Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 25, 1857, Image 1

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'1144 Iti.'roWl-Ni )71 . t ,;(
WW. Lit!'
• :t
•Rtybiing9 , r.. 1 -r
r-.-- •
ntt) tot non
Wi l tl,4AnitAt
or if pain 'within
iirgorl on all anhaotip
tho yOnk .
pleinout Notiden booed- ,
%d 'every deoarlotlon of
Par.OnAli al. "Kr rcr 4311^i.
ROCigallin tte the neatnet tumor; it tine inwels
glikl2 l . ,irli i r:e l o t liZtrun ' o t fryre: P a tah..
iNtrad laaaaray dm onion or °dr rflonali at*
P te.
4 0 NANCE ATIC CRElilt• '
' „.`ilfii , :l,.. Mime/ and o.rart jo ewe to all min of or prritiession, tOeligidito or petit.
' 1 14.1 Potieo, conivierce and honest friend
r.. .u,„.„0111. ; wimple/1v alliances with
N.I. Oit right or Ptah. lira Territories to
loorpoeoptitoo Awe AWN domeott c off Tiro
- , • ~ , _. .
then eltrietw-owitole.
ta. pl . ama .
c et a% 'the majority to
b, ASAIAAAVAIs e emitorsoria ll y r.rtirroird.
~.. ?!.. I/. ;Irpdro.o P., in hi. piddic. oxpreielitiiroo,
i p
111111 4 oofriti iiiiiiroati o of rubhr f ath
I.,,AlYse 6. ,Pripdoot it religion, Ireedone or the
from ay4ffiner3l d. suipi of injorowitioa.
' .
./Tii: 7. -uefftid to a ll sirrOt rah, rai o ean•
Ididad.a d 04 ill-everterf itirl, in politi •.'
• Nia• e ; loecre.4 preoorrapou dl Me orroyl
%hi IN . :401,814 too Mi/igioni sssss fr , , o co
i „. Noe*: 14 litry, or pei.le.of co '4, or gib.
* l l'..Alirs S t itt: Anna: A ren tots tiVing. .
IP. IL /al el awl pro action or Ma sreireito
, . .
.„. •
.1f.11.. jr . rliermitpn ftf Oa poturait iimitio . :4
Itmiii,o•mhi 'esgAs:l" .11 ro ON pAlitte arimeasm
rtM l. . ' ilia pp ili to all cliar .e t 4 rte m tiat
1$ Mamma " ii - Brotherhooll ' onot good will
all—ispeitaitty So tifiaso ell tAir eliwatioitiget 0
44 L. C 1171113. •
sit. Wpm, •
b9ll,'oh ti*". J‘tro4.7. , 4u
0.114,13/1111 ILUI111141:,.
fit zltir ti. M LOH X 1 00,
DWOOtlg,lll7,:i y arlkot. St, .14 411 Chrutroit Ml y
el phta. • "-"' jati I 8-'3 it
- KterioEPA,
aei aGmIq. . PL . wlllyieid-.14 ALL W 0114 1 ,41/ t; %LSI
One wßll, routispality
w 1101 - DEIFORYIfie •
-- - - 1,-. - -4-4•0411.KWY
' • t t lA t nN
bith4fs ondlti - 4 - ,•Atiovonir. - tforaci
L i r llttoy,ticotron 4 it,t•• ttin•intl.
As ou 4101
1 . 11.4 0. /WC/LELIA - •
Os.. 4*w (rim notaltouten-,
w)U' p t to builnelis lu Canino, Oliv
ia wee old* tituo.•
P liv_4Amixty:_iiirmis",_
_ ,0,...„ 10 0. Dr. Wed. J •
aXiii, isspeo - tfally tenders ills pr.doasion il ser.
Eloss_telha sitionsivof *TITER'S MILL'a And
risialty. Plea at the Buis, Aeolic . .
AVIIIII-A LAMB keNlifialerr
• mr,a. ofJame4l.l Atiokloraoolobrote !undo lie.
Lulu.: ammtilollooopflo 010. *lolls' rutin,
itti.fitds, limper* and rorroloe,Just ritfordid and for
solo ky Ain ES f MOILEKS4
1/30. L. POTTER., having laseuoiated With
Wes 'ln the *natio' of medieine, J. B. M rT.
usu., lbay offer their professional airlines to she
elidassis-Ifliallofonto and obloll.y. Whoa woes:
miry. iterazurendttlok attentioa of both will be liken
wiivat addltinual ohargo.
rot. Ifilehell'a residsnea at Mrs. Benner's,
D0&M0.,. dentl2-tlf
' TidT, would Worm Ma Meade 'Strews - that
be hie permanently located is fiallethade,ogallNeed
Mir wilt be happy to stood loony who oft 46pro
feeeteleat smites
Alt work daleibir weeder(
04710 and n I
(AT' Mg and residence in the third home east
- of Sr. Solubaort tiommigthrtiguse. np2-1,
It ORB : - /lc IGIBEL
'• SUDO aaaaa ro
lthoPEz. P . I.
A lllus.
WaoLosst.s MID itelMit, PIALICIO
Dregs, lifeillolues, Perfumery, Palms, Oil, V _ ," nisbes,
nishes. Dye.Btutir, Toile, Soaps, Wombs:, If _
Temb brushes decoy and Toilet Articles, 1 . :14.% 4 .Y 1 . ,
crul tikeelder Broom, (Jordon
Cuitomsn will Ilud our stook oproplotesed freak,
ar.4l sold el moderate prices.
rirrminaini PhyolJens from the izoorry
are imbed toe:stelae our stook ,211
.. Fretjrni. Kojitaisi. -
Tea STATX77OIIII.--Ttl - dtly we 1110111 t at
our masthead the nitiMn of the' Detarneratio
nominees of the bite Democratic State dim s
ventlon. Once more we nail the Democratic
dig. ti: the Masthead, deternlinea to do hat. ,
~-.4,1e for that ,f, icket, with a
.will that 'knows
around which
ed u ss di :EAR cutocla y 8 , 10 - ' --- RE no fear. The tlie:Zot is one ira - • .
