THE DEMOCRATIC WANIIMAN, ===-- 6111.1.H1FONTE, FEBRUAIIV In $$ D. LOCAL AND PERSONAL ENCOVAAGN YOUR OWN biECTIANICIC—The disposition cannot ho too much rebuked, let it exist in any town ip may, to scud to , distan i t places tor products, which could be equally well furnished by the mechanics in their own town, Neil:me thffig can he more positively injurious to the real interests of any town, than to go over the heads of its t oeclianics,tnd buy elsewhere. It takes out of the place money which justly belongs at home. It discourages and drives away mechanics. It prevents them from advancing in prosperity, so as to add to the succeseof their own town. There are people who think that no arti cle can be good for anything, unless it be an i mparted one. Such persons are as enemies to the town in which the) live. They do *hat they can to retard its progress and discourage its citizens. Eger' teal friend to the place in which he lives shOuld do all he can to encourage its nuacttanics, and, ho who has a correct concepticinitf the duties sofa, good neighbor will ever „take pride in doing so, and not run after everything that is for eign, and from the foolish idea that so doing it renders him a man of the ton, by such an act of injustice to his fellow citizens. The next thing is to pay the mechanic. The rich Irian who employs a mechanic does not always know how much iliconvemence, loss of time and expense he exposes them to by neglecting to pay au well - spiting hill on presentation Without going to odeep into the subject, let us propose a very sim ple example of constant occurrence. A me chanic undertakes a job, for which has hon est charge is fifty dollar,. It is done to the satisfactson of his employer. Ile c xpeets his pay on presentation of a bill Wily should he not receive it I Ile has no bank credit, he pays cash for labor. lle ha' been employed a me cell on that job n ith two jounwymen, besides Nrinshing the malari al, paying shop rent and other expensive contingencies. Why should lie be uskisl to wait six months or a year for Ins money Ile must pay his bards when called on, pro ',vie for kis family pay for his Work, and pay up Something against rout t 1,13 5 Is it r,,ksonahle it juSt, that hry ready em ployer should Solt hat. to wait for his pay until his convenient tune 7 We ask is righteous, is it just that a man of supposed wealth should do this. and leave the honest and hard working in •chauir to the mercy or small creditors, the importunities of jour neymen, and Ilse rapaoity of worm us, x tor 11011CTS I L • ertainly not Exem.l,yo;'r An, Jr The • lIPV Daniel Waldo, late Chaplain to sa) '•1 am now an 01.1 man. 1 have tat n neat I V a eentury. Do )4..0 want to know bow to grow nIl slowly and tinpviiy 1 Let me tell you Alu ays ent slowly - tnmlieate wi II t or t o lour food, to yot,,r re,t, to your tit'eti !tattoos kiniling. good ii ine and soft temper everywhere. Never give tray to anger CilltiVa le woof Inelnory, and wear only the tlegaut and becoming styles of clothing got up by Win I ‘ lllnii. Ns-„ FAlslt FR I \ - in a ecic4 of 'we nom, ni every eununiiiiity, who only make f Menthe til 11..) ht Da, If llicy Van get 111,11, mg out o f a mail, I hey do not want hi. friend:dap Such peelple tri. lit their lii ends like cigars -they hang oil to thew, get all the good of them, and the ti do owing Oulu mazy apt after thew ! But such Melt VI 111 vettlwally reap the reward of their ingrati tude, as eertain persons In our town can I= Pass', FltrITS ---Ms Maly has Pica re NAVY(' at his eheap grocery Store, a floe lot of fresh fruit, coow4ting of IVack!,erries Pi:lobes, Plums, "Fornatoe,, Grapes, Cher net, &c &c , which he ;,; sclling very low Those wanting try thing in this line would do well to pratronize bun. • The weather is as Ilc6le and coquetish as the 'fairer sex" themselves. 011 e day we have the "genial balmy breeze of spring," and the next comes the ”howling blast of winter." It is impossible to predict' " wi th any kind erreertainty " one day what the weather will he the next. An election for Justice of the Peace wii be held in this Borough on the 18th ins t. Quite an excitement in getting up between the different candidates. Some of them are very polite just now. We think we never new 'Squire Welch so affable and agreeable "A Lesson and where I learned it"—.4 The Victory of Faith, and the Dying Year," by onr - Portmnotrtir w i an t I/, Mt a. P.—and “Into the Sunshine," by Mary T. Williams, have been received and will ap pear shortly, lAOII CM COLWE.—The rapid growth iond extended popularity of this School, is the result of the confidence it has inspired by its fair dealing• and thorough teaching. Presbyterian Banner and Advocate, 71 - Phu • burgh. Rae, Janis LINN. —We regret to learn that this old veteran In , thg l cause of Christ, is still confined to a sick bed. We hope that it wilt not be long until we-will again see his etisernit countenance on our streets. „PJOVIAMED ititISTINU.- 7We UnderSitlUtt that the meeting commencek at Milesburg some three weeks si nee, in the ltlethodist Church, is still in progress. Quito a num• ker hairetxuade a profession of Religion. COL. CURTIN. —Our ritizens havi; addreau• ed a letter to the Bellefonte Fenciblee asking them that the next Lecture be delivered by this gentleman. We hope the Col. will Con sent. Col. A. G. CURTIN, of this place, will lec ture before the "Lock Haven Artillery," on the 22.1.0 f February, at Scott's Hall. • A colored woman died in" ;lila place on Saturday WI, aged One hundred and fl lue yeas: We are requested to state that Rev E It. Snyder will preach in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday afternoon next, at three o'clock. U. A. Fonda. Esq.. snpercntontlont of the Catawiusa, Williamsport and Die Railroad boo our thanks for a compltmentary ticket over their Road. Lacrena..