Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 15, 1857, Image 2
II Msflhingf and, when the nlet:silty for ifs' r!frtkolt_ had passed away, it was innnedi ately resolted. waariever RcknowlOgeck •by-the theoligiens. iti a. integrel part'of the Vnpal privilege._ Balarmitie,ltlesnit - and "Cardinals who has been suvected of &spr ing Peen' domiojen and whesewerlusw - Pee n 1 Giirtiesl: by tho Wiliam Church, in the :streets of Paris, thus tbaugurstes a line,. of argument. ",'IVe shall prots : Ist, that INF -Nis is- not 'the Lord Of the Wholo world gar that ho is not, Ni Lord of the who:e ..._Cluditgast- Squid t-3tri that her is not • the Lord of any province or tdirti;idil Tina no rnertirtomporel jurisdiction, by divine . :Iright,!: 46 Again, wile to atltnitn-no author , •itylosoporiorlo that of the Popo, he int4t: tftefircitistinee to Pairal 'aggression.% : "Since • jib SitthOrity is required to resist an inyador Tana docatal auratlvts,. Half 14 it neovasary '':llinethe invaded pt nit'!' should, to, theiatige an . superior of the lorair, 3.1h1i0, oa the \lithet hatht" authority - is required to 'puniab jiii!intettt, • therefore, just at it is 41r lotraithrattt lutist • -Punta when attacl44 ao It is alloteablo to resist him when ittadkln our soul a, or disturbing the !late: it is agoirible r. l say, to rotilt dito'• igniting Lis commatillt, and prorokiiiii the 11 4 otokliittte'utpothit wishes ; _Lot it 111 I , loe .n11911 . 414' to Ju4go Ili tu.."t 'The Popen diem- ,'llhe■ have freqnanily disclaimed' this pp tv-' i[l,-thus addros.t4 the Wins• itf Franee: we.riee searetlysable to fulfil title' own ris. e - ,1115 earn :usitriLl_Pc.C.4ft_fltlertl — Trion after consultation n ilia the clergy of Ttalui, that 1'1421(.0( ::;Anjj,cclorad 1'11;1 ry ; anirro this day; the; King is onannemlol, a:ad the Poutill do ncniced: Thciliiritlial power, even in no Tuigh r !an oundpotenee : it .114.4 been de em:al 'And eit•cuniscribed, by the decrees of tho rope is • asril: anint§cfdorfaith o i it is the traditio=7 ' . o4..rre the church. that he is infalhtbio en, pievicapowl ,wiliehittrolra a dognus,..?._ 114 . 'Ciltho2o ntay; - u'hhout ftouching his 4 . 94131,f,tju5t as 4111 Paps(' injunction : bele out co:nimbi:4 to is.salthlt, to auf act, on ha has;i::•if it is bonem,t tiecuadiy, that it is conatnitteo by Swful Uutharir.i,-7•• cutlndieity ltau "infirmd mu+. from the 1 *tent:aerate at-al of her adherent' but she! Li ionommt of many fbul dentin perpetwed her name. In whit rummer hat she ever ..r4ki*Cti • a hostility to republioaidsin 1— it t ,hostility to ropabliesuisin that em• haltaffil t -ita momustle' libraries, the sciences, listettntiamd-orts of fry! Orivoe. for . the ad• •l'itrultti9o of xnanbilid ? Was, at immiloy to fetNitaKllllll3llL . the social system I Was it - hostility to re- ' publiesnism, that refused to ratify At treaty Nth tyrants, upon Italian soil ? It is strange that bigotry ihonld be - se rank, in this eleantry. Intolerant lalglandhas long since railed, tier descendants of those gallint emvidirfa; oh*. when the Spanish Armada hivered around their shores, fitted Out at their own cost, Teasels to quell the foe, ' • • , While miteeitibly working to• prevent the .114owersdintrek ond state, "Know-Soildng• .1 1 4 1 a7 would hare cemented that Union': for, If Pretistanism be employed to crush Cath olicity. thrstugh the isediutpmf government, .thett Protestentieut must become the con. ' troLfegisiluenee in government. It would .bcp..s, fiercer perseteetiorrthrytherworteti* some. yet witnessed, to prescribes stet " -sokihfrurose of belief, amn! . admitting sos,b-a princ;pie to-he WAIT Jeddah io some future andf - unforaeen dentin galley, 'might possibly slash with the gov .prastut. S. tong as the temporal power -411-41se,sselenvissweritood-turtiFoper . _ shore, the spiritual power of the churchmen of prqgress. National prosperity cannot lit harmlace but the former lismostly too stand still, !Nitta it has attained the highest egad, to pmts. the latter into service, as an point ; like a traveller among the glaciers,, engisMotsfinsinistrativesniy ; and his but its solitary litiotirr. to ascend ; when Watt Alothlerai that,%tader these - relations, the lat. tempts to pause, it begins to retiais,de, -401111hatild t -hy-ita-.10.3 ik...ble ga.... , . And we, - the Gera of impossible things—, :usay sestina the coattail of the former.....- much as we bavi accomplished —we are on .Antskumli is Stoat terrible. when the auto- ly_upoitthethreshohl of our iniglighitdta. 7 l - ..lthathailthe high priest are tine, — The die. ,let emigration coma. Lot it roll onwards, ' tutottif Our Constitution, en this point, tal towards the far Pacific, scattering the weeds delimited namilstakable : "No eetsgtoos tut { i of future empire.' While there are resour., al M,ll ewer be revived as a qualification to! etc to be developed; let us -not prove unjust osyofillso or public trust, under the t°mted o posterity, or to ourilvint. - And, if the .States." "The' , framers of the Constitution," power aid the va&mitt are semetintes foist-. ' comments Mr. Justice" Story, "were fully 1 eel u p ori l a , through the envy of out 'Coca In iniutible of the dangers firoce'ttis source, 1 Europe, dbos not the immeasurable good, ' 'vevadted out in the history of other ages and co t o °matte for the petty „evil t It is an countries, and