Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 01, 1857, Image 4
The, gidisniii °Ml Nothet amid the L :Tharalo 114 disputing the fur It shines fa tteitiee of every littile child. The enistsif I : rsurVng settulding worsen. wif .. ,i have vi tithuar l / 4 ,inelkinling children. 'She Win) arias on tlt,er:y neesslim, "I'll box your plot; -laike your neolt,";•its known es fhtentti - 01 4 T - ilii. 7 l - I;,xii I,kir oltrOireiTielf her wrcernenanly tounttere repro 0pe1,131 t lieployed . .treats. flies* rtnant4,ket woe frew.est i ,l by tl a cottrersation. in anOnittillus for the stn lent of men aud manners-:-Iteltveen s friend morn lehuu!tl.u4er. Our dinehor Moe 011(1,60, sad sharp., 11117 - wit ettltpliAliedikike uf ailiatnond, and Ite j et the •::4,1310.'•!' et "rrysf:";. The coimiasuni, 1 1 ,o! insirline.--and yr:tower It intimattr with 44;4 Onti'verniteas, eau form n protter idea of our "nutuker.-•-imiluii‘u of lfin "ito more" au well Loon n to the knot nitg, to, n ing„ttieir hendi. oyies . ,trol eori 1410 Wily nod Willi our teacher s aid '..11 coo okays tell ths - idittritt„.l;:ir - tht boy. Lt chin win; 464.61440k,'Aich doititlA 40 . 0„tt1.,1 loutt Tj ti at hie riajtroli if he bill/'lOO4 a eery quest-Imelds'to ther. She in iv fool pud'elotheltitn,,oPtut I.itn wild RW0'01001(4 aad-duas hint -willt+T.r.denhes, but if she gets the dint 1.3 tl a Ittulztt 1. she g:re hint a 1.0..ek 'on the 114:1 - J1111i . lal{ t; 11,0 Wir ::•tta s.)) , hl k ;I;k t ila I.lTy i dxer her rel faro in himbeet ,t. 1444 'Ail.l Wrltrio 'lir the er.r nere 41,1, - ,,t • I. rva e,.uriet,ta. lilllu 1,,1 1 ,..w and gentle manners —it, 0 1.,111 1..3* 4100 g. nnl delNirt 411'611.10. n. I M say, "that 61'0 Ili.rlltoi 1. A lie. , 1.1.1 y." -- 11er worths awl her wn . t:tre . lot ielz iitl 0 quiet. If she 711 t•le1, of IltAgtlflgo is "my. 101 1 " r - 11?1,"fittil vOrefeh,—par 1.1 'Atli a ,".34 - 4Mruleikt - 7 7-3-01: ream. :" leiee.nbewrit laminae a pillar nr.hp,dt Indlimee , ther •erantletinz And her LeirtHrare rebected in Lip Ito% To hi m th e with ercrlthing pare ea eet and beautiful. In he an vest In titerlYs, the face that with holy radiance ihitiesoa-leis-entelttam. will he the ut.dher fitas. " "Whoever Iris norms hie pooh wish/sunny wad soft, low vw., will briog niotber's ;gulp freshly to Isis heart. "She is li 1111111 other." tha the highest mend of his praise, Nut eten when the turns eater, and time eye g ewe dint n ;II the ma• Jenty - sif Hint 1114 - and pressiii3e desert "Xtit the rtselan mother—.thus: that there are such forum the ruffian character of the RlllOll. lle iu las Jurn will bevlitno tuereilem oyrant, w:th a tongue sharper thTu a t;ta"edAtel sword, and remembering the Lratelptitiend the cutEbig, etek some weak, genaliutim for the seterstlee, awl make. her hip wife, with the nondition that he ahall ie [neater. And mn.ter Ise is. for • few end years, when ho wears a widowers *bed till, Lo Buds a victim "numk‘rtwo.'' 'We - Wonder - nut there ere so twiny eiik , ward, %trivial)! men -fa men- 7 -theyho be all bean trained by WO nee who knew -not air oared fur tho truly oatoro of their trust. Thoy beve been male ligitsr to the heart's 'esti*, dna dist bitterness will 10.1 tent and lArlirent mannwhere; - - Striltirthe Intent Anielf. and if he cannot reach you ho will. elan*. 10 , 114410 . 7 :71111111 - 1 1 lo bent: " inithe CkSte, the 'hairs, or any thing within roach. Strike him .repeauidly and ity the time he wears shues, be wilt here Wpm, a little bully, with Ilands that double f,r tight as naturally as ifsiteeial pains had tern taken to teach Nut the art boxing. Mothers remember that your MillUelP , uldit di* child. Activity &Kiri*, is one of the everbuting, laws of existence— There is' no religion without work. , Laziness is • spiritual death: WIIC. ever enquired. anything mirth hiving by ly• big Waited waiting fur ft to elm,. to All things. are within the reach of into If he Iroly gu after them ; all things muck him who linger by the *ay! Wiwi Gilds kunst I *fall/ bly - tbe striving of the underrated lag Who knows anything of tho beauty of *stems_ het he who spurns the mourning, ,W 34.10, it 5/% 1 .01% ,1 1,,Iip.w r hile hit sleigh. hornitte asleep; can defy thaltnusamiul.ritin, - rind rain op the, sistunreio sitannit•and et-t -ents noun - fientar. And di .u;la what witi;ll - lopeliwriterling will' I inguor and dhiecittragement the artist loads out hunien. loveliness front.tbe rough niarble. 11114 coax • ell beauty upon the eanv ism I And UUCP not every good - maw go up to his iirtues as emu lilts/idea in the. doiert, sweat drops 4r blood in Getivennena, and hear his cool. up Coirszy,. Activity is the - iire of life.— Let tte he up end doinc," ?Me waits MallVl things gn on, with !lithium, or you Arfaft Oat of your rank in the, , procersh n of clamp/N o end never hind your place nguld sales through toils will wring your sou! With anguish. Ll•iteu to the, voice of the sea, fur it is the voice of Ood, which er more eiya—'• Work wield it it oglirtl to day. . ISM =MS C HEAP OROCREOf Erma A --ds4fal. A -411Ridlif OA for lb. patronage so liberally be marina span pia by a gammons community and hopes by stria sit/tuition to boldness, to rix , nyt 00141.11.1 v niorit dm approbation of an appreciating He informs bin friends, eustomers, and dm ablja pnerally, [ bat bo Is prepared to furnish at bit well known stand will' every variety et tho 4 max yr poioo,t * tt art.s 3,As I am determined to give sada heti* to al staraf WILLIAM PIIIINEM mralteiniG . MONUMENT WORKIO. Low publish the price. of all plain marble anwit, Gush se there is In moat demand, and place it, all in board nviadumeol tllst every one may know the prPass, so Ibat lb.. heredied may pot be imposed up. terrelltp•sadlists.befo're givisg tborossdesi. wis tborp per. foot. • tomb, - . . 0 . 75 bog, - • • - 0.75 insWikurble tomb Ups . . 0.80 M ride Tomb Stones,- iudislissrbto gloss polish .. , 44sbassrimarbte, sigsble, 'tAl#ol4Mg from two cent" mmh, iitsisold lettere," cents (liars. 4111 work warranted4o, be finished in Pitfithief- Ade etisie. livery descriptions of marble work at tilesseaate Wed, Utrill eve the prims for ornamental • mark If kb required ifilesburg Marble • Works. 4.10234-8. AARON PASTEDAGE, thialpter. A CALL , To ALL pA•' • Lir TOOLS:,PAI.Iag A LI T AAA , ItEPLZOT,'!