. \ ' ..,.,, ..,3,.., w ' -'.••<.,;,:. -7-.IN,N, TOMS VININDINIENI94 SILLY AND J.S. BARNHART, RniTotts BELLEFON'TE, PENN'A. •'llll BS ID Alf WISIIIMARY 10, 1%39. The Democratic Party, From the tone or the Democrati c papers throughout the State, it me! be safely in ferred that lhe•Denwerali^ party are becom. ing more firmly undid. The caniia of the unfortunate division, that crept in nmhng ti arc f, ''t/ed, and we hazard nothing lit say ing that no dilliJulty or diVi,ion amongst tci need be apprehended for years Li) ruins The plain, yet dl piffled and manly CIIIMie pursued by President Burhanan in lin; ad ministration of public emirs. has non I tote who were inclined to oppowilm, and they have been conatramed to vino., olmie the) would inure freely ce nsure ,No President ever lived down opposition in so short a time, nor did it inure soil by the influence of Principle alone 'I he 11101 al beauty of integritY. was never woe stril. •ngly displayed than in this case, and it-is to hen power ■lone we may atitilinte the change that ills taktn place w the public mind It may be sabl that the I limeral Wnouts tration Imps tit Its um., kitting tonotes -- True, it li as, trot Do?, are fast fading a ls iv p..,.1.1._....,tr.W❑ 114,111 tlu to .Inlg, Douglas, the strongest amongst the strong has ■hllcatrd Mr:km - II from Ihe he strurtive runlet. 'There are sonic, too who may lie found niiionL; the fnnntn•n fliNciples of A1)01;110111 durst ino. who would carry their opinions tutu tlfrr at the expense of ficeiliitii it,elf, and wit would light the torch of cud war. if sun That such a course would rusidt in the real I xiom of their plirpoi, of n•helhuo am disorder. Common •,,enqe, howe•ve•r, a il put then madmen down, and we have ih strongest guarantee that t schtnie,, can never Nurceed, az, lung a% Buchanan In President. Prominent and leading Ihmioer.ds mat. act as S - iidly as they t. an may diqgr their prin 'pies, slander their pu i) and he come as treacherous as Judo., it, the par ty itself guided and imp, hl its prmcl plci, will 1110 V C onward, mei r..le vln opposing element, and clime out id it. Ail it. Sequent continal with victory perchtil lupin its banners - heaping honor upon iho.r e ho have stood by and defended its standout du ring the siege, and levt ing the odium due the traitor upon those oho plot in, 3 , 0,1 and rebellion in the camp for the put pose of sill aggrandisement. an I thus accomplish good which the triumph of its prinmples will Insure to Vic country. MIL PHlllrs ' TARIFF Itu 1. The Wash ingt on correspondent of the New York Tr' bune, fatrinhhe4 the follow-in.: aloo met of the tariff bill prepared by Hon Henry '.‘L Philips, a member of the Committee or Ways and Means in the 114.10 , of Remo, li t-salves. The ribune rotooders MIT.' bill an unOtiActionable measure The cor respondent .ays `•Mr• Plitlips' bill propeqes a loan of 5121 00000. I, plAn 01 dotty, , Hof,/ t ntlur %Jim of 20 of 111 h 110111111, free Os, r 20. 3! p, r tirersfir DWI< lon non In igur , t, $l6 1,42 r ton ; Ilatlrosd iron. : Pt!;. `l,• Sugar. --Brown, l i cent per 16 , Loaf, 3 cents ,Vutinf g,s, cc nts , all o'ller Spices and Fruits specific, thle. Linen, Cotton, silk and IVirolen lahilC , l 30 per cent. The free list ri mains as is / Mr 1001. i pit ako rAlses lli.• S per ',ill scheil tiles to 10, the 12, to 15, the 19 to t 20, the 21 to 25." LANCASTP:It fli.bicriov -The mimic: pal di, thin m Lancasti r, l'a , un Tuesday Lust, re suited in the eltetion of Cliptaill S,lll4lCr of the Intelligeneor, the livinovnitie nuinho for Mayor, over Mayor liurroas lbe present incumbent, by a nispirity of 7 cotes Th 4 tables have tut need but slightly at nee the last Municipal election in that any,- when Mayor B hail 12 majority The total vote for Mayor and High Constable was as fol. lows : —For May or —tiowlerson, I I sows Burrows, 1150 high dunstablo-LJ. Myers, 1392 ; Jos. Brintnall, StiO votes. APPOINTMENTS Ili TUN PRMSIDEST Presklent has appointed the lion. Wilson 111cCandless, of Allegheny county, Judge of the United States Di.,triet. Court for the Western District of Pconsylvanit, in pla , :e of Judge Irwin, resigned lion . Sanitiel W. Black, of the same county, hai sic° been appointed flovernor of tho ritory of Nebraska. Both appointments were coo firmed by the Senate is Executive session on Thursday. Ti's New-Yorkers are going to do the handsome thing to young Morphy, the great chess-player. A insguitieent set of chess mat, of gold sod silver, have been purchased the New-York Chem Club, and this will be presented to Mai on the first oplfortiarri ,- ty. Too Lotto manc') Qi ESTRIN, '' CB Ivll action for libel be maintained againet a cor poration ?" was decided negatively by the U. S. Supremo Court in the case of Quigley V/. the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Balti more Railroad Company. The Court rp• reread the judgmeht of the Circuit Court at . Baltimore. Donovan, who was convicted at Harris .burg for assault and batteriy on Church, a membefof the Legislature from Phrladelphia, ,•• was soutenc4.94.the lot instant, to three months imprison t, to pay'a tine