I:,nn-a , ~al/1 la P., Alai known ,-Ii toe draft oi td.
a•l i. 11.11 I , I 1 1.. I. Il' ,'rat 11.1. l? she N.III 1.." JN. la, I. ljn.iy, as tint ....tauel Dohltnlt arc t
a 1,,, ,, 1
j. ~, .
~,, ,
~ „),,..,
~,, T .,,, i ,..„,,,i . ~t oto i , , , , z ia llt u t o t a n o o r • ant 11111. 64. 0111211C 0 5, Whal'h .11.1
l'' ois ' r'' sin " "‘"."' ' to a " 1 II " e rP r ar. ''
' ' ' ..i' ' ' ' ff . m..,,,i, A I) " I
irt . : " tv. 1 rtelZ e rs nesaei dared
v I ni •1. I,itit no I Join, -r )tuner, nprimis for the 5m,.. , ,,,,
.I trr I rt. r , ~ ~, t". I; hr , .,,... -. the isirl- , r of t,.•1 .1 , ,,et ft 1..,...1 Mt ~,,, • 1.10, and Cli WC QL, iv
Ca!, , al I \a„ 1a. . ,1 lilt I I l.,1:11 r It ni Ore O, ...matte! 11.11 nre , l it. 1.11.1 ~1 il,,
t.. 1,,,, I
seal aft
~.. i ii,
,i,i4. ,,,, ,,t,„ ,„ 1, , , 1 ,,, ;.i i t . ,
1.: %. ) , , ,tiii . i. , , i i . , ,, ii „ ,i , :r i iht , v , :i i
r t....ilr , t i ti o ksiii r. . : ,: i. tab , teret par:
" A../.1 tw it. AA wen MINI 10 the on-tenants 11
fArnil) matt, s, 1 r,...t ilf 41 to bmint as. the 1,,,, her tit. from the'mmisi.
S'Ala , I 0131 La, ail .lf VIIP-41.17k prop( rte to pests 1 :...1. t,, CAtilltnence at I &civet. P M . o h, „
00 , 1. '. int , . tin 1 1,.....,...,ttitt, altet ;,pi,earld tet , kilns will be made Ittnion, ,
' • 'lo' , nilb I. iv, nu let i :0 , 11 tb to man- I i'"' 8 l'9 Ji.:4lQ iIALL. AdeCr
_ _._
age 11_ prow r'r.v tur the liont.rit (4" Itti young . _ - -- -
or violtif f n
Ili 1..1114 t 1 tbt I r 5111111 at NUftll Elba, .
rat N, 111tH, nn a Tartu lib( re she non ru
to her. IL teas desi
ron. that 'fa. r clot leen shoithl he
. and if entail not (01481j1
ut s 101 Vdl{ , 111,1 at lem,e, to have them sent
to a boar Achnnl Ile then gate three
tton,, al.() Sheriff Campbell Ms
w n seh directed that ill Ina roperty
alroold go to Ina wife, with the ex-epturn of
a few prssesits and linth he made.
To.n,ta if Ins Sit, he gave a double spy-
Kink' ; w another one a watch ; to another
he gave direction, that he aboul.l take a
tomb or monument that marks the grave or
his father, at North hlba, and hav engraved
on It Ins name nip, and Ott manner ot Ina
111,1111, 1, ;tthtr nnh the can 40. iihich Iv.
NO eta watch he dde, to rhall
remain at 'North F.t Ilia faintly
too his that. o each ol hot children he
horn all e ton •trii Id, t .10:1.11 a, and
atu ~ f I. dd roll, t , a KW. to coat tote
(1011.114 et 1), to 1 rot -trisod out of money
c mon.; to loin thou to-,
a Bible. to t,,,t dine t , Ln by preterit
e I to use!) ul his 1..r.ti0l clnl , lut, and that
filly dollar, end' I , s•
•t lam he namt , l, if they cant be round,
if not. ta lb , ir 1a wit reps 91.111/1 Ifei.
Duna..., Ow canirao of Ow rooverhation.
Mrs. I.lru him if in_ 114.1 beard that
Gcrrit Ji.uth Ir.l b. Coin; and had
thy') st.t to tll^ n” Inn at Cu. a Ile
tlyst he h4, , 1 !red of it in the papers,
sin) Wee ' , miry iu iii ir It , 'but latimeduately
drill am t
of In, r , •1,1 WWI spoken o(.
and Mrs Itro l n I. Out .be had
dip-weinp eiliart,,tolnl,t MITITeI Perry,
for the ri.-overy 01 their rAnains, to which
°hie, t, 1 421. ,I) had kindly
1111,1111,1 Lir captain
ilrowil r. in.irktd tp it In. %%wild .iko like the
leinsin, of the two Thomp ri tnoved, 1( 1 1
they 'could 1 / 1 . 1.1111111 but Augested that. iti
%%wild he au Like Ins body, with the
1 , 0.1. it 01 Ins tom suits, mid get .s pilo of pine
and Lute them all tit;otlmr : that it
wiitiAkl titter, and less expensive,
to altos that lames together
a,.4 1,1" them It Cnir place.
