Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 02, 1857, Image 2

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    • _____ _ _ _
?MIS Willittilittitittifio
SIuIRLY AND H. It. 1141.1,
INFIVRPID4Ir, 31111,4 1557.
Full 4141 V Ityhlt
W 1111 A NI. F. PA ('KER .
1311,110 D STRICKLA_ND.
The Day we Celebrate.
We than make alit n gloi ions, ow immortal des
Whoo wq ere In Otir trafilm eta - ehittltwn will honer
h. They and celebrate It with bottfieee atiti.lllo
mentions --John Adafas
It itg a happy circumstance ror our Repub
lic tha l t once o. year the, pent up patriotism
of the American people is aunt to burst forth
and fill the land with rejoicing. It would be
difficult to touch ilium it theme 'like tht
Fourth of - Juke 1776, around whioli cluster,
ao many noble and hallowed associate ma
Memory turns bark to the Pilgrim Fathers
at they landed upon Plymouth Rock alu
'•Tbe breakhiglVllN ea 41.11011 high
On the mere and Na 6 bonod nonst
to found an empire upon the broad hipos of
civil and religion.; liberty. The early 4.orriea
of colonial history come up before US 111 pan
oramic array. We see the fOOlidel of our
now mighty empire struggling tom a wretched
existence anteing bands ef.savage enemies
We behold the steady faith of our stern aid
siics,,as they Tike rough hills of No%
England smoot , and can , the wilileiliehs
to .• blossom as I hr rose
In the Trim !rig pannettmir comes the bloody
Indian esinpaign‘, a'd the eel Enmh nnr
ultich . the ehlonies 010. , ol 'hems, I r e.
the bravelt of the hart' " thr
primary nets of the MI-nylon f,rth.
The ineurreetwn, to 1 tiginta, tho t'ar•,lins ,
and tionigia, the nunneisblo 'Pen party at
Boston Hai bor. the Soh, of 1,1., I ty" in, et
lug w seervt council to dense means of de
fence, the battle of Li xirletr , n and t h e work.
glorious battle of Bunlor till
Incidents of histott and deed, of per,nnal
valor glee freshly to our minds. CCe be
hold Israel Putnam leaving. his plow in
furrow and hastening to Boston, sword in
hand. We see bras e John Stink, at the
head of regiment, insect tug from
the green fields of Neu Ilamp•liire march
ing all night. and going to battle in the
morning. No less do we reran the great
deeds of a Hancock. an Adams a Franklin,
JeffiTson, a Henry ' We come to the
Crowning act at lvt, the aiiiitrobling of our
Cram m solemn comiell, aunt dt sperate,
but immortal r0)..11,,t lon ki
Regina Pate a‘n tvoi PCNIW \ ' TheNr are
Como few of the association; and reflections
which fill the heart of an American (wren
upon the birth-day of ins la loved Republic
The Dap we r elclrratr —The F,,orth,,r Ju
ly is a glorious day, not only fur 119 but
the world, as it was the day on which a
great sentiment of liberty. of self-govern
ment, of hatred to Ktints. which had (or
years been struggling in the human heart
found utterance It aas the calm nati eg
point of long 3..ars of stild and tlimight
and trial upon the rlw snomof freedom and
responsible grei ernment W 1 must not sup
pose that the Declaration of Indepoildi•nee
nes a sudden leap, taken L t ,acted men
Far from it. Freedom an, the gaud
beacon light of our fail,. Into they tt, n, ri •• fol., in \en 1 ork narng to ttw )iassago
tossing i n the r lifi lig up pin, , 4:1 WI I nitre of that State to
to God in thb wilihreess, and • lighting. the "'" '1 the C, it P o t" . "1" a """"k" he
or 'nppotnted by the Got ernor This
battles of England. All this tune the
freedom smoldered in thou until the " I t h er " ndaT "'" l3l P ru " 'pies of our
in r erniiien?. was resisted
nut and burn NN 1 1 / 1 111101 , 10,11 . power
storm of British oPlitession causel it to burst kl self g
the \ le t or upon the appointments of the
I""'till it vacancy when upon sum,
Tire Dm / c'eiehret,, recalls the
rormation of
, ouird , r, ... r, the ilop, or n tt ar (mimed lion veil the City
which we hold so dear. The Usiou t Who , e and the Metropolitan Puttee. as they
are termol.and several severely injured, and
can appreciate its glories or estimate its real
1 some few deaths were crised. The Mayor
'aloe? What sacral' re were mode that it
might be established f lion hop, f u lly and N,t , fiinillY arrested, and now the city is
aidently the hest and introit stati bitten, will, gu'l'ledagain Tin. matter has been carried'
to the Court of Appeals atil till shortly be
Gamins WAstitsmros. at their ht•ad,
• to form that greht constitutional baits urn i l cini " i
which all the States might stand act eat The ills-la Reptiblwaiiii of Butler county
harmony. What hat given is a name and ; have nominated Dr, A. W. Crawford ana.
pla , e, among the nations of the earth f W.' W. Dodds for Assembly. Thu be - too-
What etas suhda, d barbarism, and orna- ' erals of Washington county have 1101M11111.-
menttd our land w ith the attributes of high red W Miller for State Senator, arid Jae.
enlightemnent ? What has catered out hills Dmiiilen. I h,l %tattliew lion, for Assembly.
of* What 11 . 0f/it Mid ulLit...a thelltanceiatic ticket is:
nithourNails? The fellow-eitizeins!i .Tit 'oh Turnvy ; Asstinbly, Robert,
It this groat confederiwy of States, ex- Wald, ii and M. .I Shields. In Armstrong
tending tom tiemni to wean, snit trout al- the Ih.trinerat.w, eandidater-for Assembly is
most one extri. of r ilie comment to the K Calhoun.
other ! It i s th e w itch Dr. Clan ford has already served two FIN,
a common language, literato la w , marl- srou+ut the Ilouse ;Mr Milli rune (In Iti5(1);
tutiuns and I,lo,ings to tuenty-five auillions and Mr Calhoun was a prottiltnint member
of ' It is OW ilirololt • 1,r11.5t In' of the last Noose
The Da , / tar ci 'WI ate 11c , ,er faila to tiring
Revolutionary reininiheeileo, to the memory
of every patriotic eitiren. II ho so ungrate
ful as to furget the price at which our free
dom was secured I Where is the .son of
America whos.c pnlimiloLaing at the
mention of Bunker hill, Monmouth, Sarah°.
go, Cowpt•ns, Eutaw Springs, or glorious
Yorktown? The bones of fallen patriots
have smoldered away, but the IT' deeds are
enshrined in the hearboof their children.
