Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 25, 1856, Image 4
PEP ARTIVIE'NT WIIAT CONSTITUTES A TRUE BRED SHORT-HORN. • The question, what constitutes totrue• --Short-horn, has fretptently.been asked, by thosenilto aro curious to know the unmis takeable - eliaracteristies by which any ad mixture of foreign blood may be detected, in an animal - "claimed as a true slim t-horn.* To set cut upon given premises, we will remark that a well bred Short-horn should, in color ; be either red or white, or of these colors intermixed, no other colors deeper limo red being known within histories of them in England. There is a race of Dutch, and other cattle, in the western count rice of continental Europe, which May be called Short-hortut, (from which it has been claimed: that the English Short-horns cm iginally arinmg) that are black and white, RA red and white, spotted, parti-colored, and roan _of tiiiisS colors. - r They possess tome of the features of. the English Short-horns, in the lightness of their horns,' their broad hips, capacious and large milking qualities ; hut they usually large consumers, sloW feeders, leflr handlers, with 'black noses, and every way coarser animals. It is nernecessary at this stage of remark, to go into examination of the relation of our present breed of Short helms-with these fin eign breeds but to settle ae brass may be settled, the prominent char= • acteriaties of what are cow-inlet ell true blood in our present 'animals. The principal marks of a thorough bred Short-horn may thus be enumerated: A yellow skin, with a yellow, cream col ored, or drab-nose ; this drab may run to a brownish attack, called nut-colored, but not smoky or bla.ik. The colors of the hair a lively red, (the rot running down into a deep cherry, or up into velloa),11,) or brilliant white - rind these rod /Cud white colors, either separate, er in patches or spots by themselves, or intermixidin roan—either color more or less prevailing. Tile horn, waxy or a cream color, with little Wick about it, but what black it has at ths.tipa ; it should also • be small, short and slender; either crumpled, gently droop ing, or slightly turned up. A general levelnent of the back from the .-shoulders, at the iettmg on the neck to the! A fulii&s and depth of 171 y throughout with grost , breadth. Short and fine lege ; a fine tad. A eyst , 'lnatical appearance throughout;, with elir‘ly gentle, yet sprightly look of the eye. Thera are other intermediate points of eZecilence, that may be named, to consti intei*perferi Short-horn, but these which are named are usually elnisid(red indispen sable. , Glaring defects, in spite of their improved breeding, have occasionally crept out from the existence of similar defects in their an cestry, far back, tending to the defects were common to the original Short-borne, but by careful bsecding had been bred out to greet extent. One or more of Such defects ere occasionally seen in the produce of some 61 the best bred animals, but it is the excep tions not the rule ; and animals with either' of each defects If very prominent, aro not to .•-• be reeommendcd as breeders, where the best of breeding blood is requii4d, as they may Pbesibly ptrOdusto those same defects in 46 coudikkAli .Fcr igss.illeiLlutvic. stack. K ties the objects of beef partially ' tisacient animal may ho used, when 11 1 .4 defects are counterbalanced by other valua ble points. But for breeding of choioc thor rrhbreds as many good points should to4h to both sire and dam as may be ob ued. .1.1 will ltst Been, therefore, Oat in all ca - acs 'where foreign bloril has been in any tkgree intermixed witLilio true Short-horn the Main characteristics of the Shhrt-horn have been sought to be perpetuated by the breeder in thZ deiteudant, and not the characteristics of the "foreign" blood ; and when such forvio blood was purpow ly introduced upon the Short-horn by the Limier, it is ai to correct defect in the Short-horn its( If, by impariug, an excellency blippos. d to Is, cagable of-qualities of the Short-horn ; but we have positive evidence that any bonilt has ever been derived to the Short-horn blood by such interoutturb therefore purity of blood should be sought by every breeder, who expects to excel in the quality and rep: ntatiorrof his herd.—dliely's Herd Book. Mow „Uric finxo.—The tiermantoven Telegraph says: "Shad are excellent when baki , d, either on a board, which is the best, or by the following mode. Stuff them with a seastming made of bread crumbs, hater, salt, pepper and (if agreeable) parsley and spices. Put the fish in a lAdting dish r svith 4 a cupful of wat4 r and a lump of butter. Bake from three quartLr,s of an hour to an hour. fduul broiled in also ex, hut it is spoiled by frying. and it lusts nearly all its fine Haver. Tins being a moist fish, it should never be boiled. Thilast , who seder ate a baked or broiled shad know nothing of that excellence which wo claite for this ftsh ore; allothers.V 4 CWILL9TILAS CAKE• — tilko three Oggll, and beat tlicm well; and add ono pint of milk, and of butter the, size of an cgg. Then tkotlcr sufficiently to make it the thickness of _cmsn. Take Woo good apple. i, and, after °uteri% them very fine, stir in and bake. When done, score the cake on k'he top, and pour over it MOW butter and attar, • and, it is ready to eat. ' Buregs-mtut eirot--yeke one pound of flour, one pound of si4pie, half st . pound 'of butter, tl+►e eggs, and,htlf aßiut of butter stink. Beet tho eggs well, then add the , sugitt, then the milk, then the ilovei, and the. butter,' which must ho washed - and cies:A:id. Add a teaspoonful of Ada, dud flkeol! ° ulth lemon, and bake slosVly in a pan. BAKU Gnomon Rios POUDING.-2 oz. of diniqtrioe, 2 eggs, mid t pint of milk. *well s ground . rice in the milk :, dien,t zuishig4t with tha ego'', well lieaten, grate a little antaiwg tiger it; iris it in h tooder- Cost rMDt i 1 t 111' ikehhel 9 . _ ii .1C la Ilg roar M ig .....„..