Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 04, 1857, Image 3
I= Fw iZZIENck, E;2 ki tfrs,rttatv,Ull,QH., t —ltivir-, Ilmbballed by tho Chair. Commillee,a, Democratic Ce&A* met .Iti , the Commissioner's of ficit,Tia,:ightnWvp the 27th January', 1851!' iii*ApprOcattahart *lna chosen Pre4% , idelity4lol4laaa. appointed Vilir• 'l. ftMrd . nXhatitid townships were called w§olo,,,tbti itiag parsons appeared as Delleg' 4 ' Agior- r Airia7 Bartikot. 4,,'JJ 11 1 , -, Q,! 7.nePie f' " . ' P. 4.09P0rt, Col. Jllo..ttiShei, JllO. WintiMS. , -41100:a: it nrtz. -. 6100M, 4 41te01i Pottegrovei, Jno. Hun. • P Pswkor. N. J. Mitchell. 1 str ts64 P. • • • ~.,'..., 1 vi ..„ „. ..,,_ , ~.., ' t # rrin. AZ bourxmorc,....itiet wore. 1 dittrAverShaffor. statsWo*rt Smith. , ftir:-Jkngefi, Wm:Keller, P. Hoffer. . • . ttaing. , ' lltdo,..=.4lettry Efonkle j ltaxiel Letdi,Lcel ad,*, 'C 'r - . . . atliti(flVlL.Tulues - Gilliland. .I , ,Wliitr Neff , requaitted that if any pi:rson wouldlippiiii i ;. r . ls,ohjett of the, ftrethbling of- this 0 ~ ' ,;,,,, tfw would state it ; the Hong .. .;.• realion that n.iscmbleil in August lath ilppilhk ~ 4•11t1/til Gilliland a delegate. I tori to ,„ r 4, t erntw )r 9 C7n to ty, be in ,h t e h l e d I; i c a m r, o ,i • i Mii i f e litii')iiittitl :Tao. T, Hoover Arid N. .01 . 41tAiAtilh lietiiiimint Conferees, and did igadilitaVillytiusincsa to be brought hefore arottitikohittat this tirno:' • ' ri . .01111ltlesttated that the appointment of tlr t fittit;Centeross was nut publishal in ingi, of the Democratic Con. vO 4 , . in Angulo. Mat, and was not gen WaO lea that they bad been appoin ted."'34444 that the proceedittg. t i of the begfilkipsiitlild Pr August Islet, be ratillikl. - ...;'" • tivaa•unarainouatp adopted. .. ~ iertetitir Kett : Jacob 7AgJer vilg illtaileftssfitled as a suitable person for altillo4‘iittasioner. ;Alllio tpatl,Nit , J. G. Kurtz, J. T. Hoover Neduirkijajnanland, were appotiited a com 4110111WirOloare riders for the goVertIITIPTI - ititalli, to report to a Coon ficrllaratlidlefonti• on Tees- ItiiilitilltilVOCAlho ucit April Court. 40=if, IllaJ, the preeeeJ.ingm of this • be pubbsnett in the Democratic .VA{td Centre Bench:cr. ' ' ilierriTtitibnir tipermeet. - - to ..,'glowaiiists ass I,Ewtstoevx PAIL &ma.— in Ip:saline* of gi eel rcivelariiy made. (I.e iditikelernatsasseesoliled in the Goan plAittilf,));l3til inite, oil Wednesday erening, lay 11101i1-ist January ultimo. The meeting Ithrill;„ •• idiad by appointing Gen. James bilils ent, and Col—James qtililaud • ' 0111cT'' . 71-11keir Col. Win P. Rept- In a. clear and miceimit manner Of IN C , ~ far which the meeting had been . Ifl es welt delivered by Col. Win Xagi, 01t1illiift bounty, Col. Win, 1' 'tun , .•. ''' . eilritaelatrtifli, 11. N. 311eMilater,' i !" 4 1 q ''t. Vdigiolf, f"..w. 1 • nit ot Ityk a .;ikti Issolutione were presented ikt , *)iiolriM - 11Seilser Some remarks were paswil'unani: ti"uilly• - ' *s*o, That the tnee'ingi has leg Irani : 44 *et the Penna. Rail It , rot Company at, viiii iodfurtifah cligiut eri to make an CX attrie,t of a route fol a Rail 11.-,a(l - 4; b i l ittown to ftellt.fonte, and Snots l e ast j , .4 1 y y approve of the Mane,-and rye land that a subscription of a sufficient,itallity tha neccasary experi4es of the surf be- mast* by the citizens of Mifflin WlO counties. bp & That committees he appointed b 4ouUtiagi, be solicited and obtain gob. 0 111,1 auilliciont to acconaplish said ob- 73b0 chair appointed the following persons -aisiazonuniAee. Bsiyonte•=Wm. P. Iteynolds, W. T. Mil. ..i f e lK ul ff4 i L h p--- ell itloseis Thompson; Geo. illtlitnd. • , isitsi rolonah op— Wm . Wilson; Jas. Van • i • , • Totrinsher —Celt. Geotge Buchan ', ,‘ sn, er John Itsittell. ' - MO* Ceunir—mil. Wm. need, Dr. M. Pilikliksii; M. Locke. Adapt Greer. //Undyed—That a committee lie appointed 4, . 4 ' r;,i. , .4al with the Pennsylvania Rail ~ i • ii a ,. on the subject above refer. 1 , ~ • ' to report whatever arrangements fir, , L roomed or consented to. t... 1 10114n0e of which the chair ippom• ~".- - - ~ : thinner hitiolny, Wm. F. Reynolds, ' ' iV,'4iit. Ad, ;,,, 40 , i pt i. t i te d i i i i i iv a c ii eed v i l n u gs pa o p f ers th o is r .414.11 Mifflin counties. , t l r#lintli)ion, the tact:l4l4f adjourned. Every ' Pol,ollplesSistot being ro.olyed to go to win k - itthisiipt , spirit and open up the w, elth of 94 . 111111M4benety, by providing an outlet. to liti• ts) Limbo' lima grain. , ---..,. • iiousa Ilswrimu .. ". , -At gmeti ny„ea 1 the purpose of taking intovotiviti..ra 4tri the propriety of erecting a Poor House, .. • !ar the county of gentra, held at the Court .....,*lolttost Thursday evening, January 29th '. • easecting woo called to order by Judge *Ot t , whoeo motion Geri, Gee. Buchan wwwse cited to the chair. c6iTtPrehl.4lgultlyhasing stated the object of mooting, on motion the following persons more eiticsem Vice Preride'sts: Pottettp ; Satni;ii. sto ,'ltrieontp ; J. D. Turner, Bellefonte ; Penn tp Joe. Hasson, Harris Wilhelmt purtpheil, Halfinoon ip ; Mal; WOrtir tp ; Jas.-*ard, Spring tr. • ~ gieiretaries. . li. Vuitton, Potter tp • Oeni Welch, Niclente. "After eetrid remarks by Judo Hoe, if," Alt.l.l644lilatur and Jas rActuiree, " 9010 following resolutions, 81.11Anktted, by llsle,.wero unanimously adopted by Oa *eating. - Rtergeni, That, are believe the dictates of blUnity , as well as true economy, demand :erection of -a County, Pon. liont o, with ib grontid and iroprorements, -where peer cep . bo ,:mirnfortably maintained, at , lies-uarkse thin, soder the present.apitent. *: 44 /Itiftuitut; Tbs 4, out 03300,4.0 Rerclexl- 14'0141 be*iirsted to Precis* diec•• iikssagb of s lstr iWtorizing tho erection of 41; tpar Rosie, 'ard p purchttiwof,S4itikkle,B 7 (Nrii. lot the support. mulAttuptoytnent or the poor. ROO/WY', Thia a committee of what!). lEe l ehniiman of this toeding shall he :one, be appointed to proparo a suitailie bill to be entictwt iiiicra law, and also to hay,' circula. tell, petitions to he signed by the cannons. . . Du ino I, iorod ppm ktuelinnali the following resolution tuns unanimously adopted. Resolved, That in the act of isidorrtikation Int 0 Poor Hobs° in Centre county, there I+ol ho a section antoriiing and directing the qualified voters of said county to vote for or against ti. Poor House, siutail the bo roughs and 18%1146N that vote for a Poor House ) shall be deemed to have accepted the provisions of said act, thud the lioroti2lis and township* which shall hole noinst a Poor "lonise shall not he considered so coming withi