Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 07, 1858, Image 4

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    n...... , MIIMUNMAMUYiL
DR: ;AbittroN,,
INDIAN P-11 Y Fr-1
tI. (p 'r ct )
" kit in ¢ 11r'l'I'N N \ N \
1:v1 , 14.; IL4AIJ '
I I/ • • ”Il I C/11 , 1
3,.. t . .111 rel. , ,
!,..r..(41.4. FJr Ithorm, k.t 3 Nip I u I 111:1 all
.1'2111 , 0 1.11) 11/. 111 nl. 1 . ,
E kh•S 1 , and Frlnole Ll u, v 1,1 111 k
•1110 nil fonts. of Collor:lc or long slondnig dirra•
los, hat* glvantor Jackson a IForld wide rep...
Regular Visits !
Dr JACKSON will make regnhir Yalta ton !Argo
number of the piluoipal T...ecus iu OlRa. Peuusyl,
vapor, and Now fork Watienti can thus bolo
the privilege uf consul ling regulao ly. twee lu fr
one Ire throe uroeths - n molter io ur♦ litany ray.,
41irpanrilla in performing a cure It
I tiny I 11A
411.31411.1 ht ( , retnti Len a Alla° of !MAI
400 It ord.!, 01,e Ileethjt his patient.. Io rilleot
team trlo It and I n cinß en io lay a Ibig slmo
Arid 1 ALL 119 9.1111 V 11/1 im,l l .le The !knit.
Ittlit•tt em i l the itin.,.ulmeitil 01R be pn,6 f In, li g
(ape as nb..10
If Iyiek auk .11Aen , em, d,. opil
1,4, hi time oily tnl,dx r.l roulil nl 11111 i 1 , 1.11.1 II
riser more pot revved RDA .illll,llll
Dr. leepoon nal rn ex M 11006,10 lif•
I.ungs Cii by 110 . 111 , 01 the : , 1 . 1 1110
lisoll l t, Flt/ 1 0 I 'll lull:
14- ALLAtiN rptruir alten
lion to i.‘ si, 7, • ,Ir I nor. no,l
nasty !florin'. co , ..1”%u1t.114 111 ill Al,?, CI 1 /N It'
61,Aeises ...olio Immo, xyglrnsSeeiog
nt.try 10, every year, he 1.4 ‘N 011 pre
pllOOl to iv, "ptlii,nt as in, the
ruy raze,
A C. A d l o ffkON,
India ysician.
July 22
It. V141,Y CO., eould n.prrt.
fully mid..n ihe itiielA of 14e'l. I ,010 nod
_w.llulg chat 1,11 , hit 0r 2 0...1 x l'lle.ililll4 11111
ijon Tt1i1 7 17% r, 1 To
Mr ill .ti. I. 1tA1.1111,. t, Pr0.‘1.1., 41.., 11.
ola thrtvf. , re , t.. 6 ,, the 'midi, 111.0 11,. y ,111
It . 1y I k rgo • 11.1 ,1 11( r 1,11•
,1,11 , 41 a %Ili.h b , ;p'L rwth th , tr •
'll l ' h, 0111 1111 /tr it 10 . 1.11 11 11 11 1 Oil ,
rh„, ei, , ,111.a14 I all /1111,11,111 li t
ltr..voty •no.l 1'1,1+,1111111 41111111 4
rery 11.1, t‘e. ff , oor. .•
I 1 Lt.:
I tem , tt, Lath. 4 n tit( (.111',11 ,
ILE %11l -11 ODE 1 I.O'I'IIIINI.
Queet 1711.5 , k r
4 %I' —;t1Iti10 el
ttr 1V Al.l, I' X I'l I'w^l T,t„, I It tI I
It 4 ..1•o 11 • I. I I I Ittltt
r.l(lllttOtk 1t 1„u t 'll.l r ttt tttttt, i m• 4
IV) itt • It ',lt , 'o 111 tti I 1 - • , mit rtlf et ft
,!,( 4 .111 , 1 eof • • I—; ' I
• . A t or ttt tttl tit 1;1,,
rail I alnll,tti •. k ”" s I ' ,
0 4." T'titt 'he I i ttt K l l 'l lLr I 111 ,• ttt
t . It
:1111 6 .I In
LOOK TO VOL It 011 ti
6.1 •alc:t1111.1 , 1 :in kind. of in
11,.^ 1 levAtle .0.,1 1%111 ~ 11 Ih«m t• k 1,, xi 11,1%
ea Ybe hal tet t 01,111 or I .111
pri2 5, I:11,W .1.1 • lit.
Sr 411 w,
APo 1111(.1 /,1 . I NI .1
lki ite ill I NI r
11111/r/i1.1 . 11 4per /UPI Mi.\ • r 11/.li
Ikt .ser ..ii .1 It, trer •155 'I.. 'I. .4 • t •Itil
Irl , l F r
411. litlt, r.
ler rArr N:t ,;
kind.. 1'.”11,1•• 5'.11.1,
it!litkin Is 1 ,
i • li, 111111;
„ 1' ~11, 1) l• II
lam .11^.1rli oi's Is , 1..4 lis •sl• ki
It ,t , r, I 'so t , I,
1.13i1,141•1r'0n N! .11 • .4
wbnirsele and rot %II .1. a 1.,. ko F.ll I ,
tra , nt. N.od. 4. . 11..toisi
F srullesg II
Any pnynn. ty1..111..e, n ui an Ir lin. ... t.
fin 111 L.) 111. no. 4' .„
04.•• C,,lonwo'n I • 1,.• of I
furor 1..1., I p i• I , ll' /I' A .•
gr 1•1 ottill , 1..1 i•WN
Corn, li)C SUallyi• 1, , 11 %%11'. r
hour If wanted So opt. r • , ~,,•
un I , •t,t I • •
glihd dl I'3ll .''h, 1t.11,1,..
ar..l I • 1. ..1 I .I
ill .1.1 I II Atli. PI or, 'tor ,
to,r rortlnttlttlx it& Ito( &I, I I ,• t &tttf& &&
1. itstit I:strm I lit It lot,
b, Grl
• ottt& .ml&tt&rt I& && r Pltut;lt 11,1 111 , t s li &&&10) &• tt II l'&1
11,11, I mi. 1,, 21
TltA\ EJL,i . 111.14 RN! i) , )Nt
I, h 0,1. 4.f I
,Idly,• .• I. • I h.4••11,.
v."I. a 1,4 , Al. 111/1 • . • N I
.111.1 b, • , iri • il ' I
null n l%len..y fling , net to .1 I. It, I ,Y
Amoog II • ‘nrlel, 5..11 IJV.I I g
". Il e h ". It 5. I VI 1111 gi It • ri
NS It !l•le an I Cal , P.a . is..l II is \
1., shirt '•ILIr. II 1 Al•
1••• Shirt', Wove" r , :il•pe..t , • h, , o(11, • r
art`''.• loon I 111 Irl 1:44 1/ •I .
uols F. , F ,
' to te• tti 1.•'I 1, 11.,
tot by ate yar , l ',Owen.r 11, mitlietnr.,l 1 , ,
1,, Roll the 011/1/1,'?"yl •I •1, I
.14 .4 Gor r Ith ~r (tont., re I . 1
ult .1 No j n .r I , 1,, ,r (.111
of the ',mg Nt,,,e and r n ,•,,, ,1 ,114111.1
mud “Ilf 1111 , VI I 4,11.; i,
t• he had 11,1,1 \l Mm \\
rellifflirtte Oct 22. 1557 13 I)
rut] k l NI)ER'IIaNI I) I. mall Ilr , l anrt
-L 1., 811 , .1d.l r.., .11 1101 d
• • {,0•.1 .01 I. 41 A Ol l 0 , 1)
1 111 1
HO ; I wid /
H,tior, I VI iu • II I .03
11111, Pti 1. i lot". lii;;.k I t
5, 5 ; /5 Pine und 11/5D11,515 .o; ilos;g. .511.1111;i Itir
3541;1151g Imr•501.• —l,ssnrin,2 .r 1011
- PMIHnR lIA Pluatei/54,.1 1,105 ;511 .011 5.15 i. I; I 111
15. kept 5555 Itat 1551
Pt mons 51551111.,..•• 1.; 1;i;51.1 nc. I I kud
ILI it "Men; I.; the 555. r; ;s 5, 4 ,5 1 551..; 55;11 /tow.
It 0 1.; pi milli filled 15501 1111..11 1.1.,..11111.1. 1. T..,
Nittrp2l. • ,1 , .11). 1011 0/1 1011.1-
I.r, II .15-1,4 Ile Sew 31111 ;awl 1,51;0 ur 1 ;.,1
tit nent it,. 1'55.555 551 14,1110,m I.‘lllllo, Inu lit
loaded 55nh0•u1 drss °II tit. T15,151;115.5
It 31 r UL Nl' to
it., :1 I "ii 7 if
Cl.l NTON 11111'SE, LUCK 11.% Nt l'.N
11. , r having It attetl tI,U iii•
named Ilid. I it. the li.doeigli I , Chi
ton email), , like. , 111114 tnelll,l of lid, I e
pithile generally that he 11113 11131.1 e es,
I.repataitor.... eiderldi II it I. It I , ,
the liket pa.• 11.1. 111.1111 L,
1114 table trill nix alit ie 4:1.0 lite •I hle
uric. that Ibeiemalry xi it .01,, "1,1 he ti •kler.
