Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 18, 1857, Image 2
d heel stitellhally In the Awe, and ia1d,".56- • "I'fhi4i Adrian • !• - t 'Whining to pat et question to `yo l l which l hare already put four limo! t ' evening, and each time it nnawer&l uii n • truly.' Daisy hope —" sir i" auliti 611 wee " I trust so, air.. But ni - ty• do you won - der der at whit ion beforo I Tote (oriel What the world is, ilr. Adrian. What aro 414#07kionanskta•lay • our -tot . rtheiovnenor annby •triieAsterei meg her Wtteim *litho world is full ni deceit hid tresethiey,• . iinil it is generally. Wo tire t hettnetilltlkiiithd loving ; licit What teem• pence do - otir: love' . and otnith meet with 1- li.oet 11410 ottrOffuelinne sought for and if On, air thesillit!dtvii bitokloile by the in. eonstaittlottnirer, who Wet eoiiclffitl Pot and then dtMlg?hett tfirm ! IVho.bilt rrmkes'im thrtikkilliCtingmattit Who Madre - trap 'lot& of tar Ibtlitito owl rank ? t mon were sorer of theiliskilleh:they might rely tesoreletritenti . on weriehr JiinJt film by rytturod Won en it made - ao - by oduwition and the.:' world's manners." . "ten are ',veep nevere, Jura Sophia. Do you ehilide altijmn decenty! t" 41 ' 'A t i llide •wdtrazn naturally cue di , • , d." - polMytuteation now i" y o c mgy. yi Sheinalled Idndly,yet archly its ?NU spoke. rat ever loved .- Nhe; put her hind into her birmin and took • out a small miniature. It *as the rmrtmit Of a eery handsome youth in sailor's dressv. "'rine wirsmteconein," she reentried ..a nil he arts lota two,years ago in a wreckon the coast of Brittany."... A hike fell upon her liami al she said so. •• entilil you lore main I" naked Adrian. Thu heart knows neither ite otrn weak hest 11ot ItR omit strength' until it hi tiled,?! continued Mie.."" At prenent r test - 00 if anted Itio a mourner forever. This, however, I think I may iviy, that I could never marry through menienary 'motives,: - and that-my new MlL•htions would he the weirk of time.— Butdl lame a rider youngor than myself, Hirer, retinae Inert his never known the fueling. wou d suit you or- cry way." , Adrian bed forgotten the golden feather ; belt now, by , accident , he ionehed the side of the lot* girl, and the voice whispered ill hik, ear: '.llw is trite, and means more than- she num"; ;rise im worthy to be Toni wife.', The last'soklest feather was gone. fACTICB OT THU K.,q0111"—T41111 AiLtiXtT ltla ANNINNTIRAPTIPM eO.II3IIIN CKD,-44 w.w to Ile hapild lkst hose n Imbed opposed tharelection of 3fr.lSstehalwn would Wait until his policy should be made known lieforo they commenced a warfare agailat administration.bis But ibis mountainc hope is not to be leased. A desperate land of asitatora both North and :tooth have al ready opened their tire upon him at a rot lure, and its if by a mutual nuderistanding, the Black Reptilians of the North, aintile" Know-Nothings o f the South have both cho sen *moms as Oak battle field ; there they I attempt to assail the Administration, And bleed* "camas mat yet he made to bleed =We oppiqulsly for the benefit:43f Ginn SOi thern sad l ic l u sh , them agitators. if the pe e . pie of should records° starcryin their lihmatituion, we know that, the.lllack Republicans 'irotdd trisrisk, ancliscuri more than ever, and *him Imam Buchanan stn they have already dime Phinklin Plewm.2- Amid the penis organise when for. misarthalatenalitution, chasm briquet sla very, some of the Southern Avow - Nothing orgasm have already intimated that they hold James Buchanan responsible. When peo ple allelliteniinsill to dad &alt it is Impos sible to pretreat ; t ?try reasonable mom salmi see that the Premdeat boa neither the right ma the power to centratho insti tutions of Kano. God forbid that he obandllesurr- Alt tbseentret-tinte be-has overt bt that-Mitecalia enuipmiats to Kansas Le peotasted, and that the boas Ade citizena to Kansas obeli be al lowed peaceably' to chews their own insti tutions. These duties we confidently believe the President Meet will faithfully perform. —Fear. Sties. -„. FAMSII3I . IMO 111001km.—Potitionsare be nag signed itt and other counties Air such aid to the farmer's nigh School: ea stay be eamietelat- with the lots interest of the " Foyle st - hoge. This ls a very mode* request from qpr fannies, and sakeZ.has very modest way.— Tbinsigit tax-prryere almost by vocation, they Imatadel m , e ar.saked...for_any_apaidal. VOMPFliallis tor then gnat it t geasart,„. And now, wheat?