of $2OO, and to eye bail in the sum of one thousand dollars to keep the peace. The Latest News. intention4:the President to speedily meal' _ From Meiico',' we hear of a most extraor- him Feorn But a nes Ayres, we have news of the (Unary intervention on the 'part of the corn manders of the British yid French naval arrival of a part of the Amerngin naval x• forces at Vera Unix, . and the virtual as• against Paraguay, at Monte Video. sumption by dna!, rind the direction of the I The report is, that the PrnaguaYans are French and British Ministers nt the capital, I arming for resistance, and that the result of of the lending functions and prerogative of;ur appearance in the Parana will be the Government it appears that they love vial for a hostile-eanironade. The MI-er mined in demanding of the Governor of Vern malion is not, however, sufficiently definite Cruz • First- Payment of the interest due to be iehed on. Film the Smith Paeific,we have accounts of various perturbations a o British and French crolktors. Second-- WCmonthly statements of the revenues riving the coast republics of that ocean, but te details are not such as would interest collected from impoi s. Thud —Damages for what the and French subjects our renders. have suffered from the existing revolutio). I The Pacific Rnilrihd Rill was killed, in Fourth -The restoration of the old import the Semite, by n sums of amendineuts, and as it stood prior to the modifications when the final vote was Inlyin upon the made n year ago by n Inch greater facilities * lirensure, it enise out of the lire with a small were allOrdell to commerce and the nnpult ninioriti. in the shape or a warrant for the dunes were reilimed 30 pet rent. Postmaster Ilienvial to advertise for pro- The old lardl provided also for credits of posabs to kohl three routes across the Wallis forty and k Ighty dins for import rluties, kit tioi therm central. :the rs the iiew one exams rash pa yllll'lll4. The Innate', tit Inc sdbnultt 11 to the nest Con (lor, ernor, un limb) to these demands, says gross and the eon ti 'jets to be an arded to he %I 111 lake them unto 001141110ra 11011, hilt the lowest Igddera Mr simeeeded. [halo he is a dling, to :1 odd to all that is on Tnesday,in having dm matter cßllyd up he Will nut ninhe any vow:vs.:ions that again. but wnhiut altering the , result. lo relinquish any of the rights of Government the comae of Senalonal debate on the ta:nli, The nen h 1 . 1.111) the 011111:11 tlll5 111 the 19111 It was stated (lint the putilu'r debt. was now 'fibular-v. soil the Inure ik of the city huh Ono o mild be ilWabirolbooll by Memn aif dun date. state that Ihr French the 186 0 and Itrttish Mousteis hod IlOttliell the tliiv• ralttell " t. Iltrtt 11111,-; a Iollllnl or dnllxiv %%ere paid witlito ae tla‘..t to yitt+Ty. Ott dram.. 111 I.:prrir Ii Awl flit flirt of their rriipertive riiitritrtea tronhl take 1M1,,, , ,11/11 oft eta 1 . 111/ 111111 TlllllllOO, lty all niiiwaraitees, ih I,l;wii, while wri'' art do aminG miitei :orate Thal region ste are an An i•larate in roll lot ee without much It, 1,,11114 ron.illtell on the s u b jee t . It is high lime, tlivii•fiwe that we hlumlil hare a now ana I'lllllll.ll. 311111-la • Mill OW+ 11111 e, he he One it h.) can ,intimmil the te.prot of 1•01111tryIllell, :111 , 1 be 14111111 to Ole r ‘114...).")..a or at halal all 01.11,1111) hul.inrc. tiatiqtetion Ft rm Erlrolle, At I. hflet. 11.1)..1111.1. hndl el of deep's sat( resting Hews -- The It ar hii h 4) I 1.)..1 hV the of Illv hli r h Eirs,rii or to the .lititriall il', Still MAIIt 1111, tin till 111 lht IIIIIPIII• 1111:1,4111.111011 Ilrl'lat`i of c‘,•ry Stale I'mroiae r a ined m rixalding. the pionprel of a gent r.ll I'.altllnental war aq imminent The 1111(z of 4.1111.1.1111.. who teas mvtted Mb, flit. A liglo lit ni Ii nlhniire 111 tlw Crimean tit Oi ICI Ihr 111 .tr 111( ( - I Fr. 11111 EIIIIIITOT u,s .4 . .1.1.. 4 inn ha, I na le a nn( (wit 1 , , 1114 I hiambera, tt 111(.11 in it %n(11111 116,b.rIpt In the I.in;vla(44. of Na ,111.tri I and than; fore warned all F:nro.,«. t, nil, ntlt 1 .41n111114 lu arm fur the ‘I in 11111. V 11,11110.21. Illl4b 1:111,. of the N101111(.1 ileum 11 in the From trt tve no fortlicr olirc(•1 WO, 111 , 111 111 . 011 . 1111 . 1111,, < (i 1 the 11.111 nf the Innrlulurnt but tilt. jotirti tl. all a mnc or ernplo) tit eirloi 111114 in ' , II hug, 6.rth partn•ul trity the Krtev nnrrs ,%htflli Pr Annetta, %utter,' at the tllllllti A 11111;; the It I. 11 , ..1 r 1 II that la, a )11(11 In the l'eare of l'ougre%l. eon.enteti to the btLe lilt lotion of nittd S üb... h., ...it , 11l ~, by voneholitig twit me tr'eatii..: with the S into. ihiough is loch Ihe flyer tun., 0111 t lillotigh a mu., the tint land puhry ol ilw ss to rivet Ihr Danuhntn mI4J 111.141111114 lit Stwo.p.. wok r the poe t rnuu Ilt of 11.1.1..0bti... 1101111U/0 ,11 . 19/ 411011 t” Snl tau ,Inatrii lied lob r ri rush in iiit 4 jeel.loll. ale/ eufuri.td lhe 01'- 1211,1 id inNinirnont. m)i - her 4,4 n and that uh hilt and I...mb.iply the y he lei an oi. WI Cl,lllll 111 ag,41,•••.1011% nine II Ihn•nll 11111 111 abs..l II the indipuil,lenee of r\ 111111 r m linl v hom Ansinit ‘ie Irani that 1111111:4: II I Img is mart, ,11.1.1.