Joked not to be •orrovittool i n ilite .1 , parlor , d ity
anv other llidi I lite IV eel Bra, I.
111. Bar 11 HI , iintalit the ohoicedl li , ln n 11,11 etro
'he purebtoottl In Ito.: by taint kit
armful anti alleuit , e Utak, till! •$1..1 4,11 y Ito
MU hail lo (Ake chmitt , of horned and red that they
are prop fly attended to
Truitt% th,rl be nlny gi a lint of th,
patronage ef Ihn traVeling ,puhlie, he holier hlf
01010 attention to ho Alt lit !emit, r gencejl , tia•
fred'u,l 11 A '
July 23 , 31ttt _ _
fIONE TO -14.4"1'T. —,LALUB UMIN, OF
ILA Diilesburg, Centre cuunty, Na.,
Peetfntiy annonnees to the eitilllrl/ of that place and
vklinity 11ar constantly oth hand all lands of
Saddlery WWI' consisting of Saddles, flatness, Col
lin. Ic., which die offerd for male at the loweetcash
dais. Grillo taken in eauhange for work Cash
mot rofusod
Also, in 001111C,A1011 with din above business he
splendid livery stable flood llorses. good
tlonetwis and Ruggles, to an who may favor him
with swell Ile will carry pamsengets o, Tyrone.,
Carwensyttle,Kerthaaa Loek /lawn% and to almost
any point derirable, , on term, that cannot ail to
,Ims liatiescloty Aug 13-21-/y
D"'s, Bonds; Mortgage; and Atticlen
agreeinent neatly awl earreotbe
Abe, attention will be ghee to the ad . jki.aniout of
Balk Aeonunbi, and secounts Adinlelmtratore
and,g!cocalerra prepared foe filing
, 1 , 1 'he 1..e.t .101
! rr. if F. ql'ltSCßltlr,rt. faityrk:rui, F(lit
1 1 , ya. fn,,rn, I..3poetfully inferno Lis ft lends
and 1 1 ,.. I oil i 1 Ili OW, RI. that be hits recently
I , o nt,tl ItnproN et/ ilso .yap ,r bin lio.
i tot an/ i, n 11.10) ILL I piefsrod to u0c0rmac
,1„„,,,t,,,,,,,, ~, ~pis p. ‘ ,ll, 0, be flatters himself, i,
, ev. -.611i, } o.he uppmbatton and patronage
. 11'. 11 , .I , Ds the County during (heir sojourn et
i I:. t., I, , ov On Va.. 11111 of ( . 111111, .irru.d the Penu
, 1.111 4 11111 ti no Ortfalalible rooting place The
Ilene 1 , , sp ...Sari nod. furnished to 3111/01 tor
lIIE TABLE. of the nubsitiber wall be supplied
with ell the sobetontint pro“sions, dollenoce 111111
lunar lee. which n productive Country clan furnish,
or industry vigilance end exertion win procure.
/ITS BAR, will &helve minium a general tumuli
,tuent of the sery beat liquors that the Esetoris
tonrket afford , . ,lopleil to cult tin, wool 011prilliUtifi
1 II 1: ST A nix i, 111 be Attend...l by An ettentite
and obliging Ostler. Nell qualified to dtreliarge the
.1 wk.. intrmining to Ito. important department of
A rrnblre rstAblishment designed for thu ,noconnino.
.M.lOll of trot vier. gerierolly
A.,Ailmorlating melt itir. nill Altraye be in at.
1 111
I, 1.1 .3.. ~ to .ror,plt tho it 00101111111111111101010 I e
...rtlfort and gall-Matron .11 thorn oho soy Ito ill
i hied to imtrontire thn I 1 1.1 111 of tho Anbr, r arer, t r.
Pill..irl in. 41.111.4 non I be nninW luni Rinindi 11111 I,llth,
inn. ,141111111.1+ •••,I11ri.1101i1.• .inil i appy
Vr; - 11n line 1.11,11, 11 1111.1 111110, A,lll
Ih•+ under
atki,l4l lII' 111.0,1 Inn 11.1., I.rion•ln or nn n a
+ I xpennelwe tin 11.1j.* 1.. wenn 111.1 rye... a
r.'',lAllllilde *kg re the t ede,tente N ook..
II in cum %1 I NIIS,
fnite, 001 22 1267
t 111 11, 0110 11,31/1111,11, 1111,.511111 by stk
r nd,rywre lot ,: t c,f,
and to aJJ )n (I b. lilt I . Indira rind
~, , E r,rlr/If IC
-11 IN!' \ IIN.11,11"1.Als NI 1311 . 1111: \
IMELT , 1 '4111.1: 4 Om 14ve of
\ I's I'!I A MUSE kr
'pm JII o‘‘ SILO A , I t !AID PNI
11i, w ur Illy
rot ,lid I ll¢l lu 1. n_lll,l.
1471 11171 II 11,1'101, 4 1.101. li+e njo ,, n Lb.
rlt I 1 111 ,111 I Nellsi, (b.,. LA
~..11n) ; .. do 00t...1 thotti 1' ...lolling •'tor
tsro !lot
11'1 10 All lltt a (soft and tt.
1111 1111' lU\ 111: (.1:1711. 1
I, ‘ 1..1. r ‘. 011 1 .7. •ori,• ton of !loot
0up),11,,,1 111.1•4141 of lII,' ); 11 141. el
',toot pro orlt, to I'l.ll\ 1.-11 NI 1 / 1 1' 11 1 \ I tt l 1 111.1
.11 (11.111.11 1..... .1.1,1 tl a lii,' A a
it.' too 1,1111.1,d. I I.:I .1
lab tn... 1. rt.
. ,
~• ~r o ,
d Olaf !lit ti I dom. , in 11.1 • A
gli, nr..lorlt
t .1 t /1111 1, en of .rl. if p I,. the nlthetetl
-r , ot ‘II, Iti 11,. .11ttg111.1 tte rt.+ tit o I
.1• 6t. I, I , 111111 ro 41 filth!. ery
I, t, /4 ,11 1 1. 411rh 11 4,1,1.1,
1'111.1141.A by rVir 1. ,i iti,,/t o
‘&1111011 . 4 , 1 te .1
1 1,111T . .111,1 t.i :-.11 Ird .r h.•
• t t; o.tltlr the'
4 t. tt I, It tt itt ,it t,tl t •It.
I , its I t ,, I.lif I 11 : II 11',1,1: .11
11111 -I 1111.-1,
k 04,1: itr 1)r 1;1-.01t , ;1 ,
1.11 , )1 , • '" """ "".."
\ • 2N l roh ' t hin
I', 1:3 1..14 r
I. 11,4
A , v
I Ilk. I• MIMI
" I II .1‘..1 /: II r alluul
Moshannon Tangery.
1,, I 11
" • 11 I \ I
t 1 ( 1,, ri 1 t
1,1, 11,1. 1:F. '• 11.1 k 11iII, Alp( Cot.
1: • .t " ,•1. , Irr ~ 17,-1 rt. trtntt.
1. .11 I, 3 I,llj g tr. lk:i 1,7 v
1n.., III" b rrr
In 1 ~,, 1 It. 01,1 Mllr fI 11.1 ',1..
r s
t, I r.l 11 , 0• ?, ~ 4
t • I • ~,• 1 1, ‘
~.1 1. 4,1'1, 1 I
rl , • • 1,, • ~ --I ' l
I ' I I !,r I.lrom illy I . I. ..,11 ..1,-
r $2 •', ,t th, I tit
I h • stl,g,'.• tr 1 •! , 111, V IS 1 . 1,1 11 11111
!lOW r ft• -t. r h tt hr g d rrl
w 1 , . r t
I y ,••• *sr.], '1 . '1,1 410
1 , .‘" II r ,, •1111.1.1 ,,
1.1 I P..' 1,0,1 it,t 1,„,,
:••• I -.1 h ~,,, 1,0,1 , •e,
1 •
,M , 1 In
1.111 ro•f , 1,1.1
, .1 I%w, i• ari I I , timilt I
.t ttf,.l .1 ,nII ti• .1 V, L 11,1,0 ,
iti itLIL• It1"11 It \ Till Ii:
rt,1.10 %1 • I: 111.111 WO
. ilia it ~,ily
)1• (re, VI. 11“1,1 . ..I 1 , 1 ry
I . • ,I 1 OA I 111 MR
II II.;Ilit 10ir1,111 .1 1.10111/1.:) .011 4,01
I tilt tityo ,h0 j t.,41• I..ti t . ..t,
Stira• I Caril lamuc, r ,
11,k11 i r I tl.l. r It. v.,. Die...
s•Il r,in In, %V .11 St .o+,
I.? 1. I 11.• lek 4
e 1 niol I, „,,,,1„
00 , h pr rl‘ Ppl SIP p• pp.
