E . • . . -".' '''''''," '' 0)1 M int* hue been acceded to, upon •,•te....:•-: , '', inktittion that the .masse toilected after ~... . - ..7owilitit of Juno next, front - vessiets abiTot,,. ', , pica belonking to' cur bierelitints, ere tuide ..„,.._ venteklered se paid under pretest and sioo,tet .._.... r .---Aottit arrangement, between Denmark tied _..... _._ _ _the %retiree powers of iirope on the sob -44 F. rr '_ je ' "11l be WWI concluded. and -flint. the 'l, - ,:?" Pen negotiation wit.b..the United States i .,, may F ht-it be 'resumed and terminated in- a -` seolefactory rummer. . _ .2.11.4itte. _! . ..!gain new ~lifticiltivis have ariten. fie* htetbismett pregresliteen made in the ad , Pitjamatheut of pending ones. . 01)1 4 ,. '• lieglßiatiens entered into for the put - pest , .. uf relteighg teUr commercial intercourse with rho Jaland of Cuba of ',erne of its beans, and peetientig forthe more apeeijy'ae,ttle ---•••,- Went of lead - dispute* growing out of -that') ...... intereounte,knve not yet.been attended with , aeiy results. . . .1 , A - ton after 'the ogintueneentent of the late! wee in Fare ,e, thin government , atilimitted 1 lo the et)t . siderat ion of ill natirandie uationt, retie - pritisitiles for tho 'severity of nedn't ' _csionierne..-otie: that the neutral lisg should 1 ever enemies' gimiji, except articles i'ipera • band oft - war 4 and the . other, that neutral i My on board mereharfrive ascii, of be- 1 ts ghould be elcvmpt from cetudermia., , it , with the exception of cuntietund ar- • I . .- These there not 'presented ea new • . Mester international law : having bsterisen- 1 .. eraity claimed. by neutrnti, tlitsqjh not, al. „ • ways admitted by beligeranta: One of the ~_____ . oaths-to the wav-_-Ritsila -- , as well its set , dal, neutral poure d, , promptly - acceded to -, these prepositions: and the two other grin " • 4.lltid beligei eon, Urea! Britain and Prams, - .:"--• loniug, c'elseutede to observe ail..a,.har_tber, princes onesucton,l fiTclipportutiity ktliKill° be Brant tiled fur obtaining a gen teel reengnitien of them birth in,t erupt. and .' • _ , America. , 0 , • ' • • ; e lltut.tireat Britain and•Feasice, in cowmen ,'• '•-•ti*, meat of the Sextet' 1;4 Enroi)e, while' Wtess•to reject, Oki not affirmaiively act ' '••' upon the overtun sor the I.' hind Suitt s, `• ' i White the question was in this position, i - 1 . the representanvee of ftile‘l:ll. • FiellOC Gnat, i BOWL Anahria, nannies. Striltlilia 4 Tar - 1 • kf*,,ejneisabled at Parts. took into oorsid m:ll. Inaratime rights, and oeuiftning the bee) ' prileiptee.whiekthis governmatt baircuti :. milked,' vnarty two years before, to the con - tttof manta Han powers, and siding i l aVthe following propositions ; - Pei vateering.‘ and remains aboliebed," and --- --t•-Mindkote•24*-order --- to be- binditie, in ' lie •filietite, that is to any, mantained by a three, sueleirtit really, to peel Pot acre-s V' the cost of ale enemy ;'' wet to the declaim- ' • • -• " lll* abut composed of four points, two of ::evibllela had ..already been proposed by the .. - ,',;Veiteli littateg. this ge,cerninciit has been ' -, *;,-Ih~ to secede by all the ower.,l repre I 4 .• Alineted et Paris, except (ire t Britain and - t n i.a.lk°,r2 .. it ti._ hist of the two ;Additional pre:Nei ' "tialitti-tthia ii, 'datum to blockadee—there a ufe a s a i n r y 1,, e , no .-,I.Ji (Aden. It is, merely tkederliiitietttpl t as s hill be esnatituted the 1 rattan& late stenentbi ie ble,•kritled pinto , a - - dieit for whieb this givet.:nat : b . ! tlal.. 41 ' litre e 6 lttetidini, clainirns tridents.ft,Y - 4 ;'' r , loallelYthere i practical violation of the nu: ' • tiltlin defined has been injurious to our coin , lwited. ' 'Ais to the remaining article or ME dabrattett of the conference of Paris, ---- 3 410011reitateerinrins abotistsed__L aileidlietstinitf cannot ascribe to the pti.vers LtrttLe'fin the conference of Paris, and ii and philandimpbie" views In tin ) to ehatirp_the innesestionablereleOf., ---'''' 81 = 11 0 4 the Wein regiiid to p - Riateeriug. I " aws.sio n eeif en nee denbtleacintended EMI EBB pep thin P' .." to bitelilH died to - the pAnoiple, it would bare tuttiind my ready assent on behalf of the Witted finite'. 840 the maniere pro. potted is inadequate to that•purpose. It it true that if adoptca, private property upon would be withdrawn Prod bne inildeni plunder, but -len exposed mean - - 14111n r ie another made, which could lie_used likiChitimitaiLeireetlienees. Tbc aggrt.s• • _of,--grest-neent -power,' would ___Amthimaliy--sufpnented, denrivc *bilk of the would be - reduced. - • - Thomb the inctwier. of• the means of • . - Itememeettnirtmetilities by cniploying prim, tease as pilrepOlic:or by the conference of Pea* is•ameatal is terms, yet, in practical it wall be the relinquishment of it rtiglit of little value to one Maim of. States, • het if nsentiM importance to another and • Orr larger asks& it ought not to hors been malletiettad that a ISCIAare, so inadequate to '4llotimitemptisbroent' of the proposed object, are winged in its operation, would ro thos assent of all maritime powers. • -'"Pitritle - property would be stiff left to the ''".. - depiedateotts of public arm d cruiscre. I have witntesed a readinas on the part of ilia government,. to 'zee& to 41 the yin.. - --Mies contained in the declaration of the con e eof - Pitria,'prouhled that relating to • • ct of prirstecrlng can be ko *diet the *Wet for eibitth, as '• "` was Weeded, t i e isnintmity of • ate ray on the ocean from hostile . . , Ciis4l l l* - _. ~., . , - TaailliddiFiiii object, 4 .;„ iii propoerl to add ' to Ihediseluistion, that " pi.; vii teeriag is sad ips ' • ' ahehished," the following" nlattiti , And that the priesae property of ~...... • nd citizens of a briligerent On the • . aid, shall be exempt No setzure by ,-- Mablic.acadaLecasiltizt 1 16 ^ ofw.r.