Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 13, 1856, Image 1

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at Watchman.
rsr -voter vjgommlit,Dizgui7): feNleiVi
irniorib ittfl +tedrmiral) ivsgr wEI , NrgDAr, RV
• •
TNIIAN..4O,IcO in•Advaterti; or If paid withlit? Nix
Inuakits., SI9Q will bu ohargod en all tiuloterip•
Conti runtting to the bed of the year.
A I. l lllltla/AHM I4N TS and liusiousti Not lortirt
ed ut the until gokes, - ntor every description et
3ck xit. X zw
I,IXKOUTUD in jho neatont manner, at the lowe s t
prloott, firoi with the utquiwt despatch:, lint iug
purchased n largo truncation of typo, wo are I) ro
pnrodto nutinfy the ordorn elpur (Amin,
, ,47 1/.01, VO - PitESIIIRNT,
• Or rpfzwrocKy, •
, u iJADIAL. SalissluNl A.......
,jey; o
,:- i , oroo r ,tatiim 00171 , 4'11r.
A -glik,' ..:, .• _ . . ,
- ",. - You A1.101141u (I.I.:NEItAL, ' •
„en"............y...,..rry.. _ ,
Sys Eorames iw Oran txns.—According to
the eineivinetti hi:parer there •nre to be six
eclipses this yess—t wo of thro sun, two of
Qlo moun t ono of the Know-Nothings, and
ono Of thOnlact../tcpuld leans. The last two
trill ho total. In fact, neither holly wilt ever
auks appearance night*. The eclipse of
the esok-Itepublicans will drily be visible in
the northern States, that body never having
boat sit'entliitiewouti ! . 1t can be Preen with
out the aid or stnokeil glass. This eclipse
will commence on the morning or November
continuing during a gm. nt part (it the
clap reaching the point Or total obscurity
81.111HOL, AL which (1/110 thu Dt . llloettley
Will 811100 out in it full . glory.
r1 , ATP(1101 1 . 11 , Tlf Y. 1:1.A('6-11Y.f•l SIMIANS
Nl.OlO Ira A1 . 111'3118 Li) : Amvneri.
thkiou tow,t.
No .Atilemma interfereneo in American
nirairs. inviolate ty of national Irealien and
s, exrejA the fugitive sive law and oilers
of liku eliztracter.
Nu unioti 'or churches belweeS the &Ilk
nut South.
Thu luso at
,4,110 African ludilipsosabic to
Garrison's text-book in all getknota.
`thorough reform of tlio laws tlisfraneld
ng blacks.
No appointment of whites to diplomatic
Tea 111Aaanrii,,Clays—Wosiiargr. 1/is
enraitY.—The Lo . Jtalrnof Says IWI.
&I, Bishop, the guide, and three I Ur/4,
whilst rambling in the inansionLth cave, tli.4-
eolnititr an entirely unknoNN 105,c,a3 . e of
eomq two miles. ln . length. By this impor
t:tut discovery, the cave, alri !Lily the hugest
in tto world, is found to extend elven miles
linatm/a of vine miles, as has hitherto becti
ruppael The passage was- retina by the
p ar ty t o kid to ,.!iaitilwrs far min.::-411g all
tlwsy fortucrly known, both in extent and
inmsnilleenee. It is supponol that this dis
t °rosy will lead to odic' of still t veatki
purtauc:e.--Rsch.on r.
A Suoirr I)lrrintsare , —The 11'ashingten
Eimainer states, in reply loth() calculation
iho Jtiiitton Itith referent%) to
tho reseal, in Pennsylvania, that while the
ttduehlahle Cumininli claims fur Fremont &
majority of from 1,1)00 to 1,200 in 'Wash
ington and 'Westmoreland counties, in truth will be at least front 1.";500 to 2,400
iiiajority in those two oottutits for Buchanan.
Tito Examiner alsoSirites that a IiAIMPf the
line NVliigs in Washington county who
lit o goinz for "Old Buck" would fill itscul
most brutal prize-fight
t wit idaco near Gloucester, New Jersey, on
last, bctvicon to , foinalea: Thu
711t , , t was a, hero* ono, the woman iiiidalt
te3. each other to such en eticnt that they
‘Acru covered with blood. ll'hey and several
tholooicers-on were committed to the
It'uodbury jail, where Jqrttey law will doubt be 4ottlt out to them.
0.49111 OP StAIXAMMILISIC—A guest oritto
Owen's NotA, Louisville, lately ascended in
his sleep to the top of the house, from
%Amide. ho undertook to dem:lona the wa
ter spontrriosing.tutsitokl!r:, roll an unknown
distanee. Although Fi.:Jriously bnased he . is
not in a darigorons condition.. hisname is
Shantoni. Ire it anatlui of Now York.
'A*Tstilsn'a Attiftinosi:Paataiesso
yo into Kansas, and preach tho
. /./ospel as
c,miling to Garriion. Lot your loins be-girt
\vitt' thO'N+4York Tribune': put on the,
hultawt of Alnilftioilistn, tho brennt-phtto of
l‘sow-Nothingion, the, bowio-knife of Ar
kansas, and a Sharpe's tido, and preach-dis
union to story crazy creature."
WOOLLY ALL Oviss.—A wag, looking upon
Fremont with his hairyidirk (moo, p.Sclahrual.
A woully horse, * rtad • woolly,
face. Why, hula woolly all ovgr by jiugs,
and a little tonchoil with tho.tauriy.
' REM NNlpihit Tall SA NATI' DAY."—The
L'iewen¢ory of Boston hootti iartOuced the
liradiau f - 4 7 1i44114 yolittailt-woodiv air
• .
. -
• . ..
, ~ . ." • ; • , R
.•. • , ,
111 .
Nef , '.' ' • ,r ,
. ..........._„,.. .
OUR 11,11'7LE- FLA6',
tlnfart ?Ittrsilng I itivn treornen, warm
nide, o'er ian,l end ran.
etandurd, of Lho nubenght: bravo, ,•
14 tinathlra ntoito bo.
