Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 01, 1856, Image 4
1= Black-Republiess Sentiments. IT NAT. P. DANIS. "1 in • certain state of circum Jterioat, TO LIT. TON UNION *LIDS." HT WINOS 0111ELT. "The .Union ie noSworth supporting in connection with the South." IT ANSON ISCRLINGAMF ' l The times demand And we must hareem ANT OIL& V FAY CUB ST ITCTIO N, AN ANTI-94A. 'WAY thbLli, AND AN ANT I.SLA VERY GOD. " littneV.V. I:PALDINGi '.io'the case of the alternative: tieing pre ss:need of the continuance of slavery mit cltisolution of the Upton, am fer dissolu -tion,..and I ctire.not how quick it comes.'" MY ‘1A1163 T. Fl AIN,. AT I..V.WISTOWN, PA. `-'The party is now aolell . Aniong li ttle *gars • nate the._only principle De; ToCcrary hare ! " i AY Rte[. 1.14/XD OAK/160N. •• Union' is a Ile. The American Union, fu ant imposture, a covenant with death and an agretaneht *Oh, hell. • • • • lAM FOR ITS OVERTHROW! A' - 4 a . • With ai _flag of dasaaion, that we have a free and hour reirnblic of out own, and when the hour shall come the hour will have strived] 'that Shull Witnetts the overthrow or slavery:"l IMII aY WIEN - D.ALL ?MUM. • ••Nn man lieu .8 right to be surprised at Hiis state of things. It is just what we (Abolitionists_ and. Disuaionists), hays= Its, --- tVirriptaillirrining - aTio'ut.' There is Merit _in . the Republican party. It is the first SSG -19114111. party ever organized in this country. It does not know its own face, and it calls itself national ; but it is not notional—it is sectional. The Republican party is • party of the North' pledged against the South...! dT JORIFT".I GIDDINGS. -- look forward 'to the, day when there shell be aservi/e imurrection in the South— ,iehen the black man, 'armed with Braids zynnet., and led on by British officers, shall assert Iris freedom, and wage a war of es- Nrmination against his master—when the ri.ih - of the incensbory shall lighrup the looms an 3 retied Sower:4A blot out the last 'vestige of sla ery .air I though I may not mock at their calamity, nor laugh when Abair _fear cometh, yet I will hail it as the d3wn of z political millenium." „ - RT 0. DUVALI. "I Sincerely hope a civil war Inlay soon .inirst upon the country. I want to see .Imerican slavery Abolished in my day--h is n ittgaert harirno wish to leave to my chit . Trent then my moat fervent prayeets that England, France and Spain may . speedily take this slavery accursed nation into their special considcritinn ; and win% th, time arrives for the streets of the cities of this • land of the fra. and Koine - of the braMiT Eo _run_nith_blond to the horses' bridles ' if Alm write.r of this be living, there will be one heart. to rejoice at the' retributiee justice pf Hessen.- Milt. of course. will bis_tremou in the eyes of douglifaces in this land. Well, they ere familiar with Dr. Henry's ccloftsted prescription—' make the most of it.' " AGROSTICAL ENIGMA. 14Y coupons') or 10 urrresui. My_ 170 . 3 4 2 may be soon ,daily in the -- streets of Ilt4lefonte. , My 210 4is &species of fish. MyS 58 9 lithe quartrapaimal fast.. • gy 42 9 signifies an impediment. • My 5 is a vowel. My 6 710 is an mein' . in common life. M e 7 $;O u. number.- " gy 87 Is •••cmtire response. - 1 91 8 - 108 is the - num ottfie l`dcvil" rthe -Democratic IVdc/epos office. 10 3 4 is a measure. • whole is the nuns of a town in the • •• of Pennsylvania - ' onto, Ps., 1866. ARTFILMETICAL QUESTION. personbonght 1 . 8 elk of cloth, part blue, wadi part red : tbr midi lot he gave 405., and - fie paid for evrry 01l of blue one shilling more !t - than tor au it of the red. How many ells of each kind had he .Centre Hall, Pa., 1866 ---- RIDDLE. • As round as an apple, As sharp •sii a tams; ft you was - report it - Itsrsalil carry you to Franco , • CONUNDIrtIMS it toan sitailutt fall out of a window, what wilt 'be ft Dick's father be Johnis son, • What relation is Dick to John ei =s s poker in,the grate like s kinglet Wirt it that. which, though blind itielf, guides thablind t ,is t brawn Tooth Lke w tbing forget! t does a stone become lathe water 1 , :Arid .• • ues will ;rater r"enbts when Jost frozen 1 IS II fed beaded man always chows I'4 soldier 1 ----Otestrers neat •'° *or --11aSiir. tbs. lo ntiona are :—Ape, nen. Cap. Capectler, Pen, Henry , Can,lirry ! - -44togret -kr Mirellifielnis Entgina.--10m1 'i r kfiraniainot. The Solutions are :-- ItPar.iren.grio,Greeoe, Borneo, Don, Cork, .10,'Ogerehe.. . Aairer w to Acrostics' Enigtua--Jons ituii. — "Tlie Solutions are :—Jar, Oat, Ilat, liotdisanab, Art, Rat, Ton. _M_EDIO4I. Cilitll.--_—.1111.2.-11/OAIN reapeetfully 'autism the eitiserui of Juskson %ills, and of the surrounding country that he lies perm inanely located at Jacksonville, and will . invintuty attend Wall salts in the diferent branehu efh is profuutoti, medical or surgical, at reasonable ....-/a-cskiss-prepered to Maui attlesial 74 ...irdiog th the Istria improvernepts, and he l molt :.;,1 roved 11 1 vIes, and to perform all other operations lu Lentil /forgery lu good style and at meuronable - rai.•„ l'lwk.fol fur past (aeon, he'bopot by prompt at tvuldhit Si linen..., still to merit a oontinuaneo of a 'hare of the ptblie patronage. Glee him a trial. 11. wishes to rfio or full Wily as Mil merits said skill JelB-ly . --...._ r. J. 40.10111111 _ C. lIVRTO 1 NW FIRM.- PLASTERING, &o.— 'the subscribers respectfully informs the Gil -1 400, of Centre °minty, that they hare entered into 0.,-parlincnisiip in the PI. AHTERINU BURINIMS in every variety of style—White-washing. as. All b i intruslad to them will be flaitithdly is *My performed iti the but manner and on tutu - All work done by them will be w ed _lshest thhir_farinlsh tire materishr, or i oL a. --vie- wording to their dircrations. Th ly illditiatrious and obliging—sad b noised, and prardisal workman. T .sifffilats 2 of t he public patronage 0.1. LAMBERT, 0 HURTO. ECM ow. I:=LIEPONTE LIVERY k ik . 118 TABLIBEIMENT. would roopootfolly Inform tie put T angoltV r o pnrp_knOl to ao o ototoodato Mtn trftt mu( TIMICILEB at the shorten Endo.. todt of Boron on ottoptod tor is and allfielik,,Tito rifitten Deg h r ordloWniiiikrirthn on' , Bnlmi • • . 4 .74.1 01 1, 61, IQ KO' POlnt ft*vd. /be pat goo ir piddle _iscpoimightsegi os i e d )11a- ' XiMll4 Ott , • • • Ma 91101111.1111. 4TTMETION FARMERS, ANWAR% OTHERS INTERESTED! CORN SIfELLERS! The ondonigned respeelAilly infurms the Farm• en and the goblin generally of Centre county, that he Ls now manufleturing the 11.:0011, AND READY CORN SHELLER, One of Um beat, moat convenient, durable, and at the same time, the most easy running shellersever Allred to the peblie. Ii will shell green and dry Corn, cleaning the oohs from end to end, and saps .