IVir cannot bcidow too touch praise upon
these heroic men, whose "lives and fortunes"
purchased American liberty ; nor eau we
bestow a meed of honor too high upon tine
illustrious chief...who headed our armies
Llarouish eight .years of struggle. Alt ! fel
'-heri-cititens„ ages may collie and fade away,
generations may Sourtsh and this, but the
namo of Wisuesaros 11114never...1.95t...4 1
glory, nor s-its honor be dimmed a single
ray. Standing now, far removed ?tom the
period of ,ours revolutionary struggles, it lei
with amazement that we reflect upon the
strength of 'character, the nobleness of pur
pose, and the lofty patriotism which caused
GEORG,. WASHINGTON and his illustrious
compeers to devote themselves to the salva
tion of their country, and which made him
tins of tiro few, the itmitortal nainett,
That wont In;ot . born to die "
l'he Day we Celehrale recalls theeviden
ces of National prosperity that are around
us. ' , tither gations ire plunged in debtand
degradation. Aoross the sea we look almost
in vain for a free end happy Eng
ler-Ed Eus Cr:ray - Citiereed - IrMn a costly
urn. in which the blood of her noblest sons
1 has been potired out for no just cause.—
France groans under the rule of a man who
nraintaina his station only at the bayonet's
' point.
There le no liberty of the press, no right
'of free slieech, in that yest'PinPire. Rebel;
lion rankles in the heart of every ton.
iSpain, helpless and bankrupt, in her old age,
a the teed czarnplo of a prostrated kingdom
—prostrated through the conduct of her own
people."' Austria, Italy, and hunger); are
hound, with chains, hard end fast. Super.
stition broods over all Southern Euerope
Poverty and vice rage unchecked over the
fairest portion of the Eastern Continent.
Russia is struggling tinder her accumulated
troubles, like some wounded giant stretched .
upon the plains. China, also, was but Te
rently engulphed in the horrors of civil war,
white British tyranny holds undisputed
sun) , over the East India Nations. It is a
pnnlTul spectacle.
Thank }leaven' our own 'whir( land is
tranquil. ()ur Nation rejoices in peace semi
plenty. The sails of our ships arc fanned by
the liri.eze of every .lime. She husband
-1111111 ririces at 111'4 bountiful harvests.
t•lunehia and colleges, five schools and edu
cational institutions, of every description,
cove? our uliole country %1111 brains of en
lightenment. The bible, the newspaper,
and the rifle, arc said to ho the characterm
tics of the American Republic., sod long
" Mt.y glory, o ' er emit wilmie nut( ilea,
Weil, with her free awl .rOll Olin,
IA \u11, Pence, mot 10, fl beds,
Are ors, led 'mill oar rate.
31a$ Prn.nlen , e vest.: ve and ,oistain the
A111(.111 an t n,dn, and "a.; GOli xn, Vyill nue
fatint a, HO nal he de n ""
TLA Injunction Case.
Injunelmhs aimhed
lor to Ines (.0 the sale of the :klam I.ine of
ihe I/111)11C corks, the aurrk the Court. has
1 , 1. That rhe eo li qtjt t i.
I int.rtt atlthht - tcy to (ttulmilio the ”C the
21 11 , t-the \ wa Cn
pnt may la‘‘ full?, laconic a purchaser at
nrh salc
Scl That the Tegt.lntoie have C'ot4ttitt
urinal authority to repeal the lonungr tar
tilt. That the Logi , lattire oatmot hind the
St or. i v rout rant from rrpnvirrg equatt a xvi ,
a 01 that the eotolit Ino of ta the Tenn.
flylvainit Railroad Comp:ml Ili that tr•.peet
~id and all Itiyilietion In that extent
gra mid
sth. That in all other reiteell the itnle
Mani' go on nod the Pentiii , : . s t. all to Pm droad
rompany may inn and mucilage nyi the name
term. as other cormtratori or todividitals.
Th e m an , l i ne of the Improvements
we r-1.1-1 a. atretion the 26th mat . tho
Merchants Exchange. for seven million tire
hundred thousand dollars, to the Petirnyl-•'
mine Railroad Company There was but
one Intl. it Inch nas made by .1 Edgar Thom
son Em , President, for the said Company.
Governor Pollock wan present at the sale.
Uniler the recent cirri.inti of the Sliprento
Court declaring imalid the proviso exempt
ing thg Peiiai Is aunt Railroad from taxation
tase tt M conies the pirchaser of the Line
for Sti 111111 hiOO (or fil) 10110 more than - 1111y
nth , ; r Coln i ntni• is ill tits tht it
per ha., .1, ,, 1e,;1 1,,,,,t,he tonnage and DIM ;
Civil War in New York.
'I:, h ~,1 11011iing or a Civil Wai
Ft : , ui II is said that a MON elliellt 61 oil
foot ithCriew of , dioN int; Wilmot otr the
coin n 1 taking up a fu candidate. —
, Irt , .Imlt•unt Is , „iiiptisc ' d if it sueeeed,
• W,lmut int d , no chance, and lug follow era
trilldotildl.•-+ upport any ealulidate ullO
may - afford them a ^ peg to hteng - tt hop off. "
lender*, may depend upon the arquies•
cencef of the Mai, Republicans, in this Hee
-1 Run. IlagrreSo anything. Fuse, gen
tlemen, fuse--ue prefer spanking you all
at onee.
p.asay Sumo: BRIT WA N.—Our friendil
of the Itipublican have brought out that
paper in 'an entire new divas. It will now
compare in point ofneatnesm and ability
with any country paper in the State, and is
decidedly the beet en that place. We aro
pleased to ace this improvement in the Re
publican, and if their success is proportion
ate to their merit, they wiU leave more of this
world's goods than is usually possessed by ,
the generality' of the craft.- " That's so,'
"Place None but Americans ca Guard
The sentence that heads this article it; at
tributed to Washington by our abolition
" Plug figliel,"and frequently used by them
as an argument against adopted citizens.
from the manner In which it is used, we
would infer that it is palmed ,o 0 as a literal
quotation from the writings that good
man. Believing that Washington never
made use of that expression, we would be
,pleased if some ono would raTir us to the
plaae- where it--etur 4wrformil. -- -We - put the
interrOgntion as,a matter of information, and
hope to hear from our friends on the sub
It does seem strange to us, if none but
native Americans were to be ptit on guard,
anti those of a foreign birth not to be en
trusted,, and if the order was general as they
say, we would ask where( did Washiqgton
find all his native Born Americium in those
trying days to guard the army 9 As the
greater part of 'the army was composed of
foreigners, they must have hail easy dines
while the 11110(111d of native barns were only
allowed to stand on guard. How must La
fayette, 11e Kalb and a host of other for
eign patriots wh ir voluntarily crossed the
ocean to shed their blood in the cause of
freedom, have felt when informed that no
foreigner could be entrusted as a sentinel?
