Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 07, 1857, Image 3

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    _.— ..
i t O rliPil"lllf
' l ir . le ti t:titi.' Alk eiha-Innnuther doMum'
Al si !i ; thatU , Mieting M t tho 'kinds
, atiierPriseiiwilllio'hikliir the ("hitt
ItctinVO rT eilthieday evening of . the lion, :
Court. From-the inforinatio we Inlye
,had og,the;•mikicet, we are Inclined ,to be-
WTO that the construction of this :toad i t altlr
Fnuilimulitirgrudikettirrtriiiitures,- to nth: ay'
~ . rirsiotteable, 4 ind from interestnienifeated
1, , kr . . our friends . ` from Snowelme, bikini
7r ) ? X l / 3 .4",lMMArter . cottons of tl}e . coma.
bile would nutunillyilicolBe that lhe
i., wiiiik-1 would be cenurioneed In gametic '
~, ,Plit*T l ', thrSillth With vur.nptnese and (I,'
'patch. A Roiliest) iq imitili needed' li el: .'•
I I ',‘, l efir 0'0! tii 4 ede lo p )ter.lnexiMustible, Wl:oath/
. soli if ourcalii talletmoultltilndtioed tei unite,
';'".tiel l 4l
,tied 'hind , raibiitrimeoution eivanyi ,
k ,
, . like „plow, k : uptiltlll l / 4 4 4 116'104:bfkin'.the
. Wtiblili itt the locouiiieniwould be heard
.., ~ among our hills and moun . tietk, W , 04 hart+
6• :' tlti,,wilalth, to Jyatiiy it,:ainil46.otans to an
' compkoh it, if publie enibirtiotkik,o(l'llti mein;
"geitell%itiiddiretted ina common eh 1.
Let the Meeting, en Wednnthlimening the
''' ' 0 66 0 1 4.'1•. 1111 0 11 ski:Mile& -- ', 6 , .. --:
, % LATIII CamromtraNnivr..—, Thie,llTOirier 11-
- I.' ' linobiiirricul a t tileni.ta.kliut).'tii*Twith
. ,
:vier I milllenUnd g half in Oki lied the Cal
' , ifinniii inpilicif Dec, 5. Tho news of ku
.:.chlinan'a elictlont which was curried by the
liteamenSierra'Nevada;-was rewired, with
'3l;bnatiotiliy 'the Ilemoctatio ',arty, ,and
sine its announcement there has been a
' general, lull tit political *fairs. , The total
. vonorthe Suite for,President was 107,917.
,Qr. Oich •Buchanan had - 51,925, 11Rn/ore
85,113., and Fremont'2o,329, giving Buchan
-an ' the handsome plura lity of 18,§12 over
' ' , 'Falnifir - di' 'The State Le gislature comprises
58 Defloctlals, 12 Rp td..t.mal• nierind-tii-Ircitow
, iktottits - gi in'iheitioutie ; and.l4 the Senate,
' IS ti,ehnoctati. 3kopublicans and 12 Know-
L , Naehings, Making a Dcmocratic•m gJorilr
F so Viuok k i ba110t.... The mining Fnil•pticke for
~, ti assess rwe i represimted Ai ~ uscolleat.—
Great - improvement/ien in prOgresiii, rove]-
, ming a bate expeUdithre :of money and . la.
- be'r..' 'fly tlifs arrival,' We havo no later ad.
. wioes , frota Nicaragua.
7 - Filf
A hisarrenCostruarkirr.—The nomination
by the President,. of Brevet Mnjot General
retailer F. i3mfth , Ip a Brigadier lieneraiship
in the Baited fifties artsy (ereattl at the
• lastifessiob 'of toassesa) was salt to the
• Smiate on Tuesday sod in the ',hie of re.
Wring the neitguustion. As is the custom in
such eases, to,,the Cosotnittwo on Military
Affitirst, it Was itaiiketifitely sad unanimous-
ly confirmed by that bt*, 'Wier was a
complituent itilorerichly_tr4erited; and--n*
fedi:W - 6sta% Ih r it the melee tion of the Peet..
ident, and the prompt and generona action
of tdro Senate in thus honoring one of the
tientOftetant_of_ our military he
liii;./Fll heartily endorsed by a grateful
and' sa dmir3PC tetigs. ' .
Win rlitXMOrri WAS NONIMATED.—Tbeo•
dore Parker, in a recent
,a,dtlreaa how the
pvtpit, !hroiriviight upon the causes of
' sneete'a , : rottiamlea. "14e halal free
' ,149 111 ,"' 1 414.11taikeklaavia itanont.
a- yawls, ftreiVetheeced Man, Me choice of
nobody. As Taylor was aulecLedl for availa
bility, to the neitheet of l elay and Virobater,
ato Was Fremont ae)eetotl over &ward and
Ohaseo•the Cla
party. Mr. Fremont (reasoned hiY
}arty) 'seam a young man. and could In de
ka-did:lMM diesustroua consequences ; not
Seward or Chase led the ranks
ruin." •
"Als inseam Pot notast.—'ihe-case of hfr.
Adair r ot Clinton. Miohigan. a fiord% sad ep
isode n the life of a politician : This gen
tifltAtt 'the Democratic candidate for
county treasurer at the late general election,
and devoted himself to the canvass with
reae4aesl rind industry. Ile mode im thor-
mash a canvass of the county that he saw j
rind talked with almost every man. lie had
never Uwert,begten before the people, and had
been eletited - vihen his party generally were
nyirt rown DM 'in the-late election
Mait riviiig maxim,
rapt %gni comitint aim of two • Man to
• Wroonitditting fatal injuries
tip l =4.4rlltich he has.frequently at
aftpteld: opette (/nd.L .Iguonal.
. 144141.—rhe 'Philadelphia gin, nn.
dunk hood of Creditable to Uncoster,'
known to
1 Mr. Thichanio, informs
Ing#At theriliziot I single. applldation for
I; n 4 ' tfttiukfi tnsny of the
• rttlight; ;With 'l)cperiiiti, enforce
d*Siblikits, Beth social and NHL
d cOnsiisiisMos,thoy.
niittaotc4.4.them tire! t*r - ”2lsti of
.1 ents."l Nat& 'lttreneio.—Tbe
1 / 4 1Vatikaititni , While , 4isit ihn
Phfetc , t, ills* sinail, lista private con.
Tanaka:6A "there was regtfingnOw 14
for tlo AAtertcao Alit; but •to join either'
the' ; liernoci:stszt. •
,Ilio r 4 . eff4reitkrip : , , - . , , pt
*Mpg" ific toreuha
of Now.
an ova,' be consAlored
%so% , reaandr 'mot in New Haven, end
ao'nonlipue thcir organisation for
40 ..ia*Ss WOO Wit the number
drod s iiiigur tl= Nu •
r sprfnir
•ilellitiea7ok'dtinireas,&4l,4lllntour in a ny.. 1 1
eutkliltlteli Wean alter the termination of the
Pr•fealiatebil'• Thllinia will be °nett The
lehtSiltdeeit . i/Mki en election after the
114 4 0 /104*Ctair iittv Buchanan.
thp Morcer fress,
"0 61.41 WA4ktra ' WOurke , Esq., of Alto
alierrAolllo;4,iircthii Jsemoiratic nomina
61 06 10 1101WriA!..3 '4l
a••• ,--
Tll4l,7tHriairsti thloos. C. MoDow
-4.4, Lien: ifollidaysburgb, is no*
4111kAir *000111441111.*
1 ~
I 3' , - T
9,0 4 .. ~ bir. - thie s a , ti.
