Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 15, 1857, Image 1
t=za „(rii.l.4t:Au4aA4i” allialni p A , - + -ii..~l ._k.t_.~ 11,11k=i1 •• .1442 ”1 - • 1,41 • , , ple'"ge , VOL. 11. iitiTUatithinatt. • • • OM PAPEtt. 11 IN 01.11311 VENTRE CO DEI,IOOIt U NATIOIY. NEWS Mira , / AND PUII.IRUID %VICHY 11 F.1 , 7 , 1111DAY, ZIT • ,TCHNT; HOOVER • tinms—ol,6o fa . ftivonoe, or If paid within six lekentke. SI 00 will be allargol on all subserip -Stoat TA edef tut ho eod uf am year. YD VItATISILIIHNTS a ot Business Nicholls! insert 44 tv the weal taus, etud every deecandian of co 33 Pl‘.. XTV •I" Xel' in the neatest manner, at the lowest ' prices, and 'the utmost denputeb. narlag parobseed • large aulleotiot, of type, we are pod pared to Palely the orders of one Monde P-rof • °TITTLE, J • -. ATV/ANSI . -AT-LAW , r1.11A,R•1111.1., PA trillßS B. RANKIN, • ATTORNUY AT LAW, TIP,I,I,I:IMNTR. TA., W ILT"` H.. BLAIR, ATTORNEY AT LAW. RELLEPONTE, NINN OMlei Jataeo T. Heigh nur23 cliktrieY HULBERT, • • WITH MURPHY & CO , DRY G00R16,111-karket 36., and 2$ Church Alloy, Vatlsdalpitia. Janlll-8 tf MASTCE _STOMI & 808, A UCTIONR,IB,B, aellefeete. Pre, wRI atteprell Ye all bosifivis in their Ire with pyreiteallar JHOLDEN ORN7B , . ATTORIET AT LAW LOCK ILA YEN, PENNA 01Soo with the Prothonotary, ottho Court House, A a r Bush,er of all idiot', periainiug to the pro. *ono' protiptly attended to. jen'YA•B RA MUM:MILL. ATTORNEY-AT-14AW, BELLEFONTE. PA OSBee hi liutritsilio, one. door from tinutheok's bo VirOntßlOledpeneeptbto busineto In Centro, Clio ten ' And Clierield counties no. L. ?AMMAN'', X D i a palatal, R. D. 1111,13MAJEB) HAS ASSOCIATED jug Of 008131118 wib Mm to the arm:aloe of Mad pus w ber.,o6. uu Lliabup atraat, oy 41 4 0301 , 1444 a /WWI k i lt B 3 F. 1111.CCIIISQB, Stier, trarAra to an Wai 3' nosomtntty totadera hI rofosidonat ser vjaiji ultimona PO fTEIL LLL'S and tiolidgy/ Oadea&tlis Luta+, hL al' i5111 4 91 4 2.. 0, .—A j, m L i. . , 18 . ;/ .4 8 ,,, A ,6 8::43 , !! ENT i .- ~;a, nis r 1 1.1. 1 0 V k4llllllrlMl IM4IIO/0. 1 1. jwq..semalvad - 1 ,1 1 S f , ,• dab 111114 nItIAI4I L lialiStV._ EDIVAL PARTNERSRIP.—DE nit." anti. L PWfThlet, teasuetteleti .d I pint ire Awe pima/Lica , re toorliolOt, U. 1 , 1 IT- C .11;LL, ley uQ r their loot , asoto•I eel - viten ttt rho ,tet iota* of Bibil•O',3 , 41 • t tol rt• kL I , m, - illeiftetherUntrttrit - tn.; eteettotl.l. of ltaiLl Will ho govt. W . Lhoot Ut. /CU ho . / a to 7 tattoo Ai lire 11 , 111 - ler . o iitOnTai - i f _it E MeMEEN, - 1 . 7 t - miaow. 1.1.1,1 1,, l'A e'rte f.v 1 , 1 .163 ItiJisma Pe. Cum, y th a. Vat •,o,lcll, ape -3, i• ii or 1e .. t,t1 Tottt rt Brighter, Kew.) . • 1 T to 'Found, ' Bratette, Jrudo., L.i CalUnikaa• nun n .4.11/ r nmpimte so it fr...A. CAW , S.'.l Irt toteloroto milrf Moen rrrl Phygicilag Cr tot lee counts 'c/worn/Kt rolerrstoteen tor e •telt • Ile kOtlint.—TELE UNDERSIGNED arpnlatmen: 411 MlllOll ay dguid .411,V DA Y .SCHOOL U'w.p.m. nod Llaptiuwior 'rootlike will b• kapott' so-operate with the fritowle of the 'ew_ile,ta re orgerilettitg ttte flabblith finhool% and in re pl intaki N c hi•lr 11hr-tiler Time wire desire hie sere-tete of who desire env re ib• yobliestio,./ of the UN! UN will ph... , asperionally or by letter ed , lr. or,l Mtn Itel tar fihNitY btfid.gti 5ar4,111814-11. hArIiDUIAL" ARD. —Da. J. RHO/1)E1 4iEtiormejpeettablly hitorthe tho et Iseidi of J. 43111011 vi Ana alt the ourroundi,„4 country, dint ho hr. illinalluttoll> toasted and ',II, lotomprtlstto.,) ci a4l or! , tho diffurout bronchi, alint EATofpulob, I,l*. tn rdf~ltslao lostoirPt it: illEt ,rorol it f,fil 1,0 a, • , „.ii,,„• lethltirgery iu go:xt MU. Tbisildalfst post favors, he hopes hy.prumpt MIA* 611 1111111061011111. still to outfit • ,ioniinuoiloo nj ;I=l l irre•O l if W lEl 4 0%17; b 0tte,..11 1 . - . 0 0 .1.111 , _ 1p) ; T BANK, roinbiai OW JAIL T. LIALK A. U CURTIN, u j ig,t e : 7. l 2 „, W. VI- fifirlADAT. I ITANIM . P . A4 6 ON Sriml,AL DEPOSITS. . r-,. .......... lIUMES, IdeALLISTER, HALE 100., Ot ? illairs, Oisairusi Cu , P . DIMWITS RECKIV lirriLlif' CV EXCOANGE` AND ED. NOTES DlS ":,ri. • COUNTED. lONE MADE, AND PROCEEDS RE -11VTI lIIITTED PROMPTLY. 1111% PA WON SPECIAL DEPOSITS FOR , 111111DAY$ AND UNDER SIX MONTHS ''' 4 MILMATE OF FOUR PERCENT -,, -,,-,•."' -41FIN111‘.. , FOR SI% won HS II ARDS, Al THE RATE 9F EVE PER ON PER utirtiNs ON ME ANNUM. EAST CO.NSTANTIN ON 1.1425..9tr, 'lO 41.4147,'. . • .*.. HAND . 