- fat for oho patroutyre in liberally b.. I . erery Democrat Oil) rally, Nil for .i.h v . RUC,
=il i g7hlag by i generous egoosatioti add icees of which cacti can work, with d
eliatinas 47116 04,0 " thi0 spp n robtelo b n ual ot u aitip t l a weolatto wlY ; I, liv r ei i r
11 1 faith in its [mandolin,: efficiency' ati , d ,
' par 'Aliens*" Votildi,oo•uttront:; and thel respogiability. - 'The into chosen , ate ai: .
thabt ' l LT4ira steed IM P e i r f ory rerrety of i worthy of the hearty and enthwdastie-ritp
•is - thal'Zig t''' ''ATl°d II " P"''""" Tort of e v er y
. Di*crtt,,,fr.,m the 11.) !Aware
feseeteetratel Joliet rhelr- -- ,-. .!.. - - , t , •- • . - - ~
0 41011 0 ., as , l'ai dleteraiind to ere may- ,to the , Ohio, and from tho confines of fitly-
OVA hod and Virginia. to the northern lakes.
oPTIF, ' lortt.i.t am PIIIIN ER
all. l'a •k ' r . ots; tiontrore for,aiov. ram% will '
blitaleAli 'CAM. --.DR. J. BROADS Lad the cAunizi With the Courage amiability
rasprofeny latlirma t 1.4 01110114 of Ja..lkeeo ,
.vilialiMoll.l•ll•T o numouadinc o,,,antry, that he has or an undaunted , captain and . exporimmed ,
Pnitmowilli Imo " J" 1 ‘."9 01 " , *"'l, will c i l ia I • With' each a ticket the I.h iiirratio
ponapity stolid in 04n. In tike 4lituNqi branch,. ~ •
of his profnaloo. mediae! or lurkleal.'ei ieemsoeable paryllss itothii4 . te fear, iii the fw . cure, from
• abysm. - 7 ,lrrn-rr. ,* i lacer(. , .., '-,,: ' t 'aill'Llie aveollts'of the oppositiOn„ny Matto, 1
14' ill ‘ roc amts.,, iitt.p,--,:::.,.:7.,,i- tb-.--4,13, ..wiiiit. rein: that o'pito , •iit'iliti in '1; 1 ,1441.11a . e t ,'
a irritiateh to perform ill gam o potAtlAnn i ~ , • .
Ist Si pare la good *IN wok so ir f alonabl• • , , - , ,i . ,
nail, - 'We thl. wet k piaci; I lit. our head the Dont. ,
Thank/id ow poet revere, be hopes by r tumpt nt •
wratie 111/11I' 1114110114 male at, thy ' State Cell
MeAoeta , stiff otr Merit Ilipillitllmpuce oil r ~ i ' r J_, '
0 ilhad.ll:l4 g rai , perk/ea 'KC - . • tliiii littil'a 41‘1'. %el - lilt Vtirei to , ' iv., tlaroatun, - :4aTch -
Se Coke oulow,felLpnly in ids studs and shill ' 34. 14Lthe 1 ... 6 Lib 1 4. 2t4 ; uaLi_i, L p ick ,
Aidsom • s hill
- I '
-,,-..tirebli-sk ' ' PA , .- • • • 0 ' 4l .r, Of Lyi,yotig comity, war miniintiteil fur
a 46l,:crurir - zff., : • lir.. 6 ..,N IL ,• 1ien 1,,,r,,, i n tine pe',wu or ciep., hickur, •
E ZU3 - ti ' + ',)A il O 11'; . ,„' lthe . a : tu?cra t ic party have • pen arciewi
X!. . boori a .. •., A4l ("Wor t s ...; ; !1(.!y causally, p eling,tika4Jwilli him,.
1', , 5,3111,Ae,,W:t 3,i.•llltialaY• • • , • ' •-t ' its du ir I. 111,:•r, victory is F.T.ain. Dying a l
Infifiliff ; Viiiii Qili;t B r* .l, 4' iIEPCAIT'I.
•. nekiiia4tini‘ali, wolf well t:tie.wfirlds •
• ' wt.-HMI-Ai 4-114.,-r ---:li;r4t l ;Aril 404 itit4^-tiiresa erfltiarto` ,
'),...5‘ , 4 I ' , • ; PA..
~..,_,..." r aP , 1 ' 110 • 1 . 1: Ii• . 11•1 t:• , •,
' ",rt ' e et r batt l e d'unroll ;I'm the elliket
Cp I Y , i , ) .. . .
_ffrmilimmenr.) illoa NO I. A 0 N'6 IPA D I !,- ' Ul . ll:o , _l2 . L:ople,:he thorenghly wiwiers'ett.l4 hrr - '
no biiillith.l l It i t i .a N t'A' i : l l;l l i s' ; I 'i' r '.l , ''t n )... ti,e, w,it, ? y , is . , of knit , . poli thud ins' ittivdemi,
J. 1.:
~ia , l 4, 1....
.der tor,.it , lyliy, reHpo . w1 .., u? tiro Iraitli
iNT491494 1 ; r 4i) 'II
'. 6 4A ,P i I . r ,4 il t .r ,, - IV- 1 -, ‘ , r,
~,n ~c 1,111114 111,4 a the toilisiKtuillions, liav- •
. .
.11 II WAT 0 1f,n14 riac.),ZiT . i mg within him n sod Unit feel+ for: thu bast
a.O treble of the tr i ode. The mom tarty Intoner
..... ..
:WIT PER , ANN ti Air, hl which Ito handle.; all national &nears, has
jigial49/069X. TOS NAST, CONSTAN TLY ON i ~ , ,
_,_ ,_ , A . 11, p , __,_,__ L',l._ .,
made 111f0 413141 Urtitll 01 4 0 0 X57 , 014100p WO9ll
424 :4 A ~ ,,I a .1 ,1 1/M4 t avi L. •I. ~ ~, ,
„..., . .. - o ,
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4'41 •• . . 1 IlVirrt AL , . ''''' '' •,t 0 1 .1 . !.14 . : 01,1Lcuirfre) csl r. Nil ...., n:11 , 4
~' •..• 4y:r , r, 1"
' " " - • :'•i. l e,t . ..,, ,, i:111 , ) n ha', „tr -
,_., i ~,,., , ..!,t, 0 ~•:. :- , , 14. 1 ., , , . i i .:15:. , .ii
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P• 11 1id..A';0‘14 1 1 411 1004:4.4
"O t tiliesilt Ohm) TO 41 , 4 1, 1*
Vt7,iits Thee chip of Death.
fleVr'ne on that44ol4i etartelli,
&think from the 'enon of men,
tnthe frirrule froth whom 'tie
Never more retiltotiiidaitt
FriAn her mast flying,
Tn denote, from whence the canto;
Shtrir !ruown twin the tt)hig—
bor v101411'4 name. I
Noi A ;iroiict w evqr ppfiken
On that dark unfieltortred , sea;
fwd hereon' 'orders not to tie...