-hells.. VICOpt it be contraband." , This sninisbassset has been presented not anty to the llMPlricni which have asked our auoeut to s fin - fa r . mg, .11 I ___ Se all .d anritiore !totes. Thns far _lt - - • isaosiall heerfrejetwed by airry,-and-is favor* , ' blywatersaineti by which have made any cuaresunieation in reply. • ;Amoral, of the gover.stoolds, regarchar, ' with favor the prZposition of the United - '—•-Ataitelf-, bale delayed definitive action limn il the issrpcse of consulting with 04t tp. 0 ma ie t s isi t a o et ti n e . t e ,r oli n fze t s i i , : x, h e of ow l' e a r t c l. r s . . I tbgt taspetor of RtlNNull. list entirely and • c it f roved of that modification, and l lt te in mule.tvoring to obtain the _ -powerel—and that asnmrsn - araiallar pervert have been received ip , Ms to the disposition of the Emperor ,of 'Meth. —, joregent aspect of this important sub. — I N 4' Mar' --- ' leis the hope that a its character, so just ion so' csaenlial to O_ ;Rini EMIR, and - so impost' this enlight id, will command the inntione powerg, and to th,e code of inter. for at - their hand., and which they ' . their T to redress. - , , ,- '' n tfottunititlei,e - iangehlat the' 8 public!, Mexico, vrith - 'w ldeh it is oue,-lepteliil de4.l sire toltutitithin I OW Understanding, that, Such Complaint,* ore' moat nutnerous ; Juid-I although catneeptif urged upon its attention, they. have not aa yet troy feed the outsiders,- ' ti ,n e hien thin government had a' right to expect. While reparation for peat injuries hes been n ithheld,tothers have been added The...political condikien of that renetry,.llew-. , eref, has been su n k as to denum4 forbear ance on the part of the United Stotts. I shell continue my efforts to procure for the wrongs of our educes that redress which is indispenea Me to the continued friendly lee.). ' elation df 'the two republies. - • , • 1 nit, peculiar coudititep of -- affkirs in Nice rague lu themarly'part.sif the present year, liinder it -impiwkent that - tide government should -have diplomatic:Mations with that Sere , Through• this tendert. had been aliened one of. fhb plinemal thoroughfares aercein the isthmus eonneeting North, and South America, On which i vast amoinit'of prnperty triet.tretseporied, and to which our mtisens resort in - mat numbers, m parsing between - 'the -Atlantic -and keine coasts of the 1. - Masi States. The protection of both requirtd that the existing power in that Mate should be ',warded as , - responsible government ; and tht t ininistei was acoir 4 "' ingly received. But be remained hero only a abort ei Inq. Soon thereafter the &Haim of Nicarigna underwentan unfayonable change, and became invoked in much uncertainty and eonfnsdon. - Diplomatic representatives from two conteuding parties ',have been re -recutly-amm-to tit - or petal leant , - Mit -- A ith the imperfect inhirmatiempossetated, it was, not possible to dtMide which wag the govern- , meta de/tido.; and. awaiting ]briber derv]. opments, I have rausetil to receive either. Questions of the most serintnenature are. pending between the tinned States and the Republic-of Now Grimed*. The govern ; owl& of diet Republic undertook, MI year i 4.11 CC, ti :. impose' tonnage duties on foreign , erase!g. b ' Tier ports, but the purpose ttittfltt tixtriti by this government; as beinicontrary - to t x , stittrteetrty stipulation with - tho fin,- _ted Stateacendiet_rightscouthreed,by ohne-. ter atom the Pstnarne_tkliiread Company; sad was aeoordingiy relinquished at that time. it being admitted that otter vessels were entitled to be exetnpt from teenage duty in 111.frce .portt ALI I AZIAZIII and AmMn W/111.,-_ -But . the purpose has heen_recently rezirod;- blithe' part of New Grantshe by tho senact. meet ore law to subject vessels visiting her pert,* to the tonnage duty of forty cents per tou..:_anii, although the law its not Igen put , in force, yet the right to enforce it is Mill assirted, and may 'at any time, be acted on by tin qover.intont of that Republic. The tvoilgrees of New Grenada Mu; also '' enn'eted a lea, during the last year„„ i nhizit levies a tax of more than three dollars on evtry pound of inpid miller transported acroos the Isthmus. • The sum thus required to be\ lead .on the mails of the It. Btafet4 r oo m' be nearly tem millions of dollars Mi splay, in addition (o the lame sum pays,- 1 Lim, 11.1 °entree! to- the Tanana .Railroad company. If the only objection to this es- I R .,;' , 10.1.1 were thoccorbitaney of its mmonnt. it R. ." 1 ' 4 ' l by submitted to by the United 1 'at es. • •1, j strever, would ob- The an,Cettite4r_Rt. I ' '..„-- 1111 ~,,„ eitfr• New , -- vios --- ay. contrerontanr 2. ' „i 4. . ' ~./. .i,,t, r nada, and' roar the ; „"t 'r republic with the name Railreeid -, ..-" m * pally., The law providing for this tag, was, hty.da Amsta r to- take effeet Oft - flat-dirstof ..leptcruber fast, but the local authbritiertm the letbmns - pave been induced to suspend Wrg4 3l 3 r . strait farther incanta tions on eu . Minh the geverenteet of, ... 111110 . 4,131 .4': I A I/el .:r t . - j et . 11,44P 1, 1 1.' Mte'A -; , .'