Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 05, 1856, Image 1

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WAIL Jury Amain Jiranoi TO ALE,
..,„44111111 0,90111*1 DZILVOIIATIO, NVA9I3.•
• .
PRINTID M1D,11101.1 BD ETXDY IftßiglitllDAY, BY
f. lt HAYS.
. : .
Tliftlta—sl,6o In &draw, or if psi& within six
'---1------wriinthln' -- 112,00 - iiriirbic ()hafted on, all sulworip
, Mons running to the end of the year.
AD VEBTISEMENTB and Business Nakao Inftert
nd. at the usual rates, and story deserintlonwf
uco 73 WrIIEIL XIV
r BXECUTBB , In the neatest manner, at the knees
priees, and with W W
e ined deapatohLAnirrink
tureheeed a large collection of t i t o, we are pre .
I pared to sethtfylhe order* of our friends,
Bruit and *Aid justice to all moo of
toolltiver state or yersuasson, religious oc
radOt, (trainers* and koala! friend
-ship taii4a/Phatianr; onions - 41,4g cillianO4S- tit
3. Zha figitt Biniai and Territo to
"fieltiiittictor Moir 0201$ domestic affair,
...Ws. h. Freed,* and ersolity, the 'etiocreignr
'of the people, and as .right of the majoritiato
- red. oaken Mgr taillireanstitutionallyizpressed.
No. 6. .IToo66my in the public' expenditures,:
jl/4 sacred preesroatiots of pi bite faith.
o. 6. Freedom. of religion, freedom of the
pritee.atcd general diffusion of information.
. Opposition to all se . eret pm/Irina/ orrap-,
Stollens. and to all rorruptonns in
• :vVa 6. • 4 •61.6q61-.?...wr0ti06 •of Me Vert •
cfnmt(taitionand no 8414 fi r apts. .;
2,(04114,rifir4i or pride of came, or d
• _
. .
, .
. .
Net. 11. The;erestration of the naturatisato're
tare, and the right of all to tAt public domain
aetetthe protertion of the A tnerloan goverunevat
No. FR. Opposition 'to all ',gartered mope tiro
Ni." 13. Common brotherhood and goad to l!
to tall—eareeially to thole( of the household of
faitA. • . . .
Health say., that in our climates, fickle In
its gismos of sunshine. and its.baltur airs,
'eel, coquette it fier'imiles and favors, con
aelkeption bars avray beery`--year the *ma
"punts Of many social cirolos. Thu &treat
' aitd Vest are its favorite victimal Au
,eathco prvventien in this fatal disease
worth many pounds of aura, for whoa once
more, mocks alike medical al:ill and
- WSW narsini. Tf — fhT - a sox scull bo
induced to relard the jaws ipf hosith, many
Praci°44.et4Millilt 4*****4.-butpaatehoard
soles, low-necked dresses, and Lilliputian
_ 1 01%. * J 1 9.W Inittually the sestlitaLtt tatal.har•
Teat,. The suirstion of the following .I:Ai •
4e,i44041311101, light 19111r0 twiny with con
sumptiveendencire,fi'vta an early grave :
Put it on at °Die, winter or stutnner,
notldng better can be worn next the akin
loose r red woollen shirt , •looac," for
it hag room to wove on the skin, thus cadg
ing • tittination which draws the blood„,to
the surface and keeps it Ahern ; and when
that is the cuts* no ape can take cold ;
•ured," toe' whits flannel' up,
gather, and becomes tight, lOW heavy, Ind
istepervions. Cotton wool Merely absorbg
the moisture Croat the sorthie; while woollen
ilanneheonveya it &moth° skin and deposits
ietti drops en the outside of the shirt, from
stilled" the ordintitteetton shirt absorbs it;
and by its semir qposste to the Or it is
sow- dried without—injury to thet-Wedy.
liar* *so properties, red woollen flannel
is worn by sailoreeven in the midsummer
hottest. countries. Weariit thinner
Ina4rit4,lKum*r. •
. 1 8. - Thula, Axed by act of • Congress•fer
'Pa ,Clasantsr Corr.—Louden is vow go 9: 11 : 11 8 .
t illlo r /dating the votes at the elec.
t t zr:4 o being' i tiO cc Litr of os p se l : t of sid i e ta nty t n h ec e e i s i s m ar i4 y,tor 1
-greatest city in the world, and (Sr surplisses
allilec.iirsatr.ities.of.antiquity , _ _Act riling •
ca,_sad._ oLTice_Presldc '
to Gibbon, the population. of ancient -Rome, the Senate of the 'llnitcd States, is the A C.
i n 000.hoight of its magnificence, w i, 2.0 50_40.,Vectu ja• esday
electors in February, after the
' poin trnent f
' 000. Nineveh is estimated •to have bed 'al). The is no Conetitutinnal p o r
800,000, and Dr. Alcathurst supposes the the case where there M neither a r"it lb
Politakatien of kekin Is about 2,000,000. or VictrPresident 'elected or chosen, in the
Th .... of Landon, looordowto „ Ke a pawner directed by the Oottititatinn; The'
7 7
-to 2,500,000: _ 404.6t2 Set of freapcsa of 1754 toovidetrthst-tmder.,
tasees r alsre--shall •-bo-a neer
tatlngteen guided lb it daring the last - ten e l ec tio n ,
years. The census shows that it conteiss
307,7.29_ inhabited, and 18,389 im i ), Ibited•
houses.c •
Paris proper 104 increwd, 200.00 0 ia.pciv
ulation shwa Buis Napoleon first resumed
, ~
141044:14114--7:4-iiitter written
,fretri ,6nn
iVranthac t alifornis, aayp that $4O per
i natotrairia ariges_ for !Ltua,l6 &las;
ticarthiirllo writes : "It would astonie
you (9:A00 wino 'of 'oar aeiyant girls
prig 10`' Montgomery Area. A $Ti lguo,
dVells, a S3Q bonnet, gold 611aii t ti and
big match, aro not at- all ware.
