Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 23, 1856, Image 4
Ea • - - sr Airag kso mum. v, N4 13 7 0. --Idr. • `, ourt, Was doternaine4llo the alftrirm. ' • JILT asents to the Genottlution thetroarsoon. ittini• the question, I radv . l, ly Vemote,and new.i ef Rare. A NSI the deflate Watt to We fingth rpaond aossworere of Commropetrealth e l f nter7bat: Minn . ( . 141111flatiesese . A•makly fan, That the Ibllowipg Tlisrpoos and nate wee. taihriinirneable to the W are proposed to the Constitution of Constitution > end were re fulloW, els p oop .„,, oo bk oomo i onot , w ith the Nat l. yeas—Meserst, Browne, Deckles', Creasnell,. - lOth artlole %mar. 1 Braes, Plenolkewitesps, berm, Jamison, ',forded, riser AligleSill INT. DOl , au boo h, Prieo, netters, T 1... ike i b o solditional „ the * to s in co , Shuman, Souther, Straub Walton, Wirtiolb, Wherry; leollusritwiesietiguated u artktle eleitlltttlar fel Wilktos, and Speavr - bees.— Nara—Messrs. Craitir, rtlregs, -Mellinger and , Prutt-4. - . So the queEltin was Jetslikelnet - trrthe atlinna• the, • Journal of the noose of ftepreeentatires, Merit 21 11156. rhe yeas and nays vrefe taken agreeaply to the pop *ions of the Constitutillh, and on the first pro. petted amendment, were as follow roe - Yeah—idessts. AndertLn Baelnra, - Baldwin, Ball, Pooh, (140‘nol o a,) Beck, (York,),,,terytharti, Boyer. I.lrOwn, Brush, Buobonan,..girirlirell, Camp hell, Carly, Craig, Crawford, let W all, Ellingtr, "liquid, Pieter, Hata, Misk. Hamel, Harper, Hello(' Ifibbe, Hill, Hillegas: Nipple, Holcomb, iluttneolver, Wale, Ingham, Innis, Irwin, John. Johlatsa, Laporte, Lolo, ),Irosnlter, Lovett, moot Il.4.4Jarthi, trl'ensab, Mutat°, Menear, 1111. ler, Montgomery. hfoorhestl, Nonnetimeher, On, Pearson, Nell., Purcell, Ramsey. Heed, Reinhold, Roberto, Shook, Smith, (Allegheney,) Smith, (Catobt is ) Smith, (Wytartiug,) Strauss, Thompson. Vail, W halloo, Wri7itt, rihnaphin.) W right,( Luxe* ue ) Zithinalpion and Wright, Nre r _ . _ A/1W LP bl OP PUBLIC DEBTS . _ . iii&olux I. Tea sta. may ectetteset debts, CoS •tipply.4 seal titenults or failures in,perenuee, or to wet espouse+ not otherwise prow d ad for ; but the amouut of musk de to %Wok stud uonstii. oonttirotset by rirtuty. of one or. morn wetter the general asoembey, or at different, periods of Biwa, shell never eAored POVell htttetired And any tart s, thilpre, and the money at rising twin the Yetestktertif math debts, shall I. applied to the pur pose Whieh It wee obtained, of to reps tho debts --tat to uo other purpose wetetereYt 2. trbiitiou to the shwo 'twe e d Mate may eteditiot debts, to reited loses. ce lusurreetion, defend the sti* la yer, or seat tee present outstanding indehtnem of Si teem ; but the money *eking from the contract ing elf tooth debts, ehall be apetlied to the porpoise tut teltittli it weereittod,er to repay moth debit, and Oa as ether purpose *kale. er. elitimses liattept the debts above specified', isteeedeste elm and two of the article, no debt 111110111111mor shall be greeted by, or uu behalf of the 111 typ o% 1 To pros lite fir the payment of the 4 prokomk ikm, anti any 0 Ifiltlimit Ili. lit tiontrouted as elfonmeld, the. legislator* Asti, at , lie trot et moon 011ie the ailimpllsin of tslo amendment, tweak it elelldseghoot, wistar shall he sell tent to pay the Eb4interest en such &tit, met annually to rr- I= . . l a P t ‘ ml tl 6 ' i t ty " i t l b i L a ithir At „ I"‘ Mt: lOW* Wei aped eoetatet of the net anneal ineonar Olio plidilit treat, from Ore to tune corned by /1166 Al* et Si premeds of the sale of the nom zz p re=4:4 ,.., :i to Inetiate=r th e 46111.116.1 N of riteerese, Are tee,y 1» liesidnittott hiallt We elltdll~ead rosy be leereased, .lane* dam by I,lollyr, le lit any part of Ilmorow stew esserauee of tho &tate, net reeirtir ege sad cement expenses at getrorap- Wed, Mid teeter be ease elf war, lovable. or Meths. im of As sad Aeldnif fund shall be qtr etterudne then to extinguishment Of the, until lb. ont^ent of reek debt le liOnlet Law; the tom of fivh millions a/dollars lame 6 The credit of the 0 00m,,,,,,,,„,ith dbell eel bleary atannor or event, be pleilatel, or %wood 10, any loviiviilual, cum p toy o,(rp,rarson, or 11011111144 We shell the eimineoilwellth hereafter bOO/filfillat,iiiot getter, or sloaltholdt.r, ru siii) c um pry, neeoelattoe, or oi•rporat too IlloClatolt It The cornmonsreatth shall net saunas qlb* d•bi, ea any part thereof, of our toality, ally, =Of erenenip. or of any mirporm ti in, ur 114 ; mdse sloth debt Khali bare been oar bleated le enable the stole to repel int maim sup poor duotestio insurrection, detotol irodi in tuo,,of vier, ler to waist lb. stele in the due.horzu of any rebut et be proem iodebtedneee Parris 7 The le,,pslitture shalt not mullein to =sagely, city. borough, township, ur inourporo • , by virtue tit a rote of it. oltilleDP, Or imilmite L l.,bapttil a stodrholiler in 6/03 C.lllllll 1NF7 1 1,14.1.. of eorpor.tion , or to olitatit money OIL 'lona lis credit to any a irporoti in, in.... 1. *ON biciukion or parry . Effigy WIMP Shan b. an RJ , litiorml arti,le 14) A n i.l e on Imo toe ilest,i.satt as /*molt; XL I, an IV: Pros apirtrtic XII OY NIOY couNTiEs lll•ennisty shall be decided by a lri,o rattly* off Meg aus-tealb of ita population, ieither to form a thblel/aliety , ato otherariee,) ult./toot tlin• ryprran as 11111leteer Lab eaallaty, by a rote of the eleet.,rs there. "or due my new coUnty be ostablbobeit, eon ibliallut ltli titan feat hundred equate mike. Eittlirl=ri - 11011/111011 1 INIONFTWOrirre rind iiflale.oT . the riding thaliest SAW eat tie words, "cola', my Philo /111411,10/ each tom nty rexpertively ," fivra tMsiY 'iv*, mune article, 'trill.° out the words, "o/ "17 , 1 181 4 0 ria aid of the ,seen/ aorgatua ," from aleeldiala whin, amino article, strike oat the words, ..eetarer ok. ,•ity of PA dadaph to mar am'," and Wert in lima thereof the words, "and us;" and otitik• emit asetion tow, eaten ertSole, and in lieu *lona linen the following , MANCnoit Lo • fn the year One timanami eight 6111111111014_00d ait,tpfosir, and la every eoventb yenr tl~seaapatyimpipousetaliv.4 to the - number of owe limmilied, shalt be nip ,rtitme I and 11120111/M4 11 thrOligholll by te r to pro region to km number "r taxable mbnlorAntr to the sontesl payla thereof or -eI hit y ontity 00n- I =lrot. titres I ttousand fire itundrrel rain ay it. tdiotted, a reminde represoutntkm, but Min vire Mos dire* reunite. obeli be joined anti no soossAy shalt he devfdrd. In the formation of a Alit. Wet. *Hy etrnteining a Auflieirut number or Imataltio• to entitle it to at (neat two represeutoli vex, Immo a omstrato repreeentAtion 16.0.1gmett it, tiitWlbe irvlti" , l tutu e«mv , •nient dintrieto 6.olsresso territory of et nel taxable iinpulatione "W a. Nog be t oo - h of Ala. /halt slaw. W ----- igressittat vs. ' lir ion -aTstadios tavern, same intent OM Womb ilko ogy of Phitadelph s/411 br derided into sigto ormatartal dal airs eta of lOW, Siiraloar• terrstory a • neariy equal art tiexaldr papri -4.l4o•llpemiltb, , tot HD.n od shall dra Ide , l iw fitiVi Mort/ ftereo, " The ttt.ty, at OA lII.' .et, , in, rifler n. 10;- 7411/01 lllMentittlent. tits arty ut Pkijidilliphigi Irate Notiwt,hil •11.1 repremeni at o tlistric4, in the manner Ahoy,' prothl,l , 1 , 11 ,It.