Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 02, 1857, Image 3

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1118LX.89ONTE, JUL'S 9, 1837
6UDDR24 DZATIL—WhiIo waridering through
our beautiful Cemetery, on Sabbath last, wo
overheard a thoughtless young lady remark
that she to pass away suddenly,
We have before heard this remark, and we
AndAlea.kalwavuuLusinz lbstAnutc_isita,
It appears to Its there is s lack of true pfii
losophy in the thought. Whatever may be
titir Sate or PisiP 'we' feel_ that the
emaciationt ofliteti4l business, and its is,
tercourse,'tendio sollotir garments, tb die
tromit-anttlesd Itoff-from-thegreat,
object of huipanuonsiddration ; the length
ened deathitibkness enables us to remelt'' ,
the evil, and set our household in order, to
look upon what we are leaving with
„ that
Proper estimate of its uses,' which enables '
us rightly, to dispose of it,- and to consider
the relations and tendency of those whom
we leave, so that we may properly direct
ti theia Ceps.
To rest on the'4 Motintain of Benulah,"
and to look beyond tirs flood,, was the privi
lege of those who had acid orned long and
carefullydn the right road, see - online to Run
yan, and the rash foot that splashed aside
the water of the divided stream, was not
firm when the current set strong.
lie who had contemplated long and profi
tably the slow approach of death, said, im
" Gently, moat gently, on thy ,ictinCts head,
Cousumittton lay thy hand "
And life itself is little else than it consump
tion, by which we slide downward from the
cradle to the grave, Yet a deeper slope and
a greater angle, in the descending grade,
adufimish us that we approach the close of
our journey, and give intimation for specter
pre?aration.lio is 001M60118 (but who
is 1) of no imperfection may wish to start up
wards, like the perfect prophet, with " the
Chariot of Israel, and the horsemen there
of." But in these latter hetvvist
the flush of life and pit wiling of its bright
ness, moments. at least tu say. " receive thy
spirit," linidd be ehraply purchased by a
niarlyi '8
MN FMllllll4' JI - LI %No 11Ie FAST ‘srici
—As our neighbors, in their issues of last
week, announced that nothing mould trans
pire in this place on the Fourth, and as 0e
have heard persons say the Fantastic Pro
gra ninie is s hoax, that nothing of the kind
ill be seen, to., we again announce that
the Fantasties 11111 appear in their most ri
diculous and amusing character, on that day.
In addition to the Programme, av announced
our paperlast week, and on the posters,
we have the pleasure of anninineing that the
" Owl, Hollow Rangers," commanded by
who will parade in lhle.burg 4.1 the Fourth,
intend accompanying the Rand to tow n, on
their return r from that place. " Ran
era" are well drilled and fully equipped for
r ir *tam heti tp make Buchan
array as a ill redound to the e'redit of '• Owl
ilollow." Theo, come along, all ye lovers of
real t genuine, numiwr 9ne sport. and we a di
Insure — you as heart) a laugh an you ever ex
perienced. We trust our neighbors, Who are
evidently uninitiated, will not again contra
dict the aunounceudent.
Pistoist.—These instruments nut) be t f
use, and no doubt are hen in the hands of
proper persons, and properly used, but et e
cannot, for the life of us, see their practical
utility in the hands of boys aged from seven
to twelve years We are led to these re
marks from the free use the children of our
borough make of pistols. A few days since
one tittle Allow concluded there- was no use
shooting unless he had something at which
to shoot. Accordingly, he polled oft his
coat, hung it up, and put several shots
through it—merely for apart! Another,
perhaps nine years of age, discharged his
pistol so incessantly that it. soon _ became
heated, and, in pouring in the i.owder it ex
ploded, the boy's eyes narrowly
On other occasions we have known them to
put on caps and crack them at each other,
flow easy it might be to !mi.(' some of their
st braille blown out in this War: Lta rents can-
T.,* be too careful in watching their chil
dren, and if they do their duty no boy will
again be seen flourishing a pistol 'round our
strewth, to the infinite danger of the whole
A gentleman came to town a few days
since, fell in with a traveling ,cobbler —a
regular sharper—and, getting familiar, both
became generally " merry." A short time
after they had - "hitched trecew," the—gentle
ituartnsissed his friCnd, the =bider, and,his
pocket boorcontaining upwards of ono hum
tired dollars. Search was made for both but
neither could be found. The money and the
cobbler have not since been heard from.
This is pnechasing friendship rather dearly,
and, we think, should servo as .a warning
not to be too fast in making the 'acquaintance
of strangers, lost, in turn, as in this case,
thpy prove . to be "fast" men, and'make free
with yctur money.
IN TIM ISTIIEZT..-11 would be
a vary good Idea for the borough authorities
to pe,sii,an ordit?tance compelling .tenants to
taior.4ooeit In Womb droptrairdahretTat
dirt which accumulate, on their premises ;
and make an appropriation by which the
• &poet Commissioner could - have the saute
carted away, at least once a week, or oftner,
if necessary. Thus the streets would be
kipetrie frr all garbage, and prcapsd a
clean appearance.
ANswitn.---IA lady correspondent sends us
the follovelpmnsiver to last week's re
bus :,"—'!Bia minute calculation, I find it
wouro,take about ten minutes to open the
gutter cm Om North side of the "Diannind.”
As our correapondent is evidently good on a
ro-4wy,we•would-aak I?er how much .labor
will be uremia!) , to repair our hole-'y pave
"," '
Lions Dwasass.—This is a delicate sub
est. Wo are almost sorry we meddled with
it. One might as well rub against a hornet's
nest, as to brush%fattltkedingly against any
thing which the dein creatures pleasaitO•
wear and call a dress—with this vast dther-
once, however :. the stings of ono are alinya
grievous, while the resentnxints of the other
are as often agreeable as otherwise. Three
weeks since we ventured a few remarks—
Ttri - , gc7utly•Ww -- ttiotreit - thett--eweeeilingly-t
indisereet itfe think now—in relation to crino-
. esoilla&hoops—.2lials_m_lburtailsaialst __ _.. _
go to Witvonsin and return, wok: have in ,
I ----
hand, from tire , hand, sfid in the pretty hand- I SECTION 1.- The State may eontraot debts, to
s n ur t ly ez e p as e,, u s a u l s d n e o fi t o o i ts t
b o o ;
w f 7. ll . u p ro r t v i t i l d r u e d ve r : r tes t:ut or ti t ie e .
writing of a liaitairtioue female, a regular "
aggr t ur w a l t , e m a h m er ort of ouch debts direst and eontln..
dresrtng. WS 'do not nbsolutet, know that I
OUr ollifitrvations el icitvid thi 0 *AsZcler. Iluo Ste n ', f the a on:r n a l i n ;ase d mjy y , l o r ;a e t o d r i;f n e e re ' n 'r t mpoolT
nr:pf tim a r li spi n i n i t never exueed seven hundred and
wefeel-.t sort o'-guilty 4?-l-the coat Actillia_ta.l.
fit us, and so we put it on. Wo have nor'' the or nn of snob debts shall be applied to the
which it was obtained, or to repay the
room for the whole article : but to give our l e ltl' enn
a truutud, and to no other purpose what
readers a sample:of the way mid style we
r fir :Nos 2. bba .. dttitsort to thu,,above iimitv
t uo..
have got heaped for interfering With crinoline, I
As well as , to show the spirit of the fair in - , n e up t pr e es tl e n {n te st i :;alrott ra le d n e d b tl " te t' St r a e lln lo War, on o'r
dl ant, weive a few extracts. Ito redeem the present odtidandlng Indebtedness of
, the S!ate t but the money ,truing from the elmtraet-
"Those hoops agora I do declare ,"
0 dear' what a fun du the gentlemen make ,
Of women'a apparel forever they prate
tot they shave off their beanie the women to ape,
llowo'el lb mad hurt them so smelly to norape
Amt a shawl 'rtiund LhOir almuldont they'elosely do
Like the old woolen blanket., once worn by the
They may wear them, lie right, I don't care a
Though sal often in our dross they're picking some
' flaw.
