Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 04, 1857, Image 2
(171ra ooPy rig following excellent hit at white headed Horace : from . the "tinted *rites Democratic _Beeline One of our - partioulittliurposua pliblishing the Rar view weekly,ia to liut in circulation, threugh. out "this part of the country, something which may serve as nn antiipte to the poi son of euchillack Reptiblican papers as the Trioalat. outi, wo were upon the week, an tigreettl.lo his ai its cooks—carefully st dying speech and .inopher, on the osca of its last humbug.— our exchanges, we flint, .4( not bettor, than Vie s fotatleiwe Post anti we therefore appropriate i t,4vltt and alive. tctaltilleirttarl, and atuilt Is it only a row' years ago that Fut - et iant - Wee the great hobby-liorso of the . at leader‘of the present Itepuhjiaati party ? trap llte-heiglit of his ambition - lirpriN,ti) the wld that society was topsy-turvy, and that thin,.; hut - Assoc:Wed litho . ). and all the I psrap •ranha t:r tho continuality systeni woad ant all things. right. Ile Iteturcd on hie 4s rite Pukka in nil the.. Northern States: and by inter-401m thottaands in his theory, 11111104/ to the circulation of his paper,. the gew - fork Tribune, while he involved - I httaikeds In il:theilty by cul:otiraging a prim- .! lina4 ilbratration of his tlOctrincsthioughthel orgiatistlina of Fourier apseeint ions. 0,4 Fotipieron, which hil ovolu a "slight mpitiWatian;'. or thp marriage rt Laical, as troll re azontplete-Orrturn ef all Utc tigi hest relit lons of soCiety, I%fr. Grt city Mixed any sitaintrty of “rahain bissl. awl say mtin bar ettiret *beets and ails bathe. Ile had tliactoriered that the wo: bt co uld 111 ver Itecnum civilized or healthy, until it ceased to mt trolc anti-beans. end rtitscd , to switil4ty any 'other tnetlicine Liam ieu•water. Of co irtvh tvia - - --- 1 - 7.01 t• x then*, toiLject.i, ' Istisrti ' up aAke+ host of worshipper:l, - and added to silmeotirsulatiort.of the "frrbase. in the track of these int. preeemants, Mune ”Womaii4; Hi-lits," of also, Mr. Onceicy was the eitampior. Ilit - elfailsee no reason aby women nitonhi notAolet,' or dit anything else they wanted he encouraged the entaiest cif tinliktops in all the enterprises which petooed to row the tyranny of their utalitera. Ile attended their conventions, made ilystecabetn praised -their doings, and ai. hurt& the:r friends to nearly fill 40'mph:trans of his ;piper with their groans over women's =g o, and their shouts over the milfcinium Would follow when the two sexes were wade to change p 1 tees. Of course the thienthe of this enterprise, also, subscribed for the flOptirst Liquor canto fftt, and is It Volition to be popular for a time, Ur, eley went i* for it "with a rush." Ile very goon Imam the soknowledgidleader of the par ty. itakia own :ate. and astunisited himself sa his best friends by getting the law at leitit li. years G;:fore he wonteet. Haring got it, he Vdd the people to keep honing the Umourats out of Gabe tent paining office. until they got it enforced, and - bwilhe meantime, to extend the eireula• Vot -Ir ect i Tribusse, and buy - Robinson'. 'sf they wanted to be sam.d. '=came next. and Horace wad op to hisann-pits. There teas emitioily "something in it"--he guessed.— usdertiaad it, aniroughly : hot he imew,atmat to know that it nrquiryll to be eto4r4 hwadvisad terylxmly to study ft: Thorwould find all th., panieularg" Theim•. aisaroahlallorale, when he hal got all t t ligas Ely into his_ chikalma, can't oktarenething aka will vent/pill the world elan't I britgrtogether this motley crew, and Mae theist available Tor political service I L .11sy softening down C;arrisonista, aad • 'AI.. ANDO of the rough corners from 4 4,r k 7 1 • anti tasking a s ,rt of asatract with Know-Nothingiam, illeldhlirthe ribs of these clergymen who nothing for - the good of -isnals s ink . all these isms and these clergy lota *common kettle with the Beads . .„ the friends of bran bra ad - , the at free land and land limitation, the Okada of "free Ireland." (over the felt,) the Triads of Women's Rigida the friends of the Maine Law, and the friendlier Spiritual 111 cowrie I can. Mane hid IL lie got the ism; to• =and made them keep as quiet and se lovingly as Bantam's "happy fam .J'.-Elakeut them together until the 4th Bovember. That time gone by. and eiT• totillksting no hope that the -conglomeration Volkld last ranch longer, he- Welt what next 1 Why, the papers a ty, ,Itliettellarace has actually owned up to his ilyklita. and formally taken leave of nearly all t parole bons of which his last lam is .lle writes to the plesulerA fur Rights that he has een , littlt•tl not .bsti_wltll tibent any longer. Thry asic too lunch : arc really fanatical. ITe tell Mae Main law folks that the law t.; dead, =he is not going to resuscitate it un bolt:WM*4 will take a. portion of the Othimive its tiIIiCPTCCMViIt. The F,,tirn Oi oseelatiott truqinesg, he think., burst up a Iwo spiritualism to spa% mod, .tboogilt *tin interesting an a study,,and an foe hritt-Errol and cold water, they may he Ord lor sick folks, but he timeh prefer, *orkey si.d champagne. Indeed, anew illealtmeheyr then, is nothing left but ,palhategthina. , That may save us a fee State : sadism the Tribune, in order to make drift( -thrit rhotimind dollars a year to its r .