Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 26, 1856, Image 1
Vk.,F , . • ! -NO .tt:',l4ft A I 1010:9 ;of •-"{t eRr 1,./41 . 107 .e-••• 1•7 in ijo -1 , 4 . vltVi btu' sir:, • drftsport dark; rtf•!.it,r Y 911l:I111 ~~i_-•(i/'f'Y Xl9 f dEM=SI VUti. 1%. 1 , '• tt 1 . 4 Tainibt ewes, or if paid within six inc o Frill be ()barged on all subsorip tleri Thei irnd thever. ADVSIST kIiNTS awl Due Wean Ifotkm Insert -04 *Me rill rates, amid ev6ry ileaorlplien of itT44,, Rttio L mbistent, manner, at the !tweet old* t► t otmert deemteh , fluting poxalumeetalarri bolleaalon of type, Ma are plre• tlP:w!enttf Ir iende. ; 11E01n CRE ED. , • 444 . 4 .: MOP Irtrpl/40:4/4it._ reitgiotip or *i t , ' • • Nao•2. tatainorco and honest jnead ahiposplallpaiOnti intangltv alliantsa with, a one. N 0.7. TA4 *As of,Statei one) Teri itorio) alai; ositttagier ,2111Nefloreatftelfsin. No. Ereprionfiing ig real i t y, tAo sor . er,e!cnty thittiati,littottatt. tAo etaforsa to 'jkl ;f wVtiF "444.147te1fa11°"#14 wpcmq. 0. . opoßdstaYes, and a sorra proweation if rally faith. • I. Frssion. AfliirsQ6 tfoolfoog of Oa pros obi aluithil'lllyiraliit , ollotstataatsoir. - Noun' Oppootakttitill Alivyteraitiral organ ,qtp t r t9a re " rctkg/ tut it ,iu, ra , allhitilbstskila4 rildigiigue Out.i fir Oleg. tiaks9 r Vtr i Arionilkakytat *tail protedlon As njrAos• of all. No. 11. The tokkirOvitiorli al the llatnrali ;ode m t...;psiorbbleimmitirstf said° the OW* Amain rirtio st o ol s tt a ta i i, caw rare . : -Biz le cio47.4,4tilikenAwirii.abrod UI to ail.--afly to aim fot pfis farA: .11ILLEFON TB, IXPINA. 11 18 111) ,0 ;, t g oFf il r / I t OC, ILL-Tittrataiir oti 'A CrtiLD. —ln the CHO inal Comt of Montgomery county last wee*, Hottjatflo' god Ads; Harper Were tried for mal-tieitteent of girt ;anted Sallie ,teirt of eke, 'AO Ilya with them The eridonce prevented's state of t ct Mt ifisk.dl4guktiet and illigrseetul that it hat er bike' out Misfortufie to Mien to nloiiiiirrof dp deiimdinitto tioharaq be eliesed-omotrg Eiyrolitt . 4 -ftettlihft Irr • on tiyhiancn.*at on one occasion the child hail besot linnten. KOIN,[9r Mk: 1#)111i thiS*l4friViairS7lllo-08440,4-4111.11W- ed ma,* dour ; at &no time time brutal kstuld, and toot mut thrown auto dm !rani, wberyy 81 10 leaf frtaul at JO is'eitack nt rifght -- that ttio child wag once put into a tub "ur di r ty e suds, and then was with dour broom; that the iris' We besmeared 11,74, the Ace by Tttti, Harper with the child!' own Wind alai and stood in the sun 110,487. w at t b w . , m ac h tied. ilkart i this defendants oAhted itilleacla IP *WOW 404 W, VI very dioelrefebtOlautrtiald halndloidOktat. but list only.aot ad disetimilmiee they , could proat min that eh, ObsTehonewelliaif to we terdbrapoor Adis cap Itstandantlifx. Her.. per, is areal sub. espint in Philadelphia, and moved with, his family last subunit to' Frederick township,+n this county, when and **fro the - Wader above refitted wetted. *l f fti tt•tha th daodanti, Pitt', 144 Aiii,; (7 0411(rR! 1 4;0 0, 4 tits* * BuTtrape • 1119/01:1100,:aild Ada Hiatt. a eve of ARCltTesid +oats. !fit* owe int- Ore recerly flidall'sdAtbOid(id.S,,tiites Mint, the Ilse of "Irk ,hidr ; 0411 is coenpos.4 Asf liftpsomen ,parts of caliper, tgvf Ifittll, and ovie.'of kite. TI has a with a rant red till, and is ins i beia(ifni contrast with the American siblarmid gold pitta's, and. will hot, se the dib, tarnish them by contact. 4e new cent is onl7 seventy-two :44 01 . : the iirtisept gamier is one -awdlisty-eight. A' `Sinar »r lt.mteis.o-A tele -01,14-111eaft104;mn- = - PIA e• Abel' of "neb go t c l u f i ltLt,4l# 4d44 i oP,sb4 11th 1414 4 4 3444.M e 54 trYl l / 0 ,10 1 ? I n - he , was .9dotavoqtl to? Arioaf git,i plum of s t4#l,,.4q);qtpleres ifed tlie`34 , ida, A ilsrgo'nunaber of cilia Sits i f ursuiti afid Crg tured him, and lodimoVitim in Great exeetettuff4t olzkAetli Sind astrong dintektti4 0 e W1t44144 to lynch, but was finally 45900* • vr • ski, ot,atorn.-At the Know -My 11. .kif i , 44,4- Unanity on MllkeklEi* the Presidential election, the k#o4,9o4,2ralendied were put follows: •rnoatt '8 , - 23 , (1 8 4 01 ' 0 , 1 90 86 Z:S t'l 1, + W r ' OoaB6s ? ett.