Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 29, 1856, Image 1

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    ' 1 "!tro•i ,
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t AINNIAL'Apar azsct.nreritne to Att.
.iprairrihsteipmr, ,orroirtn 20, 10136
..jeKtilicisi Alto ivrpt4:lll,:tr,
, ••
"1 1 XIIIMIES-411,44 In Mennen, 0. It poll wltPlr sic
. fbattaithillt #3,00 will ha elhi,„od on all subsor4
dons Kneeing to the odd of •Yo year:
r'eADVIWITHEMENTS and 11,,,iness Natioes Insert
#o wit* rates, aml . ovely iliwerlotian of
o#3 P Xt. T 7.YeT wl" IN CA-.
44$1:1UTED In the neatest manner, at the hares
prv i eg, and with tho u. wt de.paloh. lla log
patfraialoett a large eolleol foil of -type, wo aro pre.
mad 4o oglefy the orders of out friends.,
No. 1. .Nogg . anal t.tart juttito to all ozra of
tioto 00 ?cram, :son, reltgioqf or poilf.
• NO. .1. „regal, rommin;e and honeet friend
' all nations . entangling 'dila NC4 , 3 wtth
itaV. S. TA. right of Num,. and Territorite
biisiir their own dormestie nAeire.
Jya. 4. "madam and syna tier, 444- "wearing,' ta
'of foto people, and the right 0/ the wra~unty to
nap, le*** their o otitolionally e.tpres.ind.
Woven's, in the r inthlie I ro,
/an? sw
a ard nyeerrat toll. 0 Inehlic faith.
/Vb. 6. Freearels.MT - freedom of the
IOWA" &Id !rehired diftcriora of in fortontion.
IR NO. . 0 So all serret .1 Of ga.i.
iihf tbrif eorrnirtinne in polettre,
11t. r0 0 4 0 1 1 Preotrv.. l4o t , of the Federal
•Creetg gosaum ,ea No reti l reons trito for affiro.
'No. No iderot,y, or i ernde of or n'is
itiortion of Meth, amen , : A inerAran
No. 10. l c.eict and in otortion for it,. right.
• ' qtr
No. 11, p . r. Terra, 0 0 01 . na tnralszalt'ois
flaws, all the ri ght of oil In Oil ruldte done,
N , ppeoeato ,
o. CAM tnOn brOtherbooit and good 11'111 '
4111 , 1 , -4epottially to tkos •of the Aontrhold of
Prone 111180.1/ I resp!rt the lahnridg ma re.
Jr es Ms fatraceion of the soe.ith tier,
'formic"; mu! tuts I ree lahfirer. of the North de
luirre respect loth for theis probity and thrtr
•td/ttrnue. ilasYso forbid that I shoold do them
serv . Pgl Of all the cooleariex an the earth, it.,
44,04 14 hare iliss most consideration for If., la
,rllmPriNg amax,-I.ll.cuAxAS.
r -
ielerffritiarri h! , Olore lin tiro j to ufrte eln rr
.441114 mt put befit torortiotao . to eoltrolfTe re red
Vire f rif Ilottit. a.attuat. Irelstrautt 4.4“
ti tot *kr 1111011alld 11)LIPT , ~,11 as out *apt,
.tafr anAtlvi burr.—Duen Ax
resilitry is tesuAl to, osreroits ' , h err in
41111011111111161MdS MI gnats': reward LIANAV
AITABVIT recur t,
I rend method of smelting, ndopted in Eng
...l4s64:nounisifi dD dividing the 'intermit bore
Pe that it vr they phall di:birch, a dividtd
-;x410 1 1 24..V1Nt OF2 l forc,jalf,of blast, iikito the in
ir through thu 1141114.1 tho
pre!sors. temperstutoand geiOrifl quiiiitien of the' respective jets be-
fug either alike or dissimilar, as Me) , be ad
risablov sod of such form and rol ' ivo pro
liortiikasits the pin:s(lller circumstan of tho
flume* end theteriale Dray. requi . Thu
throat and month of tho - interior r ilicr,
_ __..-throleb lo , mnlitha &composed Mastap
~. Intti#teitzeosphere, and of so much f tho
inler:Oechamtier as !its above , the lx)slirs, is
tiortstbkeil of • breallth i final to or in ex
t tom t it the chamber it th'e - upjler bosh
l#itto c t ' arca in the plan section tepid to or
of the area at the upper bosh line.
I I fhitiotin i attlie Jet and the intensity of the
11tlt~t i ColiV red by the respective, divisions
P itihedrded'nozzle-pipe may be varied by
'auhititt ling ether nozzettl'iipparently (Fri
and the genet - al dintensioni of the noi.
lilitelefite may be adapted to local ciretini
`litinag:"By - mearn. of the Carious improve.
nionta i lairorrCd In this plan iron ores are
ine l lietl'lNiOt'gi•cater economy of fuel, blatta
erials than her,tefore, and live
- woo deaktiptioil is smelted with ,niv
'or bnoodiet . ` ctool, which heretofore has hien
toonkod'bcforo use in the blast furnace, and
finetluality is Followed Nvithout pas
the orillirough the in elintinary
Iron ot &Oblation, which has heretofore been
ancomplistied with the ores known to Rode
'Rigs ail the carbonates of the coal foircaliohs
'AMA tb practical smelters as the clay band
Anal black band iron atones- ' nth; mode of
Topottstion is coming into extensive use.
pprrsair STATKS OSTAACI3KI).--Is the Black
Aerhficatt anything (says tho Detroit FI re
Pros) but s sectional party—tho land of a
Fey flit Ocuerai Washington and' nen
/41411°01. Le their farewell address,
oeuutry to *Vold, rocks uLxm
amfoderaey would split 1 Is it
iwaytithi ciao, either in itt organizations or
4.-0444111 ta nit See. TWeive States
net ropresonted in the Convention that
01?gli,n,ate4 Fremont , . Cifwen Mates could
,not ; Thee he elected, have the sl ightest sym
pathy with his administration, nor take part
titir.ollllNl7of the government. They
11101100orittosny oatratdand. War would
IW6VOilplitade upon their institutions, and
Otaig.twOUld bare ptyotlter reennrces thaa dc
141111 tis *Ohl to ecititemplote t h e then pos
.4 SW ensuing st ate of things. 'With a pen cr
throoe-greater — than Oar throna
itself, holding to the doctrine Oat there is it
.kigher law than the'Constitution, what would
4301040 1 14 putrunteeo and constitutional
- 100Tokft tat the South i ,
n'.41414111364 tnoekeiy the, Philadelphia
gourtloa ittssAved that the- Union Audi LK,
presentee Why, the political history of
.440 11t3f engineers of that Oonventibn is a
*story of continuous &amanita upon the
Union and of persistent denials of the 15,frid
tnivwlgatiou of the Constitution.
pe mom thou on this continent when
1 . 1 tration shall be borne iota paver
'42 . WOniii of ftclional hostility of eno
-half of thii Stites aFainst the other half of
the States of the Unto+,
. .... . . ..