• 41 ,PII thr SIIIJI.VI of tie tlircnt,11:41 . 1111:111, 101 Fratlce 1110111 PrIIS- %VI the lAlttil • pet tt3ls atisot ate eettititerl , arr., %%Oh the Ir 1•4 11111113 nititronrhtng Niritg..,7lr Tim firdm, m pith immo,4mt onthe .Irength of the .intidt• t xitrit.tttlit of lbe r 1 1 .11 1 .11 1,111 •Itttrer m tegtutl tin A t i.ti is }ma bruit ~Ii mated tit z‘ t to 111111 poll I.iEht yl •rs a^.o :night d Ittl4/11t pr itinli mg a •Iliglr ,14111nr lip F1~FIaI(I I . nrlintii , lit n IIS 10 mrv•t on OW :il 111%! 1 Ile 111%11 lilo , lruiloit, ‘iert• 0111 goltr4 11.11 i In ..1411,1 II r NI:111114 I,,ur IglInt111,! 1.111 01 (111 f 1 . 11101 to rompeucalr I.or the continual deer, r•an .1 f St, lu 11141111 •01110 w w Ilkioe. S•vy had bed ti dito tinned o'er the febi Is 'by — ifie Ifs itiolt, nod I tht Now oh 111 - ltaml•t bad •Ileeeph . fell The! deposed king of Delhi hid been del orttd to the Cape of H ue d Iloilo fly nn arrival front Port au Prince," we hare lions of :In; ptogress of the Ilaj lean !evolution to the 12011 Jantriry It appears t hat our repot of last !! eek, or the first out break. was (cell founded, and the present aceouots infotin u, that the FT% oliftionthry Los ed s, under (len I.eflord, had deft at ed the array of the Elmo-tor Solotique. and than the Imperial troops retreaked back in great dis order to the city of Port au Prince... It Is said' that 011 1104 return his prospects were Mc gloomy, thy Empress counselled him to air dicate, whereupon his sable tintp•sty was wroth, that he would have shot her, had he not been interfered With Iy hod generals We are inuliwa4 to think, notwithstanding this doptei . r of spirit on the part of hri - ma jesty, he will soon be very glad to slip out of the country. and spend the evening of his days in that refuge for lions of all colors 0 Paris. From Nicaragua, we have accounts of the active progress of negotiations between Sir William Clore (timely, on the part of (ireat Britain, and the Nicaragua Government. It was admitted he would, undoubtedly, effect a favorable treaty for his country, and, at the same time, secure the neutrality of the Transit Route on equal terms to all the world. While he was thus prosperously going on, our minister, we regret to say. Was reported to be in a continual state of inebriation, at a little town, twelve miles distant from the scene. It is said to ba the Trouble in Utah. The tillairs oit ~,,( in to he 001 In ti hid ...hoe No tit it I,tntnling the v I nq pit , •t It, at ion of the 'les ritt.ev, the sit' b n0N,,,,0 of Brigham 1 ming niol his fitemls to the r Ihnl g . nrwgwalull by the itr point nu tit of (;41verlior nituarting the', )e , t 51.1. am o ng. the Mormons nn nn ,hr,vtn'enlchtniii,h, and even rebelhogs lulling :4;iiin.t the I'llll,l Stllitl.9 offirteri of Inv nud indeed. agaire4 till the re.idelit ml . trill Judge Siiielair's chat ge b, the gratelyirs, ringing tilt in tin inquire 111 t" the cv.trnee "r I"l f Yttt"Y 611 "1 tre"'"" agliritt use 11111, 11 .1 eS, [VIA Ca , ll II 1.11111111 111 of the 3lortuotN that I hienleti. lu exhibit ll.vt ll' in open Reis of Q, • 11.a•ry 3lastn,r, of the ltner. ht , t llll V to logttl uuthui tly Indrt d, If e e watt let , , invented n new rind imilrny.,l.,,r 111f1I' 11• II un the ~ tatettwilt, of the Salt !Ake %‘lnell he tliteenkt tikkitit.., out it 'ii‘ e,rie.potult lit or the l ottivlit .111 .41.1..t1 iMti ,• llig el/lit/1141JY 'lll.l ‘‘ t t hi) Bllllll]. ihjgll,ll) coth. I lu I/IW, of tuurne I MI/ 0 11111CW of Nlornion power and 11.11..• ' Some ertnity 01.1 bachelor , a) La, n , I 01•11 the bnv by r. In.. tra y to mill.. the Atlantic caidt. t,unrnur I illg tin permitfrom I WI. I. I . lltilt r gutting at oath (nil will, 1,11 ant - e Conti:moil riosti tile tti to tail( 'I • /c, sill be Mlle In 110 a I. a 07., tt ohbl m illi• art 111.1Iry tits imitz,o) tiir the . lon•t bit Rum littivot of ht i 1,011% o ithi Or, - Llto Illnvt rill .t 1'0h10,h,.11,1 row ler nil of tilt' ri dt tnl In nil, , 11 it qiiirvl 'on. at Its Ni , riot 'Flo , Ti lie the I of the literary Ow I. rail, 4.01 %Timm 101 l oelive J im ill o 101111(1 one of ie, „ I , iittu.l Slates 1•411441,.. 141 lite flelVt•lNl9,lllif the m;; anal tn,Uarti iixtnot 'I 'Lt '" l i . ti"' f'l''"" \ iii,otopkte ohoot hav , "1 ',"""/ ‘,l id) at it% Jur) of the F a y It till 44441644 m! to „ , riii it. is to l tr ' ffiiril a rwr v. °' tai ILi 1 1 .;"1 ""°"° iron sad '.°°N 41" : 1'° ! ° „atm. th„rii are •iottiti ato „„it . " °. ' l"° ‘ t" :": ° a" ni• tit part or pi '- ga01 . % 441444,f,.. lilt „ ite . 'hihg‘ r 11.". tilt. Pr : . I ....11111.111 lie ”f awl oils of tit . It rrilnri tl imw, mild 111 Illy ad ' I.ot of rid wool „looonal "1') ' ,, th , ` 'll'l hi %, 1. " T hl y toitr wng riorrthotv lot, ,toolto•ol Too a lo olo• I,, r "" t ". 3 •*-3 " 41 ' .11. 