Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 23, 1856, Image 3

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    'eatithern pat wheFat,ed - - by and de.'
Wired the p ' iplea of the Revolution, 1
r e----
, becheen left t tbo Present day to find, oqt
I , t h g it all these Men n ere either dupes or`Jiy
freerites„ and it has boon loft to those who,
i.'Wenild endeavor to Carry, out theto evil min
.rciplea to asinine that they clone are eft
titled to the heritage of freedom! [At ,
p l e ase.) Wet Savo our choice hatiyeen a I.
lationlwith the shivehohleis nod a dissolution
of the Union. '.Clint Ili the rpirattoni presen
ted, and upon..that-1 think there cap be no
r omonable-doubt how we are to decide.
A Voice—For the 'Union, •
° Yea, the Union forever ! 1314 fOlow-citi.
y e ns, semi* bat 'wet:O . ' tomior
row Alesolvg, and, let ti iniagine that a
freeople would disety.e. the .Ihnon ; now - I
ask for W h at purpo i ro ich a scheme would
beeoeineriphttti Illatid 0 athil i p foot of
rot t at Is a Slavc!'territory o turned
into a free teTritnil? (Cries of
r lio, No.) .
Puy roan Who litilowa the position of this
country wilt' lutsneet -in the negative. I
come, fellow-citizonn; frOtti a 'free State like
your Own ; I never owned nor do, I ever ex
pect to own a Slave ; but three are num bet•
tor than I tint, and as good till any that are
around me, who conscientiously ImMthem,
It 114 ',kirk to attack the ItiOtiVt% of a whole
community . , when tlelt..
crinifrinnity is one of
the moat until and minted pot tions of the.iu
habited- *wide _( Applause.) i'i Ind de the
South ask I 'l'o he let almie. MIL we have
certain agpiNints for public poWer nod place
who will hot learn the child's tdeVtgitb e,t)m
mandrwent, which is, ~ ftlitid yt,ur owei hu
s:nt as." (Lmighter.), , •
I have via'clual thepreipross of Aboli
thiniarn. It began in Iho 'mother cottittry
with the passe** in 104;ef•LbsiVitherforq•
act. It troutrinisinted iwthet eel Ithorrhoorl of
Bestial, nid infected Iliel':tio O' Wlto welt
in° l 6 # I LAP. P4Ib Piljft,OVAi * ,, UN,' than: ,Co
estirpolositwany. I uto,ntO r tnian lt.) /minuet]
the toOtiorairer e. 4 faboiitiosa..santli &period
party, ttlOtalt liwyrieWhiwierrt' , .talith °pin
tos, anatiii atlntil Ititilt - ~ ' Ibose'
whwcilko4.4o . 4oiliptihuth‘ii 0 . & If:
lip fixrei
but I ilraW a vi ille dillies
imitlia - '',..
Now, if this *, lispirlitioair , -honest
as they - fogy he in their view's, Were to go to
the (monde& Of eldrand religious liberty in
Europe,if Shay were to iadiJet the Premier
of Itngland, Lord Palmerston, he would tell
them to do just n lint they are doing. ,
Fellow-citizens, I nm trot going. to put my
self in the position of LII , We 11:10 11,10 . 0 lots
and prophesy its to the result of the election;
but one tlitug I mny to you, have no bur of
the State of l'entet IN.tion. (Three (+ruts
for Pennsylvania ) W e con Nut them, only
divided they de 11 , 11 , ( I .lVa e the troott st ; bail
you will have ample opportunity alums lug
the result at the Stele eters ton lllttill . 11l etitiii
Tuesday in October. 'l'ben will Isr told y ou
whet Pennsylvstuia_ will do.. (Applanbe.)
There is not a nook nor a cornet that does
not present same intelligent, upright Ilia
Lie ,Whig. "rho follows IVel,ster, Clay,
Sargent, and the noble Pangs tt I t o have sur
vived the dirienilers of the {Joust itution of the
country secured by them. (Applause.) You
need not brio amy fear roped ning Penn
sylvania. She o ill do her ditty, not bet nose.
Mr. Buchanan is hie fuYorite son, (three
eltteara foe Buchanan and Ilreekiiiritige,) but
beaming@ Itho in the, Keyr.tone State of the
Union ; because the 1 teeleirat ion of Ind( 'ren
itence ass prnetn'tni.ll...nn_lic.x.._WlLsiiil. b
cause the tonstitution of the 'country was
adopted in the stunt manner. She ha, al
ways gone to the resent! Win n the country
was in danger anti she will not be wanting
now. .
This in no the 'into to cuter into any ar
gument wpm the subjects now before the
enunts7. I' Shall not detain you, because
other gettlenicti arc to follow tue upon thin
subjec' , and will engtvms your attention more
profitably limo 1 txpeet to do. (Crivsel go
on, go on ^b
What in
we are told that in contain( ,1 in the IVilmot
Proviso h Can It be placed in a county by
nation whiefi'does not enjoy the advait=
taloa orithils? froposailble. The Wilmot
Prtrriao rrceivell ,ita Wimp when the lib' , "
ILOUri 00inprOrdife with 0,(1101:11, but it re-
Vein' 1 . 44 , - (std arid mortal stab
whoa; is the -territorial organisation of Utah
anti...l4err Mexico, the pro( ision watt emboli
jel in if tiiiicitch State or Territory, ha,l a
ItL=tertain poltbit slavei y lust
nii ty
of tile tretmen (leerttd. And
VAsemeratiorted the nit-ton - ire I ,)Lorry Clay,
NOW' Webster and 'Millard n,
made Preildeitt of the l tilted Sol kn. And
now WO are told that it in of no avail o hat
ever, sad that no new territoi y ss to be in
troduced that rtn:ognizen slit% ry within its
boundaries, althot.gli the people may wi,li
to have it annextil to the- Filion. Awl by
What rule is it &bat a corn law gov. !mpg l r
vital is to bit toddy i tot this rimy be done
in California tAbmorrotv. What, thon, Cu
srereot new Stibills front pos , tosAing the sato,.
prirthara u old noel. that vrtootphi•
called'tsgnatter+vrere pity . ' nothing more
than a mama in the voii-e ui tiu• people. Tie
majority of the people nanction Kiev ery tt hen
ever they please, anti reject it wheinvei
the please,. The Union and the 'nation
are placed to day !Ton the -- sameplat
form, with ilii game trtrtlr, wdla The Maw.
(toiletry, rith the vim.: immortal principles
entertained by t h e ruttier, of the Itcrohi
howl (Great, apple ili,e.}
I willamtAmoutay tit-M, (If you' taut.. Permit
me to oongratilla Ll' yon upon tint( most au
spiciotis (-annoy to ytitt that firm
es auk hither 14 ip our success in Ilovehiber
'next, we want to sueeeed,, and v( bU Succece
with tong polt; - a strung pull, alai Ipa
flakTi , , , • Orie"
1 1 40 Men mitt. t oi,filt : 44,
" Ihr - Marry of Ots :
**B . 4ltlikap .vritiA tiewOgrition,
sad With every atm.rectum Prielitterit.
Titres olieerg wort, then wren for Mr
Randall ikntl for l'ennuyivnloa,
SProuittliw APPEAL * : Thut deei
joung, the MilArmstypritit, has etcr
*Mato.* prOttittottitel mutest with its
. ii . . l ol iii 111114spiret, seta, nett stielsty. •Alktufieg
to thrittiitiiiitie Tiltitrtiriii, it says :
" There is not a, phinit in that platf orm
whrth wottld 'not have'r,eceived the sanction
dilutititOtt Le heartily as it, floes that of that
?Malvin. prat men of his glorious era, con
rownisiunong whom is the Dem....rattle can
da hltpaaltanit the foterati ti lend anti con it
sailor or the ail liero,General Cass. The spec
tacled oath mow. Itioing into the (tattle for
the prinelpimi of their ißtotrintiaCltillffik 6lllll
telMlNGlMliiblrifikett any enliveitin4 cm
interest and. etyutpathy ill the lniuodts
Orlin bite lowers of their eettlidcy. TO the
_young inep_of thissenerotion tins simple fart
'is of special mtnnont. It conveys to them
the marline° tbat.notw i distending the vitt
and reckless assaults upon am itutiottat
liberty ramie by evethmalietti alit nail 5,
the principles inherited from tittll sties of
Democracy are yet flying and activ4; that
.thoipc.kripciples have he this (lay li n int",
kd and are moving With 11:B C: 6f
.activi4 which will hot permit limitld tic
et *OM by the niik.ts,of local prejildieb.
" To taarfrietttitroveeywlwrowe w
tolittite armor of our find. and irlarilb
with seal inti ahtcrity to battle. Our coma
"igitlAltr—let 'our union be perfccf."