They enmetimee imagine her elethea are too tight,
And that her hooped akirte aro.% terrible fright,
Iler dre is too long, and, if elliort, 'tie 001 right
And they Pay her nice pants are a horrible sight
f she putt' on a costume her health to refresh,
And, to save cash and cloth, adopts the short dress,
So convenient , the merchant. express
noir roars by the nor:hidings they send to the press.
Enough. We are conscious that our Wis
coniin friend hair the best of the argument,
so we do the handsomo.thing by owning up.
We do this, however, be it espec,ally under
stood, in behalf of our sea. For ourselves,
_a.usi collectively, ' do ;Tit'
shave our heard.; off —entirely ! we never
wear shaw Is ; e e ratite' like a'• reasonably"
short drru : and, its for costumes, we are
in love with anything that pleases the fancy
of the fair sea. We make it a principle to
love all who are fair, nor wife and our sweet-
heart'more partienhule; Rod we mkt) it
our interest to lose all they possess.
We arc informed that some %illianous ras
cal entered the Louse of Mr. 11 11 Weaver
of linuwa town - ship one day last week, and
took from the bureau drawer hta pocket OF NEW CM, NTIE>
Nn rnunly hull hr divine t n line
book containing one hundred and forty dol-, o t ffi o t iog tiff
o r
lartt. Mr. Weaver, we behave. as yet, has now county or niberwoie I without tho Roper.n te :
received Vet' HO clue to thetl for money. As 7,"„ortr.boll f 'such county b y' "" of ' be l '"" l b""" (
any y how coo oiv he eatnhtethed, contain
these instances are beeointmt ft till en t we log lest t Imo four howlled miu.ore utiles
advise our edirens to be on Ihe look out
YOCNO ,lgarne•h.—The juveniles, in the
exuberance or their patriotkm have already
commenced exploding fire-crackers. They
hhoold wait until the Fourth, when they
will he allowed the •' largest liberty' for in
dulgence in pyrotechnic sporta. and other
'patriotic demOnEtrationn incident 10 Inge ,
prudence Day. •
MARRIAGES AND USATIIS are published in
the Watchman. gratuitoindy, it; handed in ;
but we eunh it distu nclly understood that we
are not going to run after such items. Let
this be remembered.
All conmumications recommending per•
sons for office will he charged at ourregular
advertising rates, and no such communica
tion will be inserted unless accompanied by
he cash.
Ow:Ay GsirinKits. - Quo of these patient
discoursed music through our streets
ni Miniday last, tvith his usual accompani
nem - a train of dirty children.
PROF. WOOD'S Hair Restorative is said to
be the only sure cure for Wiliness and gray 10111111 S111,1”11 , NT
~: fi ,f . 7 3, .7 . 1a , f z1, 1 1 1 1 7 , ,, , t , n , ,a ,, ,! 1. t :1n 0 . n w t0 l
~ .;, - , / , ,,hn i, ,1t i 0
it t . lte n tn i t
hair. It removes all sourf, dandruff and
scrpfulons eruptions from 'Ulu scalp, aid trt ~,, bored and rend as/follows -
felY day, restores gray hair to its original '•Sr.i. .26 The - Legislature shall have the pow
color and beauty. This preparation contains er to alter rmoke, or annul, any charter of hum,
porat . ton, horealle . r . :o w nler . re:l by, or tinder , any
no coloring matter, hill. reimucitakes the hate
by invigorating and restoring perfect health :77. i y i „747,1,7. 1 . 1 , 0 4 , 1 : 1 :1 1 : ) ::::: I :, t t l ; .. "6:1' 1 ."::: .
to the scalp, thus imparting hew lite and vig- ; wealth; in sash manner flowerer, that no Injustice
or to the roots, and by them causing healthy than b. , done to the c,,rporatoo , "
fluid to flow jute each separate hair Louis- 1
rifle Times. k July 2-28 2t. l' , SKAIATK, March, 27, 1g57
Usno/red That than res.' utloh pals 1/n the
Brat amendment yeas 21, Nays 7 , on the lecolpi
nt/yAIA.'n Ca'XI.V AV IC OIL will cheek and even- amoodiuoioyeas 23, ,M). 8 .ou the third 111110111 -
t malty cure more aches and pates than any ther meat 7 0 .. 71 .0331, on
,tho fourth nmemlthent ,
remedy known Ask those that hate use it yeas 23, nays 4
Sold by A Brittal4l, Bellefonte; Johnston .4 , [linttract from the Journal I ....
Weller Boalsburg , A Sample ACo . Pine Grore; 9EO IS II A'AtintZLEY, Cier4
Brew .4. Bailey, Stormstown , C J Ityman, Miles- 1 - --
burg; Wm. Allison, Jaelmourille, J II Burkert, t IN THil liming Or REPIIIKSISNTATIVZII 4
Nittany, and others- Apnl 211, 1857.
. ! Nssaluall. That this resolution ago 0 the
/lei.waot.o's Ilwnr.r eI), , CIr•TRATED Earn te
ill'rltr, in prepared directly according to the rules
of Pharmacy and Cheinletgr, nod in the hest and
most &olive preparation which can ho made for the
ours of diseases of the bladder, -Weer!. gravel,
dropsy, iyaaknosses, Acatl the 'advertisement
fn another column, hooded " A torolution. is certain.
Victory le ours.
Bete?? isz.z,July 9,1557.
$9,00 4 • $0,50
2,00 11 1
1,00 • \ t,
0070 A.
100 It
10 I-Card
Bacon •
117 Sheriff.--We are authorized to an
ounce the,nnmo of 11. /,1 WEAVER, of Haines tp
oandidate,for tho olllee of Sheriff, at the omi
t election, subject to the deoltion of the Diallo.
orittln County Costventten.
TNI PORT ri"ro TARediFts ! NOTICE!
J. The und ers igued would respectfully in
form his old customers and the public In general
that he has removed hie shop from
. Storrantown to
Bellefonte, in the shop formerly occupied hy Bar
ney MOCiairi, where he Is prepared to repair and
make nll kinds of Threshiug Machines at the
shortest'eotlee and on the most liberal terms. All
work Igpured. bihop en Logan street South of Bish
op. Residenee at IL 7:1 Cummings'. Hotel.
Maehlitea'ailrayg isti hand to Ito seen. '"
July 2-28-em.. ALAIN M'ALARNEY,
111 the Capital stook o( tho Tyrono slid Look
von Rail Road are hereby informed that an instal
ment of ten dollarsper share is {Nuked to be paid
to the Treasurer, on or before the 28th of Julj next,
In time for the estimate due on the let of Angus .