BiArit ftlidtaittcarifnuar, laaawrir
. pearl out , Immix to the sir, •
- Put to ! tltn 14Irals Its folds that rrarrn"A. 4 . 0
00'6 wind:-nto pnfibing, On In prtirr, •
To bloc the banner of tbe„bravo,
Ana kiei epee Ile ettkon breast
, Tho intrutso 4y Freedom West.
Oot with our flag! llnroll—unroll --
And lot ite glorious motto fly •
Our the broad earth, front polo to polo, ,
/Swift no the lightning o'er the sky,
Till kirattitireed,:and bigot's floe
Thu watchword of Democracy. '
Piing out tho proud flog of our faith—
Tho faith for Whioh our fathers bled—,
Thu faith that pluafttaltht, tiling of ,tooth,
Ana hallowed froodoitee Martyr Mod ;
Behold lbdregraveal ahrttt firemen auto
••To. satata roorennt footstope there)
"No. 'bider! sto!nly to your trust,
fihoul•lor tq Shoulder, firm font true .
'bide your time for coin() It moat,
As sum no yon doop heaven of blurt •
liortiguly mulles-yonr strife to 'soo •
It all they prised in Liberty.
Thus:Mail. our burner to the tine,
Once antra upon wit Hickory's height
Fo; the stern plod .rix of the freo
Iti ru lying for Nownelwr's fight , ,
4mikttr. fear Text. Gag to *wit
b,l4kitiod kbo tromitat Amor. ,
Flog of vi: Ores, tlay silken fold
(rcr many it viateriou4 ilsrlions,a wk.
When Erifeaturs lion locoed . hts k bp)tl,
Awl llodbefors t;:o faithful fsw
1V hose :Aunt! ess MOM ;.24 r 05.74 b rear
Young Yroodarn's holiest Ake born.
And shall tho the bo quantified' that burns
Wide through tho Isul4l, urnihnuaoi and fair
Nu' by our father's ruoUhleriog %Una,
That flame shall burn eternal thoro,
Amt light the unllloni yet to be
Flog of my country! by Ihrlr yairo,
Endured. M roar thy starry form ;
Ily the true blood that, from their vrirm,
Flawed for I hy oakum pure and Warm,
Thy motto dull uarlulllod boar
turoaro altAn WWII mitl Walton , ' mare
l'brn (them, yo frermen, charit,m mitt() mere;
Remember all your frut•dont 000,
Aml,ntern your velhmt thutelorn lour
idurfk /010”'M I , alo nrnl wan wring Lust ;
timm Inerr upon them fear MichAC
but svirtmp lb.:, field tor llumr nod
Fr I,:tt on W-trotrip
Trts CILIMItt..I7M Plan Dealer...emir 4, that
unless Lauo with his linuilitti can kick up
KAtligririiirr#oW rciunui quiet 7. - Vristir
new-scheme " tics:4o(ll4s" wilt yet' get
up lu tusku Idood-and-thunikr capitatout of I
remains to seen Thu New Yolk Tri
isne's special correspondent, July fith, wri
t(og frion - Lawrence, says :
Never did ti) free-State rattan stand in
groat, r jeurnervity. We hay, more pcaou
now than %IV have had for ninny infflit awl
thr lull vvitnea,u6 an activity in agricidttne,
and bitl.tness MIN - a•
• • * *'•-
"Thr; marning an , work In de
nev, i t otd. A eon,idei able numb( r of men
ent to folk removing' the rninm, to clear
th e • rhr thy new 'Three hearty
ehetrri ror the work were go, en I, ':'f's".l the.r
I'vga4. Taking advantage of the peace for
the 113 l week or too, buildings have Lora
gob% Up vt ry apidly, and Lawrence again'
pre•iente a llooribing aspect."
There's truth for you! Thero is peaco in
Kansas ! Think of it ! And llinsinits tho
frec-Ntate cunso ill r., the elec
tion of Fiemont. What will Om ecctional
has ? Inch out for :ions, new earl?
The only thing that can minister to the ilis
ease* free-soil cause is a fresh batch of Mtlf
dent, buinings, broils—a new rulkelliou--
mornothing to stir with --anythints horrible.
'kook out !
Tho drrailAil condition of the slavery agi
tators suggested Lu the Jersey T'clegraph
the following mode of relief:
"Wanted- Sums half iluzau smooth-faced
Amin:vial) Sleeks, to station themsi Ives
al /11IeW liero on tlni Missouri line, to 1114111 U•
fUItVIV harder-ruffian outrages' of the
stripril kind, for 'dowu..-cast' consumption.
Full employment given until November
" For fiirtlar information apply to Ward
Beecher, at the Church of the Holy Miles,
or of Mimeo ti reely, at the Trilnineollice.
" Y. S. prencheis mere'
are accustomed to 'shrieking fur ftca Man'
sud_Jtleeding Kansas,' it) the sacred desk VII
tho Sabbath."
Kansas patriot, sap; the Bloornington nog,
is feathering his nest 11'14 rroni tIM contri
butions of the aid , men in this State. He
refuses to pay his men, Intending, no doubt,
to keep the means for his own use when he
getor into the territory. )10 has lat)y had a
dillieulty among some of his men, who gar°
hint it eeyeru dogging. A few • auch...w hi p
pings u t ight•tto'htttt•some good, if ho is not
too far gone for amp intloonee to , reach hint.
Our men hare should call & mooting inumakt
ottly tuul semlon a fftalssatmlfr of. mesas
to this s eif-saerVcingpstriiet , and p Ailsniltro•
piSt 1 Shall wo lute° a calf, _
KIT KALoN AGAINST Fainlater.-7 . 140
Missouri Monocrat says that Kit Karon', the
Juan on whoso broad shoulders Fremont has
been lifted into notoriety 14 , 1 an explorer, doss
not support his whiloin protege Mr President.