- ratiqthem Dom the Corn Warranted to run easier than any othertaiel er s the United States or elsewhere, for the Tian ittiorOorn shrilled perday. It is tionstruated with Iwo cranks, so that tic persons can turn it, and shell Dan 200 to 300 bitsbele per day. It can also be attached to hone power. Call and seethe= before puretissingsany ether. as! am irertaixtyort will be ardialleil with this. • DANIEL DERR, Bellefonte OIRTIFICATZII. : 1V41., the uedersigned, have examined and teed the Ring% and Reedy Corn Sheller, manufuotareir by Daniel Derr, 'Bellefonte. pronounce It perfeet in Its pasoldeal utility, and wall wally the attention offanner,. Itr servloes in one sown will save Its pried in time end labor. We eltherfollT mom mend, It to the !ermine of Centre county eAt,nn aril lee ofgreat sponemy. W. W, liburipe Jams D. Teawaa, Q. W. Lswessr, Bissinsin Ytl CILAIIX, L. W. Iterrawnose, rata: McLean, Bellefonte. April '54. -41 e .D. Tiarrtainr. '1 hare potlebbii.d sad need oad of the Corn airs muminfeotarsd by Dao'l Dorr,aalled the Rough end Moody Corn Sheller, and unhesitatingly. pro ammo. lt - trast of the best in ant It tnntlivery may, sod shells more porn in • short epam of tiros than any other machine I have seer met with. xteratn 131111 , 11. 4Vie fully tensor is the above tiertiffeate. Z. O. Mersa 4 Duo., Belleibmte. • - Jose 14arrris. Harts / elissikiod nod tried the patont Roush and itoridy Core Skellsre, manefbatared by , /h. Daniel Darr, lkillsfoote, I And them to Wymotim4 sod motel in every milpeol. The sore which I libelled wee green end Aull of milk, but tho Sheller parted ovary grain from the sob in a manner whteb amid sot posidtily bars been done by hand. freely roootamond Owes machines to the farmers of Ba r eminlyt. • AILIII Joni prow . sAmda.„4pril 22, 1858-p3O-11 VOGL AID JOB PRIIIMMO MICE AO The Publisher of Tun DECKS/SIC Waren atan has, In asonneetioa with his New Habwout, taw nt o listens's* and oom JOB PIUNTING OPYi , Te 100 Sansad in Central Penshaylesena, neurpeee4 en tirely of ' NEW MATERIALS, - And Utast and swot fashionable style of Plain lan and ri of my Typo, wad is prepared to *somata all ds BOOK AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, Ir-.llMil a the neatest style, and at the ghettos' notice GI very • PILL HEALS, HORSE B Lid , MA LL TICKETS; AUCTION PILLS, CARPS, ' PAMPHLETS, RECEIPTS, . BOOKS, CHECKS, SHOW DILLS, BLANES, PROGRAMMES, de., se., do. 13POOLD, SILVER awl BRONZE PRISTINE emoted in the handsome manner. SPRINTING IS COLOR., is the loose beau. Gra and Enished 'tie of the art. ot=gnarasteedregard to neatness. orders. Is pustaaltly is tii• falllapesi of all OFFICR IN RILOCICBRirOFF'S ROW, TIMID lIROII,•BELLETOrfiI, 1 , . D I - AL - L A -440-410 ed morales. Row are yam" - Smissigeod 'morning, Or. Oen you MU too vrttsta ass tad tha eheasiest Maarr-lissis Ctorn ma, sad the bait? JoA*--Yes, air. We have a number of good 'elothing Mores in Bellefonte, but IBA AC MAY is Ms eligkint store ha timittot sad cheapest. fhaveger—Wsll, - so every bodyssys in the con try I did not know-bet that-we were mistaken, so I they* I iroalit inquire of you town bibs: Isilis—What kind of Clothing , do Too wish to bay?' Berangir—Wby, I should like to bare a good rimes Goat, Pent; sod Vein far myself, mid some ellotklog for lug boys. --IsidAv—Watt lease May, they - say. harbazik Most swami Moon Costs Irma down to 111,(tho lot tor Bauman Costs, sod everything sloe la propor tion, and lota of cheap clothing for boys. Brivingsr —W bat shoat 144t0' Dress Goods Johni—Why, May has the beet assortment of Bilks, Do Lades, Lamm, Calicoes, is *hod sterg to he oat a lady in the best style, sad al the I,pelit rime. Sfraispur—Good ! Tlis< is the plan for me. Good by. rm Olio May's at ono., sad thank you kkodly foe Um Informaticm. E rPonees In want of anything In my line are, them Anne, tespitetAdly roasestind to give as a call avid lIIAACI NAT, 11411etenta. arri Rm. ‘... A GRAM FOR BARGAIN& SADDLE AND HARNESS MANUFACTORY.. Up kw, MD Wilma Idol Maude and Ow _ pawally, that be dill *claim's' to awry ow tha Owlalery bedlam in all its .arioui Iniaelisa Ea low tocantlly'REMOVlD blrehop to lie Wen arablit rihe loran , of A5 49 ! 5 1 1 .11 JobasecwallzElN r P Sweat 7rp atiS. G prepared la wasatawar• Bad Imp eopetantly on band a full Illaddlee, Wagon [farness, JlMlea. Carriage Llanseee, 1 'VWits, Wagon Whip, I Trunks, Halters, Vtness. _ , g li e -fr it ia l t.,_ — O. in aml 1 want of erMee in kid Lille word do we Ito call F w d exam ine hie stock before purchasing elsewhere. as be I. detainelemetato sell rell/Allt, PRICES, and will war• rant bia work to be well pat together and made of the beat seallenial. . Or Don't forget the place--Blshop street, south side, between "Oar House," and the tarern of Jas N. Johnson. JACOB 8118011, Jul l-Iljellefoute IF YOU WANT TO BUY GOOD AND 1. WRAP GOODS mall on 1311,15f1KEILUDZI, Who has .1 teat received from Philadelphia and beantiful stork of Goode, consisting of the ' fashionable Dress Goods for Ladies and (lenticular such as French Merinos, Alp/woos, Paramount:Roth Persian Cloth, Dslabs., Debege, Hillis, Prints of all dossription. Also, Cloths, Cassinvara, Plain and Farley Cesdpets, Vesting* also • larva fete( finale . Trimmings, Buttons, Ribbons, Gloves, Mitts, Wool hen and Cotton )iolierr, and a variety of FANCY GOODS too glamorous to mention. Flannels of an kinds, !Shawls, Bleached and Un bleaelted hfuslins, Tieklnp, Cheeks, Ologbanie ao Also, Grocerlex of an kinds, lIMs and Cape, Boote and Rhea', hardware and bull, Queensware, Buck ets, Tube, Baskets, Bud all goods usually keyt In a eronlary store. • LUSIBIIft. All kind■ of Lumber for e•le at • reasonable price. Bellefonte, Dot 12, V, FANCY ARMOUR -A SPLENDID lot of Panel artlelss sueh as earl eases, wirer eased, Purses. Match Boxes, Braoskrta, Pea knives, flair and Tooth Brushes, Bens, Buffalo, and frail }Wither anabs, nolo vapor sty soar am, ,)usi. rookiwil and for giro vary eberiP by GREEN t SileifEEN. Mit!Wllo - ILIVI ARMEE WITTEN do w• abbe ad* trESEALSOIS superior :MEL PIXB And MK. Tb *Melee ant Net the thing for /And imam. deotl ALARGE AMORTICIINT OP FIG b. `. yd. paid tad ins* Bak., at low priooa to at Jodi ' • " J. S. von. aao ap*Zbot r ohised C ebssip or Le norm a II B FREIGHT AND PAORAGNS will be oersted between the above point" and Inter mediate please with great oar, and - dlepateh. NOTES, DRAFTS AND - BILIS oolkotedeither In Bellefonte, Lewistown, or on the road on moderatoM P ternik_and_pgroriliseuetaneensule ROOlngon - Der order, or any other besisten ittihnired to With aeipateh and Idelle,t, • ippursoApaaii. CILIZILZWAXE, tril P. - Poi FL zdvse, oao be par 'PAIIMPS... tic:ovum warspywra ti y.