1 7 U. 4 - 708 PRINIIIIO OFFICI3 so' , Tye Ilsher of Tug DISKOCIIATIC WAres gMtliC in aeutowition with his Nowsimper I.4(Ab mil, Ago .1xt...1.91.. e and complete .., ', OrI,,,PKINTINO OFFICE, BA, Ilijad Ventral Nemytoattle,eumpoiscid on , 'YE* kfATESIALR, lid fitalletuet sail most fashionable style of Plain stdFarpty ,Type, mud is prepared to execute %II ANwirof , ,- '* AND- FANCY JOR PAINTINO, hi • ry neatest style, and et the shortest notice r* . I -54.41.11 ,_ 0 ,DIRDDI,ARB, i' ' DR, , MIA. HEADS. ' MOB }ULLA, BALL TICKETS, AUIIgTDV MIA, CARDS. PAIIIPULZTS, RECEIPTS, SOOK'S, ,IMDIREOKH, .. ,;11..,ANKS, AN 1.A.G1.N. TES, , • bp, SlL V ER wiid.nuoNzlyi A",U.INTING 11=1V, the hissulaomost manner. PIVNYI IN COLORS, to the most bestt- Oita Kuliftd style sr the art. guaranteed In regard to neatness, pfoorA9,4 punetuality In the fulfilment pt All ' • AV11144t7 THE.AIIM4DY, 3,1 FLOOR. W. .'bi'°Vl".4,l%-.11Wq914-*..149.1:11! I . . . - . . . ..-, „ , 1 ~.. . . . I .44 ,1 . <,. ' `. 1 .' ) f• 4 ". -.1 ^ ... ; .' . Ckfr i l l , - - - 1 " 1 . , ~, ~- 1 .. .3'-:. , . ; I • -;-----.--, ,: c ... . •if . " 'St D' i Iti: ''' ' : - .1 1 :i ,•-• : . . . • . , . . . :. , 1 1 ., :,, • .. - '",.- , , 7 0 11 1. ._. r , - i , . ____ __ - " :7 ".'. , , , „ 7 - -4 , a • ` . JO.. ~• . ‘ A - .i. r • .. , - . , . , . , . . . TAKE ME HONE TO ME This Mud Is tory bright, Mother, The lowers ere eery lair, There's rnagle In the orange ;rote, - And begrime h the air; But take me to my dear old hetne; • • Where the brook goes babbling by; , Let us go book again, Mother, •• Oh take me home to die. -••• . . Imp my father's banal but rest, Mothet, fn bleesings to my bead; 'L. , Let my brothers and my: sister, dear, • But throng mound my bid; Oh let me feel that loved entreolur, Receive n pettier breath. When 1. Lid you all good'ulght, Mother, A,..41 sleep the sleep of death.. Those Bowers their arreoteit Sweats aglbrd, I soeut their fragra‘ut breath,' Mut. ate they bloom might, Mother. I shall be oold In death; , • - Theu take me to my early home, As those that bloom upon the MOM To your old room so agar. They will - beilemieliak seoe,Allhitheire Then mime; Oh! . ist me go, , me onoe more les rates, Before you lay me low; You'll lay them on my grave, Mother: Bay, Mother, will you not? You'll lay me by the mosey bank, I've told you of tie spot 'Tie aloes beside 11la ekurrib, llether, And trboatt you kneel to poky, I'll listen tu your word., Metier, Though I ant far away. You tuttecnot weep form./ liddier, For I 'ball happy be; And though I cumin stay with you, Yet you shall emit le rue. -• Dear Idothar, I am v 1100014 ,4 I oaanot Moths tams, Thay'r awelliog at the thottaght of thclita, And of aoy,aarly yam; But I am rattail faint, BMW; Oh! lak• ia• to yuar brdest, • And WI as toot your 1118, Mother, Bs as my forehead ptaamd. Thers's dhows, ow sLy atslt42iatbter, I ommos get NI breath, Is it your sobs 1 hosejliathsr, 01*' IsU too, is this doubt? Yoal 1 tell my (whoa-. bow I 'squad, Ono. morn to so. kin swar ; . You'll hits. mybrothers- sash foe me, They will forget I Our. You'll tell my brother', slater depr l. • I have gone up on bhgb, And if they ere goad chlldreu here, They'll see me when they die, feel I'm pia; now, Mother, ••;:` One hisa eft It. is riven; Penwell my owls dear Mother, • ; Until we meet In neaten. Prom the N ttoto,al D riftarrestee Rex taw THE 'KAU 14' NOTHING PART °Onion an Omnipotence, whom, it Af.ntlee thoourth with na se,rtaa, right lii I 1,1, Ate V . 00114,1144 Mob grow pato 1.0.0 t the.- troffile-44tobotit sitouLl become Leo tirtett,.. ,C. 41 :L•ir for. thou,(too be crimes. and loortio too tr. uolo 1144! ' The to bole earth iv being mltakim, ns never '.,_.. t re by the spirit of change. The degen ra, e ra . ci A it "Amin li . oro eroilied them:, tveo r,r a w',11,, sod tit I , II tire ai ion : passive '' Ols.dit n , s• lilt(' MIMI IP LI f a' t• iii,vi their own uv, nin rm anti tin , oath of r, to Boni to ligh , l e i d up by the col, agration of Mosque and Minaret. In Euro .„tistiklyspots are again dealing thtir itnix al game of war and peace tent gain , in which the privilege and props r ty of the many aro ruldeitmly saeriflutl to tie smbi ion of the few. Thu story of. the R ,, man chtil is repeat& ,I when gold will not so vtaiii the " Isillance of power," the sword must be thrown into the scale. While the meev, tom ar, afar ott, -While the tidings of them comes io um like the eithoeifof (indent Ulundi re,—mie may well say, with folded hands, looking calmly on , for we have faith in the great cause of human right, and hu man progreme But. even in our own land, dissention lute Itirown too IMO' for safety.