&l filets must hive a very wide eircula it h Li to lkiep the, party trikethe r , nothcr edition of ['mount's lift 4Mir 1860. nit hi What we call ti Mooing (I.e.eli (he It throws tiverboard all the old .ar (rather swallows them in ono ithaikilhinanlaig of giant proportions. It gets "old at all encumbering outride isnot m, and avail _H i ll future family quarrels. In short, lientabliehes a new lam. on the ruins of it incie of ism., to which Mr. (iret y)ir9 dc fast, a life•tinie. ..vtai shall stay thnt Mr. f;(c. ley lots vgatsose-of Ow past f— , aitar Hamm bad got rich with his Joyce etb. lintl Pelee Mermaid, and W( Ohl ey &r m. did he not write a is ok. and e Nisise thettricks qf his trade 1 May not (Ireeley, alwr.-expose his own tricks of trifle f I s l ie rick i - And may not a man do what ho .pleopas with his own I XIiNSTIOI OP TOO EICAJOTAQX fo TOM UNI. vpitarrnm—Tbo Leginiaturo of Tonnages Iht if Ipoli session palmed In act authorizing ,11letioirernor of that State to ieiTheee 500 / sari of the Ileristitage, including the man- ideitat Om Jackson and tint tomb where lOW Mow Abe "amain. of Atte 'illustrions • hop. an 4 patriot and those of his beloved • atilliatal snake a tender of the ammo to tha General Goverment, provided a branch thit• Military AcedCmy. should tie exteb4 iiilsakat that place._ In pursuance of this soi . governoy Johnston purchased the Her now for tini"num and on Wed imrived Virist and ington inside • r g l Milder Of the property, with pre con. .nines d, to the President. me Posident in =ply, /esti d thet this oiler•bji tip flat* of Tennessee srenht be promptly seinol**4lo by turn to Volvos. 4 BrANAN AlyAt 1, i %..• * Ah t.. --- ' . -. 4. `, "' 't \ ,•,,,,Theil er ntettten -by • J echapatt i lit AMA - env* the Oft t inissil*risi n t dr . i' theseillbject* Ilitited4stestentstor, iq Winch be °specs* a renee Ibirlel.' . I'ol;iciy7linitatitracteil conitiderabla attentiiiii4 more n o think than it deserves. and hiss been the subject of strictures altogether unmerited end tnibeoiolng. Our oi)pii nPnts especially, are active in making use of It. for the ptirpo.,e of justifying " the three traitors" who accepted the Cameronian bribe. ,T,t .10,donetntCides ,ii .- Esectitive in terference," "dictation," &c., &c. Now for our part, we were under the impression that IN UNION TRISRIi IS STIIk:NCITIL Mr. Buchanan did not become the ExecutiVc 1 until the 4th of March next, and that in the —T— it- we ore divided wo, cannot conquer. If, intermediate time`ho was nothing more than we love our ininciples we will stand flrinly ! a private citizen. As such, he undoubtedly together and would rather cut oft our .own had a perfect right to correspond with Mr. right hued than beaccossory to our own de- Mott, or Mr. Anybody else, on the. United .at, by originating Notions, - and 'iereating States Senator question or ;my other, gut* dis . isfaction in our meg ranks. Altlhongh lion he pleased, and if Mr. Mott or Mr. Any evils en. creep intphe working of ourtne.flx - idy else; sew proper to make the• corres glinizatiort, • tar duty is not to abandon it, ' pondence public, it was nobody's business but to turn ot forts towards devising a 1 but their own - - 'Plitt We 'deem i plain and femedy to ' perfect •at which may seem to l i common sense view of the mattery and- wo be wrong. No human i rganiza lion is per-' think that without transcending - the bounds feet, and while we arc con. icts of the troth ' of prudence, tee Might any that wergJames of . eto giketerni thndantental pri s noiples up- - Buchanan 'llreildent de - fsete; le, troold • be tin a inch our zieble and patriot' arty is' nobody's imainess but hitt wen and Mr. basedi tut it ho the Object of every ber ' Mott's'wero hi to ;rite' to Mr. Mott just, of that piety whatever. may be his circa • I 'stich a letter as helms done. We art net Stances in life, to labor for the purification, eof those that cry out against ptitilic'efli laud Ls - tension of the .mahinery by which . ' r e° because they Attpropt to Mimi a little they arc carried into (eet. Dur (itemize be. manly cpendcleo r and speek their 'sena; hold our seningth, long for our -downfall,' manta 'on • questions, Whether personal, and are eagtir . trhast amongst tot a vile tiro- 'inglitif4iiiefi al. ' Writrenot Id favor _brand that Jug be the means of sacrificing 'ot ' muzzlin g our co holders -like 14 01, a" O iiticceia upen'ile alter of our .. Aand restraining the e . . ion of their how own personal malice. Small indeed most est vieirs. We elect me to certain post be th 3 golll v it6ioh when the greet tioctripti i Memel perforld thetinittes . unbent Ivor that protected the cradle in which We weee' thcisei position*, and if thcjdo .' li, fie din' rocked, that gave schools for i our'develop ask no _ morn without tray( Ring o the men( in youth, and. /Mr spreads Ai I , i,e'l 1 tihble of tYinnny and despotism. • wings of protection over oth **shoed / are' We aajragiiin, that hatrlngbees i i.. i • at Witte ) cannot rise above altisheanel iher.:t !Rh COI. Forney intimate-1i for •a. aillintAnt ings,and with an interest Arno ocraidairailThd . 0 rem anitleiag otellor Iteitcho pimmitial nothing but his country, balite by the ale. ohligatiotutto.hinithan-suty.etluta, num, It of all frionds of the Hnion. H our pin- ors perfectly proper for Mr. •Duchanan to ciples arc true, men , actuated by high' mo-i, say to his friend, Mr. Illott,thatho *mild lives will adhere to them under all chrism. ' ratherhave him in the United- fiestas Senile stances- If we have men who act with us than any, oat else. indeed if he had 4ot from policy and not fromeonviction of duty, done so, our opinion of Aim as a heirless the sooner we are imp sAtiainted with the champion of Democracy would hale been Tact t.&. EK tter, because an avowed' enemy is, considerably depreciated, and it would have less to be feared than a pretended hyportrith • ocourred to ercity one as an instinctive fitt est friend. Democratic' Principles are cal-' pritision, that he spoke rot lest be might not culatxl to make men-true,andagerumenut, and please everybody. 