.; ry its obikracipot ' 1 and soelearly contrary to treat t stiPulationS, and nth contract rights or the bulimia Rail- road" entopanry, composed" mostly of the American citizens, should he persisted In; Kill be the duty of the United States to r rw suit its execution. ' I regret exceedingly th;t occasion exists _toßivite,your alien ticm to a ch etah graver importance in our relations with - the :Republic of Now Grenada, On ,the 15th Taislnirdsge o the inhabitante of Pansmarn fitted a vio , lent Intl outrageous attack on 0 , i'premises of the railroad company, and the parasengcrs and other persons in or near the same. invol ring the death of several citizens of the Unumi fitatie..the pllligs of many others, and ihe destruction of a large amount of property belcmghig to the railroad *man y . caused hill imrestilation of that event to be made, and the result shows satisfactorily that completerespontribility for wbat war red attaches to the government of New Urea ada. I have, therefore, domsaded of that governnient - that the perpetrators. of the wrongs-in question milOuW be punisked ; that provision should be made for the f ladies of citizens of the United Statis who were kil led; with full indemnity for tho property pillaged or dmitroyed. • , The premed covalitiomor the, Isthmus of 4 2 anams, in so at is regaide the seeurity of persons and property' passi ng over it, re quires scrims ,sistaMurallos. &we l d heal dents thud to 'how that the load authorities e.innet isr idicul On to lateettaln the . ' public j pearl: of !Immo, and there is just ground for emirelliesahler that a4gieralso of thelshab- MOW are meditating (twilit Outragas, - oilit adequate rteararla for the security and protect a tiar- p ersona t or property having j ben t Viiher by the State - of j l the immoral goloeistatew‘or-{view then ads. • Under the gnarahtees of Witty, the totality dr several ntilliotry of dollars, constricted a railroad aero the Istinnni. and it has .. .beet:me the main Fri is to "bet teem our Attend. and Pacific poiisesainns, over which multitudes of our eiti4ens and a vast amount or property, aro conistantly passing —to the security and pro tection of all which, and the rolitionapce of the piddle advantages involied, it is impos aihle fur the Government of - the United States to be indifferent. I have deemed the danger of the recur rence of 81 , 01V8 of tautens violesiCe in this quarter so imminent as to make it my duty to station a out of our naval force in, the fiiiirbotirs-of and Aspinwall, in order to protect the persons and property of the citizens ortae United States in those ports, and to ensure to them safe passage across the lotnnium. And it would, in my Judg- Vhcrit; be untelise to withdraw the naval force In those porta, until by the spontaneous ac tion, of jhe tepubluLof ,ffaeraregunda,or otherwise, some adequate arrangementshall have been made for the protoction and //CCU. rfty of a line of interoceanic communication so important at this time, not to the United States only, but to all other trandinte States both of Europe and America. Meanwhile; negotiattodo have been insti tuted by Inwins of a special commission, to obtain from Now Grenada full indemnity for injuries suttained by our citizens on t h e lathmus, and satisfactorT jectuity for the general interest of the United States. ibjcct are more fully of the Secretary of 41 is herewith trails pn the subject mt, rspeel&ly to the In addressing to yonapylsat annual Ipso xnge, the OCCD4IOII ROMP' tO *le an appropri ate one to - express my cougnatulationo vww of the 'own greatness and felicity widelt the United litotes now possess - and enjoy. To point you to the state of the variumi departments of the,,gavrinnent, and of all thagreet blanche" of the public service, civil 44 military, in 6rder to spesh of the intelligence and the integrity which pievadea the whole, would be Inlndicate but Wiper ' ht ruled .states . ha* with (dewily interest' _America. formerly, like l'saintiisa, anti Dow in the great family of met led, condition of ml by" frequent into. ipible of regular, sod ha, tOnded to, mrpublic Intoipourse, 'Web oat citizen-44UP. EliiEl mm MIMI ......... . . tt Noll the tihninimiti* -!! • •usi)dh • e cow , And the bone c• • , :qt 10 1 043Tt u tr the Ira lfaili.c. :,-,. ' • i t .., , Noe; ero it state la' say that littl ii i4t* . hi actually peace M Nemo arid— -: that Ito industrial interests are propperoell that the cantass of eti nierinerlt:-whiteles curry btft :and the plough of eta husband. Men is marching steadily onward to the bloodless conquest of the continent; That cities mul populous States are springing up, as if bx enchantment, from the bosoin of our western wilds, and that the eniciageTiiii' encrgy of Our people le making of there United States the great republic of the world. Ptiose Matins hate not been attaitfeCiarithout pasuing through tiiala and perils, by experi- eruct of which, and tiara only, nations are I hardened Into manhood. ,Our Ibrefitithers were trained •to:the wis dom which conceived, and thr.con lige which achieved indet.endence, by the tin:thus:an: coq which surrounded than, and they were thus made capable of the creation of the re puldio. It devolved on the nem. generation to consolidate the work of 'the revolution. to deliver the country wiairely from the.. influ ence of conflicting transatheut l ic partialities' or antipathies, which attaelied in our -ciao- Wei end reveintiohary his'ory, and to orehn ice the practical olleinfinn of , the comititu fennel and logidinittfautkins