Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 05, 1856, Image 4
NONILYTS. We have heard Immortal lyrite Wog sublimely e( the ape; Ault lumw Me their yythiale Bret .. OW,* stat-Biti fa the peratit. , L;attlhave *theta oartgl'of Thhei 'PilUpFyearil tB golden uttabire But the hug to bona a shrug For the „ gitariitts, Idly slumbers trabit a . vrorlit's beereureesis— Vist to us , wilt only give Lin mud 140114114 by the Itleuieum ID Nig haul no an nee 100. Blas‘wara nonnieerwliiihaed with-arra*, Bat our heart-ooliT). quickly Oh Ana . rfo lough spin to•osortow . - - - PA a nenalint **yams ruin, ' When aodsoltiory bar omitted Aad me.* !India no otrattli, Vffiile dattlet palming alli4l , ituabid 12a. t . a.,604 traaamdtka toad. Into mozoinaltrars an otoridii; --And a httndred , tinder gluing atiaaaalajaatfd__ • „ Then tho bounding pulse of bilsa •-* Mather day nor-seas= *emotes ; pot tl. Wirt heads ally this,— . , That It-now it maAl But, when Dosth.looko thirugh tio olouJ, And utth bet; Angers booho', When botwouta man owl hie 'brood Liogor but the floethlg h oooouto ' Thou the tuoutont growl lubilmo ; • And the Poi , through alt its ditto:oat, &IWO • attfate, M=l===2ll Drefilipa them, la Love, That al all flow on lila ■ river,— Tilt °levelly shove tihall the soul treat Time deliver. / t tho. Altos, than to ritk ; \Shoo aro not s twee bostownieots trona Um rosy delta - of birth, Lit~.l outdoor 'flitting Momenta 'S7'L . AII re. RA TER p9rvER The following article, iutcry wing to; mii i Scumtutc.Antencest : Various correspondents harp Made inqui tie. respecting the' relative rabic et; motto sod:water power and one silts " Witetlu'r en Inexhaustible water power or only water sufficient for steam purposes, with an untim. iced supply of cheap fuel, are most adettratv• - — Onus to the development of a manufacturing town." - tnitnot possibis to fire a satiafschoy re ply to a general inquiry respecting the cool= peratire advantages of steam and wars' Power, but we have no hesitation in answer- fiktiXositundent.(in. Law.a)..froweshosei -- et ish ar• - e have quoted the above extract, ; An abundant of cheap furl and steam pow er, in oar opinion, possesses the greatest ad= 1 vantages for manufactin ling purposes. Few pianOacturing operations .an be ferried on' without fuel, cern where there ii'plenty oil ,watat power. therefore where fuel a scam and dear. manufacturing--cannot be carried , on but under a heavy e xpense: — - - La. giving this opinion wwdet not Offger 'that moat of our manufacturing towns and . Tilbeesmist-issfiebted-for their-rise to water I power. They are built on rivers' and creeks - 1 whore &pro are Adis of water for driving I machittery, but when they were first eattt• - 1 dished. timber ler' fuel and buildings was • ft: iv tifef and Asap is the neighborhoods. airwisserm - scriouli - qtfridiiin - irith manufacturers ti power, that their irupply_of wets becoming more unstable every year, as t r fortsts are cleared of, in many *ma where water power was axe,limitrely used a few years ago, auxiliary ateinnwind dor"."' ... ,revel min so Much es ,ast year, on account of a deficlent faster ( sari aeooMplish eo - nritsh more work, renders ~_!_,.... alt maerAwardlinat before the Wills rebukes, ill an= watt r. • comparison, even could they be MA for the asking , ova swauns tree, rrestnial ?tea` rs 1 Another peculiarity of rAn r es umbines if, that, of creeks and rivers. As these dittapycar t _t_LyVecapi,7 e , eg emu* werk-Wiresd; the unser lli . . ape -cue -- rolge - ifirwt ray's machisio Mill execute perfectly every variety of at th raped e takes pima af- "Tiii.wubeiarmoricktnicime.l.lktorasiewatibilonee ter IbilsWiltato, and thus it him eocurn•d p row sue to-i5OO . year c are be .I,a y an in that many streams once flowing with power ( modest wise all,/laa,lbiee, mote then new be IDS -this-liams r We now only waterworn , eloired by band. . elliMMtalt.-- Tharsisixof grist. and cale mills. Purchasers /04 well to your titles; uto the impwir to he saes on the'banks o f d ry I l ti o tr i ef Singer n 's tumbles, I will roferyou to the fel. at**, what . .forty rims sgrs thin array 1 1 ii "li ris=to P ainger's machinee, there Is no ad clatter of the hopper and hum of the sew 1 verve patent dohs; but all other machines before minted from morn Oil night witit the song i the public , Whine two or more of our patents On of the rushing waters. But although this is 1 the yrth of M a y bag, me seepvered I verdict in a a It for Dri, against limelsi true reispecting a number of Ow , if es. mann a Machine Computy, ngement thus establishing our or Patentsewings factures jhave not docreseed in our etnintry, i judicially. We hove suits now pending tulle Limited ihastkaie the power cif steam. With a Neu- I Steles Circuit pout In Philadelphia, and ales in tics satoray teal, atom forms a constant' other Circuits, against prover hi t h ltalgr, and the trusty we .for driving machinery, and a 1 r ~ Wheeler oupsita A eds. ille m wbo gi ruji w any of th:s g o t i7fT e ritr i 2111141 can be created independent 0 . lufrioging machines, will bey a leWsilll. ' rare not localities, like - wile -Ms It 1 i c ;,,, 1 it. SINGER* Co. has thus great sdrantages over erCer power. ! commas, Apeit list, Mt. - It requines 180,000 entire feet of water per : 6 I At'rtAi l'. - rt , f t : t Fib. hour on a thirteen feet fall, to produce the 61.;;X0' prier i.f. }tr. SingerTC.o 'l":ewingt4arrn sal*. "Ist in machinery that can be obtain - I Atom, and Aare aced lie same in my insinses" ed *lib fifty cubic feet of water and 300 Ibis. Sumo that lieu'my iSnetesees has introastd to that of sual,lsy a steam engine. 