— The tindereignedusld xsey inmate to the Farmers of Ottntte boUn , that they have purehised the right of DIETZ A DLINHAWS , CAM' POTVBR REAPER AND MOWER, and srunow. engaged in their menufenturs, and are Inspired to furnish an artiste which will not get the boob-ache. From those who have used the machine we can produce abundant evidenoe as to Its Superiority over any other machine now built, ae the following reasons. — lst. On nooount of Its simplicity of oonstrection, and the foot that the sickle is welled direct from the 'driving wheel, with 'a simple lever instead of r multiplication of cog wheels, Journals, cranks, An which makes it work lightei for the team more compact, and le therefore mule handled • - •••- 3d. Ira. perfect adaptation • to. Uneven' pounds, I without hanging on the horses' necks; the tongue being limber and turning on cantor-wheels, which makes it turn easy. • 4th. The ptrfeot manner in which it does its work, In both groin and grass; the reaping nips rattuibelog ... so arranged' as to put the raker In a .opgyentent position to deliver the sheaves at the sida—ottirs maohlue, rani fur mowing it -hes the rbsping apparatus all off so as to enable It to out tangled clover. This 'Machine it warranted to oat all kinds of groin and gram, an well, if not better, thitb can be done with scythe or cradle, and all its parts war ranted perfect. TanKS—For Mower and Reaper combined, $l3O ; $3O to he paid on, the dolly/my of machine.. or es soon as it Is put up and In operation; $5O on the Ist of Chtolmr, and 100 on the Ist of Januar], 1837 , For Mower $lOO, $25 on receipt of ma chine; $36 on theist October, and $4O on the let of January, lltbf.• •• With each Machine there will be torsdabed an extra knife, one knife motion, three guards, wrenob, ethane end neck-pfkif. ' As only a limited numbith kin be built this sea son, those who ate in want' of the artiole Will do Well to mad In Gmdlordsrs soon. Address. . . .UAUPT,_,REOUI4-4-COrr or G. W. GUJURAT, mrl.94[ Milhelm, Centre o'o., Pa. .14 EW STOKE ARE NEW ems.— J. MONTGOMERY A SON, • ItORT11•1111T COMA 911 Ili DIAMOND AND ALLEuIIANY STREETS, • HatloWete; Peens. iiesing just Merged from Philadelphia, where we hare =ado Our_parehises, and are. Dow Opening oast of ale most **relay worted'steaki of GENTLEMENB' CLOTIII4W pURNIBI4 • LCNO D , Jicarbroottlit to Centre 000nty, and take this mw tbod to ware our old friends, custodian and Owe paddle generally, that Wware prepared ,in "Ore Went klih"wseh as bad Wore, in the shape of COATS, VSpiIITS, PANTS, Arr., which bredurobility eannot bo„exoelled, awl haying btu 'sleeted vrttb-aprelal maracas (1:1 the Istria and ;sod approved fkoldene Great rate ban been eirthe eel etting of Oriatilimen'a Yurniablos nas ab SHIRTS, DRAWERS, HAND' XISRCIII,6FS, SUSPENDERS, GLOVES CRAVATS, of every desorption. We slut - wk. known to tho public that t addle lion te our }skier extensive stook of goods we have Just reeelved - rttrpe and splendid assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, VESTINOS, TRIMMINGS, de., Of every style and variety. Being practical work men, and pay particular *Reuben to our busL USN we hope to giro metal satisfaction and re. calve a share of the public patronage. We respect. fully Invite all wanting anything In nor Pne of busi ness to oat and examine our /took of roar— J MONT r 'MEAT*/ SON LOOK HAVEN • WORSE.— NIO.7EST PREMIUM AW tDED ar rim CISTRY COUNTY AGRICULT AL FAIR.— . To the people of Centro County. I t Las now be come a settled hut spar this is en: •1 the largest, obespost and very beet coudueted sta lieluniuts el the kind in the interim of Penney! ania It is owned Mr. S. A. Gibson, tied si rinten.lo.l by the eels rated sculptor, Mr ' of N. Y. . • .. . • - eEttilgeriti — aeTi the istabliabments In the city of New York, when be pined an enviable reputation ma a me amnia of the drat coder. We bare on hand and km sale nearly eve bemired beautiful designee( HEAD and FOOT @TONES, carved in the latest style of the trt, together with French Comities, Ortolan Tombs, Monument', Spires, Carved Lenibras large as life, sad images of every description, all designed and exeeuted by Mr. Ltndig Persons wishing something rate teed beautiful, to mark the resting piste* of their departed Mends, would save money bytending tortiers by either of my a gents, who will per • w days through - tit pitnelluil towns mad vas eyio Centre. Clinton, and Lynn:slag eounties, and hare their walk executed by MU world.renownod and justly celebrated artist. EM^'Wehave reduced our privet from this date, and will bind 0111 . 311 Te/ to sell kb yer cent below the regular selling prime of any establishment in Bello- fonts, Milesbarg, or Lewistown, and deliver lie work Moot' charge to any place &AMC S. A. onmoN, dozers rea-Gissverw4every : nam'lA. Stew resker, Was. Allison, jr., Jackman aspirins; U,Jt&n flower, jr., ilouscit's Mill; Tbo oat Mathis. Dopisburg. disel2-Iyo ICIREZPOAT ~EXCHANOII. a. The todersigned would respectfully sum:moos 'to his old friends and 'the publig.generally that be has built is large and oonamodious new three-story Brisk Meuse, on Oaten& street., between Chicago and Meithanis Street, two squares mouth of the 'Depot, 111 PRMPORT.PITEVXIII3ON COUNTY, ILLINOII3 This building has been erected expressly for the purpose, and liVfgl to h the plan of the most ala i, re l State, a hr boned ° 7. * that e it is snra part tiolit hatter ° calculated for comfort and convenience than any other in the county. Ile has also furnished It in the very best =MOW with entirely new furniture, wparlerg neitkorains nor coat to render it comfort able and agreea ble to Onus favoring him with their *estate. By strict attention to his duties, and a d•benol nation sot to be excelled, try soy bons* Is this sea• tfon, be hopes to Merit the favor sod undo", of the public. Persona visiting the City of Freeport on husineee or pleasure, will Ind the o Freeport Exchange" a pleasant and ebeerful stopping place. GEORGE LORE. Proprietor, Oskrna st , Freeport. Illinois. a1y14401 DlalifBYLVAlflA HOTZL. B. W. nos. Nprtror the tgainond, Bellefonte, Centre Co Pa.—Thin largo and oonventeolly listated „holies tuning been conipleteli remoddled, repaired and unprorrd, is now opened for the 11 , 0013311:10dRti00 of the public The proprietor of thin establishment reopeetfully inform, big friends and the public that he has :fired neither pales nor expense, to reader It des W We retreat to all who may favor him with • nail, be Is determined to do all in Ida Omar to Pr9 6 ote their_ comfort and-eo n 'ills Table will always be supplied with the Lest that the country will afford The Rooms are large and well ventillated.. , Tim Stabling eonnected-with the estalillphinent large and excellent, and In oherge of °metal and e aperient:l.i !wetly rs lie oleo has erettel sheds for the nee of carriages and buggies Stages aro arrit iog and departing daily. In short nothing shall be neglected to give entim satisfaction to those favoring him with *call , - , It D. CUMMINS, Delleonte, Pa no 27. if OPPOSITION TO ALL NO -111 1 IiffigNOPOLY.