of the Union. To,-wt, of this genoreekm, vernal= the not leas noble task ofmaintaining and extend ing. thelioveceet,the United Staten. - We have, at lciiih,-reached that sheee of the-eational career, in which the den/feral° be encountered, and the exertions to be made, are the incidents,.noteLit of stfilli. — Ti our foreign relations, •we have ttemper oar pe•wef to the tees happy co on of inherrepublite in Auld , ice, and to place ourselves in the calmness and conneirous dignity of right hy_tlicrt tho greatest and` wealthiest of the- etn rea of Europe. In our 'domestic relations, we have to guard against the shock of the dia.' contend: the ambiefems, the interests, nod the afigherant, nod, therefore,sotnetimes Iri regular impulvea of opinion, or of sett° , ; which are the-natutal products- of the ent politiesl elevation, the self-rellunee ad theivstieft sli;t it of enlxprltrii oTtliel — piti 's of the United States. I shall prepare to surremderthe Executive' trait to my successor, and retire to Ptivni4l life with sentiments of profound gratitude t* .the_good President* srldeb r during-Ote—per riodefraratheinirstrstletVlutirlohdbliared" to carry the country through many dittLenb ties; domestic and foreign. and , to enable me t to contemplate the spectacle "of a icable and respectful relations between and ilk other governments, and the es bliebnum t . of constitutional order . and tranquility throughout the Union. ♦ Is A ", and I.rauqk FILAKELI. Pirmg. Washington, December 2, 1. • . • ght watt i alt. T.QUAL AND 111LACT JUSTICE TO ALL - . ••••••••".----- • • BELLEFONTE, PAW ( A. 2, crEDNISDAT InteXara 10, 21M,PARSIIYENTS X • ' Gr Ac " 1' 1.—..-.. WC lay before our readers t is week the • 1, al ;ftwal menage of Pres i de rs Pierce. In li.. -. • <-• ---- , - i.g - szt forit tlre - t..l..Orntirorpov doing, -w aionate p e rqui 6 f . -11 w:: 4 40 a 4 latitreitt I. thS:ankiaa,otour.rurtietual de'" 4!-RICI" 44.4 0(.41 wh o are willing to lay • ' t i p ,7 1164. ,"1,: • • an; girl dris . truth, 'and to the .• of fieti and logic. We 4Kectriel, 'Jig ELECTORAL COL4EGE ' This body met in the Renate chamber on liedatsdir t .: - Bon. _Wen: . 'Wilkins, of AlleghenycountY was chosil . rresßent, r and Wm ' B. Miller arid W. ;WK _ Ada "Esears., appuinfa &-eirtaries. TM College WWI opened with prayer by it ev.Trr. De- Witt .‘ioenenittee of five was appointed to Wait upon the Governor and inform him that the College was ready to proceed to business. In a short time Col. Curtin, Sec rotary of the Commothroalth, was annoenn cod, and pratenied the certificates of the Electors chosen by the people on the - of Novimber. The Sehretary then called the list of Ificetors,ilkeiLyrhom were present, and insiered to their names. The mem. hers of the. College then proceeded to dia. ehlize the duty for'whichthey were elected; and unanimously cast the Electorial veto of Peonsylvanta fin' James Duchansa / forl'res. 44sitt•of the, United statee and John C. Beech! enridge:for Vice l i residenh for. Campbell wait chosen bearer pi Tetanus to Washing ton ; kr. Overheat to Judge •Kaint...of Atha United States COurt at. PhilialAphiar agtl Mr, McNair to the. Ih4risburg Pestrildaater. 'flu) College then' afildtivaild erne die. The loteinllCris +kited hir.llutitianart 8n Thnhe dayt 111 invitation, to pariakef his beepl _ • _ - THE CLINTON DEMOCRAT. gazi of the Dtrnocracy of Clinton has come to 1104 beautified in appealsone. :oat Mc.gbren has left the concernaad our friend li. L_Diffenbacii, Esq., assisted by T. Mar tin, Esq., has assumed the editorial man agement. .7o congratulate Alie 4tul.ncribeis of the Deriuserat, and the Democracy of Clinton upoh the acquisition of Mr. Di '' boob to the a:lath)! of their organ. Ilia well 1 knoWn talents, and the honesty and consis tency which has ever marked his political ; conyse,will not only securv_for the cre, the favor and cenfidonco of the Demoe4 racy of Clinton county, but will place among the foremost in the list Df Democrat- ' is papers in Pennsylvania. We aro not IC:. quainVil with Itlr. Martin personally, but we are informed that he is upright, honors. Ib3"atki — leYttlghinly;leiee3altry politically. We need Scarcely add,that they I have our sincere wishes for the moat Sballr dant success. Taus Woresostrx,---4 gentleman who. in this County, says thetelington (Va.) Ciazette„,,a, few months ago,. devised. Ida an tittr—property; estitnatcd•at SIO,QOO, to ono of hlB aisterl. After 'hilt dila thai *defer detitroyedlia will, and divided big property egnallyr between a brother .and sister and herself. Wuxi.. Dont ititienties..—Out of - forty counties heard from in Arkanaas, Air. Hu. chantey has a majority in thirty-nine, .and twatleirds of th 4 aggregate pcflittlarVote..:- 43 0 estimated • that Arkatua+!, beg kitirf 12,000 Demooratic majority.. Mil lin ''blis power I d St to all. dort;Poubcits A.D.WNISTRAnC I I9:: . NoGoireukir ever Went into' power untior. ,more Suspicious cirotimitatioes than qover. Or PoHeat. *Wel only - aid he hate a ur ge -Majority-of the votes of the people pr., his Food ottcommonwt filth, but he hid tliisgat= isfaetiotrof knowing, that nearly all who vo ted for idea were the sworn members of that oath-bitUndsociely that cheated him to pow ue•-end-thst-mmteribre felothattireati • ry, they would be compelled to adhere to Fos aupPegl, Not only-aces Ins installation The inconting of a new political party,: bid It wea.She..initfation -into power and place ; or.