Itir 'Ai erg in- . • Nifty • Her : la 4tiT
tic ...thz ' ' ,` dit kigainliftititire . i
kW •. , -;
4. j ohispot,thatt tiorta
had • . 1 , Not 'Pk'
should punPre4li York, Nitwits
In :, ‘ fr - tatty lOWI OW
`4° ."- ; r isilloy it4.l( 4 got the foil *lse
of ir titooy.liepler •purclutset4-ali•
kip of furs, hides . and - skititi; for whakhihe
$s *
.itypg to pay the highest, market • p*Fa
!NT (Wiseontlin) Argu.<sl,o :4 , -,
' 6 sip 01; An.dpvegi in this' ceunty t.
support has heeni,nd•td i, worthyinitir,
iptet, for no dth - ki-ltiejtKi then beceuse he,
voted for•Buehituilf,4 6 ;*l it reticles that it 1
,ri e
ilt,literallyAsue tbet, ''t ithip the limits of
dli!' ic itYr ;n3ol ? we lbethette elerdinim.
thgt.irthey tilted Ihlr uehrtifn they would
'go" atiotlP'' ' ' ' • ' ~
E..Ceisteoutc;4o 7 . - ' ' grit,
.—fretsureAtifisys New Alms
obit/ of pcliCe 111/1 adopted tljo plan °raids
log placardti upon the briasti, #sigl hicks . of
hotoriout thieved, burglars. and - piekpoolt
eta, which is printed, in large letters the
nature cifOw deep for which they hare
peon conviolel, „4 , ll'hey are" then Marched
through the streets, and made a public
A D'AUC3II7I6II TO MIR Ileirta.—:Julia Web.,
ster Appleton, the daughter of Daniel ,Web
stor lira letter iiddreisid Co' her tither six . ;
tam,yders ago:thus appealed to him, on an
occasion of his siolmjets to return tp prliatd
life :—tliEtietTif the Igtiiiite , teountry. to your
Remit) , when weighedin the tialabco with ono
hour of siCkness dr Matey which iteriUsezi
you 7 lam no greet pgtriot ; Ido not love
Rome better than dawar ; the advancement
of party betttt thin *Vries dear fath•t•
A Nnw Cotrwricenvr: A new colnterfult
five dollar 711:30, on the'Sonthwiwkcihnik, has
just ;wadi:its appearance. The countsitiiit
is so admirably exetisted, the brokers haws
exprossldeskwillinguass kaiak° it .whtsit prio.
Rented. .. •
Counterfeit ten's on the flarrisburg (Pa.)
Balk have et(s terlheir appes t rancs. -
Ilatos. Woo of Now fork; has taken a
step in behalf •of
_the poor, half-starred
110 refuses to grant licenses for the
eatniitg year to all hackositi — who drive bro
ken down hard isd shaishy Whit.les,
Tae Lerepreve toured eve that George
D. Prentice;lier. vvorld-teeowned editor of
the Louisville Journal, is abOut to establish
paper in St. Louis.
Tan real editor of the New YO7k bide.
H. W. -ficechrr, and h hauling him over the
Tun Meal eAgir isi.miug, Wisner,
Indian* county, Pa., his been bought by
Clarl Witsou, Esq., into of thb Clearfield
Repubiscan. Wes lath him sotto's.
A AVARIABILIII instance or Enngvvily 19
men tionrd in tino_ Ale,gican poi% —OE nt a
lady w died s atiriollitpan. et Op ;of
1119.1r : dra. -
No medicine, has so largo a sale u
yells Galvanic oil. .It will alwira do whit
it is tecomMentled to 40,
• at
Foiig y a rocates the election Of lion. Ilan
ry D. Foster for U. S. Senator.
IT IS RUMORED that Mr. Buchanan will
leave Wheatland for Washington, shortly.
beAmirthe . l2thlitirebrustry.
Ir YOU wouLD Ma in the world, you oust
not stop to kick at erery cur who barks at
you as you pass along.
AT CINCtNNATI, wood now commands 810
per cord. Coal tolls readily at 50 cent* per
•ekTa lIATFLANAT, of lifarblehead, has sold
$376 worth of cabbages this fall,the produce
of one-half acre of land !
• .
TiiS 0:11.19',EN61.1811 DEMOCRATIC, NEWS.
'ROUX .11. 3 / 1 -POSI4I/7•0 Iran WOOSIMISTIATi ar
JOHN T. /100.
Adresse, et It Irjrithin
mostly!. 112,00 hill SitibliVbr saborrip.
AUTE I a r TIN r EM " t iN l T ll. o 4 llll ll4 d ° ll f ial tU immis iotio es In seela
ILI at, thsrusual retail, and erery description at
,IY C> 311 - 31 22 ' rtir 'MX MGT
WICIMUTED In the neatest asiostior, at the tweet
prises, and with the attiost despatch. liming
.perebasied larp sailleeNen of type, we are p
pared to satit• the Won dour friends. •
-PALEALIHrif-iii-43 1 ap54.-Arirtlitiik - ttis rot
, Wing IV (roan ti o r w eva i ltiot asit t . W .
404 ie-
Am every " 1101 t
Dr. flohl 5. 11.04s,,AWNIMAI. Mar.—Dettt
opaams or berroured by your laraluable Pllsit
- brother., J.J. Ligon, -ball been' ' with Mit
awful disease.liebrat attacked while ,quite
young. lie would, bare one or two spasms at oho
tack at first; but as I e /raw diditt, they fantod
naream Up to btblinvi beeoronobnord
log your KIK he bad them very often and
gotta loyaro„prodratiq him body Pad mind. NW
..fae - Mlbrulisd seriously ;• but bow, I am boypy
to aby, he is owed of thaw Eta. Ha ban enjoed
boa the hat ins put. Eta m ind
Ilkod alo e cb Red to At/original aprlgtallnom.
Ibis 1' g..comb *saute outundmiaattog4 4WD..
• I/. e O'N%
No persou who is suffering from Fite or Spasms,
should negloot orseling to Dr. !lance, otter Ado;
for supplf tends inelatimoblo modloine. .Hls •
• -folbree÷ - onttrat *ll -- twOIS `, -- Tiria I iqf
24-11eut 14 Sinn free, on tho rooelpt of a retnit•
tattoo. Address Seth S. Ifunoe f lo.l3 Baltimore St.,
Baltimore, Md.
more xben
n/LPHASIY , 001111,1' BALE. —TES
following desoribed tract of inntl situate in
Sup mhos, toWnahlr, ad,infaing land pf Van,
dyke, Totth tteethtol aa d John ilelt on the east,
emend:Linn on the North, ilideon Reotli: on the
West, and him . and Thomas Micron t aorta,
I Poislatoing 11,fty-dve acres, dill be sold olf e pram
hob ea liatkrdal, the allit day. of Januitey,
The iniptorstwenta are a Hog oftielling-bouea. Bank
barn, snd'about thirty sores of cleared land, Hal p .
will open at dealoctkoind oonditions outdo known
by •BLIZABBTH MAYkl4Adininistratax,
ily 014* af 0:•" " 61 . ./NO. MAYBS, deo'd•
M. P. 011.0.8THWAITR; 0 O. 0. jan7-It..
1401YBE AND Ltv *cm ?ALB
The lAbsorlber offers at private sale * two-sto
49141141, lied bare, end lot of ground eontala.
ng op. &ere. Thero s number of fruit Osseo° the
etalsoe If the roperty h not sold before the
11_ of if • b .•7, it will then be offered at
e. =Lia o , JACOB HOMAN
itAr..i , l *Oki a 11 , 01'
int LW thle, 4 lhir
Xr, tf t rof fetbitAv..o
Ina Maw vlataFi s th yrotth bip, con.
tr. Ootulty. ; • • , —-- • - 't
I ' Mrptrflebililf *Oro paw,
Wither aft of Jon wiry ' Doilastire,
thitra,; it ,o hirtio 113 -- toot} .P.otrints, both of
this . , •
thratticrthiet - D4WriAli,ifiiiififiGA lir Ltiv.s
Sans, top of John IC and Junin Walr f of P4llox
totsnshipr, agad II goof, 6 oquths sod 16,daya ..
On Banda nl.ltt, In; 10_, . '...lCnen,_at,o,ol.
~t.. . '. '' ' otte - U - ifilihii, aged
-6 yews, tit/Oaths and 2T day*. - ' .' :• . . 1 • .