-' atelyirtikted oven. I par in. I - - 1514,000 'YOUTHS' DEPARTMENT [Our readers will confer a favor, li•y• send ing us original opigmas, CIMMACII, puzzles, ,to. In all cases they Wait be al Coinpanied by answers, and the authors' names.) ACROSTAT, 1111101144. I Att noicenatim or 18 uvulas. My 1 8 15 11 iesiin llFticle of convenience in • dress. My 2 14 11 Is what . we should never give way to. MY 3 5 26 is used for fences. My 4 2 6•6 - I are common in the fields. My 5 216 is the object of a desing. My 6 2 5 12 should be despised. My 7 11 9 3 is the name of afruit. • My 8 5 is an expression of wonder. My 9 7 11 is a species of animal. My 10 5 14 is used by masons. My 11- 5 14 fi it part of royalty,' My 12 2 13 11 is a vi holcsome food. sry- m 15 5 6 is Much used on steamboats. My 14 5 7 signifies it-want of entrance. My 15 1 iv a medical term. structure. Myl6'2 60 is an important structure. My 17 5 18 is a collection of water. My 18 11 6 6 is a practice Of the Indians. My whole WA§ a brave British General, born in Scotland 1743, received his death wound (like Wolfe, who was described in No.; 28. of Dem. Watch ,) in the moment of a great victsry over the French, within-four mileity of Alexandria, in Egypt. March 21, 1801, and died on the 28th of the same month. Nom, 11ublersburg, Pa., 1856: MISCELLANEOUS ENIGMA. I AM COMMAN.II OP 12 IArriPOVA My 1 2 4 9 was a man of ancient tinivs. My 3 2 11 is what the ladies all want. My 9 2-8 12 iv a collection of water. My 3 - 3 2 11 4 12 918 a name we should all adore. My 74 11 is u hat we all delight in. My 910 3 12 k what the plasterers use My 3 5 2 6 is used in baking. My tvhole is toij name, Solve this Enigma— And you willlavethe same, Without uniting next mail. ottmmAt lloward, Pa., 1866. Answers next u•eeA An'alter to Ocoaraphical Enigma.—Crrs OF THEAAPISTOAtVrAKE: ri UTAH TERRITORY. Corsica, Italy, Tagus, York, Onega, Franco, Theiss, Hunte, Elsinore, Oronigau, Rhine, Enikale, Angeaq, Tornco, Saragassa, Aus tria, . Lyons, Fortosa, Leon, Alencon, Kent, Early, Itasca, Nashua, Union. Trenton, Au gurita, Hancock, Trenton, Erie, Raleigh RO anonke, Niica, Tar, Onega, Ritchie, York. Aiiswer to Puzile.— 1)o VW TAU: THE I)KNO , RATIC WATCHIAN. MISCELLANEOUS B. E LUMBER MANUFACTURING COMPANY. We desire to call ths, attention of the citizens of Centro County to the notico in our advertising columils of the e!eetion'of Managers and organization of the Bald Eagle Lumber Manufacturing Company. This Company was charterod, by an act of the Legislature, on the ,- 12th of April last—the objects and future, operations of which, together with the o profits to be rc ahz are clearly set forth iu the follow ing atatement frdm a pamphlet in our pos. Belistoll First the Lands of William Underwood in Rush Township, comprising four thousand acres with the timber privdoge of two thou sand acres Inure. There are erected on the-e lands and in active operation two steam saw teals, twenty dwelling houses, four barns blucksinith shops and other necessary buil dings. These timber lands are generally well i set a ith_good a bite pine and a huge amount of it - urf ai soperoar.qtrairry7 yrettlang - a - nnstri- 1 eral 11 ;nation of Gt.?, en 1 inn,, arid panne) but a very smell po timi of the timber lia. been used, All the nulls here been in opera i time but .t fear )t1.1(rl, Witt the üblera,,,:m y elf of lumber per aerti to about thitty th , torand feet, of merchantable stuff, leaving a bug.. quantity of other vatiettes of timber whiLt, a culd prodine coal for blot hir.laces Tt e.t. I lands ate also 601 , 1 10 r'Sdalil Moue coil and limy ore . 1 hey ate al:o mypite,d ant, nu- Mefolli springs of the pure -t water, and 2 1,,,,, dAttl'e Of fire elm,, and the be-ttuf ;.•!a•ii sand I. hey are gehtly'isiolutaterl but not hilly, and Mosliy Clear of 0(110 The laud is lien eleur erl, pr ',lure. l,,rge crops of grass :Ilan mills are situ LIC4I 111111 l bIX miles born itilien Fur nine rt rth which they me contiecti d by a ;cod Flail Rood , ;ii this pond this road will I e dal •ect the Lo, k II and 'l rove killioad, w hirli no loners w ill be completed at at, early day Ihe property of the Company is propo , +e also to embrace ono thousand acres ni livid at the intersection of thin railroad, where ..1, , large and b•atitifully . located town is com menced, through a inch the railrnad will pu•s Al this pond the Company • propose putting ,up their planing mills arid other necessary inachinery, for manufacturing lumber into all kitide at maturate!, necessary for building After reversing so mucks land 0 18 necessary for their shops and improvements, they pro pose sellit.g out the balance in town hug, and tither out lots, that will enable the Company to realize a large mid viatica from this property i This properly also embraces a Blast Furnace with an extensive ore privilege ; a ~rut ,11tH with a number of viell improved farina 'llia Company is dl also have the umber prir• liege of Ira thousand acres more lan] edit-Su ing these, making all together land and stump age of rune flumcind acres, worth at a sery low estimate two hundred thousand didtais,• which the owners propose to sell. Lumber can he manufactured at there mills at an average Of three dollars nnil...fif ly cents per thousand feet, and carted to the internee lion of the railraad for one dollar per thousand feet, frdm which point it can be conveyed to market at a coat of Marty dollars per car' load of sixteen thousand poads, allowing lumber to weigh two thousand pounds per thousand feet. Eight thousaoll leet would be carried in a car, flanking the freight only three dollars and aecenlyfitec code For thousand !cot to mar ket. *. • lhe capacity of these mills will manufac ture with moderate exertion two nulkons feet per annum, requiring Forty fie Years to con sume thoarflOUrli of timber these lauds will yield - J. ire Addition to the above advantages, the point at Julian Furnace, where the busi ness would connect with the railroad, offers superior advantages for riereharralizing, as thiriAgill be the point of intersection' 101 l large amount bf Clearfield Cquinty trade, ly ing north, and an extensive outlql,Ja-Ate farming district lying south, in l'Xittany, and n Pen's Valhes; being connected with brith of these ponds by'd Well ended Plank Road, as oefdre mentiviell. . / Proposed aggreigei a . onowit l i nt business for one seen,; t ~e ds of'four millioni 4, lunflher into planing board., at twenti trirs dollars pe r M. ' , $lOO 000., Proceeds of Merchandising, drc., 10,000 110,000 ....