not wholly unknown to furl miamoly, this Nativehan. The Afnerican own. ' Thew knew thkt bigotry was uneva•l'' i bus no monuments of- aboriginal _grandeur, bill,' vigilant id Its Kt rit t genth to " 'CU T° t° , from which he can look down, with a "elf itsolf an exclusive ascendancy over the hu- 1 a s h conceit,' upon other clime., fitrike nastir,lnhicr, - 'and that intolleraneu wan ever: . , ‘ ",;,, ey „ few years r ro ,W t h e rec 4 t.e , l 4 .lte ready to awn itself with all the terroreof„ are idl•alit,:ns to,the soil. - the -Civil power to exterminate those, whol Not the leis' (amisaiss feature of the di*. Ambled its-Alines, or resisted its infallib'- I ' mission is, that Know-tiothingient s ap. liri' , " The"Catholie and Protestant had alter ! pealed to that clause of the-federal bionsti nslAri *sgeti the trust ferocious sits " u ' ' Lutioo, which dettrininsa that none-but nit.:' „lectiticnarfare on each other, and Protest.; , tive-bora citizens shall be eligible to the 'Matta itself, at the very moment it was i presidency. This fa. like the fable of the prtichtitbin othe right of peir a te Iz• Judgment,' ' Arch Demon quoting holy writ in support of piiiterilied bounder-leis to that right, beyond his protelisions, The Constitution hosirimo whhbh If any dared to pass he must seal his deed, marked an exiseption I bat It - has - Paterhlt the blood of martyrdom. The inerkni it relatively. aii4, &Mitred that no lit ' Of the parent-country, too could nut' other shill ever be inad& It is proper that Mt kib ui tth°l then ', in the use and abuses of ,_ . the executive supremacy ahould bear the .. .rellgloms teak. ' Tney there found the painir - st ;, ttit i st anti most indisputable stamp . of . end pintilties of non-coneormity written in nationality ; representing (ho collective au nt. equivicarlanunage, and euforced with a thority of a land, it should be vested mily stem Silltithwlictive jealousy. . . •:in a native of the laud. But why do net it is tatty tcrturvaee that, without somo pro-1 those, who are so tvoity, to start tilts :sic,. hibithin of religious tests, a euceessful sect , lion to the rule, accept as their arbiter of . itiotik•cintlitrtainighl. 'by °nee possessing ' conduct the cubeLiget( I 0 " 'Po .1 1" : ; - I*" "I'" W h ich w " urti .. Becure q '-- It is not altogether on the score of Capp tnilheithrulves "a rnonopof of 'lll the Offices 1 dieney_- - 4 htlicitlidstily__br , oonn -Z444.13-- of t tivitimijiTont Atifler the . national itoir.. tares that accrue to us from foreign sources ... 4Q014 okpriekeee etlieet We sullen probabi- LIZ. pellet', Peppy sem awe Dowinuea balm epriedis k use ewe • Thenlnem totlem orbia einietleM:s tflpi , / be SNP DOMISFUtiI sullies pro: ticieheAle e DW i , nellsoque habere Jura divleo , . J Woo tosetweelem. 't..4: 4 PoSttell, bib. V, esp , it. gift. resbitesellein int Brod, el ro 'futon ellt Jr /Writer ells aasteritar, nepler est 4, - fit. Ite. id R.l ju lltru t m i k,lta t e o t,p B 4, I reee ri trutu e° ;‘,: 14 eettediter,-iietirie, nicest fleet reeistere pen-' ilik ltiliterlirurlper, - 1110 Arai ceeteere iuretilenti wawa' r tureautt tiboyeblieam; hoot, ingesei, te riOstarp, Oda (Wend° quad Jabot, et iteendicre 7,1=1"!"111040411ffi Vaila 1 Ma 14• E Winn , DI iterirZ i mmis hettlite, bib 11, imp. ' ZXXIX. 1 OM latioi sowillatoi leer _ _ isfissi, var antuala Ite=v i llendba ? -- ' 1 ...., Cop, NOW. derJaidlo. == 'ennui:at." • • Ispey ; they looked forwartkih a - sottblii Setfing conbidetationq of law deathly they wialaattitirdpitt a resievq,kyl aril .right, we-may atillietoratina. that the inaahloh.tho, blayd, of- all. the' tribe*, that nun' ilispousa(lon of intiillerirOo ast theWO of ,Cluaasian man,. et ( l bo ly ill timcd. is tho prellog , dtity of all minzlAtilliir.correnici and thus forma race oh) lotion chutThesrat,this, !pooh, to cam- Opt 'druid rise suporlor to tho physical and hind for4au4trltl-tharonsei- i'hysmo - ein esaim hie our turbulent literature, without per- Know-ilothirtginn ix thu Python of our ceiVing (lest it is becoming more and more politics ; like the Python, may it die —be imlnted with InticltlitY.,Dsazled by- thtir fern the onalsuald of Democracy. It is to triumphs on the 11-1(1 of all and ethics, our no doubtful choice, that the %Vers of this have transgressed upon the realm coniatry An the 0110 aide it of rovcla'tion ; in the first flush' of mortal darkness.: on the-other, ligot, On the one victory, they hake cindeavorecit . o - grappleother epic, iateleranee; on the a lavish gen• with,Deity.; stortingtn theviinit °IMO: er Ohicets, they have mimic n 4 lifter the craft, and erirelfY ; on the other. tried /gnus frtui of idle,Oplculation I amd,„thcii probity, fearless frankness, end genialederet are Confirmed in cry by , their very co • ahoy. The spirit:et Despotism, in a new soiettaness of skill. Why meet the clergy brit unavailing disgifise, asiotults once more still entertain their sectarian feuds. 