Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 22, 1857, Image 2
Coverttet , ;att teen roll , each wanly Sec. 12. All person.; authorised' -take - or alectiorakitriet 'on or before h,itent , 3. , th e consul or - to aural. in the taking e f. oLltprilits.;l,. to. file In pia.offlete of the i ' IJ h* liorterr blvlshitliklatel!' Leto Judge of such county, or election (tila-'.. it Bat purse:4;on jith* all* • she rit tried'on the first day of April, eighteen Imul• maytsl%s t eetrartry 40 tital full tsaa ; • ithlbt 1 ' ied SO lifty-seven, which:list shell axhibit I .L et.forlitan of their dutOtti under ' e act ; in a fair anti legible hand4e - nateca of all` t • tilto., 13: -1 , ' pe'rson Icy rnettage,threats each- legal voters." . for force, or ,by at . other unlawful-en:mg, --- - Bic.-#. -- It *Mtn holtrui is lasfyhy math" tshalbffirtn - iieltillire * "Ictieniiiire ti,iiiilir : the a thtly,c each Probate Judge upon such I / cried( ittry.qualifieii•Vnter t 'ring his vote, befogiiittontad made witlinuttlelay Inv coils') ior to deter him' from going he poll, orl t) bOpoattil at diriairof the most public pia . disturb or hinder lirn in the free e .rehm oft ea-in eaeh'eleertit'str preoi k er in his roomy or /his - right - of m - sent I , Votto , - Cho ' tittetion•diatriot, ono copy of, 'itch, lint ofl l periton sd offending shall be judged guiTy . rillakilieff- roteva, to the tend that every iuhab- / admit r, and polished by tine not lie-a ilartt - MaY itinpeet. t - tbe - rloole and apply to 1 than - 25t10ouvbY imprisonment dot less than said Prelude Jtute,:y, st. any error he / t hree mouth, nor more titan six or by both. maylladithtteln,A t:LT: n the Wirer, 'hen:inet Sao. 44. That every person not being a ' pioc:ded. . , ; " . . I (planed' voter according to the pros signs of 'Sict 5. t4a4,l)Prohate Judie shall . remain , thin not.'who Allan rote at any election with. ' i ) ,3:0406 each they, Sundays eznpte..l, Iron ' in knit' Territory, knowing that he is 3 , 51cn 1 ' the reet'lving said tcitnsi until thel titled to vote, and every person; whont the first thtf of May next; at such plant a as, some elite' ion, shall vote mit`te than once,l AA lai i n . yst . , convenient to the inhabitants ; whether at the'wituo or re different place, Lo orci, eniity or di rtri:t. Atli pro• I adjild,zed guilty of a misdemeanor, and be , •ec . ,l tiirtlitritispeetion of rail rdurns, and punished by A fine of-not less 4han stcro, hear, terriet, and flortly determine nor ex..ieeiling two huindred or by imprison ing to the facts. is Writs, unreasonable detij, sment not'less than three months, nor ex ' all OiStions coAccrning thoomisiion ~f iriiy - eceding*.ix or both. 4 - :- ' Sec. 15. .any person whatsoever who may pariah flodrmail returns, or the inv,ir - opir i be Jnitrtion of any name on a A id return, , sli d,charged with holdift7 tre e sleet on heron onfc)tticr'llii'itts - 4 11 45 - t-i-Z ihc i,tvg.iity or , anthorired„l,lte shall :- .. i'auity and lininvlng I tileli,ty of said returns, and cur this'ptirpose rlf cammil Ady frond or irregularity wh I att•• shall Mitre power to admin. it,r os:lti'ind , x . lee, with the ifilefffithindit - or prevent °I I auuna mlinetties read eum t ici tit_ir attend:lll . e . l ,l,:feat a rilir OXITIT*2(Or the popular ti ill/ . in such inimer a isinid julge shall deem nes , ill lbeZkiLi .; ketionAbatt be f k oltkr or s.roi-- 1 Ilunidalor, and punished by he not,. less thaii -11500, Mir mot , . than $lOOO, and un pi isomnent not less thin six months tier I more than twelve or both. 5t.,.. , 10 The di legates tints I shall i a sem ble in convention at-the Capitol ..f se . ,11 'ft nitory, on the Ist Mond iy of September , i next. arid shall pnieted to form a Constrtn- ' than and .84(1;4 Sjouriument, it Inch shall be republican in Its form, for atlinittiiiiiii -- Triter - the (J.iion, on nn equal looting with the orig. mal Stairs in all aspects whatever, hy„the name of the State of Kaman. See. IT. Said committee Si Inn assembled shall elect a presiding o n:l;or:rind all oilier officers of said Convention shall :iActllith'i l II to ri l kover the sane compensation as the members and ettit'ers of the Legislative As Kt TUbly ofliansns Territory, to he paid out of ,any money in ttie-Trtssury not °them Mc appropi toted. Six. 18. All sheriff:, and other officars.for the discharge of the duties required of them by this act. shall be entitled to receive four dollars for each day they are necessarily cm- lI played. !Sao 10. Doniphad, shall constitute the first election district; Drown and Nemahs the second ; Atcbriasin -tire--i-iiirtl: Leaven worth the fourth : Jell rson Oe Midi ; Cal houn4e miv tit : Marshall the Attflth : Ili• Icy the eight ; Joimson t h e Muth : Douglas thit tenth: Bhawnee7Richardson and Davis the dote:lth ti Lykine the twelfth : Fra tklin the thirteenth : Weller, Brseciewirialga T iViSte -aria Madison, the fourteenth : Butler and Colle,y, ,Lbw IltectilkLlAtut_the_Aisteinth- Antitoxin tits seventeenth: Itrurbon. alit- , ..teei Dorn and.Allon the eighteenth : Wood sun. Prtl f ion,„(lotlfrey, Greenwood ald Hun , ter - the nineteenth. . ' Sec. 20. All votes given at the election herein provided fur, shall be neo rote. • That .11Vsirin it; the said list of lc g ( thus have been r, and L,-wrecteA. it shall he th ! duty of the s,veral l'r'tate Jo I,pa to inl's:e out run 9n,1 fair CJ pies (hereof, and without fu,lll:h to Cie Governor of the Terri ort ope copy and to the Secretary of the Peri-dory o enure copiel