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~--1---- , . BELLEFONTE,, 'PA. ; W i rl:lN Lt'A' ' i AY; OGTOBEIt - 29,, 1856. ' -. ' . . ••., • •.,
l in ~•:,. ~,-.neh of Oil.i '' 'lin) bill wits then retittwal to tho Senate. '
.t , 7z. r'
... • e ' and that body rteilic.i by the following. vote
'li . E ., a!' a, pt) f i ,l'a r 4 lllesais. Allen. Ilidtiv ,4 ^ '''
rlinit fat, this year, elections: haye" been
sixtesn)*tntes, twelve of which have
been sitteyisid the .144xiocra6i, and fout.h'y
the opposition. The following ,table pub•
fished. in the Washington Union show tho
electoral vote of - these States
North Carolina,- - 10
Missouri, -' - 9
Arkansas, - , - -
Alabautit, - -
Texas, - •- - ' - , 4
Delaware, •• 8
Flonda, - ' - . _9 8
Comicaictit ? 6
South Carolina, - - • - '8
l'iluisylvallitt, - 27
Indiaita; • - • 18
Tows, ' - 7 ,
Vermont, -
Maine.. • - - • ,
Obi°, - .7
Democratic Staftes, . . 108
Opposition States; • - 40
Democratic electoral nisj• thus far, 58.
Assuming—and it in mi assumption which
no sane person' will bedisposed to dispute—
that there will lie noBtatos
whial4,lisvo been Alca•4ll,4,4 4 enaa' otr"
column, WeilvCr beloW"ch 'eatrnairOr t •
pr:ohalde result of the cleckien hi November
next, which. our mind, has all the "sur
roundings" of certainty:
States in which elections have been
held this year as given above • 418
Vii - • • 15
-• • 7
Louisiana, • .•••••• • •—• 6
Maryland, - - 73
Tennessee, - • - - .• ,
(lot in, - • • 10
New lltunpshire, - • 5
New Jersey, -
California, - '• -
- - • 11 . 1
Michigan, - ' - - -
The above shows a- franil total •oT 'fifty
more olectoral votes then are - reirdired to
elect Mr. Iluchanan, We believe that his
majority "sill exceed, rather than short
of, tbo figures given, as his'ehanees to carry
scevirtiralier States are fully equal to those
of Mr. Fillmore or Ms. Fremont.
Tho victory is already ears. provided our
friends remota In tho field with their; mins
in their hands. Ler tea Democrat qua the
rands under the stsprontrtran that his services
'toil got be needed on November: nest; Retry
vote la needed, if not to ieeure victory,-at
least to swell the glorious triumph that
awaits us.
/, 01 X TUX P jr . la Itte X tra, tll
cannot, be kept too prominently before the
people. Wendell Phillips, a distinguished
Abolitionist, irho is in favor of a
dissolution of the Union, in s late speech in
l.fassnclineetts, said
There is merit in the Republican party.
It in this`—it is the first saional party ever
organized in this country. • • It is not
national, it is sectional. It is the North - ar
iayed against the South. • * The first
'crack in the iceberg is visible ; you will yo)
ear it go with a crash through the cc ntre."
While our American distinionists thus•see
merit in the Black 'Republican party,' the
London Afornin , ;. Chronic/e, one of Queen
Victoria's organs deidorcs the election of
Mr. Buchanan kn. Llus rca,von. It said
‘.‘Ve should be sorry to ace Mr. Buchanan
elected, beCntriC ho is in favor of pre4wrsing
the obnoxious institutions As they ,
Therc is no safety Cm Euroytan 0104151,4 i I
governments if the progrt tivnVr spit it of the
Democracy of the Unit«i Btates is allowed
blow at the Missouri Compromise was Btruck
by David Wilnuit, when he introolared his
famous proviso. Had that been adopted, it
would have virtually repialed the measure
without any fuvthcr act of Congress. The
Ilistiouri, Coo - prat - 4c only prohibited sla
very north of a certain line, virtually admit
ting and sanctioning it south of that. Wit
mot'a proviso prohibited slavery every where
in the ttrritorien, North and South, annul
tug tho'CoMprotnifte of 'course: Those - Who
voted for that previa°, cannot consistently
say one word by way of disapprobation,
respecting the final repeal of the measure
they had already voted to annul.
Tait Ni'C YOlit
I Openly acense the Fillmore party in Venn
syk anis of treachery, innineotity, base
;lois, and tee know not what ; they 'wheal
tatiegly charge upon them the, intention of
ddeati»g tho'Firaion Amalgamation ticket,
because- its anocess would have been claimed
nc tt. Fietnont victory - , as in tfitrettlio VI.IoNi
and Anse, where the Fillmore men voted
with them ) but got no oredtt for doing it.
01 1 1;14311,-1qm 'lvan* Herald
stalks that a wedding dame ott at the Court
Muse, one day last week, in which the bride
was fourteen and the bridegroom seventy odd
years of ago. They were both ohildren, the
one in her first, the other in his seeend child
hood. There were present at the nuptial,
ceremony a daughter of the "old gentle
min" as old as the bride's mother.
rti; ifitairottutrwa how rapidly "bleeding
Kaneas h— hieW "dried , up" ainco the Pennsyl
vania • oblation. Cltio ) t the' ehrtokers open
another yen!
Note by tit; Antlor.-1V hot' tho board of inquiry
On .99A L Ireonontl! hoonunOrriikee l filitiliinV
that 111 rAW4Pieli'tito ad ninny onttln, hd proudly 110-
piled thlat ante nededaary to out off *the supplied
of the ettotny."l
Down the Snoramentat Vefley Conti - CO. Min C.
And hid toddler' followed after, and you may, but
3 on r It •
"We must, coptiner Cullfornlo'" win', gollnitt
leaderta my,
"Anti we'll do 't without blot:tithed, fur lift t i s lo
!moot," Bahl 1.
"Now look ye, men! yur rummy tort porieh fade
fr loodil he tornrn rn fight uchu flute iiiijrroli to mill
W• must out up all hie crttly tad etarvo him hiwo
'the land,
For without bed, 'tie very plait to Mexican can
• stand."