it provision of said act (if incorpera- Akin, t b 1 ) vide fur and Almon, their poo , tris 'prOVideile,ml directed ii iiSr law—proviti d,Nlievertheless; that rho said boroughs at dto .hips May, at any time hereafter, be achnietsi 1 Co , tlt benefit and ul,v ,r 4, provisions of said act in such terms and conditions as may be ag id kem in, the citizens of said boroughs an( iviiships,nnd Die Directors of the Pour IlouseXor the time being.' .. The following named persons wertitypoirt ted the committee tinder the foregoing itv ititnin, viz : , , -‘, , • (Ipo:l34;altnnan,,rno. T.Hoovcr,..lacob I'Vgrove, John Irwin, in t William Kett, Neo. Jag: fti////anti.. Ott motion of W. P. IViISOM Doi., it wtu; Ratohe./ That the itroeeetlinga of this 'Meeting be pithlis.hed in the papers of the enmity, • th»notion, adjourned. on last Friday night several inches of snow MI, and the sleighing is now excellent. The beils•are jingling, and merry voices are ringing in the streets constantly. Be care. lot boys, dont let your horkes rnn,away, and take gobd taro of the • _ Mms. Our friends should bear in Mind that Mr. (ho. Livingston can supply them with-awry thing in lila line at reasonable rates. Ile will also procure hooks from the publusiiera al the ahorteat notice. Ills - stock of atatiduery . is large and calculated to stip. ply the wawa of t ali. titve hint a eall. I.llYel.h: MAM'S FARM. Two centuries ago Uncle Sun WWI an in fant, and his present farm was the Red Man''s wild. The Indian ills coI former. Ile left the soil unturned, the trees to grow ac they chose, the cricks and rivers to flow as they pleastd, the useful metals undisturbed in their bed. His house was of poles, covered ..with the ding of wild beasts. lie made no rotas nq t't•hieles, no boat 'but a hollow log. He stole his clothes from the animals, or Went unclad. The plumes of birds, heads of b..a h shells, the schoolboy's paint stone, wire lua orxiiwitts.„,,The (mini and flint fur nished him arrows. His pipe was a Stone with a hole' in it ; his, 41110 a stoue shar pened ; his grist null two stones, the rudest thing that can be called a mortar. Unt:le Stvui's first crops wero enriched with leis own and InJiau arid British blood. Then ho hq, , ini to teat down his old log barn and Imlld better, to open roads, cut eaulals, improvo harbors, rake ;magi from the river's qud envgr thellf•tea over with a net-work of railroads. Linda Sam milli.; his - iliumb and linger add cities slow{ up like the creatures of ; he block out a Stake, and sees a budding more glorious than the full blos sMunig of ad rLucrcnt etdpire. NVith his two iron rails, hrs nerOulean steam horse, and his great train of waggons, he outstrips the swift wiuds and makes the oaks Prick up thoir ears or move off with fright'. The istrearn&are beset with noisy mill gear ; the risers filled with proud steamers : ships. whose tonnage rs greater thin that, of old JOllll Bull, love to hover With their white wings about the Ai:sports awl lay their liege bulks along the wharves of Uncle Sam.-- There are thick-walled wealth iii the cams, happiness jo the country, h lii ; .try and en terprise everywhere. Whilst more than thirty ionwidid church spires - speak of Uncle Saints Sabbath pro pensities, two huddred and thrrty-four col lexes, with tmadimues nod common s^hools sown hroitnst, tell of IA wishes and ex [Jo: t a tinna in respjet to the rising generation. Toss up your head Mudd Sun, and let us see the moist is your eye 2 while we tell you that yod have-the y our nod lat gest farm on this earth ! There It lies, " oil the top of the globe," cradled betweeNtwo great ocean!, with neArJy. Willy thousand indes''of sea eonst, botptifal with harbors and proud .headlands. surely it he an ill trade-wind tbst can blow you no Commercial good.-- r . nailer rthrtli come the ends of the earth:to, exchange commodities. lour faint Blair concentrate more interest than illtd,thelo.lllsW lof ..inclont Ilreece. 'flu. produce or your farm shall told n he a der it million to the pop• iii/V/CM of the glohe !mat year you- raised mole than te 0 theionind rmNton dollars' worth of agricultural product., and yet the farm 14 not half cleared ; besides, you did rover tureen halals ea' millions dollars' worth of other work. Theo think of your 011 r liondriA and thirty thousand square miles of corn field, .your hills anti ticep•down ' rtiotrtitaing: icf.-die-nito,ful,coutals, and yoikl4.l4:roroie • A word, Uncle Sam: Ito as you hays done, 1 and you you shall WO's happiowt, and no blest Uncle I.:•at has. ever Chia - earth ! —St. LuisAL,Prippikat. • Ilmutta's illmitziss.—We have received the February, nurtther of this valuable and popular loonSi:I) which is filled as usual with the most entertaining•and instructive reading matter. The ttlustratiulfs of this number are the most correct and beautiful we have ever seen. This magazine is pub lished at the low price of $3 per annum: They will also supply clubs of two persons at five dollars; and five persons at ton dol lars, or eleven at twenty dollars a year. Send to Harper and Brothers, Franklin Square, N. Y. ' WILIAI CIUNGRO 2 . 1111161 MIIIDS 3—Two years ago. James I. LOvrii, David Taggart, $ P. M'Calmont, G. J. Ball, and F. IC. dor dim visaed a protost against the lamina. Lion' and ekatian of Simon Cameron.. In , that prodsst..they said—" Wu consider him a tit repreventacisaat•naildikg good; and a tit expOliellt Ot no honorable pa mai pre." Mesa samo mark Voted for Aim at the recent 01e . c.• (Am: s emintent is unlooevantrit. - . . . . liW.—The awning ofibi.his late benefit ai ' the dnierty,'llft:lic,' rhilvidge, thg, clover 4one ‘ clian, was glop to-discover that.he had draw '1 the ojec , little Wm of $4b,000 in the Maryland 4 . ..atteiji, - 241 hich R. Prance w CO., like the'nitaliger.c—' A'consolation for a thinnish house , the aiglit bocoro.—Neit(lrlcapis Picayune ; Der, A 3, ff„l'ifr',,Davidge can draw in the lettery,iii that style, it is of nate coaslrocacc ' er he draws lioaroca or Sand Dispatch. A Gaon srogx is told of Lilt' too Cnnguflto Reptiblicantt of BroCklyn. Before the elec li.- on they birod a room in the Brooklyn sewn building, to occupy it as .thtir, bend quarters, At a eluted rent untilNFrotimitt cleric(' !, Tht. Intuit .rd, being a good DeMo oral, and Nun n& Bucbrinnit inan,refwek to ;.tylcaito them, and inteuci/it!alie thcm sullo for their fully. rite would ittiticuldrly 'the . attention of opr. readers to the adverti-e -'tient of Leon.frvrti.