-‘--11, Geld Rogers, A. M , a member of the Constitutional Convention of Pennsylvania, will deliver a Lecture at the Court House on Friday evening next, (11th inst.,) by imitation of many of the citizens of this place: Sfibject : "Age of Colum, bus." Admission :25 cents A TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. Meetilig of the Bellefonte- Bar At a meeting of the bar and Akers of the Court of Centre roomy, uq Satin4la; ing. February sth, 1559, the full plug pro. eeedings %%ere bind upon the announcement., by the President, of the death of David I'. foal, In ar,eordanee with a resolution moved by James tf o eJtaAta, the President ap potitted.Jallleti 11, Itarrkto, - iantttel [AIM and JOllll 110ner, Eros to llrl lucre resoilittoris appropriate to Om oCcusion -- The committee reported the frillowintr which were unanimously adopted : Resolved, That the inernhers or the Bar, have heard, with iiirfcrgrierl regret, and deep sorrow, of the dr nth of "111 tolhrr ii the profession, Ilarid t.): /14.41/, /kalnh•rd, That as a hu,taii,t and fath vr, he %sa., kind and alh tionate - I iti I till 11 incnt otrong and ft•rvrnt. I?evole.rd , That nt.,11 ntottilier or to the feeling of a %atm and generous heart were 11l all I.llllt . ti QXlll,tolloll ut 6t. :lets friend :ollp Loew ill) change As al• gislaoti he Na 4 fIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIII , IIISITIOUS. always watch ful of the utteresth Of ills COnst.ll uenty lirsiderfl, That as a lass yor 1514 luilhaut taltutts shone lotlh nv of the Its NI onlur-- Lr will cursed m tho h•Aritorz, of the )11-OrCh4lllll'lll.l (lotirliollo m ISIS dentranor to the Court and -hat,. Itegotrol, `Hint as a mark of rrapert for his turruory, 00 0 111 111 1;3141 the fwn ral m 11 holly, and a•car 1111. 1/Nll.ll hallgc of mourn ing f,,r thirly 113)0 11r.olred. '111;:t It I)tiriirtm, El Blau child and ‘Vin Ile a eoninott- e 10 ,011111111111(111r a ooils , of tilt. proco, dings of 11114 mtt Trig In the litooly of ow ,1,4•11,,I with a , 4OftlileeS of 11ie th r Bar anti olllieerg of the Coot t for the los, tiwy have 411slitinvd. ,I.kS 31.%1 'ALIN l Preitilrnt. IA A. liKtt KR, So n rim y A lblyktirl - l' very hover should have as an inmate, a good natured ~ eir,thle tidy, old lady. This tutportant lix titre should alway, he, if possible, n gland 11144111 t -r or a, the next best, an aunt: 3 et so inthspensthte to the rer•peetahtlitv, comfort, and (.11,1111`1111•11re 111 a asasell rl•g111110,1 lull is the Old hilly, Clint If this ct,teau 01, housekeeping become general, it %%1111.0 , 1(11V quite natural to l nd under the head of •• %%ants" in the ilea Spain - rt topnru for proper old ladnot to so Ho ) titre lAA of dear of l folk, Font, to the tt ttt r 111,14,1 till 154114 4 4 411, 0 , 11 ring t hi tn., lye , : to a rule! keep in pis 'a Isft 11011 much l o unger, nor In gin to make as noting sheet/land gr Ise I tips fall ten ) - 4 arm I,,rott• thy reaper (untie to gather in the 'Joel., of corn fully rope.-:- (11.1 latlma Yes 114 - 4 - 4144 41 Vroci,l4 nee du signed such 10 !11l a Imp. %pare 111 the 4141114 - slie cur rle, a elan, remarkable as not living for themselves but for others --the most 1,111.111- rut 51,1,1111°114 of disinterest d love tht, nu lie of Lit aveu. A 'I 110 Calif% 1 11 Hopsblir:ut sap that Mr: If it iwy, of Tippecanoe, llarrtinn eutiiity, 44htn, a high ly tespeetahly lady, and a 'Heather of the Prestiv tei inn Church. during a perillar rnn drtton Of ht r phy , ionl and mental organia, tam, has preachy,' a Berman half an hear long, every oils r Sunday at 1,11 fur teen )1•11r, M hile preaching ally r. Chnta 111.11 & tied. Iler li e I gem rally excellent, and ifitlllll.l Ift ',rn pn t rid quotations ; hut when She I WITS lit r ConSCIOUNIIVSS 1.111. 110, Ito repullectioli what ever of Hiatt shy has di, n saying See% rill years ago far rape exiled the atteritien of several 11114' Ica! gentlymen, NhO, N hide tlw% had the utitioat c%paideiwe in her awe% Illy, cool,' give no Ott .factory explanation of the inystely DIiATII AND I.lFli Withyt , a r4 , w dap; a lady I ,thling 111 . 111 . Purklomen Itrsh.te, Afoot,. gotnt It; (enmity, l'a , lost two v1111,11(.11 by the measles. But on the ( vetting ~1" the funeral the lady bort. twins' Clue is almost as singular as the hdluw log case 111 whieh a lady died the same day she was married MARAIRD P , llt tSvtllr, N Y, on II 10th igst.., by P K Sahvbory, F q , J e l in limns, of Middletown, Delaware county, N Y , to ,'duHo M. A. Turk, of I'rat Green county, N. Y. Dim) --In I' of asthma and Mrs. NI A the 26th year o Some fun•lov eagtle Pa , recently tibt, re which purported to he a lodge attic S ins of nal ta. One of the undated, howeyer, exposed the whole concern. lie states that after being initiated, he signed what was repro - sented to he the Constatutton of t, to Order, but which turned out to be nothing more or less than in order for a keg of beer upon one of the town brewers. The Club had been indulging in iit4tir at the expense of the new members for several weeks, but since the 'rblow,'bthoy have fallen through. BP:At:TIM llAiit. --This is one of the greatest ornaments whir•li" iintn or could boast of. A. splendid head of hair, a luxuriance of hair, if it he in a high state of health, gloany and thick, no !natter what its color be no that it tti natural, k attraction that will not escape tho envy of Oak° who aro bald, and gray hair is unnatural till one is in the neighborhood of four score and ten : short of that, it, to a disease. , We would r, tu edy this diseise„aod in what way f How could we reatoro gray hair to its original health ! Use Professor Wood's Hair Re storative, for sale at all the drug stores ; it restores the hair it restores its health, and when that is reproduced, its beauty, its luxuriance and gloss 13 sure to lollow. Wood's Restorative is the only Valuable Hair Preparation. LAID Cr.