1141111 , i, Oaring ib the exporter sramerr in which it While the power of water for manufactu -.1, {ai r its i t /4 mo o l s t a ha a ti o ;os e r r eLom e led ,o o a n s tlr o ISt/. i ! in g P a n*" is grown"; w eaker and "'raker I the de o ninels of my . re teeter. iWy wife roes in our country that of ~,Itteem is growing ' the mich tee, and mite tie aid of tieogirte, will stronger and !Wronger: We have read al male twelve "to Coats and troextrpoor of petite statement that in the year 1804/ there were la meek, in a amour' far oxperier telexing eon te only-thrterstwans might's in all the trued i a eetr i'"l s .r-b- n i t g ‘ , 7 7,rd e ' r, e ifi r _r uita ume gult ,Ta ' ir kitsterv - whtrisah - count Thetn now--I They I w o al,, z ' arum Iscsci, so maniste, anti,* opt to get nufsetsit- ilumeantiv, Stem factories met of voyeur, -, - ean i be conducted in or near cities attd cow] We. L. Varies, gfeectii , Tailor. nrerci- I mart/. and this, oiled a fr.Ttor "ring I. Thu is M J7r iher V I A/ A w l Ir 'i s c . i l 'a weal OW 0/Me in transporting raw =UAW and goods-- I. N. :sifter...C . o.'s Smoitag Maths' - nil mro yoar• There are venous menufactorics, howtree - -•- , ! ago, whim' tleem ltiew its WWI onn.i,efly 0 , amour which timid cornetts:V*4de water to carry Aut.! leatilerecort setoielei ggiti/tEolq t p.,,,',. W. such is calicogrinting_ blereching,- -ase-rerientiharsinsirisiesiA terr! ~ ,,t mord work , r 0,44.4, omit, perform, 4gd much WelliTligt "'ocean Clot il tasking, Ici • A r l: ffir ' tt i r to 4- t r i iire fd ruer, We find it vary ea i nvenivet •C . . weighing and titling, rtquire much' to hare INV mosehinu, to arsordshe ' delay of' shill watiri- then with steam, such factories ' rug Mena and nieollo fsbm rwarsolo fin4l work. etas be Treated, the Obits boded and dried, ' In short! W . " 1 1' 0104 4 ralialtaf that Moe is not and taking the expense of keeping dams and; a I n , " ali f' d anra " .. " l4 ` arian " : ' to "P ill ' 11. V. ram h Co , water admit to ilepair, We are of opinion - 1- w° '' Beet and Shoe Ala onfarturere. that plasm poet(, what ( tact - is trA dieser la ! The undersigned, haring purcheeed the right to ~ to bil.preferred to ,pearly every case to a ater use, And read to others to ba used, of I. M. Binger 'tower. 1 A Co„ is the (Wowing territne: Rate of Wiesonsin, bet 1 Northers Indians, PetuntYleralier teeeePtlej the. At any lute. there can be Ito garret , . 9 ., L i. o f pbnaj o iphi a, Etio,Miegh. o y an d or th. 'Wain factories rinas"ner r aao - in or near our! scieton,) and being thereto , the sole -prbpi 'dor, Is coal irgeosie, mid ultimately those will be- ! pow ercgsredte,s,dl_ .or ie.-Aefsio.rr . eticia-Arreerictur whiltutot:', reibiuTeifurs, ne t ihti var_isetslsta.stetiesis-see tures t i mittio u m s m . „k m , of• ii , .,ii ii iii prism - [ric er 21 6 2 T persons w i tro r bri rr ng or toll have hectinse the etutrea of manufactures in 1 4 1 ,Z7 e r ; " ...i d " , . 01 ' 1 , o : p*,lll,,,t„teed infr inging a nt A i l_ thatoountry. And i.e we h thel have .asgelli _seam- UM eVidellt that thtragetilfor (Vete InfAing ---esePglishis-terttieranrf (Eyries keret y, big msehiVave no confidence in their titles of touched by the toot of the miner, it makes meahila r the foot teat they will WWI, tryst( liti 060k1 our breath to contemplate the vast i, D'Ae b ?l i n t r a l . t r x P uTe h aeer e t. l e , I ' the h . P e a" of trouble, end often dlsocoln Manufacturing pow er—thc hundreds of /Theft ' :;T u tija go to TO-Line cent I c i., , .d,, i , t h ig t f. - 01 1 fields, Birmingintius, filancliesters, -Leeds adage that "A bird Is band is worth two In the Srl44l4‘llo:44—thill. will vet arise in our bow It. RANDALL, Oleo arse residents, :Vorrisiown.hituditY so , Po con 2 mike it (on account of its cheap W YrilTltrit and othoul, Travelling Agents _ eat mannflicturing sfatiait tell Atitit-4 * es" • • wi ... the gloim. ! __,.. _______ ;,ITtRiPOSIT " ~ Cog. Celle, who is esuenty-fiveZiters oru .g.," or ,__ within, the apace of /ca l days, Luc month, HUMES, MeALLISTER, it An.. L$ A OW, , , eisiveredeight elabarate addresses , travelled wetteresive oisrviie i. utrosrris REM b. VI diltiaiM of flee Modred miles, and Axxim- BILLS OP .1401DANDIt AND NOTES 1)1d %, phshed nearly the WIMP allteitt f la lmar the_cau wrvernsm7".J 44 4... ,, TED- . There je a 'young Indy in Awning; no Cu. tpecius tluttAthe wont the WS new& paper into lier bed=room in the morning ; it tamigart wripper on. A Banister dbiterietto lev:ned brother In oouri, Mot the wearing of whiskers was linprotetoionsl. "Right." responded hie bitrit $a Jaw•r<rc4snnot te too 1;a refactititt • , Mid ' a 1 AGRICULTURAL L400,1i33 1 4ND KAJihNG PCMITIM.-,-....8111C 0 'slll43.oratetice of the fatal potato disease, it •! 4-11:eand that early hfti4. or diggtm, is a securitispiast its attacks. Potatoeh plant ed the Brat of May ) may be barvesli the latter pyt of September. The map, hfft vcrl is in a peculiar condition the present season . fe all the region over which the excessive drought of the .past sinxinicY has extended, the potato had at 0171 i.; time wholly ceased gron i rag; the:rains of lajitutienthipesuseitated ' it, and now the tither. are growing as rapidly AS at any tithe during the year.. Tbis'On.: Oition of tbings,will wilte the crop Ittettail it la . probable tint 'sore* firestamill 6d it I - watery4od immature.,, If such be tb . ~ 4 cir: I curestanees) gotta ci r ri wilt be Mulatto in biznilLig io.prevent braising a nd •bruilan g the mutt. It will not be nib either to store itilargit bonaits on account of the neat ilebil ity' to Xit'ittottitioil In all iippeifectly ripened v_egetables and Bruit.- Fifteen or twenty_ buslie4 a ill6 - its mat 4 4, as can he safely ' buried in on pit. , • - .Ventilatio is in spettsable to the perfect! se . ; irryits — nr - cOllttfit - . - I I A plan we tv0.41 hue : year, and which proved i'most:ettetildfit one, is. this .. —Take. -two : picot aof inchnl, four to eight inches enough i wide, and. lon enough to reach from the 1 bottOnvatitrOp .above the top about six inches, after the cevering or winter is put on. . For a pit of twenty bushels, four feet will be long enough. Lay these pieces on edge and I tack on Om.' of comfit - On lath, or something similar, thrte or four inches long, an inCli 1 apart. This done,)sou. have a ventilator ; I I which r if 'taken care oils spring,-rill lasts : /ifetinio. When winter sets in, in at ; the tops a ispof straw, and tack a shingle or board on ta keep out rains. hi opting, your I pOtateies, if welt covered, a ill 'Fbizet \ satt in gas eating order. GlltitrettOESZNlti Wk.lib P. aug in around the roots of vines, supply a healthy aliment, and are perhaps the best that can be applied. Tim fact of their singular . aPilicability_ for this purpose was discovered, it is said, by accident: but to thbasource agriculture has I.en moro than once indebted for important aid. A tine dresser, to get rid of the. pru niags of a vine, btied them at its 'roots. Thd vine grew ino luxuriantly, and pro duce a better crop than its neighbors, and subsequently experiments proved that the ittortsmed energy snd was attributable to the beneficial action of the leaves at its roots. SEISMXR'S SEWING KAMMER— eri.:4 $l3O andoapwards. Tills unrivalled ma shirts le the most important and useful invention of the so; .aad it has been worked a sueloient length 1 pf time to berkorounialy mated upon a peat raniery of manufeetarix'and in all ewes has been wrap-. prove j. it will continue to /atrial and surptim the linr it i:;of the whole world . with th n t . mire a rtit a tif i z CI whi d eh 14 tummies its wort. htt ." itirly 10,000 am an now In daily operation. Soh Is as dogma( that, with all the facilities of-sew aga i ne..7 .1 aohinery, with the help of 000 mos, It Is Ids for Stsuen 1 Co. to fill their orders.