3 Why Ate spirit If Itepubloseism. What shall mist they waste their eflbrts against ,- ono eh) say, at thig crisis, of the men who staold another. while their strudel beeiegedt : — wavering, or of the joninala that - profess The-peril of one is the ,peri!of all i the !Mon neutrality tlf they are Dot to be oar friends is 'nor -aimed .at the breagt of Ottthaliciii let ua know them fur our smetniei. alone ; afttr,eighteeri.kenhttios of glory; the the day of a great reckoning ever'come.their question nowlt: ••Obiistianity ern? Christi.' punishment must Sle, the .oblivion of. cion anitY • - , tempt. • . . Ennally inept, ancl more inunodiatelygat. The D ei the r r put tee , se of yore. athe iniented- to our national happinese, re, even tenor of i ~ivey.'i The pilot, ti , ho, in 4llitow..N4lthing"' oppositihn to foreigner% •the hour a ranrun, Steers his yeasel rtooor he , policy under which we have grown up d(ng to - the prt,iniptings et his own wild fan to 11l vigerbus mew Ity—the ()Olio) , thst.has tangy, ddi erve tt e i s m but t ie 1, h o re h e p \ 4 134, trained our eliergies into health and activity upon the ettart, an d owe ows vith prudent --the policy tot liasihnpedeur institutions .....- .. - • • ' sw-WtitrAVF .• • . . , . es: -.- us, we lost, ho oust told,gacasaratM that the &Lena in ofitszvidst are neditioun and refractory,. and -that.--they---aro oonstantly , watching for an" opportunity to dominate over the.native born. We are told that, to sere eureelvee, we must throw itnpedimeMs in the way of emigration-Lthat mighty tide. - which drains the channels of wealth and la bor a. Ciratul2to swell their increase here.— Surh counsel. intelligible to the mire of Eu ropean oligarchs, can have no moaning in our lend. The inflnehod of emigration l— it has hten the pone itnd HiOoWorour lode. peiniun.m. Its voice, Is heard in the clatter of every' factory, and In the shriek of every steam-whistle. It bade tho foresta oink;" and, lo! in place of darkeento woods, the Omits are waving in the' sunlwarrt and lifit'wethe pAlillsur roved, now grazes the pe , ao,,fg ilea'. It stood upon the beach of ' the sea nul : T on the margins of •natill riv, I ers and cilic. 4 sprang from beneath its ere store feet. It ent-I . rell the noisome vapors of the marshes : arid troi:* won to culture. - The lion?' It is written 4n orY of our rerdution. and stripes" may float to MIPS /fie - fore , of l'aul Jones and Jack hold !cords are Moritgo', Kalil, Hamilton, and a only_to that 'of %Yoshi LafeYette. When that of hed been,devoted to sin psis, _ r Slags, beneath the shadow of-our soaring capitol, he burst had tears, and cut/dined, 'thank God ! that ,"too, em an American Citizen' illontreel to Me jeer. that is not red with the gore of aliens,' poured in the defense of A merican freedom. Ihe fait oryof the tying soldier ha; ever been a blessiogon his coon trf"hts not:nary. not by birth, but by the stronger bond of adoption end feeling. Ge nius, generosity, 'vklqr--thetto arc cesmopo- Man in their tendencies; yrhermgkilathbahir tkiMW r the dkdates of the mind, they-rtaltuoveledge-tbeir-ce.dry. We have passed the period, in whcc - Your only care was for the necessities of lite : but ye have reached that morelawortArtued... in eihrch we must command the necessities are instantly valuable—that we ahould-by all legal means, uncoUrage emigration ; it is becams4s, _trithout emigration,, we caatot carry ti the intentions of our founder* This Jtepublie was instituted, not .for one ago, not for ono people, but for all the ages, and for all the nations. We conquer by bi son& We are fat' trying an.cipcFmtent of continental pd, &,; we ate experimenting upon Liberty. and, through her, upon the world. The sons of Liberty, should be, in terry, fenieet, evorthy.of' thelr parentage. It was aot,ftni the.beneflt of, the Anglo-Sax ot aloutk t st our father' left this brilliant gone before,—ehouhl he be Ig I ca ry, wi tun to admiral . of man kind. The relies of anolent *lad. •• teachillitoritn•artruouti experied4t,.t t or acular and innate voice of soul, should these trove inadequate to direct us tinkly. ehoold the champions of Democracy be doomed to sink beneath ther-rutnr - of - that Gonstitudom ihrtite defense of which they tegetlior..athen, at least, they tiilh fall with prood• consciousness - that their batik% has heen.for Justics,stsklgoitOr anal imaititilde • Tee Ilosanrrr or .Aeoliimstiat —The Prtnuay/rozucm. alluding to the itsertiess tress aa - hypocracy of the Abolition party, remarks with grt at force: The ose-nidedasnatical, pretended 'she manity" of Abolitionitgo, aa crinecd in this ,country, is probably the most selfish, cold blooded. and.. cruaLorgenised_teanifoattltion of human sentiment exhibitedeirrvtoy coon try in slaty age. It far outstrips in its ago. ceplituniairdlesigns all the horrors of the Frrnch revAntion, and can find no parallel in, hjt.ttrra except in the awful and bloody scenes of the terrildo in:recession of.Bau Wog° tragedies it aims to emulate ; beneath assumed - rbho of humanity it, hides the mos t liendish elms and purposes. It stops short of i ;otliiilr ,but the immolatitm 4f a whololtntion, and that the happiest and Ho blest one the sun tam irer 111101140 upon. It boasts of undying hostti;ty :o the greatest and best frame work of gcrernmMt eaorde tined by the wit of man. /It seta nt tisZnOicli to rundamental larks of the land, and 13. 'ci s trenson,riot, bloodshed, and_ dcatb, to Muss or Rarassasestva•—Tt it a matter f confiratulation that the Black Re publican ouse of Repreeentativea.heaclost ed hassle able days. If it hat not accom plished much ICIPICIhier, it was' not for the want of attempting it. It tried at the last ' nilrigrrargattii onrepiment. and "kited. It itonW"heie '" tit the trnhin capacity was not equal to its nutliguity.