—The Chatfield in • the' baelt•woods' of esailio • ft Ildwtngt. ' ,rizah tie . (Rifted' Ststeso otithe 4th' -lastulteirlistele-rever, ll thc_grest hees.o_ bow •• Neck --Relsbliestrthset," aged nearly tens Theiriesnitle And ernpatbisers of • peetfully requested to be " 1 41" A nee et the ,!Guest, as 4iZt!' .102 ye'the offinsfye - rentable •• • . 7 1 - * •Vatiloon sii possible. 'rns BIYVVALO Casamarclal Advertiser, tho hliMet'ortiti of Millard Fillmore, Is • atifire litisioite that the interests 'or the4o6antiry union Of the Repnblicans and the • 4 *Marieins" tgainit' the Demooratid • 7,the f~itura._ I.4'tip Otanci Dia. ordered that the . land sale in leaflets on the 17th shall be stoma, if a4at4atora appear as bidders. • rs mg i 71. . • , UNtrED ?TATES,t 4uflaL *. The returns' from- . which Maine, 'another Republican will be cho sett in place of lion. Manihiki Hamlin, who has been ected Goorrnor. • in 'iftisnehusetts; the lion. Charles Sinn- • ner, whose teinn erpires this winter, will probably be ro-clected, if hiA he a lth will permit him to resume thelluties of the post. E 3 In - Rhode laland, r Republican rill 14, elected in place of non. Chiles T. Jams, (I)cm.) whose- teini crpircs - on the 6th .or March. In Ceetneetient they have already choeen Hon. Isstio , Taucaty, {Derr .) !ribose tertian& with this Jo New York, tho reiurawreeder esieshrie Rep libliesere. It so, she CUM tinud tote reptesentedebyttri-Repull ' Io Piirituryystim — ; either Mr. (Dew) tibilobs•Wat, some other Denial:rat. -:• • In Now lenity, Mt. Tlioni f j probably wilL again pa .jA .Niel titres ids pablioan: • bdiani; two , liienstors , . are• to be cho sen, "both probably, as before, Donowsts. f3diabinftishon; - theirs — - lab cies .to Ailed, but by whom it yet lan= peekillotto determine. These aretin the Fete States that elect this whiter.. • - Drlawareilexas,' FloiidsandVirginia, Detrioctatio lileustera ate re:cletted or re placed by ether Deekrerita. In - Missouri and Tennessee, Know-NoVeal give plate to DCo3oellti. - Lzxcirox tY Miliatatarri :--traustrai; Soitaa.—Wilhafa • ihiberaon. whiraourderett yraklhriNilliaina; -• dared-lases wife, was eteetttett at iltiitaes• "vigeTthigs:, an the liih-fifit; 'Theicoadeain. ediaan, it appestat addreaded the clivall from aeallehh-eadet vla• • nyuipalthe in hie behaff. - and &tett his long stet very MeoherentlitringtseleithiM maitil(alt-elettiee- • • bevenikeled thlairand hare • 'Mew' trial p in furtherance of. w 14•1: "Lim rant id tweerwronelnipwlihreit'ainttend ;eke ( from the Mott; itabothlt twatnewlifie etteriihreekl nok•ptioceod with the exeentimi if the voriff, phi anonitnent should be ioninf lobe Ttwopperent siqtrk--...l l of4eidteek ilf ter this startling and itonsnalt . atirrea the cronkt to an twhibitiou of scrier little exciteinent; att " new . trial !" .4 hang him hang • were heard ,on both sides, and for we feared mob law would via rieLierousillherrery powinots of war notirti ofjoatioo. . _ • ' - Tdasauolincestiat ef the kherifl; is7wev. or. mite to the prieoner got Iva couli cx• pest nothing hew the people in die enter. geiley, howeier bitch hie own or theirsym plaid were *rimed Air hint, and his' pro candiniai own nritleithe rtintr-,aeatedingly, Ind wei dot until*" iwilwitd:thstalhe death ia. the hon.' Hid Oise& fiLii ~hie Annie shook with - finals tins. Wed; and hotivil irpsn hie knees and /hided hia face in. his Undo. wills the. attending minister, Dr. Laney, skpproaChad him Upon the .Bw/told, le pesibrnance or his last sad duty, and kneeling.hpuidi thf *miner; with hie Mad wren his btlwed hendf and and tio , idL sainquisupive appeal to% heaven. After.this nelemn Berries, the prisoner eon tinned upon his knees 1610. the reoznad wen launched lain. identity. Dfl7B,sa,tau 7 0 7 C. Tracy, en. perintoodent , of the , News Tloys , IhmsigiaYs the Now York Journal e un nierce,) expects to leave the sity in a few. • did% hiring in oharge forty or fifty boys, and gide, to be placed with Atrium in. the, agriculture; rclioss of tlto !vest, As many of, the , children Are vtite demitiite.and ere very, hoMnfectly ;tied, the miperintendeeit e,ppeeis !kr assistauce, Theachildrea's Aid Society, with • which the 14401; haute is connected, will send out this ycer„•o , ,er 1,000 children. The number thm „disposed of is increasing from year to year. - reakt-1501MI:Esturris, - ircre. Pint 4 A 1/Furutaa - lab o s comptroller" of the public echoola of Philadelplits, on the sth instant, presented their estimates of the expenses for the nest pap-. They ask an appropria tien of 1685'677, being 8187,445 moeo Until war granted by councils last year. B. Esq., has been appoint. ed Post Master of Lancaster city, in the room of Henry Hoigart, Esq., detained.' This appointment is very flatteringly spoken of by the Lancaster preat. Ma. BraJAMIN JONIII3, aged seventy-three, a well r known citizen' 'uf Petersburg, N. Y., disembowelled himself .