Bo bo ammo to Ponor Vallejo's, and enyo .4 3fy' jolly
Just auto up your' cattle, for I 'want than' ovally
Outepnko thu Don. In deop• didtrefet, "Dun' Moat
my beef, 1 pray "'
"Dry np!" amid Col. Fremont, "Mine Uncle Stun
° rill poy."
23 ✓
Theta gallant mightier' wont and drove the aattla to
the pun ;
"And now pitch rn ,". eaid Froinunt, merry,
merry noln !
On iourdigoallre funationa hang the honor of our
lud bo who /soonest eats a boat rujl milky She
_ landeatlrag!"
They all) Ilko Brat o mon, long end well ; oye, :ell
I ho enttle then
And (ho abdomens gtoW rotµnd of thee° g a llant
Frmapnt moo;
arnen 1 141111 , =1144=4.1
amt rK
Than, ,allying forth, they tnarohe,lawhy, the coun
try o'er mill o'er;
The I<lexte:irtsditilutid eomphtin, n. 3 faerfdlly they
irhel 4ri l tti l ig , gALZ U iu
eU1titt 1 14 4 44,1t.44440g01i
te r ra
For they sten the cattle, from head and hoi no
to tail
Thus was eon need 2alifornin ; for when the beef
wan go o,
Tho hlltXlollll, u naught to eat, and pOriololl ono
by one;
And the gloriou cutout oulillers gtow no briny
and en fat,
That cool* lean rot 't hnrnea, heeler , lie couldn't
by any recaps get 1111114: R:1111009 than Met
The Missouri Compromise,
'Lea.= - from Thm. "lokbh Randall.
In some remarks recently made by me at
Williartisport, i'antisy firma. I stated :
Ftrst, That t it Free Soil (now Republi
can) party . , hart Lever abided by the Mt :our).
Compromise.lad 'violated 1,14 pr vi ;inns
whenever it vras preheated for consideration,
awl had uniformly refused to recognize it
either in its !Oiler or spit it. •
Serond, 'That the Slave States hail, on all
occasions, Abided by it, am% Nut chills. to it
with th4i tittaillltteThasity, edit It was abro-
ated and repealed by the Compromise
Measures of Iliiiith i
Thtril, That Mr. flay, the author of the
Mippourt Cotoprornise, rejcrt ti and Ilintll
- it in Isso, when he proposed the
Curnpro•rnse 'Measures of that yea', and in
carrying out tl to m ::cure ho'NeaytOthd and
ansie dby Mr. Wetter. Mr. Fillirn,rr. and
the Free Soil mcnibera fro"ni the Nor:11, who
at that tune refused to a :ept the Ali , 4-
iiJiritnunprorni,e; - iftliniigli rl wet then, re;
it often liPl been lufnre, disbarly pr..lPrO4
by the 'South Itl a final and integral tirtllr
ment of tho whole thllkellty on the subject
of Slavery.
if arils, That : , qllllttkr flOVereigaty, R(4
C ..... 11.110(1, 1s niruply tLo light 01 the p•ople to
govent themselvc ,, nt the ' -11 ,, t-IoK Th a t
this principle, NO far /19 it rehi to clavery,
wan introduced lute the New Me,.lco and
Torri,onal ll,it* of 1 Kflti I Mr C"
n I t s.ll, proviah,wi in the Netawl,.‘ and
liamoN Act, of are ll'eral corer; of
the vroNlnions of I.lle New Memto and Utah
Fifth, That the agitation to the toihjert of
Slavery. wits commenced in the yo ar I/10, by
thu Free Soil ,rrty. without cause, at a time
when pu bloc Grant' tii ty prevailed through
out the eoloollry, and that the etliorrs of the
Slave States have been eontinnong and unin
terrupted to allay this agot•otion, amid restore
peace and quietude.
These pr ositions have been doubted by
I some, and denied by others.
My object was . to lay down truthful pre•
noises, and deduce from thein logical conclto
sions. Whether I have sacreeded, let the
record and facts determine.
On the Bth of March, 14'20, an act to an•
thotoze Missouri to adopt a Constitution, and
to ask for admission into the Union as a
State, was passed. After a violent struggle,
it wan agreed to admit the State, with the
following restriction on slavery
"Sou. ti. That in a 9 that territory ceded
by France to the United Staten, under the
na m e of Emulsions, n hich liemurtlauf.thirly
six degrees and thirty smites north lati
tude, not included within the limits of the
State contemplated by thin Ant, slavery and
involuntary servitude, otherwise. than in the
punishment of crimes, whereof the parties
shall have been duly rnoMetedi Anil` he, gait
is hereby foreioer pioi noted. Prot ii of
ways, that any pinion escaping into the seine,
from whom labor or service is lawfully claim
ed, in any State or Territory of the United
States, /inch fugitive ;nay lie lawfully re
ailt.T conveyed to the person 4:tann
ing- hit , trr -- iter - babortir service, as afore
Thin line of 36 dog. 30 min. was adopted,
because it was the southern., boumittry of
lfisseurf, raid the Caiprornint was intended
to say that no future territory north of that
lino should be_ admitted without excluding
Ile conformity with this act,
gentrltterself t,t the ole - it. Sesnion
n il B4 l o o, a nd the Freu Soil party, in utter
disregard of the terms of the Compromise,
and a le.gislittivo pledge, opposed her aLill.ll3.
Rion on the ground that slavery was permit
ted within her limits.
On the passage of the bill to admit Tills.
souri, itir the House of Rrpresentatives, otf
the filth Of 'February, 1821, tho ;l yean were
87, nays 81, and in the Senatu on the 28thof
February, 18,24 the yeas were 28, nays 141
A reference to the journals will show' that
it wan a strict party,vote between the North
mid the South.
On the other lilted, When 'lowa, a part of
the Louisiana PUVehltao..athilleil for 1011163180 n
into the Union 1 1 14846. pith ,tho' reStrietion
on Silvery, being north, of 36 dug. 30
the South mule no Objection, She was r a t:
ridged without Opposition, afid the p.n.s and
nays Were , not ettllCO
' *'Pmts. ' , '
Journal house •
Bl," 21st Dec. 1114'
l l 7 ottriiii'tlialdf
I On tli l e r lith of. August, 1844, wp were en
gaged in a war with the lfelnilalle of 3fe'xieo.