—DAIL Y ACOOI7O. t )4 0 LINE OP STAORS BETWERIV BIiLbHPONTN. AN:11 LEITISTOWiy. Two line his been platted on the road, for the puwose of accommodating the travelting aniline effurtrtwtit ha - spared 14 rdntTar it both eon re Rhyne and espetlltioue The stages will leave Cum mings' hoterrellefonte, every morning at 7 o'clock, and ernes et Lewistown In lime for the Tswana and Western trains From Lewistown they will start so u to aeocmmodsto travellers to this Sexton The ti t. anscinente along the road will be of the brpt dear lion. Careful and espyristieed tlti ye Were the heat Comtism . ; ~wed, lincrnothingleft !Me whisth will secure the oppfkleDes and pa. tropes° of the pub As. Jo 4 R. IL CLIIIMINGB b CO. - - DRUMM'S mixer MCKIM STORE —Grateful for tho patronage so.llberallrbe stowed upon bit" by • opoosoor oonununity and bopee "by siriot attentJno to hominess, to aiwayr eont/nue to merit, the apProbstloo of an approoliting nubile tfu laforma his fritomday customers, rod the iiineually,..thot4A--to -prepared tw Istrobrh them, at hie well known 'toad with every variety of GROCERIES thaV may be ealled for. Renton" wishing to sootteshwiwill plesoo OW /goat Weir Onootioo of too." 1“ itetotooMbod to give MlL faction to all, oorW WILLIAM PRUNER. SOLOMON Inn/R1 RENDIVIEurt EXPRIVIS SICTWEIN LEWISTDWN AND 1 1 BELLEPONTE. "'OGAI/ VOVIIIDRY. J Ms andandgued hiving leased the p a in Foundry, to the borough of Bellefente, to with all Its 'patterms, would' Inform their ends and the publicist general, that they are prepared to furulah all kinds of GRIST. SAW MILL. FORGE, FURNAOE, ROLLING MILL and MAOIIINERY CASTINGS They are also snaking a LARGE VARIETY Or PLOWS, *winding the W nowt the Worts' Improved Plow, and several others of the most approved styles, and at the low est rate..' Being practical workmen, ws flatter our velum, that onr work will give entire satisfaction! We have on band a LARGE ASSORT MENT STO VES, suitable for either °gaze wood, such as Parlor, Nine Plate, Egg. and. in foot, every variety of Stoves wanted In this motion of country. We have also on hand every Ilse and kind of SLED and SLEIGH .80LES,1VAHON BOXES, KETTLES, BRICE and DURKEE WHEELS. Alec, IRON RA ILINO °Usti deeaription; WA TER and BDAST,PITE of any (mare. fariv. are prepared to east all kinds Composi llcu4 Brass, Copper and Type Metal. Pattern' made to order. All orders promptly attended to, and umlauted in rub a - measer as will ensure estilAketion. BEERY It - ABELL°, ..1.71 4 /F . GEORGE A. IIAYARD. iv aornostirr D ESOLUTION PROPOSER° AREND• sac moots to tho,cfonstitation of the Common wealth. Resetvad, the Mon ts amid Hamm of 12elb.e. metonym 41 . of-Pennay ra• ;Ma Mt tiewerat AMNON, met, That the,following Amendments' are proposed to the Conaiitution of thi Commonwealth, in socordame with the proTi• dons of thepth article theme.: • Thief AIIIIMPWETIT• • There shall be an additional article td said con stitution to be designated es,artiole eleven, as fol lows • ARTICLIN XT OH „PUBLIC DEBTS. lir.rstrin_ll.__ The 'slats may 0013424- debt", bi supply o suet deficit' or failures in revenues, or to MOO. expense, Doi otherwise provided for; but the aggregate amount of such &kits direct and cording. ent, whether °untreated by Virtu* of ono or more iota of the general assembly, or at different periods of time, shall never *need eaten hundred and any thousall dollars r and the money arrialm horn the treaties of each illebts, shall be applied to the pur, pose for which It wassbtained, or to rppay the debts so eontraotod, and to no other perpesais whatever. • RICTION t Is addition to the above limited power the state may contract debts to repel hives. iou, suppress insurrection, defend the stabs in *IC or to redeem the preient outstanding indebtnesa of tilt state but the money arising from th e contract ing of sixth debts, shall be apglied in the purpose tbr - whlth it wee raised, onto" repay such debts, and to no other purposes/Bitterer. Samos 3. Except the debts above spoethed, iu ashen/ one and two of this artlolo, no debt whatever shall be created by, or on behalf of the Snetriou 4. To provide for the payment of the. Plea Wet duke, a n d anyaeldldeseldebt meirersted as akenesa, like It its SIM siletieu, 'after Umendopt on of tide amendmint, create a daktogrand, which shall be rudildent to pay the On the legation, awning interest on such debt, and annually to re. WM the /I'M" agrees to the sewed amendment duos the principal thereof by • sum not lees than The yees and nap were taken, and were se Pd. two hundred and fifty thousand dollar; which lon, els sinking fund shall °midst of the net annual Income YOOD — Meokr , Anderson , Dsokns Ball, of lb* public work" from time to time owned by Deck, (Igeouldng,) Desk, (York,) Reinhard, Boyd, th e s t a l e or the im me m ie o f th e sa l e o f the same , Bemen t finish. Sultheban, Caldwell, Campbell, Car or any part thereof, and of the Inoue,* yr proceeds lA, Craig, Fansold, Poster, Oats. Hanes, Hamel. elude of stooks owed by the dam, together with teepee, Heins, Ilibbs, Hill. II illemts, Hipplet HoL tith er fu n d s , or m a nu r e s , that m ay b e d es i gna t e d comb, Hunseeker, Imbue, Ingham, Innis, Irwin, by law. The said tinkles fund may be Inereased, Johns, - Johnson, Laporte, Lebo, Lougalter, Lovett, from dmie4e time, by itaign log to it any part of ArCsamont,, M'Carthy. M , Comb , Mangle, Menear, the Wes, or oth er revenuesof the state, net requiv. Millet, Mentgomet7, Moorhead, Nworrenutoher, Orr led for the ordinary and eurrent expenses of govern- Peuron, Purooll, Ramsey, Reed, Reinhold, Riddle, meet, and unieu in case of war, invasion or insor. Roberts, Shenk, Smith, (Allegheny,: arouse, Vali, rustles, mord of th e said sinking fund shall he Whallue, Wright (Lucerne, ) Zimmerman and iod othorwiae than in extinguishment Wright, Sraelders—G3, of the pub io debt, oath the mount of blush debt le NOTO - 4 4 0 1115 . AugultiOe, BOOT7O Clever, lain. reduced below tho sum 0( lien millions of &dist-it nor, Fry, Pulton, Gag)ord, Gibboneb, Hantilten, Bannon b. The credit of the oommouwealth Ilanoook, Hnoelter, LMsnuring, Magneto, Planlay, shall not in any manner, or event, be pledged, or Morris, Minima, Patterson, Phelps, bat bury, loaned to, any individual, pompany, oor p Jr atio, l , or Smith, (Cambrie,) Theioreon, Walter, Wintrode, Awoohtion ; nor shall the eommonwealth hereafter Wriaht (Dauphin) and Yesesley....u..,_ • be... mu m aloint owns, orM, - Odor, in any coet• rte tau (Dlosilon was denim:l l 6'ml In the Minna- tot — TlpTh pony, areticiotirm, or corporation. ihscrioa a. Tho commonwealth shall not assume the debt, or any part thereof, of any county, city, borough, or toernsnip; or of any corporation, or