— Iteaute into power-on the whirlwind of po litical abolitionism, and it sunk out of exile • tieirllrTheinire •of fireitirial - and TAIL& corriptioit. It will rotain forever in our 00- lilies! annals the appropriate designation of Biosh-Repahlican—black in its political and moral lineatamits—blank kits pritteiglhalts nyinpattilts and its associations 1 bbiekon inethifitiatiteter of the country and the_ good' name of its tamest ind• best patinas, both living-and dead ; birth -in the taigain; rbefberrand - . -praittptlldeTTild ten in its dying houra, and conldonsd lit Out g the " black nes* of darkitess" of traria' dog oor tempt and inflaily.7-Rica. DupiOck• MERITZD Rases. , The political clergy min, the Beenlvens and *e, i tlicevers, do hot like the folloiijingierstesph in the•procia motion of the Governor of )Issettehusetts, appoin!iiig a day of (listing and prayer: .• May thohe, called to minister at God's slur; impressed with the truth that nation al transgrissions can only He corrected by remtivlng sineihstaln trots Iw dia.:manhunt and menhir minatth rations tuidrcits -the,apiriptil wont. of the indi tidual hurt, that this sesecin, consecrated by out 'father s ptVi3e-ii and oracice, mar not t'irettorido (tutu a holy dry to a holi r day. - • • t It le a goad .iuggestion and we hope our devout politicrirparsoni will take the oltuo , nitioa with Christian reoiguiktiou,—glodiwir , Madre. • Coiosso Seirntios is NEW You..—Sec janiLfirse.of Akrtiolii Second of the Coned ; lotion of Now fork, -provides that negroes, cannot vote unless they have been for three I years Citizens of the State. mid are , vdsesa oil of,* freehold estate of the value of three hundred dollars. :litsolutiomi 'providing for an amendment repealing this clause, passed the Assembly on Wcdhesday by a large vote. They had provioullyst.ised the Senate. In order to perfect the amendment, it ,must be rapeseed by the next legislature and alp]; proved by the people at a special election. - 'OrwriikrSll7.4DOZl.;7lt. A:Stu - npso n gives the Ohio Cultwator the Allowing rem edy for distemper in dogs : ll'hcn first no ticed, and before the animal drigs'lde hind legs, it possible, immerse him ell but his head in warm water, faa hot as the flesh will comfortobly beer,. rubbing with the . bare hind over the kidneyi, small of the back, urinary organs, and under the whole length of the belly, for bolt MI hour at a time, un til no symptoms remain; always when ta• king the animal out of the bath, rub thor oughly dry with coarse-towels.' ll'asna has boon no inateilal change hythg Philadu/phin Markets since= balm" t, *drt; *T i nian , - *lllOOAp AND ILIAOT 1111116C0 liaLre B Ll* zEeioiiiri•E, I' Ai rtiNA.• Witbrff BOA APRIL 13, 1N57 ; MICICULATIONIN,THEtiOUNTY ro„utivi,Rzmu. WILLIAM P. PACKER,' -...' ON I. YCOMINO COUNTY. NC ¶NAL COMMISSfONER, IM,ROD STRICKLAND, ~ ON CDESTUR COUNTY BUPA E.ll IS JUDGE. ELLIS LEWIS, .01 LANCAtillig, cOUNTY . Tot I)titoniricr of Centre Cmfity ,wiii meet fifit the_ pot rue, of holding • iFI- ,CAT.IIJN MEE T/NN in toe Court Howr. ht On Wednesday evening; April , , 291b. r ' All irncla of (he country nod thi;Con4i, tutio —all who are °pnned to nectiOnnligtu. prescription, will plorove attend.' An clfort he inadwritr proonte etrigent spe•kerit lotst rilstelice to address; flit' meetirrgi WM. J KEAL4k, Clishirstn, SiaViding Comtniitee, , --..-.... ‘wovirv: iirwillini the treachery, and way, henceforth lot More beirutime party in this Stare and that:l/IL.: s. ingism, Which we commend to the earefld - Noted Well to the intereet the prospeiity httenthit at:hur readers. It.' wall teittten °°d' ' ltie i4 l oire 9lour Othtinurl iWi , not say, hernreftwth, .soutpem .Free 'Pride etiHy in 1856, itid wale it continued up to this 'present tithe; other direful liken yof Hot, shall be tlifaiiirollml our g4:ght,-united''and r a e ,, er don eedetted toot be & ded, en- sanding 'shoulder ter•sheidderid our Mien cause, and that of oar entintell Here& til t tter atatirmination its sudden death and umi tied funeral could be recorded. t er let thee°'i'°"" party ill- ' t he -l i e r t " l° i We are nnab• the number that recklessly ode 41 ° 1 44 , united.. indivisible "herby, with 'impeach them ' of till'of our felki*.eit, the astertiamau° to oak f°s -. t °4l4 °lP b ° l isms, w1e4:14 the et - or - this credits . iiat°o l light. and 01142 +40 isit 6 lS 14.4 is letibliutt bri loan Ventilations Irmm a' -' •' ' ' '''' " .... e l m l.S.: . ti k k .:- ••r • .' We rejoices in -being able tomeohl the to snesneelves wit ha adherents.— " the rs irk Congress 86 ,with the evidence oP-Aißtory be. from tide Stem excepting Virihn ' dt., of Brad • !bre theta. we do assert that ii&v moral ford countLitgithiat the'rePeal of the Tritifi honesty or moral coursgeare fearfully 'Sant, Of 18411. Thisitceionitren who bereet.j , be• ling hi-those who at this day •will not shalbe.L l ZN ed her muce. l "°°a°°t'sd : with ' 4loll4l roe off its teach,. mule out from its secret chum r de '''' 1441 " 414 4 " 4l4 dfromAer lerratri tr. His iofomoustroachery should be ref t ! bets, and declare to the world its filsity and ../41.6_ywning (nurturers; fuel up on dishonesty, as learned by servile experi. goigh f pport. - Ofiri tiuudOlui has deed Fence. . .: • will stink in nostrils of ever true heart. thew . 