NV liy = del Gee. Waßlengteelnet say : "Place
I •
no foreign General in command P which
could have been green with no much propri
ety ay the order, place none but Ameri
cana," &c.
flnertr,rns mr,f, rule Amerfca " This is
another foolish, unmeaning, and uncalled
for lean used by the opposition. From the
romidation or this government to the present
tune, all the Prusidents of the tinted States
bare been native born Americans—all the
tloverftors of the dithWelit States and Terri
tories—all the Congressman --all the Leg
islators - all the Ridges of our Courts—in
short, all those functionaries, %%hope duty it
Id 16 frame laws, and attend to their execu
tion. have all been nature horn Anierienws,
with here and there an exception
N. ver since the first drop of Ailwrieno
mow! %las shed at Lexinghtet —never. t..tiwe
Ihe'flunlrn CO101111; 1111 el% oil ihe Itllll , ll
- I ',ITU, Iter,on
I t in the ih Lust urn 4 lod. pond. nee. 'that
all lw"ii I.wil . f.te null equal " has this
(omit's ) hwl. nultd by all, other hall 11,1(101.
born Amen, in, Why, then. that `.111.11:-
Itlf e , moneannig and 1011...d011s toot io
the huge !Codlings torte adopted
'to ro not I Pliie Atnrurd !" 'fell
to, win , » i.oire the Rerolutnon Arnerirani
iliti not role \ nii 11,1 t Then,' ale proper
an.l if the limo% Nothing, do not
prole I hat I hi, gr, rionent is now nt•rol lod
and atlonn,leit 1 II) for, ignt•rt there I, no
cruse nor reacon in their favorite motto, and
It showii most rotirlo,orrly, That It was only
adopted lind intender, to he 114e , 1, to excito
the prejudice of our nit n people
atlopled ritiaois Away It ith your 11
risy and Soar catch word 4. hy Bloch i on
seek to clecetie and, tni,leail the people.
G. W. Brown.
One of the diost prounnent actors 111 the
Kansas tlitilcultit, etas ti {lnnen, for
int.rly of i'rs%% ford county, in this State
boring, the last campaign. Ma paper, the
Herald of F.rrdo.n. furni.lirtl the principal
food for i.briekt rg throughout the North.--
Ile st as also (maul the faintouv Free State
prtionertt," was rtptementeti as a great mar
t) r. Ate., and a e have seen the teary
(Ina n the elteets aor erettnlous OM men told
At nutatherle'llitulletts 511110 hlu t ulatut thun
der orator porttavol ~ utli•ruigs. But the
‘ll l l . llll I, 1111.. L kt•tit 1; 4 to in ell "'Wpm ] . Icy
tw l k k l ,ll 14. 1111rmlitee all !LI hole t ronl the
Oildh appear; to he
Pouted at the Nem York 'Ft ‘ l , lll, nod it,
mnal.rr fr% rimointori. Blown has totitlettily
81111(• 10 hl, s1•II,(•N
Till , I k,11.11 . r11 lOU mak to pri dirt flint ill lie it
•I:ive Ntnte, VilkiltlY atth 0111ln/en/ion of
pr , %Liming emigration to the lituaturys.ulival.
milking it Li Jae, Siete If . h:anidts is 110 t
a .hie State it will not lie the fault of dun.
ngngurs throughout 'the North, who, we
honestly lailieve Llesue it to l i e made sou II
that their 'midtown's may /IV sentiud. «'e
say again and again that Kansas ran never
0 slave State' Nineteen twentieths
of the population of the Teriftery. at the
pri,ent rate of increase fmin the North, are,
or none %%1111W, in
_favor of freedom, and
%till never context to he englaved. It is an
outrolgZ• upon the irople 11f Kahmas, those
afro have born.- the tight us tieFson iu the
past, to he thus misrepresented in the
East, and through pohttral Journals. Tray.
el over the entire length mid breadth of
Kainsaa and it is almost impossible to find a
man or ettlier party so Wat to troth as to
eXLlMMA,Atoubtxtrto the ultimate result
Let our friends in the Stales, instead of
desponding, send its words of cheer and
i hope A rause was never bentilltted by In
boring emilinually to discourage and ilishear
lion its advocates. Partizans may hope to
gain tiositioully pursuing tho course they
do ' but their triumph sill he slmrt lived.--
We are disttoted, almost angered, at the
; croaking policy of some of our. exthanges l
land wish they would dip our actinaintan.
Ile also pitehea into Gar. Robinvon after
the folkm tug wanner :
" flay of hiwalltitiniitration has clos
ed in Kansas, ft. , voids 0, 4 04 0.1 of hr,o4'
on ItrlefllllLrfaftl bar. rtnd uhra Mr fru/rare
liall be rimed, tad, appear hefore the Amer
ican pf of the frog, of Muse of much of
the strtfe and r ontentinn which has debrmed
our gosutiy country."
A lovcrixon FOR UTAH. —lt appears that
a Get-vivo, for the .2 Saints " of
the Territory of Utah has at list been found,
and no mistake- The Washington Union
believek that , it is not too premature in an
nouncing that Col. Cumming, of Missouri,
hits been appointed Covernor of Utah, and
that lie intends to remove his family thither
with the view of making that Territotry his
!permanent reaideeke.' Col. Cumming' is a
lentleman iff tried official integrity and
largo experience in frontier life. • Posses
sing great perkonal courage,of a conciliatory
nature, yet prompt and energetic in the din;
charge oC.duty, he will bring to the import
ant responsibilities which he has assumed
the most essenti a l qualities for success in
the delicate, and even dangerous, mission
which has been confided to him. '
The iltqrkings of Xormonism
An Englisb clergyman who loft England
to.join thialtformens, returned to London In
SepteinbeF last. Ile has just. published a
volume O w ing his opinion of tho ssinta found
in the vicinity of theCireat Salt Lake. We
"One of the must repulsive features' of
Mormonism is the proxy system. This is
so destructive to every good and honest
feeling that many staunch Mordionites re
ject it altogether. - I heard dim of At-eldest.