~ THE 1114Itig .._ •
Floor, • $7,60. Oloterfiesd, •
heat, X,30 to .1,60 Thoothyiesnit
Rye, 62i 4 Flaxteed,
Apra ' •,, 60 to 691 Kt•Weg,
i art, -4 - -' 36 Nottar,
' whOtt i , " , /MOP
0 ,
. -
l g
. Ili Lard,: -.,
PHlLADJarlffit MARdlil'e.
"As 6; 1416 i.
stoned 'Optional in steady demand, and tar.
of 360 bushels prime wore widest $7,,60
Nothing doing li Tim ''u4V or flan.
. --' ' • . .. -
1%0.1168r tllarket oonflnuosfstidull, and aldp
plug br Iferottsl. 86. tA por:bblr without
b 4 mall lot of extra bripuirtitso,
021. 8 to the trod; at Anwar quota
do u. N. of Rye Flour or Corn Moat
tko . a.t oallputt limited, and prices ars Stain
8111 e/ of 800 bu. prime red of $1,45a1.40 per
.a.r,• 1 *..1190. balltipartbr White !at 51;60 ia I In
sMra Ityo Is In demand, arl all olorOd sold at
Al coma, Corn o tneots,but A Imired INV ry —ll9O
Ibilo old yellow fold at MI bo inalobe and from
ti4o4ra, and Vsooturnew Mow at 82 contr. Onto
o 6dr/woad-560D bum‘ Primo Delaware, 111
atom mold se 48 manta, aod soon; Pennayfranla'from
the ears at 47 nits per. buithat.•— .
hi OP I scrimaLy.4oxciptimiAß - Claxl*Att
acute prepare
airway icoording to the ruloo
of Pluirupoy And Chemistry, and 4 the best and
prepandion wsTairAlbillirttiodarbrrttar
pure of illiteelos or the bladder, kidoeSe t Vont,
dropey, Wetiknitasee, Re' Reed the' adverthousout
lo aoothor column, hooded " A revolution ltpertatd.
ylotot t IA can. ,
I/iAßDilluirarlifit form
44 jtoir ho ttt Sall by Dr . . Larose*. C..a1014.10r
Coktroartn. W &named. not: ta ilalarar*Wire the
qiia. Brie* $l.OO p.etßiakageon thrmi
itMt to any pkft oL the montry n bp mail, on moaipt
pf I renfittanoo. Adhrem Swincrsan k. Co., Boit
11 IkiaColßoa. IlsitimerO. Mu and.
Arvit.L'A GALTAAJC OIL will cheek Aud even.
teeny bure more ashes and paint than any other
reined, known. Ask those that have used tr.
Bold by A. frittnin, Bellefonte; Johnston &
Weller. hoeltburs ; A Sample & Ce,. Pine (Mee;
BMW Bodiey, dtorgnstorn; 0. J. 3tymaa , Mlles.
burg! Wm, Allison,- Jaoknonville; J. It. Ilarkert,
Alittany, Andel/hen
84;a r p,
Tuns..-Valikini,and Dinah.
Come Mends, lei e! put ou our doeat array
And to tho Aruids 'we will haston array,
Thais Awatrotypi pistorsa all olaiwea sagas:el
Fr„lui Infantile prattle to koory oat ago
__ In tu ral lal lu ral lot lu rul lal
filog tai i,ll lath ral lal lu rat lal la,
Pluittg racial lu r.d 1.1 lu rat tatia,
Sing td ral 141 lu ral ;al lu nil lad la.
, Away Witt a Raphael,away with hialstne;
Out artist has worked odrao 4mmor:al saute,
And (rum yonder Window then agips
Ai e' hn treess,
'IIIIE4 of aucoese upon IlftsTato . rmy lea*
Bing tu ral, ke
Come *long, let us Out on the tide's oblotetrigre,
haok in the tanhlgbt agrees Botentro pre,
And a good likaiii) get In oomoo 0.. .14. 0 .0104
OWit. • • .
gat Barnhart eau lake them that time oita't et-
, tia
b ats ra.
stiful fdaturss ba rata is
1 111), p3smi that allow a Ilea Iwo-aided face,
Ara Well suited bore in uuslitue bodorsd.
ke -
remember we hero we several moister it epokeit fe
very redoes:la term of a prepsratkut which Dr.
Hats S. HANCE, or 108 Baltimore 'treat re
ime dmovered top threurearspi spite Pita.
Now, to doings.. we hire been actuated by the
very bee: motives, via; the ailieviation of human
'offering. Prom eireutnetaners whioh hare lately
come to out knowledge, we fear there is a oertain
ohms of persons who aro not disposed to try this
remedy in a commorr sense manner. We 141110
to foot of selecti ng a partloular ease In a town
where perhaps there are eta or - el,ibt oases, and
tryingtt en ens ease. Now, perils!). the Mee se
lotted might be the only one of the whole number
that it would not sere. Thus Is neither doing
themselves nor the ruedielerdwitlne. If a dime
persons were Milken dorm wi.h — cholera 111 one
teener neighborhood would they all sena for a
pkylikima, Of would only-o.. emplos.hfu, anti welt
arid see If he cured the flret pillunlT That Ifni of
weeder, would bitineat ebbed. •So In the own
of-Ds.-lirsamets- remedy, every ontilitio -- Ttim Fits
should try it for a reasonable leogth of time. It
=ill no& ogre la • day or weak, notblng worth do•
log ow bd miestemiletted at ode.. Whet b 'easily
done. le as easily uodone. The growth of 1/0110 is
enduring. Prom the most respectable testimonyy,
we have examined. we MI assured that by all roper
pewee maim in thi remedy, files cases of Itpilop•
may h a oink. -Tim Pille not tautly
mn fall of postage to y pert of the world,—
Prim: me box $$ twos, twelve St. Tod will
End the address shove:
_,AlQ4ointre, County Agricultural
4:arm—net, sanual owing. oteettpn of
Awe of We Sosiety for Um ooml no pear, 11l be
told at the Owlet nosed s•s
imolai of tio Jasfooryooafa TS'a
"Wife oestotat of bieelpte sad expeolittafitelbr the
Put year. A fttj sAtentUnt.l4 *ember* le re-
Ettolotod• Uttobt :O,,IttICIRAIf , 3&y.
favorabii the — winetruotion of a Railroad from
atlon -Lewistown ase rim:Wait lier.saaaa Rs
rit ie nt7 neuse Ballefonia,on W•dneaftyllVOlS
lag Or Court, 4104 will be the Mit
Isar. Pennarvaala Railroad Ce pani:olatr
strong lad e
rind sent e entre Ilona,' will erre
Ilan eaopuratipititieliwalairtilion.
Puot • ." • MARV CITIZENS,
o th ooz4 t i cirok. , ror . ...hokoooot theallt 121.
C1f?6:)..6441X444 Z u 4l:l4=r tb
• - rots. \I 1
t 11.14Collpmbtai al r- —B
2 (Wok Stop from AL. Opori r of Bgbd'
ttacittaptrewor • ,
11e1d'a °nod 114ii•th'•
44 44 44 „
Ite Tench 01110/11 &IV : .. . ' '' ~ .
loll's 044111a2„. ' , • 8and. 01141710 44
BeautlftilMiglit walti. ~ : . a . a ".
COrilliabotdsoll. •
Naahingeentirieverrutpthilt --- 1 - #" 1-1 7 4-
9 Amodoon Boy, Qulelcs94;4 4 , ,.. 10 • 1 , 4
140 1
10 Hotel Dell, - •
11 Quick drop from Voris% 44 !4,, 4'; ,
17 Dog TrLy Qulak Mop, , .4 AI , 44 ,
SIT g. _ • ~ ,
1 li • pring Illiwir ?Kb 1 194; OP•1110 4 , 11 '
'2 my Ddrllng M r.