* ?Finer's High Slhotd, found. tgAbibequests and dOnations of prrytite in- Isothadotely requires Ipr the erec tion ed Its 1 I;eildinna, th e limitation of ex -parimatais, collect Mist of. apparatus, de., the mama( 44100 dollars, they only ashler whitt the I:resistor° will - please to give. • Con the Legislature find any. etadpiject to foster by the pecuniary aid it annually ppetris than this • At natant there is no, school to which the farmer tam send his son to leant the sewn• plishmintis nectar/F.)l'A° the prEcticitily sci entific country gentleman, or to 1 ire him a 411.441 and preference fur. them. Nor have we in town or country. any Jawn mho properly understand SWIM of the wont common, rural, operations. If we employ ~a man to to 'incur graft OW "!Meat, the tare ate, iliattglired or mortally injared. If we bier of any new mambo, maoluites, manures or processes, we hair* no means of learning their good and Led qualities /11110 by the accputit given by **tweided salesmen. Should apt fanners soesabiialr *n-ageney few - the trial—,otterllw 'tamOil--oc. the nom/nary esperinteats, -taissedrretgriring too - much tare, - expcitse, time sued special devotedness, than busy in distitaal formers can give t • ' The plea of rho Trustees eornisicsas all Mow and many uther.great advantages and nre WOO and trust that all our citizens, and sopocially our farmers, who aro the dimeen asses of tho",baunties Of Providence to 4114 all, ardi press upon the legislature their modest xotpost wheappropriation was lost last winter by fltrufrohet.:--Clieton Damorrst. sr,sliteerCiats.- I •The fudowing is the .aver !l riapo,grodo warn Spanish coin attic 7 : t0011 31001Nntin Phdatlelobes. _ _44apa. rents. ilfattlids or imago, 10 9-10 do Sixteotiot or AO, It boo Lent iseestaiptdi that the, Spanish sWiest *hi&t . pot rierat& 5r clipped, are, wzzlz trarthiiik "ell than the Aptirriso •,,f40.04.4t I , 7 .: ' A l - r •') 41 '-'; _ ~•:•••`••*"6 , ."..÷".4 0 '., ~;,, E4AL AMY It xicr J WlTlfit TO Mt' , `-- ---' ~.., ''''*- - - 1111 '".• itlaardl . PWV2* - 1 PiEN , Y.ti, * l' . • .: 1111' IltllN 1 v, IREMICIRA,OII: 101.11137 F .17rat a.,•ist7i... soh crovEnsoß; WILLIAM F. PACKER; OF LY/bOMINCI COUNTY. • !Subjoin to tbo drab/lon of Ito Stitt° Corrontion.] Tlls TOZVNACIE .TAT-"' A strong effort is being made this winter, hi s the Legislature, to repeal' the paw • that. inivoses p tax on feeighf, carried over the Pennsylvnida ptaibrond. We have been grat ified 14 observe, however, that nearly every I paper outAi l lo,or Philadelphia, antl,iouie in talc strong gronnds egainst4lttnrupsal,. and argue the question on its tine tjticip los: re Pma, a hen uniti•d, has itrithense' pow. er, and although we believe the bill will 11 clefs:gaol, it may;iiiirtrertituless, be of into jest to ion) of our rectum' tel ituderstand something of the subject, And the rensons wo have for insisting that the .tax abedl con-' tinge. . • - ' - - Pennsylvania. has incurred a.licavy debt, a 9 our, tax-payers ;mew from experi ence—and it has all becri 'contraeteil'in . the construction Of Railroads and Canals, The most expensive portion'lof publiehitnrdve• meats entered into by the Statec_Was the Columbia Railroad, Pennsylvawlrt/Canal and Allegheny Portage Railroad, the three to gether, connecting the sister cities of Phila delphia and Pittsburg, and bringing them into oommertial communication with cach e other. When these works were in Inc cessilil operation, the Pennsylvania Rail road Company obtained a .chartorll in pursu. ancoef Which these_two Oties, the one the metropolis of Eastern j and the other of Weil - tern Pennsylvania, have been connected by a different and inop*wpeditions line ofstrav el—one of the berit railroads in the United States. At first the State Legislature =a-- trained the company entirely from carrying freight upon their road, lest it might dunin. ish kbe revenue realized from the works of the State that carried goods in the same di rechtratl-•altnost upon uplwallel 'line:— Afterwards, however, they Wore permitted by law to carry freight, dining the sea son that navigation was closed, on condition that they would pay tho same toll to the Commonwealth that would be received on the canal fOr the same article, and at a later day they were permitted to carry frpig,llt at all seasons of the year,' and of all kinds, in consideration whereof:the company was to pay to the State a certain tat on every ton qt.fricght that passes over their ruad.-r We have no statistics by WI from which to ascertain what thin tonnage tax, as it. is cal l led, amounts to I per annum, ,but ere do know. that ft cannot be 10Di-than totilddßit; ble. Like a spoiled child, that is allowed unusual privileges, and by persuasion indu ce; frta.parents to yield to its own• desires, ho Pennsylvania Railroad Company have been obtaining grant after grant fitam• the State, until they have grown to be tho most powerful, aristocratic and wronopoliiing con , poration in existence,,,rinder our, laws, and It is aliked that the miserable pittance that the Commonwealth receives in consideration of the ,Irberties granted out, shall be en. tirely ,rolinmod,_sind • that the shall be useless stock, while Company Mi in wealth, and ensured power over the prosperit ors' of the general interest of o the Railroad was weidth. charily, it might bo an cot of ji part of the Stite to remora over: in the wey of its suoceirultna tereste'of the people at lartewr that every advantage should be Cokipaisy_that-wrookl- la& to its nut whon we know that dividem per et. are annuallyiniule to the of the read, That the atock.hold Ist wealth:tutitlir State bocci it is undauktottlyrigiit that thi tottregularly . antl promptly paid It indiesfes a mercenary spirit on the part of the individual me, company towards the State VI corpleition existence. and rein gmtio life, when they aslf tba .