Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 03, 1859, Image 2

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Ira virtsnAt V, WIRIIIMARV 3. IN3O
Teo Latest Foreign News
Toe news, which has real 6e l u s since
OUT last, is of unusual interest, and gives
j;regnant 53 mptoins of a piper:ll Eo ropes n
war. The inibeations of Ow; ralatnity to
Europe springs from the relations between
France and Atiiiirta tnhirh. nods an a , peet
of apparent eitinnwss, have gairily been
growing Lomita, nylon., for see,. r 1110119, , ,
past. The nosiindirstanilimg or rather the
dissato.factroo, m the rust:, r, grow. from
the relations of lie two above natnial pow
ers with the Italian question , art.l ,r fiviug
the hattilitary polhii of Fr Arice la 4 he,
rocroaoliment. of Austria on the Latin Pen
insula, Lot is N *Naxos• apptars to have
eoneftidt (1 dial the present r, the pr ptr
tone to du it Tht imulvdiate t t rah ore 1'4%-
en of tors nn the part of the
French ETllpintr, u• 1 1 ,4 SIPMII at the
granit al lot to..
Year on V. ti Alt
garoti the Anshan 11 , 11-t •r, pith
signal o o Llnt.. nod. o Iwo coVlllllg to 1,1111 in
the regolAr t i nt rsr el'imortesirs, he Lail< to• •
easom uly El, reined It that I rgrl tied
their relations %sere so La!, Lur that Lie
personal seutnnrots coe the Ern i e tor of .1.11,-
bus were the same as ever TIII4 espres-
Sloll from a WWI NI, cold and gllllrikel
LIWN 4POLKON is, crunli ti
'tattoo animig even the habitually reserved
and impti.tible diplomatists %lift, akar.' a
round, arid nt half all hour after the a,:setn
binge I ant-died from the pri setire, court
yrs Were starting oil ttuh the portent o ils
new,' to every court in Europe The fund,
fell at once, and 011 the r. 11,,, in dot et cry
rye wan turned to the official Vasil, or, to
sec sonic coutradtchuts or toislitieatiirt
the challenge Nearly a eek via pse #"' low -
ever, before the astute and iiille3Afe anti Ic
spoke again and then In insyfatnilied that
his trunk hail penetrste4 et ery
ic circle iii Europe, tjorl the Austrian loan
of two litindred , rjtsffirins, aloe!' hail hails eil hcfcrie lie spoke. hail inert .•k
-ed. and clit the thirty thou•notl troops
with tallith the I;tisertitneut of Fang 14 .10-
tri - WILS 81,0111. to encroarh upon the Stir
I border had lass) recalled lie directi
the Gnat! , tone In say the herd both
in his expresstyn, should hare heen repre
sented by the wotti.4 l ,:, tot 31,/ Fred Tile
eMollllellt I vvr Se( ut, to hair been at
tended IA ith to, softening, ethtNo, the holds
did rally at the tots trattida.ttoo, nod this•
journals in to - eat Britain, after rotripar ling
both first and last rutin, lotions are alotnvt
united in the opinion that the Emperor has
decided upon opening to the talor of FIII.IICI
the tempi i tli ll` fa, fresh Italian earnpaigri
As for Italy her, if, she seems to lie in an
eotelitoot, The enter-
61 , 11 '"( _ jf)11f103,11,1
port r•: - m vanow,
vortt.t,, an,.l at the Init. T •onnts a rumor
Itl rr, nt ul I'm's. that Milan had Leon
sei/ed iti,lll-4• all Was then in a
•tate ge Ihe gaire•eai at l'••u had
teen atta.•k,4 th, •111 h•litf the I 111
versify at Chat pia t . and In 1.11e)a
Wet ill ,IT,:l1111.t11)11 that. hAltalliAl 111 s*. St
cretly organittng )oluntesrs to
take a demise part 111 the I'l,l, that 5e..111,1
to he ituperulltig Insall, el ions macre report
e d. also, bettteen the Alt.' 'MU Rll , l lllouga
flan rrikttnvnt% at t'rene 1111 1111 mm hl‘hrs
a 11 , 17 Italian ,pmt ,maned to be .trugtzling
for II vent. It WAS etrtiretled that the King
of SartionpArrt.trtermsil) fir oar , ' and all
these t 1,4%,: lab.e 'ogothcr,"tho' Lnrt
den “i.tot et, but A mournful pretottt
for the &slime.; of the }tar on a lip h weo
are J 11.4 rtillrwg "
011 the part of twOns. have 11.11
rations of great seriousness in relnt.iin
r preseid ronipin a) Lu, 1 lie 0101 , eta
lions of the rinperor of Ii lied
leached Vieuirt.. on the 3.1, and en ati .1 a
gloomy srmat,ein On the , and
cling rumor: were rile throughout do:
The Journal da Feankr..ii, a n , •1111
j.llll,Cr, boasted, however, that w as
strong en i uigh in Italy to meet any evrtitii -
/tidy, and added, that in any gen, ral
Met, she would hate Prov,ia, and all tit r
many. a'. her bark. The London Times,
and the Englishmornals generally, him ever,
intake a differenfealculatein The rosin
the Crimean a ar, is whiell Austria perform
ed such a shabby policy, isolated her from
the great powers, and ben thoroughly *hi
!tea her from Russia, whose legions g,rat
itously saved her from the perilous - liarign
rise uphoavel of 181'J. As for Prussia, her
frontiers are too much exposed to France
end the groat NortliCrn empire, to permit
her to interfere, even if she had the inclina
tion to extricate and suitain a power, whiidi
has always loomed as her seperior in the
Germanic Confederatiou ''Such being the,
posiltion of Austria " 6.1y3 the London Times,
of January Gth, "placed as she is between
the two greatest military empires of the
world, both avowedly hostile in feeling, if
not in acts, it does not appear in what guar
' ter she is to look for allies. It is the know!.
edge of her dangerous position, placed be•
tween poWerful enemies abroad and disaffec
ted subjects at home, that gives to the lin•
page and demeanor of the Emperor of
the French an importance which they would
not otherwise posses+. We see the anger---,
we aeo the opportunity of gratifying it. We
see. botit.sta Russia and France, animosity
strong e6ongh to tempt them to act if Mere
urns its opportunity, 'and opportunity easy
enough, to suggest tne enierprtse sir there
were, no esitainesify,"
In view of these new and important
It ltl pertufliatioils, lfie inenilitriortho Inte ec ual Giant n _Rig - h - Dudgeon."
