,kotdted •ly arid night have 6, 0441 , 0411110100ds and atoned whore it , . -aiss.tdiades to my OellarS/ lin k mudhl " • 14 Yes r4r auricdtt *sa l etestives,r.. — TritlY....tieV a iriiisitOl what I had hiddersiO • ;The last nine years in order to indesoi toyee ! tbr the monies I had lost, Illtanidtakest the liberty 'of using some of yours.'A3l toy env irises hive proved soccesefolowdwiM barrossing myself to the least, I can ASrevf **turn "irk the lhAlre - init *MIMI -- Vttif. - Interest." Tber rritww wail deeply moved. ' Ileyer." he said, "you sire the most bon -.lCel fly Watery 0140001Oir to wrist* with it.— rithw4tollay hit tiro , jftre; I wild Worotarti 4004 041 1 40 , 0 oesit,Jl6o4st.' ,— . ' And Otos Rtrilmobild likeine a' million ;he. CONG R.'S. • _ • .—. . Tri.the President we ' filsoogoor of the Lod Ilitasa mid Tyreitaihtereoti":" ....-GfirithelitiEtLiiisAirdatiee with , ' Yen request:a Insithrim for st railroad fkboiz Bello- Smite to Tyrone, • „ .n the tnost favorable ground through' the valley,” was completed, ..-....—. , ' and the maps, prisfitai,land results 'rebore- A fter loeking the wheels of egiaiation fe f f ,' with submitted. • , • ty more thee er went. end lifter' liiriiefeiair to 1 " The !creation throughotit was rtakirith. oho wholo country, in the Hiroo of lappet( tit out reference to any private itfierest, of IP. InehltoaineY, a maid inahnetke 1• 8 88 5 4, the , callidventagi,llle nett wroNable aid ?beet that -Republicans have at feat yielded to' route well solleeted 7 in lame "finditnees woes , f h° 'irti?thsttSe tore. of -inn and **ht. l 'rificing thepreferetices of frienasettheirolmd, Mu . .. W whAt 1616 ,3 1 1 8 1 8 .3 81 1 Y elects hi' eider hi obtain' itlediantage ?fir thi , ruin". - `. - ,:eggti . from the Territory of "Nann:, was , The line Was commenced in Main Street, I giefitted-to take his seat. • The Tore storsBi on the west side of Spring creek, near Thorn ' - --11.2 yeas to 168 nays. Whatever semblance I as' Mill raer.at Bellefonte, and carried down ff•', 'II excuse the 0 1 5 1a 8810015 may have had-you the west bank of Spring creek, at a grade -,std dispute-the seat of Mr. Whitfield at, (be line of from tour to eight feet above low 'l{4.. h a t htmioti of. o "greles IRA ..-i." i ..IPest,! , ter in that stream .': This enabled ate to A ', pretext could be fkirly Myer at this Sun' n' ic tare good and cheap location, without do. lot rion' for such a course -of, etioi. oft the hig Material damitage to private property. last session • maiorily)redi Nan decided"' The Bituminous coal houso, and two old %O.:lie/Put° between Vewire._Whlttielcl and I houses at Irvin and M'Coy's Polling MIS, , Needer, the contestants, by declaring the i maust be-renamed. - These are the only oh gear -vac*" 17 ' supply that 'mane)" an rstruetions _between Bellefonte and Mita - eleetion was held in Kansas, not under the s„ ,.. ftsi n , rig i tt 4 l _llu sig l4 % , the See is ism•rnorwi r torm_hut_ici_mmoowid o wee-witl37s foot, or a little over one fourth of a mile . lin_ . , elatnatlon' of -410‘ eruor Unary. ;Mr. , from T,:l.d: Ilan corner, heipgi'bout the hitfield preicnted himself to the people of I some distance that the startingpoint is aim the Territory for tin*. suffrages. There was ;o w Court noun in Bellefonte. Soremeg lo na opposing candidate, and he W" elected ; cations Were ezenbutd...toget.iniblicteettrg, 6 9"4"we*,..._._ 1 3 4 : ", If (hems wa s °Mil li**, i btillifireiithe canal, lendelnd in embank - • 14 -408 o n -to , ThavvitaalrthronSh' the only Je'' orient V feet high,necessary through the town gal, wrimatitittilimal medium, time ballot-bOl. ',_ a difficult coOneetion with the main line , The. weidentiiii setting forth his cleetiou, to. Lock Barn, and no real advantage ern , duly signed by the Governor , and att i cs the adoptod line. To keep entire/Jr rest Of, j r- by the Seenttily of the Territory, were' the canal, a large amountet trend work brOught by Mr. lrbitililete Washington, I would be necessary in crossing the creek at , eat were premented to the house by Mr. two pointed,' very diagonal positions,and en: 1 Phelps, of Missouri, on the first day of the '4 counter several unastisfactory locations with- Session. Aseidentaliy haling the numeri- out gaining a single advantage to Milesburg, - eat strength on that day, the Black-Bepubb- over the line located, whictrlracCessible in --:-. dents Rotated the eenstitutisoal rightaat-the every point of view, and will etlord them er- IttOle of Kansas by - ref * lii'm admit their cry cow y eo l ooct , ..