Kit is a loan of good; strong eilitruun sense,
I and knowing Pronont,'llW ho, weeessarily
.Ittlfitt,,all through, like a hook ; it if by no
xneahs grange that he should &Mint , to lend
himself to tho schutito or a knot of New
York spetulittors, to mat° their " stool pl
- Probitiont. .The wholo thing wears a
Irk 40 every riskr;bomost von- like- Kit
would rut hie
-- The rilewl 11( . 111de - of fif t y, belt
11l it cert4iitt vdingo itortli of their city, Which
ara Ilcitr — to 0 1 0 1) 0 4
by trade, were tteetuita l e4
go trent house to houtie : selling their' weenlen
'ivaiwls, mid mending ail that were broken.
'Phey had thlis lived Mr three years, always
going togethert thein2:l3 they were no rein,
tioun ; hut their trade had been learned with
the same master, cobper, their mothers had
died the name year, their fathers married in
the next, and their stele-tantliera. -found out.
that they were the worst boys iii creation.
All these changes 'undo them agree to in
habit an old forsaken lint, 41141 travel the
country in company., N't he the r. it WIIS. lho
setting,in of hard Uinta, the change of fa-ch
tons, or the cowing, of a in ur (augur, the
story does 101. say, lint the livid. glow doll
'with Karl and Christian. llouselieviarsap
, pean d to hp willing to put up with hair the
rails and dishes whieli used to serve them.
ligB 411.1 110 evert get laake at the Fortner
rfic ; and its they could. not lit( cliio and
the yoting,cooperia.resolvea to set
forth-and-try -their tortoni:a in thertelt ch les
to thu southward.
the.days wore at their longest anildhe rye
in OM ear,'When ono morning a dsutirise they
began their traiclif, proceLafing fiir,tlW first
few dila in a fishing reNsel-oFt. Its return
southward, an .l afterwanlit betaking .tliern.
selves to their feet, each with a stout ashen
Mall in his Mui, and all his taco hilly goods
packed in a 'niftier ileitis back. 'they tit
the, road to I froutheim, tliona.i Karl said h a ,
heard thatjlie pqopl ia then) were toe grand
M so wooden dishes. Jt lid through a pine
102*: M.41y,10,41 tlitUy- f goL l 2•• ir
- rs.4l
the tall trees, whoa a sound off lamcntathen
reaohed them, anal a little way,forther they
sittv a man seated on the mussy root of an
old pine. Whether he was a native of Nor
way or of some foreign land they could not
say. His face was brown—so were his hair
and beard. He wore a scarlet cloak, with a
floe hat awl feather; taut tents prole in his
and he %rung his hands exclaiming.
011, n; fortune ! my Itsnl fortune?
Hood rir. . :.;:tid Owls' ian, " what is the
matter'? Have you ItiL't anything, or tiuldh
a had bargain I"
" No," wind the stranger ; " Lot n inch of
you will take toy fortune, and give moo
in exchange I"
" I'll take it," said Karl, "'Whatever it he,
? you are so well dressed."
Give toe your Ma' utd pankr," Najd die
strangeri "take thy cloak and hat, make the
horn ( k r your way toyonder frith : and he
poinkil hi an opening , in the 1 ices, )1 hcre
long arm of the North Na a pact 'loop nit.,
the f'...10,t, •‘ I talf n wile the shore
you N., 11l atilt lAN 4,1 in is heat, Nt, lit,
trill (like you i• J afc to' Christiana , 10 hi
vile fie. old Jr ,rick sire, 1, and the liote,e of a,
inerelenn called llehlerhowl. an.' till hint
you giro come for the fortune, of Ilene l'o
t'Jiriht inn i not 1181001 H I
furls' woLld trays ivara—
tdrThr - any - flirtif's - Tortutic , Gut so if w•
Karl was out of sight in a !minute, Pit:aria I
chink and all r-tutri-thr atmulp_r tutting up
him Wall and panier, with it jol flit look,
!null :
'• Como on, friend it'a a long way to
Christian knew there was truth in that re
mark ; and on he went: wondering to him
self at Kim new' rnntyanir , n , tthose p,rroy,
eer , w.l nil over, for in , ) , 1 , 1%, ball in a j”-
N ill sang 0010't militz Now flae:'nfnl
merry mak ingi M all a tot, L: Ho hunt and
rlcnr that the old fnr, ran r.
hwLed in th , iii eer ion of the n
of gafhe 60_1' resolution to :1 , 1 loin o Inst sot t
of fin (nue lie nal so glad to get rid of hut
the ringing Set 110 . 4 soddenly raqmng away,
nn, : :.t"'” he turned 111.1 e) es on the strati
r, there was nothing th. no hit the trunk
of a blit.sted pine. Christian hail heart of
snreererB and fairies, but he thought their
day done even in Nora ay, lloweNer, there
Vilt.4 110 1111114.`0 of (lie Pitntngur to he seen; and
him mg no ifirliffittim, to linger in that spot,
he hastened on to Drontin 'tn.
Tim only man that i ii . 1.1111.111`1, in;dliat
city was Ills rr,a t r.ospz r from his native
11144 0 , whom he liwl learn „ 1 his tradoi
/11111 L.P 111111 110 I,:u I 11l for 1',0111.4111, (dad
11 , 4 lenient Mind to Set , 11 IS (,/rim r apprrn.
and hear news or 1/11i•old nriglils)rs ;
hot• having it managing wife, who did not
Mc count* , im • okip, wind do nothing for
Christian but let lam work in his shop
d4' at very low wall , 8, and slerp at night in
the loft of the wood lionae.,. The terms wire
not veay good, but uo latter were to he found,
so Christian act himself to work honestly
for his master, to hell his own dishes oe hol
days., and to Odom Dame (lino!. flow lie
anecredrd in the last Zialrw, or 14 not Maid
but years wised away: dedirs
were nll mildb and ho sevtvl deftly. lIIs
ITriLiter found hunt() earful that he promo
ted him to. be forenzaii, situ gaihz hue the
wood house to live in when he built a new
one. Aloreovzir, llama (limn had it servant
maid named Hilda, ag,ssi, pretty girl, whom
l'lulstime did please, und thrir wedding Was
attueh d by all the ruuprze in Dionthenn.