L 1 6 4108 say, that nothirig - on earth would
ever porsuide him to believe in it, and that
if liii-haiLa A kig.tisitlsilinvuil
shodt him. Nor will any reader be surpris
ed when ho knows what it hi. I will en
' th'avor to explain it timidly. When aluarried
min is milled by aonfi , rence to reCirctgri
Mon, hothisthe privilege. UM they call it, be.
fore leaving home, of choosing sonic one to
take the oVemittht of his rattle, goods, and
wbabj:er may possess :to provide for
14Pletimrk the family and tie become the
pro-tempore husband iiE'the de."
The ostensible reason for this arrange
ment as to prevent the husband from
iferin,g any loss" during his absence on ink -
sionary labors, sine° the greatness of his
Hutitre kingdom" deprntis upod the num
ber of elitliirmi furhas here. To Parry out
this idea, the wik is handed over to a dep
uty husband, who maintains his position in
the family till the husband returns. Mtge
and immoral is this thrm7 may be, it is
'strongly advocated, by the leading men at
die llreat Salt Lake. We again quote the
returned elergymen "
lus bluffly.
rt . Always laugh whenx_citi can, it in a
etiEbp , - -
117- A gold mine has been discovered near
Loiretio, Cambria county.
&Ail the rage—Speculating in lands.
flu entefial, gentlemen.
1177 The inventor of gas lights was Phil
lips Le thin, a Frenchman.
ry• Better be smitten %tab a young lady
than have the Rheumatism.
¶9- Sure Barometer -15„.g00d sized roast- 1 1 1
mg - roe on your fetotk ?fever fails.
ity Pop, flz, bang,* crack ; snap ! The
4th as ill be here on Saturday next.
The editor of tire True 'Democrat has
been appointed to a Clerkship in Washing
ton city.
Ili' Tlteye is a 'gal' don u-town so modest
Amt./die won't swing in the garden, 'cause
'titters hits byes.
tr' Co:. Patterson, one of the editors of
the flarrisbuig Telegraph is histicating In
this place, -
(in It stream; when you advertise—
businAli it like architecture—its best sup
porters are in columns.
r tood hl,l l lhCft her —lbis that pays more
than the terms call fop such ail out is I
dodge klurnside• May - Ins shadow never
g roo• less
There are only three Way s of getting
out of a scrape —write out, back out, but
the hest way 13 to keep out.
We were compelled, to out our ez.
elianges last neck, owing to a large increase
or imw hubmeribcrs.
I? 7 Thu.. .• Phu; rglies " are in a great
stet about the result 01 the recent elections
Why not publish the returns.
A. M. Allen, of Potttville, is said to
have invented a prsnress by winch bagmen-co:
type likenesses ire taken on knther.
, Keep your (miner in disputes The
cool hammer l'ashicris this red-hot Iron tnto
any shape heeded
• I paper out ot,i mitt,' is lii
nig stgitiliennt motto (,nod ei ill to all
in. 11 ts lio Ills iitiouptly Det Med to netts,
11111 III:11011g
hopt ,1 . 1)1. , SI rt•ct C'onititissioner
ISM ',minute the ;:and NOrrls already ttun•
,1,..'t its those hoses leirrek,
rota., t arts, wagon*, stir., rte
, 'Hut editor of till ix, hinge says lie
net or 101 l one ghost and that Wilt the
glu'.l of a sinner ti wisifistir piry trig
for his paper. "East horrible to look upon
-Our lady friend %%ho riq:.citted it, a
or 3 t i e;tl 111,1 Innary • gill lilt
pt the thanks of uv good a fiolow ns
et er \ to,sl Ilse foot sir in his stocking fret
It tit))' kl unl tat llsm nod, It ill vole
sidr r tilt bent er Upped for the interest he
lie has tuattifestt il in ion behalf We hai r
eineitd phi aunt , 011 , stir list Pat. thrill 111
j • JO1111 Clay, a him of the departed
statesman, shot a horse trainer riamisl Ed
ger. in la kniglon, hy., on the 11th
is supposed to be Mortally vb °arnica
ninde ins escape
't kn Editorial Cony Sit 14 prop...ed
In he held in Illirriitniriz Miring the Solli
titer, to take Into e o ll , l , ll . lktlnll matters Of
anvil to their Interest n. Let nu tune Chapter the gentkescit..
IC Tilt: ifisnitir, or Tire I tSC tothit \ .
, 'Fite I. ) couting Amway Fu [nu
pica o' t i al
hieev,ao, 011 T Cmnpaily p a i d *135,718, in da m a g e': the
ity, silt , the ek- vast t ear. 'rtoty have now insured 4>.23.-
ereoieti bt !be intriiigrm r that a "" 1 "")""r 251 :153,12, and premium notes in lonic a
l magnificence was In be erected for motutting to $2,182,72,0,07
the ore teinkei 4)0 ups lug Ihr iip. , ,
, r- ,t sin Vey h a s p a t mien completed , for
pet or fashionable Si' let ) Oen
Rad Road from,i ll e s,,,tioito.
nod I logur O slo allkc 11111,10)i .1 iii
the stork taken, and the road will
jlia; the le g al splcrelor or tio eit.o Jai l .
Lc oon an soon on possible, under a char
di lice, arid the distinguished ~, who t. .
re several year, ago
.1, (1111%11 all tat "Be, 61, mine "
' It is pi OpOSCII to light the streets lit a
a 111.1,4, 911111 little iwivit..l( the
iry 1,
,of rural ari,toetnev - 'I he 1,41,1411. g ri ;lage not a 4,lAuLatind nules from Bellefonte,
n ag, th e n Say with red hate d girls! If at- lived there
lianllt inns: sill Ii OW I lahurate and evien- ae'd play tipsy-every night, and hug the
.1N I 11111,11 id the int, nor For u sca,oll of thl-114
t• lint there 13;333ininellong more niqut nr . pi
paralytint thaw all I have yet narrated. I
mean tborearfid sin of incest, which is so
intlinatnly and closely connected with pol3g-
IkRIV• J could parts-311:1rue instate..., It urn
limiter ant - 111etitglitet are manic! to 1,130
same man: rind live with him its wives
others, where brother and slits are num
and a Ife, tool son. Ilugliam iottlez. speak- ' 1
ing olive 11,11111 tits /4411194.4 . t in the Talstroas •
ele.tdt id he hoped the day WWI not far din..
