Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 03, 1856, Image 2

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7 -
jjA ctir 7 177 1418 Ntk ItrP* l 7 l o - -'wHo
• • pm . isß4
1 THE PROMS ..601thl 4
ginti . 6rij Ittllnt . 11360. • ' •
, bb t ;i- i., 3) ; 11*1 ' ' e . . t g Math; lie e t linridtent,„iff this
- • , d r ap t ons s, w-e a ; t sure A t i e : , p o l (Mail Ark", - 4S,
1.4114 t, AID at AVT JI,IITICI. TO ALL. ;•..t
*; wdi • ITU a" 7 n * (l ft: B. boo t Hu- • the $(:0414 testrictioi di got
t .14 ersdey d. Tall (dare limy; la tja., .
• e• ca
, - CiallpTO,,idiktit . 1
. 4. we:bie amoilnimeter
COMETRY'r ' v cl* 4 . c • • 11 / 4 ) 1 . t al ills • its tolokliolt;'11the reststance Inch they
',Orleans from the pasp of liiitams* hireling. provision that the discussion should take
made to. thoiyirhiteoli of Missourisioso hail
‘. tl -
place in his own district. A feet days since,
. 110 - 1 00 ,,
That when the question of abolishing the Mr. dt t i b i w ali d3 o visited the district an d „ _
An tip
.a vit'.isdiilar in its character eras
brutal nractice of Mining in the ,Avnericatr_ L e - iirnot his readiness eta- cote-
pp the adutission of Arkan
„, r_ynarts rn-OstlY, ITT/ q fioWISIOTI, TU . tat.t.Cl ul wiitifik a rarkeella
V(YrED role v1,04411N0 mull , : MEN' fused to.entes Into a di , isteis'orti: in : lilt own r
I That this intensely Africanized gentle- di s t r ict , nv he had himself proposed to do, Tho troth is,ilve Compromise represented
man who can shed orookaoklo tears Ulna the iitintatrtate."l,o4..tmettr_mmewth.,,o,oi, 41,,,,, ,-o p„,„„.„,, k rit, ° cu., go „ ormi t r„, the
pretended a tongs of Cho tiegrorti, and scream other phrt ' of 'State; •Mr. -Schnabel in- subject of +cry in the territories: This
1 1
long and loud for a• bleeding Ktittsamt, ” 11511.4 sisteil upon eztrying out the origratil props- policy was thopiihry of d
nut the last sympathy t . ! I /T ress r or hifi xllion, a licrcupon I)llVikbaCked out "t n- oleo store thdline and freedom Of thole':
br ave erluntrlH". a .. uidal 149 .-0- 19 1- T i a - ," end voftwed to meet him anywhere. foclow it s o. ey TVA Ca‘ily derellat %Iron
battles hats retried the 'flag et' our cothitry, TIM people of that dilitrict have as yet heard prini4te—no acceplabloto the entire.
in ninmph upon every - sell', . but one Mile of the main question to be 'de. --hul mit& cil in by the majoiity of the y ,
That for the most trivial ` %Tsai er Dartl 1 side d , add mr; Seh na b c l lips.delcrttritled that, country for tie sake of pelce: Wise men ,
dwilPhnot ho' would WO Ot it • 02-BC.Le the sitter shall be laid before them'. Ile has wsre nnwillim, tore open the sine - try pica
• TIED neA:mmintidy, made
-X.:411TIIITITI,141311'111- with oilier lion, because they knew how difficult it windil
able and distinguished speakers to held meets' beto close itagain; anti trig; preferred to
'NO F 1. 1 .1511 CIII I FROM 'TIIEIII. BONES. rap in all parts of the district. bear the ills lhey had ; rather to risk ' goy
tom:-Kamln3ls" 11 • • • The Williunirrport Chtzetto says, that on dangers and t meertein result?. • , •
That w‘a' Dayto n
. 18 • 1 " "v bvihr° Y OU Friday evening, August 22(1, Mr. Piten, of thine.; %bin Teem; was anne r .se dto ale
soliriting your votect Mt the , litre of . his Tore Elmira.; iambi a apeach to a itlark,ii,rpohii- l'nion in Itlei this same policy aas applied'
for The negroes. can meeting in the Court House and threw to Texas. 11(r. Buchanan was then n Spoic.-
--,A man with a 69111. SO sittsil nsf WA'N/'• nut a challenge for a lifaellaaloa• At the eon- tor from l'entsylvania ; ehout to .leave .0011- .
Dayton's should not receive the Amos of any r u n+ i on ' s [his spee ch , samishrl Who . was gross for the Cabinet, and lie expressed his
tnielorer of his country, although he may present accepted the challenge and proceelled satisfaction !list. the Old adjustment had been
be the candidate of the bastard Moorman to rep t ) , to Jklt s cu. Thu vim was
,too continued. On this A;bject or
and mock Republicans... Leavy tb fns enebtred, end. soon drove the icing, as he aid, nll the dangers a liich might
whole party lint, tylf. the Alamo: First the grow out of its - renewed agitation. Mr- Ilu-
Presitjent irtritifeiflihtt was soon followed chewer' was *lnapt a min of peace. No
by the orators of the party. The Fremont statesman did more than he did, to prevent
freedom of speech advocates howled, shouted that disturbance of 'the compromise policy,
stantpril and Insulted, for the pulp:ker . of which the Northesn prohibitimtists
choking dOwo, lint without succeeded in acceMplishing.
- • -lr‘'' ~U after 804 No 4461.1 he 'Mexican War began, and
the Might of hiaoppoueets, when the meets' while alti9Otai * , .. 4 .^i^c the nous.. nactings4.„
hug idlotwriod without fUrtber debate. Mr. alit' apprOtilfitron, Mr. Wilmot, - of
On, en after go, ingithe challenge, hacked out. vania, moved a proviso twilit: bill (hit im
by saying '• lie loot other fish to fry," itc., ptrt or the ,Tepitory but he acquit - ,d from
shots ing that his challenge wag inure brak Mexico should be open to the introtraction of
As lie inn out of the house, Mr. Sehitabel slavery. 'This a cs t h e Wilmot Prot isci."
called to him, that he, would meet hits in hiv it was out of ' , lave, ill-timed, post erless fur
own town of Elmira. • , , . . pod, and prolific of evil. It fiancrat d a new
; slavery agitaticir, wholly without necessity,
stinted a blow at the ComprOntise ,policy,
adranA of expected acquisitions, and al
though it failed of adoptiOnTa - t last, it was a
most BUCCe!Nrill mivrhieC -
The bill orgainxing the Territory of Ore
gon came up is the )(raise at the saute set:-
itiOu. The while of ails Territory was north ;
of 8) degree, 30 murales, and slavery was
excluded by the Compromise, but the South
and in order t0 4 101.e the st ace rf the North,
directly upon the question of abiding by the
policy of 11123 1 , Mr. Rust, of South t'arolina
moved the folio% ing amendment to that
clause in the Lich excluded slavery from
!Cho Territory forever. viz :
" biontoeh al the clinic of eni,l Terrine.' lies
North of 36 &omen :10 inientrs .Werth letiireirc
loarnattae Heard the Musson/I Compromise."