ea aoolatfon ; antes' each debt shall have been non• traded to enable the state to repel iovalliOn, sup press danaestlo ininarrection, defend itself In tide bf eon, or to amid the *tato in the discharge of any portion of its presont hulebtednrrs 02cm:a 7. The legislature shall not authorise any ooenty, city,.horough, township or inoorpora tad distriot, by virtue of • vote of its chinas; or oth•rwile, to boom, a stoethelder tit any maps. toy astociation, or corporation; or to obtain money fee, sr lose its ereditin, any oorporstion, intallation, or party = Thera shall bo an additional artlate to mai ant to be designated ea' article XII, to fel laws : OP NEW COUNTIES. No amity shalt ho doubled bra CM tattling off over ono-lona of Its copulatios, lolther to.forur DIM county or dittor,) without the supremo art. root of awl sonny, bra tyro of the 'baton Owns of; nor shall oay now minty ha oototribited, qon. Wain low thaw &rut hundred moans Idiot EMICITI=I FromMeilen two of the Snot article of the enasti lotion/ strike out the walla "of the oily of Phila. delphsa. and of each amity reepretivede ;" from motion Inn same artiele, strike out the,wonle, "of Philadelphia and of iheaeirdrat rarrwrier.;" frees section seven, fame artiste, Alike not the words, "neither the city of PatladelpAia nor any," and insert in lien thereof the words, "and no;" end 'strike out portion fore, same article, and In Iles thereof Insert dm following: "Ssertoi 5 In the year one thousand eight hundred and wizty-four, and in every seventh year thereafter, representatives to the number of one hundred, shall be apportioned unit dintributed equally, throughout the state, by diet riots, In pm portion to the number of taxable Inhabitant' In the several party thereof; except that a^y county con taining at least three thousand Ave hundred taxa ble., maybe allowed a separate representation; hut no more than three mutative titan be joined, and no county shall be deviled, In the formation of a die trill& Any city containing a sufficient number of lassblos to entitle it to at Meat two repreoestativcs, shall bare • separale representation assigned it, and shall be elseiribed foto oonveninnt districts of oontignoulf territory, of equal lax le populations near as may be, each of which die of shall elect one topmeentatirc " A the and of motion wain, Come LIU*, insert 411,110 'RIMS "the rity of Philad,7pld a tlttll be derided info ernes eanatortal dartricte. of ton• twno 111 territory a. nearly equal in taxable popu lation a: pottible , Jatt ne war..? .11,41 be eirviefror in the formation thereof." The legislature, at its first session, after the adop tion of this amendment, !Mall deride, of _Philad.jails__iala...iiesuitasig and repreirentailve dielicht lit the manner above preceded; each die• traces to remain unchanged until the apportionment In the year one thaaand eight hundred and sixty- Formes 'aictraWitor. To be a axe:, Artide The legtelature shall have the power to alter, revoke, or annul, any okeraoter of Incorporation hereaft:er cot:annul by„or under, any special or general law, whenever In their opinion it may be Injurious to the citizens of the commonwealth ; in snob manner, however, that uo Injustice shell be ,done to the corporator,. Is Return, Aprel 21, 1826 nue:ra That this ressiluilan. -On the Ora amenthitent,yam 24 nay. b On the wood amend ment, yam Is, nays 6 On the third amendment, yeas 28, nays 1. On the forth amendment, yeas 21 . na,” 4. Extreol from the Journal. THOMAS A. MAGUIRE. Clerk - - . In 111.1111 n or Ain% /111 fill, April 21, lip& Harolvel, That this resolution pass. Oaths, rat amendment, yea* 72, nays 24 On the 'reoond amendment, ?nag 03, nays 2F. On thudded amend 7ou 04, nays 25..1.aami-orefourth amendment, yew' no, nap la. I.:street from the Journal. = 86carrAer's Orricz, A G. CURTIN, Alert April 24, 1856 Seem of Comso'h OteIItITARY'M Ilarnsburg, Iglu 27, IU6 Pentrylvaetia, r 1 ' • f do certify that the above and foregoing h trnb and correct copy of the original "Revolution relative to an amendment of the Coultituthm" the name reaming OS ale In this onion. - 1-teverivaeay , whereef -haw, hernia° .4 B ley hand and owed to be afll ved the real of the kleoretary t e Moe, the tiny and year above errileell, A. CI. CURTIN, 13serWarti of ao Ce4imoriumaitA, IS BAP ATM, Ape V, Reeolutleas tiopeeirur amendment. Coagl intioff o r ti,b offlisionwealtb, being under oeusider• On the question, • WM the Senate agree to-the Sett a enchnent ? The yeas and napvens taken ape a-ely to the provisiose of th• Oanstitatiau, and wore as (attires els: YBAS—New. thews. ILIIIIII W. OPMIMIG lit h Inuas. Be irliinall4 t a , :sal son, Knox, 0 k, Priam, B•liomp,A3bus ItOn; WoWt, ; :TOW ' PAW Bposeep ofil*. .- • • Ners--lifeeere. Orabb, grow JouLW, MeMot Pratt-0. i r. • Be the question was detirrialsed in the anew Cu tlve, the question, Will the Senate &gyre to the wand mood. poet • They Tees and mays wore taken agreeably to the mbrisious of the Constitution and wore ea follow, els: • TSAl—Mears. Browne, Buokalew, Cresawell, Evans, liege, Ingram, Jamison, Knox, Labauoh, 'Clintoek, Bailers, Bhuns an, Floutherolitratth Welton, Welch, IWkorry and Wilkika-19. NAllll—rdelDllll. Pargtl6ol3, Oregg, Pratt. Nino and Platt, So the question was determined In the affir mative, On the question, Will the Senate agree to the third amendment? The yens and nays were taken agreeably to the Constituthm, and wherom fidlow, vie : YlLlll—Mcsars Browne, Buekalew, Crabb, Cress-. well, Evens, Ferguson. Flenniken, llogel, Ingram, Samisen. Jordan, Knox, Laubsoh, Lewis, M'Olin took, Mellinger, Pratt, Pries. Bonen, Shuman, Souther, Straub, Taggart, Walton, Welsh, Wherry, Wilkins and Plait, , ' Nana—Mr. Gregil-j . , Bo the vinestioa w determined in the &Maas live. , On the question, , Will the Senate agree to the fourth amend ment The yeas and oily% Were taken agreeable to the Constitution and were se follow, via ""TaAa—Mentri. Browne, Blicklek Cromwell, Evans; Flenniken, liege, Ingram,Jamison, Jordan, Knox, Leabach, Lewis, M'Clintook, Price, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Straub, Walton, Welsh, Wherry, Wilkins, and Platt, Speaker-23. r Nan Meaeta_'•Crabb , Ore g, ..: MeWaget .and Pratt-4„ • So the question war detcnnlaed la the afilrma- Lira. Journal of the Rouse of llepresentaGres, April 91;L1856 The yeatznet nays wars taken agreeably-to the provision' of the Constitution, and on the Ent pro. potted intendment, Iwo as follow. vie : YiAl-31C18111. A10141110(1 flaekus, Baldwin, Ball, Beek, (Lyooming,) fleck. (York,) Bernhard, Boyd, Boer, Brown, Brush. linciknen. Caldwell, Camp bell, Certy, Craig, Crauford, Powdell, Edinger, Fausold. Foster, (leis, ,ffelnes Hamel, Harper, 1161 m, Ilibbse •111111, ,7 legal . Ifoloomb, Bunsecker, Imbrie, I hmo, Innis, Irwin, 'Jebel, Johnson,Laporte, Lebo, TrOttgaker, Lovett, M'Cal moat. lartity, M'Conth, Mangle,/delimit, Mil ler, Montgomery, Meorbeed, Nunemacher, OFT, INIMSOII,. Phelps, Purcell, Itamicy; Reed, Iteinktold, Riddle, Roberti, Shenk, Smith, (Allegheney,) Smith, (Cambria) Smith, (Wymping,) Etrovae Timmy/ea, Vail, Whetter, Wright? (Dauphin,). Wriglit,(Luserne,) Zimmerman and Wright, .etk ner--72, Kira—Mena Augustine, Barry, Clover, Cob ourh, Bock, Fry. Fuiton;ilaykerhe 4 vielle 7,111= - 11ton, Renew:A, Ilbusekveper, 11 anchor, Leflenring, Magee, Manley, Morris, Mumma Patterson, Sear bury, Smith, (Phlladelphia,) Wintrode and Temdly-24, , - de queillin6vas determined is the affirms ! tire. On the-question, Will the limn() agree to the third amendment 1 Theyens and nay' were blken, and were ea follow, vie: _ SAII-11 ems. A ettereln, Beattie, Baldwin. Ball, Beck, alseetting,) Berl-, fforic,) Plorrthard. Boyd, Beyer, 'Brown, Outlaw.