41, il ,St
polar Polka, ....--•.-
/ Elllo Wales, , II 44 44 ,
lb Warrior Quo 8 . 1 1, ~ ~.141101 , 0
0 Katy pat tin g
_Qak , task , •. 4 4 0
4 0
7 Geo. &oleo leirlth 'Horeb, , ..
~..:1 :•
14 ttancy,T , llol4l4l4l3ll/pi" . .1 ,, or. "" to ' ruk *
Y' (redly , by Hold,
19 , Crystal Poont•lrk Polka,
11 B.09•11o• Wallit. al 0
!---..• -•—•..1 ~
1 2 Mount. Varoos Polka, - ' •
11 Rothe 4444 4 . .... . Stall!? -" ,
4.1 Aiimlnlstratioii oh Oho taketo4d3ohoiliaTall,
deaeneeal, IVA 'of (Iragg toutNlN'teseriag Amapa.
foamed to, fhb INh;reitbor, e,eal4loie Usipistowir ,
pled,, ell per iodate:f4 ollikpaksto owe
owe rirwail arid' tattle hargematety, •0 44 tholes
halting tils4me • nvelmit the estao 101 , S/one Thom
prqperli outhentioated, to •
pin?. to 9et NIVEL DIREIA., A•hrer.
- TH - 10
Imo& ntivoßiarrs ''to ',sußsoutn
• COST nvollOßD' 60'107*.tillit.OENT: •
L. SCOTT k 00.,•XlriV76tillontintre to pitlilgh
the folliterins feedingri
Tlili LONDOW•QUARTrAonskrrative --
WE 1110 '—
, rnE . Noiriit parro&
. 4 MB WRSTMINISTBR ,Albers)).
NLAogwopros 8M.% krali
tToT7)., r
TheaaPartodleale is p t ate dwell sleet
polyloal puttee of Omit tri tiffrdz; Toe, and
Radleal—tnt polities ihrtlia oar 'one feat& of
thole qiessitater.. °Spain. the neon prolloihd
-*rites on soletsear Litetrtatt ' lioNff,T. anaL ken!'
eon; togy,ifiiiia, M they rjelrllliegentood, itoriral
lid lit chs'apyia - of,.lettirs, belreveciso' Mend ladie.
peonage in the auhollz and the frapealoned man,
while fo the ltdollaeit — Rider el4eiy oTass the
tarnish ILutore cermet and eatle reoordoflh
currant Meretiste:ef-thedari, Abe world
thsais , ,olla' be poeilbly °the
, •
, • BMW • •
The rdbolpt of neiriitee abeepaynali the Brit
Loh pnhilabess ilea additions) *ohs to theme p.e
prinks, ineembob as they win non, in plaoo.l in lb
Sands . of anbeertbers about as song ea the eri.O.q
' • 76
TERMS (Ttegallir Pritic) 1' 1
• .; Per am)
Tor Aircroe Of the fant'Rrrlairr • 'IS - W '
'For 44 two of the 066 t Itetimos'
Fur any thioe of tho tEdr R.vleii 7 00
For Mt four of tho R6iilow• • QO
por'llwkwood'a Magattio. d 00
For Mookwood and aim_ row f
:. --
VOr 13 . 1 . 51111 it', four Iterlsin, •
, PielirowenOsk ttr-hoiiiii4l4 in all iabsaio6_ adratn,
Money current on Or Stale War* sauced
de received at par.
- PO4TAGSr •
; paAipig• die - I:l,;teadetatiumitt
to but twesty.four coals • pm; he "illank.,
d 'WDOCI Orr bat nrartair a!I I of
the 186,16 wit.
At the above Floe the rertedlciail aril( be ter
!,otehed far lfthr.
sPLOISLIN - ciPssi* uma - Ori nu TO.
.:' pattfladho Soot" oPtoZilibtpidtsloiestthir,itej,
theep PiriottMale loot We tir -neap. a tali
year e( . the rtntabera (yi . tkita ' lona) tbrifisa,
maybe regarded nearly as valla as (or WWT.
We Rome to furnish the temp:Arias the followhig
emesonesly Mow- ratre, els . : . • ~
tor Blsekwsio,l's liiiOslo% • $4.-40*
For any on. Revlon', 4 00
Pbr any twat Reviews, 0 42
TiQr Tliaskysad and one Review, ~ . ' TOO
For Dlnokioo2 and twO Aware, . 000
Pot three Risrbiewir , 800
For Diaetwood and thweol*:issiii.,. • 12 00
For the tOnii2eTioss,
Irs 11 ud
Pat. Illiwiplltki and toe form wicifink,', /4 041.
*To fradOtml, SS may be 'remitted pir
Illaakwotati, s etbial3 wlel,l Orval that work fir
both yei!o," e
Y. p,—i• chesl4:l4/401.•1-1t
Feriodleale abov• neated,•Li abopipilt per
All IWO 444 end. van Ffiltike*iQ offrr inab
latlyoeteeigi as awl, here pesemasj.
arneroitanoes 'mat, in,iatioami, — ba made
dsroo irg th 4 P. JURebh, Neil thin; piogii no
. • ,
,_4.llaila -
°4 Oren tmlig till -.
11 tnatftk • ~ saris. nrgi l
OW= A Spews . Crook- astintrat - OM R wig
most oo Illie almond Moods, (I.7thlsfJou3 Inrl l 4l
ell a'vioak, - ,Y. M :. at A* public holds 11.1111
Usupt,jn, kt idltlboim •IA Onto) (matt, for th
porposs of shootings Pftladebt sod twelve Direc
tors to marmite she snits of nit Comps) Mine,
spsigityas.r. ._ -- ELL SLIM Pnrs'i.
dosS-It W. C. DUN , .7 . -
il3Ban Notine.—The - lifsderiligned,
010 . sens of Centre county, intenetio melte applica
tion to the neat Lsziale.Mrs of Ws kleettisenweitith
fqr thtCtlmOrporation of aßask of Mime, dhooonnt
,deposit, to be located at Etetlermele, in tho
eeeoty ehresaid, en be-cadied "The Forrnere'-and
lianottotaserf ,Bankl , of °entre OeunlyTnrith s
capitol of Two Hundred Thnossel Collars.
Edmund Blanchard, Samuel Eine, '
George Jeek, Wm. UnderwoOd,
George Boa!, NOVI/ Thompson,
A, 8 Valentine, J. M. fdoCey,
John Irvin, Jr., 11. Brookerhedr,
Wm. A:Thammt, 'P. Benner Waddle,
Barney Mann,' . P. B. Gray,
Bond Valotitino, Jamb Gray, . ,
Jolts Oiltiland, . John Richel, '
Wm. C Dunoun, George Valentine s ,
Peter Wilma% Joe. lissioh,
. Jared B. tither, Samuel :,:trohatiter,
C. C. Price, - John Forster,
Joieph Green, ' ' John P. ('sa ke,
Sohn T .Boovei, Thomas Liqielte,
1e2,5-am ' ..ittene Strobl'.
1 -- Nottot44ersoos who
artiViitobas, are nal callow we in
BeDebate, between bow and e inusty' Court.
The business of the eubscriber Wee uposnalls. that
after that time he will not be able to.oratt open-than
personally, but will be called away, sad onspeiled
to leave his bustnese In tbp heeded an Attorney,
to lettle.krrange" / ad the subscriber
should be out of town. roAltierals will_ploaeo sail at
Lilo flanking Rouse of Humes, aide, llokllister, k
Co , where they one pay Uttar 4ndebtelnoss..aa , l
"" 1 ” **oar, lutilklawnwirelgod b 7
fitrB33lA t.
T7Sallrold litotioe.4-The
on of the Look Haven. and Tyrege
bi t t %Mont are
herettLieetilleti the at
e i — eleothrelvilt held in the
Open noose In ihe borough of l Bel sta. ou Taal.
.d my. the 13th doer of January INA, het the r ALS"
of elecalog a President sad MIR•• Heaagete to
torte throne year.
_Jaeaaefta{a, t- -://teir-Yeenerntort -- -
Juba Lreds;-}r4- taret.--e-rTherisr,
Sense liemeld L. A. Illettisty.:
. d
war, Poooit Jo :4 T; Math*,
ha. just ressivid s rp Mfr
lend wartgbutt dl
lad Ovary kind of , ..1
cintirifm.o onetgo r t--
.. I ,_ u . and -ill kin& et -, • v _—
Alm, 011ITLETIAN'9 CLtTlltni
Of the latest Diable:woo,' sad beet Mate.