—Twu nutittrnit and ndtety•sev en vessel' arolaid up in the harbor, of Chic'. go for the winter. . • Purim{ our visit to Lowell we wore shown through Die Laboratory or i , our celebrated countryman, Dr J. I' Melt Scarcely could we have bt I i V«1 what is seen there without Kea be) ond disputing !hey consume a barrel of solid Pulls.. R - limit 50,000 doses and 3 ham Is of Cherry Pectoral 1.20 01111 dolts per diem. 'to what an inconceivable amount of human suit:tering does this point ! 170,000 doses a day !! 'Fitly millions of doses per year Ci ! What acres and thousands of acres or sick beds does this spread before the itnngination ! And what sympathies and woe I Trite, not all of this is taten by the very sick Imo Ow, nmeh of nis This Owrry Drop and t h is sugared Pill tire to be the companion or pain and output 'oh and sinking sorrow—the inher nonce our Mother Eve bequeathed to the whole family of man!' litre the infant dm lisfrhas teen touched too early. by the blight that withers half our race. Its little lungs are t lit clod and only a atelong and waiting shall tell which war its hi call] shall turn -- Thus roll drop on it , : tshk is the Wits:man on which it , life shall hang. There the Moslem of the womb' just bursting into wo. • nanhnotl, IS Sill , 1 / en also. Al4OlOllB most a, sidtiont; rare frilly not. slie iv still failnig away. the {'II II itie,,rogei conies neart.i• rind nearer every, tt volc Thiv little mrdu•t !nPnl ,hall go there, their Inv! perhaps therr only hope Tlintrolk4 roan lino; plavited in hp. t nal,. this nine red drop by hi, vide wre,t le ,vith the nn•mnrable enemy ; the ade or his 1,0 , 40 in rind the rheruB, of hw lieart are 'kill:lag in ,iek vorrott• and f,ai levt the roil hi; %dll' II they lean hi thiq worth, Fe broken, Fleeter I 'Spare nor eoql. hue toil to give tli, griikking iu k the I,u t (lust Inman art elm give TI 1,11. Fttl"Nlt kT Lt.r, It I,,t . in hilt not may rrlivve)4, 1)))t entlN niul ‘atelitus hilt rev‘)lvr )11.011t it m llrr tttifittt. of 1 : 01 , 1s, mdnrnin. liton chit's. \r muted li I, 1)r 1V istal . :l Ital,an) of IVII.I Cherry/ Buy hone huh,. it hai the nit:ie./I mghniure of -1 ihdt,' oo the o rapper Bellefonte Markets lie fiilliitt r, 1111 , list of p, trr4 at till IWO. of going to White 11 . 1i,ia. 15 to sl' 2.5 it, I Eirs (Ikl. l't l'lover,euti. 14,11 I. 3., !Suet. \vent, 'Talk),, pur 110111111 Ikrthr, I.irtl, Egg.. per dor. THE (;Ite:‘ 13A,;1.1-1i itENIEur I,,NiEs ci, %it K E S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. Pt pti ont a p ept ton "1 s ;tl firll , s It, At, , P ir 1, It 1 it.,rJr nrrryl.,/1r1,h,. 9 . 111+ int 1111 thlt• ow 5111 aolaklo.g .4 all Ow, .1 tag. 1 , 111. 1.,0111 II Mall 1 , 1511111 , 1.. 1, `l ,l / 2 . It in4altrati all 1-.A.ra , al and waw,eyll oL•ar w II Seer 11141111 i e Ay 1,1111 11111 y lot ati TO ItelllEllb ILA Ell it IA nht.• I in et •leort 11 iii. 11.• nw,,b1 . % j., r ‘...1 ‘4l ll, s.ti.slii rl 1 IThe•ls llou L. I ir. r'sr Ui I e L. u. IL. t;, ermeet.os St milli t I re.ti I:11 .11., to pee ‘r , 1.1 ei•rfe.lN vb..... 1., it • .I,„„tt /r le rq R,, Ir,r/r.dri rs Ihe PI 11% , I . 1: 1.1, 31 V I r m pl Pro; 01,1k.V. 4is thew l/ ry I. g", :Ur era., . h. ,t ~I„nl A Pam 11, It I , • ertl4 , n, P,didt,ol,l Ihe Ileal I II s• ,• r. • ;owl .611,1 f.• t 1 VIII e \Olen 911 mhos Inerlitn .111.1 .ovd !O.", sal rt dy, all 11 , 1 i t'llut:,111 15,1 1.111./131..1, .1111101,Q , 011114 hurtful to litu 1. , •1 nntnn.n Full titre. ikn. , 11l pamphlet untontlea.]; utekttge trefully S o l e Agent In, the Pittretl t -t .I. .141 1 ' 111141i., .11)11, 11 fl alit I it.tltl,) It, A Ctt ,) Ittn•ln ,tt r N U —3l 110 Inel II 'WO 1 , 40 ..111 11118 4.0 In) attello.rorv , l Agent, utll /C, Vllll - m Pllll, by return until Fur eat., by P GHIA N, Agent I, 11. 11. f,.00 Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. %t here the e pn pal n'l , ll i. k 1110.'1 n i.Sr well UP11.11, 1 1 • 11 . / ,Le nn int illthle It ern( 41) for the rob/. Nnre Throut It" /,e /ter,' yr, ('e, ,p II 1100,0 e,r ( , 11101 UN 07 oiru of 1 r LYONr r eiso I t 11 NI . , thus it wrre work of vlprrerogan n tai -la ak iif it. merits Itneot ere! by ,twill kniiiin ph)+n r in more thn weuty year. Mine ht. hy the 11.1 lltt 4 t ha+ effeineil been atitittnialitig rn tubby faior unlit it nit. Alit ne reputalitio are is the universal; and it IS 11111• kl/01,11 and t benched ty ell (and their pause IS leglt/11 . 1 %V 11.1 114, rants rurluroJ to health by its 11/101 sat 010 IlaasT ICISISD T fur all the diseases wliteli it pi - tiff earn lit Sir Jainnatiark, phyeicinn il)1.11 Victoria hnn given it rim hi, opinino I hnt CONSITMP rl6l CAN TIE CURED ' oth ingt hr lun -The whole hintory bullyyThanifirtnn the ! Tani°. of that enonenl man Thuttaamln nnu teattfy, and hot e tea Med, that when all °Oit•r rein nil lea had failed, this completely cured , that When the rufferer had well nigh dr,paired, Ibis hall al fm'lteof immrdtate reli4l tita4 whwa I.l.