--- ilelegsto a scat In the House, although he The distatmee from Bellefonte to Idilesburg with previded with the necessary credentials is 21 miles; descant 45 feet, and the- total to desert mad prove that right. The f a ctious , , amount of curvature, 283 degrees. raid, we - might truly say revolutionary, lIIPPo - 1 ...From Milesburg the line Is carried along ~ anion Wes continued' (tom day to day unlit the sand hill on the South side of the stream, the Dimocratio side ofttw,Bouso rewired about ten fmiet above low- water tovir, &oz. ituOt aecsssiona as to 1 z 4 5 1151830 make ,181548 : 5- •fficithirerCili elcortdiitance below the lifverilreamly announced, a successful de- zeiketory on a trestle bridge 11 feet high inonttstion in An* of truth and right. .I,t, thennion the south side ottliikuiwpike pas ;or to be hoped that the rebuke adminietered I sing arothal the ridge at' tideirogior on its - kr the-people on the 4tir of November last, I South, aide : thorn* through the farms to ILI limo rapes o pointed rebuke of Genernom Dicke' run, a die4te Of 4 wileg t .with but lififf amain is *,training Winona, over the t wo m o w e d rr e a on o at rajah- robot , ' am. 21-44441"thmin members of tti goo* ;• Weill 3deg. 85 min. and another at Wm. and that Ito *gotta will ,. . aPeed4 eahlhr McEorens t of ,fi'deg. Unionville, is pant. • i , Ord; f not is itlhmchoup.of,Aatristie ditty, without ivory to any buildings, hat . la stJeest he seiiedeafgeoennite of right. ma& l aid argued' diagonally, powdering or ripikiiii - bitherto regarded as nerad saws three of umemk h o t atow, • inrietehtintoder the Coristitutree - ,-- - -Wask- . Avo id e d without hueodueb4 f irui ht. poine* Uolon. i poring the llie of the re - :but the. public nett .6f the peop of this . village wig anansmodste, , 411141{Vlea HMS MAOASTWE vol 40.11VAXY, Atipsino is cosiusead this Townsend's 3 rro novellette, entitled " Loos Ov r ; a Nair 1.4210 SeellT,” the Wit obapteenne-w giro Inen*orii , eire-inierast. , Thm nrarnbsr which, (*Fawn , thsaintli re lame. ' printed and hsppier. ,Npt jelsolt any of the Wry:lions melon tell in 10113illIf works, the limo Mapaina, swung its other elegant embellishments. gins, monthly, • adored steel fashion plate, executed-is the beet style o( the art., under t t loWsperrision of (lento 1.% &vitt, who' writes --ier-thit-linnet-aferinertittrltnrerlflipTei di! fiethiem Ile also . furnishes the fashion sr -42141, for the Homo Magazine. A - large Ira nety.uf needle work patterns are siren in crari unialh;r. . _AllsAakireavisrof ‘L - Whiter" ':, - , — The ling wilt now carried very closely to in the Jauttary number, is au ensbellielintest 'John t:Voles btdiattigs,irhith can Mill beim.' ot' a tare and costly eluuseter, and the abet• proved by remorlog the bons*, Which li ' esquiltitel7 bettetifill. The 'colon are laid worth but little. 1 ......i.--. on thesterk plate. and the print lleieheil.• - •fious Oookis to CotiritervarilinTinnitincti Odin* lripression. The process' is slow o r t ,,-„, w ili a , t i m , ref4 ,4 , i t siont 4. 2 ,, 4 0 4 . and expensivs. hut thellelatt itlie••••• 0 1 ,1 °' i thou ou tits other parted the, line. A ridge tea adianntittg. frentillOodelbst above the 'in*Veiteride - AltoillaWlhalinuaiiy numbir we re- r i near ly *erase' the valley, *hien, at this rto gartkee a gem II its way. It will b e Sent nejtkinita_narretrest pat4.--Vberientret 7 gun limpets A r tery irrigular, fist, contain ing nornerouo aliannvli. The flat is from 15. Z• feet below the level of the ridge. Im• medistely on the upper aide of the ridge the mp af.dab. Terms 82 a year, or 4 copies for $6. The cheapest magazine in the country, taking chauter,,qnsaity, &c., into -tan iiiht.7.Edited by T. 8. liathirr and Virginia F, ownacnd, and -published, by T. S. Av. air 4. 1 LO.; /la WiLlDlitNiktirljalia;. 'DOI Eagle creek crosses the relief, stove Which the penned is low and est into numer rultoxo ko4 cbs4l B l.ll The line was - iturSldth port *tilde; cutting the forebsy at flumes' uzl griuso rtsawr.