— Bcareely 111111 otir young Republic gained a firm foot Iwilii . t4vn the dizzy pinnacle, to which it. 1.148 elevated by the wisdom, valor and perneverince of our rerolutionsrpfath , tins, ere creeping ab OK* begill to twine them selves around us, and fetter our healthy en ergies ; scarcely have we recovered from the fatigue of our hot struggles for life, ero we are celled upon to arm once twlrc, in defense of all that makes life deer to the individual, or glorious to the nation. This *go i* the mother of political odic/wry. No sooner is a disease, or a symptom of a disease, sup posed to exist in our government, than a thousand party•physimans rushforward,each with his own little patent medicine. which he will be moat happy to administer, for a consideration. From I t multitude of such doctrines, good Lord! deliver us. Their proscriptions are warranted to 'cure or kill:' we know that they have not cared us t'shall we, then, without resistance, await the oth er elect 1 - The single and ackriewiellged !inter in the prestrfenttaltest , of 1852. the Ib'rn?eract ity down to sleep uptm thegrare it had won, The rooks of the opposition were broken: and the ses*red MAelilefl of thU foe were fly ing in camfluarciit. The old party flushed with f . triumph, was merciful to t oo O ; eon /m t s of its stmngth, it rested i 'et se curity. , Then it was that the mo lent among our advemaries, finding their strata );. RIF bellied, and their hackneyed, arts'"ez posed, began to look around theni Ibr some fresh engine of &pelt. When open three i had failed, they reiletesl to secret machine- Lions. l'heyvvelfifetated the dead and rot ten carom, d. laeive.Americanism :" cc,- cooling its bide t/me:l beneath windy robes and ita real 4uaaater boneeolt an enticing t\- ' , BELLEFONTE, PA., WEDNESpAY, APRIL 15, . 1857. I time. they trihriened it In inidnig44 . llark I):hd , tif wcorshlitt -sad -itt asm uch as the ghostly Vampire must be More horrible than the living man, in en much was thn. new organaccion more peril Milt than ita prototype. ,trety eta and dis• 1:i - fly:dant tittnent wit; stirred tp. The vilest factionist4,—tliclAirls• of poletics,—Whn, fors quarter of a century, had been shuf fling *Lout from party to party. and , sitling indiscrimina•ely the interests of the country, .the leperos of sotioty, op Whom every door I nt respeetability had been shut,—these haw ded together in a league of refuge. The Em ulations. Mo.—the men whose symbol was the bannet rouge, and whose login, the knife —they exulted In the prospect of rain. Si lently and cunningly their operations were carried on and they found abundance of yielding material. The administration like all other administrations, gave unavoidable , . 'arms's. to ttitus of its. partinsuST lions are seeking office, by fur the greater number must, of course. he di +appointed : itad.winler the heart °Caw rejected a pplic,tnt was hitter with resentment, the agents of the secret order were constantly at his side, deluding him with dreams of retaliation and personal -aggrand.semet. Those who hid been injured, Or supposed they had been in jured. under government - influence,—thane • whi were too indolent to essay the honors ' Ms and bestow wind to power, and. yet too needy to relinquikh their hopes,-those who had rendered thernseltes suspected by their °twit, or d.teatiblit by their crimes, all caught eagerly at tht last change of repair leg their desperate fortunes : and thus were laid the foundations of the " Know-Nothing, Party.", The public good was not taken in to consideration t the primary object could only have been the uplifting of a certain ir responsible divot to high and responsible positions. • it is not strange that this scheme shoran have bten attempted. It is not strange that the bankrupt gamesters pf poletics should have employed the moat outrageous methods. fur the appropriation of the dar ling "spoils." When Inc have of' country has been Me glowed up in tit ift-iness of the Individual, men goon become capable: of the meanest trickery, anti the most daring aro. oitios. Trutt is One and Indivitdhle; it wean now the same fico that it has ale aye worn. Error is mill dorm it ch.tiges its mask at ph asurc ; a , d, a here it cannot con wince the under:tam - hog. it not unfrtquently . 4 1 , 1 w : ii..ra the litsegt lin it , rt It kir; been charged againstate Arne ridan people, that they are easily led astray This very fact is an evidence of their si neer ity. They know the value of their 'motto tiona; and that icnowledze mikes them 'cal ous, even to a fault R lying on their own senee of rectitude, they are ind app to pee . serve a strict watch against imposture; bur w h en the semblance of imposture has been pointed out to them, they are hasty in Fe moving it, Ifent•e it is that, they ofte:l do too mach, ova its r..dressing a fancied grit, !, vailee, and too little, tout aids awarding et ad serves, 'fluty list on. 4 terstetpg the ir favor cons ett%an I they r art ly Ir not d Fond of t z 9tt to lit, they smile limy jtUu;t at tm teltistoitlf.nrall sir 11111 , 1,01111- ing rapidity. devoted to novelty, they are only too willing to accept on trial the .most unreasonable speculations. Hat they are an intelligent. people : give them • singlc clue, and they will unravel the most tangled web of i.ophi.try. The solid substratum of hon esty norterbes , their lighter (sults and frivoli ties • and that substratum must eventually scatter.with the tipheartiig of ate earthquake the instructions of the service, ft may no well for the civic rabbets; of the present day to reuitindier, that the inept ins/terabit: judg es ore, popular generosity overtaxed, and' pope larecontlite nee a but,ed. The means of propmeatiug the •• Know- Nothing" humbug were such as might have , been expected from its originators, The i literary efforts of that party will be retitned among the curiosities of' future ages. Pres- • Res vvere i eitfßeusly suborned, and suddenly estaldfsht.d. A chain of falsehood. imper. feet in ovary link, was forged around the land. The leaders of the movement had fully re:hemmed their partlifitsl;a4 adop ' tad every moisture to hide heir weakness ; they bid studied carefully every point of stage erect. 