, In look ttarything,dostrod. Coil and one. Tho
1111loSISIon Is Ilktulidolt to all. ' ISAAC MA V,
Ado 4. .11.1 _
•I IA 11
4,1 'llt ti I
wlan-ton ON SUNDAY lirminka,,
Deeember 211 t., on the rowl from gaols
tie to Mabee Donliel's Itatfle4l a io*" of
14aven money. A. re and of $lO will be paid SO
ee person Sten:ling the same to 4
**34. MCCIIABL FLYNN, Belieftalt.y. _
~WWeal• of sett• sealing ouvalopes, ringing in
prio's Root 3 emit* to $t.25 per peek, just received
*hid for sale at the cheap drag store of
dee24-tt , GREEN 4501ERN.
Li puitive/Au( theouteroirlbet !dont the lest of
Weber, !dne head of whirep, Narked telth simian
eoblr elder the right ear. The owner of the cheep
will pletwe mem forward and prove property, pity
litherges ant) lake due* away, otherettee they will
be thorned of !wording to law.
UMU.NI, P 41011114,
11001Whw PoWer townehlp.,
sittorusts. Ps., will siSsod Wan bulimia Vs their'
MO *l* pilnaiuslity,
40/1:11/10.A - --riF -YOTI !witirr
bps-abut) tiEGlAltitsith it fine flavor, just can' on
• : sog. Trit-Edup.
into blrittflekt them at'
Aires CQ.'S Az..-onm sow a ,
409 B 44%44
ruts 'Wits. 41:11m4Y.111yur AWAY TO rcacnassos
411 Os lewd. ,
11oeshs tall bold de low m MIL
oillet sterna, pram of. them for, lees— lie* bog,
-4 gift retrying in value from
cents to $lOO, given with earth book *Who than It le
sold..notllffetrillnft _tory large Meek-of now
LairiiitTaldre Woke; and as our roottri ~ L erge
salsa indlernall. profile," we ate determined, to give
shy oustonleo biller totem, !ban 4410,4 e. lod &p
-utty*, Anus. boric published in Nati Torkor
• • • Ptstofeo -96 't'Xin'bO r tudr
tee , pt of fetrbtisher'e Ando°. Ottfalogneti, of'. boo s
acid presents , eandaiteing full crplernations * ill be
sent free lo all rgif 9.1.40 eDuarY•
TU. 1. , ; liberal indanentenes are sifereil, to
Agents. Any person .by tending us an ord., ter
ton looks whb moony Imbued, will bo erraticd to.
an estre'bonk and gift.
AU orderer for books, entitsiningproney, ensMe
safetk,) should be registered at the Post olltus
erbehrthey are milled, and dirtoted to_
-- svmrs - a, N.Y.
ItArzosPics:-14. T
fi tgq!iii4 fiol*Duth Fourth
Oteribt ; Y.* float 'A. Co.‘
Pdiwierphia; D. A99 41 °1 1 et . 15 6.. r°l44 " lNl *
TCrk ; Derby A Jeakdon,lbutian Street, Ikea , Fork.,
ItarldEND 11011 'A CATALVO (M. .
H Psi egpal itore, 409 Ilroadlys.* NOM York,' ,
t0a,44, C.
Vzsnoix *totes an 2biladelpbla bird nt, 14114114-
' 0611,20191 Li
WRPEaII On nit"
tired amtheixt34,lol4ll4lort it d'ealsrare nine
printed vi Ihmer's Mastawse. Thifbat aeon.
tribotkets end illuitrotions IhZ ann
ands nident„Than thirtylhotlinettehillaa 0,1
year la Wien paid by,tho to:Ainorloon Ao,
Lars nal Arta&
!rho Poblliberi beg to renew tat: Altana to IA
publtb for the extnordinary lola With erlileh la
Maipalno lied haw Noah ea. $0 ittlia Ora/Pena
will bo spersa wielder It still hare. lireAbypt
taparallolod itiocuatitivino.Platf - -
fittolir umber bf the Moghtipo„ will °obtain ta
weave ages,. la double •eellOdloo, lovb yea( - thii
ng nearly twirthonsatid pa es p_fltborbolez
dapeeilatearrittortitill - a t e Jai , - Every'
number will oontaiLlooinabo t t_
inatirs'Atijaatie of thd Pahlavi; a ooplai I
ghroniele of Nana greuti_and *gat/ Int ;aim
of the boOks,of the wreath. ' , The Wan° Outman
mares withlthe nmeageore or Jeers and Denim/a,.
hub seheariptione Wtt, comateenee whit enr ... pa
leoule.---TheNlestietee "1 lAobtalliel boo
/eats, inuriodlantla i lasta j of from the pub:Mani, at
anie dalstilaupdactittwenty.livo ants • number.
The itnnivoisiowit trauma t o: atottletpa,l unatlr
tgody-wheHroil d-nt 4 •delfzßt r ' iitbß
niani n eeeare; art , treekiehomi to tt.,01 who Web to'
hero their. bah 'intrelbirit natal* 'bound', at
tiff tity-itro:tanto oath. Tata volutoes 'an now
!IMP del ale*, ale in half: waif. ' •
The 11111 it W I,here *ll applt spoktiogeh edmhort
Apses *4 t,ogutit/Gne, and
tfyst~t WrnaPooo VW '.heel for tho!M her.ifigulc
- Tito will also iepplr ,
9444 of arippailowa at Ave della, a year NOM.'
bets from the sornmapeetobat . C4ll now he eoppiled,,
bailee ballad ritameg. -- +
The Maga:low ifeigito over coven 'al not. over
eight outage. The ixeuege upon'. sate ablbet,.
whitth /111$11% ta pal quarterly . In adttnoe at.,„,tike.
office where the /Ovular if alaftf,ll-461-rtble‘i
' arta.
-ijeThe Pobliehere woeld Aire tfotfoo.`thitt Shot'
Larosolgerthe far whr,es eortmetathey are reipda
gartZtose ordains the Maculae from Agetto
or # eerwAook t' theta thole aufkpliOr the
Published, Th s nraday, tiapttnther 25, Bertha , ' Pat
Ouse to Maass and the tooth of the Pr9l - .104
• with letrodontthn by Bayard Taylor. 1 vol. 12
- . aktheteethurn--.111.50t. -
-The binary of this eurtoua boy is u falistre : r
Burton ha etier wi f , in.-the Kart l'udin Chstnpany,
haring, hy a; Liefklerasi in lappe t t w La t it th. 8.1.
quire& a perfect nowiodge et,diti-r 1 lan.
;naps anth.endeutew peotheted V tie% ad Bat
a"Pketbt Skt• Lord 4 dullFlSlPoaPabsttav,'44 04
hyljoity of Dlfeas. and Ut , N toot, et Om -tralfis, ,
Ahlatitha. Sun* rusty W erer-befttre
ivajkopitebassa. samfamitallt
in 24,52.4, dtazutaad al A Milittibm
1 1ho IMary.oraha:oomo
lot rt. sial clijidotalli ,
i ty s on thee lt of troarel erar
donor et Cairo is a
I ' .bau
b 01 ,, libilllM ; *the diset;re
that th e tittered //haft Blue 11(111 lerltill: .01•10144
neat salmon preaehnd at Nikon Win estimated au
dienee 01 . 150,000 Ittlgrime gathered tram all puts
14 the hiteloan world; ktis earroweseapes from do-
toelionfond the only aerarate socesuut of the ears-
sneakier the M embalm faith
2 To the teliewett enatenturtrith watt fit,rallEt
iefoinatm4larezlbonow piaq4 . ,ti
o cereruonial lane or a lete proportion of the
Eastern Wltßid-p while for genera/ Intereal., lictrlon's
putative will ourepwre favorably With either re.
*au or hat .ackdAlloAloosor
N 0.231. Bated wity, If% Y.
on,rttal:ltY joc litoPmaiblv men toobtatn
liepitabiu awl 6tAltby
Apnta, • ClAnywnrs, Gulputtenri aud. root-
Any persona olitaising enbseribers for fifty oopiee
9 1 . either of tido following American National
Werita. god remitting , khe amount, (leas et - large
otemiloicfin) to the Pnelither, wilt he entitled to
infty Lepers' worth from threuhJoieod list of eel
liabl• Works &Late foot of this rivertMemont. .
Filvt Naliunai Hsatorp-af lb thardd StMos,
Colonial. Itosolnilosary nail' Constitutional,
obiatly from Natio:al Doonmilnts, by B. J. low
mit Ilaki &lain Williams ' whit tiumeromi Paoi;
irallo On atrial and wood. Two solumest, l
Hal 5 to. sloth prilis $7,04.
drielsei., dm aitateessao gannal, eantaimilv i the
Lim, casspirend - Atiniaistratioas of roil;
dant', from Wriamineter- to Place, with Brio por
traits on steal. Butts Warns*, Svc. otratbil • •
Popukr sad valuable Books is Pray!lams to
A Mc. to America, by Amerisans,Atb *Won.
El so, cloth. prioe, LAO,
' yuwliog i e History of Botniaiuo, 60r:
d ais,
Oro. olotb, $2.33. •
&Its. Hilts' olsofe• *orbs for the famlttelrolo,
plates, J rola in, ollott, PAUL ' •
Vie Asdarieise and Odd Foliow 4 1 . 11(oosotla,
lotus' eogroviugq:2 , l:
ri g 4411.13.5.20
Lliotdo to ruditl , *au, royal Om ilbl
113.00. •
fondent of tatriorld, 430 planto, 800 $lOO,
vidniut wtablagt to engage Is the good 'ore* of
Om Wag thaw important maidloottookitill
iddromojk lino to the Pubilikor,
• ED W,A4.1) wAtxrß,
14t Polton
Arif therwitt - rfeerrtriVe — ,_- it
pandunos d•o9:11n
__Lmetrenviestamenta v on theellte
de *m . ltartgem, deed late etpred tewrtieh p,
myctamk mould te tke acheacliters residing is
townektzwfarrequest - Mtwankiheldasbtaro
'offdloitittOQ coma Ictiroord and make immediate
Payment, sad thews tuaringjotstma to present them
ditty authentiamed liettitment.
deoPli. • I DAN?". j
A glows gawp,.-THE UNDEIP
Slave Wed, an auditor appointed by the Cant" of
°amnion Pipes of Centre county, to make dietrthis
ti n te tbe mottles to thu bands of \l. Waddle,
8 era, relied on Om eatiadthe real,estate °LSO tn.
OHetrilerson '
to among thaw entitled there , will
a tad to the duties of a ticl appointment, at the
Mite . 'II Ofitee littßstielltnte, on Friday dm
. lif a annairy,lll - 51, where all persons intor
tiled mared. JOIIN T.1100VElt:
ttetol4 • Audit .
. t_ 1/1/T08,1110110E.7 - TaFl•Ut M.
• signed, an Auditor, ppoletetiliy the, Cour tit
Ootudion Pleas of Oentro oeunty, to make distribu
tion of the monies In the hinds of At• Wridial.
'aholiff, raised ott the Sale of tho JAN eetete ot John
0 Musser, hi and among Maid entitled thereto, nil
alltomi to the ditties of sold appointment, at the
Prothmlotery's Ottine in Hollernote, on Friday the
litildey of January-, 1857, where alt pereone Inter'
esLed may uttu a d JOHN T. 110017Elt,
detl-lt . , Auditor.
-4-26. eigned, an Awittor.eppototed by the c4uts
of (Immo Naas of Centre oou*/, to wake /Vete
butiou of the MOOOlll io rthe hands of IC Waddle,
Sheriff, nixed Do the atle of the told estate of W to.
L ~‘f wet, to and amen* those entitled *hereto, will
attend to the dutlecof arid appeithstont, at the
Prothonstery!iodloe riu • Belleforgo, on Pride. tlln
2d of,Juertall, IW, whore Ali- persons %terse
tatty,stteud. WOVEN;'
deo:tit ~ • Auditor
014 nut wool t004.41,./roat'llottelloutit to °en
tre Fotoopo,'about TUFTY - 4/o*B DOLIMIttrIn
Ica+lF hot.% uutst/y lo Look .fieven taotrey..l - bo
MAO Air lid . Ittproity 10,444 V , . hohdos at*
motley at °onto, FUrorte.e, with 1111thets TkoroMn.
deof7-at JOHN QUINN, Cottle rflthate,
e ., , inpu e mlAvi of
• raw Mill Manufactured MHO; NI NO AND
.1111413 1 1P1,90 Prove Mille, DeMO Oar'Ss. •
' Mae latiMst bar being eatenatvely iregagial lathe
11 ho h
V4t - 1.1 81,N 880,
•.. _eve _ Veal 511111118 AND. 1110(0
dispose of to give him ea 1. „Ito pail' thoblgheat
market, Oleo In euh ',lt would be wall for oar
metehanta mai thunterito rentember;tllot he paya
d rat (Mahood gird them the fall - value dr ITiei
!". tu n; rnave'tlan W t di arerfinlirtiol e of Fare would
do will td send thelr• orders tO the mulendinal,
whd papered to. ticklish them at the Inwolt
jl4 ftirrOrt.S. and VATi r ettee LADIriP
PUltB al *yawl hand, it priews much lower than
ran be o tred 17 the retail hound er,Neer York
Amt Phlllitelph ,
41 4 - 0V4.113, Itilll,oB, to., tam also be manhood.
411erders turdremed to '
• • .Geoituß KEPLER.
• • Pine Ovord MID P. 0., Cent:wee., Pa.,
'will meet with prompt attention. • '
• ILYA. An ilea" BMOC - Bums eiteel
, Bearing them argue about thit end dad.
[Jumped up %nasal my but,
'Ywaa bought It lumen hilfirde
I picked op - one,
' And then another, a y „
But etery one
I , Looked like hie bender, •.
, For they were W bought at base May'll
1014 Lin abet* Ge/141411W
then.Vrp4i.'eld out,
NW: Tear 'em oat,
• limb, whl4l and blink,'
t If you went a bran new hut.
J te uatge the stoni of lased May, •
rvl, "to
O ! !ENT ingA
..deroligned haring °load bueioeq In the hop
.pugh of hilleaborg op& estelsgetsteell w -the M re.
spestfallyinforma thope_bedebted h
e4slerhersit Mrs; thlTEß•heolik hafo teen left In"
Ay bugle of Robert L. Stark. Rico for oolleoPon.
All portions knowing themeetrea On ,erreo rs Mit
plekss cell sod mettle,and those haring Melons will
present them fee pennon' .Tbe sudereliguesl
'Rawi his meet sielOttir . denim to Ks Loperi,el
Mind' for the extenslre patronesls they bellowed
open biro diving Us residesmie to Silleeberfc
f/et.ll-301„ • • I!hf.Rt'SRLE.
• rial. Y! tf we WI to th ief
• . dowortptioh of Allis . Work ,la a iwpettor
•tr irorkenebli, elodtwenty-tits . put tont
.• 01116 .414, hod - Bellefttetto,• Ll4,4burVor
enti vi lbo i m_aa_atk-uo-pay-4 .111 ...44toito
---Itto) the nook abou deliver* WI dooploo
bud Laathapry t 2 It. fonno,and (up
ottelty in or matter or We am 14*
kaolin la this osaranntity to. War bj• Ettatiffiteu.