thereid, dedinglislinig the re I turns f r om tali county or elei:"tiomil4trict to 1 li d printed and di etributed generally unOong the inhabitants of the Territory ; and one eapy allall be, deposited with the eitnit of each evert of record or Probate Judge with. in the limits of said Territory. and 0,10 en fly delivered to escli.ludge of the ilt etloll, Arid at 1051 three copies stall bu ya•tud up sit each place of vo lug . Sam. T. It shall bem ditty of the Gover n . v and Secretary of the Territory, AC soon at tha census shall be completed and returns made, to prdeeed LO make air apporeionment of the mini:Kiri for a convention *mons...the diffbrent counties and cleCtion di.tricts in said Territory. in the following m 411114 :‘ The whelp number of legal conera alien be divided by sixty. and the product of suet/ Alvlsion,lejecting any fraction of a unit, shall be the ratio or rule of apportiouistAL of - members among the several coon ice or eleedondiatricts, and if airy county ordec tionjlirtriot shall - not hawminter of le gal voters thus smetrtained, equal to the ra- . 'tie, I,„Oisdi be attached)°, some adjoining . cow* or diatriet and ttius form a reyreson tally. district, Abe-tatmlarr of said voters hi eachtXttinty fil , distri.3atirall then bedtvided by the ratio, Snd the product Shall be the number of representatives , appordoned lo melt county or district : Prue4Ati i That the loss in-the number of members, cat)sed , by the Options remaining in the several coon. ties in thedivistoit of the legal °tura there of, Sidi be oompenaated by aie wing to ai i kt. many coultiee or diitriotA a 3 ill ~! thi der. gust fractions an additional member for its fraction, as may be necessary to__,Enaliribi: ' I wholemumber of repr:setita:ives AIX ly. Sic. _ B. Au election bliall b,:, had fur ... • herrof a convention to Amu 41 con-itioitien I few- the State of Kansas, according to the ' aWeirtitintaint to Tie made - 11.411rwesiiid on the third Monday in Jane next, to be held at the various election preciwlts estaldrille I in tire Territory in aleariaitee'vriile the preiisim i ts of law on thpt aubject - i -- irid at arch elec tion nu person shall 1,0 permitted to vote, unless his name shall appear upon said cor rected Ts.. ""fim5i....8,.... _The board of Conney Cernmieeion csa shall appoint the pia :s of citing for their respective counties of elect ion distrjc es, / ...They shall appoint three saleable pervins to be jags of the i to ctuaskt itch pls.. , of voting , They shall Millitr natio-, of Lae places of holding (depth:Ms in their respec "4 tive counties Ordistriets, th bo.publislied and 1 dis'iritttert in - bi:ry election district or pre twist fen days before thii i ;dly of election.— , If any judge of electien so a;ipoilited, s; i iall fail or refuse to perform the dupes of said Mille t the legal voter 3 ass( it:l.4E4lst the place' and on theday 119@inted,f.seirahl deezion, r•hall hero the power to 111 ALA rapancy lir, t testier twa-ingst , t helm', Ivzs. Sec. 10. The indigos-of election shall cock. I,eforo entering on the - Itch trge of Iris- do ties.soakit'oatb.or aftlrinstioa that ho writ Nitritillrillirllfi.iakdatly , 141:5-irgo Me 4.1 ties of- - jrnta of the eleritiori according to law, wltich;ontir shall be adiniiricered by any Mit' au' torieed to almittistor oaths .11,4 dents orift4l7oii - lihrill Lia appoiutealir . the judges, and-shall take the-like oath or afilrucition to iv administered by one of the judges or hi any of rho °Cars aforesaid. • Duplicate retads; of eleption shall biamadu aid oeriiflurd by the judges and clerks, ono -4--vels i:tli sli t otll ho deposited. with the lroail a, Sjunty commissMuers for tho,county mr dieild“ho which the elections is held, and i Weather gkadl be transmitted to the &erre ., tary of the Territory. and the one haring the highest number of votes in hie county 1 • or pulitapt tAietriitt.; Rhein bc the represents. live Ork,g4ch cortulloor - diedritit, irlid - rn case so k tiersotorily detertniue* who're!! duly clec- Isk,„ the ,eouretlicin, ,when aseernhleri, ih4 other a ilea- ticction ax herein pro. fs, !very , bone Ildt inhabitant of Ote teorito‘i7 of Kansan iha 3d llonday of Joni, one thootiand eight huntirierand ‘,ll,l,llOrtm, bang s citizen of tho United fltai4Prer twentx one years, mid : lE l lw shrill joiffi'itettisd Ulric months nest tx: , said eisoepp, irribe-cOuoty hi which he oftp to . d no other person whster;, shall ho ' U*Oli sit itiadeltetinn, stud any per• ton' u aiia - r - i3l — "tigy 'l7 - delmate Cronerortiort, end no others. SWINDLTNII ItICDUOIM TO A SOlNVer..—Thl y InCu prokwort of nil x41%4 ut W) fern triu in our chief canes: book is only lardy that e have lusioed tit.t th •re is a scientifi modulf swindtinz Creditors. aiut that then., re professors is teach the art. Tn: folloer• in notice we rut from th . . 3 advertising eel mails of the N. York lirrs!d: Mtrawytta vaa,rossod, in want of rgorog, or willing to suspend with Call hear of a party who has jut canal! -panics through to the iiiwiusit of t• 80.000 without prrjulicc. Address 103, licrild °tale 11,4,r :ice wren. can imavut, from thiittstory of the financial awl commercial eir..ilcs of N. Turk that there twist hJ alm.i lank hada-4s for advertisu. in that city. The eirrootery of ofrring alaigt etcbtrrataed m 'reiant*, who arls "to.111n; to 1r th meter, by I inciterm.r," -44-amistrrg. The advertilur oilers to givu rur..runeue, and•wu proswar he will refer t t atm ! of the h parties %Ciotti be jil it curial throuzli tu the am nut.l.,,iT 3.30.00 J " 1+ this snr, of literati: ty tolerated i t N. Viirk, and ilo,the coalmen. dal oomtwinity orally given support to givdi p-of 440rti of the art of 1 11 tff'y do tent avow.glly do He. tuned if they really condemn the lira !dice thitt unblushingly ad. v,rtused,We would a 1y ; i1. 