A ~BANG , I,oAl).—The SpringfiNg Aniet
teen run up the Fremont flag on the 2,1
...,_,!a - Vc(l the next day,
__,,, _1
• attyllemsFrs °Musk Titit‘t (snots
Tits Tun OF' WAA.- , -4hlikeSpeare once declar
ed that the - I , l*h ae Well as. the water had
bubbles, and &at tho air cisatill'ecllsestitibal
spirits whoga -breath woulillutect a district.
liadthe i'Minoftit bard Eared ifilt4WaY:lie
woultt hallo curbed his inspiration andlsitind
in reality 'what ho then.couceived iii fitticki
he Would have found in a village calmly re
posing 'among the immittaindiof centralresm
' sylvswia putrid instead df perturbed spirits,
while Oa bubbles which,he evils water the
credit of creatin would • hare, moved his
cachinsttery Scnifathies beyond the control
indfilgetwe. We prdduce hero a berttirbeq
spirit tis 'Olin:ming as nature possibly ean be;
pugilistic spirit, sentimental by education,
innately cowardly and hypocritically meant
he is seen as a brassier on the street corner,
it lounger in a tape shop, and a debater in a
pill-manufactory; his learning in the law
lends him itnpinichce to aspire to the edito
rial chair, and gathering his dignified robes
arottnd his gaunt frame, he leaveS tlt6 lose
MilltlteAtilltlttlif'a free love lodge to play
the Roman gladiator in a Know-Nothing
t' hhedrim. "Wo, the editor" nut satisfied
with the blood and -laurels he gathered, is
an encounter which has untric,tlie Ares& as
iefele ated as Chew's IfoUse, and burning
wish a itobert Mtwaire ardor, to toast n friend
‘43 co,,r,y, selected a Know-Nothin'g
lodge as the; sellono of his second encounter.,
*singe as it spay appear too, his. antagopist.
was a limb of the tsw a and strange'fiacolvici
deuce.wy appear, his triumph-Imi lingte‘i
prodtleti‘t.orgiory to tiintself or itt.tory.. ) to
rile `slitiny. lie usadlarge words, or:slowest
"PTEAte, Ifs:fret:lll ' 0 1 1 .
Juin] linox anti the inartyra, quoted Miss
Leslie -on apple flamplinge, and with the
threatening air which lie liorroWs from
Ilenier's Mind; invited his leg:life:red to
ir dispute Ity - n ti ial of pelt:mini
rittengtl . It etas the friend of .the coon
skilinipg Fremont against the friend of the
Filmnre. It wan the nigger worship
pu nted with t he Our of thu'African race
agiinst the thuelest ntountedtank, but thanks
to the regulations of the lodge, and the fears
as welbas the dignity of its Members, the two
glaring combat tants were compelled to Ha
lle then dispideii like the Fretwli king and
hip army, by mai.hing up hill and then
marching down again.
The rt ailr will again excuse our indul
gence in hadmago while riforing to " we,
the editor" of the free love organ. Wu can
sear( y make him loom notorious than his
Past deeds Lute made him. and those who
have supportudehmi, , and sustained his mas
,ter, the pubhsin r of the free line organ,
can best answer as to Lie COllllllCt nt a_late
meeting of a kniin : Ni.ithing lodge in this
lorongh. They hail an evidence of the fact
that an ass trained to knavery knows nll ,
limit in mischief, amd now a hetibtoo late,
they rigret the wounds of a serpent allow
fangs they first sharpened by thiftfly and
fed by eharity. „ Is there an lamest. man •in
the lodge who dire' deli) Ow trig,' or the
thi:se paragraphs ?
---4290 , 4sttair-AvtamerwrasAviiircerrat
invite the attention of the read n an
advertott meet in another caltnint proposing
to distt ihute a large number of premiums at
a Fair to txt held in this - county this fall.
The interest which the subject of agrioul
lure is daily receiving and the great tm
provuucnts ILL.Sed in this pursuit begin to
make it a matter of Importable rivalry
among the fariml s_of_allotzta_of 111101111C~
eutro county is not willing to be tx tied in
this rk airy. She possesses a soil ',hissed
tt ith every natural advantage nndn sturdy la
but mg population, with arc emulous to do.
•lope its richness, and by honest toil add
to i ts. Strt ngth. We hope to see this exhi
bition fully and extensively patronised.
dodging from the character of those who
have the enterprise in hand, no can safely
recommend it our friends in this county, anti
as fret ly invite ns thany of those who are
iu agi icultural pursuits in neighboring
aunties. As soon ntr't he Committee have
lived upon the day and place of holding the
Fmr, our readers shall be informed.
Onit.—Oit Sunday . fivetiLuir Itukt,tt..
ea', discovered in the stage stable attached
to the flonito but hmlitnatelY
Mimes w et, extinguished 'Without making
tauch progresS. 'l'tc origin of the lire it;
to those engaged in nod around
the .wt able. flail tlus Ilre 'not been tliseor
erect in' time, or had taken placeilsite all
the iltstruetion 'of property . wtniiti
IntNe eertainly Leon inetmuite., while hfe amt:
'et would to - r 4. 1 ,1.440 •40•4"1104.--094141;'''''
[COVV.III(' , ATEI), 1
litsgla..Sa 41
ivath tkiio.l-1•44.4t- their :tielgir 'Otte° at 9
Andrtni. , Gregg vrtia
appointed Chief Marshall, and under his
command, tho, mentliers ef , ..the ;wheel, se•
cenipaniisi by a largo number of citizens,
formed in precession and,lnarched , With
hauorrs waving, tea beautify grove, *llia
had Ceen prepared fur the eeiziakm, Tlw
meeting, was organized by sleeting Mr, J. (I,
Johnson, President ; iklessrs. James Darn.:
smut anti Wm. Francis, Vice I esidents, and"
P' C Johnson, Secretary. The exercises
were emnineneed with prayer, by Rov. It.
Lowell, who ,addressed the' Throne of
Grace in an atipropriate nuinner. gong Ly
thb school--" My_..Matberld ,Rible.", Rev.
11. Lowell then addressed ..the Sabbath
Scheer, dwelling on the importatica.ofpural
culture and the houellcial results ot Sab
bath Schools. Mr. John *lanais, an
and venerable citizen, was then aninintreetl
as the reader of the Declaration of Inde
peudenciz. Ile arose rind prefactd -the re
markable doctruient.he nag about to read,
with come very suitable remarks, which
were listened to with interest and atten
tion. Ile then read the Charter of our
Preildom inn very master& Manner., Song
. 'by the'saltool---,“ My country ,'tie of 'thee."'
Dining the' r foregeing exercises the ladisw
. ,
yal i/P 104441 elaaPiliollB Ntast cu l ls very
it:I4AR) , tittle to :the grove, to which the in 4 ritetion of 'the ehior,,
shell, rep!Oret,t; and did amide justice ;
which one hour of rceralrt on. Att,el;ijoyed
tiromencffing irr the grino;'''.sourercotog an:
The meeting was again called to order :by
tJ Ppaßident, and!. C. Mitchell Esq. was an
nuanced as 'the Bi-ator of thi3,day , :, He Wok
the stall(' and delivered an able address.
`Jong by, the school—" Let every heart re
joice and sing." On Motion it was
Resolved Tliat the 'pub:
fished' in tile comity papers. A collection
'was then imulc for the purpose of defraying
tho expenses of the (lay ; after which the
meeting adjolrned, nod all repaired in their
respective homes:feeling setistied that= the
eightieth anniversary of American ntlepen
dencti" had bquii well HpO)La.
The following letter from Mr. Buchanan
wag received brae Invitation (.19nurniAttu of
the Tammany Society of New' 'York, mid
read at the celebration ow tho 4th ingt.
Witn,v4toin, near Lanctister,Ti.
July 2, l 851).
CKSTGEMI:N have been honored by the
receipt of your imitation; in behalf of the
Taupttny Society, to Attend the celebration
of the approaching anuivitrsary of our Na
fibula Independence nt .Tainany
Would %hitt it were in my power to be pre
knit on this great occasion I should, in
deed, eniemn it a high privilege. A t a period
when the National Democratic party of 'Me
country_ aro everywhere rallying , to defend
tho eimStittithm and the Union veinal. the
sectional party who V 0014 ontlaolift eeil of
our sister States Front the conferltirriry, it
must cheer the heart, of, every,. patriot to
knew that the Dontu'rtle•Y Of UM' ,Empiee
.Stittr, I ; ol4. tWa .etlited ,rolUittn, arb
Mg to the retniae, 414Atiog upon our
that " rant grievances are to ho 'buried in
exerilmotfitl'ilbAlitlive," they must
' prove
kntinOthi!, Most. gdadly wnuht I be 'ant
2 , 40 1 1 this ;.ti v ietut,, d'ay t and aln4rely . dd
II r!,Y1,001114, trust jM impnathle,
ithotentiments AfAtighlerepect, rentaii
your ' •
JA 10):3 Pbr(NlANA'ip.
rii!W Otrelf r liirann o T,tirmoti f r r t e,
to c rol9 kit tiGrttn Ly tit.
rotrrol tn. • Wtir?itoleft not to WAIT, ~ r injitro tilt
skin 1.11,, sl.lltpet Poch ag,.. or Oil eo for $?