'ti, rieb hroiedit thein hits or furniture, the
laair l ays tle iii 144.141 1811141 Itild they art
el; iu the old wood-house, wining to - Work,
and 'well z.ontr nt.
All this time Christian had heard nothing
of his early comrade, Kai I ; hut on Christ
mas eve, as he stood ayliis door, womiciing
what guests Providence 11 0111.1 111.1111/ him--
for Hilda, like himself, y rwin a far
village, atel•lited no relations iii the town—
who should walk Uf 'but the stranger, Thum
Petor:ion, with the eery tuna pannier fki•
which lie had exchanged his fortune.
Geed evening, honest Christian," he
said, " I have come to spend Clu•kateate with
you, and tell you of your comrade, Karl."
. 4 You are welcome, honest/karso,r paid
'Christian, " though truly your leave-taking
wan rather short whim last we ported. That
come in; wo will do our hest to entertain you
in our poor house, arid glad am' toilette. how
fares my good frieni i, Karl.
110 is as poor OH 1/0V1.11y," said Cho stran
ger "ho has not a dollar Le lend his grand-.
mother.. Bilk I knew that would itSil en
Whim he Look my fortune, and went to
with the merchant Ihiderhond.
"I s It possible, said Christian, that all'
these years in which k have been working to
got a decent house Over my hetet, and a good
woman to help me, Karl hasgateltd nothing,
Lout is poorer now than the day he left memo
quickly with.. your fine clock and het
hues, how did it happen i"
Just urs I expectctl." askll,tans.
merchaut Lo(4 lairit wy mark him
work artifrci:,ko6, buy and sell nerve gay°
iicinuto" to ca)T
hip pwn nod at last bwoolodpvink over us a
tEPONTJ, P4t.4
KA. 12 ' PO I' 1: T
ts. Lill 114
.departii NI, in —Pk tt
,4Attylibler, nut- 111.4. seem ;MVO ROlll II
pingto dish ouV of OW) pithillter. However,
ho llgd cone tu elfiiuttnns; and when
his SOW a n d pfl 4 liweto 111.41 Up ill ouo Oar
ner, hilusulf seated by the blitzing lire , with
the first glassotZ of their Chtititiiinsi bottle,
itabs told huelmituries of Mit travels; and
news of ()Id r ally ill gilt cul, as
tlitistain (hint: hint the lilotihiAt guest, that
ever came him any ; tuul Hilt% listenoti owl
latightal tut slin .propitreit thu supper, So
i c } r l4- ,6 Y 1 . 1 1 1 1 it; 'Q 4wii
At11i th:..:,1 1 , 14 1 ti t
nns limo, Hans l'ot-
Met rov6-, hu wont Kith then to cltreli.ytk,
Christmas morning, ‘I hick liilid. said 110
sorcerer vo .
uld; and whet% fal tha fens" days
u ere gone 11(1 took lip NA oatr not v uoluT,
and set out flir Chi istianit.
.• You will
", tell hint Ju
-1 L Toy; (tot i
dollar' In yin,
the money
"No, nu,"
dollars ; hem
take it from
husincsF4 Coi
hCe 1(1111
to IR) pi hirer
nut bone the
-Brion) Ch
iltior;: Hot
the # CU(
pear so (Intel ayd
the concerns .
wiped those suspicions** of hit( memory
but he often thought of Went Kat t, and had
saved tip two dollars I his lh hoof; when
at rnid(ionnmer his maid* told lion he must
go to Chreitotrat to look lifter ,onto beech
wood, for tho cooper 'fikruwit nati getting
rich and Nay. .1 1 hriln(tall, - aecto erg
[dated things at home r exot tot Ililda to
keep her heart up, and - 'mint on board - the
fishing boat, by which ev*y body. in Non.
theun, except the president tray. fled.
The rtory it 4'01•4114, that ho la a. It. d
linna Sorel!, tlist. he Weight tlw beech
wood a quad.. r Of it &Mar c lit ajar than
1141 master reckoned pit, n 71.1 then 77( t
himself ddigently to actin It fitr oil
ilti FAiielt. street. It is gtentrintis , plat c and
name, for towns clomp ecru ne fCorway
lien Karl found it,' It itilial•ited by
merchant , : t.l the sideitantial and - tt
made respe, tally dark amt. Ilan, IV by the
M,,11,1110,0; or t h e ho : use.s piojet fir
korvr the WA., is as to form comlortaltle
porches, lint..l with .1 titles, Tii
winch the will-to-do inastkrs were wont to
hit, is ittt pipes and corn bettinly, oft Slln'lner
evenings. 'Christian Waked iho Slink
length Of the street, wontlering at its Kinn
dour, And still more why liUuatltit•ky• ft iewl
. wnst.bu rtnunk. JIMA Willkosalmit.....nasakkit.
,• • t
when the (hot, a &morels,* itl - nOndi finur
-014440444t0n stetemenn- et% -'
rod is 101 glasses and good things . Is r. n o hon.
moot his eye in opt, of the porcine. Th e
face was very nit and illdtittirored, lottthete
noel in it a: idsenehm 11l Ins Lankly contra& I
%high cmloblein elu Wain to Iced. in and
oak, With moat revelence L if gnu Karl, nit
honest cooper teurn the 'iced any-
(there in that (latter
hat Mar ho 3..17 Lin ine(nrkrith Karl! „
.;711,1 the Men hunt, lookinr7 its it hu thought
thristant had (tone to t.t. al. -
" nll a poor fellow llLo T ow o w , h i ,
0011/1441V," Karl nil i..411t111,
the mirair,Trla nal ho added • " I %%ant
sonic hclr, if Karl call sparo
" No: said the eiervh.nit in &Areal hur :
ry ; "6c can't spare ail:, thotE, tovaideq ho iv
not hrio, and poor 6 , 11,4 aie itc4er u1101,;u1
ro thi. nllw t, 1-.4) pael,
Ay he spoke Sow* the f ive
through all its rune's and ill humor,, ulspuc
of the 111 11 1 doLibt`, the I, fit COVIikVi 1.111)}v,
1111 , i the pureli of the vrAisfl4iNg; for tho
nn I eitallt W lid cone otlivr COITVAIe
I hat 0 ()RI 0 h( that then.) w ay
nu truth of Drolitheini, awl Chat
must Lave boon sound Inrtrinu for }oil ai
Karl; and that Hans who t for-
Wilt, you took, inadt, uw bA•livvid , yinl u cry as
poor a' poverty, wit 4 1101v0 -IrPought two
klurviray withtarto IfitiVyou for
illtitsw'r4 ,take 1 but tint loado mo to
tiny 1114 , 1, that I poorortiikait yyoutsclfkel
you notild h too pron.! hi tilt . thViii."