'they were worthy dise:eles Of t •• the (lend that lies like truth," Accusing by implic ition, attacking by hint and inuen do, they stoat from the first, beyond the pale of arguafent. entirely destitute of honor, they wore better enabled to play upon the honor o( others. They felt the portance of basing their endeavors upon some broad and general ground— acuotr pre text in which the moat diverse opinions might be reconciled. "Sower waren-word for the fi,git Mist vindicate the wrong, and wrap 6. right " They appealed to no doubtful feeling: they perverted to their caned the most povrerfid rofirepttref-our continent niturordlut- _in-.. a. hut of self-preservation. Their battalions were arrayed, and their sentinels potted : ihnultane,:ously they raised 'their rallying cry: " The Republio is in Itanger !" The Republic was to danger but as usual, the Shunt str* given by the very inciondiariet who had *plied the match. Wherever dissatisfaction was rife, or pre judice manifest, there the innovators en grafted their dogma. • They,vr,ere all things to all men. At the North, they mounted the rostrata of Abolitionism and fulminated against the iniquities of slavery : at the South, they prattled about the vested tights of the Seyeral States, and declared that Oahe' Combs llAnnul rightx must: he snpitorttd,,' ton or , no Littitop ;1 _ivottinghe mode tither sectron. thoy preseit,:d the roc n c t; - prnmime. and deplored the growth 6#' schtuntoits, Looking upon tin elothl. they saw that the many agreeing tit no Oilier partibular, , .bilied in their' hostility to Claim antiriug,. peraoiteranco, ibex rekil AIM.% of ancient hatred : they si that the Catholics were patting t ['apal encroachments in thii coatis they halo intoleronce gird on Het Smola. Among the netivem of the lauded the American pride of blot sign influence," they said, "is scouting every where paramount: let us gwfirei egainst the influx of onlignition." • Toltfie and unthinicing classes they ofkered fame and emolument; to the war•evoli veterans of -party, they 'held out the hiilttank pros Dttet of rig, the government. What wonder is it, that trirrfitTUTTPriri+iit BL iduTii have spread so wide!, I The same fillfanW,, of aecriipy that, _protected jherr from the I gaze of outsiders, gave - their every facility fur dereiviiig one another ; the Snore distant branches of the order operated in a, profound ig. °ranee of the doings of their ,conferees . implicit confidence was demanded by the chiefs of lodges, and o.?.rorded by the tut:in here ; and coon dub t l ryor •sq..' honor among Were! ,moor fu b vague and indescribable 'llorronnded the eecret meetings ; the hunoblest voter Settled to be w fielding a mightier forces limn ever before: and the barsroompoliticians rose to the dignity of statesmen. The core . monies of initiati n were Seell.eteslculated to inipr Ns the novice with S. sense of awe: one by one, he hul.scribed to the articles of the new ores el prufesall his cumin:inn, that finovr•Nothingisnt" Wks identioal nit]) patriotedn, and pledged lietntelf, I y the most solvent oaths, to its service. From that Imo inent,his moral pen-, rof resistance o it , . lot I Lle surrendered Lis personal jied,...tueut„ as the price of admission ; and; in tas .t. pro- portion to his hoorsty of purpose he is as bound don it by the obligation of l lt ass , asy enough for him to C14,11111e lbr apps armlet of wisdom, aril. lathe, toiplees I silt inquiry, by a significant shake of the I . head, sod the stereotyped response, -1 dont know. I ' There is all Eastern nnvoloto that may he pertinent here; A. &ern's:le nier..hant I had a son, who was little better thou, an hid of cud. le-itig about to 4erillitni torili on Ms !pot, to enter into eon versatithi wlfb Ittritgers.— So long," said the father, "as vin pre serve bllellee, 1101104 y will iliqCOnt (Mit yJii are a fool " Tho 'awn and - like many modern VMS, Olpeyea the paternal command fee the first few daya.. he was seated our evening in R caravansen, among a noisy- rrowd, with liquors forbid den by Mohnen utal flowing freely amine, one of the grileBl6 asked the r•ters - of fns ru lent gravity. My father," he replied, “told wJ that, so lung as i held trey tongue, metleedy would me to be a fool "--; ..X.a.weiso.e did he break the inkier:then. than I lie betrayed tits the .