Soot 1,, no) patl, of could ty, by toalLou ur A l ot
01 a mattakocki Addt, y 9 t•lvEat4l a .1, Co , On,
739 Pont 4 'flier, Wittryblnil 4
M T/itle q f`oNTilotd,E'n n Ctov-
UuMnrn Of All the tailors ills that,' tlelraut Irnnt
dfn , unj.,yinunt Of human 111 . 1., most or them luny he
trnertl to a tlisortirred eatolititni of lire tiro ens eyx
le n. Thehenots or Einhvy, m•lohll,ng
urine in in,t tlyea rioin thin cruise o,ir rendot+
tr Iy1111111`,111.14, , .11.1•111,,1111111:..11V140., I,` hate
alluded lb tits vimidetfut e till c, ~r
Fite, in title hy :tiro Eriroo Erilook
”orouteil lit,d vropoir,l Ly /1r P 4,/,
Itturrrrif Inl Itiirtnioro Srrom, 71.0.h0ue. 1114
NVo r.:or Ion) that little I'lll4 hole C,utd
twine nr the nneri ri. ro of I:pflo . p.ry,
3 , 611 for Illy wilder rain 4 of Fit., ruck as ....ft ,
(1111111 H. Splt•lrl,. All, Wit Tarr rerun! tll.l
4hp,e, 1,,,,,f19 will find them, Pill 4 equally rilirm,i"as
in enting eery ('tin innt •
ter whether ninnifeeled in Ow funds awl rue, unl
cling form of Neuralgia, ' fir-Dolorenx o, Ner,nus,
Ilkooloohe, the misery of Il)epersia or [milt., eliqn,
lhe in flerlr,A or Itheono,ll,,, fir thmt, th., metro,
eholy npnity or hyfitt t is
their clients will lig c rally happy mill certain
Person. in the Vnuntry can write'to tiro Inventor,
and hat e the tut Illeine fin,Arrled to them lty mail
The priced adv.. Lee Lux. ; twu husua, 4,.-twulru-
Ileter 'l2l, and sent In any tr Wit the ffnintry,ft,,
fvoooge, chonwinie•lll n t; 111
S. 110, tt, Wet, 1111titn,d,,
7,) D
In thil Ar0n,..;11. on dm 1 lid) in,' Lnl, NI.
1.:U.1/151'1A, ha thq 4Uth )woo of bur ii4e.
Anothetregott re:tido:it Jim At the to till tiro oat,
lo4no ~i i.hi 111,, and -.roll tho Ingrobi .4" 11„.3011111444.,
ally for tho 1,:, of lit.: who iyr•l 0 l!!t,y9 i;, ti,, , j,
midst IL3r in my yol.N. In a low trapik4 tlit '3 hay"
heat Lakban bourn vault:a tvitituiu iitalt-Irst• 3 l'itrttit
- licil - e : ntre criThrity—attuto ratraßlitiPertltalintraii in
hUMIIII,II, 1.0,n, :t.ll in thy MN 1,/ Clink, and honortd
with tho fort , id air t., ,on at tho hoard: whit tho;
illun;inated with lore, virtue, 9.1 Itoty Id,
Caldwell atm horn in tlitt county. and Prontt not or
her years in this plot of l'onn4yl yenta lint a low
Jaya horuir4 her loath hair main:try o Irritoill r hark
:vividly to the °ally ntrugAle9 of 00 pneflt.t r, and
with an iatrlltroan, nn initial in one ..., old, chi re.
taineiralrrin,t up to rho Inn •of her , loalh, a ,rroot
recollolthi 4 dldliod nail trans •t i ~,. Ailtalt -art.
rm , rognr.lll as histori,al Sito lit od to a ripo old
ago to onj ii the fruition ll' 11,v,•11- ,, ,,,it life Sod,
doll ms was hot auqtti, alto mot it 041mly ma r •ni,
r0.i,,,,,mti,,,,, end, ,da.„..01, mingling but litdo in
the all'ul.o of Itfc and 4 utiety, Rho Was followed to
the gran° by mourning rebut Ins and regret) Jag
t fonds, To liana. for nwhile at tho grab o of the
aged ix morn, than a solemn duly—it it 1,,10mn be
fall:10 Ws learn a inglon, and Iced n 'WIN beyond It,
proatron Whoa the young and rho beau I lead Alto
wu rains theta only looattiv tiny wore yam rig and
beautiful, hut whoa tho ago d to• don o t. , alutnhor
ill Idol arias of doath, w, r,•.1 ii.t.iy h.,1,1, . iii,'
history le lioishill, and. that a pilgrim ha, ternn
mil ed an runt fat striurgle W. niteo the aged
111,11,1 than the beautiful- -we miss thent'rir the i ute
" I " Wrir. 411t"}"”1 th. - Ir illnpillly ultti their o-r
-tine., arid I tof all, 00 !Mad OlUla hennagn artOoel
them olustor till. intent alfmtiomi and our Man
- Tn"VrWn -- , - - nr4 lifl'ific itiOic4.l" *rig', idaTtiliTfitit
I.e had a duty tlldni,,,inid Pgretoniod that duty at•
wont np to tilt, lhar hr her death • *
," Take Notice, that the Books and
A.:O 1;111S UANU i. LI PRUNERtwin 1104.11
pleeed in my Immli ror 41111001. M, th 1,41
thinneelvee inital,leel will nave money by el.1111w;
.ami (1.1.411t11AM
Ilcllerontr, duly 9,11-04-3 t
- -_
ilr:Batat4of ,rohp ilooluxuau, deo'd. - -
No um, helphv given that a. noltlrtment, 44 the
Vitteir • wentatltt ttt Y.n ilheettrittirtertetr
ET , IIII, on the Htb they of August-smut, at which
plaro all per Ann interaatoti oreporlagulatly re
q enlect , to attenti. JOBENI fSITAPF :11,.
Otl ' einthiiiet of s lohn Iloolvoutry deed
.11414,411 Atutiter amounted hy, the Curd. of C&111111 , 111
Plead of Ceuta o comity, to distribute Chofuwld in
the ho do of the. ShorilT, - ttrining from the vole cif
lb.; root ,attit• ~t .1 .1 J Ituttale, boo appoiuted
'burotloy, the Jlit 11,,y of July noct, ottond
that . lint i f YI 11 I.ll,Altt.
Aiditors Notice. -- The undersigned
Aodttur oppinignl by tbo Cent of Cu umu,, ,'looto
of Centre county, to tholrihuto Cm 10044 fu iho
hallitti of the tthortlf, atioln,t 111 , 11, 1 1e , to l the
Mgrillrglear_ , inersoecamstimity
.11tat rd or,tiotippit nail, to al,tocol to that duty,
' if:
47 - 13ank NetioeTiso., Aissibitsjgned,
rotitons of 11,31110 county, Intend, to wan neptlon.
Lion notnreent. I.eginfoture 111 At& iletiontonweelt h
for .to incorporotion of It .I.larattor Aso°. tirisonuot
and-derail . , to be located et Rollefrottn, in the
onwAy oforentlcl, to ho eoiled.o2llo
Mininfoetarere' Both" of Couto., County, walk
alpha. of Two Unwire \I Thoteettol Dollort.
„pm sobsre,., Simnel Linn,
001 Insip .1 0011 11 1 1 A. UWIE:MVPS*,
til.,llrgo Bead I Metre rfioniortiOn,
A. S. Velontino, I J. dl. MeCoy,
rd n,2rriu, jr , • 11. Itrockorhotf,
R 'Mouton, it-hottoer Wadttic,
0.. A. sluallna, 11 11r4. t .l
• nlo 11ray,
,Tohn 111iland, , John lirehel,
..1 1 Inteenri — aeorfro' Votontine,'
Ptior'3'iltalop Y Joe. Hatton, • ,
' Stirtl B.ll44llrei', 4 ' Plenum(' Btretetter,
13t-1;.., Jelin Porttor, -
30010 n,' John P. Pnekoft,
- 341111', 'foyer, thomot Hughes,'
jet26-151tt Jacob litrublo•
' 1 4 1 GOT s r
1-4'6/ l it/Vl* AB'''
lir &Mama of
• ,0- • r.
WhiohNlll4o Wahl olua a
. 4 . • ,
*SPORTSD aSSI,T Poe RinG 10.41716
• • 1/SIS, a r,' . oca.txhtli
)11i F., July 22
Wheat Floor, 2940 to #o,2o;lnlatal.
Wheat, eras sl p 2o pat
Ityo, 95 to 53 coals per butthah •
Oats, searou at BO to 31 cents.
Butter, 120 °out, per pound. •
Rue, 10 naltgpas dor, en
PI(/1 , .fDIil,Yl TA ,MARKET.
21, . -
Thera In a fair inquhy for ThriStu but ut, b.
priori below fl,. r 10114 of 1 14 h1 1 11 11 PSOl er " rl .r. Fl ^ qt
has boon 41,a4taiihihrfrf sitolos4loo,:katalitzil
batter Itranita, iuoicnl f rook round, s 1.1 un
urilny evening, at oar lowest, furs", and iiittns at
48,75:405, au to brands; nevatt tho •likt4ir 114(0
Ht4wte and reeeinls canlinne light, awl the 4pauLud
fortoine consumption is inellerate within 010,Tange
of gin,2l to 511,21 for cogignon In 11114:
Nutty Itran6 ltyo Flour is rolMle an tit
$3,75 , Kr , 1yb1. Corn Meal in nl o u 'area, n o t n gale
frenli ground Poont)leania MOM rvna litado at $3,-
I per hitt-90mq
„ tondo, /114(,4001 . 0. •
Thorn in MOT, Wilt N i. ofrorillK to•day, e, ,tl4 picots
have reunited 6a7 natal; Ter gales wore
made, In lots, at $t 511nt 53 for fair lo);o 04 11 4, ‘011
ern leda 3 Afloat, sums 10111 of ohl
POlMAylVtiOlit 111 gl 150 TO in ate, Pr nu
Solitheimor,hito was othurot at $1 flint 05, with at
toiloiroo any etitoot Ity.. iv dull, with r niall colt..