• 4 Thu i.liaineful story . teßor Karl,
unmindful of lift, i' , Wp Maytag hilt] mu
Ncw fear's day thst,you riitre as rich
as aJ. w , niakim gi n o t feuirtis,,timl helping
all )iiiir ti ienikl. There he:come:4 .
ro•Liiii with him" Karl gruvcil tin
:woe kitu, as
Ilsas Pot, anon %%lava in with his old ono
and du., ()Milder.
Itvw wild ytyti toll such ?" cried
and Karl tit a hivatis. . .
Mit Haw: 1,1-surely diCwa hit staff and
pack, looking at them bug% like vld Atuplaiit-•
taticos mutt: • • •
Christain, whon Z gam , to your
wood holoo,youentertainotimo firother
bay lake a tort, for LIAO befit you 1 1 3.1 NS Al set
no \Yeahhy , and, 1-411t-womilipped
Karl, W. 11l it I cal*, to
you inhabited after listrnitik to grow itch,
mot marrying liiihlt.inond's 4inughtvr, you
did. not HO 111111'11 64 ask nos to s it. Mu t t,
tott,...could I /my b u t what spogns tt me the
verity ? elitist:on has thellogist to give and
teaks merry; ha r•paria or
to tejoicu 'l'll , reforantisstever h, the
siao of his dwelling, or ttity *eight-of 1113
Otrilitaill , tor."
As - lions spoke, CM 'Hilda pia had
otgpV l licleml him. 'rho , pann i er
still yin tho porch, but there no mwo
to ?xi' sien in ill that statelY Sir 7', nsioopt
tho merchants who sat at their • , with
pipo t rind glass, and said they soi Jhody.
tihrististi want Lento to 1111iik fill UM *
(er. Karl lived And died in goat • • , ^te for
/-111/1(.8 101 that Ilona l'o
or how he fared alloy, is not yet.' in
the North, where sninoold folks s
her the story of Karl's poirorty.
tho BiackAtepohlirtpi canditin ter falhAtio , Vioo.
'Pm - 44(1(mq, in Congress oppnosed mid **toil
against die bill to a bolibh flogging - 14 , the
?wok Ilisaymikatitifs fur tho ocip:#slow.
o 4; • •
Zlnux- . l!ons. 4 c.ll:,tornp,,r!.t. t .allet . 'that
Gra:.ley Alia tionikr don't go for MikeiViv-.
Runlt; Vii•Zr iwoi
is• sq qiutOktreliffcrolit. ehurnottitk:Thi;
.• '
Hitt 9111 pm
Anieng, the orators amit James B. Clay s - son
f the inirenrlig 6 ,1..12,i.ry addle West." In
reporting the pi•occedings erthis• meeting,
the OineinnstkEnytoror says : Cot. Stanton
came forward and begged to introdnce to
the meeting the gen t,? ono who, in hia Jay,
had been idolized' by Ids 'friciels rind neigh
evvry Kento;linn— and' as tho
great champion of nor Union : he presented
J4birs I. ('LAY, TIIP. :tog OF 11:11 imMOSYC %l,
“,b1A111[1" or' 'mg. R iNr."
At this impohiretnent this) nro.e a wild,
plied of mit/nisi:imp and joyful wileonie
from the vast Inaltituslo. The *diem Prose
from their testa and 'e nVell their hallatT-
Clllll/4, thie . llll'll A - 64 f 4,1 to th e very (op hi
aioflin v , young and old united in one of
,the 'flied earnest R/1 , 1 tin It on e
Or real feeling Wn have ever wi :se s d. Mr.
Clay seemed to be much tyl by lb w&
denneistrnt 1011 S. fn n very clear, modoiitand
nasty tope he proceeded, to a,blet•s:i them
, 3 41 r
I I, to
wli o
1 1‘ 111
We weir° /leen', in i,er 'nor,
d 01.11 the xpeecit of 111;4 gentlemne.---
IltlYt! liven Ica lu bt‘liptio that h o was
p(lften if rnth r cold ClOtlll . o and ordinary
futtural nolvvrA. Dotibtlehs the gloat intik,
1. or
appreetaiion of his Weide. The very name Ito
beans--libtreriefienrehipiothe crew( litart of that I
Sttite-i htlA pioventod him (mitt arlaiming
prominent position in piddie aliitire , and ere-
Med rtgainat him something Jibe jettloorty in
the bretists of his father's old friends and ad
mirers, who could not hcdr to are any ono of
the name and linenge of tility attempt to rei-
Itlw, AL hot! , great snorer a distanoe, in tlie
forrtxtepa of thur illovtrionn . chief. 'There
influOnoes hnyc &pro:sod Mr. r;riit:t
tion much below the knearmre it la justly en
titivil to, lied produced , a dt lfidenru arid dis
-1114,W141014.51104 the yery veldt , who cher
jolt the nulivothis father tt i bits much jval , .iviy
hare ini , tnted nr misrv)n, .ented as Indica
tive of a cord nature and intellect: All this,
wo are sit isti, sir 1611 Holy Med i reel and
unjust. The rsd.;eli delivered. by Mi. (lay
un tintonlar idestritddl _the laud, ill hit lino
4141131.41 CA chat actor. and the ether of that
rpeerit was a proof of its oil Lori
Mr. lily •3111 that hr Ni as a nitipt farzni r,
who had taken Ina little pall in public af
fans. Ile ti.or a orairparattr,o rdrang,r
hm dn 11 Stale. 'llit re 1%:114 /nit to half Ino.i)
familiar faro' in the great orowd 'before tw ii.
lint hp had been calit titillated lly the presq
he had*cert denied the right, unit as at the ,
hazard o r th e o neNt bitter and malignant per
sonal detraction, of taking that owl rse iu po
litnla allitint toh;ement and eon-
AkiostraidappmaiaLre--iiv .famiviotr44-iwi
frnwrnytertelpattiftlirtirrrriVraalfori andin
Ihiuly liebeen torn by the vile alms, to
which he had been ottbseeterl. Ho now asp::
peared before them to show what manlier of
, ul6c ntLs, to justify It, his fellow-oomitry
rm 11 the consiAtncy awl honor of his con
Mr. rhty, proceeded to say that hr had, fro
1,11,0.1 in In \ hid] 11111 nut flow ht an.