3 , 1 0m. of ti i . to AllggeSt to all police ths'proniety of drop pings lino to No. 103, iferJli - ailltt.--Ex. %Coon's liatalissroaartva Wood. t to renownttl`yliszovetter of the iinvaittabir !lair }teatc}rAtiye . atill , eontilkneo .tailor Lilian' of the afllieletl. H Ilia merlicines are nnivertadly-admitted by the Anitrican prLaa labia fur superior to all the had Leon silvered for ninny icariti to grow forth With as roue 6 rigor And juguratico as *inn hicsaad with tho &Oita tagoi of youth., - ' There can be no donlil4,hatrit is ,ono of he grcstotsNiscorcrics in the niedloal world It restores iwrsmnently .gray hair to : its -original color, ind resksi it assume s Issu tirul4hy kezturc. which 64 been very des -1211146 all 'ages' of 'the ivoiti7-4eLvriis ne.l9 4t. SCAILLI2 Pagan AND 81(41.4 OfiltiamMit, Wittuington, paLligity which ho soya,' if faithfully named out, ,will mire tarty-fivo eases out of fifty witboul call fag a physician 4 Scoria Fever.—For adults, give' one ta blespoonful of good brewer's yeast, in thrice .tablespoopsful of sweetened water, three times a day ; and if4he throat isSnoeh wol, len, gurgle with gown and applly yeast to the throat as a poultioe, allied with Indistinteil. 'st. ?kinky of catnip tea, to keep cite erne tion out of the akin for tieveralfisyi. 4 , • Small Poz.—Uso file above doses of yfast threat:4es gay, and a milk diet.thiOdel• out the entire deodiSe. Markt , et:cry niso I can be cured w ithout leering a pockmark. tE,ootdainti OD =ACT arIITIVII to AO N L/5,,,, 00.7117 i, I,II`NNA. .- SIDAIi, Aram gro,tvar LAII , ISTUCCLATION TRE COLATI SOII tiorEitNoß, ILLIA-11 fi--PAQiEft oil•iTooltx.vel COUNTY.. • , CANAL C . NIMISSIONT,R, • NIMROD STliklit,:bANl), oY o r ,...nrtit aurnoirJUDOE MIMMI or 14ANCAgTEIt'COUN.7 ACIEICULTURAL MEET; N.G .-A fantod wheting of tl4Cnntm County Atit i cnlevril Society will ha hold nt the Cntrt Ilona- in Rondonia, on Siondpy evening-of tho April Court Thu cowtnl ttoo iippilluted to audit , tiol sots'.. tn. Treetatirar's !num, ei7l pftennt kheir report The enhJeot of diaconalue will ho, “lito mantigeniont, Coo,lniz and (Ananias of a tide " tlEith BUCHANAN, So 'T. fut Ilst.t.itittlttcY of l.'.lltry Ototitt y twill 111(.44 tor the latrpow or hohthig R ITI R I CATION Al ;I:7'INU m the Cohn iiißhllcfopte, do Wtdursday 29 h, All frik:tuls of the eoitnery and the Catigti tiltinti - all qho pre oppoged sect intralkln nod pro•tariptinn..n ph MO attend. An Iron aIII he wad° , to procory ernint tit speakers ft out a di .1( to aldrr c the tnee:ing. WNI J K 1.7,A t.,;11, CloOrmin. Ststuding Committee & TIM name or the Pogt 0111^c in "Ferguson township, known 114 Sli,irrr'A Place, has been changed to Reek Sprung. anJ Mr. sh Ward orpointrd P. 31. : . Jolts V:. Viiiiiersts ie MilipOlt11; rose Mrrs ter at Millheun;,in the Roitut of W. L. 31118- r: resigned. Asmittir llonass, Rog . Editor of the ilarrishorg Patr,ol and UMW?, lin , ' received from President Bnehnnon.sP nopoiounent o'+ne of the Land Offices iu Nebra,ka. FRESit,.—A lerge owl splenthd assortment of trial pliprr, at the ritrap store of Iturthile .5; Baker. Ail 11.NIC in unlit of this arttcle sliveltqive them o u re!! fore purrltasing clue here. Trtaxx of our subscribers desiring to MT( Ilk cent* on the r anhacription to . th. IV.itchlaxa; for the Recant] ',ohmic, had het to mate it c inxenient to cal and pay dur ing t.:Ottt woek,'as six tuontlpt will then b. nearly expired, aid after th It tun-. tic !or,l ing to - our tcrovh;littry will have tiro dolt tr• to pay. our ro uler, un a• tururr oco.t sort that NlrrJ. S. Ilarnhar;, intend, I, at u g Belk funk A = 1:1111 the 'firq of Alny. 1k h ill moan?) wtth us during court act k, nod +.ll remain; d.aiir,us to steure their Antjhotep or pagucrreotycg, t euted In the tit,lo i.trf‘e.tion of the tat, IA in I,.ar mold th. t our f lion• townsman_ will prriitirt ly - a fur the time in the forAtong... IMPROVNSUST IN 511K%:.--tiouto titn) since we no Livil .shat 11 ? ), I,;ht ri,titor an x tr.tor,linury tal(1 1 1o.vrel hy: Sam' I Ihl bland of 11‘rrix to ,v btt hxv • in ••• Itarned that 11r J Kr41:11 1,1 town,etip, ha 4 a Dur'lain Cow: time y, al. i;.; 1867 ponuili, with i k ei,;ht daysml 1, AiAliiivs 111. pon We aro gltd to I 11,73 th,),t,,,ntir firm •IN have COMPLITIICC I in earai•it aim :mire tivir mock ail hopertniser mauy good sprtmen4 at our next County Fite. _,Z : g . c mmlE:L.—Winter lingers in the lap of spring, rind we, es well as non, m.her., would he delighted to ace him leave them. Snow, an )Iv, snow, ahnOst every thy in April, makoi a 11110( of I 'aV 11; the 1J tea' a nu l going to IC ins w'tere the balmy air of StIM111:r float.' long noo i the breeze. We hope the far prospect.t. Inv presented fur feir weath,r ;via not he int— rupted, but that sunshine and Crdi .gs'a era, will start vegetation lila upd h,:rald the departure:of-winter. , DISTRIMSISO Friday, the 41.11 tust.,,Alr. %Vtn. Eturnitdo, a t aged a 1.1 !ugli ly reirctittple citizen. of 'Penal, Ole) , , tea,. fetitrt dead in his Tsttuery. AC I LII all the blood vessels of his left arm cut oft It np peafs thtt of his rntsuloss tt,rfa 1,1-e menu hat-troubled his in.std, nod oa the day of thus s till octurrdnm t'terJ was to have been toreudite of his perionil property. When he .:iow the bills-posted up he t.m irk cd a itepltelv, that t:t it was ittoro than he .ottuld. boar, awl ill 41 few Lours wins - read dead in the po.,ition abovu describ.:d.