Silent thus, in derknenn repot y,
Wlttle the grills of itogolo ally
Welt bier to o.lond hnktiown.
fit ritieiltis,,Arni, in pi,
Bea h i A bona x-ttL "
briars Ovespawn,l
Hew man" ; cese4., Irr veyy t opliiv, lie .
I Neirei some iiip4l4 awe. „ ,
NO whom pienle"ont Inie•—• • -
eipr '
Abliough he lived a follhWer of the'l44
And tnemberod,the tar.
(*be gotdefw ride toi - prizoil,
,(1.1014 it so A tokos of .laie•lnve ;
Aud ell 6t, der4i. larrictittl lard fteu&l,
Are re,Olitctod •
e ;,p v • •t- , e.‘•roe•jr 7
hp pro g t, ~f 4,1 h). pipe ! ure!irre;
f ist/s..ltinit,to hush Itopluttiv,
1111 prides hi.. ewe twin
• . -
rAiit s tfiti4 in (1«noo4 p m b r ,ip A i. •
A - M.irdt•igitt het; Mir ttektomia riot,
11.. 'll , te:wpitt at itti rept. 1 _Eistue
• K t id pia tlxtt lelf.
Pram theLipoutar latelligonter.
(hit y4cink . K . ..44, for soineietereyall
I:Opt 'lt vex:) , pronitiOent position in i'enii
-4‘ Ivitati• and herein the foremost owlish(
lie I , ittiteg. men. - Under-(ion-tioeter'B ad
linstiationlui wits Auditor i.lustmAot Atm.
lee Ynd tAtt4 . citreer in - the/lite Selig'« wee
trail e waif 'llWi Mahn! 41114nYakethiAd i t• t*le.
itt 'nee of * high order. on'e °fib*
nun skillftll in t h e gt a i,, and his.
long tiperience to its political &Mir.; had en.
alied Irini td become fully informed in re
gantts-ell Its varit,A interests. The man
xSiesta of ttnicanlMil **alit b'aei
entrusttd to nbleshends. Oh the stump he
lefeliev,able to cope with the !test orators of
the oppoeition, and after his election( he will
make in *Admirable Governor ; for no man
in'thit,,bottnetodelnelth more thorcluglity un:
demand* all her varied inteietitd,,Sll4 no
one could display more energetic industry
and patriotic sod iis ptemonts her ten
tare. . . .
Or Judge 'amid it is limitless/oozy to apenit
the greit learning and 'WILY Ne 61:8 due
played on the Supreme ldenettfirame-
pieced in the front rank of American
jneiste. and his triumnbetkre-eteddon,iii
seady a foregone conclusidi.
Mr. Atliettand is unpbatically one of am
noll linen. an ivied tie is law
highly finkliigent and capable. and in him
the people Witt baffle a faithful and trial.'
'worthy public elltase!.
We -bell epoik. wrest. • Isagtlitempfter
in regard to t h e merits lilt; qualilymakismuf
oar csisdidialen••• •
QV R Ticket_
hit: infitritTind clapiteity stands "firm, nob ..
withatanthug, the •iudictive auti , ice which
they have heaped upon. In hie pith tical ea
rthily. iithirliirOPldhltiti4 fit; Ate *TIM several
important, in our Su* govertitnent
btrurAfentallY aotittittd hittitielf.veith Itimor
and to the entire satisfsaiou of hie constit
uency .lie 1h to in every,tsrui,,t wo-rlity sod
ttbllivalilhil to fill Th impurtudt station to
which he will he elected. ,
groin ilia Union Argtig
;Simla after . a part of our edition
1;41 tieen'atiltitik otf land' anti ribut il, tre rc
caved a telegraphic d h from Harris
burg, informlng ad or lite nomination of that
staunch anil giftsii bettiocrat. (}on. Wm F.
Packer, of . LicoViing county, for' offlde
'OK Governor. This' is a nomination emi
tiently.wOrthy of the-volt:Men Oompriiling
the Oonvention,'ami of the. Democracy of
from ih. Penneylntim,
We hays 'already briefly referred to the
fact thai'the Slide' Convention
had nornininid Vi'ilhast F. l'aeicer, of
)?.twining tdi• governor. He has
'been thi! Sichiteet of his own fortunes,' and
hoirirn to his present position fro o the
staving point 'or a prin'ter's apprentice.
ihweions toil-his-appadiatcaeut.s.a Audi tor•Ckn
!mi.? by ,( 1 ?!'„,.. ,P 4 T4 I / 2 : . & , bad becalwy*int
ving onv_it-th 7 -dirtikr CllniAlAi a ,,iq'iterA of the
S ate— :iptaker of the Pennvirsitia
I,o 4 ti.l*.ttre dying the sessions of 18,413 nod
1849, and was soon after elected a on. tn!wr
of the State ktint7 , e, where he tore a con•
gpicuous pert in all
o ill, seen that.-the training of Gen.
Wacker hal bon oadoiraldy colonist ed to
qi 3itj.him forthe otti:e of , i , worn)r, : ZLI•
dose. d With stn setite a ad,peitetrating
by h:s rjpe exptrience,,he has become fully
vonreirsont with all the vaned interests of
thv S M 4., sod Whott be i* et g e.csi we mhqi
auov Wort; hero% burgh, tqr of
,tnjr noble old
Cetunoinervalth, whO IPattiee doinething
about hi.T interosts wed of the duties &vol.
ring upoo the Essa. 44. and whoaill thus
prase ot,a eefreshirtg siontrast, to the., pneitoid
in. Ulcient iseyo'hont.. G.4l:,!aolf,sx
. ope"
die &lust in the S f aut• ',, During
the last com,wituthe rendenti eery effective
inivies„ so the Hmuscrstic cause.: and his
sroucht•it always coinunanded Ails deep nod
sternest 'Mention of his lettdi tort.
....f 'or eet....rktlielefejdon._Nitotod_
d riqklaiidt star entotty, Xed itotnins
Met neederegle‘rtittardiliedn 4 /0 18 1 000 "
torn 10111061141 wt 11, 1/.14 itirt do, not „believe
tit.' testy party in abbe Btate ever -made a bet-,
ter stou . itilation fur.e, Stede.eillm. ' There is
nu man in the Cateiroonwealth who Itu,'l
through iifia..sp tint/tined A higher tied ,dour
„oharacki than Jelisti
Stricklind. Ardent! attached to the fie:
iir y
uvocresie-puen as'given theileqt -ener
glide( Ids SA> 0 its service, inn fete then
bete labored mom-seeletivliand-effittiiently
ferlta success. gennected with that staunch
. 1
old Detnoenitie (Mier, the Vteettlieskr ?e
-pee/man, as its editor,, for near fifteen years,
his vigorous and industrious pen was eve? ,
buoy in sustaining greet principles, and his
political services u an able and convincing..
wetter, were of a very important and wit ful
wave, tintaithstatiding his stntipitfor?