;0, Cab i net had sitiOnioned to Loudon, it it a & toad minim dun a hilpori tie ?weds
And it was intinialt a that Lord Dritar 0 niimasArni;.as hit deformilY is --alo' o, ls
sired (o Lave l'athainent called together at ~
ex.,' it rola beev ilh the ~ t,
i,n red 10/4
A tune rather than had bet n pr.iionsly 14 . 11,c1i he trash, conceal if fun the t;itite of
The f;ontion jAntals seemed till to he the puldie. Tlie nuix.rn it as applicable to
of the opinion, that it,was the policy of FJng• th o se i n p u bl i c at in prieaft —and the course
land to stand neutral an between Franca of the hypocrite is marked in both rases by a
anti Austria, so there is not much probrhil- career eincilly mean and cantemptable. 11,
ity of a reception of the erronems , policy is a mere time server, dlways notional and
William Pitt. France will have the fight opinionated, yet craving . as a serf, and ering.
ith Austria entirely to herself. anti Lorislog. a slate when obedience is paidtlor in
NAPOLEON may. perhaps, roljr,e the win- applause or nioney.'' --Central Press
bon of his uncle, when said, that if he Render hero is a plinigraph containing
had 141 " fr' 4 ' l 'd. 116 ' f`tnlll " 8 4 the opinion of Wein Ftirney. the Intilleetu
master all the rest of Entope• Finally. in al (hart, on hypocrisy. We endorse the
connection with the ttionwlitons levies I the sentnnenl Adly. , and piopooo giving you a
Tuileries, on the lst of January, we roust short desm iption of Ins course, so thrit if
not unit to state tharthe Emperor, on that von have not already disLvered the deform
oceasifin, treat( d the A meneau lthmwter its that lies ltenoath ,he Win veil of his
o ith the greateo courte.y, and, after aett• voi„ical you
at least
ring hint of 1114 Loony ft chugs toward , the can give the sutijeet a little refleetiOn.
hutted States, ea presgt Wilts constant tlovoe lu tau' summon. of 1857 the Black Repub.
for the pt . ( sem MOM of rt lations. lito, Of Bellefonte, contributed about fifty
Plum Spain, the nrcne nocount, r d n dot- dollais to pity the lodging of Wein Forney
mission, in th e I of Ihtt 1 ..,<,011 "film at the Franklin House, with Mrs gourlzek
latewra,age if M r li t p irtN Whit Ii 'flog 11 as fliine by mutual arrangement be
lat, a to the pr.ipoSed pay, h Ise of Calm I 'l thee!, tlit pat ties."f he itioney nas raised 11 1
the Pitiful Stab, By that dt,rusvun, it voluntary emitri'bution among the prom! ,
app. ors that all members o f alp li. rUrs tli neat rs of the Black Repulilleans ,
ell • qui,' ,, eally relrtoilate 11 1 1 ' W, p i , F,,r i i,•y /,, r ed by ibis party, , t njumt ,
1 ,1,1 1 01 partolg• ith. the Isla,ol c<l64 oil ,hvtraotmg the Detrioeratic
any , ondition Shot t of wAr r,rganitatton n ith all the zeal he coold
1, to mg Into It flue exerelse 111,3" lets
Gone into Fits
I, (ter, It truing Ins position Iti aria <<,
fhr izt.piodt, "I'1 1 "'"'"' Pavel I% shunt, who I, apt earetklu the I 'en
'" `1' 11 1" '` 1"1`"',-7 on " r 'l tie lit WO 'tht. and la a1,13,16'1,4, 11aVe (14—
' l, r" •" 1 ". 1 HO ) alit! 1,1 in ouj,,,A trier at (lel,
the in , ana , f 11-1111 don a ea" , ‘lO.lll lit sit:m.2olM lie approached our
.at ti-n' 'l"'` ,l '"" "ft"'.. 111 "i them old tr ien I I )3)ef I )I.rr, isle, hail re, teed
1./1 hate tor.dt• up Ihr tr 111111111. 111111 the t i n • C fir Coroner by the 111 in.,.
" I ' l gr"' l '"'"'' it with on' crats,Aritel endue, or, I to 'adore him to with
"eh , leat 0 1 1 ,1 1 I'l arrumpli,li 11 "' drivehis n itne front the ticket 1-...1,1r heir
earth, at desire to the matter, hill rim away had tune }wet.