=ese 1 mikado'always fax superior to . prery ollmr,itarcr i „just wermatma tt - 121/ZOR TA NT IMPROVEMENTS, the sabot of which is --lit, To make them run with-1 I out now. 3d, To require only half the exertion at the operator, formerly neormary; .and 3d, To make Meta ran one-half faster than Work, as that, with I the same labor, Twicit rap Qr•YrTITY or ROBJI.V.E.X 1•11 DEM to • OAT. —74effillii!flime NETTED PROMPTLY. , EXCHA ?ME ON THE EAST CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Lje2s.4list INLINV AND. aliltDßlNS'i B,IIOES eapsteritly oti head, and made ta order T. P. ItORACIL .. TL. OTITTLE, ,, t $ - U' Arropizy,AT.l.Mv, : 4 1. 10427.1 y CLILLIIPIIIIGIII, PA VIVEGJER "InOgr 'I'II :, . t AIarAPF - --... - -4 , ,, , .. --'7 -, . , UM 111.ENTRE HALL, HOTEL-, J C YEAGER baring lesaed the well kneren)teuse, Carqns Kara, ' pleaded at the 'mint int The Lewistown and Bellefente Turnpike,lnter sected' by tM awake Oswalt and Lewisburg mad, Centre oottnfr, Pa:, *meld Inform the travelling public th a t be ii prepared to attend ttEtho wants of scab, in a meaner equal, if.not• superior, to any other &Mel or Oldie bows, le the may. The house I , largt , and aommodieus, so that families as wallas individual! lan have separate rooms which prifpludolntnakin. Ind TABLE, he purposes, shall tie "with any In the country, always allbuling the beat the market can furnish, The supplies for It *hall always be pusehaged with an er to the variellee of taste and 11% BAIL shall oonbrin the otoletet liquors of every variety.. • " TiIitATABLINGI In unsurpnami In the County. To attend to it,. he has "toured the serytove of an attentive and'ohligiag Meatier., an that 'the weal may rest satisfied - ghat while bin comfort in every remeet is beirqg &rad lbr, that his sigma idiall-set be 'neglected. TO THE DRovsn, this stand furnishes, peon liar edvautagps. Pasture is onrush* :tbundant and easily obtained. . _ . TO 'ME htIiTitOPOLITAIf, who wishes lo at es lb ears the heed and Malatimut stems ere of the eity, during midsummer, and to Joh the Veal% restoring rod invigorating montage of the iota: tier, will And Centre Hall putt tile pi for him. To all- the above etas, and these not inainded, an le_vilialteni/ g iro', logien and satisfy themselves to the truth of the above. He would further add, that his experience, obtained from travelling., ands knowledge of many' betook of entertaJnment, of good repute, as to their nocommodations, with whisk be is well acqualittedduatify him Jpkeyhug_ VI htUd6 sh - airfoodii- as infection to hie guests—a tenet to those that can be *sailed at all. my2B T 0 •At N F 0 5.,1) R le. r A—s The undersigned having Pm* the LOCO Foundry, in the• trough of Bellefonte, toother with all Itiipatterns, would .Infbrm 'theft Criond and the Dublioinsepetal, tbstlibey are prepared le rung& pfiliNINT ,savr 'FURNACE, ROLL, Mt?. pod MaCunt ERZ EITINGB. 'Miry are a making a LABOR VARIETY OP PLOWS, Including the W, rut Plow, the ,Wotte improved Mk,. and.-mnreral odors of the moat applrovisi styles, and at ow tw at tales. -Beittg practical, workmen, we flatter our selves, that onr work will give entire satisfaction. We bare on hand • LAKG.P' ASSORT MEN!' OF- STOVES, ittitabli for enttrer i gt coal or wood, each spr, Parlor, Nine Plato, Egg, awl. in Bak. every variety .ptlikmia %noted In thisetution of truantry. We bare Orogen band Marry ehilk and kind of SLND era, sLaroa SOLE.PIVAOON BOICES.., - t: T'I'LES, BRICE' end DURKEE: WHEELS. Also, I IRON' RAILING of aft ifoopription; WATER and BLAST PIPE of any cklibre. —l4lcWrarerpreperrengweartlitritTrirlii Lion, Bram, Copper and Type Metal. -Patterns made to order. All orders promptly attended to, and ezeontad in aural • manner as will misers gatiltaCtiOn• ' trEtIRY RABELLOr GEORGE A. BAYARD. IMM A REVOLUTION'II3 Q,ER tAIN. VICTORY IS OURS. Such Is the intros" or plena" In this age, that notblng 'Om isupossible. That than are new and wieofisc distorerles being made every day; no one will doubt incr.* thorough InsuiligatioUot the Vegetablo Kingdom:, with a view to obtain a posi tive or epeollie remedy ibr the more ionsion ills or hummoity, I hare suompeded In bringing together such. Three years hare idapeed since Its Introdue• LIAR. AMlLASsaimadoiouraikliwinestrimmeha - rem+ ody to the WORLD,- lIELMBOLD'd OENULNE PREPARATION 1111011LYONCENTRATED COMPOUI) FL UID EXTRACT DUCRII, for all tilsoraesuf the bladder, 'Muer, urinary and scural arras, JOY TO TUE AFFLICTED! It cures dimwit of the bladder, Walleye, gravel, dropsy, obstrootiona, female eamplaista, chronic gonoyrhoes, strictures, glut*, abti alt diesues fromirsomweit and improdeneles is life, NEIIYOUIS ANA DEBILITATED surnants, and removes all Imprwper_disobsogeelhOut_tha Ida& dee, kldfilifilif issi — inriegens, whether existing is MALE 0.11 FEMALE, from whatever cause *,Jenny husweriONtbd,"ita oo boater of 110111 LONG STANDING, giving health and rigor In the frame, AND i mop .11(2v3 aims. Thant 1. brought on by abase, a most terrible disease, wide!' hu brougbethoweende of the human family to untimely graves, thus blasting the bril liant hopes of parents, sink blighting in die bad the rims, ambition of many • noble south, be ured by lbe use of this INEALLI DIX REMEDY, acrd sa • medicine _wldidt must benefit everybody, frum the aimply.delleate.,ao the °online.] end des 'pairing no epaal is to be Mend If you havonantraotud tae terrible disease, which, when one. seated - in the tystom widens's,* tereeoestitu. 