•vat it nothing—di! • lot stia4-hoekomo-ssotthless, foots of a public -want and- the cairn nothing for it. .But whet bee that a corporation in roadies", wo cannot wonde that WS Pq5Al-1 1 46 , trk the Stato than Mr. ifirikle; he' inalma hip gums feel as ;comfortable as if they vier° in their own - Volnes. TOR GRAND Juity xif Clinton county ig nom{ tho bid{ i g linit young. Smoke, for - shooting his father. It twerAlly believed to bare been an accident, as declared by the fattier priiiolis' to his death,' . ' r‘ Pal"•i i olr acne° and universal education as counterpoised against. an aristocracy_ of mind—a Monopoly_ of . earning. Aire greal peCtiliarity; that pre nerves _our liberties and ends vitality to everY. aorlebf „till; gnyoroutbfri,3B,. 'the eqUality .. established and promoted by they commingling of -high and homy ritsh and poor in tit; scones of cifildhoody WfiVrObY they aro taught fo sympathise trip nterllorious Port rty;tu riesplao gilded ipiquity and,rtions tire men and things,stecorttlotto tiro stan dardof their real i " ellte en Tiro et,l4teXt declared in the' .. musg oark; Ot4.mericao: . liberty, and it is ale a truth %Wm commu nity,- of tastes, tuilsitaitind edugitions can perpetuate. ,Tho mommd .yout , place !the Means of knowledge ontof the reach of -the poor and conilno it to the sons of men 1:11980 qta the gottimitYPtirtuno 001ittiliCotrf -you are reining op a power inlhis froeland, 4ho totultorwhich indultitahly be to ward mo roily and centralization. Tlfis evil influence npoo universal attention 'may be, acCompliahod in more wayit . than 0rk,. 1 I Inchcil it is not the avowed miaow, oc mar common mimes, Mat 'striltea , .at thair ; root I the ?nest severe blow, and prostrates moat effectively the ilapes , ?f their, friends. Their I arguments may be successfully contended against, Moir sophistry stripped of its gauze ike , coVering,'and truth be made apparent with all its convincing powers. But those who speak favorably of the free schools, while by actions they, oppoao Merit are the most llangeroM opponents to the cause.- Rich men Who say common schools are ti great blessing,but my cbildron aro too good to 41 them and mimic with the • plohian boys and girls of the land, strike a fatal. blow not only at the common school syterni, but at the fundamental principle of our coin-.. mon „freedom, by creating gm impassible imeseh between classes of society, and thus, destroying ,that OCHTIMOII wisdom which a Democracy is always - said to possess. Were the children of Old England educated to gether, and all destinctive mks were for gotten,monarchy would lay. down its sceptre and resign to the common people the rights. that naturally and inherently belong to them. Wereserillous rooted out of Rumis,And a general and universal plan of Education es tablished from tho Rhppe to the Volga, the Czar would soon actriowledgo the sovereign ty of the people, and surrender to them the power.that iguoranco minas the despotun- • i justly - to 'retain. Ocniul `ol - orilightrient ! wave thy, mystic wand over all the nations of the globe and instantly the chants of thraldom' wlll be broken, and all mankind lia) fret) in thought word and deed. Genius of Liberty! guard thine own altar, protect from the destructire.hand of Aristocracy the - Pu l 4 l ° tb-1"1-otrik most powerful multiply. We have no desire to become, personal or to make any allusions that might wound the feelings of oor friends, but we cannot Clone oar eyes to the. foot that the public .schools of our borough are in a tniglixtted and stit. fering condition. Not that we have any fault-to lira with say of-our teachers. for indeed., 4e - believe them all to bo dishy competent and capable, brqt we do thin that the citizens of Oda janpuiiiir-167ia and influential aitisees paztOcularly-- item awed! 'ciety are the bade and poison of a free Tani.. Lot time „vichAuraf the poor be educated under tho owns. ir r oOf, spd ybu form ii itortunOtt• to tiod,dbent-togetiter - fd *IV falter School should he the isestintoiesting place lit' the community, and more should be said about it thsit aiktg,ohte;lna.t 6u ibett,cos= teary its seldom - naintioned , 4 Airs- take sufficient attention t 4 find fault- with the teachers and ° Kick up a muss with the directors".-iittt almost every plane else' is held in higher esteem than the school house. Now wo !my,-witti, all respect,-let rick and poor unite. and make our cowmen. schools what they should be—improve them In ap. pearanco and in charpoter, connect them with that importance that their relation to our Republican. Institutions demands, and we may,than Aoki out. asioutln,,asiAturrasork., festrinirrit,iiitlt - a' song /if dohireismia upon our lips, and looking forward into the future, say with some hope of fullihnedt—be Mos , perpetuated. Ir is errant, that when John Bigler, late Oorornoi of California and !wither of Sena for Bigler of IMF; State, sane 'member of thb California Legialatard t hi/rewire waahod the *Mei of some of the members for eo mueja a dozen. Her industry and hvgality nod her huohaniht talents and honesty, iti due tin* broughttilem wealth ind tliatino tion. Aliroud`dasneof•old,-whoniaskrittpr ',her, jewels, pohited 40-lealt.aidldren. If John Bigler, should evor be asked for his 4owels, let him plat to his wife, ( and if 11110 should over be asked for bees lot her hold up her hands.: of so- COMP • • di ct, t t k• II n, nor/ ,'1 . ofSolliven con k ritii President, and I ra;; ofiDontre coiV, Secretary: Thclollotetnetorde'recu Presented' code intiln9k thpir,loo.ik tyrril 4ention : •• r /i t 1, 1 Sullivan—O. Oainch, Jamul Deem. , • "LyetrolVitailftrPtiretiliem7 Whiter , clintettLklitintitsrneins. Orrin. • Centre—N:4: Mdfchelli,Jrn O. DSttcUtll. ' • Oti ntoticielirAifit. — Phitt y , the Conference VitiihO p7 s4 cooded gatov;a ' i to i lirligriont!tnition nnd.'etectiort Mr. Dieted' t Ittlisidel bientroiii , of dinfrin county: and.,. 4 6onnotton,, no:mit:not:sly elteted Delegittc front this Son storintdibtrfet to , thirObierention to lie' held Iferri4iirg 24 delj , of Illarolt nazi olfbrid the . con- , fiio l4 tio ' lf of the CfOlivontion tho following' resolutions; which n+reitinanfinonslr adopt. eti: " Whitittax,' the Detancraely now 'clettipta protid end Victories,* position having achiev ed iwthe life pemitleistiabeampsigno,rii brit. tient triumph crier theremlihinettesiefnies of th 6 Coned tti tjoh and ota i r couritry;mail upheld valiantlY the flag of elpfel eighth. when the, I tierce Udder faeatiobart Was it its base ; therefore:—• • Resoko4i,•'4at regarding as we do the. priupiples of tau Dernciemtic party to be the only . true Ind 'fundeimental principles of a flopubiltnau govermitent, wo deem it to be the duty as every patriot to surrender all personal feelings and selfish ambition to the nobler impnbies of phlLinthrupy, and by Preserving unity ane hannony In our ranks, I 1118UX0 a continuance of• the sueecas we now . • enjoy. 4 Reieft:ed, That the eledion °Minton Cate emit to the Utilied-StaterSenite td L vfetory over Which. nib •pure atatesinan can exult, and our defeat 14 robbed of•its ,pain t by the assuranee_thekTreastm ;done 1 4 0 1 hTen oessfhl i while . eat Pritiap . les rettlein hhitheDfl: ed, and es m the heartkef the sovereign pdoplells ever. Reaolvede•Thst-Isbo, Wammitelter,* - and leeear stand upon their country c s.reeord as a fearful warning to men in all coming time of the infamy end : ignominy that trefi - cheit and corruption' invariably Induce. WO spu rn . them—we denonvnee them, and deliver theta s up to the just indigention of their respective constituencies, and to the tutelage of that party which ham bought them. aesolved, .Thist we feel truly prowl of the favorable manner in which the ntime'of on • distinguished fellow citiaon. Gen. ti r k ui F. Packer r ima been received by the do • • racy of the State, in connection with . • of fice of thaiemer, and we do'herehy WWI - that tua own diatriot wilt not be fbunk. wanting should he receive the. D.! irtatigin I for that responsible position-44 k tuditsh "mid wernstinetOur delegate e • • ; by this conference, to use all honorable . "• . Gen. kacker is a pure and noble nded States. 'man, a living-represent:age of the truth of Democratic principles, an an unwavering adherent andllefender of the . political faith delivered to us by oar • • ..Gis..e'sed, that the ottitiatein , ference be pubtaiheil n _Paaaaylvenase... Eec*isi Argus, Irriahvgg Uhron, and all the Democratic Ofi era thlit' Betiatailal Distnct. . - -Oa motion, agavaatioa 4110jentrtutti alas: die, 0 1 7 4,1 1 d ifkalL•Pivisib- t TIA rron's Risk:aim—A CorTellion- dent of •be York Sririetni,'Writing &dna , 'York co;idty;' under . ditte.ef 4th of r nary, states that on last- Saturday the traitor, - liiiinetv; pistol i ough Dillsburg on his way home, being -- Agit time he has done so sloop he. con /mutated that yiltainoun, treneiterodir and disgrteelblact of betraying am - Waxmile party, by selling himself" to the Black kis" publicans, end voting fbr the "apostate Si. mod tintoron. 'Being coneeioub Sof. : - ileierved - the - iv - nth oran outraged and In dignant constituency, he brought reltK him a 111411 twined (bedsit, Who 4ld to lit 6 i about Ilitirlaburg, aislind of 0 lifb to 'protect his fetraiii (hrt the '1141366 which ho knelt hejlisirtell at the tunidat of 1 a bettircA emtatithenby. fie mide A brief I etay UnderefoOd'd tsiern, during time ha wasfrequentiy saluted with ea ! foelhe traitor," le Down with Mitheir,” Lc. When".they le* the tavern: they had gone but • few t i before they received a shower of eggs finten the bands of the by standers which' vas repeated 'at yerions puintsaicnOlmAttreek, t the town the unit (hey on - tdi realm to Lbw riAtirg•he made no - stop, but clank along like a-nasty deg when-caught killingabeep. Cormtotini Alma anwriutosm.-Ihiv. W: S. 4rieryaHM/1-edbMeng:absseter- -Brow . 1 Knovt-/guthing.ltitia. 42:11meis., hied &NI I Mirk* itty Dialr Ommty Gourt of as• eadlt issbdilmittery upon a young girt s.t. rem rind sentppood to throe. rnpnt4s ant. line;o (flidirareaountrlirtenn. - fie W4B aiHU indicted t r but the jury.rebtiMed a, verdict of not guilty.— It was b*tta isarrago that he made rime ' notorious bylds slanderous charges ;genny4 clergymen notonly of his own but of other denominations, but, we presume, litrallTfhOw iiiqga in s little sympathy for the frailties of-poor human naturo. • Ile is an odject of TtiaY• This awn is a specimen of the 3000 cler gymen4Che forgot their holy. ealling;,iind in. truck theinselves into the Henan/ (Umber with their political protest agaimit the Die• braska-Kansas bill. A ToAn. —A t a I)emeeritic cotebritien at Fitplburs.. Walla Was rcatk The Fremont party was christened by 11100 thousand 'clergymen, educated by Charles Sumner, and clothed by bleeding Kansas; hot was arrested by Illinois for treason, tried beforeChiefiust,ice Union In diana on the bench, found guilty by New Jersey, hung Ity Peansilaranta between two flack Republicans New York and 'Ohio, and Amity stint to the place of !meriting sad "solemn 001140" by California. Poisomice,—Last week, the entire family of Judge Pitcher,. ;of Mt. Vernon, Indiana, consisting of six or eight pentqns. were a.. , oned frottr catiog-breadzontaiking some pins °noun matter, which was mistaken for cream of tartar, by The -servant girl Way ;natio it. .0 who partook of tbe,brea4). were more or lake effected by the pots :n ; none, however fatally. Fitt .rtßw rofix Rismok.R—Zoi. iron; tli the era:. i ?l a tO ns tne,lses. ly4Slted'i ei**,otit t . _ factNoWed be iLsotirco'nf gratification to the einoeriicy all over the land.. There was n time fvhen Stio mei-Jim/4re Stets could.he , b.r.] national mon of the country ; when, with 1 , 0u11.110w myoliptiono; ,ber up or the ifierf'sdi'dniiiisdrtirl otthialeinott- I plexAjt tremendous Majorities. But a ,46 , 4 , 0,cemic Oval , of her dream.-- !ilriniiplo Was fnrgotten, Aug tnpn.,s , ot fdt themselves. i'Lpn came deiections, ilisseM„ tions,'"iiisuniem and; and uow, ofbcin this great bState girds , BbAsk j, one , Sake,inth!li Union. , 0i oily ork corn ttbt It will, we foldr,litile, befOrie, she comet) black to her drat lore. Yet, we' •aio not - without hepo, knowing dui poieney of our. principles, and the Wondrous charm obatained in .11he,,,wadd ~ of, t i foreocrecy. En days. past : Jriten ali in world of polities kook- . ia dark and gloomy, and tho land and its free institutions were threatenial with • din linuition by the isms of the day, the magic power of Ficittlooraoy hesdispelledthe gloom, end all Aliiir..itigain Itlipowed lietiefel and bright. • So,it may be with Now York.; the fanaticism that now rules itt dud State ma • be Arshed out by the sober second' tho ! t of tho people, and Devnocrecy, with its •• an- . fold blessings rule again. , The News, in reply to an relic] in tlii evening Post; uses the following nguage: There_ is not ft shadow of dillb uce !wrong 'the members of the pemocm party; all who were fetidly, infected wit the leprosy of free soiffsm have left the Democratic par ty and sought congenial • ••ations with' traitors and distiMonjete ,t,Ptit those who held to tho vital doctri • • of the pally hero , )burn an antidote in e principles 'and the rAndidates brooght' • • atd by the Mein oati lienvention,. iid are now thoroughly united to ittembe : of the orthodox partr. , We rejoim_ • ; ey, that Free Soiliem does not exist In ..• . Demociiiia. party rof the 'North; it h . been thoroughly expelled from the erste • . and the party in New York ant ei • .where tine it completely unwell on, On. pica. The • wning act of harmony—the union oft . New York 'Democracy last Fall, at :• . me, for which - Mr. %oilman oongrat. . ted the party irtthe State, is not impair ; norjs it likely in be endangered, but on Cate contrary.. We limy se* assert .thet the party in New York is now perfectly bento geneeeg-in sentiMent. - Toe Minors or DA. Bummt---One of the great topjos has been the murder of Dr. Burden. ,a tkintfat of Dond•streets, thaw York.. 60:wsut foundllead in his on/aeon the. sear "nimbi' Saturday. the 314, and on exami nation of hiss body. it was found. that Imbed been assatudnated. The weapon used was a Sharp knife or. although the Muse woup/iiaellpiOirtsy Tutu a 'numbas of persona, no one could giro the slightest ex ~lination of mystery. The _partieu ar rosted are Mrs. Cunningham, who rented the "house, Mr. Eckol, who boarded with her, a.. youth named Snodgraaa, and two •young females, ti.biughters of Mrs. Cun ningham. it haun shown Abet a iserious TitutOoffttinlOstetiolislted bettruewth'r. Dar den mut Mrs. Catininghaus, add that ho had .'repeatedkis . !upraised. stPprehenskum • for his ,life. Mrs. Cunninghos chdmS that she ame married to. the Doctor, and that hence sha it Mrs. Burden, and- entitled to the property of the aocwwtsul. 'Onlhis - othisr the oPiliSta 91 tiotrw_tha tlio mart who . • • IA 14V: EC •or apma one eke, who merely poreonMed Dr. Tir dell for gm occasion, end for saw ulterior .e eject. short, ansphiliahii.iianted . to some of the inmp_ten of the houses" the mur 'denim—es thullAir, no outsider hss been er- . meted;* even suspected. The matter ip, hsirerer, inzniveitin mystery, hmi the ex : ti(enteut is 'Menke amens ouineishbors. 7 . The leading question, then, for sour deyit hie been—" Who murolorodlir. Burden 77 ;--4900,,th0 above wee in t tisverdift, of the ,Oproper's Jury lute been Wailes& Theyloand fe 011 owe • Fir o l*-That the &ceased, Dr. Harvey itirdcll. was found dead *Oda loan, Na. I'llond street. en The matting df the Slat of Janitary, 1867. • Itillbat his death win, catuifd_ titf Jernon'Y 60th, by annlebuit aroma& from some sharp i Sibmaent. - 'Third—That' the Jury find 'that Dr. liar ray Bunton Was inurdarea h Mrs. Angtuita Cunningham and Johp J. }Akio, as princi pals. , Fourth—That lleelgol, Vali. Snodgrass was macesa*-before-the (sot. --Fiftair.gPlvat - ititas Afiguatua Canninpllacu and MAL Hsieh Cunningham' are porsocia having a knowledge or tin facts, and con cealing their kuowledge of them. _ ADIFIGNMICNT UP Tins Lase/Larva &N[.-- 'rho Lancaster Bank haw tivido pp Aunlign. ! ntent, appointing Horace I athvon, Esq.„ the Preetht cashier, es assignee. The appoint ment has been confirmed by tbo stockhol-. ders to make it valid. The Lancaster Express awe that hough Mr. AM/Mk stfted* very high in the opinion of the community, still tbsgoneral sentiment is that the Board ought to have been careful to "avoid even the ap.- ieiranee of evil,' by-salootfig a person who bpd ell ew connection ,with the' Bank., whatever, during the time the late robberies were practiced upon it. RIIWARD OPWSIIRD.—The Goverifor of Pennsylvania has ofterA a reward of, $6OO for tho firma of the inA.darg tiororoaly riot 14 7 . • line of .the Perataylvanla Itailtoad. Tha Pittsburg Dispatch, atates that the qupliamed criminal is not named McKinney, but, agate /poured himself in that city, bliiim—that he: belongs to Wilmington, Pelaware, and is well known to the "silica of that city, and. Other places In the East. lamarustox.—The Lewiaburg Chronicle says that Rev. A. It, BeMot that pbme, bap. timed twenty-three now consorts in Smith's mill-raoe, Moreland township, Lycoming county, on tho 2.5 th ulti- The coremody Was 'ferformcd in the prepenooof 700. spectators. ELLIS W. i 3CRINAISEI.„ Of LyCOll3llll4 00., and, P. W 1 sno of _NU r, were appointed delegates to the rob convention by, the confcrenco,bold in Lock Haven! "They were instructed to vote for Wm. F. Packer for Uoiternor. I f IniAlifrithrtS. ,ig *go u Nadu tole 0' I r . tiit-pf.. m itilli to et each c0. , .1 ho I At n and Mi ffl in. Pi g 0 yank/vet', ountiom not , et ek by — the nuniber re reetilant year, an ik have the, !ollolvjgg atatement : _ _ Cenevitioe,--ZeausGia...- Counties. _Tavild.t Adams, .15,746.1 L^ wrenco 5,0: Wyoming, . 9,504 York, , 14,907 . . . fludtingrion, 5.728 ... Indiana, ' 6,2:2 , • ;,,- Jefforabn, 3,401 Juniata. ' 3,267 Total 696,132 Latteast'eri - 2€71 - ' - - It is the duty of tho Present Lrigiuinturo Lb Apportion among this nantberof , tAlsbles the ropresentation of the. Leghtlaturo for next seven years,. Thu eonstituthmitt.tuax- Immo. of £QO lumbers hetnrthtli Atettibui. tod makes Tratio of 5961 Asitabicti Tor onoh• member. • ' "' 'rub &norm ON U.+B. §ipt ag 4 arq IEIB if filMittitkte — tairlV by the late Oatithrtila riteaszeri that tistu Demooratie United 5t ea Senalcirs hir; been sleeted in that State—Mtillar& thrill and Broderick. These gentler en both well and • laverabliknown to the eionntry and. will add greatly to the Democratid strength in the Senate. Mr. °win, during his forme; term, most zealously and truth fully represented the interest* of bis State . 11114 9f the Deuxioratit party. and won high a leading, meitibei."_Bee4eftekl has hoshrof ardently attached trieradiLin the golden Stake, and has the roputralein of be-. leg a man of decided ability. His career in the Senate will _doubtless be a brilliant onp Smear. Ibterimms. gsq.—We hams learned with ideluntre - chat this teleiiihd young gentleman, whom the citiun•o( our county 'will remember of themselves but • short time ago: has ' been -appointed 1 Solicitor of tho city of Lsne•etor, *here be Tatting into consideration-'the fact tied Mr. lteynold*htue'r-wiiiettin - but 18 months, in& that ho - was elitebedcover, , • number of ring aspirants; this ix- vtly high compliment, but one that talent, indite.. try and close attention to busintres render eminently meritorious. Tus A r T - suisgreir &qr . , of the 10th, aye the 1114# thllolo Republicans sought to set as entkre new precedent effort to pre: . vent Senaterliitch from being sworn in on Gov,erpor cuctitletV of ids Mee dun, isappitreut in the exposure snide by Sinew Mallory, who answered the 'Mato. Sato weeks(' Mralafte, si smithy eonfl'ept.; hiM in open Sepals with hluk-,1141r. Male's) sPeoch on the question, of, his pwn (Mr. 'K.) . right to be sworn in under precisely aim* circumstances, wherein Mr. hale ;Weed quite as veheMently unit with much more force an the epposite side of, ,the question t lit; diseimilittue crested uproarious rbirth throughout the Chamber. BOA/Lll or Rorsohni•Coosiostopono.a—The Board of never Tue Commissionniii .met, 'Harrisburg, on the 11 In& 21 members were present. Tho tats Treasurer , Treasurer, sir-officio Treiddent presided, J hn Ili. Poster of Dan phin, was seleeted i as Clarify-N*lm Weiser of Lehigh, and Samuel Maymaker s et Law caster, Assistint Clerks; Andrew Krause, of Dauphin, ilasjongor— , . _ &Taw Jonatic..—Judgo Lewis la a email date tor, ro skotioy., Hos. Wai. Strong, of Bitrks, and , Judo. Hepburn, of,quuthorland, are also can4 l 44" . Rud Abetb,O•ro.. 41,014 Au oellont :non. fithar would.sttom the pug— Sin Jol_giztgkengt44..*,,,:-UtoOlakoa-u witictrtbeynlight be, pike. We cilia; the attentinn pfpur readers to to `the law cird of J. Widen Orvii,"tig., of, Lock - Haven; which _may be found In an- Other column.. Mr. 6 - rvis was admitted 110 prietice'in the' Severtil"r:ciirtei of iiiiircounix during last term. Ile is a young man of decided ability and worth, and rnerita the support...U( the Attassistt.---Mr.ll. O. fintan late Pres ident of the Lancaster Bank, was arrested', on last Thursday afternoon, on o charge of (=beast emont, and held to bail in the sum of $12,000 to ansvler at court. The Prost, dcnt.of the Bank David Longneeker,' was ar rested on Friday and held to 'hail the sum of $24,000, MIA simular charge. kloxeos GimiOY d • es. '4pinglyseu• ed ea an . .ItenOrithli," like, other ex-iiiera bfrf.. aVallW,; 1 44 1 ,Mig tbit be raidcesio "eitopie .fforace CireeleY•7 Correspondents will please retnetnber it s ant address their lettere, 4 ,4trilide 110 - rece time ey, Tribune Buildings, New York." • Pool.4lAnnttotaa.- 7 !A 'man name) Pon ner, living near,Miltonshurg, Ohio, on Iho 16th ult.,'W a 4,9114 r that he,conhl walk home, a &Aimee of flVe ba l refootert. He won his hot and lost both his feet, which were' so badly fnizen as to reipiiro amputa tion. I , - ,:vito l L o l. l Brituisr•—lifoses Sheppaa of Baltimoro, a retired merchant, died ,03 Oita city on Stindoystiqiiipg. 'Pe loft OW -000 to found an In ono Asylum .. DrAb redgman ; foiiiidfly 4 ptapn inerit politician of Ptziladelplii*: .D•irietagic.W•halwan.' ?,NTRR AND SFR UDR Lin. ROAD., im home When "last week's tcliman readied.roy table. read the communication note sneh 'portions of it attention. The principal exhibits a for); irnperllkt LAo ss,Jr—s Tor4.lsll at 10, of architecture. The pMsopal imiendoes am not philosophidal reasonirinandibnwip and , scattering fluunnery . AA%4 01 Wesiti. °red statistics, upon whicit to We the' cal , cid% tons of a rcilx-ond'entorprise: / Ilsktf4 - 4 1 ffaf , * 4 7 4 . 71 ili e finr* 3 ', 0 di*cuss theimerits of t lereopec,toe roads tl4 i , 1 proposed forrailroad ttutitti,b'ee tr.... 6 ft 1 a, n— b o on= `Cy, but I wilt at notice personal renuirkii i the pubilifivosild ranlllo no adiratilefrellft such a diecuctiion, end the writer would' be benefltteir." - So hir is 1 quoted fram.Der. Emmet, I did T it ectly. Mr, Emmet etrannenced his ; soil ye at, the 11,egfelnirg bridge, and not at -. the tudgiry And Erielliflnsid. Notlitnit;lit; deed ' heti been saki of Moline between Lek ; „ ;. 7 b,, rg ..knd Chilliaquaque; and between ;this point' sail Z'f'ttagreve, on' the Cattawisee Ataiirotir . 