to lartiskatlia per hips with the mon
shy Know Nothings, and entertained a par
bags ; or forthwith Spend it,imih, tot,i.ic that
oyster 4111110 11, "1 0 " , 1, 1 8 "19""'' (liant here was a rare opportunity to-de
en -those terrible ft•11411V.1 tv areording
feat th, thiniieratic enmity talket, by exer
'll' r 1 ') 1114111 g bra influence over this gentletnatt
hy nod st ulh Had 31 r item withdrawn, the hue and cry
-of per., , ,,itral Know Nothing DemocralS
' fur Ili ra " ient would hare been raised by the °pp.,' ion
r"" 'II" }nil fhr < (11,t of n hich (1741 to all probability t
nits ''' her !may defeated the Democratic ,loinity ticket
. 1, • 1,1 B ut m e Derr %.0.,r,i not pern;,, him.rir to
Amerman be used as a 1111,111/M by winch +nell nerari
( Magistrates as being unwor
etittla is , earned
„hi meet lie
thy of lust n, gorinthins and do‘hur•ser, of a
sprin t , .1 the olea and vornmortmated the fart
huge amount of the pol,lie funds We ,1., to his the pemocrattc ,Catll.l2
rein 11`1111111Ir1 that either of 16ern ever <,«.10
But <O, <•<<ll,,,t«l m n former artmle 1,,
a dollar Mean the national I easiiry , or are i-si,tt alit weis
„rney Slid Inv
now a' l ` , "4.04."'" of a"lwg ""'d a l '"'""g ronipairlqt ( 'oo,t , teot George, verse used
sin h thin though all hitow how mover at. it, nl in the mamhteq of Mack Repo Id,
artily the) st ere 11 ' 1 ' 1 up as """I' d " . "" 1 lea&r.s D., you risk reader upon what •
plooller•roongeri br the plunder mongering
'WV ti a make this deelitration r AVe
piss of 111ut "nu"' 11 " . " as '"'".• the rind, rt been ti t , the respoosolde owners
i'itoitltnl ""thou fI Y " Ha ellm4 the Central Pre, ate lilt k Itepublicadot,
" 1 "• - I "'" nis " II a" king l " us and we shall dame 111 , 111 here 11114 C u‘ dr—
tal/11111 pr. et II; it. that v, ou .1 111 the cod de- I
stray the rime
Jal V Thrifts, F:11111111111 It'amdinrd,
lira C Pot ter Will Wm P Wilson a, I I
1/, morrats n ihur polithal pro-1,111.-4 1
Thert air stilt grt liter loinonarws In Ihr
n I ONI,,r <ll l ,, gnl e ar of Rlnrk 1t , p01.1, , alt' 't -
11l wwn,, who
Shod 1 , 111111,1111 e a,r , 110 10 porn,
forward only when Ilrg,nt 0c.r , 111/1. , orn
P elt. Ow in 11, rain lnl n 10. lal latA to
keep alit ,• Ihr rote; tal•e And yet the
would la , " !lettlOrtitte 1 ,,,t,t % ,t, t1 ,.., or
flit Oral Pr rong.r.indttle themselvtv
and tenlly folksy' to
the w 31,111t1T treason -they resit, suppose
the Market/ hi pocrise Of their RICIISIII,9 Ie
in I Cl)llkraleil lAIII,IIOI 1110 yll,ll 11.111) whirit
they fain vs ' , old corer op their stns and it;-
The Tariff.
It .t•prept In be understood that Ifr Nit 10
lif \lt ..ono, uol very .horily ((Tort a bill
to mut as, r 141111 e, , In 1111.
1 110) 011 Iron 111 , 1 sti •C 9 Will he 11)(1 di at 11l
pr r rrut um 9,1,1 on lofuor. at 50 per eentrim
Sa , co as it 11, runny Ole revenue front ells
Loin , In 11. • Ili tit of Sf 11111111111 The 1. 1 11
;‘, 1%1,0 r apt, ltd 1,1 (.1111/1".11', lifltitelr t ly , try re tiot .11r to make a lII' W loan
to tire cxtt it' of (100 lOU Jr ACM `I Err
ht further 111111,1,1.1,41 that the Secretary of
the 'I reaArrry think, Dint such legittlalutri
u ill (ruttish the requisite nstsatts Err supply.
%hi deh it 11. V 111 Out Tart nue, now entitnng
smutty It tint actin t‘s in g tit rumen( al t rreles
A, ut tone not seen the prop," tl new law,
wt are anal lt to rottilot tit on its details,
though it %till, 9 n, sir fur as lu mg pee
bap, the bits' at routgt meta that eau be ear
ro 11 still In the prt to al a•korintlitric rorttlitior t
of Cuttgtr , s, rt• h. tar 111 tort slion ri eon
rood T he tif the Itepublietn
Iv liners' IN •1I r: to be 10 defeat f o r
Itoltte•al r ffetn lit t rittnlt tit of ant thing
(lk stet. (i to relieve the rxlnlnth
—,ttr tit , Err , 11l the hope of
ily I• I ail i xlt a St 5.10,11 of
F, 111 ra 11,g
I r,
A I ' , err rm. 1.. inr. 14.Mr.4115Th PAR
Ti fir , lit \if nee one 4,r fine
arid 111,1 init.! 111./UW/41,v in the
114,11 , :ei14P161.1tt1t , 101,111. nip , • p 1. ., .1 the f 011.01%
oomph', rlt h. 'ht• ralw party.
i• Li lit v, Mr l'hal, , nan learn ‘415,1,,in
from iiiir uppun, nil 1.-ok itt the I), inn
;mil mite its y It 100,
10 of the , 4;„,t
wt. trupt was. I . or !lime than a roar ti r
01 tilt Wm . ) , not Le, nose it ha, been 81
n)s i grni dart d 10 (rant il4oll
It has never paid rune( to it', or
stooped to sproulltt npnn tilt it n, akars.vs
and drvisiun, , Ain tips 1.1.1 and ',tortoni
ploim•mg, it 11.1,, m•vt r dnuLtrd it s oiN stlf
filnliny and invinoll,lltly and So it has ever
dwell a Intkhly power tit the la/H1 "
M r WaNidgirlie, with all hta bitterness
against. tt, had to that no other pot
twat orgaittrati,mg stood by ita principles
; 1 0 hiavely and uollitichiogly as ,the Detuo.
crates party.
t vK it% aMAry d.scussion neeurred be
tween Senators Douglas and Fetch. in
the Senate on the 122nd ult , enttnefning eye
tain appointilient.s in 01* and Illinois.
Tertns more pointed than complimentary
passed between them, and it was thought
that a duel would result but the matter has
been settled through the Medium of
31anuPotn.—We learn from Harrisburg
that cases of this dreadful disease are be
coming more frequent every ttay in
Some of the doctors have a number of cases
~ n hand at one tone. Strychnine 14 doing
its work, shortening the days of the drink
er with wonderful despatch - and notkith
standing all theso„warnings, people will tn•
dolga iii the poison.