11011.141;k ellaila , A anti front an honored
It 1\ OR not in the nature or
to lie fothltr, anti Ire. , trusts. Theo, au,
iton:2of It It tare Lot had a hue and
int In; l I _tit lilt it lemali. All Uncle
tailed, Valiantly ~ linggimr. ganut ti,,,
havageti at tin; hero r Nndit. Natty tiotv
rt rlh.ttgall:uticroonnlon tic kind
the (lath and Moody pound with his heart
blood. A tothu had fallen at Maim Vista,
lighting for the honor suit Ilag of Ins country.
awl, nut other dir.gLitif and pro.iti tie fiton
many Perron.. last nit Il he
and ,otol..ttir , l the enendos of his t ot].
try. I.nod and ateNt of Ins name-- great
that haft tort been ur...e.vrt..r wou/d 1.. t
- (mkt- had trio 1 . fol hi: e.otnita and for
the 511.111 tett ht , tht):: iit the
~ ,, t viet 4 the .1 ) o publio,,..and had itnrwra•ri
t,n ail who tv LA , led vs till him, as tilt ir
I to Ulla nu,t hat I Cil duty, to give (Inn
vilort to losiott cant gof 014 LiVir, to
tt !itch his great heart attd talent. were no long
in the Ix rforrtience of this tirjeet, Mr.
Clay. tral,l he came there to otrikr olio blow
fin the 1 1 111011, Ho the it proecedeil 10 chow
that tha banner of the 11 hig ptrty hail been
fin hid and laid open his fathers grave. Its
approaching dissolution 14 )4 ill
the C 11.11161401 ant /11100014 S of tiener:ll Tailor,
ho rein ail to auk novileilge himself a Whig.
Ineed, its (heal began ahe that party dy
huul to he Its Oval , iiitiretr in 0 1 ,-
position to the airittments of Ileory
that it in: better to be tight than to be Pit si
dent. lie hail clang In thwohl party in its
dying, as he hail iii its pmmporous moments,
and when its thinlilissolution with proelainual
lie look el around to pee where he uhrold
ilo felt himself in the citilunt ;Li:intent
which the Sage of hiulx6li,hl (oleo foots!
huittelf. Ili h,ul 0111,1131331ied oiljninnn in fn.
%ol' of Native Atnoicattittin, and hall pub
lished the lust articles that had ever appears
KA in - Kentucky cm that snlikUt.. So heaving
that (here was a party oiganizeit on that ides,
and which at the same tittle proulainitil very
highdoned itnil patriotic national objects And
slitrits,lhough ho entertained untelt.'repug:
nano° to in.eixf social( d. ho was pyramided
to prescnt\ liiinaelf for iiderrokation at this
Portals of ono of the lodges of the ao.ealled
American order. As thu obligaPon of se.-
crinty had Ittell r0130V191 film alt persons in.
teferunce to that orttor, ho kit Justilicd in
ettititis what there occurred, 3.10 was asked
what was hl/) Wiwi* he was myyllot,
+44ligiern he pr ofetatott e - what , watt the in ,
aid fitiatiy, w4Ol he ha . ..a
tdituielerlAver to veto fur it itotsau Llatholto 1
Wherilhis question was pUtto kiln ha with
,trtiw in disiptst. That was no place—no
party tor him. What, then, NMI he to do 1
ito looked around again to sou if there was
dot a chanoe.fur the resiwroution of the tVliig
:party. 14,40.41tiain of hope antenna:a the
glootitof the 110f1A011. , Nader these circout-
StianCo.B his next thought and inquiry were,
in what„tolgs quotaktoelltiwt liunddo way,
ountribitee most to (ho maintalnance of the
Union and of a national pi kE t t y . ,!,:,,,,,llopaw no
other place Am hint 1,13 stand upon, Wahl the
rallkfl of trio party !which alone maiiitalueif
aitroriptutratiott in all tint.tilahavi -wldelt alone
was ahlo to pveisent, it powerful rpaists t ometo
the seotiotutt who*: 3LIOO/i3 to bui.
lieved Would; tadve the disruption of thisi
'll6l/Atlerady..;:i.M. polut, realL Jar.,
Villottore 'a Alitany speech, (lie spirit 01 which
lux Kroati,it 11464ded• 110 uhtstld%aatilla the
^' ~ '~
)„ (lay then prooooted to show whit, lu
consiikd the utter hopelensnend or u
the n
dertaking to elect, Mr, Pihnore, anti thee,f
:Vet wbieli the per;d4tanco of Mali nn ollyr(
rook have to waken (ho Union
1111 Al oke of Mr. Flikemrt Frith great rok-,
11(4A, OH hie fItIIWCH and his owif f end.
Though appointed by (;cnvial Taylor, as o
Minister of nor I).verntrketit abroad, h+.l 100
licco stutlained :by. Mr.' itlimore ~ re
ed:Td the olltisuhl eontplitnent, of hong
tie< 4 lasiq4l4 ill One of LIM Ptesi.lehtial
Luessae ea. 'J'lte- in4rtini , tr.l 1 ion of Mr.. HI -
more has be ,, n 01)0 of the 1110,91. R1TC1 . 0 , 4111
and flatkflirctory hinco tin llrly3 o
,h WILMhIllg•
1011.11110 if ht , th o ught. th^t Wzi , 4n chum:, of
his cl,c(ioli, 00001 l sorport, ; hot
thew itot being a {Cheat of a ohato'o. he
world not, for I cmnnal I n,lerthre, hazard
, th e nneeelet or the only j orty which 11111 V has
the slightest proNwet, of 811( 1 N1 4 : t in ..,ki ca t,
big the geettorotl anti trntintion party of the
lint hr remfessrd, if lie deemed it Iris°
hail - wares; ic to vote for Mr. rtDummy, it
Wonlit certainly Len hard task to late Inn.
with the candidate for the Vice Presidency,
AnArew .1114,am I kinelson, who, la 24(1(8 )le
,iiVg a renegtnie from his own party, had ilea,'
n really lx•cn di. aokuner of Mr. Fillmore,
and of that administration which gave Mr.
Ft!ldiom , tho bight conSithention nod chines
„OAP, are now nectartla to hittt. The vote for
Andrew ;Jackson Ihtftelson in pm-fermat to
John 0; Ilreckinritlgo, Was certainly a hard
alternative for a KoHttickian. preckinridati
was his townsmrin, the playinate of his in
fancy, the companion Of his boyhood. his
Nem] intitoste nt all periods. Breekirt.
ridge had additional claans upon him.—
IVhen he MIN elected over tiviieeld beetle
to represent the Ashland District hi
Congress, M. itreekinridge had asked a
friend of -his fattier, how - Ittr. Clay *Sold re
ceive him if he should take the liberty of
on him. .• As a gentiliMM and Ik
Kentmetann," was the tcl,ll. •
Mr..llreekitirolge acronhogly Caine, and
he (the speaker) was prtnent at the inter
view. Mr. Breekiiirulgo stated to Mr. Clay
that he had called to pay Ills-respects to
; that, t hougfrof tfrenripposits - politiesl
party, he had two chosen to re .recent the
dintrirt which ho (Mr. - Clay)"fituriiitniteif .re
presented * IN Ith !Wrench retieWil and fidelity,
and he should cot - ender himself—young and
nu xiirrieue,d as he wi,- quite immupepent
to cio joitiee to the high duty he had as
witlittot the euisosel and aid. of Mt.
Clay, Ni.l hst desired penal-soon to &num%
rr ith lute frvvir, When. he ~110Uld enter
duties, and to receive the aid of his great
experience and knot', hAgn of inditie;al ansira.
Mr. Clay aas ilitieh pleased w nth this inter
i view. li - pC4dticett a deepimyr eon ou hut
was over afterward warm and earnest. And
4-ani_ex4 ecluak. 4.03he0w asirkr 'artetr^ a
men and %cute for Andrew Jackson Amason.
Why, fellow-Kenturkians,"exelnimect Mr.
Clay, '• I would not give Juliet C. Breath
ridAe fora woods full of Andrew Jackson
I ionvlsollii."
In this connection, Mr. Clay mforml to
the eleginent, just:and noble euingioni pro.
neuneud Ly ismiournige in the lloutos ca.
Reprvseinativeti, on thu announetwout of hol
Mr. Clay then prce....leil to urge upon his
01.1 11 hi;; nisi t, the . .1111./11.111‘,113 VOW
alliLlttllt4 Ol 111/, laths, to tally al [PIM the
r witch be had ',pent ht's life In
',alum,. of the Union. 11e %%a.,
ready to follow thr Wing atatidard as the
!tough's Mllowed the heat t of Itt long
as it waved. ltut that flag was no longer to
be seen on the battle-Math it might yet tie
'After death there was the resur
rection. llut at present them litaS uo Wltig
organization, and Alm only party of the
1,'1,1011 was. that of %holt Buchanan and.
Li/ idge it ere the c.mithilates.
Mr. l'lay it•'rut to the attempt te!
atrMr. ltuchnintii in the charge of bargain
an d ea r l (in that mini. et ho
ltl take the tchtitriony of lam oWn th•
thei, and he read lomi Mr. Clay's letter, to
show that Mr. Ituelimmu hail conducted
All' in that Ann- as a WWI of truth and
ltunor ; he, should believe what his falba.
said befuni others. 'Besides 'the evidence he
had read, there a as other tentimo_y hearing
un the stay point. In feeling and eloquent
terms GO ,ralarttl to the heavy weight of
that etiat ge against his father, and how gal.
tautly and bravely he hall honk; it. Thank
tioti tt.hal before his father; and now, he
lie bas proud. to say, that ,hero aired lOC the
until who would a limper u. But dir-Bn.
rhanatia tot from from all conucetionVith the
Mr. play concluded with an oloqueint.lip
peel to his fellow-citizens, especially.okl •
Whigv, to give their cordial support 'to
the (felon thAct --to Buchanan and Bruck
lle eat down nand the - rtai , ,t boisteroui ap
planse. Wu have never heard a more ettue
uNti t•pterh. Though thu third xpeeoW ever
made by Mr. Clay, and the Arta ever deliv
errd iii the open air, it 14'130 von{ imprtiashu
both in manner and Matter. smile of
of the tunes and actions of his father, Mr.
Clay puseases oblear, concise diction, much
itigul4..t.tu'ru and Maid,y_litylit. 13.0 declared
he was lint an orator, and
, appriired eotite
what oppressed and restamed by the ap.'
prehension that too inucti might bo expected
front the ate of Moury Clay. llin Vetch...
howeverycarriud dintricLipti to every mind,
of hie boliestylluitidiiitien'aml luttrieilagti !