N 11 1. 11 AI; 1., API ..1 (11111 d• 1,1
I l i i , n .1 1., :till, t ntlPI/
. .
pit /I I. / 11.14
r,A.".11 I I, NOl I/
t' II dl 0, r 1,,;.7-13 l v
I; •Ell' El A NI) OP ENI.:1)
AT Till'
/ cfc. 5 - 111101 C n.
)! PPE) . ill \vw
lo tll4 ,SIrIYIT (10 ((V off
..1%11 .1
kept I.y 111191 t
1, sit II as
1, 0.1.1i1A 4 •'
1 •
1'.11111..: 111 1
It I latt. t I. .1111 . (14111/ 1.../1111 I IA I In
• /1•.1...1.4...k.4.
Itr .•tot ‘ ,, Sio4l. 11 ,Ile
Oh 4,1 'I hiker tt•lt t , l+ AN, Clod,
Ina II ,11111. 11.. I tI , ttt. , '
tr oto ko I tri,, rot form./'y II I. tket
r q ,
y • their n'ook ,t 1 11.1111
.1 1 0 1 1 1.1.1111.1 . 1 'lll l . I V 1 1 1111•11TV1111111111 1 ;'1, 11. rd,
Pr 11114 1 1 01 r tile it Al
/1 1 ' 1 "11 1 1 •
I lirr , be riven to PHpt rsonq i on , ri 1. I.
0 IL, „I,r macs, owl Retool° , la 11 to I.
It •q hole, and tho late flrto of Roplatt A Lat. , I
hate been plot oil to our bands fur inunt.lialf•
11.1 1 / 1 :11• Allta•rnotat knowing hum .
rohuo to Ito thereto indebted aro regoorie4 to eon
and [olo ItkralltOry arruugn ncm, uuII.I
ur:ber.uu'it e or Intlulttetiou Will he givers
Mavtigid, & BGYp, Atty . . ut Low
Ilolloranto,,l you 10.'fut.m.
the well known blookswith shop of ,Dovid.
Carrpikell, on Howard street, has oonsinensod bust
orbs, and is now prepared todo all kinds of work.
Persons getting smithinglone at this establishment
may rely upon It Laing sluetited with prow ptooss,
and durability JONATHAN FOLK
Dee 10-'57 tf
1' F
wO4l Worm Ilk friends mat Inc lion jest receiyud
frorn the East. A splendid assortment of thews and
Mee- , of the latest style, all of which ho .AI aoll
at such prices es to defy competition.
apl 1. 1 11 Ii
bs fresh l'hintirinds put ree.(•ivv,
and for sink at the cheap Ore mre and
Prirtision Store of J Ii MIIFFI,Y hCo
- - - - ---
dlff.ront oylo KM'S' flit l•Il•Ft ii0(11),
Solt Ch.tlion ice L.i nt • 8r.rt....'
1;1 11 1 1/1:11/111i
1./1111i Ili 11:1111:1A, PI,
I " I.s
ff" . l "i ?11 , I I'ol
.x :rs~:r~~~s
?tent Galvanic Cement
TILE lier`:ittit..r It. ti Ihr
tri.t Lr tl,l Celneut tit Main :mil Centre
uor, p,op it. d to 1111111%11 ;11111 Put tt
I,llflllhc 1:61,1,1 , 1 1111111C1 1 / 1 g Sill et
1110 01V111.1 Well under the dine
limn off., arc nrchiteete and build Cr ,
.11 MI, petit. or Cl.' a itn , rx, for }ears have been
Si tidying anti expert! .onthipto discover no inn 1,01.1./
ponition or nitwit. for routing which would relict
the eh ow a id our &ornate and %twat! ußue the
9.01.11 c, of f0,j , ,, 1 . 011V , 1,1 rr,a,
ty, PttirAo/rty,thd rhe,rot „ No or tcle
now in oho pr aseeses diver ryunlfliee, Shingire on
not Air proof, !net °lnn...the toed opon lint roofs
State can Indy be tided 111/0111111101111111N. 11101,1111.
.traction, rAiottlAion !hid mating or ?tlelallie roofs
are to! 1;1,9 in lids eltAngouble climate that they
9.11111 11P101-11n11 worthleas - or the rep sift coal.
111111 e than 111111 W roof 'rho ,lithion et nicht., and
composition!. iv!holi barn Into 111t11,1111140 , 1, roil he
aittipqrd ol.ry to ,01) ro ,- f4, err ell
101 /11t111111111 by the not.. of :he 'hill they
will melt ond roil iniii , tner and wittier
in it abort time brooineorninid, nod worth!. wit
'I 111, 111,1011 r of the,tl nit an, C.llllllll lin. 1/I„toir. , l
toetity yet", to 1.11% I 111. tlll,O 111111111 i WV, nlllik, I.
believed 113 !loon. irho lot o !hid opporiunt , ii s to
test Ile' matter. !hat he has entireit aticoeiled
AF ttall applied,
11,0_11 iil I,lul lidy itapor, wo+ to 0..
ull5Lt nlrl mit. 1113 .:,Ind ap.a. thoro d tvttivall
11111.1.ttng it 1 1111 4010
Serl4;ri , VI . IA tile prod It is
thrtt 11 .- triti atm! :traffic nrl4 prafert prtrtcrrlrtn rt
I'llll 1 fire ellllll, 4111111 tilllllittg Flllllglrs f 1111
nth. r 1 toancliatc adjoining
1 1 / 1 1.1 -II ..11,f:tido 11 1. unl flfjerel, i, 111-
11,..epht tic 111 111g..9, in tiling !teen 11 •'1••1 I
yetut 1 ,3•4/14. l'Aienfro, a.i ...Iyrapn. , N
Fotptl,---11 is, hoop flood. still Joe put tta Gn
gbeul hJt th, in I nit tin nl. 1 ,rtn 111111011 I.lllg,
Itepoir , nre hearly
Sixth ~ n illiel4, l llll 1.1,1,0 n+l+l
the ..ion nud emit Niel 14111 11, 1...41 1111'1 1 , 111
111 , 1 1,111 nOlllllll perreei and rnlitl in 111. Ar,iritii•-t
hevrn 0)-4 i i-11111111,111110 1111 klbd3 of 11111f4 _either
110 .t.r Ft. t•p
14. s:tioultitt f..r —494+6 4.14- 44.4 4....f.ex.•
(/' 1 •••./,,•: • r,o,r. tr 1 b.
~,, I Ili 14'411 4 /•44/1411
IttA •bltt•Att•tt 4) ti titut the !twig Itt• 1,1.1
. ;.4 114,111 1/141 'llll4
It ~,, I 1.. I. 1144 ttl
ittttit•g Itrt•ttp I b ttllt tut It, Lien'
4 .1 4, 0,4 Iltotte; tt.t
t ts • t bq Itt I I:,
1;0 bt W., 11 It 1,. t zt,t, littubltt f t• it.
;1,1 tiltiLlt tt t• tbititttout
1.4 1,11, iv tti •t
A, ID I. 111441 f. 111411•11 y F441411re by tlti. Ct.
tut to
c , ))16 1I 1,, Iwo', .1 1.. I,c• 11,4 I,c 11111 , 1.
4 , 14, 1, I .1;..1
ft'clollth The: renn! Ipplitt4l h. elvm hu roof'
Ia 111 , in 11.11 II) hit Fli•Olt , ig A e
A, lit 'll ly It 0.1 Imp, 'en 1.0 I 111 II II" tillee ,
t. 111.011,01. •
1 Joi tooter 1.1 I .•It At
T . Intl II It Ile mill In it, rial.falentl•ti
ow.l tl: • ma lt, rtibiler owl g.+l.
I. .. I
11, • • !111
I .11‘..&11.111 111 1...4tr0i tl. 1,1111111.11 t .1 ,
"3 . ,11 Sill jo , ,pr
\II I. :11111:11. c. ulll a
.1 all I
‘ _ll..U rn ' lll Lrl 110 f. .1 ro $1,4 the
~L, Ix,lr r tng • •',rem y
111, g tiro
Bellefonte Foundry,
ih,, „ii: 141 dl . l t I' ts•t•%tr t•
, fi. joil..t dl *runt )
tl‘mr, 11. tvf or
4017,4%tl Ito. to. , 11%, il,ll
h•Ti O,SO, 10 1 / 1 1' 01111/1,1 II r I.IA jlt•t 1,0.010 I
Ike priturt, 110 (1 (' , /(//t" .`,/ 0/ 1. n,w I
111 1 1 / 1 1/ w t ,toi it ill 111 . 0,. t•nv
1t,,(1 um • u.:01 fb lteir
(0 , 1111004 111 ',I •
001 F 000, 0/011 kt/1.1.
1, 0 01,0.1 niol 10 , 1 01. i1er417..1 ,
..10,1•11,r T 0014•0 0
• 114 t Into.ittirl; I nt rtt
11,11.0 .tll , l all
I , llllle, alit I), at,
Pin w• r , d n.tltpra
who. h n w warrant IL. I I
Lm. e t,. I Al way.; .on i/ 111 I
lirste• 11'n•gitsw.,
11,,, jr: • t 111 , 1
..11/1' 1. 1 11/ k1111.1.,1 N 1...