- , -Know Noshing" e,prostles. While their pomtonot Ti ere undefined. they were 'La uup assailable ; it needed however, but a alpdfe false move on their part, to exposit their ut ter folly. The masses halve an innate love for soya ' terr: where they cannot comprehend, they bow : they are only too apt to subject reason to faith. The gospel of Pagan mythetogy, and. through - that mythology. the delipotisen of antiquity, owed their existence to dark and unmeaning rites. The oracles, that were dumb- to the people, could be accent m.xlating enough, when trains bade them epiak. Oligarchy and Superstition have al ways gone baud in hand ; the latter hes con et antly repaired and fortified the ramparts of the former. While the oppress.d are en wrapped in gloorii, they bond their shoulders patiently and tre.nhingly to the yoke ; hot let, *nail once appreciate the numeretl, physicatandt mental inferiority of their task masters, and the iron rod is sliettered for ever. While a veil is stretched before the inner shrine, the votary in eager, to adore : buk his adoration peasea,,when the ten is rent away, and hut idol takes the shape of a chattering monkey, 'fr a lowing heifer. The cardinal fault of secret political so cieties is, they destroy the privileges of the individuals composing there. Each tneiLhi.r is expected to submit his own will, to the rill of the whole and the diajonty is sup posed to represent the whole. To secure unanimity of action.the, minority must yield. ?thasuras are deteinuned on. in the privacy (If the lodge the great number is in favor of them and the entire body goes forth to car ry them intiv exocutioa. Those race.sures , may be or,ly partially just, they may be es sentially and glaringly iptproper ; hot-every man is bound, if riot' by direct. promise, at ltttpL by severe implication, to a strict and' rigid- aeqitio• • n - co--,_.:trunt_..l.hf_ midnight meeting,•voters are sent.n - ith settled tickets to the polls. tt is nut dial mit to trace the grades, by which such organisations must inevitably becodia the tools of aludation.— No matter how pare may be the motives of their founders,—no matte/ how disinteres tee the seal of their atilierents.--designing and unscrupulous persons will creep in, and aspire •to The dictatorship. ,Secireey plates absolutism in the hand of its ditectors the possession of usionestiord power is a temptation to altuiu it: [front the decision of the chiefs, there is no appeal ; the sulior dinate who refutes to obey. bears the ivainp trescher,v. !kis only the Jesuit 7' of liberty that can ever hallow Koch villain (Ms moons In the old World, where goy birnTrioni Itself isirkindof commirecy against the people, the natural law of reprisal may: snuietitdie jostify tho • people in conspiring mown the goyernment. Even there, how ever, the history of revolutionary plotting% declares that they• carry their own bane nithin th,Juselves, and that, iii their proud cat successes, they are often of doubtful value to the nations. The ma. man in the (aide, fell a victim to eye demon he had in• vOked : and the projectors of rebellion are tumidly borne down' by the tempest of dis; cord which they hove. loosened. and fled that they have_abolidied one tyranny, only to formsli material for another, more arbi trary and coaCtingg. In the United States; it is imix,ssible to surmise a cave, in which conspiracy would. he tollrable. Linder our Mild and e quitoble form of governmein. the height of the laws is searc.ely felt; the MIN- Stir trituthtrttrjettrit otorel—nyttverthlen—wi. compulsory one. Thought and speech are ispilelly fine; the loess is super vision, and the orator acknowledges no rot atrium. 'flan people wish to he instructed : ' their teachers enjoy every opportunity of communication. Honesty is never cora -1 Pilled to skulk behind the feeble,bkrrier or I ,r, tense. When m oea'aiceessary it should he openly proclaimed, and openly "veoenpltishllti-t In — tltt.rtuse of sirulfat.qppo eition, its unfailing protector is puhlicity.— fteptildiceci•im is the child of light: and it iunst not abnegate its mother. Our legiala tors, if they would Le trusted, must court ' the gaze of men ; they must walk their course with the eye , : of the world upon them their prudence is indorsed by the viiilence of liit:lilitfoll There cannot be too much elticidatlon The workings. of our ityina.rn are already t.oinplex ainuogli : it IS thb al ' Woad t.iek of the future to simplify them While the voter may not * altogether alienate Ins perogittives of sovereignty, he tonst still be car, ful of the media, through which that sov,reiglity is. cornmeal. The implements, with which tyranny was budded up, cannot', 1,, employed to construct the temple of lib-1 erty ; chi y are rusty with blend, end rank pith tub mould of centuries., Wherever I boldnes, of espression inlets with universal I encouragement. logy be regarded :Li PrZ'gt111110.1‘1: CVidtzllee guilt. Know: not tyro to be bold ; fur misinness is invariably associated with cow • ardice I of viol ot religioog I ' tit; t%ith i led the way for and lotranalve toil they " (de- The late declaration that the order had *handl/91u 5ecrecy.