'ion, sapping the very vital Saida of life, PRO•If ONE -vre RIPIIII-Dr T A ONCE, The Leprous &Ailment, whose effect lioldsaneh an enmity witiLblood of masa. —That swift as tialoksilver it aeons., through, The natural gates add 111.71 of the bod . -Curdling, Übe-eager dropping hite lax The thin ami wholesome. blood. SEWARD or QUACK SOSTRCIIIII AND QUICK DOCTORS. ELMBOLD'S II la LILY CONONNTMATSD COMPOUND FLUID EXTILAOT OF BUCLIU, 'lll prepared directly emording to the Karr hi Pharmacy prat Ckansirtry, with the greatest accuracy and clitailital itriewledire and Pun decreed in itithombination. Its popular ity has extended In all direction", and *bother reed in town, ouentry, hospital or private practioe, has Invariably given the most decided iml enerinivoca catiareellun and' prottheed the most salutary and be neficial effort+. rt has been and is used in all the prineipal sides in Om Un!tod State" and Britidr Provineect, to both pebble and rivets presano, with greet seoceo. Henceforth let midersteed, for the proofs are too overwhelming to be contradic ted, lhas Helmbeld'i Highly Concentrated pied Fluid txtraet fluebn„Ai th e netct ralarot re edy ever *Snot to the - Ise main of voluntary testimony in painmaime at the praprietor Is 1111iTITIOR, embroil:deg names well known to SC/F. NCI; AND I" AAJE Celebrated physicians and distinguished clergyman ) . Roe Prohnser Dewee's valuable work on the Prac tan of Physic, fuul moat of the late slandud work' of Nediclee. It is a awelicine which Is peril:ally pleasant In its tam° seal Neter, hut inissediata_in Its seine; and Is fakeirlel hone burpsrsossee idassiort seals.; sidwieW, as witpnieiThps . !Ikons foram, sod an =SOU hhintreeel roU aetd taitdirle aretfiloatcs to entwine& the mod draptil cal seeotspiny such betas. # $1 pas bola's, or eii bottle. for 05. De& terl4 10 say addrcss. Prepared sod sold by 7. 1111L11301.D, Practical awl A.nalythsal Chemist. (Assembly bulkllop,) Pbfinesdpb To to had of Usnry Brookerhoff, RadosUo, and of DruAsists and dealers fbrougboetthaUnitcd States, OamulatandlirlUsb Proilnuot • - - TB3-WEEKtY ACOOMEO- D lON M AIL LINE or STAGES CetiTot7n t I,LEFONTE and .KARTHAMJ, leaves the Conrad House, Bellefonte l every jdon da y , WednlfOf • " I ""FtidsY , et Oklek, A. It; and traria Earthen/ every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 o'clock, a. C. yhe entisarlber reepeolltilly informs the traveling ph lie that he has placed or this mute, a new line aLlitagua r dor Lhe omieesesnothitiortornitWhil - rnitY wish to peas over thle road The Stages are soy ariat on controllable, and the hordes are calattlated to Ore nithrfaction for speed. The drivers are sober, obliging atl..pxporiene4. ; ficutspeneamoe painrwittlarapatiftT to mitEo this mote one of the most ploacint to pansengers t, ]freight carried at the oust rides vin' MICHAEL RUNKLE', Proprietor. LEAOAN - T OAP HOUSE, A. On the Lewistown pike, four miles from Belle foxte. 'The pubserlher tespeutfoily informs his blondest:lJ the travelling-rabilet that be has refitted and refurnished the above house (or the aeooromoda rioa ut guests. Ho will be at all times ready to furnish refreshments to partlus of pleasare end to trestion. This house affords to psreons whiting a pleasant summer resort great hid uuements, on sio soont of the pure mountain air, and. whtlesome water my2l J. I} LAItaIMOIIE. OffititS, 81=303, • A • ' t Aro ''SEIAIBIir - ltilisnaffiiiiiiitment always on howl. Persons istaklus any of pose prOples Is,lll do well to mill stul ememlne my stook, as Aker ems not fell to sultsd.. MAR TIN STONE, - jail Bellefonte. QAltlll l / 1 * J. ricgaLs, A 7 muss popian, AND OLAOII, PAPER. - If ANUISR, • . r„„ BXL.r.grqNMI.A., Will altorttll kilrekkerThlt ?Mt 1115 N and devild 4 . Jell ...lISPENDERB. A Wanutitul iwaricient, wit, metro! ag'ithz 1-1,1 gomsay lort: ' A ♦Y MIME= MEI or Inman? wie fiosfee. ATIZINTION YANNERB, AND ALL males irrntrerc f ro! RS! Thetleitiersigned re SIibLLE epeetflally Menus 9t. ors and the publio generally of Centre occuity, that he la now manufaeturing the it-it/Olt ANP READY 00RWSBELLER, Ow of the beet, most convenient; durable, and at ihe mime time, tho most easy running shelters over °Cored to the public. It will &ell green and dry Corn, cleaning the=llll6nl6llll4'. tci run sashir than any Oen Shefi her the United Mateo or elsewhere; for the quip. ,titiof Carp abetted pier day., It is oesetruuted with two antis, so theft two pirseee tuns It, and shell from 20. to ISO bushels per day. It can also % be steadied to bons power. - • • Call and as, them Went pereihiline any other. OA I Ili certain yen will be sailidled with this. DANIEL DERR, Bellefebtd •- JAIITLIVIritra, • - We, the good, have examined stut`esitt Ike Rough and Ready Corn Sheller, mannfuetured by Daniel Derr, Bellefonte,prononne W it peritlit In its practical utility, arid well worthy "thee attention of 'krona: Its services in one Memo will save its price in them and labor. We isheerfnlty team , Mina . it Mitts fermate of Centro meaty Is an artt lee of grett economy . W. W.Suairs, , Jane D. Wittiest, 0. W. , ' , Bissikate Alo °Late, L. W. Risvaeitost, Feta AtirtLidgi Pb n are a po t nibased' April V a . ntl 6 mard . the asz tlorn t"." S Y let Its manulkohnitd by Dan'l Derr, called the Rolla and Ready Cora S heller, mad unhesitatingly pro norm°s it one of the best is aso. It runs very easy, and shells mom Dor n timer thriallie ban ever mot with. ificutrr. Spurs.. - - We foltinmMur in ths above oertilloate. • E. C. Henze it Bao., Bellefonte: Josh MARTIN. Baciaimmedeed and Whet thelattent Rough pod Ready _Cara Sheller', manutsetured by Mr. Daniel Dellirplift,lefbotir, I And them to be praotioll sod weft' te-swery revels). The corn whlub 1 shelled was greenand fall of milk, but Alie Sheller parted every grain from the oob in a manner which could not poositly hies bees done by_ band. ' I freely remeftimal them machist_4l6 the farmers bf Contreeounty. • ClRll.l.l[llJentrarox. Bellefonte, April 22, 111611-4.00.1 f 1100 K MID .11511 MIMI* MICE The Publisher of MS D•1110CRATIOI WATcIIII - hes,leememeetieeresith hit Ifeentestme Pub lishment, the moot ostensive end oesnaleie 4011 Pit CITING onmE, To be fond In Central Penosileiude, 00 MPOiled in drily of • NEW MATRA LALA, And the toted and most fashionable - etre - of Plato and Fancy Type, at.d le prepared to execute all Made of , BOOK AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, In the very neatest style, and at the shoruest notice -.such es - HAND BILLS, CIRCUL4, rosnms II AR /LL lINADB, HORSY, BILLS, AirCTION - AIL LS, CARDS PARPRLEYI4 BOOKS, • MEC 8, SHOW BILLS, BLANKS, PROGRAMMES, At, A. de. niv*GOLD, SILVER and BRONZE PRINTING steonhat In the handenosteshats~n--- - IN 001,084, In the moat bialys- , SAT and Ilalalsoi style of the att. Shtiatietion poteantaid in *Ord to neatness, cheapness and panetnallty to the telratent of all orders. OFFICE IN BROCXERHOPP - 8 ROW, - Tenn noon, A D.IA, LOGI/E.