, ... .._
at Oj 173 ePili A fur Prtin
oqyl van.., buynit Lot.a, I.
ihn. 7:ernlwin 11,,,1e1nt0 rotitv. , !, wittebitt lit l
IV -1 F
, Oreling, mid 0 / 0 0 t0.1 nt CUIOI 00
A salauf #uulhol n Is rviiiirtotl ut a pilau au! pull.
of otitis tho reiiviettt awl 14408 ere hill, mil "Firm
lirotight• 10 re tt,
ri.• Vet of•Pionitufos to IA; mulled,
at the r 11.6
C !'.(l 1•: cc) At UXL TUR.At,
gilt'IETY, to be hula the evauiug Iffy*
and Owe to 10.1 fixed al the 4kugmit G . . The ,
SoMety, from A delure turratabllstr tho tatieri °o
da, most (iloe nal blixia, • apitaals to etu 104ehod-.
alatv a itbia rall,rwithuyE rsgprd tacos rirms, to
la In aid 01 tia, objarir'nf th 04601110 u
-the yrneyel,ioa of rtgrieulture. The Ft 'ati offer;
lb. , aidetat field for ,01111 , 01111.111, filar 111 • 111 to
1101111 corisrlfltattm nirrit tipva the coot , tityri Lc
IIII•11111..1 Itt.l cr rnunl they 111 I)
1,1110 r• - •
$114,14 r [loft se ;oil Ily,Krrltg
./,/,/ •,, r 11011.11, liotter, •lar 511111.1,,
, Job. Alextril•lio,3llle4Mrg ..
joha lb.-, Jtreeh 310 a Cr, Ifni,
Beat Bu ds yams old m u d apaerde - *4 00
1 4 .,•••:1.1 110 3 Oil ,
tirbt Coty it, 1111 u t AO
ond do do - • 1 PO
Itt st llnll but wocii J 11101 ) 4 1.110-0d :t
8,40,.1 t4r ' do n a 111)
11.0 d 11, rf••r .10 , In :}ioll
2 oil
11..,t 11,111 botrnerni 4-** 4-2-y.44 -Lad
ito,r.rrh, drr 100
11,1 'hill nit / 101
do ' 2 00
do I 00
- -'r hordn*ll (Awn, Whllker; WUlinn rward,
rldlw.l; ich rigt , Plittor ; "limb Fidiborn,
ttenm•r; 1111* Ad:teori,
Ilvit 1101 .1 ) I/111 nud upward.
819.111111 Ili) ,11,0
110 CO V, 110 110
nott ll,•ifrr CO(
Sc, owl it..
2 , 1 00
4 00
8 00
3 00
2 00
3 00
2 00
2 Orr
Ile.t Loto.con 2 niol .; year, old
P•romi do do
Bee: WI do I ntdi 3 do
luuu C.Alt_-
Ner,,nd do
11,0 Iklll.r
i between 2 :Intl 3 yearll
.. Ault lt I ~TI au, I uri,nutlNT•l
r!" , l t Th'if , r o.llr /
1 ' .11,1-e , i'Vui Mark, 11, Ikit
kny , %ham, lidli
u•I I" do
lottal. 4 4 1.0. -Shoo , HAM*. t !tows (Irtmg , C Uatv,
-'•" -
Ilurrin, 14,%1.1 litillur, 'lemma. J r •
N \TI VII;It 'nn itllklhell. .
I ne 111 113,11e/.11 ri11 , 41 ' fr 44.)
I, , kylill Itisll4, li rem; John 11 rdif‘livil, , r Ikt 1 r '
lion, ItolArt 11011ttr, Leetintr; 1/.1 , 1 Frni lll , 1 1,, L. , (•,',11.,":‘,i,4,;" 2. 00
' 1 110
14411.19„: dnil . p 15311.. y, l'org•neAo •
~ „ i Ik, 11.0:,0c . ' 1 110
rh.a turf .r3,4lri,Veltrol nilwardll
v. " I 1/i, 111111 yr 1 00
:144,4 ~„ I. 100 . . , 100
`0,..t 111,111,, !Ars". !awl 3 ),•:trs LlO. l 1 1 ) , 0 ,, . :I .: .l uz i t i l i l' P li i ) ,. .y ,lll . l,
I 00
Sreoud do
6 " -----7--. ' T ' l - IT. - entii - Pliintr , -- - - - ---"'- rim
De 51 1,,,,, 4. • I mud 2 4.12 . , V 011 T. r
~, Ilk> N0tt1.i.g..014,1,1410 1414 , 01)100 , 4 00,
tr2141"C46 - - • W.P.....440-' 49iiik A . 4 ,4 - A i .. j hr i m ,
2•l l li.t•Trn ~3{76.1nt - ' t
b... 1 ,1,0 1 00
4 00 1 In, c,ro, prupdier and Cutter 2OO
host Cos. o yr.ds ffsl.l 1105 twits •
1 11 , . 1 . ,11 PI. i. I 00
: 4 4Gtl , i
I. u/i
.10 • .{ I
.. • 1/0 11.4,0 Rake I INSI
liekt lit O'er bolv,” 2 old .1 1 0, •Iri 2 no,
I , , , • ~,,
. ~ i , P, 1,4 1 axon liaracu 200
I. 119
' D., 41i du er.ldle 100
1101 Ilyik r ly 1,, on I anti 2 )c.sISS 1 001
1 , ,, licopm 6,1- farm usu 200
8,•, , ,,,d do do 4 „ . 2 111 ,
11,-0.11,11, Coll , ~, . 1)4, tfor4o rII t 1 l i i
I i Jr„. ;-„,.. c.q .. u.ars .. _ __ . -
; 4 ,, wl, ',lt do 1 on
I I'll age of all the 'took 811 iiiisb Is 'yen to t tot
Judge., and 4t to p.illiepla:rly vial I Hut tho
• let age of ) ion". ' cattle he banded in.
- M mt.,' C,,,, 4
ji(A , R4 -A S Valentine, Fining; Atit i lrtw Hes
ter Batton , Adam llo:terniqn, rend; JI10• lide•
C'bin,"‘", Ma ton, Gel. Is Peters, Ditiort
IttAt Milk Cow after 1 towall how emleisg stl DO
doo ti do doo 3 WI
l'flot 3 ,1.:,1.:..1 to it, j•td.reil by the I I Ettmlaty of but.
ter- -1111; fl.trr lo I kept us grail nuly,lttiliag th,•
and for ten i lay a . e, 1 , 11, tit:rata.. Tom) of
trial, Roan thL 20th iiivr t P, oilier to thit first of 6...
bililr kiip'i, illt, for 011 4
I,,ii 11,, , F
ii r,twills i 01.. 41ILibit
~ ,ii if hatter at 11,, , I , ',,ir, ,f,•,e(l a n h, g th e
garn,l .1111 ii itAtestost of 111 , 411t.utilly e.wli day's
milk, and with tlie tn..: awl si.tniler4 slaking
Satobi, tor . ) rh.whr hi, 1., fur,,Nih.l 111.pei J. to
11. BE l Rltluvlil I
1f"olth1 , 1; 1 1 . ., I' it Cumin,up.ri.
.1 /./.,: 'W. Mll
,I. - , .11,,1/, Iti•Ill, I , lien 4 Witmer,
Trust',lTAClil Op IV , r, 1( i IMP off 7,' OK Cron
oily, :i 1 t.;,,,4 , Juhil .loon, 1 . , rgoo,n.
WoIEKING 1,>1 , .
11 , 4( 1 . 44 4c.11 . $1 00
Iket...idkg SUNS under 4 ye,rm . 3 (3I
-... Fiir C Irri.c.
IroSt„ (Slir fill &cern,
liaaCtltt Cow
Brat flit *traitor -- - ----- -• , - - `L - - e l i * n t °
I A iipli,ilit4 for pretuleantiaaii,fwHif4lititaktoowitw.
of Oh , itiatlnel of feeding, 'VA Joeles will gi,e
i0au11.41141 . itilvililon Lo the itnial4llo t./ternil jr t1X-
M11 , 11411 , 41 I
.. SP 'JP.
Ito4t I.`iftllht,rl , l Mili ti ill $2 00
Best lalliiin Aliilliiii not leFi Ulan 3 2OD
3N.P . - - Flay IV ouLatil Allis litubrAL a Wv01..0 , 0.
1. :A mptc ft 00
H1x, , ,0 I ....oat ' • .
Rcpt: prii al k". Wed - - WM. 1.0 414un ito •mtsbor ' I a
So. 40 1., .t. . I Mi 1.., ftwo hough+ - inll , in*. Ullatt4 I On
"11-1611-21j t i 1101=7.07§1 4 ..-.
' •I
: °l3
Boot Hu, k OO
4.1.3i11iel best. - , - , t, •':.,..,.',.„ 2OO
11010 pe.i. ~4 ilwox- -pat iegug 11111411. i• " 4°3'
NIVIOIIIi 1,11411. .1
ften/ peu of gun jowriii B - lei, J• l l ll 4 .o° 4 0.11
I l i 4,1,610. r
..,. ..' I{u..- do OD
he falluarigigg scale IP Tupiltill-hy thy nioinly for
tha • guallawn of lii illrhigpll; - 11PI di/Drnnii 1.10401,a
..f 1... 4 ‘,.. ,, k d ...100,4, 8111 0 ra1., , Li 1 noillri ' l l Tlei
with another timriliOr bred lung graph , ' lir c. 4 ii
till vain iii Imo. thorough-bled Whig-n . 1.40 lirmt
1111 sOI i. 11,,, .4•111 4 'lb dirorost-kin , le of nigurt.
proolnil Plinio, Pell.ll,lto In (i , ir • purity thig ail x-
I 0111 01 ' . 11,1.)11.ruligh hied eillurt•wriplod e bruett' pgjth
plait/ow thoioiiicli Li , a ob.) Pru 4, lvtl 'Kona le ruhpal
010011 naliil4 'llia illintpro ur, - lopg-woilloilupop
ilitlivltort - irowlea bio..iPii, iiiiddkniords 1 e r i iit.
turn of any iniparinil lihnol witipiiittivie ID lau;Pippoil,
p i n& grukes i
lin /NU.