- *kWh, remain on hanged until the Apportionment tithe year ooe thantud eight littotrt d oral Taxa - fOl )011.41/1/YYT To ix Jerti op, T<<l irtirie The lertsdaturs shall ha‘e he power to alter, vesehrs,Se wawa, any ebarieter oni•ori,oftt,,,,,, imaglayeamfemst by, or nn.ler, any ape id or law f whenever In their “pinion it may he allisaaa .1 the sansussavnasith ; In nankrninnaor, however, that uo ispietico shall bo *POP 40 the eorpersters, N Sioset, Agri! 21, 1104 Bunted. told this rett,lutten pass On the 6 r.1 yeas U. Ogya 5 On the .norm amend -1 Mt. roes N. nays 0 On the third amendment, - iespe4. -AM We fseti4 sinandistrat, yew VV III4-44 , 11 Salmi trey tbe Intornel ' 'PION! An A MAGUIRE Clerk Is Movsa or nitrite ...... v s, Apni 21, 1066. sit=L=but tltL reeniatine pow. On the Ann Too 12, nays 24 Chi the ssessi wprtaolpeas U. says 2$ On tbetbinl mend- Tic 644 s , says 36 y sad as (mull sassudasirat, sag MIL lOU Ns lesessl. W ILLIAM JACK, Clitnt 411111n ra lre il lOyes. A. 0 CLItTIII, ilk MS- Ore/ of (*.bine* EMI ligennirenv'e Orrren' gay isierg, leas V. 13:4 _ agie, et ttb morn OW the above and foregoing Is a tee imitionlos gory of the original "'treat otton vellithelie M earae4wwat of 41e Constitution" AO Ilia woe petividne an 1115 in thim °Mee. Weetionay whervit I have hereauto 4trismay hula and enured In be adked the 'veer. , meet a the tireerehLry's Omse, tlbe de) , ere! ,II r Above Initials. . A G CLIKTIN, aservtary Of lA* Cowirow wealth 0111/4ATIS, Aprsi 21, 111541 111 410 211 thwee= 11 2 amendment. to lb* Cousti- Odin et die wealth, bran Bowler eosseider- Ow the lee, Wlll the Senate agww to the ere suorrelosent end Ave were lain evreerbly to the et the UoaeNtotbn, sad were imithllowv, Taa..41160101. Browne. Rack*lew, Ctertwe lt, lbws. lingiusetlkossibeo. Ingrwma, Jambi, a m , L likei4" Liiiibe* Low* JeCtlntook p r io, Souther, Mosel , Taiime, MA: im,ll4:ll4 ll" Viiirry. Wlltiw bad riga, Sea*, Ntrs—dliamirs. Crabb, Gregg, Jr.rion, Malilnn - pragt,4. Seam gromAsse was Astermlood kg thsestiress- Illvo, cha the mame{ea, s WM lise Iseseass 'gm le the !toyed amen - 111MAhlj _ • and stye were takes§ smoothly to the Of the Casediegiest mil wars as felljaw, sitmo-Jeer. DAMAO, Seeltelow s Cromwell, illi tssa „, , I . , imams, Kraft Labsulab, ,• Imo, Abysses, Ameter,fltraerb and wtiknup—tte. ~.... r ••tz li= reroutes, 41 regg, - Pratt y., 1 1 4 P It a t ' r "46 n i ilt It '-:,-.- Oa ell *II In tint...ntk . gess oei ..i_. .v e ogre; m te ro the il.w t , hl e ht ti ern t eraiment 1 - eel asywerelakaut agresebly to she I. • 1145 2 -41Att i =se. itooitittter, C , ebh, emo tion, - ih tirdmat, Kee's, r l ie ,s n e n hae llum4 h. • Fogel, I lt n l * C " lt ni nt t ' or, Pratt, Arlee, Set •tis, Hi] WIWI, ?Mother, mob, Taggart, Walton, Welsh, Wherry, Wattle a d Platt, Per , ll' , --18 , ?bother, ... • - . NA:is—Nies-or. Augustine, Barry, Clot cc, Cob ones, Doelv•Fry. Felton, II .41.• rd, Iliethunam. Ham- I iltom lianeeek, lihuseyi epee, Ibrueker, horfunring, Ma :ye Manley, Morris, Mumma. Patterson, Soli, Miry. Smith (ilitladelphi...) IV/slier, Wfutrodo and Yoareley—V so thy queslylit Woo detenuined in the affirma tive. ' • On (lie. question, Will the House aro, in the seeend Antentlment t The yeas and nays were taken, and ware Si fel low, vie: Tatte...-Rerete. Anderson. Beeline Baldwin, Ban, Beek, (Lyeeniac) _Desk, (Teat.) Bereiminit, Brows, Break. Botsikasse,Cubistell. Casupasin,V OreleYeesold, realer. time, Haines, Raneel, Harper. Halos Illhba, iliewie, Bet. *Nigh, ileneeeker, babde, lank, Irwin, Jana, Johnson, Lertre. Lebl i Lnetisker, Lovett, WOshnant. 111,0 ant /Rases, Yonear, Moonrweety„ awhile!, nnemeaseelter,Orr Petron, Peeeell, Ramsey. Reed, Reinhold, Riddle, Roberts, Shenk, Stui , h, (Allegrbeny,) Steens', Vail, Whallan, Wright (Leserns,) Zimmerman and Wright, Spay( re--43, ?Ara—Meer, A upistine, Berry, Clover, Faljn ger, Fry , Pnltem, (Seylnni, ilibboneh, Hamilton, Hartene Ilitocker, Letscnring, Maguey, Itirinley, Morris, MUMMA, Patter-cm, Phelps, Salisbury, Smith, r('arithria,) Thclopwrn, Walter, Writ ht (iumphiii) and licaraley-25. So the l ocation was determined' in the sQinas ti e. On the question, II ill the ll'ousie agree in the third amendment ? The yam and nays were taken, and were as via: saa----Mosen. Anderson, Baelms, Baldwin, Ball, Beek, (leyeoraintp Beck, (York,) Bernhard, Boyd, Boyer, lartmeh,Tlnehanan, Caldwell, Campbell, Car ty, Craig, Crawhird, F.dinger, Yanoold, Fatter, Fry (lett, Haines, Hamel, Harper, Helm, Hibbs, 11111, liiiingmr, Boioranb,-IFfousekereper, Tosbrie, Ingham. Innis. Irwin, Johns, Johnsen% Laporte, l,elm, tentmaker, Lovett, M'Courtt, Mangle, Ni,t)Mlll., Miller , Montgomery, Nunn. masher, Orr, Pearson, Phelps Parcel], 'Thenoter, Reed, Riddle, Shenk, Smith, (Atlagheny ) ttaftitb, (Cambria,) Smith, (Wyoming.) Thompson, Wll3i- Ivn, (Danpilin,) W 1141.0. (Lumrue) end Zimmerman -114 Nava—Mercny Barry Cio, cc, Cobllrn, L a rk, I Bowrial, Fulton, littrice% (lila. Trey, Hamilton, I Hancock, Hum-ker. henc•nring, Mlarthy, Magee. Mmlay, Mu-edit-ad, M. ~,,, It a ti era , o , (c e i e h o hi Roberts, S diehnry Welter, Hint rode, Yearoloy and Lltrrght, Spe , t4 rr-2.5 On .. 1114, rotes ion was ilts'ermined in the afiririsi lira- - On the location, Will tie Ifirris • agree to the fourth amendment The yeas and nays were taken, and wore ae rim YEAS—Mom?". Betlemem, Beekne, Ball, Beek, (Lyeaming,) Beek, (York,) Bernhard, Boyd, Boy er, Brown, Brush, Buchanan, Caldwell (..ampbell, Carty, Craig, Cramfbrd, Bowden, Edinger, Yam,- ohl, Foster, Fry. (Map !lame!, Harper, lieles Hibbs, 11111, ililliesser, lierleertnb, House keeper, Imbrie, Innis, Irwin, Jolitimn, Laporte, Leho, Teougaker, leoeretr, ilirOahrount, 111 - Curob, Mangle, Meneir Miller, Alontgurnery, M,so-ehrsi. Nicizo'nis , her, Orr, Ireinrs-m, Phelps. 1t,v111.7, H 141111014, Ithher:ll, Shenk. Smith. (Cantbri 1 Smith, Wymning,) Tivinuemn, Vail, Waller, Wright. N o . -rimy -14 Ntt s—Moore Barry, CI., or, Cebourn, }infirm, Oihterney, llrinee t llancoek, Rancher, Ingham Lei-wadi- 4 r, Mears, Manley, Morris, Patterson, Salisbury an,l Wlntrode So the qnestion was determ'nutin t tho Sconsiesus 's Orrtra ilarrisi&org, Jw1 , 44 Mkt— - PelliTi WT.» rt , t I do certify thst the arose and forego . ing is a Ince snit oorrirt non otthe Yeas" and 'Nays" to ken on Om Res 'lotion professing amendments to the Constitution of Om Commonwealth, is* the ,same Appears on the Journals of the two lioness of the (lepers' Assembly, of dies Commonwealth for the session of t.(l W ttnre. my heed eel remit of read Lel' }41,111 twenty-seventh day "(June, one thou --..--- earn! ctpht humlrv! and (if v- , le A jtli to See,/ •re of the Comma, t, CENTRE HALL HOTEL.