As a largo force is now at work, It booomes ' abso
lutely ineessery in provide funds to pay them.
By Order of the Board,
July 2, 1851
gg Anteriti.
Constitution of the Cotrimoewealth.—
Re-volved, By the SOll4f I ait4" taws of Repro
smstatiees o f the CommoPiseealth of reittylvesnia
in Genera/ Assembly nest, That the following
nmondmenta are prefrosed to the Constitution •of
the Commonwealth, In accordanee with the provis
ions of the tenth artieie thereof :
— Thep) shall be an additional - art-fele-be said Con
stitution to be designated as article cloven, as fol
, . ~
lag of such debts, shall be aplokied to the purport..
for which It was raised or to rope_gatfolt debts, and
to no other purpose whatever '',.
SECTION 3 Except the debts abit'rea omitted, iu
medium ono and two of this article, no old what
ever shall be created by, or on the bob of the
Stets? \
Seem:. 4 To provide fog She payment d ribe I
present debt, and any additional debt contractrhe
aforesaid, the leginlature ohall, at lie Brat ttession,
alter the adoption of thin amendment, creole asitt , i
Ing fund, which shall be sufficient to pay (hoer
ing intereot on such debt, and annually th !sedum,
the prowipal thei out by a sum not less than two
hundretTond fifty thonsand dollars, which siokong
fund shall consist of the net annual itiontne of tho
public works, from th to to Limo owned by the State,
or the prooteds of the solo of tho same, ur any port
thereof, and of the income of pr.:mods of sale of
Mucks 01yliell by the State, together with uthor
funds or resources, that may he designated by law
The stud sodong fund may lie ineretteed, from limo
to tits e by outgoing to it any part of the taxes, or
other revenues of :Ito State, not required for the
ordinary and current ox panties of government, opd
unless in oaae of war inYllifilin or insurreetiou,o
port pe of the said sinking fund shall be used or a -
lplied otherwise than in colt nguishinent of the pit
ie debt. until the amount of such debt is rodtleed
bolew therm of fire millions of dollars.
Stcrio. 5 'file credit of the Commonwealth
shall not in any mariner, or event, lie pledged, or
thillO s d to soy individual,. company. oorporatlon,`
or atimaiation , nor shall the ounottonwoulth here
after become a.inint owner, or stockholder, in any
company, association. or corporation
Seems, ii The Commonwealth Omit nub as
t same Ilse
e fiebt or any p trt thereof. orally county
eity. Ifarou4k or lorrfoltiti, or of any corporation.
or itsv , tallon , fink .... staoli debt shall lone been
contracted to enable the State t repel invasion,
buppreov dianeotto insurrochon tietend 111101 in
titan of war or to inetill. the :Onto 11l the diedierAd
of tiny porltan of ill pre out I 21.1olftialfie,
Sr eons 7 'I he Legislature Thall not atithorire
any ettioity, city borough toonviiip or to ',triton,
4..witrlitarittl, by virtue .4 to Tote of its corgens, or
ollierwi , e, to become a ritorkboltler ill ATV ettlitlt
or ottritortt lion or to ol•iain money
for or loan int croalit In any .. orporatiun, LlOl.lOOl
- intllit ulna, or part V
Them 011111 be an 1.41 , 111i0n01l artiolo 1.. +mil Con
put ‘ ,1,,,,, t o h o o I nn ui tivlo XII, NJ Col
TIMID twgn II If I, or
Front section two of the first 111 lirlr of the Cant.
stitntoin, strike nut the words. "of the eity nr
ithstarre/phreawl rr f rrh 1,1,1 • rfrpertit • fry,"
from 'melon same artnale strike and lb. w ~,,,
•' of I'4rl..felrhof / of rh0..., oral r,
front Seddon At ‘l,} tanto arth.le strike out the
words, ',other th. tity of 1'11,1,114ms her
arty," anal Insert In lain thereof the nu Is. 'ward
nod snake out sect hut four 5611.• or rsiw, nowl
an ?tea thereof insert the following
" Aar riot; .4 In the year one thousaml eight
tonelred And plirty•Thnr, fh7 In ocrly serenth felr
thereafter; repreeentatises to the number of 0110
hundred, Abell be apportioned and distributed
equally throughout the State la,),lrstricts, in taro
portion to 1110 MIMI., of taxqhle inhalotents mthe
..everal parts thereof exenpet hat one cannot) eon
taming tat leant three thousand tato bundled taxa
ble+, inny br rillowed a separate repreeentairon ,
but ran more then three C , .11,111, 4 011111 he joined,
anal no eounty shall be ally ideal, in the format lain of
a abottict Any city eont titling at I.lllllolollt num
ber of taxable, to entitle it to at tenet two repro.
aental Wee, 1.1111111 liner e m 'aerate representation es,
signed it and shell be (lit ideal antoconyenient
Lrmt* of marathon!s termtery, ratrinul taxable pop
UlllllOllO3 near or miry be, each of which d4Atrlct,
shall elect one representative "
- At the end of seetton set en, woe article, insert
these words, •. the city of Philadelphia shall be di
vided into single senatorial districts, of eontiguous
territory an nearly .gnat in taxable population as
but no ward shall bo diluted ill the for
insult/xi thereof '•
The Iregishunre, et tin Mae session after the
adoption of this -uuendment, shell divide the eity
of Pfilladelphot into senatorial anal reprearantat“a
distrusts an the insulter 1010,0 prosia,.4l such dis
tricts to remain umhtuagaal unlit the ttrit"tottn.
silent in the year ono t I ttttt sand eight hundred anal
mat y.four
on the , sesond
atnitnilinent. yeas 57, .ys 34 , on ihn third anion&
mant, yess 72, nays 22 , on Ike fourth amendment,
you 83, nays 7
(Extract. front the Journal.)
r Filed in eh eSeoretary'roffiee, May 2, 1857..
A a. 01}/1T.1.41.•••
Steretary of the Pommonwealth
SecB ET (114'11 Orrice,
HARRPIII2IIO, Jane 22, 1857
Pen nsylps ft ta , J 3
I do certify that the ohorc and foregoing is a
-- true and correct copy of the original ‘• Resolution
1,04 proposing amendments to the Constitution of the
1,25 Commonwealth, ' with the vote in each branch of
12 ' the Legislature upon the final -twang,' thereof as
121 • appeals front the originals on Silo to this office
121 In testimony whereof I have bet cuoto sot
121 I L •
my hand and caused to be affixed the seal
! of thdliceretary's Offiue, the day dad year above
! written
Serretary of the Commonweadtle
Im Slaur.vrig, 10lard. 21, IiST
Tho ret‘olution prqttrim' pmo , lintnin _IP Ile
Constitutom of the Commonwealth being under
Consideration, On the question,
Will the Senate ow en to the, first amendment
The yeas and nays ware taken agreeably to the
provisions of the Constitution, and wore as Mewls,
Neas—Messrs. Ifeesior, Brown, Coffey, Ely,
Evans, Fetter, Flenniket, Nrarmr, b, Jordon,
Killiugei. Enos, Laubash, Lewis, h er, Scofield,
Sellers, Shaman, Steele, Straub, W elsh, Wilkins,
Wright, and Taggart, Speaker-24.