It had rinnfneneetl on the Bth of May. w hen
the battle of l'alo Alto it atkfought. sod it of
cour'se. engrossed public attention, end• all
eyes were at that tinie. tumid to Uen. 'Tay
lor and his brave Wife army". So far as the
question of Slavery 'wits o4nPorited, a per
fect calm prevailed througbout the Unittil
States, It has been sg.tlett t by the Als:4l,tini
Compromise Of 1820, and atlicovAlt the Free
Soil party had Lever recogoizial it. yet they
liar! not teen at that I.lint aldc to distill hr it.
Arbill was pending. bethre tau Douse of Ito- '
pAseutatives to apteriipviiite 83. 0 t 11.1 Mil to
adjust our ditlicolties with *exico, when Mr.
IS proposed the followg atuendirient : ,
"Proeu/ed,.Tha t 114 an i press and filn•
itarnental contllition to the a nisilion of any
TorritorPfroin the' Republft of litexiro by i
the United States, by virtu* pf any treaty
wlaiyti may be negotiated belfrecii them, end
lo ii lase by the EXCelitli Q 1 the moneys
herein approptiatetl, lieitli slaver
inor in
vontnry servitude shall) e.
ll t Srer in any
d i
part,. of said territory, ealtept for crne,:
' whereof the patty shall lirt be dtily eon
' 311.. Wick, of tlisi.issippi l inoved to amend`
the aniciiilinskt_ by itcuttiog, thettan, after ,
the TiViir; , Territory' the w 1.1.14 ‘• Not th of
30 deg. :10 win. north Iritittir•"
The amendment to the gunenatnenT nas
disagreed to —ayes 54, 'mew - •
'.l,llLstiM o rdicir 1 .
.t.l ' ri&r,i nil
in the allirtnatiyvv—yeas 83,r as 64.
So thq alionulmut Wag ' .4(loptC,/, (( . 011
gres , ..ionitl Chow or ii,;,'peo r ,,. , 1217 )
This is the SIMI lc that has 4tilvlleil 1.1. is.
. .
flame of foomiei,o, and bolitiooo,o,
41.0trtigh6.4, ittl4t , klell'hiertrfltct Itmri
yenr to yror in violence andlirnlist he either
ex tillgui , ated. or it wilt c maumo thc. Union
JL Wiltnot's 11111011t11111)11t y th 111(1
of thy. Ottlinalle4,4 I: . ,th of Jltly „17K1,
arlopte,l hy Congrcs,, widicr,tL at tiele..4 of
No subject has been morel mistmilorstned
than the ordinance of 1787. i Virgionl made
stilendel gift, of public domain to the
ether States by an act of her General Assem
bly, passed the "20th of Octaber, 1783, and
Comm s.. acevpted it by a:t ac: pa.isetrtlarch
- tit far as rfgrirriA Slirrery - ,ihr rtismicin t%itg
gran t(1 .and rveriva I utwontlititmally, and
ton:tined so until the I of July, .1787.
The unlit ance 0(1787 etwld have 'wen re-
peak,' at any time. It AN av , I (It bintliiig on
any flame l'oligreSs --it had uo "eonueetion
11 . 101 the 07 Villa, grant, and cnul l remain in
foreo no longer than the &Wain remained
under Territorial soverninnitti It wam
strictly oonfincil to the North Wcat ttrritory,
coil had no reference. to any reiritory.
I ti Policy was, however, disrttariled by the
:• , ta EL:: of North Carolina, south Caroline,
o:td Georgia. who tot bscor i tb• !mule coo
oiona to the 11 tilted) Meek A. JV - •
t Mlle terms as the North IVeskrn ton-i
-t pry had heen gra'ded., pith the ceeption
~, thr te 4 t 4 3etion on tilavcrs, wlra h UVIL of
4truol, out. and with
rnh.k oaf., l'ongleg!i, under Ow Pederal
ConsidottOn, aereph-d the. grants. thd of
the tit .dply gi anted, the StatAa of 'fen
neSsee , Alalwoa, e el.;
The Fusion Convention ‘t - ltielt at nnnlib
-at liarriltnarg• on thr•?..lttrtt - Itiqt,
atk - pted the Wilmot provisooLutl deprecate I
the rc peal of the :di,,euri Cowprouuso a
thou g h they ii e con3istent o all e:IC h
4her. A lecent call for drumie meeting,
login dby ILIA Brown anti others, MU
of intelbgenex and the highest respectelol
it). city, ado i ds the sit*dLs
crepancy. The 1111111ot Pr./AS(I44 a rip, al
of the Mis.oni i Craupromiac. The•Mii , ouri
ComOomise sari that territory /smith of :hi
tleg.a;" mica. may be 6131 u territory. The
IV :I no t pre+, no nays no territory tcith or
'nth of 311 deg info 'Weal Le slag I. r
ritory. And Cie ri jection of Mr.."
anniuditn. tit sliov. a that it waif an understood
by both parties at the time Mr. ll'doloCs
amendroeni) was litat adopted.
The resolution of Congress (passed March
.hat, 1844,) al.luattig.,- Texas, while owlet
col widerwt nut, again presenter :1 the ea tnt
Texas was a slave State, hot Mr.
Johnasho; of Tennessee, tproposed to
ttp,ply the line of 30 deg.:o ann. to it. It
WAS no unconditional coneos , oon by tho
South to the No. .4 without an equivalent,
but the hostility of
_oho. writ itrinut
pies of the Mis , euri Cornprombe was no
e4O that the Free Soil patty t oted against
Mr. Johnson's anterahnont. Tit, vote *33
yeas 11.8—nayx 10L—Journa of Ilousa of
ficp., pa -,o 2cil, Jan. 25, 1145.