—art5. .., , vv...,.... , . er mt. rtble rune. in perr-ct keeping with this whole methodical plait of misreprisen ration Z Arc not the big s null rn Is not the public still exidnil ri Anil are 1 , not proselytes still enticed from the petit of duty, and Sworn. With all the gibberish of technical remelt. itoo a forgytfulliess of their coon's) 'a dearest institutions ? From ilea dtty-n whielt.K,l4K_Notillitglin'' first_ begun to ho fermidaide, its adrucatem have bcen invited, again and. awn'', to fair contro versial diseds.non. Those iiAttatioi d they have shunned. • Their weapon has been the must—tintitet,itia .r.alumay, It__s t erned ns thoughlbey ht's compiled a lexicon of the it own, sad transcribed on its pages every pos. l i Bible epithet of opprobium. The strategy of Indian warefare was theirs, they poured forth volleys, from under sheltei. upon their foes• • Waiting for en implant d imminent, and stabbing in the back, they have earned the name of assassins, and deserve to rank with the propagandists of the dagger and the poisoneritchalice. It is a poor philotto phy,—that in -which hire assertion stands for proof, and simple denial is substituted for refutation. An abundance of pecuniary aid was pro cured from unknown quarters. The expen- Rea of the new humbug were enormous ; and yet no very heavy coattibutionil were levied from the members. It hits been hint ed, that. during the earlier stages of the or ganization, the disbursements of the British "secret service were extraordinarily large, suck that the directors of that food sustained a constant correspondence with parties in the United States P but, in the alt itenoe of direct testimony, wo should be sor ry to imitate the Know-Nothings, by lay. Ing this accusation at their doors. ft a , a cumuli; circurustatico, however, that English men winking it tour amongst us. are mostly inclined to lean tow arcs Rtiow Nothingtsm tool it is certain that Itritiah gold has al ways been ready to help the Larim of de m walization and disiiiiion here . Where the shot and steel have failed, England dins tipped her spertrawlth milver ;' and, though the phalanx of patriots cannot be bioken 'lie adventurers of politics may he bought. When the sages of our civil code warned 119 to beware of " foreign hill nonce," it was such an influence as this that that they' des ignated —an influence of hostile natl.-ma. ap. preaching us through the avenues of venal ity and corruption St home. They did not specify, they could not hnic meant. the In• tine nee nT - ofer bWit foreipm-printlatien.--- Backed by„every adjunct of terror of spe ciousness, and of areal h,- Kuow-Nothingistn, ran its thad career. When the innivators had once appealed to dm - mussel; they has *draocid too far to retreat : it became ne etstriary for than to tinge their proceedings with it color of justice. They not only made the case agaiika' their adveriiaries aub• orned witnesses. and iiredispotied s that grea,,t jury, the publ.e mind, to receive them. They enlisted thn • ;Rithans and bullies, vi'ho infest our cities,„,oll4 instructed them provoke and trample upon the citizens of foreign' birth. These tlerieradoes mingled with the EMI inhering elastics of the Irish and ()crimp': they ululated them with alcohol and loaded them with insult. Every kind of petty opt Cession wee practised every pretense of quarrel was eagerlysaught up. Forrsigner44 were beaten on the streets ; they were teen ted in their plsoett of antusentent ; they were disturbed at the altars of their wor ship ; their wives and daughters wire not protected PiCII by the sanctity of sex, from nn testily assaults. Wherever,linding them selves thus nnwticome in the circle of ne tireism, they formed ♦p excluilve social in• tercomrse of their own, they were stigma. tilted as plotters of tresson. It was fitting that such an impeiChment should come from such a source. Ou elimtimiglays. the pea-a• gento the polls,were blocked up by armed gangs : time appearance of a twelgner was .ie • aignal for challenge and bravado: and the presiding officers 'of the ballot too °No saw, witl►calqu indifference• the pluralized deionesiks:vmmip.iscaseddza,o7meiss of 1,, 5. franchise. Where Know.Nothingismn n Illq paramount In a municipality, the injured compiainentaould hope for no redress. un der the laws. ilia application was repelled with a crushing contempt : and his tnrnuen• tors were lauded before his face. But the resignation,manifeited on the one side, wee commensurate with the brutality et the other. ' The sektntere bed counted matt upon Ott Tabreen'el slieaitimcnt r esQ U (Ms man's keen Perception of wrong ; they he I tipected to excite the itreign 'element int rebellion ; but e'en this isiV'evmsfirt we, denied them. They were baffled, in al,no.t. .every instance, by an unanaie'.nng patienre. —a patience, so remarkable, that it seemed born of inspiration. The very finger of (Lid nifty indeed he watd, in times rf tioulde, to (race the words'of wisdom upon tho Hearts of tti.'llii th -4boappreasonvitowever; were th : tetinined to carry that' point; dew 'clan had rend( red them Sluilloeitss. In some few wh(n torlilarance had cemd to be a virtue. the 'foreign population dared 'to mnrwer and instantly the torch of fanati• eisto a• Lghteti. The priest. whsle mm trrand of nuvrcy among the aid( aid needy, ass subjected la the most cruel to a - mend ; citizens a tare ruthlt.ady LIDISSIArt.e,I by score., churches were pillaged, dmllings were reduced to ashes. Faction exulted over the corpses of the slain ; and the knife and pistol were approved, th `llCerorth, as tim indivelpatle ailjiivapts or ••Rnnw-N,, h i"g" sua.iion So long se mob rule in O. I ho dreaded. Po loon veil' flu; riot. of f.e.uieviW and New tirleeris bereited a* *W. 11111 phi. We need not go bryoud the limits ; of our awn country. to reek the '''dart, and bloody ground."-- the ger;und tm w hick the god, ;rml( reaso II ould unly us‘t --the ground that tooludr,,s the pretence of no Mistily anl no Guillotine, to blight it wi'b losting infamy. it is' worse than veil% fir VIOW•NOMIllgi4f131" to plead, me CEL'IIUII. 'lran, frit ThCI - IC rieesses Were not -mm.4'll - by any ant boriri d wing of the p sty. Secrecy is of little averl h re. Did not off-- rinl authority wink at wholesale noir ler ?-- i Did riot party I ad , re inflame. f'l , th. it her atiguefi, The pieetone of the , trrattitade? not actliorited journals commend the crime, and defend the crictunst ? And we§ tt rot by appointtnent of a legislaturo r .-a body sitting in council over the destinies of a ate,—that a committee invaded' the repose cony nt life, terrifying, with ingeisitcral rudvitss, and in lecent profani;i s, the row d I and umffending "sister.' of ch rrdy f" The farts are before us, nod from thtm there can ; be but ono deduction. Such was 'KROW-NOttllngifitelß its rise, and such were the eikets of Its pr.grers It bore within itself the germ of the , dull ro ; and the days of its dine aro at hand Like a summer's c is meting array from the horisen • I o hate blasted only the impt 14 L1 , 2..111111 t Ott that would hate wieldo.l them. The same r vi, fedings, that could crest° suet on order, were sufficient to destrtry it. Among its chieftains, every man wished to be iirst• and when one vra* *dvanced itt the egihnse f another, a morbid envy raged in the boom of all. - Unity of purpose died stilt] the hope of gain : personal enmities sprang up : and at the present time, the organization is in a auto of division and mutiny. 14 it not a proverb, that "they who sow the wind shall reap the whirlwihd It irobld be, indeed, • tedious task, to de. fine, In all their beiringa, the thousand mi nor clauses of a creed, which, like the cham eleon, has varied its hue, with every aria tine of the a morph re of opinion- But 01 these clauses may be traced to two so called great prt , mmles : let. An exclusion of Catholics from the exercise of the elect tve franchise, or, among the More tiberal beano/10°f tlYb Order, from the right to hold ofllte under our govern ment. 2iul. An er. , :luftion of foreign rit from the right to hold office, nn extension of the na termination to appoint for offf:tr only the trulnhere of the Order. These "panciples" certainly display the skill et their originatorp. Th y are the prop or hasii on whfch to construct P. system yt theiy,have Bern preserted frim the first, and. more redently, halm been freely ptor,saed. pr cent ens., of the oaths, exacted from the candidates for ad mist : lion into a lodge : "You prointsu and deolkii, that you will support matp:rs,kr all puli t iett.l *Caeca; the" t ceond dicipriA stiltiohcr4 pf laiii ME NOi 18s dila Order. provided it be.neocutarr for the kneilean intereeti; that, uit may be dont; legally, you will, when elected to anyntllic t. remora all fureignern, atiene , or..ltomosin Catholics from office; and that yon will not appoint any such to sod , office. All this o promise and decline oil your honor a t A in.v• Leann, to sustain and abide by, without. ant hesitation or mental reservation wiwiercr, so help you God, and keep yob SLeadfaSt.,- - You furthermore prondie and declare, that you will not vote nor give your influon;:ie fur soy fur any office in the gift of tyo pea. ple,:unlosn he be an Americnn•Lorn ciligcl4 71 jaror of lionrican.b.iel Amertra ; nor if he be a rtomln Catholic -- Thu you will not, under any circinutlanees, expoix the t enine of any merohr of Uhl or der, nor rceenl.the taivtence of Buchan Or. gnnitation. These declarationi,ta., tittulyst wor with the spirit of out invtitutiotta. If an omit land be be pitnisb tide as high tresion, Low elan we deal %rub thetr• wretch g, Wh", without oven the merit or courage, harocor ertly endesvored to undermine that )ptor clgnty9 The,diflerences between tha otd eiteties were merelyd &neves of sentiment: they age. is.l in recognizing the low, though they di.ngTett.l in their interpretations of it. Th-y cought to corince th^ir adveraariel, not to snnilniale Onto. I hey i recruited thtii ranks from every quarter, In Which cX7gfed' r/ coincidence of, ideas. The "Know.Yoth in hays" ;goon.d the ancient issues ; they have discovered new canoes of disc/nada:lca thin —the accident of birth and the endc of religion —cauge9 Orrr which the chi qualithd ptrson can hare no control. Toy m Ind no CertillelltlS of rapacity or integ• nty ; they aids, concerning the public man, • Ii he a native of the soil ? if a native, ii he inint.c d to Caiholicito 4 to he, in ithuttag m Tuber of nor order, anon] by our oaths, to the • accomplishment of our designs 7" Af fecting an almost boundless reverlineifr every thing Anteriree. r" t arro-' uontito corner atone of the 7t ises. Bran constitution,—civil and religious Tx/. ty. , - It his hen iir.rci. that Catlioli,ts' clay where, are enndleleig . „ . iiiiiiroctiil to the au tiler ty of the Pope, and, i h •refora, that Catla he citizens her: cannot he bun anatay• al to tho republic. "Ware the alle.gilinCeP ways a • dineva-Nothing" writer, "that Oath. °lies owe thi. PO7s. evar t i cloiict with the tilegial,. , e the they owe the Ft public, the ' la ter would ill .:71061yytobi to the superier force of the fornaJr." . Vie-youngest tria4n eccliii.isticad history knows that it it icopo4- I ethic, Cita ,ucia a coothet s'ioul I lwar take fplace. Our• p'easont opponeots have not I only erected a it.:.e: dopes : tti if hive thril -1 Ded it irtfin ii et-in.-mil of lotic rtiva sittli ods of Aristotle and of Iltcon are too feeble to convey the tremendius thooghte of there mol,rn philosophers. They,manifeat,i I. - Jul aptitiell for limpttiz at cortehilltror, : and, iu the present initariee, as elsewherts. I they have' male a palate princepta. The , Popu duce. tricked, posies , ' a power or- r Catholicity : lig thp head of the Choreal', be 1 directs the church in Its f unctions t"hirridi - pOWer is altogether spiritu d. In all spiritu al alien, he la paramount; he confirms the oulinatiori of. high elergroe in : he ex?lains ..he articles of faith. But he does not. twat in spic i eusl matters, frame a law for the church ; he is clothing mire thaa ate admin• istrator of rules already fi AM id ; of tales to the observance of which it , as touch Mend tie the meanest Tasman. His cast is exact ly parallel to thst of the ezeeutitt power, in our own gove-nment. Ile is the elrponeht of diseipline ; and. iii do:Aries' ditliniltieo his derision is generally- regor lid ti I final. R u t, beyond Ole narrow limits of the Papal States, he has no tempval flOic VI i. nod, even in that rogion, late ovoibi have shit.[ heat it s swoy 4i fir front abteliite. Fur many centuries, ho has neither rsortini , l, nor claimed, any other tera;wll jarixitotion.— I n th e barbarous agio ,the periods of dead potie misrule,hwfore the invigorating rays of literature had been diffused ainorq the us.. Lions— - hen lee wee hat the retleo ecoldier'd kliA4t ' governed ell, the iteptre w.MII Lb' 111,014" , - in those ages, an indirect temporal power— was visted in the Sovereign Christianity was then the on , ly tie that held . , the tdbos of Europe together ; it WWI the , only holiest - Li:lag induence, amidst the out venial Jar ; anti, ai the ropro , ottitative of Christianity, the Popo was the father Of the people. Thu nitwits I:LC.4cm tay, groanini unrieeirriperiel yoke. appositel Ratan : they a- toed their emperors of crins is and misictneanors ; the Pope, SA the app Ante.' ju ige, pronounced sunk , or not guilty. ff the Emperor proved rofraO• tory, tic was put tinder the ban of ee'o tY rnunioation : and it was decreed. in the co,e ftitutional law of the empire that, 11 ho re. maititsl excommunicated for more than 4 ild year, he was sploprso,ald not by mamma f the Rope, depOit.d. k The dep.:l4lin.; perog. ntiyttnistditary - etreok uptrowouterolr teal ingiSlenee, and arbitrary' exaction.; it .w-ad uitelea.4. unlace 'satiated by tbi raptly the halt of exoommuntuation could be but dead lotted, while the ruler wail guarded by the ay ropathi ‘.4 his aubjeote. That pro. rogatitid• froia tba -consent of all phruitendorn r 3t WAS Atwayi nt garive. rather than positive, in itsaotion and tt oettsed to bo aseirted, when ao:iety it:Tante hotter Uri:anise& and tu tier cuitttble of reit* pmtectitin. Tetwoorttl 'tttettre4 o , ,to4 'in the truest emit, n y mit, ttori4-4, was graut: el for psrtictilstr Otitstelorati ' LI et :a :: ES -I =II