\ If I rI / / / H./ r ,41.N11. 11 1 1111'
1.1 . 1•• .%.1•10 'di' 1 'lll , l 1 - 111,11 ,1111 1 411
.111 i, 411,1
Le" W,r14 , 111 . 11 t ap. • t1.•11... istol r.
&VI. t to i .Pi No 11111111,
a • p.OrIL I, • ••
./ U /I ("I
7 Jr h
lli 1'111,'1.1,11. „ 1 1111: II ri , 11
IFtTIII`,O ILA tu I'. 1. 1 r
OM VOA:. I I:~I: 1 11 . 1 . 11 1
Me 1..tLf).1 , 1 , 1 4.utpal . / . 41144a1ik.14111.1. CulUiv,aita tl.l
1.1) gkr
,F,l%* M I I:I AI.F.
A tot Ow I o o .if PI Ilk
.111.1tth y 1111 I ire , pteliarell nittilt. ,01
n''');t AND I . 1N \ I I \t;
liillit• 'cry nen, o 4,11. :1•11 J111..41".‘ , , =1 ooTi
D 1 441) 111
Pt): PEICS, Itl LI, 111 11 , - ,
'I, 111 I, I.' , BALI.
nl Ci
I' \ Nll'lll.l'l, II F.C1.1
rc t tri s CH EC's:-
p11 , t%1 ISI 1,1,' I:l , Ask -.
If . 1 \IN h , he hr he
i "" 1 . 1 . ' ll .‘ Itti ,, N IF I'ILINI
54'1111 , 41 in tile It tri.t..attr,t 111 . 1c1/11,
(• I 'll I NTI IN 1 , 11.‘41t- an otogt ho to OW awl 111114b,..1,)1.• ,if the art
tt I, l ltan . nt . i AS
p 1111 i. .1 t
It. N110"1,1t,..1 r,/
(11"1 . 11IN 1N , ."1 I
t .111 r nu.tholp. •.11 N. I Np
I'„- ..,11 , 1 u. 1,, 10.1, 1.. A e slige•
~L,s. 41 011111 \ 1111 V.llllOl ii)
it '6,1101 R. t.. 011 1 ,1 1, Pill I/4 10 • ss LI I
I. I
Li,, 14 I . ll' . /I1 • alit! Natural ..,• tet,
~ , 1 111
Matlit,lls t • old I, t11411:44, • 12 on
net t urn! I'ltltt. 4., I 4j,,,,,,, ,E, . , - t , h . ~o
I: ' Wlll/4 . 1,1 Hit. Pritt tit tl $1 75 it, .. k
!LW ~,yitl.k g • ino Ittllfitt Ads .11,0, 11111 lb'• ttlatt.•
1 , 4..4' III.: 1 , i..‘,11,x (A, 4iiiri, 0
r% • •1 •• I • 11 b•I 11101' .11 1.1 , • 111 •ON,
• ••: lo 161
A i,l„ -, .1 I; TIIONI,k ,
iltus. Nllll4 M 11,1 t 25 IS '.v
RI:nvLEN 1,1 A% 1,1 , 111:4 INo
1t1:111 la AND PACK
111 D h. t ., • ri ko 4l loulAarcsl the p1 , 11•,3 awl inter
ft, , 11 . 1(1• 111 Iv 11 lib, tlll.l chgp if eh
1.1 l A FTS IND
, ,lr rl,r rr 11,1 b t"tilv
it. t, nrr apt pool hit r, lur nr n rig.
I M, orrer nr an) rtlher hisoinl,l4 nttona..ti In silt!.
^.1 , 1 , • I. Ana 11.101Ity 2•01.0NION
4 0 0 V h A l L o . it -
1 - , Cf r E h AP h CASH CLOTH
1 .,•„!.,.11 3 inf.., hits old ft -'cods and the l aulitte gen
trolly, that he hilts removed his
to 1 / 1 0 roam formerly occupied by 'W J. Kr,1111.11
No. A, OrokerholVe Hew,
whore he Is prepared to (andel read'-ntado cloth.
ing nt the most reduced prices Clothes Wade to
tinter ns tumid - - - - - _
11.11efolito. upl 0.17-tt
li g
7'4), PAM I l'lnidelphia , lioneyro — ' , .
At Syliip Nlellsses, pure R r
io as i
- 1
fpo, orteiliell ruheriscol and Oronap I ruvl
sug.trn,ll , l , my l'lsolan, Young Ilynon nail Imp.,
rlal Ten. ( r ot oinlo. at Ow N,w Si ore of
I) 1.1:1"litIN & Co
July '22 av y
l'er+onn Orli lay their pit oteentm
or building ono be supplied by Inning their orders
the atorelit W'l LsMir A RICO'S
WHISKEY 1 , 012 41;1tIC,11,
41. L ei, t.•l. I,nl o the Nog Store A
.r pe VI:ACIER hri‘itig leased the •;11 1 1
1,11:,a, CYST/I it HALO !taunted at thi
uu th.. Twirtstown and netlerunto Turnpike, intro
err le t ly tt.e Spruce Creel, and Lewisltutg road
Ci unr ~tunty, Pa, would. inform the traelllint:
puttlitt that he in nrepared'to 01 teii to the wsots 01
-melt, in in ninimer equal, if not superior, .0 any
oilier hula' 01 natal.) house ur the C.,ninty The
be /ISO is largo and COMlTledlolnt PO that rant Hies nr
a on .111 Ia Ir and undo who hat 0 separate rootus - ehlitli
preclado halt colon
111 'I ADM.:. he pu r rposea shall tie with any in
the 010111 y , always affottliag inn 1/0/41 the market
en, loutish '1 ho euttpllm far it shall always It.
pa motioned alit) an eye to that artetieS Of taste
ItAll shall contain The choicest liquors of
e,tor variety,
Tfi STABLINU is unman:taxed in the enonly
attend to It.)10 luu Vet • thin not ieutl of nn
,ettentiv, and obliging llostler, xo that the gitesi
troy re.t entioled that while his comfort in even'
rest re! 14 111,g:enroll foe, Qua his animal shall ne‘t
be ist,4l. Med
lion eland Ittmiblies ( peen
11/ IMO Shades, amounting to 10 01)0 tier',
Certifientes of the also a Shama halo been en
clamed in 10,000 A/metopes, exactly alike, and tea/ -
e,/ , which. after luting well mixed a r t have been
numbered on Ila ouLAule from I to 10,000 hiatu
s. a no that no our knows tha contents or any par-'
Iteuhir envelope They will lie mild at $II( each, i
willona referent , to what they, em eta and meal
to any one making tipplant hi,/ liner, e)ainnabill
Tale. lea/ rte all eaten be, :lir en ,
The la rgeel Perm, tiontaJnlng n (;:itd 70,,,e. is ,
rniiii.,i at 4430 000, and the bmidlent sexed iltiehling .
lAA./ hate been selling tit 010 roe/ Hundreds I
/ape been told upon theta firma Whilst all lama!'
n Amins of getting the Farms, eiery totrohnser in
anal ti teed one el for le iot. at It i a l' Or oth•
..a paielLau/rAia huun ' il La get 41th- aJ ul lei. , ztd.h l4
11. vl z, .ear/ Pahl( Et ery (mirth iotrehaver one of i
al Iraq gionle at. Il• if or at", ru/or, 1•1111ISt eve
r) tenth pond, m will get s Form /tinging In,
volia I rain $2OO op toil() 11110 These Faints and i
Lots nee :Mid sii cheap to "an, trlllentrnt r, a suf . - I
I? a (:()(1 flu. lieieut number being i ',raid, the ins, ea., in the
' A ithilkof si [deli nill ram, ausal.. for the present see- I
eIii . ..APER THAN EVER. - i nine, The net prneeedt are In hi applied to /nrAl
yit It F . ‘`N, )I,i )8 il,\ s J I s!' It E( 'EI v . I ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,, ~..5,, , ,,,,,1* 1 , ,,,,,,,,,, mat,
.1 . • td ft on the F et/Irti mutes a 1,,,, , ,,,,a t a.k ~I lAt r Any
„ n "vibe, ol Shaw ea, be la4 , n by in
,,,,,,,, ~i ~,,n. i tntntlp, among %Inch nil. flit 1./11,1 t to werorreri Mijrni toile n l le la ten
DRESS GOODS , Ni,,,,, The rer I, fir aev i r iohe olia. lied by perv•
• , "Ist toN Y. 11,11 r, and Mr tlreePt.hy poly, n, the trn
lireAq 'l' 1 minting, i'll,t(llite I,pliTini fiaroge Do- ,k, tut./Lt.. , 1' tilt , tti loadit i t s .`tints Fri nit/I'll.' Domes i '
t i, 70,004
~/,,,, o r L. nil, l it 1,,,,, or "'mit
11, lii, gl. ti t M rt - t
I tilled nu.rthirlrhert MAtTetwa '`" t7, •• 7/ l 7- t a • - tr , t• G 1,7 i ( ATV iii 'lea )lI ii.iliii;,;Tir, - ,
11. I I . lint il , , , 'I. e‘erS hi' , I. ' l i . tit ' l it Y i io/ /hi omit It, tie / Ili r Ti r iisi Some r,/ it
~, dI,A. I, o d e. Io into it ini It') of notions i „ ii .httt ,I et „..,), , Ai; i. , \ ,/,.. Ai• i • ~, 1
.1 ES() !. r,ct , 1 , 1 , i,, , ~ 1, ~,,i, i() ~../ y I iti-,8f,:
lAA ON Id!. ,o 1 I Win, plIFII(s. seal br ,I yr',
; I a', and ( ' rpt Haat and Shot' •I • (11 , !f I he' I•,A Hell part rrt•I•11 , tind y I••
II Il II , 111'1 ,tsar rltif ,oi el 1/,n and I I. 11A I 1 , 1:11 l'itri Royal, Caroline Co tin
mn” ' tier,. If r 41 .1 11 , 1,1 , 4'l,d lit, ... ,into 1 Ili): A 1.1. EN, Ag't, Itonhiliorg Centre Co
l' ''
1 1
L ONETHING NEW ' I May 10 're . ', If
Fit I: Sli I ' 011 i. rt; IL ()I: I: II i I. ' S. ' ! 17) . .