- -- C;rtlnginlta4lßos4l, 1,00 4,000 Working on Planing Mill 1.50 0,000 Froital on Cara, 75 15,000 • Balance in favor clone years business. 1171,000 These calculations are baled upon the supposition of the completion_ of the Loo t Haven and Tyrone Railroad. This is err. tainly a grand enterprise, and if it can bo carried out we believe the results act forth in the above extract, can be fully realized and theta largo profit not taken into con sideration iartbli above; will be derived from the advance in the price of real es tate. Here, then, is a project which we hor0•111 reidee the enoouragoole'rit of our capitalists and business men, se it will, if accotoplislied, infuse life and energy into our now sleeping common*, and will de velop° and build up a business which is but yet in its infancy. Pennsylvanians arc just beginning to discover the immense value of their timber lands. Heretofore they have not attained anything like their maximum value. Dor energetic and enterprising friend Dr. Wm. Underwood, Lae 'offered to bell to the Company 0000 acres, including his Steam Saw-Mills, Icr $l5 per' acre, which we think a very fair offer. This sum, in the u t tgregate, may appear large, but we have beau informed by persons who hava recently passed over the property, and who are-good judges of the value of timber lands, that the price, asked is very mode rato. Perilous having money to iavefil would surely do well to put into the B. E Lumber Manufacturing Eshblislinient.— Dentocrutic Whij, Kprnn Foote ix IffiniterlCALX.Y Setten Casa —Public attention won very generally called to this subject, lost year by Arthur, Burnham td, C. of Philadelphia, manufacturer. of "Arthur's Patera. I Self-licaling Cans and Jare,," nut largo numbers of Antilles all over the country were induced to try expeiimonta, not only wine Arthur's Valli, but with a variety of other loans offered toTfielr isoffdo. Ai thur's Can, which is the airuplent in construetion and the cosiest to use. is moreover the only ono that . we hose ever soon, with n singio exception, that it is constructed on right scientific prinelplen. In the i exception referred to, tho can itself int all reafiects lean desirable, and few would hare any hesitation Ins choosing between them Arthur'scon is entirely open it the top, with a channel around the month, fluent with cement. It is sealed by heating tho lid ' and }treating it into thin cement, ni - ich is time ni no moment '1 he oement is in tho channel *len the can is sold The cane sustain no mlury in opening, and, lux) be used year rifler year They arc made of tin , alit! ale, of fire-proof ennlmru ware. We have thus particularly referred to thie - can, that our readers may know how to distinguish it from all others It is, without doubt, the best yet offered to tbo publio, and in an article of this kind only the brae should bo taken We hare used them °unwires, and know their finality So have lAttren of our friends Mr tiotley, of the "Lady's Book," ! gpod authority, an every one knows, thus spdaks an the subject • .• fherst were ii s aridly of Self-Settling Cann offered to the pub], lost 3 ear, nun there will, in all preitaltitity, be a greater number during the otonit g nese.; Nit ono tint we have jr, in bears ninny ~...up,,,,..0.e, in our I ~ ,matron, settle -Ar nim'' , . Mllll ton toll It t t all is, to try no other eln or jar next venr T h is one will et, nanny loop fruit precisely ju the condition in which it is nettled up, ms ISlntrk In conn , rUetlOn, And ens, of use, 141.1 cannot, we helmet e, he I quelled, fur In as excelled, by any ven-el got up for tho purls', or ko,ph :l , r,,,it u,,a fresh condition by licintetical bealina; '' Fiona put up to hermetically omelet ,cs.oe aro, as all who have need them (coon, in every respect superior to those r it up in the old fashioned Ilse Tl. pewees In, moreover, easier euel cheaper No hounekeeper who has owe tried the now method, will over go back to the old Wo have presented this matter a littlo,promi nently, bee men it is one in which almOat every body has an interest In calling attentions to so aimmit- Ide an invention. we but nerve the common gout Phil le Irldi An PT 1,11,1 , 11P1 N P vllOll.Oll ATTENTION, FARMERS, AND ALL OflIER` , IN] I 111;.'n,IP T 111) r0t;,,.• ullt illforn. the Farm. pry and the ',elide genet idly evute l i county, that h. ill *law td•tuufwtnriny,tLo It :Celli AND READY C011s; SHELIA:It, One of the Lett,, most c..iiiitatieut, durable, and at the alma thin, tho most envy running 'hollers cure offered to the public It mill obeli green and dry Corn, cleaning the yobs (rem cad to rod, and sepa rating thorn from the Corn. [f - Warranlcd•to run eerier than any other Bhd• for in the United States or elsewhere, for the (plan: lily of Corn shelled perday It is constructed with two cranks.• no that two persons can turn it, and shell from 204/ to—aoo bushels per day. It can also be attached to horse power ' Cull and sou them before purehaxli;er any othor, as I sin certain you will be satisfied with this DANIEL DERR, Bellefonte Wo, the undersigned, have examined and used the Itoogly and Ready Corn bibstier, manufactured by Daniel Derr, Bellefonte, prduouneo it perfect in its pren teal utility, and well worthy the Att.:non ,of brienne Its services in one Se:111011 will live ate 51.iic.• in titan nfol labor We cheerfully rm:, i mend it to the rimers of l'etitle colly 9 err arti ly:el of greet eon:Rimy Wu [Eye, Trost V W ItellyAßD Wet, 11 , .. 