Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 08, 1857, Image 1

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TlRlllROPP,Jrcluifigim sylikir.w RD/1111MAX, BY ,
. T. aospvial.
iv,. • . ,
TIO/41-44M,1* 4,4paliov, or if paid within id:
thontfta. 51,00 :frill be e10ar,,, , 1 oe all iuboorip
Wee hrh_krAmt_tithe yea 41:4 the year.
AItTIJABILVATB ith4 Itusineea Haloes ioaart
A !l i the trel ratae,-atol ereirdeeptiotion or
cr,ppagi * INT
gxEcurrsi o 61)41 inkuner, At the tortes
prioeil, *ha tiro uhnost despatch. Ifitrivig
psrobamd piklagim aolleotion of typo, we err pee
wad' to latter the o darn °four Idesidg
jaw• - , .
JirrollaiLy AT LA I'.
01&HANOI' Hon TIMM T. Hale. rior2B
dioNut IMBERT,
WITH NUITH, Mtißri ,
7 .1 T h!achot and 'A Church Alle3,
Juni El-fl CT
MAW:Pt & sow,
trati w itaiTY Ctterid to all Vat.
Ws by. - •
Elf ORVIS, " '
ATraltlihY AT LAW
&hut vier the Prothonotary, at th. Court noose
BireiLetec ritual klwtl, partaintaft to tito pro
tHWILPTPIIPPtiI -littomjed to. jati;:l- 8
14 ; I/ 11/TantLL:
1141.1.SFONTE, PA
°Mao lo tia4 Aroade , , 0710 door fnmt So., tO/Ok'S 110
eel, witl MMwd pt....n.01/14/ hi/ gitl4lllll I n ratan, Mtn
. .411 or Climuflold uoutAium
410 A rAlltl.olll, It I , J li ImOII , • , S I.
*O. II 1)0111.101:1 with Llin 111 Ow pr wow..
ofr' . . °Moe an asanuitote on Elatiop cruet.
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igIL- • r:-.F. HITTCHIBON,
„,"-; 1- auo.nnainnr w Inf. W,a J
l ax rr i p.of i gii wndern lon kirut odloty4l et,-
%ON aithanta of POTTERS lITLIIII and
114007.-1111.onn•ltba ZuLaw ZHAO
JAL ot Juiterh J
giihor Lod i.olioayllo oinugs , also i rtnn,
1 " 14 4"1 4 . 1 0P . O . And Nero ,,, , jolt feel it .1 not 1 - ,,r
sal!, by 11 itlqN 1,,311,',EN
SLlfto EON not MECHANICAL rfee ,
Tier, vast& inform Ilia (clown , mul firtruns dist
he hai poralaneutly locnte.l in Ilellervoto,
he WU( lila happy to littrivi to boy whit wish till* tiro
fnr4lowri in tilv vontnot
style and warrantad.
1 .11111,,e‘ Arri frsiden— Nwth
- 11 , 47;t4ie 1 Ait •?1, 4 C.oirt t.
POTTEIt. ...01/ltoll with
rth ill" "'
i • practice of or Melee, lir .1
Maar, amp Writ theft pratesautnel ...riot.. in the
!Ahab. lie Uctiate and vidoity Wb u trees.
tie eareimitting attention a Both will be given
trillwadditional Aarge.
tUtahell's rietiilotiee at Mn Bonner's,
ilia deel2-.4
11( e 4 &AZN111•11E8,11,
esaiswis.i MID ILICTAIL DI•LIOtit 111
D. . • • gre. rerfuggury, Paints, Oils, Tar
4 ?r,..4 . ; 13140, Toilet, Bowl, brushes, hair sod
,:*‘ •.. rstioy sod Toilet Articles, Trussole
.. . i . • Garden Seeds
Osardimaas ir W-fla our st'ok ownplate sod treat,
6444 0. 44; at 11104.104 t. prices.
~ loragers MO Plush:inn* hem the country
laft v i tad le Imimine our stock iuy gel
iikrdotty ,litrormi CIIIIOIIII of J ti
i ett m eurrtou ted ,i;, dl 3L oron , i n t v4tfio ths . t ,nt ir
p Iwessa& Wall salts in the illlforcnt brnecho+
leis our lasslssal or sorgytil, roilrioabh
14 . stio . iroplalfil I. alb no
bottlblai to the lolest Il u too-it
Ap=247,snel to pertmn all et h,
is Sa7 la good style and at rssionablo
Gaon, ha Lows 14 pronui. at
11414 1 1 .1 :
din to merit s pool moans* of
111 4114 1 6 . 411121 pablle patronage. tilt kiln a trial.
illkissiskoe writs& by fall Only as bls iostiVi and skill
A' , 0 .11 I• T ~1 A X x,
Crilifign. .- JAB. T. ilAt..s
. XlictlEtiA*ll. 'A: 0 tivaTof,
'•,' e' J. ,, 1.,. , IN. , M. MURRAY.
AlitiallaiNT , PAWON eI'ECIA). Duroorns.
'''iiit•ALiburrim, HALE a ob. _
" XL - Mir ErIEIVEIi A. ,
• RIIRAVOir AboAN ANb None
-01.00tere17.443AN, !Nit
ROM PTI bItpEEDB bh•-•
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u AXID , JOB PRINTIAIIir ..r :. 1
AiplNti4sbor of T44s De I , , ~ k. ~ ).y., .