8 0 1 1 0 0 1 1. We allow -otiavaark ltl'rnoatorttori
=Ay to 1/0 oastaiootl awarding t• itokaoribt
' Wo arctaaaktal for Opt pors. 11total pol iro lvaar
bare ridlet'od; iuxt roopeotfulty *QUM liftman..
mato* of the rune; ' AU orders Alled•with potato..
alltcr; and tlallotirod to fitly port or the aieetr.t, f
ut.frPlik;. e. A. *Timm,
bath Awes Marbio Wdrk
Aufrinatzaa Aoants. , ja Ca:trr is car •
/*Ala Ilougor,lr...litoobPatinrove, Esq.,
tioltihan, Sateoel A. Stanobrhiter.
boa lavairtail coontr—Chatloa*:. l llrolilaao
not] ti L. Boomatt.
&ourfrltAirSAVir MILL
to.J The sobeeribertssitV erected n tarp. Stearn
day Mill i is prepared to itner to order bilis of any
deetrition rt tlisaitersedifootles '
' On thripuoveibe reed,ll WHIM kali
novilLlys - • .1111•414.4.
4s, w s NilJ-I.—The pitieriber . will pay tb•
so. : 2 w. etlt, At al , " ? IVAlia„. MILIA. ee.
the MeadlseLersce Crock; ree LANA tnam.the..Ltdef
1111.111111. 7 ' , .. -""711,4,
8. A ornswt,
book Ifinen 18arbla Works.
DAILY —The andatilmorftid ra
spootttt ardirm it* traraMoig public that ba pow
WA &daily 11/4.41 Stara to Tyromp—Tri.waolrt
by-arrraffittertedkerro cot Varrtorta - ark, find Erl
weakly ?la Hal Y BWe Mani Road .
Profs Trento va - Moaday, Wadeead ay and‘Fridar
from Billatonte on Tuaaday, Thursday arid Bator
dor, ant( the nollo,ring data qa thatitorutatown road
awn R. D. CVMMINGri,
101110PLI13 1310218102. •
TION a rtIOT A LOTTERY 1114M4.. L ,_
roe ALL.—Or l.o6 gailliOd order the lawshf runtylyu•
, tdayAusu.
Peril. I will seed es* cold pen;or Ohl rigg, or
peeket revolving Abeam" or WI Ocelot if pod
sowing , silk by retard midi. sod opt - oprillOlU itt
the Free Distribtatur of Farosti;fleuttes, WOMAN%
to., to be distributed in :shoot ICC% )
Mad orders, with astu§ey, le 7.W. Rif ,
, • - Newtob Restin N
ee, NW Pe.
Mot climeitiLierA - ears opportunity.
jaelut Tot Chnuitiol - Boehm e wears mop.—
Alan !rUtol , . Jill - north Au gra.
111171.1 3101 INT stiturAtur—
thsteen hales north-nut from Mated.,lpidn.
near Norristown, Fe., will bolero foe revs, me
yd 0014-abort 14 peen of 1110,1nrIn October I,
lips, till lnw r; issr. The Ws lo beshbfol, the
surenuttng mimeo( olotteditily hesudfol,
erounioodstfono sufflolont for 210 boarders and 200
elidente, sed lhelentisnoteunbiteat. The rugs
of studio. le 11/ItealllVOl tee Wallet" exPer.ielkeed
end shes, ea Nisei lemmata. effort is houto
prhmida Intellsontel sod more. *et ,
flue of the soMtere. A Ofrouler WIN tu.sest to
Older, with periloahro sad refireneettf desired'.
BAIfODL AARON, Ptioelpel,
ank-26 N err! own. pa.
001XXODATION LIN ti cr XALL E15A1312,6,
Qin - Bellerodle and - it. Very'', via Snowshoe,
tattiness, Caledonia and Cantreettle.
Thh Ilqe has been pleeed on tho toed for the'r tr.
pie of iptaebTurislatin the traveling- 'public, and
no Wort will h l aor Q ~lt both an •. •
end et*lfinue. 0 stages wilt. leave C1:41..,
X LEM' 110 T 81 1 ,- Bellefonte, overy..uttlay„„lrod
IlfdlidiY and Friday, is 7 o'eloCit, A. 11 - : - L.ara Bt.
itary's same day., et 7 o'olock, A. X That will
tht in as to Locoramodaget travellers to this tregitm•
ha stwarniente along the Marl will be of the best
description. Careful and evporienood dri vets Neve
Won engaged, the beet (16110h54 Pleafired, end oath
logien undone whisk_ wllL_seaurc tho, oopfideneo
and patronage of the public, -
. disulAy . -- Ci/34114 INVAir OR ALIA Nf . -
E. C. Mims, Jes. 1 4 . 114111
11. N. JIICALLTarzg, ' A. G
—3 thainkr,
w: - Mr.
INTkRE4T IrON !ipEClALDlr,POrliqrs. 4
usza PBS ANAM .
HAND , posA.92l
ass of the suluportbsr living in Ferguson Tp.
lannstisas Suring outobwr• lUM tWO Beibro, about
one ,year old. Oun , nr linsen black with • srbittffhoo,
the ottor 1 hm.n_and whilariorindin. The owner
oonts forward', protep7q/ l oharal4 Awl
take-tems.r.rret4grortr - agitneonrel. ,
.ing to-law. f„
novviitinus '
op% .4.09r 11 4 1:1 ;
nbeig i o ' 4ethe,
ery soep. put reOeved &Otter mlo very sap
, jar
A'CII VI DI TIV , .10g i g i fitli NATION..
Mr sabstollmir 'iv raspelithelly :IMMO , a
icayellincralgletbadlts itlayplaced spas Oh II ,
NOELS ROUTE, Letweery Illelleioado Pod
,Maven, a pendia.. ofirCIRS kw the asbrailatile .
tion of *Mad° may • .to travel War ids reed.
The doles app comfortable and orseashrat to Mk ••
In, Ind, the drivers. andlioraos wad ggliwalimmO., -•
iiittbriCTioii. The Magas tom owes tithe ramie I.
digiht, both going and turning.
the Stsgeowill leave the Conrad Roue; lialibt- • ,
Ante, every Monday, Wednesday sad rtlidatmr - ---
ming, at 7 o'clock, A. M., mad lest* Lek
liverrTuenlay, Thamday audEstorday t at 71W .
A .14i . ..... _ . v.,
- Thy so hecriber wotthil MN WV*
, tire patio that he ALI •oadases lit
I the Li very diallases, aad bt pmpirted
to iroodintoodiq . th em with 2.4. P'S AND Aar
noR 4 Es ava 004 D Vigil:o4k 00. the *.ii. a ..
notion. Omaha Driven will sloop be lit repiabross
1.01140v0y passenger+ tool point that asty bp dos . • -
Ital. . •
4,40 Thankful Air past favors, he ropoitilAr•o; '
liettteromintluaanot of tbe fano; . ...... • . • •
motirri , L,Autart t - lamp ,
Whye ndbout amity? erten It isjgoly4
easy torany one to be around •kb a pintkot'll as
not, If they only 0414 go. `I havirvdtd nob attiv
obi, from *plot "ftimi Ile; to r trienty dollars p dais
oars bo made, eitluvr by. asal• optimal*. it Is •
Sighly resp•Oliale rug. dpii an ankh et lob
Is wanted ln every . amity ly tie USIA+ States.
Enoloal me two dol afity mail, at my icekoindl
will forward rti mail aWiyoular, alto fail h..
striratlons in a n., The boding* la Peri pest,
Try, it, it poi Awl of empleymuut,,ittid ,p will
never rive , for 100111 ive lootuir fOr you pay •-,, ,
the abuse m, and lathe s goal lasetpels, t tts
poe tvvindy•ttve mints toe *patios+ siv miler t.
TI;Ve is no bon bog. Try . it' Try it' 'hitt ! ' 'Ad. ~
•dretut your 'utters In
irtntilin httiNlitig, Soil ge, -44
I *intone .
.of my hiroulays to all do
--'-----1--- ..rr /1P4. --:-. . •
ft, and lie gave me it uut kw it, his , paper IQ* the
lion4g. .
~ Mr . Monroe gent me one °ULU stroslarter sad I
willlust rag to inzloatiera, tltillOinterarlv vitl m olgoo
aft or etriplyin - enLilliT - fir. Alnanee's MIS
a good business, and :no men be goada.sigil-41;
d. , ',.