1./.A //mu Ai\ I // / //Ll' S' E(/// E,
I tat %, tn pen of Not ; alio Fresh!"milto i l , \i el! 11-.1411
,sl,,g ('r ,, •klit im
k budge ahptin D
le, ello
"if A radv, ‘i i it' .Ai r li me Pa Tie subset ilier restondfolly iitritrinil 1110
, ,n. I( ' pulihe that lie tinniest Irpellell it I.enther end !lido
11l , lall 'I / ''' ri i l ll l 'l t " ' ll " 1 ' '' ' 'l'' '' "g ' ' ' ' '''
loreel los Tanner) estobliiihmerd 111 Thit , 6 . nlei
, 1 :: 1 " 1 " , :d h , " :,: a o l i l l ai r ;r i :: ,, '" :::, :: ' , "1 ,, 3 6 :: ,, ,: , " , 1 ,. 1 : . " .. , " : - ; ' n114.:1• In 1 , ill {ll . e p ' ettittif tinily an hand a paid an
,i, I , Ri: ,.,,, 11,1 _ !twilit...ill ,t 1 ltallnirs, dre , n 4.1 till follows
I i 1.1.1.
Hell efo le, \jail 22 A. If A ()irk 1.11,11 , 1 : , 11111111.11m.01e liiallier Ilemliu•k Spite
_ %
i lAti sole le iito i Frt itch veil skin. Upper feather,
_ .
— 4 . ,.., CABINET AND UPHOL-CL 1101 ,,,,, 1 , tiller Oil 'Fanned Lasing Leather. Snlll
!Pallier, patent l'iria It calf Kitt, Ati(r, /,,,ai
. 1 , 11 111%11 1,, 1 1111.1,11 \II:\ 1'
Akins 1141 11 tilinit and pink finings, Coto ',indulge
..s.' " Att....l be Atiliiwitlier 1 , Ai', t(oll) iiJitrl nos rin
, mud (loiter 1.1 , 1 1 mini, oil
1., n‘....i. , . 5 4 th,, paltli t t 11..0 lot liat, en...entre' , A 1,, , a .1 Plain flog ho, , ctijilatr tit ell and
tio. e 0, 1 ,0.1 and Iltillokteting 1 1 1,1311., 11, 1111 Ito Itti bun,, 0,,,,,„1 1,,,,11,, ~,„1 was and all Linda of
rota, 1 11,111 n 1.111, and wall Ie pre lin red In in .11.11 t,,,,,,,, Lust, t,„ f„, ~,,,o k,,,
no k that odi ~,m pa.' //I ' ll i '''./ m. " 1" ‘ II ' h. ' '"''' 'lO Al Atli IN 1: , lei I , tir Illy roe„ itivrien of
th" 1" an
hinge' '"'''''
, 11,"'''g 1,11,1 1" ' " I '''" ) Mi.. 100 l Is "t nil 1..1.1, ~iii keep iiii li Ind in goal
`l ' '" "' '" ' ""i' brit,
' ". , "n'ne".
I n "nn' . n I,llll] n 1 P 1 TEN r IL I V [TED :- HI ITC II Ell,
t., ° it,: ~,,,, to la n will be 1151 , 0,11 that ais ill tic i , ...• .
ntll 111,1,1 I Nit ST fl
II ', loon I to 1/I in
dhow in A .11t1410i 0, in inner elo Aii me is hi hi he will sell at eity pin., Cash
i Al. IL I.P A !RINI: itr , titittly attended to I paid Sro till hint , of lodes amt ski,
I . MA/I:RIC6 :-.11 111•
I, t/ - i 11 , •
,i.. 5.,
art, I. • Its , et all 111,11 ( .. 11,11111V
111,4111,1 street Bell. Into iii the shop forni..rl„) , et ~.,,4...1 arc t h e see) hest titt „h t) , but etstf,
Vlll,ll , I by Mr Ittitinlal.l . 1 " I ClllllllllO and Jiitlg , n, 3 , ,,..,..1,,..
April 22 10-If Tilom As TICIIN - -11/E
rot. ntiutti
lino itch taming , .4 Pion urn . totu , lettieut. nitutulmo
TO• NI r,TIIIIPOLITA Nr, who w iShon ro
onut• tint) hinted tutu runlariona utt.i reivile rut of the
t ut, .111111 , 2 nod/norm or, and to iulotte the lo,lth
rrntt•riutr null ingriyornto.g mot., lain att. of 11 r t tr
nor will olio Half Jtort the I.lnt o for lion
Tit t',. I' I'l'l , 111.4 ' hone rof 11,1.1114.1,1 M
l'lllt.lll i.',ell lit rill 11,114 111.`11,11.1‘',1 nn
to tint- truth of tho oho., lit• woo L-1--fut tAor 341,1,
that lox okuo: tear, tintol from It:1,011w; nut
knot, 101 tunny Itottnen outertliument
gtnnfre? , / , ,t r Tdlit•irroTnt>tnlo,fiftr,xa - trim tfitte,ll
Ire 1. tell I 1 I 1 ed rYhunt in oturpg Rutßut ion he ds 11
remit r natinfitto tun to Ln gtrontn - n
ti 1,1 to I l e ., (tort tom ho toned RI Ili!
r 114 . 1111 W: II
ihm A, lit• grant...l rt licento
keel. Hoot.• nndthut he ',gni. pr . rnto
ont,•l !Imre gito.,,,lrtui avail in the Lent pn
111- , l'.11;1.1r: 1,11 L loorr,lerl ear 11 the br .41 the
11, hlt r. :Ilford
It I II :Ilford
trrely of ehoirre lotoure,
I.r. h re he poreireo re huh •elt or relerrl I.
tol rit
irnl 4 l.l 1.11.11111 4, Ilniallur wrll atlw up lie
at, lid Ilu fin ruithing will bo la ri un
dual will Ii ,c a It int. ury 1 , , 11/40 i.the 1.1
al u,r intunotablr in I hailliv tint him at mall
w lin 1t r Elit; ARD N
11. .loto 21 ,4
I II It•ltlng i
1)0 lider vr,,l made lite ri.t Z
Pt.., ,1 rr.qp• Is it.' h ing I.llge si,rk
14111,4,1,7 rd owl, I
.1 1 v ,
cc s , t . t
, :t r r
h y , l le.u, hilt the I•ext k men ' 1".1 nil
•cikrcr. • 1,1 te lom enee 11l be
s. I ;L exeell,,l It lien( f
1, 4 1 11
'lllh Ninth ICII,L 111 WAIL It A! , :TV.II
o coin!, 141 are none In .1.• lo I o
the uhn of firpientlet's6i.ildrn c rely ni.o
I 111 mg il v , r no t k done in too It a honnuer nal
(✓ 1 , 1.4,1.11 ,, •e,i to 'Bellefonte font',
r.k piuttiptly uttl•rtl,ot
IS flt r n Fit 1r al .1 ismgell6wl•,,l
PI ...II 1 -11. 1.4 wale UV/11111e 11100 11.1% ago If irl•••its
1111 ;1.• Irtiment I')
We ..a.LIt lowan 11,4“11111Y61tra.
", I p m ",la ••I Nei. Iw4 Om, Ii If 111..
e•sl. it 11, rim, or in,
.., and f , rlhr I,lllnut, l'rretly. owl rear will
1,, gut, F. , / 11,111., opl.l, I •
.10 , r I f
GLoitcli.: 1,1% I No:;•ToN
II hitorri• 11:11111i ,sir the .N.•ttli-t•nat ern ••••••
• • r • Is•• pal•••• Faitiare, 11,11,1••••te, kr, jrr eon
rf al,: ••tr.liarll a huge a , e ,, t , m'3"' or
Til V , ll "le I , Ai,,
I IvrS'lo:
Ao. .••
Mo.. a faige
NK I;inffo.4 AND tvrATP4N4,I4V
..r t b•••I lilt)
111 EM 10 Al, 1;1:-.1 It I'M EN
plon'y At.