31 ‘ ,,, 0 3,0. “ 1 1.1 lit , rutlm IhNtit Mont ift fl It:1r npr it; M .1""1"r ' ""1 m vds. " sin sly s iss i ss• lw m ill, ',Lore olooryog Apt loooro i.' no. e .1 1 , 111 011 I] (.1, :I, Hi ,• .11wo,t e‘t 11r Ito rl It rout 11111111111 111 Ihgi chili I), w 111 en he had Ida"" " 4 be i n g "In" "I i'h roll 11 fi :111, I I. 16,1ivv,• 111111131111,.... l• Tiro 11l 11, .1; pm.. rlpllnu tl6l 11 ithin w“I , ell its 4 , 7)11iim and thrir prarth•al Is olk ..111 Lluk I. tltr • A I) I I • ploy nF■ 1r I ucv 11l 4111111' 111 t ry it In t ht ut rt ton tt qui ,tion of Nitir...l man itrt t. u 1, Ktatt,l that the 11.16.1 c4)9r1111 1 . Ia 1. 114, lin det romnll ration ople•11.111 t. Lt ilwr `O,lll, .Itsit t .Itl..lllcy np 1.111 . I. ).1-411 , Utet Ritorriuv I, glslllllll. tit 1..1,• for 1111,11s1. I.ii% • tif Intro fo, I 1 inl th, %%11. Ui , r the I MI. I :"•1 .1 II • 111r•6.11 or The 111;11,1 ' 61 ' shall en,' oh the pro, of %att....oft, alo n lo 111 11.1.1 ea,. • feu K 1 girl,st 1)% L., 1.1,1%, ill no 1 lab. lint It th. ..111 the I tint,.l`;l , 11111 np i Inurd by Ow I 'nit :•tail 11,1111 k of ' , it'd' hr r.l•111 - 11 I.V 11110, ail t~nuhd Lt Alie• :11-• —.lmo wit- Alurinons so holding tot all mill y 1111,1 ,M0,11i4)11 rnmt and li ra 19 lecting gratol pint, taolip.t,l of \lur 1111111., as lio Titl etcloo.o lhr t rirlit - S of 1.111 If 1114 WNW", litillble, are 1101 )4.1. , ottled The prompt Itetem Of 014.1'110.1 '4131,1 ri,,V ! I •111111111 111 ,ending troop. to th , 411.1 m 1.1 !titer% to I Moil, the 11 . 11,1111 11111, nil 4,1 II pr, Irntlll 21 vast animmt of bug emotnned lurhulete nlueh tonzlit 11111 r 4 41 111 111,1 111 11 al lir% a of 4 , 144 `r• 111,1(1,111 111 alrrl Ihr V 11111111 1 ,41141 11011111 1111 1111,11/ ii,,,•rl of 1,11,1(1011, p.1 , 1,11111/11, 00111 11 001.1 rh,r, 11111.1 bale Jail 01111'11 to In, 11/1/11011' uml 11,41.1111 ire 4/1 the 1.11111/ril 1,1111141 lillt 111011011111101 in !to 11111.104 Inc stieh conme !plaid. energy 11111.111,1141.11110 to be 114.1, Ire nutting 111110 l• 1114 Rood 11',11V -11111111.111 •11,111 VA•it the land "r the 1,1 tin - I),ty Saint, 11'hdo• nltehom.ly refr.iming, from t ien the •dightl Nli.elow of 01,11,114 , 4 , 411,111 111111/11141.r. of the law ,houl.l exert them t.el% is to the motoht p 1 twikola 114. 1,11111,111 11 , •y and 11111.4. teneh the beroklited %winos lif 1,;,,e I , :ition that their unity safety lieu in r oily hlll/1 . 1.111e 1/0%%1rr Mr Eugene A Bronx, the man whose heart I, exposed to view by the entire ati• sioice of the atareurn and an minim:4 m its place, is now in It iltimore giving the med• teal ftaterully and other scientific men an opportunity of studying his most unparal lelod case Ile demonstrates the peculiari tiewoHns own thoracic rorm mon, and to Sond to he well educated and perfectly con versant with anatomy and physiology, espe cially in illation to the chant lie is evi- Itiltitly a %indent can amore, and his Lydian ity at manner, togethor with bis generous self sacrifice, and Ins genuine scientific zeal, render the exhilaton alike deeply interest ing awl. agreeable. It is Bald to be the intention of the Penn sylvania Railroad Company to put fifty ca nal hosts-nn-tha ww.terh_eatt_of- the _eanal t ei.xt spring, and transfer to that channel the carriage of snort freight an does not re quire the ilispateh of the tail road. itt is alto rumored that the company will hertnifter roust the payment of the tonnage tax, emi nent counsel having pronounced it unconsti• tutional. RE% ARD OF MERIT. -MI A Itogera, the wife of Henry I) Itovra, of Tittabawasse, Michigan, has been presented with Aix hun dred and forty acre of land hyt the State . Legislature, because she gave birth on the' Ist instant to four healthy children—three girls and one boy. 11:7 See `mivertisemept of Dr. Sandford's Invigorator in another column. 11E3 PEN, PATE & SCISSORS.IMA rt" - It is said ; the' Republicans talk or changing their natne. 3 - Ylf a Indy rns half al. dozen tinin Succession ; youn man, you Inv get your hat. rrTndiriduall who nre square on tho InfitT4'astroahrt are rarely struck by light rnt. , Irk Riehnht formerly of Eb ensburg Pa., dull in Leeintr, lowa, on the 1616 tilt • . _ TT The Adams' Express Company haae refunded to the owners the $.10,000, recant ly st olen from I 1 m. fl M r ortillY le great ('hers champion proposes to plavitwenty gam; of chess at one time, Idipilfohleci. 'l'h, l'enwylyania 11.1ilr'ortd Contpa ny, it is said. uttends to emtest the consti tutionality of the tviiiinge tax If -,-, If von Want too kTIOW whether our .1, vii t. wicked enough to ear, just beg an extra . ony of the Writelannii. fri• OHMIC.; tongue has been found ealialile, on actual UN [ill 11111 . 111., 10 111(1V0 11,20 times in a minute Think of drat and 11011 The (Maine Law , -The town agent nl Ila et ford, COM( 1•01(1:1 Sti gal'onAt last tear to citizens, under a law that for eNcept to the siek. l'hete'is a rumor that Dlrvs Lane, Mi Ibiellanan's we're I, .Lo t ily ty lie s mow 'roll to Mr Nlagraw Baltimore, brother of the ate Tn:imirer of I'etins3lyinla We are sorry to 111111011 M 0 that the Semite Committee . 1111V1.• recomineieb•(l t ais• log the rate ul postage ou letters (join thice Ito fire cent , : This I, a retro4le atop in the duect ion of the lurk ages. We find in an ex, hang paper the eintement Obit ‘rt 1/ lie, • 'e're mail led 10 'mgt.., in the StnU' (.1 \lass last y tear' 11 this he so, it Is carr3 • mg 001 Ow Abolition doctrine to to actual results Mr Montgomery has given notice to Mr d'helps, on behalf of the iiri<3 Minot I teillOClats, that he trill resist the voionder• aiioll ninny more npprupit.tioo hills 1111111 ,10 me concei lung the T,(r(11 la life . 14.111111 11111 3131111 . (111.1 15_ ,•ur f. • sto W ii. r 111,4/1 ..ir , IV,I. I 111 II .o.“. Ile .1, irl of j.que.l4. 11 lien in I. I In n n el..ee , 11'01i I month, I" 11 ell 1.t1,.1‘, l'ont n".. Using a Powder krg for Kinui.ng Wood striday mot lila.; a filriVl Wtn i, n tp , 4.1.k. an 1%, is ' ...tor , 1. hu g iather chills ~„A, L. Lnil I :I nail IlJg hit oi n but IN •it .1 1.1.0,111 g atioat for thy flit I I e•t , 'lnn \\ hal he 10„k fi)l :111 t nyd,, 110,%.1, struck lion a, x artlt lie buy, II into the lire,l ..rew 111.1 1,101 1311, 11 11.1. r 111 R .Inti, all I.ftekvft up n, hint H., 10 t .. genial lit tut In ahem the .linkileg all 1411 1/011 (~ 1r a tlt 111,1il011, 1 tu,,k place, our f, 11 11.1 44 11., 1111,.1, 11 fol. aid a tilt a violent jerk 211.1 1 1 igtv, 11, ,1 nt of ly out of his 44 tin . 1111111 e 44111111 few I. li.u•k• fur 11,, dour t o 111111',71 . I lie , hula, I/f 1,;11 k. mitten he thought. might he hay. Ineg to In, uhr.. 11,11 Tile I n , k IL II :IS 11,1 .ottr, Is clop() t lootelt, f,,ri,neal, It , nut enuligli 44 maw( (1 in lu (1.0 / 111 , damage Our 'newt aft. r 19.114)111g Iwo self that the worst 44n, over, fl , llllll`ll 111 , I'l.ree at the ledger • bet it tt as noti. ealde that the entries lhervin, f,r snnle 110111 , nfu r the x 1.10,1011 u, re tt tit teo vettlt lloitkin tall like 4era.l, w (lie of the u.nal good 114[1,1 ul the Imuk keepto Itashin%qon Slur Ft b 8 EvaNtsa -The wet weather has limited wird:operations to (la), 111111 the mar kets have lien 111111 A The, 11 IS nn change to note in flour, and about 5(11) bids only have In t n sold at 5 75 for superfine, and sel 25 a G 50'f i t extra anti extra (molly Flour. The demand for shipment is Itinited The trade are but mg slowly at the above tales, 11/1111 fancy breads from $7 to sri, according to quality. Rye Flour and Corn Steal are scarce, and selling at $4 for the (twiner and . $3 75 per litil for the latter. Wheat is on changed , 2.01111 bushels good red have been taken for milling at 38 at 140 e i white is qnsai i iimiAo6o at 1141e,-according to quality. and but little selling. Rye moots with glow sales to-day at bsc. _Corn is rather more active to-day ; about 4 000 bushels yellow [ sold at 75 at 78c, the latter fur prime lots a'- ' float Oats are wanted at 50c, per bushel for Penns) lea ; holders ask the same price for prune Delaware. Bark is better ti small sales of No. 1 Quercitron WWI made 'at 631 per ton Cotton Is dull and moves oft slowly at previous quotations Grocer ies -There is very little stock Hy first hands, and the market is Ilrm but (Piet. Provi sums are held above the views of buyers,- Mess Pork is worth $lB 50 at 19 per bbl, am' prime Lard 13e per pond. Seeds— There is a goo4Tiletnarld ftietto - Ver see) - and ialioot 100 lame have been sold from $6Bl to 87 l2i per bushel, according to quality.— Nothing doing to Timothy or Flux aced to) ' alter quotations. Ch 6.111 A 8 MUD —An editor had a bottle 01 London Dock Gin presented to him, and after drinking the whole of it, he wrote a •' notice" of the article, Jlere is a speci• men of the '• llere's to the ladies and other branch.: es of business [Me) I n and around 'town,— and especially the Mossident's I . 'ressage, blonington Washument, a.c., all of which may bo had cheap at the Buck Drook—Brook and Dock Store of Bininger's old London Dook Gin, for $2 a year, if pay• mein is delayed until theNeud of the Atlan tic COIL" DEE th.il this ~hlli Phaadelphia Markets 6butationl. ` I For tho Democratic WAtehmanj What are Teachers Institutes', Messrs. Erwrolts —I haire heard the abovo nterrogation repeated so often that I thought I would attempt to answer It for the hellcat of the public. An Institute is composed of a certain clans of men, who call themselves Sonont. Leach era. Occasionally you will discover a com ponent that la not a school teacher, but on ly a "rriAnd of education." Their object is to make school teachers —to learn them how tie teach. They assort that, dining the past ages mankind have been very much ih error—that darkness has covered their path. way to Light and K vr ledg e —the blind lia‘c led the blind, and that tiwy nll have I een wallmving in the tort e 'Pltey allege that a new light hits dam ned upon the earth, and they have seen it.'as did Saul, when he rt - rPi journeying fa 111111 day. They donut af liruslthat their reformatiyn was pnalueeil sinhlutly as nas the Apastk's, but that it %%as none the les4 certain Their' discipline tranweials that, in purity, winch wag pro• rpolgated nn Sitinl, find confirmed four thou• ~ and ,)ears by its Author-- that decalogne has been revisid and improved by this meet, toloptt .1 as n part of their faith. They believe the Apostate 1 . 1111111(1011 of the world ;it present requires something more strenu ous that] IMO contained ni • the old law, "I hill' that commits no prohibition of idiom - slip with each other, this does rondition ally chile that does not prohibit the use of -tobacco," this does They hold, that no man who has out been to an institute, can be n teacher A few of the chiefs of Iles sei I believe that they are -orn rop.sioneti from above, to miter the halls of literature abruptly, and command the pro prietors t rgive them prartical Illustrations of thy. , 'Leal methods, • ' and if it happen,' that the proprimorQ do not 110441,1 at] at tract its affinity the y cort,okr it Orr tr duty to treat Into repulsreely The 111 ,4 1.11 or, rat,(li adopted by this see, to make tenches "tiro tearliers." is pole ititerosting to strati. germ At their roorolls, th s eu,iirris of va- null (11111' ," are conducted 011C11 m all nr 1g..11e Their !opt... are chit II l' rest riett .1 to the • Best M. thods • of teaching certain 4.4 y atijost any method per. inirently as 4 hanging is requilt an ar ticle of their faith 11 ill vet happrnv that 1114 y all adopt Itll4 . T1)41144.41 fur MI) length iir lino Tie ) asm•rt that they are nn the tight tt if In disratt r the hest nit thuds Ink) that ILlirtlialtelif t slot in liertfiti -114 lit 1144 Ir ' S. 11014111111 4" &Mill rt 11% All I, alht TM are etvuu u tndtl l ul at. I , lid lii, 1,111111 . 11, hi,l l / 1 r Till pt wally of be -1114:.11,griv“1 Itti a bull 1).0111 the Ihu f, and ens n of r to r1 . 111‘, , e p . 101111,, enntri• tnot In this eminell the hest in ellincht sre tLxu~std agsut, hut it a uwrccuufuacvland net. t Istie nailer than they art at the soul I. r 1,111t4 11.. bit of 4 , 11114 i• W 111111 1 ,4 , pen nn tit tit • atltt4thl the ' Sank...trim" 11..',1 ilkrir to attract the 11114.,4144.41 of •Ifftll - r. I , the I...herous condo. t of the hulloons or • t rli are appt , llll,l In Make fun TO nto rl l.t Ihr (Car). r. 4 Iron. Till` I 0111'1 ! irr It Is at till 4 4. 0 4 111 , II th tt the 1111,41. faitl.6:l am r. llnr I d, b t • Loinq rL sated to 1111 1 1/101.1110111 of 111,6111, 111111 1 . 111,14 daring 11.4. 111 )(1 liar At 0114 11/110 111 e 1.111111,8, lno nrc and lo all nimrt -1111111. ii LII the gnat, A 11.11115 Pints to Young Teachers. 'lll4 1.'11,, ito4 him. to those v,ho con !, 1.1.0. 1..1,11g 111.41) til,lll , llslm the vuggh ‘, 1 4 11.0.1,11, 1111. 3111 3 TI. 1. Jnt I. !le t C•41,1v rmillevted ‘N I , h the prolo•csion •of .1• nit horn tilt 111•111govi Jowl' of ! ducat 111, lout Olt V s II; hula this locality mini - ink LI) 'l'ry Olt in I 2.'11 i Unit at the oolhet with quiet tool oatornllllllllallOr AM , t molter , 1 , 111111 ., not all:I iltly Say afi tlnnnple wont. to lour :wholar,. that you hope tit do them good and wtll try to do the belt (till 1,11 for them 2 II s‘ltilot !mg or Ilisor(kr "ccurN, I 11111 e and do not prone d circler IN .1 The mere panne 14 generally sul len Id Gcr Ili,. RI in TONT Ilott good diseiphoe 14 the .roo 11,:d thing . a ohout the, ttele Can be 1,1 vu 1,1111 (1•1101111;!. 4 Gm( rn yoor.ell . dolt' t Hy into a 1111 - -1.011 . 111 ter -Mama or sooi.J.: tad do not lin all ir or talk touch Let a kit Ily oiler io I,llr 13111,11. II Toper all your 11141011 S. 5 flute the • •11101 110111 /kept tide and Mao/ III 1.1.• Hash 011 . ..1•111, 1 / 1 114.7 and ink and hang op map. and charts to gr“. r !mutt on attractive 1111111111'1111, f. Let the lessons he short 101 l Inds tnaS. lured ON er the Sallie groom! Again in rl lON !fifty supr rstrurture all arise en,pl on .4141 61111111311011 S 7 Fo,ter w ) our pupils aSptnt orJusuce nail wino losity, kindness and flu bean' lice, and ri'verciice for troth slid duty. S. Make 'ln& pnparauonsfuryourwork. the oldest add shiest l eacheia do this You will he nide to give clear explanations, to infuse life mid your tostructiona 9. Itutueuibur that >our every act is dOSe• y watched, null that examphi tenches more owe:if - idly than precept 'Chat teacher who , revs and detnenc,‘- IN a ge,dlernam In dress and demeanor, %hose lunguage Is pure, gunple and truthful %hose deportment is gentle, graceful and kind, will awaken a respect in both pupils and parents that will make his task easy. 10. Vut yourself in comn 1111 l icaiton with neighlxiring nrarhers. If there- be no 'leach. er'h Association, organize one as goon as REPORT OF THE AUDITORS OF cENTRE couN Ty FOR TRF: YEAR 1858. ISAAC lIIIFYINITON, Hog Treasurer. In so count with Contry tuonly from January 7th IS&W, to January 7th, 1859 1850 DR. Jan 7 To suet reoeivod from Co. Collee. lectors and other wolves $25379 60 •' " To balance glue Treasurer, 4110 25 Jan 6 By am't of Commission's orders lifted 828,455 26 " " By Treasurer's Commluion on *20,493 06 1,024 60 " " By allowuuo• for Stationery and Postage 10 00 Balance due Treasurer Thos. McCoy, Esq., High Sheriff, in ac count with Centre County. from January 71h, 1858, to January 7th, IMO. DR. Jan 7 To no't of Jury foes ant 6 ueu, $661. 