-- ) C Yt. Ail} It having leased (Le well known house. eno rug 1141.6. situated at the ri9iwt on if. Len isle wt and Iteiretooto 'Furtipiko, inter• seated lay the I , pritoo Creek arid Lewisburg no e I, Centro aunty, Pig , Ninth' inform tho travelling !h a t Le is prepared I, attend to the wards 01 a I.ll 4 iiner 0, 1 ,0, if not superior, to any other hotel rtr puhlie Loom: in the. county, The house if [err and roinneelioue so that families as wolf it. have tersrute wows which prre.l4l , l“ lotrarwo If Lti CA LOX. he pnrposes, shall vie with any to the enuottyr,.olwz4l titiailing the twat Lim tuorket Olin fere/bib. nit It. elswll iilrrAys he I purnhased with all rye to the Yarirstlree of toots and mason - HIS DAR shall oontsto the choicest liquors of every variety TIM ISTADLLSIG'is vsearritmed In the owersty. T. attend I. it, Ire hoe severed the servlees of se sitestive sod Wiese Meilen se that the guest Nosy nit wished that while ids eolefort in every rospues is beteg emcee for, Quo I& amitosi ashl mot he Tf a icrlDßOVNit, this stood funtielbee poe tise *dynes Footers is ossonsalind,, übessellont sod essay med. WI-UM SIONIKWITAX, whew wishes he sr nape Do Mated sad tomiarions etemorophens of the city, daring 1111141111111111amor, sad is lahole the litesith testorlog aid lovinendleg loossisln sir of the lute • riot, will and Cesare liell jest the plans for him. To sit the shove Wass. and those not Ihellidsi,ere invitation le given, to emit and satisfy thomustives as to the truth of the above lie would further old, that hit •xperienes. obtained from travelling, and a knowledge of many houses of entertainment, of good repute, art. th eir aoootormetaliumr, wtth with& Au it welt amiuntuted, justify him in saying tha his Louse ohali render stoisfoatiost to his gutlde—a idiot to Motet litre am be satisfied et alt. rejig 111 0 $ - B Xii dk lli aDI E — nr, ' Rucoisesoss To Goo. 1. Mums, BELEPONTII, PA. Iffetoutseltde .4.710 1t4111.418. Di... Lila It DaUOB . inwrcnra • (PERFUMERY P'AINTE; VANDS WIN, RIM, DYE-DTVII/fl, TOILET soArs paususs, lIAID AND TOOTH natrOnsa ' Jp i ugey AND TOIL T, ARTIGIJA. ,NIKSISER AND 111101.11.D.U. BRADEN, 'GARDEN BERMS, Custossere will find our 'tacit complete sad fresh sod all add et moderate prints. • ' C,Ar Parente and Physicians Avon Of courier ) , art IrAted to •111111410 our etc. lay% VOll. BALE AT. THE LOCH HAVEN MARTHA WORK% afar, desesietion of IRON WORK, suola as ()amatory Vowing, Poo* Cluing toll Taoists, DOW WOudow Anandolt_Raillng,, 40: - AL*, Btathii9seh a Lions, Italian llotw4 Newfoundland 'smashons, to lay at hall doors, figures of obe, and Solenaulty so bop so Oh, Vases, Annotates, /a. 14.3. WORM, oar it Look Susan MasbloWerks. DL X 1.111. 11,Z 0414 ) •A 0 trirk. iwwil L' Oa thi MOM pith, four miles lama Belle fonte..• T 'ashaeriher newlemaai. Ily informs him friends and • trardling pottLi thatle bas reflaiii amt tefuralahed the above house for the amoontunain ill,fl of guests. He will be 4$ all. Omen reedy% fitnakla rufreghmoula to partite' of nieneuire and re eieition.lbie brume 14/0.11 to poisone wfaiting e Momenul t meteer wank. greet la dulli&nenta. on vs of,:int of the pure mountain sir, and wholesome water , milt .1. 0 LAIALIMoRt. . BELLEIME MIMI' DIRECTORY. JAMS H. BANIE/14 ATTORNEY AT LACYI BELISEPOrt, PA., Nro ,ruLtit ATTORNEY AT LAW. PJELLEPON TE, PENN. Office triati lion. Jamds T. Halo. novin ' liTio X. P. lIACIVAIIIIS, . , • • ATTORNEY AT LAW, Attends lizioollectlons In Ciatro, eihittila and Clear field countleu. • AR' . Aldo, Ditads, Montorto4.6aif l , laztill.tdrawn.— Terms, moderate 01200 */4 1 : 1 / 14 o enum ", .Esq.,l3lß 42 efopto, Pa., - • janlB-tf MEDICAL PART • .111 P.-3111.. w S . lago—L. iitorwa ' ailing sasooiatoiriiiiii hint ,In thelnnotiar of 00, Dr. J. IL zarr• IMMIX, they Offettheir p lona& itervhvi to the eitilena of Bolleilinte and vioWity When necea pati,"theanekultilng ationtionV Loth 'aril b 6 given 1 without additional eliarri. Lie Or. 1111totiall'a mid le'nue at Mts. Dermot's, 1 Thillafonto.itoolktf - • -... DENTISTRY.-- J. D. WINGATE, ,••••• SUBI I EON and MI,OIANICAt. DEN would Inform his friend+ and" patrons that he has rrninnoCktly located in Bellefonte, and that lie will be happy to'attend to any who wish ltispeo cessional services All work done in tho neatest litylo and enirranteil Up - ° Moe and residence in dye third bailie earl of Mr Sourbook's "Franklin IBtitsc " ap'2-ly LIVERY STABLE. 6.2 NOWTOR A PLEASANT ItIDE.CfM_ The eitheoriber inferno thO ettiseos of liellotoolo and litainity,•and tho travolling public generally, and they Gan at all times be furnished with good and trusty hones hr elthay riding or drh ing, by oellteeg ow blot at the Pennsylvania, Hotel. Ile has • grad stook of Dorset. as well ea Buggies, Car. rtelfett. Haag, Ronkaways, Meddles, Henna, Jte. Carefal delver' Amiahod whoa desired. emPrAll who ertila to drive ash and fad woes, de IN wont and ooselbrlable vehicles, can be wwwwwwedsholl. R. D. CUMMTNtIB, Ant: o. [tellefonto. 11111UVEL--TO THE PUBLIC:- Tie eaboaribor Temp./otllllly laCortne hie old esetontentoiami the public in general that hu has removed to 111011 STREET, In the mom Intely oeenpleil by Dr. Potter, en the_promiwo of the Into harms Holbrook, doe'd, whore 1,0 will hu happy to attend to all ,mkwa In the TATI,ORIINO Haring alrrnya given ant i.r tooon to h i. !minion nA to itarkauruship anti pricea, lie rro a rectfully tiolleits a Mato of pa blio patronage ap2-Om J W ROTII ROCK NEW AND FARRIONA.BLE NAIR. DRFssizio SHAVINO .BALOON The undersigned req.:ll'l4ll7 announces to the clti sena of Bellefonte and vicinity, that lin lino opened • now sad fashionable (lair Dreading anil Shaving Baleen to Allegheny street, in the house 00,110(4 by Mr Turner, where, by strict attention pi the business, he hopes to went a liberal share or public patrunage. 11711 , RAZORB pit hi onlet. mr26-ly J M DAUER. - • CABINET AND lIPHOL-Sl4 l prEattNii EST A 111, !till M ENT The subscriber reapvctfolly infoims his friends and the public that he has commenced the Cabinet and l'ihelateling humors.. lr all lie r 9. 71005 b(111.1d1001, no d ' will be prep, . d to forinAll work that will cioliiistre 'kill], any made in the boot shops in our larger gibes Having had pr,ictieal expericuec to o I cry I,llll'il of bonito en, persons en true tog work lo lion will lir 'mimed that it will ho Joao in ....,11410..ry manner IL121: promptly attcal.l4l FREDEItICk tqiel I I II; _ Alitegheny st . ruca. Itethstoato r ***hop foreerty occupied by Mr Iteloboioi. • JOHN NICaBRIDE, *a r iI HAimiLE Avr, AItNE: 4 I.3 AJAK Lit,llllllllllll I .rner . of BISHOP Ll:liii RANT titreels, == Haring perm:triunity located in this region, in ton& to enica;rk: oxlvnsivoly in the Saddlery and Herne** business He will keep ronstrully on band and nutuutselure to order in the latest style, and in the most workmanlike innuher, Slllllllos, ISridlrs, Cr , gsn Wilt ( re, Won and ettrz.sge.ll,ovie W:144,11 awl Dm trig Will Trunks, empet Ar , In short, carry Hung triumlly tn.ruut.r tureAl 11801 410141 All liriqk wnrromle,l gund (The lam is evil brfurn porulisming clPer here 01119-lf PL A B T BRING.-- The undkryignedl, !multi tho most c,a tenllra arrangement., .1101 ha{ Ing a large stock of Intik rial on haul, n 11l Ido really .1 . it short ixntica In atts:4-44.014-wrelvertrrltteretriTiOnirstn We has employed none tint the best workmen, and all work entrusted to hla care, will he exe-ntedi In a style which cannot bo excelled. Wbencser I fur. oialk materials, THE WORK WILL hE 'WARRANTED The men employed are none 'he I,,ent, and i n the absence o( opprenttera, Imildere ran rely upon harin4 Ih. it ootk doim in such a manner will give 1511611.010 n trA II Or.IN, f111r ,, , , 1 to Bellefonte, CelliTe COMO Y, Tn , will by prumpily attended to fobs-l( I' IS I.%MItCIT ;• WACiLEIND WAGON MAN. foltY, HOWARD Street, (north pole j Belk fonte Lo mulo tesiber takes th:s tnetluel to t tvf , ,rl,‘ the thnt he 11M111 etanmeneed thn CI) %('II and IV AR 4 IN BrielNretst, at the ale', plaeo, o h, r , he I/ (erred V) ninnnfarture to .It7er mat et.- vanity keep on hand a elot ,, v aeloet too of Cartin.,, r, each al ROCK AWAI et, CARRYALLS, In, tl• (PEA, as well at 11/:.1 1' 1' FARM ttc all n 1 liberal procen It Aflt I NO done et the Phntlevit no( iro ii, atria attentha to ituduces and moderate prices he hope* t 4 merit ft share of patronage HMV Mitt ISA 111'11, re'Retnerelrer the place, on the north ride of Ilomard street, he the shop formerly tweepted by David Cautplrell, tint more lately by Mr lieorge Stellleyt. sp3o-ttm B iguammin a u Worn. NNW PATABLISIIIIXNT. WM If. 6.118 AR MAN, Isle of Philadelphia would mod reepeetfully seal the attention of the puddle le his large and wail Weaned stock of Italian and A. 110.1401111 arlile, Width he hat 'sleeted with nan. that* s penethaal vrorkauwa and having had the experiences ef_padding nip every kind of work In PhiLdelpida the pub can rest soared that they will wee be baptised upon, by having their work doer in as inferior manner lie invitee the public to call and examine for themselves, and they will find that they eon save from 25 to 50 per cent Specimens of toy work eau be seen at all the aline. fades in Centre county On hand a (Rego samlimeff ITALIAN and AMER ICAN MARBLE, with wbiob he Is prepared manufacture Monument*, Tomb Atenee, French Couches, ilreetan Tomhs, Quaker Mono*. Curved Lambe and images, Marble Poets and Railing ler family burial 101 l Ali wort contracted ter by tay ascot, Mr A Jacob, will be executed with octanes. and dui patchep23-tyi nine" SALES ik MALL PROFITS. Iv The subscriber inepeetfully informs the MG zen;:of Centre and adjoining eountim, that be has °posed • NEW STORE IN BELLEFONTE, No. 2 Arcade Building, where he bee just opened • MAGNIFICENT ETOCE OF 0001 M, which have boon carefully selected, to 'Wit ,both town end way etuttent, itoweistfug elf.rieh - aad beautital entrtro AND BUMMER o= 4 for-Ledica' arid thontlantotes 'nay, us every rankly of • OrotbA, catittnerci, Voilinur, -ote , A splendid essortMent of EMIL !Images. De Imini, Lawns, Brannan*, Echos, Chunks Chintzes, Trimmings, Embroideries, Mullins, Meetings, Ate. EADY.nt um Arm euNr . flatiL Cape, Boon end gimes, Umbrellas sad !maim' Patrattote,.' Zap, Combs, finishes:4w Hardware, Cutlery, Oils and Paha, Groceries, Fish Plaster, liseMn, Floor and Fred, in hot every thing usually kept la a mushy store. Ur COUNTRY PHODUCIL WANTED, • surroandlng aonnto, to life ma be prepared to furtfr Oman *flit rods Oat wilt am. per* with any flier offered, to the puha*, tut iuglitids eboapaass mad durability. rf T. R. NEYNOLDS. LADIES'. GAITERS.- A good /imply always on hand, or made to Order feat Of the bcet materiel+. by myll T. P. BOAlle 'HIIIADELPHIA ADVERTISEMENTS, aIiteCONRAD & WAITON, • IMPORTER§ A WUOLERAME DEALERS IN HARDWARE, • CUTLERY, Ac., 925 MARKET STREET, Putt.,sow.t.riti%. J. 1). Ruin-tit E... 16 J. D. SORVER & Co., IDEII,LIt ry • TOOAC( ' O, t'NUFF,,Agi) - No. 6 North 111 Stivot, nbut o Al at kvt. Street, (143104y' 0 CONRAD, 1t08E8.713 & CO., Importer* npri Didoeift In nAnmv A UV:, e1.;11.1.RY, DUNS,. ra., Nara' North THOU) Sircel, Philtolelphla. " .- IniVii W CON 11 4D, t). NV. YAIIIPI.ItY, ' 080:1C .. Rouricrs, J. It. Si.q.tren, J. T.- R.1.70c. im.i3o.ll:n --r--- D. , A,...i.-vf . S. D. — STRAUB, . IN tilt „ . 4 . 1 . it .1. 'W. C. HIM - M .t Co. Impuelyrownil Dealer, In Vomign nod Domestic; 11.4111111'.11:1::, CU"' LEU.K. A'S 4LVD 'GOODS, No. 47 MARK ET Street, and / ti No 2: awl 2IJONES' Alley, ' )" 11111)114K, W. O. It11)1)1,11 ' f.4.13 -om , W M. UItISCON ItioLElltlni.lf A Llt lIENJ 11. SIIIMILIE fIEMOVAL.- • , purr(;;:, '1,, , 0 4 3, .4:111) PA INTB 10 otiiitT 811 OEM Ali 11l & Co., thankful for ibe liberal rhattuntige heretofore, brains ad, upon them, litteby be nonce, that owing tn„tho groat Increase hi .their Lusinesa, they bnat, horn obliged 16 mak moremorerri . . and to secure lt, hero removed Wm their of hl Prod, (8. W. corner of Bernmrl and Orton a is ,) to their now anal, SPACIOVII stone. N. E. 0 Bkft OF FOURTH sod ItACH Btreeta, when ,lo, entire poor and great) y enlarged _ Pooh of DAtiO PA fNTOI,' GLASS, filYB- 8 11 , VP8, 40 , they prepareatellarttlah All alteiren.P, Ili well as 111• wistaftwers, with an , article In their Liao, at P the lo prices nod on soootomodielog terms. We di an scary semi on ono pert to render ratio( I ti e d to all who rosy faror um with' their 11011. r ot torn. Irir At to, prices, we eon reespete with a ny other , and the quality of our epode is unanr.-1 pante . ROIIR/fT iIIIOEMAKER & Co,, N . : 8 cornerof FOUII.TII end it ACPI 81s., Philadelphia. Manufnelarer. of Paints in Oil, Putty, Att. Idlportent of French Zino Paint FOle A g ents for Philadelphia for the ante of t I.7ilit'Vf:l7 I'LAVE 6'. J.Ati,,,l Voniers la all kinds of plain and loony IV/N7)(.0 l; ;Yee,' current sent en npph t ion by mall, and good+ delivered nt any of the Depeta or Whnroen rile of eltpelslo to the ptlrehe•ler FCI3-1) , SAINT LAWRENCE HOTEL, I'III,:,TN UT STREET l'llll,A OA This new lintel in located in ('in ettint cc real, Ln (Wean Tenth and Riot *nth, running book to II eorge 'treed, an entire aruart, with ample room anti an -00M111,146001/11 for 250 permute . , hue inueli to reader It attractive to the 'hat eller, Sojourner and Citizen, being diteetly op. posito the Anadenty of Fine Arta, Purkinson't Gar den and Saloons, and in Man of the afoot pleasant and faddonahle rtneett on Cheltient Street, also, in the (late neighhorinsal of (ho Theatroe, and other place , of emus. taunt The Itooin4 lire large. +thy, amt I ell uniilate,l— of them have eontlinnun.lting donts suttelde rot Famine,. and Po.l her inns Ding together 'fin , Furniture b enritely new, tnol of lilt' neat 11111ilt.fki , uyle, viola - acing all the Loin nutlet n 11,00 nnpnn - u 14,14 portirnity lu the different Railroad+ di r4in,.,.• Crew the pity, I.< log only one s loam dirtant front t hu.src.X. mut . ) it rot, itaiirsa . Jtep t iL_and its central and Mc locations, renders it &A d e . m nible fur the c rch ant, Its the 'Prat viler ure. Coaches will always be in readiness to coniey passengers to and (MAI the Hotel 'rho proprietor wonhl also beg leave to glue notice, that he will be assisted in the manntrtuent of thin Now hatriblibtbruent, li7 Nn M I, Neil, the lobe isTelar Proprietress of the Yellow r Penn who will bare the whole end entire eh of the Ladies' Department, nod Ire Mr llvergo IV Mellen, Into ;;uperintend..iit of the 8t llottl Pitts burg. Pesten I litler thiv nrranzement, the net, fintleri him.tICLIAL Ro ablo PS:Pt 1.141' 1, 1 . 11,Y wont. to. 01 ilio Ho.; ttei Or! 11 , , , chi-, 1 0 ,1, II W. ri CAM P PropritOrrr EMI WANTf e .D IN EXCHAGE FoR — DRy iloolis. (I , cories,lnavc, Drug", Ilun'‘ Ship. Ac , • Butto,v. " I,nnt 10AP" TxHow. boo bum., • For laith the highe.t matket pri,o wail be paid in en , hr we tor by (Ironic. nover.wq will ho purehase,l fur Cub wt theators of the aubtenber, JAILEI) IL FISIIER, ITO MEB,OIIARTF, & ALL OTHERS nip) Rm er. 4 .tr , l ip tin Ile of DEER I N 6, MO all ,if IrtriW line nuli,nbe r Lane ester •I‘Piy rogn T ,l in the Fllll lIUSINr , S, iw il4, tU who hay., soot, Aril `lt, I. dtaiwnie of in Kist. bon t fall. He pup lb, hi,511 , •.1 mark( t prim in rash. wont,' he well fir 11 II liter! to 1,1,111 her that I pay then. cash, and give them the fol. .aloe of the skins lh. y have to d011...v. of All euninunie.ttioni prom vtly atlen , b,l to by , M rl nu Yfl Pine Ilrove M 11 1 ,2 - - - twa4, 4 STAGES FOR TYRONE - - Ihr pOblie 11131 he 11314 MILS a 41#11. 111,, • ) by uftlo hr,mnl and )Varrioininik, and .1.n.• Itt Plank Road. From 'f,!,:roio.oo Morutior.We,tnevlay and Vtitlay• frfiin llell,tte on l ' oe.lay, Thera lay and Setter d,r„,~amglll9,oll 11101 4 1 ,, nrt , owtrn.1 ib el 2 12. 41 271124A11NW-' - MEW HARDWARE STORE. H. T. RISYNOLLO£I and F. ti FRANCISCUS have opened hirtr'R HAVEN a notoplete assortment o f lIAlt ARS, to which we hmita the Mundial of ALia,,rweding coy thing he the llme. Orr rook has bets - Ifffileted with sure, with the earprent de sire to supply the mentanalty with snob articles as beg nartrelvehr to the Hardware butinoM The Bailding Materiel and Hamiwane need in the various ineehentral brimstone, will receive our par tieular **owlet). Coesinstaltore, Saddler*, Shoe maker), .14aehinicht. alsolanalthe, Verpentein, Cab inetmakers, 'Phloem, de. Ae , will Aridit to their Intsmet to mill upon no a;ud uzliminotor themsolvee Pinions building wilt And hero' a apMedhl lot of Lemke and Latehee, Silver Plated Elloor Knobs 0 1.4 ihuiroi., all of Eaatorn matiursoluilo; Glans, OW, Nail'', An. Mr the malt boautthal clock of • WALL PAPER, 1101RDERS, AND Yr RE-110ARD PRIN'II4, eier °Obvert in this vluinity. STOVER, LAMPS, CUTLELY, Patent Boring Machines, leluhl, /tiro hol,•l'ins Dan,. , Ao , 'rept in large quantities. IRON, Ilstnniered and llollnd Iron, all the eovinnon rises en howl; anniuni shed of round iouinrh pilot plate iron furnlkhrul upon tinier in the ealortert vssibler lime, We any to all intersattol come and examine fur patroller, IINYHOLDS A CO.. fault' Lock llasen. In nm JUST RECEIVED. 4 2 bbla. No. 3 essedram /daekeral. ' Id do No. S. do do 1111111 .1 "; •IS do No. I do do ' • 1,9 do No. 3 largo do If do No 3 do do 5 do N.. I du do In half and qualify is for-family uao. 5 'ids. Rbad. , 6 do Bahnon, in kilts fur fatally use Alto,• interior lot of country corod kiw ee , 81101.1 , 1etv and Hams, whlip, will `he add chomp RA cash, ~t ~ 1,1 , 41 . KIAI.HII . B. QVGAIL, coPyrig.,,r TEA, MOLA.::Efi N./ Chodsdate, SphSra of all kind., Haiti Ode, Fish, Vinegy,,Applas, Am• A good and fresh assurinioni. I fur sale ir - Inov.7lJ ~ PRUNER. ftitVALIJARLI FARR( FOR BALE, Tho aulisariber having a Warm that ho itiopassonslististgativ - 19N# IitINDRND and. 7:11, - ACRES,' siareloty-tlve of whisk sr al• The Insprostimenta thoroon rttO a pelt DW.E i i ipiti' 1101714 }l, at splendid NEW BANK filetli ow/ A splendid YATING ORCHARD:Tho 'arm , iii a high Moto of oultivation. For partici alarm fromialt,9 ur the subscriber. . tnr TV& -- ' ' JOITN'II W AMA— HARDWARE A.large variety, for HMO xf 44016 KEALBII'B rfIONIOS WON'T DO r—TONY NEV S 8 did do wove than give temporary relief, and they never- will. It because thay don't touch the CAUSE of the disease. The CAUSE of ell ague and bilis:au; disowns is the atitiospherie Olson called filinstno or bfalarla. Neutralise the 'wham by its- NATURA,L ANTIDOTE, end all disease Milord brit disappears at once. Rhode's Fever and Ago • Uuto is this Anthluld to Malaria, and moreover It is a porfeetfy harmless medicine. The eartillento of the ceichrstml chemist, J. R. (Antrim, of Now Tort, to this effect, is attached to every bottle; then Inn it it duos lie guest it does no harm. This Is mot, (bottoms be e,dd of Quittioc. A rsettir, or any tonic in existence, as their use is ruhattier to the eonstitittlon and In ings on D U3l ft AO DE, which neviir aliens a perpon to fuel perfectly cull, for a single moment fn illionration of these truths I annex some extracts from plotter Just reoeived front a Physician. Georgetown, Ohio, March IT, 1666. Jas. A. Itnumis. ESQ.—beer Sir. Tents et "Id list, is at hand. The woe arrived late last year and the- diftimaity in n etting coy mai to try it was greatly ineleassil front the Riot that erewedy hod been introdubed which was growing in favor with 'the public, as being better than using quinine,— rist, knuwin,(l present° that the remedy they used to eseope Inking Quinine, oontaluml the DID (.1 f'f SELF t. • Wu. J. SUM 'fhb; rezuOtly, (known es 5111411 ' d Tool , , " ) 110111.1 lavalioldy Ulf LAE oil ague, but it did not CUR E alit would sifter return ti viii lcouwed vigor This one etreutustanee I tlyetnetblo your favor, if I coul d i a trot vothivirisrei between it Anil your CUltll. Th efollowing is the re lull Three peratalla took your "a 11131 ," all of I.IIIICII worn Unala of “Quotidian Inteitoittent Fever," of litany weeks standing They bad tried Quinine, and other retne4les, oeeiniontilly nileolng a chill, but it Woo, (its in all ouch 011.e4,)mlowly wearing them our, and Initho tlto foundation of other artl )111, I . rt , r maladies I dud ,ite,etsliti effecting a ratt iest core of ell three of those cages with your reme dy, nod they hove not had a chill since. In all these of theme talit, lila "8111411 ' M Tank . ' hid been used, And would tae before ousted, break the chill, but after a period or two had elapse?) it would return. I think there will be no difficulty new in (giving to your Cure" the vitalise grouted of any other remedy now in not here, illte.; le• 'WILLIAM WCINBR, M, D. itounw vEvlut ord A411.1$ CURB, or ANTI , DOTE TO Al AL ARIA, the only Intrudes remedy In eslatentse,l4 equally certain AA • nilinqiirrilne at n " CU RD." Teti* it when you feel the Allis coming on, andyou will never has s eisygle ese. JAMES A. RHODES, Proprietor, Providence R. T. IFor.sele by Preggietegenerally sp 21-Jut , ENCOURAGE 'ROME INDUSTRY. The utolutatgortl aottlil respectfully sort mate tq the Kamtent of Ceutro musty, that they Itavu iturehanotl the tight of Ir[l:T7, A, DUNHAM'S CAM POW WI It EAPlili AND Mo IVEI7. runt are now engag..ed in their manufacture, and-are prrpareil to Pannell all article who, not get the Intek-ache From those who hare used the mar-litho we can product abundant evidence, as le its superiority °ter any ether machine new - built, for the Add,wing reasons s• Ist th itoemount of its aimpileity of eniistnie'ion. and the fact that the slate Is worked direct Nom the dating wheel, with a simple lover instead of r inultiplivation of cog wheels, journals, crank., &a. Which wakes it work lighter for the team _ 2111. it. is ware zumpaot, axul Is therefore cask, 31 Ili perfent ntlavtattion to uneven gnmothi without hunting on Om 'horltes' twokti, thin t.,11 , 4ut , brim.: limber nod turtling on castor-who/oy, which Junky. It turn vas,' 4th. The rerfe d 'winner in whieb it der, fie 01 work, in 191 gr iiu t I cr era, tie reaping atm, rat.r: I tl 4.1 .1410 pit Ilie r iltur in a [ roe on to d. hoer the 4 111 ,, nvt, nt an al It. of thn 111 end for mowing It hi. the nr iple ; nplt II:1111, all Oft MO n. 10 enable it to ou t t inch il cler Or 'I hi 4 Ulll , lllllO jo war; anted to cut all W ie l d oi gran owl gri-4, Ds well it not brine r, lie done wok ythe o f cradle, and ell ita part', war. ~,,, purl wit_ Tr nuns—for Mower and "Reaper combined, $l2O $lO to he paid on tho delivery of machine. er snot no it 14 put sip and in operation, $3O on the lot of ()ember, and $5O on the let of January, 1851. Per Pmzic Mower $lOO, $25 on receipt of ma . hint., $.15 tin the Ist October, and $lO on the let of limitary, 0 4. 4 11 all each machine there will ho furnished an extra. knife, Into knife ruction, three guards, wrench, eihean and nook-yoke Aa enly a litratol number can be built tide aci. thou who arc in ward of the ertiele will do nett to rend in their orders 0,010 Addrear, MIMI o w A CHANCE "FOR BARGAIN'''. I N . AM]) LE A.Y I) II Aif :V.E. , ,•5 MANUFACTORY 'll.o aul.•riber bop learn to Inform hili friends nod the public gcnerrilly, that be null confirm". I. every rm the Saddlery hrtalneas In Ali ita varim s hrairelion 11c hao recently It EMOVRI) hie ohe t , Iri ar I mid ng „Aoki,. n 1 og ib, 1....4. ~4m. ,„ whi Joh h ,n, on BISTIOP Street, where he'll prelrat, I 1 to in Ln ufa It 1 , re and keep constautfi on hand n full a.s.orteseve of htviti it . .., Wngoti Herneas, Bridles, Carriage Harness, Collara, IVencon IV him Trunks, Halter., Vnlkes, he , ho , he Lelartnere and the public gunernlly, In wunt of ortiot, in I. il hoe would In well I, e 11l awl ex,un toe 1ii..1.0,k hefore porch tring elsewhere on ho is 4r te.n.lned lo Coll ut I , 1111. PRICES, awl until war root his w irk to be well put to,psrlicr and made of the be.t ;oak eta! . Centres ( erzet the pinm•__llidlwp st re -1., el '11'1; eHo. I,rurrrn Oar House," nod tho Inverre of .I,t. Al .I"lnim.n JACOB j.,11•1y F YOU WANT TO PITY GOOD _AND 1:011 - 11:4 rail un . if. lVbo has jeeit revel% eil front l'hilmielphia and beautiful stork of Biosls, einalstinit of the familionsble lireont (loin!, for I, mhos sod (lentle..r cleft an Ft onch Aim ittos. A lintoc.o, ['amnions Cloth ilk/sies eibtb: !tontines, .I)ebego, Silks, linnts uTell tissititt‘ttrig. Ala,, Pis;* anJ Icnney l'essinots, Veto lags, also a large lot of Dress Trimmings, Buttons, Itilibons, (Boers, Mitts, Wool Ira nml Cotton Ilusiory, tunl a i.oriety of YANG. (1001n4 nno'noincrous to intuition, • Flan,,,ils of till kinds. Shown', Bleached and Iln hiesetteil Muslins, Tioklugs.elteaks,Ciingliatus, ao Also, tireecrles of all kiln's, Bets sad Cats, Bouts mod !Blips*, Hardware taxi trots, (11MellfW1711. !lock ets, Tubs, Baskets, acid oil goods usually kapl in s sountry store LUMBER. AU lanai af Limber for to& at • tetaatteda ptiee. • - DelWont°, Deo. 12, If. I. PIM LULLI. Ponces kr lama: Iwo article of Fora would do Wall W and olden to the tuiderdiprd, who la prepared to cr. at the lowest rites "Plettobtre, and all varlothi of LADIES WWI alwoy• on hand, at prloco much lower than - era bo ~f lor,l by MI, wbol•nolo and retail housew of Now York owl PhlloArlolils • ni,ov EA, 110112:6, be., eon Ai:be panamed All (micro Addressed to a Enna P, 11( Pine Um. 501111, Centro' on. will moot with prompt attention Month 12, 1856 VALI:U.6LE SAW KILL yoz gawk WIB ho sold - at Private Male, • valuable Raw Mill, with about' SIXTEEN ‘ ACRES CY LAND, part of vi:Jjat L TIMBER, and Con he cultivated. It la situated abort tom rano north of Milesbarg The will hoe an overshot wheel, well calculated for - sawing plastering Laths, *Web an greatly wanted V Rd' neighborhood. Lumbar will ho talwas ia part payment. This IN Cgond shone. for any per son wishing to make a good invastavast. Apply at A. PARTERA9ENS.MiAIe Worka, Mileshunr ES GRPCERIE'. -1. B. AWL & Co. 0 -yr„ r f .r ammtment of IfYlifK , f, 1.1111;i41 cm 3 r3trAr., anf,oNo, awl cliur,AN TE.ArI, , SITUARS, COFFEE'S, TOBAC of every denoription. Janl6 . - - 130018 AND SHOEff.- , - , -- A largo atook of IVlnter Boers and Shock, for aunts and Lanes' wear; also, Roy.' Mimeo' end (.1101.drone Boole and noes, of all kinds, fo sale by J. II AWL a Co. Jon Balarnitrt. ItAi:oll. l 4pr rinuisint.pouvms nACON fur sale, including Sided, Shoulders, and Mims, at ' KNA14411 . 8. TAKr. Norten.—Any parson wliblag to put base. a row pnitnel4 will got na chomp as any other to may phichatio a - thousand. tobd G,Eo.L'IIIILEB', WORE , EXPELLER, plowintlt if Mfg and certain remedy (or the cement of Wormy Prepared k art paid he ORECIA MohfEEN, Bellefonte. HAUPT, 1111111,1; It CU, ur W SF:LIIERT, evntre m, , RINGER'S . SEWING MAI ha Price $l2ll and upwards. Thos unitvelled-ma• chine Is Our mod important and useful invention of chi+ ago; and it has been worked a suite:tient length of thno to ho thoroughly tested lira Ilgte4t variety or iiiiiiihfuel ores, and in all eases has. Ilion filly alt proved. "IF4III mintlllllo (II attroot and surplitio the iieophi of Ito, whole world with the tionderful rims ;Molly. durability, rapidity, strength and beauty with willoh it executes its work. Neatly 10,000 are are Dow in dai ly operation ' Such is hie demand that, with all in faitilitha of new and I:plimsoll machinery, wi th the help of 200' mew, it is finpilissis hie for Sinticit it Co. to till their enters. Thew tom:lanes, always for impeller 'to every other, have Just receive I several most 1 AI I'OR 2',4 Nl' I 3//'./? 0 Pili AI .fil NTx , the (limit of which ims—lst, To make them run with. out Mille. 2il, To require only half the exertion of the orralor, formerly 111, j nu& flil, To make Omni run one-half faster than before, so that with the same labor, Tw tee TMs QUANTITY DV WOOL CON lir. DOD( ID A DAY. This one feet, that Sharer's maeldnes ran too bash faster , and accompllah as mesh more worhi , render ' all other meettlnes before the puha' valueless, In eoesperisow,' even (meld they be had for the askhig. Lout/ter peculiarity of Stager's machines la that by Amply etu 'kriging needle and thread, the maw wasoldne will execute perfectly every variety of work, MOM or fl no, en sloth or leather. The best machine for runny at walla, psebtb see From $3OO to Ifsoo a year ran he o4eaQud by op le divldial salmi this macillna, mere than awl kb cleared by hand Purellaaera look well to Tour titles; as to the title of Binger's maelilne, I wfil rah, you to the foi -1 liming paragiarli : In regard to Singer'. tenehines, there trt nes ml Jerre patent eltinn , but all oll e inaeltines before the public inftinge two or mute of our patents On the 27th of h(sy lust, we recovered a verdlot In a suit for infringement, against the Excelsior Mewing Idivehtne Company. thus estnfilishing WIT Patents Juilii Milt IV° Lillie suits new pending In the United States Lirouit Coast in Philadelphia, and also In ether Cireuits, against ilnirer ,t linker, and lint Wheeler it 'Wilson iii.teliines, winch infringes set eral of tole patents lie who buys any of these inferior Infringing mauhitu.s, will buy a IJNRIIIt. I. M. MlNtiEll ift CO. OAIII.IIOIZ, April 21.', 1854 I herehy certify that I tray doing a moderate lama,* prior to Pah - It, 1851, at whith 5i,,.. I bought of I. AI Nairger 4 Co 'a Naming 111.- chi riev, nod hare nun! the ykunee atr my bigamies,. rre that time my hariaell An. aneni.d to that ramie, arrinar to the urpennr manner in whorl, it does ae• work, that I lows o•Tiojw//03 on the Mb out. to purchase another machine i _. at to the demands of my eriitopiers• ,ri fe rang the machine, a d meth the aid of fi , fe do, Will meal a lace/vii lira en its and rnMaty pair of pallet Ifff/, to a Wanner jar rapr , lca to What rare be Jane by / 1 The writ;a pei wa il , a fie. oji the &lady, Iv ill i.e from 6IM to $2O Th machirie as et.ll/ not apt to get oat of .epair I, II ti.i,lic, ,llerelidirt Tailor 1(E1111 , 1., Apr el Yi, IH3I e ,to 00. r 41446.4 t at, of I fir f "curiog Marhimes elm, year I w/, re), ti e. beta sul earittantly on stoat leather ',or* miefiont ceiiauq lent of repair IV. are ter fidemt that it,,, Ra.irhllledOrtar wtteh mart at !fedi rillratre females marld irerforoa, and snitch halter in fiery respect We find it terry convenient Is, hare two prathilll.,, to avoid the deny of shift ing thread and need l e from roar . to fins WWI. fit we,:re perfectly amt end that the' sir not a mare d,rffel raarht ton as rimier,* to e.rpodite sew/ , II FE Lin A. , - • no,ta,/,./ Thgionacreogneil, lm, ul, rttrchnit .1 tli tnFla to , :Ito 011, 1... 11,1.1 I :Si :-torer A in Ihr 1.440,ring tertilorN bbi, • N,lOllO , I orr , l II 11. (i.x, ortilli lin. 0111111 tl'llol%4l.'loa I, ,k 11, 411, N or,h -) and bring lhrmb rr, now rtupart‘i to oil lirleblni 4 81114Nr ACo 's Immo - Ad u rr, of the tl' tione ri roe tt ,,, tertlittnne, and nri‘ 4 , i 10 ,- N 11. All 'win,. pun IrtmitiA ar uoinl! Gro,r, I; ,t 'n orouj othrr 111(1:J1104X and inA•ro/ a hi,. KM 1.n.,,, , 1•10,1 14r.using ;tie own , It , ttl.l„,(thlit the apini 11, , , t ."" 110 rtT:i !Gal timi nil hardly trusLa I.ll‘ u 11..tai the rtk• to bly pocket at er 114111, (nr trttlat., nua noto th4Dudiog .it 50 to TO tot -r t eta loot, tul.ptlng th'el EMI that .1.• Lit., 111 Luna it nflirlb Imo in the latkh II IC %ND.% 1.1., VOA •, tog r— Moo,. Nor,i;o6:4lV:Ntoo;ey co-, Pa. IV, VIN 1 \1;:i.owl .ot Itta Trnwaltult. Agenta. f.• 1.1 1.1 ,1 LOOK AND JO3 TAINTING WEIDE. Tho rer l ' ffri , rlll , f•lttrl. W v. 1, 14, In 1111 Ni L. 011111.40 the Heed ea el9t. .1 4 )11 1.1trITIN(1. I){:}tir - U • To 1111 1 ...:1211 . .,...11 t. to r , 1111103.,1 el: 11,1. NI.NS : , 11T4 P.; %I 1.4,410P0t410 •tylo of 11,jo 1 • pare.l lite ail ••I • • F,gitoß A)) F 11(}" .11)11 Pd I NTINij, I n 11., 1.11, Ish.rrl tA t -- .1% 11A flitcll, 4;4 4 , r 1,104 It! It. II 1:A 11S 111)“'...!, !ULLA, .41,4:211t1V _ t.tutw - • - 1 1 A.747'111.1iTti, . woKs, y fiI3CXR, RHnW 1111,1,14, ' PLANY.4, PROIRAMIMS, do, de.. An LillioLD, row Intoszl: ckeuuted iu the hapeh.notpt mat zer riApt 'PRINT/N(1 C0L011.1714rt140 moat beau tiful and Ilubolititl 'Oleo( Avw!, - Raflafastiee guaranteed itt mord to neattleatt, rbeapneas and punctuality In the .folillutent of all orders. OFF/C.A . /X BROC.KERIV)1 1 1 4 "8 ROW, _loam rum. BIILIWIFOUTS t PA. A DIAL o_o 11 J•Ar•--Ormi morals% Haw, anion miromiyar--Ocani raenting, lit. is yaw roll ma s m lari. i our Wad beat? ' the sirespem illarutor4rAer OsArni- JoAr—Yea, u, sad the W• Law. • warabar of good clothing stores In Bellefonte, bat ISAAC MAY In 111,1 elegant •toro hoes the bent andabeapost ra ucer -kV ell, no every holy says ho the coun try, I did not know but that we ‘4OlO mistaken, ao I thought I would inquire or you town folks What kind of othing do you wish to buy' ranger---Why, I should like to have a 'goal Dross Coat, Panty and Vest nor myself, and some clothing for niy boys. Jahlt—lY oil , Isamu May, they saY. has none must estellent Dross Coats from $lB down to sl,(the Ist, tor.timmerr Onstai and everything else in propor tion, and Men of cheap clothing for boys. stranger—What about Linflee Dress (loods? Jahn—Why, May has the beat aasortmemtof Bilks, De Loins, Lawns_, Callous, do.. in short everything In out a lady In the best style, and at the cheapest prices. • Strn uger —000 d! That Is the place for me. Dom' bye Pin tiff to May's at once, and thank you kindly for the information. l_v-Perwma In want of anything in my line art, therefore, rupeettldly requested to Ore Me 4 ,3 0 ' . ISAAC MAY, Bellefonte. ltifrEN WHO AM MUCK WRITING INA' to do we eoleiee them to try K 1 ALAWB ruperior BTEEL 14.1i51i and Dilf.‘ Theevirtieloo lire joet the thing for elhool leatthey LARGE ASSORTMENT OP FIG ml. Bored rind 131a4 Hllke, at low prices, to be had at J B AWL & CO. vaall STARCH, CANDLE WAIL, GUN Oltdot, Shnt i da t iti, ken ..k.nimte, eine be, par r/Mad - noyllB . • pittrxim. rykirDrES.-Lll RNDL.EBB VARTETt IL" wholesale and retail, cheaper than the °heap est, alwayaon band and for sale Icy Arco 28 PRUNER. rile THE LA.Dia.--A#A,LENDID-All - tionTmx.vr or cour,, thaoruves Limn Ifdkrs. Thread Lanes, and Pyintent' ha Invit make and j oi e r ,• the differ ant varieties, at rntint,o). - figALtfira N JabitielEßE ntGOOD ' . MON MN, ',....,:alatllVAlllrCOutiri t or ?RN DIAMOND ANIXALLIIOMANY BTlti TN, Beltertian., Penna navlng"Just ref ertfNitt from Phillittelphia, where n u hate Mode our purcluukl, and' are new opening one of the moot carefully accortealtoolator " GENTLEMEN'S' OI.OTHINU, • cop FUR NISHINO 000 DS, Baer brought to Ventre °unsay, tad take this is,. thod to secure oar old friends, onstotnero, and the public patiently, that we are tomgared to "ey e 11,001 Mg," 'doh at thq **Mr Nut before, in the shop of COATS, VESTS, rAlite, vokb for duroblllty ow* miciollitd,l44 having berg seleutod , with eproltd Woven** to the tetdrt and most approved faridons. Oreat mire has hoSk paid to tho selecting of Oeuttenseri's gornishing anode, tinett all ..fint'ir.9. yr AtAlrzats //ANL), XERCL IE PS, SUSPENDERS, GJgVEB, CRAVATS, oL av,ary.tlocCription. • Wo ale.: make imowa to the pettily. thpt to oil • lion to our other extensive Stool et goodf wd hard J,, ~calved a lam atuistrl4 Mutt meat of OLOTIIti, OASSIM ' L e, VESTIELL4, TRIMMINGS, kr., Of every style mod variety. Hulag prettickl norY men, and pry partionlar attontion to user Intel nese, we