1101 . ,;:nrejoi ,harotisett made more than Once, Inn; there, d estimated. I . will,also state that hfr. isiii;:itt 6 r nl. Dot the drat conduct raiblOad Siirm.7 B ihrstlEft . Peimevalley. ,Sieco - the.year 1832, ti;s? lard has often determined the Autemits In thia . valley,Penne recik ; and Pow itiretrarth up the stream, thence Across the gaff: nitof Penn's and Halhnoon valleys to Muncy Ridge, Airco: this Ridge to Bald Eagle seudittit,.and thence thipugh Emeighe (rap, was one of the first proposed mites for the groat railroad Rani the •East to the West- , -slibeiquent trim its have declared tlxi impnieticability of the route, In 1833, the Philipsburg tionipany ex,atnined the western end of the route, mot . eesee then; *lgen tbiee.diAorent Omni Of. liiiiigincers have made asounieethras hero. It is aseertedßiat many,very immodest,* lines havalicon row ita wine ',took.) le this western en& in enter to connoot with-the Pennsylvanis Biaitrosol M I ,Tyrone. t tai that sera* engioiforefftifitfho Poiseffeeedll; Railroad made s. survey- in this region, but their report hoe not Wang& public. Now, in order to get at this subject eon; reedy, give us the Agues, not gonersteee sults. ,Givieyoor curves, gradients, Midges,. tnnuois'ild "qjrantities—give. the aidarate spmpided, disk:sots of your line fitreflititt& - ' grove, or Danville. or any other poen; whore you will amrioct with tint oAttawiasa Itallt. read, Give nis 4ha -data loy , -whiiih you eqsate , your exediert, curets; and ni - 6ts. bes r aiseited that it la as ftutbeeraimind &book eta bail than fres over it—thaeclimblng hills. "Orel lamer; !enmities fame, and doe. i trot's speeds tilk•ri twenty-foet of elevation. Its regarded as' equivalent to a mile, and mi. importing a.ciatrituant•im earvatare tumid icredrthaethe-Pem' mylmmte RAW ilmliintima* trait the - iiiieltig of ' - a &into of ouivaturtraf. ' fifty dollen. *lien below fain &piece. , $ Be kind Isioustil i to.lnfininte of the Astaire& lof local freight 'along dm' Ifitor threes& of: the road in 'dollars and ben—theotimeneSil on the Cost bf the road, end how ranch more• i wheat is raised annuallyi on an average, In. Penn/milky, than 14101 OK. wilt pay this intermit; 'Row much of Alga ssoo,ooilinili- ' scribed, will bo.left,'after tho salaries'of the • officers, imgincors, commlielotient, land dam.. ages, interest, flnanatering and other inci- Idental oxpences arinpinilp Come, Mr. 1).,. let usWitho intifattai town lots. eat 4 . 1, 40 ,1-- 1 dill'immiteieste; *nit enitiM acts - of 'the , - eabwPrise. I 11111 not lopposed to a railroad , through PhnsvalloY4t Nittaay, or Brush valley, or axoad to ' Lewistown, but. I am* iopposed. to taking. advantage of the /motet enterprise of eery min monity by false figures. and mientations. , hi. thILNICNS AND Ewe , Rarmsoasom..The• neat mestingraf this .Cosupany west. laid iry Philadpiphts,- on the Otis last. Ile mere for tifopest yak, road lip the Presidesd, Mtn ; ltiolnick, evens, We think, rether"desposai ingly. It regrets -that nat'utore has beers deaf ; says ,t,lsat the enterpriseis -*history of holieful anti enorgetio men struggling to gloat a groat work with inadegnatemoams.. The Comparty.weresst4iged M tumilne thew An to such expenditures. sta wyrtrabso.. lately necessary to preserve the property.-- Fully convinced that the-road was vitally nonessenr to 1 0 11dLadelphia;_iind confident in its oapabtittrto return a paying profit, if qt a legitiwite cost, they r ro f await the codistp.±routs, - thrittitrite - lkiiiiiitnisimotilic efforts to Itti'field: - The report oxymora,' a hepe that assistance will lid'ohtsinod from the Strata.' trough the kilo of ,rho mein lino . aPA public works. It says that the Sunbury' and &Mb" designed as a link in eltiettreiti • rued betwrcn Council Bluth in lowa, anti /thiladelphiti;ltud the.; gv4rpertiors oh this chitin has been obitstrucit4, the dunbu,-. ry and Erie excepted, and much disappoint-; moot is felt by the other companies on la. c241t 4 0 ,... f 4 =. , • 9850, including including' elit;4 s : f a stock,. subsetip, Nous, nitouonary loinsmand oitLessets, Was 114,551,32 R 48; 'total amount Of expenditures, d 3,686,294 liallance in hand, 1P386#84. 20. Nett esrningt, of the pirt Of the road completed, $12,0051 82. .11 is proposed tet - oheogo tiro futeet of the A* Flutourrric Kuststok.—A reVation. has parsed the' Reuse of IteprosentµTveastsc tbonzu the Committee of Waye to eganune into the propriety or, ‘ . 4 .11,4 eenvii expedient, initertAn a• . • 0 . • $lO,OOO in '-tftie. Happrop_ ' • ,:,v.._: b r ..l. l lotlbill., '-., erestten - a - alf - letfecniiii 3 • ‘ ' ' in* pubtle grounds in the Ilorottils Of. We are glad that this step b" be" . & and it lade lati belied 'that the alibleet ' not drop here. Such a buildltfg as thhilfi imperatively demanded by the bottorstlhasuivi sylvania. The' salary paid to the GIONIIIIII9III-- , of this Commonwealth la a 0044 sunk- 7 po adequate to the - simple iyants, much legifto the dignity of the position., Whittrev t iteW be said about the embarrassments - kit Wm t y litste,' this sum, or double this 'etuoi , well be spired for this pAriosit.,__Win the Committee, wbiNis composed of ft ' iigent'gentletnen, Will consider Ohl if tiorfaverebly; and that' the aproptinthril will Le mido.—Pairial and Unio,T. , • .• DUVALL'S 0.1.r.y0n0, all cu7P4 Sot Duvßils.CiAlvanic oil 'cum* hiMmitatto v . Duvilln.kliblyinic'til aura 1401014:411110) Duvall* Gs Dtivaqs alvau o aii ova lisurtlo4,