Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 03, 1859, Image 1

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Tonne of Publication
'URALS •—sl,6ocla if paid Within three months
—s2oo if dlayed elrmonths, and $2,50 It not paid
within the year, These terms will bo rigidly ad
hered to .
ADVERTISEMENTS and Business Notices insert
ed at the usual rates. and every description of
rXECUPED In the neatant manner, at the lowest
prices, and with the utmost despatch !laving
purohaned a largo eolloution of typo, we aro pro
pared to satiety the °Hem of our (needy
'usintss Pirettorp.
ttellii to all profoqiional husioess I.lllrunted
to hid care, Particular latent um 111.1 1.0 ruli nn
f lik, 011ien opposite the Court House, wltli
Col Wu. II Illanr
January I 3.'
Oahe with tho lion Janice' T lisle
No• 25,1858 If
IRA IV 1111Til'IllE1.1.,
continue the p of hie prof . ..moo, In
the I thou heretofore ea by hitu and will at
tend prinniAly and fait y to all businopt ell
trusted to Imo
Dec 7d, HSS --ly
Hr., LIEFWITr, rX.NTIIr. t.” , rA,
Otn,o on Ilt4h ;,11-,Lt ,01.1 1 11 ill at ti• rol to
i.rofogni4ol tl VIII , , t e twr. 0 , awl relowi folly
11, screwy, to hi frit wok .ttol the publo•
(lit 21 51 tf
eni.i.srn.ret r
Rlll nt tornd toprlf.., r 110 horetoforo,
ttully nfl'ort hiy FlerVl.`l,4 to hog frn•oill and
the pubim Office next door In his re•tnlettee un
Spring orort ()et x4-If
1.. .1. CHAFES,
1 1.4111t11.41 1 , lit 11 111.11 1 10 l'A
Sep AO off it
E. J. 1110CICTIAN.
Sl'llVl.l. l lt AND ('()NVI,IANiCI:I:
AlllOO.ll AT LAW,
IV I 1.1 , 1 , 10,11
T , on High forp,Slll.l tho TIN' of
J nil go Plltloll,ll.
AT roitNl,l' Al' LAW
.ftio• with lion Limes T Hula
11.111:41 A %I 111.301 , 1,
ArPiliN Al I,AW•
tin AtiogrAi i building f.a
n‘lup"' :11 , Allister, 11.110 Co
11, , 0r-our to Jrl W .1 .loKtm. rOllpMelitilly Icn
d,rs his itrttle.mottal toes tit the itzotto ttf
PO f MRS 11.1.',; and sauut y ()M•° ut Iho
Eutaw littuoo
A nllllo7'l PIM,
'lakes! daily (except Sunday from 8♦ 11 to 51' 111
In his !splendid Saloon, ❑, the Arcade Building
Bellefonte, l'enn'a
RESI DEN r Dp.s sT
Office and romilence yin iho Niiith Eitel Cornor
;AM° Dlamonii, near the Court lllouee
. . . .
r Will be Prime' at. hin olive eio•er 100 wecke
in each month, commencing nn the lint Monday of
the inunth,when hp will be away tilling rofeesiunal
GEOlitilt W. SWAIiTZ,
iall W AT irWl AKER t JEW ELER,
0110 11./1 . I•. A Br.
Stop', on Alloghony ntruel Cloka, Wu.tuhua and
Jumalry nanny ropairr•d .1101 ~arranted
Aug 12 ';,U iC
4:11.1,11M H.'n , lV. PIMP I? IEI'OR.
N. It. —An Omnibus will run to and from the
Depot and l'ackel Landings, to this Hotel, Iron of
A DA /11
Arrutts EY AT LOW
rist.LePorrit, PFSIM'A
Win ittotol promptly to all legal business Intrusted
to him Special attention will Inc given to the
prph.llllll' Court Practice 11..6crivening Hie office
to with the lion Janice T Ilale,. ,where lie eau
always be consulted In Ulu English and'll omen
Will practice his profession pi the govern) Courts
of Centre County, All buisinean intrusted to him
will be faithfully attended to Partioular attention
paid to collections, and all monies promptly re.
milted. Can be consulted in the German as well
as in the English language
M •
°acon High et , formerly occupied by Judge
Burnside and U C Boni, Eng
Drugs, Medicines,Berfumery, Paints, Oils, Var
nishos, Dye• Stuffs, Toilot Sonps, Brushes, lloir and
Tooth Broshos, Vanes And 'l.o r lot-Arbode*, Trowels
and Shoulder Braces Unrdun Seeds
Customers will find my stock complete and fresh,
and all sold at moderato prices
I.Vo'Farmers and Physicians om the country
are avlted to examine my stook
IL B. parry. Sn ito HON DENTIST.
(Letts olf LANCASTER, PA ,)
HAS located permanently in Bellefonte,
Centre County, where ho proposes practis
ing all the various branches of hie profession in the
moat approved 111111100 r, and at !nod crate charges.
Oman and reeitionee in the house occupied by
Mrs. 111, Benner, directly • plumate the residence of
the late lion. Thomas lin mania
We lake pleasure In recommending Dr. 11 11
P Akar to our friends as a tlsorpugh and Reissue
pushed Dentist C 11. 1111.P.S5I,Eit, M D ,
Bellefonte, March 25-13-'6B.