—fAltiottetali hail pronounced the donanie incurable, Oita h., re moved at entirely vests, In The virt Iles of (hw mre are alike applicable to cure a slight Cold or a Con Armed e'oa ttorr nwd lIC power as a fro, rerto , ) .red y, Ides .err and elfert 01 edy cannot he equalled The ord., genuine hits the sarane . signature of ..1 Batts"Aß well as the printed 1161110 ur the Proprietors on th,„youter wrapper t 1V FOW 10E A, CO PROPRIETORS, For ante by their Agents everywhere, and by J h J Ilerrie Beliefentuo never J tlephart Ntl helm Omen A Yeariek, Aaronsburs,lipigel+ coyer,lllartleytown C J Hyman, Milesburg, 11 TVat - Writf - Ventro itnti. - Npliental. MAIMUND : On Tuesday the Bth utet., by friends ceremony, Mr. Daniel Irwin to Miss Eliza, daughte , . of Uoidor Underwood, both of Unionville, On Fob. 3d whit., 11 Rev. John Tanner, Mr. Gtorge ,Mattern to Loam Shivery, loth of Paiotta twp. -;--- - Obituarg. 1„ this Owe on the 7th jest., WILLIAM RYAN, gged about 70 years• In this place on the sth inst., very sudden• y,lrbortn C. Boat, Beg, aged about 37 years. • -4 tintlyr-aglit,l agents; of Ow Snowshoe I. f f„I lllllllg r.,0, and imois u n qrr Mtn tort et the Me4h., tem. and Beech (reek',, to 1;1,1/ o• ntmy Pa firr prep tre.l to melt mlunlpeg. roe lake i 'tire d,r the bother o It. sliiffi, f Im punt 111 , flf , / r.. 111 1, bi pt l i ‘‘ (-h.q.; to emliorlt in zll.. 'l'lllll.l r maylll.. 1 .11.1• the tt•rmillir4 tin.m.ll, • It 10,4.1 nut Or, nod u t stintmf..ini lu onark..l , 411. %VI) n 11,11115 fl.f.ift ti deon 11(...e1t et 1,17 111 , 1 Ihrn 1 . 111111•3',/ it/ 4111) dem ruble pouf f,r to,ttild I '111'.11 . 4 them I 12tt I I MN %I NEW BAKERY. lEt - Irvit•lD47:24. respectfully Intlit ins the citizens or Itt 11c tont. Illid that he bee entent,wed the Ilefitetg bustneee at hte residence on Itiehop etreet, where he will furtitbh families at all tunes with DREAD, RUSK, DOWN CAKE, SUGAR AND GINGER CAKES. C I?,1C KERS, and everything at a regular liokery Holing sor“rod the sea ven of a bake: from the city of New York, ho eels tintinfied that be will ho enabled to render galleonl inittefeetton and o‘llll,illt, for yournelvee Itellefoete, February IWit, 18441" NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sviled pi oposal4 N ill he receivril by the 'l'um Coutiett, of the borough of .T the (took Snne of lien I,k Illgeton, Car/ up to Sidonlay, thq 111th of February lost , for hood, ng 11 Slone Itrolge or er tipring Creek, on High telt ,t in swd iiiirough, the 116111 111111 iiper.dlleatioi,a of erhieb can he seen nt the abuse named place Rids must he tirade at a produ per lour, Is rt,, 1111,101, 11,1.01 urn pried per)and for embankment Ity order of the Town Couneil I)AV II) 511 1X111.3.1, President T Jun, VTION, Ste y Felt 111, '5B 2t AUDITORS NOTICE. In the flephan's ('nu nI, for' the County of CCIIITP, to the mailer „r ihv stale of Ilulun rieeM , thouhiorppointed! r. port Lo t of th,, of um loud m c„„, 1 .1110 411 olielory hiltswilllnsotthepfrurtlmterext od ilierein .1 hi, •o iir ileilefoo la. on . the firth Joy of M/111.11 next at 10 ii'el M ook I' , whi`ti mail when, nll pelf -.11. ore requested to pre twill their otwnM Or Ile 110101Irred otm, 1111011 8111 , 1 fond .1/10 II It \ Fohrooly 10 1}159 •U omhier ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. rp he pialtlie take ti,,tive that Intern of AtlmttliAtt Owe lime hell, greeted to the undrrntgurd 011 l hr IN I ate• of .1 oho I Mee Irhy M I/ nett Mamba II Donaghy. he mite , der d , InM of Howard trovreehlp All Dement, kette lmi threetelvir indebted to Reid estate 'till ;dense make tintemlmte itaymeht,awl Ilmge hattog c t,y, prv.ent them duly natheelleated for Rettlrtneht 71111.M.1P1 , 1JC111 , 41 ,111 IIII•I't ILI] ,I, may Li r Mn.trie, ir,rrweret well Min ee ille auel eoete nI Ile. .10440111 4,4 r I 'l n 1 11 ,, ,, nr.l,llle ee ertlay the 1911, da, 111 M ; aieli ur xt Vol, 11l :,11 lit .1011 sr IV II , t .1 e r J. GI.IRTIN, SUN P,l IR, OAK Hit,. Alll 1 s 1•Vs•I'1„ Will attend to vistleyittg rind , it,. All applimill ion 1tililril4M1•11 IS11111161;qrg P tl III ft . I . PRe prompt attention Veto 111 g lint NOTICE TO LUMBERMEN CEIREMIII "tato xtvl Clinton Doti. II pill, 11•111bovlootp ei 11s6ruent and +end 1.111 to 11114 °Chou. NEW CLOTHING STORE, IN NILESBURG Mit .1 NI It I:\ opett.,l /C 0 .0,1 ..rt..uttookt 1104 0 ,1 Ifoui, /Apt,' Ulll St nail, mod is nos a.:14 , to de a 01.1 ,11 1.. t 11.1,11er• ;nl r pir • I),sai II„ hurl I ,rod.hew" .oltl 1L,.. ..r ille• ell” 111 For ! bro.( call awl •ot. for I 41'11i, II 001 /),,, I • nl. •• z•l; /Vl,/// I'S{ do " I Twit N, " °IB " C,. ) '„ 1 ' .,„1. C,1•1(P Int. Slid V. par Fu,. II hit.. (Anon oo II 'l,,ra .Ir.turr. eiluton II I P 6, Sln roil brnwi r. Filo. 1' Lly 101.1 .1, For nl,l r, nner.rllo, All (lit 1 1 . ,, re .111 rs 4 'W7pt.l i Cer7 IfPyr pro os fur • e• Call %Auk ikeollolying. your Clor oot. 1tf00.r1 . 4 -- „%h(v.tloirr: J:11,001v !.6 AUDITORS NOTICE if tt•trte-1 - 14itit Ai,. lII° 1„ Ire .4 S4l - .1.10, tit, in• 1.0,1 s hi r,on motley 14 , 44,ht . 111144.0 tit to Ike ttirtitrol.,d tho tile OM it. 414 -11 - 111111 Ilit• eu , l 1111911, 1.04' 111 the 11111.1. %1 I Nttrtit it. 1 , 1.444.1 itit titt:*l 114••••41Ie t Ito let t , it 1, The none, h ;Ippon], 4..1 r 414,1, I It, ?Alt t tt Malt It -4lt, lii 14114•14 , 1 Ilttt 44t1 duty nt 111.4 t, 11111,41t• I ttlito Thutto nl ere+ll.4l lire 11E1 lle , l 11, ell, lIIItIfIM Aol. F 4•11 t tr til II .41 A GOOD FARM. FOR SALE A 1 :1 1)Ii. A IS 11Z*., \IN ' " T • Ii`;(1t114 . :It rs r.r the 1 following rleserlhr,l proper, v -atirriis sir Ma rio!, 141V1,1111,,4 , 11111e vine( anti laAsontille known ire the PiAle , 1 , 41.111.11 t. tug 10141111 1.4. Imitated acres of h rate 10 001 . ao ,i, winch stitout iille hit mind air, 1.1 are m.. 1111 1 ,1 111 it Wood .1:11e of old' ce cc two, 11 ~ 1111.1 Hutt efeett ,1 Cheroot, with a ,0 00 g la d thrifty 1)1, 11/11 . 11 A lll'Ver (Ailing spring 4.1 stAll r 0011%e.. .tit la the For (nether iwrtrtd.tra Cll4llll re at Chu A nUilO/1 roots Jantiaty 20, I lia'J .1011 N lI , CV Jr Fall & Wilder Goods, A BREAK IN THE CABLE DREVENTIiII I) 1.1);11)KS C C{). from anootrorong In 1.1. e pohhe nl sot °Arlo, day, dog they hare reotoved the beet Seiroled atilek Ot (MODS ever offered for 'ale to thit part of the vottotry whirls they are prepared to +ell at emelt taw itrteet, Ile will rtileferil tire Null t.e Thole stook outlattott it) part vrt Tart-sr- (4- coor,Eil, of el cry On.riely of rlloll'll wear, nude 11 Fi 'll ,S• Alorrierrn ('lo! AI, Mack 'a s,m ere, Snffulcll. Tow, ds, Vestino of new will Ho ant WO Styles. . D& (;00 DS. A full mi (.1 , 1.1 of I.loloot brans 115,,1 N S II ILII Ills, Wow R/lii 11,14118 Pram II Alert noes, c,,tt 11,1111 neq, ('a/,Corr Plaids, c., S4augs, bran! ,!/Js, of rat 10113 Notting, Alw, vary apOrtinunt or well rondo BOOTS g Silo L'S Hardware, Qaernsmare, Mane and Pai Men ware, and all other kand4 of Ware are Aept ra a l'atattev Stare. GROCERIES. Their stook Of Orovories line been indented with rartieitler on ro, and they are wife in that nrr Bier-Pkiii,--nr OBRAPFdt one lie lueel_enAlte County TlO ‘ y have Sugars, Molasses, and Syrups olti l te sweet est kinds, Colfee, Teas. Rid, )c., Spi,es of every kind, rish and Soft. Call In and exauBno for yourselves, and you will go away ealiefliel that Ihti CIVertherLICIA stater nothing but the truth/ Nov 18, 111514 —ly WANTED Ouemaenad Tons of ON T"" subscribers are purelia , ing, anti will pay the highest nue° fur Old Metal, end are ready to connive any quantity at their Foundry en Spring Creek, near Bellefonte January 117.- 2 49. J D HARRIS & CO VALENTINES 11 VALENTINES! !I A large and aplendel aNsortuturit of • Val entines just reeeived, no t for Dale at the Gellefocte Book Store by Feb. 3 :, OEO LIVINGSTON. TEIHO. 11111 , F SCR MINER, CON VEYANCER ANn Agint for Pio West [Manrh Mutual Innur anrr CO In pa n y, Will make InnuzutweA on all d,seripooze of proporty at mooornte rats. And,. trill Also exc. cute all kind,. of legal railings nest!" promptly and Aceurotely, viz. W riling gf Drods, Mario- Assigointita, artieleis of Agreements, Pont• ing tortmoii - unly And will [nuke out 1,) II plieqles of of school, Poor and Road 'Faxes , and Transcripts Of , 11 , SCIlit , 1 i.l‘ll , il; mot t h e St,hool or Mond Tnlpos thorium All of wind,will bo dune nt (cry InrAd. orate prices - Mtive with Jesse L Test, Esq , Ilvglater, lc at the Court ll?kte Bellefel.te, Jon . 27.'59.1y Peilitsvlvarlia Hotel, Tut: RE'WEC'r FL7I.LY informs the citizen.; of Centre enmity mid the lit:ldle in gene al that he hag leased thiii Ile tel, pow ready mini pleinireil In neeni nt an dote inn elevv in a uliteh he flatters lita.selt will nivel wilh pul lU alifirohttlioll and patronage People from the Comity during heir iitipitirn at hellefonte on Wet• ke of Court, will huh the Penn. Ilie al, an agreeable reittlng hlnru 'lhe lien, is spoi•ieue end furnitheil in env°, ine yle TIIR 'IA ofthe V 111-11 1 41,..,111 . will 1111 1 111p14111 4 11 with ell the 111141 lIINIIrII 4 II 10,01 n prirlttott,e Country eon furne.h, oolloorr r twin tht, nod e ‘l,llllll 1 4 1111111 . 114 4 1111 1 111, 1 11Alt, willolv..‘yq contain n general a....0rt. thent of the rrr hell Inure' that the bourrn 41 , ..ket jolnithot to roil the dne.t 111111111.111/111/ 151 . 1eti -- ' TIIESTAIIf,C, xtll tie nttnnited hp nttrelito and Innier to nhxoLartir the duller nertnining liillll+ rvrpnrt.nN department of ileinginnl for 1110 .6 , 111111141 trinele, genrrnny lilt itlYrayl Inn in 111 14 . 11 , 131“16 10 .prly the wants tinti•unntribute to titq enintorl unit /non-ken...if Innen Vlho inity lw ,1 in Forourre the lintel ni No m nothing nnl hr Q 1111116,1 Nth tender Inn+l ( wnot eninnittnble Awl I , rini inn ntlentnAn 11.011111 e n. huh the urder xrgurd hex dikilled or tlll4 1 641 , 44, h if 111111111 4, 64 '14,11 , 1 111.4 eXperlenee. 116}1144•041 141_ wrnt r t d ftelliie re....file A 11,11• ..f11)01 114111 , 11.,t• 411, pitl,lll. IA 1, 11 I E, itellefoole 061 21 Imp , C) MI M _A_ Z - ' la . 1" Clo rt. M , t : 9 1 31a( 1 ):M LIP/0 2 3 . ) Thins just. s Om' of Fri AN is • whielt sir u•ly 1i 1. User 1.1. 1114.11 1 , 111 Met liy Lily eit41,11,111 1u1•nl in 111,4 'ie. 11 , 11 01 11011111ry Cr( )().1) ( ()(3438, ft( luw pnar., IP nt mg, Awl if v• r. ter x n del., to legt lln fact call i awl examine nit,l Jou 11111 bear IrrUwony to the Net Tlwir rto,lt n grnrrel r♦rrnrinn•ai of Good< (:r gar rr II s. /hit ilow,e, 11 <- including n lui.t 111 Dili r att left,ni their line, ‘.llh h eau Lr ("Itis , l an ex ten.ise and %/tried 1.•.11..11 D E4S /)/ /''' GOO DS, SU ;14 Pu• rioort ( lot 11, IL to lot, 41 (en/,,,,,;, • !Wattles, Al po-q, cm h Mer• PI S rl/11.15, J T \ Pharr lituntlouo.o4' %%vat coo+io , l of 0 Irvin .orlllo ol 01 f' 1.1100,001. 171011 k• ti.ttlinelo `l4llllO, V 1 ,1114; Twe.o.l. l'apt And a 1 e vow.% t• %.irloty 01 Heels 6 .4hor•, for nod (101,1rell 001 almost vs or 01100 trio 1. 1110 to.Ly he lu,toA.iry lo •up ply illy 0 nnln ,I 1 Ole 0111111 nlly °I the money market hat lag th e 4 If,l of reAttiti in: the pin it of in iny art,. Inereli nein , . the on-It rtn,roittl hat, been enahletl to boy their n 1,.• 111 1,41 rate, that they earl sell ,104tIl'I tit nine, htii mg tl In pl. 11.10. 1114 1 1 f vl3,t,titit•rm L o uth In the ititoltly ..1 nut tho phone nt h they 11.. m t y hart. tit roinnitt ren ton title ire 4.1 till roll All in wont iif Dill,ll .tint alositie their rltitck or o.t Ld't'••xn t ry produce 411 /1111•111d1 1 111.11,11 111 ex Itt II tllitioniti. NO, 2m, In y 11 - LWO VALIJA33LF. V i A.RDIS FOR - Will lot A••I.1 tit iortinto sale, one I titrl eon; nog one linnilreil netett or the ht linty imitito I not `IA. whit a Flt AM]. 11.11 -th It till, 11 trn and other .4 , ant 111111,1111.:. eire,•tril I liervolt (hie anti ix. are (it it :totem nre Heari( unit in high Oat° of riiliaat-at ton 'mil thy Intlinten rhnlce I ti 11111 1 1 1 1• Tllll l lll.l/1,1 lime root( le r ling I. "11l Fillmore I' II to the roll, limit. aid Thialithitrg 'I timid lie Idiom 1 ..1 111/ 11 me,' If lel II I it I ill it 10. or li r .' op.' 111111t1 7111 M, and the hAlartert In Iwo eilattl 1114 1.1111 rut... /0,1 , 0 be :40 ttrr.l and ige Ir. :1.1.1r...a .1 11 11 , 11 4 1 . 1 t, .111 M It I K I:1i Elreot.wei. Ildv 2...`.q if 1 . ..0.1.11r! Centro. so. vrsnns nrc herchy jo t r harc ar in any W." 1111 , 14 le N r.l l .OAlllg ',hod prop,vt y p tt r t 4,•ell 011 h intl. “I It 11., 1, I, 01 front John . Str a w i'aater tont,lttp rol to fum, •1111)1,1 I tnv 1.11, ala 2 Ilron tt M WI Horse %%Ingo t] ' I Pint., I II Ino,u Ih, hall „ I 21 Arrer ol he a t.. 41,11,1.1. 11/Ihe one huhl nf' II rn v nf' ye in the All rer.nitv art-ICorlaal nor. dittoing nr Ilte •ainta .1.1 the property belong. to me ADAM irrnne, Mill, inn 20 P.,,,41 NEW STORE AN!) NEW GOODS OM retwil ,(rulers in Dry 474..10, t; ll...non:lre II artteat, Fi , r, At. , rt i heir \ ew '-tnlst• nearly ementtitt the ren t .' Ilem. to Allegheny et reet vt hit h they 011, ler sale ni Jullow ;trio, y V It I.I:IDLN .1 Co ARTISTS MATERIALS Def,‘TERIAL S for painting While or., Ilti Coins. let e 00000 pronAiblis Whom, for ilrornin 011 Piiiiitlnw til,lll !Ail hold awl Snlver hronisti, Camol tinhln 11a +r Brush•. India luk imposilor English Fro• par.! canvass, An can bu hail Drug Store of F Ital Info] 5.'5R Int a A pril f MRS SOTTRECIi: rvspecinilly looking H 011.611110 RIO lehlly that she hasopeinel n ftocy va.,ro, consisting of as knnl And I trgif 11 . 110.40 r t Went IPI WPM" He Walker bfl) tr , this place She her in her employ n 'room; lAdy win will ho able to Ills ace the !Jot., of the molt fmni,ltons I.tritite " (vett -amf eenesemtwo-,• as son-Leo4 neteura4 that wo will he ails to ',tense in style and lhality liellefonte Nio .1- 58 If ItTN ERSIII II EIRETOPME e „,„tmg ufJor oho firm of U reen A NUM erin Drug/4"lo, boo this boon dieted% ed by RHINO eonnent All'poronnx having unsettled amounts wuL sold firm are hereby requested to ox❑ 4111.1 11.1.11/1:11illtely J tI numEgN, F P ORLES The baldness will still be eontinued at the old eland by the undersigned, who taken tine opportu nity lir returning his einoere thank, to Om public for their generous patronage, and hopes - by prompt attention to busier/Pito merit a eowintianue of the -atrnte Dee 1 ,18:18 F P tIREMI TILE moment., oilers for sales HOUSE and LOT altuateal on High Street In the Bor ough of Bellaforao, now in the occupancy of Mr Frederick Smith, and adjoining lot of M Men tor's heirs The lot to 00 foot front liy 200 deep Any parent tlellrouri of .purchasing a convenient and ralualdo property could nut du halar than by gialog ma 4 null. JOS. H. HARRIS, Dec 23, NV —lf • Dellelont• Founder'', TIE Co-partnership heretofore existing between Irs C Mitqbell k 1). Hush, un der-the-14in of Mitchell & Bush, to the pr.tettoe of the row, dissolved by reutuul consent op the 10th lest The business' of alb 'firm will be settled end oonetudled by Ire C IRA C MITORRLL, Dec. ti, 18H1 D. 0 BUSH. el 11 . (11111 111(11,1 f CAUTION I=l FANCY STORE DISSOLUTION FOR - SALE DISSOLUTION. , W. A. THOMAS, Jr. - St CO. lIA CJ: JUST RECEI VED A LA RUE AND SPLENDID STOCK OF DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTIENG, GROCERIES, QUEENSWAR E, HARDWARE, 4,1811. AND SALT. Which they are tioir opening. and offer to the Oldie and their friends. N i o♦ 25. lusti-y NEW PALL GOODS THO'S R. REYNOLDS, Ha, j IVA Opened a Int ge of Noe/ neeipelniont ie 1101, fun and i •notdol.• in ihii Pei It Pa ;laid 11r!iiitiri, /II Men noes. Nell . NI qlu ran n iyle i'quitzil:(. Pint( Ita/adias. !wren,. kin( (;forev, Laori qirlic, . A Inrge• itl.orthnent of Men mni [lns. READY-MADE CLOTHING. Twgelhor with u hJI uhiply of lint V/9.14 % 11064 A ',11,0v0 A lo rgr uuttply of Fit Esii FAMILY c:It( Haim); determined to 4.41 nt exreedlngly low pr lee• tqt 0,01 Cost/mien: aro lIIN Iced to call and toy Ilk tellefrnle 11ot 7 la v ANNUAL STATEMENT ( are r of (hi 11111 lie)/ t ire In tlVar,, COniplintl, owl/ /,.raff,f of (HUM/ 1110110(nen et..\ Ho: II ti 1. .I:tii 111 . 1s5!1 T he lionnt of I lawtor: prr Wl%t In thr mb. tug glOl, vorstt 4.1 the or fn ,11 IL, 00111111. v flpr the pint "t A,•l ,f A,„..„, (0 0 oitth,l Act 1.4 the 1.4 it.... ,of In +11,1114 e ell Ito 211,141.1 y of pril. A' II 10.; II N.ltt duo 111 M p.,)41.1 , Menolier* (01 I twur.., uncle nur In, , the r.ssi vest, $.7 :,52 07 (If which .11110U111 pereent las been nn.o nittir ~X11,.1 In ‘l,, VIP" ingent 1 . 0 pens. s of the I.