Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 17, 1856, Image 1

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' nll ". 4 % . r i( ratt l air2 . 6 ' ll ' l ° M .'
n mow cantor; a
nrsiqui.l , ho changed on all attimerip
ileadsr to the end of,thu year.
AD'T trtnt lineineatt Notice' ingert
ed at idte usual rater', and eyory deeorintion of
417 $ 3 •3 " XII. X IV X- MIT C+.
IM ID in the neatest manner, at the lotto.s.
nes; and with the ut nowt (Ivepatall Ita%iag
p u relsamai a larg6 colhectimi of typo, we are pra
, piped 4 poUify the ordent of our ft tondo -
No: 1. Eytta/ and exact ',wire to ail min ry
fr h ate co r flagd or perruassou, Irligtoor or rota
ted,. •
N. -1 1 f ef ilfarr, commerce and houl , t
thertrit ; entangling alleantes rot th
- 1,11110,
S. The right *Statile - awl To titor ee. to
WiNaHillieT their own domeali!
No ~ 4.: Freedom and eyitalito, the gorrrelowthi
tif I.lllprook, and the eight of the majortty to
alt teti Mai . Willer rmlatittrtntanlly e rpre reed
11 irdwirmay its the politic crproditatct,
and 0 oserOd pretervtatton of politic faith.
No. 6. Ppertlota of felipoit, freedom of the
press rood 4.emeoal dslotosops of sM/ormateo,
Ni , Clprosttion to all *greet political arca),
o. and to all &irrigations in politirt
No. 8. A sorra!, xreserration of Me Federal
Conttit to ion, and ,tte. rtikoloits teas for ojh e. •
No, O. ,No ihrhidry. or pride of tar .le, or di.-
finitilan of birth 111110,1 X .4inericon rats tells.
0. Respect and protection the I ighte
tit all.
3.• 11. The pretfrtyrtion etc the tat "rah z If ihrl
tam 00111 the rtgho of all to the Ittehlte thrth,f tll
O.& the FBA , ft it. of the Anterfal, orm
Ad: 17, Upposittitt, to tall chtitteretl mono w 1 ao •
Iv o , js. hitt !and 1 I
to al!-t-roptciutly to Move hl the hotht hold
117',Prori rNy own/ 1 erepert the hiblIrill!!
Laieetiathh feetekdation dl the ,•ninth er try
rfmtary; - "sad the f,ee loheeele th e eYo,th d,
seem reaped both jut tltur 71, oh, Iv ala thri r ue
telligemew forhed that l then h&c; the nt
wrong Of all the cutteare. ore (he earth, tee
~,/‘,41 go hare the Mini (,11.1deraitoli Ji,r Mc -
horlug maw—lP:en (g rn
ver . lihnislel Ihe 'dare I '' the Is'a, rit rice rinnr
, IlarrOSO POW hey, e rirt ton v to elelti,,tte pt. ~r
and trituJilcop re.oth ali Ih,,
olq, one 11111JUKST ". well a. on)
iitt•trtArtlN in 1n
L it a foriml, y f • MlTl rr•kt.,r
rommunil, (hi : ; ii 1 0,1 • 1,,/ .•II V;.
nIiMOCII.iTif: CUM/Int/0, OP VII, E,
A. .Ikek, Julia Canoplit:ll,
.io.ohoruust My
liblesbrirg— 'l'. M. Hall, Hobert Ludt),
.1. S. l'roudll.ot,, !stoat: ltutlington, A.
Kreatuer, Thee. Met,..kky. ! •
II !rah— , J. 1.. 'Vest, 11.. C. Win man, John
Iklerlelland,JoacpliJont-:, r. I.
Fobtar, J. Gatooe , , Abraham .Itookmato.
Unaou ,l).tamlze ray , /41,44 11 Viol. rlir.
is'lll 11'to. Campbell.
• 'Wain Sturton4 IllaKtm., .lobo Orr, I fenry
Hi t 1 1. B. Saltafrur, Hen ry IV ink Irma n ,
Ilreinry'linnkle, Anthony Geary, A. Carnet
Jog' Swartz, Capt. (leo Hhafer, itenjandit
Srueltzer, IVm. Garlatrick, Ephraim Erdh y.
etkruion--11chj. ('oil, Chart, m Snyder,
.1 If. Crurnrine,./aeolo llottorf, Win. Bloom,
(tr. (latex, Thomas Mayes, Hionon Ward,
(len. IX. )Meek, Cleo, Kepler, Maj. Wolhatot
rniohtield, Janteg Miller, AteztoncierHanople,
ifortiu Dolan, Jom. (latex.
A. ?tfogz. H. H. We nver,
Henry Itinehart., John Wolf, Nr , l'hotions
emnendllcr. Adam Winkleltech, J.. (
kepi*. Jacob IVolf.
J. Yearick, \Yin. Gat ner,
11.0gb Ilnalavy, David Dulong, NN'ayne
ffeltner —John 110 y, (ho. Gaunt, (leurlr,o
Ntribtar, , l)anitd Hunger, Peter [boy, Henry
May, a P. }butter.
Snow 'B,lrpr—NViin. Holt,Jaines
JiMen Porearnan, Janiem 'lllrMastei
Iltrzo : --P. W. Ltartifmrt, John I'ol/rill:Ili,
Jacob Killehnger, J. P. Shope, Henry L.
Harr': - -Samuel Githfanj, 14. 11. Ih rijr,
J;uncri rrice, Philip Moytr, Fir(lk. Ih.rktr,
Siilisfoskis —Daniel Derr, .1. M Benner,
Abriou .tiv,citzt r, C. Milol , l, 'l'.
B. Milk.ry,B, Brown, J. Melkiniold, llenry
Win. Reynolds, Ilenry I,lsy 4, .1.
It Waldo; ii , ItMonquingii. • ,
-4sekibllA kr6; 1,13 t Tel Mweier,
Soak, l L. John Miller, Henry Krilinrbis,
Veer klunntiower, Win. Musick
Heirara -- Copt. [(Airy l) op p , Il nu i r l "NI ;
Join Leathers, Philip ltat ❑hai t. J az,. IV I u Le
man, Juhn W. Gartlitvr, John Wftl(r., Itobclt.
~Alf+Wos--Jas. Mel/Iva., .las.
JOIM.:111filler, Isaac Rye, Cyrus Croutster.
.firarik --John 11. Cook, IV. Ale Diva.