-- John—Coed morning. -Bow are you? ffireweger--tlood marnlng„dr: - 06• ,you t e n tit where I can And the shotairest 11IADT-111•011 Clotlt n,o and tbe bad? , JOAn—los, sit . we have a. lininhost ood elothing aerobia Atelbikit*bett ISAAC MA Y in Me elegant stun has the beet and cheap/ed. - Stronger—Yen, 40 - 6eiry body saysire Doan try, I dia. act below but that we were stalten,nb I thought I would tminlre ofyou town Mks. John—dial hied of Clothing dO•you what to buy ? Stranger—Why, I aboakl like to haws iced Dress Coat, Pants and Vest for myself, and wrote clothing for my boy.. Jehn—Well, Isaac May, they say, his name mat. exoellsot Drew Coats from $lB down to gl,(tho lat leer Bummer Coats) and everything elm In propor tion, and lot. of slump olothingfiber boys. Arranger—Wbst about 1,..4d1ete Dress Goods? Johou , -itly, May bee the beat amortmant of Bilks?De Lairs , Lawn, Canapes, do., 4port everything to At out a lady4n the best styl at the ebeapcat prime. Strasser.-flood! That is the plue fore. Qua bye Vs, or May'. at moo /. OU kindly for Om information. Or Person. in want of anything Way lianire, therefore, reopeetildly roquselled to give lowa 'blol.' ISAAC MAY, Belleibate. A OHANCB tOR BARGAINS. .ADDLE AND HARNESS SD MANUFACTORY. .o salooriber bop leave to intone his friends and the pabLio negally, that he still eitrannues to parry on the toast • -laAtait: ethelldlor_edjoinine towers l om! Johnson, on BIBIBDP Street, where In t tirprepassui to nonsathehisie endlihop eenstantly to hand a thll itmot of Biddie tsi s, Bridles, Sllers, 'Trunks Wagon Ilarnaaa Carriap Wined, Wa. o Whips, • .ea, to., 10.1 An. iferreoreaud the pobllo generally, is want of artklee would do well to italiwmd exam. Ina blo stook,lwilare pureintalwg elsewhere, as hots determined to sill et IPA LR PRICES, and veil war rant Wrack to be wert-iont torretberialliM(l) eti • • beet material Lilly• Don't kept uk. ptase—Blaboi street, teeth *side, between .oer House," and the tavern of Jaw. .M. Johnson. JACOB 01110 M, 3!..; 1 "II ' ,Bellefonte. IF YOU WANT TO - BUY.GOOD AND CIfEAP 0001 M 111 ou trr 14'1;r1;as jut reoalvod from Pitiladolphia and heantiful stock of Goods, consistlog r of the faShlonable Duos Goodeliar Ladle' and Oetttlemes •It u French KorinooAlnataosa..PagaraelatClal ' /7Cloth;Elidiines, Dabige. Blika, PAW" °fall description. Moo Cloths, Cusimeng Plain and Fancy Cassinots, Vesting', also a large lot of Drell Trimmings, Bdttomo, Ribbons, Gloves, Mitts, Wool lon and Cotton liosfory, and a ariely of FANCY 0001.)3 too numerous to mention. Flannels of all lands, Shawl., Bleaehed and Un blenehod kftudina, Ciheolas,Ologhams, dc. Also, Ilmoariss atoll kinds, Bate seidOep, Boors lud iihot•n, Boni ware and troy: Quceulvare, flock ed", Tub. Baskets , and all goods amid!, kept In a country miters. LUMBER. All Units of Lumber for male ate namable Pr* , Bellefonte, Bea. 11 , If. M WED HAVE MUCH WRITING to do .w. Adria. Ahem' to ter AZthaita, • tiTERVIPErriord - MrTiese &Moles * aro Just the thing for sobool Umbel*. deel2 I . IOR I rWARCItAIIiDP WicX,4 TIN .6, ca m Aim, Igo Znieetioisa be per. chaeod cheap, of nov2B IS A 44; -13 Mt A Y Liii t ENSVD,TAtiOR MIIIOIIANT. Dealer In fi n. Old,,VlrblekeY, iliamiles, Wine*, Wine. Ac, *Melt bill be abkl...ol4Thling to th e late law, by tbigelloti: . tl:.llthogulit•FirMlN A4l32l4—T ahei e • On band aid Air . " A 4- 111 ' • PftONEU rirootrasoz HOME . INDUSTRY.- 461 The undersigned would fespeetfldly ifieffesate i f to the I/ em of Centre county, that they hare Fonda th‘right of IRTS A DUNHAM'S C. 4,11, ofr It REArEtt Am) MOWER, and , are now engaged in their manckfastere, and are prepared to (Unlink oh arttele whloli will not got the Wok-ache. From those wile have ; owed the machine we can produce abundent'svldenee as to Its superiority over any other =Ohm now built, fur the following reasons : • - Ist. Or.amount of Its simplicity or oermiruotion, smiths Set that the sickle is worked divan -from ,the driv ng4hll4; with p simple lover Instead of r multiplication of cog whbuls, Journals, cranks, &o which makes it work lighter (or the team. ikl. It is more oompeet, end_ is titorofore Casio handled. Id Its perfect adaptation to uneven grounds, i without hanging on the home.' necks; the tongue being limber and turning ea oattor•wheels, whleh makes It turn easy. 4th. The perfect manner In which It 'does Ile work, in both gtein tad grasn'the reaping appa ratus Wag so arranged es to put the raker, la a eoivenisut pantilea to Oliver the, sheaves at the. 'lda of the maohlue, In* for mowing It him the reaping apparatus all 'off so as to finable it to Out, tangled drver. '— This nutettiost is warranted to out all kinds of' grain and gran, as well, if not better, than can be done with eagthe or °radio, and all its parte wart ranted perfect. • Tones—For Mower and Reaper etunblned, pp; $3O to be paid on the delivery of membina, 'br" an soon as It is put up and In operation; 110 on the ist• of October, end $OO on the let orfftemery 1857. ..1 . 0 . L..54, t. Mower 1100, 325, on recei p t of int .'" *Lir ilatOb e ri lEn d stv on rho in Of January*, 307'. With each machine there will be tarnished an mitre knife, one knife section, three gain*, wrench, oil-cad and meek•yektl: , M only a limited number (maim built this ses.• son, those - who 'are in Want of the snide will rlo well to wed. in their orders soon. Address: • TWIPT,III,II I LR It 00., hr 0. W. sauraßT, Ifillimign pegteutiml -Pa. ' .tt NNW STORE AND NEW GOODS.- J. MON TOOMBRY a BON; NOR?/1•21111 . comma 01‘..TIIN DIAMOND AND ALLUVIUM' ATREBTB, Bellefonte, Penna. flaying )wit returned from Phlltdolphia, where we hare Made our purchases, sat ere mow opening one of the Most ostregully assorted stooke of GENTLEMEArs , cLOTRANG; AND • FURNISHING GOODS, Ex or brought to Centre 'comity, and take this me thod to &Miura our old friends customers, and the public generally, th a t tve are' pkepered to "give em Ate," snob ea they' Revf L d h e ro n\ t.... 0. COATS, VESTS, PANTS, do , which for durability cannot, be eaoellod, and having been selected with et,e lal refereuce to the latest and meat approved fashion.. .great mire Wu been to th e OE ebilba" ,t ' A P rn A tibi I,inebias MITI , DRAW ' , NH KERCHIEFS, SUSPENPERS, 0.40 YES CRAVATS, of l / 4 overy tleemiption. „ We also make known to the publio that in add( Lion to our other extensive stock of good we. have just remised a large and spieddid assort tnklit of CLOTHS. - CAssrmEßa, VEBTINOI3, TR IMMINOS, it.,, Of eteryAilo and vai - W- .