4 , x ,i,,,,,,_if e0r y I. , iier,llltirlls; Jot. l' liaakor,
Ilowara: 1 111.1thow 114.1 U, RP*: 'l' 14, K mrp .,
11.4 uer ; Fruu. IM A Iv ,tuder, Putter.
I fast ~.., II o i , r I,)vaat $ 3 On
Sonolit tart 2 On
ilait limix (Ivor t. "vat _•
i 3 IL,
ewooli4l, 404 • 2 b,
Beat Boar over 6 wonder and under! V
- 11 041
Sveond4int 4., , 200
titine t llidnir otei 2 11yeall . • • 60
Seeroptheot . do 210
Dot lioyel year i - -3 00
80cond landiiiii , . 2 00
Heat New over monde; owl under I 1 300
Seenoid heat. do a 3
n 4 300
nest-lot Pine (not lesotion h) looter 10 , 0
, s l y
Seyond bent ' do doit; , r 2, 30
Olio ftweiroing list•lneheles Clo.ater i , ;r1141,1m,
herocater,, turd their gtlidee.l
' 4 4;1/;'•4•;
. . JToitans.
• •
/4104re••••••/0•0 tihiti‘ PWiter; . 1 ." 3, 146 1 , " Nitt,d
, . kali Altln'irriti, lIowaol; JP' , Th 6 0 4 111;
John 'Wolf, lloinet. ritollionlireavy dr_rtft)' , A , r 1 year* / • 116 00
Fee4o4Wll'.. l l 41.1 .. • - 00 r 'r ,
di I, it ° V 13t4111•24, Cmiu to 4 y ea' ;+ .
.: , ..1 ‘ .1....4 1 6 )0
1 Fislond oe* , ,4,, ,
Ile.n.iasralthlotAilw d'art ovor Lout . 0 ,.........1
kft•qoko, 1,444 . , i ?,. .. do r„ • 4
. " J 117 k
1 Peot fitallion &Ono F to 4 yoars
ricefaid, tt1it ..... , -Jo '., lO4
13094 ht alire over 4 33wa
•--'.: Ary 401
Bowen! peat,
~ .do '", '
,lorlo4:ipir lowitilq ' Ovar 4 yeati ..1.7 . ,•" .. 6' 00
pqo w, Ao do
'.1.1.04 bmod Nittredo do' - ' ..`"'" °",.. ' 4'oo
..oclood Ovt,,, 4, • , do • - • •t 7 -..,4 , 4 mr,
1 • -4 0114 -,. _ , . • ....,
.1 -11 est... '•.- ~ • lionea . a . • - 400
Secolull b, t tht , - ' w ,-,- 3 {IQ
BetitiSiutalfgrrligibjt4iio,or %Oiling . . ,:$ 00
1.1,ed. pdir of niatt .tionoo - ~A..k '4 U 0
poos. J , par old 1.;q11 Or Fijiy , 7 ' ,a pp
..i=' 1
Jtuot 2 year old do ' • . d
Heouutl beat , •do 1' • , ' ' , e x pill,
Iledi'l Adirold' do 7 1,,t , 2:00
S o
''. do , -'
„tient stiolipg CAL udasiApesir ~..61.. ' ~1._,, , 41 -
- .econd 101Firt 'do 'do .. 4 '''' - , . 4::
[Ektmeof she progeny 'lithe brood Maros to' to
esbAblecol.] .
J. 111.'
.fiti/gra..--Dr. J. 41...1 YBl.goiLdijo: 11,11401,
..1 totulk ; Jolin"lirxio,„ . `
en in i Win. „LIMA.,
' ty NO INT , . lo?#
Meet sek ' ... • . . ta (16' .
Esmond buto-. " 'l, , r
, .. • s'yo
1 eid Pair of*Vi va • ,i 0 txt
Pair For editor the Plow. ~,, t V, ojt
. triv.• " ' '', ''' .-:
~* W ilke...—ltabotidoll itlittribtm 11dtnes.
nottefonts; Mblaoe' . In; ; . 4.43,Y. Bak;
Dontior ' <Ltiorlll-IKlsoSta. P 4 4------ • --
11e9t PoirlVbito - Abaghaten
' 1)0 du Callan. DM('
D o .k R..,1 Slimigkilei
110 do Yellow do .
lbil ilii Oro) , Chi tl;golig i
no do Roil
114) do Bantams "---"--
1.),) do Jerimy Billlll'
1)o do Coalition !linking,.
Do do Whitt, Pollund Ihmokii
Ito do 00111110 t do
DO 40 Moloovy , do
l' Ito il i Wild Till 10 , p.
Do di. (omtnon Tip rkeyei
1)1) 110 4:roolo eltickoner
Bost and grrittet.l ,ite iota I.frottlit nny kind 100
A~lllq'litAttit PlinunCTiVn.
Jrageta -4,maex Armor. Opting . ; Amon 4.lttxtUuter
l'e'nni 1g0,w4 l'tionnui:n3,haril; , Jelin 1,., 'l' 119only
aeon, Blain -loon ',. Ettr., '0 iluniert, Bellefonte.
Beet 5 woxrn, or Coro, ,$:. 00,
f)u I asp) 9t 120ickt , 2 04
o L acres
0 7 . 14:-Itylt, , - / 00
t 0-
.11, 1 zwrq arthi r si: WI
:41148-4 - ;r
no 1 sihre pr.lkyn
1)4.3 Nonm or barley , •
1)&) 3 ,i,sral or Dm.
10xt inusL-I.`iinutby itriy. , a , 1 34
jfutt aOlt 41,01lipt Curer Iley 011 01•0 Re 2 0
quarlot ;tore heath .Polatous 5 lug
u 4 acts •
gar Haugh* liNthook at
uipt, 64.4 -
Beat. mad largust varitlyvt %Vbrate.ahi4l
turt ii,
Uto .1104—not l os , tb an three
tarletiex 1 04)
I Award. , will Ito to.vh• al the nlnsting In arllllllll.ll
11 11 V ' i'ol, Corn, Rye, 4 ) 0.4t, iloo!oj, t',ltntoeA no.'
•C , 411//41.14011 1/11 . rho 10311VAIrtrail0li1Oti11111111.
p1i.1.1111, 1 11 full 141:111.111. ~ 1 Mit 1114,d0 of t;1111i1A1.11',1/
ato ~ n 11,311, ) 1ng, ':Tura at.l. cort.ikno
too rcurootable oniglitr .14 1.1 11/ 1111` ',roam. I toil
nionsurennent. the growl.). anti uldo ,exhibit
'ample id the mg lit tan FAIL f
1 , 111131,1 Vol! !7 ' lllstll armed, Arl LICANTII ASO Agliti-
- . A 11. enetifirgtev,rn,l
,h,,1 he tr n xne r •r t pl, ; th,ll hr retrt e yet', V . T/A
r h,,, v ?rpm' of ft Ihr lnnd rtr, iehrrh C II
rnp .1. (I.r(w/etfr z.olt, and
7110;iii,i71111y of (nadir trr.11.4--havymns
, it : 4 Nrceveir
(•, I) /I fie, tita
that he trlt •e'd n,ry rrl -- - it„. last a
c.sla jitrrry . r.l 1 , 11 .1 . and it.,
Itt,tailry of gessiat ,s,rti therrun tray
-601414r1r, tatos:are , l to It 'vac,' half taatl.(l ;
?bath, mat a 1 rtritd /11 b
end ,pop, Lg .1•; .. . and that the 44(11 'Het lir al,
drag! .aa to the 1/141/ilter eprlle;•,eltnri
all reyprrt•,, trove to thIA 1 , 14r1 .1 /Ito , 4a.tro•lent,a, fervid
beti ..tad . rhat ri, I „I? ',on e.dzil.frd
r•a_JrHr doj t 6• u•Jtdr errpp.
ILL 1)
evil/14v and wry,
avie er• , l . Ited I) /14111,11,1,,ff get I lir! Oat
NN---ivon“.-o , y-q 00 - 4.'44
Their• et 111.1ie.i ' szfmrtr. 'I; .11'
Ito ; 4 neejt Ilvinc POROT 04.)
11.0,1nal 3 tto
Thred.l4 mmidno 2 00
Is' twar4toy , ml4 r tor Sale .
Do fl ay :sltaw,C3l.lur r•r land jruwer, ICO
Do Porn Flndler fur_ lea power 2 Oil
Do Coro Sheller for fiend power 1 00
It o Fluanung 1 00
1)0 nay Full Far unending hay in tho barn, l 00
Bey and Dung .Ithn.k., 1 00
Do ;- , ,ant Cleaning .con 1 Qtl
JluStlnap 1 00
Do and moll ulin,ortl4l Ot4/001.4.4), eul—
toral friptutnetri;withim 4 00-
I.ltsrotol I,t est do ti 110 ,
to be Iho 1,1 ket of sho ertrer ,, i
votorted for • In ndllti"o the on poliar claims of
every implement to its
Judge.. will he 111034 well owli,llol 010 10 tho,
strength N ol durnlothly of tho ituu awl woodwork
Milli any ,lefieo oey i u hue respell 4.11
ho clu..t3 of Ik , reicatrwil o, denial td altekennur
t. , 11 Ilonno.
./m/,,•f., Tonker, ltutturoute, Win C Itun.
e n n , r ‘g uri dnutos Dniqmp, Ft rgusan , W
r 1. Ittieltoll, I.l.onArd
Ik.riLere4ll,l,:n flesh Dar 1.. r -not lam then OlhefJ 00
Soo not hest do do 1 50
Tior4 boat do do' 100
.1104.11,Lbze4_11inn 111 • A
Sequild boat do 1:1
111-01 Len paiimor ItAry - 304
The 11.,„.3, 4o he taken tarthout 4 vtroying
tho ant the wan tgq moun w h•
e...tted by the voinvet tr.,. TOO Oil of na , ,klll t ;
thy I.llller and eh, use itl4 / it, by gated by r 44.41
dr,,,f,,,, _D r It ,t Pelt v, Harris I Iti in Kellar,
ki,t)et . ; Jnv. A ;' lijkcik ittreva:. T. 11[11 Asti,
MO.ei.urg; J. If. (tern, pelts onto.
EWA c“ll.olieu and [nag 4,ayeltoitnsi lynches/pis •
• ' of nesurd verieLy Ut '.II dpidoe $1 00
034,40041 bunt 40 _do . SO
Ottrsts. sol.-LlistAux 4444045L05tarNit5...,..., _4.4.
d., 4° fin. looilL4 i n nafot,:r 4 0
Do A p plc 1141 sr n 144 t'An 4404 Ifi 7: wit hs,
' •OrtiSoiL xponisnona of the enri01.1..6 u‘
„frvai_wod., _ I Pe
IN..liecon...ft b.i,lrsuoit N.tcp'amitti TN
Swam! liot,„ . do "..' it! do bit
Ilt;11'nollo..tion andu htunL;outeet,gerolioe 444 1119•
.S.4.l.wit (nit do do, do lit)
Best ..,11.10i , .n owl birnilsotnesi. 71404 do Ino
./', 11 blot 440 lt, . , do :4
iletd, odlcelion and limielsotnet 47,,p i r f ,,,,, f p, l , 75
16 i limit re ur set:Obi% ti raped do '76
16, diet fire nap, 4 . , 75
fitezotol 6 , ' ,4 4” so
Mod fltirilliorties (loon toillivaloti buds only) ,75
i loot display or IS' ate rinufons , , if,
41.y0up4 Ilot. - ‘l ,, .50
'Dela 411110 Nevi of M IdCuitd , lnn " • , ' 75
(3451,01.4 Mont In Mt
- flindfdl4l.l.iy of (11111trilt fartetto,n'f blytt 2' 00
14400 best ' sto APT Ito 1 ISt
ill rd hest do .' do „. ,I •50
Pest drivel Apples, not lets than I peek to ho
exhibited - Mt
Do ‘144,01 I'o4e6es, 4y , ily AS 1 00,
{'rho tnentiard propraellon nine Dried A pploe
nail. Poaches to be given , tbe'Jdive. Winter Ap
ploii ORIIIII , t 140 waled in Ontober, but might. pot
12' ' . 6 x i gk r l t t 'r. o j ta n J r
Ifnlitt i nrd rerinceitid in ti.t.h
o i„ .yi us sifhoti uteitiug their nieneohyst . lA . ne, with
nervle n kind, other f ban theeu oh 0 sirtbt I wp, t liftt
the etveeirlitene requieved by the tietnium Met Inv
not IA tojurud or dostriryort
Vet Kt& n
i n ,i 7 ....--Dr. 'Wei I. W1154u, "I'ntici: 114 qt.
strohoLer, Milos ; Abrein Pliter, 11417LAtoort ,
.1 17 Morrison, Ilollofendo , James Alosander,
Hoot Ana largest ossoftpiallt of T4Orbi. VOSO
tables - • $1 0
Boot .1044011 iAng,Ac i t 11 , 04 , • 0
~ T
Do do tip oot du ''" - fp.
Do 410 1141.4 ii 4.141411M0Wer
lA, hot' ,loses 11011.13 Or MOW' '1
14) .du, U41 , 444; 0 , • .• I,
Du dfoion tlarryti
Do ', 40 ,
j., 4 1 1 . 4.t r i,.14 1 1r :,..,_„„,,_,..-..-4, ,, t - •
I lk , rfellB4lous 7,, -'''?"--fAtt •
Da Nair 4 4 t otelimpiillombtooi. ' '',• r•
'. - ,''- '
. thi ' II :.; FikeilLftitliii o. 1 '• "' ;, -
tri - rkivdot P'utopiro4 3'jri ntaitil* ' - ' -''',.
• E,1141( ojuigoo Winter Niiostsgi '
. pikutivio - or Being
;--• 'ltiroplii or Too, 04
grapple. 4 Tgrnigoo4 . 1
,li • .., V b.
41/WrP . ll.ol'. o
'.4 ' •
Ilumenrot ur
.b Jtjulitacutarne. .*
Judge., 11 W ilia& Dellorrartri i,' LTllll'Oll , gip
ItirikerrJusd.irarti. fif ila
s ab ' ••4 ''
Bat Quite ' I ' • ' if'..... , ..1 ,
1)o 4
v (414 . rs 1 . 7 ,, i t " ••••'" ...
. ~,,
Do pair or barna-in - it iii . l3l"atrketri: , •ii 'i
1)o laulne•tamila Cnrptzt '
DP made nut
Pcif thularrhirt
IL Dirrtatil Ikea •
- ikaoinF;boo 0, • ! ' " .
flat boitra itrq Ifirsi
Eiebond 1,4 An r •
•Iteat Do rap soap
niii" - '' , i,ltraitit ,
Do , db . • Youtykeaka -
Do Direclovio D'li Pl6lllllllr 4 - • 11W
DokAit Jell - • - • ,'' I DO
Do , e4orvDs Stnnellfruii of any• WA • •I b
1 0.
iicomid best do 50,
Stir (lifter.
' t' 100]
1)11 pfieplfimik uI l',Mbrultry.' • I Olt
0p, 9 ,i1. 4 0141M0nd0l Work t t • 100
litittorMlnney, 'lnteinno.of-1.0 eifate emit
i n
awaited for m our nett
not cdmmtok,tod
Yhu alMie n;ount of ten dollos:O'T '
wgdgy...-Nturrn'ittoqir • F. 110 7 - 7 1 ;:p"
I.ltefttoto; Fftetailrlo tilltt. 1 Jolla
INlttof.; finro, • 'A*
for the beat Interil of P.xtra
Flour. tuanufarturini ruin Um
luuol, (inutility of Wheat
Bocimdt Moil du do
her. du
For the holt barrel of li.)nFluur
Rout Irarrol of 4lublittheutt Flour .
Sruoull• !nun
filllf J iPetifotltu prod 1100 to 1110 .Tudged
nate frown.. miler, Pinning thn cutout quantity of
W hoot.lik•U to mount dot ore mkh burro! of Inuit
antl•alto to attic the exitot %eight of flbOrik
, 6114 Inuit lift from ouoll burro' outdo-11in "Ideot
40111 g IO phrluuo tho lo , d I. it rpl or Flour from 111,
lewd nountll) it gr.dn Tho IMMO rule to h o
N 1.1,1,1 1, ,, pp0l I Itvt vid 1t0,•10,1,,,,t I. tour.
ATIlt• 1111111 V 1111.1 d1.1r.1 , 101r or it., watt', to 1.,0 alto
$1 00
1 00
I 00
I on
riot irs4l: 4 ,
P Wil.m, ;124,140,4
'IWIP 144411 . 00) ts? tauhroi. , :F I ,e 411411,
irbaL4 Ufa&•44Multig t obi am, Jude's,
0440 1161104 , • titt.
6,44006 , •461
• . PatiotardliArt or 4-•
Jordtros.,-,Philir ;1 - 1/44.n4..rwer. „Awn.
441 11 r; I- 66 )0 1 84w jobli W'l4 PoKittilt4irirAktet=
La i*LsArX ' kicri , l4:Jrilsik,Col4ll4.o4.l , ' • • •
Mask Plow norlPld.rittau. aoroirown /4110" -
Outsold Work Forfortne•l fol
E10rk , ..1 lova. dr. do, to 4u • 340
'I bird he .1,, do .1” tin , I.ltl
Fourth loved .1. Jn ' .10 110 1 1.0
ITIIO ro'J 1•11 fort thy%
~,111 1, 6 WI 110/ .1111.1 1110.0011.411t.LU k, r .
to k.ko Ow place ~{01,:111.11 I,y ;es
111 r4.\l. i'llt , 111.1(H.
- (lilt 3 Err... lie elonti) ,/fa
loon, Polk, ; lVto . Pwlu4 11* 6; ,11 'DU,
ORD, Hogg, IV." Eilt,•111101,1 I'rr Gus al
r-3,itervnite pretnit.ifiA rtll. 01f,r5,1 I t tbmr
nro Irel.KalMtOonteml fur t 1 uud,r the fulbm
log roxii I ni
lot e tntipoliti , x for any e,l
thomuP"alliilfils cam 4 , so by bps 'tog aide two. ,
onto" .1 with Uno Bootie in I,e4,..eicotelitiy. ou M
firoledoy of •tkithilit.o, .owl of lbuswoon aim
ormh ornit,ml,,tl for •
.: 1 4 D." pt , .ii?Liu_toLon• • 1111rliola 1,111 LoAvleliskSoki
yf IN. -tbluln ul lino wbote 11111011 qt 1411.1111 P. 1.. UP'
lisr Alsso‘,, fir pout, $O,l will
1.1) 4/4E01 , 1 to 010 31111, 161 Y 011 1 ,141
41111 tiro letlllll.lllK
will" tint sou , 10, 1 , 1i111,11:1 thr
1% 1 :V1 1 ,8 1 ,i(kaupl.+
3.1 Sn ono LAD Ill' .1 , 4 , llpri.nt., for hiss so itrrioi
ow , net ths, zest.. ails
fur I
111 E.ll . hut 1,1,111
11'114e4 buolAul uT /low. -4,4. L00t4...1 44.
Lest of II itl,) br-a, I of flu. k ,
hest , Lent Luebnl nut Canner
Seetl; of bill., Potatoui, hest buohol of
Sir, et l'olittocv
Mr‘ l l , •! - M -9, 1 'tr ., ' ~ 14"."1r‘ AD" It izrraw., ~ ..i 3 -
Jevi k ,. --It I` , , 11!",1111,o4 r, 11011(441th., . l'etor
11',1,,,,0, 11. .1.1,11 li. I,34litotrt, ;31,riprir , P
It Wit:ldle, Allow,l ,44 5 51,, 1141 - 114.
WS p4ir Iloote 0100 $ It 3 1.(1
11. .00h , i'firtqll 11..41,1 - 110. iv i thi113,3
1., 63 i. illllfilCii' 1.0
In tootle Ittool•VcrrelOtt
,),o l'eohing Stet° ....... .e. ....arylorl.. I
1). Pyitlor Store • l' Ill)
I* , 0! u,ltipe; M tel.ind 60
Set of karroiox II.troo•4 1 Ile
to Set of Sio,ile It.tna 01 • INI
Do Pelf of I: tots 1 116
fair of :Ahem ' Oft
tt tilde of Sok. Lottlhot I 9 ,
' • ffi 111 , 1 trarrictb ' 1 Oi
DU Sid°, er riar,,,,
t ,.1 E r pp ,„ t 1 et)
. Thu Ps tr.ur litnakelts 1 Oa
Do ,hove of Srstinett • 1 OU
Ito ~9,01,110 aud iirplie ~ 1 00
IN Yk , ;o-11 ,, LN. 1, .krliulp.l ' ' 200
1)011'4,4y 2 no
110 lot) of Orki,inst Wiwi, - 1 00
..I.4l..'peultiluu oflYotut Rua, Iron Fence ' lOn
Ito m u d rt.. 1,1 FA r;rl3 oryi II TV414.0 100
, 1)0 0n,.) tim gTerI:CI , L n ori,,ty of tlopput Waco I 00
Ittucktidrs , . tK rkkuutkruu.
i er -, ,Ptinkuel 1)11111unkl, ~ Ilarrini c 11 lk •
Liu ~ - IMluarg; !loud r
aJtentfno, llottatlitkto", •
Lids.; rot fur, '," IT It Mlle, 1 4 01 tor
14'0 sort*'ruikkikkkus for Audi zucri tot ions all,.
..don 11:tiXklit to It, Yak, and nob enuaturuted lulls.
Premium Lint, an:dki , tee fo`trwiltuktby of rocu(v it)
is l'rk 4 ruktink I
l'as , kttll A:Alilf.s.
7/rtfill, - 11 , ” ; Ft ~, Ilwks-teis' 11..1 1 ,1010s; \V • A
nil i'l r littoll 11 , 1).: _to lc., 'Ail', to, )'alt, r; l'111)p
B krol. kri, Spring; I k.kAL„,`,.turkrt. 1 , ',..., , mrdt)L
(Award , . of I's outdo, to 110 Mat." tft tititt‘ 1114)f . e•
tin. of 110 .t0d,,,,,, \ 1 ),2 1
- -.-.
1.7 liku anolorerigned hs‘in„... leaned the Logan
g oplisksita...tuctar
!lilt ' . .,?t :f . '" L
p-.0-z,h,., i ' i r uoi:i ii (dm muier filenJ.
,pod the puhliu in genet - 4. Urn I they arr.', VC n• el Ito
rayn i . t h all klinh./111111: I T. P 11)1 7 3111. 1 WIG .1'
Fl RN 4(I notLi Nil '3111.1..nn1 V
(lit OT11:144. They are al., making, a I,4Pr; I:
1 AR /Ell' (JP' / 1 1,(111'.‘1, ily , lii , ling ttn„, W. rly .
1.1,,,y, the {Burls' 1 1 ,4, 1 , 0 ,1 Pion*, ivol ralvcrai
0111yr , N1 lbu
s fituft niqinlyyitnt)lpY,,an t ,l e' the I..yr •
rat.l Itll ,o rivl'V; 1,10L1,4 ~ eratoao lc!: li. titer ,o4r•
eels, s. 11141011 c few k *III A l* 4, ibing. 11,411:44runqu.
W. 000-i2 Ott. /ma 0 1, 141,e01.4...X.1MP aTi
Br invp crr?, ,, , , r()l•l:mr, is Uit AI 014 t:,. • r ',...f.
;,..,.,.1 ro wood, ap-tit +l , l l':u ler, Nino ZAN . ,!. a
oral; Jo 1141; iv e irVhellitg - TegltnCrf e ,
ri. .tw0.a.5...t..4.14.1 -it
e, ora !Ore and kip! en ..`3414..P / l, :ii
sq/.4. 4 125 ir-4r, (3/1 rrg;tr:.s-,
ILor;,‘,z - ~,./ of 1: Irk t. 11 . ." 1 ~.0 ' A 3
rgrly it 4I UN( obll dpri•rl ig t i ftyi z Tf'il'l7;l4
a r6 1 6.1 S'l! rtrg a 4113. vel .." • '
• 11 ,,, 10 v rt i ,,,,,, t fo c,vit all lots ~CoiniaOst. I
iiule ri e rasa, rivime atej Ttre .3tet 4 ,l
, 4 1,at ma 401, In or.Ter,
All orJeri jokoevtli 2 itt,tote.T to, anl...tOctst!(l in
nocli n manner he AI( 1,,1 , + a Prtetinn
I!VN hy RA nri,rrt,
119.1./ /11. - ,1,1ta ;1 11hilA
trY, . faun thu 414 aunt nun
Po{ilk.K /Llll.. 111 hit° 7?th td
1 0 4. .}lit, 141.1 .1.4,11411 h1.11111,1j:W4A 1 0 11416 k by
II t i Vot I'n MI ntt In Ilft` .1
ywits. .44614 4.4-4.tsjuil
At lipell 113310 , , uwl at raw hnt rt , .11 , i tm u t r
(0.111 ye.llll of Wont
momploxion 11141 itbov4 wtll In, but
no other e7prnlr4
13,11.1 t,
jaji m rtgabootttaly bar). Ihu nitlrens of Jookshu
nn ' a or the assrsvisastitust "M&Nriip., , 001440 ilia
porttuutantly loo**l at iltsoltillo, shut Will
proml.lly attpa,ttoiilt 111 .. P "r u nt Preineite*
ter r/Prsgsio, 00surItost ,at tsoslmEtlkki
1$ 0100 piopaysl to l‘ittort tlitiCorat lcoElt nn
1,01111% W OM !Most iqtvoi,uteuts, tlio h u sh'
approved sfyISR, and to psaotin pll stlsoc opqatiods
lu Tfootal.ttutgaty to Rood 'style and ht masettiible
rates. , • -`
thicitifel ter pail favors, he bolos l , y prttteß.et
tohtton 'le beettem, still to small • opotiniussoo pE
• pltato of the pehtie Tighttheae., (pm htre - serte4.
Ilewiehiharte. hr telt oh), W 5 111/01.ptosits aptl.4o l
dreervh. ,„ J• 118-1!
A•AaliaCial . Mari/ AI4C •
4mi t Posponsltito ttp...v.;Plint4 (C'0111:10,
• • 090ticy elltaittri for tstrtetioes e Insu•
f lt m r *,_ FitrAtoo .4 ‘!"ftittlb o tt
i k+ • ` ,7khr Nark. •
AA Pittlf of Ororo.patiog
Do P;ooe of evOnnero •
Do Ply .0 OrKentucky
Do l'icem of l'hpued C. , rpot , og
Or I ilgroin Cnrveti •trig
Ito siovoito..n of Niatitle Wink
)1" Sreenocn of Enrthern VII. :itrme %Vino 1 0,1
)). (Islo for 710 It or VIOJ 1.1110 j WI
1.?0.1.0.) , At .wLimi 1 liu-
Du Sta NO. Jlrc lime, i 1 MI
~ i ,iii,, -
„. RI, , J. e •11/140.110/6,
.-11 40 $ I..Apirtru ?OS GIASSIV '
AFirt'APX# IkNillut,
lintntAnon PA;
WP) itiOlAteLlat .aiderf In 15 . 11. lino wffh 'Frftitipty
noiliiitatitirpigtoh . ' , '
~ , pilti
£ST4II36T iniluesatcrE a Lock: tarn:-
119,Nalivriber wagld` r ßiave44, ,In j i tok i lit
OstootattgpoottliO &id StoLho Opotv
' E 4.41111 - ROUTE, botnoton lot nate. an 4
, rennet new line oh STAti ES for the seeomoggleato
..NU igloo mils , nigh to SrtreLtanti 4 Mitootltell
' " agelritre-eOntfurtable awl momenta/AV *Mil"
t 0011.44 - Ootttltitt driverg and bonito will i5f0at02212.,, '
•rte Eitagsot paw ovor tilt regliteolota.
iigOt,44oloing alai *natal( . Z•A. '7 osllr ,
• e bulgee wm legre MOP Citniad 'ro ue, neklooe
tfoote, every Itilonliej,' WuduciAly !yid , k ruiny mor
"ing44"enting&°lll:titat" an no lk:OrtAn l y a rt 7 4 111,
7 . 7 u . p ly,
‘, .