-with - a razor, and died soon after , wards. lie had been la borins under a u attack o( hypocbondriasis. The-following is tho Ofßaia' vote of Ver innnt, at tho recent Presidential election.— Fcaniont, A 9,003; Buchanan 10,577 ; Fill- FlSM.M.;,,,§F.4terin.sqs. • A-it.tanintrarenee.-Thee , --Ditwaserate--of- sun- bar* eelebrateil the ileotion Of Buchanan,. on the evening of the 11th; bY ejgranct Wu uoinalion,_ Motes Jo. i g Iftimmary .rnitierat)- ,4* 4, have (ILA, 9sa, %lose -term art berreplatiall 111 1 'As; EMS BELLEFONTE, P For do Dols;onstia Waiehma SUMMER'S GOIYR. =! irds have down to other clime To sing their cheerful lay: r Noloore upon the emilini earth , - Do dowers sweetly shine, For Death pots forth hie hand, aid says, No akilbey all aro WAG! The teeming chill, the eventeg air, Do toll tbo mournful the prilittli to all the lovely data 4 - Tbat'doek ra anu-IN vale. , . ! "twawitthwa incwitly phial° To.gtadCau early oy,, • But.Deatb put firth his hand, awl said, - - No ! Do! but pass away: , -anetiolimtaimathSuitii The blocnigyidnq d Bo wl pr; Whop lore .14 Agra Oldie them.. Andel,llUy tlew the hours. No'xiteri the tress pat filith, their fearee:-1 , Isr thing brlightasas ablate— • ler Death tosiefortlthlshea4,aseteaysy They all, they all, are mita. -. pot tha:NagniCtiorilabli, • • - ; , They fielstb,4ll theipadkliag . Mid grow dßll`Umrptida.. ' ' ' •• Nor Ilk* fliCia _Mag. Mad lowa Ibis pion wd . woe. Iw AMA an 4, .**4 1 41 04 f t. ", 14104 W I " dm A l 10 .7 . • ." mdesliurg, Penes. UNEMttivfEDAtIWNS A STARTLING COURT SCENE. On my last visit to Mississippi I arrrived one idea:tint Autumn evening it .the village of beeVienedii having come in the stage the day from Moody Creak. I found the inn well filled. Mid immed that the-circuit court ram in sminoti there. - At the anppet•tabh I found the • jodgpi sad salmi half dozen hw yeriy the county Aileen and numer ous visitor* who had come to attend the fri. mitt.- , 4-1104-notsOhusiams-tet-trammdt , with • merchant in the Plitee, witoise mime crag Lin. dor "Wthipts. - end r made my - ntind to call upon him during the evening. -1 knew velloes...ldi• veto** tr••:•viutaitizateatralkad dun the plea. 'The building see all tint holm*, andX booed my steri (0,4,/* ray liKUDIaOal Wail answered by • black, Ira man - . I lurked her IT Wallace WU it - 5111511R111Mtlietrapy favo it frit .... mossugiAnd , thfisiim* faileikiAL " lie's to lam, but be's dead ;" she sob. with much efibrt. ).:Apastagt4 foist* hem the negress . diat W.444-0 8 k 11 .,*, qt t-, da ys too' M i wobld trit -- 14111 op the morrow, Under such circumstances I wild pot disturb any, other of thellunily, and hming gathered (tom the slime iht4m4 - ing,gunticulars,l left the door and returned to the inn. There learned mute further Med.teriknictnltig the murder; but thaw who understood the subject hilly wore busy, And I was forced to wait until to.morrow for a clear. kmmiedgeof the cape. Though the murder had been committed no.recently,.thk-Innk having - not yet been 1346 4 YeSl. 4 At' voted, w as IPriaiao.444 thedecetmed and witness ,on hind, the trite oF II II , to:take Po; immediately. , On the, following us:truing.' entered the court-room with the erowd,rusi the first case Whisk ea,nie up won that of the murder of boodord Wallace.. Jim unlimited was a . young man, not over five amp} twenty, named ,Perani Dementia. Ile had ,been employed fur sevral years as Wallace's chief clerk, and was one of. the most capable youths in the country. I had some dealings with him ; and had learned to love and respect hitu. lie. Watt built, remarkably handsome, 'anelboen hiateiN 'With a aative pride, which, while it gave him *mama and dignity; never e his manor hau bt or . r- 1 bowing:. o wits An orphan; - oT French de. smut, sad had been born and reared in New Chise k tm, As he In in the prisoner's box I could me Arn o plaloty. .110 1,1111 very pale, and seemed to saw much ; yet he did not look like s. guitty maa. I ,could apt be- have that hehed over commit te d a murder. Re was too brave and hononthW for` that. :1 At. length the trial commenced. The wit• negate came on and gave their testimony, and my heart sank within me as L found how airengly the aide of °iron matanees set apnea prated - *baths hitwiebixt Tira geftninsed Idabel Wally* and that the un ele"helel objected.' from thio a guar"l had ermined, and the youth .had left Wallace's service. It was thwtheemore proved that Denutrton had challenged Weikel, to fight him a 'duel, and that the merchant- had re fused on the ground that he contd not cow sent to meet one whom he still regarded in the light of a son. Then It was proved that the youth was very wroth at this, and that le_swore Mr s. Wallace should " either fight or Suffer the consequences." Ile uas deter mined to•haire sathifactiou. On the morning of the murder the mer chant atarted oo horselstek for Dantonville, and in hall an hour afterwards the prisoner wonted liorscrand started after him, saYing, as he leapeslNerthe„.saddle, , lhat he •. would easily overtake Mr. Wallace." And then he added,th *keno° of three witneesi, Hes, who swore to the words :—•• I can mttle enr-trouirkkail-woll.onAbe road to DantotiT grilie•awanytristuittl2, -Thistwasltt/iirealocit in' the' even*, At nine O I CIOOk • a AVM named Usrrold—Dunk Harrold, he war call cd—was coming from Dentonvillei sod in a 1112121 nized the pri*oner very plainly. Ile' leaped, from his saddle, and found the merchant senseless, and bleeding freely from acycral deep Wounds.• Close by ho found it silver. handled bowie-knife, which tuidbriwn proved .to be the prisoner's pmpeiti,": The knife was etweled With blood, and the phyli9lana• had decided that the , wounds had beta made with it. The murdered man *it also heed vvide,kiireSncarly, ,suflicient to *his Ihink !Jerrold was -looking Itualotner. lie was I itout, dered age, withAttit . , opuse, atdmalfmtw, looked tbe perfect Taken _ln difence !twits proited,that IlaTycolplked had intim dtalintitr• with the prisoner, and edit 14104 ,erprtt Ilevereyerifse pu t t tills ainoonledito,:bytt Surely , he case stewed vcry,cl • tho prisoner. ' Itched had ditfticl the inuittfattnlito ; challenged 14 4trectiulat—vreere i to **vatic '• • • " • •• stewed purpose of sqlUkr r the ern 11011.0eir we, roina lilt 110474% - • -4- sidc-4nd, when lie wile :hen, di* _ court was, 4°0;114 at Ace, and own hands and clothes `: bespattered, tents the judge himself, acieonipanled by with blood :-.. rtFe Itnt: aunstaagreq. . three of the lawyers awl the foreman ofl the conclusive ISt all events, theyNrcre jury, the merchant's tiotiell. They generally received. . found the wastugled nian very *elk ; and the At length Edward Oen ~ ,was permit - I physicians laid he could not livelong. As led to tell his story. He aro and althou g h, i soon as the new-comers wer e arranged about he wall pale and wan,yet de inus.ilrol. 1 his bed, he related to thetii as follows ::-- Ile fi rst called upon God to - e.g that be 1 11.0 said th at on the day be _started for' spoke Use truth, and then se n.- Ile said Dantopyille ho saw young Delnartott At Mg ' on t . lic afitanimu. ivforq Pit 'der he had entice; and that all the ffilltretace between spent over two hours with 'allicl; i'V . A"lN6tiVivikietireif vatedeitpi.aad...alan,thaL.ltt, that all their di ffi culty hika; :n settic‘irdtl: promised to meet hint in Dattlisturiflk' Mr that the merchant had espla to hint that insit‘d stone on horseback, havint'llest his only objection to the . age of Isabel packed away live thoupanddollant, which Ito ' had been the fact that he ' '' Proutisi4 }ter was to carry with latit. It was dusk when father, on his diiiii - Itiol, rilie - slinlild hcithWrek - tind in trait an hour It wits fairly not be married until _she - rat renty 'years , night, only there was a blight:m.)oi: Mimi' of . ago . ---f . - *- '' /10.tieled - the little wood, lie waq everts- - •' We made our tbffilenCletall up at 'tut i.: ken by Dunk Ilarrald. Ito felt a sudden feat .—.. . --- a.. '''' ... __ j . , .......... time; - "iiiiiiTindedlrelrikrtorT,Tandliti.:lrat lace asked me if I would cane Wei, IWO his iervice. Its said if I hairlseen ,it w i lin g to ye asEedl6remon orWieTus or berm hand he woad hiiii Sven it, titilliiink hot and inmetuotut, aintVia.i nitric &IV iled'bi it, so be *NOW . • : .