-Belegpnieticed work- - men, and pay particular attention to our buil neell, we bops to give general satisfaction and re ceive a shire of the piddle patronage. We = redly invite all wonting anyiblegin oup nem to eilltgllttilffflrftrbbrirWa"" s. ap9o J. MONTOOME Y & SON. LOCIE , HAVEN -3IEARELB HIGHEST PREMIUM AWARDED er iTts CENTRE COUNTY AGRICULTURAL FAIT" To the people of Centro County. It has nen be ems a settled feet chat fhls laegoet, cheapest and very best oond toted est Minorite of the kind in the interior of Penney la, It is owned by Mr. fi A. Gibson, and mperiuteodetLhy the celebrated 'outpace, Mr. C. F. j.tndl , ItltN Y. Mr. Lindig wee for many years in arraf the beet establishments In the year, New York, • 4en.-erminble-temstatitnr•air i - any= obirtio of the grit order. _Malays on hand endear sale nearly dye hundred beautiful &Mimeo( READ. and FOOT STONER, carved in the latest etyle of the art, together with French Conobea Pruden Tombs, Monuments, Spires, Cared Lambs es large sa IVs, sad images of every delkription, all dse i and •wassimesd--ley -Nr •IfAndlg: Pal f' rag something rare and beautiful, lo mark the resting pima of their departed Irtendit i orotild Joey, money by wending their orders by Mad' of my agents, who Will pans stn few days thmugh ail the principal Jenne and vat iMktre. Clinioe, and Lyoosning counties,and are .thAlr work eseinsted by thla malid-renowned and juduy oelebratei artist. ar•We bare reduced ear prices time this data, and will hind bursolves to pen T.) pm sent below the reviler selling prioes„of any establishment in Delia font., Mileeburg, on LenriatoWn, and dellvet lb* work free of obarge ao any plane desired.. S. A. GIBBON, 41411 F Cannes Corsair : Sam'i A romater, Wm. Allkop4a, Jackson ifousweeldlit:ll3o met *nap. Boalsbnrs. rtitlrla ORT - 11, X 0 7 • 11118..-I is Thludfdleisignica world respeedtplly ganouttoe to his old (blends and the pub*, papally charts ilqui bellt a-terge and eoutamodians NW thrwatury Molt Hoare on adieus Street, between Otilem nit .Meohaids &runt, two squared south .4 ;MA I M' ancvElitscor COUNTY, ILLINOBS ti , ding h been ere c t ed ex p.O mirth. g as • of gyysiyact el - F - F i At t p . fdhloTh e ntoV i it i th i northern part, et Il he fists cos/Want that it la nub Witte; I cuissa `, for to rt and onvenlenea than any othee.inelhe con He ha. also throbbed it In dig ver/Lbeet r with entirely new furniture, :glqy neither rips nor oust to render it and arras le to aloes favoring ban With °atom llg striceattentiola to hie duties. and ado nal nubs!' not to be esonifed by any house fn this sae ' tiopt he hopes to morn , the furor and cuutons of the Pupil°. .- Persons rtsllln the OW of Fr sepert on bueinsies or pleasure , rag find they 'Freeport Bicittnye"p• Pilaus* and cheerful etssippiVe GEORG* I, lit, Propriet or, tnyi 4-Ini] Galena et ~ sport. Illinois 30 wilyLvairie lica .i. NXIt of (hi Li .wont, Bel 1 , f,llll_, ......, ~ ....a . mprograd,l,grr °Pena for the poooWaVtilel7 tor g Latas the PORK 'The iitollrfetirr . of thla establi soul reaped Informs Ms trio *IA he has spared neither pains no ei it • desirable retreat to' all who 'or with a call, übe is determined to do fa hli ' rto promote their comfort and aonyealanae t 11=1=1 tinanhe <toiletry will afford. - 'The Rooms are large and well cantina* The Blehisegeoloseoteditith the eateldhapea lore and excellent, and s In shaorge a< palatal sad. egAtrlaneet. - - Be — Am bee ereeta4abeds for the ueo of eitrriaget and bunko. t - #... 1 • a arriving and departing Jo abort A nothing Mud( be neglected to give antitt satlaCtotbe to those favoring him with a call. It. D. Cl/MbIIMUS, Bellefonte, Pa. nov7l-tf rt.-a- OPPOSITION TO ALL ....- 1 -I4 NOPOLY.—DAILY ;AcCMILMCL, IfflrOP"S'i - 40E,Fr BETIPREN BELLEYONTE AND LEWISTOWN. Thls tine has been pinned on the read, for the purpose of accommodating the travelling public, r e -po %Cart basparmi termsdoritbotiflcf nim nt and expeditious The storms will leave Corn. mlngi' hotel, Bellefonte, every morning at 7 o'olook, and arrive at Lewistown in time for tho Eastern and Western train,. From Lewistown they will alert so as to acommoodoto travellers to this region. The arrangements along the road will bo of the beet deseription Careful sail oxporlenoed drivers are engaged,. the beseCosiehas secured. and ilattdavat anat, widah will samurai the etanfidenoe end pa , tronagoof the public , je4 It. 1) CUMMINOti A CO. • - FRENEE'S CREEP O EOCEEY STORE --Grateful for the patronage so liberally be stowed upon Mtn by a generous oommunity and hopes by Allot attention to baldness, to a way, writhing to merit the approbatiorranun appreciating public. lie Informable niands, customers, and the ukille generally, that he lelprefamal 411MOWitiiiiiiia with every variety of GROCERIES that may be millet fur Poraone wishing I. 'economise will please colLlT.pd elect theta Groceries of me, to I am detertnins to give matte. faction to all. novrf - - DKRIL'E4 OM -WEEKLY SOLOMON EX PRESH ANTWERP' LEWISTOWN AND DELLEPONT M E. OAT AIM PACE ADES will be carried between this shore points end inter. modiste ptrwei wltkgreat acre and diensteh, • NOTES, DRAEU AND BILLS' opllsoted either in Bolleibrik, Lewistown, bi en the road on modqrsta tenni. and i cat returns rude. per order, or any other buyiness etteadwito with , despatettindAdnilty. 80170-MON Ottlt. A • ----- PRUNER 'IIIIZONTE WEISS DOM XOl/11111.41.Witt# tr ' , -11111:0ANEX , AT rAWr - • 'u ria,Lbworpf, PA•i• WILLIAM _ - ATTORNICY AT I,AV. ELLEFONTR, PENN Odioa with Hon: Jams T. MIL nov2B WX. NAOIIII3IIIB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Attandi to °Am:llion' In Centre, Winton and Clear. Geld counties. AIR., Moods, Morigagro, do., loptly Tonna, moderato. O ffi ce with James libtatnanue, lisq.„Bellefonte, Pa., ja016.4f MEDICAL PART NEESE ID GEO. L. POTTER, haring &escalated with .hi A to the meth,' of medicine, lir. T. 11. MIT CHELL, they offer their professional marriage In the Wizens At Bellefonte and vloinlty. When noses the unremitting attention of both will be siren oat , additional oharp. W• Dr. Mitchell's residence at Wm ..tionner's, VITOWate. deelligt 4 -.4.1% DENTOMM 2 I. D. W1019.1 .- E, •,•••••• BURGEON - atittiNkt ONANIOAL DEN TIST, would inform his his de and patrons that ho ban permanently located I 'Bellefonte, and that, its wilt be happy to attend to any who wish his Oro feeslonal sorvioos. All work ddno in the ,neatsiet doe and warranted, , L - V , ' Moo and reilidenoe, in the third house east of Mr. ElOurbook's "Franklin Mouse aka* LIVERY STABLE. i nt, 1-4741..N0W FOB A PLEASANT KIDS, The subseriber Intermit the Alms of Bellefonte aniklidolulty, and the travelling publle generally, that they can at ell times be ftindshad• with good and trusty hones for either rldlngor ,driving, by him at tbaTerouryivania Hotel. Ile Yu a good stook of Morse% as moll as Buggies, _Car riages Banks, Becikeways •Barldhis BarnesS, Direiiii-drivers-forntsbod w hen - • - Er All who wish to , drivesafennd battalion,' and ride If:intuit and conitbrhible•veldelea eon he aocommodated. B. D. CD'IMINGII, decl2 ' • Bellefente. 