In the year 1818.Congrre,4 cleated a terri
torial government fin 'Oregon. The 101 l hail
passed the Howse of. Itorewntatives, sod
whilo pending before the:Voate, Mr. Dong.
las, on the 10th of August, I S IS, nitited to
amend the Lill by inserting the :+ll4souri
Compromise in the following words:
'"fliat the line of 3G deg. "it min. north
latitude, known as the riliamouri Comproniise,
as defined by. the kith section of an act enti
tled.' Au Act to authorize the people of the
iNlissoul 1 Teri itory to form a COINtitttaLULILEgi
Slate "go'vcriliudtit, aiiilliiillii: iiiiitirilliliiiiiir
awl State tutu the liniomon an equal foot
log with the original Saliva, and to prohih ,
slavery in certain tecritoriee, approve I
„Van:ll.6, 18'20, be and aanua r. _Levelly.
declared to extend to the Poodle ocean; anti
tho r iittili seetion, to ther-viiit the w ,rito.
mire therein effected, is hereby rovivod and
declared to be m full force, awl binding,for
the fittive tog:wiz:llion of the territories
. of
the United 51.,it,.;, in the wino geWit), and
with the game inolertlanding with which it
.ac originally adopted." "
It was adopted by the following vote:
Yeas—Mesirs. Alohiaiin Badger. Bell,
Benton,' - ilurrien, ItorhinA, - 'l)rirsht, . 4 uger;
Calhoun, Oanieron, Davis , A . Muni:, Ilitikin.,
son, Douglas, Downs, Fargenilit" Foote;
Ilannegon, lloutitem limiter, Jehinton of
:11arylatid, Johniou of LounilAna. Johnson
Of Georgia, Kieg, Lou is, Mnaiguipi,„,ltlason i
:Metcalf, l'earee, Sehnitlan, Sprnanoe, Btiir
geon, Turney, and - Lindero , mil —t'4!
Neri---NOsitrs. Allen, Alilierten,taltlieln;
Bradbury, Breeze. Clarke, Corwin, Divis of
Alms., Dayton, Pix, Dodge. Fulah,ttirrono,
Uale , lialnlim Miller, hides, Phrips, Upham,
iValkeir, anti iVolister --1.8. --/etr . esat 9/ Sett-
4 .001
ate, riga 563, 10th Aug:, 1848 . :: • ' •
Cho, hill witi:returtied. to the Ile with
this ktnendment, and 1% as non-0 rred In
iry•ytina 820iiiya 121.--Journat a of
Rfp.,. U. S., mo 1245, Aug. 111,10,041, .
Thii" ittnewitne'nt, was rojected,hx,o, strict.
Free `oil party vote.
x, of Sr, (mg M, tC , 'itzgerftl,
groi , rie; Ifa liannegatt, !twat on,
Mjira, Pholpq. Spruance, Upham,
iValker, nod 1,V,,1,.‘t, r ---29,
rs'ava -111esgr,:, A trhingan, Badger, 11,11.
titll, laud. Tio,tlvr Calhoun, Davi; of
MagB I)own4r, Foote, I iimtrr; Johnson of
Akiyl.llo, ioltwm,i of Lalitniilft, Johncon of
orgia, I,cn is, 71aligtilAk, iNlnson, Metcalf,
l'unsve, !tusk. Codt r
wood, Westoott, r in d yulev-25.
The ttic ruin C , nturimii,e wax next pre.
serai' in tho .emmtut of 1851), in attoptiog
regulations for the goveintitent of the — terri•
ritory porell , rit of Mt Niro by Mr. Tlixt's
treaty of tinailtil;olpe
thi the 2Oth January. Mr. ('lay presented
eight.rot,oltitions us the basil of n
dement of all.quetttnnts connected with thin
territory. The 2(1, Aga Stl ,
renollitionq err those which arc material to
the present quentlon.
3. Ritsoir , d, That California, with nuitn-
Llp ought upon her applientioti,'
to be admitted U.S oril‘ of Staten of thin
linfon, w ithout the imp4ition by Congretoi
of any rentrietion to rontu+t to the ea-elusion
or introduction °lnlayer). within thou boon-
2 . That (1“ oh very Burn not ex
ist by Liw, and in rtot-liktutrfo he ttiltiitTicrT
into any of the territory aetjoirett by the
t:itited Btaten fiont the Republic of Ati:xitto,
it. in int pc , lient 1., C:ol%retiti i 4) plOVllie by
law either ('or ita introthottion into, or exclu
tiitityft*aii.y ilatt °raw mud tiviterx: , a.*
111fit , gittfoiNitok . Totored,ita Clovitinninlita
ought to Ns cntablinliril by Congreitin in till
of the timid tiiritor.‘„ ittlL nsniguett an ti bit
Intontlatit t, of the. poptett .1 (If Call
11Ia, NVltil ,, lt the :elop‘ielc •
non ur e,tnttilion nil the, 01. slasta,
That Colgrems power
to pi,liilttt or 4/1e,51111 the Linde 111 taiii beg
the oh i \ 11,11111 g tolls, i)Ilt that
the ntlniis.inn or cv, .11A11,1 11Stat eS !nought
oth one into anot‘wi of them acreittl, ex
clinv cly upon tour own-partinular lawn.
Thum tenth:twits ut.o efermd tO Coln
inittee of Thit teen, mho lop :stet' several
11:11 the Teiritori 11 Gonernment of New
Arson and Trull. They iinally 0 , 1
the Ittli day of September, containing
the lotion nig provt,ton -
•' And hoer,/ , ,/ further,' Tlin.t, tt hen nd
mitttd as a Siato, the nnitl trrritOr , y or iny
pur thin of the SOllll, shall lg• recent,' i li m
the 1 1111111, with or Nlltilull(,,:,ltot . t . r; nti thou
Contttitution prts,trlbe iit the time 1111
titrtr adtnwsinn
Is the prof' :tint) ttoirtimmle railed
"Sytd,.. tfri " It tt as flint intro
docr(l in 1 13, ui tllo rusolution plopoiiiiA to
\rg. It nioan.: the linht or Ow
people to rwero at the ha//ot-hor. It eaw
originally intendul. ait a nicknatne, hut I
adopt it..
It tins iottoducett tts n RutoAitoto to tits
Mottcluri Cvforrotoke, and ane so Under-
Btonct Itt the film' by mrticti.
thu 61. i, tiny of Fehruazy, It 50, m u le an vlO
- appe,nl to the &nth to abandon the
,;,1 111 c mii p t and adopt this i+eyli
ion nr n srtv,Fl
Sur, N lien I Wilt, t'lleagal hio.itroamt .
xidctaitto of idoa of the
Yttoproloo,e, is, it lia3 betni
1 11144 r rfl rerJe‘, - , consiEleted
I,y 10 , awl tinnily rrjtettti, ne in nib j 0,14-
111,iit Ives n of thy of III(' COllllllOllll.l Irtfltli•C
of 1.111 1 4 M Unice, than Ilse tiro:
ju,t, N lu h r to 3 our euntotielaton,
Mr date r %violo the bull vln, 1/Cll,llllg before
the rrnntr, jail:
"4 wish to hly n won't n renown why
shall Vote agnin,t lha nmetwinwilt 1311$11
to Against .l di g. 311 xu n. bt,rluse I I:‘,.