hope to glee general satisfaction nod re. , t ,,d yt , nat i on of the public patroustge. NV e rrsruKt. full"' frvito all wargc * Whims in our Hue of now to ,fall and Irs Oar stock o ~ .1, ap3o . IdONTOOMERY k Nov, r=-r7m YOTALLOORAFE, REOTYPR ROOM)), J, H. lIARNIIART rapootfally informs the, pet, lie that he has removed his plotort gallrry tl; megnificoat Stilt of radon' the Arcade, vaunt laa attention wllibe wholly given to the pratice Photographiq arts, and the selenoes and ern pe r leaning to Heliography Tilt IMPROVED AMDROfI:PES . are taken upon plate gleN, ski are entlatily free Mae the eetratl=of 11gM se objeetiottabie to it.. gaereentypete. They Aim aim minealy the am* being theelitei toma the. word A nano e 'main th b :itheat iseguege etipitlieettirshflity They tee itn geeteues hat,,allerrier to the lattellatla Clegorreeetypet toper ceding ithes Wheessarr tbssyr karts Was Wroclaw) As the thevert_ eta* repine etek _her vete to. ten neer& ItY YeM gekeeti,llWeeee itelheler ey. taw Ike nkeiganna *twiny inhp_puptilti *lie bed the difkiAlpe besasibile tad Ott aimed eattrety ebeleisit • All theihisiboesterniteittitete oft run, be a ppmprisatmAao tto OnBrAl4l.olll APD, ex cepting the origin and application of names 'They arc a time boantifel style of picluses, end needs nay a canal examination to establish tbil itenke Dire, of which the 'faits or as adVettiiidtwiff t if rinllu losntHolent to contain, UPItREOTYPES of various style% sill I,e taken in the Attest style of the art, when pr. Cut red reAltnext, every variety of Ambtotype ant Da sorcrrcot po ones on hand. I ir lietrumlow ginan to the foreseittg broidie4 on rewrinfible terms. li_ge - llours fur or/rating, from 8 O. mt. to 5 p to In summer, and from 9 a. m. to 11_p m. In winter ROOMS, SECOND plo' ARCADE, entrams on AlDelany strml. Rell•fbnle, spa T _OWE HAVEN WOBKB.- .111.1 ItEliT PREMIUM AWARDED wr tan CENTRE COUNTY AGRICULTURAL FAIR . , Tu the people of Ventre Conway. II has nor, be , come a settled feat that Mat la ono of the largest, cheapest and very beetaiindttereitiblisliiiisoll if the kind In the Interior of enasylvanla. it is owned 'by Mr. H. A. album, and mrperintended by the celebrated eselptor, Mr. 0. 1. Listillg. of N. l' Mr. Ltiklig Mil for many yrare elepsted in one of the beat establiehmeats he the city of ?few Verb, where be gained an, en ylaltie reputation as a s• ehatijo of the kst ember ilrlthave cowhand sod for sale nearly flealandred timmtlflettleitigentuf MIMI and Four ATONNB, carted In the tuts* style of the art, together with Frage! Coushea, Weenie Tombs,Monuments, Spires , Calved Lambs as large as lifemut turetgeteif— - v. me dlietasisAleo, silt null exeouted by Mr. Linsigg. Perron e ri l s, soniuthing rare and hunt to mark rho mirling place of their departed f would sate irioiiil by smiling their circler s by er of my squint lb. wilt miss every few days theeugh ail the prilwipsi townie and valleys in Centre, Mateo, and Lroomlar ouuntien and have their work etweerted lif tins amid-renowned and Nutty esdebeisted artist. L,,, , We bidess redwood ow, prima m Ibis date. and will onielresto HO 25 yer oept below t reptlar selling priors of any estiblWationt in 114. , r.lo. Mllcaburg, or Learhitwerw, and dnirier IL, 11 , 4 k tree of charge to any Omit desired. it A °LIMON . ==M=:=l Sam'l A moneinvillwr, Ww jr 11411 .11V illy, Marim Jimmy r, jr, iloirser'fiMlTl.'li. marl B"winhurg. atrl2-Iy• VREEPOST -a- T lll, flaw - signed *mild _rcepoutttal 11111i0 .1 to It tO tll , l friend' and the publio oreerally thei. he has built a largo and coutanudioturneltflitree-stoty Brick Howe, on Gideon Kg... 1111 .A,A 1 6%1AMP p C amt - ltecklmillirtrreirlieer -- length of the jpepot, to FIiERPORT, STRVitNSON otsilifft, ;LLINois Tide building has !mew .Meted espyreely for tintmeo. pod wooording to they limier der mow .10 glint and appeared heeelleih Prlarthetn part of the Butte, he feels swelldent 040 116* well bettor calculated for waselket *rut cogivoriepoe tbeo eh/ other in the county He het alao furni.hld 11 1 "' the very beet manner with entirely new NI LI Hit, oparitig nen., [Mills nor met to MOM' It nnfont able and agreeable to those faruileg•blta with their oueloni 11 3 ••n ,t at It:Male h; nat.]. 4 tit it ,no h• exoelle,ll try any 110%141, to tbir st , torn. I C Lopes to atielijj tartar antreuatom of 11, r/1114 ie Per.,, a ria,rin q the CU f Friatorri on t o ,y a rto Atri,4ate, n 111 find tho " Pree,, , rt ii.Loirange" and ehearful atop, 11,g arMitol , , I.OMt, Proprietor. trielf 401 Galena at , Pirtraort, filinnot ENNEITLVABIA. HOTEL, P. W. COR .I. N lbe Llano, .I.lalisfunte l;eultu Uo 1'..-'T hu large acid onneettenity hammed hot o 11.itting been eufrpletely remadilled, ri ,o ntouro‘ed, Pal HOW opened for the p areeti:Fal a I toe the ' , labile The m ', tv W of it. rearet4 tint bb fsaeade lad , public teat ho h,s *pared nestba4 paint nor experts% to ',l.', it ■ .IrottAle retreat to ail oho Inky Gil or him 1%01 OS/ I. MI he la cleterwlnc4l to do all Jo MI e,tr r to promote their comfort and otiortmlenea lithrTable qul alwaSt be "applied art 11 tht Lot that the eoantry Will afford, tt The liatiwkattilaiss welt youttilated 11W ihwhistmliWwweetwi with welahliihment Mir rfM 41 bat, and la asap o r igamfill 11.1• rotedoarod hratters. lie oleo alienated dm& for tbetiago of carrier* aspd beaten. Stara ais artivias sad Ibity Iri*sot b AO- bo tto sire ening gedhalfastiaa to time ilweafr „ .e TKOS. ii;nr-st • , Pa Wet llo- OFOLt-ti NCO V Ivp OFfir 8 11i BRI,LtJFONTE AND LEWISToW N. This line has been placed on the r)144. f rthe ~purpusa of aeonoonnalating the travelling public, anti no e ff ort will be lipued to reader it bath enne• niont and espoditioas. The stegee will leave C.O - hotel, Iletielbene, *rag setting at 1 u'uluet, and arrive at Lewistown la thaelbr the Esstcrii and Western Oahu. Frog) Letrintown they will start ea as to aeocmteodsbe treireilere to this rrip.), , The errangeenente along the toad win be of tl, h 4 it deeeripilas. enteral nod expirvieseeed. drivers urn erted, the beet Conchae beet and nothing leftu moo whieh will lecture the etellidenoe and ra• image of the pablie. Jeri R. D. DIJMNIA4B A Co • VIORTINIRS R AP OIUXICIVY EITORg -7tiratatal fur go ao bv ittncetl upon blur by a sway , Omni unity •OI hopett sums enteadoa basibealk to "P I continue to tai t-nocappeabatkoakka aporodelirl N , rum lateltfeayba euateaserv, and the 11414"414(tatbat rji trapirod to (orbit tt em, ab{ is wel eats eviabaveiry variety or • GROCEttisl3 be galled 'Air. Pet3oll4 wishing to erroataxdaa Orem aim eine Wen then Ortnevies of mo o in I am detervaLO4 d to jive nor , tration to alt s . . "" 27 W 104491 PRUNER - • HARMARX— A genand allortimeso of ifartbwo anCrable Cutlery for age by fatal!' J.ll. Olt 4 Oq , nollev",fr A .8.,,k f ., ...ft • I.A. a • lairpk PaaMICE TAKEN .RAMnixohaugt (kir roar foe whinli the highvA market price will td pstd.4Also, Ave tons of l'olk hil{h~•d -w~ntmi By, *ta ' • J, IP. AWL A Co UM, RAISINS. ''• 11 4,o o4 l ittecebrvd and for t , ) ,, no-21' P,IIC:s LP.