1. W Iltrravnoss, - Jeetfk MUI,Letl, Bellefonte, April 9, 'lid If B TRZZOI,VI I hare purchaaed and used one of the Corn Shel airs manufactured by Don't Dorr,calW the Rough and Ready Corn Shadier, and unhesitatingly pro nounce tt one of the beet in use It rune Very °nay, and shells more corn In a short space of time than any other machine I have ever met with. !Conant, tinsven. We fully concur in the above certificate. E. C„llituss t 1111.0 Bellefonte. Jona ll:Unfit,. Haying eassulned, end trial the patent Rough and Iterply Corn Strollers, manufactured by Air. Daniel Derr, Bellefonte, I find them to be practical and useful in every respect Thee corn which t shelled was green nod full of milk, but the Nhellor parted every grain from the cob in a softoner which conld not posisibly have been done bt hared, I freely recommend theta machines toll (armor,' 0 . ( Nit:try:county. CIIARIAS J LINIIYOII. April 22, 1859-ap3o-tf _ Ftlß SALE--A NOTTSE AND LOT, eMIAND ONI it uNuow ACRES or " 'fho undoreigned i nutloniov.l to sell the 'lenge and Lot 14 the llorongh of liellototte aituoto on All Iro ny t trent, eAjoining lot, of k W %VIII! Wolf on the non , nn4 of J IV, Awl on tho h. A —One ,Ifuadred Aeres of tillithlo had well tit awed lantr, situate on Munoy,,ltidgo, adJieloing lands of the holm of J M. 'Penner, and th 4. heirs of lidward,pardue, deo'd. Terms, eta., will he made known on appllealien to sp23-tf J A b VAtANKIN, Agent. C 115147111. AND 'ila.firj.lNg.i b M. DAUER, nest door to Telma May Wore, in tbp berardent. of Mr. TUNS& bowie, AIM. gborty street, 4 tity2l 1, 1 , 1 ',. 1" t S39,UVO .N111:1,11,1:11N ==l PIMIADELPIIIA ADVERTISEMENTS. 4 411 t ; CONRAD 4c WALTON, %. IMPottrElinlloLpgaLm DgAa.r.nei tN lI4BD I. WW ARE, . CUTLERY, &0., 225 MARKET STREET, deol2-I.y PRILADELPHIA. J. DrSortviti J. SMITH. /be e J. D, SQRVER & Co., • WHOLESALII PEALEit IY TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SED ARS, No. 0 North FIFTH titree4 above Market Street, deel9-11 PHILADELPHIA CONIUIpD,ort. ROBEIVTB &.CO., im,. In • lIARDW IFli, (117TIARN0QUNS, &a., No 123 Nolth THIRD Stick, Pliflndelphin. Ilauuy Coxn.LD, , G. W. l'AnDi.e2, Ciro. If. Ronr.nTs, J. R. BE Lurk, .f. T RANK J1.133041m S D. STB.KUB, WITH 4.) W R A W C DIDDLE d. Co imr""n"d Deakin in Foreign and Docociido WTlamys, 11..14D "RR' C' A:VD HEAVY GOODS, No (7 M SItliET iltrooLond n , ( mtixin ~ No V, and 2J,KINES' Allo) , - • 11.0 IT RIDDLE, _ , W. C. DIDDLE, fobl3-11m*W M (IMISCOM RODZILT NUOILWAJOIR• agns. R. nrioguAagn. REMOVAL.- , DR UGt 4 , G LANS AND PA INTN, NOBERTI3IIOEVAKEIt d1i4 4 0 4 thnnkful for the liberal etronage Iteretothrer e ' wed upon them, hereby Rao notice,' that. min); o he great inure: me in their business,Nicy Inke been obliged to mob morn room,and I 'mourn it, hat e removed from thou' old old s , (it W. corner of Second and Omen ntreetnd to hetvw and tIPACIOI7B ATOM: N p; antNEN V I , Wan and RACE Streets,. and 1 an entire i iv nn greatly enlarged stook of liNuttS, PAIN ~ OLASt - 3, DYE-STUFFS, inc , they aro now prep cd to furnish all (heir ow), no well WI New customer with any article in their liar, at' the l o west in ieep nd on accommodating term,. We shall use 0 ery Means on our ralt to render satisfaction to althrho mit) fat Or us with their cus tom ti s , ' AR ti t pieta, we can compete with any other house, and the quality , of our goyds it tumor prisithl R BERT S1101:Al AK ER in Co , N E cor d , rof FOUItTII and RACE Sts , Philadelphia Mainifnotureri of Paint. in Oil, Potty, de InTortels of 'rench Zinc Paint. tide Agents fir Pliihnielphin for the P 110 of • FRENCH PLATE GLANS Peden, in all ishidt of plain and fancy ll'IN PO IV GL,A,N.N surreal sent on application by mail, anti punts deflected at any of the Depots or Wharves teatilkexpensc to the purchase' 'SAINT LAWRENCE HOTEL, CIIESPN 14TREET, PIITLADA Thin new I6otsl 14 located In Chestnut street, be twcen Tenth n i l Elelenth, running haelt to George . 10001 , nn entire square, with atnple room unit ac cent's-lett alot.s f..r:!50 persons This Hotel has itinah to render it attraiti‘e to the Traveller, Sejourner and Other), being directly op !spoil° the Acatit my of Fine Ark, Parkinson's Ilar• den and Saloons, and in one of the most pie:l.mM nod faahionaLle places on Chestnut Street; alto, in the iminciliate neighltorhtled of the Thcatr,, and other Platted of runns, anent The Itoorim are large, airy, and well root iln runny of them hate eerntniiiiwitling dool, rn it a ld 0 for Families and Parries trot legs titer The Furniture is entirely itevl„ and pi t. 4 unprovod sty lc, embracing all the late modern Hob I inipro% c- Inputs IU clasp. pnottroity to the different It:11110,1. di verging feint tip. ray, heir? only One ',quart, 1, last hum the gteat renngyli Irma Railroad Depot, nod as central and it',/ratut lucatnala rend:rs it as de llirahle for the ‘lorvitatit, or the Tray time 11.11,111, hit 11l n ail, .1 to emits pattqeog, Is to .1111 ',ilia till Ilrcl Itrouri , t , i world eitt he; le I, e to gin That he 1,111 1 , . I I , i the tit'kung •1.,, at d,r „1, ht 3 sin M poltutar I'm! lir t•pring9, Pt on , ‘lll.. atll6ato I! a I.toie nod t otiro of the 1.1.11( • rik'p,il t 1,1, aid i lent 11' Molten, late t , tiperniter , l , ot of the 1 4 ., Charles title! ,der Ptorttrtor 11 ,ttertt Innt,•lfth ,t Ito 1.111 ire able to lirlMidt• for I•Vely end t stattlittla the clotrnott.r and toputatutn of the Litman ee ntrl4llr - n arta abuts hott.,ll. pant - -)Y1.1 BC A ,M . 1'1,1f7 1., Pr, nri^tar SPRING 000D8 AT ISAAC MAY'S STORE --lhorlng MA In a , to,k of ,It.oraLlt good, for tho Spring fin ivln .11 1,111 he dia poled of at ron.onal, e 1,101 , making it a t, , trort,t,l, opport in ity fir all 1.7, p,tmedintelynut totem., Kooi Inugaine Anrn g may be fount thn beet naa , ,rlnv.,,ls of L APlEb' DItLS 4WD:3. 110 not net., a.PI Ribbon , . lb t wne evor offered' I to ,1 , no 1, its of tfui coetion .11.!..o a avlcycla..ali.4 ;rttriclst - - N AND 1301'S' Cl,()TifltAt(), Clods oontels /11111 Tostlngl, t0, , ,,th0r with all kinds ii Ito /111 , 1 retry Dry 13 rOCCTICS, II it in: and earn, t ~ h ottet 'I rrfnk•, l'ttt pet C.trio Oil Cloths, vii in fact every thing lb ,t it whltte-rhy tho rouitottnity Pot, ha•. ri 1,111 fin! tt to th, 'Warts! to cnli no.l t i n to fir thl . lll.olVol I.4AAC M 4Y, Ileller,nto WANTED IN I raeliANOE iolt l,t 1" UOniko. 