•` Ile had juittedred 'ine If I Wind& Come beck into his service, whensome ono isdtered the store who wished idle" him. I told him I had planned to go to Daritonvillethat Sims: big, but would dation him'whintrreturned. HS said he had to go to Thntowritle too, and bade me caliph ',him in that Plice,! id the iianilis inie signifylig that we iii - ield'eiiiiige matters there. /dater that I retti Oier "by the lake, and when I came inictiq' Vaittitd i thatildr.,,Wallacehed_ been _gni !34 an hour. I gel my horse ready a ee, when abOut to start I did make the limas which hado hoed sworn to ; !Met neydd them Jokingly, in view of the Mesidti' meet ing we were to have, little thintleg tit what was to oxar. I rode of, and lI'S itib dis tance of some ten miles, in the litthierotid, t• Tumid Mi. Wollice's horse shading ,by the side - o f 'homed. A little further onl found the merchant weltering in 'his Niop4. - Y leaped from my saddle and :welt itd_ w i by side of the body. I turned the thce up and *led his thine several Lima.:' dash e jibe was yet wane, but life gamed ~I got my boucle and.idoihas,theni Ilisipstd with blood, but I thougher . Kelitnit I found that life witi &mei, i l liiiii4Oili not well handle the body atone, I l'emonntat my horse and started bee help. .„ " It hed.been urged, 1.14 T I had really soug,ll help twould har e," on tow:aids Dsntonville, When I could . have found, it withitt-hatf-a- -mili--ris*:Oilms -tower& is point where therirwas no home for oversix miles. But I could hot stagnite • tbialf. then. My Brat instinct was Writ* boss oinid I followed it. I Isedgesissfessingles whin horse fell. IlewuteolanSeMetrut- Soonefter,- wands I was overteltin by,-Lhankliestaldand another man, who arrested mike for,* snkte der. With mgairdierthetirnife--41we bate found was mine, mid it hid been lU:den from me that dey." , - ' , . . Th. .youth sat down tut its ceaamt, speak joilltn4ll!Vit*!fleakl44/ head. .....:!Aux.smseiLem.oll2 l ,Vo t he said, in biaehmlis to jury. ", not no one oould have inventestAlte circumstances irhieh bear against the phi Oner." In abort there seethed tells tar hew Ow g o youth. i Though politic pitied' min - ,-.-tw could see they shook their heads ditbiOus when he pleaded hie instance. The judgi had suurameted-the -erideett all up, more strong agetnst the prisoner than before if possible, and the jury women the point, of retiring, when a slew coustsgithut area peroeptithhuOitiaior, and in a moment more a youngtirl, ;lin den, 'rushed into , the court-milk 'OW her . long chestnut hirr 'floating illil,lP, ilr (h. wind, her bosom Itifaving deeply., and 'llO eyes fairly burning with intense - estgoiliolte: ft was I sa b e l W a ll ace . She was a beantilld girl ; tell, straight, and nobly proportioned with a face of atriking lovelittesAr and a form at once volimietuolui and, 004penly. , : - She cost ono quick glass of lovq,,µpm . 11444410..64/4/01g, eileue"' Ind * 4 '9 and Oleo tiutiting-to.ttut-jadtwillwejr4t— " Is. by tnici yet, sir fouud, guilty t"' • 'a • • " Not yet - but too° will h r ;” UM direr. Ilo•! oflieers seize' upon Dunk Mir raid, and see that he does not escape ! Quick! !" ven as the madam entered the room Her b! had 'tiered nearer to tho door. theselesit Words were uttered he made a rpoh, for the street ; but a stout boatman in, : tt doorivay IMP him until the sheriff came up. The fellow struggled hard, but a pair of*tt I culls weronkipn placed upon his wrists, mid fie was,gairried' back: . • ", Now," contiimed the, girl, turning to the judge, you send.4o.ut s6p.plespi to lete, nay afire !" At; tiles', Wards * Edward !..)tioalrlot snarled to his' tacit and 'uttered a cry or Joy. q t his Wip; 'oveycame liilit, ho ta . tak fak4ting back, :41 first o4urat of satoiilehmerti cogacq~o~ Upon this _a io 'puce had ,pksiced,..lok4 exp4ine4 what !Moaned, She said two physicians were With her trncle, 1144 that he had revived from tits luthiriic +bii 4 th o - 4 4frhai-416 7 11 " 1 ".?'"rnVIAP htiViibed k fie t4411!1)-P5i.r against Ix a illA to.,lnfir• 'Thtfitiftufd Initainits rob itttnvibr Orr mi) had seen him packing the money Mit) 1111 . 