lhrir n rru Htlpho illhoti in it . 1 , till ride nu ,
37 dig. ur Iti dig either, hod as it k COO
venicut; lint it is idle to shut our (Tog to
the filet that here is no attempt in thoi Lill -
1%111 not say it of It intention of tilt :no
vt r—to 1,1,•44ti• this ti+nalc and Coll','M`Fs:t to
two iniagjoary lino of 36 dig 31) in:n.
eetusc there Ittl , '4'llllo hralnreral rid/et:tran s
coniiiieri•il with it iiirc 'aril to (his r17111.'00 . 011
,thuid )1/. 1 Kill content, boil' with
i,a)ing, that lar r i will, by rile ur opreck,
a l nit fir ea' nil toanythiaLf that may bind
the artriut ofoat Ir_ , ietlai inn hi rr'bi 'make ae
peiallrl of 3G de:;.:311 nun. the ha inedary Itne
bcf{e,co,, ttag. , aw e Ti re !et raw y. And when
C ,ay' that, f captain the reason why Igo
the zttitYtAlW..u.ts"
Tho South, however, -stilt rolitioueti t o
eliN to the Mh..otiri litie.
thi the -411thiif August, Ift7o, Mr: Titroey,
of TitIITIVSSCO, newect to strike out nit sifter
the enacting elattsu to the.toll a4niitWig Cal
forum. nod insert as follows :
" hen it shall be made to appear to tiler
PrOddent of the lignittd Stahl's, by 'satisfac
tory evidence; thatitlai pimple inhabiting the
Ti ninny of California., (or, suouch of said
Territory, RA IN eenuptised• within the limits
propiawil by this bill as the loin oil onto of the
State of California) itemeinbled 111 COllVee
tiell,Ye agreed to a line not further Smith
than the parallel of 36 deg. 30 nun. north
finitude, as the Southern boundary of bail
Sin e, and hunted - the repreouniation of haul
State to one Representativo until after the
next census of the inhabitants of the United
States, the said State of California may lot
admitted into tgeliniuu, upiiitthe Uranium:
timi of the President, upon an equal footing
with the original States.
Ste. 2. And,ec st further enacted, That
h e him of 31', 4eg 341 -min. mirth latitude,
known nut the ldisoouri Compromise line, no
defined by the eighth Section of an Art, anti-
Bed 'Au Act to authorize the people of the
Miswuri Tenantry, to Gull] n 1:011StItlitioll
alel State tlovvrimient, anti for the admissions
of such State into tub Onion on an equal
footing with the miginal States, and to pro
hibit. slayery in certain Turriloricb,' approved
March fitli7 1820,104 and thus:unit is hereby
declared to extend to the Pecifle Ocean : and
the said--eighth - aection, trigethrr with - the
Compromise therein effected, is hereby .
. 0,
rived, and declared .te he In full force, end
binding, for the future organization of the
Tell itorteo of the Coifed States, iii the same
sense and with thb. same understanding tt ith
Which it was originally adopted. •
Tho question was stated to be upon the
amendment of Itir: Torne,y, and, being taken
by yeas and pays, watt rejected by the ibllow
lug ve_te ,
Yens —laessrn. Atchison, Badger, Barn
well, Bell. Ilerriatplialitlaw,--Clemens ,
of Miss„ Dawso,ll yOWAS, Foote, lioustnn,
Hunter, Ita stun, Unarm, , 'Morton,
Plarne,Piatt, Rask, &ha-4am, Souls; Teri
ney.,and •••
Nays'-of .I.laltavin, Benton, Tiraa
bury, 'aright, Cass, 'Clarke, Cooper, Davis
of - Maas., Dayton, DiCkinson, MOO, Of
Wisomiin, Dodge, of Tom, a, Doilp.,las,Ew..
int; Feleh, Greene, Pule, flandin, Jon, h,
None, Struaid, :thiebig, Smith,
~e, of ru. JL ung., .
21, Part 2nd, T0g . e•1532.
tie determination of the South to mitten ,
to tho Corhpromiso %al not con
tined to ita representation in C'Angreas, it was
h fixed opimon of the people of the Louth.
'olitliern Cowet'llti.ll Vlll4 11(1,1 nt Nash
rilk, oh the 111th of lone, 11.50. That body
iiiianimmo,lytolOptc(l a Platform. The I lilt
lt ,, - ohition of that Platform (11 , ,inres that
they are "ready' to Iy:tilde:lee thin adoption
of the lines of (leg. .1), min. nohlt late.
lade, tendiny to the Pacific a.ean, as tin
extr(llllr. rnuee inu , 11114171 .0011 , iat . riti0114 of
II bra is dim to the stability or our institm
It ibo,ml,l not be forgotten that this (le.irt•
ration as made it laic the Compromise
:de:Mures of 18511 were penilinc,h(f4o Con
gress, and hefore Torney,lad hie
The Whig party teet:ti unanimous ill ap
proiitir, of the tutopition 1) , 1 - tile C01171111)111100
Alcostires of 1850, as a Nlthstittite for the
Alm , ;outi ( 'ouiprotine.
11 lug meeting, held ut thiv eity on
the 25th da3 of September, 11,50, John. B.
II ) cos, Tay,, in the (grub., I afloat a rasolii
tom congrattilatito4 the Cnton on this all-
Rpieious result, which was mloptoil ly treht
42.tileitt I. moic, Ili Icstnitonkl Me•'?age
at tho next ,tent of (Soup c , v eongtatiilto
tell the I Ilion upon the adoptoto of 111. ve
Illt'ntillfoe, an it '' /l/Itlii that thoteaf
ter quietude rt 1.014 be roittorcd.
The yltiy, l'ome teflon wilit4,-aa.,,oluble , l it
Baltimore on the lrth of Juno, toil
nontiontiel (lett. adopt l ,l the Conon Ing
-resolution, approviti of it:
Kt!,. Tbe.uneh or n of the
pen:lb, 0: .I,l3ll,linont (the not fur the re
oovety or fugitive , : rren, 7.kbov, iudnaid,)
are It evivcil and acquit:broil hi by the NV Lige
of the. I,sated SiattS of a final soli:lumen b '
14111[30e raid 11111 , 41:111CC, thP LOW C:s
huh they relatai. and no far ft, net.,
are eoncin twit, Ile Will maintain than, and
stricy (TO; wei Mita, Wall
and experience 81141
te the nece,
hity of further legislation to gnarl
the evasion of tho In it s on the one band, and
the abuseof the Pow& ron the (Alm r, not un.
pairing theik:peesout vtliolitney. to carry - nut
the requirements of the f'onstittition, end WO
depredate all further agitation of the yucs•
ton thus settled, a; dangerou:, to our peso...,
' and will dim:minter:slice all t (lot II to con
tinuo or result such agitation. Arlo never.
it In rover, and hole N u made : no 1 we it 111
Ill.lllllnhl this settle meat as Osisential to the 1
oat tonality of the Whig party nod 'the in
to,-Itty of the Union '
1 00100 now to the Tom tory acta all v in
cluded u 1 the Lottimatta purchase. The Tor
ritid ial !units of I fah, in the net of Con
grill': Of 1411 St P . t111 , 11, iii`,lOtiled, two
01011 , 114,1 5q11.1142, unlet, 01' thereabouts, or
the LOl/1/3141La puz chase, no tlott the l tail At'
L.fongi _Stlk
tion of the Mi,..;,nizt not of rah . tarch, 18 0 0.