• Ilia ,att.tclunmt for* home where he NO spent the behL3Loara of hit !We i w.tei.s.) s{r•mg 1.h5t4...th0 L► of. Laming_ 4t... •vev. , ‘Aipm and dnp mind gave way to partial inanity. Ile lutsgone, wo have every rearon Co be ithettor.-war" here embarrass• .mtnts and dialmhies will trouble hun no more. Peace to biv mnnory. Com. will bl in session in this Borough next week, and We hope to thaet many of mar Mendi. from 'dirk:rent portions of the IpinoE : 1 14 0 :e have oottacilitAineti of be ing. in a good cause. but, the en. courionent of ,hose who think - 4mi am with" does_a groat.flettl to help es along. A Detnooptie ratification meting or IrednesaareWnlici;iind dwoold be sif. Amble for thciso ptmecrita why Qe eoetiag: to town to Make ;„ttfeir arrangern Irts so as to be in attendance. Thee is nothing like giving tha bail a good,, start. The enemy are terror stricken already, and if we ha* ono right good meeting. aml come ont cur Might, they will tremble in , their boots--. Black Republican& KnoW-Nothings and ali. Ttirn out then and slew a bold , • Ttts IcALLoort.TictAp.—;-Bewston, April B. 'rho jury In the Kitlkich ease were dieeharg: id this mining, being unable to agree. -- They stood 8 for netioittel, and 4 for code• Own. I . A WOAD 10 FA;MARS. nig RVASO.NSTrwr xiOrs,d4isizonv , IP ' -- littliledl A(JAIN. -Ir \ lute- ~...tlittllttittera 'of Ctillitia .tyrtty. ..^. - '' ' - ' -'lra . ,.. ..a5.*"....e.. iliwurpaptirllktiiifProducttiktefaheat an ' , . - -"Lan nbilmilfi r ttPinti n gibtt RIP h r ither ggii*Uit is almoat t :a taial neglect titan Union, tibto that ilia , cause of cattle ' " branch if itidtlftry that , tinocraey metal td fwo-modtat tcclntluenttp tve deem or, ,finportnncei not Oily. tt - the #ne.puhl re nu 4. 7; 0ne hy.npetitlinebpon t ..` aira , nOicultoroli. titirpiadr, but to all classeS of hecessiTies of tact, inni'llie other' by min the comniut- Bellefonte the prree-nr- oultiotk-tt/wlutt 'Pte. - lot oder M ll4-1440144 A 40 beef is now !twelve and a half cents 11tr with the hope of bemiring a rtcharttr of the ' pound, while but a ree7,st ars r shice tiro and Bonk of the Uiii.eilB:aut: :Ity crtiliping Its nix cent: per pound na, conaitt, red ti`tiiitt an Qua t4intes, aid iliNugh them. the :co,uhttutti exlrayignnt 'licit to parfor it. No* as dare ty. They _SLUtlit 10 „eon thill the Avar of js. not any thing Ithe a corr.:Totaling - itl: 40; by tit ptrviig fict; . govertnutlitvit;faiia Crenq in this ittio or grnfil4wouhllt pot h e possil.le,`ofthe kneans for IN effective me i will for our lirrherlitirtititi thy ir attention 'emotion. Kno , as matt( rs have •florilt d them 1 raw-to the raiettrior ito•k malli:iss to sue:, on of portunity to pAelice i 2lolll . TliOdel 14 tali - Vitro. We &Shithead 1.110 following v.a- o,,,t . tee, They sought in Congress to starve the train from an ex4atige. that My: is ri gent' jodges - and others in Katona Into action in ora l d t ",„ nn , i n the I „„d„,.tht,„ .o f ( 16n„,:ke conformity ivirli theirpolitical wishes.--Y: r,ftoitutt's of the United S awes, as enrol:nit/1 ( secure I hisollect, they knowingly nod des• With the it Cream of popidatum,"atl ;ha: 'La t Igiudly dt. feattd the upproinititlontaroe . the gentril advance In price is °Sting ti 'helm:- ,a•lny,. and a djourued w . i 1 hout providing the libt Ciiitse: and that thixe is everj 'reason 1 , tikans ineessary to enable it to defend, even to 'Palley° that (liii advance 'nlll hold wilt reA tl defend the frontidrs, Where the tomahawk it ia,or eontin4 a ill higher , : aid that con- and the scalping knife la rforin Oak bldedi st <pettily. nti repr tn?!nell of 0114 1 . 1M. , 1 r's 'Wntrtlym — th , ti.,t t.t wom ii on rn I rem business beyoni the raligerua'r—tho ~.lial. BAL. the more comm 'l' means rCsorttd to for ktt gardening idfin;neil %Ail afford so good cootrolhog the public mind, nod tn . .epritig, l a ri•Tdili - flir-tlit , nt hie of gni& al tole labor troll is tl p two., is gross nod' reiterated de ns that of ream; and, in fart:rattle slum . 1 ctigion tad ralt,eliontl: It htt st.NOtti'lhat the noun, s'All [t hing cattle Itat this vaunt :t., omailti i'm place tlitt netitr of thmocrata be lie dune witlimt stopping the 'inhuman f fire the ttot2l ry in tin honest and lilithrgi slaughter of 4 of the 'enlvt sr fur ii Vali)=Amy. • lii4 „ nintitTe are astdgitt d for every there seems MM. a mania it Is 0 v , r whorl It, moerotic net. and re sults ore inlifonoly f is a aisle for 1411, or its products:l344 par allrilail,(l to yens TIC tit r than their . true', , ticiiltuily•wheo the en; via t'illi Ito o.nt to enus, a, The truth of these remarks has: the city and itCti nt highprirtts2no mater 'Ken strikingly illustrnhd in r, lotion to the I whether II: for food or n ot. A it. II r 0 i,,1 ho v ,iliii•zi,, g 1;,,,,,,a,,,,md 'he t vents which ' calf that will high 00 peon Is alive. gnd . h., v e .ince nr•nund (Inc ode, clerics have 't that is no c-xtra good one, twty sill for ,s:lit in this city. E ho , ks to the firm r tile' it large price, ant no d o ubt Ille thinks tt m o re proti able to Silt that, to lo e t at that price lbi it so? Let u+ see. Lod< ttt whit that calf if a steer, would sell for it four y, are old; tail see if ir is not more pi., 41 able to let him !Iva ; acid MC it boy oat( r bu-m, as of the farm in as or .11 all t as the inisiag or cattle till four ycari idol, if pm eon .ell them at 5100 at In ad 1 Ina is 11111 y a teed crate enleuLation. Ever) we, k sleets or, sold in our catth in r'.,, t at high, r Laub -,- S,arl out a - (mg t oar an n neighbor, it' in may of the Eitstrio, 5;, , , . and try to Into a yoke ofeoxen, tutd*itte it ill ti e d bow Ns: a calf gains in price. Th. woo orilmaryAind ' you May Ixt 1114, to. ~ et fir :Sl'.; iii yoke : but if you (Ix your natal omit' a nice. stittswh p.,.. .''' o handy Yank, e oven, you may also Ile ,nor ;jot! tit Co ST.OO. That in ii hut ) our calf is il: cant,. t" Dl' r‘ tor', W" ens, gent kill him- It 1. dca:irle' had i".,"- a, in la IV.32 ' t -reply tha n on are not Allmon , w'tt; for rai.inz Ill Ate nth IMO. 3 ow t .In. I. to Chaug. .1. 