11i4 pocioehook. Stilt° mufti more for liipintior, but heforet — bes - ehtifd reach old ; gore hhudi blow on the hea d . with a 'bort. club ; knocked him from his . - • dabbing 'htin &rend times, semi he knew, too, when ho took the money from his pock. et. Iffis could renietaber nothing snore and! he hid mime fo his senses on the morning of the then present'Vay. The physicians said that th'e snlikref had' been in a gat of cataleptic suite, indexed by one of the kali, sind *Rifaided blow on the seicoant eras taken iloWn, Word for enikhy sae or the lawyers' Midday witnessed : while the two Etkyri okays albite that man was in posses of lull sense add 'sound Wird. - With attested documents, the party returned fir th° Court keen: ' • n The court was giddily opened, and 'Ore Idng - the jorj , itterned s verdict of acquittal for Edward Demarton, and thereupon ltd Joy of thoispectitora, burilMikit hrwahmit r wiliok the omit tried not to atop. ' Ilanild wait seen ltuetitilin War for the *Urdu, add day euretcte* of the crime, *hen he found that all *ai icnewn he tide a a COdhillioi. einituld that he did the ddpd, and that hb did it ilor the stoney. He km* that yhirde iheautiwr wia - Oinelon the tame read, ttd airdouttivid to steal the *uuthJa knife, meanini 3o Auk ten the Tinnier upon Mtn and bet'llorilit uonderfblinta:rpovition of At reftVlitewhieh had held tlio firmiered man for witneu, the scheme would have auoceode d. Mr. Wa7litelited until noon the next day, and before — he dieiThe — placed the hand oflil, lovely niece within the hand of ltdwi4d lie marton, and bade them live togpther upon his bounty. Ile had no family of his own, and t 6 Isabel ho Ms propirty ; but It wax with‘the understanding the! Edward should manage it for her, and be her companion for life. Though there was deep sorrow in the Toss of so kind an geisZmus an uncle; yet there was" joy in the thought that ehe had now a noble, loving husband. DODGING- A DUN. illy' /Detente:Stiff can dodge him effectually. It is *knack ea quired by long experience. If the dun, how evemi by his experience, boomneo exptrt, the dunned stands a slim chance of escape. We hoard a story the other day . of old Dr., of Portsmouth, which is to the point, is regards ametour dunning; for thacc-41.-. !!.: 1 wide difference between the amateur and tho preessiotial. Dr. (1, was a man of great integrity and worth, AntlijiLteplinesa habits . were on the scpiatt, exacting everything that was his owitand paying every man ,his due. lbe held a note against a . gentlenian,of . Thatapten for Come considenble amount, and Wherever he ;ne s t Lin , the Doctor was r n e e l, note in hand, for the payment of an i lt ikatiOti, llt laet t itn attoptai;iiit dreid *witk thti debtor shout meeting the Voctele, jai dular ly_at whoh triWlldetl 'with a elletwie• Weft i 0,. the ilmneisi o,riscioeak I, atteihr.7 Hitt lthewerei wet , hint !hetk;twilhiji w 111-matiik nti: sneak par likalatottat. ‘ W; untlfp . • I wet*'metwet* Utade ien* OliebettP s • 1 all. Um knoW that the Doctor wan', tN! ' • ) , . ••! t 714) 7 .11 •I ( — . .. : : . :44. 4 ' 1,1 +lt , '', ... :1 1 * 1 : : , , . ' .- : ; •• -... Ap 3v . 4vs it R. tn r. , cont. voi)iff „., , r , J - Al. ; .:A 4 l 4- , i . • .•• ' ' r....T- r- 4 - . - , -:. ._-.,,:„.'.....,. t . • , ~ „ . ' ,:.'l4 , , , .. , .. _ , direetione to catch I gliMpae of him and akoid him if possible, 'Hu succeeded for' iitefoilt, end outletittiled the old Men mot , - tnl times ; but fete does not always rater the brave, and the Doctor, from a distant iv ettilittiiiitlis 'relief' ileitis lionie tozith)et and eittir:i eke He made alltho Milne he (*tilt, and tittered the store. - just 'as the debtor dodged behind . * nee Jock. "Didn't T. see dome in _hire !" asked the Doctor. _ . "'lto coeie Inhere, said the shell keeper,. "but he Lk; temp- eoriewhere The nook?r said ho was not in e, hurry, etnild *sit ite •tecll as not ; he... Awn his higio'nß tilk , doOl t , !n laded be would be Dick tot4osioThe pan remeilied end the bid Se le long .thhe. At leette''liene mit ' utter Mr.— ivett Void, tuld AriChillestepping up on his rellgtfilrhenthe Melor darted at Jilin Mite Y ddurivey.. 