% Caldwell, Campbell, Car ty, Craig, Crawford, Edinger, Fseaold, Teeter, Pl 7 Oats, Haines, flamed, II armor, UMW, Hibbs, UM, Eillegu, 2llppplo, Hole-nth, lloweekeeper, afro. Inge, Irwin, John', Johnson. Laporte; . low rOollsowt, /Lone= ELlitor,htmatgonnery. Nyasa meeker, Orr, Peizson Phelpe, Purcell; Rump Reed, Riddle Shenk, ' Plunk akeshenyj tiva. Mhonbrik.) Itl6l 1 6, ThowPowt. What* tan, Wright, ahatphm,y Wright (Lazarus) and Zlntmennan -44. NATS-11 teen. 11•117 Clover Coburn, Donk, Fallon, Pal, Gay ;rd Gibbonti, llandlton, Hamad, Meeker, Lefianrint Neg..; Manley, Moorhead t _hlarrla alaarion A Raba,* oioaanay, Walter, Wlntroda, Yearilay abd Wriest, Speaker-21. On on qoamag. was daterinizia . In Ibe Anna? Ilya. • •0811 so question, • Will the Ilona) agree to the fourth iimendassat? The rem and nays were taken, and wets as follow, via,' Ycd—lglesirt. Baohns, Bali, Book. (Lyooming,l Beek, (York,) Bernhard; Boyd, Boy. or, Brown, Brush, flooganan, Caldwell, Campbell, Carty, Craig, CrairNwer, Dowdall, ffidinger, Fans old, Fester, Fry, (lots, 'buns!, Harper, Heins Hibbs, 11111, Hillegss : lloloomb, House keeper, Imbrie, Innis, Irwin, Johnson, Lope*, Lebo, Longaker, Lovett, M'Calmont, M'Cartbs, M'Comb, Mangle, Menear, Miller, Montgomery, Moorehead, Nounemaeher, Orr, Pearson, Phelps, Purcell, Ramsey, Reed, Reinhold, Riddle, Roberts, Shenk, Hmith, (Cambrls,) Smith, Wyoming,) Ttwmpson, _Yell, Visitor, Wright, Sprats. —ll9 N A 711—Birmrs. Barry, 010711 T, COAOIIIII, Stilton, Oihboney, Haines, Hancock, Ilumsker,_4lll , o*. Leisonring, Magee, Manley, MOMS,. ralturson, Balisbnry and Vintrede-141. Bo the question was determined in the affirma tive 6retterAst's Orrzca. Ilisrrisbure, Jane 27, 1856. Pennsylvania, es: Ido mistily t hat die sire and foregoing is atm and °meet copy of tho 'Yeas" and "Nays" te. lam qp the Reeetntloaproposing amendments to the Conelloklori of thegalmonereell.h, se the sera spinets on the Journals of the two Houses of the Genors! Assembly of nits Commonwealth for the session of IBRI. Wttness my hand and seal of said °Mod L 8 I this twenty•sevonth day of Jona, no. thou sand sight hundred and My six. A 0. CURTIN, Jyo• to rntermary of tAre Commonwealth CENTRE HALL HOTEL.- 3, 0 YINAOMIt haring leased the well known house, CENTRIC HALL, situated at the point on the Lewistown and llellefoute Turnpike, Inter sected by the ttpruoe Creek and Lewisburg road, Cont r . weril,y, Pa., would inform the travelling public that he Is prepared to attend to the smuts of such, In a manner equal, if not superior, to any other hotel or public, house In the county The house Is large and commodious, so that families as well as Individuals can have separate rooms which preclude Intrusion. _ . _ . ITIB TABLE, he piirpolier, shall vie with any In the country, always affording the beet the market can furnish. The supplies for It shall always be purchased with an eye to the rarlet4tut tants and &Won. 1118 11A11. shall contain the choicest liquors of eve yarlety, _ -- - - - Tffli STAIII.INtI Is unsurputted in the county. To attend to it, he has nuourud the sierviues of au attentive and ebligi Hostler, so thnt the guest may rest aatitgusl thAT while hie uoinfort In every respect is being oared for, that ills animal shall not be neglected TO THE DROVER, tI is stand furnishes peon. liar advantages. , ^Pectare is eonvdnietat, shundmit and easily obtained TO THE METROPOLITAN, who wishes toes. alp° the heated and malartous atspoephere of the city, during mideuminer, and to Inhale the health restoring and invigorating mountain Or Of the inte rior, will end Centre Hall just the plasm for him. TO ell the above elw, and Wise not inaluded,an invitalton Is given, to melt and sethsfy themeelves ast to the truth of the above lie would further add; that his expelenoe, obtained Tram travelling, soda knowledge of teeny bootleg of entertainment, of -repute, s.e. their 111060417706 d IlltiOnC - wilier sort-repute, well sequainvd, Justify him in saying tha his house shall rem dl'itatisfeetron to his guests—e least to *pp that can be at all. sny2B ••• - L2ABANT GAP H 011132, P On the Lewistown plke, four miles from Belle foetal. . The subsoriber rorpectfully informs his Mends end the travelling publio that ho has refitted and refurnished the above house for the accommoda tion of goads. Us will bo at all.times ready to famish refreshments to parties of pleasant' and re creation. This house affords to persons wishing • Osamu sommor resort great indummenta, on no. meat of tim km mountain air, aad wholmonto manor. atyll J. 0 LA latniOßE. MIMULLS D XAIiABOUto•-• ‘4l/ Nor dylogi, by 'A N J. &AFL4.O BEIMONTE EMUS DIRECTORY, ens A I IVSTSt AT L, AW,, BELLEFONTE, PA., w 'ULM H. BLAIR, ATTORNEY AT LAW. NELLEVONTE, PENN Moo with Ron. Jiklitos T. Hale. nov2B \via. P. MAblIANCItfil AT AT ,LAIV Attends to collootioua in Cootro, Cliuton and Clear Held counties. Also, Deeds, Mortgages, &1., legally drawn.— Tornio, moderate. Office wliii Janie' tillnemenus, Esq., Bellefonte, Pa., . jaolli•tt MEDICAL PARTNERSHIP.—DS. OHO. f.. POTTER, having asemilated with him in the practice of medicine'," Dr. WitllT -011ELL, they offer their professional *Mogi to the °Miens of Bellofonte and vicinity. When neaten outthe unremitting attention of both will he given witht additional °barge. on - ,* Dr. Mitchtill'i reatbno• at Mrs. &antis, Solleftinto. ae0124 DENTISTRY.