4fiegi—Col. John !finite", .1. It Fisher,
Yiod'frwring, Eng., Montan Sankey, John
Oreent4 111 r., - John F. Ilecktnan, !Ivory Ditek,
-Pofter.—llenri Maj. John Nell,
John Shannon, Esq., Christian iiulli r, J. 11.
Keller; riatteis Alexander, David K import,
Ifrjalt Slack, Capt. - John Love, David (011 -
TinikTbotnait J. Sliver.
Misonsa—John linker, John Zeigler, An
thialwaarter, John S. Hoy, F. M. Streamer,
11 / 01 4 0 0 Logan, I laeob Roy, Peter Haines,
lert, Beck, Wm. Allison, Jr.
Wm. J. Kealnh, .John Hoy, Jr.,
1." ' l llatrnbart, Robert Thompson. David
• 11 1 10MIri/John.l49ll.keth J. / • Larrimer, lhunel
trAln Otakenon Derr.
..."Pipt—Thoznan Wolf, Reuben l'ranier,
"141Calabld`frairank, Adam Hear, Andrew Shafer,
Qaorge Bahmeltizor, Adam Stover, Jacob Ila.
eels filbafer.
r 4
'Apr!! tp A r
.Know-Nutliing Slate
net at Lancaster lately, r.e
-„447llitreiiikso tho nomination of Fillitioro.
,14p i r10xfwhon a motion was made to
Thus wo see by their actions
that Millard Fillmore has been baerilleeit
designs of Thailens Stevens
_and Co. Ex-Covernor Johnson crowded the
'4lArd*PP-IlfwlnuvrllK Peeet.n, that the Nadi.
ItePettittatne in CinagtWiti refused to allow the
wlioun terriktrial. laws of Kattnew to be re
pealed, and peace restored to the cuuntry,
bucliutsp the oetreges,eoininitted there fur
sinkthein with the linty electieueteing po
litteel capital they have.
!PIT 1 , 44111)2-4,,I, PAILTy. "rho ilatiovality
- cif ithpowneratii: pally is idly (lemma - rte.;
4c117 tip' fact that rrei y count y in Me /Inion
p.,4l!Yea.seataii qt:lhe el ILC ilt MI IWC an,
4 1 4 :that gip:Platform of principles adopted
1 ,! lAX4444,,Witiaatital Pa 44 41 by a unsownous
1. That the black Itepuhlicnng are guilty
of the hlackvab falsehood. when they cßharger,
11 04 5 0141/AWAI
" knoW:. i vie drat
the Demom /icy, by their platform, insis . t that
• that people of every State an ,Territory Khali
decide the matter,themselveir, whether they
will have that institution jr not. Being in
favor of this doctrines the " Blacks!' ea - II
advocating the extension of slavery. Shaine
upon their meireprceeotations and false
'2. ft is n fact that no ono can of pose the
Democratic &chine alsme alluded to, of pop
ular sovereignty for the Territories, And be
a good Amerienn, since such opposition must
be founded in the, kingly doctrine that the
p«)pre are uOt rauahle of self-government.
3. It is a fact that tlw difficulties in kaw
mum originated an the Northern Abolition
ists, Itito formed societies for the purpose of
controlling its instututions - 2 in advarice of the
actual meitiera --by sending, out men from
Massachusetts to vote at the elections, and
that such have since been koptmp by the
Black Keimblienns for the purpose of politi
cal capital.
4. It is a fact that the Democratic United
Btutel, Senate passel a bit' abrogating cc*
lain olmoxious laws of duo Kansas Legisla
ture, of which tha 'Mack Republicam com
plain, and that the latter rated against and
defeated the measure, because they desire to
wake political capital out of fluent.
5. 'lt is urfact that the British monarchists
are mewling money to aid the Mack Repub
licans, because, as their journals state, he
being P. 84.-ctional candidate, his election
ould dissolve the Union.
G. It in a 111,t that rt.eent discoveries make
probable that Fremont WftH not born in
he United Stittev. and, therefore, by the
'onstitotion, is nut eligible to the office of
candela. , •
7. It 1 , .; a fact, whdc iu 01116A:11:a, he cer
talul ''Crf '1•141734-1641‘14044
un I t. CM' furuishetl by him were just
awl I 4.111., and that the (level tumult, tipon
lot eatigation, found that those axiom true
li.ohdent to the amount of nearly 8 181111011
111 &Hart.
8. It is a fact that tho Bhick Itepub'lean
pal ty but sixteen States ; that it is
entirely goographieal and soctifistal ; that it
diiipbrys banners upon which are inacribed
bat—al/LE A :La .n044.11/1 ut tea;,tita
that thu iiaitia of its-strength is taiiiiility• to
the South ; and thatits ttw;cess Nronlit lead
deilitoini and civil Oar.
c immunity site advised to he tm their guard
for the follow mg list of counterfeit notes now
In iir.•ulalmnr! tititne-of them are exceed
ingly led! tixecnted : -
111i...thank's Bank, Pittsbuig s's spit:ions
al ter“lirmu counterfeit on Mechanic's Bank,
\ ignette, female in a medal
lion ; uir right end Worthington and horse,
and on left, • Mechanu•s' Bank, (l'hilada.)
Ake! lan Ban k ; Nun ark, N. J.-- 20'14
Vugurtte, lac:lull:oat. ()a kfl hand
female and sinlif of nlnat.
Kendaskeng Bank, Map - 0., Mu.- 10 al
-141-vd from 2ta. Vignotto a ship or war un
der hail.
Elm City Bank, New Ilavem Conn-
Itys, 2n's and 51/'s alt r-d from I's. Vig
nette, Washington. - lln left end n female,
and 4111 right, rabbits, Ail.
cry Flank, New York. lit'A altered
UV, r with rakes, &e.
ton lay Bank, Morrivlown, N. J
211's ultcrol front S's. N ignelle, boy liusk
Ilec:Mime:4' Bank, Nctv !Liven,
Vignette, female, siiinning
Wigwam City Batik, Delaware city, Rath
+AO/ AttOrions. l lgucttV, medallion head.
L) sigh eml railioad and eaiial, and un ler(
lit i I,I• \V lli, in Pion.
'tank of 11,1111,0 $ 11i0M1, 111311LOWII,
211'ri nit, lied limn s's. Vioutte, boy oia
horm•back, cattle and slurp, Sr..
1I n"dou Itmik, 111(1 Men, Cohn. 3's *ion
rioug I'ignelle. tic o f make, nlucld, eagle,
Sowninhet Bank, Warren, It. L —lO4
allured Vigliette, Indian fouale, cohul
Ilanniton Bauk , Hamilton, N. Y. -s:a.
spurious. Vignette, eagle, cannon anchor,
[lncas Bank, Norwich, Coon— s's and
10's altered from l's. Vignette, two females
1L 111 king a prem.