,The officers or the Agricultural Sorcery of
dauphin collnty haveseleaed Win C. Kel
ler and Win McClure, Tor Scholar ship in
the Farmers' high School, and highly re ;
commended Wm. F. Rathford and J. E
Ruthford to ell vacsueles
lint the Inl7llrFtnAl ttatit %Vein Forney,
has heroine ill-natured ii the eontrovers%
We have 411. , V1111 In light and shade his real
liaraeti r And motive., aid die eondriscerubi
to Inat 1114 reader, tit a fired 01 lua• vulgar
ity a n d alms , In.eau.r• tie laird to call in
pleslom his nitegrity of purpose Think of
it reader Plll-4 411 , 1 pander In. recent
unnal W. in Forney has rnniprniused " his
111 4 ,1ey indeed, and erimpromised it too,
stooping, (as he thinks) from an honora
ble profession to engage in disetission with
• tor and ,1 stanfThrr I'v% the Jllllloll'
editor of I.l\llll paver, Itess loon tOITNOIV4I nil in
thli readers of the Pre.. in so uneatable a
lsg ' Rub thank (bed, not it itlistattiling the
spleen and vituperainiu of the Intellectual
(mint, that malignity of purisire calculated
In perpetual, such rruscluef that (141111 . 01-
lar characteristic which has been ass glaring
ly manifested in the life of Forney nev
er has beam miry. 'We have a Ingqi slid no
ble mirpose In acenrniihdblqa social
and political rho,. to perform and in the
exercise of this day have been ',Jape/I,d
in tr/f-dorrn, r to •Indiente allie our rights
lid-the honor sit our manhood:
We have lit on called a "(wraps/ a Van
direr,"dworiuse of lia•nlasserted that Wein
Forney voted for the Black Repubbeans---
beean4e of having asserted that he did it by
refusing to support his family living ih an
other portion of the S'ate. Let as see if
you, please, what foundation there is m real
rty to-traduce the Intellectual (litot to so far
traurend "his all:Atty." Does he (urge t
his declarations on his oath at the election
window in regard-hr this particular ? Did
he notobtain his vote by saying it was not
his intention to support lus family I Does
he forget the lustre, paid td Mrs tiourbeck
by Duck Republicans, la hich actuated him
to ask the' privilege or a 'Wm
"Can such things be and overcome us like a wm
• - moricetoild:
Without outspesioi
Nay' verily'—he cannot forget the past:
' Cho llphreidings of an accusing con , cience
must rise op in testimony of the truth, and
the recollection of a kind forgiving and in
ilidgenV wife, tells him of the moral purgery
of his soul. What do you think of him by
this time reader f Is his example worthy
of your imitation s We believe not ! Such
are the prmciples of 'the man indeed who
has ‘• c,improkmsed his dignity" in a contro
versy with the Junior of the Watchman !
Suiely ten envy not' his moro/i —we -envy
not his talent —we envy not his high poli
tico in the scale of trocial life. But what
do you think ofhis t6xinwas set forth in
the forgoing, when a proper application to
himself is made. "LI he no: a Mffe time
server, notional and opinionated, yet rraviniz
a.r a serf, and rrlnging as a stave whew ehe.
dienee, es paid for in applanße or money." A
'little examination into his political life, and'
antecedents, will enehle the most casual qb
%tiVer to proprily lbßff vtutuate upon the
facts. .W. 4 present td them in truth,, and
want no better evidence to verify the fact,
than thu low scurrility of the Central Press.
Forney maddened by the weight of ill sue-
CeRS in politics, seeks consolation in high
sounding terms, and "wreaths and snorts,
and snorts and trrraihr," and calls us " pup•
py, simpleton owl luau. "
Such or shrue index to ,the charac,ter of
the men we have been laboring to portray.
Could language lie male potent, or argu
ment more conclusive to establish clearly
any mile Like the envenomed reptile
which strikes the poison of its fangs
deep (when woundeil) into its own body,
force of such brutality ntust recoil up tiff
self Already the death knell t -tapiring
hope has been resoundin), in t ntellccival
(limit's ears, and the star his success in
Democratic politics, h disappeared beyond
tie diyani borizty orcver ! W e respect
fully stiggisti; fallowing epitaph to corn-'
mental:nee s moral and eventful life
i.ereh ortl mat upon a Very Witty 1100Cji, '
W4Vo one lona nod truly solemn
burasids enure the like h ui to er trees ee.".•
hod khopp,l a tan, of tamest sympathy far
Who gLatattr 'in the oily fawn of a I'n,t Office
Who elrl,o to tOiln to order In roe 'attar " Illi
Who pltuhed into Iho Watchman, and !Oohed 11 , 10
And eykr, Wile he !Oohed the Junior gore Inn
pita a leek
Until al length K 1 ,11,1,1 Weary, with hia oten OX
tellae.l nide,
Ile gave one 'Carnal green Ana luck, and then luiA
down and died'
" Herr let him lie nod rot Lenesili Chia rugged
granite stone,
Thu Lout whelp that ever snarled while planing
We hope our reader, cell l•acuse us for
indulging any seeming personality We
had 110 (101p011i1M) 111 the onset to establish
such a course but it has been unavoidable
There a a point at eihich torliptianee
ceases to lie a virtue The l'entril Press
rommeneed k %%anion and malignant attack,
and ue have been humbly endeavoring to
,edam our political organiiatw❑ from the
inroads of wdy sheenneig, peculating poll
tieistis While every fei ling of our nature
has hcen averse to sw h a count, duty to
the party, and duty to ourself, has rendered
such proceedings doubly obligatoi y upon n.