-rt', gni ithshe'Af the. Lon don reprints. Mr. Scott °Mrs greet initnee ntetitslo persons tet&histp to get the twist entertaining and instructive reeding that is flow Area to the rending public. PORTRR'S SPIRIT is Still aitspirited as ever. The knit windier iv a grill. ThN iittior , oyot.olttostmttly tports, ttgt intil lure, litera -1 hc. I:x(1 y °wow* sof horns yltonid subs he for lts. ltr.stoot.N4Corsica Srt, - Our renders ta:if roinettibtfTrn flap un 50a Grid ountolona 2intlit . ll Tn Very onto tditin lei iof IL prepnlati;o) o Or F7Frii • S 11 tel I:, or Inlet civitreel , It iltinowe Md., bin dtwowered fo he .ritri. Fitt Noir, In delak ~, we hat4:,,boro l by the very heel-mothes, viz of loon 11, Sufruring From t . i remit st n sthelyvhielt hoe entrialdi our knowledge, we fen rlkere le a eertniii clam of pentads who are not ttlareattr) to try Oil. remedy in a munition 11,110'' manner \ We allude to the het of civically a particular ettle th. a torn where entity, there urn nix or eight trying It On Oho el.' Now; perhuptt the ease ,no , ' WOW! night be the only ono of the whole nonifZer that it would not cure This I , rick her doing thetutteltta nor Itln mettleine it a than. persona were e'riken down with cholerali one town or neighborhood wrinid they. all rani for a physioinn, or would only 11(11' employ bin, end mitt end one If ho enrol the t't rut patitsnt 1 That pion of proveduro would ho moat abaord So In the ea*, of Dr liance i e rt-tnetly, every one who hat Fits should try it for n rennonaltln length of tune. It Will not °urn in a day or wook, nothing worth do ing can be ettooteplehed at °WU, What in county done ie ea'aitally undone... Tire growth of thus La enduring, From the wont renpentable toothoony wn hare examine:l:ire tint neattrotsl that by a fropor po r t t oterattott in this remedy. nine 1,41, of 0,4 of WI may be cured. The Pill , hie moot by mutt free ni potting° to any part of the one hoz $l, two $5, tweleo 94 You will find dm athlesee •Lure Dt V.11.1:n Olt ; 7 111 olseek Ist) I rni t Uall3 CII,TO . more 'Hied nod th 'st 0010 t reined) known. Asklhore that hate syse, 4 it Bold i f A. itrittosss. Bellefonte; Sutinin ; A Maniple kOn . Brew k Iloilry Bturinatur is; C. S. ayman, Mika burg ; Allison, Jacksonville; J. B Burkett, Nlttany, and other*. D 1...1) F Un tit 0 . 2 ,1 ins! , lime ear, Cent, on of John T and Mary Ann•Jobaston, of thit torrougit, aged .4 years and 7 days Not all the a.rialety and artruxuanifootpd, and kind ottontion boaterroti try erffectionato variants and founds, oritiod--147 4410,11. ml *kill, reuld Fel err their in% ed one from ipturstug to the embraor of Him, who (when upon eat tit) said, " Suffer Hula r 411,1 ran to soma tittle. me, and for hid thew trot, for 01 such to the ICing Lon of JJ,r neon," , 41ct Monday, .7sti 28th alt., Mn. C in N ame Las, widow of the late Abraham Lee, cf Mil. y bnrg, aged 72 y earl The decenee.l WWI 000 of the obit at un elhe s ~f the Precbyterlon congregation in ltellctou , c; hoc is*e,Urw=e:alpie-frecy eacalt Illittury. bbe woo Wee ono of the ot4c4tliting re aidente of the torn of Milesburz Oily two r children remain /Lc death Wan Mat AI J L Ippy Oh the llst alt , at his tcsidenee, in lile!lfuide, JOS IMO Sot uurra, axed aboub3s years Thettleceasord hue had charge of .the Franklin Ho tel, this piano, (or the last tint. year,. Ht 1114 kind and obliging landlord( a worm and, and a g°. l ue , gilb"r From hla dour this p rol' and tau, gry were ui ar turucd aDred, taco the unfurtu nate of er !unit d tutu the erests for lodging His affnhle matmers and Lusby virtues endeared him lo all Irlia.riiivyed Ina acquaintance, and hit sh•enco will he painfully felt by them for years it, own, his frßiala rendered bon every assistuneo during hi. mh..rt 'rms.., that -here or offeution could prompt, but till in Tab " The rder a • the lads Lento" had marked him fit his nth. • and tiao cull! Joy hand of death. cold uLt he •51ay0.1. At the time of has death he bold the , 0,,1,141;en of LieuteiMnt to the Cents. Dritkpmus, by which Company under the chmmand of Cep! Cummings he was buried at Lewistown, his former place of reside. me tho day extremely cold, yet rho riVeeni in which he was held by the Compa ny was /mutt that, with hat one or t the mitre company to rind out In assist iu the ftrr fel team a of the last a td dtity to their tiiiiieft.9e4 Offi cer To show the manner in which their conduct was appreciated by the Crania of the deceased, and riko y the thadis of the writer to the intil- Thlual inembert of the Conipany, we subjoin the fol lowing note w4a reaelyl'd A day or two Xhice,by Copt Cummings, cud w hioh explains itself AII iytnas, Ohio, Jan Nth, I fii7 Dean CATTAIN —The nowt of the death of my bream!, Joimplitiourlieek, 00146 suddenly arm we and eliookwl we v ery much, net havingheard of hit Mom. My brother Joseph held apiece very near my heart, sad in hantentss to pay the fart tribute to Me memory, at Levyiatewe eywnetty. It was ex n•allngly gratifying to my feelings to And there 60 many sympathizing friend. awl noighlrora, follow lug his remains to their loot renting Once Allow me to x ty, the itatolhount mounter in *inch you and your gal lu nt Corninrny tom./ out, and the part yell and they took Id tire interment, stfearr.ed ory -otol I wtali, very reel - Awfully mill s fly, to tender you lily liknnkx, MA through you your Comp mv, f .r their nod your kind, broth erly Mill n9ldterly nttentum 0 0 thia ueimplou I /Welt ash aye fold it on kmdly and grateful remem brance,. and alit Marys Ln plt,tod to meet your. toll or tin 7,24 your rtuldlarty nowpwdyne no ft lormitt Again lists g you, .1 an, very truly and grata- DANIEL semitujicK fio kfli(lpr flranernosi • -- TUE 4111 A But,t, Flour, 27,50 Wbakt,.• 1p to I,o2} lcy Corn, to 02d Osta, ' 35 Barley, Bunkidhidt, Baotou, .1111K141 . 6. eroare, Fell• 4, 11: 0 7. cloverseed, , $13,25 Tiotothysootl, -- Plaasood, 1,00 Potatoes, 75 Butter, 20 Eggs, 14 75 Tallow, 12 12i t Lard, 12 P/7/LADELP/7/4 M,ACKRTS. Yobruary 2, P M Clotersood mutt with a ,Ststitix depend, awl about 350 bushels hare been taken at $7 121a7 per hushed, neatly at the latter figures for prime seed. Sales of 750 bushels Ohio Timothy Heed are shoe reported at $7 60,-anci re-sales of ZOO bags at $7 75 per bushel. There is no export demand for Fleur, an,ts' and Fird brands ore offered at $0 371 per bbi without 00.14118, except in a small way for home use at that prier), in cluding better brands and extra at from $l4 50 to 7 50 per bbl, as to brand. Corn Meal and Ryo Fleur are also very quiot and prices nominally unchanged. Thoro wee inure Whont olio ring tool ay, arid rano 2.8000 haehein wed and prime tionnnylvaniu found buyer! in lota for milling Kt 160A1523 fur red, end 10Da163 for white. ne in quelitn — ltyo continuum in demand andeonrco at fp°. Corn is dull, but about 3000 bushole have been dbfposail ui at 680 fib old Ponneyiritnie yellow. in Mere, and 05 for new South ern In the envy. -r llntn—Nblitlen, owl bah Poo ; Witaloomaa %naiad at 4o per buelittl. 