7%; treasonable oriths - ilisi were imposed Brodhead, Thomp n. Footer, andall the l havolicen violated by the leaders themselves, other Loco Fooos, end are Whigs. Who hom R eally and fa i thfully did their du te trto Perim who bate gone over to other neiiTaid ail they mippose, mote available political I b i ta l oc in e ni ; a w ad. i the,m h om eld so l ; i the ul fa r e e t tne th i U l t . sehames;arel it only remains for the masses Ritchie of the Union, Secretary Walker, and of the gitelf,-wherever they may be, to de. the , Resident's .privste Secretary were in Mile Whither they will consent, that their thelloute using all their influence acliust votce shall be sold 14' .polltical gamblers, in them. er, i Mink, llla satin) David Wilmot, whose Wake they will basely folio*, or will 'rclu they come out like men, and act with that who, but ten years ago, while a represents. greet hatienal, conservative party that Iwo, the in lecingrtlia from 'PennBi4van'a' stood made out hountftwhat it is., andaaved it in up NlVary sad alone in the Pennsylvania every emergency,lio it thir"a° la"114"on : Delegation, is thribetrayer of the' induntri• and fsnattiolkin f alltitensts of the State, is new niiininittet flyrboVertior, ind'you, who are in frier of the PVCI*4OIII Cif 'Homo Labor, are asked to hate kw Via. This mama roan , _ n•li teen o On inCriated -ytitit iiitereate iihirlhoee of the "State, 'and was denouticedll4 It ari recreant 'licottalthlessi.Velwate.-"treacheri should be revertg4d by disowning and turning litre - up. on the South for support," is now, es if to mock the Mtge of Free. labor; nominated as the special champion of Freedom! Ile, whose name , ashisdeed, itwaa phiphositl, would "oilMk ,4tAenost * a ^f every true &cried Pennsylvanian, 'omega," his fl • I . • .. . NE' 1:4141317p11.041- lit i z t ut. probalgi a .MlElJOrriperm pia bjlla for the org oizatio of. ttio atabrica..Territoreia of Nevida, Drieerth, drixonia and Neosho. When kbenesota shell be adulated into the Union, the_pumber !bites will be thirty two. Orem% and Warthierr):l will roue the number to thirty-limr.mad • A'abeseitt and Now Idasico to thirty-air i• arid thefournew iretddrirlieirlidfrittoW. theivari the circle to fort : Bhould , \ , . ~_ eseh 'toe divided into three pates ails s t one d 'fo: his treachery by becoming an Ab.' proposed, the number would ' be raised it; ontion Agitator. and is now considered a fit forty-six. Then there is the piopesed State man for ()overact man ~---.7 . oL.Ekunuine-oc....ttliesta r enekhurther Irratint — times change, an 4 s 9 (0 men, lint --P nr; * forty-seven; We leave omitted Utah : but do es are (Ar i es ' ; and s o long as the peo if that Teeritery beinintitted as a State, the pie of Pennsylvania are true to the princi number would be forrpsightr This trona- Iple, a and poliv thy be ever cliOaked Xs bar would tie MAO eliitent'any 'ilbribiontessehtial lt.the. prosperity : of the et Nebfteka,Orsgoerer Waimagsmal itA. 4 ioniraiii jhfy ~ , 4r, ith, 5e ," ? .. 4 4, 4 , 000 , the former is bards enough, for Six ' nation' ei ilmot„the betrayer of tier States: dragon , Ibir tbasucand Waithiegton therialtpi 'Olio) , of, the State ribose very for teas . Those oaleelattomatie odafq 'name, it may in- troth .be ant " will. stink an ideasfthe lild4A - . 4irlionflir pub. !i n the 460 10 of every true.hearted Num do, the imineems. extent elf our unsettled j sylvanien forever.";-: , Daily News, TeAtory and Importance of the Ispislatare I sifetting it.. This wilderness is a emit em pire of itself. ~Wore twenty years it will be teeming:frith an industrinucliarly, en. terpristng and enlightened population. — Bi t the unknown solitudes of the greet mono tgin region, mid by the margin eif the grand ly rolling rivers, prosperods citieentill spring up, while the voice of the fanner, the low of his cattle, the scream of the Locomotive, area the rsabint, sound of the steamboat will everywhere tell that civilisation has reached the Ikr West. What a mine of wealth will this be to the commercial 'nd manufactu ring etagere of our own section. Then Phil adelphia, Baltimore, Ifew York and Boston will 'be thermart of a trade compared with what we do at present is a trine. There is nothing it' t h e progress of the West which is' not 'of into eat' here*. Banks, currency, agriculture, 'towns, lands, midis, newspa pers, workshops, trade, religion, education, contours, all are of great Importance to the 1 eastern cities. We send out merchandise, ( laborers, capital, missionaries, educators, physicians, editors, machinery, and receive brilliant returns. Every new Territory or ganised is a fresh source of profit to us.-- Every new &MO tidinittedis an impetus giv en to extension of trade. Renee the dispo. sitien of the Whitton empire is of vast Ini portanee to ns, and we should take an . 1114 tiro part in suck 'disjxiel. • ' Wl'. Trout)) rtspoelfulli intimate to-our readers. that Reptile & Baker. in their Brio cory ate Provision store, op the north eget Ride of the Diamond, are prepared to fur nisFt groestges•Parprdisions, as @heap, if nod duet Per than any i;rther.entablishment in Bellefonte. A little the Ost cigars' in tbie portion of country', are being gived' taxi n for wee ?era each. TtylLem ! • Ws tail the attentiewet every - reader end of all BohoorDlreetore in intrtiotilar, to an article from the Penna. School r fournatOn another colutint er thie oreettglenyi4nouncon the eletition of witi-tr' htendenta.