—EIIE • - 1/All.3lEltli PAO 1101 , f 11 0 0 X—A NklW ago lilefebiTtllo kIANIBANtI YgiTIM, far arr eultivatlin anti incrausitrot all Mints of grain, grasses, der and pasture, upon all kindsof adl,—Foeusel by maws) -experinsenta and based upon evident truths, designed to im prove agriculture 10, all Its branohne. represented by upwards of 0114 hundred Intl fifty engravings of tho west valuable givens and plants oonno.wod with - this wylttew. by IMI7 "C: G. REINIIN,II, of Boalsburg, thnttro county, In this trawls° it will be seen thatlho.oltiat ties blµ.ll to giro.tl4 fanner Riot kind ~f Won{ whiol; &Risers his to wire pr lotion! application to tortilla. his land and inorouse hisgraitt L fuldor and (PiEntitid. - dootrknei, skill - tied - 11) , RO arm oring, and tenor, and pasture oilltivatiOn eystonit aro r.ttional, clear and evident. and in Ina provoment an the diode of ngtiouittiro hidterto ttn kmamt...coumms....L.464,44.,,zap °ruefully nicotined, muting fail to adeince tarots of the farming community. INA a, work h,ti been moult wonted as it nut ft volt ablelrltiut long boon fell, but ',blob there has bitborto bank" no.ot , ampe to 'wanly: Awl na a, and flunllngtou county vra rootpummid lbw litortrid °very (armor, as 'we fully. believe that 'they wilt reap thsgroutest,pustailalo benuAt from it, eltristisn'Onle, " George Duettenew, tiwurso I.lOal A - It.udol Musses, .1 tool, 'Keiser, VOIR& Alexander, • John tttiley.. John NcT, Br, thlts111111: , John Hoffer, Joneithan 'W Inhtinu, J.tooh tionre-Cluyor..jr,, - 4 :_lisaty•Mv,r7, john enflar," • Slantk,),ll John 11oF9on, _Genre Jnok, Samuel ' John. Berman, Christine fl..ffor, • Joroth U °ergo W. MICk. k I IZto Sale lo liellermte o„,11. Ittokerio.fts Stere, (I..l.ll,lnistoted Ilueehoore, Wa,tt s er d 11.1vm40, to the Looßhy I 1 [lobe lo 1% or/W(11140s io +1 ityer's eore. In it.nmurs by Dr, U. tiu Roldhohl. ra 'OG • vrTr: Tlittral eleptvinteir urlnu'a Pal — t f it ;!171:4 11 11n e k ' n ' o n ' i ' l ' ; l l t l i n ' y e ar tn .l n t+ ;V " l i' v s nc. h l; ran„ eith Plne.r.k• ,ni. $1.50. • ,•• Th. huvory of this cations boy is RA Eilicrort • florid) au whorl' iu' ato ilist Indio thaupany, horto' , . by a lon\., r. si lone., In Upper in II L. os. 9uirc,l a puttee.. I.lonsielta-uf—tlta-Vtluotal ken, itlllt 0117 , 0110, prol, , eted II risk Utttler the MlIkA MB of the It.•,y tt tlto,4r.tphis %I So nety, to the holy on, of Dees,. and the tenth of the Prophet, at Tde Hun. pianos rsroly if ever before visited by any Engliquretn. Thishe successfully aelornpTirbed In t 33 4. tlikzorn as a' llfehatetemlarr Dervish. Thu hlatory ~f tho pligritans is not enquired in luterost and orhrinoihy by soy book of !revel ever 4ublishel--embreslog ids residence at- Cairo ture lukutsmedato Sluaosit: she journey acrossibeder. sot with the greet annual eAravan of Pilgrims; the visit IS the lamb of Idohantmod: die dleneetY ant the SouredSl Ink Stone is an ~erupt.,; 4he en. oust sennonprennhed at Meees, to ineeettlested Su. riNtnee of I,39,oolll'itgriini slitter...l from ill sieße of Moslem world; his narrow dul l*. flown do tes lon 'and tin, only aocents neoeuet of the etre. se ..Icier the Ntinttultean Nth. ' To the relizleus community this work furnishes Int wetstitss_ne;or her Mode publia. respeeti g the el3recsonhal I.ta II of o lorzo pr , porllou of the E were Wool 1 ; *ldle for gonentintorest. Burton's ntrrative will compare fiver tbly with either En. then or et teceut and the Cross. MI A RARE CHANCE - -AND A GOOD oppututut.y_ fur re Y': sibto mint to obtata profitable sod hnaltby rutplortrout. To Aputa. I.t.twrasere, Colporteare Imal Pest._ masters. Aur peten:4 oh, seloezribers f Shy copies rd ~11, 7 cf iho Ainerioan Natlooli Works, amt rthuitting the *mount. Orr, s large outembetiola to the Pobtieher aria be entlafed to fifty Doliara' worth from the subjoined flat of rat eable Works et the foot of this adrertieement. AMERICAN NATIONAL WORKS !Vat National Honor, el the Mimi Mr;tres Iterolutioriary and Constitutional. chiefly from Natturtal. Documents, by B. I. Low , Ibg and Edwin Williams. with numerous finvillus. training ou iota anti rrooe. •T we Volumes, bops zit! 8!o. ehith. prim, 111,00. Sec4l, tho Statenti"n's Manual. eontaining the Lire", ltters I;es end Ad:flints rat ions Agglig . „ Prat dewy, trout- Wlwariugton - tar-48sesse: witerrito 'mis trals.' cm four volumes, Btro. itietb, price 810.00. — l"opfiTar valtiale Boaki Pnlim - igra to voioe to Anictios. by Anorkrana 46 edition. price, 111.00. Dowling,' Ilistorfer Rotnanbak, 50 Illustrations, gee. ninth. $1.50. - -Mfg, YAW- witsts-for 41Pa tamiltairide, plates, 3 vols. 7ro, cloth, $5.00, The Amfrioes sod .Odd Fellers's Ham, S. eteet-esserestairs, i.rols.• cloth, $3.0 Odds to Knowledge, 30 plates, irs)el Oro sloth, 30. "' . Woederest the World, 230 plates, 800 12 00. Agents wimtejto eng:Ke le the good • wort el simulating these Important publioatloas i will please address' a lies t• 4e Publisher, IeDW 4.111 D W ALSO, 141 ft_eAtoit Street, L Y. And they will resolve hausediste salsetlee, eft (all possieslersof esseuelsism dee94oa Ems et COI GB LT OUT BOW BALE, 4U 'wet/WAY ; sully YORK. Pier Gad Jana) , t i l e.' andil so pwa{ewn of All books will be sold as low se can be bad at other stores, many of them for Isar. Ners-dmoke remand daily, A gift ravioli, iu.i.allse from IA saute te4ko4, giros with soak beak. St the Bate Stir told. Having ou hied a .very large stalk of a.w and reliable hooka, and as our motto is Large .amend small prodits,r weAreriataradmed to sire ear euitemors bettor banshees time lairs be bad Idea when. Au y book publidurd lo New York or Phil. adelphia will be promptly mut. giE included, on •rerseipt of publisher's pros, Oatalogara of books and presents, ootataining . fish explanatioss will be sent frse to allarts of the eoastry. The most l iberal induoomouls are offered to' Agents Any pontos by too - ding an order for too book; with moue se y slosed ag , will be satitiedm an extra book and gift, • All Orkin* for be*, emitakelas wan t safely,i should be Piglets/lel IA tim Pad 1 19Eiro wber they are mailed, 'we'll reo Lod to • EVANS 6 CO , Broadway, N.Y. RI/IRBY/CI —N. Thomas A Sons. South Fourth Street, Phillulotphir ; J. B. Lippii«At.3 Philadelphia; D. Applatou t Co. Broadway, New York; Derby Jankson, , York. - • ''BEND FOR A CATALIEMI EV ANS - * CO., Plinatyrill store, 409 Bron Iwo; New - York. BMW:iatoms et Philadelphia and it Washing ton. D. C Neel f -Imes. INfORTANT TO DAGUERREOTY FIFITLAILALLIILii DleltlLohlitS owl others.— MU,7 .D . 