Nays—Mtwara Crab!), Cromwell, Finney, Cline,
Harris, Penrose and Souther-7.
So the question wilt determined in the
tine. ,
On the quest'
Will OA dolnato agree to the second amend
ment 7
The yeas and nnye wero taken, agreeably to the
provisions atlas Conatltut,ion, and wen, as follows,
vla :
Yeas—Messrs. Brewerollrown; Creswell, Ely.
Evans, Fetter, Finney Flenniken Ingram Jordon,
Knox, Laubaoh, Lewis Myor , Selles, Minima,
Soistlaer., Steele, Straub ' , Welsh, ,Wilkins, Wright
and Taggart, Speaker-43
Nays—Messrs. Coffey, Orabb, Fraser, Gregg
Harris,Aillinger, Penrose and Bodel4.—B.
Bo the question was determined to the Mirma
On the question.
. Will the Senate agree to the third amend
went •
The yeas and nays were taken, agreeably to the
previsions of the Cenalltutkal, and were as follows,
vis : w •
Yam-Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Crabb, Cress.
well, Ely Evan., Flenniken, F , Ingram, Jor.
don, Killinger. Knox, Limbach, Lewis, Myer, SOO
fleld, Sellers, Shuman, Souther,. Steele, Straub,
Welsh, W liking and Wright-24.
-Nevi -Meant. CONeyegingEr -Berrie and Pen
So the question was determined In the affirma
- 131T1111171110110111B; , _
Will the Senate agree to the fourth amend
The yeas and nays wore taken'agresably to (ho
prow/181one of the Constitution, and ~4.1.• RA follows,
via . .
Yeas-Messrs Brewer, Drone, Coffey, Cress
•well, Ely, Evans, Flenniken, Fraser, ingrain,
I Klllinger, Knox, Lattbaeh, LetrhE klyertuldeolield,
ISMlffre, obumaff,lsonOritr, Stools, IffIranIS,WISBOF
Wilkins and Wright-23
Nays-Messrs Crab!), Finney, .Tplediph, and Pen• ;
moo -4 ' WM. S. TRIPLE
So tits question was delefinltted fa the' affirm* I
r,...e n 0... or Itrenninnrs rives, t
The reeolution proposing amendment! to the Con• - rrI HE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY
rditeition of 010 eptIIIIIIOZINIIIIItiI being Under consid• JL informs the ailisens of Bellefonte and vicinity,
oration, that he has Met returned from Philadelphia with a
On the quesihnt, ' full amortment ,if
the House agree to the 'Bret amend.
ment t „ S pr i ng and Summer Goods,
The yens and lIIIVZ were taken, agreably (f, ~II• -
provisions of the Conatitution, and werh as follown telth lie bi now opening nt his obi stand one tioor
VIZ ' east br-ttlr rog office lIIs stopl, consists in part of
Teria-L-Mesare Anderson, Arthur;Macbeth*, Mask- Illeo sod Brown Proffteil MIL , . Silk mated
Ball, Beek Bishop, Bower, hmwee, CAIIIIIIII, cOatillg, Cashmere and White Duck for Co \TM,
Campbell, Chime Cleaver, Crawlyrd, Diekm. Ent, 1 . Meek Doeskin and, i',.,0 7 Summer Catst•
4:mum, Fousold, Foster, iiibbony, 011.1 es, Hamel, • ineres, and Linin I ( rills for Pants,- '
Hamer, Hein., Hiestand, 11111, Hillogas. Hoffman,' Illiwk Satin Figiire.l Silks m u d
HierVii.,) Imbrie, !tines, Jaimbs, Jenkins. Joitna, white and Figured Maraud
J , J,liiinonAh.nuffm.k . ,,ii Kerr, Knight, - Eemenring, lea fur Veseingi '
Leitgaker, 'Lowell, Minicar, Mangle, kloenhuont, 1 It high he will make op to order in style: to snit
MA:Erato, Mhorhead, Mumma, ItiumelmanMichola 1 the taste of enstoincre on short notice, and on the
Nk hobs.. Nindsernacher, Pearson, J ere, Petri- I most reanonable terms floods ft , melted by oust, : ,
kin Powriall, Puree; Ramsey, (Phil Ipkia 1 Ilan, , mers will be made up. to order whurolufore
sey, ( York, 1 heather, Reed, H tie, Hupp ,' An he will employ none but
(e ir rlft ) Sin h h, (Ce"h".)
Stevenson,„. lolan 1. Vanvoor it, Vickers, /
, Voogliley, W alter, IVoithroOk, W bartdi , W illiston,
Witherew, Wright, Zimmerman end Gets, .pea.( fr ,i ' a117Z.,":1,",7 rely on gett tag tbeir mirk vr . oll don!
-TS . t. itr'l liankful for the pidronage hareiofore be-
Nays-Messrs Backus, Benson, Book, Hamilton stowed, lie respectfully aoheits a contionnneoof the
Hancock, Hine, Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Lebo, Slruth • same Wm S Tripple' •
ors, Thorn, Werner and Wintrode-ls\ Bellefonte, May 20-23-omo
Se the question was determined In the *Brum -
On the question,
Will the Hume; agree to the sootsd amend\ A
i to Publie Mile ern the premises, On ..A1,042,
merit '
day tote-13th , day of July next, a Tract of and
The you mei nays were taken - agreeably to the situated iu .dtter township, Centre ,a un t y, known
P rovisions of the Constitutien, and wines &Nowa, as . the MINDEII •PROIRERTY, containing ne
•is hundred and forty nerve, about thirty acres of which
are olokred and a Log Houset and Barn thereon Yens-,..Messre Anderson, Builds... , Ball. Beek,
Bower, C 9 nun Campbell, Carty, Ent Fausold, j " * ".. l .r i .
TERMS , One Irilf of the purchase mane} to-he
nwter, ttildea, Hamel, Harpor, Hms. lin...tam!
111110,1•1 Hoffman Illerka) - Houselo,p, r, !while, l oud " l th """fir""'i”" of tho s" 1 " "".1 the t"
jTrine. " , Jenliito., Joints, Johnson, Kauffm.,ii, K night "'"" i " th ' . "" l N """ se "' th. ' re ' di '''• with in.
/ t, i est to lie seetired by bead and ino . ritt.ige on the
Leloorrlng- Lmigaker, Lovett, filme ,r Mang!,
Mellvain. Moorhead. Alueiselinen, N who!. •s, ,0,,,t. I' , tm" ,, `'ole te t'odinete e it , 1 . 1 .. " . 1 .. ti
OE° 1.1V1N../ . ...T0N adinin'r
a'. N tolerant:her. Pearson, Peters Petri koi Pow. •
t 0 , 07 o f i,1.11 IVLI,CIi 11,',1
mill, Pure,. It, Rummer, (Philadelplo i,) ham+, I """" - -
(York I Reamer, Roberts, holm. , N k,i :-.1.,1111,
Tidal, Vali Vaeghley Walter, Westl,m..k It hur
-1 ton, Zimmerman nod (lets, Speaker-M.
Niue-Messrs Arthur Aug,ustiut. linekii.,
Benson BP bop ItenWit Chase Clearer Crawford
Eyster, Ottibony, II 'motto_ ,n Hancock 11,11 Hole
leni, (Letionon 1 Jaeotie Kerr L•loi II eCol
tont, NI ionniti heed, Smith (Cambria 1 Smith,
(Centre 1 Stevenson, Struthers, Thorn Vane", lon
Vieicers Wegonnefler, Werner, Wintrele, WIIIIPt.