— The' labjent la deo. of Inportanee, and le ably boodlod ja tare &Wok alluded to. - D4yz.v. TA/OT._ • . 1 t ; tit 1 , W T WA$ tgou ' aiit 0; inXIN . .-Ihst eh ere tipp)49low4l) o e , p II ''for D • 111111tnt* in h 4 47 w h h ~ Fl thouglik*f thln b , kii! have v :iorninited ' Alli t .thei ' Atlaktfrii# fp .- nor, neit reptib A the folgowifig elirnetn i Fitom the, liarriglitirg Telegraph, then edited by I Then. Fenn, Esq. Frain - the Hal ehbprg . l'altk t e,iph, -ray; Itt,ittift THE BRITISH FREE TRADE BILI, , . - /t ni iat herty Overt Mal of his - rotintrjf,"alA portiettlialy to every tig, to know that of the 114 roteA which were given to the llottae. for the administration ofßrit: oigh Fieo 'Frady Bill ONE -'IIUN BR El) ANI) I TIITItTEEN were Loco Fooos. and tut ONE Whig—aud ho from the Loco Foto , Snite of Alltitnms, Of NINETT4It'E who tiobly• - stoitti Op for the Ttitiff tvigtost the Free Twtdo Polley 11FVF'N'IV ONE tteto Wlll6B. SIX NA ; 11VE NitICANS and btu ;IPCO FOCOS. tli et 11 of vhloott wyru frottt lkirt.!t tv mitt f.tor Novi NoteVork: tWo fidot Nes\ ,1, y. loot ';lne' front I .ki itvl#dH ''Mitt ONE lintrtatr Vsmc Trans watt found iu l'entmyknoia I awl that who, Witattvr 14 Peittifott, The c.tecrottoo..s fir Ctet of l'ellWrilvrtrua toll figl up:ul and folloit , Alin lino{ he iihehe: , that rtdee ''totide 'the rah* thefts nbt, thi•fir• is probitnentArtl." Pew** M. Ilatriabwg 014taph, July, 8.:1848. ' Wlipt wild the neenle of Pronsylritniathir to this oil:age. upon her ,• fa/ Oh her interests rand bee honor , ? Will 'sin. turn end ilf tht. *boo vs fame Fog SKIM. —The compar-: `,ative . 7slne,of iron and wood fur ships has' been a,..nalMect . tof discussion for some years, other Atlantic. A pamph llet has just been published hy,dlr. James Hodgson, in which tic states that iron is de- cidedly prefenthle. it 'topers that an iron vessel Of tine thousand tons will cerrf two hundred and eighty tons more dead weight than a wooden vessel ; that on a voyage to the Fault Indies, out and Fiume, £5 per ton, '-the in; vessel would have a 'ffelgliplialue of 1£1,250 over her wooden rival ; that such • vessel would be built at a less cost of from .E 2 to £3 pet ton, or rem £2,000 to £3,000 on the whole; and that with the saviitg.of I interest•on the capital. insurance, &c., there would be a, total saving of .£1,1150 in favor of the iron vessel on a single India voyage ! Again, the durabilitY of the iron ship le in, 444 tely greater. First C,11418 wooden ships get out of order in twelve or fifteett years, while an iron ship pa the end of that time ii VI good &son the day she was launched, and will be so, it is estimated, for a Ituudrtid years to come. These advantages, howeyer; esti only be secured by due care and skill in the' construction of the vessel ; and the failums which have occurred through the want of these,reftufiltte4 are, admitted to 1)!y• 1 / 4 userieue impeditpepteto the ge n e t: al introduction of iron 'VetilielL _A__ 4 2/..44AGM_Eut......Wasannointue Rev. Theodore Parket, one of the 3,000 rev. erend denunciators of 'Senator Douglas, says that “Washington had not a great intell(Mt; o ' no philosophical i.otirortt, no' 'fondness fori l beauty, , ia are or lite4turo. At. Uinta- , IN pariredlit the lhaitliest. of oaths, was not an eireehonatiman ; and few, Rowers of ho nevolenee gleamed across his Oath . ... and ilt(;1 resson Ilnethle—ithe Piet that he lived , Kw& died a altveholder Y This is. moestrous,- 84 thee it ie Ode same Parkfr who gives,to olnfrles Sumer attlic qUalittea which were ! laelteirin Washitigton, anit4een3slhim a herr! avidit Stint; bantnae weltuppose;he is got d eateholder. This reverenAvittlatnattliees of the binning and Ain't% 1 4047:-oga the lea,dere and teachers of Ithedition Week Reinati• ' Whit does he what de4l slim 1, L. OP GOOD PRI3ZI _ 7.. .., 1.. : ; ~... ~ . a ' , , , naisteneee a m " 4 4 0 4 t r m of g ood , ";i,t, hi I. 'T.% 0 'Nvesle: to once to ei t o 7 6 „ gc li:‘ , it tt impo e rather ittiti 1 o ' that it il t .itAt ilt sante Ikon. we do not Z g ht. to • nil in t . any ,el in' in) those whte,do"net belong th em .'Ye! ' seatesmau whit. •edild' M. the chief ningisty o 11 Mon 4li L-4 • • WIWI:0 :wise Prild r t lic a n i t',l ll :, , , i l i A,. s tr .. ,' 'r cp:el L k ilf cite d i ' l .m i:l ll, l ' 't a t9 ia l Tit l4 n lit iem li t Y r - A ki in b r l he i m iit i iell torYleatingt titetit „e on, the s m .i„um, not only 01 his 00 ti pulitteal of others While we approvti cordially eho n 4 d e Ittllterents,latt of all patriotic citizens, by great feaiariks of public• policy which .. .nhatescr party hake they pal be aistja. ttivetinvgl' ' he.] tt .11 ratio have go haled, or by whatever party denomination '' - " e t euw PortY, and have uloy may bcknown.l„icibge„c„. ino ids aof nbaittrig one jot or title of our We sympathize most cortliatlet with nor "'l""tTOr - OW_ 114PilkitittiotW ackson neighbor in this patriotic hoPci 2 , 1 , 1 though and Can Buren ona PM: (tee iy Mei; the h i . alio, ii did not N i.... lelligencer ref i i: r r u lt d .) d . ti t t tie l o, a4e se q rv y. a tt l e ive wi a ll i i ) g d g n t io. we may regret Houlew Mit ly act upon it ,heritro4tßOOlitiL vie are quite Hanoi with all leen iti fa culdanlX:rt n tSl, enaintsi 4 ready to , apprtiato the mot i ve which r ed t o . list* lid expreamion now. 34 Article frion the 1 the a b natitLitit ' l l Islod ilru • thA Mike:— Neithor : de we wish to fretknate ft doubt of "• Us! on" which occasions the comments of the Intellieencer had no purpose certainlm the " C " : 118 44 ' the, 4 1 t 0 10.1atim • and the Union ag . stjuitt any combined IF,,yhieh can t, exclude frtitrinthte ...upport, of the ruiniiiiis.. "retina toy dui :o'er oyr .Allo‘v eittiens who hreelPre:‘gtlllare tiro ,- I I is unable e t . ' ~.