1 , . • A. I nmg6l o. oriel - al a .m.. 11 al,,awa
•,'•• ‘ pra on
ole2h 114
44'1 till I , IINIENT ',"C7,
1 . 4. ‘lllll , l.l . ipeetful/y inform the
titnr he I, prop ttt 41 noeointoodato thew
"t :owl I //JCL 111...1011,e't
• • NI al• n•I:t pied 1.. r .}••••••1
.••••1 w 1;4.1, om Tule sebtelert n:43 nem nwllnßt•• , •l
r will alwo,s he in rendlt ill
f 0 II lir, pit••k t•g• • ••• ,•••tort I . lerlrell Th. I,a.-
the publlo teopeellolly eetiliested
k .1011 111 P•t .i
11,1 A 1241 .111111AELILLNKLE
A go I ompi,ly olwa,e on hand, or trado
unlm ,rut 111 the brit motorml, by
py( ssi.,RmuNS, I.t, 21, nut] 3fl
1.. I ~11. n 1,11.• of Wenhingtori, of
'high ‘Vorliti, 1)r ',lying
rrliv, In in South Atries, with Mope and Il
Ao , Sr„ [Aloe $3 00. for "M. by
ll KO 1,1 V 1 Nu STOP
a farm to rent of (10 to 10
good tillnitle or gran.. WO atilt tho
mm•k lhot in iy boon ft, for n term of throo to flee
'mar. wnbin AVII miles of Ilnelefunte, Co,
Ponsos•ion wanted front the 151.11 to UM of
September, fur acidrosa apply to tho Mhos of this
liel . lofonte, Way 27.'5H-if
WM. M. MURRAY baying thia dek
iohtoterlly withdrawn from thls- firm of
liumen, McAllister, Halo At Cu , Dankets, Iho boil
nest will be cunduoted tut heretofore, by the re
meaning mere• er e under the anion style of firm
Itellvrente, Juno 10 '5B-if
EiRESII CRACKERS —Just, received at
the new store of Charles Mcßride a
•upply of frrsh ergokora, water god sugar, (ram
ha ra led mantifnatury of It & J Levis,
for ello by' tiILEEN S McNIEEN
11111. 1 INK 1 1 INN, !
TBlack Writing Fluid, the Red
Ink, the Vartilll , o link, itral the Hine Ink,
ntanu(tohn ea and geld I,y i; HE EN A. Mi NEM
51.11.1..1 . A Its B it . l7
W lit a lima II (11111
In Gold Region." and otta.:y raritntis
tti Virginia, Hie 01lowingl'al Ohs
and Ilarlll,nz Lots, :n
tinneifts, In trit
I Farm of 100 acria,,and Gold MSc,
19 10n Or rri.
4 Farms of 60 acres etudt, aro 210 .•
25 40 " 1000 r
70 20 " " I
100 10 .• " 1500
200 0 " " 1250 "
500 2 " " 1000
250 Building lailn.l soro, with Slregts
and pultlMNriiroros, 710
1250 " 100s100 feet " 020
25011 .. 00x100 " " 925 "
50(16 " 2541000 , " " 1/..0
J. 11. DS I , IrTPI
I_l AM
lu :i t l i t
I E , !LEI
unt 1(1)1.'
e pnhbr In gen-
rit it.? hi. has I .Its, vitnrge .1 1 1 lie.ol I know.
211,.....21, Lately ineltt the Never, 4.1 .1 Mufti-
P.lll, .11 0 is lelly 1.1. pertil 1,. .t.e..vete...1.0. the
11000111 g 1111101 w 1 1001- Rod l,lllll/0/111/ -
r.ite 111 the e l l e; of lie r l
tin e .
11. in to of all ihe 1..11er. ttnro‘e
emote auel C 141,111111111, A, NIA 1., sleeping eilp.rirt
ell WS 1114 inks 1111;1pliel 1 1 1-1 lar.ler
111./11010 air/111, 111111 Its liar lu shrite purest.
1N !nee
IA tilt :he nieol t 011.1ve mt.l.hrig eetemndetioes
•I ettee 1,1,4 rk.lfnl ,silt us t.egt.ther with its
se! I.loe eileetien lo 1.11.11 t, /et he 1., I. pi-ti Rea in
011 11 t ug n lii.dre 1,1 l.nlr,llllgi. stilt Ilan support. 1/1 -
1,4 alt eolo
IN 11, f.. 1 1e 01.1 N 217 12 If
Le nel.4 r 01.4 rs 1,, • log;
,lee; eel limed f
11r etOrre .•I1 e I ulb IL. largemi ne.l beet
110 4 1,.1111 of St.*. 1 . 11 it.o neellon of
- ~,011.11P11,g In 1,4 N I In . viel,ratcol 111‘0 10 .
nd r, 1111,1 1 0t,101.g .1111, Llle 111.• fkler -
Mtn. d to ...II inunry on (h.• no “, 4 1 teusonnble
terms Cooking ; , totes are mom dete with Till
I'll.. vhr All.
4 .1 Parka Coal ett.l Wwol Stove,.
h.• i; ahse Quer. :41.1r Air Ile, ere, Parlor
Ct )I),a 10:11 awl bcnut,fo H 1.1% ery rhrn Nino
Vint • Ihr Hogan Stone. C'laanther
At• ke la 'treat Coal Soultlee
ro.alSeiNer :01.1,14 qn.l all the llPVonxary
r , 1(.1.. hilt hen lion 1111 , .. MI 11 Old at the
11.att,ire and Iva, •tare
pEYN1 , 1.1.. 4 A CO ,
(NI:All 131 , 1,1,1'1u 11. I
I N \\ (II IA) ItES
-IL tfull‘ (Ill' people of this
s 1:oly otoll publio geoorall, that he u nit•
.1 si Ittoried•oris near Bulk loot, 11/ the 111411 ,
uterine of Ale Porter Luger nod Table Peer,
o ill I, e fu „ hol. +lll4 to porchosors to
Seg. arch. .11 111.11 1610 artreles
it i•torol nod on o.n uu,tod to IM
A..,1 it, (Iv .4k,tt
r .. 1, t 1,41 left Ai I, t I snor e St.slls. Ili 111$ Ir gh 111 It. 11$ 155... , fisl
- LI% 1, II lA$3
It..liut.ulu I uly U-T/ I
On the Lewlgown pike, four Intl, front Belle
ltwte 1 lot tailatelllter la,peatlully inform, lite
friend, and the trnerlhng pot lie that be liar reflitod
and refine niched the chic,,,hoe,°fortheneeommoda
tynt eel ;,tent, Ile will he lit limos ready to
fortarlt iefrettlanetan toparties of phut/wire and f t
bloom nltortlei to 'term,. wishing a
ple,out 1.111111114 . r rr.rt great intlottementm. on c
'-oust of the pure ntoontaln tor mot whohouttne
iny2l .1 0 LA1,1[1111010.:
&melon 1,0111 nt Inn noire in the borough o
Bellefonte , 1e a short lime 11 , ..411 , 1 a ill 110 sold a
pit bite motion tw line a a •rk, °nil all persons dont
rlllg 4 0 ii Spots or prOperly 111 that way own bring
it Iu lan atietion room, where It will be sold lin the
fe/11.1.1nble Due nonce will be given
lune of opettnig
Bellefonte, Ootobar I, I Sit 7
Jusoph .1 Mickley seolobratad Italian vitt.
lin guitar and tioltacolluutrrn n, alms violin rosin,
brul tree dampers and so 1, 1 1 1 . 1 . nal received 1111 d for
wits b y ti lt :EN k MoIIII7,EN
frt 11E suitscititShAt II ASJUST REUEL V-
A. od a large eopply of excellent Dried Fruit, oon•eding Peru: lien, A prime, elle mei. awl
Feb 4
lot of Fanny article's such as osrd eagles, *agar
cams, Purses. Match Boxes, Dramsleti...Pen Knlves o
Barr and Tooth Brushes, Horn, Buffalo. and India
Rubber combs, nolo paper and Envelopes, Perfuin
try soaps ho. , juil teoloved and for sale Per ohesp
- - - - .111a111Y.12:
TAMES LI PTON respoetfully numinous
to tho,publio that ha in prepared and will sell
at Auction all articles loft to hie hontla Patine
vontinee alto will ho attended to with pro noptness
hlkeelturg. Fob 26-'6B-tf.
fully coutpoitoded by
can always ho biiit at
OR 1.1 .Mik ITN'S
Market Price paid In cash for Ilidee, by the
eubsortber, at the Old MoKoan Tannery, in Miles
till fit J PROUPPOOT
JAL vented, for house, store ind office,
Etrireealug In utility ovary other glue, gum, tnuoil
ege, Immo oseement ever lolown
A II ES IV E CL'l'll
For 111/11111racturing Fanny Artlolow Toy', etc , it
bns no ruportor, net only porno/wing grunter streuktb
than any other known article, but, adheres inure
leaving no ',lain wh•ro the parts are joint
ed N a vita FAIL/1
Within the last three years upwards of 900,11100
bottles of this Jbetly celebrated LIQUID OLUE
haie been sold, and the great convenience which it
hoe proved in every ease, has deservedly secured
for it a ileinarti which the manufacturer has found
it, at times dirneult In meet acknowledged by all
have coed It, that Its merits ere far above any
elicitor article or imitation ever offered to tile pia
13 , Mt CLUB is ertenstvely f orirderreita
--bbterve 14r label •• Meßea's Celebrated Leveed
ar 'seat Adheiire Tale art ethos,
htanutse..rred and Sold, Wholesale—sand -Itadatil,
by WM C. MeREA, S'int,ourP
No 907 Chestnut St ,
Liberal Induesments offered to persona de
sirousof selling the abort article.
Bap 24-404.
HNW% FAV/ir IMPR4 OMR aft A. ,
led Clover Huller, is now manufac
tured by the subscribers in Mill Maim. Thin 'sul
fur is considered superior to any now in Use, Si)
bushels,,f seed per day bare been cleaned wi th
one unchine t It is warranted tc give satisfaction
Prate, at the Shop 150
They OM manufacture Pier point's Seed Seim
ruler and Straw Carrier, which cambe attached to
nay Threshing Mauldin', thus is a perfect septmator,
rains very light, (tarries the Straw 12 feet from - the
notellitte, and the end from 'whence the Straw ie
thrown being elevated 12 inches higher than the
end atiardmd to the machine, perfectly] neperates
all loose grain from the Straw Price $25
gainsiter-A. Aliseriewarlle4Sewwwred- Oorre-Shwller
both for hand and (lone power a4waye ru,i hand
A 25
Vende rsliiJe li/11111143 mini n 2 honed.. power and
Threshing Machine (a good article) pr ice $l4O
They also modteue to manuftmture the Carted
4 and 5 horse power Threshing MlllOllllOl, a su p•
nor article 00 feet of vulcanised India rubber bet
to ouch marhine Price $OO
Theso maehineal aru nil warranted to Kira nails
faction They MOO hare for eels Seymour's potent
Groin Drill, on eanelletd offiehe Pnue $4O
They also hero the ruitte-ns of the Pennock grain
and are prepared I. de any repairing desk.
ed n (loon bos•ii Ikon In nun
All kinds of repairing cat fah. priers We
cell port lonhir attention to the !we Ent articles,
named in this adiertlectlient,'the Clover Ilullor,
alid the Sold Seperator A Straw Carrier
They also continue to manufacture and keep con
II tautly on handto improved Hathaway, Cooking
Store large and all size 1.00,111er with a large
nesortinent of various patterns of Stoves for Lola
wood nod ron lAt. Tin nin o n 00.0 milli). on hand
at eholestile or refit 1, Tint... Outing dehrered and
fut up to older w any pert of Centro needy, to
air rates. Order. pr omptly attended to
li A S 1141 7 P1'
111111 ll' iin Pa , Aug 13 liit7
Machine Operates well on all kinds of land, mot
Ell.lllor be 119“ red by rocks, roots, Ar It wIU
wlard polo, roan nod all irregular shaped fields,
ithout ally double labor Al lib two horses, It
will phut with toot' from 10 to 12 news per day or
W bent, liye. Barley or other small grain It will
1.11114 from 2 to 3 pecks of Reed to the nett', end
yield f 15 to 20 per rent more th nit the brond -
rust seeding. by distributing the ••eed uniformly at
any desired depth The objertilm PI common to
Unllo of heemning choked provided the reed is
ono perbadly elenned in entirely retool ell in thin
Drill, an white yaps nod short Oraw will not pre
held Zli•• rogular diatribution of lb • ...el
A mar liter will he Ito pi ••ii hand Inn I lint
Uqn of the politic by tl e under-turned. aliolt On
only authorized agent fpr Centre Mid ntlj
emisdiw Thou. who wish the nrtn l•• •Itiotil.ll.l eke
knonolheir wish in 41111 10..ti0 I
no that they may be ordered, awl arrive in taus
N (El DERR Agl
for 4/ R 114 tvr Fits
11.11.4 Ate J uly 2. 1n .7 2.: 3m
E atitmertimm, aro prepat ttig to vitt,
Itolt rharllt br rub.•rip:lon n and in
nn 11,01,11 mtp of Centre Comity anil till
nom. in the from limited mei...renter,. Ity
ttrtgitml , ttart , y. Ittriingltoul the C.alaly The
r rye nfe 1111 l tneneed by mem...Levi earl ern.. --
Themi.!, will conlitin spinal Putt ay• t.l Ihr
l'ohlie Ramis with their distance tnnrl/oil thermal
Mini the Menthol of Mille, 11,1.1, Churrhnr Sal/ ell
!looms tonsilinhopii, Pa 'ea Foundries, Furnit
tool, Teniiertee, Ao , hr Anil tits rintnril of all the
inntpently holden, in their r suet Oar., for ghoul
the Canny Plena of all the town* in the County
en re large ae•lei will appear within the eneogiii
The pl a n if the map will he pinto) to n enttahh
eitale nn to ottaie a large and rorantawnlai map
not lee, than ii by 5 feet, to be etignmeil in the
beet style. heitaimmely eeterad, and ttiittol nil
talvpr tot to pub.:Tamen only at sb not mmt to,s
ablo 1111 the JOE - Very ITthe tulip -- -
May 27 if
Av.,. ANU ,,. It I; 4466
...Lana/my Sragre, 1i151.1./rIISTIC
The euhaeriber having reaumelianaaumam et him
111f01.10 his friend, anti thenubile gen
erally, that he hue junt returned f
with a large and choice assortment of the heat re
tail shalt ever 111 ' 1 . .11,d to tho public, enibracnig
Of every description, al) to and srittality in (hie or
and other market Ilia work cannot bo excelled
Egf , Ladles or litfinelbeTl wishing a neat fitting
Boot, Shoo or Gaiter, can procure a good article at
my store I hale now on hand a splendid, stook
of Leather, do , and employ the Mon workmen
my customers, thorefore,tan procure the full worth
of their money
The public are respeettally invited to cull
ms l/ T. 1 , BOA LI,CII
respectfully informs the citizens of J Kelm n
villa, and of the surrounding eountry, that he has
permanently located at Jackaonville, and wi.l
promptly attend to all calls in the different branches
of his profession, medical - dr surgleat at reasonable
fin is also prepared to inSert-ortilictial teeth no
cording to the latest improvements!, and the moot
approved styles, and to perform all other opera! moo
In bents! Surgery in good style and at rune/Linable
Thankful for pant Invore Ito hope. by rttnnt nt•
logtlan In higing, n xllll 11/ 1111 fit n tontinuanco f
• share of the pthlto maroon go Uwe him n trial
Ile witthott to nee or fall only as hie merits and 0110
deeerro• 34-18.4 y
beet Worm Meaunnes over
broughl before th•publie, nusecly (I 'a I MBAs'
cei.ausAltl) WORM F.XPELL.Rit It is pleasant,
slife owl certain needing no oddstionsl purgative. ,
and will recommend If self where el el' used Try "
a bottle and be convinced Nowa by
Drnggiete, N W Cor Diamond, Bellefonte Pa.
AMV.P.TS —C. 0 ItraD and in, 0112M.11 on
W ileabarg ; Brow A cams, Stormstown ; R Idea
Ruffian Run, Jno Bing. Unionville; elms Moan
Henderson, Alex Sample A Co , Pinogrove; John•
stan it. Keller. Busleburg; Wm A AfoCatinont,
' Jeokeunville; Jno P Packer, Howard,
apt fl 11-tr
BLE4I-1- PILLS —Preparod from tho Skakor'e
Formula, will ozoito Cho Liver to salon, revolving
tit etroirdirmrtgargemontal - ihorpbr yernieuently
curing Liver Comploint, Irregularities of dm
Stomach and, Homily, Coeticonoaa, Diarrbooa, Dye.
pepsin, Indigestion, Flntulonco, ho , Lo
Bellefonto, A.oril •
50,000 LAP SHINGLES, 000 D
on loin, on hand-and for male nt the
hoop store of the subsoriber.
Afilesburg, JUDO 4, 1857 JAS F WEAVES.
largo assortment of Perfumery, Hair 011 e
Pommies Au., from the uolubraled establishment o
J ulee Ilauel & Co , have just been received by
Felt 11.! tolf. UREEN MoNLISEN
1 sale, a large assortment of Angora Pla.netrlinges
nerea,, Fllos, tAlselts, Belts, ko , ho nt n atnafl ad
el • constantly rwciving the follihriog
tide*, which they will sell al cheap as the cheapest
•141 warranted peed.
Dings and Medicines, (uholsaale or rotail,) Vat
nth oib, Paints Dye Ours, Whits Load,
allike, and Liquid.