—Tho West Tanner atilt about ono foot below its bottom, rms. tee Whig contalati the following< "Op the lAtth ult..; ma we - *era painting the cabinet &sop of our friend Sinclair, our attention laillt4 -to the putting . together of the la !st'collts ee evartutw, 1i Ineaintred 31 feet across the top t 1/!I inches &eV. snd wee 7 feet long. The eel In watt for Mr. Thelon; V. McCarter. But a short time he furs hie dewthits ,was in towaota4 foto of -our citizens, orioats to know hie welgt‘jitt-• m'ut4ll.4 hint* be wrighed. KM weight was SS? lin Eli it )04;i0ig° WESTERN DIVISION Prern Dicks' Sun the nesethe Plank Baud, to lonian % thence on the North ylank_rerril to thovolies:- Itspieoe the Plink read continue a rever- Wu is nesr, olds ()A 4 curve, and turns to the left to dm centre of the valley above. This reversed Owe is net nomesary, but the lime wee I. tarried straight Nom this point to the Plank road op yoaite to Esq. Allinve. hart, from thenos immediately on the North side Of the Plank mad to "Daughenbaughle bill." Around this bill but little of the Plank reed is adop ted, it is crossed twice diaenally, but it will least but little to mike the Plank road stir freterily passable. Ahem the run; the Huh _was carried some distance .to the right. of the IPlank road, until near the summit when the I Plank Reed wee crossed to the South' aide, thence along this side of the ram to Martha Furnace, near this ,place,the P. R. dellect,•4ll degrees to the right fbr 8800 ft, and hom this point-it deflects back -again to' the left.— r (kw line was carried straight ovet totter ground than that occupied by tha.Plank road, to Win Kelley'serchard. From here to the alatfi hill at Cook's nearly a mile, the line sometimes on the road; sometimes on one iTairbritTintiminethiteii on the other. As much of the-Plank road es wouTd - answer, was adopted, with the view of making a new road if necessary, immediately on khe south ai)le of the railroad. ' king it necessary to vast the water • under the railroad by 'mattocks and trunk. which can readily be done without imparing the ! water power of the mill, and 'made along the lower side of the railroad. At the W rong east of the oktorchard, the creek wadi pm AO foot of the rocky ridge, bet; the end. mites found in another plea will construct both binds without interfering with Atoll other. At the ridge *wean the narrows and Cowber'a sun. thePhiliipitorg Rallrosi) deflects 9: deg. to the right kr half a alley REPORT ; MP 11111 CZEM Orli* aver and Tyrone Railroad, isrttlisridellhiqWWikAdeltl7.J;#l, 410, tar* throf . l**Shsbeteield a OA" grovls bi 1. sob -tor 14)...81 k •mp,- set Troiihsis - Rank Rdsd, It fairest to a .1111 sin/ scar 1 Ilarksals !Osrdatls ; Joro the asnlmildostil deflects Isethe let; and -• after Mu other menses Oat a distance- of 2t miles the summit of the two streams is attained.. At % ter crossing the creek above Haonah Fur + neess ! oar line is straight to' the summit, erosainx the Bidd Eagle creek twice, which isthore only Nonfat stream. the grenadine Miiitablik and sitorAs a regtilar grade ti'W outapy heityy fferk. The Plank road rises When Step The iihninllt .I 0 coo( in %distance Of 1800' fpet:' Amu the ram* td TWA lkirmseeltin hhiss lk &fiends I2sleg. to aid right and thin ciitt , • i , , •••• Sedefonte eo Irvin 4. McCy' , to Vrities Meadow, -. - 'to Yeilfillitee' ' to Inikletaker's • - • • to to J , o 7, nd ,er - An na to'Wnt. .Nneatity: to nate 4.-Phompimi's line - fe ask C. Peter's tine, - - Ransom's Meador,'- • 75 to near Sig. Mom' to aboloe J. Campbell's. -. 1 - to DongkenbangA'i Hill,- - IVRY laNatedarals Msa 1 '263 to line of Richards 4 Willfrits" -u 120 to 7'. arVilson's mirad ef . to noor:Kelleirs liner to belme'Cook's, Burnet' Arai, - to OW Orchard, Bedevil. 1.-1 to -61 to 110. ,td 150. 4,-. to 220. ' - 40 -280, B. to 330. 7. to 380. to -440. - 0.-- to 490. 10.—•• •to 550. 11.— to - 610. 12. to 800. 13. •to 710. 769. 'to 820, 18. to 880 17. Mao tip 1040 20.- - to 1100. 21 to 11.10,__ to HAMM% FUrnatit. • i" 2 00 lo 1 I. to Hannah Fltrnaett P. 0.• --- 200 41. ro 1300.:—' - ' to Narehoof 't. - - ; 320 23. to 1360. - to lower end of Meadows. j- - 140 26. to 1410. A t School Rouse. - 320 27,.- to 1460. to W. iff rant • 4 r 1110 119.-Z. to MO:, .to W.,&OM - can - 320 30,Z- to 1590. to PAi luitTyotte R.R. c ti, 390 3.1.- 1 . to 1640. . u htlltit Ord Cabins; ' - - "266 92.4 to 1700. to W. of gop in .Crtek, - - 510 33. to - to Tyrone, • • From whicb we obtain the following re , /Ore : Total distance cOat, of clearing, (Fobbing, &o. 4101`rods ' 'at 111,pm rod, 84111.99, " 1300 peso , retaining wall at 111. per Web, " 1301 - culbeet meat it 15c per yd 7" 25,65226 6275 yds. of Ernbtrek awes avorivalwo.V. to td. , stiSotip.t. erk o 2 . 