4lllo4lltltlt' , TYlll dAIIII. A method has long been sou ~.t for, to taken ru a durable manner., daguerreotype likenesses to Head Stows and Monuments. I have been insaufuota. ling them 011•011 for theflast tiro years, and east war rant them to 44V/14 the ',biters for a lung number ofyeast. Thu outside CMS is made of Parisian Marble, and 0 bits which endows the, Filature and keeps It in a stale of great:pi 'serration fur along number of years, Is made of brass—a sarsor dos. It makes very neat Job on a neat Stone oi l Monument. They are used In (Irrenwood Cenauto ,-111biant Auburn, Laurel 1.1111, and many ether Lesucteries in the :United States liberal dismunt'mado to , Nforbte Deiriemi snit baguerrootiviste Prise from $1.23 each to SLSO A annular of amp* loge will be sent toany tuldreee, free, with urine list. Ailtitesa, BALDIVitt Agent of M iIISONUM Dag. Co., 535 Blood way. New York. flitOR9E ffi. KEPTitit a PEALIII3. ITT ILA - raw and rumiutakttrAi PizltSetili.lNP AND Pipe drove bftlla,ll C.rlt,eno, Pa, 'l l ` s rabserlhor being exams' mdy engaged in the A'ilit SUSINE ievisietwit-erbeilroye—Pant, Swror we° • dispose of to give him a call. Ifs pays the hlg.est market price In cash It would he well for our Merchants and huutesp to reuilmber that be pays thrm oaah, and glielhem the. full value of the skins they bare todispolee of. • • Parsons in; want of a hue artiole of Fern would do !MT' ra,'send their orders to the underelgned, who le prepared oo furnish them at the lowest r Vi v eT9RlrtEs. and all varieties of LA Dittup PITROI always on sand, at primes much lower than can be offered ',yew, retail houses Of New York and Philadelphia , GLOVES, ItonEs, he., can also be purchased. AU order. eddreuod to 0 koltoE KEPLER. Pipe °rove Mllld P. 10.,, Centro Go., Pa., will rest with prompt littoral:ow. , . •1.00 .0.50 4.60 : .1:4 • different style LADIES' DBHSB (MODS aeh as Bilk news, Chaffed Do Libra %rev awns. Oinelinms, H. AWL d CO. awricorn= & WALTON; - • /NPikTill II A It/IbLICIAJLIB 111111AVIII I 111 IlAilillMAßK_ CUTLERY, Re.,*, , 225 MARKET STREET, dealt-ly .. , -. PHIL AIIIILTTItA . . J. •` 6401/11It. • Wil. J. SMITLI. • _ 110.1171131-41- Po" - Wunyyu.twe DIALBIt it TOBACCO, BNUPP A - ND BEOARB, No, 6 North Firm Sweat, abut e Market !Street, deutil.ty Pagattcyruta. ' ii 7 .10 IMS A D.. 1170 (1 Kg T vloova) ()Wait, w ARE, warrauted not to shrink. 'PATENT - KAOLIINB-61ABIt. YIitOOME: -our own mike. ---HEAHOMIOrif Allt - A 4 AMINETWOOrt - W MUM WARS of all kiodo, for AA low, bj JOHN ALLEN, & CO. Hot. A and 4, ChoottnO BOW, below WOtor, ••oug-90 • • bast Ur . • acioyan.. , 112,8071 . }.131E INSIVILIPICE, CO P1111..4 DEL PHILA. • OPllOll— EMIT Deanna Or TIMID AIM BDTiODD DOD (LAW: TAIInaer)IDTABITa. Incorporated Dy tha Leirialature flenna. ("DARTER PERPETIfiI OACITAI.AUTISORiran sr Low, .11,0011. ' Make losuranoe agalust toss of (tentage by Fire, on llublln , r Private littlitlings, Furniture, Sleeks .thjoodr .nd Morehandise of all kinds, on favors bTO terror. nralibrollB, Of.. go Maly, tleorgo K Prolth, • Meaty tierkor, FrvierieleSteake, "Au. fluistorling, Wm. 11. Weber, .tlogstel C. Thomas Motivator, 11ti)Pniel, Amami Bowmen. ,• C. • Jnools Splaandeln, , floury Trtemar, George Durts,Jr.,. Jamb Pullet. QEoniaz.karax, - Pot:At. E. COLEMAte, Secretary Jeltittorld • SUNT HOTEL, ' . etli:84!)111T FITRERT, 'PII/LADS This new flo, Is Mooted in Chestnut street, be twoon Tenth and L'et-onth, running bank to George ne.olditnAtltnret.nilknoPie. room-and ae*- uomtw,:lotawas lbrnd Inman. This limed has ninth to render it attracttre (o the Trot reler, llojournel anti Omen, being direetly op. Yarklueon's i .t i j fashionable pieces on Chestnut 'Street; also, in the Immediate neighborhood of the Whelan* and other places of amusement. The Rooms ors !argot airy; an¢ well ventilated— maw} of them have oommentesting dodra suitable fer,Fentillesinut Parties travelling together. The Furniture is entirely new, and of the soma improved atiipotsubmeing all the late modern Motel improve , 'mettle. Its ohne proximity to - the dillbrant Itattrosd3 di verging from the city, being ouly,One *plant distant from oho great Pennsylvania Ranted Depot, and its central and pleasuut tontines, renders it as de sirable for ebb Montbant, as the Traveller it., pleas ure. Coaebeenill always, by In tendinous to °envoy wurtengers to and from tho note'. The proprietor would also beg leave to giro notion. that he wilt Ito assisted in the manstrossent of this Now Es..(l,lishineut, by Mrs M. L. Neck, the late popular Proprietress of the Yellow Springs. Pont , who will bare the whole and entire (Marge of the Ladies' Der se tarot, and hy•bir tle.rge W. Mailen. Into Surintendent of thi reit. Charles hotel Pitts hur, Pe pe nne. finder thin arrangement, the Proprietor dotter. hinm•lf Alt he will be able to provide for every want ante enahlishlhe eheracter and reputation of the flowte nodded; a first class hOtell kuuld WM P. CAMPBELL, Proprietor. ti v ruttioi. Ic,. 211 Illon tw ty A REV OLV - Tiollf IS - CERTAIN „eg vo utlc /A OURS. Such , thit winos In this age, that' nothtng Newer d: Thitlhere atti new and ecioutllLrtlisouver ea bag made every day, no on will doubt. a thorough Investigation of the Vegetuble Kingdom. with a view to obtain • posi tive or rood& remedy fur the agora common ills Of bumsol y, I have :nutausedeti ln topth a much. Three put-hese elapsed almeselts lutroduo.- andialsnoweateemed•the meet popelavreto. sir 41b* - , NNNNN lIELINDOLD'S GLNUINN PAIPARATION. - • - mxtlittr - OCKICENTRATEIIr - bompouN't) vLvto terriutoT BIJOU, for ell dismiss of the blehlter, kidneys. urinary and metal organ* JOT TO TUE AFFLICTED! It, cures disease& of the, ladder, kidneys, gravel. dropsy, .absunellowt,„-hansiter eetwideleis.- -amok generale*, erieteres, glade. and all auw," ar t Ana from •1000 pull an..l iteprudetwda is life, SIOLV - OUS AND MOIL ITATEDOUPPERERO. mid removes all Improper Alsehariges free the bled der., kidneys* serial organs, whether suiting Iw AM Lai Ulf Pk:MAILS, from what/moraines they may have ectillaMea, and no wetter of ' • fIOW LONG GTANDING7 &lug health &revisor to Onstranie,- - AND BLOOM 'to Tint P.4ll,lllCilictilf. Diddlity, Wooed en by alone, a riot tat:Role Mammy *blob has torwrAt thelimanis of **human family to untio r lrves, thus hlssdak - the home or aid blighting to 'imbed the glorious} ambit on of 'lazy a noble youth, be oared by the masa this INIPALLIBLIIREMIDT, and as a medicine whieh least benefit everybody, Dere the simply delleaM to the confined and des 'pairing invalid, no equal Is to _be found- If you btve otordmhtd the terrible Cause, which, whet owe* seated in the evilest, undersetrots the constitu. Lion, lapping the very vital fluids of life, PROCURE 7:118 RRAIRD,r AT ON • The. Leptons&iffy, whom egsm - lipids each an • with blood of man, That swift as sick Ivor It purses through, The natural gates and aklyi of the body, Curdling, like eager droppirsgs into milk, The thin and wholesome MOP& sawssis ae QtT ACE .1101111111111$ urn QUASI( IHRTOrtS. RELMBOLD'S 111011 LY eOXCENTKATED r' COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF 131.1Clui, prepared directly moordingto the Arthla itt Phantasy sal Ckasstrtry, - with the greatest meemnrey and ebindaarknowledgc and mare denoted In Ibturnabinatioe. lie-prgialas ity bell extended in all direniirins and whether used In Men, country, hospital of pirate melee, boa Olen the meet decided and unequiroes - CallifaStion knd produced - the meal schillmyaud he- - nodule' effecti.- M bee been &Rd Is need In ail Mir pintais! aides In thillultbd &Mei dad British Provitsees, In both public and private practice, with great anemias. lilearniferib lei ll be understood, Itor the mob are too overwhelinning to be contradta ted, that liettaintld'r molly Cioneentratesi Com pound Fluid Extract Boehm, Id the mast valuable , remedy ever adored to the alßloted. The mass of voluntary losetbnomy In pemession the praprister Is Immense, embrasing races well known to • QM/ SC/RTICR AND4t i MM! -.• Celebrated physimiansalld dist( lad elergyman. See Professor Dewee's valuab e worlten the P. doe of Physio, sold emit of tae late standard works of Medicine . It Is a medicine whig.b is perfectly pleittant In Its taste and color, but Immediatil la its action, anti! taken by persona of either sex without bindran. from business or metlioil advice, as explicit dime • duns for use, and nh ample number of reliable sun responsible certificates to oonvince the most &kept' UM will acconpsny each bottle Price $1 per bolt e, or MI bottles f0r,116 1 Deb" awed twage address. Prepared and sold by 11 T. 11111.61110LD, • Prat:ales' and Aitalrtical Chemist No. 62, South Tenth street. below Chestnut. (Amsembly buildings.) Phllnefltihlw ' To ho had of Henry Brookorboff. Irellefonte, P 4,1 and of Druggists and dealers throughout the United Staten. Caimans and Pettish Province. LOOK ME I 1 .-191:PE 10CR CHlL dren warms? if t ley have, gels bottle of George 1. Miles' Worm Expeller, which iemcknowl ed ed to be the beet remedy for spr_ms pm& , O,ILIITIf WATS. 4 We, the Linden:Acted jb,sAng steed in our families, George I. Miles' eatubrated Worm Expeller. do sr nowswasnd the slate as a pleasant, safe and effsetusi reintsdy,for warms: George Ammerman. Milesburg; Darla! Rigor, Milesburg; Owen Kelly, Miiesitrg; David K. Tato, Bellefonte; Solomon Mniet , Dodd ' Ahoy/. • Rropured only by- GREEN A IdsMICEN, Belle fonte, Pa. , Agents--40 H. Byrann and Jos. Oraeo . l Boa, hillosbvrg, J. B. Thobvii. Spruce Crook. ' 0.118P11111E401. A beautiful a as ttsort, Just. received al the sew clothing sad Burn slant Stone( .1. ()remota, 4 TOw HOUSE AND tOTAIVR Tho suhsorlher pirate or ' , Oa tt valusiblolot 10.lhe town J 24480114110, on whit& an ereied o good two story dwelling houso. Carpenter shop A nd stable soda lot Is otherwfs, iron improved, haring on lire Tarinty of good ko.. tot pArNoularq rquire d MARY ANN 001". MON*. IIIMOW Sig ti Mlll. LIVERY STABLE. 9 1ft NOW VON A PLNASANIUrDII. The stibrortbor Wont* the. eitisesui.Of , Oellefonto and rielnity, mod the trsvoiling public generally pit they use at times be ftquished with good and trusty horse, for.. either riding or driving, by calling on hits it the Pennsylvania hotel. Ile has a 11°H_ stool( ftf. ilium. ba_wall.ax_liuggica, Cur,. riehs, Rookleaya, &Adios, Harness, /to. Careful drivers furniihed 'when resired, Alrwho ;wish to drive safe aad• fin% horses and ride In neat and onalfuttftbie vehlalen. can be ncoommodatbd. It. D. CIFAIMINUS, . dean 11,3linfouto. WV.II:4ILBFONTE LIVERy fk ia " MST Allidpll hi EN T, The euteepritper would trapieetfarly Whim the t vil d l itMCfrAiret i ntn i giVe - et notice. tlle ethok of 11. lee ere adopted for epeed nod gentleneee. 'The valetas are neat end In rant 4.l,DA l Onrcrui atilt l'Atrt i t i b4 . " Tl.Cg i g t 7 mange =Alio le n:01,401111, requedted, j,16, 1111(11AFI. 111,11 F. FtW AHD FASHIONABLE HAM iniEssiNtt ANA SHAVINU SALOON.— Tim undersigned respectfhtly anitrioncom to the cid sons of Dollen:min and vleinity...that ho be opened know and fashionable 'lair Dressing and liberintr Saloon on Allegheny street: In the. honso utionpled by Ur Turner, whom. ;by strict attention to the budness. ho hnocs to merit A liberal !Itro orpublic pernilogo, LiritAVilifl put in order. . .1% M. DAUER. SOLOMON DEEM • SEMI-VIKEXLY .14:WISIVIVN AND HEIthiroNTIC vnsium AND PAOICAtIEN will be : worried botwown The nboro WWI and toter inedistn pliant* With groat c ire NOTKA, AND-11141A collected wither in Doeihte,.l,eirla town, or on. 11... road on a al i t,. roi 4 g .. Lreittrills per order. or any other busloces " rternii 4 to despatch ond Adullty, 801.0310 N DLltlt JulA ALtr V Tbe snitiber V ka . TlOtT F 4 e 6 esie rrri tot h ' • wl es to dlepliee constatlngnf ONE HUN Emu , and TEN mums; ;trimly-Aro at *doh ore oleoTtd The Imaremmeeta therm are a go.' DWELLING BOWIE, a enlenclid NEW BANK BARN. A - - l i r ORCII ARIL TI.. Pam le Ina *Mewl' touldration. Pot rartie uptri enquire Abe subscriber. • terfli•if JOHN B. W tr,r,s ft marrrlinaus — TEE PEOPLE ALA. that the pi wet of, Lime May's Cheep Store, in long enough and broad enough foi the Mends of the three *Blvd parties t plead upon. It le composed of Auks which we twist will be seeeptable to the r, 10.1 h or Fillmore, Buchanan, and Promote and we Invite all Ao rally In general eunivoldiun, everx clay, (Sunday rice pted,)lat the Peoplcib Store, who'll able speakers ere engaged to dismal the merits and qualities of the LARGEST, CHEAP.. EST and most magnificent assortment or - STAPLE AND FANCY DRY (MODS, trier offered. to tho eltisons el Bellefonte and vicinity. AT PRICES WLITC II CANNOT BE BEAT. Shawls, embraMai every ityla aa4 qtmlityia the market A portent oldest ion of plain and fanny Cashmeres and Inulai.noa, tut all pilau*, Rich gloomy bloc* DRESS P , ILFS of reliuldc makes a full asmortinoint nuw ruudy For all tie new and fauhlonalile goods, moll M May'a Store [loot style bun colored Calicoes. Extra quality black and uoLleaelted Nunn, tit. bees goods In Bellefonte To tbo gentlemen—oho hate AMIN bet on th, aleetion—oan "aro 20 per cent. by making the ii purchases at Itsy's Stors. 111, assortm6nt of Rio freash Olathe, Casetmeres, rich Plash, Silk Velvet sad -new Ir stifles- cantle easnetlbo surpamod iv Philadelphia. Ills Real' /lade ClOthlng le Jua. tbe Sibs% to please every bedy. • We leirilo,allfassll-and Sea out alPek Itudiud.4 , for themselves. 'No charge for ohne Ina( "oda 00t29: • ISAA6 MAY. .11NNRYLITABIA HOTEL, S. W. COR' L -)SEL-Of tillt-DiaMotaL.llallefunte, Centre Ct Pa.—This imp and conveniently looatsiti hum bevies been sopsidetely reatoddled, repaired and improved, Miami erected for We seememodetion et the_pabile. Rite proprlokor of this- eetablishmani, mactfull I SI. friends and the public the' er it eXpet sa, - ToWnito -- it ',desirable retreat to all who nia7 favor bite will t mall, as he I dettnalmar to do ati in his power to mosnote their comfort and-oonvonlenee • Itle Table will always be 'applied with the bets , ••Itat the country will diked. The Rooms are target and 'well vantiltated. - - The Stablong eenoeuted with the e f etabibdiment largo and excellent. and , In eharge ttf. aerate' and axperieneed hostler". • - • also-ha Greeted. sheds Tor the as. of carnage Ind haggle'. taiikeosratrenoTairlingsinitrilh:lopettrag oath lion to (bass tsvorloglf l or with a sail. R D. QUMlllittitr, lwril-tf A _ IXXIIIICIDATION MAIL LINE BE. 'WENN BELLEFONTE A LOOK HAVEN The subscriber would. respectfully inform . th, travelling public that be btu plowed upon the BALI , E GALE ROUTE, between Bellefonte and Look Haven, a new line of OTAGO for the asoommtele lion of all who say *Mb to travel weer Ibis road.. The Slaps Cr. ettelibwtable and oentrintlent to rid. In, and the drives* sad bonitos will give general sathfoofion. The ••Metris path over this route n, daylidaylight, both gores and eoenleg. ght, Stipa will 'pave the Conrad House, Bone -butte. every Monday,. Wednesday sod IfridnyJnor_ itings, at 7 Walcott, A. M.; and leave Loeb , Rives ever Tuesday, Thalltday and Saturday, at 7 o'cl'h A Jr .ffItDELLEFONTE LIVERY . The —T sabestibett would ofinnt publie that be still eoutinues Ir , the Livery Business, sod Is prat-mod to accommodate diem wl 6 "AF AN 0 FAN 7 lialeSES and Opted - Vanintate. on the shortest woke. Citrefid Bottom will always Its le recliners tueouvey, gnesrptralloasy point that Lay be dee tree. tir Thankful Mr owt tlynrs, he reopoottullyfo Holten aooiQOaanae o t e none. .17 23 - Wif. A. BIBLE. - • , via - • .• AHD HARNID3B t2POIt MAKER, TIM of BISHOP end ALLIKIIIA Streets, Bellefonte, Penna. Saving paAnaneatly lonatad in thin region, in tends to engage extensively In the WWdlary and, Hamar blislismay Hamill keep oonstantly on bend and atanufsepre ten order, In the Wee style, fin In the most workmanlike menner, tliaddles, Bridles, Collars,Whlters, , WWagon and Carriage Harness, Wagon and Driving Whim, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Begs, Ail , LG. In short, every thing usually manufactured by Ba,l Ahem. AU mark ma/rented good.---Dive him a eel+ before purchasing elsewhere. • np9-if CABINET AND _UPHOL.S4 4 • d STE lift.... 4VWST AIMISHALEN T 'Viet/ The subscriber reepeolfully Informs his (moils and the public that be loge oominenceil the Cabinet and Upholstering businese It all Ile cu rios* branches, nod will be prepared to foroleh work that will compare with any mole In the shops in our larger cities, !laving hall priugtioal experience In every hr w elt of business, perbgnir en tree log work so hI will inn - assturedilharle - 11111 be done In n satlettegory meaner, i Ldo xigitEpAlßlNU promptly attended to. 81M11111, Altextomy otregt, Bellefonte, ju the shop formerly ooeurtied by Mr. Rembobl.• • spla VitACHrNB, POETRY, Lys. As in tia Court House mime I mat, • than. twice •I Joaeped op Ihr toot my hot, Twat bought at brews Kay's. I 'picked up one, trul Abort *nether, a y cue Look I A like, hli brother, /or the *We el bought et iSSA4 May's 11114 , is whack o'ausoek, .Then woof tem not,' ear 'eta out, Drab, white and Wok, It yea want a bran new hot. Just go to the store of lame Way. Bellefonte, nov4r. • AIDWARZ; awiWort., arAiLft, ILA Leek", teteheri, Berms, Zlea, Shoir- 'dle Cipprrene)i Titpentino, Pub' 1.4 roan. timbre, toehmes, •Akiwatl Le be heeCret, 'the finvinare of 4!7, REYNOLDS & C 0.,,, $4 Leek Haven. Ive. L. „ T : r f'S GRAIN C RA DLES .-TBS WirialiTn - luil:7lfeleutiiiiilbet hits been aprulot9.l spot for 110 , of IMPieltelabrjted grain bridles. ' 111AR'r111 STOITE• - ' • 11 0 1 10 , cewtoikoifteE. wowisi Jous,g. isforusoN, Proprietor. lICA 4. LICENSED LIQUOR MERCHANT. Dealer iu tine Oki Whiskey. I.lrauilles, -Wince, 41 , 4, k. reetietiktir the ISt; law. by the gallon. iny7 c A,3 2. a -A, N ENDLESS VARIETY, est, always oil Itnnd r a t:::ll li,r ah . es i sn y r than the sham,- Pll tiNF.R. _A D ..13 ' Jai A good supply abrnye on Ite'ud, or order out of the best; inithiliale; b - T. I lIO4r hB A OHASCE PAIL BARGArNe. ,MAN SAD 1,8 U FA AINO CTO "MA RY K NS:4' - • i n tabrlber bee leave to ittform hie friende old the public generally. that be,etill continues to emrry,lin the ekuldiery beelness fn all Its redone branobes Ite ban recently REMOVED his shop to the building adjoining 'the invent of ameba Nl.' fohnson, oo B 911 P Street, where he is prepared tuanufooturo and keep oonqattly on bend a full iihmtplont of daddies, . • IVitganattness, - liri.llea, Carriage Barnes', Collars, -Wagon Whips, • 'Crop t, 1-1 V , - AO., *5, Lit more and the puldloteeerally. la want of 1111'611 , d hi.' Hoe' do well to mill and exam ine Ilk a oak boffro'burohnsipg gleawhero. as he le determined 1411311 otPAIR PRICER, and will war. rant his work to to well pat tegether and made of the beat matprhtl. untit,l 9 ,et ttib pleas—Bishop street. south hi cc. between ' flei House," and the tavern ofjekj. .f. Johnson. . JACOB SIIROM. • jot i-ly Bellefonte. 1 --- '7IXI - ATT -- ": 00 1k5 BOOT AND 11110 b; wroier. , • utinAbly STUMP, 8111.1.161 , 011Tt The eubsarlbar insviog resumed bushier nt hie till stand, MT.". 13Barlonds and Iq, nubile v_ik7 with it largo and 0..1ee naeortneteet of the hest re lad stock ever offered to the publio. embracing LADINEtriIENTLEMEN'S AND 1311ILDREN'S I . . . . . HOOTS SHOW; AND DRS AITH Of every deesrintlon, style and qua li ty in this or ny other market. His voids eaunot be excelled furDUItAUIL,ITYand CIIICAPNXSS. . - Le belies ur tiontlemen reboiling a neat fitting, Boot. Bide of tinlier;Oen pmettre spat erilohe at my store. I have now on hmod-,Ptemdid stoat of Leather, &,4 ettipiof the boot workmen. my oustnntere. therefore, mall procure-the fall worth of their money: The public, era reopeatrally Invited to mill. mill T. F. EW STOIDE EOM NEW GOODS.— sioN TUOME It tl WITU-RAIM 0014/1.1111 UP' TII DIAMOND AND ALLEUIIANY eiTIMETS, Iteltsfoute, Penna. • ilariug eat t•titraed hum Philadelphia, where .re hate made our purehattee, mini are euw upoing tote Jr tlatruseet centrally aasur.od stooks of GENTLE/IlltiNb' CLOTHING, Aitti Gopps, I:,,.rb ri 4 r toCesitra etturityrstad take this tec ,' h. to a oar 'old friends, costumers anti the generally. that we ore prepared to "give item fits," mush se they norat had before, ill the 111 ~101 of COATI•1, YIsBTB, PANTB. &a., glitch forderabllity cannot be smelled, and having 'men seisebed with speelatrefarstioe to the latest tad moot ipproved Lashioi . Ureal ears has beet. to the selecting of tientleutee'r Foretelling --ieedif4/11.-ZiS,Dat i 4WW,R.SMAND KBRCBTEFff, - 703P/SPIDERS, uLo VES CRAVATS, of every descriptiall. • We also easee-known to the patella saiJi• tion to oar other aatenates stook of gouda we have lust received a large and sPleedid aworttpeat of CLOTII:l. cAtisrmEns; VESTIN(II3, TRIMMINUS, *r., Of every style and variety. Being pranks' work tbon; and - "pay particular attention. to our busi WO boys to give general sallefaetion and re ,teive 4 *art pablim -Wistlphce, Fully invite all wanting anything in our 'Honor bust tees jo call and examine our eteek of goods. ' —4,--11011-TEOMBRY-lir SON. ea r : OPPOSITION TO ALL MO • NOP..Y.— DAILY AC(Iu ;60 .IATIOJ 11 OF STAG h;',N nerwEEN LLE F:f)Nrg AND LEWISTQW N • This Boa hu begn placed on the road, for lb. 'tupelo() ht soatonutodaflpg the trkreiliag public and no dolt will besparod to Dopler It both coo t ,. dent and aspuditiou. Tinratoges will tem,. Cum .uipp' betel. Bellefonte, ovary monring at 1 o'clock. tad Mita at Lewistown la OOPS dtr the Buten. tad Western trawl. Ra Leriatown they will str. so an to ersecismoslete travellers to this region. DIG Inikaillowooto along lbo told 'WM be of the hi of . .lesariptian. Careful rot agpideared drivers art engaged. the-boat (kistabes eesnatatl sad roiling left modeles nista' alit roan 14 000lbl0000 and po tmanetlt the jet / " .4414 11: D. crtisurNos a co. 110212, IiDUBTRY. sa TM sudersigood would reepaoutully i”natote the Fanners of Castes oouoty, that they have puruhasod the right of DIETZ & DUNHAM'S CAM POW/(K KRA-PIM AAYD ~.d age now' wooristi is their maaulhethrw,tiosi are impanel to for no anleht Waled will out got he back-ache. From thoet who have used the Await,* reera-,441*.0r —lnisehatte-ewideore RI to is supetiettli - otter afiy other machine now built. ,or the follow g reasons Utf immune .4 , Ite slwpliolt ? Leonatxuct ion, d ihe ro foot ittat the laetrile Is trkedlireet bow ,he driving eel, with a elr lever inteelitlef r inull4POON PITI of oog whetile, ountelo. eratiks, Aloft makes ft wort lighter or tboTexeri. 2d. ICU 400ril iiionipoet; Ie therefore oasis . ' fte porting adaptation to uneven (round,' aniV twan Otribl l l , oll4lll . 161114 the tongue gen inao wltibl, which wakas It taHll-11•MON-- q heperfoot toanner .111 whit+ i.o .rork, In both (rein and gram; the reaping alive. r a i u tla u tti a g, au arranged Mete, put the f ake la. a 4 waitancto- rtanverlbeatuil .at the side I,ha. machine, and Fur mowing Wins the lea* loppatatun all cillyto an wagtails It to out tangt - 44Pielk• Tido tnaehinil 'la warrantek to out all kinds of .4Taittabli grata, as win . , if not bettor, pat ran be tone withArthe t or staulo, and all Its parts war ranted p• t, "T•wwll---lfee Mower and [Nailer combined, $l3O ; $3O to be paid en the delivery of mtutbine or na ea it Is put up and in upstation; $5O on the let of tiotober, anti $6O on the let of January,.lNs7. For Singidiklower $lOO. $26 on receipt of ma chine; $36 on the let October, and $4O on the Ist.of Janunry;lB67. __ With each truachina_fhare will ha fluodohal as extra knife. one knife section, three guards, wrench, ,lkoan and neek.yoko. ' A; only a limited number Olin he built this sea son, Hume who are in want of the article will do well t o i t , sn d i t , their orders soon. Ad levee, HAUPT, WHILE & CO , or (.1 W. SEIBERT, mit rd ao . Po: mrl9-tf PECIMEN OF LYTHOTYPING.— In press, and will he toady doon,biltA 193 OP 001,1), or a oollebtion of or, l a, moral, R.l in •rellorttani maxims. 711041.10t15T isr.—flinneker ; A M. Author of Iho 'f„l' art and fields or °mitt:lino t I of Ittontla," " Ilistory of 'Etatinror It•ilditito I ," Att,, (to This, oindoubtetily, will he tho most Interesting work of the kind 111V61 mo.'llBl'l , l '0 Au, .rims it will onkt,..ll,Tyaoty (hookah' nobly titian with thu flnest gri ll(, wuntiint Into odor moron hatalrpi sew,- VaVeit4l - 14n11.1.';',,t1!1tzt.1.,;3.rrA ftrtn - orrryb - odj ow isreraffir irrofrri —. .em -- -iii, g , to to. An.l art ly adapts! tot 0 promo limo it Wilt he p' nted from plates tile NEW iss . Intl') YPING PitOCHAA,• keno ( In thu last number of tho Monthly itninho . It will, without doubt, be tbo handsomest book In typagraphiOld appearonnotTe her published : and it will bo printed nod bounein the best vele. and its oontonte will make it attractirOOM pleasing to all &nail of readier! Prioe ISO onhtssa onpy, for whieh it will boson). tatetyalth Athirst.* GPI A. ROFIUT, Publisher, - RI Doak Onset:4'1111:00104a ( -4,„_4111:7,4111g1ii —IF YOU WANT A A'(100b SEGA ft, 'kb a Ana Ilavar•in't "1 1 OD .by. 9 , ' 'MAAR MAY BOOTS -AND PROMS. -AN ASPART wont of boots and shoot kr r aug-8 J. AWL, AI 00:. FOR -RAGE OR RElif.'-A , LtitirGE • an4 , eonienient Tavern one°, with exten. g lee *t a mi ng atieeheti, 'Pulite In the Ilorrnirch of tllesherg. now In the noenpanuy'er Denl. Welt For particulars apt)l7 lo fie saboorlbor. mief49l4'. JNO, 1. ii(X)VBA •.tttintlitt (NO NOV at 41,111,0wn pike, fbur lanai trine Nene foetid. The Id boortber reepettutfalky infOrirer Mandtand the travettinr pothlliethirtheiras ratted and Whitntitted the above house Atr the anontataeda don of gamete. Ile will be at all' times ready to Ihrtileh refreehtlieette - to parties of pteatture and re• 'creation. This haute slibrtis to pewee wishing pleatant Suitt:titer resort great ineurtvonerttertm-n-n -oottut of the pure mountain air, and wholesome _ . . toy7l J. (1 LA fritlainitit. 1_,../TETAYAIENT'' T OR THE IN'TIiTER. Turner WOK FOR AtIENTS TO PERSONS OUTOF thrIPLOYMENT. Lar - An elegoonigift/for a father to presehtwo hle toutily! •LarSond throne aopy, Roof try' among your friends. - • Wanted—Agenti In ovary emotion of the Milted Statue, to oiraulato SEARS' LAGOI3 TIPS WITAI I,o,sllllX.Pri t ztullyrt TilLi"-P,E4JPLIVN PICTORIAL Pale 3-' TIC 8111L11, with about ore thouotood engravings . . This useful book to destitood, if we eau font no opiolott from the notions of (ho Naos, to have an utopreoidonted oireulationln every motion of our wido.sformid aontlituut. azd to form a distinet urr in the ads of our works. It will, no doubt, in a few yenta beeomo the tatully,..Bibto the Amerl.l oat, poll°. "' • . ltdrilte wok liberal' remuneration' will be al. lo mild to all persons rine may Ito plowed to Itto• eve eubsertheis In the above. From fat to 100 too. I.4.emii easily be cireulated and sold In each of the pri pinsl eliies and in the Union. It will be fold by Junior! tbortanly, tirAppllb t aHilton rhoul.l ha anode at ono., at the Gehl win-soon be moupleut tarl'efoott wishing to not as oge nit, and do It •u t o boldness. colt pond for a simotation uopy. . 14'On reoeint off the estnb 'thud prior, Six Dol len, the Pictorial Vomit" ni 10,^erlth ;Well boand . Subooriptlon Bob, wilt he oarefalliy, boxed and lornardlerf lair exec*, at our risk and 'ea/tense, Id. any control' tohn or village hi tiro Unittni States, 0 .0.4,1 lug thosd'or California, Oregon and Tows Isitegister yourfettpn, Ind youi'. triply will loPrln didlition to the Pletotial Bible, we pith ..l.;:rie Marthaf.44Thatheartl6ftillybAt'' very ponalar, RAI of sack a high toot .atitio y eoptkuurblo ohnnvor, that .while rood man safely ongarja iu their airololatiomithey will awfur publlq, benefit, nod reoetite a aihit...bosipeusetion Lir • (Sr len, resent/110y For (antler partioulars addrasi the sabtorthor, (post paid). ItOIIF,ItT SMARR, • deft) 181 Willa tu Street New York. WTOVES I IVIVES S l ••• e Ea!!! The oulteorlbere having jail reterned Attie he mutton aides with the largest and held Amonsiensa Skrfe4 41,4, offOrell -440* MAIM I,f -eountry:--o nto p rle4tt In part the •ettlehrated Moho and iiironl Cooking Stovee, which Me are dete'r. mined to nell tot the money-on the mesimmeoneht, glens. Cooking Morel are oomplete. with Ti n i Roden. drove-Pipe. flake-Pans, Au.. .le. Alto large amortment'of Parlor. CORI Spit Ward $lOlllllll1 1 The tiothle, Queen, liter Air-Tight, Revere; Prater Colra new and beautiful sumo very nitelipMintr' Plate Bar-Ilona Stout. Seven Plate Chamber Sieves. Ac., do, in great varlet/. Coal Set lies Poiccre, Coal Pekes, lihorcio, and en the neeenatul article. for kitchen ueo a l On hp.od at the Hardware and Iron Store of- • KEYNOLTA A CO , LeeVITAIgn mai OlirEY ! MONEY T ! MONEY !'— liitto . L as easy hn euyeneto be enema with-a-pocket-Atli nir not, if they only think sc. I have got a new arti cle, from which from flee to twenty adieu; a day can be made, either by mole or female. It highly respectable balloted. teal Iri u brtlule vitist is wanted in every family In the idiot States. Endme maim; Juliana by Mail, at_gos. Al*, and I will forward by return well aottialatattik tati in structlous lu to Ott. The baseness Is very- may. Try yoirarsoat of employment, and yore will never regret It ; for It will be better kw you to pi, the shows som, end insure a good - busisom thaw to pay twenty-See seam Mr a erieueedserthsement. This is nu humbug. Try It 'Tait! Try li ! ! AMU Itintifftaild DIVIOUT MONROIII, Now Turk; I sent one of my Circulars In an editor In Geor gia, and he vivo me • oak., In hie paper Ilk, the f dlowlug; "Mr. Monroe cent me one of bls olronlars.2nd I will pun a ly lately noulori, that sthootkof jou Sr. out oroilrotbrAtint; • rood bindoess. Lod money 154 u too mile ost LIJ ma Whu.ineageLlD 'AVE 'YOU SEBECRIBED 18 Tlii~ 00:3310POLITAN ART ASSOUIATiON. fur the third yen r 2 Bee the ',ire luduerlittridel. Thor; matiVelneu' Ir. we the plesitire ounovatelog that thetteeteurl t. W ur k. it Art dell4ued fat disirlbuttur t earthg he eeheertJertt *hese ttemee are reuelved prowinue of January. 'SI, in omeh leker end wittbuinstfy than on any previous year. A saw" Ihe 1.3414 Work lul3.rulpture—exeuuted ha the. Mies rourbk—ie the I.ew end beautiful orator of the '• wood nymph," the hue's of the three great Amor loan dtateerultn, Clay, Webster and Calhoun. al•. the esquielte ideal bust. tiprins, Apelioaml inane. lirsihre, life eiie , toge;her whit the following limps and Statues in Corona tuarttleof the Struggle fur the lien Versus and Apple; Psyche, Erogdaleo; Child of the Bea, Itruimence ; Cap tive ::trdt and Little Truant; with numerous weeks in,Orrinso, and a collodion of 'twerp! bun armi a.. Oa Painting', by leading Artists. The whole of which are to be distributed or el- I. tail storey Ibe subsoribvi wbo.o names areiiv•- oe . ed previous to ibe Tweuty-elipb .January Oh when iballistsibuiles will lake place. • - TEAMS OP sums [PT cm Every autteoriber of _pros Ityllara le vititled to • copy of the Adendid steel qugruvitaf llrEght," or aeopy of fay of iktkr-fulltazjegt&Mag• astnerotre .61 amp, tif ate All 4 76l(rlial oneyear. aid a ticket In the Annual Diatributioeof Wolk. of Art. That for every paid, a person not only zeta n beautiful engraving, or Mtgutinv one year, but eh se receive the Art deer el one your, end a trinket it, trio Anngal Dietrihmihn, milkin g fem. dolt". -worth of nrrt4q4 . 7 417/tar held I II the Hoke? by writioli 4 valuable relintiaz or piece of 'tattler, may be i•ettoived in addition. , _ • • Those who twofer Mirfnes to 4 the * Ng - raving o' Saturday Vied," eau are either of the fotlow- Ifig nee_ year: I arpw'.: a aolhe, tiooloy'e tarty'. Bo k, hotted rif•strow M mine Kniokorbooker:lln. R trim: liralforn'e-MAg.frino, Illnekwood Magernie, Southern T.lfornry ltto.r.oflor , For (minor portioubtre see the November Art .fournoi...forttlehed fret; on applhatlon to the Soo retail. For melnherobir, eildrenq C. L. DERBY, Aefuary, C A A. MR Broadway, Near Yort.or W.witern Orno9.1 0 48 Water Street, Sandusky, Ohlo A. J. WALL Acji, honorary Secretary. Clearfield, Pa. IMBANTR-TIII.WEKILLT MODATION LINE OF MAIL SrROES, bmween Bellefonte mid St Mary's, via Snowshoe,Hernial's I.Caletinnia and Centreville - This line has Lean placed on the mad for the par pose of accommodating the travelling pubMa, and nu effort will be spare/ to render It both conronient 'iltall-eapedlitlons. The slalom will leave CUM MINGS' UOTFIL, Bellefonte, every Monday. Wed• natality and Friday, 'at 7 o'clock, A. M. Leave St. Mary - brume Jaya. 01 7 o'clock. A .544^,They will btart so as to neentinnedate trarellfers twelbp . region Thu urragemonts along the Mud will, be o f teorrtisi tlesurlption. Careful and etpurieemed drivers 56 . 1,e. Leen engaged, the hoot eo.bes scoured, and nab log lot entlono. which will aeoute the confidence anti patronage of the sada,. CUMMING?, & H OUtWAIIIII LOTIOE SALE/,t l IN MILIIIiIII4 Tito eubieribor uffura at private axle A i vr,.‘tury frnine houue, toe' barn, mei lot of ground /mitten. iog 0110 Will Thero n :lumber of fruit rr,soll the premise. If dot ilrnoorty In not add Were the 14 , 11 of Fehruaty. 1857 It will thee lot otro,l rt pobllu isle, I,4ii 7 241 . JACO/11140/1,01/4N. BICES RIVI7OED, ISE id A fibrin I , Plotaree,lnserted to Median& steed auto et , This quality- boa heretofore boon sob) nt. $2 09. A beatarlfal mportinent of A tehrutype end baguorreo• type motes-lota mnuttaully on haft& J'eb 11.10-tf. J. S. BARNIIART. NV/ELOPES !-A Li VIZ M80RT .11...J went of self ettellug enveloped. ranging In price from 3 eenle to 91.24 per pock, just . rooeltred and for sale at the cheap drug store of dtee344f - • OAKEN * MoMERN. H- -R 0 TtY P'R 8, IGa OU YStA L LOG RA FRS. - and DA d firkit'ffrt YVES. takoh daily (ex6opt Nundnvo' from RAY. titrjs4o; S. Altqlf A It'r IN 11114 gP!" . . a_tLcios. Aro 1.1,, 13 lefoute, Pyana. CrAltitlollon free. . 1710 • .r_oois AND SHOES.- k !ohm atonic Ht WlhNr ign• 11 awl Shoop, for Gents aoci.Lactile Maar; .(4110. 136 711 leak& and Milldam:tat Boots and Shook of ail lack for sole by .1. W AWL * Co. ImAke Bell***;l*. rt a a y •VA/r HIP 411 klanoraatuton ' t.A oirrt 2tr.D• 0117 Loose, . and all Muds a( :lON AND ITHASS LeTurolds. and Fliting in Iron; Hwy dor Week lbaulonalthlnig andiapalrl4 promptly, anew ad, the vork best etyla and warranter. jyft.p it A IT I -A - Ii BCI 11 11., John—Goad mornlng. 11ost sne_yon 1 Stronger—Good morning, vir. Can pa ,If ‘rlinre I anti find the eheapest Itnamr Kara k i t. pia, and the best?• k foll”—Yee sir. W. Mirk, a number of pee olothing moron to Bellefonte ' botaißA AC MAT in hifelegont store bus the best, and - ohiapoet. :3 0 ,. ‘ „, 5 , r —Well, so every body Joys hs the soon try, I did not km but that we ivere:adetaken, es J thug??? I 'ptiltl' Alan otynu.tertn-fother--- ' - Je-IYhaCk 41 - qf Cletbing db you. wish ii I buy? -- Simprowr—Why, / should like to ban a good Dress Coot, Pants and Vast for myself, sad wee clothing ,for ,my boys. Al ' Antsw—M ell, Immo May ,tht7 allit•bae egimennoil ezoollord Drtp Coats front SIB dowel to $1,(1h• LW for Summer COWS) and everything else la Awns,. Soo. and lots of cheap clothing for boys, 'Stranger—What - about Ladles? Drove etwads? Jolla—Why May has the but usertnurat'si Silks. Ito Laing, Lawns. comm., &u,. I s sh ort everything to fix, nut a ',idyll] the best 1474,1171 d st the tire-past •prlees. - - 1 5t,.,, t ,,, , ,,r_8i ee l ! Thet is the plane fix sae Gond hiv th I'm o ff to May's at once, and thank yes kiwis) , I the thrtratioa; k r ' arsons in want of 'anything - in my line are, therefOre..respeelfolly requested to give me a call. spill ISAAC MAY. Belleforte. 1 . 1 w1.-00X A.T T-HI i t 5144-13Erttic 'IRAN trALI,FORNIA G O L D '' ' Itinghones • Spycht, Pole Evils; and all Tyson, ourod, mull watrynted to Do taken solely eft and ‘.. ontiroly without Injury to the anhail,'_eed Without t h e eee, „f, the ,Solfo, Hof Tiribg - Irbil, or ow, of thosoLlqyld Camillo', oluoh Oa Nitric, kl e rh it t e, e, fildt.orto Ao 4, dc., 01 at. of t Oottl oeullaptgh,, zi -...- ltasrler -1..trl the torture oft at uOtiful Illuilltal, the florae, without any neocilorty *Mons, 1 llallarenwea of sotesentiy can b•-bad, as afar the hena Ode itlikwbonee toltwh oft Mute' alreadyperated on, together with - seritil Platula&Pipeo, Tumors, &o. • •, - - • Mtplionttion to be_nuolo to the insbouriber, who will be *rePe Crceh, white he can be consulted frao of expense. Payment in nil cores to be made beton/the hone blertlo the atuble. . . - _ Th. "Chaoriber would also with thaws, likely to want his servirtes, to oall..without delay sail hill 1-1 1 tItellediMent ths4alloant of eraetleo- thir - frosth ot I thee ho will tritudn. , And ea it regainwto4oeit two woks attention to' amok Aerie he eon** ‘141.11610 without ho gets twit or aye WO loir to ewerat• 'spots TlRll2.—Frotil Mn to tirentylve dollar.. eetl•tf ' TIiGMAR It IVIIITTAKIM. ji TRY. BALL HOTEL.— YEAUEIt harlots - learner- she -well known bourn,Slestar. Ho' , e. , A•ted at the potent oq,the Lewistown and. Llolleforde Turnpike, toter %sound by the :Spruce Creek nod Lewisburg rout, Ututra county, Pa., would Inform the travelling public that kw brprepased to attend he the meet. of such, in a wanner equal, If not superior, to any other hotel or pubila „borne.% the county The house is larger and eommodious. au that fassilies sr well*as iodirldunle can bare separate rooms a bleb praoluda itttruadon. - Ittr3-Tittittrherfrttepterter,. • wilt oh whit any to the country, elwarnaltbrding the best the Mork., sae laralel•. The supplies fur it shall aiu ye be porch reel a ith an aye to the varieties of lute led Hato at Hill LAIC sI.CI contain Ile oboloest liluen of every varlefy. THR tiTtkRI,ING is stat la the econaty. To attend to it, be kill - aeon* tba rankles et as Woody* and Übi . j .4 s . guano!, to tbat the pea &wa arrest tlailed *OA ids evesbrt la *ea -tweet briceirpg for, that hhclatatal Bilk, be neglected. TO TILE DROVER, tlaba'ateed farabbes pees. Ibir tutrat ai kett. 7Pjadjol4obarealent,, abandital ands . TO 1 .METROPOLITAN, who +lobes to es says the heated u d malarhini ataneybe-• et Oa olty, darling tuldenatiner7led 1 0 .1ahldelh• health reatoringited Invigorating aloentaht air or the fats clot, will Centre 1.141 Juat..the toe ha him. To all the above Wan. sad tbotal 4 Ineteded, ad ineftattonla grritevto - mttliiitimlefyireotolvoo so to •h o runt isr.s.he thogro. lie snal.l-fartber to e,rY ,I, ' raee111).1....2.9 • aim WO or of ! x of . ui tert;l,?nevet. , ..( good repute, 4.1. --Jr Wet he IA trier t1 . 1.1A11// 1 1. ...Vs him In tivirg tb• his hntem - elert - -rMpt . prtia'ten 1p Liogneele—s lean' t., it e I 412 a =I - AONV" "4AJDY. TICZ — NEWEY APER - - • Ltt.:lN !AL 91" nottql tiIGT I Lell ViWiel .• ot Hoz, Itltt• ir.w,r 3 reng 111 the Vea't, 0014 Is IV! 43.0,4 . . . . The nasty-volt Oda "Fork of the heml in the troth' , da .1 k, noolsrant to the E lime, Rock Peb tidier, Rea Gnarl Advertiser, Aro.; 200 pp. On reeelpt of 1112 It will be 'prepaid per mail, to any part of the coeutrw • - LAY a igcrratii, PubEithers, dostliotenr. No. U Dort street, Pbil'a. Persorr — litintnne7 - -A nor retmont of PATENT mianconitliitasodi as J tine's litoes'e, Luellen's, MeCtintock'n As draw o, ," .y's, Ayer's, !Raley's, and sit other approved tuodloineo rasa* by, GREEN R MokIEEN, North want oorporof Diamond. Bellefonte. • - pos. SAL II AT TEE L O CK IC RA3rEx "amour. Vowlti..evety Amottiptiou of IRON WORK. /mob as Cotnetory Fero:dog, Pao* Chains and Towels. Door Mali. Wladror !faze, Vorondah A,. Nato Mona ltyli to linunle,'F'wfouadland wall enough to lay at hall doors, figure' of otal..aad Solemnity ar. largo an Ilfo, Vivo', Fouittai r all.,4c th A. iiriterog, 4lk Haven Morlolexitwirs IMII —WHERRif3 urrnz n ay, Atimioletrtilion the estate 4,19 be eirrev. deoolm:,1, bale n( Gregg township, him eu Knutted to thu enbcriber, residing in 11610 ILArn- Whip: ell persona Indebted to eoltultehe will please) resod and seta* inealidittl.l. ' lWel time spina the suns toprima" is properly nuthenttooletio to Jinldi • SAMUEL nosELL. Adair. ac. : . A . NUT AILTICLEI3.—A 131 , Lratow Tbt.of Pauly rilolee such no 0114 atiailempr °mpg, Purees 'Match Boxer. &amulets, Poo Knives, Ilylr and Tooth Brushes, Horn. Buffalo. mad ladis Bobber unto be, ncite+ll,oW Mtn Envelopes, Perfum ery soar Aa , Jztot recieved and for sale very clump by GRERN to MeMEICH. —;r--- QAMUIL " 7 . MICROLS 1... P NODS* PAINTER AND GLAZER. , AND PAPEE HANGER, . 116LIRIPOICTI PC, will attend to all orlon In hie lido willli prompt ness and deapatah, ) JOB L.__ CHAIRS, , eat aaoslas CHAIRS. A splendid emortment always on hand. Persons wishing any of theN with:Moo win Jo wail to oisil end examine my stoik:aiibmi ism not roll to be Nutted. MARTIN aTONP. Jell Beqedbte. Ftd,BOOTS AND 9RO/18. - A large assortment of srollonsslos Boots sbd ;Mous, just reccirod mu t fur by -• 4419 tf ' RitLIM MU WHO HAVSJLIMILIIMMIO to do we adviils 'bey% so su KEALSWEI lupek tor sTEEL NENE; and INK 'those Sirtiolell art Jot thu for soLusol leasilAnh 4 , 0 2 _ OEN ;7TARUh , CANIDP3 WEIL 4 UN (14),. , Jowl, Post Enlveceam IN pat , • _IFAMIILJI„ - vial 4 piensant, sure and aermin egookal of Warw. Prapnred indloold,' by •":11 _!4 mom seNterta pi:MB LI.(1170R8.---41 T.411.08,'. 1 4011. I I I •'lll .111 . of Pure TAquori On hand and fur aulu, by Inn' nnnowntritinlir, ANAEILDA VT.. ns sotaqtty on bawl.. NA in • r PT • : • • Qmorttuaßg, rooms, Lots, Pep, . F ir :11416 - 4 c. 4oqiiiii4v4n. Try- olom:oitoczniES, , A loge stook elear, lin4 1 4•00 1 1 , 1 0 f. • timers. 11,r ray , VI v olleve.hi' ! ,,, all • Ittt ft F N STrYttilkotliiteitso nee•wm , .ll , of Porfewry. 11•11 r 011 e• Peeled-a elle.;-(44.1a thopelehteill,l erabileboeile 01 Jules Hanel &Co., have jest teem retZlllX • , Pele11•11-.14. IMMIX 4, UNE