For this strealment, and in neognition of
0 4191=111 11v e t, every.Southersi mien in the
neare s t The tiyea were 82. The noes
118, anil drery,nasit was from: the North!
The amendment failed and the ComprOinise
ono rejected., The 4111 itself farad at this
session ad Oregon rimaintil iniurga lazed.
.. Another bill to establish a Teeriturialgov
ernment tf Oregon came before Congress in
1848. Again, the anti•l tat try clause was
put into it, and again the Altssouri CotiiPrm '
Mite was proposed, this:-tote by a distinct
proviso. 'shish carried the line of ,3G degrees
'3u minute to the Neill° Ooyan. This pro
viso passel the Senate, every Southern Sau
-1 ator tidal;; for it and twenty-ta'n NOrthit-rn
Sl UiLtOr:> stung against it.. The noose re
fused to conctis—yetts: I+2. ni - ysq2l. The;
South We. unanimous in favor of it. 1 , , Or-
cgon, host ter, was wholly obese the h u e of
: I ra &grits 30 tumulus, the Senate ) ieliled,
and allowed the Mil to pees oat, the probiho
tarry clause, end window Ileettwaesie fur t l.- {
tending the, Comprounae late to the Pacific.
Preidtkiii Polk approved the• bill, but rx.
plainedthis reasonaler doing so in a spellial l
Message. He referred to the poaition of Or.
egon, as being all above 3.0 degrees 30 igip•
mites, the (, Compromise mini baring siren
quiet to the .thostuiri controversy, and es 1
!metier prevented a tierce agitation upon
Texas, and then added :
And it is bream.. the provisions of this lull are
n d inowisisteet with the terms of flu, liti.vuri Com
promise:if extender' from the Rio (tread tafhe Pe
elite Vegan, 1./Ha I have nutria, at liberty is Males/4
may aanetion lied it embraced territory. truth ,of Mat Clompreoure. the qualnien, presented' fir my
ovaidaratka 'mold have been of 0 for Atlkrint
character, and my ar...tion ppowit kited have corres
ponded' *lib sty owiviettone tneltin , ..... 4 thh , late
stay, in attewptlnl tt~s~ h tgqstahtlahod soul is Men "a a
gqstahtlahod soul .eq ukiced is. In t:t
dividers and kinglike; to ukiced 'is=lebei p nd e e o e itle of
difornatosstiona of Me frent.seb"On
to enaengor the cristaxmo or the Union ilttelf." I
This, appeal was addressed to the !North
ern prohibitionists, whisosere thesi, the only
oftPotteota of tog LUBSOlsti.Ustingito
wise( Out it had no ettict_aponAbetutt 'ibd
Sowards and Giddings AN thatulimi an
swered substantially qdration-4 • ws
ociarr".-_-and perlued their war spot the pole
ey 0f.482U. Therlmd - shendernedited epib
Open the rotacr or luvultuar. bud kid adep
ted the policy of the o. winos mtreitnis." . til
the close of the arts With ,11fielsido,novir Ter
modes were sequined, asoluratieconsapeeted,
and the yr/A - artery policy was urged upon
them without delay, hi vein, the Missouri
Conilontaise was proposed repeatedly : iu
vain the Southexpressed its willingness for
diTillioll of elm Torrttoriem, in vain a portion
of the Northerrr - Detioeracy invoked a set
tlement on the old basis ; the biot - Td of the
- priThibitionlata sems . itudfhil wont! make
net terms. -- Evr, yt rememberir the -- egits ,
thin that ensued- The two: -sisettomi stood
in hostile array !waffle sash other.' - ()edi].
ary legistatila pas suspended. i Men began
to mutter disuitien. The agitators rejoiced
itrul clapped thilihmais: Ent goad mai Wish
Men mourned. California, mirrtraty Mevery
predictiosi of the Wilsnotites, huh tbrated-a_
'CV Tfl P. ( . 1112EN4 TIM COI - NTIE'I 01'
41(4itylintdr, Gleareeld, Mifflin, Blair,
yeouling,tual, ittuati.agdon,
, IN FAN Olt td , TUN
AND 111 h; 146HVA1 , 1(1.!•i O
Pirefilency and 'ilea Presi,loticy of tlio
Culled Sward, will ho
ihattiiate, Weluesday y ..Sept. 24,
pamOctmic State Central Committee having
deVed 11.1Tefonte, Ventre comity, As the place
14 e 'Wet'oi=Ming of the Dentozrney rf Central
Pleirjanial in fever of !moot -citing the Conerita-
Tark a the U nion—all who. ivetild preeoce e
isd'rnittapairml the alorietie inheritance
WI is ty the Patriot!' Sagee of the
litn WWI
who would reverence tho memory
• Ilt - WMIIITIPIO3TDN. ;be Itathet 41f Mallow tee, and
. _
" -1 - 11 who
el" of there:mom at ;the riebotkus inn—an why. .4- __ _ vcav . wrifs ci,to A ru,
maZitAKIIRILSON. JACJititli, Ci1...A....,.-ILIIJA_ALIT - • , -
W ""Eit'
c"'lß'' in
" e 7 ' r".l"''''
I This illuati ions Witig, statesman and pit
teittgt thterietion of do 1 nion MI t i•
The rano Ableingatahed penkers will be orient
riot, whose whole , h ears is devp . ted to tit ,
anti address eiprening •
—ROMFAPiriE--HicfriF.S. Ifnion and the apnlyntieni hao_writtfm a
-- ,
R AN OA 1,1,,
om - wm: F. Pk ;(*. fAt,
, VOL: SA UEL IY. 13L.1CK,
WM. 101. WITTE,
BiTlSittovs bare been extended, to the following
dtslNepWai bentoersts, and it is expeeted ., ltsall
they wallet prevent
- MON. LEiviA
- ace,. "SfArntOcr A. DOUGLAS, - -
The hollefinde and other Braes Bands will be in
No effort will be spared to make this one of tho
meet hitilktiant dinnonsoations Tile moocraey od
Centre extend to lb. it hrt thorn of than rlitiumg ,
etWittfilef asertliwi invitation to he present. Let ell
wit* i.e. sdirib"diirtridiTlL Anti tut wito
pat ne sad to isorden agitation by the - election of
iftlehlA Pi AN and ItIiECIL IN R E,
tesili tja Opts strength
vilittoilleo Delegates of the host - Demo
, lonooo,Tßio, ‘...rmernff - Yon tin tertby
enAllisof xenweible In fieltvtrnitc on WF. ) N
say, Kept. 246, u half pant to o'clock, A M . in
Mid IFOlDOOrlilie Club Room. for the purport, of nom.
eandidate for Conni) , Comnii.nn r. anti.
Dip' eurnirr J. k.k..111.:- If
Chairman St toiling C.II in!! tee
maDeakocratio lick;:nb^n in Centre Co.