1.1 motile Of fat un po , t. to (IS 1.0110 . 1 i. II a 0 tiy all your oen . i , lll 1 1 11-11111% 7.111 r t.n.11.4 . 1 uiii A II p Yoit will d,%ayn lin 1 :calk •, alt,t r they sae, how f.lnt pOIt Ire m.ri.n 11111111. y. 110 W 1111141 ea , iar Ihata oWau 41;41 . 1.1.1kNitti.111.1 £0 PPltolr Vat, o*.s it fully. LIS fully to• 8.11 your ellirtS. is •r~iprate :ha the at Inc /F 1 of 8.r11... co. year tier o , ll:dent.. Wine NM bee..l3:ll' qp.t. anrolo of le Atoll it omit' aid ilte col tv.,.tors LaWe ci . cr.: , .nre a:I the I•1:)- 11taeleS that ral y lie wiy of new nttcyrisi s. The Bead :We in no !I; ,114 Ihe Ai tile says: • ' , for years pa.‘ , t h e (mitre of the prapc' has rweived much atteittioli rn tht, county, Itu.nee r to tire h +se eitgag e .d in it been so sue eesafel as during the past. season, '.The grapes tare ahuedatit: and the Wine pro duced therefrom (which is now j•rot gin- Mug to be us. d) of Ihe flavor. We hare this county hundreds of hart, Is of light units, as One in all respects as any on the Rhine. {Fleet, cur twi 1, hero to use these Ilk( t uit,! they will liavi, ad v4nced fir to the road towaterrpti lie t •ee— t h e It [opera:nee of faun r, but that tem, etanee in all th:ngs almelt is ,g i reatly to to crtinnenthel by, all right thinking tnen." Tur.: IiCEDRLI, Wm t. CASC. 1. ,tlllll.ift litt of trittitruic.i Lfore the Stull- agate of Nis. York, as in : the truth of ti in triage or Mrs. Cunningham nuttDr. Bin d 11, was romm4 o 1 Thor:day_ Th , case a.tatUst the Claimant oas 01 cued by Slr. T (ten, oho call. 4 a,ul t xammed stnersl wdnestes. Ratite s artling evid , tice wits g biL Dr. So Mu, IW. Pormley, of No. 30 Atreet. who testa:a to having seen on the aft , moon of the 28,h of ..0.0.e15.r. (the 'day of the Ina'rriage.) a man - in the third story, front room of No. :1 13 rid street, in tin', act of (11 . 1.1i8111Z, - *the n•indots bong open. Ai he (Irr. - I'.) was Ica yipg th.t.!!?"; upon !waiting up he totm Aunt with Or changed alipturance photo the heed and rAcii "A 3 if ho hail been transformed " The c:ruttnitanle led the tritite . sti tb slipposu Ow, Ate -ir**4-4hts4ritsM -character: WILL{AIf B. Ramp, orrailaielphin Lne been appn:nfed to C,11131. In the present intricate state of ..effairs thurn,.our gurprninent nee& 4 min pf ability to . .reps, seat it, and we think the selection of Mr. Reed WM a very Juktizioul one. .jr. R was furneerly a Whig, aol did elf:ctive service atgainit us, bet on the breaking up of that party enth the -resells of Know.liothingiam• and Abolltlonistst ha tided; he, • ith near ly all the leallini Ilion of She uld. Whig.par. ty, joined witlll'etti; Detnocrita -and have used all the efforts to stop the tide, of fell which hai:Timigiliiiit7i6at us. A4sistarsar Gaisikate.t. ltu,wC has appointed Jas. N. shunk. otittrrisbuig; tots 0141014 in the Atiorn'elGetteral's office. hjr. S. Is a son of the latel:Jove gbunk. GovanNon Ptudonc. his pardoned W. S 11. Koys, Ist. ly ootAiaied of assautcon4 Let Ivry on s o li nloOrt fn Bisir countl.; • A Fniv days sinte, nenr &tit I Joninf county, n. nnin'iOr the name of Oimmtit,•ccipt, !flitted - suicide tl• ceiling his Ihrost Tut Title water, ganal iu iq navigable or mbott (1 to the I,nr the e(1114i1111(.11CV4 of t.hrtr ora% n lota nil Imre r r ely ottgrepre• ,entytl oectgr, nee4 in that Tt ci ti.ry. Kan hint %sits made to lilt id for the ben. lit or p.l,lll'lllll', ill till II Inl ,- .nit or pop- . olaa rtr Court. Ida r favor. It %%H t di„, an t fr o m the online. - anxi ens at once to Lava h full discii•,imi of than the constitution of the Somata l' I - TV almal of OW country, tool' ttore it lisi'lli, the prim Tie. or the parte as avowed by Selected for their learning., 1-gal lo stoat/ itillicilliy to asoiriiiiidog the troth — 1 il l y Harris . burg Convention of March Ea l tia.... - "titlili, 4 chernetti, by t.h...;s . trture ur lor- Tin, itvi,04,,,,,, IC n(I. rs Lail iliiir opium ill I,oi, ving a s if icy 4), lhatAttch 0, diaCtiaatin ' lice I:aJ inlgeg'ltiiiii no possillo temptation IZAII-10,4 11114, fllrulKll.ll neconnta of horrible 1 wool,' promote the ittr tki a ~,:e O li f e ti t y,a, t o jto' si ek popular favor br the applause of izi,•corrtiiiita, a re p uted, to 'next the naces• , i lie‘ illio.path td firetirO - nth meini: - Pemisyr- pa - rty. and the !advanced - ago of most of ilk in Kim it of their 0 ,,, 1 4,, y , ~,,, M any wh o had 1 viiiiia * li . as nano in her whole history, AMT. exeludcs the ambitionir hopes of greater no such 11'41.1iln mantifactured news to suit 1 and ~,, „.,.ii t h at cou ld not d irect l y h o t race d power or Tore exalted position< iVkateart 'I" "cca'''"" " l b '" "" " "Ince"' Poor Ilan' Ito the administradon of those opposed to a , be inure Mileraulint and free from corrupt 