64.3.00 pavogi le.; . per yo. Tiatid,ror road,bed. $67836:98 roviiieut ideatrth - Mic road, with some shoratiou.ssould anaer for the superitruction of a railmell. With con siderable modification it might be Made a toisraldi fide; but riokstichii one as the val ley affords, and, • few years of working would demonstrate the Moraleja - SuChsi course. Ia locating the Plank mail local in kiest in fOO3lll measure controlled its points, and the best ground between those points could at most only be adopted. But cheap, ow in every thing wee absolutely required, —but little time was avoided in explore- thin and L eitgintierba_lLl--,inors then half the distance wait through the' prteeltive forest; containing& dense undergrowth of laurel and other shrubbery ; and Away the work was let low:—Toe Bite seem then often changed. to get the road opnid for travel. The 'hal l owing exhibits the prices the work was the emits: cost of the grub: *ling; boldgiiiiips making *load tiara* for the planking. :Ma Tyrone to /field Eagle Yu sue (five whole work including planking Ind finishing, was let for $ll,lOO. The nett slx teiTq Wee let for $12,650, this also included. ate the work and planking. 1.14 • zoi I 1. l g. 14? abio $ll,lOO :70 no . 1,050 • 676 250 . ?Zr , AM_ '4400-0... 7 ! 4400 , -- 1 1 1' :4.800 • g° -14/10-44490 t ' 53 ..__..... -- .. , 15.* , 1,1234,000 1;000 18.— , 400 - •445 ' 1.000 17. 540 440 18: 980 880 10.— 1,040 924 600— '.. 309 20. 1 1,120 "" 845 1,000 , _ 250 21.1 1,875 • 633 22. 1,976 - 1210, 1,000 2112,000 __ ___ t _ : .-_ . __..--__.:_.,_ 14; I.v5V - - 097:: 3,700 . _5OO . 1!5. ,1,800 g,wo , , If the ixd of tAte Mak Read was gener elly,intelited for the Railroid, the *mount of earestare would be increased nearly 200 deg.; the distance increased 1072 feet ; the amount of rise and hal conaiderably aug mented ; and an objectionable road bod ob tained m * number of plume. It hie been determined by experiment, that a clump of directient - of 300 deg. of a radius of 1000 fret, would require the pow er aad cause the wear and tear of machi nery, and consequent iostorilent kie gitylol: r Plank load 11001111Stistile 'defies in An, WE Mitthl 1Y 1 44 4 8+ - \ At iXtr — !!'llr ht and dirnsi elf the . 140. Crisekl his plat lards farotable-eothn fbi . e Phillipsburg 'aid TyrSgo Railrcia4P They ; Awed ls again crossed, below Vie Per t son field , d, thence along tho Sou side o f . o the P.R. to noir the Miller's -held; hero seelts eddied to An 14. and rooms thr week rat throuiWth , tiontlitif the . . Tyrons os;V:,nujise lame ISlOOdowit LOVirridrlttitireerflit • )uuti betweeu Juniata 'street and e ,_iytvittialtalrosit; On trOstif; work, OipA la th the Powaylvatils Itoll4 to'oo 11 . liii: deft of dui **oat &y.[ t t.II ISM 11 MEI FES =l= 33 i suites Ire possible stiMild be avoided. iicontinded by many large istickhold asn in the Plank road that those portions. of it betwien Unionrillo and Juliann Furnace, and between Bald Beale Furnace and Ty tone City, should not bo taken for a rail zoad—Osibere c,,ot..ilittlutt no - portion - Of it should*, without supplying its Illaoe'with another Med. li ii and contrarerey that a road must esitt 01 the entire valley, and ribirn the hesi‘y freight it taken off of the Plink rend; mere krofit will bo realised by the dealftwildele of the road from the tolls, than, ha theport otrigiltietioi'thingit. But the IPtsink. rota bit some itieetionable_featuiwat. nes • •treer thii Bald Eagle creek, uear I Tay fit - -" • •,• . • tirMLOO heed rece-the . Inc. behtc wont d . *a grille of NC hrtiseritifijr vrero pospikle to obeitiri a - Wirtitis grado,ba t Mite 05(2.0 1 ) Baud' heEncen this and the bridge would compel /gradient of above 60 feet to the Mile for this part of the road. This vrould'be'st least one hal/More than say glade on Ma. line. The top of the ridge at "aid Eagle Furnace is the same heipTsti the'''. summit" between the two Bald Eagle creeks. 013 r 110_ St the Bald Eagle Mill is 54 - feet below theaummit, or 60 feet below the crossing at' the heed race. From the Mill to the summit our line Is straight for over three miles, no portion of the ,P)ank road could, he used without intrOducing curves and test tig ohs of the best locations ou our whole - ttak' taking 6' miles of the eastern, and 8 miles of the western end off, lit 12 miles me lift,,.".'