* tiok,ormen who-had charmed the earth, and 1:011:1 the atii-btions of the dear people by dim of rullnin; and attetisetthinft eff AtrelP lion obi the part. of all who dared tB. l -difftti" with Slum, ontraputially on the part pf that ;Tod old Democratic party that has so long guided the ship of state safely over the neat es,' and ahtidtt;,and . rocks of the political ocean. Under ,these cireumstances,,thii people of this Commonweakh had a right to expect that' their interests wouldbe promoted by Out incoMing..adminfstmtien : ypt no Hover- Itor has disappotida the hopes hit party had 'created, more than James Pollock. The party that mimed the loudedt cries of e 'bery end Corruption, hen thus Aar left.", r .. ': hLtleak-imill -bet , - , saeinorable throughout all -tinie At iiiiinfiutty and •syeophancy.- 7 The _nolduieux :Komi Salting Legislatur e, titat, entered- 'lb& halls of our State Capital,. aimultauctoualy , , With Pollock, filled the air I of Harrisburg with corruptions° foul, that! lei effects upon the moral etysiem were as deleteriout an the poisoned miasma of a stagnant pond is to the physical. Cries of 4 Bribery were beard in .ycry corner ; I:ommit. !, tees were IPPettnted - tolfwestigate ? end the , ' • Gov‘..- tor winked - it itelf,` aria with folded arms, glutted on the voila that full into his own crib, regardless of the interests of theffeste be had solos); boasted-of loving. I_' W appointtnents_w_amio beicade, the siviii -- askted--1141PWepeded—Execi rr tilft, .as : Who ire my friends ? Where are my *fives, that are willing to servo me.— Not tisfied with milting appointments whe there really were vacancies (benatose his f ends were not all served) he gives-one General Wm. F. Small, an ifoglishman, a commission, to perform the duties of Briga dier -General, while Gen. Tyler was yet in power, and was the duly elected Officer.- 2 - .Thtiletuletinenec of,whish teas, that General- Smalinommitted a contempt of the Supreme Court of the State, and was imprisoned in the debtor's apartment of Hoye:feinting pri son.. With an affected aversion to the creation and extension of Banking privileges, tins Governor of vaunted piety makes an open - bid ibillover;fidergustrati Of Uinta& tad= era and - borers of corporations. For the proof ecthi a allegation we refer our readers to the celebrated Bank_klessage of Gpycluar Pollock -delivered in 1855. ' 124104 or the . open question _of liquor prektblOoni as prpehdrned by bypo!ritical ...*... , :tiele-ttfh olfeew difdloneety, 61;1- 4 .. ... r u t s iderrenred, !taro since been* it • e x. l Gat mandkimxis of t emparma* h a d a mi. ' t to. eicteet that the cache they .desired to see prott;: r . ''' ° ''' !l b e sustains! $ attieeccd hi.thlf ilifiu'imot;.9 l the Chief Xxectiliv• of the State ; yet hewed scarcely cosiOnVitly Tinted irt.the Gubents, , Aerial' ch*Tieforc he iniaitiMied the repeal of. lb* only . probib' hoer law that_ was ever bar &tate and llousto of Repreachtitives lii liable lb obu — go -in their political com plexion evcryyear i and it is expectei that the Govenvarw t htt hofils for three yrars the pan Of sanailkin or disapproval to the pro posed Isita'lsf.tl land, will maintain • firm, oomastent afiarse throughout the term of his Salliiiiiiitritlon, and will thus counteract the evil inflaciteen that sudden and improper changes ip,our legislative bodies are apt to produce - . Eight isright the world over, and remains Gissom, through all coming time. If it was Alight, for Governor Pollock to give his approval to a law prohibiting the sale of ntoxiCatint liquors, one winter, oh what principle if limic, or of, common sense arc wo to c that at would be right for him lii 'its repeal in • year thereat. km* WI ly aocouht fur hisysecilialing ng due allowance for 1 I i pro ver of. moral courage, his constant disiiosi . - ;truckle to popular feeling 4141,101, ' to every light, except the oil& ' apia to which all his attention p a daega i e gbi. ."'' 4 /1* of krs°4 l . te*lttrittUd poltrarf -- - ," , -. t. . We to: • proic r ed . _to_nci(y.fuld.. - - en ,r77' , Various acts of the adminis trstion - , ina_umnra (ion loam. . ~. tinii;Taiii4aild Nil to Warm ati-tito-heter. an ogenous , a single one to invite the ad. titivation or (*cure the approval of any pat riotic, impartial observer; but we do not deem it iteeesaary to occupy the apace paper, dr weary the patience of our readers, tlix - rttiqw of that which is essentially dish lute ci everything but wcaknn,s and Icorruption. it is ',gunned on all hands, that a more insignificant, lifelciis and imp°. 1 tent:aahnini•tration, than the - Ale Iliiiilll power his sever stood at the holm of the Kryetone ship. Already thiforoice of.the - peeplif up from our l debuntains end valley/On Well. merited • *oaks, and thp Governorend other Alstrcof...lkluidttinhaqabalizeo-itahalso sem of the tritifro, their political graves dug deep by the bands of the lamest, hardy pee infau'Yi who.iroro deceived by their vaunted purity of purpose, and hypocfitical cries of "sham Dembeincy." litorthumberlend coun ty, the homy of Pollock has-proclaimed her adherence togritth and justice, anti her odi IMI of political dishonesty, and administrative Vett We. the houserof• Secret a witv:l;,bstenAingbis friends and coadjutors boneted s , that they knew their strength, and heir motions sworn to their support, he;:igivent her voice in thunder tones in fsvor Of tad and °stet justice, toleration and DOnteerimy ; amt Curtin hap been beaten on his'onin %Ode vuundovith all the pat ronage of, ibis Sotto wdajoiniektion wt his cOmentud: The manifest weiltnesis of the withrirpusi-. ' r!