• L'IL . -
Wildlaißigill-Ampalifes.--At a eampmeet
-111104 1 4g Gthiflats 11t ghatly Grove, Ten
nessike,,Abkirdive pomace who bad dined at
theletsgr Mt. were taken
siekisalp& usual symptoms of having
telculE 1104 gl)4lo.6AOCalqi died: The
rest lip pgygxfpg, and it is supposed tbaC
the polion was mellowed by a negro belong
ing .a family. •
Tltti NOT . ON POLITICA!, Par.ACllll , a l .
,Thn -001141 A, Post - says the Rev. kr. Smith ;
laf-threfirtvitttlitt on'tlialii-stSibliatTl:
in an attempt to grime° his people to Chris
pan labol., stated as a NIA that thero aro
i ll 'I
treet lest uteat'botiin tlio evaiige/-
ofk elf tlici!g On , new than there were
giirytA a • go, ttattilthitanding the largo in
crease' of pdpolationt ' -
- - - -
SOk f kr4lig Ago. when Quo:11114)rib re-
Anthem*, tyoltatalisit to her uncle Leopold of
,BithtitgliVage wax searched, a
ankh ant 'wee found. One of r
niaideriot 'suspected, althou
, ktillitil4 — gte Queen for ti
- hei'oWOliatnlitul9e. • •
. ... .
. .
, ~.... ,
, .
, .
. --...,.,.• ,
• • ,
; .
... ,
. t
' It
, ~ ..
R , 1 -
_ .
. .
rot rho Rratehmkan.
Ox SE, vp.R4.4. xxonkhanat ,posiits
M 44,1 late 07 4 0beitto
Thy santimputs on rierhaita'r
Than era Potost'r Im:rafted 'rani',
Thy ideas llkii tfie'arening star
Wbtoh blasos in the golden waft,
A sparkling ern tO pale the m&
I . know not It thintripArhright,
fOr we hate newer mgt;
'Perham:de dark Ikmay be Wight ;
I !pow , thy nilnd im
With genii, not brought from It.
,ought and tOttud,iarrialota'a
, Mine. „
*, •
I know-not if thy hitiw be fair,
Or if dark marli be thins; •
I knori a Wreath in twining there
Of Mamie Justly thine;
• ...Amd i until verge no readero And,
A bright Minimn lby blow rk all
And when no My may wi hoar,
A herrenly ettftll be Woe ; ,
While Voitinereni tear ,
•• Shall marig thy fines hablimen; •
And whepi dineh Meals thLltray's
- • ' &Menu,
.11tatoryihall twinalteirtilyi awala
paid Basta, liqo
_ .
*MO of Co'ngrcearo(wn thin etection 0f , h471- -
dent sod Vico President of the Visited
States :
The Electors aro elionen bitWe Votes a
the people cm the.first Tuesday After the
Ziliondsy in November.
- 2. Elect° II I I V •• •
. _
1; le. In; . , an. cast their votes. Thez
then sign Vireo cortificateti—send thit mes
enger wit‘ ono copy to the Presidost of the
S nate, at 'Washington, before the'llrat Wed
ntsedoy in Jentaryr—snother by mairto the
same -KirgOn, and the&third deliver to the
United States District ludge s vbere electors
S. E,seb State p. id by ; lair' for-4flling
any vacancy in the, : of ; tote, pees
sioned by absence;,. l '.. . i .I , eslgnation.
otther sleet • . 1 , , nrire gen
amity authorized ~ ' ' 7J' "Cf.
4. The Governorsig , ire , n ; •ii .to electors
of pair dectionlopirie *first -Wednesday
in Deteanber. 1 - 1 ,:;• IA -•, -
5. On the ie.c*.rindoeuday in February i ,
; ilengressithall - bo - paitin a . nir — Opeti'lli
retu r ns. The Pr . of the Senate shall,
in the presence of t E louse ol Representa
tives, open the certificate of returns, and
count the votes. The person having the
greatest number of votes for President shall
be the President, if such a number be a ma
jorityof the whole number of electors tip.
toted; And if no person have inch ma
tity, then Glint the Timmy having the
detest ntnnber, not exceeding three. on the
list of those voted for as president, the
House of-RoPrreentitises shell choose hum
diately; by ballot, the President : but in
choosing the Presidentlathe votes shall be ta
ken by states, the repreeentation from end
State having one vote : a quorum for this
purpose shall consist of a member or mem
bers trees 'two-thirds of the Stategoind ii,
'majority of all the States shift be iiiEssary
to a ettotco.
It. lf the choice , devolve upon the-House
'of Representatives. and they fail La make a
choice before tjse-4th of-March next 1 1 0013%ri
ing, the Vice, 'resident is to act as•Presf.