I know that this has been ..7enu,l, but It re
forence to Colten'ii map awl the hound:trio:,
of 1.0t11:13I11 an at tticd by I.lll' treaty 161111
Spnlll, 19 , 11. I, Int'V
this fart heyond cavil or 11,)•tht. Ditrm; , , the
di baton in the Senate in IRS I and IK.iti, Mr
Vitgins, aniftothers provid, it ahttiol.intl,",
and tot tote t i, hoard on 11,11001 of the Sul
ate to isin-,:ty it.
t>t Ir 3 t. z•N ITW
ri.ll Act for the got ernntent 'of Nelorallta
All d h.nnaay. Thus act contatna the Swat
ft.r sjlerugnty. sec kiwi in thy following
tt ruts :
".lad it hen admitted as it Ft:It001 States,
the said Torniory,. or any pert:on of the
smite, shell be I tvov vd into the I.lntim, with
or ii about Slavery, as their iiiillalitULlull may
pi, si :Hs. ; at the time of (hut' n(liiii.,,iim. -
li will he seen that Oil., it nothing inote
then n repotilion oF the hi tint adopted in
the Nen' . )lehi 0 and t . th. Acts, reeoi9lizing
tAittatter nut (I cigttly. .
Th e I Oh ci .-11.4 i of thin net is as fillny e jt •
- SEi• 11. That the Cotthi tin; ion and all
the laiel of the United Ktn'e.., whi.ll are not
'letnillyitnplicahle, alma have the ham , force
.111111.0.1ect ),t11)4/3 the sail! 'l;errttory 01-ttir
lv asl.4„or fiaua..4.l4t;_bilw.tage-Limig ilio
same ill refer iice to Noll, a; i le, ‘llll. re It itil.
in tie. 'limits of the United Solt, 4, vx , ept the
Bth sentain of the net, Fri, tratory to the al
h t ,,,,,f 0n of ..‘l l ,,, t ,n t r t into the Union. apprevi.ti
Mandl .(ith,'lALlit, o loch. laiii;.; tociiii-ontent
with 11M prinetrAci of tem-I:14.1s . uti in 1))
-Con'grer , 4 it ith sla‘ery lit . the :' , .nti ; ati.t
TerillerieS, RS reeerli/(41 he 010 le , , , i,hwou
of 15.50, commonly•oalled the Cutuprot,,n,
niltsuies, is bet sby declared ilium i a lAN(' Rai
. VOW, it being'tho tritc,iittent mid meaning ot
this net, not to 3.-Ri-date Slavers' into any 'Ver. ,
el,or) ( - )r Stile, poi to exelittfe it therefrom,'
but to leave the people thereof pert . ..icily
fr. e to foul' and itgul.ito tour ilono,tio 111.
KIII,C, 114 le their °Art u ay, subject may to
the Con ..ti harm) of the Milted Gates P. ',-
tided, 'Vital stotlttng herein enuttC.ltel -Ball
Ins COrliAl lied to revive, or put in Rime, any
law, OV regtilattou windh may hnse esootsl
prior to the nut of iith Mph li, ltc2d, either
temteethig, estahltdiing, pnitibilim; or atol.
',thing Shivery." . .
Tina section is deciariattir_y aigaktior_pluiagit,
ft asserts a fedi which Mr. Clay I Ylrrinred to
be true ; I,tit if Mr. Clay, Mr. I/ought:4, Mr.
!tale, and all those oho Noteil, weye
mistaken; and the Ithss . ottri Compromine 11111
.not kioit rtywalti4., the tivction vrrnitl still by
hartulesi4, and amount lo nothing. The' le
gaumac.ments of the act aro Illy stone with
or without. it : a n d if this section had twee
introduced into either the act militating Tex
as, or the. acts adinitting,New Mexico and ,
litah, it would nut have matured those laws
in the shk;htest degree. The 14th soption,
just quoted, would 'moo been Inure appro.
priate as n preamble to the act ; but, no it
where it may, it is entirely- harutleas; and
titormnbit - to nothing; -- --- ---- -- . -- --
This is the uneasy ground upon which the
I repeal of the Missouri Compromise iS. /a
-' il (Ind to It iya Weil made in the act of 30th-,
lat May, 1854,•establishing Percitot lel gime
eroments for Nebraska and Kansan. r .—,, •
I I The foregoing is a plain atatunrot of the
1 , facts connected with the roo . ifkl of the Mils
' souri Compromise, mut, in my judguwat,
Conelosioely estalilish" too propositione f
have hetetelbro made upon the sehfeet.—
l'hiladelphla, O c t. 4,1.1t,,,1850, . . ,
, .
AT tll6 4,9* OCCeIOII, 10Vrtiraiip,
iSIOSITOt county, pol4cd 172 ,yptes
,fur 4h
Pcnu'° lo 4 9 StAL4 I . "riakut, via notimio ftir the:
i(uelen Ticket.
_ -
re Our wholo country.
• ',T.!' , t 4
P' 1' 11
GOOD DArs Tfroirr, October 14th the Dea4,i6slay per
" . 11 ,4 1.1 •". '
an& in Pennsfivania corer thc , combined , for
cog of the 'Black-Republicans and Knorr.'
Nitthings. •
'A Demomtic mejority of *boot eight
tliomniel in rodiannover the combined Sprees
the Bleck *(publicans end Know-Noth-
'l'ho defeat of nine 4 ten Black Republi
can os:ulidattwPT Congress in Ohio. --
'l'be cluction secured of three DemoOrstie
Cnitt d States senators.
'I he t lcclion of thirty-two Dornocraqc Tap
reßCl trt VC'S t o ()Ingress —being a Dementia
gain oNwentk four memba;rs..