==E lanirriaff.' ' ~ • flue, renders this Consure'by rer Al I rai I 01. VEN, TM L L , ' LE CT fir . fi v Cenire comq yeomanry, ikectillarly de- * wing i lta Non collibm i s, Iv *, soivinesaid we opipe that ontfirerni in ape. ' now roineno (the late Preibilliliiettellem Alen for . Which *he 13 in . I ' 6 ft . "' l i nn/C4Cd i : i from eyery Mate in'the Patni; TES ulii will suffiloo to cstuto:! ScereteDl*Ctirtin to be is as follows: ' . , _,t3• I Coll{l`lo in Ins appropriate tiold—tho Court ', ' , , . ilia stionA wm i j Of Quarter Ses-tioss and not to aspire' to Pennsylvania 27 Thlawnro, 3 positions that his incompetency must run- I Now Jersey, .• 8 Mississippi, ', 7 I Indians . '• '. 13 Limigiatisk. i 0 der, not only-unpleasant, bid purdenaomo. „.. ois r 4 All men, eventually, fled theirkr_oporlevoi, _l ie w,,, n ott i . . ' ,I mi i: T A e rka xas n ' ooe . . 4 as cdrtnin as . water seeks the °aft°, and we t North Carolina, 'lO - Xentuoli, •' 12 shill live more M say at,a.foturet,time; of South Corollas,' *8 l'ennesseoi, 12. Cho just rows@ a • illserimimding people sro (Jeorgia. 10 Colitorniii, 4 age to measure out to those whole - 90st; tiiir 41. 0 1 T i ' d n ' 6 7 , .*i 0- Missouri, . ... -0 on them by toles pretensions and onfotirided'' : 41 . 1 0 11 1 4°ng • ' - • 1 •44...*.!e. t . , . 4...ef1_100.1....c4r. iloriqt-lk Old-StatooindirtasplialletraiiVi r ee` ;mod! from Chorine :tide and .unenvioue positron 111 I the sisterhood of Status, which. Know-Aloth ing rule has asoignml to her: 'l,er the people but to awake to their interests ail they were bud full, and weollitvo. nothing to fear ftom trick, faction or fanaticism LAXV: 14UL or VOUNTRRFLIT MONET.— United States Idersbakltlott, while on his istv,pge Isst.Fridsy night from New - Yoeitlo* Albany, noticed a Rllapieibus•looking person carrying in his hand a carpet-bag- Ilitring his susiticions fully sroused i Alie gkgrshal the suspected pereoai, and managed td gethOld of the e*rpet-bag; and then requested him to , step - tnto ‘Oge - prthili saloons where they could hare - conversation. and where the marshal insist ed upon examining the bag, from which. he pulled from among the wearing ',Karel some live Impared dollars in bogus coin, princi pally ih halves and quarters. No was. ha mediatcly taken into custody and esitortcd to_the jail .The_ 3141110-Or tile ;,,epth r , is liansom Warner, and is supposed to be con nected with the 'Weld Troy gang,-who have fur a long time beet fin successful operation somewhere beyoird the detection of the pd lice of that neighbathood. 11ISTAliqrAC1/085 TIIs ATI-eiTicriii-Tfiii ranrors Itouvr.s.- , -The Boston Tostiires the following OS the cornet distanCeit across the Atlantic by the various routes (circle sailing) as furnished lt by Lieut. Haney: - . UeographicaLlstilos. Philadelphia (via Delaware Capes) to" Liverpool, New York to _ New Yurk to Liverpool, - 2880 Now -York to Glasgow, 2800 Boston to Liverpool, , 2720 Boston to Belfast 2620 Boston to Galway, • 2520 Capeltace (Newfoundland) to Galway, 1720 The distance then from Boston to Liverpool Is shorter than from Philadelphia to Liverpool, by 210 New' York to Southanirpn, by 260 New York_to.Liirmoaldly . . _ J.. 80 I~`oiv York i~o Glasgow , I'y 180 The distance from Boston to Gal way is shorter thin from phis to Liverpool, by 570 New - Yolktilg :It Now York to LtverpooLb ,by 300 !'cw York to Cilasgpw, y_ 280 Boston to Liverpod, by ' 200 Boston tel,Belfast, by '- . ' 100 A DAD Cus.l—William Abram, of Cana iVf,l4teths = woe s doath=ronto a fur , son. A very affecting scone took place il , ch the prisoner !revived his sontenmax. wne •• as i, - .4 by the' „judge what he had to fta y y zsr 4cathshe4)l,oot. be pronouncd against-him, •- trus tedL.- God in his Merry Woildiyi o meet his fate ; that ho had to deititeref live now except to umito his peace with God; that his life for years put had boon ono or distress, and wretchedness, sad misery; that ho was not conscious of having any In tcution to take the life of his son, although be did not mourner *this Ma, as he had ho doubt but that ho wsitbe - cansti - of his in stant death ; and that be forgave his, ene mies. The prisoner was sixty-four years of rigs: The • Juditii, while passing the son tence,is—said to-have labored under great emotion. Derswrzow or Poetic Docromirrrs.—lat- ORTA to POSTUANIVItS.T—It id representrid to the &pertinent that in many of the potrt , °tikes, partieuhuiy.st Cue friloutkpuldicvloc uments are allowed to remain torireekily std sometimessednths, without being .dispeksh ed or delivered according to their , addrese. We understand the Postseseter-Genevel *es burned stringent Instructions on this subject, and that such delinquincy on the part of any portly/aster, .tr,heir reported 'to the depart. m eat trill considered good cauSi ofremoval FALLING OP MR RAILROAD BRIDOII OVIII frightht accident occurred on thiliaiiiiireas glap_Aitoad_ois—listtipciter-nigirk—st-fr -station; in, Wiry iol county; erg its. - The" kriage overlbeShenargkoah river gave way, precipitating ties engine and Ave cars a depth of Inrty-flte feet into the T engineer, flroman, and conductor wire lulled end John_ U.-Buck; pas/eager, of Warren county, was fatally injured. • LONS6B o v itt: LAKICB.—The disaste i rs on the lakes this season far exceed those of former-rears irr mtminn—and fatality,. - fire Chicago Tribune gives an imperfect list of the totally lost vessels, making an aggro gate of six steawrs, nine propellers, two tugs, Live brigs, and twenty-elght sehoon era. At a low calculation two hundred lives have been lost. Several of the vessels have iiiliii 7 ver."