7. A Vice President May - be elected, or
chosen by the senate. as above provided, be
fore an ehastios'or *beim of President.
_lN:nkriEn Win _WAstitsarax.,-Mbito
Walgington watt at West Point, at the close`
of 177'3,ibitifying that' strong, posiOon,asia
"'ores and . Quiries,'.' ho bothought_him of
-i n vitinicirefrtat to a ing
./1T .
besides girintirpl
turn of theatyle of living at headritiaiteri, ie
More remarkable, since it is almost the only
ilahttattaa of-sportiitiWilting in all Washing•
yin's coqespouiletioa. The letter id as tot;
.4 _ _ • .
t roth' lloctor : Utley° asked Mrs. Cochran'
and Mrs. Livin
ro tston,to dina,yrith ttiOtti•iiior
vt ; am not in honor pound a p,. ,
priset en of t eir faro ? As rt hate decep
tion, even. whore the imagination 'only is
concerned,.l will, . IL is 'needles to prembm
that—tureeble a..ou h lt•kt-hohl - ther
In this they had ocular moot-yes
terday. To say how it, ix covered is more'
utimential, and shall be the purport of my
letter. Since our arrival at this happy spot,
we have hada haul, sometimes a shoulder
of bacon, to grace the head of tho table, a
piece of roast beef adorns the foot,..and
df*h"bf beidis '6 - Foeens, almost itnpereopti
ide, decorates t,lw centre. When the cook
has a mind to cut a figure, which I 'presume.
Will be the case to•morrow, we have two
beefsteak pies or dishes of crabs in addition,
ono on each side of the centre dish, dividing
the space and reducing the distiinee between
dish and dish totibout six feet, which
, he - about to lvu Punt al art.
Of late he has had the surprising magnet to
discover that apples will make pies, a it
is a qinstion if, hr the violence of i his,tflorts,
we do not gel one of apples linitead of having
both of beefsteak. 1r the Iddies , can put up
with Such entertaiintne i rt, and will guanine to
partake of it. 054 , once tin,, but now
, iron, (not itlconie so the labor of small ,
ingi) shalltil)happy to see them,"
'lilillt4.os74.ltoriotc.. The official 'retunts
have; heekreettived at Ilarrisbnrg. The fol
lowing aro the majorities on the State ticTiet:
Scott, Canal Commissioner, 2,7 71
Anditor Getters!, ,
R ro, Survdyor General,
. ,
In this ,illinapallty of%doenloito. apgcu
j bur/Si - We-OW called Pagenbach, where
4w,qiiiiireastaalgatthcKSgew ink heart
! istulitig.tnSlieroic (went took placo. Quo
aftiimOon it the early spring or autumn, my
lafia informant did not exactly know which,
in tho taw'eru , room of Ragenbach, several
. 11, q11,and women-laving asnetubled-franythir
viHago, eat at their wise, nano anticipating
what walird happen on that eventful day.
The smith formed ono of the worry compa- , :
, s A ,.
ny, strongsgo rpus mad;'irith a 'rcaolute
counionoircio lftfii doling mein,•but also with
sit 1t ioakitatureil smile upon' his lips that
, evertl6lo.WlM 141 V. hint admired him.
evit'dispoaed portion alluoineit him, fOr
the smith would allow nothing wrong
'in his - piese - nee, and it woo ,not aclvlitablo
j tV
haie . anything,to do, with !line eirdept in
pl'oper Intioncr. Ris arms were` like . bare o
iron, and him fats like forgo -bantams,
tho~loiv Gould equal his afrength dr body;
The biz re scsith sat near the door chatting
with piO,6hils icijihbors, tinbw-n?t wialq
litt . at Pico tho thior sprung opeu, and a
.largoAos ow c staggering-into,, - a
al w
eat, oicong, poirarfqkast, ' aifetw.
1 niniWfrighliruTiispect, his head w hint.
I doiin and iiis.oyea Idooitshot, his reds .
Einirji tocgtio•hangin hattw .ut of hi.
+ , • • cioutfleast eriteniti the
room out of which tlieielvas no escape but
by ono door. Searecly had the smith's
neighbor, who was hathkeeptr of the place,
seen the animal, when he became deathly
sprang up and exclaimed with a her
rid -enfet, Clued . Heavens, the do, •
Then rose an eTtery The morn was full
of men and women, and the loarnine.beast
stood before the otilt,entnince ; •po one
could leave without:passing him. Ile snap.
ped savagely right and left, and no ono
oould pass him without be i rng bitten. This
increased-the horrible confusion. All sigmg
op ind shrank flow the forjousAgg wit ag•
(mining conntenances. Who slicitild deliver
thein from him t The smith also- stood
among gieni, and as be saw the_ anguish .of
the people, it flashed across his mind New
ninny of him"happy and •contented neigh
'bora woutd inatie miserable by a toad
dog, anal lie formed a resolLtion, the like of
which is scarcely to be found in the history
of the human racefet liigh-iiaindedhchs Rua
nobleness. Certainly his , brown cheek
paled a little, hulltis eyes sparkled with di
vine fire, and an
_elevated resolution shone
from the smooth brow of the simple minded',
10:11). dr
Back atl !'r - tliundered ho with his deep
strong voice, " Let nosme stir, (br no one
can vanquish the beast hut f, One victim
must tall in order to saVe• all, and I will be
that victim, I will hold the brute, and whilst
SO, Atako your ososno.,!' The. sjnith
bad scarcely spoken these words, when the
dog started towards the shrieking people.