(Ant V 1 hell these prineti3l3 S wou ld 1333 more
fully tatigth and aete3l upon, and that ehil, '
313eit wutil3 be brought up to regard each
other as fgtnre fillrlllerS• for that tints the
family wool! 'become more emmottet "
As " n mse iii point," ne t%3313131 mention
that 801111` ten months strum Illelt. was ft
!MITI it Liaorpool. who behl the tit'l'e of
0 0 11 1 1 ,,i10r 1., th e Dolti s h Itrestrlezey, who,
oid«I h 1 atithorith s there and the eon
gra I Poll fund • T s -MO. II II litnnitfather,
mother and thr3 „%taughturs. the ,ttttl,a , ' , l lit
1 11 r I. t n , 'I 114
11 II bight', r•3 l I. la null , And 033 ir
etmla3uer tu .in ;% lag
I laqr Ilestakal .11 111 , 11,1--I. nn,, moat..'
Ihr thrt 3. da33..1 3 1, 3 ,P 3 man our. 3 :owl the
Ira,mrs al, a al. tom 1/II 4 1111..
11, llr t 0441 .1 , 1 \II 4 1111111 ,4 u
m'i'tt. ft by 1131::h 1 4 he, l ies
fIII 011 3 I look thin/ tl/ 4 _74 . 111, I,
(0114, 144/1,1,,, tt In ~• h ! c id it N o t ing all
ad,*, an3l 11 I, 3 insisied 33f 'but 10110
044111 ,4 1.1 . 141T1 If (111 at all
lit a ta 3 t 44'14 4 lilt 3 .1101g1I
Icr and nn. Ow, ti 4 44441. 'lll4. 4 , 141,141 lOW
joi , intl , al,l that for 4 .4111,
WWII' 141 VIII 1.1,1- the t1.t11 , 1114-1., soil
laaliciall,l‘ the Italialation of
1,) k.agllwn
This strut rit , it tott , s like a nible a 3331 ,el
Ito It t, no 41 I I I, 11144. 4.3,11),^ pro',
That silt it tin, nun , should e \ p litis
tialt land, In the of not /1' , 1,"
any ,4* those 1,3 I 1111 , 11 4 ( 111 , 11 110
riMo Imf ;1. I' 111 1 4 aunt f9j,, I.,rulort
iiil Is till. •...t( ~111 of the do, Ito.-
I,„p„t u.I 33f, I. 313111,3313 to say It
may be put
II 10l but It II 111 not
Ili' 1011 down by n 1.111 I'm 31 men 3,33131
rett‘mn, they 133%3 nould b3mine Mor
\% it Inn it, hails :the tin; vaa-upanis In olden time, a person Con% ICtoti Of
II mot it a 1,0 u pon ii t ; mod mg a ealOninialo. ttx, , 011114 !mod 1.. I,IIIIOV
11111 G,lnrl ilu 11" Oat , Oto 111.• hiols,hr nit all lows, a.: , 1 hark like it dog for
nl th." " 1:111 (,d d atm the :I quartet or hour. It' thi., custom] were
vie he low') Bulk :Mupliii at the pronella day, rliVre ttuul.l be
%%111411 sOlop)W41 Ole malt n,th olu re, oh an ',One Lott •t%0%1111g,.
111 , ••• 1111.1 g, %, rrt• Int 111 , 114 d ,add, idyl ,1111111- ,".t I ',Lilo:qt . ), -A Ilea skin, contaiiiiii
-, d and lk ti tin ititiocitt - • pool Ind, id '' ~,, ~„„,,,„, $05 1,,, Seri e,. fi, h r,,, I, , OM.
10:P"" tilt lit ight of to , -,,,,,„.,1 , opertortlY ,sciences. the - prin.:lo4l, " a the Block Kt--
ilit t ‘i VI l. suddenly brought to the lev, I of . publican party, seventeen old bachelors'
ti, ir ~ilO iiisignitn awe, and attei non nit he,,,,,,, and all the , thai ,,,„ g „,,,,,„,,,,.,;„ of
r. 11 , bons the head 4 the Ilialibloo coliehl- seventy 01,1 maid,
al , I 1.11 shake the dust of the a rOnged city , .",
from the soks of his feel, and take Ins de- ji a"' """" til '" 1 ""'
P enni,• for that Penults, or rovine t er-, the - Ilert to heart liglint it its laid,
Ile Was not rail, lior she afraid ;
Fat \V, st • The mansion elesvit . cif it fII in
to , ii , ha ." of ~..„., worthy „ Iwo " kb ,„„ t ,,,. , 1 ; k: koksed her his, he kissed her brow,
, Sh e murmured, , 111.111 happy now. '
who arts the usitiil id,limilisi IVY f 1111101111 1 .0.1 I
,d i
. 4 , i hais ,. ay May 28, , 57, 1 And he more !armed than other folks,
1 "Made tracks ' straightway for Tripple's
the splendid prole rty of It. C. 111W111,11111\ , - ) , -
purchased an excellent suit of clothes.
The day of the sale came, and with it a few I an d
persons disposed to putchase. After a few . L' The lAke ('icy (Minnesota) ‘• Tri
bal, it wan stnick down to James It Mani., I ;tinei" a Black Republican paper, openly
Eitq , of-thi.verer. for the stint of $1:1.100. - iktgaics it.of in favor of negro equality.
Thus endeth another chapter in the history ' It repudiates as " utterly falacious " the
of the Lancaster Bank. whereby the trainee , Democratic doctrine of %lute supremacy.
of its dishonwit President, which cost up- It hopes that the Convention will so frame
wutils of 43,000 to rant,-- pas s e s i n t o th e the Constitution of Minnesota an to declare
hands of RA honest citizen for less than one ' the negro in all respects equal to the white
, half of the 'orig,mal Cost. i man.