&" - en — h - eirt from. Al A DEI10(24110 CXLMIIIIATION in latt,- port, Maino,,the following toast-wan offereTtl: The P'rernant J'nrty—Born in Philadel phia last Juno—died in Pennsylvania lam November. Too old for veal, too young for beef —tve have skinned it for its bide. 4 1111 Y - Boston Post remarks that the hide may be tireful fstr overshoes with wool -- .. side. Jour( ANDREWS, of Petersburg, Va., Wa gertAlhat-he woad eat tWo pounds of beef steak, half a shoat, and one pound of can dles.- Ife worried'' the whole down, and "wet it with two quarts of ale." The by standem paid the expenses._ • Coimuna.—Nothing of, irportance. Ms 'been isatiiactod in Oongriaii: ••-- • - AC3 4 nix ' / • 8. • New Tol'itir-A ' B6 New- N,ot ^ii - • 23 Vermont g n, 7 Massachusetts, 18 siii, - 5 Connecticut, t 5 - lowa, . 4 Rhode Island, 4 TOR ru.t.mou Miryland, , RICAPITULATIQX Buchaliaric,- Fmmont, Snohanan's majorlty over Tremont, sixty , electoral votes ; over Fremont and Filimere, -fwe-electore Footer -- W r ono ye Wein:4 the offleial:.zotitrits from States ;' but from offloial, reported, ind estil idittQl7rititiiis, 'we Maker tip ttio _following .thparative table of the aggregate vote .of. all the States: 1852. • 1856.• Pierce, 1,585,555 Buclianin, 1,730,000 Sedtt, 1,383,573 Fremont, 1,238,083 hale, ',157,206 Fillmore, 799,472 3,i2G,474 The returns yet to come in will • increiso the aggregate vote of the Jato etection to, about three million eight hundred thousand, 1 and ,11Ir. Buchanan's majority over Mr. Frii;. ,. stmt. 14; about five kinuirsitheintend vote thus leav l 4 the _l44ck-topublican zitu in_ p~inortty of about one ',When thriejssin dred thousand votes. 'lt will be seen from'the-ibove table, that whilo the democratic vote has been largely increased since the last Presidential election Mr. Fremont's vote falls oft -about ono hun dred and fifty thousand, as compared with the vote given for Gen. Scott. A SINGULAR Ixonnsav occurred in New York on Friday last. A map killed by is railroad accident at Tarrytown was reported t.o_balatsick Burke, of New York, and his wife itt once proceeded to the spot. On Sr. riving there she saw the by arid haring her mind Made up for _the worst, without noticeing deceased's •face concluded that he waalcr_ husband and _fordtwith made 41.-- raxwmenta for the futral. The supposed Patriok-seas bronght to the city-in-a--neat mahogany coffin, the &Tenses and luxury .n UrfiraliroritlTtake werineurred, fire carriages were hired, and 4 0 UsrftitmaLim abort to cross orpir the Williamsburg ferry on Thanksgiving the real genuine Pit- Wale Derihr rise 4 hi* 4,era eJ }Fiends in -fan health--as Mrs. Burke, in her- testimony, expressed,it, to their utter "dtaMay." The' Ilimirsett taw began to tiduk (hex had been badly Hoaxed, and mieeretnoidotudY Myriad • logua Patrick to the &Benno Hospita- Ifie dead-bonsergennine Burke rode home in a carriage bylds wife." Tun Conan - Krum OF btox.—lgr. phi - e Val r .1 1 -rnizo. estimates the bonus( consumption o f AAi 7,i:309.000, tuns.—Of thin great ag zrepte, Urea ji l ltain produces about, one- WA soli consumes one-fourth. The figures are thOSstated Great Britain, United States, Fiance, Belgium, Russia, Sweden and Norway; lAAIy, AUtria, - Prima", • giF, o t a"' Den ark, • T 1, 0,880,000 --The r st of the world la, Asia, Africa and Aube • prOdecal tee 'Hale to be ewe' puted, but • possibly riisathe • aggregato production 'IS 000,000. A efiAgt AS Ve , Icons P i warms tells outeide the Pus thte • • • , • •: • •• • • by shark of the spotted khld. The shark, )• lkstaa.guton.board-with-saeiriliineul ty, measured 17-feet 11 inches tong,-9 tect in circumference, and hie liver exactly filled a beef barrel ! 110 had aeven rows of teeth, ndin, hie paunch_was found - trio body of a -Nan, pottrdeton*osed. Iliajaw bone - was taken to the city, and was found to be large enough to take in migir barrel. MAN SALTED DOWN_ DX , 1118 OWN RH- Quairr.—/Nngular circumtitanco recently rrodin Iffillerdoinityriffigiolti. An old mad, nienuA Wilson, aged 89 died having •matio arrangements with certain persons not to bury him, but to have his cntrals taken_ out and put in a box . , and placed befildb hid coffin, which ho had had over tliree years.— Ho was then filled with salt and.sutw grape, vino,or something of that sort. lie was then carried to t h e repository of his coffin ,a eavitS , in a Perpendicular bluff, about fifty or sixty feet from the bottom. Tmi-Oinster Sinhorson.—Since the death of Mr. Clayton, Mr. CMenden, of Kentucky, is tho "father" of the United States Senate, 0 ae Thj si fiiii Tin elected• to , four terms, two of which ho re signed before they expired. Tile Whole sop rico has, bsen.e.ighteen years, and his pros-, opt will expire in 18i1/. Posrar f Danatimor t —la is statol that the Poet Office deficiency is larger by many thousands thie year tban thd Mat, oaring to the atignionicd fitelliciek brOitglit into roqui. anion,_ and the_ijiiwic janvoitation_, o l i iieo nuttier. .. . ; .. BE • 7 r_----• . - ',: - - ,E,Bierm uItAL nrniihrerzy ''' 1..._ .lnjkg_iwy _and bustling city, where t i n inititt eif commerce meet us on ever)/ hand An ktho_enday beim of traatechOes confine. yin our tars, we, are apt to forget that there are o th er interests claiming our *Um , lion dour aid. Closing onr, emirs fo r i time In the rumble and roar of active Ma. ehinery", • 6? the Whirl of heavily-laden ' ears and the 'krill shriek of thei MX — motive' inet, okraing our eyes to the puffing,steittnera and lint Of drays,_ and the smoke of faytorles ; it inint right and proper that WC should oc maionally wander.ont into the ',broad fields of our farmers, 4nd look at their rich crop", and listen lo their demands upon oar con sideritttoh: - No argument Ce.needeol to impreal every ono with the. inealculaide, the essential im portance of losteriug our "sieultural inter ests. It needs onk JO be suggested to re colt° ,tho Cordial tali Ant of all clatuCeittitid condltions of mpn. The' farmers' furnish the ,very essence (Vire and the'very 4 °sows et trade. Through them and bytheta all other pursuit' . live, move and have their, being.