Ward political course, however, hie'- high
tneral character and untiwerVing integrity
have always Secured to him the respect and
estet in of the ini.inbeli-litif all pti 7. .ies, where:
ever he ix known. A 4 an evidence of this,
lie was laxtyear elected Mao 111 , 11 Judgeln
Cheater county by a handsome majbtaty, al
though the lh nocratie Atate ticket was in
It n'i moil ty of seier.ll huddred. No stain or
bletnish Mrs the purity of his life. Ile will
r egt-iiitei-thir . s4o, if elected Pith clean
hands, and no one whit knows him will
doubt that he will come out of it equally.
pure,. and free from ill taint of oorrup.tion,
or tampering with the public intereitta.- . -
biligenti faithful, upright and intelligent,
he seteuld do boner to the Station. and the
P.T'Ple efibirlefliee pannot do theinselren
better service than by eleotlng.hitni- .. - •
For Judge of the enipeetrre'Cotirt•thetrei
eift little thief Justice, Hon. F,lliatewialt
beau - re nosoiniited. in -early -iftfe -her like
Gen. Fsoker.learnoth the mysteriee of Alin
F • art pruervative of all arta." and fur Bohm . ]
Liam edi tilta netatianer lid ;Lieotning conit.-
ty„ In ;832 sad 1643 he leas a prominent
meinberliiiiih-itil* biWiitegto: . lir Om'
hitter, yos t i t s e a t ,eppoi turd Attorney-Get.
era! by Ges. w o lf and illtor:le after he was
appointed Ptesident Judge of ig ' e [lL:doling
&del, t., w Noll position ha ~..;,;,,, i n. , i ' 4 ".1 40
pars until, in I$•115, he was A pplOal 'I
Jilli A :"i• of i be Districrcomposed of . the rinin-
ti of, La addle?, , tl. 1861 'he wes ele - Cti r d
'oil ndieP of i the %Oka, 'xi.lotiet Or. Penntsylvo&
nit, and moot • the' oxpiiatioh Of Judge
Mick s tenet as e,iti4 JtiAice,ln 055. he
has occupied. that 'Position. Fot teienty-
Anti..ear-6 ilholtse- I.4lWili -1111114- POW 00611111ii41
WO Juilidial poititiontinnil during all that
puttati la, - iiiii - itedit - ardeuttrdisr
;self to his profes.ion. At thladity he stsnds
to the front raid, of the jeitiotti of the ago
,T - ,'-re can be but one opinion a, to his abifi:
Li .ii p itl ti,V 06 PI to his tlittieti. tit<itte b it
,nuinding the etehien'fit he hate e,itsined, he
1 4.1,04i1ay5-titibaiittio uuthigglinLigho tlittt
it A enlii.ll igliillitql hint theottgli life, and his
tfpluithittily: timplo eritteOue•of the ' , woe a •
BioB of ait tilt 8!,0: Of legal 11.iing rarely,
at i t ,iii,d . eve nby . t:io ut,.tst skillful sod (Its,
tinguisheil Judges. , ;
Alteitether, our ticket is a, good one-i:a
vi.ry good, cue-one .that every Lhttocriat,
mly be proud of, and One, eminenly deser
ving of succi i ini at tho.petelip in 9,0440er,
-- ' , *-,.• . „ . .
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-, '• , .: ',f : , let • fil - '' w ~ ..,
IK4 - ' • : r tt - i. 5-. • t t • - - .111 :-, II ' ' • '• '
, ' t 1: , - 7 ), . ;1 :" '''
p ti t tr - . ' i .. b - a : , : - c- ....!..7 • 'II:
. .
• : , ,'.h
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, .
, •
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, .
. . .
--1' •__ _ .- ...--7'7..7.,,: „. ,
, • ... ..„ ~ , ~ , ..,„,
1- ... ‘ DA Y , VARCiii5 -. 154 1 1:---' ..
; ~,/ ... - -.. 47
t. ...,., „ 2 ,fi I t : ' .. r % -.
---'--------....._. ' '
Car, t. , qmou . r, :, •I , i 4114 ChkEPT/AN , S .41,1)1P,EAL., .
o' . I •it of COTY
lA . . , f o lli*Ail I'
* - l'21.."),"•114404.40411:
part , 10 if h
(hi if St
sirs of :ate, s— Lest
are his warmest Manila atuiidinircra. ‘Vith
Hoch a Man IC6 our standard bpiseei,lvietory is
errtein to, perch ujidn our !ktOi•ia.
1 Tile cindidiato for Canallenmmissioner,
Mis. Nimrod Strickland, oftheste r iatmon
Is the very man for this insitiont Ile is
lionec, caoalalo and wort. We. have.
known hint since our hoylto , ; and hate al
ways regarded biplane of the beat and Most
intelligent Men of our tits . For many
tears he watiftulltor of that terling Detito ,
erstropiper, the.Weat Cho. Nenublicetn,'
and neier !rite he known deviate for
it . tuorneni, from . Democrall lirinciplen.
He is t Detnuclat front irl p lc , and ed.
tiewaystedwrimaw-tten itml - ttbr^fait
'views. stlia Imowledge of. public Ma
proretnenta and the manure of thb State
will enable him to discharge o iMportatit
ei l
duties of Canal Cototriissidtie !0•11.11honot ta,,
hisaselfand advantage to th e pie. ; •
,Pf the nomination of Chief Lice •Letvist
it is scarcely. necessary'vre ', d afttialt......'
Hu is known to every law3+as one of th.
fisteet-juriste t2f 0 ..17. Count ;111111k1 - ~''' •.. -
rt•i, :. - !„ i „ „,•. „
.. "•' • '. ..: • !a ' . 'II
ciettO.a illt - ' •'• tiok:i. - . ' t ier,
d 4 a model Judge, who' ealculatorie
shed -lustre upoe the Eleptiinlb Court of
Pennsylvania: '
. Doting the •arauguratiast -of Cioneral
T Wolehlegum, D. 11., A.reb 4th
1849, the pe4tua, ; reg,dhieiii, as ueumi, r..