Ipi oirliolloll %flax TiN l'i. , ,,sv.i ‘f r... .1,
sae .t.t.i,e And •0114ilei. ,
'1 i ,„ Jo,u ritlNTirvi oFFICE.
im .... g oi * „._. i -sills CiddriLl Poqnsyll nitro, obnip,a ,, t , .
ir ,:k7 MATRItrALB,
bid poid raahlonalgo style 61 f" ,1 .1
Add f• pmfarod to 'woman ~i
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orb 'Mr& IfIR Plif2lTlNci,
k ' is , Offloessid 10 the ids:wises notion
--ins* ha_ a ta,
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1_ ROG . MMES, ao ,an , ikts,
4* OP , I n , athVßfl , and BROblaN J'RINTINO
. _,,it ~ . iniodstnnest manner.
' 1. t i•• t nrcoLonson thb mak bona.
t, I ' ..,....,.. • iftylo of the art..
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iditrin tli4 tifillthent of sal
t sta;i, ltil l .
. UV Ing T111%4 4 , 11410 E. 2d FLOOR. Ll
If }fl"..K.' ETWOLDS' !MORT!'
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tho nowithillasir Wate,444trra
TUE '411.11..1)'111 D Kir •
" 1 Pnoileci
•,LJ ;
dreamed of delde io light,
' No derktiess ever neVilett there;
I dreamed of alaroi so brldilt
germ.* Wordlimed its portals !WA
mulled I oiw *bard belnp,
HotOr Itigittiy , A9r Wet bind
I wu lolled to rot by limply wootnp,
f3aeat ragtag Mode that angel band,
mama‘ I urr ii k trd Odic!, -
W amides softly o'er thatlond r
I ta onuntonaneo do rtrangol7
I loosed t o behold IC again.
I. dreamed I saw ea galena,
4eolicking on a flow'ry bad ;
The Rands of life kind quickly tuft
I thought I know that he was dead
I ee* a bointipelorionely bright,
"Moro lovely than all oleo beside
altrineded-iry-reload of fight, •
*aping- 7 1 longed to sit et Ida aide
I wokb—to lied my Joy a 4ro •
The happy land and sky NO fair;
tntgliir kraiwreeideltawartr,--.
Mad vaaithed s gh terl knave not'w‘leide.
That bright, bright land is far away,
CI.N llt/1.11;101,,..rA
Ilieyond this world of trial and •are ;
- Whams saertow kam led Ilfs'a weary dayi
, I hop, boater that world so hir
u 131 MET, iSIEBMT HOliff3."
0, yes, there Is a "sweet, sweet bowie,"
11,,yonti This world a care, •
And grin,' midi eubnree , yilin find tlnith"
'Coe never enter there. '
There, lids may never blow;
There rumen tear may never dew.
0, yes, there is a "tweet, tweet berme."
Our Father oalla it liyarao
Thorn patting words and jArting Wind
Witl ;lover Junto b 0 jiveu , ,
No ova plrovvull in over a pokett—
Tro bgrry tffitta Ti llfr
U, Wore is As ".woof, swoet bome„"
Iu nO. a way ,
,11.-iiyer maid (ha iptht
Of an of nnl day,
0, 'lit' a mansion bright and lair,
N nor night, nor darkness there.
Within dist bonne, that 'lnset, tweet howl)."
tivio,o4 roan, t 400;
A ”.I,engel voloes greet my ear
Of purest melody;
The USA attAlmoi top:sift on earth, '
fling now the seep,of hessimly birth.
Yee, mosnters, Is that "sweet, sweet home,"
Where happy spirita reign,
They clap their ,Mytul beads sad glee
T be, glory to ILLunkb
T huir sang, the sweetest song alsorts— ,
At..teeming grmo and dylorlove " '
" But dun•! to rat-3- that:you're a
going td Lon, him 1"
I have tnitl him that *e Nvould."
" But it musul be. What r have a min
ister in the house all the time?"
" And whp not r:
" neouise ME just keep us in arch and
bueltrattr4 . oT ever! Yon akan% do it,"
" 1 hare gived tit/ wbrd."
" Tien make this bottle dab hot to
hold hi N ! Mark my words f".
This conversatiod was between 111 F. "(Thin. ,
as Proctor, a master-carpenter, and hie
daughter Kate. Kato Proctor was a lighted
hearted, laughter-loving girl of eighteen or
nineteen: plump and tosy ; het bright tare
all smiles and dimiilcs, and het...heart as
pure and tenth r eou 61 be. Ever since he
mold retumillsr, she had sat in her l'ather's
pew sorry Sunday, and listenull to the dark
and gloomy preaching of Rev. Calvin Lead
, or. She could remeinherliow he had frown
ed !limn her from that high pulpit when she
wai a little girl, and how he had ehilled her
in her own house for being so rude. The
only thought he hold of "the minister' was
of a n hite neek-ktrctrief, very star di and
prime feee long and stern, and • frown
always ready_ for a ant& or • jest, like as
a cloud sweeps over the sunny Landscape,
" He shan't come !" she repeated and ht r
sunny oar's shook again as she brought lu r
howl bock with detennitiation. " Let him
ilnd a pled* Rewarder* else. There an the
bloreivod family ;.they art just the ones to
board hint. They can be an gloomy as he
can. //Ow I 111104,1 love to see they at the
tahla together. The old lady would draw
down iter face -- so; —" and Rate gave, an
imitation of omi imaginary facial elongation.
'. And then the minister would draw down
his longer still ; and then Miss Prudence
mild try to outdraw them both acid by
' and by i,umebotly's jaw would becorub dislo
And liereoptut Kate burst, into it fit of
laughter. her father shook his head, and
with n!!'-ine light "remark turned ai.vtly.