80/ noble, generous, faithful, when' firmly rooted kith" twarbi - gratelblAchanate, has lived tee lopg and and instead of veering to every wind of thii:laToo honorable a lifo to he hampered in big trine that has swept acroet our Umtata vete t old sp. Honor to him for his free utterance rune et tl.e party have' kept. before - then; l or hit personal proforenoo. . - . .. - tm . t. ontriruiding Mar, the Ontertitetkm ofl the' . 'ffeenntrYi- - end to them—the seildiersef.-15 114 - 9° - 17). - 11 :z -4 - 1 / 1 " 4 "Pf 6° - Etegi9C our po ' ical battles who have stood firm icy of York-cotinty, was hop' in. Shrews 'bury, (in the contonptable traitor, ?dancers every em oney we owe our happy, proud own neighborhood,) on th e evening of the existence an alien. - 'Let us then kiwi our eye about ns, and 1 14th ult., when the, following resclntionti spurn from our soci'ety every man whose illd 1 wereadu p ted b y ib il L e e ill i m3 t; w : ith dee p ewe ' ~ lions indicate treachery. Let -us purify our 1 -Where as, tication of I N h 'e e treat - s ca n 7 4 7 :1 Lobo and Wag. ranks in time of peace 80 that when . wnr onselTer - a"Kchuilkill, and totted Manear, comes we can go to battle with icndidepize ; of our county, itsitho party that pladedihere trusting in the truthof our cans°, and the in rim' , in supporting Simon 4 .' Imine!nn •kr fidelity of our soldiers. We weetzetmell Et: ti t% c o t e l at ts e te c =r . against the ragtdor who will turn back at the enettli's billdhig, i R ookd d , Tut. ems i mme di a t e R e p etiee -• or betray their trust for tho enetnramoney. their°, Bartel ladles'. has forfantid. all. We want no men in positions of iespOnsi-lbna l'lre 4-1114- ha Il i tn- b elnYea and II " nti ing copstituencya-zthat we enceinte laity whb miiihfit rise above their own gel- i f a mid ' abhor him, his TREACHERY DECEIT i , tishness,and treat impartially all with Wheat ' a i l d -41U,„4,1Ny." they are conniteted. - -- -- -' I Remitted,'?bathe be - Mfrs* te - releilln It is not long since we fought one great • his unt i1 . .. 1 , 1 2 . 1 .1r_ ithia.e. IA may be ti l l b e bu an d. hones; battle, and came off with the bird of victory :L W . e u e ` eehe e - j' elem , be bee Y g i it. perched upon our banners. It will not be R,,,,,h, e d, That th e L eg i s l a t ive be t equeee. long Until we have another war to wage,suld .ed to take the proper means to ineestsgate when the day comet let us not be hound wan- the bile election of . 1 - 4 S. &enter, TRULY (log, but with tried men in command, our I ri t i l Au Vl o l il a tt i :e n m A r t lTle illr4° wretches , BUT lIT, guns picked, and Cur amunition dry, tuarchi agons e W ell r and Manear, to betray their forward in staid colmon to return to 'our . party. ..•., ' - " homes and rejoice over another tritinrph. ' I Resolved, That the TILREE TAMTORS he burnedan effigy on to-morrow evening, the 15th inst., in the borough of 'Sbrews bury. Mona. r „IcQuA,L mop iks.rtel TO AO B LLE PQ rli PSENIVit MI ERNI 411 . 1 A V, FEBRUARY 4, Itillar LAMEST CIRCULATION IN THE COUNIY FOR 60VEirNOR; WILLIAM F. PACKER, OF LYCOMINti COI'NiY. • riubject to the deeieion of the itate Convention.) RAILROAD Atansuurr.-.41,w evident war red on the Ilarrisbirg Ileitnaul, on Satur day the 24th inst., which resulted in the in jury of a large number of passengers, many of them serimety. The train which left Lancaster abed 3 o'clock, proceeded on without hindrance until within about 4tnilea of Middlltown, ItA'en a rail broke, and after running about fifty yards alf the track, the pits-longer car went over an embankment about thirty feet high, rolling over and over, and landing on the level vi ith a terrible crash by which several persons were seriously In jured. Mr. JOhn Garvin, of Reamstorrn, Lancaster county hail both his legs bn?kori, and his liackseverely injured. Tie expired on this Wednesday following. Mr. John v:zep, of Lancaster city, was leverellin jorctle, He was dreadfully burned about the head AMI face hy the 'dove upsetting in the ,o,vertuniing, of ilie'cia'r and.ttle hot coals fal ling upon him. lie wee fortunately .ery thickly dressed, or his injuries must hive, been fatal. Mr. games Osinerup,of Union county received a verY severe weinnd on the head, by 'l4ing thrown on the stove. Mr. Hays, the former editor of the Woickmon, was injiirrei on the bend back and Vg. A number of other persona received alight in hiries:: No blame whatever can be attached ti, the oftlrera having charge of the train at the time of the disaster.. . ... SEMI WiIhMLY PATRIOT AXII UNlON.—the Patr:at alul Union will he issued twice's week during thu ensuing session of the Le gl•laturel and will contain full and acurste reports of proceedings. The price for the sensieerwknfe will - hese*. ,-fos the whole year, seint-treekty during the session, _three dollen; ; for the whole year, once a telek during the session, two dollars. Theee who wish to be well informed of the doings of the Legislature, had better forwarded their names at once, and commence with the open ing of the session: A Muttoal—Among the, lipplicAnts to the at unnittce oc council of Cinchmati for wood at half price last week was a ma i n who is es. Masted to ha poasossed of hard cash to an! , amount of $40,000 or $50,000. Of o 0111111) his applleation was refused...l, Ia -onit county pions of hisollchUsett4 (Essex,) .the amnia] prOtioict 9f boot.