&er three milts of this distance !holed, and the remainder with the coMeptian or about au c liwis avoided Q 0 account fir4l4 4 4 . so d . patted odnidirow his though low, Mott* and thlavrotdd require a theiroughong ;—the bridges woad require moommiuntion ; the planking should be hams up led the grading completed These cessiderstidne induce6therelectiomel! those-portant Plank reed adopted by thejtalhwad; rq x i-keso-booulfoposad tO lialri Centro aosuitx olarooil Wu ; and rail bag low ilimstixt. What is the t kind of iron fig rails, and what should be their wei ligkiriutatioilavet.. ; • • ___. ~i °~ ~:~.~ It is esfdent thst•the first rails used. In dui country were the best, but wbetheiit WU "ming to. the shops of the rail, its Mee, ' or the _qiislity of, the iron, or all of theta Nneblned„ , ia. not so clearly known. The origjaal Philadelphia and Columbia Railroad 'AP weight(' 411 tbs. to the yard, 16 0 some of theastalls bare • now-been nod Au' >Wulff of a cedtltrYt on that mid. • • 11 0, 0 .ifft*/ .ef the _Reading_ litaik 641 i 1838, woighed4filbs. per yard, sod winittprobolly now outlast the heavy rads fr it did not bend undo the engine. The H rails of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail rood, and awes nt the Baltimore and Sus quehanna roads weighed 40 lbs to the yard, tux& like those on the Columbia and the i;000 -roads; hare — provseToii Egli( but in every other respect.thoy are far superior to the rails wade now. '2o,soeft. $4,460 A great variety of experiments have been made to determine the rail - question, but so far without satisfsetery • results. Theory ' and practical demonstritkin seem to conflict. One fact, beisver, ti established, and that is, "If you bare more- fran••in • ertnil, thlitk Just enough to•pre►spt, it frodi permanently bendiog under the weight of Our engines, it but acts as an.anvil to hawser your iron to places upon." • In a table Won Xas, on the strength sad other propelrtio of oast lives, the breakage in. pounds of bars 4 fast d inches betwlen sup, 1r I a ' • `•ozi r- , •'rods, 30 . • . .10 - 76 41) 111, 22 s. 50 51 70 0 CID it_iine. Curves are also keep in repair; the rail. , id the liability of accident in Clad ik i s these considerations ev e diatairtt and every minute of DM r s s . lik..totit d MC rifines„.l. iflooo 60, Of al DIUMS 1 p ~.. 4,, ot.h t •A ,' n . " " 'Using °immutable oniths i, .0 r k. -' '-- •- liU:r n it Asa 7: t r 1 ... Isc . , , ss 111 , 111 U ICII,STO ft . ti r . 4 1! 1 111 . delltatiot le MIS. bisak 0, L., • ks" .'fis delltotilst-' vs Wit Is I.:. 'ON. Of" Thiro aro two 6 dog. careen ; two 4 degi curves, and the remaitOor Tars from 3fimia• 43 deg- - A. L Mut atutoont.io We tontaboXa...Bollefonto. or 415 feet stem the 'junction. at Mileabarg.. The mno* I. 200.4 hot eNaro,,tfmrillo on ikin-Pew • Vivi fetal amount of Rae bolween kilos ba;t 1) 3 1 And Pion° jlifeet; * • ~, o toug etticeink fir, ttt.N.quel. , end Tyrone , ta '4 het. r, 0000 *OO4 • Aso of osiore,tilen. 'inn*. ids knnifook or 39; tblik per • A ir 4864 300 30 7592 200 3 0 3640 • 300.. 10 4853 100 - - 20 5048 200 20 3497 60 20 5143 100 50 4749 " 50 30 Li 1 636 it * 4 a f 403 120 . - 6120 160 1700 702 ports is given, which exhibits a grit riii4;r sity of strength in ths instal. It gives Eng. east Iron No 1 403 °old blurt. 43d hot blast " 1 443 " 333 " " • • " 2 483 " 441 " 2 408 .11 3 7 3 41 •Ia " J 507 " 137 " " 3 430 " " 427 " " The cohesive ~ powers, transverse strain, elasticity, tensile strength, and compression of iron from different locilities, exhibit the same disparity of results. The .45 lb. bar, oil the Lock Haven and Tyrone Railroad will be likely to bend under the engine, for the read will t the great connecting link of the t3nribury and Erie Baitread apd the Penn sylvania railroad, and should by constructed to iiie.dmusedste a heavy - freight,. of - well ea en, extensive passenger business. With the epision of Mr . steel of Reading Rail road, and Mr. Varies of the 3untituy and• Tip Railroad, I beg here to urge the adop tlohof is 50 lbw. rail for thle road. It will .E4O/...nalacqualinstiv_aitthictalgobc • Total cost of grub- •-• blng,grading,bridg• ing&c. _.557,87.5.93-1 ---- Superatriiiiiri; • - 2926.t0na of. iron (at 50Ibe per yard) $73 per ton, 3219,440.00 2700 croon till - - milo (119774 at per 25 22,443.75 4.0 egiat $3 8;310.00. 