O' Be content as long as your mouth is
full and body covered , remember the poor ;
kiss the pretty girls: don't rob Tour neigh
ber.,, hen roost; nellcr lark an Maur's pec,t
et , nor entertain an Idea that he is going to
treat : kick dull care to the deuce ; black
par own boots ; sewon your own buttons :
50i1)... Spier to take the Democratic, Watch,
man and pay for it. Good practical advice;
0, -- /- •• l'hanl, , c is written on the tide,
On the forest's leafy prole ;
On the jewell'il crows of night ;
All, where'er thy eye can rest,
Show it legiblytinprest."
But still there is no change in the popular
ionion that a large and most beautiful
. nick of spring and summer goods are to he
Ijl l
had at Reynolds' cheap store.
~ - , ,i• When the Veil of death has beeti
it, Nwn between iis and the objects of oar re
gard, how tigick-sighted do we become 11
41terr-tneritv,- and- bow - bitterly - do iVo — ilien
remember words or looks of unk.indriesa
which may have escaped rid iu our inter
course with them. plow careful should such
thoughts render 110 in ftilfliment of those
°dices 04trtermed ! For who can tell how
noon the `nintneitt may arrive when repel..
tante cannot be followed by reparation.
Or A Me. Smith went home •, elevated"
the other evening. Mrs. Sinil,ll conducted
her truant lord to his bed-rooirp. Smith
started down statist, double-faatetted all the
doors, and put a beam against the hall door.
I' What are you doing, Smith rt
.. Why you, see,Vm looking up the house
very -carefully, because when I come in I
seen three of four loafers around this neigh
borhood but darke,_l don't want to lose
that twersuit I bittglit - of Montgomery lc
Son, on Allegany ,Street. Take rust:nosey,
b u t don't Like pr r hat new suit, That's all."
.11. Smith snickered right out, she( did. •
An Editorial Sanctum in Kama
The &Maas rorrorpolulcid or the Rich
mond Enquirer, in a rount letter. to that pa
pen, thus describes the ',modulo of the toil
tor of tlp IV. cl.fy Ilerahl, printed in bcay-LI
onworth City, at the time he made a n visit:
It nal not he amiss here to give you a sketch
of die oftlce as presented to the eye of al
steal ger limn I.ons.oaria. •• A 141( to the
printing °dice a-thil i ded a rich tient. ()II en
tuingthe tirst loom wont. m ig ht h a m], th ree
.shingles' we on the dsor , on one spie l
nay a rich lied -Ifressch blankets, sheets,
! s id e , foths. shirts cloaks and rugs, all to
, izethei : op the is all bong hams, maps, veil_
Lon and Hell enwasings, onions, poi trails,
and litiol.ft on the floor were a,ni.le of bacon,
carved to Lily Wile, corn ant ftointoes, sta. I
Mowry mid Welts on a nice dressing case
stood a wooden tray half full' of dough,
while erltakizry ocateioed 4.1,0 intifessarrrnati
desk. In the room on the left- -the sancuun
--the houswife, cook and editor lived in
glorious unity—one person. l ie was seated
on a stool, with a paper before him on a
piece of plank, writing a vigorous knock_
dossii to nn article in the Kickapoo Pioneer,
a paper of a Iva' city. Me" cooking atoye
was at tits left, and tin kettles all around
the corn cakes wan a ‘doin', and instead of
scratching his head for an idea, as editra
often do,- ho turned the cake and went
- r - '• -
The Roy, Mr. Ka'loch pirac f wit in 'Rock
land, m e., recentlyi, to a crowded congTega c
titm. The impudence of thus continuing to
preneliffig is oily exeusablo on the ground
unturned by Dr.. Johnson, that " them is
merit in maintaining good principles, though
the preacher is seduced into violation of
YEN, PAfiTE & 801118088.
VfBi blo—Tha comet.
Orr - Some on a Whitklo-00. BlOr
[r7Abseni—Janne MC lame, Eaq
irT On a visit—J. K. Shoemaker, Esq.
fr_, Clever fellow—Maj. Robt. Durham.
(r - Don't notice every one-horse editor.
frt. Stirred up—The street r Mum issione r.
[CP Settled —The weather—over the left
." ; : ak=-TifecipTil-
- • -
Lon of Life. -
n of country
ug the at
'c otie
Terrible Whirlwind at
On -- BatiVnlay afternoon a
wind passed_over a small seal
near UticacN. Y. It appearx
ternoon several citizens of Utica,
very remarkable formation of neL___ or
cloudy substance extending front the. hea
vens nearly to the earth,. where it seemed t o .
diminish altnoat to"a , Pinnt,, but expanding
gradually as it ascended, until the peculiar
form woe lost in the cloudy sky. It made
aAtussiug. ritsitingtioille, and a- ohne, die
tan& from the city settled near the earth,
leveled onoor two fences. Further on a barn
mdaslied to pieces, and sevdsal trees torn
tip by tire` roots, until it approached
Baptist parsonage house, occupied by Mr.
dolin Warren. Here, we quote from the
Utica herald :
Mr. W., informs nwthirt he was engaged in
his garden at about finwe'clug and saw the
abproach of the cloudy Olga dik it threw up
the trees. As its.eburae . poilited j>a tho di
rection of his own house he ran to the dwel
ling caught two of his elder children and call
ad to his wife to save the other three and
herself by following him to the cellar. The
husband had descended two or three step•
with his charge, and the wife with an infant
end two older_children had reached the col
lar door; when the house was struck.
The whole frame work was lifted from the
stone foundation: the entire woodwork above
the first floor wits carried genie twent y ' feet
and then , dropped in grand perfection of
ruin, while the first floor with the skive, s
attached which caught in the foundation,
was filially turned roof-like over the entire
Mr. Warren with two of his children re
mained in the cellar enclosure Without in
jury. Mrs Warren was found on the ground
about ten feet from the cellar door, almoal,
entiri ly stripped of her clothing, y ntl so SC- f i
verely injured about her neck and body that
she died urchin an hour after the c.i burnt)
althongli entirely conscious, her arrant wa.
found near by aid almost entirely tree from
injury yet utterly destitute et clothing ; a
little Ito) who et as following his mother to
the rellnr is tins lying unconscious front the I
wounds he rereivtd in the common wreck.