17 loc, ;us, Ilan!ware, Drup, I, 'WI I', CI , foothi 11,4 litalpr ;Jan ' 1,1111 1000 "fallow MITA= 11100 bushels (Mori:wed For nW L thi highest market pri:c mll be paid in ex.t , ariro for'Dry (loads Clore reed will Go tiiiroliaariit for Cash nit the store JA111•U B d re SR' 'TO 710ERCHANTS, & ALL OTH - 14t8 15110 all eagav-1 111 the vu to of J , J; 1%, 11 , 1 all (1. 4 . ritoi , ut of Fl'lLq 'l/4 4u1,,,1ber Erin„ eltl2ll4!vely • 6;4;451 In tho Millis all who 11314. 'molt artimes to diciimiu of to give Win a c ill Ile pays thorbighe'd onurkot price in cloqh• It would ho well for nur lutnicre to rennim her that I pav Inn each. and give them thu full value of the Aim they halo too ilimpnv, of .1 All connomnorailcus promptly niteinia.l to by tf `AI KEE'LI3t, Pine (limn MINI dec.?.6 :Gila-A. 4 STAGES FOR TYRONE undersigned would re sTeerlialy inform the travelling public that ho new runs a daily Ink. of Magee to Tyrone—Tri-weekly by way of titonnstown and Warriormark, and ti I. weekly via Bald Eagle Plank Head From TYroircorl Monday, Wednesday and Friday; from liellefonle on Tuesday, Thuralay end Hatur ilcv, and the lotto% ing days on the Stormstown road deol2 it Jr. THOM NEW HARDWARE STORE. M. Ti„ — ItEyNol,Ds Coil E. tl FitANeirielliihnve opened in HAVEN a complete, wortinent of liAlt DIVA Rh:, to which we finite the attention or ALL, needing anything In the line. Our stook Iran keen geloeled with enPe' with the express de sire tetaupply the community with gnah firths's.s as belong ISCCIMIqFGLY to the Hardware bubineca The Building Mriterial and Hardware used In the yarictrs ineeluial.hil branches!, will reef-lye our par te:Oar attention, deitahmaksrs, Baddleis, Shoo makers, Machinists, blacksmiths, Carpenters, Cabe Irienuaksrs, Therm, rte , do , will find It to their intermit to call irieni he and eliminator themselven hp - Persona building will find lit•ie a splendid lot of Locke and hatches, Silver Plated Door Knobs nerd Bell Pulls ell of Haatetn manufacture; (Nees , Oils, sta. Also tho most heautiful stock of • • WALL PAPER, RORDERR, AND FIREzROARD PAINTN, ever O&M: •in this vioinity STOVEH, 14.MPS, CUTLELY, Enfant Boring Machine), Fluid, Alco hol. Pine 011;Ac , ho., !rpIRON t in large quantitiom and Rolled „bon, oil the common Ores 0 isiol,pousuar Shell of round equaro . and pinto ironturniined upon order in the lorteitl ponsible film) ,Wr a y to nil Interectod come and examine for 3imidelres. REYNOLDN h CO. )ante 4 Lock Raven. 1a 4d t t IrAtIIABLE FAXtrif FORTALE. (.' —'l"ho - pubectibor having a Vnrm that be wte le4 ip divogof, eoraintiog of ONE HUNDRED aud I'EN A a EH, aevoutx4itra of whicii ,at elentNl l'jle haproveruonts ibilreen are a KSIO6 I I 7 ilsfu e rE, II ipteral hi • NEW 'BANK DAVI 6. 4 &lid YOUNO 010011 A 11D, The ,t.' , i.a kb gh ataat Of eultProtton. For partic u t 4 dhluira of the aubsotiber•-_,.. 4- - mrl94r ' ' JkOJIM W. w.tu,s , HA8141312"- t • , A largo variety, foe ago at deal& F1A14114, MILESBURG ItIA.IO3LE , WORK.B— PARTEMIE, SCULPTOR, informs the publip thathoiis jirepared to do all kinds of hlarble work at UM Ifhttrtest notioe and on the Most reasonable terma Thee% -who favor him with their orders may rest asintred that all work from his ent tablishment will Re done in the beet style of work manship, Likoneenes will'.be executed in statue or in bust, as law, sta lift, either ,In marble or - plaster: Likenesses it-111 be ostfi'vent on Monuments, Tomb - Stones, y tts., from dot - tett-roan Ilkoneates; alse 'a brilliant discovery of Ennmelled Lettering with lava, on.Montnents, Tombstenea, Door Platen s he., in es thy vatielp of calm The lava is put in by 250 tiegrees heat, warranted to Mend any kind of weather An lam the Inn enter of this work, it can not be performed in any other maul:Mailman{ In Penitnylvnitie than .it .Milesburg, Thou artrinany orders finished of thin brilliant lettering, persons had bettet call nod o'xtupino for Ilit ttleell'en, and be satisfied that it In the grentesta piece of mechanical art that was eve). placed In n cemetery on monu ment or tomb shines, null which will,'he n fi t teeti menial tojhe metnorg of a depaxtetk Aionti. - Any gentlemen titilronn of hat its; amierblerlftiht • I will * a-alma a nand petit of likeiorks as largo do lite. There will be no charge if not n,perfeet piece of soulpture. 'Pie operation of the iv, tat. The likeness will be tillAii by nflttivation in clay, 24. A can; ofplaster , pads lid, Then in marble . A 41tank can lee ttiken niter death of any person no QM. eperfect Mmes" can be had any future time. Ladies end gentlemen &sirens of . proeuring n good piece of marble work hail better Nell , i their or- ders,to Milesburg for good gory. I have no me at sion to send to Plitisilolphia to Iring lambs and I 'figures - Tktiig, woke them myself", Premintun t the Centre Comity Fah- for Marble work, Weill irg $,. - )00, Look Haven $2OO If the Judges had en men of the Maible business, Lock Unveil woult have been found wanting As the eountiy has been flooded with an inferior lulls:lc h.) pitr,tts peddling 'them round, consequent ly thrum who are not jut, es of sculpture and en graving have been hut upon, I therefore desire lti pertons who wish to p ire durablo work to call nail examine my workmanship, and satisfy them soli en will not prove nn eyesore in offer times Thankful for past favors, I hope by atrial atten tion to business, and armlet alien an ellargea, to con finite to receive a liberal patronage. , „ PersJes desiMus of any other ntylc or work, i would highly recommends Mr' Similerient at Lew istown, On I have been thirty year• In all 'the fine art of marble work, lie it enact 1T1,,i one of the best jridge.t. I will hind myself is futuish el, cry tics:option of I wotk 2 t 5 per ccut boil, and I keeper than Lock I ILtasen r --- A PA RTER AOE, :ietilptor, tieeDl ' Itlilesharg V_NCOURAGE • HOME INDUSTRY.-- JL.II Tho midersignetV Itould respectfully iPtt ma it to the Parini is of Centre county, that they have purchased the nn, PILTZ k I/UNIIAM'et CA AL /?Orriiit ILEA PER .1.Y1) . 7 110 and are now engaged in their manufacture, nail arc htetiared to furnish all article whileh nn ill not get thin Leek-nolo. Flom due.