Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 03, 1859, Image 3

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13 - E - ELIIIFONTI3 F16131111A RV 3, 11539
`Subjoined remarks we clip from an ex
change, believing the arguments will apply
to this place with as much force as any-oth
er we know of. Read them merchants and
mechanics , : There is no truth more unde
niable than that it is the bounden duty of
every community to support its own Me
chaflics. They are a worthy and indispen
bible cless.of men, and we find no town or
village flourishing viithout their aid. In
deed their presence or absence is always a
true index of tho condition of a place.--
Whether advancing in wealth and impor
tance, or sinking in decay. Whenever we
pass through a village and hear thetfrequt.nt
sound of the carpenter's hammer, the clink
of the blacksmith's anvil—that village we
say to ourselvek, is. flourishing. It cannot
be otherwise ; or the producers are actively
employed, and out number their consumers.
Whenever ;and wherever this is thri case,
the people aro growing wealthy and are at
the same iitne training up the risieg
generation to habits of industry and , moral
ity ; whereas, if a 6tty or village pursue the
opposite of this course, neglects its tnechan-
ICS , and supports those of some distant
town— those who will be compelled by the
force of circumstances to remain, will be
come idle and profligate—they will cease to
produce and be consumers -In a few years
they will become beggars, and their children
ignorant and vlcious
II there 18 any truth in the assertion that
we ought, as a nation, to give the preference
to domestic manufacture, the fact is equally
true with regard to a community--loth are
sustained by the some arguments If a mer
chant would have around - him substantial
c ustomers, let him, by every means in his
power, support -nmrfoster the mechanics of
Inv vicinity, and, as they become n o ne
wealthy:, - their ettatom , a dr . increase, espe
cially' in thow des on which he makes
the greatest profit. The habit of importing
large quantities of cheap end half-made aril
eke, to compete %lilt nor non ineehames, Is
~hurt-sighted,and wrung limb as regards
the mechanic and eouNinner , and if the
would Ik further
the opera
tion of things, he would !mil that he crossed
the path of his 4.‘a a in'ere-d by doing No Let
the merchant bring the case to his own
door, and he, perhaps, may better under.
idand it. Suppose that eve!) , individual
who poss. s9es the 11101M1 , 1, 101 ,- ; - Usk
his family four or five hundred dollar I a crib
of goods our annum, instead of buy •
ing alum at retail, go to samo wholei.ale
istablialiment, and purclia,e hi, year's •-oq.-
ply would IV 11,11 I'l hnttvrnecs, CII.I Ir nil
.110 I. all 1:111ifill rllll-',C, And 1% uold he not
q,s, to )111n, WWI 1 1 Oh, that ha was warring
II mterest, by destroying the
11-mosi of the viemity and gleing It to an
' , hot end Ih is lit, htllettoav would re lot
113,11111131 in 31,30.1 Idd lo the deerease of
hto peoperte and loostoesa ' So. in the eaoe
111,11IIMed mechanic sly
the Wain , te 'he urvcLn it IV,' say, then,
let all el t•—• nth , r, and, by
th e mu t ir d ea,h p that 1% alth at
11 Into, At 111. 11 If ete , eled iI, iv here, neve,
Pauly kni• to , I,'r iimess of you'
711 . 1g11b411 1 81111 « 111. 11 u 1 turn 111 .1 .11rtly
it II ss us —The Central Bank of
locah at 11.1',11 , 143 l'a
has changed hand , . The stock of the bank
has been iiHnisi of Ity the former owners
to lit restiling in Centre anti Photon
counties. The following persons compose
the oflicers and directors of the iWstitution
President. Thomas Wilson, Centre county,
Pa., Cashier, C C Price, Centre county,
Pa , Teller. Daniel Irvin, l'entre county,
Pa , Directors Serino I Don ning. Joseph H
ain:o,l 11. Barnhart, John Jones,Benjamin
Ligget, John S. Bush, lit , ;emir
Alexander, William Fearon, John Hoy, Ji ,
Julio Alexander, and %Wham Underwood
We arr r^queoed I,y Prof J Ilgen nor
rell to ict'ilc the Trarlteri of Ferguson Dim
tart ootll on Let them on Saturday
aftetnr the 42th Ins( ,at 2 o'clock A
full 11,0 ndance is desired
11008 K AND LOT FOR SALT:. —By reference
to another column it will be seen that John
Awl, Esq ,rflers for sale the house in which
ho now resides, situated on Howard street
The house is court nient and nearly new.—
Give him a sail.
The Communication of " Alethus, " tt ill
appear in next week's paper
!For the Democratic Watehtnan I
Teachers' Institute.
On last Saturday morning, 22nd inst.,
thinking that 130W0 bodily exercise in so
pure an atmosphere as we Olin had, would
9ertainly contribute to the continuation pf
good health, I veered from my sedulous
capacity, to take a walk along the beauti•
ful sceneries, which present thbinselves
along the rustling stream that glides through
your town. After having slowly• stepped
along for several miles, I came to a country
schoolhouse, where I noticed some people
had gathered. Anxious to know who they
wore, and What the object of their meeting
was, I entered the door, and to my joy,
found a number of teachers from Spring and
, Benner townships, assembled to hold a
Trachereinstitute. When the appointed
hour for business arrived, the President of
Uteassooiatiotl took his chair, and the exor
cises of the meeting commenced.
The first topic for discussiou was Orthag'
raptly. One of tie - teachers reed' a very'
worthy essay on the subject, and was fol
lowed try further discussion from others
. present, all evincing by their elucidations,
that, they were not only blasters of the art,
but also knew the most successful way of
teacking it to tethers.
After the dismissal of. this subject, Read
lug was considered. Several of the teachers
discoursed on it, evincing good and profits-I
1?le ideas, for teaching fluent and correct
retain. The theoretical instruction being!
given, a class was formed in ttlueh theory
AA as immediately ts &iced to ',looney. \lnt•lh
i')fortnation was given On, by the
Institute, plainly show log, if that manner
of tenetiing has been olrserved*An their
schools, that their pupils ate not wholly de
fective in good rading, that polished bra
of Education, which is so lamely and itu
properly taughidn many of our schools ,
The science 9biumbirs WEIS next taken
up, for deliberation. Snme instructive and
worthy observations were Hindu, towhee.
givingthadr method of imputing the Sciente
to younger snit mord thiiier minds. Prey'.
MIS to this dismission, all hail coneurid ui
the opinions given by one another ; but now
an important ctintrait emerged from the
views delivered on the question, should
children when they begin arithmetic, imme
diately be instructed in the philosophy of
its rules V
'rho affirmative endeavored to sustain its
side, by observing. that. if a child, howevi r
young, perfectly understood the nature of
his labor, nitil were nequainted with the in
tricacies connected with it, having those Ms
mall shades, whirl] appear to hang over it,
dispelled, lie could exert himself with great
'er'encouragement and elation, than If he
were cohmelled to commit long rides, and
pot them to actual lierformance, ignoranb of
their virtue 'and beauty. The negative re•
plied eagerly with the following, sentiments
'chat the ;rat thing necessaiy in imparting
instruction, is the training of that intellect
which is to receive it that bite tender
brain is to heavily taxed by imposing of it
all those intneamea, connected k% ith the fun
damottal rules, ba hive often perplexed
the more module (thonkli ill cultivated
minds of preceptot That much wilily I.
frequently committed by merhuidening the
ii . pdy, w bile the muscles and smnws are er.