* mu! alwos-in 1855, according to tlitt mum, wull o►{e 1112,000,000. • OUR 2 TATE LEGISLATURE Col. Gregg in the Senate, on thetgeth presented petition from the eltisentia Al ease and Bald :Eagle townships, Clinton county, 6 r e !aw to prwehrit Ashhig t wilh 'Whet hi 'Bald 'Zigicenisk;ltt itsti-county. Mr. Souther (from Committee oa Capoea tione). reported, with iimentilaest, the bill to laeorporate the Snowshoe impseviement CeMPleeY• - • •• ?dr. Kerr (of the .IJoase.of tho following ratiolution: Resolved, That the Committee on Nay s and Means be requested to enquire lutb, and if they deem it_aapodient, io re rt a • - proridingfiar the-wile of - the Oa mental of this Oeenteonwealth. - • The motion to proceed to a mond ris—si ing and conahleration of the above vettOitt7 tion was lost by s voto of 49 uays to 38 yew+. Mr. Dock offered the &Rowing resolution : Resolved, That a special Clutimittee of Ave be appointed to report a DAL proyliling fc4 the rink of thi.maiuline Of public, works of this Commonwealth. Tjie 'motion to pirocet4 to the second rend: Mg and consideration of the 'allove resolu tion, It as lost by a vote of 50 nays,to 39 FIZI TIM WA frINITDON UNION: -.4t la • Mir 'for • merly announced that after the 9th of March nest the Hon. John Appleton-becomes the sole editor and proprietor of die Washing ton /Anon. The Albany Argils expresses , the univei:Sal feelingin reference to thief gen tleman,litying.that.-"We are quite Alertain Iwo are not mistaken, when we - say "that Mr; Appleton's accession to the PoSi named will be received with satisfaction by the en tire DernooVatic party of the Unton. lie is a gentleman of fine talents, familiar witi l public life—having been in Congresa and served as Secretary of Legation at London while Mr. Buchanan was Ministi3r—accus towed to the editorial service as tho con ductor of the Eastern Argus, a paper of de cided ability and discretion, and above all as a qualification for the position which ru iner assigns him, possesses, sagacity and prudence. He is well understood to enjoy in a high degree, the esteem and confidence of thke„ming 'President," - THE Peons of:Delaware .have , sµlopted tho aniendriiiiiirto the constitution of tb• State prohibiting lotterioii shot Jip. 1863 i INIE IRE. TACtIO3 OF 0671 0 ••01VENTS ''ac means, tiolipth intend 'rig pon ' Vie ~fit lfiti are alread ' ap ' int tirttlio likerlk i t ir; An e ff ort i . isible; all milli' Hittite* 1111.11 i•eW divide Our tiiffiks, t&tiect ear- orrudtri tions, and disturb the harmony by 'which we were recently l e d . on to •ghtrious viciory : They know. thtttrit honselltelded sgalnst itself cannot stand .;'a they are CO118(.1,1114 of & want of 'tritalftylithei r r own fanatical ideas, said are earnestly and vilgornusly engaged, in an' Attempt to. set us tO ,slaying ono another, believing that while we aro en gaged in the family feud they can rain away with the spoils. That there are .6iiie egre gyleas emirs :in Clio world, and that they aro moderately dritriate4 among all parties, we have no Teasel] to doubt, but that ther_e aro Democrats silly enough to be caught in a gull trap .one they have so re cently escaped from, is liCyonel the limits of our credulity.,, To speak with that . can dot that the Subicltt demands, we cull upon ev-• ery man that,loves his country to adhere firmly to OMliunner utioat , whose+ folds ate printed in living loiters, " Equal and eatlCS justice to aU." ) Listen to no disunion cries, participate is let anqopetriotic schemes ; lint lifil.cl4. ttL..14,..0te o long bx • ix:rience, and rely upon lt,thal the free and unrestrained operation of 'Opt& 'Democratic prixiples 'Upon which , our Federal Constititelen les , formcd,,ared oar Fountry fostered into t it it'is, will surely and certainly- preserve cr (talon and ateeiegtki L ep onr hppesfor- . the ;in- Aare time. Wo Ihelong to the Detrioaratic, partylatfamto*a believe ire princiPla.o.,l?,, the prltfla of per country, AUtil:loo9 , Natatti 4 1, 0 80 I*4lalipiallallarailvituots,theipteretita, of that porty,-wo ate willing to waive :II per-, aolad , **UV; -04 imtiqialio. • - 41 :01--4 1 9, atoll sotilate,tasislitla*Ave call kle•Y•formiirvirfsi '&nst . treachery, f ind out/mins o f ollf altiti/Oa, • 134 4g$ I "14 1341 V a roan with Salsa 3tead" Ici4vory truf at&Uhietit;;Hpit for Abo,gratift- Wiett: Malone' spiel% he Iroold , stg i te in OW TAlNMol6grtaille#/i‘itso. touch 'foe the tlfseieil liberty, iltre,ughout tlw world 'I I " I l l ikaai and wo , voueli for the 414elitg, Centre county far 0041 e time to coma. . a was sold •Poice, 'but proud of her mderoptio he will hereafter avoid the Ambles. of pelt al et:irruption. -- " VS4l.ilrf . . , &e 1 S THi Ihr SOTAN - CASS -42:31-04, —The bag Mutington is one\ meet oittysorllscary on recortl e dcstioititil it do t% the peon' liar mode of Farr,ying o;3 1 business in ..Way . street, and the , various Meanstai)ten p 4raw motley from the mitts; pecting,anttiamoraut. Banks in the 6istrict Cohnia*,"tauralries on the Latlisittut, Ova dales in4lragglttlocalitles,thi3 most vie 'loner, and seemingly (*possible nehestwir 7 -. prime that "all is fish which comes to net" in aheti ty p f napp• . The teel,tweel abOws, that , gangs of subordinate 'individuals are there, ever ready for employment-by the high* bitbierj. and when the latter ,p.kie the penalty ofhis crhaes,.. tlicir !minims are soon sigaist ,requisi 601 4 _lint•.extraordi nary as waisAlis ease. thialefenpo pay (lee more so. Theittnagnitude of the operstiona, the plowboy ttiLta of thttlransactious, the long ana i uceminful career of. villarny, are adduimatl in extenuation of the crime,. and "mord iissaity s ' was offered as • pies in favor of the accused. On these grounds, Skisuyiar *4445, • ndesirao,. islwanlii, and huri,drokar,sthere, wonkilimye regard their ' reward, and continued to operate in Wall street ; and criuthsidei the wide world over might flourish with Impunity on the protitA of their crimes. The cases of Iluntington and the English Itedpath ere counterparts . of esclsoLbee.