-. ' , ' fort iv,r . concert might approve ofiturinciphot oil lacciw:dict, I milled men il.r°ll l , C bv 4 t 9 6 ormu b t o_ ry w i ti:etitiele -by whatever party litulge they may be ills publican party rust soon lar i ctaiihed in pie. tingolfhl4 or by whatever party cte'teranioa- • It beta rocidtred 11 .. se#el "ion they it litloielf:" Nelther w Ault I 13°8' Op/NOM of the - Supreau? Omit. Shotdd peace int( tidal in that artiUle to ignorethe fact I that the *tient etatpiniNtratiort • de °liittebtrd l "ade Pni ll ar le ill Faro°. Itia we be that for the elev cion at, ie new enjoying , to the aid arc t will.) it ' ust he irretrevably ruin e d. and suPtsotvor many Who hael:horetokre co- " -- ' 4 " 4. ." ; . ' . . . opehted with ttia'iotipiqtion." M. those gallant tuely 'who COW to rosette of the and carelinte. of all illianees- knd doped by no shadowy hopes, fought brively for the ' • • • • . - weir.-vret-4entertatit, ther bigkets revinA,Fletb4 Knoutsincere mgard. The President ,tire, fees mairized - khrWpintielt" ation of their patriotism by his official 'm ayo. Apart from local appointments of leks, significance, Snit tender to Air. Play ttf - 'iti important mission is a feet well knOWn to the country,' and indioatirs an Oda sub ject, of the opinions of-the , Fdrecutive. The Wiiifeitinito know, has no disposition - to do = liVitfeeiti - the' of crag' of these disintereatedlnen, And ,po far as tie are cdncerned, the Inteliiseimer cannot val ue them morehighly than yVe do, for we were side by dike wiqk thetti -contest, and know what energy a n d ability they brought into it, - they bad untied 'Mai fortunes with the lellowide of Col. Fremont, or had joined a hopeless demonstration fo r , .•Fillmot 8," thbir absence from ihe• Demo cratic mulls IniEjajnyu . been -seriously But Instead of this, there wernmenY of tie te who. at • national oriels,forgot old party divisiOns, and, refusing to divide the forces or the Union by a prefer or si folly of at tempting to keep the wing flay fying, when there wee no party to rally around it, joined hauls with the only organization ,of the country which-had any claim to na. atonality, or had any hope of scieceeding against the bands of fanaticistns which sup ; ported Fremont tit those who stepped with the lioeltiiioncevut the halfway house of_the. Baltimore Convention, we Fincemly trust 0)10 .12111111 will find it consistent with their vievriof duty to suPpork,the adminis tration, ittid'thug to help mitinikkour cable eyetem of goveriunline. We have never entertained the idea that Mr. Buchan might not win the approval and supiarl of such persons-by that "what+, prodent,and conciliatory management of .our public...a thirst" 'Okla we feel great confidence will mark his presidential career, and this Idea wsvild he manifestly vivrexianee, we are glad seer, with the views and opinions .expressed in yesterdsx's inteiiirsecer. " rentitti I tenet *Ready of an opposition to the exie- I ting administration. The Reriuhliclane of the Northern and middle States are still in Sint -potiticatigta,AurO( aspirations for power, and defiant in their hostility to the Union. Our neighbor can hardly be tine- ware of this. end yet it would not be easily tnferryd, it must permit, as to ,say. from On fialf4tt'llP,PO,Frolltfitts...ofiteown colitis% 11 74 1 1,4 0 . 4 4 1 9k,b 1 P•efilitst and violence are ItreeinlinLit 1 1 ellfmttinst the adminialre ".ll, stilitlilt the gll_Prellle.Qourts-andagaitud tbelinten, by the men mi, the presses that InlPPnated Fremont for President, we con fess we era a little surprised not merely that the thittiderit'f our neighbor is launched against them; but that it should. be dismalw. tied with the Unita for recognising the ex istence of. such an , opposition, and endeeirJ ,ring to tree, its origin. yireAtterely hope ' that itenaN'idatfeil and destroyed. and to this end we mould he glad to join the In: Itelligeseer in a common and-wannest effort;- bet st present wo hear it claiming to be powerful, and rejoleinie over the &WNW; of its ticket In several of the Northern States. 1 It holds 'iNit,w, Ilanipshlie yet, (though by a diminished majority:)entils still paramount I in Rhode Island, while in Pennsylvania it 1 has dared tomeminate the notorious Wil, mot. It wit-not answer to forget the as loessity of effort and exertion at, a time like this. The republic has' bean fortunate in the election , if James . Buchanan ; but the enemies of the republic, must not .he *hewed ' .to organize themselves for new misobie( without li, 'struggle. We mist not pry peace onlass-We are sum that tbeite ts peace.-1- Certainly, Internal tranquillity was .tieuter store desirable than acne, end thore tee Nome daumei which teed; to reduce it. ." The very acerbity?' (lnielltgeAcei• truly mays) of the civil contests through which the coon. toe has but'receatly pissed, bpfatiguing the public mind and tioking Arai itatiottal.con sciencs;has propelled the war, ea it'et. helps, fora readier Wien/ Whe tltieliKrilieh Milke for peace, whilie_Atni • oat , • ,• _ -. r:lnio - Cancient,politiaellientiments of 10417 libidos in a plaslo state,restly to receive fake and pressure according to the-dovel , optnents of the commit; time. Out if the" Whig ham, 4 1, Mham,‘ been dissolved, find the Kilo tig party. defeated; it is equally for 0 r all Limy their euins arose. the Bleck au bliosolorganilletion, which, still erects itself ! , fgAID, dark, and defiant against emery &vertu:nal, of the gorernmento It seeks to reritto she Topeka convention, lunt,illtrtidttge neWdisharbaticee in Kap,Stil• • 14 a ttacks the ' Supreme:ooM% and cliondre fist , num gon.• atitution. "It tiiiiiii itself 404 a ptellidentltl barb full cohtest in , 1884.-whill, could it barb full'et teat gizmo , to Al. own doptOucc, cuc I; etw 'ittop tiou 1u talc country would be inwoostble.— Cr A Hold' our titr • • • bie erhOes surrounding buildings are in a BLitt() of, eonflagratioh, is - Wet) 4 1alown, Ind That in conseerienio of such difficulty, ari. sing from-tho animal's dread et Stirling from tho -scene_ of dostruct,lono,„ many .telsable burses hair° peniehoA in lye flames. A gen tlenean, uliose horses hale been, in great peril from /nicht Muse, having in man `tried to olive hit upon the' ekpedient of he,- log , them harnessed, as • thotegh they were going to their topsail work,lflrru, lu his as temishtiontrifisyltsies hid bona the stable Isthout.digt, • • • • SLAVERi it)YD rAft alms, araEss 11Indy of one citisiens wonder se byte ',that the inhabitants of (kelt BrittiLlsiake "'jib an outcry ogainettdavety in 4Xiw bountry, JAN it is Well-known that slavery exists to a greater 'Patent in British Indio. The num ber of slaves hit 4 never been aseertained. but it is estimated from twelve to twenty mil , liong. The mother Is kept UNgiot only by propagation, lout by pai:cote' selling their children. In times of scarcity thstPuor pee pie from the interior resort , to 011/ seaports ar.d sell their children into slavery without scruple.. There are many mere 'dares held in bondage under tite Amasstetl, 'sh gov ernment. than in all the slave of this Union; and yet we are conetsisll rtainell with homilies from the Lett, and other British prints', en the 'abject of slavery in the United States. . New we cannot believe that these organs of the itgitidi Mobility are actuated solely by feelings of humanity tdwarthi the poor Africans slaves in our Southern Stella, for if they were they certainly, Irma—have some compassion. some philsinthrsiphy towards the poor East India slaves, vastly more nu merous. in their own dnmiplona. - What, then, in tha object Of the *Otto critic pre,ot of Britain, in tiPia eonatantly ha , piny; u t em Am , toioAtl%lttvery. and ae C(111- 001111th tiomentg th, mth3t.e.t. of British sir ver.i w ohe E4st m d se, Cad that object . he iitip4tllle.; to coliatitu tional ;Cates, by netting the North tho Muth, and IMO Venn? Uonaid-r the nitrite of the British notripty —who are in reality the government power of - England—hart: owed this centaur evtr.since the-time-of our-fortv- Maims Strllggkd so manfully to throw off the battik! yoke of Bridals dominion and un iniftial Let Otte also consider tbat thiseame Bri tain has as signally haled in 11.41141111: attempt 14.atildtq - Pait Let-4,llosnr--entr-rbtormber Brat samirnobility 'are jealous of our growing powei and commercial manufactur ing importanoe OA a nation, under our pres ent excellent constittitinnal mina of States. Let them also'bearin mind, that the example of the .UCC(101 and continued existence of our tiatilm, as a greet' and unifiv*dtattestitu-, Alone! Republic, must looner or later des troy theluncaoual and unjust privileges and euetkms of the British nobility 'riled family and clergy: Let them rothiember all this, and they cannot fail to see therein sufficient mason for the ceaseless and bitter - hatred which that powerful arietocrscy have ever nonifestedtowards our republican ay - Aleut .7g government, and people. It is, titeilef'i , ore unreasonable to believe Ong .thoi are area now endeavoring, by misrepresentation and intrigue, tolow the aeedt)'C stSftrA . *bll4 they intend in time will'spri4otalia 341 civil war and fraternal bluodibadasliCtkorii! by &straying to the rear ibuodstion , Abis beautiful fabric rible4lbftill44 cemented by their I:4o4l.—Pizehm*.• A pill hen been Introdiped intoAlke • • it. of new derney. of I. drunksrd, on provinghirn, ouch before,s, justice of thePelog, may_ •I~eo ' AdUti>id Yo' hold her 4i/if 41 4 6 0 ill th°l4. l l 4 lf rotV r children until hinref4r44 • L :4; d Wap OVb4 in the • c• •. • ,• • • al Leritir 11 SUDDEN DHATIEr-Lift. Propiflytjamil .• t tln while.rrallitasl4l4 Iv'eatioaay ' , o4truitrig, simitplyit on the eidemdk Awn Alleetutet or, Ade bid Insvpricitind eredlnfrltt lkikkr Hook, lending bur* Pirsefultry. , AN efta . rt. is being midst to Mare ecliiisigon of _the Pon!~ °Uhl)* Socioty in Philatleiphin. quired- 9 ,purposiiltlita mark! bie , ttllagesio , . , DOSTRiJOTIVII. •Ftse.---Glenvriibd at Tuaklttatt!iek; Wad Iltat Oliostv; *ith 3 944 . 401f4, t 4 • nr. Loss, $40,00) • Swat tut' hear. Alisubliginkoinsopilkt Via. it tipt4 r to the much , aiiiitskou tabu Wink, 14 a • tiiiiiiitibittler NAME