OW anti Wight-31
So the 9,/.., , ~,II WIIe detain:Med in the allirina
0 1 1 Ilan duration
It ill tilt] Howie nv;ron to the' third amend
merit 7
The yeas nod nays were taken agreeably n, the
provisions of the Constitution, and wee an foliowg.
VI t
Yens—Messrs Mnder,n, Baok house, Ball
c lteek.
Benson, Bower, lin Calhoun, Ctiinpholl Chose
Gloater, Crawford, Ihekey Hot. Eyster 1 , (1.01,1
Foster H ibbonnv, II etnel.4l arpe r. HOMO, Blest and
li It illlloaras. Hoffman. (Barka.) Hoffman. (Leba
non 1 lionsekeepen Imlvie inner. Joao., Johns
Johnson, Kauffman. Kerr Lebo Lengaik•r, Lovett,
Mannar, Matialle• MoColtuont, Moorhead, Mamma.
Musßeim an, Nichols Nieholson. N min em melt r,
Pennell,. Peter... Petrikin, Pownall, Kom
i," 1 V-. 0 Rupp, 47M.•
' Smith, (Cambria.) Smith,. (Centre.) iStetronson, To
bin Vail. Vanvoorhls. Waken Vent/May. W.V.-
maler, Weethweek,, WlBletersh Wahhersaisat. Wrtlth.t.
Zimmerman: and Beta Blowier -72
Nays—Miser. Arthur, Auguatinct, Back.,
Bishop. Carty Dock Bilden. ifamilles. Honeoek
Hine, Jenkiha Knight, beisenring.. Mellraiii,
Ramsey, (Philadelphia.) Robertafitrutkers Thorn.
Walter. Warm., Wharton, and Wintrode
So the question was deterintord to oho Offing
la re
o n the tittettnon.
W,41 th House Rutin to alto fourth amend
men 7
The yeas &lid nnys 'earn taken agrenettly to thn
preview. of the Constitution, aml were M (lives,
Yeas—Messrs Andersen, Arthur flackhouso
Backus BalL fleck. Beneon Ittelibp, Bower
Brown. Calhoun, Campbell, Cony Clt , Cleaver
Crawford, Dickey, But, Kph, FAIIRI I, Foster,
Othbuncy, Glides, Hamel. harp r, Ift no, Hies
tend, Hill flillegati floffitt•ri (Berke ) Hoffman
(Lethal .1 Ilutotekeeper Won. Intl .1, Jacob,
denkt no Johne .rohnem, Kauffman K rr Lebo
Leieenring, LonKaker, Lovett, Mamie „Mangle
bloCalmont. Mollvain, Mumma Memel situ Stein
ale Nrkitolffirt. Nunnehinilber Pear+ , Peters,
Petrikin. Pownoll, Purcell, Itaineet , liPhilitilel•
MMitt ) Ramsey t York,) Reamer Reed' Itybertg,
Bopp, Shaw, Sloan, Firnibh d'anihrill 1 Snittli
iCentre,l Stevenson, Tolan, il all, h artroolitil, V Mk
era Viieghley, Wagoneeller. Walter, W enter, West
brook, Wharton, Willaelon, W Oltenia, Zimmer
1111111, and (iota S tiler —q3 p
Nave -Mortars Ihiek, dlanchon Ilane4,Struth
erg, 'thorn, W intrude, and Wnght --7 1
Se the question 'was determined in the affirma
A JAT A t t • '4 nrirfrir
ti•HRI eno, .11011. 51, 1057
l'rnett yl ru neu.
1 do et rtify 11011 the %hove end f o regtoog 14 n
1.10 and correct cope of tho .• Y ILnor N oy,'
token 011 111, , resolution proposing , nmeo.linettiA to
it.° CUllat tunuta of the Commonwealth ot the 4111111
appt.ots nu tho Jottrottlr of tho /footle, of the I ;en
oral Afem bly of this Commonwealth fur the -,earn
of 1857
I Itness my hand and and !.4 ; , 1
"offieu, this twenty-nooood .In) or
thousand eight hundreOl and flfty.sovem
Secretary of the Commompralth
July 2-2A•2m
Machine operates well on all kinds of land, and
cannot be injured by rooks, roots, he It will
plant point rows, and all irregular shaped fields.
without any double labor Will two horses, it
will plant with ease from 104012 acres par day of
Wheat, Rye, Barley. or other small grata It will
save - from 2to 3 peeks of seed to the acre, and
yield from rs te 20 per mint, more than the broad
emit neodinit by distributin the sued uniformly at
any dosiredl depth 'The objection so common to
Lullg, ii tikuomingehoked, provided the need is
not pCiTeetly cleaned, is entirely !wowed in this
Drill, as white-imps and abort straw wtll not pre•
amt the regular distribution of tha seed
A machine will be kept 011 baud fur tlic inspec
tion of Ilia public, by tka undureiguad, a to is the
&ray authorized agent for Centre end enjoining
could ice. Thom who wish thu article shculd make
itnoish their with in dun season so that thoy may
'be ordered, and anise in lime
DANIEL ONltfi r , Aitt,
ty for O if DOirEltili
TT a I infante; 711 f y 271837 480iIIT - = 7
Xi. Market Priqo paid in ash fur Hides, by the
subscriber, at the Old McKean Tannery, in'Mleers ,
I'4 3'lllllU 25-27-If J. S. PROUDrOOT
mato, a large aeaortmontof Augurs, Prirnac,llinsea
&Tose, Filo*, Looks, 'Julia, Aa do. at's man "keiv
vane() on Phil's prloaa. WILSON BRO'S.
kIUGGY 19cRIDINii- Will PB.-4t LARGE
ILA assortment of Wells Riddle & Co's %coy drl
ving whips, for eslo at WILSON & 8110.8.
for male by 1 rLsow 3 lIRCO3,
Oupt.. loketf 's DOM,* frimh supply of Sulker.
el In berrelsand f 'barrels, at the Cheap Cub Store
of , • WILSOS SRO'S.
.11. Centre °aunty, Intend to make applioation tov
the next Legislature of this Commonwealth for tie
incorporation of a Bank of into, discount and de
posit, to be boated at Belleibnto, in the ,county Mrs
said. to bo called "The Farmers' and Manufactur
ers' Bank" of Centre County," with a capitol of
Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. ••‘
Edmund Dlanohard,Jdaruuel Line
George Jack, - Wm Undaßrood,
George Boal, Moses Thompson, I
A B. Valentine, J M McCoy, • ,
John Irvin, Jr., Ii Itneekerhofi,
Joe. Green, Jacob Gray , „„,,
Jatratfilitund, _ _ -John Itishol,',
Jared D Fisher, ' Samuel Btrohockor,
James Antis,LßE John Flter
. , ..-414111LL Aki4D._...,............
n ' 7Oh T. Hoover', —--
Thumns sag i les,
Jacob Htruble, Robert Lipton,
Wm. C Duncan, (leorge Valentine
Puler Wilson Jno II anon,
A. It Barlow, Robert Cider
Win A, Thomas, P Benner %Vividly,
Harvey Al, s I' It tipsy, A
II Drookerhotr. s•-•• W M 1," Reynolds,
I. C. Mitchell,_ ,
- .F2 - 5=17 - - - tril - ' 1 - ' --- -
Nill lt'E 11.1 , ,1"I'EltSTF:ST. , 01ENT.t121"
ontht. estate or Alartin Roust r. of Hort,
town.tett, doe'd, hove born granted to the tottown
lo r. tvho te. t isos! all polvolo , kotosts; Ih, evo•lt e t.
Itoluhte.l I Nola 001100 IO muk t . 1111111...N11e 1,11,1111•111,
and tho.r htt tog violet. , to present theta to
itothenthmted for settlettleot
I ‘,' Benner tp
JO, 13.11‘ ER, Ilarri+ tp
.Bloc 18
01,0 m
w ot ,,pet•trully tkl..,mliou b. 111, old frlork‘lll, that
he bug opeitt .1 01 the coming .0/1.11 1111
nt resnlonee on IJithorest Not,wit ,
au be happy vo
all who may favor him with a ettll
June 112 r
Rolm rther hogs lento to inform the ibuhlie that
ho is Rtdl hoot y engaged at It, stand lon Allegany
toierit the latest R ut and fashion
1901,14.1 . 1111 eru.eliarp. hie ratore keen,
7 , 40 n. .gy m elm", jt,,tl fang—. erlefter
He'll brueh your hair awl nem you well
Sweep your clothes and make you swell,
4L at suouttitt 4tataassisat. disausular W 'au= sta,tat
but little here below, hut wants that little and
tpto /arta his Rasura and SOl4/011 will always be
hood to cut clove RIO riraw
llyou want to get into n werare giro him a oall
June 4, 1857 Mr6hrcH OfirtllAM
offer., at private nolo, a tract °eland, situated
in Snowshoe torruphip, containing four hundred
14111:15, ulrou wheal is a good Coal Bank in alveoli,
ful operation Also, two !nate, four 'roves,
(adapted to the hank) and a comploto sot of mining
poi, and ch. IV )n the tract en emoted good
dui Hint; two mere houses, a good barn, carriage
bone corn crib end oilier out•builikog.
Nioirly 11110 hundred at re•e of the wive land are
cleared eighty of erhu • h are enclosed with a good
fence The iract contains a good young bearilig
orchard, and four gone! springsof water Thu stock
and ere), will he sold with the property if desired
Thin list very rabbi property, and if any one
ill-loons of a heaubinl summer in videnee could not
Yoi parttculars, nuluua..f lit Rohn,. ri her tin lire
riEl) UfldllAM
SA 1)1/1.1. AND II A lAN 1i5.75
Corner of DISIII/1' will AI.LKUIIASY Simply,
lluvmg permanently 10nar...1 ih 1111 region, it,
troth; to engnge 1,1001,111c1%. in the Saddlery and
!hinnyta hosinese lie will hoop conniontly on hand
awl manufacture to order... the latest •tylo, and
tlw n-unnt r0w15.un,...1./... manner,
Swilling, Bridles, rollarn, Ilnliars,
Wagon nod I)r g Whip
Trooke % l'Arleo Hag+, , he
In ehurt,ctery thing Loudly uirturafactured Seo'r
dlern All. work warranted good Gr, o
before pore h.ang el,ew hero ' .p9-ir
hu—auluticrAlicr reaprotfullv inform
Lin liip..//11111,1 010 puhlic that ho has commenced
tin c a bi n et and l'phololerm&buallicas In all Ito va
rious branches, and will LW prepared to furnish
work that will compare with any made In the beet
shops in our larger cities Having had practical
o ti...rtetwo in ovary 1n...mh0( himinehs, 1,0.1.111 en
tru, og work ty,hitu will be assured that it will he
_done in a satisfactory manner
jj , It El' AIM NO promptly attended to.
Allegheny street, MeTlelbnte,ln the !hop fornierly
aveinetl by Mr Rambold
RY on the estate of lien Y Meek, Into of 1
Ferguson tp ilee'd hirso been granted to the sub-
scribers 'residing In said tp , who'reciiiests all pee.-
eons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate to
mak° immediate payment, and those having claims
to patient theta proporlg authoutlealed for settle
ment. 011 T It Alt ICON.
W M M k:Elf, Es'es
n 113,6-21-4!
books will be opened to roceivo subscriptions
to the stook of tho Allegheny and Bald Engle Rail
Road. Cod and Iron Company, at .the Court Howe,
in Ilolldfonto on Elio that day of July most, and
Sold books will remain upen until at lout one
thousand shares are autaportbasL
A F Valentino,
S Linn,
11. N. McAllistor,
Ana Irvin,
Jno. T. Hoover,
'June IS 27
th - o Beate of P B tnuiY, doeeasod, hay
ing been granted to the Undertlgnod, all having
idlldifilfigalpet said waste wtll ',relent them and
those indebted thereto will make payment without
delay,-to the underelgndtl. 1
II J W4LTHRS, Adm . r.
Idtwistovin, Jul, 25.27-6 t
110 on the °slat° of Win. Furey deo d, of Spring
tp , hewn been granted to the undersigned residing
in said township, who rogues** all.porsons knowing
themselves Indebto t to said estate to make.imme
diate paymorit,*and all having claims will present
them duly authentioatad (or oaLlialnont
June , WM. *VARY, Jr.
rhitl ef 7 4ectfully inform his old friends and the
public, generally, that ho has Just received from the
East a large and magnificent stock of
Spring and Summer Goods,
hieh for beauty, extent and variety, far surpasses .
zyny other stook ever brought , to tile place Ile:
would call partieular attention to his stdok of
Ladles Deese Goethe,
Chalnes, Boregee, 1111Wentz, -Lawn.. Delama,
Chintzes, Ele Dagos„Crape d Espaug, Prints,
____Crer_ai_,_d Stilled Shawls, Mont illee,_l3__Ck
— taco, Undehlaeres. liinvaeW
llostory,Dunnets,Bonnot Itlbbons,
French, worked, and -Bugle
Collars, Unlit Canibtic
Illankarthicis, Pura.
obi, Ilooped Skirt
Skirting.rronelt Flower,. hill
Moses, (lentlomon's II ~,,,•ry. ,1.•
Clothe, Caasimeres, and feelings. Tweeds, Jeans,
Cottonetts, Nankins, 4e, Ac , Rr
of every description—all lit) lea curl tan • -
Ille stuck of
110 has endomtwed to cult Ins C11111.:11111,1 in
His Stock of Groceries
noire exteneirc than ever, entnprenng M.' awl
Jove Coffee) Green soul ltl, k Teo, l'o.cdered
Crushed. Sand, New °demo, .In.l ()rang° .
I.; rm.. Sugars, ;411g let' liote.e New Ih '
traria mut Trididad .)1.194,`.,1t ,
Vinegar, Sperm and Tallow
tiles, Maokurel, lief 'ring
444 Ac o
Ilu . Aso
has a largo assortment of Hoots, shoos Bro
guns, for men and boys A 1,1.1 elegant sr
sortniont of Boots, I , tirnees, Shoes, 11iiiter9,
nod Slips for 1.1 # •
, miasma. Also,
large . stuck ut thildren s shoes of
' • -all deeleripthiris ring sure
Tho piildio are touted to call and atm Lt+slob
in thin lino Ito has a groat many articles
ry to venoms about to Login hoonekooping
has a largo and elegant assortment of Ready-
mail,, Clothing
Call and see Ida stook and Ma sallallol that Ito
oheapoLthan any other estlibitshment in the
Matt , " 41 '`.'1 4 .
may 13-22-Itf
A D IA L 0 4 G II E.--
John--Good morning How are Ton'
-Hr orning , ulr dun you tell me
where I an find the ollartitit Km ant rte. Cl.ont-
Sit and
the heel,
/oh, —11.4 ftir We line 11 I,lllllbi, ,if glum!
clothing .114.r1.4 111 Bellelioite, but 1.e.l At' IVA
hip ,It•plot slurp list OM IWO uud, J 11,1114.4
1.%l I Y limit ill 1111 . o.'llll
try f 113,1 r not know butMut ire ifere 11114 t Ike., so
I thiinght f would inqulro or fi.ik.
.1 olio —W hut biro! of Clothing it you ni•li to
hi, I Plll,lllll h 4 a to 11.1 e n gonad
rtre.r Ct,nt Panto owl Vent f.e myself and sUIIII.
L1.411111;4 In nun teat
Jahn -Well Isaac Ala) thev..eet ht. some most
excellent Ihess Coqtx 110111 SI/4 41 , 11111 111 $I(Ib ,• lat
ter ;.-al t aala Conte) and merytharg eine in prorate
and lots of cheep clothing' for Im)
tog,' —IV 1.1 nimut Ladle.
11,,, —Why Mee has the Imo I
Sllke. Uo hetes, I.;aene, Ae m shoot
Crydling to he out a I.ely in the host style, and at
the elleapt,t proves
.`.4t —(11141.1 T/1111 Ix the pinre hr the
rowel bee I'm off to Noy. ni owe and thank
kindly lor the infornottlert ,
riv • Verourei 111 want of till . ) thing in my line are
the refort reepeelfally reyoeetedto Kt" no n cull
IS %AC NAY Bellefonte
X' rit..l l l. 40 T I CJ AL X-a
Plumber and Gas Fitter,
Grove Street, between Water an d Main
into will be in Bellefonte fir a few rTilys would rn
epeettftelly cast Lb. altabletweeet his fritaattitt .Ml pot
In/11l to bit °stabil/4)1111.ot at the above location,
ahem hew prepared to execute ord., d for
At the sliortoet notico llhoping by stmt attention
to business, with the gbarantee of entire satutfac
Hon in regard to price arid quality of work. to merit
sham of public patronage, he enutneratee (hobs!.
lowing epoch'.' of work
IVater Hydrnarv, IlatA Ti,!,. Bode,.
far coortntroil of Lead n od l'Ape,nj all
Food. Go. Plltimg
Clio-rhe4, Faetorice, Halle, Stores, Dwellings,
do tete&l, up in the noateat and cheapest iii•nner
with fi slums of the moetlApproseil Style end
In.Ly 20.23 I yenr'
cLoTIIINU 11.41. L
To the ehennest after all.
You nifty try 111111 111111 111.4 rest,
11.11 at 11111 oboe you 1,111110 the best
If you Just buy Coat Pants and \ co,
They aru the tieest and the host
Ile 111411 Si 1141 hu tints unit ceps
And the bent of earnet.bugs -
At a tery small tole/ince •
And then 111'11y:tie pot all a ehanen
T.. buy wane shirts ....flare awl wd",
And else ereiete and atuukii
I.lrge and sin4ll trunks he has Col
Stispenden, necktie.., green rod and blue,
eor such es Sam goo. 1“,
Von 111110 net or hinight in the uetiliborhood,
NOR gip rt Wialls you're young.
To get old won t take 'on long
upr 211 1554-ir s \\l illttCV'lla,it
41111411110.1 wo omits wit the late fiwyrof .1 It
Awl .1 Co , will p1ea...m.11 et the ritttrel, of I% tleoil the I . sth of July after drat into the
iteliOnntl .11/ be left with an °their toLroltectioti
June 2. 4 27 tf
WAN TED —1 , 111'1" cool), slot
men to work on Soetnnet I I trot 12 of th'e
T 3 run) and Look Haver] Railroad to whom liberal
wages sill be given Apply intinuillatuly to J. la
Watson ' onrtheyrork, or to I' I) If RAIN,
June 25-2740 Julian Furnace
_ •
meat of sill sealing envelopes. ranging In
pfiee front ii.eants to $1 2.7 i
_per pack, Just received
and (on -o.l* at the *heap drug stone of
doc2l-tf ORAN k MeMEEN.
Thu subseriber will sell or rent a Haus° and
Lot on Allegheny s y eet, in the lloronAh of B e ll a .
fonte, adjoining of Wm Pittner until° Tat. and
11. Humes on the east For terms inquire of
A largo stork of Winter pools
and Shoe... for (lentil and Ladies' wean; . 100 , Boys
MiaseeLand - Childrens' Boots and Shoes. of nil kinds
for main by WILSON k 11110'8
juinl6 ' Bellefonte
S2 _
for sale at the cheap cash !Moro or
JUDO 25.27-0 wrLBo3 a into's
- be luitkat Thenhorefteh-0t0r4.4---. - ---
June 25-27-tf ILSON h IMO'S
at the cheap caah etoro of
Juno 25-27-tf WILSON k BRO'S
RICK ! BRICK•! ! BRICK ! ! !
11 Vomits wishing Mink to lay their pavements,
or bonding can be supplied by learin6 their orders
at the More of, WILSON k 11120'S
rior quality &mania aheatt at the ntoro of
Juno 11-25-tf. WILSON h BIOS
H -
had at the .heap oath otoro of
am • pleasant, eah end certain remedy for the
'removaj'of Worms. Prepared and sold by
j• 4 'GREEN 1-14eMEEN, Bellefonte
SPRING AND. 01111011311111 - GOURD
• • FOR I*bT.
Would Worm their customers ihdthe publiogon
"'rally. that they have opened, at the old staia4 of
J 11 'A trb& Co., a large ittoadrOf
which, fq inagnifloence, cztont and variety, have
never keen elielled In Bellefonte Pattioulag at
tention is int ited to our Stook of •
Ladies Dress Goods,
Black and Fa,Fy Silks, •
Law* DWasa 9,
Ch n.lsee, De Baer, dirtiPiillff Prin• --
Jib •e ry la illa.v.Crapa
mad rivalled K.d Glow. .