}..lni.tany, :on 511 Pron I • I Iko Tlllll l log an /moon/ of rrl . lllllllll N 4.1, .1111 1 1111 d 111 14oe thot tlav 4, $17,025 411 111111 ninth paid atn/ t rued 1111 i/ Ole 'I rt..tnnrt , 3113 33 A I•nt .11114 ant duo Inge Agenta fir In -snl:net 11111ille, 204 71 and 11,10/40( the roirr patty, $17,5-6 tt2 1' p. it.ts rot, nod exprtusr, i procuring Charter front ll n amabort; 515 94 rettlioton nom to Ittrettlore at l heir neutral meetings Luang tint n t yostr, 61 50 Conn. ..1,11011 to Secretary of to' gnat,' :ttl Ott on to Trettsurttr of I ill. 110r , i, 1 . 11"Ille ll , s undry b u n, p o,, ing 1.4•11..644 I.tarnilvo. i4llll, ulln e 11$14,11ty, $l7 41)2 y T tal :11411.0)1e film!, e.l" .11.1rtK 1.4 t ye, I ...1,I• A Itabilmr• et..l 11,1111 . 11,11e1, mad 1,111.1.1141 year Fnr syM , •ll 11 Lal r 114,11 Im%utr.l and 111 force Ihis day All urt ...,ervgl by I e of N 1111 l and ' x of fluter vntitil‘ lily 11,11 I• IN I 0.11,1 •O NI . 11 I •rs Cie pFk IliOn the Geo Trueliana ti Preudent ruitotiel .tnitieeker, Philip Mew, l'ree t tnrnel F r.thk liertr) repo, Aexiii. Alexander, :-ttitel 1(1,0 Peter 7. .tier, ti vorce W r, Duret Jew* Shannon See'y , Win C buries., rreigned t o I'l -.a At "I ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Nonce in het 011;1 V ell that let:t.r , of A - oainivitralion I/ II 0110 o.ltll t lif Bement Me nai!, late of II trris tp ilee'd hate been granted t o the auliseriliern All peptone k WIWI rig themselves incielited to laid 'OAK are requeeted to come for eteril noel uwkc 11111110. it OH Ptrmr /11, end lire baling eloure og.niti, the ...true will ',recent them property authenticated for seltirturull A 11/t VW' FRANCIS AIoCI.A/N, January 211 1459 Al Ada, re DEPOSIT HANK, EV- ill 11F3, f 4 1' II u II N t9l :II A I; ri tt INTEItEt , T PA II) ON INPI,CI AL LS HUMES, AALI.D. , II:If II tLE A CO , HRLLrd itY tre TICK GI Fa • ((ECU I, Eli HILLS OF EXCiI A AND NOTES COLLECTIONS ,11 ADE AND NOW BEDS 1412 WED NTllli EST PA Ec I 11, i)Epry4vr , . FOIL NINETY DAI: , %ND It ql X NIoNTIIS AT F, II r, OF For It PLRCEN PE,It ANSI M Folk I - IX AND UFM'Af.IO , Al' I lIE LATE OF EVE PEI; cESr PLR ANN \ M EXhIIANOIL ON IDE EASr roNSTANTLIIIN ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ALE l'Eli r ti()NS ItE 11EltEBY SOTI ED tho adriontstrfttion on the rotate of James Nolan. 11111 , id . litlWatvi township de. +rl hate 1.11, 0.1[11(.11 to the noileriottiool ',roiling in gaol Towoolltp to %Ilion all pets°, hat ing itevouttlit agatiftt sant too ale larn requested to pri roil them for nettleintiot, and all persons Ito tlehtoil to tasks pa, torn! LEVMAN, Adm'r lte.. 9 TWOS ACUTOTORIE NOTICE. irp II F. Util)EltSlG:silEl). A udi tor appoint ell by the Orplinose Court o f Centre nifty to mike pliltribution of the moneys in the hands, of the Xrustees of Mull , A/Jill/ill. deceased. wit attend to the ditties f bin nftircitortnent nt him of fl,po in lielldf.pnus : , patorPlay the 22,1 dill Of Jae o try next, at 2 o'clock, P. NI . when and where an persons tole Plited are riPineited In attend ALIAS[ nor, A.tilitorf December 30.1050 St WALL 'PAPER. rgILLE Larget,t, L Itctt twee and' beat assort. -a- 1110111 111 WOl Paper, Just received *melding of every variely ehape 00 or and pattern Ilull vi r ao,Oak, Satin, end hilt, varying in rive f1,,10 8 eetilli to $l,OO per Roll Call and clam Me out sink cud we feel confident that we can !mil Sou joS ¢ MUFFLY CO riollnfonte, Aug ISSN PANIC VETOED _ - - Credit hi orni, gi.k plenty and cheap at thin Em ' ponum Ibr Dry (lunds and Clothing. of Wood Ito 0011 h Co . Ne. 309, nnrkei se., Plailhiolelphia Where C Ilruitrar will he happy to receive and wait upon hie faunae; All order. entrusted to him will be atteudeil to with prumpteeee sod fi delity garoslu,:sll:lia, twig, a wl square_ wo9lgn_ Shawls, Also 811 k and Tibhet Shawls for es) at I ho store of TONNES. & STEEL. Bel Won , notolo, 14 -'54-I.f MEI R. hereby - 0"M that ((Ater; or adminietru lion on Hie emote of JOHN DA WN, late of Herrittorrmblp, Centro county, ileoesied. have linen granted to tire ntoloraigned, reviling In soil torrovhiP All persona indebted to sold iodate ere requested lo mike imtheditate payment, and those tiering claim. to prevent them duly authen ticated for eottietnent Jon . JOHN HARMAN, Ailm`r T".ubecriberA nee pow open's L hew supply of Celliauee, Muello Au , atCheapelde Store IV A THOMAS, Jn , &Co. Bellefonte, Sept WI 'WA( WANTED -100 BUSHELS or CHEST nuts, for winch the highest market price Will b• paid by " JOB fa ,NurrLy 1 Ce. at. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. I'HAVE JUST ' RETURNRI) FROM Tilt` I:astern this/ with a splendid stook of Ready Mado Clothing, of the the latest Fashions,tortfiar with a large slid rusgultioent ussortment elf lalvd*. Cassitneres and Veatings, surpassing to exodllenin And styles any thingwror offered to the Frablf..— Atanzig the voristy may he fdlind the fotioliris,g lif dries, wideb linvofteett seldeted with rtitat•Oltire, ti wit Ilats and Ceps, Pookat flandltereliters, Nook! erololeta, Shirt Collars, limner', Linen and Noel 1611 Shirts, ()hives, Stispondora, boy togetb es Kai every artiole usually found In • GieLtiemeres I ur ni.hlng Store Cloths Caanimares and Vesting will he ailatxleed of by file yard or pattern, or tuanofeetured to order/. to amt tbo *ante ofcuswtnere nt the very 101..4 tato. for cash nauout.hy produce, (bill at No 3, 11 , ..kerbufro How, one door Siltillbt of the Drug SI., ro, and make a pot tonal eig•Entn&-. lion, and you pill Pod our prices loft and hargfiloof to bo bud 1S fl/Lf /01 Itl Bellefonte, Nov 11, I ly A 1)1t' STORE ROOM AND Wnre linttatt wonted immediately on lbw SOUtt , li tok of the Spring (Ireek end Maid Eagle Canal. on Main cruet in the Borough er hurt: It tg the Lost location in the place for a attm not t a d. ou account of itt genital and boa 4. ne.N bent inn "but fn IP Ha near aretta to the Ca. !oat, not of the Poeta at th• Sit r,. door iilllll.lolllg molly with the trouble and e [III,IISI. of battling Thu dwelling. ?Irma Room tint Wert it note nre all connect ed, and 1,, good order the letter being an milted with a good Cr.,. W (Ind' for the ropy I tantklopment of good. f,. r the r riritetilara apply 10 the noltscribar, nt the Sint It Works. Milonitont rrni re County, I'eA Altl,N r/ 111 1 4 '0 4 —3l. LIFE ILLUSTRATED, A FIRST CLASS PICIORIAL PANIIL7 N Ni•Al F.ii, tiu,titA io ,\'tae, Liieriallt , , Scifqa, and At Arts; to Eat erra ntnrni, Improrernenl, Prol. , C,S (signed to entourcct. a Pplritor ITCpe, Marline*, Sell Itellattc• and Aetivity awong the I/ coplo, to I I. X.1:7 WI 1311'1 llulllspl II arid t. , air the mode by which noo, !cc) attain ihe Light Pt degree of itarfalltivai hapittl,,..% a 1.,1wr %%1,1, ooght la ba reed by .•,e,V L....1y 111 1110 Cekly. $2 00 a yrur he $1 MI fir hnlf a year the the Tyrone & Crairapanj, oot will be qi 0i0,.111. on • e.ey the , illy Feb for,the purling° or 'ratifying the 11 wJ. end :%1 fo, n lontt of fire brandied rhavnnd tinkorA , UlllOl - 1,14 at meeting of the qt,q kholdaln held Jan at Bellefonte forth* rural 11 1 VNI)EltiV001), l'rest• FeL .1 59 I m A HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. T IIF; 11,1 r 14. is fur , she the house .g.,. triobi. I. he 111.v0 re•illei ritunted in •DI •to vet 1 h.. 11 , ,,t -.ttn,•• anti ettn,em eoly nearly urn For terms apply u. tire ' S JNO AWL NEW STORE & NEW GOODS, her respectfully informs the r A- ent,ets 14 Barn. Inennihtp that be has mow rd bin store /11 I tin new !Doing at the Benner poet tither niter, he line recently received a la rge sup ply 01 111 06 a.l of the Isitegt Stylrg and 6.41. tn. Itht.•li he 111 of,r Mg cheap ror r. 1411 or approt 0.1 cbubtry produce lie but thoblot to ihie 1 , 111)11 , for the very I,l,,.,ll,.“,napetteb4l e d ht hurt Ikereturbra and lb.peo by A deAlreiliplrame biletlAt“lll,l to merit a c,niintittnee of tbea,ne e dune:. MEIEE Cl= 40 Head of Stage Horses. si purchame z 40 Isex,l Singe Ilerseii, fo lie v. nx p.iiy fitir prwe4 .1 p„ r t Dee IMI I,4by It I, piu it Li I Nast ti t F;/l U VIX(;'TON, at the Bellefonte 1.713,,k Sin,. 14 )11.1 opening a large and well Belem ,l a.m./non. of /to .1" Among valet.. is 0 - .1. 1 ... 11 . 1 lot of, Irgenhlu bound b o oks and Album. for Chroduom nod N W Y 1511,1 BUR. •' Brother Jonalhsns" a)... for .ale T_TA VI , : NOW ON !lAN O the finest and Xi h,.,, t ass,,rtitt(l,l.l - I:r , stirries in the market L:i -r-, - 4. Ex Tit t Philadiqpitia Ihiney - ' -XS)rtip Mola.Nes pure Itio Ca ft, I uetn,( pith chard and ()runic, runt' sugars On!troy el./ I.kll 1 ...lIIK II)son au,' I. p . rial '1 •u fur sale I.'nll in end cumin* Non In ..n) kmr. to the pnIIIII,CR of the gubger;her V n. ll.rtog townehip nhout the 20111 of No o It 1:1) II VIPER I.llpronrd to he about ) e‘e e "id 'Shewailer le 911.11VhiVi to goo,. fortelr,l plot e el,orgee •rol tok• her no ry, mil hero Ito elle will be tlielareed of to th. ot. .1 moor, (I 1459 JOHN HAYS JIIST RECEIVED A VARIETY OF olifferunt at, le LADIES DRESS ADIDDR ,Silknk 'eon, Chid Leo De La'nes 11/MT filiiirlintnt A nr 00 ri,SON .0 RIM R r,l: k It- ' !+l l l " EU ARS " 1100 000 S beet b#o.l in marital, ha pelf been re criv e 4 and for We by II P. ORME V. Dos 2 - - ,M 1 Y A It— evolNe b , ,,, ma In 4 . , rev 0,11.1) the Slnlep 1,. travel and can o I,rllte Ns% 1 ona %int a—a bd.ratats , lr Ilworlted monthly joiroal 1.0 .unable sultry OW per 'tear and a mall vim. 111lostoli a 111 to p 5.1.1 A.irtos, C Uit!TTON Pt ect4itan, Jai • 1:1—lt • No 00 Beckman, et N Y Isiir r kTS. W(IOI.KN Hoops, Comfort.• FUN. Rod • largo nriety of ilreou, walking and riling glove. at Ibe store of TONNER & STEEL Ilvllefonte Oct II '5841.- Clotho, ('ns.llOCrCHand SMLll`els Just re-/ rolled s od for no le lion p I Clie•• patio 31 , 04 . • W A TIIO3IAS, Jir di Co. Bell enonto Sep 14 'ti. If _ _ DISSOLUTION. T he partner•hip heretofore existing be tween tarn L Putter, end John Ildltaltell le the prne lion of uu•dtt inr wen ilissolvTl on the 9th inst Ity'inutu tl ettweitt All pensuns kuuteing tlintiotelst, mde Lied to said firth will please cap nil settle their act:minis nellerwita:"Metl4. ti P ATENT MEDICINES. - A LARGE romortment PATENT MEDICINES, auoh am Jayne a. Rose's, Louden's. McCiintoek's, An irew B, Holloway's, Ayer's, and all ..tbor approved medloi nes for sale, by 11 , P. tIEEEN, North west rornerot Diamond Bellefonte ATTENTION CENTRE DRAGOONifI You lo.roby ordered to lift) Out in full wit. rorch, - el the house - of - 1 - tl 'target at - tiontre on the 22ed day of February next, pr u tlited with ten month of blank oartridife A full attendance norequrncd tie a lit ' Wend will be mode of the funds on h tod end other hueltieas of ituportatioo will be militated By order of the Captain. Jan. 27 —'s7 A CAft r olF.R. 0. I! CLOTHING CLOTH, T., red, ettmitnere, .end duilnut Coats, panto and recta. At large assortment of Woolen and Cotton Drawers and tin. dotehirte (or sale by TOLIVER A BfEKL. detlefunte. Cot. 11-1844 1 .4 it Carpets, Bugs, Tra*ellinA has . , rellas, b Ilandlrunks. Ilolto eta. Oat, ' 14.-ti 410 re " raTIM3L. 11 1, II kinds - or Grain and other country pro duce wanted, far which the hliptleca Ark pci will be pale by 4 Npt n.'nor. fir, A., is, *sox ~ y: t ~Yl~l' TO RENT Lilt .1 N EL LS. :14N New Turk SPECIAL MEETING lAA." GOO 21S 1) IlOt'sEli I SON WANTED JUST OPENING D. LEYDEN & CO. STRAY HEIFER. GEO L POTTER' JOUNMIICRELL