Wilhelm, Saturdnr, A ag.: 4 1 ""h.
• Mileehrtrg. f herecny, Soptenth,r 4tl,
Omen fiskl, Meothty, September
Ikialeburg, Tuorday aftermeM, Ftlopt. 91h
Pine Urote, Tuesday c,.sung4lupt, 91h.
Faurouttuou. lregluerolay, Su outher 10th.
- Poet Matilda, Thu,oley, September 11th
Julian Furnace, Frolay September 12th
Ustireorvile, bat ued•j, Sept, miner lath
Rubiooraluarg, litoredxy, rteplAnulter
nos A.-eraadord. Eau r ood other thall;lguishcii
opeeltiessitill sidtkant the meeting,
ISLI.BIsONTE, p E'y ,v A
IllEriinnititit 3, 1 MM.
MINATO 111 .t L.
avetiL lisekalsw,
. . .•
W e N.biugr ' It .
t:t h g een ,: l l'r,t
11'r n'
' e Eotir And
Waraniaa, 10 Jame. Black,
H Wine, 17 li .1 Stahl°.
air, - , - In Jabal 1) Buddy,
- -
llJoke K. Branton, IS Jacob Turner,
V 'Dark! Lanry, 20 J A J Bupluman,
8 Clinsian nester 21 William Wilklue,
• 1 Jaws Patti, E 2 James Li Campbell,
UP 1a no 81/ibilier, IS T • Cunningham,
11 N. W. Illegbed, it Jelin neatly,
1 Thomas Ostarbout, 25 Vincent Plicipe.
IL Abraktin Edinger,
JACOB F,ll Y, Jr.,
' FOR St/RV:YOB Cik;liiEßAf„
. 3
AIN' 18'tenTo.
-47 c aa rivp
31144" 41,430:0,
41001 , f 'idinelyr-I'nttie town of jrrp.
7.4,_0 1 .4. Aii4.4.3.P9b1i
. cue prooessioulnui two 'mai-black negroes
IMllfr l4•o t 6l l l , 4!evrers. One of them car
of the proeetnon, upon
iliou‘srow thirtons Stews, with
.144,011101 . ..' - Pet Lamas and Frevumt."
sego caikiod it black sae* uixo •
. :: D ,'
g . ra tkrte f(0
IIMAIntII ili ittrPAlN.
E ir
i e nt
I;!eatioar* Couvention of Dauphin
. ' y. met au Monday and oodliinded gen.
Ilt. Ittr Zr Congreas, and Jacob IL
it , cif, bump,* 4. W. .Loomis ,• or
1. , 4,4410004y— Asioitito I: Aiiiiii&T
4 . 41 e . Imiesindittiiii. Bova**, Was ebsq:
tfd Diksitte 4 to 1 14 - 'hilitk S l4l orentiOP, KA 1
wen intruded to rotO Ibi: Gicit. Wm P.
Picker, of Xlcoming county, for Governor.
der to thc,lVlnfrA !demo, declaring his
intention of supporting btry-ilawelas
ouly coaslislate " who carries the flag
and keeps step to the music of the Ultima."
In his letter he says, "I hove hastily and
imperfectly es.prez.seil my opinion thimigli
the unnatiefactiwy forms of a letter, as to
the Immediate duty of silsigs. We are to
do what we can to defeat and diaband the
gcogropical party. Tlut by %het specific
action WU can most ell'ortually.contribute to
stieho result is agave-ion of snare diguaelty
It Seems now to he settled that we present
no candidate of vurowp. if ice vote at
then we rote foil thu nominees of the Amer
ican or the nominees of the Democratic
party.. As between them i shall not venture
co counsel the Whigs of Maine, but I ileem
t ditc. 0 1111 frauknesi and honor to, say, that
while I entertain a MTh apperciatlon of the
-14T47110'-114V1-1141i, y -4-241r-Xilicooru, I 4a
not sj mpathize in any degree 'with the ob
jects and creed of the partieular,patty that
nominate( him, and do not approve of their
organization and their action. Practice/Iy,
ton, the context la my jildginent is between
Mr. Buchanan and Col. Freinont. In these
eurviimi.tances I vote fur Mr. Buchanan. lie
has large experience in public afinirt lris
commanding capacity istinivenuillyacknovel
edged : his life Is - without • stain. lam
coiatrained to add that lie scorns at this me.
!nerd, by the concanenoif of circumstances.,
more completely than any other, to represent'
tlic sentiment of natioultlity,
kayo mul comprehensive --without s‘ lauds, 1
without isitiFeiCae of which, -America us,no,
longer Amt rhea ; and to possess the power
and I trust the dispostie:.ons to restore: and
keep that- peace, within i...lJr comers aryl
without, for stitch (tar hearts Trill yearn ,
which all one introstes demarnl, throlie
%Lich and by n inch along we may hope to
grow to the true Treatises* of nations." -
Cosi.nrastos st.. —The extra sevinn of
COIISI - V•1 . 1 still COTitilitlPA without lIIIV nearer
prospect of twootrylisliing the obje , t for
which it was convened, than was apparent
a wool; ago. 1 new Committee of t'onfer
care on the Army Appiopriation 14411 has
failed to az,rce, and as the House has several(
tunes rcfusi 41 to recede from its obnoxiesis
Kansas proriso by a vdto of 117 yens to IVO
nays, and the Senate has an Often insisted
upon striking out, the proviso by a Note of
35 yeas to 7 nays, it be difficult to see how
any settlement of the diftercace between OW
two honeys can be accomplished. Tito* is
a little hope, hoircveT, that the, bill will
eventually pass in some shape, as both the
Senate and the Heinle yoieterday voted dons
motions for a final ssUcurmnent.
—Since the above was in type, tee learn
that the Army bill buts passed by a vote_ of
101 to os. The Black-liepabluatns are de
rested in their measure to etnbarass the goy.
erntirent. Prorisiim ha* been made for the
maintenattq - of the army, and this branch
tif the public defene.e hits been press roe
from the paralysing intigenee of faction and
revelation. A bill providing tit the 'tinny,
without restriction or condition, passed
finally, on Saturday, isnd Congress adjourned
sine die at ill o'clock, P. M.
W ihson McCaluilsr
Tha above question iethns answered by the
Albany Argus: '"Cluyttn, the premier of
the Whigs in the-Senate, has. declared he
hostility to both Fremont and Humes.—
Choate stands apart from the Whip of Max.:
iegMbusbtts. Benstor Pearec 'and Pratt, of
'bikryland, have given in their aslhesion — to
Buchanan. Senator Benjamin, of ',outma
n's, is_an the stump In tko same cause.--
Senator Geyer, of Missouri, ti to asilloW•
Kentucky has sided with the Drinocrefy.
Tennessee will follow. Yet Maryland. Loli
labia', Kentucky, Tennessee, and amnetiness
Missouri, were once Whig finites !"