12 CR. " lSy am't of Juryyfeea and finer oallooted, " By ain't of Jury foal and final unoollaolad, 536 06 Wa. the undersigned Auditor. of Centre Conn• ty, having esnmined the sccounts of Issaa Buffing. ton, Treasurer of said County. and Thos. McCoy, Sheriff, find then, correct ss above stated, and rd• low them to he presented plod filled according to mew. Witness 0111,r hunts nt the Condnivioeere Office at Bellefonte, thin 7th day of J itairy, A. I) 1859 Al test. C MARKS, Audit rs T UFFLY, It J SCHROCK, -° GIIM= . RECEIP' S—AND EXPENDITURES OF CENTRE 0, FOR THE YEAR, A. D, 1855 Wm. the omminsioners of Centre county, 111- greenbly lan Act of Assembly. entitled an 1 . Act to rnino Co nil Raton and Levies " requiring the Commissioners of the several Counties of this Commonwealth to publish annually a statement of the Receipts And Exp'enditures of their respective Counties, do report the following. sin from the 7th dny of January. A I) 1858, to the 7th day of January, A I) , 1859 RECEIPTS. To ain't tecri,ed front county Collec tor' and other sources, $25,379 85 F:XPENPITIIRES. , Ity ntn't pout I llotangton, Treasur er.' o.llllllw ion 011 $20.493 09, $1,024 60 Ily not t 111, CollllllitlBlolllll'll olden Ilft r4l fly ntn't !mid for pnetage and Station. ary fire Tr office COUNTY AUDITORS A in' t poid Il Ilcu, iwrylatin ee Auditor, E 5 00 • •• 11'm Kerr, " .• " 1‘ 00 C Mar. " 10 00 " Theo stufily, clerk to " 10 00 ASSESSOIN. . 15y •Tn't paY To*nflhip and Bora' Au aerrors for aereastnents and returnn, t 551100 COMMVSION FRS' OFFICE Ain't paid nervicee AS ( . 000y Cololol4.Airr, $195 40 do do 152 DO " Henry keller • do do 110 00 Fred k lorkert, du do 25 00 T 1 ,4 lb 0 il•h1•010, di? d o 20 00 " NI tally, for rier• wer . Clerk to Coin'r 333 50 Theo 111011, extra servrees 159 150 •4• Ira fens for col. lecln g 31)9 (leo I.l%lngston for (flank Hooka and Stationery Igo 25 . 7 tiro 1,1, filet.). for waking Warrant( e Book for unsealed 44 00 " Geo I.nriogrdon tot binding AKSCFPIIIISIIIII for 1 5 450- 7* - 9, 10 00 W 01 , 4_ for pool nee and l rent, 7 33 ilret, A MeMeen 11, pens, ISXII Ain t raid Ec-Sheriff Waddle for Crier for. for I 555-58-57, lg 50 h., sl o Coy for rol•liihitig l'ott.l Prot Ilinntion. 20 00 •• (1, It Wearer for Prnth's crone al January Court 10 00 A 11'1w° for service. as ('girt (':ter 42 00 •• J l'arione fur sort ices as Irettie, 47 06 '• Nto Porry et 01 Taltemen, 5 25 •• te leleNt emir el id Ate, is Leonard, 60 00 Jolt° Hoffer frothy 8 fees AC 149 39 TI„,, Mt Coy for order to Ti.'., 510111 y, 23 93 • Jai 11 Itunklit Viet Att'y fent; 206 00 ••iiruul k Triter., Jurors, 1,570 • (torts to d'otnions• da cases, 691 20 COURT HOUSE A Todd Geo V 1 . 11. P on 'sr . ( of - - • tnytte4forrrel444.nrrt-Hnt.o, 050 16 • u.l Ni!Mk 6, punnltng A rintr.,lpn Homo nndCoru nnmmnrd'tPßnv, 45 10 `• Ilellefontr 11.13 Co for ga• court !louse Avni yard 1.1.11101 70 00 11ireti .1 M. Mel, {mints, •Nr1114,1 At 21 601 i• " Pri. o for ten tone of h1..1/ 60 00 • " John Morgan for rumor trig eal 50 Belief Kite Dug Co (or 100 c•oke 000 •• •• W 1,3011.ert me:41 . .1413 (or Fre,. iiaintere 22 50 •i johll itllll`kbill I. abtlle fir Mr.!, Are 17 50 " " F Mullen for 100 burhel. kl 17 00 • Iltrohorl S.- load wow•4l 1 SO " Daniel Derr atop light for Treneurer a 1)(11or 1 371 N 1111111.1.11 for eunilries 15 07 .1 1. Ifnreons table. flu. 55511• 15 25 I) 0 TANI look. g 'ruts (or Arbor tlion rotrm 30 HI, J... It Mum, A Co for 1.111, imp, A.. 17 19 paakl Pert f.r Bardeen as 133 97 . . Clot, natio foriarlate tug t, liar, I) K r tto for repairing tr ro.if f'aurt Iluux and g cannier for Commis aitiner'a liffiee, 43 75, " In. A for sill. 4te., 500 • II 11,1, • , irtilihing privies, 7 00 " 3•4• Ii 'Faro, far water las 15 00 `• Hew. 3 60 iltai A lire. for coal and • • 207 00 F Smith for mewling *hairs Ar •• hog for glAting ndw lie., 1,1,i ogriiiin for safe for Treasurer's office COI NTY JAIL. Am't pod M Jane Mr(' oy foJrlo,l. log prl,ll , `, • D U ti him for NO, " " Thom MoCoir f r I,ln vey {rig convict,. to Penitentiary T M II dl ft, assialing Sheriff 1111 1111 25 00 J II 1011.1,11, for taking 'T Yeager I II Itef. Aleflerinot h IlrleenlTerty for Ix4l rig down and re- build ing Jilt! yard wall, " " J S Parson" fOr work at Jill '• '• Samuel Harris for bed eteadn,,, " Doctors • Pollor' & Mitchell, for mod aid on primmer', •• Jun. lireekblll chair" for §heriff . s othae, t Rennet for "weeping ehlinineo 1 50 " " Wm McClelland • olothing (or plume re 10 50 COUNTY PRINTING. Arn't paid W W Brown for put Batting Court Prolcomatione, 831 75 " M P Crosthivatte for Coun ty Prlnting o o 1855. " " Jno T Joh noon for publishing Auditors Report, 35 00 " " Ludirlok Kurtz do do 35 00 " .