-- And yet, while legislative aid yafitety and repeatedly gilieth to develop, prefect and pro toot all other interests, the farmers have re : -ccived tut an -- o - teotdohet - ,lhOtithr ficUn our .Legislatures., And this is chletly.°Wing to the well-known and, we might say, consti tutionally modesty of the honest. tillers of the soil, They have been content to 'dodo!) in thebehtlin track their Mlle's Year, rather than make'any personal experiment or ap peal to the-comenonwcaithto lend its patron ago to the invcstigition of itopintarittleories in agriculture. But, el late,_opr formers base linhahui - 110 mailing of aio spirit of universel.progress. They have applied themselves to "Andy the naturd of the soil, and to worklision Mien. 1414,1)rineip14. And in order' ikkt young Ittintity. be tliaritiiigtily celittaiilir in the latency drpritticad rfai~yli . if liiiiiitsdieti r\ been established In. Centro county, which jaselettined to become exceedingly beneficial to our State. Wei understand that efforts will be made this winter, to secure from the 'Legislature, an appropriation to aid, In I.lp °adornment or-the farmers' Ilighiliahool. New, in advance, sve bespeak the milin at tention end earnest co-opiostiot e rbit*rm. very hers in this laudable pro Let our Legislature promptly and nobly respond to the call, made by the most -substantial Intl ienpdrtant classes of ourtitisette, and it will redound, to the credit and to the wealth, prosperity, and beauty of our -00 d iddCoui• nxmwealth. The ;aperient* of the Yammers' College wes•rt ferreel to in the nil ablie and' interesting address delivered by lion. Geo. W. Woodwati - baora the/tail Agrioultural. Society in October last. We advise eatery re-/nor to procure and rtad earelbilke Sit address.—Piefebsei Union. . ; . 'TO -114 3 4 Ci 7,835 -_-_ - _--,-- . WASAVviertits or WE 4ielanu.s•— Machine inVre niOls him sibillprcir ed by a change in the II if roilirigthe iron, by yibleh the %bra i itttlat , iato the liiiifer ME dell..—ln-th-o-iFip-efiMilhirlioiss ing a :nail by the machine. tfie Ostai.er ,heu iA ling cut up, then gripped is a diliArhieb gives it a sLape, and, at the sarsit . another die oadbirltt eaelautt s . head. Large spike nails that too faaten'the ral/s on railways weals* br machinery. -In this hind Cif shistithiiihme the iron is led In the ruaciiiiiiiiirthe rod hot • wear a pun of rolls; &projection upon-the roll gonna the sharp point of the spike and detaches i t from the bar ; s die Meats hold of the spike and another die comes against it to form tbe head._ This machine is pla CO beneath the mouth of the 'furnace, and, the Armour being long, the by is heated as Rio drawn through by the - machine—sixty spikes Utter turned, oii per minute. • 8,586,00 0 1,000,050 650,000 976,000 ' 675,000 .. Elvin Fri Axon. Treceipts .le the laKss'reasury from ht day of Doom to the 30th of Ncivesaber 1856, Ikons. all•sourees, were, " {8,578,9!1) - 83• Balance of available fund' in the Treasury I) ~ 1,1866, , 1,243,07 311 72,600 000,000 y .000 rid 11 ,eOO -20,000. • 11 1 40p137 The tropondt . turts during - the nu* period amounted to, 5,377,10 22 I , g kriaoiZablo balance in tho Treasury, on Nov. 30th 1858 of ) I SINGULAR ACCIARNT.-4 1,11,4 br ! i i m is hi Bridges:rater, Penn., who bad cove in the side of a hill, wWther They,miroin—lhs, habit of resorting, were, on MINIIIIIPT / 1118 f1 the - tiorith by the ictitTif Oire_cavb falling in, having beenine AO:orittie* ie :alba huls-wasAtAlwA-sla , dead, an& the remainder( vrono - nertonoty* jured. "hut.—The Now Or- L.• Moiling: A toW ofe_a_iihi at, author ovorhoard a shark Tns FAstnsT Ramo:lL-Pr r.ler . s's spirrl lw MD_ 'haat lbUi ever- node b jranon* home, was made by Henry fen% in utu 424 secondi. The hate* ngievervey wade by a plicer, vrits made byPoinhontsta t in 2 ; the fastest knitel Oyer pide-fialint; ting, was wade by E:rora. Tow* ist Now .4244. Siut or Om PatataaTtLlllMlOtsanat --Op Friday last there was seitta4 Alnotioal , at the Merchant's Exzhatign; phis, trader a resolution of tho,ekir tEMOttg4ll; real satin) belonging to the city. Eo positt of 5?8,8417.n9. A Bmmxtom Siscgrutiotoia--41k Jot hl` Itookbridgi," eanntr, - 14414101;. has raciintly, it la said, Ift)(16 some lota In Chicago, few years ago, he gave $8,000.' Fll , lll •AMONCI SO.) Telegraph says that AO "Park from a loootoirtant-tieNtrefild le Motet- es, containing 4061,tushela. 'bilorigin* Lep( Ir. 7, BEAM( itatstmaiientuaSiii;l4 - itille Oar Democrats at. Mae Was ,1#4:400 OA& 1 10001 Wilts icOonor of our ;104.100 40 . 07;:the itrernintonr tolled - QV " . . lr''' t .); I),,,nriurr.tz;Tbo 17wavies .1640-- /ow*, Olitr h',llsui tlif Vii44lo,Netel, ' ' 1 / 1 1 41 4 4 4 1 114 4, 0 04,4 1 1 1 et' ' A • .Ake • EMEEZI ig2:2 $1,244,796 . 4t LI