TUTraittp ellifilAnt IN A P,CHATRIAGOLUO
te/o, ttlQproaleefiVt smliillas hca4
in doe of the cluiret:toe , iet Monte' Sol4u.
oottnte, " fbr the, Oetrbie
bearing-eit ethiress bpori.* *rim
sas, and for-auk Carnation of s '
State ()lob!' re) rabble *ars ht
Chatons4 Ala laeolltei
WO. The 'forum made sit
oto valor," skya the eocotuat
en& clegreredlit:
• A FAL , * 0' Ifierowr , — Two
the Patir ortratilOntitikt
! time 014 mt ,Yelisoil*, iu lxsalp)
—Cotitit 0.3 1 10.9 rushes, wit. !(tea
i. 1 1 . 141/ 4 ;; iljenCrit
!luibautt of bimio botti*"
_ , 4i-
dtrango.a Rea, putto the teal tta
of the eitretoe buorop . cytatt
Iquiehly cootl . llcv i.TTttast there "was tih woo
gation in what I heard., I foumd the water;
nlitaolt lijntl, awl cq ; strong that the eiie(
di ilk o 1 ty wee to lee - au ftlelcuttroo4boter-
Ito], the, feet.siartitigNiiiitt the air ift-:_rireey
stroke. IV7/4:11. A:Jailing, NM
body rose abriro the !airfare, ind, with a r
pillow tow might. hat, vt,lopt. upou the water.
Arter a time the tqlottgenvati or the sense-.
111)11 ' llleajeare I.ll , 34lpraired, and OR
appr , atellitt,_; the shore I carvleasly
my ON, pi walk nut, vt hen to !
ter butt 14 en at !atilt ti to each beet,they,gew, the mtioggle lu tecovcr tnyeelfaeut
lily loud Ilowti . t.l rill Ty hitter awl briny
rwat4tr, nolo-whit+ had hithOrttilptarilcdl
toy load, ittiv todla.4 lute my mouth, e?fee,„
earl, 11.1141 lies, ritnl forum; borlibicyneibeut
the outs (lonia r had wad whether I was to
drown.l or poloontjl. l'uotiog to the our-.
Nee. Iloµurr , t itwani to laud, inakitteix,
f. at tar altottilL to•V8 alk deep w•ter,,w h
I am haditied to believe is :thous% iinposeible•
—krstere 'Prove/. _ --- •- -
• Ton LA,T: J.Turni, ltsmEDT NOR
.. $lllll . O.
•-•." Ufa brawly eNtenially until the hair
rows, and tI4II take 4.interru, "iikr to deficit,
the 445." 7,tio ilostelt Atit:nbin Agas Air
credit '6l th i s invention.
POr seine time pant, the. ei Reg pt '.
been used abroad as a substitute for cider
*czar, to. advantage. Froqueolt eivil
lions have been nuidu to us to kiworwilatti
is and whellier introduced hare. °We ol i mpt
discover that it has been, It hem tat;
Whited in a living state in the New tillanimi
rmisemn, and is eAlled Mother of Viliggfer' i
It dents upon a liquid mixture of Nom! aged'
water; ind is eviiiintite filittut, allied t 4 the
macs or moulds, _ Peneilliain Elm, Id ,
which the mycelium, or spawn, forma ii,
tough leathery web. A bit of tide throw n
into the above liquid nePidly!nTasoihkajti- 44 .
me acetons forrnentalion, anti chows bat
sugar end-Mmtrr into iood vinegar. Tim
yeast plant, of 4ifollirriirldiastosolli*,
stance not so easily preserved—is also earn-,
sidered a reneiliuni, and to its actionladosi
the.furtnatlen of feast. '
•.. . .
it le* well known.lkid,ibataiudar-91.
vinegar which is sold in die show, Ti sit
'nett 'firflgift""YlaTifd&T" — fill* water,
strengthened with sulphuric add, or - aostit.
acid, also diluted. neither of which, Itkveali
Acceptable yr wholesome. Under thede sit.
cumstances it will be a minted to know Mid
memo make his own vi augured well e 11141111114;
and.know what is in it. Take On
of water, 60%11 a pound of mottuniei; are'
them together for twenty Lulu' utak; wi
col, add a quarter of en mince of Otirmait
yeast ; put the whole into a jar, sad hi We fr ;.—
vinegar plant on the surface of Ikt ~
emer the jar with the paper, keepiog , t in*
warm place, and it will p ro duce very good
and wholesome vinegar in *boat six wad* /
As it appears to be popular nod WON ht
Englaild, we have sent out to enaisa;va, is
procurer it. —1 Ayr if 71 1/ ii rest. . •- -- is - i '
I .us coitrossw or 18 Lwrriat.
My 1718 is a niolcrinrne. -
My 2 6 9 2 ill 0. take its-16041w -
lily 3 7 68 9 18 is a main:Viiarci•
rMy4ll 2 18 min,' 10 1ti420601:
It7l 13 4,18 icli; imukt•t/Obilli•• • 1 4 4 ; t 4,.
My 6 . 7 13 iinvery trim layaway 11111% 4
My 7 Di 1 is a conjunction. 1. - • -
My - 84121 is 6 small aiiirrial. th5t.446104; •
dies or creeps, »>a rit its
vetting very last.
My 9 6 12 is a ti n JLAalnc. —•
My 10 12 Bis 6 very useful little as '
My 11 713 515 is an article that 1314 t
to liortst of.
M 218 18 7is *ls'ilicen muse. •
yok3 s antinty inlinninnir ,
My 1417 13 160.7' 6 9 18,24 Whocifir
14 , 15 17 16 3 2 6 is an &dicta . 0111* '
b e y blacksmiths. ' •
!Sy 7 9 it; 2. is tine of thalluited &ow
My J 7 18 is an artiela 111 ginnuner.
My 18 I? 41113 is the name at *OW 11„
My Iv imio le wintabould be in liveritiniey
in renn.ylcunia. •••?•••,
curavigic: 7l 4
- - - •
lAu ookriltquo or b talirr***; ,
• Erasp my 0 and 4 anti oho &d bet 1.1061114'
keiso my 2 and I okra a... 1 0 .0.1
Erase my 1 2 and 5-011 4 11 ma a,Pnhl '
WO lay 4 5 tail .1. totkliatoi .-41.
(1 . MI
Iv 5 3,10.14.040*.t .
whfroh 41044 *.v;
'Agi w 616 in a claim 4 06,110! •
bitti • • • . „
" ftV . 4' t' 1N44,1011:4;f1A,;'-',t
PUXSZit/P . '4*
":" r ; *:,,