T" Irc9FibrfiL94 - axtt_--.211/
staunch Donochitie sheet has pissed into
the hands of N. S. Atwood, Esq., 5i of the
soundest political writer the Etatb. WO
hope be Nosy tie able to mate a forterne. • •
611111 AV BRIT.LIS AIIASYST Ms. Bueltstiss.
—l4 Thins an jkhiig strthintist Great
Brffedu was against Witalttington, Jefferson,
Madison,'Jackson—why should she not siso
oppose - Mr. BVICIASUin
coxelsW,L-0. W. YoViSnuub --opt
Fillmorikskleotar for this district made Vilma
dLltdin speech let eh, feesittieee
Whk . 'h eset'ikiriAilOskiot* Terieh.
&wait eorust or thW. itrateAnunt, with or:,
without wrappers, can be hartsktbc eftle o4 .
PriCe three cents.
,F 0 R , (LV
The atottnehip North 'American has sr
rived, bringing near from Europe fonr Says
Inter, CottOn is unchanged; breads t idea nn
proving. i.ll Spain all was quint. Fupar
tern had taken an amicable leave of the
Queen. O'Donnell had not yet prountilgatid
the progranune of hut Ministry., Thu Rua
-4; :in govarnment is raid to base chartend
miles of raifway. the clinlern is commit
ting terrible ravages in lfaderia.. In Fun
chal alone, 5,500 cases and 1,500 deaths bad
occurred, and there was a deficiency of med
icine and idoetprs, and owurg to the fear •
infection, the dead remained unburied. f
of the Phitaticiphia amt Irrw•pool ateaniers
is believed to hare txtuti upoken at sea. Tho
Itniseinnn have notified the Ttirkish woven
merit that they are prepared to give Op-Kara,
wt . insist that die isle of Serpents belt:tugs
to her &Winans. The k:equesarlkiapolatm is
add to have sent a stipplettnentery mite to
form the hash, of A treaty en the snh jce t
'Portugal has egrettl to tire marilinie law laid.
down in the Pnriwcauft 'renew:.
ME{FII4I) ltensemc.--1:14.m. War. U. WIWI.
while reeently addeeshing a meeting of the
Norrintorrn Central Buchanan elnh, watt in
terrupted by
. t.ittpse, the editor the Ohre
Bran-k; in& biter the adjournmeat t llev.
Samna Amon smolt: his woo , through the
(-ruled te, the speaker and challenged him to
11 iliettio,ioa. Witte ;
and I null tell you my reatwis :
"A poopor respoet fer my t-haractor as a
4totnorrat . , entirely forbid.; a thoeuaniou with
so-eatleti Ifiniatcr of the tiospol who had
(immerged l u pnlpit, and soiled the sacred
rolwtfof hot Mike hy dragging them in the
slimy pool of party rdtties, anti proved Loup
self a traitor to IA Boa, hin, contptry tomi-the
A a rebule: joist tritY piore ben
efic4al,,to °them, ili t t,,heAhl not be the mad
mad to whom it woo so properly stlisislio
((Ted. • '
Deers Or 11,111E181031 ITT . —We deeply
regret to announce the decease of Harrison
Wright, 4w1. , member of the last lAgisla_
tura from Luzerno county. lie died m Wil
ke:di:here on the 18th it very -brief
illness. lie was a gentle:nen of fine abilities
of wool,. experience :n public nflairs, and as
a owneber of the, Legislature Ine clear Jusig
trent wid•foresight gtivo hits a wide and very
rnakeii influence. The people of Luzern°
lose its him s prominent at w,irthy citizen,
and the Commonwealth, one of the ulost,.
prorniehreg of her rising stotesaron.
(41EAT 4ACIRVITT. --A mother of Ara
generations, tnaneed Katilialt ot4. r eland,
widow ul ~ labalani Clerclant a rerailu4ion.
wry soldier, died at Matt:week Oh Manday,
aged 02 years She, had 10 children. 55
grandchildren, 100 great grandchildren, 10
,giatitt great grandelihkeit, malainvi total of
181 oftirpring, l l3s of which autnber were
liring Itt rhe time of her decease. title - luta
a aon NO / 1, a grohdasugtithr aged '56
years , * great grAa 4 d B tighter, *led 26, and
a masa great granddaughter aged 7 years—
all firing at her dearth.
Tur, Sear klatr.—There me hundred of
thousands et People wto pram; to pole their
ecittis always for " the beat MAD. " thin any
osi:4:iciiht,,anj. ai thousand times
bottsemso thou Fremont so fir as regards
Ignalitlcittion. 'and .alettty
Alcluinao FO4MMOS every desirable regal
sits , for tits odice--leeneaty, captivity, i t ;d,
siiporienes-switits to mat has "no maids&
Mtl ittNfl tjeml whliteter•
tag- fiit 7 sireptairiber, the Derrio
oratte Amato, itratekerboaeer, Fl. 8. Maga.
ArtArrs MOM Tbay , aro
Med with 'choice. and able papery, Nit our
*ace will not !Wow W:44 )I*Folt to, notice
thatakoatemtpittitiiiarkit• , •
• 'Ait.4l4.42iralOwl/aool4tai.,Ceeerli..ler
rbttgralikaaprao4•WilidwOraarlyialletel y m
111,11dterohlth#040fIlktfook,at e
441"9.d 414 UPSUIL: Its (Via ;tilt inew th si
throughout the State.
free dtanicomititution, and polo applied i ttir
sdroiseion--&ui, as to The case of lasing yid
Michigan: oho was delayed i 8 consequence
of the domande of the prohihltiimists.—
Wuxi' Ida Tolle noxil Missouri pol
ieY'had been ovorthtown, •Whitt was, to
tvtp'pfy it/ 000 a hell'
itgat ptp_tt ctredirmanOviiiitt(* WII4I
frivived Chngeiss. *y &bite vve hire,
i t is *4; about what aball be the itocol.
shtutions of thci Teirri r. toriea i Thiti is what
11 0 3 ; 1 1 01 4 P"11 0. 1 N 1 . 1141/,‘ .
w a livai n
Ailicri,nnt'on g piess wider co d for ad
4*lericaufgerr*Ory ? T
Thiii ,` VEMUMltritlß- I 'llOl
This solution was mo trawl) in conformity
with the the theory of our instillations, that
it Witt iltrfarmillible to tedlat it. The venera
ble Cass had prefigured it in his Nicholson
Letters and it was now to La ,liriketiccilloy in-, ,
atigurated the territorial polity or the
country., Stid(ita was the baptism of a.pritt•
eiple attended by nobler sponsors. Clay
and t'rwr, awl Webster gnaw.' at the etre-
Clny, t 1 itil all the glorious patriot jam'
i t of his 3 with and all the matured wisdom of
Nit veneiable in 34 s, weighty
lin judgment, and rejoicing at 11, - erirettininin.
1 , Lion vi hick he hail approted in 1818-IVcb
inajodic in intellect, rtimwned in repu
tation, and now giving (widow° of all:ostler
range of thought anti 4 more ilee.o‘y patri
otic heart, than
.14/1 political oppoc Id bail .
ever, thought he posseued. That tapeeft bf
Webster'n *aa, perhaps the turning point of
- the t)ccasion. Ile spoke "re ra
---tire truth, whether palatable or not--anti
iio,kitid .'
. _
I am egoist agitators North nail Werth.' I Mb
Wiest lewd ideas North and Smith, and nasal
nal narrow and local contents I am an Amorieitn i
Anil I knots tio listality w Animism-120 I gsg t,L,my
senthuents, my lodgment itemised of ntu thal I
tillgitild Minnie such arse, as &toll promote the
good, and the harmony, end the Ireton of the whole
oossary. - Thin I shall do, laud willing, to the sad
of the chapter."
Under such auspices 'tV 14 , 1 adopted the.
CoMluwulsa of 1851/. The Missouri
icy had been kilted oll—not by' Southern
slavo.boldera, tut by Northern prohibition
ists—end the Nisi' . POLICT—the policy of
popular smrerclir4r t..uatiaus
:the people—the-policy of 'thy - t ange s Wll, t illtetlttutcd in its plate. Thin policy
nns approved, or ainitieltet d in by every
man tt ho endors(l the tvittoria I measure);
of Dili 0, by every man who sustainetl the
mocratie plathirm or isrf2, and by every
W big ho supported (lemma Scott upon the
Whig plattorm of the flame year. Thin br
TnR 73117111 or TiISTORT. The Democratic
party did pta kill oil the Alistouri
ANISTIIER CI:AT 11 - d u : von TtrrflANAN.---
A. Murray tit Bucks coun
ty, who has been for :pity %ruse, a. leading
and influential inenilier of tho old Clay
IVhig minty, and who net er cinied to follow
'iii t~aitiie~ latig• irs It -MittltritTnrft
national party, has w tittjit A Jong and ehe
quest letter to the editor of the Dnyhotoven
itentociw, in it di:el:errs his determi
nation to support Mr. fluchstinn,.n.; the only
WIN: or . defeating the seetional
Preniont,Jv hoer election, he firmly belierto.i,
ihkmililtlit-motVe the I:nion, 4.144rny the hopes
of the world in the sticeess of I free goiern
tn ant, array one portion of the Confederacy
ariinnt the other in, horrid citil oar, crush
our commerce and tnannfacturing intervsto,
anti lend itterltntily and of neeesbity to a
military despotusui which would . extinguish
foretter the last rayof hope for freedom."
Aiil.4,::;A-4.--The vote at the lat e election
wan th.e• heaviest ever pone+, itntl the proper -
ticat alou6 two ttLaJte. The Dotwteratic tri.
nmph is nuprecegented. tut of a vote of
some thirty-five or forty tlaounitud, the Ins
jority of Eliatt N. Conway, the Demoetatie
caittiltchthe for Governor, will be tell, if not
twelvothouttatul. IVe have eleatect by over.
whohning eniajoritieri, both our eathlidate.
for CorPgresi; we have elected every one a
the Circuit Judges we have elected, twelve
out of the thirteen, 11 not 013 WtViireitirtvcn,
.Slate Scualors ; we have eicteLecl sixty•two
or three of (117 sevanty.tive members of the
litnerld ,I,arebly : and, fluidly, tte have
dolt d morn than three fliorths of the
and other coonty oftleeta.
I ttw oRs jLLY.ITUAU, Twaiet.--The
Norristo‘‘ ii //er a / a tria : lull-blooded ' , mini:hit
paper, apileart, to Its!' pretty well liatiAltril
Willi the Eleciiintl Ticket recently nominated
Vt-rnsimirg by the profehsed friends of
Fillmore and Donataon. It rays:
, "rhus we have live wi.ll
Frvenont men 03 the Fillmore Eleetdral
Ticket • • ••
(;slri. N. Taylor, of the 7th district
0. - w. Youngman, 26th " •
H. E. Ihiffic " 17th "
lenry D. Philips ' " 29t1
here arc said to be several others at tbo
Tinket, of t h e same sentiments, evil if they
hire been put on with a view of irking a
%felon Ticket, we shall heil er it wish great
M At 110114 ITS In Darman !—The Reston
AM ei of 8 ttunlay, says :7--" Aftaiis havalla
awned atieli an dppoitranco in Massachusetts
thatiutles.i we have at once •••-aafjocip of -ell
Wasitiorttr - wan, al is very possible rivet the
Atale moy grve he r electoral vote for fames
ii!ttchantris:" - * 4 "We say
plainly, that up to this tint; tluire had been
no union of the Fruntint — for:m - 6 l'aitss
chusetts ; that there has been only fully,
asaimstinal ansil.diasonsion ; that wiabarra leas
041 pu wer of exer:ising any in,u,auss upon
ow - sister States." _ ,
Tne Monaaw 7 During the
year 1855, tho Marshy morning sermons
tho Rev. Mr. Sporpon, of Lund On. hie beep
regulariy publngted for one penny, or tivo
ants, and E;0010 of t bent have teiCebed n 4
high a sale ats 00,006 copies. rho 53 Pier
litons are nekw Er3gtpfiel iA 901:trtne lorfa;
avithit.protteeTy "'fr. R • purgeon, in'pvhielt he
states that he has dodumentary ilvidepee that
every s e rmon has 6een '" an 'lnAtitnnent lit
tint conversion of sinners, to Christ."
alar,,Clgades Uttdtoir and John Castello, 'WA .
'W belong to t!ito sporii tie fraholitity i
saregatA at, (Now, alit wails, thawed
vagrants under it clause orthe city brdinance
Orhid thachtres that " any person. who 'shall
load en Idle, imrdoraland profligate mune of,
life, shall he deemed a vagrant;'! Me lyhey
were Jitted $l6 each,,Od the payment aff
which thty were rolawmast
Nsw POTATO*IIOOII,ed4V4; viaiagy of i.. 0 . 1. 1 -;
isville at $4 'per We&
or the D•in °traria Hriteht,
ititi4 r n :—Sloan tic et, la t
kn aloes* St role of my Inn ek
'fridges -that I als toile gi I the in
'of ' Cinttlitn s eeni onlien, ot„ „ th xt es
'Did ecti : L I ors have renUlic i ma et
har'll Illitlfighiptrous gas la ht WI !disliklast
est god Impure ttiotit e.,{ intimating that.ilrilli
tluoklting . for some petty oflice,,, 5 his UtrOlOCltttlia oo
PIIeIIIII to Oen it neeesessy that I should do, uhist
my private feelings, ut t 4erortillmfghounts'itp,=,,,
wenn! condemn, to wit • mokeicnownle all who mny
I feel auflicidittirsterest in the annieot, to read, through
!Ion: columns, mill by your permission, the reasons
-Mattson> induced me to be a Demonist: In direct
responses to the imputation agege alluded to, suffice
ft to may, that I tek sib patty ratans .Idieveirlther l
the fisstity nor the denim to iset'Mysidf itp • nal s can. '
dictate tisy,aoyersilioe_inthe gill of the 'people, and
the only ptivilego 1' Ask, is than of being nn Amen.
tote silken However, in Meets ketsitiosts Omen O f
itolitioal (motto% etey and do toptrons agliatima, It, Ii
col tamely the imperative duty of every (revisionist 1
exerninu calmly, deltheristely roll jutlittlet'nely, ell
'Atha of line pent quest let a to be poetell upon by the
American people, rind uninfluenced by in eitnilec, i
uncontrolled by former associations mar, incited by I
personal brillsenee; unintiieddeted by protteention, in '
form hiseenenteisms, heap:l.:hoist the esterie he,it!"'
tends to patens e, fat Igt a pprodatiog the resposogibilltiy
That reale - upon hill am one of the ksiter . eigell-ilbr in ,
tJn wrung" every man is got'Sreign) of th 4 '6'64 flits ,
happy nest prosperous nation that ever existed on
the Nee of the earth It Ilse been on" Initeiwien
11.uf ..I do, 1-d the determination at which i !nips
arsived, is the legitimate result of taint n(1006081,
I dal resulted In puree, until centimes' that I am ,
in enor, Merely no nun/bet Of the nallmeratic I
'party con question the enlidfly of ul) , :Meson* ter
acting runt battling in their nudist, wen it bosom°
party-gar, tor, oohs iolan, noluttledhrho moiled:he '
Inn imputed to me No member of the opposithin,
who will assume the undeniable right that lothenge
• to him, of free thought and free emseels, viral exam.
Ines, after the mariner of a candid inqnker for lir ,
log Truth, tlitilfeehms pfattrme, together with their
inherent, adherent and coherent . qualities, and'
' spanks the result of his faithful Inquiry, Mn eon,
damn the patriotic principles lad eilmeerrattroilmill
'lltirrtY-Mit puny, WITICITY,'‘ Nuu., ' ' , .. 1
years that lot. e Inter, "nod ninon the adoption ideal.
Constitutional Lee gue, lion always been that Oon
stiteloos's poslous guardian, pr o tecting it fiats! the 1
ineendiary bosh of fanaliaban, from the ITlllrflOrOUu.
hlallll of the annussin, 'flint 001110 poly has been
the almost omnipotent, °lntik lent, lufittlible too.
tact or Of our vomit ry itself, in every hour of danger
coming to (fa respite, and muting
,about ein. snared
' institutions the thipettetrnblo helmet of Democrat le
priossipitm, iu wheal:ill part es has • nt last boon oum ' I
pulled to aminleme—ensuing us from the oelamt
tins of if nanebdrevolution and distraction—protect
mg Um laboring men from the monopoly and immt-
'seen of trinnufatat ore re mad capitalists—oregen big
tho honor of our nation in foreign eou-ts, and maim
tabling her dignity at home To those who within
a year 4,r two have ulnlndatiOtt tlin orinelphe and
the patty for whom they In! berme donne non e e 1,,
and ut ticr .11031 Manner they had phonily Lariat
honors. I aoulti attic, a hat does la Di nem re no party"
-mimesketifow. tlmtel..ll4 imt 4.441 ? —R-1.4.-sew re—
"form dot, the potelor %nice lA, 0' tile nation's
a ual thenattioL that the poly of your fanner sir&
tons sod at ton Meant refttlrett to want " Is it the
sprit . of )oilr dreams, gar your turtles that tills
eh ut,ge has infected' Oh ! Ilenesinds of old; pause
in your erratic course' ittfleet before you milk
• psiteismadt.e sth your former oolstieal enensic" to
pond) se our country's 1 italijy, and shock the no
nonal Ikart Ireweeracy in always right. ft van . '
k. ttot tie utherwaro Any ono who will do himself Om
j u sti. o 11l sandy Its oblionopily, cannot fail to discern '
therein the vital element of oval= govennward„..
' Ito oda:donee areas vaned tlOtairoaNialry'SliitUreSti o
Ito pllll4 fl*rll l• broad eattagh for the stars 0011011 to,
Id turf open, end solid, font entoi;ll far the f•ililiztol
wort I To dettecnd front general:tit t let Oa brtetli '
particularise • Between whom is the present rontret t
tiort tt Smith lie nn ?open of outeritt Militant
Fillmore 14 (thalelol,l by lu• WO, Liends, whonan ,
gait that lie onsoott err, et a NotTle chadors) vote
The battle then most be between darnel. Duehantn,
Dm l'enneyl vim in taatcsman--tits,.hora of political
«millet 'ill days gone by—the pursuit of forty years
—tile shrewd diplomatist of fore* goarti.tics
rise scholar avid - perfeet • getttleitegrai and Aden
Cheeks Fremont, the Rocky hi•Mistein eanen—the
snaveyytee of winter:4 unexplored patse-the 'epee-
Matt ng m Wien ni re—the estonent of thoess wittelteny"
the Ilible, disregard the sanctity of the Constitutien,
and its eertain emergent in would coitent to "let
the Union elute " lien a pen them Iwo candidates
the pt ogle of the A:ll,i, ~mien mutt , 1051 , 11-
ltO people ,1 the North, e,N,,, eto lly, h ere ~, f e „,c e s
I renpoonthillty ri oil g upon Ili, at. Will they veto
thr • a f•t't WWII can 11111.1te, nit give their aid to eked
fii the Cloy! Itagre.rttey of the Plinio, a Won w“lt
shunt a great portion of the oono , ry min bait; so
possubie sympathy—among whom he will get hut
fel, "ro`en, nail by till). Niolating at die ronthmal bal
lot-box. the sacred and congervm he coMprmuisesef I
the Colon 'swims that hinds us together, blast oat
national hopen forever
tilnv••ry Ts It newsy institution ft existed at the
time of the Otllaplloll of the Consthfillon —it was a
sourer. of onntstitioti Asti difliaillp, then-4Selt as.y I
044 who wall roma the &hetes in 'the Cone
will aistoves titat the N 03411448 :peed's:meg sett!
*ea, by moo eiskaatitial experleoes. grustent f •
thought and sage philosophy, better than the agita•
torso( popular opinion ',told ever do, if given felt .
ono it wassettled thess ell that prfnetples of a OM:
prouder, and the blond lard could only he intrusuns
ad stud convolidated by mutual oemdessions . The
question of slavery ern ontype pencenblyentl happily
controlled now, un the Dc)rfooratle principle of State
Sensreignty—and *boa the voice of the people ol*
soy State is legltium'ely expreesed by a bons Bobs
asajosity of lie 'stem, Wel yokes should .he th e t i , e ,
sif die disate; used should mike be indignant es.
bake tont Cho et:teens of ether Rates, who :nay
deem themselves fortunate in not baring this dard
curse hangingover theireoullinet Tho sober flunk-.
ing, (tonetitettoreloving ditto:as All they the nation,
will. lake tide. ,iow of the mabjeset, runt their invin
cible power will be felt after they have deposited
their ballots quietly for the conetervaNte nottems!
. etinekinten of the InneceineY. Iheboring men, .
Ivaco llualtanaza atileet Made 4 speech der t rory
to your istorestit. , !When lOW Its says In ril
triotio eraterieed effort that lite ationdol align)! o
as 1410 bodeent *pada s"' °lima Tny add T res - .t
the leiserhig mesh . 'tiled led' try 111 fl pron.
perdue where labor commands the greatest reward.' '
911, etroTiriet "No( that, Oboe wheeharge hire wifli
Intending to sedum, the peke of labor, are self
lidloint that therilander hire, k Mimi! In the 'fbia
that they dare not give publicity to that entire
speih. Raidotad manacle, WWI toned oonahnotirmis
to snit the (retreated views of the party that ray
choose to torture them, son be taken fro m
, lay wen%
speoth, and his sentiments turned km the reveries
gar his intentions Read._ foe Yettrlitilees, *anus !
Take not what. I say, 'rely not °vs the soposttrs or
your oWn family newerapere,lost get.lll6 84Wmt i ti o
source, nod 0 viminu foryolareetirei7 • I finny difegm
lion is insole here that you desubt, rt in r ft ilie
tont, that troth Alone will bear, mei sr 'rill then
believe. that names J.luchunan is the dilvl4lllltil
•II 20th 41
The Owehinsti Nationm rontalns no endorser:lgs
of Kansas entrages—proinulgatee innhing 'lmitated.
tent *int tint ittlehattgridira Piliteiplos of itentozosey
—no obtuse that violates the peoide'npowet, when
!Rigidly exproased. My investigation hair folly soh.
led the'duktalidetaßgelSO the oppoeitieh et dile
pinkeye as •bies,itnittiattattitmai, arairthor t
other alsaileX*, they i , r l4 /Pt tht
cut t er mind, and advaattofharli tattpatttotle
oxtaolia• far theitioelinta.. Papule" clamor
aolirablte ladignotion_ by trisielt Re
of lila oer rotten,. say **lP* or n. So DU. dm* of ogt4a st•te, n.nk
ohinnent, the rear l rinill4SOallell I , IIQ Oollid not be in
timidated when in Sao execution of what ho be-
Uncial Au right, wee' snore liitaerty onnriemed rid
oittreadnit4khult.ilio ataa-xatio harp Imit the whi ne „
4•TitylialLt ha iitelogre Clotpprorni, . fhub irho
were wont bitter against the •• vote" and the teas,
veil of the depealia, Arg now ovsupelle4 I,lr lion fors,
nf `preetleal demonstration, to nitwit that Jsoltioni
wail right. Whether they ArtirtmArkirboi Af•2lo4:lt
will not be so long,ln
.the humble cdpinlei
writer, until all parties admit the whitlow, ohltedl
oney, and oorrentnosaef-eoertglank in the (teaks=
— --
. Surgj Witgrespi
a rt. 1 . 6 of the Stitt
.4 , . . med.& stela k i ,of Frem ont.
and t on, mildlymimite the I t PAY Present
tot . . oripeople " but ono L It. fraction'
ism ~.o p d upon In Norco, ~„ P, and it
may' , .rio • toted. It Is the si. .1 ,15 question of
flee i - ' or . ' : cry for Koreas.".
is It .. , that the most ,enligh ' el A, prosper
ous n. ' tithing notion on the to j . ,niollo glebe,
e view lig over to, e tity•fou rI. egvere ut
m'oillde and
57 degrees of longitude, with a. popul. ISA of ever
twenty-mix trillions, has PO interests t. 't Protect no
polio) , to tolvonee, nothing oleo to do bu ' ,_,...t t 9 inter
fere with the inhabilAnts of A remote tert-sTarY eel
"Una IbilDiliftnlbtenellfheitrirs., ~ roriklit
ticeritnpany thorn? Can it bet rue um% a 1 .okraii,
of the United States of Ante le *Jetted,
end bin election warmly, con eel*
question of whethes the ne , kap.
pen to get over the line 0 ifanwee'llbli free
*Melee 9104 . 1 1 1**MAl.
e ref,.
graph: The IT 'i'l4 k ft
somr—orhef In Nee reef 41*
questions to lie panted upon.
, •usiout Itepeirliee libelee bigot, ,10 iii that ens
ist Aof theip4,4(pro- litilielWilleigteertain
log knob tilloreofiewillhdettitro asidlplacing
111 the elluir of State ntauof 'Ude or no expire/Once le
the suleirowl of elideetunnel4 il.:9llp‘eielp 44.1-erri
011444i11itin1!... ii:Aii.‘ ;4 I
mini, g the tsuut oil toe ti , ' I, i ; ':
l'o/c,grunit, vent and.insper . ofil tin •
douhr edly Rau in the yoUrfh gi • Jr : i t, )tars,
that will requite tirettipt aeltom b e by the
~ taut, or 4zpetlabotrto4ol.oto , .:Jaii A l' bow
T .
on ha Ile WA Oa'
th 0 lit Ago, have long awl sr 110;01/10 lintrwerd
to litr,doyAen.thotr,fAvetite ittato s gAT bo
ndmtnittitcfor the Ithe,PS4V,ptilbe ill '
,f the
Aitionorielil li al M l = 0 Mid
theattgiithillt ,m , j
.14041 ie
4.o4briush. ' 01 td*
ago would We*ll boom i; . l. . l o ft
tffili sago of ,Wkiuttaudt, et, / 4 alpines
him 'Why li it! rho be ofttogett.,; e triton..
la no. 'knit) , thmtlyll'ea IliV? boom 0 0 stub.
Jests of the linrilitilitt o f pinithAt iffiquae. • They
hop o Mengullet oelrboaxed' and itieuesfOd oath
cht y lielfeel It ta frithliVlVPrkfro , , Oast 'mot*. •
ire will Testatoveloria-..,toupprtirigrre before
btlleetlflit ."
JoMeAlluabattitg vitt ri4) 'a bat'—
Ito booth* firpitilbt#o bad,' do r, and
humarpeuspielon emittotimin ' 'a Moll*" Tot bite
to do otherwise. ilo Mold mod het sees hie end
approwebink The Pntriaieh lime his Woven h.
threads of s ilver oolong his °taro
' bunk, ' Tooke, Ind
left thie marks of his heavy h dr* hhi Mime
kihonid ho bo eleoted to the e 4111 um mid*
al ittailmi
deeilli to tee him adore, the ' ihnlo or
WI anbltion will halm been attained. harps
.t .l ations eanntkinduenee hhik,ltud ft will
strait; go dowirfaltAftgtoitrhailkiiii
and his name remain hOhind him e led with
memory ennoccrateil with tli Itertotattoo
of n grateful nn.liott I nut nongilent !hot poottwity,
whielt alsent 4 liesrm itttillookthile tiontehorgiktrileo
dont (I, will /111,411 . 1i,t01, i e 14,1114inifitnith* 414 boner'
alto to ii, net:pats of a pure steletinten, amA will
rank it with thotto of iVphinglon,ieffefoon, Adam,
nod 5 cLsnn
r a Rood rind sore , rreehleht woo ever ,needed it
is rinse. ntitt if am AmeritOnn ibonld writ
pinto, ithrittnneo upon l itie iettpeollitir ho enat,, it, It book ?ft* wins Or anew
trs agitate , ' and alnrereibk..nehir *M i tred Ilea.
t ions open that firtonemi aoo moot Ban skew
, to , tin .„,i ootitril—wintn erilie elee
ming cot,..itteure , (reftettlenitnt ,10 etigillph et /-
lAA wry voter then sot himself *Peep is sous,
Who le the Lest on fns tito,limeio-. We answer
Join benettso = \
1 Ito 11.14 ociieriened se a stateemtut,
, Ile 14 a porn patriot, i i
1 lie to Ilfliktml in 1114vions, and it .1a then i
tint itinnt plat fin in` ' - ... - J-'
4 Ire i 4 the blend of the ilaKrilllin .
alke •1114 MI6
lot ntiniplo ad till a fed their Interests i .
"N ill , I u 10 nR, ;•- sivr I.vcr ,
the Ciivinitnti Phillhittre -dote 411, ly oteet..tit
Iteritilienh pet/1(40441 11014 oftliblit a Juror
/111 , 11;1'1Rn Month. _
it. Be is n l'ennoyiennine, ia4 witilindteot Penn
7 'I hem to hn ininginnr, motive Orr he should
not *mkt , n µmoil president, tond bins baihiadhon a
glorious leitninislrotion
it iiio °memento ore anti 11epolilliaes,
and inexperienced, and Our Oontlitallitob would be
dtwotontost byan anti D1M2001114111111611.1001 41144 . 1 -
ti.•ll are emelt of the reason f that have Todneed
pohtioal sctiga, and 14001 IMe4 loan Nts•
roiled owe by the fureeuf etremeatassee to make
p . 1)1,1to Til ichli them all wroth!! Ihe'tadious, and
T lin% A only to say that nr eery one abaft dissever
an absence of !Nicol eoursnetlen, Of 11 ibliblemers it
rensoning it, this letter they will al,trihvitts It not to
tfie welikilews or the Cl/VAC but of 44 , Privoeskle
''Chain„, bY _tonttion popul ft.' se nthivest4
and me proper sopped', to *Meekest petriettee.
Ina) ore! -- rho erne remetthote ltettothttese
peoptaarehMlkkelytel statlikintuoggnge
A stoodes ibn nobletk of dm Viviano when Lan
idled the Oltrrtelem from the hind he
may the peopled Anierichonver lee the tittyrehich
eh.tiiroteo theta regretfully ti+vutieober JnnlN Ile
cholla'', nod eon in rata Ow 44 aspolibtehae.
Non, !doom, }Ahem I locos not we& that
purposely te implode lielbry . lbeptikidb, , bet the In
qrtfriect of *limns, sea ribibbibefierollf 0/206111, bevy
Incited ate to tbielearehy eitipfebtboO, tad In ate
olirnee, 4 &mei only islet hilt beweeerr 'my
drelterptlen of rbbeiptee" boy be, otltictood, et'
the wtiret-ef It errnigescil fiebOoroolwool of (Too•
ti ne dltore here tem% be embertien Not Ide ere
feel telly prepared to &ha ot bby thbite Sr Pia"
!loping that the a noditlefen vtlio Wend between oar
ed Cfmolitotiwa and disunion, by be trhfis •
pl. a elected, AM v'ecrremiteolfolly yours,
I'l: L XT - s .49 kj , SIMI LA TIO :or
An ex anunatima of *a official tiocumetiti;
tact hi fore Cong as by the late Preaidrot
Tey hi r, u ill shyly that Col. John U. Freramst,
when In comet nd of his regiment in Cait•
forma, node a contract for six hihntred en" . "
These cows we - e purchased try him. moler
pretence that they Yeses needed for beef for
tho troopc, and tho sum of 011,975 westpaid
for them by the govettthieUt. These animate
were never used,by the wittier/I. Want wen
delerenst kis sure mood Abakikeektua, with
ettinen Fremont had made an agreeiment to
take and keep them on the /diaries }hr three
yesetrslis his (Fremont's) P;rate property '
it'e repeat., thitt fact is oftiondlyneated in 11
totter addtt ased to Adjutant (dental Jones,
at Washington City, by CO. .kilitson of the
Irrit regiment of U. S. Dragoons. who had
been called 11 pan to foot tke iiitt kr the Gen.
eral I;overnittent. . --
Ju vt think of it. An Suer to the (J. p,
Army to buy nix huddred edowe,Eneibly
for heel tbt hie tegitine4 4 ggitte bile di
pens°. anal:6w "Pk •
vale isulivideol to isderilwoorde reri .breed
them An shares rot -4 4teustreet !
And yetihts foetid * ; and
a4talttthicd btstt alio.
Mae am
try attpleted oaf than fa 464. , oaks -td
PreskeE•ht of the 1711Sdit StattWWllo It
of Alla an act ofltariti;'dotiohtlllol end Pee:
uLation 1 To asset', it , to.libekthe Amen
cad peopio.
•it im dot to' •Wedideeett--40X4idet--Goularo
Law, the eftfa foirmit4:trptiPlio,Ust and
rusty musket epee ul star heilteit Simian&
upon thousands of dollare seem the nom-
Caution of this great her spaculatair. (here
tovr kat* Ahtriattrterf , ' , WAtefi l yt-reeepriefiNg
either that the I;telt.„Tert fietl/d, the most
villainously corrupt Pipet m tltotvorld, tw
pOrte Premont for Provident . Stinnett also
ihotes his man!
Shall heartless speettlakiiii and grasping
Onliiinnitei tole th e destinies ` Of this coun
try.? That to ono of the great quottione for
tho people to ariltwataiatbiaaNist,box•
Atonal, Ittrrtr4,___ 8t0064, of
fork.2* ttnd Dow
elson paper, lately gent typowatiorstuo to hir
nollister; shed'? 41116idortilini county,
with a request that ha lyntdd istatp a club ,
fiaii4 qvig,t4o;.Erwiriep.444,l94lo fi ctive
Piliknore and Donalson 14::Or'Ittat purl*" .
s fhe Sheriff aubsegeilittAelt*7okeditlg
AI lin a I return
R..P 1
To TIIE 1fm.,,,,j, ;4, afr o Ntortdr .
iheßllBB4 —I certilis the 'iiti4s of
, i 0
within writ, to 'alephErected, , Iwo In•.'
nigent inquiry old seam f t tows been
,14 Igo to find n Filltuotetii lif rionrisco
WW I in my 4illift ..a t iamo r .
• Eisx. E. W. iSTVADMVAt Attlee. Is
tn, the stump tbr Beek: "d
hi au able men andiong Anoint' 1 11 6 ran QV'
11110 Whig,