1 t‘WeE ni& .1011 n:etrltt pir — miribr A 'p (Miss sir diewes. sad 1 ion kin , it pi AV I NI-CALVIS4III4 M NA_DrO LIPS tr-z-ffivx The hollowing singular circunwtances is recorded loy Dr. Plot, in hir Natural History of tlxfordshire: In the year ldsd, Anne Green, a servant' of 81r - Thotnas Dead, wait tried for the mur der of het'uett-borndilM , Intl found guilty. She was executed in Lb. court-yard at Di ford, where she hung about hell an hour o — IMO .I =vericisbettwas put into a coffin; and t- away to a house to be dhow ted, where;_ when. they opened the collie, notwithstandingthe Fope.remained unloosed ands raleht_aLout her sleek, they pe r her iikettat. to See, whereupon O ne Mason, a tailor„intendingto (loan act br chirity, set 'his foot upon her, and, as some asy, one thum p Itsol!jivr . strtiel, her ngniu kiih the but end of his musket. :Cot wit lo,t nod init. all abide, when the. learned snd (nima ,Sir William Perry. encoder of the. plesent Marquis of Landsdowne, then Anatomy Pro , teener of the University, Dr. Wallis and Dr. idark, then President of the Magadaglen . 'vanigic - vmet Vitsedtatieellat of the sits., came to prepare the hod; /or thaee-, lion they perceived some small rattling in her throat; they presentlfused means for her recovery by opening a vein, laying her in a warm bed, and also, using divers ri me dila her asimeleneasetut„ ineomuoh, that. iwilhixt (madam hours she began io speak atuttha next day talked and prayed vety.lasartily, During the Glue • of this her recovering, the talkers concerned in her ematteet—voldd nettle -Ime'elesel her away again to, lisp pomp/sited it ou her, hilt by tlys moditterau oral, worthy ductors and • **that llhimuLytilli the then governor of the city. Col n lierly„. there was a guard pal apes her from all Anther disturbance Mail they had sued out her pardon, from the, pygmy/tient. ,Much donbt arose as to her actualguilt..Crow-dilor.LOPlo 11l the Inca,,- time MAO to See her, and many arsertid it meet he the, providence of God, and a uuld thus assert her innocence., I , 4,n fr some, time„hr. Perry, bearing ahe diefou4l with those Omit her, and saa peotll4 that the wotned might suggest to her relate sotuething 4 4(''strange visions and apparitions she hail iieen during the time ete stoned to be dead, (which"rthlily already begun to (latching that she had beta in aline green ineidtiW; vtng ',river running limn. it, and all things thire glittering like silver and gull,) he caused all to depart from the sown but the gentlemen of the faculty, who were to bait 'NW at - the dissection,' and asked her concerning her sense and appre- - hensicms during the titere ette win hanging. To which she answered, that she neither re membered how the fattens Were knocked off,- hew she went out the prison ; when she ass turned oft' the {adder; whether any psalm was sunwr not ; nor was she sensible of of any pain thatlatni timid ie. -.At.. Site came to herself as if she awakened out of sleep, not recovering the use of her speech but by slow degrees, but in a meankiir pa l er, beginning to.spenk just-rigoes- she iott ad mo..the seam& ,„ „ Being Mil at longth perfectly recovered, after thanks given to Clod, and the persona 'lnstrumental in bringing her to life, and procuring her la itnaMnlty frovn farther punishment, she retired in the manta , to her Mends at Steeple Berton, Where — She was Afterwards married, and lived in good repute saninigithei neighbors, having three' children, end not dying till 1689. The following account of the ease of if girl alc:ffas wromfuilL executed '_in_l7o6, is given by a-celebrated P r ien4Calitlior, as — an inidanoz. of the injusiice which wits ittt committed by the equivocal anode of trial then used in. Erance.t... About seventeen years , since, a „paw% p e alosot, girt, wuas placed, ate in the Set. vjoo Ora an, wWil*Mili Wog with hair heathy tried to inveigle her, lute ebs Was yietone and resistnii.• The Pradvaospf distal the master, sad he dot ermined on rev re . ffe secrettylterersed-into her has iks akin: , eaDell is i$ * officer of juitice, and aide iii 41111.16 141.1 t t , O ; . ,st n. 41 fie girl', blot 46114.44011k11. 047 f rsio dbkovited. VOA ~„; &fee id &tacit tidy 'lsy. tioeffigiii , no etidenoe to prove that /ho'did tint put the property in her how; only answer to the Intetrogatoriett Orla 11 04 sho Was htnocent. The judger, furst tie IWO picion of the depravity of the itsrallei. whose station was respectable. ehdliltet UP' miniideved the law In all its rigor:: 176 ib nocent trill wee condemned to be ItiMprik The dreadful office was I !fecundity letrilelris:__ ad, a 1 it was tho first attempt of t homier Of , the chief orsomitionier. A stargethf had Ora chased the body for dissection, sad.% wet conveyed to !iii horse. On that 0,9114. tieing about to open, the head. he Iteiteilitti a gentle witrwith ghoul thtt Iraq. reeling knife, ill' from ' his hand, alai he . , plaCed in a Led, her whom he was abotit tO" dioseet. niseiforts to restore her JULIO erere'ela: tuel, and at the urine time he sent fers'efer gy • inan, o n 'whose discretion anti. to depend, hi order to catwalk -erith'kha:ose this strange event, as well as to tiara Midi fort witness to his dOntiliet. The aselatit the unfortinate girl opened hir eye. sitioVe , Tier — iiik in theother iroad.-aiite seiTing the figure of the IRtS *hit Illef=loY Vernet Mier, you blow my• have pities, lei r• In this reemitfeldiesiii: tinned to invoite in her simplicity, that she beheld her l. They were long In persuading her that dklll wen not deed—so much hid the idea of the punishment and death possessed tier IWO nation. The girl hating returned to lit. and Itesidile she retired to bide baud( ht a distant frarmg to . prett_itts,44 errs, *lmo, with the dhoe, fettliailii*W• ' ly haunted, her ime3inatioa. The skreaFr 4 remained unpunished, bee:save his ail**, 14- though uunifeaLed by two itteirqual , neaa..x, n at not clear to tho eye d( the law. The people eaterquently beearto teepesiadel the — raturro'lion of this. girt 1911 . loaded with repro:wire the &either al, :lief , oily! r) • SAD CAVE OF The Troy Tuna says months nine* it young mies, • well known to a largo amber at nib sad- , an. left &d may, deteemilmalrmo by hid Si , • tam ire the llillereds WOW ' him * anti and benistitel may male IV mount babe about sin sabalm start • ' On his !What td tbitilseriailte yams Man was engaged is coissiipme of a Sim irrs*l UAW° house at Sacramento, at s very llibaddi • salary. He prospered well, aM the Maim: moot of • smell aims which he had takes with him to the golden Slete yielded and most remunerative per menage. The hops w Lich bvl led him to part from bolas andfeud - ere more than . rinillestk Wrote home often to his Wife. Hit heti" were crouched in the Moderatos% teskillfeji riably inclosed liberal remittances- Hislati epistle w-as indited at San Pram:awe fin Jolt last, and in it be informed kis wife that he should loon return to Ms native plass Au K • brief visit, and requested tt, misisike herr , ',stations fora removal to Califon:lK ' I In fulfilment of his pram*, chi fan t• came home one steenter which ißrk on Friday last. He larded eit Nur ~Tirkio the afternoon. Erspedleart - del hours which kept hint Area the beds of I mile, he left his leggige in 7kiew: Yost, • with milling wie tie tenet in 42414 pas.mge . on the afternoon train OA* son ItiVer Bail d, which at night. Ile honied t,o ii as. locked the witolown I knocked again Mid thereadir espouse. _At lad, presuming that might be on • visit to the boss af er - In West Troy; he- iiiistetedatat His parents MA him more Al miaow dam Al joy. His that inquiry was far ids wills.— For S. time he rocalved art eieswab lag at , length the j, informed him that his wilablit proved feithlem and Seamed deign ids dok• sense ; that she hr di _wigged ill 'NI inMilt amour with a young assn empkiyel tq dm* • in a dry goods house in Mesa, i guilt !taring become MAW died gadflott they (his parent"). had flatidelda bit Oil ing their threshold : that bat a dit - br tia Pn,viesie b ttierii.loo_ the tars for the ea, stitb the. prow lila Triei'drifi 110 isaidiratawrievarqs — • leafed tale, but inquiry persuaded we. too true. Ms wifelt oour;iipa the abeam rig fitillisdab mad favored hint -in Ms stile Tim • hff hid sent"lier from ihdibraisi. a lh bid wasted upoii him. And tie Wishialdapdhe had left the city with him fee, tbs lier hibe wad left In charge tri Smith' Troy, who woe& ea prolideire for a regular weekly etipetuttl L. , Yestg4lsaw the fatitereintlitla their wit,' to ifeTt - rorli - eit7. jps t i ii arl d , learn for California Ws oweli.._ and desolate, the bettsted biisbasittiag er ims turped Aid step, Iltejehie never to retort. Wiliftedlo 6 4 ll . l4 M ' returned boa LIM Mahn tor tree relnuenalmilit 0 1, 1tive400104.4110101 • oak* ambadilmaiwt.l.l4 0400140,000 of faint. ritokeme*P sow* L_ - apowaratioa" cOrlic , •'. iseigssre#t Ps* , 4ft , :iptir.e • -•4 . , EMI '4' ' el EMI