7 , •,, ~
ei . '.: ~, ' - -Thompttorittor would ale , - !Merle
NV . 0 - , ' the vehile film he Oil epetiortooje
tito Lry Ittuipers, ated.hq po .. o
to ereetennalattAlgan do all ..5 . 411.1t0 .AA9o4r r '•
110RsEs woi toot, vt.:I4II:LKS . : IA .
gotten, Curultil ..W.VIITA Will Itiltilpiiktill, ,
tuctimay paiountignP.itu egtY" P,ttitga'bol •- *
[MS c
post tOO '. r te' owes — t y ogi t i
. lict i tos T o h outiS r tU ili nt r t o oo r - of tile ge ° 44l . . - ialv:4- ; •
- 23 - ' '' - .St st.,li. v , •
VL Atilot ARAL : A % Ott •
: A L.N....1 . itn,leng i gnoti,' tin ( 1 .
up If uolttloi ,_ fYI
: n
MO 1110V.1 .I.' A N n rivitDs
,perty ls , ar .
itN . Oll 2
fott , n, Cent fa Pntostr-i beithtfeti • Ad' 'tletietibelt
Ammo' • (In the 10t0. , 1, by High ittfi , ee,- if eAv lipp ,
hat.til /tie. Willhinitt. until nll Icor lithrt#l4o4lllo
the r nil Tim Sind from at. Inill tone' OP - «2,1
'lltninue. Alen the, rio•ht to rOgror1•111011 - 11s1 Ate
wtotioo. of James AVSII t on) t , , 11,01,trOf /ray tflitot
VAlloy, hoot cad to TenvOry fbr es#Antetp-Mlot t e
\well nt the ri,r, u, ilit. "Sluing; for hotteolia.
MO I•iiiinar, prtrpoo •-r. The
otA ebor,f,l,4ribotda
011 V -hinge of tho nt, INA table Intelit* 406 1
in the In Or e witty. To thee° , ortytt' Hitt, uit
ilttrohnotv it for the pttrioNan or, rrr)bleuta..
wry bnion,t, no wool Piy if oflllo4o a
on 4 OnfrVI.MIVIIe , I4 nn,tnel lett is nn)' *omit**
M thouoUittry. Ipothott MI n totsit N .S9 illflifti IN
kind. In, NV tadti 111 iNan.P.ll3 -..4•• ti I Itbli it& Priiik: 4 4
'ton/ hut illeetwn, 1,. at vol. tetothleglegneelltentliallo
.. 4 skiregetna! Aqd .*4).1 ' Oto.lkok ARli t zpoodiL •
tfronetrwori ttooto MEOW
We prerriy-atill eannt ii.-W.l
Ilimr iir soillgel. hogilleeotit, Ighlortr. et et - .4 Ic; o o t i Z
• ilhe AK+, N ipectly AtAnnelogrold Al.m
Wee..H51...44a t 0 lifrvididkllllll.
dlarOlhAgoce.trnairty-1120,1** *1 z Mho=
pictiettlfrweintaairegtht a:MOM 4/111 '
erttrigg eabaeribor.• - . •-.t., ~, .a r 4,0
......1...... -,-*--, -Ira 4........ .
11 Al'' Ins yll'2114• 1 11 11 11=1
NWitoltiffl,r,..2l o Y .Ortrihr roa" it . •
',Art., Hilo Chesnut it,,,,,, amr, raign, Moo
Sao. Wrtivpweirty nn4 • tootles gi. - .7 Allnel29lo2g.
end loos,. 1464..44.1n0i AVamty TeN4P10y,41611141111411
no•I te-11,mgry et 1 o,look . a 0 1 ..-. •
• Mt. ~it .1.r.1.1, r,tyrir•lltillN Infieressilhor
until, lino h r ha.l tairwll4 nn title reet4,20,1
i,fti , .i_iLi. 6,1- I hii etitininel'i , lntims of all griorgeen,
with In pa-ii orer thiP il)1111 l'ha , i 4. i1141.41 . ottualbt
or.l,lol ohm firetillAe. and nit. , ifiringfilaisholloildfildli
In oil, tottisfainiAn Mr --10 eft, - the Amilwrvelo
fuller, ohlt. l ivi *tad elmitlier.eird. No.•Vplilliiillr
pain+ uttli kw •phrekt to tamkr !hie, - mgr. menfolk/It
rood (.'norms to yotenongot., •
i ..?.....I:,protto Irt ...Eh t c h rh,dl set. , glele - roggat, Mgt
jyrti A111'1(.110, Ittl)Fbil.l4 ProprieMOort„
. _ ... -.. _. ___
1-1:- . 1' A 111, ISII M ithfr• •"
'rho tithe 'pit 1 , 1 - 44 , 011.1 ritepetinitilly- •
1/111,11,1 , 1141 he It Tirtirviroil In 114.1018 MOlll
~ji . ) , /1,)/4S/:.`,,,,,i I iiiiit'oo4 . ‘4l dip roe
~,,,., 11, ',, 1, oi Ii n “..; lire n.lapte&he aped'
to I -.tont:, o -.4 'rho reltieleot or. cool nod in Z NA
•1 , ..1,,1 (Inlctlil .1r1V,,, Wilt 01.00.00 111th remMllc.ot
tit, A rry, 1t. , ,146. on 10 our I.iortiliteirli: •Inkr - Oil.
'I the 1,0410 ,t roe p-v•I fully rrtinf.tted r.n. 1
Iti ICH.% r.l. RUNKLE
$3 00
2 00
1 ,4/0
9 I 1
1 041
j, I
jitft - i l t.LlttWt
pour - .AN ;a t.rt-Qh f , T . tax.,.,_
' A.t.t.rnn vc i ;"a tty.4t,llltilff. e •
' The ' , Ong , hissing i vlumr , l bisaT Asa
_ 22 1.1 0t.5_ , ,...1 ipflaui hit (•,A, ni,
.o(4* 110 • "1.
,rfidiy, I h.' b.- hus
„lust rejerVeli
With (1 : 1r4,” :caul Ithoi,e, n"....ut titeul, u( N A re
tall 'lto Ka , , r otroeml be the 1.41N4'r
LADIP4'..I;V.S7.I.,t.NfI'. .INO (~: t
1;(01'6, t 4 ll.oii 4,..N1D I >A4:
nr 4 , very d. 3 Ttp.:loP,
...tile -41 '1,Ai1iti.„,...
, Any nebor nrseicet. Iti'.' WIT?
A rtia
he it' it A utT.l TT 4nd OitUA
b fn.fin. , 'or 11....uticAt . i.W . rij ' 4
XV 1 1 I ft
' R4,i,et. , 1•4';,..ft, , , , 11ti" ri: - 9mukl , . ge.ol ( t
li t
my. l. , I lute no, nu rp.,„a et rtiferna ,
of Lemthrr, Ae , 1114 efritpl.o , tho bviti ld
my 0,,,t,,,,,,,A , , Gmr,r,re, ~.119, 4 ttef 1 . 1, . Tito
or tuoucyt. ~n.
I Tbo publl: are rcsrooLfelliTorttott ,to 'Old '
tvil .44M, 4 t
ATOTICt TO ItAiti3Ll3 11 ..-
4 N Th.! un lorsixte 1 It.or au u.lo .&1740 0W
flit. lizutt by wkich he can rump!' Ow cot
b . ) whine et!t at city i n lac, Trwre Ewa
h,pm •
eam.te thinu4libut Cmitee e nunly, cAn Stc
by (healing ' , salt we .11 I hate /WO' rtrilyr r
one, bowl rntl tone 111 the hurt it alma *ad
u6rik,erlst.-h I, off,ru.l fur ...tle terhohml. , 4,
p/o/eil. AG, a Brent vnriety of re3ety f /Kids
on howl and rnt- sale.
EX I' tt. tIeAS V.PET il N LEAlWrows -yob
Fli1:601.11' ANT) PA
yrill bo cAr.4...1 /0.4nr,,r. I b,. Jv • 411 eit-,
i(odtate S 1 I th. .. "
cf either 't o. Ltll , ol • ' :trot tilt r... 0110 mar
(701)1):i 'M
'Mr :my 4 , tlirr 1 / 1 1,111....1 nit. . co L ornh
(7P tilt' ' 84.)},41Af1):‘
J. H
11 , 41.foirrt." 4.R
L. WI ina1..N.,13 .1A hit
riILY MODP, 011.0=tIV,
A 1.44-.4.,1.4; fel 411y* ton blind 10-1111111011110.
loinurl, f rr 1,1:13 ‘heap..
jell Pelle font%
ri.tir 4critiy4 - 41
,ElINFTinErli, - Tow spot, opti •
findi,us hoc nult pltron giVe it 44 1, 14..
.1, , LC/ I 'L FLY,NN, Lnid
9 4 ,3 ('MA INS. A nBdon.ll4 4,..eorlntent nlitali on
!inn!, Feronne wt.thir% , an,y,44 tknn,
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