'll7r Atteption, peutze Drlool l 6 — You /de oonnnetaditil lei meet, fot &ill on - Tadtilday, the lattrelay of Pahrtinry gait, at the haggle hi It D.t auttltulnill in deficient°. Ng/tided with ten relguilg - - ' cartridges. Fvely Member As rettiti•=k4 legend...W.ol(4o°p hill. Sabot nPli th -.-410 , 4f.u.sologtill troop_ ...,Wili ha in Um lath inst. Kt' oidi,r in nig erttF A. aARNKR. O. .:. ' 0 The - f o llowing -'---- l' I /Lai .-- rasp it,r, •000,1 of 'lllllllilVlll Wale uTtered Ito he • r „....- - li•volverl (hot the Paper Mender,' o f 0., (;,‘, %,,,r1,... 1/n directed to arreilain the 61,1.01111. o f tins eoo . ano , 4 by CllOll enortarrqr, no blowfly. the IP* of Jett., hot. 111111 .1)1, on lite loot /lay of Forutiry next, anti ofterJra OA on the loaf ,tint,Of 0 tell elealtooling inoort,,r N.••••pt ohoo the leigh• ..hi II &• , •iti . oh Stualay,Th rin,•11•••vto tho mon6 'Khali IM done on Lt., Lillott Iry tiny laud that ho pinevoitt to collect the hills front the consumers ILO Ser?ft a= tiltt count, ono be mete hut., let * , . . . Ai:yarding to thit 12th regulatlou orgyko ,, p lily The= • l'eriedicals alOy rTrn eoit the fit rgo great Pit. gag will in rill rase. loi Mopped 0 :100r, the politioal pirii, of Groat' Ili stain—Whig. Tor] n" 11111,, are not paid within five .lope after per.cli ng j4c. y Tito ) 11s. i 11,01,0 -hot , petit ill forno only one feature of rune. ..e Jan2l-7.11n0 k., i the ir o i i te i etha an OrgallA ,4' the 1110411 prel(.ll. I ---- --''..,F-----._—_--- ...1 — , centers t•D l',..leoce, Literal nrr, Morality, and 10,1 i• 11_,iSpeoir,11 liotice• - , - .4.11 rarto.p vr)lo Finn, lily '0..1, . ihoy veer li to 0 afoot , leer - , •if. are bolo Cited to moo, are min, dto•I to 03 1 I+ l, t'o ' ne tied end In tho ~,, , ,,,,,d nt ),,,,ere 1, 4 , 4 . 4.m. I 64,4, -itellofentejtetwoon truer Anil the daggairy ifitirt. l i. .The 11111.riner..or the gebrarllthrisio uhtlirtiirt. that I r 0 , 1 4 . 1 .10 loathe salsolir ILIA /110 prOreSlellAlllll inan , after that litnolke wilt net bitable to 0 tft•upettaltitpi i u h 110 to the intelli:coti termer or rt• cry olotie they perannally. bill will II" ~11“1-0001• 1104 vni nit' ll ' - % fu milli 1 Ito), eon vet and tkttifffantory record of the In I*l4l, his htliilll., In Ills hook of ncl Altarto,, ren. ../ ~A ~,. o . tt,av, ( ~ ou° m oo t , t. I rr r ia , to Rolie, arrange, and pin,. It tl i e4 l ,), Nr il,,M, plt•mtli Ito Rot of tovop.tho friotoix willview!. call at , I All C.ll, by poitihly obi ainkal - Titritt -- nny oilier the flanking ii.oIARO Of ILLIIIICS 11.ife, Ilftedlittnet, A 1 a rye Cii , *Jiro they ono •partlivir iololA to;loo ,, , and 1-6 •01 hi, recela7 1011,41 iVili be acknowli•dged fly' I T , err ilec3 A ,;111-ISIIA !1.. Oil It 1 . , I.# ALEIITTINES 1 \ P ALI:II/TINES!! - - 1 pr int . A tune end sploaliti aridgertreei t 110,4 , 1 of Vnlentinea for satoit I di w•, t.i '' i 1 VIN Nl'tillOnli STORE . Ce 1,4.9 CERTIIICATES. , - . PA IN EWA DT eATOIt It t f „ i Af (; R ERN.-47 Avcrt,,uLte. for the liar thrre row I 'h it A ,4t1.1.1n statjt,t7l,, Nenrnl,, , •l of the Folcroft tharaok r -- .at oho time voof» DI to thy prom fur three tool,tlet , trial it . ,4.1p1,4 Ptl(oki.t to return 111 Often us I 1 , ,0t nit tie 1,11 damp I tiled a greet , m+ny rtimptAimte . it trot found no permanent relief Itrittll I got key, Urn I Milec Pain iirmitt llortlcx,rvp,i4 you;ol t i,t t Itra never t. ,l, Ploateto pthi"ie . * e Iq , IIP 1 tder n.t, It tic cure t4rrhkt with ttv ,ot , t.f. fo , f, end know o f it Lon , : Itel VrittllAl,ll Tl,llltl 111111 11 ve it tit' 11 101 1 4 rine Cr , the alit a 411 . 1 1 11 1, 011 1 1 1 1 a n , )1U i11 .1 11,C, ~,,a ttoltl rortlialit t a tattraeitil it to nil to t tret t o g with either N ouralgi, or Itlemmailtan, JOIIN al,( . ? ttMnsr. ' Mlll:••itiliT.FN t NrehlAEN thA , o nod 6t•n 1, , Milos it alllXlN,lll,tlilit i pr,p.a ed by you, fur It Irmo- I mar ism in toPah• /rlder. and Mond great rots ei and wmattlottrearfultN;yl,Wlieuti It t ,tht•rr Hotttl.oly Foe!rd. Joll\ 11 Cl< Lornita4o._-r.fhe:well-Itegvn 'tarp LA III) el) \ 6 1 11.rrikreD tirt Prattrsi of trbielt It, /FRANCE A Ilth, ate the managers, oh ti It rod. 6). 71..1y/unto, and ,‘ nsmn r el, ulna L r thn p t °lle, who le tortelo t, terpor- Intend nr.rt or rtrfy 'rut? eeerythlularnnee, It I with Mom it dot • lit • firl ily lemmahle that the ult,•revet-f will. r 04190 nr n ditta.tnre Ores well r•mt. ted as ti they theatre; rt • a 0111 .on.t ut the ,11.te,11,4. All, (sot whi h ikr ietn agora call .tt tom tun it., IC ib at Mil per. , log .1 right to Tufod t n,lura fur Mil. to Maryland, as lotteries 'rte loptlieerl by' special law in that ante A lottery to draw• urery dey , of the month. .rf no porliroloz clam is Maned, orders ere filled in lho :sat drawing to 01119 plessassafter thee an auntie', tion b um it p l sn tb hand The Kite* of li.ksts Nary ftvm i dollartl tioketa aro, tiorever, I to , n ,, w „t om now fur flattops° Is rtme,lici with the oodor. "rho ore V prifio/wi• (eater the Baran a plan) and T e e n ery mo o l,hottlo.: itriatut•arytit amount km. LW to aItrOMIA/ All utiLt . te rJr Lid., to pac k . ages st 511 reeetou immtpt 'option, end th.. draw. Ingmar/6d to aft purchasers hriatetiliao 2 ) nfitr it is' T. IT Alth d 00 Pry rtto s , , or bll.l ill. 40 , Va 111,111,11, 31,1 fol,i 9-I _ EW MARBLE WOSIRB S. A. Ollt som k (1O , have starting a new marbla stroet, nearly oppesite (he residence itureaele, whorel/111 rsapacifully requell alt arbq uru is want at anything Is our lino to give 1111 a call irnatedialaiy, evnaihos our work anti make your '011,4 lon Out moll ,, it I.targe salt. an I ftll profit'," awl no ewavrl inost*pr litt‘oly that nn not be u utt, 3.1.1 ereurprmied La IV , )lth3( - hi( P any uthor talablithiannt la tilt* part of PalTnvilVanaia. beirtiort armor" hie, rsr.• hi. firm bar Salop(' Ly a rolhatAlll 44110W1P0 ee to 1 . , tot iulegrily ea, alien., it a oath n• Ira trail leo of CO latt hf el mAn iK, melt here, and NAV thin bran, hof bruullov. 'I he ht'-hews , ie r I hit c•- tablishmont trill by concluded lit Win iclut,att t, a)artri all o rder, end coairuatiloallr , ra mum!. In ad d n een,l beret'.,, lhelr wat' V ' , a WO iclit hi It n A .I:111,1IN k CI) AU,DITOR'S NOTICE.