(eminent : the intellect, triTihe person,
whirr overtaxed in infancy, often contracts
injuries never to be txpnwed , that after hav
mg given a youth a short intellectual train
ing, his capacity lor rep dying knowledge will
be enlarged, his memory strengthened, his
perception more acute; hence whatever ar
ithmatiral mystern, shonld then be
ed to him woul 1 never
Aftern ftw interwowg rentuh on A , ltool
government, tit • I woonte *Flom wd to nn.,:
at O w new heh o( l hon., tit 11. mit r t.ip Sat
unlit), February 5111,
(MI my sp , edily pieso
antly pail. while with the tetwiter4 of
Spring and Benner ton riNhipl, lloplog that
they ma114,411t, truly a•• lightful task
to rear the tender thought, I Intl them a
transit nt adieu I
7 - Sri. suli'et tiNement of 1)r Sandlor,l
Invigorator in another eohimn
THEGREk r FlNi;Lisit REN11:1) Y.
S IR. .1 111.:S s
Pr rpar,d from a prrirrrptton ofAn 1 , 111 . 1r3
ClarAe„lli i) , Phrote lan I:llruon,h
Tillr In valtuthltt nte Moor ts uttl.ttittig in I I,e core
of Ell tho.. pnlu fill ILEA tittogortoutt to willott
it, (omit h 0 rn oftll I ttt In rolorrt It motif rarer
Ell on-ran and ittinttv(tVit oltlittotton. .11..1 It Nil,
dy core ton y
To 111AlifilLIP
it 1.10, ultar ly auttetl It rut:, 111 a XIII srt 111111.
!mug ort the monthly itertetl Huh rerrularry
1:,, h Itt4t.rt, prltto tr•rt Dot,t,u, being U tu Gin
ernme nt Mnmp Of - great [SWUM, 10 111,,e11 ,
c'\L lInN
7 ' loete / ' ,11..b,,,/,/ "Of he t.rieo ',lip 440
th• o o
000ey, althey fire VIZ, t• 1,4„r ,110
hot ,tame oilier ileey,
In nll e.,d, Net,un ,1 .y lung MT.
P.n. in the It II lt and 1
F.1i1,111. 011 4'l'4'lo ..%
artlon, Palpitalunt of the Wirt. ilynternnt nnil
biter, thlete will t nwh, a nil .ohcr
ate inn hate 1,11..1. and alth e 1,411.1
pow. tic! Nu t ,'
do not contain trot) r.tleinel, antlintorty , Any
thing hurtful to the non•ifintion
Full direetionn In the thintioltlet nrountl ririi
package. vrlnelt.,ll,lll,l ,•orefully prenerse.l
St i l t , Agent for the Flitted .hinter and C0n.1.114,
.1()Ii NII
(Late I in Sc
fur N Y.
N 11 —sl oil wad 11 paala.gta
any tultheructl Agent, will ittnure a. bottle, 1.011
tauttrut .511 Fill,, by return matt,
For eulo by F P (71f1,1 ,N,
... , ,Agent for Bello foite
The Oxygenated Bitters,
For the ruse Ihni c teMU 41r [Nu." c•sioN,
[yr,- rrmitill lint A•ihni,i,Cn.1,1,,,,, I,lls o/
App•ii and Ages Heart II arse
Bra irh, Artdity. Srei
ifermlarAo, and General Ilsla/it 4, I, any
disease having its cmigin in troprripc I /loge vle////
"Anse Bat, q as all classes if our fellow citi
zens, ineludtog Members of Congress, Lawyers,
Physicians, Clergymen, Falitor'ti, Farmers, and
nth ere testify, are the only yafe O'rf aln and nor
resign 51 . 11•11 1 11 1 for the immediate relief and per
manent sure of the ninny cruel eimiplanits why
in some 1,111110 or other of 11 yrprpt a afflict our
These littler, were dismi.nered by Dr Uautlu r.
B (111ELN, and in their formula differ entirely
from that of any other prep... Own of medicine
Containing no alcohol, no mineral no poison, no
noxiour drug, in their nature tone,, not etimithe-
Ling, retaining their airtuoe in any clime, they
are "a combination Indedl" Of Medi.w which
knows no ril al in extriiiilTheting Its , AIM and era-
Wring the system to its; pristine vigor and health
No matter of how long mending, or however inure
cod or shrOnie in its character the disease may be,
— no Matter that it bee baffled the skill of the ',try
mman, and renixted the elf its of inedicinof a sin
gle trial of Ahem, {titters will eati4ry the sufferer
that hie disease is amenable to the proper rem
tn teatituoni of the many cores eIT de(' by thin
remedy, reference in had to thiiolltlett certtlicalca
fatiklattngulshed tadtvtduala known all over the
For sato by their agents everyvOlore,qtrid by
J Harris Itennt.nto, Foster .1 (10 pharl Mil
holm tiros .t Yoariuk, Anrunsborg, Steal Spigot
inyer, Ilartleytavrn. C J Rytnan, Altleibprg, Wit
/ism Wolf Contra Hall
hiAItRILI) —On the 18011 Nov. 1858, by ReV.
Baktttx At. Daniel'P. Wieland tql 4 NliAk Kato
E. Itelleroix)th of Ilarris Township.
On Thursday, Jan. 20, by Elder N. J.
Mitchell. SWUM LA Knhna to Maria Thiel,
both of Liberty tAcp this County.
On the 28th ult, in ICldesburg, by Rev. F.
Bowers. Batmen Lucas, Esq., h.) Mots Leigha
A. Long, both of Howard.
On the 31st ult , in Bellefonte, by RI v ytto,
Mr. James Reading to Miss Calumny Hoyle,
both of this place.
On the Ist inst., by Rev. E. B. Snyder,
Gen. Jag. Irwin and Mrs. Mary A. Curtin,
both of Bellefonte, Pa.
DiEy' t 1, on Ow
Hifnnt ...611 of Alt g..ln um' f%la-
11011 mmy of these lo;glit little bads Of
hope and promise, ut this community, have,
within the Mist few mon( lis, been snatched
from the embrace of, parents by
the ruthless hand of the insatiate destroyer.