---J, I). WINGATE, ' , gm SURGEON and IiIECIIANICAL AIClf TIBT, would inform hie friends and patrons that ho has permanently located in Bellefonte, and that 'he will be Nippy to attend to ally who wish WI pro fessional 110M10011 AB work dorm ID the neatest style and warranted. rjr Mee and reaidenoe In the third house noel of !dr. Boorbeek's "Franklin House. ' apt-ly LIVERY STABLE. t n& NOW FOR A PLEASANT RIDE. The subeeriber informs the elllsons of Bellefonte "and vicinity, and the travelling pnblio generally, thnt they can at all times be furnished with good and trusty horses for either riding or del% ing, by calling on him at the Penruillvanla fold. Ile has • good @lock of Horses, ns well as Buggies, Car riages, Hanks, Itookaga'ys, Saddles, 'farness, do. Careful drivers furnished whin! desired r i r All who wish to (Irk° safe and fast horses, and ride In neat and comfortable •ohlalce, can be accommodated. it. D. Clllll,lll NO 8, dean Bellefonte. lICIEW S AND. FASHIONABLE HAIR 1.11 DRESSING axe SHAVING SALOON.— The undersigned respedtfully announces to the citi zens of Bellefonte and vicinity, that ho has opened a now and fashionable Hair Drosaing . and Shaving Saloon on Allegheny erect, in the ItOulle ocouplyd by Mr. Turner, where, by strict rtentlon to the bualneas, he hopes to merit a Ilbora sham of public patronage. [4IrEAZORS put in'order r,"2451:17 CABINET AND lIPHOLI o STERING ESTABLISIIMENT.— The subscriber respeetfolly intones him Mends and the puPie that be has adult:lensed the Cabinet and Upholstering bagasse In all its TA, rious Matches, and will be prepared to furnish work that will oompare with any made in the heat shops In our larger Mlles. Having had prelatical experfenoe lu every br.inch of business, persons en truming work to him will be assured that ft will be done hi a satisfactory manner. arREPAIRINV promptly attended to. • FREDERIC!! SMITH, Allegheny street, Bellefonts,lo the shop formerly occupied by Mr. Rembold. spill •.1 SADDLE JOHN AND H /GUARNEIDE, )_11! • . SS MAKER, la",1‘) of BISHOP anti ALLEGHANY Streets, Belletbnte, Penna. Ueetrcg permanently located to, tills region, to teadalo engage extensively ta the Saddlery and Hokum basin - am. He will keep oneetantly on hen.. and manufacture to order, in vi.ll*, a in the most workmanlike manner, Saddler Drid • "mon an. a ago Harness" Wagon and Driving Whips, Trunks, Vallaes, Carpet Dap, do., Ac. In Pharr, every thing astndlytatnafentured diem. All work warranted good. Give him a call before purehaelng elsewhere: ap94! p L•A 8 T E Y. F If The undersigned, hiving mule the most ex. Massive arrangements, and having a large stock of material eni hand, will be ready at a short notice to intend to all orders in his old Ilse of business. Be has empiered none but the heat workmen ; and all work entrusted to his oars, all be executed In a style which cannot be excelled. Whenever I fur. DWI materials, TUB WORK WILL BR WARRANTED. The men employed are nose bat the best, and In the absence of apprentices, builders can rely Upon balky:their work done in snob a Manner' AS will give Olitlifietion. gairAu orders addressed to Bellefonte, Centre wanly, Pa ., will Do promptly attended to.. febtfit• - C. W. LAMBERT - 'COACH AND WAGON NAB UPAOTORY, HOWARD Street, " (pot b side,) Bellefonte. The sub anther takes this method to Worm the public that be has commeneed the COACH and WAGON 111ARLSO 131381N488, at the above place, where ha Is prepared to manufacture to order, and coup eautly keep on hand a choice selection of ilarrlages, such as ROCKAW AYE!, CARRYALLS, BOO GIES, as well is HEAVY FARM 'WAGONS, do , all a liberal prices REPAIRING dons at the shortest notice. By strict attention to busbies* and moderate prices he hopes to merit a share of patronage. EDWARD BABEL. 'ltemiiiiiber the place, on the north side of Howard street, In the shop formerly occupied by David Campbell. but more lately by Mr George Bwilley. ap3o-11m Bros _ TE MARBLE WORKS. -..- NNW ESTABLISIIIILver,. Wolf. H. SHEAR/WAN, late .Pildjadelphle, would mast respectfully call the Mention of the public' to ills large and well selected stook of Italian and Amerioan Marble, which he has selected with care. Being a praotleal workmen, and baring bed tbe experience of putting up story kind of work In Phifsdelphia, the public can reel awned that they will noi be imposed upon", by hating their work done In an Inferior mariner, llinvinvitm the pahilete mil and examine int theilutilves. and they will and that they can earn from 25 050 per cent. gpoctritens of my work can ha menet all the cam . tense In Centre county ir t Oa bend a I • stock of ITALIAN and AllEit• ICAN mg. L . , with which he is prepared to manufaeniff easement., Tomb Stones ?retied Conch's., glee wiTimitg.Aigehir litenei, Carted Lamb. and Images, Marble Posta and Railing Oar family burial lots. All work contracted for by MY,Algent, Mr. A Jeoeb, will be executed with neatnese and des pitch. _ ap23-ly Q UICK SALES & SMALL PROFITS. Q isbasetimpr respectfully Inlierme the citl• sees of Ceutru and adjoining counties, that he hu opened a NBW STOKE IN icLutFoNTE, Nu. 2 Arcade Building, whore be has just °per:ad a MAQNIFICBNT STOCK OF 0001./B, which hare been carefully Selected, to suit both town sad °nary custom, oonsisting of rich and beautiful SPRING, AND SUMMER ()ODDS, fur Ladies' audtionUemen's wear, embracing every variety of . Cloths, Caseimeres, Vestlogo A splendid asspriesaut of &As, • "' Dories, De Lilns, Lawns, DritlianLes, a Robes, Chills, , Chlutgee Trimmimpi, Embroideries, : Muslin., Shootings, &o. READY•EADEIII4X,ILINO. - lints, Claps, Boots and Shows, Umbrellas and Ladies' Parasols, • - • Fans, Combs, Brushes, La. iferd'eure, entlery, Oils and Paint, 0 rooaries, Fish and Balt, Plaster, Barron, Floor and Feed, in Cant every thing venally kept In a country eters: 13F`COUNTRY PRODUOS WANTED, • I mposeAdiy Invite the °Rheas oeiteliefOuto oun'ersindlnri errantry, bgiro me a Calk sw I will be prepared to furnish them with goods Limp, 'rat emu, pore with arty ever offered to the petatd, regards cheapness and durability. my 7 • T R REYNOISta.--- LADIES' GAITEIZS..- -aaA good.eupply alwa m on head,or made to order out or the belt material, by norla +. F. BOAL±OU, , CRIL• MI Ml' WO= EXPELLER l .1. easent, ish and oertidn remedy fur tbb rotnural of Worpu. Proptindi and sold by jot ORERN h MaMERN, Bellefota 115: o THE LADDNI--A SPLENDID AS SORTMENTOoIIsra, troderipleiriiii, Moon lid ~ Thresd Laos, Led Tanta of the best make and oolakwarmAtod. COI and marline the differ 151 ivarieolWil I noir27l KZALSENI riANDIES. —A ii r /*4... ~ ...DIES.—AIt MUMS Warn 4 1 % whiinank and mail, cheaper Ono We client). ad, tawny* on land nod tar isle by nowlß MATS& CONRAD 4 WAI I INN) a wpiounuck ..,. HARDWARE, --- " 1 tti CHTLERT, & 225 MARKET STRBRT, e c Pienauti.iiii deel2-Iy Waii. J. 8111711 , _. J. D. &Hybl'. ze i J. D. SOMDI: & CO,, WROLIRALB DZILLI R iv TOBACCO, sNusr AND BEGAN'S, No. 6 North IFINTII &mit, "bore Market htnat dool9-ly POILADELPIIII. 41) coNR63). ROBERTS A CO., Importers and Niters kr HARDWARE, OUTLERY, DUNS, h a No. up North THIRD Etre* Philadelphia, Maar Comas, O. W IriIiDLJUT, Geo. H. ROIIICRTI,. J. H. &LUX*, J. T. JUNI. _ ..._.,.,.....3,_.._., , , ~1 1. 