11W MID PASIIIONABI t E HAIR •, Dulaania Amp_ tiltAlrißß 841 , 00:1 Undersigned respectfully announeeito the (lat eens of Bellefonte spd I Chet be how opened a new and feablenable Thar Brash% and,ribarlmg Saloon on Allegheny. street, In the bons, oboupied ,by 'rurner,-wherertrf strict attention to the business, be hope! to merit &liberal 'hereof puNin patronage MIA A ZOnti.puList.assei.— — mreo-ly . Urn. CABINET AND, lIRTIOL-19, 1 STERING EHTABLISIIMENT.-,- The imbeerlifilr reipoottolly inform* lib; Monde and the patine that ba ;bacaufitathimmaii Via eabtheraiidalpho4othriax bus/In* to all to V roue branobee, and wilt by peeparid to• htrolsh work that will . compare wltlF•rmy made In, tbibhoilit shops in our larger Mlles. Iltmlog hakpratit . l l 4 importance In every brAPOh Of Ilusl ni oein,•peon trualagwork to blot will be amored th at It the doh,' Ina satisfactory manner. • Le'REPAIItING promptly attended to. • -- FREDR,IMMSMITIT, Allegheny street, Rollefonte, to the shinudaymorly occupied by Mr. Reinhold. mad Jog xcau 6 ~ TAL LY. IMANESS 0 .2' teR).AAV V MAKEA. rot318101"And dLLEII II ANY l'i Y II tree I, ng pormanentlf toasted In this region, in tends to engage ostensively In the Saddlery...and Darner humor. ii. will keopoonstantlyou band and manufooksre to order, In the latest style, and In the moat workmanlike manner,.. - Saddles, Drldles, Dollars, Halters, Wagon and Carriage Ultras*, _ • - -- Wagon and Driving Whips, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Dogs, he , Le. ra short, every thing usually inantifsetund by sad • . II work wersentid-gmed..- -give-11m,k • before pumkesing elsewhere. • , j tp9•ti pLAiT ICRIAO.- The undersigned, having made the most ex burrs artangomenta, and hart a lar _Molt of mebleuttellwriumt-wfttintint a oft mottos to to attend all orders in bill did of bruinem. Ile has emplOyed none but the best workmen; and all work entrusted to hie ears, will be executed in a style which cannot be excelled. Whenever I fur. lab matertalx TUB WO IK WILL BR WARRANTED. ' The mem employed are emir bet the btu', satiq the absence of apprentices, bdlldere "ass rely sport having their work done in such a_ spanner pur will give sallatleetion. orders addressed to Relleronte, Cadre ementy. Pa , will be promptly attended to, feb7T-tr C. W. LAMBERT. . . . • lb, : COACH AND WAGON MAN -0;;;,4 - IitAaTORY, MOWARD Strict, " • (nor h sidms• Ilsdiefento.-- The seta. -11Miher tikes - thm method to inform tba public that he has oatentenbrd the COACII and WAGON MAKING IIUdINNSES, Mahe ewe pima, where he hypnapared to eumulitetuns to order, and ours sandy hamlets baCti *abase rclection of Oetrfagno, • much ss ROCKAWAY/3, CARRYALLS, BUO NO:3, as will as • HEAVY WARM WAGONS, do., ~ 'at liberal . • • NEPA _ - -- ;y - o a lotion to Modems and suodesedie .•,priews he-hopeil to cavil a share of , • '' ' EDWARVIM. crilinnentbar the plea*, an the north side of Nonnzil lo irnats In the shop *namely °manial. by David phalli. but more lately by Mr. George Swillsr. i _ spli*Aut 8160M131117 MARBLE WOREI3, ' -NEW 4 ESTABLTIIIIMBST - Wit H. SHHARMAN,Isto of Philadelphia, would most respectfully eall the attention of the public to his large and well sleeted //took at Italian cad Mncan Mirble which he has solvated wi • earls a * pnatioal workman, terhav ng had th e game of putting up every kind oT work In slphia, the public can met assured that they not be linpoessl upon, by baring their i d work done In an inferior manner. Its Malta the public to call and examime far them lees, and the .I=l.W it i w as earms from Tibia& - IMa .- risermemart . _ MOM% 0,11011 anent,- ' ,0 han4 al a rm stock of ITAISAN and AMER. man , lll nvo, with which ha is mammal td liennenents, Tomb Stoner, French Dmmkes;" rasiad Tombs, Quaker Stones, Carved Lau& and Images, Marble P 044 and Railing for family burial lets,. _ -: : , IL W. 008- ~~ i. senql7lClC_ BAIA .ik MULL MIME - Thp itaii4ejter respeetrelly Winne. the old. ,or Centrka adjoining eountlee, th a t h e h a s opened NEW WORE IN DEILLEVONTE, Nu. 2 Ar ca d e Building, where he beettst opened a IddIiNIEICENT Errocx OE °ODE, which lupe bdan ,osirefully seleoted, to dull both town and country custom, ooneisting of MIL said beautiful • _ IFIPII4I AND A UMMEIt 900D5,. ....• for Letlirs' 4.l4mileatern'u Wsliff,enitritelog every variety of : ' Clothe, Cwwitneres, Vestinge."Ac.,. . -- - 1 :-. 7 - 71 A eplowli•1 assorppoot of Bilks, ..tet.e.OA ittfutine._Lawna, Deillienera.- —....-- - Relic*, uhaniem ' Chintses, Trourninge,Embrolderies, . , Muslim,. librotinge,-&o. 11.EArty.mAtnt utr.oittibm. . hate, cap( Boole and Shoee,• ' litobrollim and Wire' Parasols, Fans, Comb., Brushes, /to. . • Hardware, Cutlery, OLIN and Pt,,_ , ** Urooerlee, Pleb and flan,.. . Plaster, Ewe, Xlour and Need, in feet every thing amenity tient in a count:. More. iip•COUNRY Pitt - 3 ). E WANTED. I respectfully iarite Btu Mt 4.ltellefoute and I t o eurreeMllng country, its give• a call, as I will...hd. prepared to furnish them with geode - Int e11i.3010, pare with any ever ee, Au the Pehlke. is relfttrds cheapness anti durab ility. • t4y7 ' T. ' It. EVYNOLDE. , .., -! .._ : - A - II 18 - ii.' •A I te l t B. A good lepply always on ha* of made to order out df the best materials, by 32_ tneyl et Tt, - gißo. I. MUM f, WO : , ' • 'KLLER, ve.oil a plearant, safe and certain remedy oar the reumrel of Worm,. -Plowed MIA acid by .10 4 GittliN & 16 1,0114 le, Bellefente _,T.:: iciVaß • LWIOES.;--- - L LABilit AND i spf Ondid Itellorttnont of Purd'Llquon obb"?.01/y onitaqd.and fop { le, by ' PitOCK4WOIO7 tif Irotr SEGAII,wIIh 4 One 144 jus6 coll Oft MA44O ALLY tie Bellefonte, Poona 31 3.7 neatness and den. aP23.4 MEII3 APY/Mei j 'CONIIL&D & WALTOZ, jitPOSTMILO L imputauwal LIAL.Like 11ARDWARV, IM • OVT, Ake., 1. MARXIST 22 ST decl?- 1 .7 ' 14:41,111.Pait j. 0. BOR,IIII. WK . J . Blum L. D. & Co. WIROLISALS No. 61PoureATINAVF410UNgt861,.., • PaitiAnaLnlll. A. CONRAD, MORITA & Importers and Detailed Id UARIjWAILE, OUTlatitYj One, &o No. 123 North TIILAp Aired, Pkillsdelphis HAART 001 , 1kiD, a. Wjaikat.rr, G50.,11. Rompers, 4.• MMs, J. T. BANE. Tthso4n ROUST 1111t0SWAUS• SIINJ. a. sitoitastmi, R IKOVAL.--- DROSSi-GLGROB L AND 1 - 17 -4- OBERT IitIIIOEIVAK/PA 3 Vo.,litokatt ilhoral. Wrongs horistofore bestaar . 