It! I ',Wild, I ' 1..1 , 1 lilol 'llll this 1%0111 , 1
not h, pci ‘it'rk , r, and MN,
Ikea n ol.).eterl 10 lite propoo,ion altogeth
said that lie contemplated
ins death with Cl/1110)6ot c and calitMcaS It
u null titolonhit.lly he pleit,ant to live long•
cr, but a, it IV:1I lie will 01 114yI he khould
•close has (Weer he was content. It was
1.10Ubt1..%1 111111, lie should be thus legally
murdered (or the good of the cuuse, and be
wa4 prepared to stilitnit to him will without
a intinniir.
gra. Brown becommg depressed it these
remarks, h o Nile jier cheer up and told her
his body would Beifr. be isn't her, and that
they Artful() Ire nin tett ag.ti n in he Ivan.
With regard to hit+ exertrthni: lie said he
awed i.o religious ceremonies either in the
jell or on the ec•Uold, from
consent of approve of the ~enslavemep
their fellow creatuten ; that he svould le 'plr r
to he accompanied on the scaffold by CAWS;
en slave children and • good old slave near
our, with their blessings in his soul,thst, lJ
the elutitionee 01 the whole clergy of thegos.
monivealth combined.
!hiring the past week several lepers cdn•
tabling checks and drafts had been forward•
ed to him by hia frionds in different euettonti
lie_ ttottotrjt, AlLaf. th ese. Ile-coutoramtand
lured payable to We wile, Diary A:Urea n
—(one of them was for $lOO arid another for
IVO) --and then handed them to her.
Or 1...
Still kicking a tittle I
The superannuated old ghosts of the` an
cient Whig party have finally got anothcf
" pronunciamento" out of Mr. Edward Bates
of Missouri, whom they are * trying to gal
,,. ,• a into a Presidential' candidate. Mr.
Bates, we believe, is opposed to the aequist.:
tion of Onto, and in favor of a Protective
Tariff; as-well as a Pacific Railroad. On
1 the question of Slavery, Mr. B. appears to
htliffer with the Democratic party on the sole
point that he denies the right to hold slaves
in Terntories where Slavery is not estab
lished by Oongressional legislation. 'rim)
rabid Republican papers appear willing to let
B. alone, and don t intend that he shall von
: Witte his opinions through their columns--
hence very few of them have given is letkr
I •prts7luvfl T TN. Rro • •1 STAIVRD 1114 M Or
li.AltPElt'fi MAGAZINE.
(yin E roustyul , tll a rwagazitw to an: WA/T(3
—Nein Yul 4 ((darrrer
So Ilagnedie In Lorin., or AniCtifn 11 at will
known,twee Itas Leif no many reader,. and we
may Mini), none ha./ received so hug-. • trolnit•
tit Admiration Ilunn the eltilly•4l4 Ofinin ,. .. h• , ‘ l .•
hdht to a healthy dirirsi had. elevating
IlLatature It ta the foremost Magnin& of the day
The Preside never had • more delightful smarm
lon, nor the million • more entertalitiog hurt
titan /baryon Magasine,--"Arethadom Protons.'
at Allmon )
Twenty nee teats bays it—the cheapest, ric h• rr
and moat lasting luxury fur the alitoury that nn
know Throe dollars serge, It too one y tar, .2,1
what three dollars ever went to fa, p ut (h.
saolllll., 4141.11.111 t nt oluthes. OLAiva, &Ft IDA fAIrAitATA
•1.1 how moult of a eu 6 stantial thing is u101...111%. I
II 'demi, Irene, nod sentiments have a ItrotElbutAt
aloe aM,.O All, tithe humor that refreshes the
row that bring A gentle smile , aid Dryfnt. o
tale puas.ago of a truth to your brainotod the nappy
ion uitherial and imaginative. noth ot t
ea hno one can lire a life above tker anti., tI, at ,
to 1 , 0 put man lho s2ale orpoAlsi l , ?allots wi , . °
teutr, Mau sow may he certain, Ono 4
tarry - etre. or four times at &at, ft wo'ttid &tapir
rtpay ins mine it to a Magazine prep.-, with the
vier and oppose of a If agaatne—not r leak, not o
nor yet a suppl Per of lien
Ja!-'0"1` and chatty teriectintea•—bof Sitegageo I it
take. er•ry form of Maatariingh dignified, and at
,aolire at In hat gaaap —.‘oraskte•tt
the rolutrent Woad" conatftute of tiernoni.o.
Morena 4 inieeellanenus reading such AA rap...A.
nu louud in the name &trepan, in any oilier
catnn. that h./ ovine under our tooting — .1.0,11011
Co. 01
oqueatt,o.tbir It le the beet ateetaineti work nf
t he k in d "' lb . 'anneals, that is toysey in lbw world
1 hu 'pie mild monthly amps hunt the Editor's Ttt
trio 0111 r l w.opries The prosoot unnaber Is glesi
tUnAsiy ye Miltred, NM/ there is no Yee. , ll to 4.,ubt
careerbt prOtperhy to Its. work —N I
Christ.. A , /recite ~Al 4 Junroai.
11e took rotor to terms of oultagy to the high
tune mud varied clot:Home/sof llarpor's Magneto,.
•Jourwal with a monthly ouvulatioa of shoot 11 0
tatita sops's, to whose ,ago are to 1. fealal one of
the ouoictuat 11,4 ht owl goneral rending{ of tire they
ellikreak 01 tiate work man vvidesca of the A.Mr
lean people, awl the ropohettry 11 kW acquired
merited Bulb number lieUy 34a page.
et icestarsetizror, • Italy 111uttruarf
with prod w i eutei • iceamebiaee is itself the
racy monthly d tho morejahilueoplalcal quarto,
`ly toloodiod with the bort Asturias of thu duty
) , 0r,i..) It }Lie groat power i,, the creation of n
lose of pare literature - (;...J f.,
• I" ',Urn, !Ave, London YBioy
Thu Mama:toe mu; be obtained .d Donk tellers,
Porto kcal Agents, or fruu; 4 thw-Publisbere, at Th re ., D e mme ft year, or weoty-Fire Cents e
Number. The mundannuni returnee, "a3oirot -
ea neatly bound iu cloth, *resold at Two Do lam
each , and Muslin Covers are iiilnisbed to tinuo
who WA their back numbers uniformly bound,
nt Twenty-Five Omits emb Nineteen volumes
are sow may, bound I. Obitil, and abro
ThoPablishers will sessli=a Number*
geatuitonal7 to.Ageate andT II and will
make liberal arraasemathe wallaltala for dimilat"
leg the Magaalnt. They will Am supply aloha of
two petqlotal et Pit. Libilsro• year, or Ilse pinata!
'Cara Dollar., -01.1orrialtamMeaohestesappli
ad at Two Doll yew Numbers from the
cooolmtepalaglalloirrillkeilkliad. Also, tho
bowed V, ...
A t ,f 9. -.
- '''-[.
. amt Ater
AL ; - ^ $ f' - r„,.. ; ,f 4
.0 , see at the
' '' $ • •• ; MO,
L . -, - . — iiiiiiilW:Fh=tore.
• ...deo,: '''''.7'4' Te'r,Y.
701111,-.0. 4111111111111, 9
W 1041113411 AO IiSTAIL D4.44.13t IN
TIAVING spayed s More on as Market
streeet, Lewistown, Pa., respeettelly dais
Chevattoption et eassomess to his moot, andl.LOW
I'KICEB. 111 w1:1.011
White Hole Imprther, et only 33 pent, per pinned
Lost Red Boteleatber, only 27 ibente per pound
Slaughter Kip, from ta' $4,00 to 6,517 per piece
li i ponish Kip, trout 1,60 to 4,50 per piece.
ppm Leather, from 1,00 to 3,75 per side
Onif Shim from 24, 00 to 28,00 per Oa
Meo's 114oroorioa, from 76 eta. to $3 per place,
OMOU ' II KOroeoo6, from 50 eta to $1,50 per place.
pick Linulnp (rom 40 to 73 eta. per piece.
All other kind/ of Leather at proportionately the
Immo low prices: ' As MIA* work le of at own fin
puroheiera oen fly 4 oa rotting the best quali
A large amort " Mont of/ion PINDINOS always
Country userehmita aupesdisrith heather, Lasts
and Shoe Ytediuge , ttait
Lowlstourn, kloomber 1 ••tf. •
SIL 'T, .1, 4 4 14•0 a vaTIQIf o
• rilmvett on hanti,-eitiset i erol or Wooil,i•
tothinh they in. it e the allant n the 111 , 4 0 .
Anguol RIAS