- -TILE UNDER tagued., Avgin or otin eitih•gl by the *Mort lh minion 1.1,14 Ccolre vont/Iv:to mlke glintrt buto,n od" the tn,,npa In the of M Wad/ le, Sin rift, rn0,,,g1 on the Salo , i 1 the re tl to of IVIn 1,, Mt.°, r to nwlnmonx lh itttnrol Lg. the Julie 4 Su , i a Iv)intTnenr, nt Ilio I , ,tl.,.,‘ntnry'A (al, In It. Ili route ton,Ftnt Iv the 2flth of .I%fn. as IK,T Whet, nil t.,..nnit , loterc. , trl oil PA! \ 111)0V1.1t. fv hi 9 it AUDITOR'S NOTICE.-- THE UNDER. .1A0,..1, an An Ittor, Muter , 1 by the Court of Colunioii Plea. of Centre ceont, to tinily, dlr(ribu tion 4.1 - the moult t IJI the lte i'wriff, raised on the Bale Or ilo renleettite of Jodke likins.ter, to 304 ynotigtho.... otttled thereto. nttood the dolly.; of tI I app.intmcnt. at the Prottionitory a Woe in tivilcd%.o.., on Friday the 20th day of 34.:1, IB3'f, ahrte .11er.nn, e+teol atteinl JOHN T Uottvrit, '"- Auditor . _ Norrop., To Whom it. may Concern, as.lornes Bet,dmd of Snow At* eon tro COllll. ty, bolds n 11010 RZllltlit Intl fat forty-sia dollorJ and Formity-tyrocente, for whj,) , I have an Mind ordeal him to the full %mount of tip note I hereby worn all pontoon no to bay said note no I am ao termin'l rut to pay tail note nelvme compelled to do - NO by law. PETI It SMETII jon2l-7-31 N OTICE. --LETTERS TESTIaI WirrA ry nn the estate of parld U Ilobeen, late of Ferguson township, having been granted to the subscriber, residing fu the netno .township, aU persona knoisingthemselfse Indebted to wad estate, Pr. requested tonne forward and make immedi ate payment, and those having claims against the sane to prokent them Antra f The,o,,,s,4l net. tiontent JOIEN Vo'r j m 1441-11 • - - Tut'ILESBAIRO MONUMENT WORKS. now pultimb 1101 vOOOllOl oil pl Pli pla.rbk witch, poet an there 14 In 0040 AlettPuel tLrel 1,15013 it _Vllb.rznlinempire '1 that every ',Jae 01riy know flit, prPrt,t, ew 601100 Iterated may n..t he I (01.01)1 01)- 00 by t ravelling peililara before glt leg thore eta/ 4. kr ,the prieca per 1 . 10( t Wublu boa tuutb, - 075 French coubbe 3, • • 0 7.7, !Statuary marble tomb tope - - 1170 P Alarble Traub Steaea, . • Irnliau marble - • - 1.00 k"fratelllity r 00.111111,, . • - 050 CileHler Warble, Lettering from two cools each, /400111011.1 letteot l ocnU palm. . . All work worrinit Ito w tirtinhoti style. Every iloreoptions of marble work at the 11:1 1C rater, I will give tite e prl, vs for ornamental work if ter /roil Milootetile `J' o 1.10 Storks yen2R-tf-S. ARON PART,Eit Al iF. Sculptor OTICK—WHEIMiIiII LETTERS OF \I A diniflistration ontlio oot4te of Tbionito Oar doomoird, Into of Sjs lug titerrship, have been granted to the imboorilior, residing in Wpitng town ship All pe pions Indebted to Buil °Maio will plonoo roma forwoul and soldn the sewi• Mustodiattily, and those ho vrnq olitiair wAll p1'. 4 4 r°B"4 lh rmpro perty tintpen tuttold forsottlertotl. j3122 - 1-11t-S Ml A El. °ABILITY, BOOK BTORR. a foga v cforyto N, at Mr well known ruin(' on tlr ti r yytb-elaleett cor ner of the public 'Neer, "Pa "a . atantly an a large nry‘irlithipt or TFILOLOIIIIIOI4, 11000, MISC. lILL ANIMUS eva Sonora r ME), a tali* varioty of BLAI‘K BOOKS AND STATIVIkrRY -or the best ti tttnjtty, AIATITIMATIC,II , I N sTitustgaiil4., Pour /4)1,104, ke, he. - 11„;V• Books Inviagl3.4l order* iveratnll nglyanno on th . p_oitlivices. . fi). LIVEN4ISTON, 111 STONE • = AuelvtgEw, to tom'B6o4. attomi t0 . 1402b01i) Wu* wl,* 100541 V. • - ILACKWOOD'S MAOALTNE sp l*F: It • Q AMU., 11 RV TEM; GidtAT - litinuctistaas TQ sußsuftrun COST ILEDUCE7I 50 T 075 P4R, L. SCC7~T k (?() nonlinuo inn following luLtUng liri sh l'arlimitokiA, viz: T11I; I.lll , llll4 , lgiltiltT (OoDsorlativo). 2 REV (11"litg). it, TIII: MST 11111, rl:3lt Lvir.'w (nee Church) 4 ESTM 1 NISTETt itlIV I'R' (Libqnt'll• 131.1 CV 'WOOIYIS EI)IN LURGiI 111.10 AZINI; EARLY COPIES. e receipt of 10.100nre obi eta front the Itrilt 44;4100 Kit to theile Ito io 111101 al they OAn now lie viaea,t in the 4 stitewilieli Abut 01 0000 es the orishiel TERMS. (Regtilsk Prices.) Per awl. For any 010 of the four It ovloW e s - $3 Ott For o y tissilTlLlC ( o nr%levrp 3 Ott 'For 00y th n 41f oho thur Ilk•siows 7 OD For slt fair ( the Rosie,* - 800 For 111,01m0 l's 1141,orine ' 3 00 For Illoolosoo nod lierif 0 ROTiewil ' 990 For Mucksron, end thr four Iftrisions , 10 00 Pritpor,ll to t mo,IP to all C 41.10.411 Wlllielblefr. 4 110tiftifolreito 111. Shit. Ow,' mina 50111 ) 1 / 4. Or received at r %,,...., . ' POSTA(CE. • -•-• Tip pl,t Igo to pi t y p.i it. the 14 atoll MAUI .111 Lot twenty.fear carts 11. your for "DUOIt• n , ,i 1 but ifiteuttere eosin • year for *Roll of Uro UoTiyAta. A t,tho uJSOVO priced lbw Perlottiodli will bo fur EliifTNl)ll) OPTERR FOR Me AND DIV TO 011111. It 111,1;k o the more ephete ere' Hegailnaa of day, qs.? Perh.l . iettle lone Jittie, by ago llenoo ridni year et the Numbers (with no omiselotiO for ten, be regarded nurtjr ar ral.table as kr 1t157. We pmpotainettnitib the two yowl; itt tin following •e rend If beer Tie for Blsek* , ..l's Megeauoi $4 LOW F4or n 3 R. jew, 4 Go y Iwo Knylerws, For PL. A-7 I 1111.1 nine It MOW, r2=l:n For three, R...letre 8 00 '.r Blackwood ao( three Reviews, it 08 Fol,The four Reviews, 1 i 00 For „ Zocalsoot the tour Reviews, it SO •To id [reelects, 1115 may be remitted. for ItleeketemlNOr Ithleh we will forward that work for belh xore, po' .. % i i , t. . • - 1 'l4'‘' 14:2 14 Tire p ' iq Great Britain of the five p.r'arlienli skive MiaWl, is sibutst fsl- : pat annum Al we shill tieverissalti . :he likely to ofer enctr iuthieelinlag Q 0 thoolo here NOW is tuxTLMI 1144Angro reitemitiaeees must, to -411 e, Cle• mute direfc, tv ha I'ir4l43l,era, for' th prives no ceinsuissivu Can be allowed to Agents. 1431,..5e, LEONARD 4017 No 51 Clohi erect, New Yeti' ‘,1041.5t A CALL TO ALL FABLER - FARM ',nor YOUR 'coins-PAUSE A I,ll"B.l:—Rf3.tU Tlifti AND REF hECT '' - - /11E FA LILS iM1(1 TiIN /10()11‘--.A NEW AND 3crl:N-rt Fft.' AtAstfritizirl SYSTEM, 1 . , :he cull, Valium out 111C1,31lillf of lull k sae of grain. grins , 4, t.ilder nod!Astor°, rpm tql ot soil, - I by Oita it iiiiritinoilita Eel Asset await, -evident troths, Josigiied to irp nnaugrwwrture in Alf O S l ir ,alielica t er, annta d by o pv nt ds of on e halalru,l sod pity rogrian toil. of (64 moat vita ado grasp., and 117 tolti ounnnulPJ 01111 thu .Notto II) C U ALI:UNIX, of It iilaliurg, Cant re l a , ;l i la tie. la II will lio roan shot lho °Liar! , h la II 'OD to We° the fhi toe r that VII nndum rtliiiiii au.Jilra hint toPlit the praeta•at applioateiii to terithri 1,11 f tea and iruicaair lire gr.un , tiler emd p.lotitrt,ze 'I be olorir.t liy itriiig, foil fielder, land ti Nlurn l'lllliViLll./11 ty t an are rational, CI, It and tlidnot and inggest nn Bn provrineni tho 'lloilo of ill re hitherto on• 110WII IO 011 r and width, if &loved •oa ftiNa pr 'IN ci rtor,' tea I,neo the in tervion af Ih , farlotoir eoLituticaty hula a w ok has 1.,1111i11e1l Mftldt ., l, 0, it tills o and syh t ch has n l it, 1,,,t whi,h th,l, hum hitherto be a n lie ail .1140 to supply And na form , nof Centro anJ Ifittitingloo 0.1/Ikfy wit lA t etpanoctd the murk to e fainter,, folly.Wiern -ghat 4llty will reap the grustust possiblo boot tit fano it. Chi-1101SO Dale, (lam-go fitichiansa, MEI Ww~r/;e 13 al =OE Simku4l Join WW ill falai, Jacob Me yet, o.yur, jr, Honor Wyfr, John llatiwr, Kum., Jelin “ay../.wk, : 4 ,11/11 ItifS/n, 30b11 If enxinsa, I:brisling 11.44.1, ..lo,Errb flake? 1 George W Meek, Pll.illp Moyer, For Sale in I.l4.llcfnnte at, 11. Ilrokerlioni Store, 1 i 0. Livingatou's Hook note, Wagoo:r & Tboxnai. 1 In the Lnort by , 11. 1144/1 ,_ 1)7 W/117107Warif W ifl O nyoresotore., In Iloaleburg by Dr. C. O. ll.oipbokl. inu2l-7-341. STAGAI - FOR TYRONE wavy' --The nederatittaeci walla ro spoor u y inform tho travelling pdblio that ho toe runs a daily tine of Shigeo to Tyrone—Trf•weohl by Way of Stormottoarnatiod Warriormark, and tr.' weekly via Ilatd Ensta Plank' Rotel Pnon Ty r eon Mondar, Wettnteoloy and friday foes 1101141Wenn „Tutotetal, Thursday fintur and followingnt tollotng days Ni Be Stornortorrn met it,l 2 It II cummr . f' 7 - Bank Notice. —Tile Undorsigned, eltiLotiaur Centre county - , inienai to undo/ a,eplleat t lon lu, I hi , foot, 11,pslat urn (4' 111, Comiannwonith l',r I bl , ,uetn porritscm Of It Bank of triillo, Lb.:Omit 1.10( 40111114, to ho lodated at Dollofonla, in the, , v 110(1111.11, 10 be •ontiod - t•Ilio Farmers' and Al a ttilinet urero' Ilnak" iif ("stro, County, with a eapit,4lttl'sro II urolrell 'r ItualiiiP !MIMI. '' • P , l wont! Ithanabsrd, ;tunnel Linn, tiattilfo denti, Wen. Underwood, (7 eurgo 11(1:,,, 1 114011r01 ThollipliJll, A. ti Vnloidlne, J. fll..riftlflor, John Iridu. Jr., 11. teruokorhoff. -Win. A.'lknartns, 1' Wenner Waddle,-, nurse) , Ata,M, • .P... IS tiny, Bond Vitlaioina, J nooli Gray, John Gilliland, John ktishol, Won 0 Doman, Georg,' Vide:dine, rotor WllllOl7, ' Jno //Aston, Jared II Phlier, Santee' Stroherker, 11. lt Priv.), John Forster, Joitoplt Gronn, John P. Pnakar, John 'l', Hooter . Thomas !highest( ia2.5.6in 4 Jacob Finable. DEPOSIT $ A Ng, op 14, (I , . JAIL T. HALM - IL N. 111(3,1,1.1.1wrall., A. 0 M, Atm, At, INTEREST PAID ON tIPECt3II. DEPOSITS. McgalßTßit, &Lk & CO., ' DubiritaAsE, CeVYR cb., PA. DEI 18ITS It ECEIVED: I MAR or Eken AMIE AND NOTE'S . ..148.• • , COUNTED, ;COLLECTIONB M A DI:, ANlf,PßOOlept>s •yt AIITTED INTERITP Al UN cc IAL 14.11POrTES rOlt , NINE nAYS AND UN DMA SIX AT Tlil; RATE or YOU* PERonsT PER ANNUM—FOR SIX' MON TIM UPWA?.DB, AT Tit IS RA TE OF prE PER • CENT PER ANNUM. ' , ..EXCIIANGE ON SIE EAST CONSTANTLY ON II AND . 11e25.91n BILKS 1 1 : 47 / 1 1 ARTIT4 .01 tin!! &&I Lecher . . . EvAits & 00'S GRtier OLET BOOK SALO, 409 DItOADWAY , MEW YORK. flue Odd TwofrygifOri ahoy to gun/laws aj books Will b, sold np low its tun' lie lied nt other stores, ninny of them for toss. New loot, roooived daily. A gift vsryingin volts trete lip cents to $lOO, given with each gook ait Ale ilow it /ON: Thrrtng mr hand-n vorrlorge. Cloak 91 i.e.w oudriduirldo hooks, And a., our' atoll° le 4 . Levi,' soles and smolt monis," we aro ileternibeil to Mk our onetime). hotter liorgiti us than °an he had others. Any lssik pulilishiel in Linw Veil( or Phil telelphle will to promptly...snot, gilt ineleil i iifc Cl reorept of publisher's priee. of limit, - sud proninto, ronteining will h i suit fine iii yl ;mini or ti n The mast-Aiburel Jiro effernil Ageslo ' Any person by tw,,,diur. as nu miler fin Inn hooks, with will Inc cviill , d t, so 'intro hunk unit All orders fur hunks, nml ai !ling 111 0 11 , 3 rtMlj 01191111 sifiliy i j R 1141104 ton reunite] eil iit. the Post Ode NV hrTO they are nod &rimed to EV AXt4 , Human/by, TC itrrk.u, , er 1 Imm:e4 ;'447 ,, , South r"ortL fttrock. l'ttall el ph i ; .1 11. I.lppirxott 1 , 611.1.101ph1a ; I) Auplvtini 4. Co , Ilwalwnp psi Volt', I )Prlov .11.4,,m, Nns nu lrcmt, Nomkturk rirti:Nl) Hat A C,Al' A 1,00 ' A. CO, Pripripal store, 400 Brostlsr o ny Volk Itranob stores at NOllooolll' and nt Wsslijog tnri, I) C. 111,17-21 no. MAGAZINE.- ONE HUN .L.II. 4.1 hod pity-vight tilullMlll.l,opke not) rmx. priuted of Moe, rzhee. The eeet ene trtblititom awl Wits' ratious her mu•le numbi r More than thlf t y Itommutt aoljori LI yucca tu t u p‘id by tho N 1 , 104.1.. to Milo, tdati Au thurnarol Art irt 'rho Pottlikla re beg to renew these than} e loath, poltilo fir Ifio eltr.l , lolll3.lty er with n blob 11, 1144trhat font been reesl , ell No 1.11,,, or fiXp4.ll•o hill be itp trod to re) tie? 1,1 ,till 1110111 Woodsy of ,tht unparalleled Ono •eee it Ilea n, hir•lrJ BaCh 1111101 ml. of the :Naga tine ell( contain 14 I oetaro rgeri, 11,1nblu c6lllllltP, Oneh sear thue eultiprie nEt nearly Iwo th,i t tela to/ p ige,„r fho 41,41, ext it t j,ellitnoiu,•llturature of Ihu 44, Every number will COlitnili 11111,11 runs pictorial illuiftin thee, emanate plate.; of the rEtion,,,, t or t en , Chronicle of Current I.:Youts, owl impartial tartiete of the lanai% of tiro InokiMh Thu volume ooinnean i,,,, s al t the Latithere of .meant Decenal,P, hut 'tialdtdrlptintas ineyindoingnon waif any non, bet. irctl,—The Mlgnsine may be oblikincti of book seller!, periodienriettente, or from the vubliehors, Iu three dollar, n year, a, twenty-Ova cents a number Thu aomi-annnekt 4.themate, na ouotpletod, neatly boned In cloth, anol'font nk two dollars cash. nod unn.lln coot,. kyru — ftreeitthed ta II ow eh , / WWI to have their bark mimbers ntiformly le I, at ,nut - fire repte arc now re.iy,lithane) iu cloth. Wet In hall 0511 The I' will quippfy ,per•iltlol 1.071 1,, 11 griluil,l 4 l) to Agr(ll , l and 1 . ,t31,19!erN, end 1 ,,, 0f make lihrrnl•ntents with tio,o for. II h. miinting the %lap7im, 'lll9, mill al, a ,ITI) °Raw of two iietwoni at aka dollard a year Nam. beta from the e‘anutoacctootit call How be supplied Also 00 hound voluinea. The hingstine weighs over ?mho and not nine tlxhi ounces The pociago spoil 0361 nurnbor, which moil be paid' cfokriorly in othancoi aL tlio °lrmo where tLo May,srrfuo is rooolvoti, Li only throe Tho Publishers would gii r notice ilint they have DO agents for whose comirseic ore re+tOti stble. Those ordering the Al sgsiluo (tom Agents or boalets slung look hi the m fer the meilay of th e work BRIJ fli1:11f , , deell Feeiiklfe Signori., Now York MECCA , AND MOHAMMED. 0 P. PLTNA M A CO. Published. Thoutlay, : - teptetnhor P artoh'e ioel Owego to Mecca and the haul, of the PrAthet, with intralwwtion Ilaymtl Taylor, I rul With ithistrlttions. $1 th The history of adz curious boy it to f Burton an officer to to Es? ludl,v o.llllllllly, 11104128 by n long resitlettoo In Upper I odi.i a, qiirreda Fe'Prc•er Ito.tortmtg - et-444.44.01 Kungen unit eftvlonts pro . ..led a v i•it under the anantFolt-Kilbo Royal tifop.aphic,tl ho,tely, to li t e hoty_eity of Met•ea, 111 , 101111144 the Prophet 3fe,l(nn rnitqy Me! brio), V 1.11.1 by any fittzli•lttnan Thia he one•e.,foll y oceomittotheA l in IS - 54.i, 11111))1iii ,1 .t* Al..barnoitel.itt 10 r, lob The honor! of the - p114‘1100,6e p+ not and originality by any book of travel l•Vi`T 1M1,114hr.1— ,• 1i11 , ,11 - ilqC bit 1,41.1.1108 at Cairo 4. a Nloll,inith , a to Hollent , di.. inn tier wP1.he.1,... ert u lib the great arn, , pt' , the itsit, to the. tomb of Ilinttainate,l; t.Lu th..aovery tb“f the holed BUiek &taro h aft sornltte; them, )10.0 ferstin, ilr/INehell at Menllt In In ncin././ol LW ollOnflo of 140.1,0011 ittlytti nos galllfifil ail parts of the Mno/ela world, /1a narrow n pfootit— teetion, unit Ibn only.ocr grain amount of ilia core monk., of the \lt Intim faith To the IV! IKwem C,11111111f111,7 I iii• work flart.l . ll., lefortuAtion error beton o midi peddle reApec tr rK the rrremnnral 111VVs of a lat,o terniewlion of the Lltetere World ; wink for 141,I1Crel tetereeL Hewil•re• eery,: i,Ol will compere levee ilely Wail viler Lo- I.Lce or Crewcut. and ILer Circe' NEW ARRIVAL. - ISAAC MAY hln In.t ro,i% 0,1 a K.lxu4i I ..ittlil3o. Or NEW STYLE (HILCI/I. 4 it, VELCia 1 / 4 1.11MINGS, and 1 ery low' of • . 1/RRA6 110 S - ' C 1,171 IS 7' MAN 600 D. 4.1. ANOit" DOXIES, FANCY lIAICIIELS, nod all ko,ll of CHRISTMAS PItEhL:NI9 CLOTH/NC. Of lho Lacet fAshiona. nol milk,: In hie', •lerythh dcnrc.l. Unll amt. inso. Thu imitation in LateatlCa to All NAM: Nt IY. don IL Cunt" igOTICE. -- 1 071113R.EAS LETTERS OF Administration on ll,' oat.. of Jolt o liiirrcll, deoccaed, into or Grogx tuimidilii )1 granted to Uto anit , ^riber retri•ltng nt liontn• tetrr, ship, all parental Indobtol In aril no tto tool plottor come forward end selito .lintnndlott Iy, ond tin tot having slaluts y dust uric the w properly atttbentreotytt to Jvnl-Ot.' 14 llt JlrttilE.f.f. A thn - r. VOIR ILEIIT. -A VALUABLE FARM atteattst In Wolkor tastrethip three-ftturtba of • Mlle wOmt of llnblt rvlturg, containing 123 norec More or Jess, of goad limegtono land in a grind Mate al ealt.fratioa, sinAPr pat! taw°, with rettonnat/Iy Awed bull/lingo This farm will Ito riinleJ f,,vorable taunt; nn Pharos, not will he n good s tot.- porttlinty for any perron vrfqttini In molts a ` a I i” vestment of labor Apply to CIIttf:4TIAN /iIL,IIOII Yrnn , 6i Al , flintier, =NCI Ott t-r;!. 1 *• ea the f•n•ruisett H OUSE AND LOT FOE EALEtit IN MI - IMF:4M The. Ailhorklritker 81 prim ate rile A lira-aieuy frame Louise, and ham an 4 lot of kronwi hntatil. trig one users Thitro a number of frnit true:son the premise.. If the Turolfurty Is not ',l I hero', the toil of FidtraAry Itts7 it will then Ito off .7,1 al pnLIU nide •13 ail .I*i JACOB HOMAN _ . NEW ROUTR—TRI-WEEKLY AC , Trwilasroy MAIL hotw neu fente and HE Mary ' a,r hnowahoo, K ortlLizaw, Caledonia nod Peel teville Tkto Lem been placed en the re el for the pr r fees, Of newrikartsetlating the triivellhig l.dhlle, nod tin effort wilt he isporc.l to terrier itt•ith eativvltierlt owl ens... Mint 'rho ata;vs n leaf, et'.sl- Jiig lIIYr ltnitehrithi, et ery Monday. Wod ittisihi and Friday, at 7 c'eleek, A. M Lem e st Mary's name days, at 7 o'olutek, A M They will aurasu as to 6e4otanlridittit trimiliervi to this region Tire armsful:cents slang tit., rasa TIM he of the teat slasetiption, flarekel Mal r opt.. it nee d Jmiers have tient] iged. the Loud r neaps secured, and not hi utuulonn 'MI a this e.unfi !enc. , and patronage of the 1.111,110 SlMllit:r. h i;nAnAM on. Lenin:sir, . 1.. rr CIL ris NE' nali.--:-PLAbTERING, &c,-- i The welmeribt tit tetiteqlfully intotten the e it- Neel of Cala(' COO Ity, drat they 1,41,th/01.04 t i de on-partnership in I o PLASTEit.INV JillSl NESS in every variety if style --tViniii,sl.lllllg. it 0 Ail. borlues. entre tel to 110 m -trill Ile Ctititfatlly nail artistically pe turmoil itt the best joaene r and en moderate terms. All work done by. them will be warreinted when they furnish the materials, or rhoviteristAted wX. , ,,,1i0K to th e i r __AU,e,„„ They are ocher, industrious and ultlightg--nma .bide lIHMII , experioneed and pranikial %or ku wu . They sulioit a share of the puhlio petrunrao. .. Og. LAWIERT, , . auftft3:lnt. ' C IlliitTO. L A STERI N.G . 4. tile undarsigne,d, hat Ing lmule the r,,,oks tautly° arrangements, nt hating a laxgo stnek cnf materit bi hood, will he rend,' nt 111 snort notion to attend V 'alters iu Ids old nog of boldness. Ho' has employ,id none hat the beak, roxkmen; 41.11 all work entronted to hie asses, bpl he nstopfo'd in M stile which Onnnot lie aloathed,. Whontvy 1 fur.r etch materiels, TnE WORI WAlMAltri* The men en , e loye4 &no n wt> hr.! the held , mnd to the absence dr o fvq lll4 l. ll, huildent can roll( tiptoe having their work done reeueh A wanner se eve ont*motivn. .` ortilireltidie4o to N . lefbrito, Cad's . ° owint,y, *Ube tiroptly ht.testt to. piltla•fitt • - A RRAGE bK CE AND A. GOOD Y ` opt ortunity—furAirifritrotililo, moo ta,61401a prolltahte and lioollhy rinloyviont, , To Agehta. CalimutLro, Colpoltourt still Putt ranolui d Any porouns tiliourtbairr, for 1111y,copiell ' of either oc„ tlio following AlitoricAn National ' \Vora', aHd rerniltinii tilt, amount, ilcau a lama portillooloo4 to the will ho entitlr4 to Fifty /Miura , viorth flan: Or; eill t folood ilat of' unLe Woliha at ti. tort of 11,11 rolvvrtisimeoll. A M / C.{N TION AL W ORE. St Nolionut the,(Ttiiiint tifirtea. roloion), Itotolitti.may no t Oliolly Nnti,lial Pt, 1.(1101t$, by R. J. Lou- {pg Lou and Ell vs ilt g . CCI told MK I 1110 ' 1 - IAI , o v. , u1.,t11.4 , 11v0 •, SeNIZI till, 811ite . 81/111i1 . 1 contraniti.g Lhell 'IMI!,OIITVAIUI4 Altni.otrustol.rut-titu 11 +II/At/V.7, to PI. ,0u. , ! pos.. h ; alt II 1.1 •..tualt; pada , P. p.! , t• sold 'oil ioAln lla lb i no A N 0100 to Aintilea, t, Aincri4nos, 410 0.4114414 '1 tilo , cloth, pricss;44.oo, • • Dowlioo s Itlotaiy of Rsinailieit, GS4I. oNith 4 .2 50 I 1 he c ,r 1,4 for thu fstii4,4l. n 4I :41(4s rikab. A ~(144 • •,' o', • 'Ati41 , 4444 sli1141(10 '4,41. 