X OOB St 608 Market Ettreer, Aber.. sixth,
G. W. HINKLE, Proprietor
Tieai .—sl 26 rER DEE
:f:elect Vottrg.
Ten Year s Ago.
Ten years ago my heart beat liigh
With noble alma and mistily pride;
And 'hope and love,' and youthful joy,
Bright seeming 'round my path did glide,
But now that heart fo sorrow's liound,
Its vile is humbled to the gfouiid,
And all its hopes and loves are rti on,
Like flowers before the tempest driven
Ten yearn ago yon queenly girl
Was but a child, n prattling thing,
With sunshine in c ualt golden curl,
As blithely she did romp nod sing
Now elm poseease, or lily grail -
The mewled form, the reuniters race—
With every churn the eye to bleaa,
A creature all of torch
Ten years ago I knew a flower,
A maiden pure as angels bright,
And pmtiAly owned her winning power
To wake my soul to love and light
Hut now, ales' I may not see
That flower that was so dear to me,
But I must languish +till, II) pain,
Nor hope we e'er may tenet nviin -
' ill rood Ise earth our souls shall ri.e
a world s .4 rest beyond tho skies
Wm the Detnot r IV utehle
Sketch of Our Last Visit
NO 2.
The next morning we %Nero anxii'mg to
prosecute the bent of our own lib
and started early in order t 1 reach the res
idence of uncle, if pootilile by noon Noble
being rested from his Fri lions fatigues,
traveled with more than his usual en NW
On our way thither we met our kind fi lend/
and 1(-m4111/x11 him at the first gbuu e, al.
though not having seen him for a period of
seven long years ' Ili could scarcely re
alize that the prattling youngster of the
by guns," wan in reality before him. in a
personage so dillerent iii every appidranee.
Y, t such was the fact ' The incidents of
the past were not entire ly obliterat,d lion
Ins memory, and he referred to menu in • 1 " 1 "" ^ " -110 i " ' M g" " mi. a l a """
V) be at home en th, 21. st nisi to ail, till
manner that betokened 11101, than 3 usual
interest His bitsmess did nit admit oftnto party avu ld t a l'i a it you Ploli•c-
ti noun ,I to lims, ie. line If 1,,,,, 1 1,11. 01.
ri turning immediately with us Ili ',a
ttires the plough of grilse old time has " lad " "t, rat ti"""gh the vy and
furioweil deep, leaving the tuners of anxiety t" ere ,"- V " "'"1."'"1 to a " et a
and care ' intdelrbly upon lily em). friend. thi S ' d ' hmh t"""'"o''` 5w 1' a"""I'd,
tenant!, 1118 C) ctB quick and piercing,and 11a P 1 " 4 I'har'll In 'I" nin o n"
it is the oily feature which ec h e y,„ t h e ) nod in 111.' n anti
whole expression from a serious aspect _ i"' f h, 1,1 by 11, tII 11 e
The frosts of many winters are beginning to 1111' I ' l ' 3 " I i'"
truly indicate, that the three score y eirs the """ I ' " I h I. x ' I 31 11 '
and ten" allotted to humanity, ale s gnu-I"'t tie ;1 ' ". " I '• I
ruing to crowd themselves upon our itirted l of Chi ist .1, ',I, my Led
fin \10„,1 n . It.lli ,1 e fin rids about
with more apparently than a usual rap,dity
Before ruching his pleasant home, we cane 7 1". 11 " 1, `l"'ant soil l ,t" in
too toll gate, and in the lady in attendance 1 " . " -* ev ` . "" 4.. al " r 11 ' 11 ""'"" 'of "" v
agree alde time and llic 1, 1 1 1 .0 1 . ii o r set, nil
recognized an old acquaintance. We_ In
quired who kept the gate She ansWereil nowh " ii "" w g " a " aia g
Mr t ' That moment the ' light of other we " vre " laig " l t " a "' " qr. Ini - ' 1 " .
days" east als ellidgent radiance upon her, very hytaetlY Ga h "'"' "r our
friends neeompaiped ei/lit miles 141
and she too re«ignizeil a fn. nil \l'l' had
our Donne} nod 110 ii left it, to meditate On
the pleasure of her acqukintance previous to ,
marriage, and Qtlleil her by in 11,, end, ar- the ,P l ' l " ant this'
"sil. as "
cousin mem „ IL is
wended our way liono w oc , •asionally
the pore scented mountain air,
most needless to add that we . 1 " ""J"Y .
social convtreiatt on until Just time to Ruch " I " Ni a pp"'" / ain"''t iris I g .
I.}''l'lll, no our eoncep
Uncles by noon.
"His the odors " 1 "r
On arming at ins residence, vie found the
lit home safely Just old "oil was sinking
door looked, and no person at home to re-' lit
test : nrnlilt repaid for all the run
ceive Hero was a dilemma, but seeing a
man in a field near at hand, we inquired lor pleasant evi Tits of al ..journey
Lilts Rusin, l'a
the 111111171.C8 of the house. lie lammed us
that Aunt had been called away to visit the
sick Adapt' a relative. lie kindly Koller.'
ascublance, but not being willing to trouble
stranger we declined accepting his aid -
We Journeyed thither ouiself leaving Mi.