- The same reolilsiismiss of of consequences, The like gigantic and long successful schemen. the al to lari ty of tool;, and the same dashing style of l4ing, the like partiality torfast horses, lewd women, awl the various 11401r11111141(11 winch throw a species of romance shout the most hardened villains, characterized them both. It is abuse; of satisfaction to every nght minded perigee than ielthar nor the most hill. 'lust legal defence lug availed to shi Id these ofloialers from* the Just reward of their ill dair4s, and the Imprisonment of Huntington it* Arasuiportation of Redpath will stand SA warni24o M. their co ufbilera ten, that se ciety.,is not foiover to be exploited with im• pubitY. Throe indictments were selected by the Dlatriet Attorney on which to try She Prisoner. and on the first one brought intn , coqrt he was found guility. It iii probable that the others will he proceeded with. but at. all events the tndsofjUstice al* ‘newenekt, and the public mind may now beat rest until the taotntng womb of Wild street furnish a tweet:meet to Schuyler and 1/untiniflal , Vpietew, laws.--The steamship Arabia, r r from:l,i pool, reached her dock in Do'ston , .a r rid Y last. She lied been in ctilllsioti with th brig Si... Aland at the month of 'the ice channel, causing some detention, hut no serious damage. The ice rt mains thick' and solid. The for eign files eMitsim hut little additional 'tows. Queen Victoria's a crouch ment was expected to talte'place in March. Redpath, the ea•gecretary of the Northern English Railroad Company, iiho swindled his c inployers out of a nu fl ion of .1 ol 1111'.1 had been convicted by ta jury, rifler arCaligetico of five minutes. Hun alit ged accomplice, - oat, %•R8 - 6(llllited, traptith %f i lg Well tenced to transpoi Cation for lift). The re tUrns above theit 150 vessels were dtiveit ashore; and : : ttitally wrecked, 'and many others damaged; durinv:, the lat c'friglitful gale ep the coaela.lihe "United Kingdom, in tiol v - fig a bur,:wf life. - it terrific hndFlitvene d"niiY 4t ,ed tile t'hillipipeAglandion iFe - 21th of October, Tito suburbs of Manilla and the neiahhoripg yillilligeg were reduced to heaps of ruing. Tho bomber of houtiee.degtroyed tit that plize 1# about :1,000. The official rettups show tbat,ylitiro than, 10,000 were destroyed within a eiritle of eight leagues around Mankliii. Six foreign vessels in the Roadi at Manilla Were d'riven ashore. --1 — A Goon Iteia.—lt la maid that, a certain town in New Baghad, in. order to get:rid of stiTYPorting a pamper, elected him to a seat in the ChiaWire. Wonder whether Lebo Aleucar, - Wagepacllr,were elected .pn the same \ tun brrioris f quakeil it woo daftio/4 Aro 4it week. 1 THE ANI I I-C 3 AUCV3 ritorßor. , :AC oat ritte i t p4 eAttigAievi : . I,elpr the gin ttt i witt , nipit Slb gtk i 11 fettethe De . cr47(.. cus,,,, ,i c, iiilt»:sikito a cantitate feillte lilted Stn 4itnat4e, hag bee,* ,izonteithrtt eitosisively. circulated,-ire desire, Slip', the l'ennsylewn inn, to submit a fete rt teal Icy in referonee to it to the eon• ltirleratiom.of the ijertiooraoy of Petitiq!-• vania. . , . The protcyE. bases tdm rOurtl to go itit6 the ClilletlH, upon • the groltnil that l'ttri ilit chanan hail indicated a jireferenee fur Vol. Forney. and seen' that, as friewis of •Henry I). Foster, they were unwilling to submit to Wiry stich..exhildlion of " rxcentive Lion-" In deciding how far this plea (les their course, it is but might that tiw'fol towing a ould ho talfen into consideration: We understand that a few days befoi.e.i the assembling of the caucus, Mr. Foster v , rprossl3l,ali anxiety I.o.karn Mr. inielitin an's Wisli•es In io . irniee to the nomination ! for,Senator, and. fa:r froni de ! eniing it, ;mon per fur him to express them, inanifeitted a Vrillimgricss to cheerfully abide by his deei- Jf wu are notouitincken, several gen- . tlecndri went to see Mr. Iluehanan, partly at Mr. Foid,nr's request, "for the very purpose of olitaiiiing firm him to!, inclic.a.tion of %is pre ybrdnee.'• The. candidate of anise trliq signed Ice prpteat evidently cpnaidered'aush au act on the part orMr4tUchanan perfectly right am,. proper, The men who Rigncd thwirotcst attached their limpos to, the call for a caucus, ather thifaFfiltatAdr.llochinian,had, indit*da . myforence TIIB genteelly - known: ~AlterTte cancillflutd been called , intl , thei thrie for 'holding it had beenlixed Friday ersuing, partlyitt e their desire, and in cciin- ' , Sierra - , with their, wyalaee, (CuL Fora ,c r ,Lends generally piefurring 31ondayaoiLthe ifo r ,:oon of !''ridgy they resolved upon re• rho ng , ( 4 , ,go into the caucus at all, of tie count of a Circumstance of which they could 'Beanie& have b e en ignopuit at the lime they signed the, call for it:: itasimnblage• On the night of the in t ,etiug of theiCaurius or shortly afterwards, kr. Fe4ter exprva-ed amp regret that his friends had nut ene in to the Caucus. Ile declared that there nothing in the letter of Mr. Buchanan that could ,kustify, their cvurse, and he pledal himself to do ail in his power to secure their support for the nominee of his paVy. Ile etuionvored also to change his rikte ,fit the * * . of election,—doubtless with a Ale. sir , o vote,for Col. Forney ,iustead of Juolge, .; 2 • When• BuClArian ?