Ilea many little fre , h mounds dot the sur
face of our evinetery, upon which the ver
dure of Swing and the bloom of Sumrner will
rise and glow, %Tritium] by the tears of un
utterable sorrow. To the, Intblel and the
Athei'at the death of the child must be all
inexphealde mystery : hilt not so to chris
tlall 11101(18 and hearts whose faith and hope
reach beyood the narrow vista of tune
They tvgard their cherkhed and beautiful
Ito wets but as to a - more bright
and genial chine, where they Khali unfold
their beauty and shed their fragrance for-
M 92
he Stifleringa or hide I)inear were great
Ihirmg log thr, a months' nu litiegs lie expe
rienced the moil. intelige agony. lie wag ta
ken o ith n digrtise rointrion to elohlreii, cal
led the " TM-ugh," which appear, d in n o d
shout The tnti ctit ui stehill, round, gittwt
real ulceration-I elnulttimi tie re
-1 !named hilt lime until the itleerg en
large,l and Iteoatrn• mote point At Itnigth
,the dowase leaelied 'lig II utat a. , (1 to
nn , uute a gilll more seri.niv aapeet Finally
.1 gathering took 1 , 18.01' In ill, !nail (internal•
) alto-Ong the lot in ~ uitn•h a: In throb
him mitt convoltoon, iu n loch voielitiou he
r, :named for a et et 1., .. hen Death pot nn
end to he: ,litrefinga Ilc i, no 111 ,, re • \us
li It' IM•xst• , in them nay cent, nil the
ri,h nliliiion of it ni d o anal
Father, ig Tommie ! The o niter o olds moan
their iiquirrn o•er his little wave Nu mole'
Are o e never to hear that • • dear, familiar
voo•e ' or kiss those lovely little its again /
ill Until:a I (Mg I,trag that dire emit to
gruel hei ear in the e trlt thorn, nn,.. ,
r mote •'
I{lli llocs, ever r, ad y ,
eliccr the di tmomiipig le Art o oh one hand
di les the ~, tiding t, at nn l i,iili the nth, r,
lotothing -id, the , m tam of pair 1.111111,
to tin Ks, 4101 whHe , • Ih• has gone
.0 th, ;gilt rt . tr, c fr. in
all pain and , I e :nutty our coining
to part 11,, luore
Mil t iii at, Da. S 11. (I. II
Bellefonte Markets.
71, Ih'• tiNt ,t pi f r.,•i; fit t }if
c pr.
1V1.1..• 111.. at, I.t 1 15 t.. 51 '25 1
It.d =1 12 10 51 15
It),• no
( . orii E,trk, 45
(his. •• :1:)
I . lr 00.• I'loi - evict .1, • 5 50
HuU t,
r doZ
st ii ;.sltsh,
Idss A•A 41; ,/1 af.u• Ii
.„1 .I . lllllis , r 1.1 11 rti 11, nr.. ter, ~1
rh Inr•pA nn I ('r. .k r. i„siris„t, my
it s p sr. I P., ....II At urn ton., or take .1 d„ n,
111.3 11411tht.r v n.l Il• I r rt
rstblas rn t I '..ark I s 11.1,
I 11.1 . 1.• r 11/ y I. 1.11. Ir n , 3r
Iha termilitio .1 Ht.., sill ss Is.ssi ear •
and 515 rolls .1 r.,.k. r pr In IV Ise
vssry ells 5,- iss•s( si,ss lis s's r . k
essi ,sn,. 1....0ral f r II .I 1
.r.r “! ,
11.11 Olt itipo, tight 111, to, fit to thi4
TIIF, d 1111
by lb • 11 t1.11 ct'•• (' ,, ort • I . ('• , t l.'t I.t y
Ilgrrrl NM aro 11,.' hurt of F t 111 v I
de.. .1, en' 41 toi !mil 111, s I'l4 111.,0
fis,.l by 11, It e1...411,ithf.
111• r
ll .I,ll,lltiti•tho) 1111
1.,,,j)i1f Mir) Norm Alt. 1, mot tr im 1 , 011. tho.n 14
v”Ily rmrlr.i 1.14•4,1), ti 11.14 )15
S .t.rd it . 2flll 11:1) 11.oels V, 5
(1.4• y lit hiS 1.111, r In 114.1111,11 n 'rho,
lolervslo.l at'' ott !It II to ,ttlotol
It (I M Aud
Feb 1:
T ll►:unllt%lgo.d d• t.roon.dthatnld fo
ill not rolnril ILo growth ofion. town
by t nortlng tnorlotant h Lt . 1,4
„„i in th n t an! end of 111. lon/ ugh of llolledoole
(rooting .in riod n nerd lots olonli the
now olio,' f'r le al rn•norbilde l/rioen A plot ..1
n std loin 1,11 ha nye. at lilt ofhoo of Curtin A.
ilotte'onto, 1 , 4 lo 3 'SSI
OF the ..tiiti•Plti'tlll. 14 nl Ihrr 1 . 3 font. k
II even It ul roa,l l'ionitatiy, will ho
held at their trifle., at Uni“ny , I lei on kV ( fin
11th day of rub 1H59, fir pa gm..n of r
the It plot Morig WO for it jei of firs 1111. 11,vd
thoivianil natl . :ow/x.l too.rit log 01 the
It,, held 25111, lft Bellefonte fur the
rouletion ofeei l Railroad
Tot, 3-'59 lm
rrIIE subscriber offers for Hflif tha donee
-11- Anti 10t ut winch he now it oule,s, ,situated In
Ilowinl street The house to stone and oenrent•
ottriTsltuated and nearly new For terms apply
to the 4oharrther
Feb 1 's9.ff
A lar g ,n and a•sort mem 01 1 • nl•
etitinet old received, end Itor side it the
"Bellefonte Book Store by
Feb 3-'5/1 lf, OD) Li VINOSTON
Mit J KINN/la, jest oprntvl
it good assortment of Clothing. Hato and
801111, 111 L11;1011'8 Old Stand, and iv 1111 W ready Iv
deal them Ind to customers at lowi.r men
tlw 0141110 k in d id goods liftu broil sold in this seer.
tion'of the country For proof, 01111 and see for
Over Coats, from $5 to $l5
Pros Coots " $0 '' $l5
Business do " $3 25 " $l2
rants, " 81.87 " $1,50
" $l.OO " $7 00
111,y's Coats Panto and Vests, Fine White Loren
and Marsoill Shirts and droners, Canton
Coder Shirts nod/ ITrawero
FlllO Calf, gip and ()rain Itoots, Soft Fur and
WllOl 1111111 a "mat aasortment
All the above will ho sold at very low Floss fur
Call loon and natiomoney by buying. your Cloth
ink Irate and Iloote at Klnitort'll
Mitnaburg, January 213 '52-14b,
LOTHINO CLOTH, T weed, Camsimere,
Satinet Coats, pante and vests A large
assortment of %Vonlen and Cotton Drawers Anil Un
dershirts for sale by TONNER .t 8 !TIM.
Bellefonte., Oct 14.'
(Mier of the mrt'i Alutual t it , !nit, cure
Corntany, of (real,C lorgled South
of Peahen', innuntalll
(iENiIIF: !LW.. JIM. 1 1 ), igtio.
rplic lion of I hrt vtort, prei, tit to the
mett.l, the fulloming matt wt,, oI the ikr.
MIS 14 II e Company for the p.irMyear, in eon.
formity oilh the Itol Section of aniAct of Ajmer,
bly, entitled, An Act feejlie ineorporation of Lrw
suranceCompnnie.," Approved the 204 , day of
April, A I) 1856.