V , afterKittg'ihad an in
pr lid the evening yvitit' Mrs. Dun
!!n 1), ~e !lie family. Sho went with
I; r loth, r md mother. Quite a little COM•
riEri'.'sent, and the, etenlingiMnintett
to PR-4; ileatinilit . sisters ass
a voting Mitt who wilt • Inttoduced as Mr.
Charts Lindsay. lie Was somewhere about
tour , sii twenty, and not only I !Mtn d' su
perior, Intellectual Appearance, test of
nuts personal Wanly. lie tweihdh to take
gdite a fancy 4ti Kate, and ire lcmgthoi feel.
a reciprocated. The light hearted girl
had never met with one who gio completely
pleaked her. Staid and oyer intuit people she
did root like ;wattled alto wt/A, rockiest, non
't1S;14110 , hartefttra Neon, An ignorant lnon
still could hotleaddru ; and a mar lithe as
sumed airs on. the'strength of his knowl
edge She abominated." r . •.1 -;,, ,
Ent Charles' hind,say was ttothieuf like "075
OILVANLS 00741:;Ii:
of :these. Ho displayed deep knowledge
without seeming to know it ; and he was as
gay lid . is - 114mit:hp &nita
deaal entrances or lose of dignity. ne feet
watiltist here, thOtigh,Hatedialtot probably
bee fiat the titheT Ile engaged her lteart.
at ths smile time kep(a firm hold upon
her respect- .Tbero was a peculiar air of el
'crated refinement which at once hitingested
itself id her, and e'ominatided her adniiratiori
and she admired it because she discovered
it without his trying to show •And then
alte r had fottud.surh a fund of wiflaua 'hu
mor in him which, while it captivated her
iritik its brilliancy, did not fail to entertain
her with its point anti sound sense.
Hato was a dices-player, and al length
she discovered that Mr. Lindsay understotaf
the game. She propos,ed a trial to %tidal he
gladly acceded. The first :tam silo WW I ;
ind the Odra wan a draw game.
- ,
ttl TtOctieri t. l'roctor nod his ode had
10--go hori&o, but Kate, couhltot think of
leaving so early. We v% ill see her wifely
horne t ': Maid the host, Mr. nuuktre and
tberropon her parents went without her.
"Only think," cried kilte, after a laugh
had passed upon Sane joke of her own, "Pa
says he is ring to board the minister. Did
you ever hear of such a thing I
." 114 L Waft heard of- things worse than
that,'-' returned Lindsay, sculling. Lie sat
liyher side, and gazing into her face as he
Rpoki. " Silprarwe your father khould take
tigeriuto the house, for instance I" -
"110-- you can chain a tiger," the girl re-
Melted; "but you can't do that to a muds- ,
tar. Ile will carry his long face just 'a here
he pleases, and you can't help it. But I
won't have it; and I GA I
CO. Why--only
think, a minister in the house all the time I"
" You dont mean what you say, Alias
Proctor," the young man said. half smiling
and half earnestly. 't% by—lf you hold
such fc~lmgs now. I shall look to see you
blarding the raimsttr yourself one of these
"Me I Dlo
Luara a Maroicr ? I never
heard anything so absurd—never:"
A hearty laugh followed this retort; and
and Kate thought some of them laughed very
funnily. Bui the conversation took another
turn, and ere long Lindsey and Kate were
again conversing together They talked
about various thipgs ; and after a while the
young man told his fair companion he hail
been purrhaaing a piece of land in the place.
as lie thought of making that town his
have bought of our fiend Mr. Dun
j.w said, at the same time drawing a
paper l'rotn his pocket.
110 then shored her by the --fur B.
field it 1111 h —it here the lot asp itia (ed. --
Instinctively Kate cast her eyes lip at the
head of the etetruemit to tree N1)1 it ni
eupetion v. as. fur she knew that x sa alnays
put down on deeds. She read- - "(lades
Lindsay, thcrl..'
• Ala—he's a cvici A,' ' she said to herself.
'And be must be a good one. And hell
most lik c ly lArivoseretriratone-of-these days.
So rein Kate's thoughts, and they were
strangely in:cresting to her. Several of the
more observing ones of the ootopry shook
their beads knowingly, for they saw plainly
enough that kiss Kite Proctor was already
in love w ith her hands companion. And
they couldn't think much less of Lindsay,
for he ad(eert' to that pal ticular chair which
happenct: to be nearest to Kate with a per.
tenacity which hurely had covaniug in it.
At half pad ten' Kate said she must r)
home. Lindsay offrred to accompany her .
accepted 'the idler, and when the dui so,
she turned an ay her fare so that the others
could not see it.
The etening was a lwaultful one the
'noun up, and hiluiling brightly, and tt e
holt and 1, and loaded with a grateful fra
pane,: from o thouqand deny nen vn, Limi t
nay h9./11 yllnething about the calm and 6)15
itdinenco of a quiet Nllllllllll'B CI enmg open
those who were at ream with the st-orid
and theuntelven, and who could look vp to
the Giver of all good with grateful hearts.—
It atja.not spoken sanctimoniously, nor yet
with the loud ogSward. show of piety. It
was a thotght from thb heart warm and
Kato made a modest reply, and a conver
sation followed. In a abort time the fair,
tight hearted girl was in tears, all from pare
gratitude to God for the thousand tileasurem
she enjoyed. Her companion talked as she
had never heard any one tale hereto. He
presented the subject to her so kind and
sweetly, Mid his words were so full of love
and deiotion, that ere she knew it she found
the whole theme of heavenly goodness open
ed to her mind.
From thin topic he passed to the subject of
4.9teenimny, and Kate listened with eager in
terest while he pointed l out aonfe of the con
ntellations, and then related to her some oC
the enrio . us mythological stories which the
ane—nts‘aasoclated with theht.
They "Waltdirlreq — AlOWlTT - and - as Kate
discovered ttu6 her Oompanioulnl not know
the most direct way totter bootie, the led him
A long" Way wit dr the mallet route. but
home wag reached at Ind ere they por
ted the maiden reminded Lim that her pa
rents had. invited kite to call etpon them,And
she hoped' that he would not fetiiet it: Its
- pro . mikicd that he tidiait not and tnen took
big 'leave.
W)thoht geineinto any extended show of
.deteloptnenta, wo will sitoiltly aay,4hat Vita
Proctor was in lore.! She loved t hind:es
lAndaay, with bar whole heart ;lie had taken
wrptire. • Re had - oMarteal her fancy: and=
Who tame 4rueseisedmpou keriateentiwal
regpee.: site net. only earrjod in her mod
the image of a habdsosie ode* Loan, bliPt .01
htt nod . sisettedd - the eseereiligie thet-tweitea
noble and pure. She not Ordyirgitred, but her
love was strongly fortified.
On.the folloWing day very little was said
about Mrs Lindsay Kate seemed to avoid
she subject; On lEs day succeeding that
*lien Mr. Proctor ('Xinsi down in the ovenitig
he In-might Mr:Lindsay ntli him.' So Kate
spent, anothit evening in his e'omPitny.—
When the maideirlaid her head upon her pil
low that night, she 'knew that she
She tiled to lode the fact no more. She first
crammed her heart, and she, found that
" Pharles"—she loved that name—had the
whole of it. Then she examined hey, poll!.
milt, and she could gist no Anson why she
ghould not love him; hitt she found a bun
dr, ti reasons Khy slte should love lairn, and
cherish, rolitolltir.l.llPuueliiixk s tiai
On the evening. of the next•day,'Mr. Proc. called lialoaattlo, and told her he had a
matter of ituportimee upon wh i ch to speak
with her. - Slo gesed• wanderingly hate his
face. for he kyred. very serious and earnest'.
My child,' ho said. I hole - seen Mr.
Lindsay' this afternoon, and fro-seine/ me if
he might sue for your heart and hand. lie
says you arc the first person whom ho has
loved as he now loves, and tie feels assifred
that you would make him nappy always. /
k•mw that he knelt pm - Kate: and 1 kutus
that he is worth Mo y ypit 'think
you could love ! team!" or
tercel the . pairtif in surprise,'ss he SAW his
daughter bow her head, end no, ceil the big
drops trickle down Intyrpcn her fingers.
had not thought 'twoutd offend you so.—
Surely, ray child, you do, not feel that he is
Mr. Proctor was interrupted by Kate's
roiling upon les neck r and awaits d‘d ao she
murmured : . -
Oh, Ido lore father! I love him
tth roy whole heart ! I- taLo . t, life these.
The parent caught his clad to his bosom,
and in carnellt tbnett, he said:
" Bless you, Kate—blesS you. I should
love to see yon his wife, ta I love him my
self. May he come soil see you to-morrow?
fle kares f.,r Harrison in the afterneon."
Of course Kate said he Might collie!'
And he did come. And he and Kate hail
a long talk together; and they told rad,
tither plainly of theirloye.
k . And now, - bald I.tioliay, after they had
eorirersed along while, "on Sunday evening
I shall be here again. I cannot ask you now
to give me a final answer. 111 st at. the tune
-- it is the day after to-morrow—l may ask
you if Sou will giro 3441 your love for life."
Ka:' rested h, r lead upon his rtimildec,
mot told him •he would think seriously of it
sh e meant it pleasantly. for she had thought
enough in her out n estimation. •
Sunday morning came, and at 9 o'clotl,
Chat!, s matte Ids appearance.
•• 1 thought you were not coming till even
ing,— said Kate, i.e gise gave bin a warm
I thought i would come and 100 to tWet.-
ing with you,' he returned. r 'tnit'y
have au objections!"
•• Not any actions ones," ski• rectittned
At the proper tithe they set out 'for the
ehin-oh. •
" Our nen- , minister is tig preach to-day,"
Kate said, on the way.
•• So I understand" 'returned "Lindsay':
" and that was one reason why I was ant
-101114 to be here." ' I
•• Do you know WM?"' .
know him pretty Wig:"
.‘ What Lind of a Man is he?"
••• Well--he iK spoken very well of. I think
he means well." •
'rhea, he isn't mach of a minister, is
he '
,• There may ho dart:rad opinions upon
th : ,( point. f3iipptu(6 we compare notes at
tk r we hive heard him` f' '
We will. But he ahnn'etmard with us.
Dont% you think it Would be very uuplm's•
ant to hare him pokingsbolit the hough all
the time i lam aro I couldn't endure
•• Well." replied the young HUM, ainalum,
ou couldn't endure it I'm Nun, I could.
Well -4 aannot." .4
'This brought thou !soar _the church, and
the conversation wan ,dropped. As they
walked up the *Pad aisle, Mr. Proctor open
ed him pew door, and Kato esters'.
lint -what meant that) (`barley
was tnakhik his way to the pulpit ! Yes—ho
iussends the Biafra !—he enters ! it coolly
takes him me-at, and takes down the bible !
The house was crowded and all seemed
anxious• The openh, voluntary was per
formed ; and then' Lin deity, aruse, and• in a
calm, deep, clear - inice, folks chapter' frbin
the kook. ,• ,
The truth had burst upon Seteeptind,a64l
with her head Sowed sisecoinceoM`PlEl , 94'
erful emotion, which worked taterildly with
in her. The prayer was made—the hymn
was susag—and the text had been read, ere
the wenderatricketi girl d.,atl to lift her
The airmen Mkt onenueneetUrireal Pie
test. "Venn unto roe all yo.that and
are heary , laden and l will give you rest"—
and is the speaker tearined With hisll.)ject
Kate forgot 110/ mining° litetble: -
Inahlw-Onium r imil it wee
'great power. Ilia aim was,sp,, ahcia% pie
peace giving of the (reaper, mid et
liiikreliemati on khe love of Ood et eL~hriaf
i s Ointeittlieboly joys of Ut4•Li:ol,l44Kiat
tian in such resplendent colors, that MI
heart* vises opened ; and souls that had lain
donnut fit.r.yesta, *rat/ swidrened
of , lower , autageatiendo- Mary an era. *llB
wiped u the table was at length clotted, and
one aimultinioni Iniurrnilr bf HWY thousand
limp drawn breaths told hob all bad been
Kate aaw 'old men' and young irnen
women and venlig women—crowd about the
minister ■s he came down from The pulpit ;
and She nun ft7sl how warnily they grasped
lira hind, and how edger they were_ to gain
his smile. Then it was that a feeling of
pride—of deep holy gratitude—came 'upon
her soul. lie, soyonored and flattered— he,
whom all set turd a i anxious to know—he,
so powerful in mint), aid so elevated inman
heod —loved her beat of all !
She walked but by her father's side, and
vet , lengthsthinister found the old place at
the left hand. They walked a long distance
' in silence finally Kato said—
• 7 - •
"Win what V , inked hew ectiiptoio lo . Ps'
ing eannettly into bee hiCe.
"It was met to decehe•rse tkii" -
"Cruel, Kate 9 when you told Ile with
your own lips that yon would not See' the
minister In your bonne?"
Ah -bpt.Tau.knew what I meant."
"BO diierWu — r - ticant Juat *hat You said: .
meant that you should know the man
before Y Introduced you to the minister. I
saw the difficulty. You thought all minis-
Iris were alike : and if I had told you. that I
wax 'the minister' at first, you *MN have
been coy and reserted. Tin' would not have
learned me as I am, nor . ,..would hive opened
your soul to Cite as ydu Tian, done.' t think
am right." ie
'•l'crhaps you are."
•Ir Think I may feel mire of it. But now
you know the man, I trust you may take
liiht for Whet he is. , And if, upon fair trial,
you do not like the minister, we will keep
him only for the parish. What say you i o
"But your deed said you witsa clerk."
iqul, mg little tninister.ha ter, you Ire not
read in legal lore. The work clerk is from
the Latin alericiss, and was formerly applied
only to clergyman ; and in law, the term is
still r. , airstd. If you 10 ill pivu mC leave
hill teach you Law and Laud , to alit to the
future 3on may fall into such traps of Cr-
Kute smiled : and it cry fat from u tp/a
ing to scold any more Night Caine, add ore
Kate Prector slept again she had conelhded
to board the minister for life and do tar
from Making "the huusa tdu lidt to hold
him," alte kept it no pleasantly warm with
her deep and ardent love that he deldothleft
it save upon Uwe pastoral duties which he
o itdod not to II VO d, aid cues then she kept
him company %hen she could : for 1k • l i ned
pal 'simmers said that 'twat, only/half a visit
for the atilaister to coins trithoula Ids sit net,
gentle wife'
Q oOrreapoodrint of the liagetield Aeleer
fuer writing from Pickens' District, thus
acocinbes Walhalla and the operations of
the glue Ridge Tunnel with other matters of
"Than Walhalla, I know of few places
which command a more varied and magnifi
cent View of tho mountains. The Stump
Ilouse Mountain, and its contiguous spars
are only four or flve mites distant, whilst
beyond these, and much higher. the Chim
ney Top and the White Side, two noted
peiikv over in Cailtiel - 's Valley, are to bit
seen loonung up lit solitary grandeur. A
gentleman of intelligence it•sitrird that
thcniglits here are delightfully cool during
the boUc-it part of the ~unituer. !kilt a few
native Americans have settlul in Walhalla:
a doctor and a lawyer have recently lift
J'iekens' Cunt t Itt u e fur this place. In
addition to this, large numbers Of Gerrlidi
emigrants are _annually arriving at
A }lapis) , llotner." On chi, that a new pa
per—the Pickens Fanner, is soon to be star
*at tins place. Tunnel hill, nlnu Stump
Liodite Mountain, being in the vicinity of
Walhalla, as a matter of course, toy explo•
ration war , extended to that far-flineril bar/
tier in the Blue Midge llAlho nth. vela'
elegant ligildings have been put up recently
along the road between \Valhalla and the
Ncs,t to the bast. of the mountains
there is a rerodenec on the cottage order,
which, in conjunction with the line sycuery
is utnitile—" bestittful exceedingly ;" such
an one as compels the admiration of the
Tunnel Ilil, is spite a town in point of pep
ulatinn and noise. The blasting is going on
at six different points on (ho Hill. snit when
one sees theembanktnents out the brow of this
mountain, and bears the big guns (the blasts)
booming away on every side, ho can eaiily
imagine himself in some place Wailed by
an etramy.- Thahostree MAK' burg are *at
remarkable for their architectural hamity,
let-hey serasaii temporery_putlonalb__k_itt
said that if the railroad were abandoned or
finished, io lase than three months after the
place would be entirely deserted,. On enter ,
ing the unmet at the eastern portel,J vtas
ushered into a scono not soon to ho forgot
ten. The darkness, the stencil of "villain
oiiri saltpetre;" 'the sharp ringing sound' of
drills struck by the ponderous sledge; the
half defined. shapes itf- wen gliding td and
fro with lamps shorn of their beams by Site
Sulphurous va4more—Mttlieso- were InAggee•
two of a place not less dreridful than 014, 1 04-
can's Work atop Is/Tape, top a u . bit
a ',hurt dielanee fro m the,,Esultfwp erld. of the
fl'!+Pti• .AVre tife3441,•4444)49(ni40'.
self down an almost perpendicular elope CC;
the deptii r , one handred and fifty feet.— ,
DiresitVa Ws risnsia a 401114 Aelap, dark
and alriu , titrangh - eibiali the dialling wa
ters make their way down into the Tale at
the foot of the mountain,
Connected'reith thin cascade th4o Is a le
gem', the recital of it inch tieiy not prove
unibMemeting to the readers of the Advert,.
ser. "Onre 14)011 a time," two host ilt ti ;beg
of Indians met in mortal &Tim% After the
battle had been "lost and won,'' the glint
victor Made the itelkin - ring with their i
shouts of erulta'ion when they , found that 1
l'oultlarm. " the chieftain's daughter," and I
the nweeteet flower of the forest—was among
the nurilber of their eaptive.s. At night,
however, the lovely imaquenti. wade her es
cape. rearing pursuit, shit hid herself in s
cave just beneath the " extromo 'Vigo" 4.1
the calla. The sheet of falling w ater diet'.
tually shielded this grotto frotn observation.
The Indiana having tracked the : Attritive
tedlitr-betek-ef-abe- , preelpide, and seeing
noUnng bet the spray IM which the rising
item had titilikii a fainiiii*, said one to an-,
other, .. the Groat Spirit has Mimed Isaquo.
sea into a water spirit, and none of us may
litre her for a bride." lint eiviliratlrm has
broken the chant) of reinsure The water
wheel-of Captain IVitgenet's, l'ew drr-ru.ll
' now revolves at the month of the e tee NI here
leatquenl was concenled. Into tlus.ptali
liahnnent (i. e. the I'meder-trill) there 19 no
admittance. I was allowed to approach the
walls of the blinding and peep through a
glass window at the powder-making appa
ratus. i'hete is more machinery required
for the business than I had imagined. To
avoid ignition the operatives have copper
tacol in their shoes. There arts only two
workmen employed, and yet they turn out
sevenleen hundred polled, of powd: r per
' week.
George C'ollyer kt Co., the present contrac
tors( it the Stump !louse Tunnel, have about
two hundred bands at work, by - relays, day
and night. More than three hundred feed of
rock have been excavated at the eastern end
of the tnnne!. All the western Ohl, the
workmen ha+e goner* the rock about fifty
feet, thritigh Ike Itininlttng here Pt Mt juttc
sIOW ,1 to gruel Th. ‘e it , ‘ font sh tfts, No
I, counting flout the t stt litt to -11111. tut
feet; - No'. 2, 226 felt No.:1, 213 fun t • No
1, 1119 feed No. 1 is sunk tip enough for
the minors to eouitnenee tunnelling: this
gives two now faces upon whirl) to operate.
The other shafts can hit sunk to grade in the
ce turtle of the year. 'At each end of the tun
nel thirty feet n Month eau ho completed vet
each shaft • consequently the tiork is now
progressing at the rate of ono hundred feet
esery month. At each shaft is sunk, to
grade, this progress is inereastotl by forty
feet per month. Coflyer has two steam en
frl at'fi and oite horse gun at work ; and therh
is another steath engine of forty' horse pow.
cr on the way from Philadelphia. Thoio
engines are used to draw rooks out of the
The /Stump Rouse Tunnel is 1 mile, 578
feet long, 16 feet wide, and 20 feet
This tunnel I. a heavy Job, but it can un
doubtedly be finished in the course of
years. Indeed, ('ollyor has contracted to
corrplete all the perk in tveo and a half years
from January, 1857, and I believe ho can do
it. Virginia bas hit day light. hine throwth
a mountain barrier no hiss formidabbi than
that of Stump liothic eimititttin ; and with
Una noble example before eyes, our
people cannot hartor 811( . 11 a tlym i ;lit as fail
ure. The impurtanee of the , Blue niilgt ,
Railroad to the city of Climb stns, and to
the State of Soullt Carolina at can
hardly he over ustim The teething
\Vest stands n-aly to ',our the contents of
her oticrflow grariari , -;into Ow lap of our
:.).sgoit a, the loco.
motivrht cad lle ii!ade to scale the heightxof
the Alleghenies.- The heart of the Stato be
ing thus enriched by this vast influx of trade,
the glow and vigiiimul unwonted prosperity
will he forced out to the very extremities of
the body politic.
Jong C. PAtigasoir, an eminent la wyri• or
po,Q, fr, ae.ktl by
friemix, gtive a French gentleman Aom
irleana an awful beating ono evening laid
week, Locative be had been in the habit of
walking•out with hie, the lawyer's wifc,ltate
at night. Mrs. Patterson. one of the most
beautiful women in the city, hue gone }Mine
1.0 bet parerith.
IT BAID that tholtem has bestowed
is gift of five hundred thousand karirs no
the - widow of the unfortunate .11nerteen who
Willi shot by the Holt i nt:l in the debtor's
Non of Clichy. This is kind and convider
ate and refieetS Rest credit upon the Emper
or. Obo hundred thousand doll/re does not
go far torsni restoring the lost husband to
the bereaved widow, but it !nay help to get
lurorrAvri puointivm. —The - lisrritibtht
rslegraph sa*s no Supreme Court luki
recently drcieledtliat ttie counties 'are liable
for the coati amiarrj:ftow qve arrent and im
prisOnthentof druiklords.h
Illilio6l4+lo V I (WRY. —I )n Friday N 1 CO( ;
the I)etnecfatie ticket in the city of Reading.
tins trinrsiduniely elected throughout,' by
abintt thirjerit4. This city has
the hands of the 'enctay for arveral _yeani
and they have now been fully anti 47:ampletti
ly roult , 47 7 Resdinkruiabong been I,lto,onty
,pc4 4 1 141 erkg. 9e course \A-c therm
NO. "17.
• The following is the . platfonto of priaid
phie adopted at the Uolon Stata.-1-
tioo, which nominated. Wilmot, Valk,
and' L win, nit upon
stand : • •
Fhii Conienlion of nologil a*, repregenlint
thy , I rurrnr+rol 1'0,111.31%1111a.
no.n:utt, of tho. tato National Admiti
l•tt..).l,ll),/ gml Ihn rrintionanno ,of the sotoi
dviktriimi% 'wilt.): forn4hudowrif
the at.l% am!' dew! tallow+ 1,1 Iho AiltoiiitAr*--
1/1 , 1).1» , 1 M411;0;1.0011, lit)
noo , re, Tii,ll the iluotiirtiando of flit
ilfolllllll,.ii till ill Ilnt 1/131 . 111i1l ion of In.
.11111111141er, .111 , 1 einki , lll`ll in liin Felltlflll'
(70,Istililljim, 1n o..snrilia.l to Ilia promitvation
Oi I II llttl EidiVirl
11111'11Ni I/1
111`.t0.1 . 1..1g11 Ow ti ni nokl OM .
I Al • , = .1.1 Inn t,1, be pre ,
It•ol, I hat, m 111 our Iteutitilicen
ate hol.l it it) be .1 rell•evnlent truth tbai
all men am rotated tolual.; that they amen: .
doieuil by mit Creator with certain ioulierra
bta tighte; - therriet Mgt hew ihillte g liblity,;
and the pursuit of iiappiersaa; thi4. aexace•
the.e rights, Govertlinento
amen?, men ; uel that ill 1 primary duty al
object of our Federal tinvernmeht I'4 Id We-
core the.r ti;0114 to all fleroong mittaF
joit-dbyliort. 1 ~ati ad our Ittopab...
!itcao I.)Olein al , o;t•hed Slavery Ili all the
\ Ter , rol3, Unit urd unfEit in the Coo
-1 .ti oil 1,, r lur per•irct 41'01 I+ &rivet!
of lite ht , t.;!y ur prOpolly, a thou due pro
res. of tort, it I.•cetites (Alf duty to maintain
ilia pro t-loti of toe Cornklitutioa aphid-in
attempt. , to v mime it for the purpopeufnetab.
11.1tiog, Slavery in the f errnories of the • Uni-
Thu: t.e deny the antlintity df
Coo.,4ress of the .. I.ll)r , nte Court. of u Terri;
tonal Letzipliitury, nt 111 fflitividual Of aaal
of 1111111 Idil3lA, In give legal ext*ience
to Sl.,%ety ut any I errancy of the boiled
State. , , tt foie itte Cott , itiutimi shall be
Thal the C04041110i0f7 rellierS
0,,0 ( Inn. or over the rer
.n., of the .Chirt.(l Z , ish.a, for their gtoy
etnmeta ; a power not controverted for 'the
first sixty years of our Nations: ek
b*l eketrixed by the general eenctift=
all departments of the (Liveibmseit,thteeigh
every Administration from 11'.rbiogjog to
Polk ; and that in !hit 0.%efil:118 of this umpire
linnablo rower, it the du yof Cohirtill to
prohthi4 the Terrtnrtetn, those tiehr rents
polsgamy and 'Slavery.
j&,./ . /./A, 111 11 116 AIM 11T FN r.i;MxPi ,
quit a hd. u v ret un ILo inowitn
01 Fit ..,no i, n .et? r 1 :‘, 19 by thr
~• ,r, • ,, , I uI nNI aftvolui ctiont
„ e e;, , T ~ 1 7'ituil 4kairn a mew
I a nnl Ui by tti aria.
jo,lici “imilm, of Jutl,!... of Ow Su romp
Yubvel-no dl the .14104_11.1
ith the , ttUtti of
'tor) , 11,, , ti,ll)Yrito : rNtcwoott of did OSP ,
v),, int /II /4//d 11,0 i.lw ul 1 ,, 11! lazul, 11n bierapu•
111411.111f1e , I by Ow I'etipc.4l
111.1 11111 I WI 1 111 11 , 41 1.)C114 . )' 1 4 1410 la thio
Jim-hued, I lint the recent °pintas's of .111•1
inepito of the Jhtterti of ilia ;Na l eraefte C.91,µ1,
;telt, etot•ttt.%, r pt :tit It they decided. ales 4041.1
had nil' jori-dic'i.oi, nod, tlieteliire rib' sfu
ihttrity to pro tonne,. Tito litw Nosing tfirsiSiti,
IS 1104 ,ino,lier -tep In 11.111.1111minstudd of that i
Agotspiraoy nizeiiiin our floe iaritit toggle, which
had tic inception in the repeal of the Miesmeri
t;ompromiss; riat it is the direct tomb of
the late triumph of the Slave power iti tire,
election of iiseedulidate,Jettses Baklieffen, so
the l'restdency, and nilleAS erOttiptly twbstkari
. by the )triple, at thh ballot-bog, in
Itivred by other ueurioniiine fatal to t he?rod,-
'tender:re of the Free Naiad and dial' litiattile
of our peoele. rot '
I:es I cti,. 1 the Corttettutto tal rit,4stri est
1110 liett l tt , of K 11,611• have been Itautlulfeally •
%mil Violent!) hits eti flora thetas There Tet-
rine), hie. been Hi 01010E1 by sit a med firm { '
151)UrIlltil , MO pretended legidelive,
dint 19.6.11.:1v, odic •IA here bleu! set otre‘ .