04 hereby lire mans, that owing to the gnat atom" In their business, thoy bay* been, ohn gs d to so , WWI room, and to ware it, hire reater e d their old old stand, (S. W. corner of Ro o m sad Orson streets,) to Their wart and SPACIOUS 'Most N. E. CORNER 0: POURTII and RACE areas, abase an entire Row and really enlaerd stork Di ER Vtild„ .PAIS TS, Ct Pii - PPS, - , r thOyirrolowprepired it all NSW onstomorti, with ally tale the p, sl the lowest pries. and on aooommodatlaa. Waal. We shelf use Amery Inesuul on par part to mast oatisfaotion to all who *pay favor an with their est 4cm. As 10 prloee, we aim Mka . pit with say Other bongo, and the •quality of OBT Is smut- Passed. ROBERT SHOEIiftiIf & Co. N. E. °mow of FOURTH and RACE E N, Philadelphia - 'ldannfOrtmars of Paints to Oil, Patty, as, " Importers of Paine Zino Peat: • Ogle Ants i l h Y r C P ll i I PLAT S f o t L th A e VS of Deakin In Ail kinds of plain and tansy WINDOW 'GLASS. . , . Prices current sent dh applleation *ail, lint, goods delivered , at any of the Depots or Whimei rim of ilapense to the porobuer. cAINT.LAWHEIWE HOTEL; •- '-`ollllBFicirr STHIHT, PIIILAT).I This new Hotel U itioutud in theataut street, b. Iween Tenth and Kleventh; running Mick to 4400rn etsatttlint entireaq_ease r eekli mgo' ltibm as imiimodatious fo r ?6O parsons. This Hotel hu mob to render It attsaillys toile Traveller, &Ounier and Citieen, being dirndl, op. paddle the Academy of Flue Arta,—Farkinsup's (h, den and Saloons, and he one of the mom ptgasant and flutdonable planes on ChoutSitotti,abo, in iLs Vi•St oo 4 4 fitsq" , plwu of ansusemost. , • ' The Rooms eve large, alit, and well retaliated, man_y of them have eommuniasting doors suitable for mid Partly trateWng together. n. Furniture le entirely now, and el the risosc tospms al mabritatig all the laterandern Hotel hoprote manta. poutiatiy to the 0/MtAillalheade di. oueginetrom the city, being only one square distant •femutbs groat Pessasylysain Railroad Depot, and iti oentrel and plea eut lemettune,lendors It ao de. 'livable for the Xelohant, as the Tray ure. - 4 0hoseipeolitriotir DrAllarness to wormy pnesengere to mid from Ibus hotel. Thopmprletor would Mao beg harem sire *Mier, that be will be melded in the mum meat of this Now Eetabliehment; by Mlll ti 6 L. Neck the tat. popular Proprietress of the Yellow Springs, Peer , who will hare the whole moil wain charge of the ' Ladles' Department, and by ihrrki t W. Mutter, Tate Saperintentlentof the Rt. OhaW Rotel Pitio burp,Penna. ;Later this arrangement, the Proprietor letters Atwell' aught wliUeabl.t. previa, ter every wow, and establish the Ithareeter and reputation of the noose so striotly en, { ChM hOblii. route WM. tr. CAMPBELL, Proprietor T'o 111211CRANTB, AIL- OTEZIs who aim ittgagedin the pie of DEER AK INS, and all dooMptko - of FURS. no mabserther being enutudrely • • In the litltes all who have Noah *Moho to dispose of to • his a gall. He pays the IVA market price a swab- It Would be well for our eaters to smear bei that I pay them welt, - sad iglteithest tbe full value of the slaw tliey have to Ceres of All ociallunialitlOn. plUnieS t a~ed to. 1 1 • . . ,141LPLEIt. ins (treys Mills QM IGRE Z - avec 000000 to. aro. I. Miami, DEL.EFOIi TE L PA. WHOUSIL - 11•XD Rrrui DIALIIIIII IX . Drugs, Modielmisu,. Psdautery, Olie, Vw rit/Mos, Dye-Stalk, Toilet dosgs, Brindles, Bair and Tooth Brushes, Pitney and Toilet Artislet, Tranvia and Alhouldor Druid, earths' &oda Clustmassa it ladagr stock and allsokl at **donate MUSS': GriPariono and Plirsiclans Dina. (kit moth y aro milted to examine our stook. toy% MrIiTCAL CIAILD.-DS*l. MOLDS respeettally Infolut Mate= d Jaeheee vineo Old of the tereoheeex Map r ibht he boo poftate•atly teamed et Jar I. • proemdin, medleal or httrakaal; tet nannetable Hellalio prepared to Insert LW/kW teeth al cording to the Welt Improvements, and Ik ‘ a town appeo►ed fry's', sad to peon* ail other operations in at44l Barger, In good style and at mendable rated Thankful for past &Tors, he hopes by prompt at tootton to business, stIU to merit a oorttlnuasee of a share of the ptblio pito:maga, Q IV , him a trio! Ho wishes tebrho or fell onlyissiste - storits and skid dear. ,10,18-ty ---- --431atuvoirrit LIVERY I ft ESTABLISIIMENT. The auboaribor would noopootrally Inlbrok tho public that he is proporod to 111000111111041411 thorn wlth'S . Olig SE'S and VEHICLES at %Ira ahortiot nodes. Mistook of rfonoo ar adopted for spied and grootlenso. Thd rabbles are neat dad_ d miles. gdcffil *dyers *a Myra 441414"48m whys pbral • Um *Ale id reapootthilii 1 • 0 1•“ 1 " . RICUA EL 1111.11111; op.' C. nom N . , NW FERX—PLISTERING, &a.— The subeoriberatespeottully Informs the olt .• of Centre itettitty, limit - they hare oaten= ise•partnership in the PLASTEEINA Au In every vprituy a style--Whtto•washing, to' All businces entrusted to them will b,. Adtl 3 fally and artistioally performed ln theletateuntassuunt nn nvxleratet-Wriors - AA WORT:done by then' will be warrented when they Walsh the tiaterEalbt of when furnished according to their dlreatfens. They ere seller, Industrious and obliging—al A v. WWI • Or. eild/ ietoid ' and - pristaiss votigooii. they solicit - a share of the publie pet O. LA In% C. BUR . augl3-2m • VAL ETABUZIUMILFAR Ks e list Ks 4 es to illipaaibf • ••icilstfug of ONE I m un om geTanly-fivir or wikkh - to Z i a T . T. improvmento tharni n Aircl -rt . • • 111BW B BARN. A iiptendld YOUNG ORCBARD. ?be "'arm is la a blab sue of cultivation. For paraw. slant enquire of the subscriber. • _ 4 lO -11 'VALUABLE SAW MILL FOR SALE. IVilrbe sold at Private Bala, jik soluble .01 .111411 1 -mith Oxon RIXTF.EN ACRES 011' LAN4 I pert of which is TIAIBM, and eon bia eoltivaltd. it is ',Misled shoot one mile north .of The mill 111/ an overshot wheel, won ealentated fo sawing plqinering Laths, which lmo knotty wants in this noighborhood. Lumber will 'be taken I poi - Went. This in a good animas fir any per. son wishing La makes good Investment. Apply at A. PARTPRAUE'S Marble Woks my 7 &tt 4 BUEL, Dlanntentotere of • 7 . olVir AND CUT CLOCKS, AND all Willie univ AND trit4:o47lAClfilvzfß4,,„,, tw•Tutninjg end Ming intros, Tin" , ra . "'""" Ilteekeratthlng end tepetring promptlr laretnitedla the very bait Oil* and reemenoth - 4/11.104 itOOTB elm mon— lino hook of Winter WA, lan4wa, tw dents and ladies' wear ; alp, Hopi MI nd Id id rens' Boots ant Vheea_ , fur 14 • by I. 'AWL , pale' Mu 4*Fir-lifitos&** A 441 11 0 IrelPfuvio ?WA ant. .fr"."4lr , lrsxll,olr_ •