450 chairs per mile, - (Bj/14i. each) 119703 pounds at .5 cents 5,985.00 Laying and comple this track 289,488.75 13,300.00 Dopoti, water sta 7 tiona, and engine housed • Land damages Engineering agencloa and rontragencsea, To replace Plank road, Total, $378,814.78 construiting this road, the fiat shoulLuot be neglected that it is we'd the links of a great route between the At lantic and the mighty Picot. Already the leadiorroads as they approach the eastern cities are taxed to their just capacity, and theoonstrnetion of additional routes Cir . 11191:11C11 the capitallhat "welts • investment in , rairreads. Pour route" -now point from • • to 'the. -ve,Oey col, the — West "Branch. The road from.llartiaburgqo Sun bury ; the Philadelphia sad. Sunbury ; the Cetawiesa; and tbeLeckawenna and Blooms_ burg., These all secm,dirco*Ltu ~heatse- • 1,614,.." With - beret - tiere is no'westerniwitlet, imeset. by-the Williamsport and Et ttt to the New York and Brie road ; with TE two years the Stinisiry and Brio will,les,..com. plated to Lotic Haven, but &number of years must elapse botore it will cross the moon- tains. , IM true character is not appreciated, its importance is not estimated, its greatness is not comprehended, it-is -doomed "to neg lect, and time Coat elapse before it can con,. mandthertocanyand eel oinpliefi the iork necessary to complete its construction. The Lock Haven and Tyrone road will oonnect it with' the Penney/Irani& Central, and by it e direct western outlet is completed. The following table will exhibit "some of its advantages uortaffo Boston to Albany Albany to 131ngharopton Bingltampton to Look Haven Lock tlavessto Tyrone Tyrone to Greonsborg. i. Greensburg to Oincinnati OM Bolton to 'Albany Albany to Buffalo Buffalo to Brie Brie to Chanland Cleveland to Oinoltutati EMI • - 413 outravor ~„ „ OW:. 4in.: colonnyott. : • ' • *lion; itork2.o ton Ems tor tirT ,aqua Tatnagya Look Haven .r . Lock Ha • to Tyrone tht • Tyro, • 0/Cincinnati _ 418 • • Total 'MS • 1 , 1 ow York. to_Duakirk —459- litinftiri to Erie Erie to ClevelandBs Cleveland to Cincinnati' L 6 • -• — Toal . 4 866 In our faiot ^. 103 • Ixt I Piii %= 14 0 1 : . • • rmycilham Dam on to LolkErit i reir P>ClO/hien to Tyrone Fittal one pew._ iy slay route south of it; if the equated distance is ten/lidera. ly the same rule, which is the coirr' tot one, New 'fork is 20 miles nearer Cleveland by this?route, then it is by Dun- kirk and-Brit; i ippi valley and the• Lake country west of Cleveland, is nearer Now York and Boston by this tentter Ithiri'Viny other one. In winter -o,less liable to the severity of the Beason, than any route north-of the tlleghany ultaLte—iit summer its tinerseenteryandtioila).- tiiiii country will attract the attention- , travellers. „. c os i for Ciaa, must become a large item of freight over this road, its cheapness and convenience recommends its use to every city -and town mid village. One Ton of "Pittsb,urg p.s coal" will make about 8500 f 44 of gas, which for light stands 141134r:4'4 10D0 cubic feet tbrgite‘ , 1 Wax, Sperm oil. Tallow. Rectified whale Common oil, No coat equid to the " Pittsburg pa coal'. has been discovered in Pennsylvania east, of the vicinity of Greensburg. The West Branch coals lriviiliot yielded snratims: tity'and of - fput as - to just* their in troduction for this object : /The quantity now rsquired for this purpose is immchse,and the entire supply for the Northern a Eastern cities, towns, and tillages can be obtained by this route at IP: dhoaper sate than by any _ _ The Western Division of thojncillaren and T,y4om R. R. is VOW engaging the att.* , tion of the spirited and enterprising eitiseur ,of I.lattro and Bair counties, VIO foci the absolute necessity of a cheap and ready mesas of igsobhig - nvistet: — :lllll - tumintes, plank roads, and canal are totally inade quate to the wants of the comp pity. easel is closed a part of the ear the ro AN Ma impassable, AD • 114 All times too ex. , pens:iv, ter s heavy brishiesa. The tardy and perplexing means of commerce and trade has paralpred btlatnese, _ruined the sums. hicinries,—embarrassed capital, and ab porbed the profits of every business. The natural advantages of Caulks county are very great. Tne amount ofluinher north of the Mancy mountains, is estimated at 1,000,000,000 feet ; the *mount of coil com puted to be 881,000,000 Told", an iocalcula. ble imoant of iron ore, flue clay and lime ; stone abounds throughout the country ; ce. meat melt, equal to any now known ) Is in• irindstones,otasuperfinequal ity, a superfate MiPstones, luta a numberless ' , Woey of natural produotitmsovhich constitute the weal4h sod trade of '*l 1e countries, here lie useless and profitless, their existence not reoogaised, and their value unappreciated. 