* totter was ealdbi• Lod to Mr. .1 1", One of thsete r wlio had off. ginally signed retest, he 'immediately • revolved to support- Ikenay, as • Peso,. sal of it satisfied him t contained noth. ing,imprOper or that would tidy him' in withholding his support from IMminee of the party. ,t4ne of th e most. act i ve , i persons n s tainingAaprialmLwas reeswell, Senate. , /lo refused to go into the Demo cratic Senatorial cauaus two years ago, and then toted riz. Cameron. Previous to the law election be made many pledges to amt, taro in mot event the nominee of the Bono cattle minims, but he &that to do so. •We /Aye endeavored. ao fir, to Way ,as lit tle of the course of those Democrats who, without voting-{or Oameron, Ilia not vote for Ferovy, as possible. We have no wish now to reproach them for their adoption of a course which, in view of the unfortunate result, they can scarcely fail to regret-- Their cotoititueutn, p, rhaps, are the lest judges of' the nature of the obligations they hail imposed upon their represenrativi.'ll. Iyhile in several instanee., they have been conifemned by their local papers.. A Demo credo: payer in iVestmorelandcoTinty irarm ly endorses their course, and assumes in aggressive rather than a defensive attitude. The protest is also of this charalter. Dolhe Democracy of Pennsylvania think that these men are justified in assumoig this poi it on? In view of all the eirchuutances of the ease arc they better. fitted to play the part of-ac cusers thin the accused I One of the Ablest Ocrpocratic piper's in the country, the Providence Daily Poi:, thus apeaka of their coarse. Our readers can judge how far- its . kumtimauta are our ract4.-- Of Mr. Foster andihrtaterat membe.ris who voted fur him-,--porlirms, WI we have intima ted, with no worse motive than to drive the hparty to withdiaw Mr. Fornoy's name, we ave only to sal, that while they do not share the execration which is bestowed on the three traitors who voted fur Cameron, their conduct will find little applause la the populai voice. The country looks noon them its unfaithful to their trusts, and on werthy of ornitldenee. Trip nononee Af their 1.403 , was a Tian of lIEVkI , 1 to ility, of ungtiestion.d finlifolo..-; Co 11. to wi,,He princiiitts: of c.r, at indomry. ace, nier.; , d. a gr, ater iolho nr, riinynrot the Mein s of the ineontor,r u,lnunt n.rrt eel Ilan any other tout in thi. Sta,o, Ilse Irv.lltu , ) find matte hint lie firmr of the ovisiaition, 14111 , 1 It tam gl t for 111 t, Ilvitrie4t of th.-Ir kit no loan of that opposition h nl gee...ll°ll - hie integrity, or failed to tid';-,it that hie, official conduct. had tair; ;wen t h at of an iutelli g viit officer I( iilngllill.llooll/4 stet, than 1: n I.lulukutg Clown It tic!: a man st *spelt %-vitne, and when hilt etitter-lissitie roran thii_atituat of thu party in n hose gar- Vice ho had labored its few men lied ever la bored, nas ungeneruita and unjust. The 'tvmhi iitay Dot call it treachery--but the world will never honor the men who were guilty of it. AnQuirran.—TaartG -- St - Sluelock, who kil led Philip S. diwies, .some amo ago in Philadelphia, for the tleduetioo of his (Shur. look's) wifo, has been tried and acquitted.— Sonie.of the Philadelphia papers regard the verdict as unwarranted by thejacts and tos- 103 A Ramo NAM —Papers' , from Somber iscoViiiinTtorthe 10th ult., announoe that real.estafe in that town and vicinity has ad vanbed in -value fully fifty per cent. since the recent passage of the railroad bill, by the legislator°, and that laud entered brpre.. eseptise last-summer at sl:.2s.per acre now brings (rum $6 to $3O per sure, Nub pD 10 yc►rB standlpiroan -be 'cu#od by 3 hoitleo or DOrali''GO►ttanio Oit,• it tuoid •000rdint-bii[botionl. - 'OA I'prsT.4E , 111 — ---*.:-......—. k Tffils,lis tit? „.. torrible of Irc,eda. Tit ' tliffelnigt - tia nine portactillt E t lir the WA will produ e a plant. ' the p . Ida kite ve4 nomaritua and shatp, aid- iv 1 ipr! :graa4 In tehielt It haq grown iiiialini lib!! 0r hnndlcd only tritii : the aid of leather gliivai. A opeciinenietif with park - qt. at our last Centre County fair, and it was assertealb a t there are several patches on farms in the county. The utmost care should he taken by any who aro so,tinfortunate an to have its in their lands I c q prevent its growth next summer, or Its further' spread' by seed or root, We shall be glad 10 receive 'and publish ady„tffecLual and iiroved means 4f extiipa tilig this pest, while it is in time to apply it. The following is fteman agricultural paper: If the Celebrated giving of Dean Swift, that " he who makes Iwo blades of grass grrvi , where only one grow 'before, is a great or benefactor of litsrace than a blood-stained conqueror" be trtie,,it is no less true thanlie is worthy of equal honor, who p.c./ems nox ious weed,y fi•oni usurping the place ?f true seed I W therefOre to see, in:ilte lost number of the Farmer, an article from Dr. Emerson on that worst M . all vegetable iiests, the Canada_ thistle (Cirouni a l t , ns e Snap.) Our fields are in danger of being overrun by this and other vile .foreigners, for feW or Iloilo of our indigenous-plants are so troublesome. All tillers of the soil ought to lw on the ab;rt to cheek the.evil in the bud. The nbto of plant' 'should be Sounded and the enemy toot on the borders, or weakness end destroyed, flame weeds yield readily to cultivation—others, whep once Ahoy-gain a foothold, can only be eradicated st anAvitormous expense ; anti orthese the Csnada thistle In chief. Flirst introdoctd j• frees Europe- in to - Denude, it has. trs veiled soultbwairtl, b i 3t. is NI, 9PAS.rIWe.Ati.I.OI , in our State, tirrogh beginning to penetrate into the interior. t hate