° who ho t ,' used the marLmu vio can ploducc aLuudnnl e‘ideneo an to its superiiiiity titer any tither machine ninny built, far the folllllling recions • • Ist 0,1 ro , nrunt of Its rtrapheity of, aterthe fact that the Makin is wolfed direct. from the drtx log n heel, ndh It tllllll.lO loser Instead of r Inultipli:ahon of 1,4 1111 , ,14_ptiriiitle., cranks, he. urhi••h 111:11t, It WM k Irr,liter for the 'rain 2 , 1 It in more voinpact. and therefore ettaib tt tolled :1,1 DI putfeot adaptation to uneven grontulq without hanging on the borer,' 'trek+, the tone° tiring Hull.. I' and turning on entit,-wheels, Ouch mate, it turn ea.y Cli a ,,,,The it I..• 0 'manner in whit it duce it■ wort, ui holit :;ram and gr 01, the reaping avpn. into, nrtawted it, to put Ihn r 41.4, In a ti, dohs er the elle., nt the Rido of the uutrbinn, awl fur mowing it Iltut the reaping app tratui all off to an to enable it to cut tangled t lover Thiel tunclu r e is warranted to cut all kinibtiof grain and gi.i `A, WI trill, 11 st,t. better, Man fen be done with seythe or Li adle, mail all Its par& ent racte I '1'r.11.48 - For Mower rind Reaper eombideil, SI3A , !10 to be paid on the delivery of machine, or its soon 115 it is put rip rind in operation; 1350 on the let of Oeichi r trail S.O rte Itto Int of January, 1557. Fur N o e,. eleo. $25 on trt.tctttpl. of Inn , 1110 e; :is on thi lit tierober, end $l.O on the let of Janne rr, en• h mnnlitt.n thntfi will t e f,Jrnigheft an extra knife mw knife stet i•m, th:re g0../15, wrench, Nu nut r 21i-yohe As ooly 4 , 111 he Ludt this man go, th ,, AO ral,o Are in Nrnift.. of If, firth In wilt do 11 , 01 to soiCrln their brit rA 0 Km, A -11rf•fos 11.11 PT Rill A 0,, or (I W. rtEincia, . Pa IMEIM rclIE _HEST OF TILE" SEASON. MONI: NEW tinVir , AT ,J II .411'1,4- co ',clll,',ll' c'.11 , 11 ,s'it)llE. We bits e liovrOperif7r (lie 111,1pS,tio.1 t.f the publis, it huge and well ...hole I .01 , 1 , 111,0,1. f SPION“ ANI) :1011:It (;11010ti, We rt Rio , t( Illy int lie All our froul. and the cotn• molt, o‘ t give tf n 01 Ito hate n riunrui li,r,•• rrorr.ili t. of nPa IME" CrOODri r of nil kinl., I ri,Jult,l ll4oren, Pooh am Illar k, Cruis •.ilworpoi-e1544., • • trt!linhos, • tt togtt ,• II New Style of Lothroldero s, Unit, 'tot t rot, Cutl• I r0w..., Att 1,31.5' 'lt ttontio,s, ty all 8.7^ Ipt liftlC3 onloctior, ft lot n ~f ry d +•tihtnm, at t , rn lii EA I) V 11.1 11/,: C/,ol'///,17: Gent/men' tl9 , k 101 bo L-,.orted n 1.4 I,ny in pi /lAI, AND CALL - ' Pica 3111 try" , d 1 Ulf, r!).; P UItOCP.IUCam, Fl LT, do ale tt hzu I hoold nt Cowart' l'att-iuno I tktn to ex diatiL.,, for go .14 Call 404 ortotino ti-/Athi u to eltow gtottl• J It AWL k Co , 211123 - Bellefonte TF YOU WANT TO BUY GOOD AND cif E,ti , lix u, , e •lt On =I 11 Isitia . M.Lllol . l% In) It, ja•t Ir , m 1 i i.rd. li,hi narAla .tatlfal •';$1 1 0 of 110, , m1• ro 111 .0 11/g ~f the ttlh1011:11/il Ih. - I a' It'oj 01.111.1(11,1•1 H 114•11, VII h \ 1,111,3 kip , P. , : all :•.: oh 10 .1 Ileht VIII,. Priall of All /Iva and 1',1„1'11-:nl, •t I a,;,. lint 4.1 , 'Fulham, 2klio \r„„i lea and 17 , ' tun Ito tory, ;tat a 1.1 , )ty of FA 11(101),; ant," 'Mon Flitnt,..l. of ull Vntbt and itlus:kar, Citki,lllllnliblllUi l ay. (/ rt,• , fltd ky,AA. 11 nt and Si.ol'3, ll tvoltttore 1 , 1 Iron QU eti,Vate, Huck otts, Tuba, 11.4,1c0tr, • otll goo+. +wally kept in a ft...try store 1.1; 111:11 All kiwis of I,lt otter for s at, at it rocs tritado prit, Itti , 12. tf FURS FOR SALE. Port...nit In wn.nt of u fine arti,le of Furs would I ,ell to mend their orders t lie vele, is.prepareden furnish thorn et lire loWeet V inl,rio 4 1 and all arbdien of LADIES FURS ohvnyv ue )...141:ut prlo, mu,* Ilvvyar than can ho piTorad by the wholeaale and retatl houses of New Ya,k Philadelplala • id LOVES, RODEF, Ac , cau also be purchased. All (o dere addremead 11) . iCdEONGE REPT,III . Pico-Oros° Mille, Contra co will meet with promptialtention March 12, 182-If. VALUABLE SAW MILL-FOR SALE. Will be eold at Prlvidia.Sagn; if valuable Raw Mill, with about SIXTEEN ACRES OF LAN', part of which i 1 UMBER, and can be cull i rated, it Is situated afoul ono lithe north of Milesburg The mill ban an ovcrediot wheel, well nalculatod for sawing plasterleg Lathe ' whinli are greatly want.] in this neigithorhood Lutnlier will be taken in part payment Thiel is aCtIMICI fur any per ton Whiting 10, make a gen invnatment Apply at A I ' 'ARTERAIIE'S Marble Work!, any! Mllesburg. GROOBB,IES.--7. B. AWL & ofker for male a large nesartment of lIYRON, YOITNO IIYSON, -TAUT:NAL, OOLONG, and CLIULAN TEAId, EUGAItS, COFFEES, TWIAC. CO and SEMAItIi of every deeorlptlon. Janl6 BOOTS AND SHOES.-* A large a kof Winter Boole and Shoes, for Genie and 'full error, also, !loyal Mimes' and ebiltiKenal Hoots and rthorii, of all kinds, for mule by , .T li. AWL h Co., Janlo _ . . llollefoilte. i ........, tap 11104--413 THOUSAND POUNDS il , 11,60PN1 a, including Sides, Shoulders. anci Ifinesti4 KKALEI.I.II3. • g ITAKIE NOTICII. —An ertain witicinur• !lus lie o a few gdunde will get y ft us dioup us any to ot p her ho mojcpurohluso a thousani‘l. , fob° D3s ViAiia lde and taboti o t ralsllrg o r Gfoods, (or tb• Cub, lIVALISIVS 7 " zorlflor . • *vs* SEWING IMBUES NJ Vile $l3O and upwards. This unrivalled ma: oblate is the most important and 'useful invention of the age; and it has boon worked a sufficient length of time to by thoroughly tested upon ngreat variety of manufactures, and l iu all oases has boon fully ap proved. It will cont i luue to attract and surprise the people of the whole world with the wonderful mint ',betty, durability, rapidity, strength and beauty with which'it executes its work. Nearly 10,000 are are now in daily operation Ituch is the demand. that, with all the facilities of now and improved machinery, with the help of 200 anon, it is hermit blu for SINOUR A. CO. to till their orders These toaehioec, always for impeder to every other, belie • Just received several most lA/PONTA NT /MYR° V E E NTS, the cfluot of which iv ---let, To make them run with out noise. 21, To require only half oho exertion of the mint:dor, formerly necessary; and Od, To maim I teem run one-half festal. - than before, vo that with the A3lllO labor, Twice TUE QVANTITY or TALK CAN en DONE IC A DAY. This one fact, that Singer's machines ran no muck funk.; and accomplish so much more work, renders all other machines before the publis valueless, comparison, oven could they ho had for the asking Another rimulinrity of tlingor's machines is, Eliot by bimply changing needle and thread, the come machine will execute. perfertly every satiety of wink, conned or flue, on cloth or leather The hest machine for family ea well as public non From $2OO to MO ti year Gan ho cleared by an In dialtd using this machine, more than eau tni cleared by hand Purchasets, look well to your titles as to the titic of Singer's machine, I will refer you , to the fel- Inning paragraph • st. • In re,vwd to Singer's machines, there in no ad• Nee patent claim , but all other machines before the public infringe two or more of our patents On the 27th of May, wo reeoscred a serdlet in a snit for infringement, against the Excelsior Sewing Maehine Company, thus establishing our Patents judiclallt We hese suits now pending in the Ilnitrd States Circuit Court in Philadelphia, and also in other Circuits, against limier A Baker, and the Wheeler t 1Vds(111 to nehl nes, which In several of onr patents Ile who buys any of these Inferior infringing machines, will bu♦ n lawsnit I. M SINOEII, d CO ====M I hereby certify grit 1 woe doing a moderate .tinesi prior to Feb 10, 18:4, at which it me I aught vote of I fir 4- Go 'e Nearing Mt "et, and hate used the same au my busioievs nee that time lay httlo nets ha. me-reale,' to that erte,it, out tig to thesup, ipr manner hich it does it work, Mat I 1P.13 compelled on the ih,t to purchase another mar/sae, ..oat to -meet the dem ands of my Cn In, inert illy wile lout the nmehine, and with the aid of Pe girl?, will inal.e twelve fire coats and tweaty put of part. week, It MI 1/ tier fur rupertro to whir ian he alone by hand The nest pureed. per we, .1 after pay,r,7 the hands, will be OM $lB to $2O The niaelstni is easy to manage, auJ not opt to get out of repair Wm I, lIALLen, Illerchant Tailor Rititir,a, April 24, 1851 ts to to certify that we pn re'to red one of Air I. Sewing Maehaner two ye 7, ago, which has been in um constantly on stow leather work 11'101011i yelling Old of repair Ire are confident that one michine 'foetal much. trot( a I toy reactive female, could pet form, and march better in tier,, reipert We "fad it very ronnenient to la, two machtiter, t r a tOld the delay of shatt• alareezd and ~e,,1 /rout ',aro , to pie nor( lu quilt. ucc are perfertly sett tile! that there t rout a MOP"( rare/cal tuar , aue eriatenee to erpelttr wort( 11 F R Co , Ul=S=E The undertegeori, having pureh.tat d the tt Ott no 11/1.1 rand b, oth'., to Lo nerd, Or I 11 i-thzer , tit the following tort tiny tit•tte of W Northern Indians, IP C 0011,1,4 Elie Altc4ht ey and North iintiotno,) and being then fore, the eulo prourhittnt, is mew propsre.l to 4 4.11 I,l2•Ohitio, of finger h Co 's inirti.fartuie, Of the tnnouo sir , llol.l'lo.llA aud E_YrN• It All pett«trct per:lc - thing or using till rr, ltnhrr A Co 'n, on ally other infitoging ani it.fertur unit ho prosoottlel 1 , 1 the lOLOIC It is et Dicta that the 11;,..11:1 of their 1011111 g• ing tottchtnen hair 11 , / etoilhienes In their Inks ut tit tchinos front the futthAt they will hardly trust a Weep tielteit froth tine pit rehee-rt to lay In their locket one; night, for fear of troollie, nit ,pen gum) at , XI l 0 71,/ vr adage that "A bird in howl Is worth two in the hush 11 II 1N It flitter and residence, Sorriteeten, .111entg'y co , I'a W VI NTNIII antl others, 'lre,' littg At eO'v f 4,1 3.6m* BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE The rublislirr or 'lnc 14:1ttreitAT to WATt It NAB boo iR oonneetion ',Wit hie Ni•wmplper Entab I:3luneut, llty dongt ozler st‘e Intl CO 111140E0 3141 orrrrn, To be found to Central Poitt,)lt 0114 eotopo••tl ttrely of , NEW MATINUA AIM the Ilite•t and 11,4 t fu.hiun, bT style of Plain and - Fancy Type, and I: !depart d to execute all Ictuda of WI 11 AND PANCY JOB PRINTINIL In the very ileatfot style, and at (Le shortest ) iotice --shell as NAND BILLS, • CIRCULARS, POSTERS, BILL HEADS, iroutin BILLS, BALL TICKETS, A UCT lON BILLS, ('ADDS, • PA M I'll LETs, 11r(EIPP4, BOiths, ,OHEC'K 8; - 1.3111)W 1111, LS, Ith ANKth PltoilltA MME.'S So , 4e„ A. , 1 ii , ' ( . 01.1), SI lA'Ell andlilt(lNZE PRINTING exeoultol In the handsono to. Manner lII.I . IIINTING IN COLORS, in the molt beau. titnl and tinbilied etyle of the art Sitiana•tion guaranteed in regard to noatitest, elinapneas and punctuality In the fulfiltrient of uil orders IVBRO(' E ' , PH if 0 11'., 'fait, FLooti, BEM El ,, Priti!, Yo DIAL OGUE.--r- John —Gond morning How ere pin? :ItrangeA---titNXI DU/111111g, sir t an.) Olt tell me whore I can find the obenpcst If MAD T MADE CLVrp• two, end the best? Jo/tit—Y(4, sir. Wo hero a number of grsel clothing stores lu Bellefonte, but 18AAC MA his dugout store bits the beet and elniapest hanger--Well, so ovary body says bi the coun try I did not know but Unit we wort, mistaken, so I thought I would inqoiro of you Lovett • Jaen—What kind 01 Clothing du you wish to buy • Ititrangcr—Why, I should like to hove a Burl Dross Coal, Pants end Vest for myself, and some clothing far my boys forin—lVell, Isaac May, they say, has enuremost excellent Dress Coats from $lB down to sl,(the lot ted SUIOIIIOI . Coati) and everything nine in propor lion, and lute of cheap olethlng for boys Stranger--What about Ladles' hems Genii, John—Why, May has the best susortment of Silks, De Loins, Lawns, Calicoes, ke , in short evorything to fix out a lady iu the best style, and at the prices .4tratiger—(7oo,l' That is the place for me. Good bye I'm off to May's at ores, and thsids you kindly for thuinfermatlon. riePcnions in went of anything ittAr line are, therefore, respectfully requested to givo me a call. rip:lo 78AAC MAY, Bellefonte MEN WHO HAVE MUCK WI:LIVING to do wo advise thorn to try KEALBIVI3 superior BUM, PENS and INK. Theca articles are just the thing for sohool teachers duol2 ALAROF ASSORTMENT OF M urat'. Ehrtea and Black Ffilks , ut low 'whet, to bo bat at NO J .11 AWL & CO n OEN STARCH, CANDLE WICK, GVN ohasod °hap Caps„ e Shot , , ,Load, Pun l'inivoa (ma la) Fir. „ • . nov2B .rxtrritt.