But lie went not fan " With tiod's
cried. the smith, and he rublied upon the
foaming beast, seized him with an iron grasp,
and dashed hint to the floor, r__
- Oh, Whit a terrible struggle folloWed
The dog bit furiously upon every side is a
most ifrightfainatiner. Ills look teeth tore..j
thi arms and thighs of the heroic smith, j
but lie wguld not letliim loose. :Ilegardlesit
ibe exoessive pakand the horrible
- death must *IOC
an iron grasp the snapping, biting, bowling
brute, mita all had escaped'.—till, all, all
were twinned. and airfoil. He then Butig
the half siratigleici beast from - him Aigitintit
lea Wall, end dripping with blood and ten":
omens foam, he left the - isynn t locking the
doorafteadm. Some parsons shot Ihe dog
through the windows. 'But oh! merciful
(Ind, what jlgtoovuo of the brave,- unfor
tunate .
----Weeping and lamenting, the people sur
sound him • ho
iiipaipse of his own. quiet, my.iciautle,
deiaT ap for met' he said, " ono oust
die 4n order- te-gievw the others. , pro not
thank me, for I have only performed my
duty:. • - " Vniiiia ai i vlead thT4 of me with
lure, and now pray for me that Ood will not
let - to suffer long or roiliTiiiiifh7Tartai
care that no further mischief shall ncetv
through me, for I must• certainly become
mad." 'lie went stralau, his workahop ?
and selected a strong chain, the heaviest and
'-firinest -fronr - his whole-stock. lie t,
i 6 hrsWit — , - 144Z - 4 7 diTtTtrituixm his own.
limbs and aroridd - 40 anvil se fir rely that no
power on earth 4 6tild break it. " Thelv, ^
Said he, "its done." after silently and sot,
emuly completing the work. "Now you aro
secure ; and I inenbnsive. 80AcmirjaliV.e f
bring me my toed. The rest t leave to God ;
into his hands L commend my spirit."—
Nothing could gaya the bravo smith, neither
tears, lamentations nor prayori. gaclneaa
seizedshim, and after nine days ha died,—liut
truly, ho died only to awake to a more beam.
Ati-ariel-g4rients - life, at-tb'e-right - hami -- of
Guth • Ile dieit u nit his memory wilt live
!rota generation to generation, and V't ill be
venerated to the end of time.
Scare!' history through, and you will tlnd
no action more glorious and ki üblituo' than
the deed of this Sitiaple.ipinded man, the
;smith ofiltagenbaoh. It is easy for noble
minds to - Elio like Winkciried or Jlartius
Cortina; the. high• Spirited Etonian youth—
but-to go to the mu:rind° with the ',certainty
of death', And- viomoverrhi)iiiirnaiiid - to
await a death sq'eiwail e du,ting „king fearftil
and days thatls to die apt opoo blit
thousand4imes. Autleueh a' death wee
. V
.i• • '
. , ~ • . e.
. •, • - . . .
„ .
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1 ~., ....,..,;,, 4 _ ~,•••.
.1 ,
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. ,
.... .
I 0 4191444 ' doh. ' , Such a li.. . A LEGEND GP THE SWIM Ai
the etanak. 41 1 . • . , ble9tfillte, tn,
Ttr hit - n4 • . : - ^,isisi':hii ;mem. th.craja a, lonely' ivaill close beside the lit
, .. , lI I * cotrittire4,,,.
—& ,
We titke the followitig ; onions narration
Irom an article in " household Works';"
-11--The owner-of - an - eitatn :In lhaneltealer,
'porno thins lo the flret-blthl t thin list Den ,
tory, marched young ; ti.;, mild hiif wifo had
'several 'children, and live together in a
quiet stato_tif happinoss Ceti many years.--;
A 4 feat hosineas 0f conic kiigti look-the li ii a -
liatiO •up to London—a -wilok's journey' in ,
'those flays, ho wrote andi , announced -Ma,
arrival ; f do not. think he trier wibte again,.
Ile tome d t , Ael be swalluwad-iii / p in -the abyss
of the,' Metrepiiiia, for no ifrienil (atul, dm 1
lady had many powerfulfhtindr) could over
nfor her what - tittibeNt ofitint ; the
irovalent_iderv 4 tvi.s that, iii o t , hail seen at
tacked by.sonia of the sire, &them who'
Iprotrikabout,infitogiti):4ol4 gat i!t• , had.
csisteipi, and had been- ihtly ' . Aii ,wir.
graiipally4ime up all Ii • • f seeing 'hie)
agalm-an4 tieroted h , rem If her
eltihfrel“--,antl-iarthey" , oi r tA .' . ' tlrcni. • Y'
enough, until the hair , . '6 ltott, rhea,
'lucent% tiieeds Weir , ' •• . 'he could
'legally take pois , . ~."0 pioporty.—
_rie , -3 - "qA ' • - ' 'r, . 1 77'.773 '', ,'
• ••:I- 4 nr . Imo t. •
(iito ;rusitu g
gentleman's keeping 010 heforo cite butt
mysterious journey hitligultut, with which I
think they were in-some way concernea.. It
win possiblo that they *cm still in exist.
vice; some ono in London might have
them in posscSsion,' Oa be either‘conscions
_ - snit irtipiiffsilE=E
AV TA. .