Assette, Hills receivable being Preen
urn Ntheli, Ilan and payable by the
M a ndiers for Insurances made der
ing the past year, $;7,652 07
Of which amount 3 percent hill been
, assessed tint ealled In for the con
tlitgent oxponsce of the Company
Thom leaving nn :manta of Prem/Ittn
Not en alto and m room (luta day of, $17,025 45
'lO which nuhl enah vela 4111 re,e1,.1
Into the Trengory,
n mount nl.OllOlll Agatha fi r In
ennnueon mndo
Total al , otts mud receipts of the (ndri
Epenses Fees and 'expenses
to procuring Charter froth
Harrisburg, - .015 04
Cuinfieue,tt tun to Hireyars at
iheir several meetings during
the post year, 61 60
Coinpons..tion to Secretary of
the Beard,
Complthaution to Treasurer 14
Payment of sundry hills, pilot,
log 1111114101 of Insurnuce,
pticntiuns, 011ie° rent, .kc , 15 15 182 511
T Inl a•nilablo fundx of eh .I 13 day $l7 1(12 U
11,....,er during 'mai Ilie year, nut airy
Dela, •• " •
In4urniiree 'nude during
the pant your 2114 16:1 2
For which 105 1 1 01•••10.1 Ad 1 ....urnitnn,
hn‘e been 14411...1 In dm Mnn Lira,
and ID form thim any All pn r
eit en, erect 1,%• 111,11I11111.1•11r0S1b11111
nrNitEnny ninunistii. and wllhrn the
hounde .11 Ci•iitrn emmty
174, Ihtehunan Pre•ldont Sine eel Andtanker
Philip Meyer, Vice Prat . ; frank
111•11 f) IC repo , A len4 AIPN:I niter,
I;Otrlgr W Campbell I I'. ter 11011vr,
%% in 1 1 .1'0,
John vluunum SOC ' y , V. ,
to C Dune*, reef good
Jan 13 ' 59 31
BE 1'1• (IRIIAI NED .1N1) E\ A(‘TEI) by
the Tone Counell of the Iler of )telldfonto
In loon Coat rnl n.votnhled owl it b,• n b y o r
dulnrd find Enacted by tdo nuth. rt . ) of the rime
rh .1 hereafter it Anih he the dul t f the nvut
ptery lois nod the 0w111 . 1 . 4 of 1111 , .1 • 111111'd lots
thing: 1, hoe, pr,tittles niat. nr. ..t 111.1,3
hi be 1.11.1 out under o wit, in,
hen , or or ty hereafter he p,-. , .d to eons..
the colt wrlk. or it 1,111.111t0 a err rt , lof
% I.t.ts.t. to t 0t... ~,,, .1I
. 1 . 11 di int •Il tll 1.11 thi ree o nt h, . sse r.
boor. a r 1111e .1..11 twit... fill. q And to
.h fault ot P11 ,• )1 Illocro 11 r0%1111. II.( h
wdo 011ik 1'11 . 111,11 Ufor.s.tol hi he or the)
shall upou eon, olio. of ittiell def.itil ray n tine
1.1 not Ire, thin four nor Or re th.t.l n to
hp eolliTted Ili loins of like ritnowo nre no. 1 , 3
Low roe°, erdlilo
Sr, 2 That whenever any persoa er persons
shall ri ii.+o or negiwet to clear the .11++ and
pt 0 1 , tits as aforesaid, within tlut ', no e sh o v e
greein,i, ~.•11/111 be the ditty of the Coin
101.11 till, to HP, tho ad.! SIJE•IN tlit
and the coats for clearing them shall he eolleet.
front the "WHY,. ur occuptern of the lot or lt+ a
long wiii.4l such side w ilk is hint tut together
with twenty per cent allowanee tittri on in ;edit
to the fine imposed in tin first • , 1 .. 1,,11 4.1" t
ttrilintineo Ilr , latto.,l and Enarie 1 odoln
11/1110e the 25th d.tY of Decrintoir A
ADAM 110 Y, f Ilitrgi on
./01, T JOHNSTON, Sno y
__llo.lunt her 21/, 18.44
- bt
ofhrt for tale the
A.. • 1,11 ~ tic ei1,(.1 i.r.ep.ret , 1111.1•0 in sln
lote e.r. dee rnnel tee,. 11ellelovis eI
It !", .1., 'lle• 1.1.1,1,41• the 1 . 11. k:• I. 1,1 VOW
01 It,. liternir4.l• 11l Ile
, • , 1110 ni KLn h /111,1 rid stc rvol
Io eI and in a weepd tit tie Of . u!'ls al en;
Inrt.elne 'end Itlern rye, 'e re nl , ll It
rrng 0..1 thrifty r , reh)tr.l A tn. r t 41111,g .1.,111,
r 1,4,1 It. ihe 11.11 1... birth.
I .nirrl,rtor•lnrilo at t 1 Au, r•
J ittu.o) 21). 11140 .I‘lll N r Ilti Y. .f - r•
I , all & 11 Wei . Goods,
1 , 1,0 VII IA I'
J II,v,11.1(
o u A L co r r ,„„
11 , 11 1 , g, Ow pi, rkrllo,l9
th It they h e rerrive,l the Iwo let fed rtook
p •pf or ,
el h 111..1 110 ',rep 11.1 ; ' , II. 11
low ••••I , will 411 , PIWh 11, I Tit. It
'Ow k Co,o o llm plrt 44
/rt. "Ir GOCI
e% cry Varll•ty me Ire 1,1“ •lir 11 an
/•:n.;'.'154 4 foil ru 7 0 1/“. IL'ucA
Pglieli ( ~1 , 1 MI rt Sathri , ll, Til r r' , /f
I ‘1,11:, , t Art/. and /lima lul My/es
DRESS r Goo Ds.
A Nil ni d r f Ladle, Drers
lin. I In, in all tI i new and benotiiiil de•lgns
Frclo( 1 1114 ~ol l)r(ntncs
Cat, 095, l",, .1C , S
Md III. 1(. itt 1 arious
I I 1,1110, ,V,,11,,n , , . 1, r
Al., a very altoorlineot of we'l 11111110
110 rdware, Quern grriare, Rlnnr rm,l En, tArn
li at e, (nut all tot her k,rol. 01 II dr,. which
I, I•:
Their shock of (I roeerieel 11, [Wen •eleenind with
rII, tilar car e and they are cafe ul nayino that
111,1 'I lit or CHEAPER 0.1,11 h., hail in the
County They ha, o
SU VII a, 11111/aXce't, and Snrnps of Ihr Tweet •
• 41 At mhg, ( 'offer, TlO3, /lii e, Sp, es
of r yr, t/ A tnd, Fillt and Nall
Call in and l• U 141,1110 for Jourxelies, and you
Hitt g, away amtilied that Una a hartnieutent
Mate* notlong but the truth
Nov 111, ly
1100131052 IMPiii:lll .
_m heel' stowed fall of FA I b.ANI)
IVIVYRR tioonl, which bit beauty Ind vn
rioty 11nn ri , ner bison vriuttlic.l by any enlitbil.h
theta in 110 n section of country
JNO Ali , I
(4001) GOODS,
at low is the rule at %Vag tow, awl if y•
lint II test in mol examine
their stank, end you alll bear htuunony to the
Thou - stork ronskts of a getters! WM4IOIIIOO of
Dry Good. , Gkocorie.v, If irdware, Queens-
lorluding n hnet 101' olhrr lirilelen in Ihrrr line,
ninonij whirdi enn Inn found WI vverpove and 011111311
ouch us •
Ducats, Perste:lt Cloth, Debetge,
burgs, (7ashmerrs, !Plaines,
Alparai,Frruch hln
Their ti 0,1(14=1one weer olinsisti of a large as
sortment of CaSsimores, Cloths, riattinets, Satin,
Vesting, Ttreods, Flats and Cape ,
And an extensive variety of Hoot. Sr Shore,
for Ladles, rientlomon, and Children, with al moat
every ether article that may ho flummery to sup
ply the wants of the community.