F. 111 company wail the stranger to sw air
our return. On the way we met a little gir
crying —apparently in sore distress. We
'moved the rause. My little sister is ,
dying," she replied. V 6 approached the
house of affliction tu search of our friend,and
truly witnessed a scene, The bitter poig
nancy. of family grief would have melted
a heart of stone ! That night the child died.
TIIpN It is ill life. The tenderest ties are
soonest severed. The brightest flowers,
those too that emit the sweetest filigrance
fall beneath the gentle woeings of a noon
day zephyr. The clearest morning may be
over-cast with clouds by noon the fondest
hopes of life may be dissipated in a single
hour. ELM true is_this seutuuent, and how
forcably the effect when Ito confront the
sail reality of death—when the spirit of our
dearest friengs freed from its '• mouldering
tenement of clay," hag gone into the pres
ence of its (Ad ! flow fondly we cherish
their memory, we cast a lingering look upon
departed joys—the sunray smiles and car
reases of childhood are with t B in our TUVlll
tation. In reality we caress rchiblren
we fold them in our embrace—but haw of
ten, indeed, the ruthless hand of death. dis
sipates our hopes, and the heart echoes its
own bitterness in the sad Jelleetion that
tin& have one ! gone I gone'. from earth
forever! No sooner did their hearts beat .
M unison with their child—hearts that beat
, only as a fond parent's can—than death
entered the threshold and severed the silver
cords of life ! But the voice of revelation
cries through the thick gloom of the grave,
" I rim the restarection amid the life." how
consoling the reflection, that though death
may seperate us from friends, we may re
unite with them all in that. blessed Eden
above: The bereaved parents who are the
subject of thieve remarks. have hurried live
children who are now basking in the ap
proving smiles era kind Saviour—
"" Lei little elillareit rim° %nod me Tina
flrl.o them nut for or sutell the kingdom
of Ileaven "
These 'climbed ties shall he revognized in
the day of final to stiUttinn, wheu the un
veiled males of the free of Jesus shall burst
forth in a halo ~feteinal glory
Before we It ft that house of tnourtung the
child was rott•igtted 111114 lad n slnl 'dace
the grave. We ,opnirned among ft tends,
I,v the Item ',too:1.31) 14 111110y, and ttept etill
them truly in their , m too,
Her bright Woe ele, are 1,40.1 to death.
iter merry 'm4o 'et
Iler th.,o4a.o4Q‘lrollig .111 , 1
..kibklfctlim 1114 tr he Ll', i to .re
'1:1,,y .1 0 mgt n nth ilLt •k tin,
M tieh rim they ifrwt.l tho
For now lifn'n tronnled pnat
And they Kilnll with her in He!" en meet
to Itre —in 'Ohio at Intl
,tftkr tottetelitq.7 the flinerttl 01 the tleeong.
(41 • Ive lett and tilltio4l k ightryn
fttrthet %Ve.t. 11• e Iv, .1 tti our
111'41111:111011 un sun wa ,
ttettlitg tle k 111 111111 01 tht• Cite ell
West nil I casting hi, 1.1,1 ling. ring la I`l
1111011 Illy tall slur, , ttl tit, It, aintful
of I Itir In , nls prat
tuy sering us ' Tlniter a'trt• no It•.-i
nn•r!lng It 1111 1111 RI Iu all our
t•lttng ninst plating ,il4,t
1 , 01111 , 11 , 1 it 101 'llll 11,01 10 1111.1 10111.111110
CO 111011 • 11 , 1.1 Lt I. 01,111 %. r (lie tour
alth oi;lt it LL a ; a a'. , 1111•!,11; 1 111 pnl L thu
tile 1111
1111notT n tl,ll v of at.
pta,•,• WWI til our 11 , 1 t, we
WI 11 0 . p .1 1111,1
I.ktnilliti frith num•nitry nr•l otti
nn ;r,rolin;l,l al,tinl ;1r till
ktita remnik•;; :try r.;;;or•
not ' hnt int; 11;;,!..11. ; •.I. : awl nr
compli,11•••1 111 !101l •11 ; ; 1 1 ;1..
11,1% — mt:wo l ' as;;;.1 1 .1;
thanln Innny t 11; 1.•
tia n day m • 11.,.
Jr is reported that a number of New Volk
ladies, interested m the Mount Vernon 111. In
meta, requested Fanny liendtle litiVler to
deliver a ennrse of Shalc , peailln readings
Gtr; the bent fit of thriefund,, and that thus
they were answered
" Ladles, I respect your motives but have
no toleration for the means pm are resorticg
to, to perpetuate the memory of Georee
Wasithington. ,Ifyourronnliyis too poor, or
too mean or too ungrateful o take upon a
-1 sell, through the National I,tlyklature. so
obvious a duty, better that MOunt Vernon
be sold for a cattle market than that it
1 1 should he _purchaqed Ity the proceeds of
charity balls flash newspapers and quack
doetor9. My humble abilities are at your
service, but with the pros iso, that, us hal ever
amount of money they may y told, it shall
be presented to Congress as the first dona-
Lion to enable theta to discharge a duty %floe')
ought to be discharged by. them, or wit _al
Thiltev Daniel Waldo, late chaplain
to Congress, says :- sin now an old man.
I have seen nearly a century. Do you want
to know how to grow old slow and happily ?
Let me tell you Always eat slowly —mas•
lieut..) well. Go to yetailood. to your rest,
and to your ocenpation siiliqg Keep a
good nature and soft temper everywhere --
Never give way to anger. Cultivate a good
memory, and to do this you must always he
mmintimeative: repeat what you hat e read
—talk ahout it." •
A frietul asked a Dutchman u hat knul of
a Winter he thought we Nhotilil hack. The
Dutchman drawing op air
of philosoph u •al equanimity, and All occuhir
soap of the eye. said : think shy will be
worry cold dit Winter, or werry lint -onv
of them both."
Stray. Loaves from a Country Girl's Diary
(NO. 6.)
ar( swiftly passing
away. The old year is about la) nig offhis
(Town of -loyalty, tt rul stepping in the
ranks of the dreamy past. Let us view his
pages for a moment There we ace wiitte,
brilit hopes, now crushed ; pins joys, now
blasted. During Ins r.njourn we hiwp, all
felt the weight of many Caren : the Stith of
many seri ows. But high hp m the ilium
berirof memory, brightly shine the iiiemiati
niipiaintaitees We has e form , : the dent
as,nmation, or n Si,L. to Jo )
awl the • •xtiet cup of. ph:astir of tt ttt.
di ask.
Slll anal A happy , mw3, ar ' May Os
pleasures How thick and fast round he cup
of all. Where will nt be when ¢rt nets•
year's morn dawns upon Earth t Ab. ' may
be, Si oh the silent dead II• livin g I will be
far from the home of my Lir, h . llp set nis
of in) childhood. When New Year rotbrins,
again tt ill our old fn ends breathe a iiish
fur our 113111,1110 i ,, or till time &%-litatatio,
oblittii7tte from their hearts, lair , mories
Nu! not I know thut, though b. t t with
intro std pi riplexing trial.; fat iy lnul
The toil and or c;irti. there .its pearls
Irian tt 114 e shrine the ,ni-reit 0., or
iend.hip toil err err go forth '1•I , re still
a ill born that Simile ihr light e t lio•lt has
led mil ening feet along the tint bank.;
01 thitit i i i and raided our yo ',rid feet
into the pithy of truth, iitue a ,! 1,11(MNI.
EI,N km, --
Lt sttelt an hour as Owl, I 1.1'140 Oil
the ht . :111110N of el C/11.1011. and ly I' 11 Ihe rill.
g er or v a, lit trot im•atl
-1;;ill, rat lation ; 10 - r.atutc. lie the
at.l comm.; of
the 0.111;•ti If tatuttli. It rtv , olt•n.
ho•il 01 OW .
k uon • 9.111 early
10.116 ,, 1 oil 11: 1 , t 7, :11101111e maw,
Iltimati awl I t•e. has
her ,ha .1”1,) at , lllol 11 , Pal.' Tilt r
'.l a It, unit in her hanni, owl
10061'11 111 hitfnl glAriecs t the Ittan.'h
c. ,if the 01,1.ia1.. ti ce at the 4wucr of in . y
111.140 lit th , eantlic
my %, 'Ling art . 1010
ing in the ,ray Ic ~f e hnr aroil,l I ani
hit rt . alone ; no sti.ubm fail arwitol til e
a iv.. those 1 . 11141, Ili lit' r flit bi..l( It
111 y, 'll4ll 1/ 1. 1,1 " Tea aII be waititi.:.
awl I Inriit go Hoping thn. mt ft .crul
have 11.'11 intereito,l whit. rt. I ding me
"Stray " awl that rnnd anon the
hrr te will waft me a ' 1111,11,Na)
from the L will 1,1 , 1 ),,ti
an affeetionate farewell
- Mothyr, Mother. kiss' " I soled a little
Ono oh boy, with blue ey,s, anxiously
• itching his mother ' s niapioally sen nus
Nee, as she 'tenderly laid him upon lus .oft
warm bed, and lovingly f i l l the STIMVW
drapery about him. •• Me Mother
And the rosy checks began to tremble, the
tear drops to gather in the pleading, up turn
ed eye', and the little li...inn henvcs with
struggling emotion.
••!itt -14,- tio scin - has lieduaniTtrty to-dikvi.r
replies the inothor, - sadly : "how eau I ku,n
those lips that have spoken much angry
words ?"
Too inneh, too much' Dutiful emitter,
relent ! The little heart is swi lli ig. break
ing with grief; tumultuous soh , : break from
the agitated bosom : the snow-white pillow
is drenched with penitent teats awl the lit
tle dimpled hand is extended so imploring
ly. Relent!
enough ! !hive more the littAead
is pdlowed upon the maternal bosom --once
more the little cherub form is pies,ed to the
mother's itehing heart, and tho good night
kiss of forgiveness and love 141 , 4,1 two
fold tenderer. A few moment 4 Ittul the
'rigs cease, the golden head drops, the it ea
ty eyelids elose, and the little eging one 18
laid 171 . 1 a in I pellr: - 1 7 1 1 rhilil humbled
b3 one kiss from mamma.
What'it in a kiss--a simple kiss ? Mitch,
very much' More potent than the sceptre
—dearer to affection than cmntless wealth.
Who has not felt its magic influence ?
the lovers tinder pledge of undying censtan.
cy ; 'tis a fiend of friendship and fidelity ;
and not only is it dear to onthful and ar
dent, but also to old age, to the withered
heart and bloomless cheek
Punch says: •• To'find ;sit whom a child
loves, make it a present. and notloo to whom
it IN eager to show thaj prosentax-multingly.
To tied out whom a woman hates do ex
actly the same thing "
[l7" Music.-4 ever held this senteqo of
the poet. .113 a canon M ) (aced. 'vat
whom God loveth not, they love not illogic."
For thn De 111110 rout° Wotchinan
ti VeNt c‘eilirg hour,
When m ;114 igiorgeouii gol l i. ,fl 1,
'rho fiery Icing of
'tolls II 010 We... .I
Svrent evening hour,
When twtlighl, mhad 10.4 e
And moon crown of 11. oven
F. nil/ forth a flood ~1 t 1 Ig.“
Adieu' The heart n iv Gel
—lV,hat. mu-di [nay Loll,''
The uin , lw , the pen Ly m r reveal, •
WhAt, i0r4,14 iu ' 11101.4 K 111 , 0110 eel!
%%HA) 11,1)!'il•
What Is a Kiss 7
Why is Heaven so Attractive.
Among the nnmerous reaming N% hitli may
be given for Hem en's peculiar attractive
ness to every cla,tian heat t, may be men
timed in the - followtng. •
I. Because the saved in 111.:1 , 7Ni, are ex
empt front all pains, and all trouble and af
2. liefsimso the avithitnernble olge,:tA
then to be seen art mote beautiful
than nno ttf summit
3 Re(illi,ely will Li
soul wire glo
liy far tL.ut the pt,.cnt ono
I lh the iiiti 1 1 ,1, with all it, %von
:Lon, f ,‘ ill L. 7i, i ly ntiength ❑ '
5 It, a pla , .)1
crt.ed„„, flllm 1111111 o! 111 by ;111 , 1 vl, C, 114,111
sin and lonlidAilon
G it 14 tt pl i of Cr tit al
tit it the nand lei, tt n t3yo mim 11,
hilioihm/.1 horn .1‘ land
ed out Rod a lihol that the ttiLir.l, r W 1 1 .4 rn
iitve( t
1111111 . 11 at t 11.• entraliro or I lie foroNl, un the
n revilatinii
SLY thought it prurient to mnt,..1,0 11 ,• fi , r h,.
9 floellitso It n• um of love
t%4, tn•i!lhhints. unheated n
inters, and seraph , r
111 I: rata„ 1 , 1111:2)1 re al-. I, 1 if) 111
01.2 tli , i-fain
meet talot,l fro•lnk that have coto . before, 11 ",'" lw , ,
nw T , l " "'"
11111111 . ,1 the t. ,
and wt honk' dalse %In , follow %ftcr
, h . 1 !,. tl. . 'rl,l
r-1 1 11evaitie the Nave,' %%111 ..: ago in 111, r*, th
100,1 pleas tut 1111.1 3 :no file l "I"'
"I" "I
12 11 ,, noise all nir
tri to gill tdvared \ "111
I : "
1101,0 01 1. , tills 1 / 1 ,, t11 , 1 , , nun tutu4t
up. itn.l c‘ory
I . IN, also ISe: If v• I.• 11
13 ItecaliNe 11, ason lionie, a anert
!ionic, %hero the social ran bo fu l .` l " Y ill ""'l‘ thou l'" " " I "' ' . "l" .^
a 3111 l In have Men ,et nil lii , . 'E
~y tint,lllClltlty iji It' %a , II Ite ,tr , t . ths rk• full be a eohNtaid
01 IstioAlt,l l {,•, vulac, hap nor ,s arrl ro %On le di T:1 , 1
n C. to in 11(101
11011111. , •
7 !Brans It i, a ph , - of 11111‘t. ri A nii,l
15 llte.k we elm tter , with pa ! o mit v heti they f :t I n l !lime
trmrchg, and the itehle army of ii , u At a I.iir leo fir t 1,11,t%
t I th, %tr, :t.•t t
on wl t h 111 LI , ,1 I 1 1, 1
the 'l;3'4 'y
th( it er,tile. tuvl 11l th. tl.thl .Ilt am lit Ili,
ietealeil tit thi m a, Amilt ),•, 1 110 1111,,
mart) .4 of • t,t•ty
au,e tli J 1,1.41 , 11 Ndl ,11 . 14.1)' •111 , 0
13,1 , I) lII ' Oho. ~f the
klder ltit.tlll. a "lour., Nho atr k,-
a 111 anti lofty
17 IS,, ;to, tit, m, no im s lit !'•urc, but
all ii bn',liu r,,,;l•
IS II• • cis. I. ;, tial)lntln of .1, \ coal
0%, ri I .11, 1111 , 1 I) , Ply S% ,',lll
I') it. ltl .1401 Lhe Flail,. tis Ltiele•
/ Itecair, 1.4 ttii•re.
'1 it, it' OW ~port I, t'it're
2' Beeall.ii 111.. of 'lie riglit
e.iilein sill lie p , rtruirtrut, will last
ver and ever. !?,),/.,,i Rcccp
Etiq not to
Ih^ fo!lowi,z, nil ..d oopp , t(e are
tio•A I, I:\ a 1t,1101\1 . 11 jo,.rual
1,1 or.. y i.i t, v t.,) a ia,ly in lilt
p (,) , I Pier lOU !pay
by nt a look of rt t,
21 N holt your oourstello n 1)ov to a
,rut • IVII• 11 a
geotlt•uian bowl to a la , l) nt Four
11 , • 111,S 141 lotllV 1,/ 111111 111 n•tnrn
In 1411,11).; pti;fli 'll.‘, tI .11,13ny A
las a w l %i 455; mak. 4 l:le
-Noi!nog 14 Au Id . , 1111.11 r,t0..1 nt Amen
ca as those c o lifelitioti.d soelet),
well owl, rstood and era, nerd in Europe
Lathei that g.,lll.l,minti pa,s tie in
the street w lien in Net, the
fault al i , S from deli- brew It of polienevv i
It h, lh, tr duty to tlo the atiii.ible to fors
it is a put 'lege whieli ladles enjoy of chow,
mg then owa a,....nates or a,,piiiiiitri:wes
Nu g, nthvirtit likes I, rlsk the '111I: ni ttlt•
strict Ity a lady through a iiienikture .sa •
lute To s. it WOllll cc, 111 a 'ICI,
ttitotV then trade of politenes -; Meet in;; Is
111(I4 111 the street, whom into his casually
met in company, they se'doin bow unless he
bows first ; and When a gentl , mi ui ever de
parts front the rule of good breeding,
cep: o ceasi.iiially, by the way of expert-
Inent, hit twoinaintatice4 do not multiply
but he stands probably charged with rode
new A lady anust he 'null to a gentleman
into who , . rompany she may easily be phi
nul ; but a gentleman iy nu'. lido!' this to
tin 4111110 upon an aopiamtaneesliip the lit,t
time he afterwards meets her in the htrilet-.
If it he her wall, she gives 4 , /111e t,,k h of
recognition, when the gentleman may bow :
otherwise he must pays on and tunisider
hmiself stranger No lady nerd hesitate
to how to a gyntleman, for he will prompt . -
ly and polite!y answer, even if he has for
gotten hie fair Saliiter : no ono lint a brute
can do otherwisa ; should he pass on rude
ly, his character is declared, and there is a
cheap l'oliten!ss or good tweed
ing is like law :The 'reason of things.'"
A cm.nannvsn itinerant preacher of the
preseni day, held forth a short time tore,
at Dan tile, Pa. In giving notice of his
intention to preach, he requested the ladies
not to bring their battles vi hen they came
to hear hint. Ile thought it was enough to
have ono crying in the wilderness at a tune.
A beautiful thought, uttered by d child
four yenta old abo , tl the eointd, is worthy of
note. StaiNrig on the portico of the cle•
gaut tultuouti.. on Majie Grov‘i Farm, on
due of the blight evenings of thus week, he
said to MC he - thought the comet, God's
railroad car, 01 which he went riding thro'
the sky.''
"'Allow me," says a philosopher,
the toile,tB a woman has worn during Iltr life
add I will WI ite her history."
&Murder Revealed by a Dream
A :woe:dons dtneorery of a horrible tour
der t related by a Bolpan Journal of a re
rent date, of o lick Ise make a 91111.111 a
brathers..Tews. 'nt Ma Ilnm I.)rek
with a new 41,1;0.111g their Iwo thtughtert
at a boantm4 school hi the Intl n “r.(lrns,
,wardeov. I)urtiog the lit tit high, of he:rnL•
annee the yotiug,t..l daughter. aged ten, 0 Ito
waM loft at home, r innthrt— eettl
tlatring tI i night and et t tog hittrrlt
der 1.11..1 (hat .11,• .at In r fatter and l'n•1. ,
amt all In H.,. ndit 'I I, tr• 6. t fat
st,m, t dun tools int nott.n. 0f the . 0 1 61 , ~.
laratow Lill, as Ole per , lt I. an I ‘‘,,i,1.1
lit Le Oil 41 she h 4 r 111
anti 11 , •xi railrf:lllV, ties'. ILA loLI Le
fore the ot of th, it, In tt hole ,h,..1,
it,' 11.1 ,11,•trn , tatlll.l at th, ...ta. tit,
~r in tilt 11 ,•,11
ll , fful dr am 011 the pal tOl lilt OL 31
115'11111111M llt, eat Ited an t
111 tlll' 111,1gilhOrhood,
How to Cooka Rush:tad
A 43,1 y rciuii r ing %a
uablv ta u pe, •211)1,,..1 run au Ot111111111”.1
Harper', 11.4,4a/.!te
• The two. h.o; iti ti. tear, for
thu prtpalatnoii nl 111111 y good th tl, :Intl I
hate nu dout.t that thu f,..11....u.t4t4 •utll plot*:
011 e of the laluahl, in the cata- 14r40 , of nv [pc. kook a 1 1 1 1 ,1,11,0] a .,
M I , s.tol of th. hare out tuu,t lust
catch LA. 11,i5r,,,, don, ~t the o tilt of
,t) make a t.;0.1 , 1 do .11 of tutu
IS Mot .
\ Ian)" litiOntrvi. aro 4,1. ,letl in till
. luill win II ;.; I aliulll Il as if Illuir
1111S11.111 ,1S n. re 111:111L Illel Li lA . th ,• in
%1111 . 1/th' .it t • 1 u • (11 , 111 tr) LI I 1.,1
111 S., :10111. hlll./111 111 11111 1, 11. 1 11 , 111
110r1, 11 . 1.1 i aut. la Ca a ao a i Kay all
tlator , 'fla, tt atal'l al at ate
than tap with te , t , :aa , - eiatwe. , at rtul
that be hiapia ... , 111 that a lIONI/ 111.1 VI 111 11.. It 11..
der and goal. at anata•ageal ala till, •tr : hat
un the vont! )lh tan very Aela n
to mug, ala, t a largo I ar, cal!
a , I Jar if la' a •a• Stir lot
lo t a a ,l a' !aim 11 0 3 r 111. lir_ Of 1011-
'l4Oll 1.11,‘ . 111 111.. 1111 . 1,1• it tay as, r . a.
caall) lit it 11... le Er, Ita a'a at • A'al lit at aa
„, tnt ('.,,,,T 11., wt'.': a:1'• qt, I, 1,h1.1
ti,,, :rot ~ ,rtl, - ti.rt r inii,h• 4 VI I :11 pl, rt 4
:miry, awl if !,,1.1 a 111,1— 1 a:11 01i. , r . .., , ,
re, titfflak ie. let (hem b .1 , ~. 111;11111, 4 V. AI ('
,ti'lioletit pillion of SO, rN . , , 111. %, 4 'A 101
prtolcitoe awl Rio 1 rt., owl Wl_ w.<lll. alr
ma: all good ,a r, ..,... 10, try
il tl tic, "lia., land 7/
realize what a ad mit:o,l: ,sh a hii,l,tll , l
maktui when plop, ink I ”
.11101 r SEX r 4 is
S 111411111; Ket, sat 4 a writ at 111 one of OW el •
(11prel:li, that cr. n aft, r death mum, re
'alle4.lB the inherent np , desty.of nom ii,
%%In n IlroW IP 41 she 1h1r.14 on her far and a
drowned man •••-oti in, back The nobb ct
part of a human bent; 1 , the head but the
naat'h head is liable to baldness Minas is
tre'ver bald. The Mait's lave is often tuatlc
r,pub,o,o nit account of a har,h grit ulg
beard ; and out covert.l with sordid as
sJitietunes seartely to be distinguished trout
the face of a brute beast : ul woman, on
the other hand, the thee always remains
pure and decent 'For 11114 reason women
wove, IT o-f 4.174 twalate tables,. for
bidden to rub their cheeks, lest hair should
grbrriand obscure their blushing modest . ) -
But the most cp, 'dent 111'0014 the innate pu
rity of the tamale sex 18, that a woman liav-
Mg once washed, is Clean, and if she wash
in second water will 'pot nod it but a man
is never clean —though he should wash in
ten successive itvateri he will cloud and in•
feet them all.
r AN exceedingly ingenious way, says
letter from the newly discovered country,
the lathes of Japan luvic introduced, in or.
der tit keep parents and husbands ffom know
ing what they may write, for men and mi
nim write with entirely different letters or
characters, and hence cannot read each oth letters. The reason of this was, that
women could not thus know anything of the
business matters of their husbands.
TIMMY • $ 1 1 1 01V - ADVANCS
The Great Change
1./ealli is the universal doom. 'I he flower
of the t alley springs up, bloomy for a ichilo
‘ari,e4atiol Inn sq, but' perrshesay
5 , 44411 .1•: III(' 1.1 , Ty of .1111.111111118 tilr,ilVll
r the Ito,. of rintins.:: The e)81, of the fur
e,d, flit ()ugh aho,e I,II,IIICIICY lLc 1s111(18 of
11 4 111'11 Inivo %t 1,1..111 , 4 centut les, and
nllllll 1014 k1111(1 . I (Clllhr retreat of 1 4 1111.4
1 . 11111 , Leas.: w at prime:l,l,4l tj tint re
tonhold Man 1110'1,01f, Idiom ti
Ivic digit, gm -. 1 1,1 al,o{e all the works of
lisnd an I nho 5',a11,14 the proud lord
1 , 14 . 1'1 111 • 14 '4 111 I;:14 111111.11 1111 1 11 010
444, 4 , 1.1 11. al, rind 111,11 V it H. 1.1 that
.• %,1 h tin 111411 frtolli Iu fro nd.t
3,1111, n.n l loin (0 tlnul 111.IIV 0111.
\\'.• lu.d. until Plo rt tt here rt e are
adne....• ~ f (on uunlalitt, the monument.
"f 'le. ;,.n t , el, ry
ite, 11, tt e look tn , oil. ''ttot ,smk.
anu rittug, :0,1 a ll the same
%, i,." v th, Impinge
r '•)1111 that I , burn
of t%knnatt aof few and full of uon.
ht, Ili .. , mwth forth ills:. n flower, turd to
rut fleet?' /I , /I 00,101 V 11111 rnmrlh
not " 11,01 awiy. yen. yea
r.,,th is he?'
11 hit mhh nn of human ! , f. , awl human
% 1 .11. %l 1 rl . a . II 1. hat ti mournful
r he 11,, •ei of life Ls lnn ht
1 4 , I% ,•k r • t , 4m',esery
tie tlt r patt•tog men's of tilts wor pr,l
- (Int Into's alotting plilee 14 not here.
tonne \ tog In lh^ tomb Ilow often
1, hi, patlm marked I.y the eloods of
athercity ' llow ofttn Is he ralletl tn weep
over the 1.5 e , l anti lost. and fed that coon
he moot go henee ' is appointed unto
urw oce to do. and after death the jolg,
No ttlyt e:111 f , r rt ttlnment
trot'l ttf the to op—r pot oottla 01 , 1
ut tll,to Itoto.t.l of rt tle
'l,l .1,11 1.(1117 ,nll.lon experictictt,.
~Iters—ttion all ont,tittro to etif4.roc tlik
wt tr , mo rt• rt rrtti,ot t,ron c. , ;r Itvrtit3 ; and
.Pr 111 1 0 1 %% °I ill . 141 (vatic it.ti
I. \t r !Ili t . 411'1 ' Sig . 1 1 sill L.
111 , 11
Tin it : , not a -. ..i, t %% 1 0 .e linnian foot
1( r 4 tread that .1 - , . not : 111 the fleeting
ht-dorl' or it. inmates give the lesson of
!mot:111 , 3. I, it the household , Death en
ter-, spares neither the bright nor the beau
tiful n, it her the young nor the fair fs it
in the l'horell , They ts ho prontposl mitelt,
whose I: 5•,,,
, were . tho•o: of punts' and useful , .
11,1 1, see first e 1 fled away, and other , : Tell
to fill the told Is it anya% here ?.... Ferry
Illssll . h Vs,, est I . ‘ situ , Ws' hi ar .4. CAM(' one
of not f% !Io w I,ss WI ,sis, il hes , ,t. Islhfrirlir..e is
fils ., } %11, sss• ras•.• l's, run and wh , se
Mills, .110 51e , t111 ,, 1, ere long, to lade from
ills' I, Ms 111 1, 11f1s , of r:11 lit log Yet, risen
il , e 0, thon•,111 they w‘l%. to live be l e forever
Thu y earry on thl it de-go. all 1 arcs° in
tent in ths . lr pros , 1 , ,, that its ath sellout
,t. in, lo ,nirtili. it, If upon the:- 01011 , 4h:9.
Tins' sirs am of tune still liorrit•s onward „but
where are the inhabitant of its , banks 7
Nls hays tot, fl , awl riles its' hive storks
' of g, inn, toll art. but ,‘lteie are the futitn „ l ;
l'r 4 I f lilt fan.' or the .I,,igners or 'hi-, 40-
t, r ' " • fallt. r. when, ale they,-11nll the
prophet _• do that Ire forev ... .J„,/ Where is
the g' (Si isig, ells, I, th es el" brow the ea
cle rte of a oi,i h 7 V; te thin tot.., hand,
it mnittnr voireN
11n.' 104 moulder...4l in
iJm , In cheek I. rid an i
1.. ft 1..1 44.11.1 y
n‘ et, Of ph:l , lllre 111 , 4 T hum 1 , 1•1•14 or
Goi over 310 ,11 . 1, in! 10111 clue(' enjoyment,
in the poor it ri.hing oblextv of this world.
Do you ex in t to be prepari 7 iTiol that whirls
i. to (tome 7 ou eny y ss it re ?
fiteprtnrv.‘ that Ingt4 nnly while life lasts lir
not hatynnrw . it nil) have semblance, dna
aims not the go honnee. Then repent nom
do zinc u nit f r or n. q_s
f, „ lour si ye not.
the ' , on of \lan ennietli.-
PI I. \ '4l\ T I \ NT —At the funeral of 11,
too.. babe ni Nt w 'Olaroh, a few days
sat, lhr a ,`ln`linl4tanee oc•
correct, I kably ela” ring and suggem•
live r .
-The little one, all beautifully robed for
the gi are, ails Inel in its eollin on the morn
ing ol The-werpmg,
cod in Iw. timid a small laupa•t of flowers,
among n lurk it as all unopened rose bud of
the ••lto.e of Sharon " The lid was then
placed on the eoflin and the funeral service
performed. When after thelapse of not
more than too or three hours, the coffin
a as opened again, and the friends gathered
round to look upon it for the last time, that
bud had become a full blownl,ruse, while
grout-AA in the cold hand of death. It seem•
ed as though a voice came up from those
beautifully sealed lips, saying: "Weep
not for me; though broken from the parent
stem, I are blooming in the Paradise of God.
Millions of infant souls compose the family
I{ Love."
.1 pretty . deflnitioaof a good wife—
one who always takes care to have herself and
dinner nicely dressed.
e i. .itit lu.we 11:171,Is
linNo cea,ca to
iAti • ,‘ I p nlO /Mil