S 's advice to his client wit;
that ho should put and advertisement to
the Lintel= papers, worded to skilfully that
any one w o might liolet important doe.
ur q , s s 4inototskimgoopt..ttred;
, h. ono. else. This was newt - Jinglg
donel and, although repieduLtd. inte
for seine time it met - iviltrtio Redeem, 'But,
at last,* niyeteriorm 'atarre r
the effect that the deist were in existence',
and shdold be 'given 4.• F
. 14 only en - cret . '-
.. tain conditions, and to the heir himself:—
The young man, according - 15:prcetime,
ifentro - lor otrhouie
he was told .11 a man, sppiranthy awaiting
him, that he must submit to be blidolded,
nod must follow his gubTaime. Ife , w4ie ts,
ken through emit( beibrb he
left the hedge; at the termination . one of
these he' was put' hit - 6 - i Chttf;; and
cinTled - shoot - col eaare ; 'ha
always reported that there were many turn
ings, and that he imagined.he was set down
finally, not very far front:l;P; ikta i rtipg point.
When his eyeq were unliFulaged ho aria
in ?. pitting mon, with t‘keilit if family 'neti'
cupation lying about. A middle-4rd gen.
thcman enteral and told him - that, until a
certain On's) had elapsed (which should be
indi , nt.ted toldm in a particular!wpy, bet of
which thelength was not then, named,) he
muit strait to secrecy as to the Ismous by
which be obtained possession of the, deeds.
Tins oath was taken ; and then - the gentle
- men; wt-withont some emothisrricknowt=
edged himself to be the totasingiathur of dm
heir. It seems that he had fallen to
.ith a damsel, a friend of the . Oson witli
whom he lsdgied. To thil youst i `yrorisan lie
had represented himself as unesstied she
listened willingly to his woofsialind her
father who WAR a shop kecper*tife city,
*as not averse to the match, aktho Line
cubit° simiro • had a gamily presence, and
many similar qualifies,
_whiek_Aho shop
iforyper Abolight ssightinr - iteeeohria:lo file
customers.---The Larvik-xis 'struck-rtin
• ,
ttemetehlit Of a knightly' stow married'
only daughter or the city shop keeper, and
became the, junior partner in the husineita.
fib tow his son that ha hartlitrrer repented
the step he had taken :'that bla Wady twin
wire was sweet, docile indailhotionalg: Hut'
were thriving and happy. , fie inquired af-,
ter his first (or 'rather ho ehould say, hit
true) wife with friendly *action ; approved
of what she had done with—regard to bie-eB2
taj,e, and the education bf-hit children ; but'
said,that hvreonslidere4—hex dead to her,
When ho really died, Go promised that a
particular message, the nature of which he,
specified, should be sent to his son Gairret :.
until then they would not heir more iiT 'awl
other ; for it was of ne , Mee attempting to
. , ... ....waif l 4ll77ri e -Pl P oa:, t it tlmi :
oath did not render such an attempt forbid
den. I dare say the youth luad no great wish
to trahe out the father, who had Leen one
In name only. Ile returned to LancAshira;
took porsession of thu propeity at blanches
' stait-ozs,4_yases alapaed—before-he. .-
1 ceived the mysterious information of his
tatior's reel death.-
FLeronsut Wmagran,says, "Thena aft,b o t
two idcas•in the Republican party, the bro
ken head of Charles Sumner, and bbkoding
With-reprrd,brtge,t -diteasiriaigen.
demon, I will not justify the essault4out if
I had inadelhat speech, I should havalstkoli
cam to p;et an iron pot on roy head." • '' ,
rdsr-ornON DEPARTAIIIINT has votivcci
inform6o4 of the (tub that a midi 4 down
East was 1,451 y subjected to tho payment 'of
two hundrod dollars, on conviction ot n lmving
used a second.lmil postage stare contrary
to law. Dear, not "cheap postso)."
Mr. Aundrr-Surrtt,,(tho Loudon Eisiit.b,)
once wrotw-...inAn r hotel vioitorte
book, hfa
initials t'A. wag wrote , itoderidUb,
°Two-third! of tho troth." ,
• "11.1 RE A CL
• *.si4
L L.
The 'Marred- 10 fealifornia) - iffreirra7grfef!
an aecoiiiit of q shitrip husinekt,tiansac
;', ttlPhielt
"‘them_parts:" the Harald says -
A tail, rough-idkal, sharp-visaged, good
naturei. looking individual, arrived in our
city about a
_Veek__ ago. _fresh , -frowt--4b.
1 ' inounti t is," and pat rip at what might
ho called one of our third•rate houses.__The
rules were
. like those it most oilier eitib
lishments of the kihd, boarders heihgasken
11i7 the day. 'week, coy mend , iriha Polter (we
take.tho name from tho register) hid "eine
! the frock, with the utelerstanding
with t h lawllord that ho was to bei creed
t9rwhat he•calleil "ait:titre? at theiusual
4a- 'Perit wag nothing very imam* in
Oh& arraisgepent, (Oa not Mitt snit
altogether to the landlord's tiatiarapticm--
At the end of the second day, it eceu rred
LQ.ll'4, that tirhad Otero!) Sacramento for_
utPlirktlerar it'year, and, ks . a thought with
ipina alintidt ddfd; ite, without saying
a worel to tholandluni; disappesred. — rlle
spent the 'remaining pert of the week at,
Seprainentn,and risoleartlehrichaMg-Tionoe ,
'here just in liine td Ind the proprietor
unhotil* that% die Potter was 4r
one week'd board. It didn't tikbJi M long
• -
Salikis6 .; • IF
SCS yore, old broke out r i g nu,:a - s .
be bill *ex being silared, "tfit's al one tp;
yooul toke, squint it them 'ar
Tlim's your account sir," saill,ftlielnad- 1
lord, pretending not . to notice Jim' let I,:k
Jim took him: bill, and eying thifflzl§d:.
landlord as though-bo-suspected ,-
monigan," he broke Vet. , — -‘
"I went to see them are looks!"' .• " f
The lapdlord told him he *as ,skin . a
Mit i cif—tidititio outsider was permitted t .
pi o
i x
'..iim was satisfied XIV, that all 'was not . i
actly right, and ttiaolved to sts tbe _end. it.
"lii•ve and pen, ink - and paper," said , her
''ll grant to show you bow to keep booki.?
Ile to:oh-the pen, and; after having added'
up van ins small mama, made one' and' lian-
Lif.A.ta_lhst• amazed /initiletsl.4hii-lbllewiog
•equunt: ~, • .44 i..,
, • Jim Porter to Landlord—flikk
l t . •
1 91. Two dais board. f ..i. ea, -
1 Mdlord to Jim Porter —Deftcr., c . .:
' r -4 dale lost time -`• i. 0
1 ...,, Thar she is !" said Jim, * .
the slip of poper across the • , i‘ .. q . 1 'r •
din' to your wa2; - of kitepie- ',.. 'Mier
'shit' loWed for lost time." ~`,. • ',..„,'',
The landlord said nothing, lift , with
tistr.mi!hment - .
, - j:
." _ . i.: 1 C •
l'7Tott awn,"
Ji' a ' xiions to
r_Alefish r the correctness - of ' „bill, " I
tuck board by the week, you - l'''
"Y•e•s," muttered.tlic balf• )(ell land
lord. -- • -,.
• .‘ Ana tbetargaitt wits !hat f9ii 'sus to
,trout 9, for lost, time at die.,u 1. nine, you
•'• 4,
lur4 • ... . 1 , ._
' ..... IL" . '
c• l ui ' a b oarda with - you 'ur dityp-rgett
seal) - ''''7. -
•- ' ~ - I •
- -
" AA yep" owe ?pc. fet that !" `i '
The lattikosl took a longri,..rwindied
the pentpitatitin front lila land 'resting
his eyes vatahtly about the ceiling, slthelr 1
ejaculated— .- -- . ,
_". Now. I ain't going to be hard on you t'
said, Jim: ,o,' As you tbeti.verywell,"ind %us
I'm ithe _upcountry tu•morow, welf spend
thitAittliTislatme for champagne ter-died.
But ill _tell yen-cue sting,-landlord,'-' he ad
-4c4.-after 46 pines' 'ltisi weldd ugikeiaosey
if you would hire a cl6rk."
We are inclined to think it. would have ta.
ken ii6tinilber'or .4crks to make Jim believe
that the landlo,d. dill not owe him for, fons
43'g' .1 0 1 ,m1. •
i THY WORLD - 67 A . 1.1117141.--:-Thea is no
'community in the world so csia'clitially cos
-roopolitants instincts, vatoms allkl
tilertrees, a+
New York, says .. tho New .
- York: tedger: It repretieny every part of
the gtobct: Wirhave Tut kishaaloong, open
nooses, and reading rooms. Spanish &Ads,
It/Ohm-churches, houses inhabited only by
Chinese ;end , the lovrqr : part of the elty,
there is a gambling place, we arcylold, sup
-ported, principally by natives Portugal.
The Cults, the Emslialb_rid thClatprps• yr
dtimnie, bar;e also their special ro
wits ; so have the descendants of the
cans. If
_the Now York " Yankee" cannot,
with this condensation of the world before
him, Cut his eye teeth without making "the
tour of liittropo" he hi beyond ,all improve
is VIRT(I8 HA:BBB2i . ASV 7-18 A love 151 I
truth, justice an goodness transmitted from
piiirents to children Facts .appear to an
swer these questions in the affirmative. In
.7.lPaland it 101§Aiteu ascertained._ the cot-ot.
ono hundred criminal children, siaty,
horn of dishonest parents ; thirty of parents
who were mitigate, but not criminal , and
only ten of parents who were honest and-in
dustrious. Tho rule is, virtuous parents
raise virtuous children. Not Toppi than one
out of every ton oriini tads has boon li•orn Of
honest relikinus parents. the cbarectera of
parents And children aro nearly as ninth as
their feat Urea. :
Eifriossrir, odnes not d'asiei of+ spc ;king
your zuiad on alloceasions, but in doing so
when Silence .could be censurable and false-
I habil iuescu
; 1. 1 9f,i219if near the` Rhino t (
on the left Leo& below Bonn. This Lt paid
to hive heen the 'scene, of tiso following
`it was on Sun4ay morning. "ages long
ago," that the •• miller of this milt and hit
whole family, wont to church in.the village
of treeehel. , The ;mill, which Waif • else his.
residence, was lekitt charge of • servant
0( Liana Ilatinachen, yr .lennyia. stout-
Ileerle4laes, Who lead long livea' with him
in that capacity. An infant chili). of an ago
unlit fur chereh, was left in-bskriihirSe liko
wise. ' • . •
The girl was busily employed in prepa
dinner for the returti-of her fnasyer:entl
faly, 4 when ii6oaltitild enter, al l of a
auddeti, but • an old e c a it, of here,
-awned LLuinrieltalottelor... Ile, war ara_ idlo,,
,grkeeleaa fellow s huni lho millerAtad for
bidden his ho use,, but whom, Jeniaylaritk All
pbriufreity peculiar to her six,', l
&t ore him no Countenat . k.*: - •Shrtifttrglitl
'to see litnitnd she told hitn , so,TA and al-
I though in the midst of her work, she not
only got ltim' ,
soutething to eat at once, but
sit down. With as
let fall his
Plek oft 'O, my lass," said he in a Jo-
Ong masinr, to the good natured girl.
` " Nay, Heinrich," she replied, " your
back should be inure staple thau_odue, fur
you have less work to wake it stiff. I labor
d'Atillat.' ititt494.l444oll4ll4fre•j"woriew
mind, Iwould go hard with me an' I re
fused to do more than that for you_ j ,bad
enough though you be," - _
'rids wai spoken half sdortively, rind half
In good earliest; for she Inas Lou honest and
industrious herself to encourage and apprnve
of j4lgneso,-autl-rsuspiciourcourde ~af_ life
l in any one elsot,howerer dear to her. She
stooped down, accordeltgly, to idotc l iniLthc_
.'lll - , 'Xs 4ke was in the act of rising. how,
ever, the trcaCheroua villiiui dreg a dagger
from under his coat, and caught 'her by the
nape of the neck, griping her throat firmly
with his Angora,. to, present her screarning.
the while. _
4' Now; lass,' II& said, swearing out a bad
oath at tko,aaolo tinie;" wheru - 44 your ants.
have that or squab llto ;
so take your eboieett'
}rag she coottl-say. - •
" Master's atteoey or yourlifc , lass !"_ was
all ilWansu:4ob‘ithitafed. to her entreaties
and adjirations. Choose at once,"_. wits
the alternative offered hqr ; the grave or the
gold! . •
She saw there was no hope for tuvrey at
his.handol; 'and as ate s tw if hor native res
olution in:oltein•her bo oat. Like the gen
erality of her sex, the was timid at trifles. a
scratch was a alibi( et of fear to her ; a drop
of blood caused her, to faint ; unwonted
I." i°4l lPtai bel'itSwith fear in the night,
But The* hireitenties 'were aroused. by an
adequate sante, she premed, as her sex have
epee done, that in courage, itt,,s,tpdtintnce, in
preletteenf utiadotnit ist resoutites of ruler.
getiv,,, she far surpassed the bravest and
:' 3ycll, well, lfainrieh," she bald resign..
I o,ll4 , ±_w_lial is to_hamuat be. But
take the money, 1614111 even go along with
,you. ThiairiU tat be a home for me an
,more. But ease your gripe of my neck y_ r
little—aioterakreese TAfi9o
mote you hug me co tied ; and if I can't
stir you cam* get thdmoney=that - s clear,
-you know. lteelifed; time "preified, and if it
be done at all, it moat bo done quickly,
the family will shortly-be_ . ** - from er
lin, ruffian oilkaled his gripe, and gristly
jet , it . •• ms s. • :
note with his cupidity
“tkurr,",q4lo quick, qqick,: no
delay money is iii usAiict's
room.” '
§tp trjpitodip %Oats, ;airy as a lurk; ho
followed closely at' her heels. -She led the .
vray into her master's beil-loonis r and
ed - tdi the coffer in which hist money was
•• Ilere," she said, reaching him a knife
which lay in the tomer of the room, " tbi's
will wrench it open at once •- and wliiie.y.ns
are just step up stairs to
my 'tin it apartment, arid get a, few things
ready for our flight,
, as well as toy own lit.
14,e strings for the last dye years."
The ruffian was thrown off hisi guard by
her openness and apparent anxiety to acoo4 2 _ , _
piriy — hiniTTilte all egotists, he doe.eived
himself, when sel?-Ateetit was eertairtto be
his destruction."
"Go lass !" was all he said, but do not.
be long. Ibis job wilt h done its a.
lnß .r . • •
_jpeLrfflt-scor46. —Ufa,
mediately broke opal thp_Otesl,4lld was
soon engaged in remaining its - contents.
As ho was thus einplOyed,bOive - tiyr,
sorbed in contemplation of prey, e and ea
gerly occupied in securing it on his' person,
the brayeaicarted girl stole down stnig' s on
tip-toe. Creeping softly *long the Tiassagda, r
she spe,dilS , gained the (loos of the dum
ber unseabr. him, and likewise unteStit
Ttwas but . the work of a moment the het to
turn the hey-in-the 'gardened irk -hint
• " •
47 2 r.
prc r •
4, r
. i
NO. 49.
this—only p e rsones !within algtit c , 91 1 01011111 of
' Sir — "Tly; fly to thy cagier !,41 . 17 . 41. r.
tir o ! Till him we shall ail limps
he htste bark{ may fly
Tice . chitil who was et play , •
at once, obeying the energe,', br
the !wave girt, aped as fast
uoultrierry irluaoli "MS - VI
knew his parents would return trona. einpub.
lfanneehen cheered him onward ,}W4 inspir
ited his little heart as he ran. .