Prhienton Bank, •Princeton N. J. 20's
spurious. Vignette, two females, ke.
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, Middle
town, N. J.--s's spurious. Vignette repro
cluing _lndian and hunter, three winged
cupids. On right end, medallion head of a
fe Nude.
Dank of Orleans, Albion, N. good
imitation of genuine. ..The only difference
between the broad and 1•141 is the (lig - layer's
name, n hick is omitted on the counterfeits.
'lank of - Newell., Newark", Del. --Ws
altered from l's. Alen 4411 horseback aiol
labeirers eating graiii;:litalitnitinh - ead on
either cud. •
KILLED Hy A IVOUAN.- l At Pekin, M., ono
A. F. Loa t /1 . ,S almthit, instantly killed by a
woman twit week. It seems that ho ()fibre,'
Immo indignity to het, when oho attacked
him, striking, him to the floor, and continued
beating anti- bruising-his bo d y until :liitryttalr
llotonionw.—ln the Dauphin co. Cotart of
lotery, Minton llreen, convicted of
the murder or Nlichavl H.141(..y, iv fellow la- ,
borer on the Lebanon Valley Iliadhinnt, some
thno Hulce, WAS sentenced to ho hung.
Sclot.thell, comment . ed hwt week to t. tam'
Wiiiilol:B Dish ict, Ile intends vi,iting
cry konnethjii in the comities et Btatittivt/
StimiudeninFiti4„Tie4a: „
lilirrifonnkr OnOxen in Texan' ie Itotn ,
posed of frlOmborrt soul 4,
411;4 jl : llalhern zunnWi 445.
TIIPI EAnTIL A : GlLAVRYAlin.—§9inklillo .
writers •ameept that the number of peraoni
who existed mince , the beginning .of time
amiluiiti to 36,627,843;286,075,W. Theo
:ifoitfiriibon •Vetbd by 5 - ,095,(X)0, (the
number of squaro miles of land on the globe,)
leave 11,310,689,732 square milen of land on
the globe, which being divided as before
will givo 134,622,976 person's to each square
mile. Let us 110 W reduce miles to MUM
rods, and the number will be 1,863,174,600,-
4100, it Lich being divided as before, will give
1,283 inhabitants to each square roil ; a bid,
Icing at:duct-a to feet, will give about lice
perimus to otidi square foot of terra firma.
Thus it cc ill be o revived that this tart!, is
ono vast (vim:try. 1,283 human beings he
hurried on each square roll—scarcely HUM
tient for ten graves. Each glare must con
tain 128 persons, Tillie it is easily seen that
the whole surface of the globe to‘24been (log
over 1 , 28 titnei to Wry- its di ail,
Garrison,. published the
following editorial in a late number of the
" Liberator" of which ho is the Editor, .11.
is but justice to say, that Garrison is a leader
of the Fremont party. -
" We ilissuit from the sentiment that the
(lisp:Mien hie the Union is eery slight
nee d ' for it 411 tVldf,Vl cod mid rotelf11;
'stronger t very hour and will no doubt be
greatly inerentitsl by the triumph of •lirwrior
Ittillisnism' in the person of JaMes
an. Their is .. , troitgr hope for belleminq Mal
lie tell Gr the last Nesidelit of tho Unitrd
Moles. iu whieli . ,ease THE JUB 'LEE Lti
That tiarrison should despair of anerehs
in electing Fremont im • not strange. Ilia
Arent to force a tliaaolittion to the cti iit of
Air. Buchanan's tit:elicit, is eliaraceeriatic
of the nigger 'worshipping
FILED DOUGLAS ( who is a negro) has !undo I
down the name of Gerrit Smith for President,
in his yea ilaper, and now vnibiNea Fre
mont alai Dayton. This secures for the
Black Ri publicans Die colored tofu in New
"ork, whrre iehro, lrat -
ref. ty have a l lght to Note. We a, ish lit al
happy time ttltll their colored associates.
They luny have Frederick, we will be antis
lied a alt such men as,liufuB Choate, Josiah
Randall, Win. R. ltt td, Janata B. Clay and
others. Douglas holds to the very Chi 'stunt
doetri4w, that t very southern slat e ought to
plant a dagger into hie: lIIRuIeI ' s hl art.
1k:1(3. Illtly111 : 1CAN I le . ary
C. Wiigbt, lrhu is fecturiok 'Aer-Frutooodr,
.W11:110111, has written a letter to Wm. Lloyd
tlartihon, ue Whi , •ll 11i, gives utterithee to the
iotionoos sentimunts. "My text
UNION! lII' WIT!! TIDE NaliTlic.llN
REIT Brio ! THE T110! . (IITS OF TI (DK
fba,Awa an.— A letter from l'k:e% ark, Pd
an are, to the Boston Po st, from one nho iu
Novonber Witt etuft his ttr3t Ihmocratie vote,
" Little Delaware u ill give her rote ith
out gainsayings for Buchanan and the [Tido'',
and Pro% Menge permitting. 1 shall be happy
to add my wife of ono rote to the Demo
cratic majority. It. is the only resource now,
for any one who wishes well to his land and
son was held to bail in $150,000, in the Su
perior Coml. of New York, on (I.e 411 inst.,
MI a charge made against him by the NUM
rogue' Transit Company of defrauding thiani
out of half a111....011 o f by II (Hi aced YOliClierii, gnif over cfrargen for coal ail
other supplies dining the time li, aettll
agent for the Company at San Fraiwtsem.
The 14Nick Ittepubhcatt papers arc !minding
the name' of lion. Samucl D. Ingham, of
Duds county, ad a now convert front the
Democratic ranks to Fremont, to which the
Doyleltown Itilellktencer replies that "he
118 X Democrat at one period of his life, but
that period has not been within the last
twenty-nto yvaro."
SPITY.YITI, A countryman clinic catty into
the town of Elmira oil Saturday last, with
a load of wood, which ho endeavored to sell
for two dollars ; but, failing to do this, he
Look it down t 6 the river and threw iL in, and
complacently a IliCll4ii it till it floated out of
Hight. HO had previously been offered $1.50
for Liao load.
ouT•—.S. man
was connuittutl to jail in Cumbeilaiiil county,
I , 4 4lusylusuila r piLL140461.11,-ult.,--4“ a (Margo
or murdering Mr. Kismet, who wail found
dead near his bonen agnio two mouths ago.