850 was made to hived In ordiir, that the Deinociatic — goverontont,---Friorr the dark i influence than the judgllletit 111 1001 I tri• atiniry he tke, wet ant, ar. ',lief that the i Nothing : and such, }rit .conliilently and ((Jarful rule of ititner down to that of b oos t I ma,t I.orrdile trageilicli ha I oci•itred, when 1 Pollock, the 'Met has invariably been the I believe, the tthimpa shooed jadgmem, ii.iiting of the kind hint happened. Every saute, town IV : a wilful wants et the public of thin temperate, law-abiding, Inteli . gent wrong or crime that 04 occur wait magnii 1 fools and a . faightfill ineilll4o of the politic i n .'"''' . " .s l 31 d th r 1 1 " 4 1 :. k. ri ,, ied h th d e 8" - 19 " " tied iron, lon to A 110111111 A fold, and on ; d e b t, oda swelling the Imr,(eini of taxation ! dra u ti r - t a ( Al, ' C T ' li t l:llll t l ia li t uie " ckC N a i tho . a sta a m n of the •Itargtd to the Iteinocra iy and Kansas law, 1 and t h it a ilta ht„ g a ll occi tt,p. im , i n I itry, and to ibotate to theilltitere of Otte te-h..ii their inal,iiig; it knew it to be untrue. whom, posts of honor or truAL %very el ituries how its y shill niatiege thuir tnt n IVuli grit at elliu t nod lunch ouil ly if money It has 'wen r, (fervid fur the preset re. had they *e.d.d theVnegnnat. were Kill and iligiTile to the highest offing in th, •eti, Ili, of ilcceplum it 04 kept op untill l a „ 2 „„4 1 . ,„6„„ to pa rti Avon. in LT. Milli/11, and that Cu for WI MitlYtty Was i' •et the int ~i,,,turi 1. iret inn, ex ri,Alag 1 scriptioi; of party nsilftastii&,autltoolowii4concerina.'.4ll4 -legislation tif. -ft -Northern „ in t g . ,.,..t. upon the poputir vote. though' 1 o in ,L,,,,, y. Lfg,Pi y catered, a earns, and' S , (nit , . Vllll to sup( rieekre thit riedi it of. I i , line i n tn,; ii'ijeci hopid for. Aft r ,hit „,',• cce i - d c ,t j a c-arrtiilhz the npi . , ,,, ,n, , ,naiy,,,, t tai ri i t t , itl t t o i n ri , a , , S .f ia t ti t .;, e ll i i k a;' , iii t tisruil,wolil h i :l:vo ca lises: i. - titt. - cy“r ion thro! , Fb the o . *'"Peitvo: the of a free peopt by the . elomiioil .if a I,l4luvd I (,!,,,1,,164: nod vim,;g:fi l( v )" = " l " d hay u c: Cu n t% a 6t.itori pee.l.; rent iced y' ivii and lann" S . des S.itaiiir, Per.ioaally, pilliteially aid .' 1 , ,,iikl ,tai filkoine to express their tottutra• g S I‘.ll, the me, sty rind tan:. levh- practically twat for Om a a lea. it lie. 4 also non of the leanin abilili triad nn Ad. in dependence •of tile Sup lone, Court. lied I' It the fa'al elf cel of ana Irian of thelro:''.i'irs. :» the pecolinTreork s of them* a a, rtl c h i e . ,f o ,t l :n w ei ta vt i °i lium: d. ,a to - dra h ent trona ati;_th c pur e lilting 4.. 0 ,m (unit at t iithenri, Ives I the lidnittoistrutio I to evisiSo in • the local 0. t h e iii etiuna. An t,t,:bri'i;te - cZting .tr i 0:1t1 e ,11,,, 4 . lei GM A T to 'ouriiipr ilie disdioetry that liontistit tuba ' ea t lreint o in e theie u tl. r .n d . t :t7 .1... 11t,. 0 4 R..1,,,1.1: a, sure ,at tittlittrifit`t l, i 7,1 ivr, arre.d, i t ",.; c"urie hr Intone yalarm . r •iiis goat t, rt 'l',lo4i• wile hikrie liven de 1 , in proof of which wo in:i. it to VW' in , , who iv d and nfal-lhby the - cir'neso( ik di• tow candidate hr it ,v ran t ,:-David Wit S 7 1,1 an, alien they HI Jar whit pear of d , I nAt _n, sworn juil c pt who riot, • gio3npi , e4 the 'l"iet there, were Iwo diiin.p•Lin,i; !Aviv milk, Ipc . L ou of 4 pd.:p..21 gl i , b ttor. nit 1 returning among _Marie I)eininirota• I fee n. 1.1. Soule n iv effirt, Itecattio 'n'eces-nty u, tally til;r.s'a'teiii4 f,ra , •s.' An nnineky xpogore of •16.. rolimr, to rtive of tonoiry Ins .1( Itvpo)limm 'bad iiceorrtil in Ow 1.111,11 e et enti.,e rtrtst be turned ft...4u 111'14 exposure Mt. i marl cousimUifift li4o-by the -leal or4.4x.f.)re turd at th 2 syen:al seskion of the Senate, ricrtli-ng could IK: i1i.,.. ~crot holdtni; promise of ftwortuble re•tults 11'4 hleuitng V:11181tt again. Hence it NtIL9 re •tolvtd htt ttitttol.l Weed. The rust mitt ,e want orth ttottl odho trrod to 14,1,1 nn I I kVA N . le m lit Tito inlen , jon of Gov Lear; to Tuvign thc . beltef that thin could IN: ncconidltilied- to an extent still aroo,t, the wilobi North and Wed aid bring ha': to th,ir rank.; tho4e'fbigner 1 .1 'lawn there by the cry.of hood is lut❑ , goon as Gaeuraor Geary left the Territory I er:l o or:, began. The Topeka f e Ir n wit thena.elvvs in nvnion. Mho reAl year since, i1.1*4 been inducer i to withdraw his le.ter of resignation, and to assume the nt .efieri once more. nhant /egislature and unauthorized St goverout,itt are be ing aAain put in motion, with the hope of producing A cnllision. it id sin ttlim mull ei, nt blood to :titanic] the purpose 4 of the leaders, whose p.m.,' and control must totally fail, tu,less some:lint:li et 'immix , tan savo them This 1101 di itiontcLation wait idithtli my zinitrived i i this city, and is pushed f,l with zeal and i3a - g7 'oc.bre-agitittor shall .he (inn oughly reqted. The ques , ion is tithe submitted to the pro• plc, n bailer ;hey will again Le deceived by the Ity:si...ritical cr of those who hittylAta prohiete, their puli rent aspi rations. That KRIIICIS woudi go an ernotiily and Ids coutT r,Ailain ill peace, and quiet and prosperity, am lior. Geary left it, if nut disvii•Lja by outsiders, all tuustfully linn who Iva their oonntri and de sire its peac,,, prosperity and happiness, should set their:faces ahainit. this ariolged aLtempt at unw agitation , If they do so proryiptly and thoronA,,K...aat-Irltt e etaiia I t 014444. and soon peroaa, aud,happ' suvcreign State. COMPUMISMIAIT. —The; Lateirimm Chronf- posed KneWSothieg Cimeontioo ;WIN the ftillowitir complimentary. lengvisge. We should thinks the Anleriaiwts watild like to fuso with s perttthot think.* so much of them. The "straight" Filmore Xnew-tiothinga • threaten to get op a ticket of airifitt pate, "ignorant ranauseeniT their owitleculiar,l usioontson inated• kidney. We tope etrey win 1 —let'a see eanetlybow many, munh fools will be left aftertheir htat . 7earle "braying in a - Mortar.' •,. • • , A- 1 4We/ , t) . etnecnitio paper 4 ontitio The Statesis about to be publitiheA at - yirttiltiai; tou. I,ISIIIOCRA • 4 ' co rfr COfirMirrii-g- • 0 4 :—Tho tr . , it) entre oo . r w et Priditti/Mratulating 1.41 g 'ton , 1.0 rcailt „. ,late tlecti . Uvrtter• tardy flan conlitratitlajioli, Way 'slilitsrr, it prt fair .to-ennitst-tra - . - BA)0 ros, ro,iire, 4 0 93 ip th;litc„. O.4CCVA. ° The campa igna of Oct.: Soi;eiriiier will in' rininrimble in th s e history of l'Zinv.yl ea nitt, and incfneenbly mimornhlefut the po- Thic 7 rli co, kentiseTiiiYik punt three yearn the pall otranatir:jnitt rested' liesvily,.upoil the pcoplc, now, Centre comity maw uwd from ,periccoWtit, fraud, and corruption, oceupien'a pmild position in tbarpharlanx of Democratic counties which gill itutlee,tlie Pennnyl vsnia forever. The wanes and the principle of D.ioneraly were fairly_and tr.- citify discussed. "With the plain principles or the Constitution as a Text, the result could not havu been otlierwise•-and proudly piny dist gnat champion of a ci44o whose -and joasl - c - 6 To Skinn Is - equal and exact ju.pi all," limit of his DUCCVAP, when that sucl cess secures both the intiltbility nency Constitution anti the Union. i„ These are indeed, su Wee tsjar national, I and local einigratiilntions. tint Irbil° in- Bulge jff viFtorioiti enttreing, we rnnqt not feri,, , et that the fhe !so aionally ilcfea.ed, again rallying for a mare chit mai"! Bud Vort in' the etitinhig election for , • Slew eittl Coe.Rty 51h4,heine will , can pnrll.—thil..nrtror . htindy - 31to,4ertr.itr he the feline, 111:1104g1t.:,ell;a1,7,epf partyrti InVor of an independent jodietary if The a. , 11111114 01{.lgi part of uur uppontlits is suyilit r venerable and learritel Jude,:tfe r .vaifi in. noun to AttriAf public attwition front the real nod ced'iltat judgment, do tiotAte,e,itfigdn the wp , w4nnt te.01..s to he achieved in thotow• mentihig of an indepewlent intEeaty, the ing contest. Ttra fart slut, should nrin . .e term must have nO4I/0 special aignification the people, not only of 11 , 11tre rodilly; but only linown to the higher sposaos of flinch the propk. of icnirvlvania . ! - Itepuliheenistn . . It he traisessible to conceive prffect oxpresaion •'of foclepFactuoca Thu _Pennieral • C. tiLy Coutuliaco not / nrwrit T .m ,lte reality, emtnailtee would vorlay erg: * . t s aya. a perfect nil thorouzh oraitnitation, la inch . township throiigh ott th... coonty.— llos,vir distant the day ot election. the no ocssity of organia %anti 14 none the lest ilti pni taut. Every Dona. rat should feel that upon his indltibloal efforts victory alone oTc• prink IL must I.tbOr both in ipecti h arid iin act ion. verifying his as.trioasortlic . , tn . /1114.0 liirkil i alpitai,l4ljferring tohe benefits 'which they it.tio conferred, when practically in force r , upon the peol4in every county of the State. The Democratic goute. - ty Connidttee, tarnes'ly ask !he active men in each township at once to orgAnixt r in Reich i , a 111.111401 a 4 .11 guys gecur'ty to a general fore and poyir of the par` of the county. Tim fo rut ati.ln ,i, f 11 abs.i ...rift lie people . , could aii.ii,mble and hear a. 4iit cuiction of the I ,tuttocirtis and men of all partfes woubt b 6 of incalculable bett.lit. because hicaluit and iiober, have we heretofore i . ii•i.- . - pr*ct." ,'late eoi tvatire . intelligent grind The County Committee feel it incuillt iiCit amnia Of tlik) 006 tmitiltir. *an 9budl.' thus frankly to Address atilt fellow• Dem- Once to alb oblige one of the Cons i mien, Flo powerild foraprotten many occssionein crams. The cam sign 0111 be conteated with . ' nil the f. wee 'nf fulgebood and nnureris , ti.j Ll manlyl4a hiatorp - Of our country,. will uld p triumph n o te In oue w h o ism Itiv r as to ton by our opponents, nor will they panic' to be tidy to raise the statufartfof revobt• nt either, hot to succeed. 'ivy a ill use all iiOn, and to-ovrrthret 'the jiLdelientrent Jo thnt t Gaud and cunning can invent: In the dwi4ll Which they 4/1 tres."cl' P r t"a l Al la NN W' me Saconnexion they wind," also urge . upon — Joursci Conors the likmocrota of the various We 'whips in .13'• a tl o tection . or legntesto . tin: next County = Coo‘*.ntion, to have a full and. fair express• &B. Struhedtrar i r, !l e4t - 1 610 ' 1 ' 1 7 1 :11'irE ion . as to their choice of catidttlates. The,°011."1441 mho ' ttartAr F! land thestrue 'Ma iff tomb iisy of May. • • ---'- should 1)0 Pt ICoted as'delegates, and theriLe l iii n fln V or „tt eTroff i r r. v..t . ti aPt. ' 2 , _*l ! Ty . ' C gt . „‘ C '' the nominations wit receive a double ronw • ark 0 , 0, 4i 1. ikvir.', 4 : l 3 *. as they will be sure Co be revule• with fair ; . l l ' l u n ':, r .."'; Y it.k n o. li. 44 40 ..0 k ,.. 4 " dtm1 0wt‘ ang ,r17,....9%41 aVord ; poonsaudlog orlio:r f or • Come. shel lluopn (ho of the l l i ospeolua .furnialLtha the chicanery of the designing, and UM don- l' hY orneiaut gyre arsiog.from.a Conviition'aiiiipos;a m hn emt"" Pu ht= aunt the ror th an those whet look more to position than to eme dutyday bop principle. All this can isi (tone by tin open also i nel of r a r ratid other pa g ru.ri4or'y and fair election of &legatee, and•the Nein , ,444: 1' i0 h 1, tin j " ,:s e4 y DIY beta i1ie1wm,"414.8611,114igt766611411 ty Committee conkider this tifnetg•switrning 111 "nettle 4 ''' rA• 4l oSeWiutetsh oUfficlont to induce the brethAM' rurtt r riti f : r e„tt Yr, ot.,thteb VSin ot. * : • th(l eo jat orpotir: Mitt aotifeci. , Mach township should be a°l to Nt 1 10 ) not Wyer%n n e , u 4nsig.' ll • • ' should iiguify their willinegoortoot oo*lrvatiori , so lia#4 40 , 111 ' ? •" 4 " w.ell utile dower of auhstitutiooo; , • • W. J. KEALAtt, Chiirmani'. • Fruits become an established fact that Dr. Sanford's, Ineigoratet. wiketwo I,iyer Complaint, Jaundice and clenerel - Debility. Many pi.onle,personalli known to is, *hoe° , Tone cannot be, doubted, have even their' certifilegtqa_r,,:t.„pro tt o title, and with such a -miss of eiMica l ciinel t 'lean doubt.. ft is tiety:tho. Mend, and will give relief wl4i all- other rettAties fail, and in eome instances that intro.-nrie annit our °beefration IL seemed the meagre or entach..... ink its elettm from the krwre,no , our tendert •who.ueed inetheitte would try one bettte, for it. ,wills9rtly give rclicL , •ptl9 9t. '"'" ' : -- ;.kpit.lol4 ; NtjroP r 'fira : ... • JZIAICIAILT: v-, .. Wien' the tono of the ro pub . n 1 era• mid 0_41! during Cho late .;. , 1 reform .% : n . aubliqUing to The cou n t ry th v i. ,pl . , o rifur of abuaos, the' ea lines . of centiptitm, and the introduction of ,-tlio—mest-iniatillied--pterity—We r k theof the erl tpn ! p_t z. 42... m ix A ect that the eatnidlidiM - - n1 of en hidepinideiii Paid. aq, which ‘•slion1171 not &Anil for the ei. ..:Ceise of its peicors on 10 nitqlokkoi ll , ea price-crrichinrof party-aaccessi-u-waritlea hrecatnto 4 the TOW** whieh.tbey advo eatea. These procrisitrfl itiangeirik . c9 , 1 r1 44 1 010 1 41 1 * At v .. X 14 8 ° X simile With - 414 h they - no* . na sall o.reeent deeisi.ln of the Supremo court of the United, Staten: Vie highest tribinufl 14 the land, the °flirOttg 74 1 1110- 1 40 1 110 1 .14eipketely elevated tibufe 'tlfettarignes Nii +poll ti,:s, nod the infinencen of Polnliar Pitmen, ailpolitted to office for life; 01„, Chi e,xpress pnrposorof scarring thnlr hidlipendence and tdoicing. them haytilid the - relis:ll - 'orfeiapta -tioi,Wh6ee an a bfirrilncilcrall vviced colt, stittitional queatioati: aral from - sfitose deeis i ins there Reno appeal .-.14t noes cotered.with tibusq rigaiind.puntumeljr.becaissenVOß out of the nine J . 11 1 .104116 "constitnto that dourt, have ctinep„illa in rpritilering a Judg .ment at cadence - with the preconceived opin ions and prejudices, and sl4.irgjory,of the uneonstititiewillity of some • of the funda mental doctrines of the so called Iteptiltli- • •s 3 -the trtif %mi.' • 11r.,1 Scott Jo lon at, nhgt t•WAL ,figoi t fuu 000ld law* 14(4 for aotnetthe last reb. Liotte fb eliStetal..wlio -4:oretl to eritieime the ',sue; .40) it:dependent I .lthinary. Li it tioi, coral* thst such would' 1)1,.. boon ti>r colo 7 _ fit uot title conviteftnr to witoth 'way rtilt.ctiug tulud tutu& come, thu tVidelleit of phe....uttlee the guilt of the itttouivt to bring the itisfic* iv t dr tai autboruy of tii Republic %uo roe. temp:, u +Tube. . diem% of The judgn en‘ in the.Dred-Scott cascat fordi 111) CatIMU for party Out= 07 Cop pointment. It ics ,thka ellualatta.kand.aftift ar tful Constitution. and es such, is to La AC qnjoiced in and ot,wyed by those who tpay twvC etuArteiritd- dispren t ;gel DAL, if :WL u us by thnsio ilniatieerfulty &anent traits doc trine. When theludgtnent ofthe Supremo Court *as dellirovad by Judi Story In 1842 in the caw of Prigg Alain**. Pennsylvania. suotertlfilt the Constitutional right and duly of Cungritas to legislate for the"turn orfu• Vgitire thatdeohdLan welsh* assailed I with oontt:tipt and ridillni t wheiseur it. wan necessary to stir up to Prriudices for par t vricrac and ytt it has Won obcytd lr the and sanctioned by,afitly styli prothinent tribunal in the land. That the judgment of Chief JP s tive 9'asry wilt slats °RI 5;7* MirkiiiikoPsaki *Mk ' • ! , . oiarnaire,inwl. .._ LR 4 DI CIW-440 , 41 , - 111.6 0- 11 - STOW'S: * • Set end of Bptih Creek brldge, camel:aide Alle; tante. Pa. The ea soriber respeetfbllz Inftrial o the public that he heti just opened a Lealber and de lithe at his Tays i ory cstabllehmenl ito Belletato' where he will keep constantly on btaM a 1 0 04 or; sortmont of Lealln rr, hr. Si ralleini: .. Oak tai nod fipshish role leather, 1110,111 t Ish solo leather, erohoh calf sklue.• wskir Odium! lenthet, Olt Timms I leating ',rather S i el I„,'.b, lied p,, ent, Freud) calf alcide, 'Ditlailit' eking, /I, )une sod pink Ilningil, Qape r h yri an,l I; I er kid: Tatirtere oil A i 3) : -- Plos'Odut hair ; Cow, 1114,4afl burrs ; hreall, , lnle lee ant we„,a, •iikl : of tor's, las s kio . for elhoemOrpre. eirn iri ta 'r - 1 he 4 Oil IlfBTB.-11'or the lafisi _of lknal,inlsts o: all vlotrtra - w)ll keep on 4 iluppl; or PA Nip REVITXD 0 1) LcAl'lllat Iik.IIIIN4IBTH ANA trawl el ' • ethos wile. vrhlelr , he will Pelt et oltr,rnior,"Otull paid fbr all hind. bf Wen end aline. "-' •' r _il Le .0,,m ',Altos bare all brin.lpitte dfire,l44. 4j o l on the vvrthrr .9*aln7i'fillg exanifils,anu pulse Pot yo u r ' Ices.- t . ....2 'Alttill:-2J•11)-t1 • Tlfolla AB NIIIINSWP•