Ira,ary, Worried,
bonier, .14 Iye , atrtgl.g, lrr ant&
/Ulster+, 1,11, •.e C,.nhnr //orator
ra tot., - Ribbon., Priest
'• too. 4,41 . 10rft ?Ogee Collsri,
4.,, &V
Clutha, comusieres, and Vesting'', Tweet
flollonelte. Nankin*, eta., &c.. &o
lime mot I'm, in Wroar aktuoinoee—oil slits sad ,
yttrium." of f.nolkies will do well to milk
and r saint... our Mock of • '
t; .sTt.rFF.s FUILIRIrs
We hem studied 1,1 make a pot tiettlar.featate:ln
this department in purulnutittgourittuelt of goods
19 more tennis t Mtn ever. comprising Rio
.1. C.ditte, (linen and ISlurk Taal, Powdered
rt totted :-.1‘11.1 Oration ((nine and N A
Toga., Sugar iloure New Orleans '
atoll tionlo.l WI !Awe Ititta,Via•
egor,Kpe-rm a n d Tallow Ce n• •
died AtanAarel. Itcrriutu r ,,,•
• eic . .1 0 • de t
Bali - P. - , .10 1, .WIO GS e -
here .1 L.rg. at-. 1 inent of Nola Slow, and
!Algae.- -ear Men nod "..y. ails ap elegant es
-4.0111C111 of 11....ta Bootees. 3k l uell, linkers Ad. •
slips tor Ledo.. Awl Alien,. Also tot Infinity of
elliidl oll'M shorn of all Iteseripilonio and sites
QUEENS IVA R (l 1..0;8 iV Ali n, ;wen
WAR E, &a a
llootokeepers ore instted to hapset our stork of
art t. le. in 11111 hue We here a great many art,
die+ so.ll.lpenrnittle to period's. about to eel up for
111.11.4,11t0n as well as to those whose eatahllah•
moots vaned replenishing '
TRUNKS I'.II /SIiS, AI A Trli4Ss ES la
IWo will endeavor to beat the Jews In selling *heap
Itral tootle Clothing
Lost not least wo would say that we have wisp
NO the CAWS 111C1111,711211. Call and see the pri
ces—between cash 'IOW n hredit—and judge Ihr
youreelt es Store in Washington Block, N West
cor, 'Atha Diamond, Dellefonfin - Pa.
4"t) GER CONVthED.
had 14 venr experience as • Banker
tine rubll.he r .knoi !loth,
Leittir(s at the Broadway Tub
lu•n or Itt vo :light., over
.1)0 000 I'eollle,//1
o r et•te,l tom with 1000.14 01 plq;111111/0,
1— lie exhiloitel the usanner in wLieh eotlfill'rretterf
040 , nn• their'rmoele and Ili.. surest And
v„••u.+ or 1101.0 t tllOl4
Boni, \ Enorni I J all soy that he
n the Lpiatest l ' oper money hy
G reatest Discovery of the present
I , ilsi+TUßY FOR
r". Dererl6,o4 e,. ty Ilrenuine 11111 in ealstene•,
and exlll hitt lig nt n glance ovary Counter
c,it in Ow olntioo "
Ir. Ing.ol n.linirll,l‘ that REFERENCE is
I. 1,1 ami 1./.:T Et'l InN 1 NST A NTANE•
.01 :4
Lit Trd,t to osmium.' No pages to hunt
, . tip .
•"" lint ••,l ahoplitiad and arranged, that the Mer
•-• .
nani, and liminess man can sec nil at a
7, gin.,
1.:n. , 21151i • French hnd Gernsnn
Thu. en, h =Nu rend lb. gnome I Yin
grorw lessiwie-
C Most Perfect Bank Note Liet
I r, A leo a Lim of
A cr. - J.lll,lam sumnutz or the
(1 F1X4.1/C1101Z;
hr Orin - A ninn.A 'win be jittblfirbiarlli ' '
....,ciliti.tiNtogother with an lbo important NEWS
i)I VII: DAY Also
a4 ' From an old Arttriuseript found in the Nast.
It furnishes the most Complete history of
Desericisig the snout perplexing position. In
o which the Lachea and Gentle/noel at that
Country here been so. often fintad•
These Stories will continue thronghout the whole
your, and will prone the most artlicartaining
— .4 ever offered to the public
gar Furnished weekly only to Subscribers, at
n year All letters most braddreased to
John El Dye --
Pol,hsher .1, Proprietor , 70 Wall 81 , New York,
A 21 , 20 I y
c o . T . u .
0 A' great deal of homburg is used in advorti•
mog LW pLifilo4 up bust runs but 1 a 111 not do It
Ay ialetition in, simply and modestly to lay Wore
ine publie Om nu tlim. I have, to-day, opened a
henutifol stook of 11 , 1, and faxhinnable
It E 11)1- II AII E ('I,OTIIING,
for mon oisai-boys and aim, a large muleation of
111..N . ri.1.:3111iN 'S FURS VII I N trl GOODS,
ob,ol I atb•re f o nth. at aattninhing lbw prig..
I ana enabled, on ...count of getting 'thous mann-
Natal rri by a partner- in Philaitolphis, expressly
for !but inailtei, I. sell clothing rheaper than it can
be iturelt,ed anywhere Watt in this , borough. h
input. own Inlet°. en well as mine, ibis you par
„ your clotiong fe.on me, '.11.1 PEN CENT
rli near Ihan >nu van buy allyrthatt elat , It I.
al . my Interco to , II N.III the bunt goods at the
hurt. , Pfitiu4.llfina I' I pi, In gale your.oonerleuee
and through that 'oll
cCrun Ilire me a tell and
examine my greet' l will guarantee satisfaction
to all a.h., nu.. v. fa, .r me with a rail Don't forget
Illy h NYSTlstih, CEOTH I Nil HALL. on Alleihe
n, creel, in tlic . ruonk furul”rly noeupleal by Wm
I' M I'n /1, I:. , 1 . n 4 a haw Mbar
April let, 1451-Itl.titri SAM 81101ENFELD
Threshing Machines.
rho pt. h.orjbof a 0111,1 inform the (Armen that he
lin, lento. NI hot .hop to Ilk residence, ONE HALF'
VILE 1 4 01 Tit BART OF BELLEFONTE, on the
1.1,1 Lewistown Road. where ho will keep mutant
ly on Loral a good supply of first rate ensehines, of
retinue kind,. oleo C'filVEß MACHINES of a su
perior finality Persons wishing any of the above
Machines will do welt to tall and tumble for
themselves ,Hoepalring done at the shortestootlee
essyla..22-31n - . JAS. WARDS
Jl—LLoolto, Latches, &wawa, Me, Bnovi mbar
CulpNeenah TarpoeWeno, Parte linen, Thiebra,
ha always to be tad it the WailrtaWre
• Look Havoc, Ps.
60,000 eP D
artlm hapatl ft:IMM
ri,lTPtoa of husitriber.
Nlllusbu'rg..lllli4 4, 1t461 JA& F. WAVER.
lot 01 raaey artloleartaoh am. oord ease'. newly
311110., Purees. Natoh Doses. Destrol•4a, Per *skew
lloir met Tooth Brushes. 118rujtuftlo, and 1341 a
uhlapt o.lnlhe , mole paper laid greitt'lopea,
ry soar Le justrosievo4l , antlflor ealme t m t ilip
N./ Bto, Load, Von Univ.'s, ow. be pee•
chased choir,: nt
nasortnient or PATENT MEDICI:NIA Inoil
as Jayua'a, Lank:llk l'deMeted% An
drew's, Holloway's.. Ayer' s, Dickler', mew an
oiler approve.' tntl.liaines for Pule b
_North nu.sPornuruf Mimosa. Boliolboto
RY EkcIOD6, GROGERI3B, 40., No.
JL/ ' A Will stook always oo bond to RIMY am
fur saga tory coheir, ' by ,
eIIMARTIN STEM* flapelbats,
t4jit z.
l i te
la, guitar and riolhioello Orin
bridges, dampers awl ecliws. at recalred
Nile by GX