. 4 .04p.1 'batjet apasellsur the Nes. l
I.,eatd., at bad a quukaaagl p Alto get,e or ibe•
!apu.,l Utikuuda ahe4hhbailesed,,aa4. hu
astrairs .11 shy Ceti squarild tai pass, du.
•ill the leech was nau11314:40 prerrnt , uud
'Tuirbfb i lltef 'f in thititi.i.A, M.
dioso,•wia eiry late, SW iftir the speech
weft g in , drove up•teibleipite" tn•gtrai
baauy the b irate uoietao,lllllEluato l iorb
thy eeaebthary abuitied*.„blie guard.—
Open-se tithes, iv you pleeme:" Toe guard' hie head The foul,
,upsu 'nest emboli eat. , . -
ytusagtieg gsgeti9t.ihe Ituoistr.
gituater r"-
.rb. 11 4.4, 21 , 1 04..him,k
head eith.,ul maiarinpraWrd2 • Next tb.
groat giutster put bui**sti eut---uf thr!-
uertate- ,
I nO. •u tbti,"stri it t
Bodice; I 'mu se idiaister.l•
l'eurs, was- a' 'etratorrew ttbin lad
irtilivuL.lbu gals*. *a *ler ocuruad
quills a lair. The guard drew *impel( op,
tud le a Brun aud.pi . ettetiot warmer reriliet',
"ij Oa went a free Guru Arierriaaw sits
zen - of that (Wind States of Aftwieds, p.m
could au 'pat' daese-pides-ia
'e crowd asap. very ',ear tii•lng three
ebeare fin; tie guard, bat batter spanners
prevarrA - 1111,711a46 -- ai4iiiii eite - t4
bit elegant: rqatiste, tatid-s mord the aidr
gate with tba tolvtareigp people; beatearriasa
retasinit4 outalde WWI the illetrehitentei
wry, tour. • • ' •
A Yitrikei 1a064 I.4,luning."--Ati en
glee oh the 'flittalreteloott Wilde end
Uhitlegn Railroad 'benlie dean fait ereek.'tit
mine otolock tat • htih t, 'Moe
froin a etetipllbr_; odndueteialidantly
~erred oe thaitilibraugh the ahoy to;pet Cu.
.nner omitine. A telegraph opeortoit le
.1111 of Ow ear., neepd, fetiLer, Oaf mane
Yittikoe,) lietariug ihe mu* on,ll4o4•ten,
emu, grit utat sod laktorthian tb• oafs
wire from lb.. pole along side the melt,
hems Willett to the,
.'wo end'—"bound
to the l'illabuirg and [Mahlon stittiane;
Lod putting one of the bran points tq bii
tongue, reed the eneetinAhas •att engine
'Mould be immediately into;sod then
, alked_ of - this pleasant llightaing • tit hie
aid its pullout, fellow paireogere.--.
AM. unreal , - ' . -
ti t r uatigi , — , lt la eeldeib -tbat Juliui
C e Ifatiuilbal pye apyt4lig ikeitli qkisk.
dog, but Ibialullaoringla Pot bed. '
"Day may rail against iteuero u wueb
All . day like, day -eaki't eel - lie up spinet
dent. 1 bah always twipyV Small dim
, to ho &at id lob; !fiat, fp atoirrel,lusula
Jle dagee• de API in 40 i95-realu eal000;
Ad do Ind b. u and de lilt in de slat,
pintrau'. - ' ll4 - *Amid lie 'pour debbile
. do .
•vii•ilorit' it 41• I.Pa de IA troniii young,'
sernuery Usti" beipieks Am lii plessai gild 4
arniiiin'a ilia airin , iipen baie4be up. She"
'lt out tabu Robs _us our rat dot's nit captor
.iii, gild putx do el oao 'pint ...Ili liolploaa no.
ktol lon ho. anti op, bon) our & o p Bud toro.
itt lug 11 luu.l cr i tciAvasiialos it MD Vr 1 0
i ,
WI u., grata up Pi , l 00r dkaaet9alaketa aid
e r,., ) ,,i. grid -ri)plf.s as " V/0 Alen to erhool,
im,l 11001 no when. wit toars cAr trowe,ere ''
A' gst,l , .—/V eIDp to Albany rrocittly
vtl e 4.1 o ile d an op thod to,dotiret
o..uoterf it noie, which ho er.irtelin:l to
peto to all wo oho.« to helm it fur ouola
oogit giniiy " gr een ones", ;mit( the own,
in return hteh they O'Cei VO4 the
riming ithatructinipt i -whil•lt-thotter rod
ounugli4u their way, snot hardly ',gib' the
'matey.: Whenever you take a bill shout
which ylu entertern the alightewrAnutot,
at once, psiteeeti to the bunker in whoa' you
place ttie ,Ithatt camilJanne, offer hfw ,tbe
ni,ll with the request that ho ttintiote
.11.111 e dir - so; uyiktiant:Our
iniud the note is bed,"
M, , ,KINU V IN 1...0 A 14 --Thu utLearlik FP-019-
ni*king, vitiefor is terelit 41 !parts
wares riinlif !bor t vi z i .Or
trim) orid t roti: quiets ,00. yeast.
In a few weeks yota will havkAls• boo' rto-
Alva yjimi sews ,eew, 1:
0 :4
SAFI Vntli , t9A h s tistiki ibis
hi ths realized
,p.ssh the no,
ticitstfione Which biltePkikied, roAara;ug
it. • "
liarly gri April n pithy elf fhtty or fifty To
diani itruitcwiet i tinder the norhin'hnti bi Cap
tain Bront,•the tioliittritrOhltir trade 1111 40 ,
44ureron Iforpertlield. which they cur
priced cud de , o'reyed, ' Ninetec prlionerw
and a small amount of prtfrnier *ea nil the ,
graced their trio On hit wriffnini
0ge:414,41r. not had diaeatolind 114117,4 Art.