found it in One spot in 'Franklin county, and , my object In .writing now•fs tb warn the ownent.ef .broad , • . around Lancirster.Clty wird near ap- , prosch. Last summer I , observed a number of itallta along the turnpike about two miles fronreolundrht, - where If suffered to remain ,and produce seed, the north and West winds will scatter them far and wide to the south And out, and thus- in a fewy ears this terri- Ida nuisance wilt bo thorouglityliaturnlited I in many a War field to which it is now a stranger. BALA or 1 ApOol4 COOK & PROPER' Pr.ia-.Belover, liiutga & aalu 001.oricty, aud• the avoloplicca and corn. of l'almer, Cook & Co., sell,a . . amount of real estate, of Arai.lWi:)ug may not stand iu the nausi of Paiirier, Cook & Uo., they.otre the real owners. This is the first public step of this faded political ban king house toward wiudiug up. We only mentioa Mitt the public may latrin e of whom . they Lave pureLasel and folk af tet theil• We tatothe abort from the &tn Fraucia co Evening Bulletuk. Thin tlrta wtro the originators of the nomination of Fremont.— lie was associated with them in various mining and land speculations. At olio time they were joint owners of the Mariposa es tate. Fretnont's nomination was r grove fraud upon the public --a mere speculative moven - lent of a act of desperate gamer tort.— !lad it been successful, and Fremont's Cite on incurred, it would have mode a fortune f the originators of, the iisivement, includ Mg Banks, Wilson, Bennett, Groely. and others. 'it proved, however, a most disas talus slice then to all concerned.. ha has rained all polilkally, and driven the prime Morita ; including Fremout, into financial as well as political bankruptcy. Such s hould sprays be the fate of iThro,t` who ceize upon loliltonl projildioes to tbrward their own despyrate fortunes.. In a bl urt.titne sopie . a ill be amazed that such a wan as F r} moot could ever have been lhondht of - num+ more voted fbr —as President of the United States. "' John U. Fremont la the Atlantic agent fur this house, anti is a partner the. . will it in Alarits,isa speculation. We have understood that Col. Fremont's sole business in New York was to conduct the agency of this Ban king house, at . a Salary of 312,i1W per an nual. Tho concern, I2y a breach of trust, ! d a r e d the state 01 Valtroriiiii in • the. dishonorable - 4 diloninn of repudiating the intemit on its delft:" No far as Vol. Fremont is conoefotsi. the State has signally retaliated. it had repu diated liitn.—Cirt•eland Plant Dtater: Tun Durraitas tx etarettiNkrt.—The Cm einuisti'tiezeffe says: ••Doulits are come t times egprinised in regard to the trutha of the acoounts of distress existing in this city. There is a class who do not hesitate to pro claim their poverty, and apply for relief— there is another that, either from retiring ablithlunee or elitinkisg pride, kicp silent and sullen Lail week, Mr. George, Coun cilman or the Sixteenth Ward, had sonic wood for'dfatribution t he act out to find: iii his - ward, deserving parsons of the latter (alkali. lit his little tour he saw many scenes of painful deprivation. in one ease,•a widow with her nix children hail io seek in bed that warmth they could not obtain from tire, be. ing out of fuel. She bore the_bjfgalisittl bravo. ly, but when Mr. teenge told tier he had acme wood for her, she burst into ;pars of joy. In another catie he found-at widow telidae daughter WAR confined to her bed a cripple. a typhoid fever having last nummer icr ten ii A lillitOrli spine. The sup pi r ha 4 .1 0 ,0 Loin rproml it e.11,1,&c.c1 of' heenti tin I 111111i.iSN , `4, A little Hr sinnohh•rell In the vtdro, it wit made of pie ors from ehtur , article artiele of the fufni tore was in the course of being brokin up for futl," DMIOCALTiii nutrias'. —The very best paper on our table is the United States D. in,Acrabc Reniew. It'contains reading to of a high character, and is noted the world over, for its literary 'merit. It is pup. hafird weeirly - inifew York - city: for three dollars per 1011111111. - Thu Publisheis are preparing o very olegadt book, the title of which is "James Buchanan and his Cab inut," to be presented to alt eubsCribers to the licrietuipr 1857. Thu book will contain coridpired Biographical aketah arid a por trait-of each °Meer of the National Cabinet. Every Bumoorat should F. - llwrison '&9e., PublishetS ) fie. 71, Nessllll Street, N. Y. , Smpst.r Mani or flow. PRESTON' -S. 13nooks.-1te...1.10n. Preston S: Bilooks, of South Cavallo'', died Jo Wstshlngton city on the evening of January Vth, at Broyrn'ti MO, Ile had been in bed a day or two, suffering from the elects of a severe cold., Ile maid to his friends the evening before that ho had passed the crises of his illness, end felt considerably improved in health ; but in ten minutes afterwardithe waitseisect with a.viclont cramp, and expirid in intense pain. The sail event, se sudden in onexpootadi has caused much aurpriactudiOapsth)' throvg‘ out Wishinen °AP . . ire r she Democratic WS! 451411., LEWMPLD_ L CHNTItM ANI) K .; E RAlratoAn. • 4* -A einilaminteittion in the Watchman of thei . 