It is Said that thu Whijillony leslrwigagpinist
KKK' , TUT! IStfuE. There is 110 issue be
tween Denweraty and the Mack Republic/I,nm
on the fpn.stion whetber-elevery obeli be- en
tabliebed'in Kansas or not. The 15111 c t,,
Whither (.» the people of the Tcr
rib), y shall dderonne [hot.
A Fri r.anua ow, tot SPICii:INI.--l'he Au
burn, (gi;l4 - York,),litirrt,art gives the quid.
illeatiouS Preas - iiit as follows :
"R einotit is Catholic, a stavelltilder, a
uelist, a gaiablog, a hul4y, and lb path.
(hitter." • ' ,
Tito vatatioa 'of , Fremont arc much vlartrd
miwe' the holittni; Times srwi lkoatiry 1V"" 3.114.14,
eve our iti faYot of itiat'ehallltio. liovv,oat.
on‘Pitia for the enotuiesoli Abo.Uui9m to 1146
in ConOrt. .
Prom ase Ala!, rerria
LETTER I , 7(CIAi 471
~, .
'The followhig letter frpm , •n• 411108
11, (Agit; midi 'f>f A* intilort r 4
oiritter, to It toitleontn'Tiirg S Ific vittt
of this pimp, ling twill kindly ~ irmslied tig
fiCr publiontium It ‘l, ill forvver.p it to rest,
in the milohi of enndid own, tho charge of
rit.. bargain and corrupt lilt" now 0 •t 1 lip not
Mr. I tovhatian. It ef 'Willem's Rod' to every
ilatiotiM Mall (11111 Old Line %nig in the
country : ~
Aaut..ttw, near Lexington, July 14, 185 C, Silt : —I hat e earn rd yetur, letter (If
thu 7th it,i. tam gratified to !earl) you are
nldt an old line AVllig, ullo hag 'not Rivelflot
to tho tundern lieregieg whiolt !taro come no
4,,i l
nett suet Ting our oddc old party row the
face of the eat tWe
it. me tok,fel lii num
bers to prl sent minority canal a to the
people, for their h111!!..,P,VM for th • litglieht
Milo: in thou gift, but Are arat mto
adlwre faithfully to the iu Howley af out ra
dii rtti, and heti( ring thet I to be 01, and that
truth tnumt t %Tutu:lily perail, 1 . hope for
!Adler Inhes, When the country in y have 4 :
vorett il (POO thlr 1111111144 ~ It Itieb rilellrlt to
Ila 1 0 sued 111 , 011 it.
Like inl sclf awl thomandslir
citizens, you are ClV,illig 3il 101,1 t, If
to toteertniu What may be the ei
duty to your country ought ;to
to pursue in the conk:qt. in huh ii
hetwecu the candidates of
none of a Inch you yourAulf hr
do me the honor to 161. toy ittlyt'
opinion. I givo my opinion chc
•• • -
I rognrri tho A 4 ut
enter putt than tt e‘er hnv Filet) 711111 . 0 the
foundation of the government. ; In 18211tlio
W1.404t, a n d hviit men titmtglit it in tlAngt r
from the blAvely 171,,
miN,ouri (•uutirronuu• woe pIISSI,I 11,1' the
istrise.t. nett 11 till' hopotlmt it a Mill( Pitt
that tinestion tautly at rest. In I r‘rm it WaS
plautly seen that the hop 6 wtts find,. anti the
purpose e 'Linea at nil. 'rim hole pountry
ea, ili.ttartett steT 'fern in Oct', and tilt
Iteltle,t awl e Ise .1 tdalcStiier! ti r”i
the Union. Ity the t IliertFt of Coi• Lest 111111
or all patties the compromise Isrto It at.
tllirteti r amt 011 , :e It rely
in the I, i beg thy ei uiiiy isle.
11%, rain. lutile thcir - hop , sp ;u rely
of tlio i,,i lest notori; in iii scent t
_1 ill it nt U S‘ll. l ll:l44 . 111. 111.
111 N ( . 1 - Iler 1% I/I Of 11
or It [lt'll 1111.M . Iltell to II- 111 It
funu more 1a0.711,1e and dirtel t1,,L11 it 4.1, t
Lao! 11:18. The aIIII-AaVety palt) .atf tilt'
Not t •I.••riutued to accompli-11
WM, has presented, a purely tiedloonl t wait
date, Ntlrtliagnmat South - , itr She liction of
niont for Ow l'resideu , y. It i't my
opinion II at OH r.. H 110 W no than
this • N .rth sigaitt-d S.rot.ll--4
the Ratan: --upon llyM t. 4.-0 0, what.
art , Ste to lilt As fol,clpi or 'OUT eutltill). 11 ho
!1.1141.11V- 114).- 44144. 4 6 h. 1- 40,111.
The ll'hlg rarl v, to ltict alone of ititta
eta I,, t t I•ni t belong, hag not thought it
pi - whoa and :tart-mile t¢trret;eut l 8,11(11,1.80.g
to ON have oh, red for tale mil
fiaget,, ottptt,ing Nlr. u ,nt, (no (-mall-
A t ilt a. MI . htliiiore and Mr. Buchanan, Nall
Of %olio!. I I, lit•vt• In In., flitt.l the rim ry
(1111.141,111, at, lan to the kwon as I NM My-
NI If. I:At It of tlitqu 14 th, 1, ioreNciitativt , or
'nun I NM myttolf opposed.
t-;.1 fat :La tcgartl toy Ott it conitletion, anti
toy OIVII print•iplva, acilltur Mr. Fillmore or
Mr. litielianan iq my choice ; but I must
clatarmt Lit col ,ki ;.1111,r, NO far 1 ant
rourriuul, the -it j tul , lilatrt patty to
dtiiloy till' I' St wo.t hum
anti hie. It it hut a elywo of evils, but
froth far iea I tilt 0111 , 1 %%0111i11141411e lection•
of Fremont_ .1n itia!mg the choice I,shall
he g 0451 tied, not by iter,onal adikeliment or
rt,onal rl ntignalioe 4t tot or (ho other. I
a l ta 9 volt , for that true tt Ito I bulleve wilhbe
111.41 likely to defeat Frutatatt. mood !MVO the
lhaou. it o mg 111, blito,ollll Mr.
11111.11 IN 4.V, hat a better clou „, '
14 , 111 c, ono! if Miltft (hal
tt tr ibe doh/ of rrety Man, Ilad ..crery
Lint' Whtc-, w/w ureic/ills to/44Am country
to u()Ti..: Foie ILIA! 01 Mc mircso p won s o f
sovin 4 , the (Two's.
It has Wen repeatedly iirgq to turn that
fr. Buchanan wei 'the politic* enemy and
the vilifier 'of lily ruttier. I%4lfilt el*Wthlng
that has Is en Karol 'true, alkali! reply, /
h,ll, r (lulu I ha,' el fill
1,1 , 1,1,1 , 11( I ( ' OUntry rymr p. B u t I
do not Lela re th, chatges likkto I Mr. Ito.
to IN• I roe I know that fp r more
than to early-live l ears, yolitait a IlyNte tt as
the UN/Mal of env father. th) not for au
itedant bt Into he had any'`..tatiplicit)
tt tot, ,l ac is,itti and °theta in (Ito clan e,,•
of latepuit turd r irruption Made :ny,ainst my
father in 18:2,1 If believe lid , I must al
the same lame belies e my own father to have
been false : fur pliblwly and prisatily Ile ex
hololated 1111 , 111111 , 311 from the elian;is
ss itness his pi is ate letter, never rn N eded fin
publication, to his old friend Judge Brtiok,
pa , ' , 1( 0 . 7 01 t'oltni's private vein .ponderer
of Henry Clay, in a Inch fie says • he could
not ilehne a ht,riniger atatenutit Isom Mr.
Ilitehanati ;" and his public ape', hat IVhsh
ington nn Ilk Ir...tiro/lent from tin' ottlas of
Seeretnry of State, in which he uses
1 1 toning language :
I "'chat eitimin (Genera! J'ailk ,ors) has done
me great Injustice. It was Inflicted, as I
roust ever I), hove, for the double purpose
of gr alit') log pi I vato resent/bent, and pro
'meting lie,suunl ambition. lain, during
the late canvass, hit eitum• forward in the
public prints wider Ida iitstitZa aspw„ with
111F1 ehwe against roe, ht.
fore the piddle I denial, his ra...nd mitt only
w it ne ss (Mr. Ihnilianan) to establish the
anxious attention sc• tla' rbidp Alfa:man
-ripple was thrtttell to OAP itsQlitany
that witness miglit reinter. Mb Troundly
obeyed the call, and hisuilis it to w h a t he
knew. lk ceuiii say n ettling, mad. 40 maid
nviikosig the ,haltiestAthinlo upon
tuy-lwinuroa-autegitty. 4ay.
was the rdietsrinti of any iiiipheathren of me."
These Miro enough fur rite ; &Me men may
prunind that they are ga eater Ilkimrdiciir
r than I am IlnySidf they Lava d o h,
and ths'y till torini-a l aid party rpnnou d„
qtr again. it that lo' WltlfAy father,
'lily partner, and he.t hien& in fife. I
never forgave, and not. r si ill fos ts ib ir ,
injuricsvind real Ur , 414; AIWA i.
lily km belief that if I it (V
„ pdp,.tpla a
climate agisinst sill thiisa• si hit Wevii-guirty of
vnitrx anti of -irtjiiry tii. lit, n, I' '14144 ,14 )(j_ 11,4
-rupitarids 111014 Idonidail:iy. oiktviid a do - ,
tlips4 Whose mouths me now uWgt, f u ll or
lloiiputir,t / Iterib and
If 6149 ;July 'stie them Ming , l it, i i n d oo
their wretielwil hail after ofliilinfit thug ex
pokaie.-Of all dollar ink and kiirtillicqw blow
I.hticsu .114144 b 4.) IoV th ho
gave his life fo'r it, nitwit of my rancor to
wards them would be - apiwasedr • . • .
I have ilium, my dear air, with perfect,
freedom 'and candor,,giyeu_you my. views
# asi,
and 0 iitions. You 'itre Tree tti uso them la
yes , pubituly.,pr pdyntely, ~,,,,,,, , 4 1, 4 , 6 „ :„,,
nin very respectfLlTT ltly., • -,----.
Your obedient, servant,-
A .td/11111A1/N.
Eng'loather° al e at most I f)00 gipaies.
in France, the,i' ate hal illy to be found. ut
mill ; in Spain, the last reams put them mil
30,0141, nearly all th% I i111:ill cdirs, amid
inwern of sedentary Omits. - Before the end
of the present century, they trill probably
he extinct over Western Europe.
The number of fhe thingatian eipsies, ac
cording to the census of Maria There , n, is
53,0()0 ; in Transylmlia, they are reckoned
about 17,000 ; in Wallachia and Aloldavia,
tin years ago, Hare were 37,000 families,
which ;it live ton family, wohld give 185,-
111111 souls; no that in the rtincipalities ev
us3nnei7,lltrenth person is it glpsy. In South
eat ttu , sia, their number is probably nearly
as peal ; but :to nemrate computation can
be made, as they lead an entirely wandering
life, in tnuuner grazing their cattle on the
mind in 11inti.r encamping in the
depths of the lbrest. Of the gli,ies of Hun
gary and the hincipalities,aboitt one-ft...loth
hair pal 0,01 ) ~e ttled don n in the t ,, w ns mind
YI1111;1,e3, tout live, like their \\rsteln lireth
ren, by taling fortuneq, cheating- and pilfer•
ing, and ostensibly ne buyers and selbrs of
9 h ;W . ErtViNent t :faiM l Alitg l ,
they touch on any of tho higher attributes
of humanity. Music is their gift, as with
the other o sintering rat c, the ,loon;
among the ~ , oni:)u.s I lungarintot, evely 111115i—
elan t., a gipity.
• fl
h ;rm, tall
1111 a I WI
.1 pinl It
r tio+, to
Ity; pmt
I And n y
tqfttlly aunt
Thu lii t F:nstirti gipqies I not were at
ISrinm, in Moravia. It was fair-new, and
rho rourt-yaril of the hat I was crowded w ith, liorsts a n d cattle, while their
ow tiers tt ere in the shade uudt r a
ain,rt of shedding that inn mound three
fourths of they ord. On a kap of otraa - ut
the intddle, in the 11111 heat of the blazing
still, lay four gipnws asleep. were all
lour, tall pow tthil men, with coal-black hair
Ils e0:11 - An us lope, stn.nming ov(r their dark
laces and as tiny lay to In 'cot in sleep,
their sot murt - rtmnltrer. 'Yhrirdmss, -
to call It, ill, .1 C 141 1 ,11.11 of the tilcst
rap., slrapp(d lintild the waist N 1 itli a rough
'Turkish shim I. and ach gi. double
edged Lott, at his Init. Ida lay ,
behide them, for they were
alien the cool of the trilling came un, tiny
la gnu to piny. Two haul via., 00, a hem
pet, the !mirth a II intgai 11111 cymbal, w Inch
is you( thing like a 4uilnr, pimp 'I, not by
lint with ovens' with
akin. and mode of playin •
w 'la as m 11l a.. 4 thetas, Ives. ' tiny I,layt ' d
enirtt - thooe riftio• •
fat y melancholy airs, 111 which the genius of
the tare amt Nointry in reflected, lint with a
pathos that pawns into Um souls of the lin
teia Iftei o awls at 'until, those lamas
rte round at, tALIy dam and concert of ow
saddle ela Thor MUSIC In nitV;l3 '4 the
- -att4i, and to a htr.ti giows somewhat
inotioNnolin ; lint mauvesnrttn(d never
tired of' Tratetinigio it. %Vali them It In a
point of hw.: to iiiihold the ill nntlnunl
tits: and while the gipsws are generally
*niked upon as haidly poL.s , smug hoills, the
pips) , if .ir lnlcul, soon
into consideration, and lie
outttilh in respectahle soviet) , and even
pir , sessed of com.iderahle prop; ray.
Rascals as 4tir Y.tgl oilers (I fungal tan I iip
sien) are, and htiog 111 din glralcst misery
and filth—in filet the dirtier their hots the
be rte r they Itke tht to —they are still 11 Very
liand,orne race, the iiolllflll lalerinlly. The
horning sou scorelies their facie mole, and
they are therefore dm kei to .11111%111y than
in ; but the flee life they lead gives
them 1111 um•ut,tlained :11111 111111/NI& 11
111 nnng, which the constahles, the storks
And the pi 'sou have hdlg takcq, from tie ir
Island lit etliti ii. These bolet, Iron beau
tiful 11 0111 1 11, only 111310. fIgli)111i , 11 1.1 1
1111111, hull i,lll 111•)1,, le eth mid figure:4 can
chit in the stifling - atmosphere of ilmir
tents. Hut beautiful they are, and their
beatify 1138 sometimes led to unions which
have ithitist always resit Roil tit misfortune.
Slefen I: - piton; and vet}
priettir of the Ittit et, having lost his wa'tin
the I louse, bad to pass (lib *lll in it forty
tent. A young and Is Ittli 11111 1;11 I leas thew,
pith the deep, dark eyes and scam-too snide
of her rare, and her pats nth kid the true
gipsy guile to tan the glutting passions of
their guest.' Ile yens xi eatthy, pa esionate,
an 01 plums, add Micoutioheif ; and within a
week the gilmy can Ilk 11 Ile, nod ill X,fl'll
days more iiistslled or his'
beautiful chateau 1/11 the 111111101'14 th# ?eines.
Within ten - dart, in ftel, the gamut hail
reached a fabulous fortune. From the smoke
Maid tent of her father, she st as, iron:ion
el, as if by magic, into n 1101/1 11 1 1 1 / 1111611 ,
,111 1 1111111101 111 11 luxuries, milt trams of
servants, and at 1111 h 1 / 1 111111 deleted to het
1811e9. Note Wish:toiling this. slic nas
miserable. The fixed and quiet life, the
very comforts slieenjoyell, set toed to press
01111 merit her down. When her husband
pietitioned her as to the ennui. of her wan
111111 altered appetirtineo, the looked on the
country null tried to tootle, but the smile
was filll of bitterness. Her wily comfort
scented to lie. U , JaL grazing for hours upon
the distant, %castes she hail so often tratersed
bare-footed, and rejoicing in the days of her
po v er ty. ih i ena4LhMlscaledoneday, what
her ear, over am Wu watch, eanght the smind
of a gipsy band. Through the Creek, she
could het , the passing forms of the men and
weitien, the donkeys and folded earls, and
, them a joyous vote(' struck up the favyritc
gipsy-song :
The w i n a ii. roaring thrtingh the woo*
The 1,10011 I neiountios higher,
The gypsy stops to cook his rood,
And light his forest fire
— lire; is . theitliTinoifin . fhb '
The utldrtag on the hill , •
Tho linglo in the sky is free,
The gipey freer stilt—
II urralt
The giwy ricer '
git I v. ilt iu %Ay 1,1 , 1i11' 1 . 144
I{l 1111 4, toga gr,1,1
In robes ol shall be &rol e
Tby hair u!th atuntla rottl,
'tho vulture Vutell for "olden_brit
numt, on high vf 111 quit;
• wild Ittpree. fl , 4i Num )•outh:toempoo,f.
W 11l spurn tho geklost
Ho CIO Urruallok troy In .n,
' 41r 1Q7 the worn , ' flit
• ,h y h er iuhr, the iturld her hopoi -
Will livu tho g„ituy 041h1 7 ,
,11 'Ural% !
1V live the giphy meld!
At 'tilt . ; ]alt ; nbth; the lioteuei etiddetkly
sprang through the open easement, and van
ished ationg.tho trees. When her linahatui
Came in, no one hid own her, or could give
any tidings of Ilk.. For two days, he sought
her in vain ; night closed no% the third,
1 1{1144 hq
. • ' 3%4 li (iislttnt tire showtd o
was near the object Of li • Siii
ing through the bushes, he approached un
perceived within 4 few feet of a..pair Heated
talking by the lire. It tins tin singer and
his own n ife, alto was filling the former of
the weary hours in the 91)11'1M 111 misery of•
her elettenn. N
Stefan H returned brohen hurled Io his
house, which he soon after quilted for ever.
The next dear the Things', lan relointion
broke out, and he found n hat he motight, an
early death before Temesrar----Cloonber:d
Journal. •
A few years since, its a New Elightinl gen
th man, Ni hose minion wo shnil esti Brown,
ad passing a few (lays at a huh I in one of
our we.,,tern cities , heinol the nii..fortitno to
. .
nimitentionally offend the susceptible honor
of a tall' Indiana Colonel n ho Wits one of his'
teltelloat - -loardws. Ills apoingus nut being
aptisfactoiy, a eh:Oblige %las , Ant hits,
h. hoe u‘er, he (I( eliinil, upon the
ground of rom , ientionstiernide:. l'he
- ttho, by the way, had atin , in two or
three encounters quite a rquitation a+ n du
elist-- at. 111100 cocci iv IA the id is that his olk
11,111Clit. q as a COW fait. and resolved , t.(l dta
izr.tee hint by llop . ,gltig hits In the face of all
the op , ..embled mouths of this house. Ar•
cor'dinglv, the next day at (blintr tone, in
r ~~ T ,,,-
1 . 011 /tide, and alvnifein,, ,, to Brown's chair,
proceedid to thud his jacket for filth in the
most, approved style. Brourti was .iudon
'shed. Luckily he had been n liviitenatit 01
militia in his tiatti e State, and kln w the im
portance of Mt onitlioding his elk my by a ili•
ver,ion. So, sousing a wavy tnt west, be
tos,ed the coutents into the face of the bd-
I iget eta Colonel, and, heroic that hero could
recovei from the dropping 111410 , 111 Oats no
-411,i0nc41, lie bpi ang 1111011 the table and be
gan to shower upon him, n Ith a lib( cal
hand. the contents of the th,hes nround.
‘• Yod arc an infernal -"
‘• Omni d,'' the COIOIIIVI AbC , UI to say,
hut at that tuornAtp Ogle of Fn en t i r•ttnel,
full upon inotith, and the word Ix til4joc!k r .
adcd Rltddo,4t Airtreer.-- -- • -
•• iht !" nrlcd tlio little New }:tigla•iiltr,
v,lioyi• blood i;no3 now up, .• lond of greciat
niu )olt l'aie4 a potato° too and Ite
/Cdtt 0 : 11 14 . :1 01 1 el of hard Is at
"txetltent eggs hem; capital things
with calNo.4: head ;" and (lash ratite • plate
of soft-ladled egg' against the bile of the
Tito. blows if the co%liid, , ahu•h had
hithel to Ih-wended iipori the a Ilket head
and should," now In gnu to tall mote o eak..-
ly and wildly, and it hecnine it',lent that
the asNailant, half idunned, choked and par
tially ; WAS getting the Woiet of it.
Ilia courage oat rapidly oozing nut.
'fake a ttirhey bland( d Brown, as a
noblo old golddcr desecridt,i fairly upon the
Colonel's lit a4l, and bursting, Idled his hair
and eyes with dein loos looking ntulling
and hurt's the II 'digs,'' he 4 outitaicil, as
t he...squash and jelly followell ant r.
Its this time the Colonel was irretrievably
defeated, amid, ns his 'tiered, ss opponent
a. 1/.4 41 a huge plum pudding Mr rumwg hot,
and holding it abut,. lit IR ad ttitu lath
mlooilt to Wiry him. 'vent-nth
it, he quailed in terror, and ihron lug dos ii
1113 no hide, LUl'lllll about out inwle a rindi
fn the tloor.
•' Stop for ilie pudding, Colonel' slop fvr
the pudding!' shouted ((rein, Pudding'
Colorer', ',inkling screamed all his fellow
boai dent,. atuhl convulsions of Laughter.
But the ('olon(1 was too terrified to listen
to llr it hind invitations rind did not erase
running until he had locked himself in his
But, although the Colonel e,copcd Fran
the plum pudding, lie 11111i11 not t . .. 0 ape 1 . 1010
the 111111'1/111 which the nfhlieneensioti,d He
hithsequently per,olis against
hom his ire was partietihrly cw filed , and
they all conlented to fight, but aluitina
the nisei es of the privdegeof tire challengt d
party, appointo.,lpoddnix-bap rot their wea
pons. At length the unhappy daelist, Mut
ing 110 fMC whir WAR willing to be shut at
was ohliged to quit the &aim.
4.1,1(1 A: 211 . .11.1, ThADES
A ilniggist in tlika city last meek :lily( r•
tried fur n clerk, and aTholit . ottkr
WILY a tall am kmarti looking
tm enty•five 'years of age, eoarsrly
d re ssed, without stockings, and Ay itli a skin
rongli lea that of the akwrrro,i, After
, itaring lido id the mpfeinhif bottlea, and
other things tort attracted his notice, he
broke dot:
Are you' the dragger of thin 'ere .celab
" i itnr the drtiggint, Bit," replied thr
•• ‘tetl f thought hi) is soon as I came in,"
said the hillon " I know a thing or two,
fur all I look so. Iv'e been readin' in the
nowspaperalrout how you side in wend of a
clerk, and thinks I ml 3 soon as II cast trig eye
ou it, 110 W that place win suit mo to a hair.
.ind no I've come right away up hero tiOntake
a bargain."
" !lave you been bred tcr the brrshrittiil”
in iii red the Ittlimgilrt..
‘• I caret fifty ait I hate excliy,"
the tuxtu, d tint I've been boil to (Armin',
and I have a trot:lief' that can chop n'fit,4l
like a burr.—which I 'spoke will answek
the untrue."
" iit, l said ilk, druggist, " I should like
to get it unto that undo Aeolis suactling Of
the business."
" Why, for that matter," returned the
fellow, " I could soon learn - Vain p ‘ erty in
gonna follow about anything I tunlertike. --
Why it's only last winter I made a wholenew
pig-trough out of my own head. What do
. 376e - think of th.,t. • --
" I suppose lon found the stuff already fit
ted to your hands. Ilia I iniaguie it is easier
to' you to make a pigdretrgh• than to bid a
•ty-que then, and, see " said the per
serving applicant. ""I"oti f irnet lk now till you
tr)•. 7..lto t w'hioiy , 'll pad wager 1 caul, / tell
wheels that are round' balk; tbet'e 4i." - the
-winder ?".
" I;et nut ate WO . ' hahitt or betting," said
the druggist; but 1. doubt very time!,
whether you din : -
" lull won't bt, its ?" milksl the fellow,
'•• then I'll tell yon withont. That stnalthat
• looke so blue itt Wal aro bottle is hydrostatic
moriatie.probleniatict - genersAte
rapt of.tho doctor in our town., ICton't „low
think noW, si(, I'M' a party, itigetinriacholie"
. ~
4 0 . Y
• wt
NO, 42,
" 1 moll say you have givens very fah:
specimen," replied d the owner of the strop}
' but twit hikes some years to learn the
druggist's Minimise, I think you had beitee
engage In solnething which you . can Ihide&
'stead mire readily."
t i t„,, , ,
,inkj.hti...l"...oaitt The .fullow,
1 i, , , WWI: lie the* •etetill 'tent:"
sing for anthill', and drumining on the eihatit:
ter, when all of a sudden, seeming oti hare
caught a new idea, he burst out, “Ily Jingo!
Mister, I blieve you're right; and now 1
think nn't I'll go this minute and see if 1 cart
get a place in a Itrery stable.''
A story- which was often told me aids sot%
emn awe, of a winter evening, related to an
occurrence which took place at the Bridge of
Don in the hurt ellitury.'' A wealthy family
from the South mime to reside in It Mansion
in the, neighborhood. They brought Withf
them several servants ; and, among them an
impudent fellow who soon excited against
himself the general detestation of the villa- ,
gars by Iris Orentinacy and insolence. • On
1 (
arriving, the inunly took into Cm he service
1111 orphan gi I n hose father had been drown
ed at sot. re Is ue mother had died of grit?:
and whose only brother had entered the M
yr during tho Attune:en war. Ile had been'
um d tetAnlee s thiJ Alp by the gentlefolk..
who undertook to take care of Ms sfitttp.
The modesty, l auty, and forlonmeafrof Pie
orphan Oil, made her a general tl,Votilte:
into limning the news spread.from
cottage to cottage that the young nursery
maid bad disappeared during the nigh't•
Fears re ere entertained lest she should hatti
fr — ii'cirl,Zur ' h WI:CI:711 1 cl, (71 1 ` .1 ;rrolf neW Ist=
1 Black Nook. That morning the fishers net:
teatd their salmon, thelaboetri,their &la ,
the a orkinen their shops ; end the *ravel;
for the lost girl ir as the !waitress of the whole
Is pulation. The we yo ung girl was found,
mitten,. upon s ledge of reek to the chaste,
re ith her head just under eater, and her a#",
gel hands elutching•the ed ge of On ledge aar, s ,
if they ,re iron.. How s e could have man, .
itged to i•linile down, and Where finch a. mini
young etcatyre could bare got the courage
of despairl - to hold feudwhile drowning, were
,ni,arrk of ffiqrthihjon often debated by f!Pt. ,
rimii people for many y tars afterwards.
The ex phulatieni is, in the physielegieal rig
:tire of a sphy ma. Tire moment respiration
essioes; the whole maehtne-stopit.' Wk.. •
tr hat Prof. Fleurens calla the brain of rea
ptration is touched, when this vita) kiaoc. lit
destroyed, the muscles reedier their..posi- -
uon. - .
The al el worrier, who pegurutod that last
offices of the dead, found snit that the girl
had been betrayed by tier Pofer, her nopop
ular ft llow-servAd. Proving his guilt by
ardiee, the relloW 11.41 froth the house.
v nrage6 villagers huspectt II that ho had
taken ref.,e among, the treete attaltke__of .
the tiorttwen, lilt whirl i ti bangs lheckasm,
road Ow suacti atmoni running throulkit..-- , ,
Wilco his filiffitg, phlre was dahMl s t
village young own started °R after him :
ra rt ly has them been it,tnore fearful chum.
his fears exaggerated hi, danger; and to
(•,,apo the eNio,itro of riding the slang or
the pole thrtiugh tho village, be riiked death.
Leaping from rock towel.; swinging himself
holt, tree to tree ; scrambling among shrubs
amt Irtt.j t.n 0311(4 :tied and di-wove:l.d ; WO*
I . ..Hoyt:lg Moon ir w s,cotil.r. ellen fereele
to Ito Buret-fooled and,roore
dating than he tut. ; he hallkil the lads Who
hunted him to if he were a badger or a west
s:l,, until he reached the I cry precipice, be-
tiea tit 14 inch his victim had been ,itantsLat
corpse. The cron .1 twin ized Inin of the rod
by their cries of execration. Farther escape
loot berothe unlnmsthlc, for ho was aurross
dell anti Itt mined 111 on all sides. RctrAlle
swot IA rout depr.viti bin!' of his reason., Attu
stnegeriror anti spinning round, he fal, sod
roll. .1 from ledge into the depths of
the Mack Nook. When the boatwitichroited
swinly . to the spot liohed hint up, the bast-,
men 111eLt d a Ilattentil corpse wt of a red
deck. of IA ater in the rßer.
As Avr.i•nirrr, 1S told of a gentleman M
Mounsoitlp-linv, exhibit:l the pride of
ances.try in a striking point of view. nig
Loos'. %slam DI aurh a state of dilapidation
that the propritor, it as in danger of perish
ing utales the ruing of th 6 ancient tifiltnajoiff i .
which he venerated even in decay. A sinus -'
ger, whom he accidentally met at the tented
the• Skyritl,moile various inquiries respond
the ernmtry ; the pros-pieta, and the 11
Boring houses, and, nlllOlll4 Otilkil4,
NV• hose ts that MAIIMUII before UR TH
" That, sir, is Wen Ice, L very ancient
hom,e, fur oitt of it came the Earls of Vern
broke of the first line, the Earls of Vern- •
heolta r pf the secuid h ie , the Lords llcrbe't
of Chcrberry, the Herbert/ of Coldbrooo,
Hrm y, terdnff, and York, the Morgans of
Action, the Earl of lluditon, the housed of
lcrowm and Lanarth, and all the Powelill- -
Out of this house, es°, by the Sabah Pine,
came the Ituke Of Monfort."
And pray, sir, whO lives there nose
mr h
Then. Partion me, anti accept a pietist ,/
advice: come out Of it yourself, or yoili7
soon be hurried in the ruins of it."
A TOR7vms-tILLER was 'arrested at his
theatre of divination in Paris, and carried
be ire the Tribune of Correctional Polies,
"You know how to rout fortunes 1" said
the President. a man of.great wit, but to
rondo( • joke for le resigististe.
I do, M. le Preiiident," replied the soy ,
l'Clr. •
'ellt this case," said the ind "year
know the jiiilruent wo intcnd'to pibudaeoe
"Certainty." *, - •
" Nell nliat will happen to you VI
" Nothing.' ,
" Are you sure oT it I"
". You will acquit inn."
" Acquit you I"
" There is ao doubt of it."
" Why I"
" Because, sir, if ii had lis i e t , l l4 4 fr=-
tenttrin - ttitendermilnitry•i•
added iropy to rnisfortne'
The PAsident, disi:encerted, his
brother Judges, 'tad the lbstune teller was
tie( iiittcd.
--- - -
'' HURRAH 1 , 0111 I)(MILANAN 3 " 6halt4oll
DLinocrat qt. lite Mtons meeting. "NW
.rnib for the devil!" responded 's
" Vert *ell,' said the
erat. ,, i-yu4rurrah for your rand
I will fur trirpo."-T-nollidaysburg Sly AC!
RAII,IOIAIO-ri,it SALK. " The,
t iagalea444,
Ifinghamtm lisilrowl, and all • •
belongis% to lha compaciy. , Are , : '
titi_lar Bahl at,. 44a144014*,..imeditir
Ikrat , bondholders au the '
: „ , 41 t,!
ipatant. '
, , . 4 , 1 ~ `l'.' ....., .