The pressure of the money market having had
the effoot, of reducing the price of many articles of
merchandise, the undersigned have been enabled
to buy their stook at such rates that they ann sell
goods at prince to suit the times And having
lieretofore endeavored tie op." their customers,
both In the quality of grinds and the palms at
which they sold them, they hopo to receive a roe
ronoblosharo of patronage All in want of goods,
will please oath and examine their stook 'Of cheap
est goods
...Country produce Of oil Finds ',ken In px.
change for goods
nollefonto, Nov 25, 1865-y
RELATEsa; To SIDE 11 11.K:71
arc 4, ri In a rtalutry p
C 7 XX 331 .41- X. JEI •x• co i - t. 33 ,
ware, and ( are
Ag - ent for (Inc 11 - ,a/ Manch Mutual InA,nr
' ri/ire ( ' ollll4llr/
Will innate Innninnrer m all of
plataaly at moderalr rah. A lid will Rio-
VIVO lilt elude Of 11. g o rltiAgt neatly, promptly
nod nanurntoly. viz Unlink of lit oils, Mortgn -
goa, Amingnmenth, articles at A greemonts, Poitt.
ing of Aco until: and I+lll make out bupllenten of
of school, Poor and Road 'foxes ; and Traiaoripts
of untainted Londe and tine Schou: or (toad Tux.
thertion All of which will lb dune nt tory mod
°rale prier,
Moo milt Jesse I Test, Eng , Register, do
nt the Court Rouse
Ilellefotito, Jag ,
any l awn or Itarou g h a u °from% and au
o) ing to the rut le us thereof and n rallthe mot
latalert , ,te tuas.taeo • Therctor
Int Ile It 11,,toitiet1 uud Cliantell by th,
'f rwn Council of the Borough of llellclute it
'town Cotineil 4,4,00,1, and II P. Iscreir) ItrJmn
01 111111 EIIIIC 0 , 1 by the outlitorl a
iymf rbe lmo—
llint from am,. Al t!, t b o Or„, of A
00 oil righter Hood,. or Hotelier ;4,,, 1,111111 he nut'
fermi lo bo or remain within Ire 11111118 Of 1.11,
$17,515 'u2
2 That e, coy person or por.tono who m c i)
in ,solation of thnt Or L llttoneo tunic or keep n
Slaaghter Ilinwe or Ilutdher Shop in mold
. orongh
Alan upon conviction thereof lu•lore "the Chief
llorgoo o t jr Axntntnnt Ilorgoee p.ty u fine od 110 In er
th., 144111011 n. our 1111,0 thou fifty dollars 'for
ouch anal every ofronee
Site .3 Thi;l mdhurK 1,1 tills (1 1 , i111,1111, .11411 he
colts recd no to itre‘ent iteration fr.. k..etiing
Mail Stull+ or tthietiiii in which u. keel, diri , ei/
emit, I, 4ile within ul 1l :rough Ordallied
nud Fivartell int:, un I.)rilinanoo It, 25i11 ildy of
AI) A(11 II()Y I liter florp,l
.11,rrr Ito Sec
// :0,
l'etitisl7ll , :triii Hotel.
r r iTIE Sl' ISM 'lt I 141. It It.F.'4l'El. lEI 1,11,1
sif..rnst the ctuaci sol l ' oa.trepsis*, met
filo public mgene al that he ha .. . t • .. 1 0., 11. ,
tel, and to 11.1 w readn III.! 14 . 1.11,1t0.41
Jute (ran Pies, 111 le Si. h 111 • nlthier, ,elf
tall sleet 1111 I'll4lll 111)111.PiIIII 1011 Aliei 1 , 011.11 ige
Peash• from the l ' ously ilairsig their a t nrn at
, 131 .re, kr ( * .IVO, ..ill iilll.l the Pellll
11..131 . ts agreeable resting 111 tee Th..
II•ns to .pßeiot. nisi I urninheal is .spelt,
E TAIII.Ii of the will 110 111111;1111111
Hllll all the 111111/1 1 / 1 11113111roN aollaal 1'11.11,0.11, 111111
hiviicicii which n innithirtise Country r9ll torrixh
or industry rude nee nod exertion ruin procure
ialvinyi eintiniii a gen, aunirt
meta of the rery Lr st Ilqu pry th it tire I nnerti
ikrirket affords, adapted to hurt the /WWI (1,1111'10..4
THE ST ‘III.F mill Iv, /III( .11.11 by at, ottentivi.
And 1/bligio.g well
laming It. th, nnpl.lea .1.1.1111.11/I
I pulp; r•tall/1.11111011 .14,14ti1,1 I, the 10 , maul
ht , k , uk Ir gsptota' ly
Ao , , rllll, , rrl I llng ant , 11111 1,,
to I II .1111INI, 411. 13 1,1 3 Anil 1(.111,11.0re 1 , 11110
‘lll,rl ”1,1 iir 11 rrl lII3V L, di.,
pared e. pat 31 , 11111 . 010 /10101 ..1 1110 10,3 r,ll, 1, 1
wham nolll'lll4 WI I h.) ;quilted
1114 table arid
Fl,lll the attentroil rind lime mlll , ll the 'and , r
nth 1 hid, soled 111 Ili, L VIII, 110(
his ex ',erten,. Inn bropel L. nienl n d rec., t.
re:11011.0dr st, re or tlto 1.4.1. , 1•
\ It 1..111 111 E, r
21 is
.A- tt 111 lie 4,14 01 itrillte Inie
fattn eanlaing "OW 1111,1,4 anti telly t r ..f the
twist time I,ITM 1911 , 111 the State it it h Flt AMI
11 , i1 . -F, It ink Rirn other neeeetnr,
*owl Itiniti tin et eta I Ili r. , ),1 ()tit
h ull, eV, .4t lxvi•rit‘ notes ore eltnirtnl anti in
3 high stnle itf nultl, Alton and the lonitwitte elietee
Towilierlnntl It I. .titilmted m Ilan In 1,1W11.11111
leatlinit (ruin Ftllinttre 1 1 (I fel the
Belletttite :Intl Titrottiko, uhnul t tulles
ennt of II it l'enn n Farmer' High Sellottl
I lie I 111100reA or fir.? nattietl ',bet
/i n n half In ital. Intl the It.tlttnett in two it'll/ II ,
111131 ititteint,nl3 with intertten lob e stellred I> Ihmtl
Fur t;:i,041; lid Ire.,
.1 %COB qp(r.rit
/I kit ER Freoutorn
It. tlshunz Centro ro l'n
THE wb rr,Lr r. 1 1 .1“ 111,1 , 1;11rd thelll
- Ito firm I) 1,1,1 111 N A
If ,o • .h.• •ti: I • , r nil I
t • , nl 11,.‘11.•,!,h , e , I,
"rpoo, ler , -r• .1 June+ T urm
.1.4.1 t .0 44g....51a of All kmds h
th.) •1111. Vory 1114 pri,•,••
Am. per,11:1 1 1 :111 111 :1 h1•nolt11...1 not 1, 1
I 1 , 1. or 111 111, 11 4 1 , 1114.4141.• or hi the.-
n..11....f n , v 1 1 0 3111 1
illlll or I.'y r.
trout .1..1111 , tra ..1
1...0 0...1 t.. btn 1 1 /.)..0t I. my
nlorll7 ltron %la I two 1101,0. 'goo
I I , on 1 Ilrron. the one bolt of 21 Acre., of
11'1,.• g,onnel runt I )”, ono trill of 11 A. ru
11‘,1111111. g,t.111,1 All p. r.ynx n r, 1,1,1 1 or
ot lot
j )111,4 on the .runt nx Ow proporty
bcloogn 1,/ our
Firmer s 2()
II AWL 10 INI. I.LI s 1
lHodonilo and r't w I .1 , /del. in Dry
tiroveli Qtwoorovilf.• 11:11.16. are Ftsh, .9.• ut
ihrir Wow coppi•tile uJ
Alloglico) .Trot, n tikb.hey , 41 . 6 ., I , r 6, 0410 ul
,very low I'm,.
July 2.! 6 S y D...L.L.11)}"q ro
MAIER! 11. E 1.. r painting roi
.. r . ntriprr
ilUdi fur (iluelkn lhl Purl rung. • 11% hold
I.raf 11,1•1 ont brorzte (' ;40.11. Hair
B ru gh4•o paper India auk supeilor /-.11g1,01 l're•
pared C,unrner, rtq oall be had nl tlk lit rig .Aura
Heller° I u-'59 Hite pra
K rertfully liII4IVM4
!kw riu<ru iif itollvfimig thlt
ehe It.tsoponed a (Alloy storeoott.,ll.,g, or nA from'
anti Inge /I,lllrilllolll. of gaola as wee rtcr bto't
to title 111105 . -
She leis in her employ n young Intly,whe will be
able to lilt ego the enate of the most fantillitoo
Blouse tolll and exainino. its IVO 1001 neettred
that we will lot able to ple.oto w tit) le anti till:Ott) ,
Bellefonte, Not 4-'5B-If t •
TrilE VRTNER , :IIIII' 111.:ED)F111tE
ousting under the firm tt root] A M 'Meet,
Druggiata, ham th m lay boon tittotolvod by or ottani
cotitlent All person, Ji in log uu+etilod lweinnia
with said firm tato
here) at titionted to call awl
utak° nottlattiont immediately
.1 hi 'XI EEN,
F P tilt I•,EN
The burinenn will still ho confirmed nt the idd
et,ind by the Illleeeigneil, Oho tuki foppOeill
oily r.r returning 1)10 eingette thanks to the public
for their gimeinos rornige, rind hope', by I , POOpt,
atteolloll to billilleatl(O MOTU 11. e 01 3 ,1011.11100 Of the
Doe I I gs'4
THE subsvilber I fliers r'r sale a HOUSE
nail 1,4)T ntinnted on High Street in the Boy
itkl. ' STn t- ir and in tlu+ acre '' o T r of
„ I‘ e i t r F re t -
noel+ head The lot ie 130 fen; front by 200 doer
Any perron deAirnus of puichAsing n conventent
nod vnluable property could not do better that; by
giving ma a 0,111
Dec /3,_Diso
One Tou• of Old .Metal
are litfrchai.Aig, anti will
pay the highest pnro Sir Ohl Metal, and nro
ready In rummy° any quantity at their Fundy?,
on Spring Creek, near Bello:Oman
January 27 -'Ol/ VitILLA k CO
You ‘ra hereby ordered to turn out In full mil
form, al the house of 3 0 'Verger. to Centro Hall
on the 22nd day of February aunt, provided with
ten rounds of blank cartridge A full attendance
is roqurstod as a dividend will be uulae!' the funds
on hood and other Cimino,' of Importance will be,
re nowilad. By order of the Captain.
Jan. 2T-'S7 A CA8.2.1E2t, 0 0
1 It 111 I,
It 1N 1,-1.1,1
Dellotonto FoundorY
W. A. 'I HOMAS, Jr. & CO.
Ti; A R D"-NP A R- E
NVlitell the} are LOW Opt !WIZ. :till oSllr to
the rmhhe and 61.10 k.
Bc•Ilcfonle, Nov. 25, Isrs-y
fi n e jt v7 t FA " l l l ". :l n d ' 4 l l4 a
Intl and r n.nluto In the tplio,mkg article.
i?tch Pt itifrA Pe/rll/0 , ,, 1 - 3 -
noos, A', in. ~ 1 1/11,
NhalelS Pill t
pr, ,or G. 0, 1 ,, I bp , . rl o
Lath, • Nhortc. •
A large annortinf•ni ullllen and
Tagall , , ntth a fall 'apply oflint II .., t _
Hine. it. A largi 0ni.1.1). of
I , 'R ESI I F.AAI I I N Crilf I('Elt I ES.
,11..crononv.1 In linglv
prIV, l`h rt,illll/Pr.9 are 1., It, itll not I
I:..itej••lll.' fl.•! 7 as v
IP (Do tJ ND 'P M. rS•
}...r II 1 111 I,H ll!
It• I*ln 1111 1.111
1011 1 , 11101, +111.11,1,01, it , Li t ail 1•d
tll.l 5,.11 I beall 51151 uII vtup • wr./. , tho 11;.t
11.1 gr. , 11 , 11, CI Mt ... 1515111011111
11111,411116 k ugt• rt mkt 111.1
1:4,1•21, lilt , ln • ur111;1I 0J
05110111 11, 111115 >,5 ,• 11501 15 it l , h ,• I10;
1.01, r N II I b 11
7'1(01' t 1 .7 WOW) A tilott• n tOtot
Ira Jai+ ott t‘t• roettit , i'l..• rg .
1714 for Prof tr .1 II to It, ,t. t , !h t . ,
ly ST, ITl•rt. l• 1 I •• I I , 11 4 , I I• , r
tto toot:, 777 1,1 I .I'l •.1.1
101110 t‘o totglit oitt.o.l 11 , / 1
b ratie vo -. • 1,1., . t n •1 ep • r •• p, ,
PP , 'Pe pe rfplltlon•Pt ttl .1 th ,
t, ttt,,,,egt I, 11,11 011 I'l • 114111
, 1117114 I , t ' , tory lo Ir
0,1 11 IY Nit 4 , 7 \ %Mi. I P t• )it
'II 14 11l ..1
tto , I 1.11,
d ,
111/4 oil, 11 /1
st.ry rt—pt.
Irig~, li DAN II It
ilifltory ('hnCr. r m o
114 h 12,6
Pit()r (I 1 1%111111. lit u r i lllll,
vivre inollioell yo.ou
„ dert u i
lo it olio dot) 1.. 'IA 1 , , io
II it 111,10 ..I1 4110.1.1 f.,r 11 n per
10, :12, 4.,111.1 .II 111 w.l ll
1te.1,1 'I heewitely . I `l. r , 1••1
V, 0 N 11 1 •11 Irien.llTl 4
‘‘ , .l I, III“ , ynur ite+Le: o , Ir I. I VT .1111
I uh , 1 ,.. 1 .,• ~.11ter,1 but
4141/ t
ori ar..l Its
~1 I. 11! .111 Start...l ..1:1, ln i l
noir LP., lone toe ht , althy /I, /11111
r op 4,1 knot . no, ally ,Itto• r 101 l „ I , ,), r.i„r
awl •10 Imreloy 1 , 11 .1 ,11111. 1..1 t ilt Its-o, oo
[WI 1. ot ttniely .11 , p
Lnir \s'u ye, r, nir, re. l .re 1..",
GrOlt,,l 11 lllan,l \ M
:•AllA II A 111,0 \ 10,111
(14 - 44ted, Al ' I
NMI , 0 .1 W04114-4)4.4.-.1.--- -4 , irme- eraea4
two ladila•al l'solemeoe 11 4 , Jd • /I I,e /I, • .• t•ii.
and e.ta len'y eny tt ry 0.• get' ' err
age lot resle , ong and • lenann4 Ili. 'I IL.'
aning II I araf, man 4 Ali hl,r f it aoy ,
~,,e , ,J ed Its ~r iglnal e• , 1 ,, r lot/ e.lti
la lhn %orb! wlbnuf Ihi I , :.dear i un. an
on° 4 the 10 1. ar•
IIA\II. I. \ Al I P Pi/ 1
1) .7 %%OW A 1 . 41
(111 ht. gre:al /A 1 I lnili g I at / / 1,11.11/111,0 )
and lllAlnrket I , lam. NI,
•mlo /It I I \ .1 1/. 111 / \ It. Ilef.oto) Pa
nu,' nil 0 4 , ••••1 . 1Irlig, ) ,‘ •
hrrrhy nytnAhjr fr:er.!
1110 p.llO o ..1 I 4 rd Me
lh• ..f II tult tp ,ii,,,„(„ddlu 1011,441
ti.tho .4014,111,P" AI )41 -4 ,14 kir , ,4llg tholoh hes
11..lehtt••1u'I.Itt• are re.pir*t.• I 1,.
ir.l in.tki , 1111111.44,0 e pI% it., II nuJ t
ha, mg el./11114 /1,4“1114i the lll rem. ut ihrm
prov r 1) 3,t nnv.od irr
t - 4 A 111,1
.I,illlllLry 211 1,9 Gi A
IDICPOSIT at.tririt,
E arse, .;1-1 11141.1 i
II N Me.ll.l,lllTkll 1 1 RTIS
IN l'A ID to; I AL 1)1.1.1),Irs
um E.; ,%I I 1,1,1,11,1 L, 111 LE & CO,
I 1C1.0,1' CI , ATI' I'o l'A
r"t 111 rl.ll
/111.1,S IF EV'll AND N0T1:4,4 Lis
COI,I,F,CrI 4I N , NT.11.1 ASI) 111
ill vrri• PI I O IIII
ISTERE' , I P 1111II\ cl II 111 I IITr, FAIL
NtNEn AN1)1 - `0 , 11t •IXNI I /NI . IIS
AT 1111: RA 1'1; 411 , F.lrk 14:11( - 1:\
p1:11 ANSI M 1 , (11: SI.I\rII 4
vi) I . l'll A r.D , .1r rill 11.111 llti Ft 1, ['Ell
Xl'll NI CI I N :5 1 1 11 1 1 . , I. ;. t ,t \ :' l
41,N 1 , 1 51 A :N. Tl,l 11
ALL pERsoNs 111:0:131 7 NOTI
FIEli M t , t 01 MID
emtate of Pune., Noltto late of
hate h. en grAnte.l to the artlerolgrt.f,
In .i t shuns all petrol.
1,C,1,111/14 ,gains! 'al.' eltAte Are rerittrAtell
to present than for mvlllerricill, ;ma all tiortea.A in
debted to matte pA)tneta
.10,IN LEI MAN Alm r
slnehnntcr% rile, On. 0,1,04
Mil P. 'N DERSII,iNEI). Auditor nil-mint
-1 eit by 'lto 11rnlinit Vonrt 0f Cent', county.
to intik,. (11.1rIblap,01 of thr ontoo). in the 1110.1.
01 1101 TrilYil.o. 01 All, Iluon deenn4lol wll
atbend Po 11.1 dull, 01 1114 10onprnmont it hi+ of
fen in Belinfonto. on : , htur,l.l) Ihai32 day of 4 in
inry oust. at 2 "'Mork, P \I whorl and ciliere hl
j031,00f 100,Intoll nro reqlo.ond to /010/1,1
A 1)1M 110 Y, A•nlLLori
December 311, 11.4:04
Imo.. for ‘till oh tho highest ....kin canna
null ho by JOS It MUFFLY R Co
Oot 21 1858
T he wt lroonhera ore uuw upcmk; a new
supply 21_ CA' , o 1 laasy Choapaide
Store V A ritomAs,.ht , kCo
Sept 23-'6B-If
THE Largest, (;Lamest and best assort
ment of Wall Paper, pot received coneutim
of every variety, :Mope auor and pattern Buff,
Vuse.ol%.k. Satin, non Gilt, %aryl:lg In prico from
H °co te 1e,51.00 por • 801 l Cull and alumina our
atock and we feel eentjdeu: that WO can Mal 31.111
Bellefonte, Aug 2.5j„1M58
Credit liberal, good, plenty and chenpnt thn Em
porimn for Dry Goods and ell/thing 01 WUOII lln
con A Co .
N 0.300, Ifistrko XL, Philodolphiln.
Whore C Ht tAti UT will ho happy to ice, ire
Unit-wait upon' his rtintmls.44,lll otdorn ontrurtell
to him w ill ba attoodod to a Ltb prduiptnoss and II•
roche, Stella, long nn equnre wooltn
AN Shawls, Ale., Silk and Tibbet Showis for MO
at hoeoro of TONNEIt it STEEL.
Oolobor I4•`SS•tf
Tlargest amok of BOOTS and WOES
°our bought to BLI:ohote at BURNSIDES.
1. Eastern Cities with a splendid stock t beady
Mode Clothing, pith° the tattat Fashions, together
with a large and mngnillrent assortment or Cloths,
Csaaitnerra and treatinge sag:mm.4llg in creellenee
and mules ally thing car offered to the
Among ate variety may he f.pund the following ar
ticlea, which have been aeleeted with great etre, to
to' wit. Hale and Cape, Pocket Handkerchief', Nook•
°raider& Shirt Callen, 'fernery, Liden and Woo?.
T an Flrirte Moron, ;•unpnwlers, &a , toicothor with
ever) aiticle nauany f .uor 1, a 0 eo loroon'a Po r
nillnog Store
Criwitonre. no: Vf.tin2 will Tin dinl°soa
orb. li a yard, pat torn f,,, I urrd In fra order,
iFir 0rr.1.1 , 1^ - 1, al the ory intreaT
ratio o 'Ali r cur try i. 1 .111."
Call et No I:rokerbotry Itnw, one floor StAllt
of rho Drug ,1 tes t ru.,l motto a per.oonl runruina•
I lion, and yno nill find our prier. l o ft , thr lb nri. . o i t ,,
to he had IS f l,Lli M
Dell, (nude No, I l , ,lripd ly
A1)1% ELLINu. 1W ,A 1 non
{l'ur If.urre ..tqated irntnedintely net the
t.toollt It ink the Sprit g Creek and hold reCle
1 droll, on Write 'tree! to the Borough 'olllltlee
I.llr' It it the i,r.t 1+011„11 to the Here for a
net n tut:wait°, nit e.ntrai I urn butt,
!It, 4 ,, 10,1 trrt, but Ir. in I. denr seeepe to the Ca
n, . I ' , t 4 .11 lot n ord of t h e 1!,101. at 11,
5.4.1, .1 otr th t , or lip with the trottltlo mud
111.11Ing Pre denllieg Stole Ho. er
and ti lire oil I rarneeted anti in + A nt
older, the I•tmer Ireirtz•nitpllerl with a good Crane
end Wlntrf tr r tho et.) tr.troothlym tel d r ..... 1.
l'or lotrherirttr ttlor. pie trolo.orlber
nt the A:flthlP It arF• lirh•lotr g Centre e ta lit,
I'l A 11!4 '1 PART
10 1 4 ;4 —r,l
Fitts! ct..‘“., Pic t(Put 11. F.lNtiLy
't oh
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11111/11) 11, • l',')11.11, Vk 1 tk/y ; rl
i.. n. Pat r I aI/ II: /I Neal
11111 I.) It 111 L
3IN Pl 3 port.
Ti". pod' • ph, take ilui!ee that
totlvr4 1.1 • raii..r/ too, grnhtra
"nd.1. , .; I ion f••• ite Jorlett
.1 1.04..! ll.trr , rii , tl4Mr. All 7,r•ovil
th. • I/ II 1k,e,1 KIN plei.••
IL thoTe hrr.•
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.1 111 4 •t.. 1 1 1. 1...1,1 Ito 1.„.t
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ellv • •••It ••• , •••••• I • ••an•r3
111. eitirtvi 11.4 iI•1,•• • • 111, pol•',•• r•r l• v
1,1•••rul 1,Ati••,••,••• • ti• her••It•f••r•• nil
I•••,,•••• I*, 0 •It••••,••• •••,,lon‘e UStolflera to went a
, ‘ ,. (1.111,1 - II I ,1
to Ili' Or Stage Horses,
u urrlitt,t ,
11, It I , ' `, • I •I
I, I, • tsi'l pt, •• 1',. 1 1 1 \1 .1,111
I, 1 I. I) M
/IL.) .Ll.l-LIUSIU.I.- Ul4-1- " •
!! r.• i t.( n Inrgr ar.d
lot .4. Ire otti, Itto• d Ali/eft),
r. \ I. Ital • girls • Profiler
.I.til it tr 1.41.•
Hl\Ulll, , flziost and
Vt 1,...,, VI of Inw the suntimt
It;: - ••••• • EXTH X r11d.1.1141,1a flow
run I •I • MO 0 131 , g, 1-1,1
v , v I) 0,1u4111•011 a n d Inv. ,
Tnis , tilt CAI in 1111111 V
Eito ~1 s,,l,irr;ber
rt t lon l ilf/ 20,1, of No•
r 1.1 , II I 1,4 to Ile shoot
t e y opt, • I •Iterl to rome
r I rt, rI.Tg.•• take
hei ,13 4E4 I w the
Iv. •14
,fiffero,a AIM. , 1/1; LSs I,IOIIDB
nm Sir.% 1 ( I. R .r. g
toi.:hgre. A fro %4' i Lt.'A IMO I
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441 414 , 1 ,4 111 I, in marked, Ila
J. 1.4 0 , 1 r • In, 111141 for •dr, ht
1)4 4 .• 2
,;; k I kJ( —1; .;,;, Itn • I". 14,1. Of WWI
st , trst I nnil eon
‘,4 \
,11,1, i t. d ~1•• r 3
Ikr . t /00111,
it n elil Ail Coal
‘,1:1 L,; I 111.
1:111 I lON Pt nhtse
.1.1, •a ' ; . \ ; tone. P• Y Y
- - .
II 14 I 11 , . II \ 111,11f15. , *
• '"3CII '
~n , r :mil It Itirgr
iriotr , e trnu , ;;.1.;., ni the
st; r; ;;I 'I \ LI(
• I TI
Cl , lO, 174.1TT1 , ,, .. 4 1 t tI`Y . S
es, 0 , 1 ”1”1 I'l' ip xi? Cheial.r 11.•
ne:l.l .11. p
'm11.11,1,1111) hi rt.lttrort. rxtetlng
Jl hooh r;,- , 1,nr.1 .I.llin Alit. hell In
rto. pra:tivt• 4,1 w a r II .111 Iho Sob
1 , tl 01,•,111 All pcx. , llß k non tog
them”.. , or, n,debt, I t , ,•.,1,1 firm %111 ithmito
nud •C:01.! tour 11.111111111.
.1 1 )II.\ MI 1111E,L1
Belk font.. Om I I If
notr.riniet., ITEN 1 - I..IIICINEF+, such
as Jayne A ROM: A i...11 , 1A11 r Ai 1041Ciell, AA 11-
Irew n, I, and all
Mbar apprmeil welt, int • for s tle I.v
till KEN,
tior th WC: ll ...ornarol Diamond llullu(unt•
ri-uut; -la.l4lll 4 lPfniil r htirtnft,re r-cistlng
A ll II !lush, un
der the firm ol MI, h. II A in Ow prottioe
or the Lao. ol by mutual 4nPeot
on the loch in', ho 10am...4 of tho firm
will be settled nu l COT:CI by Ire C Mitchell
IRA C fit rreit ELL,
It ,1 :Ai
11843. 23, 1858
MRS. E 11. GRAFILS ham just re
turned from Philsi•lalphim with •lidndsorco
wootrirnent of Millivery rind ' , Riley Articles, in
oliloh she• Invites ilia attention of the ladles- of
Bellekfonto and ininity
November 7 58-cf .
Carrie's, Rugs, Travelling bas
kets, Uull)rellois. flandTtonkk,
ky„' nt th1.1044,p atom of
BoOofontif Oaf 14-tf TII,4ER k STIVOL.
A kinds of drain n other country Oro
xi. du. wanted, for whioit tho highest cash
prides wilt be paid hir
Sept 23.'584. IC A TAUS, JA,. SON. .
r,noi t, Art,
P 11,,1