_ L
'en 1 ndyinsii under oyotirie chief relied Map
eadoeralt, to attrork thet‘isitleittentst htinisink:
and britiit in some prisoners. - Irtilb Waft sue--
cesefully neontriplished, and itee.orthe reale
inhabitants wren led espies into tile wilder.
nelmelareis 'Flog i iLleatair ,
they rasewpoit theirenpeors while sileeplindi
in *few , it omens Ain. !or tbiedifilY lit ittir
agonies death, whilirthe -Mime ewe'fled,
l ine Wrist 41604 stitlyerounded: At this time
iliwpersgihrweediatmriedils phity or Oiler.
teen taititianten,'undine eossintenditl'q.iptile
Attanseleetturper, were in ttis 'Maine
maple ertsz:;4l:o l the iatrisoi it Old Saar-
NoYdreaterin uf ttie4tl i fityNt:
frirr ' l ith i atite ph!
dune' befoel they could okiito thefr aria; no'll
*hen they at tinripted to 'readh therm, they
found thetneel;er completely' Ceiti
rounded. Nuthing•tetuained;_ therefdre but
to 'eurrender. T . e Toriek computing a part
of Brarit'm parry, were 'opposed to taking pria
onent. *rid *hated to WN them at -um:141141,
they 'night lath htiorri.iiteuntbrWrde at the it
tack 44 the Sultithetiolnit..+ *Melt 'vita -oho
"hien; gf th. exiiodition.• A frightfulninpa.
ore *triad no dote.elmewfulkoweel..tiad two
1/rant's forethought prevented it. Ile tabled
hie tonnahawit. tsolutite.l l :lllPilithi‘ liarpo
which wudid Mir. Wit orllii Aiwa • fir Mot
death or th; , „„uthevat ghee. thinking Ilierk4
hi osighe - Valitirble information tiers 41 4 a
its 'lettered bia regain. cad inokunt. the oth
er stern& in Ahlreve; htt asked Mut m a ny
'regular triples ere. there in the fort V! [far
per saw at nal. tkCeldell of rho ablar, lad
without any hesitation :le proveriaitiot, told
bier thnithesatheindatitiOdneitiemaitialmil
rtstld but * few dale bin &rata:keret/bon the
forts, Thia twee alittwee. flue the-trhthfu l
manner in whiettit~to34lllt
thes the indieas:weesltt POI thins elt to atioth
if. they photrllidiebovir Abe:rested; •Infin;thott
AO chief- tif tiiitbutratate WithiTlitsts 'bile
he. thinking ifecitteeto lead lain - Um dien.
ger,Ond alum fteeilitote Shia niesipiref-the petr
notire t ' rie"..ith faith lei bre altiry 1 ,bat on the
oonerart; chi more onervineed of Thipee's
teuthfulnisa. ' A wintertime, woe held Ifp.
.tweeo Brans and hilt iabortheath chiefs In
so she dittoed/a' the Raeretii. The
further win to &for tif Nile 'to nialr
are, but the loiter. disappointed as the fail:
of eba ditto psititif their enterprise; mat
thirsting kir tilontionorefOr meinthereios them
at once. Durinetha itontrorerapemob • prig
opera, bound hand and Cita, wera.threst in.
pea of loge. There they *ire Get milder
ituiidarqbe Toriekenti their leades. an -ie.
(1.03111311 *melt by the name of &crap. The
pen was near *woe, to the sounoil to lour
Abet was Ruing oti. coil 11.01,!, ip
enough of he Imitien langanie to carob the
import of *mit-NOW :Berme took -iKisili
Wi to la Ini . Ahila'hti. the wishes a the lIIa.
irity of the tattier* a►ed In &Lies:re "hol
e told abed' that dig would "all be in
'lrani—at all antes .peenerfil—.anahled him
le prevent litindihinlieriAite ethers wits isi
pneedto-torgo their hloodtbieetyi desires, for
the present. at least. In the witorning,
Mir wee Agate brought befure the Olaf and
Intertooned.' i , , ,; •
With . great or aft prawn?, of mind he
reeinerted hieistory end, although the Ai!.
ir sled hitfi,e!fth , tAtkot pearuhingg se, lit
IblitraYea noetritietwattd indeinpiee; et length
ilia chief . onavi!ord, apparently, of his truth
gave urpovi etilOttwence their march for Ni
Ttp.11114, 1 1 , 0, , 0rn were nut allowed te
"retklithtlir tuttineti , M however, witli44 psi
ittlit through fesAul ordeals. Oae day, they
atitplaal at 8 twill kept by a Tory, who, with
{tot's of hie et'flthtete, cotioselled Brant to
401 . ttr11_:" internal Whigs," Thin
withittiht;:niree a the Tories and e eti•
jnrity of the Indians. the (thief fouled it
cult nt centrain thew. and prevoat the sseij
anotWer 104.10i011•111 they mot a loyal•
qt., who wan well equaieted with 11,ar ,
.ti;il I lower, w he' cold the tut mer he hold beer,
%et:el% ed—thst there were no trueps at ,Solui
harie. re,/ to another ees.nehtug.intli.,
!?utiAorpor persimed in hie /44 w. 4
,intudunppareti't candor as again 0.), eh:de:de
tection. Beit vifien the party reUhed the
qiottueg litter they bad lo par q still morn
lustful - trial. - Ottratehing - tnitriminalvaak
end hit wet riora raised a whoop, as,is out ..
ulsryr vrith:theludiati:
e'rtk'an I It * t ie anAeri:dhy pi - 711infle - 41/4
y?// In a few a:omen's et wile; Intibl'it '
',lnd° Ili@ 'appirenteo . e, tiles proved to Ipti the,
youa .
t ig chief Cheyetiilowall.
Ilia entry wee lin3ll told., ~Of the 08Tfn,
woo 'wine,' for tbe - Itillistnk ant/admen - he
shot° era* lelt to tell the tale qf their 111,1/0.
Aura at the banda,„of the prisoners. The
otrwrs bsd gst hared around him, eager ; R d,
.'sellati listeners to 14 uttrrotliTtl
a,pd the etTaut of the revitad nputt these.
Ind rem', flan:leis* ntplitoie, yrirriure ova"
ht#rfill in the entrain*. ','Reireoge V' sepa l
4 ' d 04/64P .0 11 41 two*: OA tiltdc how
vrero , wirmisrAt stity air ii.xpreno4l - Ar - t*Liiie hen:,
oast Alone ria iue nun -ta immolate the unhliVr4
ivehootoo let , tleseittit.i golerminmi•saught
Jettapilti ofifiii:tenntiuttiy, and eliefflitiering
,ti iimbawk and kuttner *call:Ong-Imile leaped
knio the air, while their eyes glarocl with n
.gurovid}ti and implacable feeling upon Bar :
fier and hi* vuinpaithtn*,,whu. mmarions that
?heir. fate :tras inevitable, awaited it aith
w Not munpiruire they cettl4 centliend-: With /
ono o,nnorAl the, savage* reaped in 111 tumult' t
uu~'throng, mill Arlitind weapon*, elpaht their
victim*. Liratit Ismy nit tot•Wer eunteul,the
"aorta, and did nut attempt it. •
44-ente-to- the - ottgnaniatity fruit,
whim they could nut anticipate snob C,,rbeir..