• Seely I Barnhart for Cloum - - ,Lyaud-eatra printing; -- - 107-55 " Kurtz & Forney for publish : Eleollon proclamation, " " Pribil Kurtz do do " " Seely & Barnhart do 529481il SS, . .. •• " }torts tr. Forney pub , ll,long notice to Cotleotort, 1 SO " " Fred Kuno' do do ' 100 129,489 85 PREMIUMS ON SCALPS CHIEI Amt paid for scraps of foram, wild Am't paid MeDermot & MoCafferty i for laying paremeut around t Court Wane yard, 8229 722 " McCafferty & McDermot fur cutting ourb-ptonae for 6126 06 tra . Zt tl : i "Sfothdrarty for making gutters for pare. 111-12 i omits, " " NaDenitot i JilleCifort MO 48,455 25 MI $29,419 85 $36 00 DIM $1,655 30 COURTS $l4ll 20 13E1 j 1 7R5 1131 $364 61i 90 26 100 00 I MlO5 30 $1,334 724 Mil oats panthers, -wolves and catamounts rin PUBLIC GROUNDS. for grading and Nodding the 1 Court Houle yard, Ili ii MoDermot ik MaCapri, ' for making a suer through C 0 yard, "- Manama 9 tfoCafferty for grading the in the rear of tho Court House Jost) Harris Iron • for • fence on public Square. TN II Raphlle for palntlog bonne, IS 00 J F Lucas Trees for Cii y'(, 000 4 , P .13 Wilson for brick. fur • pavements, 260 00 slt92 324 INQUISITIONS &c., ON DEAD BODIES, Aral paid J G Marshall for inquest on body of 0 rlffy, " " DrJohn B Mitchel for exam Illation at inquest on body of A Ileffron, 0 le " P W Barnhart for inquest on bodies of Nolan and Bowel, 40 II C Munson for Inquest on body ofJ E Andrews, 20 it " Do tors Potter, Neff and Sloops for pod mortem ex ■m}nntion on body of Ad drewe SO 00 Philip Shenabarger for in quest on body of a ohild 29 00 Ws 1$ LOANS AND INTEREST ON LOANS. Ain't paid M 9 Ilkit_te,Dson for 6 moo host on loan (leo Livingstod fur inst un conmymder, ••• Mrs It A Test for hat on money, " M Waddle for loan and in terest, " " David Mitchell fur inst on loan, " " It 13 Wilson for inst on mo'y, .• " Joe D Harris fur lastsm Co order " non Jas Burnside for ink, on order " " Peal Ilerrald for bet on or. der ' " Irene Miller for Ihrt to Dec let 1858 Win P Wilson for foe on or ' der color of Wtn Bell " " M Weddle for lota on order " " John Mcßride fur met en ROAD VIEWS. * Anal paid .II P Treaiyulny et al for road •lews In Bow, Benner and Potter taps " A M Eldrr et at for road viewe in Furgu.on and Una. ton tapir " E M,Buchanan (or road view in tiropfg twp " Itobt Kendall do do Bender top .lco Buchanan do do Penn twp " Mr Burchfield et al for road view in Ferguson and Pat ton tops " D Hough. for road view in 'twill top " 1 C Hewes do do Oregg twp Hotel , teckdle de do Liberty top " Jno Holler do do Liberty twp CONSTABLE'S RETURNS Am't paid Constablea for return• to Court and mileage ELECTIONS. An. 't paid Election officer,, Retorn Judge. Coronet]le. anti Aa ae'eore for putting up lists of voter. aid attend g election, 882 691 " litiugbert A Rankin Cik to Return I] Ned B 00 • ' Jlt Hoak for acting (•ong . . net urn Judge S9IA • t MI SCELLAN FPUS PAYMENTS Amt paid lieu Liringstun late Trans are, fur balance du• at let tl•mernt J It Read Stieriff of Clear field comity for brl t ogtog J t Hear to Jail '• Geo Livingston for din on Lancastrr money " " I etooltuffungton for note in Hank ." W .1 Fenlnh fir A oil% Flag • ister and Prothonotary acts .• Is•ac Boffiloglan for note In Bank " ' Wm Le•l et at for ( ( ski oterpald !mar Iluffnialon for Holes in Hang WniJ Ketch for recording Atlinn'neta of Beginter'a of fice from 1810 to 1850 150 00 !role Buffington note in B k 2,000 00 1) 1 Pinner for Centre natali ty Agnrult•trnl Society Penns 'Amalie Astirtum for maintaining Nitwit's Enaterit Penitentiary for maintaining convicts Total Amount of 11*.rponsli turrr for 1 tIM, $311,51T 66 I.IST OF OUTSTANDING TAXES. ('olle, tors. Dssirects. 1848. Win. Riddle,' Spring, 97 00 . . ME J D I Jam Its ext.• Boggs, 28 00 .1 %V. Fugnte,• Worth, 27 00 Nhles Ilreen,• Boggs, 47 00 QM Jos. Williams, Est.,• 1855 (;co (;raliam,' 1856 Ebenezer Records• Rob't Lloyd,• Worth, Rubh, 1857. Michael lirofe, (leo. Iliviser„ Samuel Osman, Simon Yerger, Jacob lloverocker, John ARkey, Wtn. MAIM 16 00 union, 1858. 18 28 Jas D. Turner, Jas Alexander, Jos McCloskey, Jos. Dawson, DE3 BEI Jacob C. Walker, Boggs, 227 00 J. B, Vedeffer, Burnside, . 71 00 J. B. Mitchell, Ferguson, 272 00 Jos. Smith, ' Gregg, 350 00 Geo. F. Wasson, Harris, 089 00 J 0 Moyer. Baines,. 472 00 G. L. Grey, Haltmo on, 85 00 Christian Bower, Howard, 241 00 John G Stine, Huston, •99 00 Sinn uel Bechael, Liberty, " 71 00 Christian Yerger, Marion, 342 00 J. R Hosterman, Miles, 41 00 Divid SeHers, Patton, 163 00 Roh't. Smith, : Penn, 163 00 Fred'lt.., Selaer, Potter, 637 00 Jot, Jones, Rtuff, 113 00 Daniel Bechtel, M. P. Weaver, Spring, 253 00 Isaac Moore, ' Taylor, 47 00 Isaaitalicklan's Eal. Union, 174 00 Henry Beck, Walker, 700 00 Geo. Kelley, Worth, 102 00 75 00 97 00 37 00 37 00 ,r—Totatibuiter outstanding taxes $7,321 00 Norz.—Thou &alma marked with a star, thus (*) denote that.they are in the hands of °Moms for oolleotion 300 64 Wu, the undersigned CommDeaner§ of Centre county, do hereby mortify thiit (the thriving is • full and correct statement of the Receipts and Ept -lendltures of the said County, for the year A. D. 1158 Witness our hands pt the Comedian:mere' once in Be!Wont.; this 28th day of January A. D 1859. 180 00 Attost SAC. POTTSGROVE. Jao. T. Johnston, Clk. FRED. BunicsaT,T RUTOHINSOVI; TO. Id •111.14. Contattaignots CEI IZEZI ME 513 80 FM 301 60 61 66 27 48 17 66 30 qo 0 00 30 00 10 00 77 71 El] $lB5 44f no et 26 06 n oo am $125 221 EEO $4.149 i 1 m QM 2,0C0 00 45 OS 7 700 00 12S ST 4,200 00 100 00 MEI MEI $16,240 14 Worth, 47 00 Snowshoe, 87 00 25 00 80 00 Benner, 60 00 Ferguson, 45 00 lialimoon, 35 00 _ Marion, 93 00 Rush, 60 00 4.oawshoe, 64 00 Trtor, 114 00 Bellefonte, 523 00 Milenburg, 51 00 Curtin, 65 00 Benner, 427.00