1 - D. iflltAtlP, - 0: IL k tir. 0. StOinOVE co: ' Importers and Dealers IrCralist asd Dreamier . lIARDIVAR.6,OOI% gratlNS, AN REA ; P r 6 0onA No. 47 HARR LT Street, and 3,;"".a __ mmo, .. Nu. P and 24,10N148` Allay, .' R 0 • RIDDLE, V. O. BIDDLE, W. M. GRINDS . febl36m , O.OI:IL_RILNIOZMAKIft. R'I3I7A.L. DRUGN, RLA4rS, AND PAINTS ROBERT SHOEMAKER & Cs. , thankful fel tin liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon thew hereby give notion, that owing to the great Warne their business, they lire been obliged to wt.. more room, and to secure it, have removed fine their old old stand, (8. W. corner of Beoond sad Green streets,) to their new and.eraelors Cron N. E CORNER OF FOilicTlL and RACE Street., where un entho new and grontly enlarged stook of It It UOB, IPA,INTS, GLASS LIE-13TEPPB , de they are now pinpored to furnish all their eta, MI MEW ertatomers, with any article In their line It the loweet.priees and o aostoinenodeting terms We shill nee every means 00 Our part to reel n _ eatisfasthtm to all who may favor in with theis,or tom. rift' As to pries*, we tan ,compete with An , other house, and the quaility of our goods is amen passed. itOBEKT SHOEMASER & Co, N. E. cornersof EOUKTH and ItACV St. , Philadelphia Manufacturers of Paints in OH, Putty, It Importers of Frivol' Moo Paint. Sole Agents ftw Philadelphia for the sale of • -FRI' fell PLATS GLASS Desists In ...I kinds of plain and fenny v WINDOW 0 LASB. _ . J. M. DAitt•;R Prices current sent on—applieatlon a.l Roods delivered at parch of the Depots or Wa r r, so* of .alive to theither. fe1313 SAINT LAWRENCE HOTEL, CHESTNUT STREET, PITIOD t This now Hotel le legated In Chestnut oriel, tween Tenth and Eleventh. running Leek t, ileac, street, an entire square, with ample room and cotriinodationz for 250 persons. This Hotel hu much to render it attractin tom, Trarellur, Sejosnier and. Citizen, being directly ny polite the Aendemy of Fine Arts, Parkinson's 11., den and Saloons, and in one of the most pleuant and fashionable places on Chestnut Street; ',d 8 0, I n Pb, immediate neighborhood of the Theatres, and other places of amusement. The Rooms ere large, airy, and well nT of have oonamunioating doors ettitabli l'br Families and Parties travelling together. Tin Yurnituro Is entirely now, and ethinwet imprezei style, 'maiming ell the late madam Hotel improer monte. It elev. prontrett# to the different Itathelu verging from the city, being only on ortar* dinew (rem the . relit Penne Irani& •nr•lr• — i poa n OM • mindere I 1111 de Arable for the Merchant, we the Traveller fbr plums •re. Cowbell will sleeps in »Mine& to coney passengers tcrand"ftwerthlrMoteL The proprietor would also beg Imre to give milk. that he will be whited In the mentairement of thu Now Establishment, by Mn M L. Neale, the lei poopular Proprietress of the Xllliiogf Apriage, Nag , who will hero the whole and entire chirps of the Ladies' Department, and by Mr Neonps 15 Mulles. late Superintendent of the St_ Charles Metal Sim burs, Penna. Linder this amengernent, the Proprietor flatten himself that he will bo able to Provide fat ever,' went, and &stabile's the character and repujatioa of the Noose as etrletlytl ant class hotel!. • fanl6 r ...WS. S. CAMPBELL, rhiprleter ryd inp.cuAirrs. & ALL OTHIRit who arbenseged in the salsa DERR SKllit and en destetipthro of FIJRB. , The sialeorlbet Wet extensively 'noire( in the FUR RIIIIINIAR, invites ell ti ho have snob oraiiin le dispose of tq Ore hilts a call. lie pays Ike highest market pre. in cash- It would be well &four banters to roaster ber that L pay them cash, and i gies then the (V faint, of the skins they have to diem, of. • Al! rronagly sthroded 110 , U. If. KEPLER. dec2(l Pies Grove MINI WRENN ItolitEE ISUCCIMINOII.III ro Mao. I. limes, WROIAZ4I.II /MD Rer ihuCUM IX Drugs, Medicines, Perfumory, Pslots, Oil., % a' niabee, Dye•Stufs, Toilet Scam Brushes, Hair tad Tooth Dreahes, Yearly and Toilet Articles, Tit:Louts and Shoulder Braces, Garden Seeds. Customers will End oar Moak colophon soolcmoh, and all sold at moderit• prisms. I - if - Farmers and Physicians, from the country aro invited toesamine oar etnet. any7B NEW EARDWAILE STORE, Y. T MMYNOLDR and F Q. FRAMOISCCS bars opened in LOOK HAVEN a austplet• menrtmest or HARDWARE, to which we Invite the attends. of ALL, needing my thing la tbs lbw Oar stock tout been aelected with earls, with the express da re to supply the enema:ay With such octioia is long VACLCSIYILY to the Hardware Dogma The Building Material and Hardware seed 10 Op rations mechanical branches, will metre oar ths hauler attention, Coseihmakers, Saddlers 8 v. makers, im Meeklalita, BleddonultbOarlendele, Os inelmakora, Ters, Ao , ate., and it to their Interest to call upon no and eminineflor themselves 1130 - Persona bundles will Ind here a splendol lot of Look, and Latehes, Silver Plated Door Slake and Dell Pulls, all of Eastern munufaentrol Putty, NelV r An dins the most beautiful stook of WALL PAPER, BORDERS, AND FIRE.DOARD PALA - TA, erereffuna il i i in moonily. STOVES, LAMPS, CUTIEL , Patent Dories lissehines, Aloe hot, Pino ll,dc ,At , kept Isaiah, tittoolltiot. IRON, Hammered and ~Rolled Iron, ON th• 00 0 11a 0 t 1 244 hand; f iT o n " l gaunt noesek-eisener Plat' iron turn n order in the often poigblo limo. We to all interested eons* 'llll4 'UMW* for yourselves REYNOLDS • CO,„ janl6 ' Look Saves. Ps :q, JUST 43/01E.T.ITED. ---* 30 bbl. No 3 modlato. llooltottd• 30 No. 2 do do -HI do No. I do do IR do No. 3 harp • do • 10 do No. 2 do do , itta 4 trir 51 ) 4 wader bpsttdatoa • bbls. ebad. • • • - 6 do Salmon, fu kllts . 3sr (null/ um, Alb, a autatior lot of ocvlattry , aorta Rides, Ilhooldora And Kato, whirl's. watt* Geld °hoop for Oisah, at 1101 ACNALBIPS VALUABLE-RAWITOR BALE 4114Th.-subwriew ha T tric, On h. w 5 edivoesof eonshithue of ONB HUNDRED 14114 40/liB, SMINIAI_,.. 'OO whloh elelmprovasassas ARAI* [fie - DWJAID LNG - HOURS, a spia NEW HA K , DAV/. A ispleadld YOLING , ORCHARD, The Farm Is la • high it.. of oultfollikoo. • For v•rtio• liars otazalr• of the iabeeribar,• JOUR D. WitiA_, ArALIIABLI 41.1 a4 ir . 44c Ztt" . ' POR SALE: trfolnible*.w" Mill, IllfttwithOot SIXTHS?, ACTIER or LAND, port of wbleb it TIMBRB4. mod esi be cultivator]. It la eftuated about One *le north of Mileaboro. The hill bartut dVeiefiot wall ooloulsted for alwtog plootemitur,),Atths, whit** an ifiPP 4 is tbls 401gbb0141004. Lumbar be 48 " 1 part moment. Thus Ii . a m sod 'brume fur lay Per wishing to make a Irrroatment. Apply at et. PARTRI Marian W 0 1 " ,, rny7 MiltabUrli BOOTS AND SHOEIL;;-- A largo stook of Miter ltdoil! and Shoos, for as4l.oillitalt ; / 111 0 1 Son Id how' owl it) hlldroao' Boots sad 194681; or sliklods, tor solo J. 3.. Alt Jul. , ' Juin y 1.01111.' , _ _ X 00," 4ND Iddit-: &ad A lugs samortotetA of wOll , dociy %Om jlisk NOM* simrbe 0 siric I. a. 21101111171-: