Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 12, 1856, Image 1

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    1 11 4' {
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- n - rrt -
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- 10 1 4.
intt . ...'drii:..ltiatinan.
•,. • t'. — ,,
1rd:41,30 in idvanao or if paid within Ma
EN,oll.lritl ba *nod. on WI aubsperip
' , o3Pairofming to thn anti tbq year. '•
VESTISEMEN/I'S and Business Notinea insert
: aid* this natal plane, Ibtutovery dasoriution of
- to x 're iv- cßt-.
hl Imo h , ate ndstestiasoner, at the lewes
, ..
_.• sriSt With the utmost despatch. listing
Wald *harp eolleetton of typo, wo are Are
' ftabittatho thworders of our friends.
. 4o . •
IfAllmikir, Novaisnate ca, visa
Thai girsartr.: 7 -9a Tent df tha*icknees
pf oep 'of eur:likait. we are (*lapelled to'
liewite but half a shed thin week.
A stouoiL 4f, Co yiCationa aa4 ?par
,a a ValcdtprOPllillo4lo t 1
. 1,14 paper, are unavoill,
-A Viumag.—fir. rixtarage of blilesburg,
offers for rent a valuable store house. t3ee
ttata , n, "Reiman
w it • •,
Beno4 l *, next Sunday, 18th instant.
DILATIrtir TUN flow. Jain; U. CLAYTON.
Th. Clayton diiid last Sun
day evening at 7 o'clock, at buyer,
. •
itGN Pawlmass.—With this num
teitet *Adman, will . close the time
IlarAtieh we speed to NIA our paper to
amides ambeeribers, Any of them Wieh
-11414 kle4tietre the leper will please send
es tlteirammee.
• Taialtitil.—We tender our thanks foi our
tosemessetie Mend. Mr. Jolla Garbdik. of
towniohlp, fora bag of thi finest sp
pTis .
sierlutie been this left/01).
our Us friend ma y live long and prof
tiieut ihe seer;slt of ntincu. A despatch
'Bloa Chiotim, dated Al'onaay, rays that DO
Oh *Pr hale the &ate het gone, and that
the probabilities Amor Buchanan.
Bums, atom AND Fona.—Our_. friend
Thomas Otintside, will pay cash fbr the
aboreliortieke at his tannery In 'Bellefonte.
llebii aims large quantity of leather on
hand which L. will sell on favorable terms.
,ot serf readers baring bides, skins or
fsii lior j sale, we would advise them to call
terlfr.-Bmwshipcstill feettirsibirralue fpr
• Pwit's , Earnis - govait.—Our grap
ante.Ocures may rely upon haring their
* *Peptising palates tickled in the ingot in.
bailable style at George Pecka esMblish-
I s oya .Witewß or roas
ted:wee of the best and fresheei; end his
OA 'Of cooking must be experimentally
taelgineeder to be appreciated. Give him
a:*sl ails iscaing,ited you will not regret
,rakitfuli9csn, Loci, UAVIS:- This hotel
im Aopened by .f. F. Bruce, Uri., to:
asertir leaning :with a grand ball. The ,
bonsebaS been built without regard to ex.
p/W,,taafft *ill be one qt the best, if not
hotel in the interior of the State.--
131 carve are complete in ervol ,
pin - Jpssac., 314, WSW. Ala ' •'
stigit the Alton Ifouite the rsporito resort
ill Wits visit Look Havet c and wish to
ortAi 4.1‘ oontfbrts of it well kept hotel.
igbting ctirse of Know•NGtltiqg.
1 4 1 1; tilitirtuiace is manifested in riots,
Niil-sumkr, r_TheAfitracciut dgigga
• erilit t aiwir. Wilma order at Cincinnati.
=and Ober places, *e cartdad
Prsiiiiiiiptial election on the
itvisktimaire; with the same proscriptive *0
bit* intolerance, sailing another eh4 o pter
to Asir general discredit. Thank vi
..deseir 04; oaten is fast sinking into oblivion,
• 144—r o pii i — ictitisisms.—By the arrival• of
illtillallantia it quisbee, and of TholitgO att
710111144/ Ire have four days later advicea'''
hair Edintie. Their contents are intents ,
tie kingland and France had suspended
441110510 • relation* with Naple's, but no
)1411114/1,111:0111trElons had taken plseesor-
Pirsisaratier Are defence-Weri being carried
,(I.l4l4,lslidrassied aotity, and the King
-t; Isintil trgtiassted In Naples.' The 4s - •
jouietlivi;t IR said. solicited the Northern
enigma* to conclude - in favor of the integ
i eiIIOU lgiugdotri, a treaty analogous to
Franee, England and Austria
15th of April in far, of the in
MORlM.lloll l llMonalut umpire. From Spain
Oetweitoothiat new. The Madrid Gazette
r4itiy;r m t e h rs o to tacent
teed Palmerston
4 4 enetn;loill in preparation
, ,40PIPC:* 4optilate the lib
ko big !lamer oontinu nee
- - - -
I aguirys...,—The political olertiosolk,
thfagplicp succeeded in elooting Bur
to Congress by a spa-
Jeri - 70 crver Appleton, It is
t}kgSo of his Eitittp intopd
-1 * • 14 1 i 1 SCIL S. Senate,
, •
, _........_„...
t •, ~. _...
~_ ...
, . .
V . Cald
, .
. ~ ,S,
. 'r,i,j , 41 , : •
li .
. .
. •
".• ; ..
i .
. .... . .. _.
„ .
_ .
, .
. ~.. ...
. .
. ,
... ..., ,
. . .
. , ~:, ...,.
. , . .
:., .., ~.
1 9Loz.P
itraffraiiiir 01,006 XL
00:1 15 / 1 0140/ 1 111111(0. , . 1430 II: 41
• •
.11101741 ff
ifirpßA ..; - 11: 3 1 ,0, Vs
- A • • '01:41:111,
• r-A - , p H: :4' :
Buchanan aqd Itreckinridge aro elected
by a9unlttome mejority of, the Stanui.g . -The
rettrns are not, yet full enough to give the
populisr voto'withiby appiosob to scautoby,
but they areinAcrierit tq render oertafn thr
:• • 1
E'er Ottc/ontan.—PENN: • •
-- " s •
• • ALABASIA, • '
Fa remonf.—MA yq
,NT • 717 .--
.srua4. , .
, •
.618. •
For aftlitnereer_74tAiqLAND.
Ti, flew Fran& —(7.ALITO.RNIA.
-Pennsylva!ila Election-1-
IConweitr. Seat, Cotairaid. Dew. lasi**.
Adams, , 30. ' 1197
Cambria, ' 111121 -
Carbon, 653
Centres .11 21
Clarion, 957
Clisrleld, 880
Cumberland; • 21
Elk,- 239
Fay;lle, • 183
Fu 253
Greene, 1089 .
toklurte;.. 15.1‘)
o , 132 0
-14 orthemb'd, 1178
Perry. 87
, * 3 4 in
Pike, 591'
Potter, , 263
, 178$ $590
Somerset,. 77 4
Snyder, 284
Susquehanna, 1104.
Sullivan, 187 _
ioga, ' , T O*
valor. •
Wayne: •- • - 147 -
Wcatmorel'd, 635
Wyoming, , 41
York, '1482 4 '••
Tho reported o najoritleg from the comities
heard from, with tlber4i .ehrtlfmte kr the
the oountics yet td haila Arm, would in
rlicato t phuwilty for Mr. Sashimi of 30,-
000 majority ;• over bah of NO , h LP V , -
000. r •
STII.ANOE 00INCIDSHO6, —A coniwison of
..yttf,c fpr_ QcogrotontiviP...Shtioariuto
county, to 1854 and in MO, exhibits it r 0...
markoble coincidence : • ,
lq 1854 John M. Drooduel, Whig,
mei red- 1889
John Hickman,. received 1064.
r , llickuuko 'a inna . Jority, 87
'rn"3B:Jahn , S, Borr r em, rep. m i d 1882
'John Ilickronn, Dem., roctived 1060
. .
Mejoeity fOt'lliektnin 87
John Larkin, American, 486
Iliokrianls vete 4n 1866 is Precisely, the
tame min 1864, and the_ Republican rote
lcir Bowen ls the MOM robs Csistibt.' Broom
all, Wide in 1864.
I :*74:11 j :41 4111
• 111*
- 696
- 5'25 -
14 0
lit 285
• 1800
, 3814
• c ,
WRY ---"
32,1304 29,002 57,09 24,1136-
BELC6E - , PA., WE WNPAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1856.
TFIS r6rt BY BrftrEß.
1114;711ANAN.. Yl/MONTI,,
Now York, . 36 4 - --
Pengsplesida, 27
mkt.. •
Indiana,' 13 • ,
Massachnoetts, • 13
Tennmee, 12
Kentucky,.: 12
Georgia, • 10.
I Michigan: • . 6
Missouri, 9 . _ •
New Hampshire, 5
Alabama, 9 • a
Miss,leslppi r ' 7,
SoutbiCerelibe.• •
Rhode Island,
New Jar, 7 _
lowa, • '
Lotaishaui, • , 0 •
irksome, • 4
Texas, , 4 ,
Delaware, .
Florida;, , 3 -
• 8
- 'Dneluman, '159 Fre. Ir.
Fremont; 1.911 MI/
Duch. over Fro. "54 Cab-,(D.)
tueldnan, • 189 —
• • 138 -
3 4,
ova `ill.
gorceiticitll&l Election. Nev. 11136.
CeNi RE COUlirr- , rOFF4CIAL,
C. Comi'r. JF!resioll.
• t..
Districts, ; o
3 B
• g
174116f0a1e, 142 114 - 7 110 88 102
Bogue, 183 120 1 121 3 157
Boaner, • 111 81 27 -1 0 1 k
Farallon 160 211 45 208
Mew 14 2.411- - 11 262 IzM- Si
tlerrie, 222 152 ll 160 110 A .118
Howard, 154._ 96 108 9 175
H Getout, 92 24 al a 87
Maas*, 11 7 144 190 IS 30
HisHaroo, - 24- • - 42- --46- - S 4. 27
Mi 6! 41_1
• Sriai nt ll 41 83 94 08 i 18
Milisetpam,• 53 46 4B 4 47
Nitro,- 67 29 60 •46 14
Potat, 83 231 841 94 X
ratter, , 10+ 886 10 205 11 •01
Mob, NI . 54 68 211 . 57
Socorehoe, 98 74 22 85 6 79
twin* • 14 * - 4 816 ‘, 140 'l4 - 014
lor, .4(
_1 I • 50
Mum, • 108 Si 27 74 14 54
Walker, 168 , 171 ISO. -174 - 3 7
Wont', 65 23 62 2? 2 ,
TO, 91411
1104 WU • DO 31095 390 1390 NV
, 1103
maloiet •11,
Prove fi7 liarruistriTeAribriili.
• ' e fin. •ea joined. correaradenes In
the Ream: , Gomm Believing the subject
one of intermit to our readers, as it is to our
selves, and that if the view' of the enter
prising and public spirited men who have
chirp of the matter can be carried out,
great good will result to the limning com
munity, we give it a place In our colnnins.
It has been suggested to ua that if the
County Agricultural Societies throughout
the State, would pass resolutions noting
ono half of the nett profit* of the simnel ez.
hibitiorut to die support of the Farmer's
School, • largo Bind might thus ber
towards its endowment. Which So-
okay will,tako'td itself the credit of leading
off in toil matter I We learn that the AI
:hoof Count • • • • ter- Itackthe suktost-nft
.. ,• • ~• • • #tbeit - nunating - , - and
appoint three dejegates, who wertsall pres
ent atthe meeting of the trustees on the 6th
gnat. at the Institution, and they will be re
ported in favor of the grant,
The corresporuleuco of the Gazette surely
• tialskilh_sr_dcsigusinalicieusly to
misrepresent the facts in regard to the mer
its of the property selected by thp Toistees.
Those who have any acquaintance with the'
°entre Furnanaeroperty, entirety appeared
of the decision of tile Trustees. We parsed
over the entire property before the "offer"
had heatraccepted, and can spegk with cer
tainty of the merit of the grant. There is
not a more Maltby, fertile and beautifully
located property . . in Pennaylverfie, than too
farmsincluded m the Centre Furnace pro.
perty. Whet we visited them, some two
years since, we frankly yielded our ob
ject:lOn oT inconvenience to me raftierfor
claims of the grant in other respects. -As
to • ths- assertion that ."twelvo thousand
eThilrifiTiaa — koeff prick ifir IhStOcerhiaiitW"
acres,"adjoining the land granted to the
School, we have to say, that peraons told as
it was worth seventy dollars per acre at that
lime, and we heard of sale being made there
of lands pot so eligibly located, at sixty dol
lars per Acre We Awl very certain, if lien.
Irvin would exteed his generosity end gfre
us, or even the correspondent of the Gpepe,
twwheindred acres of those lands, weirmild
rivq pn difficulty in selling them for eighty
dollars per sere. A visit to the property
will mtisfy every one of the wisdom of the
Trustees in making this selection. In re
gard to the unkind remark about Gen. Irvin,
we have only to nay that it shows great ig
ncerattritsgenetinrisamt- libel's& theme.
ter or a malice worthy of those incapably of
a noble action, and who gratify their mean
I souls by Still mealier attacks ip newspapers
under assumed names. It should be remem
bend that Centre oounty, through iln pub_
lie spijeited 4tiattsi, agreed to pay to the
Selfool, In addition to thah. /min's grant, the
large 'sear ie toil thouispd .Iditlisrw The
gmthonent whit made the selection were em
[neatly suited to the diftlEult task, and time
will prove the Mirreotness.of.tboir Judgment.
The enterprise is a /noble one, and deserves
the aid an.dsoMuragannent of every citizen
of rermaylvasilis, bat
_especially that most
respected of fill. the the fanner*. Its
object is tits .eduoitimi o$ thoi,youth of the
State in *dud" or the flamer, and thu
"' 413 b
11 (In doubt.)
, 1790
to ;al
• ,T 11•11011
Blui.s.Fi wrdo, ofl's
.'`'aurl • ' IV pi AW
, lip the surest foundation J. American in
ifittutionsi,as well la leers ' • the. prosper
ity,of,eur'henctityivatastry We hope soon
terAtif tiro School - in , •• .. . -- operation.
• ' •
Aile li cis -., out ..e ~,.; t , *1 WS • ' paid
turn, than any other, and we certainly thCc
it the iinty of the friture to aid in the
111 11147 . CoillipilAioll 0% it sob% iumunnent to
Agriculture. !.. : •=-,iy
From Me Reading liPiiie and, Democrat.
••••• •. ite-,man-senebt- Os minicsii- ,
, VANIA.;. I / 4 -‘4, , ~
. a..ronITOR i—Will yeif,Ais mi kistd as to
' give the following a place ht thetefemns of
rir flareffe l ,..for-the hiforrnation .fof 'the
ramie of -Penniylvania. •An intellimt '
farmer iteit giveions the folkneng descrip:
dim of ' the land, winyb. , U7lute•itvisited.'
whfron the hoard or i*Oteef r AtiOto Firm:
era 'll4ll &hoe' have Mi t 'the aforesaid
hind i—ln the upper pmt _,-Pawl'-Val
ley- ii it tract of land containing some thou
liftnita of acres, which is cal the barrens.
'lt triel-lie red" an i limestone
rock:, where° is not s_o et, a - tunnies
stream or' spring to be r rid, To ahlk
wells requires to penet ra te lid limestone
rocit'of anknowp thicknes ~ Tho timber
hie been cut off by the ne igh boiing turns
car, and It presents - now a - ' sit tilderl
flees. Some spots era tickler cultividen
-where the rocinirdon't 'p o trodw, and vrodocv
good-wheel I but ne for clever: grass, &d:,
vie 7 seldom.* good crop ca bo raised: A
day summer will kill it oil. Corn alma don`,*
do well, being killed by 'early frost. A
stork of cattle is therefore not to be raised.
The people who hare setthAomthat desert,
have tedrinkrain watermoll4od in cisterns.
'h• • *ds el t ,'
hargesseroasly grentelf eves
of It for ia Farm School ) with a judicious
provino - to sell - the adjoining" two hindred
acres to the Outcome( the School for Amara
thousand dollars, or on please of six hun
dred dollars a year—a good price for .two
hundred Wes, witticism, timber of water!
If the trainees hoe; by - gotnik injUdielotlf:
nese, accepted the otter of Mr. Irvin, they
will, no doubt s by e ;alma 'sober thought,
renounce it ;'and not expose the great , agri
cultural State of Pennsylvania to ridicule,
by .ha wing chosen a, spot for a Pattern Farm,
where men and boot/are pantintfor Water,
A glass of dater; water will not be to the
t 3 ate of our farmers' boys. 'A
kmutorrox, Oct. 10,1848.
To the Editor of Reading Gazette. - •
NAIL ,Sia:—On my % return hurtle this
evening from attegding the 'Annual meeting
of the , Trustees of the Farmers' High
"Schoot,- at the Inetituboa in Nittany
Henteerearnty, Lfeand-Your papes_or.
IFlnginion - rordesk, with -- a coal
.. n Ideation boiled • FA RN EELS' HIGH
4, an anonytrions correspondent, who signed
meuest.'A:Farmeloin-encircied with heavy
ek lines.
I presuuhe it was sent bye ~,of my old
frienele in Ikrks czn i r rnstr wWthe Igo
venktht Imre irtf
- in doing so, I shall not notice the ili-na
tured fling at the. Trustees for their " injudi
, cinuensese" - in accepting of -Hut " desert
Form," further, than to say that before mil
king their selection, they tramWod sonic tfh
teen hundred tulles, and devoted ten days of
tinto„Asmei paid All their
n_ swatinunnumucet,
that, as o avery other occsabsel, when en-'
fltgedlatha_huseneser of the Athool,) in ex
awning the flee localities where awns bad
hem egered them. That they'll's:l and could
fame moue Misr then the pnsigerkty of the
enterprise at bead, sod with that end stea
dily in view, they made their •selectoon, af-,
ter well consiering all the adeanta_ and
'dirt= mtlich — cidth;Li:
more ill-natured
fling at tleneral Irvin, who we aso told " has
generously granted 200 acres at some thou
sands winch, he owns, with a proviilio,"
I remark that a more noldierhoarted and
generous man than thit—lrrixt does not livo.
Ike donated to the school 200 mores of land,
whether it be called barren or desert, or by
any other name, worth in the, tharket sixty
dollars an acre, and has genettnneky given us
the refusal in writing for five years of two
htugiredeitores more at siWollars per
actg. Oho hundred on each Of the two
hundred donated,) worth no #/$ as I aieerr
rained withitt,the psat.week,sommety-dOHIMs
per Mire _
Ta the, remark Alistitut-libsi " map
rto sink wells peed* lel . .piststrete a so lid
limestone rock of Unknown thickness, "l
answer, that within the last thirty-aix hours
I drank a glass of etcelle water drawn
it deep, sunk
during the
tenant house
within a fewlMMlrert *rd.- of- the aehool.
Thwiren-eorittell-fourteet of-wnteri mid I
was informed the impala who Wetted it,
that the water flowed so rapidly as very se
riously to incommode them in !viol; the
first four feet of waif.
With regard to' the soil " being an jt•
manse limestone rook," and there tieing
some spots under cultivation whore the
rooks do not protrude," I reply, that yes.
I torday l followod the lines of three narrnw
Istoutfonr fmlows w i de.'foldOrinot
been deeply ploughed god embroiled across
the snare farm about the centre of it e rind
planted with , .1n ttt•the tlistanne.
did not moo ono spot ' where the plow had
been thrown Out by reason of a " protruding
rook," ' I renriatk further, and ask the "
telligentm fanner," your correspondent, to
controvert it if ho ean, over his proper nig
nature, „that there ni'not an Acre of the four
hundred that is not ripabla of being brought
under cultivation—and that there lire not
four huildred acres of ground in my native
Iterks county, capable of a higher elate of
cultiration, and in every rostssst, better adap•
ted to a "-Pattern Furor, ° saying-the matter
of running water.. , A. th'IIIkISTtR.
assortment of PATE eg' 10114 Eti,t such
es JR, ne's, R 0604, bOlitiOrl.S, hfsellinto o k , n, A n ,
'drew s, Rolfywers, Ayur's, Mattel's, ant! 'ea
0404 r approved mentoinos for gala;
North west corner of Diamond; liofonta.
§.(7 barg.--The eubeoriber will roma to st" rood
tereant,-a vit t ►Me store house 'sittiatost by th e a li t.
tre of Attlee rg, adjoining the oast*, 21,0 b u m.
lot le new, and - haa a large wharf. heaps abashed,
with • goat Alums, and a wharf 41110:
The 'trombones Is woll oeloolated for dolOg a whale•
sale or retail business. For terms apply Ao
n0v11.31,0 A. PAILTEIt AGM;
Putx.nuka.pffin, NO% Bth, 1856
In..}ltirron : —The important event is over
and Jetties Hochanan and John C. Breckin 7
l'lltpolleaVeetotionsteefinred Piesidhine idistroe
President of this glorious American Union,
for the term of four years from March next.
To say that it' was a hard fought contest
would be no more than the truth. The re-
-cult sheds the-greatest-lustre - wtlitrl4m
I itiocracy throughout these United Smtes, , ,
a c rid shows that every. true-hearted tailor
,tlO llnion did,his utmost to ernah mit '1444-
ifonalisin in every form. ~t / Did 1 not proviso
(:ia that the city of Ilenn 'would give a good
Pi 'account. of herself! Vi thousand .was
promi4d, but near 19, 'majority has bee;
given 44d 'Buck. *l. atimisiing up to
Markt And we hate xi fed. left "fur stray
oAgober, tOich will be heartily emit ,for
Gen: linker or'ittlifir Mho' hciiiinet'ltelnez
Mid;,for Governot of this good' idd 'COM.
,About 12 o'clock on i'sdncarlay ;night,
the , potthei factory of Ileum. Ames F,
Stilith 4 Cp., on, Pennsylvapia Avenue,
near2 l lgtstMetorirset - im - fire, and hrtwo
Bonin totally deal oyed. The structure *so 1
,iry'im ir , $. 4 built of stone, ois the site 0f
the factory where on a similar ooesiiikau 41
1 number of mile operativei item burned 40 1
&Mk: The building- had caught fire cod
la ihNselirfmli . o_ . ! so tepidly Abet they ware
Mears. Amu P. Smyth t.C.:manurao..
torero- of indent ! ' domestic check* ,
&c., who are the principal' losers by the fire,
employed abOut one hundred and fifty Ueda,
principally females, and lose on their stock
.itud machinery, $115,000,0n_ which. these fs,
an insurance of $17,500, mainly in 11Htlsh
Companies. They were doing a large bu
siness, had increased the number of looms
I largely a-short time sines, and had owlets
which would have kept them fully-employed
until. January.. The building was owned.
by Mr. W. F. Rhoades, of Jones' Ailey, who
,losses about about $12,000.
A rather singular ease occurred en Wed-.
neaday afternoon ) the particulirs of which
are as follows : A man who was employed
to clean a quantity of 'tithes out of the cellar.
Of a. Vegtt_Wcar _Eleventh
end Itacts Iteeettr:lbinti - in uth Trihrw
newly born infant female child. The latter
had• a stocking tied about its neck, avid it
was wripped in en old skirt. The child
was completely buried in the tithes. and
strange to say, fltbaugh it bed barn thew
it was alive. This"
s•morning it was do
ing well. The mother, who in an unmar
ried. women, eigliteen - ietutt4 age, was a
lodger In the house.' She was wrested on
the charge of attempting to destroy her od.
A terrible endenelaneholy athdrtook place
on Wednesday evening about 8 o'clock;
which resulted in the death of Philip S.
Clawgcs, late of the firm of Wilmer &
tlawges, lanky dry goods . dealers. N0.,130
Market street. 'The perpetrator of the act
wulth: 3astau - C; -- 13htudock,. - s - book -keep.
in'the firm of which Air. amps was late
ly a member. Re declared freely that he
bad conunitted the deed, that he had been
instigated to it by the b,cl conduct of Claw
gee, and by e4Plalial A° regret. at the 07.
eurrenec. ~
groin the statement of Mr. Shurlock, it
scepfs that for Bomb time pest an intimacy
has ezieted between Mr. Clawges and Mrs.
Shurlock. Mr. C. had Ant been introduced
by Mr. giturlock to the wife of the latter,
and he took frequent'oemodons to poloonthe
Mind' of grit. S. apinet her huabsnd, by
0 2 1• X her 44Xie$ of hiadrilldehtirta. her and
it tris• ---- 1 --. ' - mu - cloisiitititbr - -- rime:- "Mairloid
procured wine, with which ho drugged Mrs:
S., and then took advantage of her condition
to accomplish his. bad design". Quite .ro
cently the lady told the story of hettyronge
to-tier-husband, lii • '..,.. • . • •• . •• .
day night Wild the row*. ' It is further sail
that Clawgea had borrowed 'leveret sums of
money *lnn - Short - oat, Ymd hie refusal toiler:
p l ay the amounts thus borrowed has proba
bly added to the indigriatirm - of the injured
husband. dlr., eihiirlock is about twenty
three or twenty-four yearn, of age : he has
been niarripU about two years and has one
,child living.
Mr., Sluirlock.liwil Impoglit (hi. matter be- .
fore a lodge of Manonv, of n Mel' they were
both members, and after leaving Lilo Ma'
nonce call, he ifiet*Cfittig& hi Month - Sr. -
abNave Chestnut, and charging him with his
had contlutet fired three shots from a revol
ver at him. Clawges fell on the steps of
Huy'a Hotel, and was then conyeyed to the
Hospital, where he died about-one o'clock
oil Thursday aiternesin. Chiteges was 45
years of age, and leaves a Wife And four
children.. nrShurlock was commttted to prison.
The sympathies of the. public seem to, be
largely on the aide of Mr. S. who his hith
erto borne a most excellent character,.
„ TIM - ViiatiMiliiia - `441 - fiity - ftvitiifif - trell
p4st4fow•ebt!ve, and neer that the election Is
over, it is to by hops4,lhlit hominess
sume its usual ectielity, and old if-Headships
intreuewed between those who, have been
eitrenFal (luting thotupsitemeoit attadillril le
political catapsisp. , . ,- , .. •- -
• ?dons• ilociand:adede eteitlies; losition as:
°cation on Thisridwfaiterooos, its this atty.
' The offighti veto in thin saris se ibiltiefs:
.. ', • 36.222 , ,
1 trirOr" ' 1 20.062 /'-
'-*Straightrillinolli, •;‘:.• . -1101611 7 -_,
The 60Iqt irso/42210_ OA-rolled 12,4 t
yotri, 'That iii.nded with Irecoont'B
norpo poll& but 7892! '
Tho. wholes_ ratif - of the Aty-
The cry, of (Wield not heard *in thasee
though the voteiiis uear 2,000 Itearier than'it
wan In October: ,r,
'Three eheers for Ruck and lireok and all
good Demoeratee 'Yours truly, Tyne,
At ilowasti, on tile 6th , by Res' N. .7.
M_itt66l, Mr. , or harthartr,
Clearfield onunty, and /Abu 41,21111 T Ritmo, or
Centro oousay,
Rltcty J.
r.. .
, Nev. 4. 134
Clovensert. $4.00
rlosmodl, • 1,00
Potatroas, '3O
Wheat, 1,3010 1,30
31 7 8 i 1 00 N r Int
Cute, •
_3ll to ,40
R4ta. •
titt, ' 50
.106600, , 121
i.nnuidETLrinA, Nevelt:ober 10
:taTMi venial= quiet, vs* prime new seed is
queued at 10700.15 peit bushel, witli but liNle ow
ing es
,sellias. •
/1049eatinues dull;. there 1 very little demand
for aetport, but vale, to the elle about 1800
iittrepoto,llwle Botlnia-T__Pr t e*l.
at 56.8.21 for stand/SI raistillatt Ind igi:7 4l olKetil
per,bastel fur bolter brawls, including SOO Mole.
firldriti, told slop
. 4i news, at our highest
&vitas; thir tnatitet v however, shwa with inure
seller' than haply at these roles. VT hente'une
alas VIVI at beau ii 8.614 to 811.8410 manor'
and good boraik, and 1743 (or satin and . fang
' h " '
ai•w . nye
/Nur miaow war sod 14 la molest; the last
mad. Imo 40116.12 t pp' "
is town navii - Vw4 math movement. and prides
tweet tise buyer. See* 3/01#400 bushels wheat
wore dllepated Olr, pert Sattydeneveniug, at 01.51
ter good Ilwa p "wee redo, Addr.ilthtl .01 for white,
ae 1uve4117,-taalteellfraversit totertedtwe ma the mar:
het. Bye domes la steady, and !Weal 500 hellhole,
mostly, old Pannervania,_ brought 70 is 00 meta
Cot' is dull and drooping under the Mora, and buy
fliers holding oil for lower priors. Same 3000 a
RAO beAsilli yellow bold at di toads in the oara and
bola atbta; 07 emits only is now -offered for iota
dash wilbout. sacs. Oats ere also lower, at 4,
/Most MO tombola Solitliorm weld at 43 cent..
- larllll/1/111111, 111411 Avert Ali syAceiot novo
Vkroir bt 41 weekly De LAlroweg o
boxn. Warmth lot to seta or Woe* the
elkin. Patti $1 .N per heturge. or three for 1A250.
Sot lowly tore at iho ootiotry, by roll. ou novelist
of a noritoasee Aachen Somme& it Co., Boa
1 3 1il Hook Moe. tioilOotose.
DurkLL's LI IC OIL is om of the Ruloke.i
mad -ssusit lIN romediee for dread:MT sad
Oiyos relief in JO minutes.
iiot4 by A. Brid.sin, Dolletiante ; Johnston A
Ironer. iroaleborg ; Sample k Co . Pine timer;
Brew k Bailey, likoonstown; C J Kristen, 114
burg ; Win. Allison, Jacksonville; J. R. Burkett,
Ifittasy, sud others.
• O°C Ilta•Lv rONct!if KK ITRD EXTR AI"?
.1" • • =ft.
malt .olive preporktiou oan Le wade fur the
mare of diseased of the bladder, kidney., gr.vel,
dropsy, wesknemes, &a Itertl tho ad vertixement
In soother eol imp , howl ed.•• A re tulut ton lt curtain
Victory la our.
ytes ! Wier Pnowisa_rer.—for a long Unto thorn
WI iiiiragi.ipli — inaing its regular weekly appear.
anon In out °ultimate, with Ito brief but emphatic.
word. t• Ate' Pitat" always at the hoed, to some,
an offonelve caption, but not oi to oho beneruleid
and humane, who amid eympsithise in the sorrows
of others. Sumo perilous an shocked at any indi
cation ofit Wane, and arc all en di coon into nen°.
oxeitimen on witnessing st or n coffin
Satoh and to bepitied. Wo should alwsos strive to
look disease and neon death in the rme with elitis
t non!, and etnsially take roomy opportunity for al
erlidiaidiSeinse Tioired in this light, the other
, thetnotots of S. S. !fiance, of Ili Baltimore street.
Baltimore, hfd , poems a certain Intense, and
these who know of any one inferring front blpilepsy
Spawns, or Fite of any kind. should fool it a pleas
are tq eat out thiesolfertisoniont, or in some other
way scud word to the afflicted of tins groat value of
his roinedies Thor con be sent to any port of the
country by mall. Price, $3 per bok. TWO. $5
Twelve, Sit.
WI II 4O Ulifx• —The Subscriber havimg lo-
Cmtve lthatelf,in Philadelphia, at, th e M ount Ver
non Hotel, Second Street , !here lie will be happy
to see all him old fries!, end aequalotAncea when
they et/it the oily. Ile would also inform those
who as Indetitsd to kis hy note or book seems,
that they will hod their writs and actiosints at the
llsking-Mitee of Muses, McAllister, Halo it
Ciimpany, who are authorised to riselre and receipt
for the laws, which will be aeknowleilged be
eiqaM We Antal - TACO of 41-inTraril
tr7 - Anditor's Notioe. —The undersigned
an Auditor appointed by the (Wart of Common
Plump of Centre Clusity, to settle ■ml wlppt Inn
exonpliona ih Administrator' , in vomit of P
Itothrook, Admintstratorof James Rothe,✓ic, taro of
the Borough of I3ellelhnh•, deoeitost, lout appointed
usii; the VW dal oT Xohaulljer uesUle attn . ./
to the uties ofsald appointment.
getN-4t. , Whf II BL( Auditor.
- -
Iti'Cautien.-1%8 thibieriber hereby
asatione an persona agdust rttos/Ylvix Prutuioory
Dow for seventy-llva dollars, pay le to John
Mare. for wltioh 1 have micelle,' DO
thorefora, do not IntenJ to pay Amid note ante* , oont
palled b! 1111.4.1;11
rj - Distsolution.—The partuesphip hone
!ot a esieting between A. 71 "Mediu rtod J. D.
Mollirki under the name of Brad in A MoGirk.
thtukey-olmealtee4l lerumnalteal Quotient,.
uoutite of gm drm wdl bo nettled by J. 11. Alo.
0 Irk. A. A. BIIADIN,
JOHN 1): Ilea IRK .
Plltlirtigieric, Rol; T," ISSA
.g .
AT .PalvA . o; isAi4:.
to anhaoriber intending to more went, wiffirenio
fell hie faun at Private dale, situated in Union
township, Dahl Eagle Valley, Centre 00nad,,,, ow
half mile west of the &tuella:le plito,and two wiles
sort elf the Rohe bike. The But tatenthina TWO
II ONDR RD, ACIIHR, of which 140 are cleared and
under cultivation, and well flawed in ~ the reutain.
ing 60 acres aro well stocked with goal oak limiter
Tito improvement* consist of ta,, Tom„sTinty
WANKS, two DARNS, two Grain 110 Wier, Stone
sprig's Hoene, OorteOrib, and other imprevetheete.
There to on the Dann a 1411ONIFICRXT ORCH
ARD, onatainlits TUO bearing apple trotee 01 chase
variety, tokneelqdls l to bethe but, Orehard in
Centre county. There are alai a large member of
/lartepselfetherD•nitArant on_llosprantioatt.
' Thirtasarenarbetitlied; andthleiabeutbet will
*apnea et eate•httlf g i rt tatotle k lte toDtato packer •
ter ot purottaner., WWI/ WU bn. matte
~ ,,teolat
teedatitig end easy pPly lo . • -
4, ' "1/fLLYAIf lIROIVRD, ,
or at*. 66..ef the Whastatatt:
Dessese whiles to purchase will please eall on
r eta* sill /tottery them et
the arptTdr7 a. operty
pv44o • '
Mli.-104.411DiWelviga' '
of Dskitl inbliOti ea
IM I M/Osirt., 6 uiallirr ••114.
00. 81,9 * *in of t jiVitt_iirtatt=
a" UP 4•cktik al i: doi IA!
#.lO Ptetou w Vika:, ferunirOmileWi
liwC T - 11
ti -- - Ammuspeoliii apt* a*
- oquilst, - • • Moak iiir i
.4" 4
- • .41
* tr
oeeli PAID FOR rit - 12100'
IMDE r '
, .
i. 3 P 11 ` 8 2 ' ''
1011/1"M- -
.10 . 1 SIDP.3 6PANISDI HOLK Unto
sato . v TWOMMI-IWIt
1 Chit 1-tf .
. 0 ! .
Pllllrac.sma—mg I . ~„, , ~,, _
mi ?metope under the willair .. ..' . • ' l_
sop, dressiest!, will on the 2d day of Deseminet, ' ..
bs, exposed. Jowls on the premiss, all HM ~SC
tenet of WOOLI LAND, situate In firmg_ Iftwoll&IP.
4 N.i , lrgrmintr - ctpttTioitlitinle u( Vrig. Kospe, ,4ohn
Bprhot, 101ictuarl Itcom. WM: WoorriktOralu
thirty acres . or Ow ortilionno, of RTOlll]
LAND, weH timbered.
The terms merle hlnnen on the .., dad •—e. -
l ir
3 teIWES •ALT 3 Trusteap: .'
A."- X • - R 0 T 7 P
Taken tinily (ereept 8 andayo (rota * 5 P.N.
Areeder Baildia;, Bellefonte, Pease.
Atinalaionfrert jyII
WBHOB MAX 84W 7 litek -'--
inthaeriber berlsg.erooteda Isms theaea.
Iratyr 11111;le prepared .9 saw to order LAM atm,
diarrldlen at the &lofted notice
ft6a ER T LrriTi”.C.
Ow the Snottetioe road, 11 afteatirwm
44723.1y* Mtleabett, Pa.
WASTED.—The suhatirlimr will pay the
highest market ratea In emelt for Wheat, Sp, Oats,
Cora and Ilaukwhest, et the Piontva ileatit,. eh
the Aftwhatin — oli - rilsilt, three mitre from 10 Aid se'
aPdtmlisUn'4 House. The nand to this MIK frost
P. 11. IVill.lll` . A. only r.yrt....0 belly& plank
rtiml•nd turnpike. making it ilosirahlu For haven,
sal of hers to bring their grain to this mill.
- &ea,
. • . ' oleos of all kinds wfll always ins
k_tpt ou hind, prr sane.. !Also. superiot,avtlaie of
COAL, retulyT,r delivery et market Woe. roman
DUI; after selling their grain at the Pioneer
get leading basil. themby making it en advantage
to theta. MENRY GIIRE, Aran.
hof tyvtlisr p,rliotulars eng , ttire at the Wee et
the “Isewoorati, ITstaliman ' saptlo-31m
IdARBLE WORKS. erery desteptiaii et
IRAN WORK, well oe Cemetery Penning, Nana
Casino and Towels, Door Heade, Window OM*,
Vermot&ll Railing, do Also, Statuarf ) .. pi esib
Lions, Ration fl a un t s, Newfouudland fawn
enough to tax at boll doom flguore of s oboi t io,6
Sotan no uthylair fife, Vases, Womanise,
if. A. GIBBON,
Look ,Uoyeo Mubte Wear.
jre DA I Cif —The underidgned wamelid rot
•pect tn Ily taw= the travelling retain that Itsit
rasa • daily line of Sto tages Tyrane—Tri•
by way el' eitortuatewn and Warrimaarik, and tat
weekly Oa Bald Eagle Plank Road.
From Ty rquct cat Monday. Wadneeday Sail s'rftfy'
float Bellefonte an Tneeday. Thursday and SAW
dee, wed-tie folltrwleg daystm the 2Mragewerg~
deal 2 R. D. 0172M1111M1.
Sixteen miles north-wort fro,. PhAIe WOK
a•vNarristewss, Pa', will be open foe soma pat
and Per/ shore 14 boars-of age, from OtaiAsir I,
1050, till Juno 1, leitT The site is healtbfel, the
surrounding prospect eseteetlinaly hese
secoanuotiations sufficient for 140 boardstre i Virli
students, end the term. not exorbitent. Tttits
.14 re
very firt
sod able, anti every rewsenabb ea ft i rt,
promote the physioal, intellectonl and meet
fare of the .nholoirs. A Cll9ll/1/ witl be Met
order, with nartioulars and referents...if desiscd.
AARON. Principal. •
NOttillthW7/. Pa.
*lig 29
to altrin4
PAT .YT mAornsu-MADE %moms, ow ,
own maks,
ILLOW WARE of all kinds, foredo lOW, IT
N,o 2 awl I, Cbealout Street, below Weir,
nog•2o Vhiladelplaa.
situated in Walker tewoihip.µ three-dftallialedr
a mile west of Bohlen/berg, eoendoing Mee% ,
more or lees, of vital limestone land in a seal Mao
of cultivation, itnitergoal (owe, with awegillandity
goal build Inge nib. rane will be rested o• vistqr
favorable tenant on slime alig will be • lend klb•
porn:ally for any porno wishing to wake a paid kr
veal/neat of labor Anne" to
CHRISTIAN eLEvisiumnis,
oce 8--t4 1.0 • au idle pension.
48TOVE8 ! STOVES 1 WAYI/1111111
Tb so,s,ibera haling just retarodal Clam
the eastern cities with the largetit and, belie
amortanoni. n( Stores ewer offered la Mb seedeta kit
country—watinpniatog In part the ealebralod Welea
and Iltrard Cooking Stoses, which we are deter•
mined to sell fbr the mnney on the mutt resontahla
terms tLeoktn g Stores are complete, tattli Tin
Bnilms, Stotlerlite, flake-Pars, de., La. Ow
large iiivirtauuLt 4C-Parlaa, CAW and elremakikomenc
The (Wilk/ Quann, bias Aindigbt, Haverga,Paodas
Co V, a new *nil benutifel Shwa Tory cheap, Nita
Plate fiar•litiont Stoves, Soren pate Chamber
Stores, de., An, in crest variety. Coal Seettlea,
Pokers. Coal Metres, Shovels, std aLth• mammary
nrit, In to kitohewt //an alwsys on hanet
liaidware anti lion St ,, re or
L7l of J (ifeep J kI r 'a orlallneMpd holism • 164
1111.:0, Alcor aid vtriup Woo violia nit%
brid , o , 4; ammo sad bottom , „Wi: reosiyea. uaijy
nn le by 17RR60 MaNISRX.
j ! nor ! INI
1 dozen of Ilernoon's superior bleak, Wu* aM
red hike , also Ilk superior blue bleak wiling Laid,
just received roll for asle cheap by
nor I UROSN i Me.llEltff. .
Ip.A.NCY 01.10111111
JR. lot of I anal *dialer( ruolt al Gard 0141104. afar
emmi, PoirWx. Motel! Honor, Ennottlets, roe 10 41. 11 .
44.1rnind 'NM". firnretron. %rm. fhtitado; andivietts
Robber note porn' nod Envelops, Parfet".
cry *ow Ac , jolt metered and for nolo Taar ,,, i .
- (t-RELN
A - 1c4911 antl Fluid at oily prioes by .
100 k, Hn.n, Pa.
QADDLEB AND voicawephik—A
kJ baler st ac k ttkitotrar liumrtv Ofero4
fort 24 Loeb ilmareo, Pa
.a.a. Looks, Lathes, Serowe, Zino, ape* "Mb
nod yreinh Turpentine, Paris green, theiree,
enrolee+ , alwaye tulde ko4 44 d m Ilisploora.
Store of it SYNOLI4 *CO.
nept24 Look Bs ,46 ,
- - . '- 600iier.
TABI (1110011111111, lko. ‘ Ilkier
'AO - riltriwillinniaintfrisidgarl,llora."
Ttir r ruf " if r TarielEtto .
lirl 101 . ofilitik
- ---- '
zuns Moro' ti ~ A
b.. 1 wo% 1... b. 1 17 a• . , ~
otr4s6e4 lewd !Orr MI6 mica" .- . •,..,..--
grai• wad*. 404 31
_,.... .. --
V: 4 - o,,misittz...:, ', , .., . • '.,
. 74 1 1WiTrFATEr, ''' .41' . ".K"4,7;
_ .. .
lei 44 *•...
. ..
Oale• Intik,• ArerWer ow *me ' T 1......,,, . r . ' l4
WI, 18 0 1 Peed M1MPV1 11 4 411 . 114 • ----1 , i
i lk
t l ,' an 4 u l eta l" 4 " " "," • 1' rt •• • •1 .1.:. t•tl4 4.4 ,`:
0144.11222:01542 X' -,, t
' .. • : 4 41 ''''. ON -11t.ri,
4 ,
NOre - IW.
ttEy NOUS & CO.,
sss 10 ".. 1T4714,_ _