Burning Cad, pine oil, fluid and pine oil lamps
pedal and varnish brusher, balr, tooth and
flesh brushes
Porte monks, pocket Looks awl wallets, seghs•
and tobacco. a large assortment or Poolrak It niter,
variety of Fancy Artielea asid Pcrrwnory, lino
Dye and Restorative.
Potent Medicines.—All of Ayar's, Dr Joto
Bull's, Louden's, Jayne's, latsiyawa's, Mo
Bomb°ldte, Shaphrthl's Traaloe, San
ford's, he , and In fact all the patent modielnes of
the day.
All of which and a variety of others, you can get
by calling at tile Drug Store In Drokerbotra Row.
l'hysiolana' Proscriptions compounded with tor
'vetoers and dispatch.
For medicalpurl bees Lyons Catawlpt Bran'
ban no rival, and hail long been needed to Boyd
cedntho poltommecompounds Sold under the nay ,
or Brandy At a beverage, the pore article Is at
together superior, and a sovereign and sera rem.
dy for lkyspepsis,Alateleney, Low Spirits, Lao
tto. pt• •
Sole agent for Centre Co , J. &J. HARRIS
MArob 25.1811*
the people arewentiing to me to 'moire the
pep° of Marble work. I therefore take this
of publiablag a list of prices of Marble wet.). '
this plain form • All Tpmb Stone will be by
square fool 2 inches thick. The prices of am.
Lure aced Ornamental Carving are as follows
'Callon Marble statue six feet high, perfect
likenesn, SSOO
Marble bust h pedestal perfect likeness 200
Marblo Lambs minitiare, $7OO to lb n•
•• Rose with foliage,l 50 to
French (leeches, feet long, • 26 00 to 25 H
Douches Innall Else, 2it 0 In long, all
Tomb Slimes set in Modul i Mar•
R TO" — l2 no'
Marble Tomb Stones by the egpare NW,
linnet, Marble, 1 r
Hest White Statuary, I
ck n woc r
Lettering 2 cents encl.
A deb of marble 1 foot high and IR inelten
will tai,ike 6 monre feet together with a foot s•
hoot kinchogpanrble, and the I,,ttr IP
mullein 7 feet 6 lauding Count yonr letters. • ,ake
your calculations awl you have the 101 l 1 ro -
Pernons from a dietance can send their wl'h
the amount of money neeettsary for any desorintior
of Tomb Stone, ealculated as above, mid they will
be 1 ,,,,,0ptty lined ana rorwa.w.a n. the.. ney
11141111er they May denire
All work warranted In a workmanlik,• ammer.
Miltdturg, March 11 '57-1y Faulptnre
fj the il
undvuogrw would respectit.liy
.L form his old friends that be hos lensed Ik,.
well known] Htel, In the borough of 11,,11 0 f,, h t,
formerly 'owned and kepi by Maj 11 Bennet. -
/flits house lifts been retitled, newly pair .ed .nd
furnished, and the loenlion males It I 0 WWI.
pinilannt and convenient, being situste on the Dia
))))) nd moor the Court Hoene
His Table wmll always lie supplied with all (Ito
saliva. muds and dt Ileacien of tbe neruson•-in awnr.l
no pains will tin spired to make the Franklin it
fins( 0 1104 Mu, and nothing will be loft undone
lloorinc his guests romrortabim
the SlnWlus iP comrnodloto end good, red
etll bos•pplied with !dent) of pro reader After
ri•torntni; lute 011 seers thanks to hie old fnends end
patrons for tin ,Cry generous patronage its 'sung X
to nbol to hue oktlte Conrad irols4f., he reqloetfully
poliott, n eontinunage et the Franklin Howie,
ano.lorxto to Nap the lance.
11.. h. ”peued an Meting Saloon la ouniteeti
aub h.o. public I 1111 l P.• whto the BIWA quality 'I
trl rle I V ,111 be Lep' eobstantl)Toni.nd
J 11. mon it O N
Ilef.tb jou 11- . :tB it
I'{ .11(1 \ .11 I .1111 F flu inN for war, —ll al ,nt ern, ate rein one farm soul:y.ll,lg
linfolr•Ll aria efly acres of the Lest Inns guns
,o 1 ol Ills Slots, nab a Fr nnir If "use, Ila.J'k"
It "Ilion over, try OW 111111.111. •• er,ln
illorrso Ilnr Lund rod and t wool) morisi uts
•Issr ,, l nod lo n 111 etnts rolik,olon, sod fix.
Ton erin,sl It wonted 111 liar
n'nog Ills 1 - 1 1 .1.1 , 1 1 1.1 fr, Fill
P I 1 t. , liar I:, 11. fools art It, Toro
isks, 10, ni' toilser,lat of Pllllll Farts I.*
4.1 t s. 16,51
A I'lllll /0.011 1/I.g. Tll.l 111113111111 nod Far
a, z , I. Dwelling 11 •1110 4,
MIII%II •'. ,A, nb,l n nesikx (411111 1 4 Itl l / 1 1.11
01111 r f 1101 Itc na l / 4 , f in, 11111,
11l 111 .11111 I/114 the CIL1•••1 Pil
land 16n nborc fora ill Milli Ifrd 111 Hes
dr! ronoslop 1:1013 . County four miler east of Tr
rutin rill 1.6 e Erie 40,11yrown 11011 Road will
rim do. rllr 1113.rulth the aid 1 , 3 , -trarnos
•11,1/11s ,sr 1130 oeoora./ or Moir County (arm
lilt pus , 14/11.1 . MOM') iu haul aboo a dr..l
0.13 la• rrien, rLr I,A me.. rn nil. yr , I.•ierl r
0011.11.•1101, b. ,-urod ly Bond 14,1 .11,,rignin
a pun • , [id Vtinn
br lbe fit yasond trisr3, one l+trio
and ihe (a. w. 0 ill two elnal *mount pni
rer, to bo secured by Bond MA
.1 A, cOll V itorscit.
insErn nrirtn, Ezecut,,r.
N,rwinisTANDlNu Tug SUSPF N
ohow of swam payment. Wo ern flOptill is ° P ,, '
field with n choice indention of Fall and Wint , r
wbwh We ere offering extremely lose I .
I' aril and ready pity We hare :met mooned oo r
*Lock cd
]) B. T (r 0 0 1) thu 144U111 variety of Staple do 4. e , ti ,
.111 11. Inv* plyi, nal boyp
appear in market A f.O l
supply Stiotwia and Press °clods. We here
°elver], also, a stuck of Crockery and Mare 1% al,
er IL (3 (3 It I F.
n loch ITV 3111.11 sell nn cheep nny other house
this nide of the oily ,We keep oonntently on hen
• good variety of Sugerk, which wo offer very low
Also. Tens, Coffee, and all other 0 rocerie• for fami
ly use
(live u• a e.dl, end we vc confident wo elan make
the prices eaUst•otory
&Heft - role, Ntr,
11147M1:4: 1 Mitr4'.04:110
T Inc HU kien be r would take thin opporlu
nity of roturning, Me grateful tiekneertelgs
moots to his friends and the pubtfa for post furors
Ile horrid alt no nay that to r low of the financial dieri
outlier port adln- en el), branch of trunk., ho
been ander the nenenity of corneneuettig a now ar
rangement, ir hide ho hopes null ho sailer oitory to
hie Camionne, Front the first ofiannary he hen en
r. 1.1 *loon a system of making all accounts con tenet
0,1 due after .a credal of four months. Thor. , lioulte7
t tiolohts it Inn him, in the Root and Kilo.
Lustness, wilt Gall stud snake luttoodiate Nutt 'enieot,
no hie nil Anoka up to the first lost have been Mosel
for this espertut purpona, and ha is deal rows to hams
t hew settled without delay.
Ilellef,o,te Jan I t-'ll-St
method of informing the public getter
ally, (hot there la no medicine now offered to the
public that !sequel to DU VALL'I3 GALVA:tit
OIL, in retietiug suffering humanity.
I was au °blunter of its effects in a friend of
mine, who autTered atinoet everything eseept dealt
Itself, from a neuralgia affection which resisted Ito
boot medical lreattseut it()entre County Weal"
plied ff Gay the Galvanic, Ott to the painful vial,
and gate mime inwardly, and in 20 inlnatea tb•
patient was so Maki relieved that he fell whop,
and when awaliened wan free from pain nod
finite - die - no falM ,
it in • ',Naive filet which I am willing to Wag
good at any time Alio A mum of PELOV was Oar•
ed iti nearly the same length of time.
Centre 11111, Fob 11 511.4rn
The subscrilua respectfully it 4100311 the
chinos of Centre Hill that he boo me
meowed the above busloads lo that place, where a.
will bo happy to wait on all who may eee'prpe. l"
favor him with a call.
8.3.1133X,Eti Al°lt.l3
of all deeeriptions, will be male to order in ne` e
style of superior elegance as °scoot b o o urp. oo l
tbla aide of the allies. 411 ho silks , for tO t .
end be feel, that ho will byOA' "
I oldish all bY cove .1 IC.Clit
1 !oil .101,1 w
15 ~,