It br "YU/ wt. linge . gdsrin ii;ifbr It is ro ham- ,
I dealdlat, -
sPECEldrai OF INTSOI7I , IIII}.— . ,
Lll 11.11 d Mil be ro o dy woe, 0114461"
OF GULD.ur e,culler.lott.uf ecttieL elsoltst, aqi kl•
tellwlusi 'onetime. Ily 1 4 ataket M.
JIL -Altitter-ef
II of Rake ,""• Hist. ~ry of glaperor
1.," Au., de
Thke, ottdoebtolly, will Le. thelood I
were a +be Hod ever oebliehltd tersistr i an i t
niU 0,4.1 wanly cashew riolgy Lew .10 the
Luse &al, wiyu l dit tato in sr wren Ilastlepe.
rate eltbrimti maxila!, and tattoo/AMAMI •"-•
with wise saw.. ttedliroketesroptter4firtubt-
Gir to efteliikly and everything worth rent le
to *0,1,1.A:141y adopted to the prowl d
nt' tee pviotek, treat plates Itneelet c p t ie
z • In' PROCEAA, spoke/a .to 114
• • ref the felentitle iteletwor.
• 4. , wittiest 4.sobt, be the lomdsothliel, beak
niirkkhu I sppeitaree ever baby, riblished
prizaaJouul taus tl
tft vonttnik e r ;aulke it atbrieve
o'o id mei br ore: Peas CD Wats WR
whilitt w il l bobs , poet pabl. . A,D4trime
UEO. A. UROIPUT, Publditi
83 Do* suroirt, Pbf M.lsl
PISTB, 241MIBLE I.)I.A.X.Eht; ead 91410.
MulfCMßitit, DAOCifltkilkirrlie C•111[11.
Thathea kW: UM. la
I.lereble manual Aligoartv. nypo ittestwa to Mug
Htopes 4Wd Sops= sum , I brie Woe suevelimat •
....o , e•-•eikeee.f i er „thoi•isett-tervrienk seetlieglellir'r`.
rant than" to oicewe the Wet* set a Nag auslepe. C •
W iv es
arida) Mirghtt;Os I
tiara sei4 keels. ft
• • /WI tert~R e/
hoe. re spalmi •
•- Mout •
o ft iteiMit 4
So- •
The -.teary n.. ...ter e . .. trenseed 1411141 i.:
dentinal, he wood agoit s attire of the e
patrotiago--oonatteut thetfrem the large egeti~e
*blob he bring* to his work, and the high quo
patient of hie Ametannie, he witt b e eta t , to irks.
Ate eehoei war of the beet is the antoter.`''
. TJAtion, Boarijitt, Furnished &Doan, Waage. v *--. • .e- t
_.14. Ugh: sad kneLptet Wagon, -
Totttott ID tha adrisma brapgita, • I ell
•• • " Junior Chu, - • - • IIN
." Wilk, withtase . of Pteao, I 131.. ~
.. .• !mob. -•- - 4 '• - - 410 • 4 40.
" " tisane Work. • - - -- SSo 4,
glaboweed limbrolder , • I N
" . o' brseriwand .eintio (each) li i
.. Three novas, - , 4 •
Preparatory Mar per quarter , • , - I
--- 431 tonal ityabledwistia .. o .desire. • ~
J 4.
i.; ' C IigJIL, Prisilool.
-. . . .
,tilghli it; ItaCiasson, .W WWl=
it Irvin, Jr ' ' Jouses
arid Barb., :NIA P: Pomba:
Jooksourrigs, Doe 3. ,
r t9ICPLQ YXIXT-FORilitinnilit ------
Au xlis .011,0 T ItOOZ ilift, AIIENTIU .
11,~A0 almost gift fur s fistr to proms{ telaU
waled lbr ono eotnsti,l - try 11 moat roar
Wooted—dputo in Ivory sooldoe of the Veiled
itylcet,T. O
B Vga L uia . f i t , ptt i l i tfiL LA/tha d TYPII
Tr. 4..,„„...2, Acioßtar pumas:
fro lona, dim, about ore tboussad oegravihrf r •
T*#111 1 _„ fol.heak. la.dsatiaed, If Its sea Alma elf-
**too tram tho sakes ,of the Press, to have -ma
saproeso•Ved olrealatiork la ovary onotlea - et at,
wide•Nprood 000tinaat, sad to ram a dialiaet vs
I n d i d o ab of oar wrap. It will, to doubt. la'
bier lesui.boatiatie the (Welly Bilges! the Aitorfto. - -,
Na p•op/a. ~ .
WT. be most Liberal issuassratior will be a 1
wood% all patios, who tsar ha lassoed, ea pee . .
earssehreibors to the shore ?rota 10 lio 100 es- , .•
00 Kay easliz be circulated ..1. 9 1d.0.....+4,---
b.- ivoiptl Quite &ate* dad link* . -.111.44
1 E 4 1-14.----- --
Oa a •egmko.lo. w it ay ,
- Applloatioa shoal/ t e e mad* at sees, at tbs
d witlf obey be oesupled,
12 , -perinuo wishing to act al agents, mad ds a
dale bucnoss, eau pond for . # I!peivioll enpy.. ,
f lor larraricfo44. o l tbs. --
1 ale rittorial Family bible, •I a soil
biip,l9o Baia, *ln„lpa cargally lOWA, INK
fpiwantud per aspresa rftenir r iot and tLViir
... 10 .
sap eeetra) own or v i llage la the Val
ccsouptiudilvio• of.,Ottlifffftfis, Oregon sloi,
Lelteigistor y our laden, sad 'our booy will
pr ON.
ig addftloo to 11;o ifotorial ,131b* ni_piiirl
1413.4.4ng•-easimber of Vilninted ?tail) Wullfj;
le , r) popular, and of avolia bigb amoral not tan
ceptloroad• clistaster,lhat while food seri oaf
aafely *map is gr i ptilallao, they will
a pall° benailt, n t Aar trosapeatt-s
for tbelr laWanbor.
'....k, A
. .
ims ha, (re: AI • ; •
SEARS, '" e •
llTiram Sitimir No* YeOp.
AISTOV.S6 4000, Vnift"" : , "' -
..M.'' -
• aubsotibtri haTlag jot Wonted
4 10 oasbotp g La' id tho Jargeat and book'
totoataseot of Mbyte tor Ortirs4 to Vtas.,lloo,4o*,
. 0 44047 -- cconfing , 4. 1 11 6 h tam oel,brahad Ms•b•
sod Cltro4 4 . Itingi obtolt fog *so dater
wined go *oh thll e .90 tAle ulOl4 rifirlflll , •
j tailii3t StPilk , like 000tploto. 'a 14 i ii
Boller% tortr. Nalti.Pos, 46.• .1.3.• iikli.
littio immttoteta ortralor. Ocfs.i ind Wald 4
Thu Oot,Vo, quiet!, But/Ur-T(10i. Witch
Corp, alai*, sod. baja - 1 fitovo very At
Plata Efar- Room •Bio „froaeo Plo
Surges, Se., 44, fleless* -- mirtf. -
14/.ara, OW Fattres. flbovela, and 41 11
trlloloa ,f or bigithtalt.4lta *loofa on, al.i„
Iltrdommend /ton giara of .., ~ 4, ,;.,..
4.. ..,.
, ......_. 7 ,_ 7 _,_, L
1, j ,,, r , ttl . It4r* 6
t w ' " , , y''''
1 • , . • lir a riiii • •
•,",.,,,, 4, , , , ,,,'
m or I , •filido.ll• ,
ttl lotho p i ir ol;
I ... T le plip i
S b ' p • tt'
111 •
411 lb Oa •
el= of labor. Apply to. •• ,
CITIVIstto an'plaTtNl,
but B—ktl• s l•pti *. • *II the premisoi.
artkl• tr tloet art
15 4,040.
sot liarrOpeos,
E coypu, PA.
Topa pal ow.
:',vferakw (OW
4 I
, i !