1i5,000.00 12,000.00 10,000.00 4,460.00 . The ninaty contain 130,000 admit' of the most priguotive volley land, which for health, beauty and fertility ta unrivalled, yielding every variety of grain and fruit adapted to this' latitutli, isr the greatest perfection.— The._ cosintjr.,hout produces) one million of bushels of wheat in a single season, and other grains and frnita, the ionousitof which has not been" carefcdly eatintated but the quantity is Immense, for no country enjoys the more abundant home ptjon of 141 of these articles of domestic can Mace and comfort.- - • - - T.he itntoodiato vicinity of the OTIS road is prolific in all orthese productions.— The freight to sustain the.road is here--41ke natural wealth of , the country is lere s , 7 -.,04. the north arc the 'tomtit and mines, on the south the fertile valleys. Ttie Farmers' High ilogol, one of our *gest State Institut netts; and the darling project of one of Cm:s ite's truly great and good men, is but six miles by,the_Plank road -eursejtireat--tbe- Railroad, This institution demand's this Railroad—it will bo incomplete without it. A county so fairored with agricultural inte rest, that is to bo visited by the learned and learning benefactors of our country, must reach the centre of the" county by fist such "'!<l u t h e road can be made. \ 1. I need only advert to Bellefonte, the pro sent terminus of the road. Tlie timber in the valley is exhaustesk, The fenctsii,and building materials, and fuel, notist q, come from the north. Alriady 1 0,000 tene'of coil are consumed at the iron works and the man- Oath/ries, for lime-burniii and for domes. tic uses, in the county, and when this coal can be obtained at Bellefonte for two dol. Sara per ton, whichitheald be the 'price when the - road Is completed, it will come into gen. stal use as a fuel— , the IMMO is applicable to 'timber. When one half of the county pours its wheat, rye, min, potatoes, fruits, warden prodded, poultry, butter, , obsess, beef, pork, lard, mid.* multitude of sgefoul= MUM 200' 140 129 83. 100 318 94 i II El 0001 . - and domestic Productions Into Belle. . . to t : Who ointiiiiied in its own menu facto. .Iti att4 machine shops, and they return, / 91m i e d..ekith 1umber,444141, fa - rming• imply., *pats, eltil merchandise. , When its location is meted by the smoke of its shops sad rills, and the s team whistle makes its val. lays' ring, then brill some of the benefits • milting - from the construction if this . • b e realised—then win enterprise, be . lulled, and the iron -sari •Ise-later4p them. say of the county, .. - - ..- , Wbat is true of Belk . e, Ora the whole line--ere,, tit ' ie its dipot; and coot ' .r , to to the s tk ‘ eitbk sad 4evel of tb. , , ase,irldaiti,. Onstaksies 'and •• ' biehittill inure 'bight' erviltli I, , . 1 " , ".`alitie4firtOilitaticm thin • . lefonte, will be on the rosin trunk alb. ibrouglreoad. It Will meeive the Metre di rect sdritutigeier the tangent travel awl 4 1 104 ,sted igivii birth to nor eniskprtset. It is the beat locationCa the line fqr A mu . coi, and is well adapted to every lOW of manufaetaring bushing. ., .. 14r-is unneceasSl for me: to speet. ft, "de tail,- eV fights - 4A btlicilfitotsi - the indliidnal character • 4:4r• A.': 'very, - .tuitimas• villages along'the line, roany . qf agen flow skOlkill and inactive, but are ready for lotion when mo tires arwrciented to dement! tbeii'4lswity; - , 53 V Ad in HOC' W to lino id to Ivor .vor •The-roaitsimuld bo constructed, li has already-been tar loirg In agitatleti: • 'Attie his &tenor,. +Judge Burnside, obtained a• sorrey of this route in 1888, more money has teole wasted in ehdelaiiokto-sustain 'bwilitrat that failed entirely for 4 , w,iiitirriraper I 'commercial facilities, ash - Waal herne-imm pleted it,e,ud at this Mottient,the milittlane dr a number of lerp , astablleliateatte; depends , upon its carlY completion; AVs".ceilust ex , ha without it and thielmthitimortut this entirPrise dri . from the . eilltly at 'this itilk: - thew 'ritelitrmtgatratiltia borio eailreatl—Urak lolll4lllilti interest end Belton:rate aird Bltelburg, , with the towns in the Bald eagle and the valleys ha -1 mediately south or it will be dead la pyoty thing that pertalbi In blislioss, - >eyond the hope of a-be - Theirifirlpf,thinge: -- There is ,no vacation butlifir adequate means to support a- nalroterVezlat, but it is possible that it will withdrati too much cap ital from the legiOmate - trusinelli `of the country to build it Too long has enterprise been embarresied by the disadimatages of imperfect tiluslii of trallSpOrUt)ll, - ' , MM An amount sufficient to motel* road ready for the ralLit,:shoukl &smoked without difficulty, and if rightly apportioned among the recipients of its adnutairea without iao paring the business operations of /Le coun try. Thiel aehievstLth. $ 7ibUined fibroid for it can be demonstrated, that the road AM amount raised at home will be a sufficient guarantee of the safety of Jim investment mud as ei detic° that its affaim wilt be weft/1y and prudently Inailagod• ' Tho oost 'of corierusting this road will be far below the averne,Andesinet ono half: of.the average cost of railLostaltiOottin try, which is see down - lie: tit d: and the Ritglieh Raft read at mile. 'ftiwivsttsitiTti — cliaroictO; littlo liablo to any great accidents, esilily kept inJapair, and Ao its pros win it will dtignainantladanala.reate an t o other. roads will ba.mgokleitattary The cost tor carrying passengess and freight over it, will not •exceedtthe 'average per cent. The following of which is a fair tango fakest.exota- their /leper* 44, P 43341111111. • /1914111 T. PLIII. and Got t 440 )410 , 41114. Now York and Eno 112-10 11540.' Badmen, and 9 Boston and Yorrosatai l 9 540 ". 914 ' . O litakbarp,9l.lo " 9440 Minehill and Abuylkill Hem, cents per ton per mile, they thelineeverythier and delivering the opal. /leading • Bail lossa 64 64400 cepta perloiCibilliewheie dis tance 0.5 - The cost of tranapnitinvistron ibis road will be about 21 ota.lier ton, peilidle—thls rate fronitlie Phili ebur¢minas will be-111,- 25 per ton, to iieriefonko." iO,OOO - tona at tigir la ha 12000. The' coat' of carrying lumber will be about ' 31 Ms. per lii.pper MTh, 6r from Julian nice to Tyrone, 70' cta per thotimmul: or In. eluding loading and nolo yling, about . 90 eta. per M. It le unnecessary for me to attnaipt to enumeiglite, classify and arrange the digit , rdnt itomian freight that will bo liholy,lo or te. advert to the 64- vantages that every one will receivefrant it. A railroad la a labor saving machine of the greatest new aouroali - et revenue and trade, and augmente Atmadsam. othatiffiraMiiiiels. Let there be ono sentiment 'nab& td the road, and then it will bo brit. All of which is rospecthilly mibriiittedby . . - .veer :lint --4:kaotruammr - MITL=We are rolissbed to 'inattention to the following 'rigulitilon,, Of the Post Office Department, ' - --"The laWrffiiiig I,KiTtiTaity Wt vlbAtkon oast*. I at fifty dollars, provides 'that z or attatant postmaster shall .c as r some i for lottery offices, or under ar t *W11!: • tt i purchase, or otherwise, rittdlottof , , ,„„,` I and that no postmaster abltit*.ts jar.' poittago or/rank lottery Rene 4te , i or tickets. , Therefore , all s 40 ' laoltants444rouktraorldrkex - AddiiaisT ~ I or to a postmaster or assistartt pps , must hereafter ha occluded from tiiii together with all other transient. iitiant , t this hind addressed simple/ to an elicit, 'or 'box' in fin office, and not to any individual." We understand there is much comiltint thetinfeat numbers of circular', gisTillldly unpaid, And in many instances of a AM iift , fensivo character, oire forced uPott isidividigsl ale by being addressed td the Muslims oftbik "box" or boxes'tbey may happen toithlti kr any post office t cud that it, is the-essiee--tit the PdltinisterGeneral to-setPt''Stl"'illfgtiif'r thus addressed (if. it, fittd its wry hitolbs mails) to the dead lettsek Mike. 't• - ,',. •', :-• .Lutraatalut.;-4 aligh6aboo3c oteoltwih quake, esti felt ,t Petarlbtfrg, Imr; "Me utdsy jet, r:M - 1, • • ••• .• Plv ,, '•• 1 , 1 Obedient kinielitat,. Jxo. M. **lx.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers