Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 20, 1856, Image 1
, • , • . A - . . . . . . , . .. , --•-•- . . , . . . . . . ". . . . . ..... ~......... . , ... • , • . ' •. ( .!' • 1•.'" t"..* . ~. .... - -.'... ... . , ~,t4 .; :' '• ' ' _. , . . , • . . , . . . .., . lo• , • ' 12+ : , CI I. Mit fPitdimiut, AXD lOUS:fit:a ulitiez sto 4111. TUB oNvir Eva/mitt :NT: tv ritf OUNTY. irAsTre, NEWS Arkat..l.N etMI C ranirsP 4ao tollogilligo WILIMIIIII/AY, ni IiMNMY HAYS. TER:let-4140 In solerwitto, or if . paid within six ?Deaths fr 00 will on chnrireil'ou all auleacrip ' tione rannieg to the end of the year. ISIVERTISMIIIKNTEiand Matinees N ei lees insert ed at the nose! Mat, and *vet) deseriutton of *I IQ 113 1" . Z Ir • 1. IV EXECUTED in the ladistent manner, at the lowest Moos, end with the tamest despatch Having purchased a large collimate° of typo, wp are p te pared io estialy the orders of our Melilla ' FOlt ritprnENT, TAB. BUCHANAN OR 'PENNt3YLVANIA gOR VIOg PRESIDENT, 4OHN C, BRECKINRIDGE, OY KENTUCKY ini= GEORGE SCOTT, COLUAIIIIA COUNTY JA.COB FRY, Jr., .OF moNtuo....y coGNTy. EOR SURVEYOR ci LEER AL JOHN ROWE, OP BITANIELIN COLA / PARS! DENTEAL ELEcrons SIDUTORIAL. tLartag R. Raw, W Liam lloCandless DISTRICT. I Hone W. Helointre, 14 Reuben Wilber, 2 Mem Hatter, 15 George A. Crawford 11-11drieni-lcartieartv---- 16 Jazomallack,, 4 William H Witte, 17 H J. Stehle, 5 Joint IliNstr, 18 John D. Moody, It Jobe 36. Retake, 19 Jaeob Turner, 7 David beery, MI J. Ale J. Banhanan, .111 iyinom 00110,100, I .1 awls Patterson% XI James 0 Campbell, 10 loos Ineakee, 23 '7' CAnninghain, It ri W. Higgleira, 24 Juba Really, 12 Menai Hlierisest, 26. lanapat Pitelps 11 itherdnea-lidliarer, rEPOI.IO I II ;Old I Fr•peri Awl At labo, 40, Ls i•M• Antoodiestion of *Az 'math of 'pert/ roman.,; od th.rfres /ids's,' of Me Prorth do frnsp,sespeet both fir Lieer prob.ty anti then ,N -.4llMAtior6l4 *Asa ENAtodd do t4s**. Prl au tas ortortetrim dos As itelrth, ea smith* AO Arne. Ms must tormselerat,om for tha 1.• rraltoorlrl lby planed im tha E 7 r tir 7 . 40/Ipi try /lea eft Won't re rttiltrafe a 44 friamidiap via, all Ma tlen • , to at ottk. 11. la fht PuLICT, AU well taat. UNr e tto ,t Mit/LAT/1i torTT firbrAol sougary is most prof:wren* bor grasillat rowan!. AN A 4 DP,MQCRATIC CREED Ay:froai awl es»et ju,kra. (0 all mon n f leilibti4V. , gaits or yorass.ssuso, relegsouts rlr past sra! No 2 pea re, tows 111 eree nr.rl h o 'ore Irtr,d lislipllL.44 all mations , entair.Kispg ial,unres yr i 6 Nee.S. The rigkt of Stairt and Teo t,,,-set to rallittiffitt the, &WM 41M171,11 C ,fi , t/ I r. No 4. Preffidres and rin,td ti a , thr ,Jrr , ii,:pty efollo.ll/4rdwa‘Am mark/ of the enetpt tl y le rate / . f. flair' 6,:tli 1 • ,)// , t r tllit It Pally expre•ged , 14. b Economy it, tit. /mid, ~,,,,,/, €,,,,,, 011110• ainVid preeerrotten t,l redder r•I th No. G. "'nudes of . . rrdtte , o”. Irrra ,,,,, el Me probe andgeneral liii/1,40 ri of in fortArtrop No. 7. Opronneri to all ....rot petal& rat . ore,,tn esreticeet and to all corrupt' „n. ~,, rt. tit l'" l,, t'' snared' Are 8. A snared' prytarmiti, , Pl to e thr Fr 1,1,1 cormhow, ...I tee .. , ..oi r ., lota. ftkr opt*. •. 9. lifu DeForrif, or prtde of ro .r r, oi d,, eirtntiort of birth smiteg A nter(ca n r4Ls z t,o I No. 10. Itoopuo nod protoot.on Jor the right. bi .11. 14. II ?%Y•••••••tion to f Ih r e ant +drat tza I inn tr W 'hoe. awl htia Jot hi al all to the rabbi , do ',fits ~, bad sac r• aj( the .A••••g ea • govern air at. NII 2 illicee heal! CAWS rieransonopopec No I q11.01.10 brutherkoad and pond 'trill la n--Ul l O4Bl ll l id !Ades elf the hou erhad ~J YOUTES' DEPARTMENT, , MANCELLANI:OII3 ENIGMA. ot I ar composes of 21 Larrens. )1119 5 3 is seen in the Aq 4$ 7 14 10 V 4 was a pliantalli opist who tlziee celebrated for,iiis sympathy in If or unfortunate/prisoners. WO 12 91 1 ia a wel knovrn building in the mirrs is kt la 21 is awe of men. IWO I 7 14 20 21 la a river cssains. Mill 712 al6 is pauae. My* 17 10 91 16 5321 ia vcasel.. My who's is what every true neinocrai, oug e tt i gtra In their (husky. QUAIL Pa, 1830. '.I" , 6I,IIIO6UTAPH/CAL ENIGMA, Aitilkwavossin or 21 iwwww.ns. - 14117 11 3it • town in N. C•rolins. M 3464 411 is county in lows. My 1112 lis s. largo river in America. 11hyln E 14 161 21 is * °county hi Missouri. 1 5 4 + - 14'1A 111 5' is it wirer in Missouri. . 223 14 11 7 21 ist • town in Tows. .47111 is a county in Illinois. 17.3 19 21. 14 in a. county in Michigan. *We what wwesy true Deiraewit ontent•L. Bewail; Pa. 1856. - v .,::4SSO3TICAL ZNIQII4 tAX *wow) or 12 immix. ittp 4119 Is swung ladle's none: Mrn 7 lie It amity In Arkanitai. 11#419411 le an animal. . All *Min a nnsoher• l e t ! anise nod in wri; _ in one of the ori ting. ginal thirteen 17 , : l aitlX - - Pkaamat Gap, Pc, pm. • - , Answers or wall .. Armierer to Enigins'erlast week—Dow .ondie Wsrentan. The Solutions are :-- ANiiii•orMatila Owen, Canton, Rat, And, ir il, ' Clat, Watch, An , Todd, Cathie . Maine, An, lot. Aunt po Ikr—AnA . Tip Sow timimer.t...4., IVO At, Fat. AldwOrio Pus* :--Par bin Paurriuts in " . .. B4c . rl , O ArAite.hll.l6l .0 7,: PIT ,11 r '"--ti ''' i -' . . , , . , •: OrWIIRA S. -• •': , ' •,, -, 0011, ,, jos 1 RalidalPs 4.lll4ketitnnis. , 4 l A." - :'" . •• , '",l•*‘ , ' , '""''''''''' 4 lll , 4 ,, 4 2 •' 't ,,-- • ,;44 ~,,taikez, a 7,., : -i. , , L -The reinotest piotralitlity that pee Stfare the _Demacraisc Mate Orwell the duty otthleotingthe ?resident Willelevoivo ken) held at Chainbersburg,z4v.ll, 1858. iiPon Con4reas. Tet.,as manpara oven'', f ln obedience to thi rceplit,)f . the Demo ting as to the mode by r whicli,-inete:lii: '' viii; '", tic Shit' ) (i "ltyglitr"„i (4. Pernts.Y l v l Pitt , 1 tion would , r ,, eendwete, , i , we bor . uoin au ex- chino the attention of my, fellow citizens for'n bloat . titne. I ant aware, that. I have tract, front the Constitution, which %%111 icgu TeCtIV4.4II this courtesy heefause. 1 titre hith late the action of the House in -- such case: erto been a mends., of_ the 011 Line Whig ... Alt. 12, See. 1. The electoCii - shall meet 11 4 ,1 1.,'• , in their 'respective' StateX; arid rote by ballot lii 1824 5, the beinocrat ic and Whig rat-- for President mid Vice Peee - otePt ; one of ill'il NN COO Selo lateer by lin .1 1 tuStioll Ili rill- WhWil at least, obeli not be an inhabitant of mple, bat- were dividtil upon the (potion, the 811111 e State a it h tilt tuss.dvea, they blest; Vcitto l lOr tk`t1(111,1 3 114:4/11. wan Illltitlttl to 1!u 1141110 in their ballos ani person voted for as elected proside)it, tit the United States. 11 Prebidelit, it'd 111 dlStiltOt bilittliti the person the progress of trine, during the thirty yews voted for as Vico President, and they shall 01 the e ) xisteiwe of the Whig party, see eral make Manna hats of all persons voted for as important rriticipka were lir( Holiteli, EA tilt , President, and of all 110140104 voted Mr as tau partfea beeattie distiller and independent ‘ tee President, and 01 the n umber of vnl v s of each other upon questiems of pubic pet, Mr eauli, whieli hats they 11111)11 sign . and leY. These Were : certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United State), directed to the Viesolent of the Senate : the P 1041114 o IT of 2. 'the Sul) Trermry.• the Senate shall, in the presence ol (lie Sul- of l t . no Tl i i i t: ii r t t , l l e) s ) i t i tt l t ;f B. the charter o f the Thank 3. IThe 1/Ist-ibution of the Proceeds of ate and House of Representatives, open rill the , P ," ltlie , l ' ut " / . 1 --- the certificates, and 'the rotes shall be count- 't• •''''''' 0 " "'" ed ; the persoh having the greatest nnniber' 01 totes tor President shall be President, If A " National,Jlarik" netts Utollll , lollCll by the Dt•IllOellitltrtly,l1T161 . the Yt.tO of (len. such number he a majurity of tliu while J "'"' '" J''''' ant h •r the "'le g l ' iit'i Y in number of electors appo tell : and if no per- 1814 ' son hare such tnajority tnemfrom the reason " The Sub-Treasury," thmcardin.)l In'att having the highest neitabour not exceeding urea ol Mr. Van itUroll, was OppOStoti hy the twee len the list uI those salted ford resident, Wi "g l'!" t Y' 4il ". ' lpu tO' t " if m i l. " I "' bilt ' fa 111e House of Rept esentativea shall choo s e see n and no one now VI Itillt'A . 40 tlitttlltb it. 41*.ln;tiliktiktilly, , loitigt. , . ti m l i p l isi , ,,, .. , ' 'Lite Dintributiott_o( this Proceeds of the •• debt created by the Mexrcein War. ... ... - be takerrby Stites, the reprysetitntion froth each State haN mg one Tote ; a, quorum for this purpose shall consist of a uamber or founfivree from too-thirds of the States, and a majority of all the States, shall be iosTs. Nary to a choice. And if the Re• prilleinatives shall not choose n Prisident, %Vent Ter 'the right of choice shall devolve upOn them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice I'r siflent shall act a President, as in case of the -death or other constitutional disability of the-President. - 1i:will be seen that the selection meet be one of the throe highest candidates—that each State has ono vote--Delaware being avail to New York—the majority of each delegation detennining the rote of the State. -,,Neattair e- 1 -a.k 44-1..•• I ..t.o.atieura a-tua.- jority of the votes, there would boa seene of bargaining, intrigue and corruption, such as tho world never witnessed before. The Senate having the power to rhonie the Vice President from the two eandidatei having the !ugliest number of rotes, it ig Clot difficult to decide who 'would be elected. I CiAl.riiiNlSM." -THAT RENA CONTRACT IN CALIFORNIA.— The exposure of Fremmit'a Galphiniam'i in California— his monetary transactions there so disered ttahle---is-ti....t0,E1-* prear6-senirst4awalLatias. the country. It I t apparent that under an administration of whieh he would be the head (lalphin awl Gardiner ftamly would be the order of the day in the public service. Au opposition paper to the Democracy comments thus upon the California opera tions of the disunion candidate. It says . " CniiiTte (Ahem ise when they lind the fa t offic 101 l y slats d that ('ol. FR Ilan t, tt hen eeintirmil of lii, regintuit in Calico' iiia, mauls a contrast fox siehumholcults, under the pretele.e that they wele t- Ori Inuit .1 for beef lot and the 1.111111 of • , itl,- tri.") etas paid tor tin to by the goviriiiiient l and flost the ca we sere d<litnred to a mail with whom te had nettle art agri mint to take and keep them on slier( s l'sir three) ears as hey (('ol. Fremont's) tin vats property. 1 say this ftwt one lefty slut, d: it stab din a letter whirl:wird to (imolai Roger Jones, Ailitilatit I iunernl, K. 11. Mason, t oltoiel lirAt re you tit rioted Stares di a 7rrfirm , who (tad been call, d upon to pay the 0i1,t65 for the general [tot vim . 4 What"! an ofTirer buy slit hYtndred cons, ostruohly for beef ftkr hiH regitnent, tit tiro pulific, expense, and then znake ti contrftet with a pnrate individual to take the COWS and bretd thtm ryt shareh fur three years!' Monstrous! And' yet this fact, is ofFielly stated, and areourpanieil by 110,1)11111ItS try sustain the allegation. lice the official-doc uments published in the U n i on a f e w days ago,:and iu the Sentinel to-day. Will any one tell ire that the Amerman people, nt the North or at the South, at the East or at the West, will impport any man guilty of such an net of fraud, corruptions and specula tion f To Assort it en to libel the American potpie." Tits ELEVTION IX 1,u14V ILI.E. - —The 1.011 isville Tomes explains the (AIWA'S that opera• ted to swell tbo Know-Nothing lithiffiity in that city. They will hardly be allowed to operate at the Presidential kltletion in No vember, so we may confld4iatty expoct satin greater majority at that time ? than the one we have now obtained. The kilbrwing is the article to which we have alluded : ..,, There was, an idection held in this city yesterday, but the'linovr-Nothings lied it sa their own way— But few Democrats went to the polls, nor could they he persuaded to do so. Numbers of the very hest Demo crats in the city politivelv - refused, to vote. L R. Thlry preferred that the Aeotl a Should, go by default, then tizautpir the cos est unorgan ised and unprepared . , where art a partial Democratic vote could be v on. for the Germans they iierszly all left the city, with their families, on - Saturday, Sunday, and yesterday morning, apprehending riotings and mobs on the part of the linew , Nothinsg. The city islet under the "reign • f terror" although them was no-rioting y day, andKnoW-Nothings wore busy 1 day, and doubtless voted their full etre ..” Goan ANSWIIIL —Ono 'of the Meade of fillruore, not being willing to raw the friends of Frethowt to gather up ill the fora,.i sign votes, bhwidly accosted an intelligent Gertiaa Denrocatt, and invited him a few evenings slaw, to, join a Filinore club. -- Our German friend reftieed to 'comply with his wqtiest: aldeskrit*t he had not been in. .he iXßlfttry-twer6Oineindire: tha amiablu advacatir..4.-Itnraiwri clubs, Wwpased of Dutaluesr, is OE aiusrecu he la grey in his ellhrts. EtEt BELL FONT I= - - ' " The f replica— arillt. no longer remains tither a ,, —s, ' sly position before theithonley is welt. poultital or e ; e°gr"l : )" , e , °) 'l"e'die" , i the hint known, admitting in iltidisrdlise nor t'ongresa c a hibitett th e spectacle of the eeiiii iiiiiiiioni j . 1 0 4 4 .. the Mate or tie " State Rights" m 'Clio ;N en of aktit and the Antonin patty.(i : r ~. it,."1,:„.a,. A 1.)," i„„,,,,N of the North united m r. Fiiiiiinre h ere „ ax io m h i ,,,,,0r t h e a:rtinst l'entisy It lima, v,ttliout distitietem ul Anuncan cawndata, and , to the cretvi, party, to rciluee the thrill below its ion suit ii oaths and obligations 'Qr t r upt party without stardom. - If Omni remain any prat disputable - disguise or equivocation." . 'ln the Secret Lodge of the Order of Knee-Nothings he pi - tipple, whith conatitute( au issue he- has nwont that he will neither vote nor ap t,et'll the Pt ll.ocratlc and ale olli_W hig Pu" point a Boman CaUttilie to Mine. If elected tierr, I do not know it. The Witig party has n 4 and inatignotted Peesidont.,. a ed the United • rdi l fficd ill , thh,r ; i i States, he mould be con/pilled te hwter that and has had its day. • ..,, I L I ' ha" , '"" P re`hraw- lie w oulti require "no reliell l l s (rut as a by the urgainzatiou of Oho autieriean par t y , ! (~sralt t iration to anti bfftre or nailer Prftri or the Know -,Nothing Ordi.r. '1 hey nod A. " 1 ender (ha Ihrrted States." I Rtk tinder ituell the 01(1 Line Whigu have been the' k:ltt u- eircumstaitces, which oath' Weald he keep. tioners. They - have rknolinettl their old i i ptal which oath mould he violate I Are the 'cognomen, /ant a , itie titan ()Id Pnitekpirs, and i Old Line Whigs prepared to eadooe Mr, Fi1k0i1.1.11..4.111. koil.1.11..4.111. linr_..ljiage_l4 ARYL Mule and 11 4 4 „,„ 0 ",44 4 4" 1,,,cut x .4 for ihdr goals v 4 by _ ut W creod EllYkil betUle recognised by Clay, i 1 1 . 0610 1 ff I k now no didimeolta betweenan Wt Liter, b‘rgtiat or their noble compeers. individual joining the Order alld giving, hit 1 know there are 1""Y intelligent aid P t- rote to sustain its candidate, except that the , Hone men aho chosen the hepia that tat• latter course is lucre &fleeted in Cart yiug out iiiteg• paraye-in again biercausettated, but tit; the tea ets of this party. hulas IN dl...lllblNre, 11011 i., 01 1/4.1/11WIULS boCAUSc The: friends of Mr. fillmorit have assailed it (leo ircs the country kit a large portion be 111. Buchanan for his therstifi comint-, niteiltct and a twill, %Jail vOt,ILL to ta. thin a ithout admitting or denying the SOWN"- brought into public stryiee. ~ lit the llictory mita of the doctrine therein psitaintsl. 1 id our ltopillsic, no party broken (toe. ii has, would ionnik that the correspondence of Mr.. ever yet been recognized. The f a te of. tin' Everett, as Se( rotary of State Witter Mr. hit l'etici itl and AIIU-iII4B , MIC pal Ltes t slabh,sliCs more, lkftir the (1( nth of (41kirt ebeter, rait this liti.t. pecrikht,suot sit Mtla,linte AAN his Ap rik , ,,,,tom, t l i . lim y ,agg aW . uteintx(r of the popular branch of Veligtea . ' be Mere obittixiote"to, q 0 `1""e" h,' •11 vote. hug ,T"' Therei ha ~" t' n sar l / 4 tive hien than the Ogre n LaTritti f' it 4.. , k oh, e,,,,,,,L . itio . Legitoatty_o 01 2rlnui) await , A Mill .. Qi j zt , i , n i ef t, y r i ll t i tb a tth e ,I, l ,l,,matic iketett by a 1 , 1 Log vole., - Tlik're it, WS aI m w 0 ., ,t,, of Mr. .. 1 . e ,,,inia74 .—.-..,,,, a awn : minis( it the Coul,d, it the City ol l'itki- I on, inariettiate.t.upervitarni of Air. Fillmore adclphw c lc et i talAW. Whig tote. Our tlio an d bi t , c a bi net.. last two y ears. w r itli but two (aAptiolis, , ,ta to t l i r s . ii k u, _:v i e , n rt o d u t . i i s iv i: i r l o g b o a i l t i . l , T v an the e hnst rudiw ed s u c c i a to t l i a •d r otittlitr the scattered Itiumbers of the Will; Party have met in council, they hate le t . and sound patriot. W lien ill &Kroll, Ito arias position, and have, thereto& e, anal) took higher ground in favor of the South, ,to.oud. horn IM 11111% li, T0.k.0. to 111. NO, .1 , km the subject of slavery, thttu itnyNorthern for at the u polls. 1m New lidinpshil t at.. 1 , 1 iitattlinian had ever dome beforetorhave tier 3L".4RCit"'"" they r311."1 at 16 l'oll'y 91' done (Mice. One thing is carnal, any Ol'iu the result aas paucity el nutnut i s and total f a ; ,i,„ 1 ion upon International Law proinulgated by deleet. But, I a c ts, v, but guptl A Utilli him, is entitled to resins E. tit. Builiatien ivied flow the re erdinration soil ti iiiiiiplt h . 1 ,1 beau in public life upa little of forty ut the Ohl 11 lug Party I '1 in ) do not is ..1,1. tars, he has fi lled like highest - entices which a National Bios. 'I in') dkindt. dome - the Thu must ar .. i Its own State could confer upon-him. lie repeal (it theilulo'fr..., the liigheat seat in the cabinet Mat !fiends or Lb. TWllit du riot lib'. Jur the 1 but 'l4X;"l"ed during a most eventful (pooh : and he has rcscsutlilishinent ut the Ifig lei dot 1" , 2.n, twice represented his , otkidry it the Courts or even of Iti I • 2. ; but all t i le) ash. r", that of thin tvt 0 tlrst Nations in Eiiru. His poi -1 the 'I in ill shall stand white It was piaci it iii 4 ; h . , Clic i iiiiaiii;; vote i. ,‘ d ii , %, ice p i .,, , ,_ s , a h lt.... e i l d ui l f: y c o lt; i r c eilauds IA illouit b lo t or Mou t rebuke or rk roach ; and it is I dent, Mi. Dalltu,. ,All the old issues lime '' 1 high tdo-tom 111/011 his pulite life, that ' Sinai berth 'l, 4"( i 1" IL "ftt"111 '',""!'`,",""':' t a lle "051,,nriteltre' is the only - act a lilt li Is 1"." parts, 48'4' ~piing u p , '''''' i " '' ''''''' llCHigilatt 11 by has opponents as the ground have lwen tortuetl. 'kilo Urdu ul hoe r - - Nothings have t tobittvl the better rid spirit of attsek' I of the tL At tide ut the Constitutatu ti Ow 'flier° ace many Old Line Whigs v, - 110 are rill Ltd Malts, Nitwit (IL:CIS/Cs Mat :' ft., is' attached to their cognomen, and d is i lik i : Nivel 1(4 shall set,: be repined us a 4.,tuali- chati4ing tt -this , i , ; WI over acruitis t.ts ly.atton to any ttffire or Public Tryt ,tiller nicety. They Must change their name -they th, finite./ Ntatea ;" they have establiThed must MeOgniall . the' title of kid American, scoot sutaeucs, I, o aki,,, ~,,,d 0 1,11,,,,. Know-Nothing, Republican, or; 'Democrat. twits. 1 .1 . 1t.11 these pi nitwits tins W lug pal ay If they refuse to elect eitherof these pa l tang' must retire fi all participatiott putty in it. 4 days kit I,IIACV and 11111.1 t (ILA. hi. if .., (lot. , _ . ',I-length had Ito sympathy nor a n ward Is itoortO#Tit. 111"1"n. I n' ". n ' l a i l l r. % 0 r • t , s , i„f, or coo aod ton,. is Ito pare Of the 1. , MOLL Willto file lave said filming e p (gen sc. , Wings mitre more inflexible iiiumiesiii,.; Lttest.. greys, in etttlenl ,that lie cared nothing for [ political heresies tAWIL lik the bete of l'clut- m ilt( .;. hot that he lookedtoprieoiplen Mune. aylvatun. 'I lie it null k showed he heti itch ar head. anti . , in'lBls, - % licit the 'Whig patty met in the a i .,.....e" , n i ' i l L .i" ll g ll " ltt, and was wOtt - yt ) r it bet city of l'hilkottlphia, utter 01..11i:fest bi Mt. t r'" „l a '- -.- ‘, •,,, , Clay, the duty et opening the *hooking and Tune will not pertnil „, met diSCU . bi At Bating Ortli, their principles arts committed lei , e, the question. of "the en 119ne$1. I to *ha I Ilea 111 Any laud at that int:cling, (add that the Territticy(ceded to us by Mei , thu oharactur-ef - Ittaide Wand, greed. to ken was purchased by', , ,commoti treastirm huger 1V dilates, which contains tini broadest The fifteen elate States contributed their owl most COlatfirthettaiVO declaration of re- portion of the fund. as well as the then Br( ligionn Illicit) , and equality ever yet penned. teen fr,'n Status. ' t erritory should stand (In I lut a its ilakine at and totergtote platform the ham. fuming; atrakintittcd 842444, atai the ahkt mud,. -"ruin Is TUN DUmittss or 'Mg tight of the keophi to hold slaves or not, ns W)lll»..tltir," and pointing to the ruing” of they please, in the Territory ought to be, , the ltomantatl toile Church of St. Augustine, commensurate. with tins rights of the poi), pel burnt alluring the diszraceful riots of 1144, as they exist in the thirtysnie States. There I l and which lay ,No r m S few yards of the can be no . just getrond . fer an_ ydise, , rintinatiati .tory is _,__ kr paw:o us Alatmling , , , 1 added "TIIII/L6 lA' 118 lichs cell tllO two outs. New 'tern missicitsviost." lhoe Is out It nook nor surely not more sacred thim the old thirteen I ecriner in the vast region of our country Si sten, or the prt"tent thiryson t e h ti cit tatet s • last • The which does-not contaiie ()Id Line Wine who will of A 1" `i"llt y prevails in ' ° aro whims Ito attend by the L'undlitutiou and enumerated, nn tltt a rtlW . _,.. p i rthed . os joit4ey, 1110 Union,„ , But there - ntimercial strength pie should pro a tin 0 7 . acquired Ter. is far exiseeded - hp-their patriotism, talents, story. .. and pubis° spirit. This is the body to which I What is the doctrine,of flee Wiltoot pee -1 "Ye been l ' itsche4 ' 04 I r eef t ag dat e Peat visol It is the sittltOn tetitleelarlWg interest in the course they alialrivrespe• to the fifteen slaw) utter oft are part --12 • itel'uhllca° party Js '41415'n- Weed " owner's_ of this 'Territory; $ Ith» sited lit ), its sit WOll numat, 111 nay judgement leadln A your blood and expended, Manure in serrate of the Union . 'ld° tot hallera that acquiring it, hut you shall , 110 shins tia the gre t mash of that Pall' anticipate Ull a its en,}orneut. or prolite. • it of its result ; but it ' it should l.mconstimated, their trappings, acid it amounts to there are regret, Al be nu equivalent for the dailaulnit thirty-one stockholders in a 41Mration, and injury therelly.inUicting upon tide great Re: sixteen or to fifteen, it is tn*_ ,i, are public I appeal Co every old Liu* Whig hi 4M owners and hive contribll t°4- , - Unitui to avert this calamity. Thobtiuthean- of our oeattoon plwerty, but lON . . hex° [ not and will i till , remitat iu the Union, onions no share in the enjoyment ,of .sestedeges ' their tights are guaranteed to them. • if we or the receipts of its preatllis a doe were in alto same SitUMWU, we would do- trine la stehrersivs of evswiry,lertheiple of 0414 out righ ts in One ' s as imperative and justice, and equality, and can* be sus!, ea those which are , sow used by tainted..., our leathern brethren— • ..,., How is thii, grsetevil th ho avoidelliklan - new t a to m th n6 o l l illi Vhig ld pa v°C rty ste ef o P f otiall °Plllll6lll llnin thal ie. are At sweet,' thstothettOnof Mr.BoolueminMEvery e maw uwetisg held In September. 1840i-ith vote ItirellttO blushes chocklo the 1 rigreas he Ohtnese Museum, m Phtissthia l I eir. the Republicautparty. !Anew thereare man 'ailed a resolution congratulating , e Nation Whig* who, appiove of the administration upon the restoration of puree ' * el t quietude. ef K i ll ard'irtnuhma and are milling to tr us t to the country by this passage '44l' thioOom. him again. Every vote given to Mr. Fillmore "ore's& 4,,,u p of tbst . y ear . , It...aralt ism& increases Use e ger or the • success Of 'ironettli...atteptett, and 4 then Ittlik„Stewn- the M,r. Fremont. vote given to Mr. setae principles - which lam alltrilsavorias telexßuatanau. pa ' , aeali 1 the fate of teinsadeaike ~.. . _ ~ • - jenspiimary .. '?';'' ~... En a can it tie or-re-nuni nOtion, y 1t a' ug Conventioo in Balt inlet e, 1852, he !iron ,seit 'to be a Whig--nothing itiore, no . .lng leas. The Native Amei Man patty at z tbattnne was in eitintetwe mid prochlitnetl priticiplts in terms far looms exceptiewbte thipt,Otse now, al onto . ' by the ICimirnNotlithg parfy. Hut Mr. Ft hewn' then Juel neither dart nor lot AI th the tn. he tdotyl, 'pot' tto itranntl ne• copied by Clay. Welunti and '164,14,(ei1ic. What is he ,pow "1 lie Inik ,been initial' d infrtlie Order of Know-tntbings, taken upon hithself RS AerVet oathii Sittibligations, daft this at iii time *Awn his friends were 1 Presenting Ilia elitint4 to tat , elected States. since bo- Presi iltlts 'kilt of the Cuip..l came the t:tnljtbdt: and tie bo nomi nation of the Ann rienn or '' O now:Nothing National Convention. In a corkspontlelibe betwegn the Older of Lnlttd Americans' of the State ..of NeultYot I, and bite, under the dato of July the 25th1, 18611, briny say— " Both trom your le.t Maria' nets, and front the a temenneea mid view% tsvitret"44l by you on tinny 4 .4.H.51(,118,,R8 fitiving , similar at 'amnia'', in refers nee to 11it.1410 1314,1(:Cla, to (bola of ao noel' uong impuenitne, the sleet 8)001 ':labli•linleilt 01 tliie John Illnti, as the fonllninental Rules bf or-Coirtrtieht they believe eipential for its rainquility.anti a continued progress In thefrveloppwait of all its greatness. . , ^-416 1 0- ..' .. ', • -.•...2' 1. 4 11^ , 6, twill GM Mei ting lth (Ant (I 11, rpint 44 • The reptal of the -Act of the it; iT. wliich closed, the irnlrlle j' i 4( f this `onittionwealtli iitti jnt. hi iti-e44444.444.13....11L-VAII:41 ire I%l:eves. At pot. iniTtiog B.irriu4 I .114.444:, setend to no ipnn in tho vonlitty in intelligence end pa-, , trotism preiideil. I npiii lonnienti il the xunu 4.liJetritie4. and they 14 ore tigniti en• dorm it by the Whig 111111 y a t, nII4EIIOII that 0(1%41011. These ate some of the reasonil why in voke every Old Line Wing in Penic-ylvirnia tb support Mr. Ilitehtinan. fhe triumph- of the Democratic party in Pennsylvania, in October next, tt onld place hiseleetion a doubt. It would :puttee the last glim mering hope of liw opp n l ttimt , restore pence and quiin mid to the country and for one gen eration'at least,• put Jit rest the present agi tation on the gut lidion The Ohl Line Whigm of Pp4m4.ltruiia possess the paver to ruieomplisli this great result: the revonsihility tech , upon tin in. and I have no doubt but that the draft which 0 , mode upon their pall tothun will he promptly ae; eeptid, runt that the great IC,,iitoo e e Sulk , will once mole collie to t h e, at!, And ;lofts 8111' hGq dime In reform put down all •t e tinnal feeling, and at the ballot box pity it vote which tt ill 'Strike tenor to the em tuitx of the l'Oiditiltion and one glorious I Mon, itovv•vv , toms 1.••• khoippitipa. ratirm'of every tlieritkif a 4t il and religions liberty throughout the e nrld. • • .N Et: E INA Pit Al ER MEETING Last'Vfidn) , at (lie WOlrd weekly prayer meeting, held in the lireivinent or the first Congregational Church, a striped snake made its appearance under circumstances or a singular character. The meting was held in a room fromn4:l)a door opens alto the basement OT the Lover in aliich the town clock WQ1.1.0 ttn:. Thit‘ dm; yk as left a 11t t1e,(44, arid SOOll r the meeting had to s mnarnecil the snake mink his appearance. Moat singular, indeed ; our weirdly Deacon had read the chapter which gives an acoonnt of the Brazen Serpent by Moses. He hid -eamiiirieticiett—saakitig—worae- -remarks on the chapter, and wa.9 spelling of the Serpent being lifted dip so that all the bitten buts:lays might see hint and be healed, when the serpent of t‘hiirlt we are writing, made his app arituce on the top of the door tlgnitng, tate- the bagenieut of, the I tower. Hew he eraw led up Ilwte no one can tJI : but there hu was on the top of the door, hie Vitae) Riad ..a4out ens-badf ofyleiba body-Imi'; .4.0•. - 41609ewea pat in roar at die deacon's chair. and plainly to be Rt'en by all in thearotnn-except-thr- spriderr. The. Ser. pent on the door at once became the obi,erv ed of all oliaerv(rii, the young pres cut, in,,,ii Meta d evty motion with the closest attention. As iilk body slowly wtithevl and to isted about, UMW" , and snaky eyes g-Tistened in (Wright of tlhi prayer-room, with a inalwious FN nil suppoi,e ; al. in to that with which thiPStir pent in ohl times gazed upon the happy ate pious worshipper+ in the tiaid, nof Eileo. Unlike Eve, hpr daughters have a 'nor* dread of snakes. Once, too seltzt lying, calved, beguiled and iui e d by the wit..s oI a S,Tp,nt, they Imre ever since manife,ted at his approach, an nivin.lble repugnance and horror- Deacon Morris, oho was speaking, soon &scot ere(' that something Rag wrong, and the t..v.(reo:e.; ac re si: pa tided till a bro ther could get a brooln the imake from the top of the door and dimroae of t. Tile meeting was then eoniltieted,as usual. Elva- Cottaiy (N. Y.).l2rpublic. DIPIPRIIWNCE9 Rarwßßa r... , PARTFMO A‘.l) OTHINNIII.I. IN MADRI/L—A Paris letter n the Emancipation, of 13russels, wnttersdole. fore late tom intent took place, ti;es etailes of iterest relative to tie entree en , ehico had arisen bete esn Mat-.411/44 Esparteret -.,audel,llinuo 11, avid which 'oust tote e1,m42. of nuntstrey. It says: " After t h e Rtrangi , eleclarittiMi rnrtde t, XhComirai the Minister of the heron who, I in a speech to the. Cartes, in a measure pro claimed the divine re(l4, of imourreetion, schism insmifested itsel f aiming the nicnibers of the Cabinet. Marshal O'Donnell entigge- I rally blamed thmortt than ientirenlent ez- I preBsiimg useeif by M. Eseusura, which, althemelt they Mfgt rrefr suit a tweeting vilub, wrre highly • objectionable shim coining fruit the mouth of a Minister ',Messing. lgislative I assembly. The thappOleation of Marshal .o'flounell WAS was so strong as to render in : evitablo the totinnont of 11. Encousra from The Csbilict; but IllarslialEspartero, who was mucs attached to that gentleman, and who bad even manifested his ftelnigir tots mods hint hy shaking him by the hand after ho had de livered the steneeh which' had boon bluimccl, by Marshal went to the Queen, and inaisted on M'Eseousra remaining lice. as, if not , her Majesty newtnut.ce her choice between the two Marshals. The Queen begged ) ipartere place a situa tion of such onbarrayment, and it' was not unfit Who'd conrywiled her to slceide 0 110 way or the other that her Majesty declared that she would never consent to the retirement of Marshal O'Donnell.. • Zapastale then with drew, and sent in his rosigtuttion, which was and It is said deaths .tranYediateig left Madrid for Lagrone. , A SMICLAR CUIL—The Dublin (Irehmdy Medical Expreu details a case which con firms the opinion that the toad can eject v s:msons 841 from the, mouth. , A boy,. aged six years, while throwing stones at a large triad, Mt something spirted into his eye. lie was attisoktd AA:getter, with apes wale pain in hitmlye; than disith conra4...4t times he would try to bite oterything near him ; at tieacs ho was iu a state of apathy, and it Woes jn a state of Ominous. On the tenth clay' Ahe...ottly" symptoms wens stupor and limas' . 44 to yatk, suoatit4opeitiols e ttes Nested for two years' sizioe f . • 6 f• , • • - _ . .e..r. e , , . . . . ... -,... .- .. . •• ~ ij... ,-- . : . , . .t '! .- f• 1 , .., : . ::\.,, . 6 , • . • sour lads standing its the chansvel below The little piece of sky, fipandrig these mess ureic/is kern, is foil of stars though it is usithla), Il is almost live/flushed Iced from hliet e they stand, tip slums perpendicular twin asks Of linic stone, hi the key rank of the vast arch, winch apkat I to thou onlyOio size of a nitth's luunj. .r - Jte` Ai tie, of death is rendered dote 1i5ip1,, , 411,e by the little• tot, am that 111113 from to Wick., down tke eh:moil. The rttu 1, this ki r ano the Boy ii have inittinseieuttb nucot islet! their heads, 118 shuttling in the presence chamber of the, tilajesty of the ts bolo :eat th. At last, this teeli»g he gilts to wear Ms sty —tin) begin to look, around them. i f hey are des names of hundred 'cut in the bum smite abutments. A new feeling cause over their Masts, and theta kuttes arm in hand 111 1111111,11114. " What 111/1/1 //114 thale, - , lio l s iti l dui" is the watelm aid, ts she) draw thenistives up, told carte tie ir muftis n (hot above those of a hundred ism gloom sums, who had been (Mira betide them, They are nil 1,1111141/ed 11th 'lists tear of pit) bell! (Act - 11,11,1, ‘,11,1t. amm o resole tx ntnpie tllwttratts petlcetl . t the lorgottth 'Ti title, that I lient is it royal tread to nitell«c total eminence. lint untlintotts youth sees u patent abut his retch -a name that shall be grtsin in the an miny tit the %%mid, than those - or Akxand, , 111111 liodap.erte, 'C 43. lz..„.. t . ii ivti l atit ' itir. 9 ' u llit Ott , T a it rrt " l u i i u ills Ilrathltiek to the fttal liehl, hr had, ht to these and left his name a, Mot Also c ell his, piedecesatrs. It etas it gkei tus ilioublit, ola boy to Write his Immo side and side with Oust of the lather of his country. lie grasps his km& wittitt firmer hotel --vuttlelitignig to a little jutting crag, be cuts ,ii the lanestone about a foot shot e a la re 11e Stead:4 ; list as lie plash's feel and hands into these gains, and finds himself a foot above every name en cueleil out that mighty wall. he IN still un- Eiatiafled. While' his oompaitions are regard log. hint With concern and -cuts his max in huge capitals, tarr,72 and - deep into the 11,415; attsunt. litg knits is still in Ins hand, and stsellgth to Ida sinewviritnet. : a stew emitted aspiration m his heat 1. Again he etas another 'oche, and again In , carves his name in !alga capital..., Thn, 7100 enough. IlleetlJena of the °wreath:, 61 big cow nions, he cut/tau:id-4mila; aerie. jbfluttLlu Altitill* , fes4 l .l , 4l. l 4o l °ltir wider apart. lle 100 every gariehoonta • ''oloelllß liswn • grew weaker, Ili TIN itton Ins t Sr. I non , elixir; a look litqu'allk 04110;111.060 111,4411 pit/1114111, 'l , t V. , 17r0 hawC Leen his lost. II elvegs Kith u 0011N11161 , / , ' ahudder to 1.11.1 link 1110111, 11l the roek. All //Alla a. 1)) „ ,;.: me sits Ilk inmost r:ain t. 411.-- iii tH Gout 110111 in etr tXL Ilion, atul tiniu blinw, It nut Ilia antlilt it tlcN of tha drontlitil ling.-notion to which tea it. eXpliietl. Lla knirisia x otti triett lb - ay to' the haft. Us - can bear the voices, but not the} cries or tenor stricitlicompan ;Isla Is.low. 1$ hat silincikgre dinner to 1,52.1 . 1)!! th.syvin:tlon. Thera ii no ro rti.l lug- tit( I'l 16111();;;n : (4)}ditlifit hands in the sante 'tithe eith his fact, and rltain his hold a ;moment. Ilia conlyinions iirstanily pi icelii t thistle% and fearful dil clllll4l, %Oaaiiaht ha fall, withr mut/4101w that " free.:el.lleir y °wig blood.'' Ite JN too /141, too faint, to ask for his rather and brother and sisters, to come and witness inr avert his destruction. , But one - of his companions anticipated his desire. 8% ft av the %Ind he hounds doe, n the ehaund, rid the fistful situation is told upon his fattier's hearthstone. mutes of almost eternal length roll on, anititinre %tre hundreds standing on the Lirwthy channolv i and hundreds ou the bridge 4 Aahve, all holding their breath and awalttng 1 fern hi catastrophe. The door hoy hears the hum of numerous vomecs both o and below. Ile can just distinguish the tics of h e father . ‘ ton.e, who is shout 011.0# ith all the tiwrgy of despair; " lianas William! don't look does -your Mo th, rr„,iatul Veiny, and Harriet are all pray vg. for you -- he p your eyes to aeds the 11C boy didn't, look, down —ids eyes arc (11 like a tint toN% artbi bolt en, and his tg heart on him st ho reigns there. Ile eggs his knife again. He cuts another Amin., and another niche is In the tnolreds that removed tntrrfrxiw him heir • claw. !low cart fully ile . use., eta wasting ! How suixiiimily lie selt,:s the ,troft e,t plare in that pier! how he avoids every flinty grain ! llow lie econoimipi his phy sical powers--resting a mein, ut at curry gain he ruts t --hots every inolion is w etched from bilow ! Tinto stands Ms father, mo ther, brother °nil aister, and on the I my art where, if he falls, he will not full alone. Thc sable half di:Willa the welt. The lad had made fifty additional filches in the mighty War, end now tines himself directly under the middle ortho vast arch of rocks. earth and trees. Ile must cut his way in a nee, detection to get over this overhanging mountain. . . Vie inspiration of hope is (iyi:ig in his ho-, morn, Its vitid ftchng is led by the inereistd *bouts of linudri de perched neon elan and trees, iirut others who stand vitt), Nikki in their bands, on the briftgo abiive, or with lad . . -..i ^-444 1y gain's more must be • • cut before the longest ropes could 004,11. him. His wasting blade again *Wit& Int6,the lunentene. The boy in emerging painfully, foot by foot, from under the lofty arch. Spliced ropes are ready iu the hands of those who 063 leaning over the outer edge of the bsidge. Ilarolvithutes more and all will be over.— That ,Made la wotn to the last. half fnsh- The boyialeaa reefs, andlildeyes arestst ing from their sockets. Ilia last hope is dy login his heart—his life must haw upon the last gain he ants. That niche is his liMet At thiflaat faint gash Iw makal, his knife his faidind,knife,.fallis from his hand, and iingiug along the precipitni, fell at his me ther's Awn.: . Aztintuntsuy groan oT despair runglike a death . - a - thleargh - lbai - etiknitetrbtlitetW; and all is still as the graver-At-the height of near three hundied feet, the devoted boy lifts hi4epelessheastPrid closing ayes, fo wato r tne hie soul to God: 'Tie but it mo osqtt—t lure! Quo foot swings off-me is rildling—trembling—topling ours - into eter nity. Mirk! irsliot falls upon his est from above ! The man who is lying with half }yes oter.the bridge, him a 41iiiiipse of the boy s head and sho.udderi. Quick - 1s tbm bs it the werieed rope is ,within reach of the - aluk. ittg tenth. No one bveathos., What. 6 faint convulsive eiart. The swooning boy drove his arms total' the noose. Pirialetlx 441411. Gm WM pith the Irtra4,lol3 MOthee. iddspend on his SPI N just Mud -snot* to •' • `j- . is, sturdy Virginian reaches Quam, and drafra the lad up, and hold ban tit ld. arms befeno the ft at fuLireatidess 'imitated*, ant* bigo t , ing 'slid weeping tar joy, iicvet emote; 164 ear of human 'being so AJeorered front sbo yawning gulf of eternity. ~ TEE PATH TO $1114:AIR Our rt idea, says the Chicago rfassrat,ll4 . " 4 the ZI inst., have already found the . ialaxii4 l l. ' stale:es of the arrest of Frederick Brill lika4 - Ids young accomplice, Janice lretoM . Obr rohtnig the Chicago pb 4 t office, andlint ' llarist. and conviction of Iligg, di tailed in the -oote , • ennui of our paper. Soo* MILT Harold! arrest the following letter was Sent to by hie father. It is beautifully written, e , ' Harold' betrays the full depth of the shame and der, ' pair lute Which the family hare beenjiltitived by the trrork of a (tailing, son. Vra hope . that, should it meet the eye of any of thotie. now upon the bliid of crime, it will be to then 0, 0 $ ()lee of wAyliing f r o m the honor eiriles tiny Lase left, and serve to recall them to a seek of the terrible eormequentrea - to !mud ones of The crime they may have „ ', determined to monlit. B , IIIITC 'lll year . 40, young Ifni old left a honer as happy preti•t-oin aft kindly, allectionate hearts al - undying love and iiiithMlleitYtriearutd , IL Upon the very verge of lily r unstained end unspotted, he left it to atria fair hioeeitotaeolloueradde namaim-etteaddlete i Tee..• day lie tills a Glou'it cell with lung yearn of , cinitineminnt with etht r feVons beam lutat.-4:"'" -- In the eery tonsetei his crime helms time ted his own fair prospect in life and doou sorrow find shame 'won kind I X iti t ding parents. It here liettili thathelieddiedist his infancy ere shame had been writes:n*lKM his brow, for then thole parents inditit, all - they stood by his little grave, have glued through the mist, of their tears up to Cot , i better land." Now the only ViAliOn txrond that bitter, blinding mist Is the gloomy walla - and iron gratings of the corn-Mee bans. We ash every young tame hit reed dial led. ; ter,4at- hie resolittioine for: good- nery - 111 --- formed anew And that he may be luny be-, preased with the far reaching oreeequerwee, of the wicked arts ho may bo tataptad to commit:— ----N. Y., Jane 29,.1856. , MI lit:Au jAAMB—ThA p 1411611 WAILII of your Inipto44llllooot, was received yesterday. apil it, has 11th il tho minds of yottr wastber • ilAiiiiiielf - ollh prOftiiiiid - iffiT;isa rm ., • i(re , hßyt, had oppormuities that but Ire . Id possess, even to the reduction in We 4 ~i4k1 7 honorable meteor, provided yoistroultt UN youmelf for (t, with a home to be wet. owe! to, ',idle% eiy comfort to be defiled, should at (lie omit - alive to matilmOd titittit . '4l” graded 3 our self and diegraced your- family. \\*hire you have copied the ,example front is to use a mystery. For yi are love I barn the r,cm'ent of .itostions of honor and '. .... holding mealy ot .Ilre prominent. thid abide irite a Imam county and with friends et ~ chart - tor, throughouttbe State. NOT ireidellt the picture and realities you have milietiti. ' tell. It atiperni to ma a dream. - '"Whet could'huldias 3434 thus to - to --- lan aof your country i Not want.) not toll you a - hen you left home Mat if ye% connected yourself` respectably, I ivotildowat sign you goods, and Navel not Arm asked you if by any intairs I coult heill eg A - -' ~. . along I Lark, my erring Pon, at the words I on the that page-ol the Bible presented ln A on leaving borne., 41aii! hew tile Una Mit timentoithey expreirs. . You received iutroductiiins to mapeaddlail merchants, to one of the Chicagoolergymen-- (Rev. W. A. Sniallwoodd.traid w i th Oat sta treaties del your mother and ti=t it co lax 1 you to connect yourself with a Sabbath echoed. We have just, iiiiiell first letter, promising to make for riiii .. an honorable tme, end aseociate wadi speetable persona; and can it be i that even at that period you were AMA - Ma with this youth Itigg I ~ As I now reflect, what it home you henna lost and w here are you I In a gaol, Mid dor stealing. The lino, too, fifyour hued _ rifilelil hire any record - , W ------ - of years have borne a I i mily esmatchetell without a stain ! What can Ido for yottl Your mother, almost broken-hearted, eaniot - be left, and what could Ido kw yen wenn to come to Chicago! From Captain Pate • Lieu's letter it scents that the proof • you in potence. The lives of your , e lli L l = must be vindicated. l see no other Way hit. . to /et justice take Its (anima. lint in VW, extremity , what can I reeolintneti bete" than that you should tell the whole truth, and east ,) our in If on the Enemy of the court' before which you Will ,be tried. But one, con,olation is left, and that is repentengi and prayir to God. Ito only can holy 4 yo , by torgning you your sins. end hrindo to a knowhilge of peace in Justin C , Oh !at once cry to Ilim for aid and direetlo4; .. and may theurgen9y of your OW lead goo to true repentance. We Latr i becn 4nticipatingsi 411131alae the. ',.. you,in theshipe of a roitiihei of p p01aW1a..... articles of clothing, and on your arrivill Ai age, next April, a sum of money : hut oar fond hopes are all vaiushod. aud_nntii X Mir , eeive &deices from you or Capt. COntallk, we know not bow we can help you. „. The Rout Monday in July is set drawn lea *Mar trial. _„What a day it will bra tureirtia,•. , Ettnte. 'Would th Clod, tay a•raaartwas t rap.' , ' d died in your infOncy, unsPotte.: (raft tho coo Id ! Your mother tends her love;, roil; 4111 0 41116' - de,-far we have hope that Sh in s , -PoWettet 111 0 - aftlictive oircuntstrittev, miter float ateg to „ crhno will be our Zola ibid.}, atallted for, whet will ' - • " 7 ' . • ' wooed* your f ,Listen -- inti - welee.' Morrow, of the Orange Common Pleas Court, took . thing published in the Paoli L' and attacked the edi".c.„,Xl l : . x, 'AOC,: • oiL heavy tans Mr. Cot kamo_hard,Shatehiltitaut of his iiiii4,iiixii:hili rnWill , giiiilliFooo -7 71,::' the Jude right sounaly, / , Nr. 130*--4.1- ~ , smaller punt then the Judie, bek ~„Elt,,l o l l, l l lotP >,,.."-- .r, worsts by enough to back lipase afOrnta oiy . o:l6it - _ • rem„ .. . Co/IL —The throe e liateregolit'lx., Mai; iti'r suirroWng ikk eXtent 0 0 0 0 of _ . „ ( blit whole work W 7 icks, . the Olio, the.llollP l ' .660640* . . ... wish sod theitiebiro ' ' • , . !rely, 20,060, *(14006.-tetet 001)' 2 . hillte:- -- inia r4t/irearißt ~ . - ' r l . , r , ' : reqiiieht setrVtriOeiel,. ' ...,, ~ .. ', , 7 ,- . UM of hittacalusuCaollaiti - . .',.4:- 1 4, _, , .. - . ---- 7 - • : 4 1 . r , ^. 4 .';',11 1. , , .. , .'. ' .;, ~ ' ..„'..i''', 1 1,71...,1„,., . •••;;: '', • - -- - ' - ' - ''''''' - '4.c* * ;" -t . ,, c",. ' '•'''''lL , - .4...8 t'Akt7t.” . , '' ', UM . MI '''': , , 't I ti , , 1 1 -;; :4 . , ; , I! lIIBEEI • ;I'4 ;, • 1 . - Mr • lEEE