J 1.2 N
The courni of Mr D 014,01, Isar+ n
uigl on corn - nonithoit of the \ New fork Dm /
lovh,)11AIR gri ely , 11 , 3ppoilited most or the
Forney It u 1.%pc(11 , 1 Ihnt in WOUI4I
open Bnt lupon the Ailitoroiitrntinn
11[441 hi,, iirrival hire ; ui Ni,,rt, that lie
91111 , 1 la kr np lino.' of ilie time of the ...set,
company of mill thliitl are On iiit .talc
in.r.oontl inatternt Ind cool hat hill! •tudlier Bait!, mf Depn,,,it k.• We
,r 1,111) immolations of o re,i.ktit To ar t . 14, th,ok the einoris are ...Ilna
the roonioishinent of Itepotnlncalis and the'
h'inroey men, he doe% no hutch thong Not ;-nN hire Bunn not nor rt ettilier of
only L'" hr l"' ret " r "' the I,e,ni.!an oi I 11,,a'int Learnt firm Inm
iwidb at ott "'f'"'", nin,ro• don nittients 1 / 4 10, e lie
all per , ,,inialities and all attar It 1111101 t i if in. h . ,
ration. 11 iihin a km dl. ,Lr /la A CI, •
nrr,r.r,„ tarri Ira
r o z „ a 77.4,70,2.0 r
eared openly his d'rtlpproyal of the Ti''',' ,a. ;.>
crhi. h
t„ , 0
to k„.., thi t t
nowne of the Chicago Time. pi ins a h.
,o'11; RtlSU:ki upon the and
leading Democratic nestapatin ra It is o
''winter, 11,,p Ilanl Detriltist.
. 1.
r0t..1 „
that Mr I,,r.tra „fI , 'l' has our thanks f , r a ,
Lilt ;la n in, card Ina 11.111 id that. plant, Coll.!
rwesoirit hnir or purl,ey alter foil cnonsinlcratiuit
%lilt Iris friends, North as iv, II as Smith nrnplu' l""gh +l•+ni npa,t out
noinp,ll to shte Our pretty little feet at a fid
Prom W mtbangton. dlt. no 11,1,0 poi tit tic
THE 7•101 , 7 AND Tlt6 Tal, 151 R 1
J., 2s The tnr , f i b i ll o r i,g1,1:1111, of tihio to change Om law pro
Mr. Phelps, of ,11 , .sourt, fully meets the scribing the penalty for ninrdl r, sn n. to au
views of Secretary Cobh ho h ire , it lie , rite pries to teethe, Upon !Hiding guilty
k.* ill y whi more tr*rilite, awl tic le‘s pentee. whi then the i..entelice shall lie drs , li, or tm.
Luse, than the tarqi of 1F 1 i57 Statuttimos
have been made by certain pstriii 1, nn V‘ll,
newspaper psragrophs has Iweli predicted
to this ..treet that no W ort sic of do' n n is tie, , but It TN as..ertaillud that Scrfrta
try 6404 t be u lion.t. othen% Al so dogs Ihe
Prt 1,1,1 kt
IL IS eSiII74L.OII that the rates in Phelps
Idl o (Mid ITlCeellSe the ll... Tillie on the past I A ha,s
been ,heel d
importations about six and a lolf rwlbuns.up m itxr,„,hur4 of
The reply of the Secretary of the 'lrtomu
tranitlog mit ilege '• by oUe-r, OM last
ry to the inquiry made of him by the House ,
ege.lature Afrommittee
will doubtless be to the elleet that the re
of nieC-ti;;nuon
empts flout tire customs and nuns for the "" been ordered by the Ssliale- ethers
next year will not be sullietent. to meet the o f thin' Tegt.lature would like tontske the
b•lieve they are very how st Ast
tens after voting two hundred dollars addi
tional salary into their poekets last - winter.
A R ai k , Re u k tion li. t s been formed in
Lock I laven, called the I.os k Haven Park
Association. with a capital of 510011 and not
-pore than t,21)00. for the purpose of provid -
o ing and maintaining, within a COON VIIIVnt dis
tance of that pla‘w,grounds ignitable for gym -
tissues and other hea'thful anitis...nitmts and
purposes. and for agricultural, (torsi and
- mechanical exhibitions.
"A CAi:c AS Is •CASK "- Rev. Dr. Bangs
f the Methodist Chureh, New York, was
very agreeably surprised, a few weeks ago,
by the appearance at his house, in Irving
place, of a party of ladies and gentlemen,
uumbenng about three hundred. The par.
ty presenkil him with a beautiful cane. In •
side of the cane was snugly stowed four
leindrtd five dollar - gold pieced _
fticarittlloat —The Rev Mr. Sullivan, - •
Catholic priest, orChtrieaton, S. C. paid
over to a lady of that city, on Monday, the
sum of 6500, received thfpugh the conies.
awns'. lie received it frorn a person who
said it was to satisfy an indebtedness right
fully due the Weirs of the lady's father.
The debt hsa,sentained unpaid for at least
a period or twenty five years. as the parent
of the lady has been dead over twenty
h e o d: , o ' l t e ra l u t u l :7l7n u i .
1891 12
0:7- A pretty good one iv told, in Harris-
ttoyn t , V: h e rre heiii ,rx e on , r i m o o r if ii n i .e g ad o i, a il i cie, A l u n d et i oy tow,F d ( r i I
, burg, about a member of the Huuse from
Shane' dist them current na nboie et
the city. . After the late fracas, a Senator
low them to be presented and filled " roo . or " d o i d ng al.
remarked til thilßeprenentative ; "Mr.--
°Moe at Bellefonte, title Itholay of.lanuary, A D.
hag a hole in his head two Menem long."— l a w Witness our hands at the Commissione t r o e
"Has. he I" replied 14 Representative.—
“Then by all meamainject some brains into 1869
Attest, i C IdAltlf.S. ,_,
T lkt ITV LT, CU f H . SCHROCK. i ''''''''.”
him before it closes up. He needs them
I sadly." --
1 L
> . ----..
---- rOF CENTRE Co FOR THE YEA, - - "A. D, 1868
r 7 Iluthimg, Thu Indian show, • 1 rr s. the commissioners of ,"litre county, a- '
, 'v . led an " Aot
11 -7 A high e "" 1. " t (4. "'"' 's , u-if , is not R I rtZiet h t ts Co to to n it o y A llo t t ( e .f s 00, ';e - V . ies "lit ret)uiring the
prvof of ( crel/coce. I Commissioners of I , %several Counties of this
Commonwealth to t 'dish annually a statement of
7 Let os tots are of Judging ourselves : Counties eceipt4 a .." tt pond dares of their respooti co
I i
do 'port tho following, sis from the
111 what ()Viet i limas of ii,. 7th day . / onuses. A I) 1858. to tho 7th day or
(17" Col. Gregg of the Senate has our 'I Janus, (A A. 410 , lAA
z %
thanks for public docuint.nta. t'aro't received from County Collet
ri" Patience iv the tree whose roots gi ..- 'turn and other sources. $25,379 85
butter, but the fruit is v e ry hater(. ,
By am't paid I Buffington, Tremors
rjr:/ Dtn - theli * but thy best, arid or's Commission 0c120,493 00. 81,024 60
S ißatn't of Commissioner's orders Rft
tnufol, defy the Devil to do IV d
Ii y a&n't paid for poetnge and Station.
ri s " Moderation is the ' . ary for Tr. office.
fling through the ray
IF,' To prover
tozienting az
o tie . thou
I. z 'worst.
. If en irt
string nin
e chain of: All virtue.
A le second glass from in
. rson—orver take the amt.
, / ,44
fry. 1,,m
'. an (+l . Jersey Shore, has quit
ph in and hem admitted a member of the
i ,; , :oming Bar
ir - f- Women can easily preser e their
youth : for she who captivates the heart and
undersin Img never grows old.
rri The members of the Maine Lemla•
titre have a entwert or saered music every
morning,' 15 tatituttes before the (louse_orga•
A carnal' WON 11 , 0 at a Cnlathompiail
sernade lately, In Easton, which hroke sev•
el' two pane , ' of glass In the windows of
r:7:„Thr fort ivies., in New York are much
elated pith the prospect o f a revo l u t ion
111 Italy, ankl a scar het n. ern France and
e k iiit o f rim , ,iruction mad equip
moil of the tailroAils of the I !Weil State,.
it titnotinlS to the flit/1111011S stint of
/ (15M,G55
if 7 - Poor Mesiro flow has live Presidents
or at It.rtsl five 111,11 harked by imlitary pow•
er, iisehrorilioni thinks he alone can rescue
her from the gill of ruin to n loch she 19
1? fork and (Scan, Tr Hog . was
0110.1111•11 to Mvin Ella It. no 4Vl t at
can be more mutual than 1110 111111/11 of pork
and beano ? ISut this 111111111 Sl.l 01S all one
only one 10.411 tun w bolt hog
11,111,1rahle ehr torz . to (IR,
111 gettmg out our {nest
w. ek's paper, t% r ttegh•ct ,t ate that
Rev John Tottner wn< prorn.)l,4l to the reS•
pon,l)fle posittol of f,hietnau to the tirnml
,tt Some of our reitt)er a may hart no
idea of the amount per hat a Congressman
gets for los at n,ro. prr , ent setnoo tt
gives to tnenitit , r, a tiara int/ dittlatt a month
1,4.4141 v. mottiage and petmitaitt s Rather n
good lake that.
• 7 ••' \anise, s rarely, if ever, make away
a tilt thr IVO 't for nearlt every one thlllk
lie 111,1 „I - bei a rtiwg Pr, .'.dent, anti
at any t ItV, hia ettroomy prompts him to
In e on plat to ore what he ls ill come to
z' Rt pm!. art to en - imitation to !Poi place
that tht. l't olial Bank located at l h ,lbdaya.
lhor4 i to tn• rettiortol t.. fkilot o nto n o d that
111,1:: art. nit& !,) indn , Ilic
num vtt % 'II 110 /X / It ea, n,
sent 10 . 011 till . ,alivr, to IV)II11 hOIIII. Of
Inn youtra.ll, Vt.t y nun It enragc , l
t. by .1,1 I pot li i Ittla jilt 1 11 1 1 , 11( . 1.A
1111, lum ill Intim a
a I; r " %Why )01.1 lump 111111
ISAAC I . IIIFFINI7TON, K.q Treaqurer, to ac
count. with Coro ro county from January 7111
D 458, to January 7th, (859
Jan 7 To am'l t5l from Co. Collar
lectors Mil 0111C1.0134 . 0.011 $25370 MlO
" " To balance glue Tcomeurer, 4110 25
Jan% By ain't of Commission's orders
lifted $24,155 25
" By Treasurer's Comnuesion on
$20,493 00 1,021 00
" Rq allowance for Stationery and
Postage 10 00
Balance due Trouser
Thot. McCoy. En , Met Sheriff, in ac
count malt Centre County. from January
74, 1858, to Jangnry 7th, 1859.
• 1)11
Jan 7To ain't of Jury Noel and fines, WI 11
" " By ain't of Jury lona and flnea
" By out of Jury (nom and liner
$29,489 85
Am't paid D Hero, rerrioes a. Auditor, $ 6 00
' " Korr, " " " 10 00
" C. Marks, " 10 00
" " Thoo hluBly, clerk to " 10 00
By mn't paid Township aud.floro' As.
nostrum fur assessments and return*, $55800
$558 00
Ani't paid Jacob rotinKroxo . 4nrrICOS
ne County Comoradoner, $19540
" Jacob IN Ehrhart), do do 162 00
" •• ITeary Keller, do do 110 00
" " Fred'h lorkerl, do do 25 00
" " Thoi Ilutelor,n, do do 20 00
'' " Then 1141.01 y, for ner
ciros on Clerk to Com' r 333 50
" " Then WIMy. eilfoliervieee 169 00 .
- '' - Ira C Ni ttchen, fern for 0.1.*
... .
lecolog 399 78
tiro Ltsingonn for Blank
Books nn t titotionery. 1813 25 f
" " Geo I.lvlroroOon for looking
IV orrinteo Hook for uoseoted
Lords, 44 CO
Goo. I.4,ingtoon for imewimg
A oc•lnfiptriton to for 1A56-7-9, 16 00
Wol fo'r portago And
runt 7 33
11 roan Mehteen for pens,
Ink Rc , 3 031
Ain't void F,a.filierifl Waddle for Crier
fors for 1R55-511-57. 70 50
" Tlio'• MoCny for publieblng
Court Pro , Intention, 20 00
.. Geo Il Wae•er for Proth'i
.x!.rr,7e al January Conti, ..., 10 00
. .
Conerl Crier. 42 00
J Dornonn for nor, [COO an
lunntnrn, 47 De
Won Furey et al Talintonn, 8 25
to. Mn•lttonun et n 1 Atry
ren, no rono`lll r.l,onnotnrel. 60 00
John Prothy n leen he 149 39
Then :11,1'0y for order to
eo Motfly. 2393
inn 11 Itsoknn, Net Atry
Inns 208 00
r/rond R Trnverne Juror,. a., 1,078 H7*
Conte in Common w own, 091 20
Mo'l Tuna flan W Tate , on %et .1'
Lutld In Mg" Court Ilmten, $950 16
Sfamonl N telpd• for pnumng
Arbor iloAm and Com-
roientiiners' 0 111•••, 44 10
Bellefonte (inn Co for gas
for Court Mouse will ynril
11reen ille'lleen for
urnnitt At . 21 004
Pain for ten tons of
bard root 00 00
John Nforgsn Cr , , rerunning
loot hf)
Feller oite Co for 100
of eiike 800
Lionised sniff dile for
Fria.. , , nnintin'S 22,50
John Itrnokhill Labills for
()Mei . jr 17 00
F Mon , ti for 100 bushel,
won coif 17 00
jno Ii Itortilturt
wood 150
Duni,' (tern drop fight fir
Trei.tirer • ii 137 i
N If for sundries ' 15 07
.1 S Parsons tables (or
1.1114. IS 25
it Is Tole niskir gar ale for
A shill - stool r 10 s 1)
Jos R Maly Ac,
Dpet , 17 111
aniel parr (Or Rel - VTOI4I as
Janitor 133
r h i. II orto f.r wash
ing I 50
" I) Fi Into for rrTroring
roof of Court Ifoose nod
11.416.-croronter for entmulo
)4ro. 4 Hll{ Ird for 4.114 hn,
Derr .ert.lo,ing pr 1.1.115.)
.11111. P Tlltiler for water
Hob. J.r hen), gleaning flew),
•. .M 13,4 for roar and
end l
F fir mending r hairs
Thuo. It too lea glotirg
tiro i i logstnn for safe for
nl Nl'Y
Am pni.lJr+ Lupo Meroy for hoar!
nG rlP•r411,111
I , (1 1,1,0 r for fuel
1 h Mr(ov toot,rittoc,
011, er. to Proatenttarr. 100 00
T j( 111 for urtottting
do do 25 00
I II R.lO. to for lnktngl'
1. t_otr to II Ref
1I,I)e, not , Mrelfirrtv for
tolit So, to motl r0.1,n
It K 'rote for roofing Joni
for work al
" 'I/ Iterri+ for bed
" Doctors Potter & 111ilehell
Gar imNA std on prisoners
Inn firselibill chairs for
Sherslt e
" T liennet for 'weeping
ehminny, I 50
" Win MoClalland clothing
for prisoners lb 50
Ain't paid W W Brown for publishin g
Court iirokuonolions, 331 75
•' M I Crosthrrulte for
ty Printing in 1456. 75 00
" "J no LJohnson fur publishing -
Auditors Report, 36 00
'• Ludiriok Kurtz do •do 35 00
" ••Sesty & Hai nhart for Conn-
i t lu „a
and ekV„ 4. riay for i"
Print '
• 1"
ing Election proclamation, 37 00
" " Pmd karts do do 37 00
" " Sealy A Itarnh•rt do 97 00
' " Kurtz A Itotncy publishing
notice tod`olleto tors, I 50
" " Fred K.4rts do de . 100
$.9189 85
.• . .
S47S 76
Awl paid for scalp. of fovea wild
eats, panther', wolves and
catamount.' .9co 300 69
Am't paid Mcbermot & McCafferty
for laying pavement around
Court Moue° yard, $229 72.1
" " McCafferty & Ilia Dermot
for nutting curbstones for
1129 689 115
4,110 25
" McDormot k BroCafforil
for making gotten fir prin.
month, 81 125
" "Dermot h MoCilgitj
for grading and SOdding the
Court Route yard, 115 00
" MaDermot & McCaffarty
for Making a moor through
C II yard,
.50 00
Mollermot h 01.qafferty
for grading thathill in -the
rear or the Court lIoni•
" " Joall Harris 0, C o f or 144 i 1 111
fence on public astaare, " PIO 25
„ Wrod, Raphlle for pibtlng
fence, II 00
SL2S 06
~., 598 08
28,466 26
10 00
$35 00.
$1,855 301
(`Oti ItT c
VI 4U 20
4 7,
5 00
15 00
3 50
$1795 153 f
$364 61i
90 26
36 28
$2,154 72i
" J F Loon Trate for C H y'd, 910
" " P B 'Wilma for bricks for
pavement', 260 00
. $1797 .221
itux'tJ Marshall for inquest
on body f(1 0 riffy, $l3 b 0
" " DrJobn B Mitchel for exam-
Asstlou at Inquest on body
A. of A Beffron, b 00
" " P W Barnhart for Inquest, on
bodies of Nolan and Bowes, 20 21
" " C Monson for Poquest on
body of .1 E Andrews, 2e 80
•' " Doctors Potter, Neff and
Hoops fbr poet mortam ex
amination on body of Ad
drowa SO 00
Pbilip Sheneborger for In
quest on body of a obifd 29 68
11119 11
Ane,l paid MO Patterson for 0 mos._ _
init on loon 113 00
" ono Lirlngston for inot on
County ardor, 30 00
Mrs It A Test for inst on
Money, 9 9f
" " M Waddle •for loan and in-
tercet, 365 50
" " Dahill Mitchell fur inat on
loan, 61 65
" " If 11 Wilson for lest on me', 27 88
' " Jos El Danis for hest on CO
order 17 681
" lion Jan Durnsido for 'nit on
order 30 00 ,
0 " Neal Ilerrehl Cro insf on or
der .6 00
" lassie Miller filr lost to Dec
In 1858 30 00
P Wilson for lost on or-
In ''svor of Wm Doll 10 00
" " Me. addle for oil on order 77 78
" " John :doßride fur Mot on
loan 21 00
Amy paid I 7 P Treriyolny el al for
road view. in Nom, banner
and Puller twpa $2O 04
A M Elder et al for road
view, in Furguson and Hug
tnu VI VIII 26 00
E M Buchanan for road view
" IZobtr 6 l g e niZ 't 00
I 1 d o do
Bender twp 1 00
Oen Beenanan do do
Penn lap 7 50
Mr Burchfield et Al for road
view in Ferguson and Pet-
lon two 30 00
17 Hough for road view in
Ronh twp T 00
E C Hewes do do
Gregg twp 0 00
Sum! Reckdle do do
Liberty twp A - 00
Jno Holler dd do
Liberty twp h 00
coN sT ,E' S it6' 'ENS
A paid Constablog for returils to
Court and milesge
Am t paid Election officers, Return
Judges, Constables and As•
sessora tor putting up het■ of
voters and attend' eleotions 1,82 691
" Sbuibert & Rankin Cik to
Return Judges 8 00
J It Road for acting C , ing
Return Judge 78 00
Am't p•ld (leo Lorlugnton luto Treat,
liter for futlitnee due nt "et
" • " .1 ft Rend Sheriff of Clear
field ealav for bringing J
Bear In Jolt
(too I..‘togston for dill o,"
Lancaster 1111,111 , r
lune Buffington for note in
WIKU liealsh for Audg
liter end Prthonntni)
Inean Ilulfu nG4u tvr Olibt 141
Wm Levi et al fur Co tea
' Isaac Bulitngton for not, no
Wm .1 Kelsh for r ,p, r d, e g
Adinn'ants of H egister'i
from 1 , 440 to 1 4 50 150 00
' I.ene Butlingten .n DI, '2 000 00
Pinner Mr I entre Gunn
ty Agrienit.tral Society
IN,III /1 Lennie , Asvylum for
inn intitintog lunettes
Eastern Penitentiary for
maintaining eon, lute
tie rio I!
7 . 06,1 .4 mn+•ne n( E , rrudstuf /or
IRAII, Inn 517 a:.
Collectors Districts Am r.
Wm Riddle,' 97 00
J. I). McJ Anahan's esl.• Boggs,
J W. Fugate.• Worth,
Miles 17reen,•, Boggs,
Jos Williams 'ral.,•
Geo Graham,•
Fbenrzer Record•
Hob't Lloyd,•
Geo Mußver,
Samuel Ossman,
Simon Yerger,
.lamb Hmerucker,
John Ashmy,
Win. Ailamti.,
Wrn H
g naahoe
Ta vlor,
Ina D, Turner, Bellefonte,
Jag Alexander, l'il'llesburg,
Jon McCloskey, Curtin,
Jog I)au son, Benner,
Jaenli r Welker Boggs,
J B. Vedeffer, Burnside,
J B. Itlltchell, . Ferguson,
Jos. Smith, -Gregg,
Geo. E Wasson, llama,
J 0 Moyer. Haines,
G L. Grey, Half moon,
Christian Bower, Howard,
John if: Stine, Huston.
. . .
Samuel, Bechar!, Liberty,
Christian Yerger, Marion,
J. R. Hosternosn, Miles,
David Setters, Patton,
Rob't. Smith, Pcnn,
Frerllt. Settler, Potter,
Jog. Jones, Rush,
Ihmiel Bechael, Snowshoe,
Al. P. Weaver, Spring,
Isaac Moore, Taylor,
Isaac ificklan's E:i't. Union.
Henry Beck,
Geo. Kelley,
-- —"-
Total atn't of outstanding taxes $7,321 00
Nora. —Those &aims marked with saw., thus (0)
denote that they are In the hand( of oflieere for
We, the utuir igned Commiseionere of Centre
county. do hareLy certify that the foregoing le a
full and correct statement of the Receipts and Ex
penditures of the said County. for the year A p
1858 . Witness itor hands at the Commissionetre—
officio in Bellefontl, this 28111 day of January A.
1) 1859.
Attest At) PoTTI3ORoVE.
Jno T Johnston, Clk. FRED RURICEET,
lefonto, Feb. 2d ..50-4t Cornetistloners
Is hereby given that letters of aaminintra
lion on the estate of JOHN DAWN, late of
Harris township, Centre (*null, deceased, have
been, granted to the undersigned, residing In
said township Alt persons indebted to mild estate
are requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims to present them duly authen-
Ideated fbr settlement
Jan ,i7•14.6t: JOAN TIARMAIg, Adner
S6B! 44
$l3l 60
$l2B itt
191 R fliq
' iro c n
4,200 00
100 00
2g (10
27 (X)
47 00
25 00
80 00
60 00
45 00
36 00
93 00
00 00
G 4 00
64 00
69 00
523 00
51 00
65 00
42'T 00
227 00
71 00
272 00
350 00
689 00
472 00
85 00
241 00
99 00
71 00
342 00
41 00
163 00
163 00
537 00
113 00
134 00
253 00
47 00-i
174 00
700 00
102 00