1 2104(' • ' stool engrmiryo; 2 ools, shith, 1: 1 ;-' ' • 4111140 to K ok o. lAgro, al 1.111c4, $2 %V olitiors ib, WOll4, 2:10 1 - 4004, Svc, :52 /10. Aitsols grttOd vtlyrit r t l•f ' etmulellug thew itnportttnt pO liiito,tisois, .111piesso wldn t I itgo to the l'oblietror, rim AP. D NY A T,it PR, 111 nou, wryer., 7. Y. kloi o‘lll ressios Immediate oftet tiou, AlOll f. 11111,11 ttlorrt of 0 .1.101.1144t01 p i fiL rOETRY. .s.-11. Al in tho Ifolito too o rsnt,•• jr+l , ,Nol tip t,.1 ;et lny 'l. xan 1,9444 a I haw I ricketier, MVO, Alta thon at)other, • r But every ono Luukul like his brother, •, Furlhcv rrrn • alllv n nKlit. at I +ago ijas*, — wbaol. Tht,6 I“,ttr T.ttri'em tot% 'Drab, u hitt, and Murk, If you wart brau new lut• • : Jti-• go to the gore of laa-aa May Bellt•foritc, ten 4 BOOB: A t ND jOB PRINTING Oro Tho Poblishorof DaIIot,AILATIV WA14.11 SAN ha, In ownuoiltion with Jill Nowspupor UMW, ishiment, tiro most exteiodrii and oionploto --.411.1 Pit IN'fitici Ork i ttek:i To ho found in Control l'onundvonia, oomposod. tituly of Nf,W MATERIALS, And t 1,4 Intrit and 11111,t faAllinlinblo style or Plan and r•,,0., Typo, and ii ptcipttrod ttl 02.0411 P et kin,ll BOMZ.A , ND FANCY Jon PR [KTINGI, In the Tory ticltest style, awl at the shortest nods —each me HA NI) PILLS, - CrI]CULAa& poirEits._ [MASI, 4AI Pe 4 i: 1.1,1, n, Ir, 1.).F =I =I 1.1 , 1i)6:;, CH gekti ) ' SII , INV 1111,1,5, BLd.t4ii.tie - fifth MAMA( Li, ,de. de Le IIrOOLD, Sll.Vtit ani 11110 SZE PiLlNTltilt'' xeout.l 111 the haute .reent milliner it ST NU IN VtIIPIN, in tho mod ten t i t and II iii.rhed 0310 a the ttrt Satisntotinti giltatit..o,l In r' elleapncao and pauctualtly to too futtlimvat of ma orlei uI , PV".I 17RoCKIMHOPPS , riMI THIRD IJKLI.ILYONTC, ARMERS TARE NOTI4fE.-OBJLI vsrr,tl wilt--pay lb Ili. ir ik. r r+4l , . .. I.p f,,) ',Pr(. Rye ; 4341)kIrLekt, tbe ho t** .14,11 I he I h o r koogi'n Ifon, fhn. r0.t41 ID thIA Ogle, P 11 Wiutile'i LSI 011 h" Wort., wiles. 11.1,.xj=, r,o,t ( u r nielte itioirtioK 14.4fti.vadds t • ”,1 ~ ;11vri ILL ;r tun 11, thid gral. L 14 1,11m1,, I,nnobor no.lH6in4lcs ol nil IttroKwilit • 1,, I,t on howl Persop riot . l t'!, IL, re Jyiln(eli rer xt inn rket 0 111. ni thou gni 11. Jtt riatistr Miele A.,•( I , s/1,1,16 L rt. reby ta,lkiur, ft oat Rtivin,l4ol thom Astwnt -For Nrihr r rntimtllnrit t vrirtl nt the ogre ot the litnfimlyn'er 11.3 !IZORGE M. KETLIB, DM Z ryv. tti itet t. •••1 TU . ; : , K1.3: A}4 Ibi:S. nue Un to Milk, f. astir 00, Pr. • Tho Alitllollher beltssr 1 . 1. enaagod in the •I't/ It . 11 IL' I N Ina fees air ia ho harp FrALia. Sat4o4 ll•lif,eoaf to give him a cell. Ile pity* d .P 41.0011,1.1.` to CAA, it A 411 M re nrieNhatitrened•htialerale retnlintlas. thwtu eafai aqd Klee them ltio fall wale* elan. iliryldeore to diapowe of i • tt. PDIKOIII.I,I treat of a One article of ilo• eat) Ici.seud the eieleetippeak who le !repared tp furniol llama at thalami* I; P Nn 211 lirnvlgwr, N V4o'oltllCir,s in.l an "4011•46 f P1;11.'4 nhrnju nn h nut, nt Much Can he Otrcri 1.15 Of , rrcfltJ 11.1 MILO • (I I,OV IN, (111 At , est) 1.1110 lis.o4lllP All orders adticussod to • H liE9lllll. KEP4EL ' Pan• Groi-e Millet P. rl.. Centre w, Ad, will meet watt, prutnpt uttettltuti. .1 rp REEhiO IT N T SliMlNikalt.l.7, 1 ~, , tiron :nth , north-wr.t rrura rfilladeirthie, /1,1 :war I , ll , rjt•ettetn, P.D., ell! be orch 4 TII I , ill I yols a 1 . ,... I I yt,.stre of atr, crow et I . It , A, till June 1, 11'4 Thu ni , .. v • health u , e . ~,,,,i , „lin ),,,,,, ! ,,t e , ,, ,,, ,1iu41,y beautiful. I e ,scrom.tilociati.onsillU.:‘..ot 14 0 Uoirtleru etta -It+ 1 t et.,, 1110' thr turns not exorlAt ant. The pule' "r s!“ lire itt e trett,re, the teleheta ecptt.tiettet ' end attic, tint) ..ray ret,,,ttel,lo .4 to, Is wad. I, ~II(1.01r the ph vt•leel, itilAinehlia 1147 , 1 sow* :IW r.tre. of, UN r rtt , lar • A t',roul,o a4l ba - efut. 1., ~,kl,,r, r.itil pt rtir td tai end rter , .ronee't it' 4 , -4,40 ' FA \II CI, Ad ILAN r.,,,„;, ,l , 14r4uirsorv..jt,:: _wig 2! GREEN & XoX.XX-X, c•.,•-•• +ors n, 411,, L P.l.l,l,l'o\t'l I, • .• ltllot,r, ma tan Rci 411, Drug., MOtlffuirwas t Perfumery, j otintrlaili imm qw ftlahre Dye•fituffo Toilet Eloal , , rthotief.. A Tooth Priehra, Farwf d Totlht ittrior t m,7ru 141 awl tabulalflrr Brirea, tlatiflew Ftftefig,.. l „,, j (!..tiatomara fl ml our frawk. ootriphtt• 11 141twillt. amt utl rrrht wenitrlttruto „trrartnefs andPlipliciana from lira 'wiry 0 Int fh , t fa examine our stf.ek, - - FOR SALE AT THE LOCX scr • MARBLE IVOIIHN. everywArmeripllintiiiir )flub slob as Crsowtery PranatiowsPeotw, • Clutiur &oft Tamola, Maw liaatls.. Wimelwar Heads, V r 11.1 Ait it ruling. act, 1 Ablifiilll.ollllM, uuo, littlian Newhottnitalotl Dula. twalif crtuu t gli to lay at halt doom. flptres or Whe t iLd Sftleruntfy as largo as life, Vat, ft, Fountain*, 4ta f.l A. til64 IM Look Ilaraw 'garble Wit/kw UZI 13(01 FOR TRR iitMt!-- 1 1 , 113. 1 4 0 tits bor ough of Allterhurg "etthrrateti to the Igeott, rn spoctfutly lot arna those. tt01..e.1 to him toth - htr.l the. his boo'' , hare fiesta - let in tt , e hs , Ito' !.! I. °hit: for Alt ettsocs 4'n0y0,,4- themseit es In or wilt I,leasa call abi ectpu, and thoso haring CrWhilt 111 rtreeent thorn fir payment The quill ft, ire- I ikrrint hia tenet %Tutor,' • tharka to bla tel , mht (or the extensive patrunar,o 'N 6 upon him during his rtatigehrse 1,1A21-300 ' AV SNOW B.llot STEAK . si+w, , init, The sahaei thee haeiag 4 1141ted 4 eat& tenni Sew Mill, in I.fepered to neer to order bilk ?Choi dee: ritien at the shorten mitten. ...... - —ltitTitiftV4A-PliK • •• Au the Rnowsheo itongl,fl lailhtill y{ i .. nt?1). hiUnnabta a! NOTICE.— i- , „ L.t.tois petam op I ars by U 1 e4 11 44.4 , 4{ . .. W4l itarigaM, Itcq ' tl., 14lte of I/resit bearailitip, WWI here /ranted to the inthentiTreea Jaithihtt in a 'iii lowtedalt, who request ail perarnaa tialehherl to said runt° to vain (Inward mot tank,* iipmedjate• Foy went, and thtnatli arias olfgaut ter pellet lite duly aaliteutioated for rancasein r. . ~ , 1 0 ..: J 4 L.„A. .. n . ,,, .11..1Pi ILI Efl.. •.• i , mi, DAN, viral' t i , 77 , CZ 0171311 AND LOT „NM . PAW' • • - :k..1., The trek* Abet. ntrenr on R 1 / • "Aliketde ht te . thin 'eon til .f telt i t nrilla, nin tete't Itni •Ordey. 1 a gned tyr;iter r i d Itht4 i ttottait,. thle )4 ,i , ier I inn add nt Olin. et CU lett Reiss ~ , fed, Wimp op I.t a iitrio . .).t . .-,AIAt •• . .i" , 'fur ,111#14160. d :c3-& M= MEM MUM .. ;a 8 111 wili NM Ilir