PLOttn thintitliny were indebted Sur. their Levi.
Ittobing between tiot.inforinted and ti:.tligo
;warriors and their aptiniontoci isoryl Chi young
chief Plioyenduwah: shied back thie:cruwa
te , „litiiitteirto+ genii:M*4lh ctmotand.
iitniettnut. Wbeu7dWitilwas*ternite
rettritritied-bit Ru , am twitent sppgol
io iscdittif of; Cm putkAitero,_"di also not they'
ettidl! c t tits* irretbron v itt.d
4.), m ane the iitett ul innocent area trould not
it - finish ate ignitty, Mho ifreat Spirit: would
t f e tkagry,withi therm ilk they. truuki do thin
,rfilAtita hilige" Vointiti
Ae9 - 4 "P, 10, 4 1 4 1 1 1 !rt54, tifeetrej Abtoir iheoilfee _
Lbeir bootee, iiidttiotatoelves, if the, ma s ria
c'e,l tbi wbity wan in their rositiommo6" .
-I”klithoui it , was uwwardly ; to kW mew who
could , out defend ,thewsoodres, sad Rune but
.quoore wutild ,t,olts root/ sip orProotoge A p
pun n
altorhatoly 1,41 diet, fears, their
htiatouity, loud ibotr attparotitsuo, be wrwo l tbt
op,,n emir bettor nature, sad woo 4 014• 4 346 1 1ik .
Jodeoing them to f?r t tu "their aotieipatold
venige;!'loll, Uua by gni their weapon* were re-,'
' , reed to ;liar artiwarlitne4 Owe, and, with
aulApitsd d 19yeeae4tet4{fgl+iskthe remeti3
- -.4 l lpieed , tbeif onerimd ipoolit ; to, bliotioro,.
*MO ,
roaohti tit 4eogtly y out..bowover,
, 4 11.bout..the severepa autrorius.
Tilt LtrrhE 374 RANGER
Though • porno:! of lulu •trlOt principle•
n ? num over enjo •d • juke Mall time Dr,
•yron. Ile ba a wit. fund of hunottr, anti
every day, wit; and with uhildren, particular
y, - Weed44l-•elsat-laniilistrly, ,1;64.411,6
ih4no , •
4$ heat one dey passing into the Troupe,.
%wan anetWted by a verylittielouy, w6e at
• c,hisrif he sited tiny masa, nsariritiii .
eThO flogaFfinfalfbd'ilfatioh's irk!:
tk4Nt . wail a market-man., . ,
"No, Sir JOY flitbor Wo" illtnAtt tweinfo.
ANtirP r . , - •• -
• °Atrins me *nine equashae." thi doctor
said, itnd named into the /004 winging out
. ,
. . .
edki, thiesie•theiebild Monied, brie
Ong Llok part of the change. doctor
whi Wm he ores wetuocne to it ; but the
would not take it back, eating his lath
wiiiil4l Maisie hits. 15ualk singular memoir,.
in'tho child
. attracted the doctov'm attenth.n,
and he began to eiantin• kiln attentively.—
Ile was evidently poor . ; bitilittle jack's was
pieced and patobed with almond every k.pd
of eluik and hi; troi4ire daanad with so
tuanj colors it *so diglodlt to tell tha ,origi•
nnititivic, tut ecruiruloindi neat and clean
withal. the by yeti quietly endured the
s t 4 u ilayt . of ilia doetvir, who, holOing him at
areat,lengthosad ezl t saiajus his face al leeivit
'• You seem $ 'nide to; l e y t !ewe Jou
oonno end live with me and he a dootz,i"
"irtie; J" said die ohild. •
tritrW• hand se he temps tea.
A few Reeks' passed on, 16011 one ditty Jim
mime to'litiy that down etaita . there wee m lit.
Ile 1,4 With ti bundle, who wanted to pee .
the doetur, and would not t ll itie hotlines, 1,0
any one (doe:
" Send bim op." Jas the answer ; Anglin
a esw mentinti; he reongnised the boy of the
equa . ehee—burn "mutat himself as er
shall see, Ile watOrhat'ld'ln a new, cearire
suit of clothe*, his bale'fiery-nicely oonsiied
Me shoes /washed ep, each little bundle tied
in a homespun oheoked - trantilteMhief, on hie
nem: noliberatelyitnlting of his cep, and
hipng it &nen ;kith 'h'is
to' tho &ewe se,Aing
Sir." •
" Come thr what, my child 49
To live with you and be a duster," said
tLc ihiSwitkifiCutninst - niavelb4`
rho- first 'tripoli : B of the &AIM,. van to
intin.elerately ; hut the 'itnritirtnrable
itrarrii of the little boy rahlidwobered Hint
as he recalled; ton, hie fortifier onvereAtilliv,
nn4 refloated that he felt ho noedfid • he addi
tionlito hie
iDidll'• you, futlitir &onion% to lour trituingt"
*awl turi •
: •‘: v'l
"ilVtiol did hi ' ttty? " . . 1
told him lod ireatod , AOslo wbaa aaitl
thirobith rut *di* 4-BsiicrT-iiini*Uaiiii
"'pit vituks.very olood4s.rualodi rojillegodoh
PO Woo Ii myTelethill &woad mai; L. a
"1 r• - Xtutledi-iwntW.*--wilisuclitelig Batik
" She salci.Ds. Byrsustitouktdu•rjuitssibel
litt'eisidi be Weeht , Pest Quid tustl.pruviclisslifur
wo. "Audi", ounamsed, 'Ol hue , pew
suit uf , chithwi i . :,•issrvyiwis himself, , "144
hunitUrollisif soul dhsplisySimathieSariwlli
little sliirts sul white as awl couple
of, newt aboultatisproww. iiobeferuilY fuhkel ,
it."4le)Phwrs slues 'hut* mothei
doh a it. ; , 1 - .r :
The vebsiitilitics of ttlko doctor wars cam
Iteced.j.o 1144c.tiii • &crier* 04 dodo;i4sisel
tructrciWvirblott44at par couple :Fa& iml‘
t au low ussitot%;,,
'ea* i 5.6414 LissWC SOWN
70- a-N1,4 *it, Sit t.l‘ 41 1 1440.