Ms recovery is %cr . ) doubtful' an elder girl
escaped without any ivotry. The (Nulling
teas tail sto I is, 18s1.!11 feet, and substaidt
ally built. In rear of it was a barn, distant
about live rods. 2.542 feet, which was lit-
Crtdiy shivered to splinters.
Next in the due southeasterly line of its
'nurse it uproottd several large (tees, scat
ter, d 010 fruits g•rostird the toad and
a large halo brlottguiß to Nli .John
Ihlalttig Thin ltiolding Was or recent
and “oy , tiltslatittal 1,1111,1 and dr, by Sri
le, t anon its boa, t the ,I,strot•tir k
nit tit lure it .11 pl tees, senllrt ulg hi; ge tun.
11( . 1,0111M tire ilidAk al n d141:111 , o 4,1 hum
it%c t. liftt VII roils, distributing t lie Ilia 111
Lll,lloll , duct bons. and actually 1.11,111 R Up an •
iron hinder *lin string till lime ei
perhaps roll! !Mildred .1101111 i . ligi.ll.od It
at leant ktl feet from the hunt A rule belong
ing to Mr. It , standing near the limit tins
kill e d a itlioot any annairilt amind : knout
;lids forth, r gill. m Buret line It smaller
Lain 1 . 1 ' t t:1 11 1:. to the same gemilennin 'IN
demo/idled and a hat is very singular in this
wstaii , t toit hit le of the material of ahn It
it was COII•tirlIC1011 Is to to 101.111g1 any.% here.
lie shaver'( boards rind 0111111,4 !done
atm , t to ita existems. It coliiintzul
sly veplllg ba i t erg syibmg in its Ira rk
11 1 1illtt n null further ha le
1 0 1 0 11Hed Its !lOW gill the earth mrtrto hate
ascended frnm the Slit Inci , , of the ground and
dissolved into a general cloudy 4ortii
' u hole extent of emintry over ii Inch it pass
ed was about the nines and it is said to „tale
trai. Illed at the rate or a mile n
Ti a phenomenon was followed by violent
rams and WIWI%
In nobruite Lha DonaneraTio Stttte Twitet,
the Harrisburg Daily l'rlfvrapl, no oppmd
lion nett simper, -rapt Ilre Democratic pat •
ly has not i many-tualities that wet our tip
proliatirm, yet there is one that tt deserves
credit for - namely, the pleferenee it has al-
Nays shown. ill tliti State at 11.11. , t, for prin•
tern—their liar teal workers. Of Hie four
candidates 1101.,• aupported by them for
State offices thrTe have bet n rnembei I; of
the -.krt pr, servative" -NI, ssrs. in r,
"fluirripson and Strwkland llf their- facul
ties we until say nothing suffice it. that
they have rendered valuable !•41 V leo to the
patty, mtul reeert e their rewsrd TIM-1 t.
One of 010 trans that Denswracy desert es
commeridatiouffir thought, e confess ars like
a pearl 4111011 g WWI lea. There is ImOr riglit
potic - v m Oil s course. For it is ren arding
tilt; scieli 16,111.14 in the Callse of the par
ty and inciting their felloit T to stronger
struggles, it ilk a ',right vlll,lll'l_7l. before
In Cam. of VPlltters
- tae 1111 , 1‘011t1t,111 . y the real ttultherm el a per.
t), ad Lieltd4ll pallet speakeraahnie often
(4l. tdtt..atn honors, it IY7II L, easy Lu "Lots .
that the) do hot render the trit.d service.
TatNV-ATI. \ riC -We have
been infoxined dial the first telegraphic des
patch to he transmitted aeros the ocean
sill he the coMplinients of dames Buchanan,
President of the United States, to Queen
Vietoria. and the return despatch will con
ey her Majesty's reply. The third despatch
twill be from England, and will be, it is said,
a complimentary tnbuto to Horace B. 'felt
bets, Ksq , the original projector of this
great enterprise. vddr.Tebbets was for ninny
years a resident of Boston, and is now of
j New York. He has devoted the Nat six
years of his tune almost exclusively to the
enterprise now so near completion.
A FAMOUS litIMSI9.--." Cossack,' ' the horse
that Captain Nolan rode when he was killed
at Balaklava, (in the famous charge) k now
the propertrof a gentleman of Cincin n ati,
iknd arrived in that City kart week. fie is a
gray Arab stallion. atx year* four
leen hands high. Ilia groom, who canoe with
in Edward tileappers ono thh'eleveh
survivors of a regiment of nine hundred
Biltkh soldiers sho landed in lin)/ 4,01 i, in
February, 1854. lie was atATina; ibtlakla
vs, Inkermann, and at the siege of &basun
pal. and looks ; it is said, as it he was made
of - oak, lignumvitio, and iron,
IT.—Yesterday morning the body of a gen
teel looking and well dressed loan was found
by some fishermen in dm 01,0 river, °moo
sue the farm of Mr. Williams, at the end of
the,plauk road, nine miles, below the city.
Chi the person of the deceased w era found
MOO in gold, a line gold watch, a large and
heavy knife, and a pair of small p
Ile was rather good loolslng L aul. al2out,Svc
rt tigirrirriftrfirriTiNelari - height, and wore
dark whiskers.-Limistrine Courier, Jung AL
A HARD Ciro. —The Joliet (Ill.) Signal
records the fact that, a few days ago, Mr.
James Agnew, of that city, had his vest and
an excellent /ever watch eaten up by a co*.
The paper does not say whether or pot the
watch was recovered. • Mr. Agnew should
have adopted the plan of •an 'did - friend of
ours, who, when an ox swallowed his pocket
book containing 810500 in Bank bills,' im
mediately procured a rifle ;will shot' down
the ox, curhira open, and took out the money
all safe and nearly sound. This is p, matter
of fact and may be so regarded.
12c7- When Dr. li. and Lawyer A. wero
walking arm in arm, a wag said to a friend :
4. Those two aro-just equal to ono highway-
Man."—" Why," was the response, ‘• 13e•
oauso,'rreldiocl tho wag, " it is a lawyer and
a doctor—your money Or your life.
[For the Demooratio Wittehmtm.)