21 , 4 t ihtj sistuftl M., has attracted the ate rention of siSiumber of your readers anti ce s rtaihly:eittitles tho writer to the reaped antrgintittido of a large number of the,5114- zetrs of Centre county. . Tha fond of in f pr. matiOn and gratuitous' *thine- "trim .thems.. shonld hot be lost, and hereafterjbope the " tell ikent," citizens „of before examining the molits tell% proposed Railroad routes, will lEat consult .. the communication the 'ColUtiinv.pi r Wato/woni of the 21st loot.; 401 #144,-b have not embraced some wiktand, scheme that *ill "enibaratotils to ruin." M.,._fn endea`voring to laahltatalr! a " forlorn hope" of 4lie Isieliritiiil2Tad • Tyrone Railroad, has resorted to that "olost .. ungehertius and'unworthy..esPe9;it,'3lo6 . ' none but those In desperate onmonallar*al ever make use of, viz : condi:o44A representing. all the various. rail•:. Rz if jects the county, in • that, formed and oft rejected darling mar, issue season, tipllear as a shining ljtglOOtiliel, them. M. will find that iereqninta atiant, thing moro,than mew windy nearspaPer ar ticles to write up the Lotqt Maven and I P P.IC, mile Railroad, and sorilethirigindia dozen the LeWinburg i Cehtto , ag *Oslo Creek Railroad, which, in his eyes; mus VIS " .• vast liumlnig, arithr serious °heti° to t his more, probable en( erprsse. M. has self a vaht amount of trouble tit qts from Mr. .tianmeiSyretidrtowid iagt sox* to see, that after all his msearchliteltiiher , ,tp do it correctly ; lie•eitaya: burg end Spruce Creek road' s Vrttit‘iti EIF„ Miles of curves, &c." By refereini to report I and Mr. Emmet inekestif3inti:4fl4 milee - a:_:Who then is correct? M.,A No • Alb ‘.l put himself to the GiMlife of pldirtil: : stilt y the most objectionable feateres thiginiws report. Giving the grade*, hi ha'' :41Mitt he highest point going west,' fielh'; silent about the grades. going elidit, (1134,040. rertion of trade, which is but 33 'feet mile. Now what aro the Marin OannattlOW: with this "Brest project," eindAte Ibport so largely qinited from. The surrey con ducted by Mr. John M. Shafer' ander the di rection of Time. A. &moot, r.s q .; 'Our vih7 superficial and was an intended ty_l_botiw who instituted it. onlitcii"Wak to demonstrate that a practical routs eabged between Lewisburg and Spruce cionOlt— . This fact leing-establithed, the' object of the survey was realized, without ittile thelign_ on the part of Mr. Shafer that it: * , sdidallr be strictly accurate. Nor "does Mr. Eintait'a report snake any great, pretaseione in. this direction. FOr M.'s information I ;ill noWlgrin hint that the project a scrawly G941'1%4014 I, and that too by those who are "reelig-in telligent," without the Might/et ,appeetdm sion that the " Stockholders will he enter , &Aged to ruin." No, Sir. Wis — lllteli'd . to ik build the Lewisburg, Centre ATI 'Aloe, Ci 0.1.. r.:4L—a. To this, et 4 we i regjilarly organized contatiyateith , ident and Hoard of D?reetorsi backed op by a sound suhaeriptiou along the 11Wirof over 35110,000. iyo linvo also just i ntunghOd another survey of the.mute, whie,h .,. co n!uoted by cspertencel and 4 113?Ptieut , tlik;isicers. nab Me view of permif4* locating the line. ,lii a few mon94:it gill p went to the public in generg Yid *fit: particular, auothrr rbport wlqh wlff'6ilte mimic pretensions to accuracy. VII fie it is no longer a New Yoils ail -1 111, road turn table, Lot that it US Xi Aii i.e. almost iin air line from point to jso:rint.., . m 111 find his f."),, 00 feet of tunnels bpi. 401+- 4 gone a vast change, and am 50 . 1 1 " "iitt),.. noW supply their place, ' flia 511.,ri , teCut his imagination) have been swept aw y; tie d, til but 8 remain t and that his:1131000 ei. 1 of '' solid limestone rock to he!arakink" ! has co dwindled down that he ii 's?,,aresfy recognize , tlictu. 1 If , however, Itti:tiSttli' l'.: ing to grant us a Fail r011ialtlii1:1411 ' 5 1 Valley, he should at least not hue (rum Bald Xagle to Pen t advantages wound ho immente. • ' te would then get her supplletosl 'lOl .; whereas I,he is now put to the expcnkti laid annoyance of waggoning her iripplief Mitt Pennsralley 7 a consideration that' *balk not be overlooketl,it One Nora natitilltlial will close. M. should exstrilne tha t ltt showing the amount of 4,lWe - that'll' ' !••• ally taken out of, end Akatought,inta it tali lies along Pirline At the Lewlsgurg,titiotfit 1 and Spruce Oireic,f4atrou. )1; ir &b 4 fled that stockholder's will4not h e • - i ! lieff ou gI y embarassed,'evem shottid''tVi" . ' Milli nothing toitie r iiciid uponlAtttrelf! 'We t As this is )lot the case, we hi;iifir2 fh b •, • tare, to contemplate when the ai l Centre and Spruce Ttetid is eAiiiithAlt li t will tee the R !Attest. lino hetwetMAliti% lathe great west and our poiillii ' flits of the east ; Carrying, itn_thaiiiiaiSfse . igadflt of merthandize' *est, - alialthilf, *4 lt ladened with the - produatit tit !i Ili* of %hit Miansippi, thereby enrich** all th who have been sensible enough ttlia!te Vett in tbi&mora than prohable onterpkiii... ri. .. , TIN; ON A Tutor AO thista-41Wirat no AND hasten.-Nsigehtlemtendittailailed with the railroad in tide eityit ••• ' ~ , . this morning about 4-o'olooki- 0,. • • • o - r McClure, of the Greeriville stn4 ,ilri fi road, while at Union, Ailloor , • - ' ' '. I t baggage oar off Oslo on • , ..,,,,,,• , - ,read.wais on filta: - 90.:WM. , 'l' 7 7 • • the doom, were forced open to ad already gotten "under.wayi" 4,ooitat ll of a Ma-name unknewh-i-witfteidd 4 charred condition. There rem awl or , imo freight cars also damaged by the firq.,r, 4 . 1 1 s supposed that the man in the ipaggage.mir hid been niurUreir; and the Car(th - fitjtiroh II re. -Dayton Empire, .jar , i,ls . ; ' " ' rr . 't , ' , ' Tan DsliooktTti . 4 f.Pc!thWilltlON ...A.-0 - dignation ;noting, *OW tOcill'Apc• sontiltiviooVl4lBAtriii9r 44 1 444 ' atFt t Y rougblir. Ditto tim.Detgocsatiricif their ropreiretlifitilfsi a; Alinpop 1. fl; MAN it) Waterbury. yr., t,.Kik . ing's divorce' from his liqq,* v a Ch r igt P 4l l )ll ' oo,o6 ° I . ;' O i l *, ~.n 4) Ofalintdild 4 0 J 10 3 41 °11 "r, 1 . 1 i .a . . %,„/t3 r- Ilir ond *lax tom. " -",.... EN