Jnroca Buchanan for the next Pit &idea
bet and the reach of all combinations ow con-
latt. !flack-Republican !looter of Rep
rysentNives at IVasbington is notable for
these things
1. ft was nino weeks in choosing a
fipcalu r, which is generally effected in ono
during the whom or that time Con
greNN Wls pi state of disorganization.
2 It it.ftiskil to pass a hill securing
'ware lu Kansas, and wl;ieh nullified certain
ofustsious Iswir in that Territory, fur the
reamiu that such peace would h e damaging
to the politiesl pl aspects of the party.
t. It passtil a law legislatiag slavery
into b tinting for ta o years, and extending
the FliglLlVil Slave Law over it and Nebraska.
4. It piotseil an Miartutimt raiaing thu
salitay-a4te-memeirrelrmrilftlefillta (Tay.
5. It riclitsoil to pass the Army Appro
priation Bill at the regglar Retetien, and an
extra sittoott hnd to Ile called for that pur
pow, putting the Governizient to great ex
Tin x, in ea sures aro the only °Aga which
rs 1 , r Litt. last svolion of the Mick
luuhLran House Toeutorable:—.Cinon
ect, )ItFIT,
I-- A gmtleman, Wietse name we did not
kern, at rived in this city from Bird's Pill,
fur the purpose of securing surgical advice
in rela'ion to the possibility of removing
froni his slorostili a large snake, which hag
iuhabi:cd that locality for the past fifteen
years. Exactli nt what time the reptile
a, tali, +r Imo the storuaoh, the sufferer is
not at, Al 1. lie felt its presence Me the vi-
Vtdify of the kidneys many years swot but
the con experienced, although sometimes
acute and troul.lei.orne, occasioned Ott alarm
until about two yearn since, a hep one day,
f ding .pilte unwell he placed his hand up
on hit; bow.. Is. and thstinetly felt the snake
mauling uithin hon. Since them it has
• - t m enormously, alai, LAS aterlailard a
h•ngli of at least fifteen inches. Its vet
poruons can be pretty accurately ascertained
06 its entire shape Is fearfully °foil:WS to the
It i.t gwte alive, and possesses an appetite, judging from the amount
of fool ;not stater, consumed by the macr
er, tthu i. cmdit,Qnlly parched with thirst,
and th ,t, elfet.pwritly retthires from three to
f.ut of fluid daily. Through the re
.mei,. ! At 1..111 , f ant ludian,huhaslately found
fntin the incessant thirst,
by liberally Mused with
1. ha; mule several ineffectual attempts'
Ut dclo,htelbc •`3-nrmint" by Attllvat)on and
the fiie UIFC of Ntimulents. On two occa
sion 1p abstained from foruf shd water
three Lit in the hope of }singing the oc
cupant to some sort or terms. The first
(lay the snake ta-caine mussy; the second
bolder-ens. and the third furiooa, but still
the man held out. At the end of the third
clay, hoe ever, his malty ship cenameneed an
rut ark upon the st ells of his prison, with
s hat ap, car, ,1 to lie a tolerAly full act of
teeth Tiid the vault was an immediate/ sup
ply of food more aeretable to both parties.
,ts Ina:, he supposed, the pan Is reduced to
o pet-feet '<helots; under the extreme torture
of uoud hod) , flaying 11pftft hint - ni-Fht
and day but he does not despair of lintlitng
Mgt WI 111 the ollv nutlieu•ntlyt _ gkdlful to
11131,0 1111 111.'1,1 , 11 in the aldonien and re
nt.% e the 1,1pt,11- . . Wo have read of similar
VA, s , Let tint nn the first that e'er mule
111).111 "or oast tilswirntion, and we hope
tu ll e may Meths test for we has, e over
i.h'. et er ::111C0.—San Francisco Golden Ea
1 We lied hoped that the rebukes thiretogare
ailiiiinelteted to political preachers by the
Iwo's awl the hearers of them, would Was°
for want bf tli causes which give rise to the
re :essay, of them. But it ROSTOV OnCh is'not
to bo the a' tamment of our hopes. Alen Irv
teuraciate in heal, and overflowing with
fanaticism, n ill persist in their desecrating.
tirades Flom the sa..,•red. Ulrich, agaipst.t.h. .
Delwin laic party and its titrm-honoted prin
'ciplciandmen. They will penile in tnail-
Ins, tIK roh,., of divinity in the dust.oftwilik_
rariirciiris, and mixing El° incense of the
titter li. ith ticr feet hefullina . of thaiktit t .l._____
keitvelitiriit Imeangifeil: —
'the ptoper sphere of the church, as (11S.
I tillgStitlol front the course of state 1,01r, r , -' 1
hiel. been, and is well tioncratookaiull *pray-
Noted by all nicn - of right" thaUghtli, - eight
heorts and right a •tiens IlultAliiiitmlina is
the work or Stan, and if 1w OAI). use O pro
t: lulling minister to separate the fold of Israel
it will answer has purpose 'quite as well as
when he entity:Pi; laymen to the traitorous
t as k of dissevering the bomb! of Blotch.' .
110 ltebumnii toe iisliip, at a largo and.
beautiftil chfireh of the AsSociote Refermei
tkmgte tion,sivrtost -14weitherOkrwithee, ..;:ttr•
Aiken tOO% advantage of the octillion; or 111
large ntupence to pronounceonc of the most
offensive and di rinuttory discofirses it has
been thephinful rusk of Any Congregatlon,'
outside the pale of Wendell Phillips, to en
dure, lle denounced lilt. Buthiman &s train
OE, 00
' Alaveoeritey, A he 4emocntey by
the theist iti ' itt_iy,,pelpit - coutii ,
1 1 l
tolerable bear. 'Theft , ' To ,X4OOl that 0
m01)01,4.11 of theetingvegaiiin Kt threlitettedt
'IDA Ihetlicuxr`ratie vole has ke(zinc44o444 .
elghty))ve on the vote of 1554. ,Vitrthex
comment ib tftmeee&ssfX. We', rogiet that
eairsoilltottlil exist for 'any at , flArtlig, *Met
we hope this is the last tie** the piibliO snail'
liio OlthOtta with it !COeVt. etaawhare. Lott
Um- Rau& Dr. take heed, and mark, tholedlta
et 41 labora.—PlDabarg . r ~ 4 , , . i , t. i 1 . , i,,,,,jki ..... ,..
.."----- 1: , 10 :-. , , 4i.. , t.:,, .14 , ox• ~.
1 1 Y7V(}17.. EAKLY.. ;
' , 1
'NO. 48.