PIIILADYLPHIA, June 27th, 1857
Mesas. EDITORS :—There is a pehect
calm in the city of Penri,to-day,and folks look
languid—very languid- as they go along in
the !limiting", mood, for you must know
that the warm weather is upon us. Old
Sur fo - -day; his been giving U 8 11131W1 ink
ling of what he has in reserve for no, and if
ilia a. s,pru . n l un oLlehatant-intendit-tei-410
when " he spreads himself" in all his "sun
uy majesty, God help the people.
is not' mtiati '
appointment "of' the new °enactor having
.heimarnadO,' and o great many
,being disap
pointed ate" sorely griirred, 4- iir - ritt• r- atltn - -
Mg in for a share °file Mayes 'and Makes.—
se it is with every thing in life : all can't
be pleased. In relation to the Cloverrnor-
Gen. Packer strengthens deify, and
his vote hereabouts will be a noble One--
preying conclusively that the city of Penn
has a high appreciation of his many sterling
iputlities'and his steadfast adherence to the
doctrines of tie,mocracy.
'' James T. W. 51ct'allister, the health'of-
Ilaer of this city, died suddenly on Tiars
day. He was a generons.hearied
but like too many °Tour politicians, he pro
veld to be his own worst enemy.
• The most important event of the week,
hai been the Cauveution of Earthen Ware
Dealers, which was composed of members
of that branch of trade from all•parts of the
Union. They had a grand time of it—bong
more of It siwial than a business affair. '
A constable namedldOon nits stabbed
to death on Saturday evening last whilst at
tempting to suppress a riot in Carberry's
Court, in one of the lower wards. The
murderer has been arrested,
Sewn has Just reached this city of a fear
furless of WU by the burning of the steamer
Montreal, near Quebieo, on the 26th inst.--
She had on board near 500-emigrants, most
ly 4tsueli, and it Is stated by Telegraph that
nenir three hundrerl and fifty of them per
ished': (Mel grant that the number May
not pro% e heavy when the full returns
01111 hare been received.
'I he number of deaths in this city for the
wet k ending to-da,, It as 131 -being a de
crease from last week of 41 Ut eunstlmp
[ion IA. scarlet leer 11,11rou lied. 5, lie
dulls 66 children 65. Coder 5 yeart 47.
neer 70 years, 10
The market; to-day are gMet. Floor 1.1
doll at $7,37 for shipping brands. Ityo
I:tmr;elhatal 75. Wheat 19 wanted—small
Sales at'itl,B*to $l9O for red, and white at
$1,95 Corn is to good demand,at 90 eta fur
)t flow.
A, the next will be " Fourth' of July ,
*eek" you may be assured that younie
America" is pceparing fur the happy event.
Itut what I s fun for the boys to death to Her-
VMS people. Already you can hear the
wiiiihs in all parts of the town. May the
glorious day of Columbia's freedom ceaso
to be lemeinbered n kenthe stars and stripes
cease to float.
Our Main Line Salo" took place oil this
eel. according: to law, *WI was outekaased
by the Veunsylvaana Railroad Company.—
hi regard to the utility of the sale a great
("Atli:mice of the opinions exists. Time will
only kit whether it is for good, or evil. •
Yours, Truly. " TYPO."
Attempt to Break Jail.
The I.pek IlasiOrr stchman says, on
Thursday the 'ISO' insL, a stranger came to
our ton it. who Introduced himself as a Brush
Peddler, liftiristerly of Milton hut rectlntly from
goading l'n., and answered tp the name of
John Wagner Alter canvass:lig the princi
pal part of our Borough, he called at the Jail
to , ee a young gentleman confined there
:INI luting his trial, &barged with appropria
ting another g,entleinait's money to his OWTI
use. After spending a few 11011144 with this
it iwnter, who appears to be tin acquaintance
of Ins, lie returned to the lintel where he had
ken .topplog Notleng more was seen of
the stranger until about midmght, when Air.
Bolinger, ille.Detit. Sheriff happened to pass
the east end of the Jail card, ho discovered
his %cover looking an amitsly up the wall of
the pn.on. As soon 05 his %ye caught the
form of the Deputy he started oil at a g entle
trot. After scrutinizing the premises Sher
iff Bolinger discovered a rope hanging - over
the wall. lie at once suspected the mischief.
nod seizing hold of the rope, lie soon discov
ered by the pulling at the other end that ono
of the jinn/ILL'S was about to ascend. HO
held a tight grip until he supposed the cus
tomer had got high enough,he let go and
down went the customer, but on the wrong
side to the one he anticipated. Tits Sheriff
then hastened to the inside to see what was
going on, but to his surprise he found all of
his libarders snugly pronged in bed Upon
an errtniliation, a I6t of imposed some of the
" ardent" which had been conveyed to them
ill some unknown tray during the day lay in
one corm r of the room and on the table lay
the following letter, which they in their haute
to get Into bed had forgotten to,destroy.
" Lock Eleven Jail, June 18tEt.
Mr. [leery Bolinger Deputy Sheriff sir :
I take the pleasure to lee you know this Jail,
was never niacin to hold us, and sir I am
very much obliged to you for the kind at
tendance you have showit towards me and
the rest of the prisoners that has been under
your care. • Yours &c..
The next morning while the Sheriff was on
Water street, he discovered his visitor of the
day previous, and immediately went through
the prwess of laying hands on the gentle
lle• was immediately taken b e cnro
his Honor W. S. Gila, Esq., and plead guilt,/
to dm charge which was prefered against
him. The 'Squire after a patienalnveeliga
' lion of the facts bound him over in
,the sum
of 8500 to appear at the next Court of Quar
ter Sessions to answer, audglinit'Olitc.'il
..... prison. n tiktunge
Brush Water aMirfireier g a the way
„from Reading to supply opr good people
with that needful article, brughea,4and after
a stay of a few hours to fall We 4he, hands
of the ( , hilistines it is really too 'bad. We
feel sorry for him--over the left—and . hope
that his misfortune will not deter other intiu
erant petlillers from furqlshing urwith the
nick.macks of life. We hope the next bes
ellietiir of this kind that comes to this place
witl briny along a few fine tooth combs.
A Washington correspondent of the Pe i '
mond Smith. says that,,lden. Walker has Fx
pressed an intention of-going vary soon to
California, " where he can operate with more
advantage than elsewhere in the Union.'
If ho does not return to Nicaragua, thi
c o rrespondent intimates he m ay , organ ise
and conduct an expedition into the northern
territory of Mexico, in-order to avenge 04
shooting of Crebhe and his 011ibusters.