I 1,
1, .• 544 at 'F.
t ,
r. as)
' ..1 C.`
it u , PlAw-luPPl.l,O# *pub
totki(l) . liir .ctyµM
.4,4 4 .—Zu441/00
ed . fy tiro filicnoo4
' of 0* uhil,L tltrt 0. A ovamijoifijensjimi
no tirj,ear loogl 4 04 1 ,
he 111tiu .o.l64,4pprthi;
wrr e ~r 11i1 1,11301 n, .1:44111 4 1:11 4 11 ,1 C 4
think vo (4'4 irrethatak Viaidkoil.aboot,
, nercl: Lir -/!% all yaoLiviittl*ets.'4,,ti i .. 46 -
... lm et,a,) rc d 1 siajtd I#4ll, Wiele.afjOi
"titoi I.lµU " 1101, u
:11+11 110 Seli e.y4: "Wti*Oftent•
~ ee 5ye141414 chi14,44.44•00**;
celled' me,' talc 1 1 iA mi tyy4 teViiktewslistti
hat t: care of 11:$11;:: AO Awl do* mhie
good etnipl Idid to Ibcithaule4ri,
home. II di,i nyt 4.lo),f:set:a; SO; si/l/011ftlea;
one of tbc urea em;nottt phirsisisms, sod berg
pli.n of the egositotl,beforo thturt.its,tikeper:
itoot.r vitilL it till 02}, 0^ .41 ke itesq_..
tint tTWoreatute, ;thee" thtee t 4 * lppon'
it7ie 4OstinOti to 10 41941iTotir
end stay in 41edining age, • pruteetaikh4eve
diteghtern,..• ist l .ore I A t% tq
01l this was then unrerefle4; 144 ch•Psitfreit
rucektul the vbild they. ,beliased best
'fence heti committed to,,the .
- •
r, _watd-w4opsinuailL--4-- -
. • .•
The Newark tierearj whiaryire a 11064 Oi
;we is the eats of 441)34101as Auat odesea„
beiag, phallist! hp work dumbest. da
tts. only, She siaht fee weicital • quitar&—.
,Withoui the Week . of-ao iodate-km bree-- . :
st least a few • gegilieh ialwaseiep.-eise visa
A uer Is4l I,4phfiLisilaiiiSt.aadsliMisliilialiSs'
in the world. Yuu may b• Ws to easlistot
dukol , be"toers'ileiLlead-iteisag..atlelialatara.
uly onto eu Arti'ultrislit• istookusity.-bus
witlioutipprquitiuyAirmiquauyi uoutilberail:
lie nothing bat "hewers ut loputitWlttiitaimes
4 waist" - .1 . 04.F*1. 0 4 01 sdassiitiltbalm
1 w 1* Alf tp 494Aujqoul (Ur raise% Is! le
know nainkitid tritlewhoiss lea hire Sadltd.
Xua to as 4 lte , sitii‘to mad, ita rake lime aft.
glummul muntbiquatise, in order 49- rises
moulting like instills*, 'gi tattlitt ,
in the world. The truth of this yua sist•44
by esataakill around yin. ibs,pbsoest
iiivinoti Isl.. is siss ItutlS-JOett.ole.terat4ta
at idmiNithit, iviii: -Opfrwiusitisairrialumbige•
au• now offored. Will you imperil
1 4pcouicnien. indoodt or . mil fat=
I . narimt us I 4.1 knelt I ICI au eltrailasekihior'
atet—tu teknine uttelliglnt and ptuud„,jokur,
At tottcp,iiituu of uur .migJa 44:11upiu,, 411 of
whir 4 arc conducted ity olt4-40841initi,A;ba
aunt,dit'7 urSi:i" 'al" 6 .ttlitfookitPdll4llll. 6
40,,ule.,!iiit stric‘atlatai9ll;lo 7 lll4olll*a . i
pi ii It . .,ch,tlie anittlAss will hair, plaiumlyoA
in,,iuu, you snild w laiMpl dads,
bat imlxtruaat soot titirsols. ' ei
,•Itarenter, for
, wp W I 4 , 04 4.4144,minc1 i 0 r _ •
Am prots the. or nollml it,e l Plll,.. blifftrOlo
the precious lotus ol ' . the ,Istmi treigin, tie
a rest aitnt ! i &dusts, and, tlie-eteranolr, ti 44
wicked. 7aPr!l•34".ev"i4lbl
god j o t ,buitstWu!4 stru , , ,, ,t, i
dew, and nisylis it, in the steumks ; cyr.„ We.
win a phio pi prlpiil the pryntielyt.sepl sot
be "?' I " 4II ., — ; I FKIrI i c tfbilett •,' 1141‘..!
A sortit'sr,' iiiiiihrg io ruliilo illy Sib
411loalan, ahe rirfue'ettee ajoit Of ;fp pro
p,n0 , 11 to Iste in . rapir ',,,,,,,..1J•
„at quaithid.. - Twori.;.ortlii to
'diem 'fttl withalt - tri rip' tt,
th. ,
iiitierthw - [Rich totloiefy ' i ft dm
readers it judge -16'theut !".h.. - ": 11 , 11 ,
14 iiii 11.11,4; . LP07:1(41 . 4 Al i ' ' 1 ; :,.;
ciiii oomuisy
Tlit, ‘Voi-141; ittimattp it is Mit trtiit.ot
,Clsti • ,
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What is tboveoliok of oaf 111141rAL
Spree ; :tieosolo
'What is die quiskest of et thisigyll'if
ttellst ;rbecikti eie • s• metereiltik IMO
to the et.d et thii doivsPN. '‘i • a • 2 :41P%
Vbist th e e tonged', E 14.1
fiatvegoity bwaitiVW
the thiegire - , •el 6t.
wit t. difilentltt -
To kno* thystif.
Whit is the milst toitsflipk chi t in t d/It
after kw haw kit erwryilatueritei", ':•a •
tar Never I s gut f artimpri
b oP NAlrr4lo.6lV l 4olllli/LOP
hewinggocloMloger POI
r, 16. •
e)11 . (1‘ ?Pi:ll's; l *g y I 5
wn rid - Tent 'tin • r
Wii , wwr , wet ttillglattrfrwet a
frying .Irowlo '/-nuil'irtwolsoi;fled'ANN ' • •
minty j .poo jonv,mitrk;donle T"P'72l:*'4."
' prri'priNi k in.mA, co mixtViiisalittr
A ittid I)r g d
fr; ►
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ii lil ,
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in . 601111 us, li fe: w. -
brill' T^' h ,19. ear, Wl5 i i i ,
4 1 .1 y, , 4 f .t. tat, ruAlotvl 17„ , 11
IttiotnriotadittEHMl •.11 1 4 4 14 , al. • 1
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