" Bless thee, boy, bless thee'!" the VI.
claimed, in the gladness of her heart.
She'est down on The slime bleno l / 4 .by fhi
mill door, to ease her over-excited. *at
sad she wept et the thculiht of her 'holoPf
deliverance. N
" Thank God," she'ejscuhoted; 'a4hatik
Clod for thisseeape. Oli the duedliyilliew
owl I so fond of - hini, - too."
- ^ A-shrill whionlo from. the grated window
of the:ciartiber, in which she bed adoet
ruffian leitorich,"cangist her e".c i. wit wide
her !ten at once
- 1/Dettleer ! Deiratti V' - she heard
-" ekteh..ttmersttild. snd essltt4:lofog:,
lam fast. Come llithrr S Aires the blir
here, s'md kill the girl !" . •
She glsneed hestily• up to the essetieul.
from mhieh-tho Imprisoned villlsn's
some ode in the iffetiellis, Ind •
then looked snxioustr after her intent - mid
dery The little messenger bald on his way
unharmed, however, and she thug,' tu.
,herielf the' atarm wad a false one; raised tui
' excite her few, and overcome her resolution.
Just, however, as the child reached hollow
'NW in thomext field--the
in, t the eat or stein
mer— she saw another ruffian start up from
the bed of the drain, and catching iii' la
Bryn nine, hasten towards the mai, in some
, dance kith the directions of his accomplice.
In a moment she perceivod her danger, and
I hi a moment more she formed her future plan
of proceeding, 'Jletr. sting into the mill, she
double lucked and bolted the door—the ads
apparentjnttance to -theedillee, every other
UIC/1111$u( obvious access to the windows be
inn by means of a strong iron grating fixed
against all the windows, and then took her
post-at the upper casement, determined
wait patiently' either her mseterrs retina sad
her counsel:meat &livery from that der
, ens psnntipn, pf her clrnde*teli if it frectiii!•
tvitsMe: •
" Nevcr,':mdd she ty herself; " atm shfll
I leave my tiutstees house *prey toauch
liana, or permit his propirty •to be curled,
of Weft my eyei by them, while I hers Bp!
and strength to Went) it."
She bad barely Limo to aceine• *RN
within w hen the ruffian from without, bol.
ding the hapless child in one hand, and a
loag shaillenikt in the other, :weight! th i p
door with tielcs and cursed antlintpcpqitions _
of the moat allesitlful character.
Confound thee," he cried, applying the
foulest epithets of which the free speakiag
Teutonic fengusges drltoo copiutno
the door or I a iltirysi it in ou ye!"
"1f you can you may," was all the I*
ble girt replied. ' God is gleaner than yea;
and in hiM I put my trust." '
" Cat.thc brat's throat," roared the UP
misone.! ruffian above : that will fling tiqf
to reasint." -
Stunt.hcarh.l.l sa poor Hannechen was, ab•
quailed at this cruel suggestion. For nio•
mcnt her resolution wavered; biefi Pod
only for a morteent. She ass' that be t own
death it as certain if she admitted - the' assail-.
ant,and she knew that her master would-be
rubbed, She, had _ reason—to liople Nast
even the life of the infant would he epienal
by her compliance. It was to risk all agalast
nothing. Like a discreet girl. she eons*.
.uendi held fast in her resolTe ip &bidet.'
. e, was white Ofc reitesinixi, or until 'w s•
lance should reach her.
4 . Ah, ye open not the door," shoylvi thl,
villein front whim:rut; accompouning his words
• • • ' '‘ • • k C attest ha.,
precationt. "I'll hack this whelp's Hestia
to Ocoee with my knife, and then burn tho
bill over your head. 'Twill be a meal
blaze I trow.!'
"I put my tnist in God," replied 0 1) .
dauntlem girl ; —never shall 3ou set_ „tosml
.rbot erithin these walls whilst I hale life iv
prevent ST." -
The risffiain leid the boy for a moment ,
upon the '444, as he nought tot eopliesi,
tildes wherewith to execute thieletterateak f .,. s
teekinintarrli-IM 2 enpied. perhaps , 7 -
possible elitide,ititio entrance to the bending...
It was a large aperture in the trall,oomet4 7
Meet)* with the great wheel and the ot.low
machinery of the mill, and wee a POioC.'rti7 . :i
tirely unprotected, for thy reason Uwe the •
milk" anent:ants had DCVOS' 811145617.77"---'
inn' for any one to seek admission through
such a slangecouto inlet. Pitted with hie
diacoyery, the ruffian' returned to the boy, '• ,
11n4, tying the hands and feet of thp Odic' " -
throw it on 'the Freund, even IA alsll 4 ote
will aing,s, landstdeatined for a
-- nattittellinipiali — Tyng. et 00
fork to the "mixture, by which he bopeettra's
effect en entrance. Alt this was unreen' "
the dauntless girl pzithiu ;
_I.. • ' •
In •the *connote •hos unuflomes heir"
Lueescre_ cogitations.., She
• ised tiuktrio peens would be LW. - 4,1
to igroOrain 'ouirsiace, and ice A insorn: '-
exclusion of her fee de peosiod bit 9 • •
Since. A tirught *book tpor.
- rt is AT&T," gaia'sh4
n , .... 7 - ,