them ltr 0 !• itittt i tettl outbid!:) a I I silo ti
b if 1.
) .1 it ry it.".. , . t of the F,01,-rrl I;divesa
- $ In ' 1
men!, tyr in neat nod eneenuitutholtut.
I hate bweit 'tenni-led and eidonted; I; • Ul l
tof I ,e pe I,'e to li, e r r and It .iiir iirese him& .
been teltritt2,u I, lthst milts l/i an ertreordi
it.tiy ii.til ciii,iti)tiiitg 11 elms hove .),9.,,1 V
t i
'll-c.l Ne a 0 fh , it 1 111 of rte I' s'n ,4 the II It
of setfor.ze surf Ito ilitig, wince; Illsr bah! pi
an tleell•041 per Mall Io a .14.101 f 411.14,110114 In
trial by en linii..rtiel jtiv} his been iletiieet :
cruel dild Unts-ti,,l innii , ll , lnrigin ii‘it,.....bettri
itillsoled upon the innocent, ti h le recniTer.,
robberies and elift+oll9 have • b ie., titee,garest
and encouraged, ruid the otletoleis bare hi en
allowtel to go Otiputnelletti ; the 1441 a the
people to bin seure tit their coreune, liiincra,
pages awl effects lil, s , nij ii itrird4.ol/11.111 II
matches and fielZllfef r liti* heed yireiliggi ;
that/ have been deprived of life, Itherliatkf
' firdperrrr. Is oliout duo piticrer of lov , l', it
reedem of" speech a-til ol Ifni prove lies brien
nbriil t , the i ight to cluio.ic Ilitil, teptePelli •
/111Vr9 t1:1., II -en W DIP I' trl , tl : Ilia ell
thesis 111111.4% II tse Anion dime a ha the Iratogal
edge. rune ion inttl pittitutervittlit i f die Ft . -
eral Gutus(utrzuHuut, ii& viol ulium of the phsintiO
mandates of llto con-at tillilii ; That the dioiiii.
alien by which a PpCiti iiii liegiskatters tees
iniceeit ncion K. 11153.; and ifs people-.sir
poled to a codd of Lea uupareilisle4for
(Acidly, in the lipoury of %retinue, is
eith 11, hull I . ,,iee• and the pea l ) ate delakkat "
the ri. , ht peatiefully to in)ricivilele and petiffiel
for It rod rti...4 of arievaucti):, the Ilfritiowabg% -
!votive Ina perintotitl' teuti(ialrermilf. t iaJlt'S
appoints:nowt:to latidrivi a finer tho 'fas.titsr y
~,,,te r It- r a ai,,,,,,j 2 .tlittit i and tie:. Ina filar. .5
10 0 silt 11 r• [I ,Wl , r Inv their protei•ti es etlei at
thi. 1.i,.1e , v en ittptties itt :laver'', Ai elle II ie lei il
'unmoor+ ' and 'lraqi %chime Ileitis ate iss„l„a It
innocent bloat?, are retained in ollfilelortirry
on the work-of •tilijectintt Pte 141114tocr,$ ),
die cause of Slavery. Kansa! haw biskii.ole.:
sled silerimiou untie, a' Free ,COilit huil l itti,
eeiliraudiileat.trieoris:are now )etOmitreer Ie
seiture ha ithriliiion iiii it tiltive„tfitita - tg lief
tievro-e-ietiet (if Corlarr7se. ..,?I;;;Jreft tliv 10 iik
peitiloue vrmirg, we proumtottu the stairterof
Got) Arm tivw.errv—by till that is iptintml -
in our hi +tory, unit by the ti.ertiiity of the
great 11111,1 good trim) 'O4 e-lohlivbecl, our
liberties -. l. , i
fird , i , ,, '11,.•1.i. i, , I ,0,1 n o on oor WWII,
owl Naught LL illi ddlig.t 1.1 our iitSkutiouls,
ill 11(1(1111 In* full ileti*-41110101hill thrir l bion*-
Mr, onx,inaii :Li Ito ii9kilowiel * lotStAlif
.(ii),„„,..y,,vhich 11.• c.iiiiint viiii tiiirn; y
iill willinta ' 'v49 Vutirot."ll iirOlakial
6. pre%t roiliLlimit.; LA:lig:Orr, -1 1hOitii,Wilr410111 1 4
Ale civil or ep relual. , ' , .., Criet..lfLrii .i :
• -ifieso'etd, •tirat ilia *0p:40940,..1 1 411\ , _ $:,
ailliL It OUT 11 //Will" ,ilertiotts tiro Ow n 4!"
Vg.filist it .$0.40,t11y ni the legll4-4...4 , 1).1
ki,debi. ofikiiit4ifitti fditagiliesAwitli.. a
: -