-". nANDIES.-AN ENnLES V4E,IXTT, whalonalo and ratan, nlioapa,F tlfanthe oat, alwaym on band and for Bala to> ' nor2B " , ' PRIINE'II: • MD THE LADIES.—A SPLENDID AS-I sonTmENT Or Collare,Urniersteares, Linen 1104, Thread Lase, ind. Prints o[ the feet make aad color , warranted. Call and examine Que alffer• eat verietlia; at r00w271 KlitiLtFo 'MEW EIT_QACA t ligi ZIEW °ooze KV"' J. MONTUOMEHIf & BON, wort.rn-neat cosines or ?I N DIAMOND AND ALLIAIIANY B.IItERTB, Pellskrnte, Veni, llttilng just, retuttied from l'hiladolphia, where tro tiro outdo our puruhuscs, did are now a the must carefully sui4urted stocks of "nii "" t; ILV TI,E NS CLO T H/N6l, Crlie to tientln county,ond take this nie. (hod to nonuse our old Monde, onstoitieni, ltd th e public goilerally, Oaf Oo ot'o prepared to " giro llfom f i te yt nu . tiny. never-had berme, in th e shape of 'aO.ITS, PANTS, Ali., which, for darnbllity cannot be oxcollod, and haling been seleotod with special rifferenoo to the latest and mad approved fashdons. Oroat care has been paid to the selecting' of Oentletnon'a kurnishing Unods,suchne.`llll/?2'B, RAW ERB, 114 N 1). IC 01-1 1 , 3, L TSl'.l3 ND ER 3, GLOVE'i CRAVATS, of every' description. I. Wu also make known to the nubile' that In adds. tlbiilb our other extensive stook of goods we have just rooelvod a largo and splendid assortment of CASSLMERS, V);STINGS, 111. IMSIINti 8, be., Of etery style and varloty. Doing practical eta. mon, and pay particular attention to air b I. Mies, we hope to give general satisfaction and re. ooivo a shore of the public, patronage. IVe respect. fully insito all wanting anything In our line of bust. nevi to oall and examine our stock of goods, ap,lo N. mONTUOIVIERY b SON AbiBROTYPE, CRYSTALLOG and (1 O'ER It I:OTYT E ROOMS J. S. BARNHART respectfully Informs the ptth. lie that he line removed hie yiloture gallery le a magnificent cult of rootnsin the Arcade, where Ida Attention will ho wholly given to the practice of the Photographic arts, And 'the solehoce and arts per. taking to Heliegi !Irby. THE IMPRQVIO AMBROTYPES are talcon upon plate glass, and are entirely fret from the refisetiln of light ao Objectionable th da guerreotypes. They ore alho utterly imperishable, the name being derived from the Word AMINO, which In the original lankpiage eigulttes durability They are beyond all queetton tar superior to the hest lestilte of daguerreotypes, Ana etre fat gaper ceding tooth whereter they have been Introduced An the Hine of sitting requites only from one to lee t by this proevee, pet none dealmus to ob- Min the likene,res of (Pith shut. COILDR4N will find the diiketilly heretofore ettentllns the old ere almost entirely obt lute& All that hat . lnsen said of. Ambrotype ono tally kg.k.ignopki.tted to, the, gif, 'fiTALLO(IRAPH, ' eept in.; the toigin nut l apid entiv of names v., are a melt Iteanticul alyda,..of plotilitjot pnd pan& only, II estsual examination to estaitihilt tbq parti e .. tarn, of the limits of un salvetlizontent quite inenfli.ient to eentlin It All ItEItItEuTYPES of various styled will be taken in the finest style of tho art, when preferred L - ,,tit'Altnost every variety of Arnbrotype and Da guet rett'ype ('ICI's 00 hand Evr' I wit ruet ionx gtven in the foregoing branded on reakonnble terms irlfourot for operating, Crawl a tn. to 5 p m in nommen, mud from 9 n in to 3p. m. in winter Ittlo3lS, tiCCOND FLOOR ARCADE, entrants ou Alleghany et rect. Bellefonte, apt T OCX HAVEN MAEHLE WORD"- JLJ 1111111F:ST PREAUUJI AWARDED rim CENTRE COUNTY AtiItICULTIMAL FAZE. - - To the people of Centre County. It has now be eollll.l n nettled Net that this Is °rib of the largest, hear mat and very beet comlueted establishmints of the kind in tho interior of Pennsylvania. It is owned by Mr rt A (Menai, and Nuperiutendsd by the relebiati.l Pulptor, Mr C F Lindig, of N Y. Mr larelLy woe for many years engaged in one O r iho best roahllnhmerts in the city of New York, where Inc gained an ens fable reputation as a as chant° of the first order We have unhand andfer Polo nearly Ilir hundred beautiful designs of HEAD and YOO'f Ii'CONEN, carved (ft tber latest style et the ant, together ti ith French Coaches, ffreciiii Tombs, 'Monuments, Spires, Carved Lambs Rabate M life, and images of est - 7y description, all designed and executed by Mr Lining l'emons swishing sonielbtrig tore ni I lo to mark the reefing plooo of then lel . ds, v,ould Sane money y en [Ming linflr,l:i Iby (jib, of one newts, wb,, ,111 I'.lPll en err Cony it It v thieugh ell the plindrel tow, end valleys in Cantle Clinton, and Lyoommg counties, and hove their wet k executed by this wori.ltrenovel.e.l e•el brated ttrtiet I "'Web me red,. .1 ,llr p, taq from Ibis dap n.ul will bin l into. lot to sell 2ti l ifzet 1,10 " 119 re:mlar (ling prstev at.) tit ent In Belle fonte, or I/, and deliver Me me t fr, ~barge t, :my ,-, red N A 011ISON, A./r.NT9 I OR CYNTItg TOI*NTY Ottorn-tnrirt•rt -- rrit A, jr 1 I.ltin noon r, Jo , Ilunscr's Mill; a 113.11 deel2-lye, I: I B.EEPaRT EXCHANGE.- ..11. The 1111111`,1•1,4,. 1 w ould rt epoetfutly 111111iu net to his old 1 1 i-it-all And the public generally that he bas bwlt Ja large foal comm., lions nem three-story !try k House, on Molena Ntreet, beta. eon elliC01(0 and Mn', harts Sttri t, two riptaies south of the Dolma in Fft I:EPttIVY SI'F,VEN, 4 ON COUNTY, ILLINOIS hi, hitt11.11,,; , , ha. It tt ereatett a ex measly for the Lut ut_thr..l44n r Lha molt tle• gam. and apptotal lettut.i in t .. he Northoro part of the State, ho feels ettz,frient that It is much better calrulattot f,r c nn Gat amt ennvuttionon than any trlter In tho wanly lie has ale, cutnlahetl it to run err, bet in:truer whit ottletly row furniture, u; it mg 'wither pill, nor colt to render it cumfort 1,10 and n;;tee,ltle to thunifaorintz, bins with then custom lly :t attention to his dutivi, and • dotermi nation hot ~ E cv!li• I by any hOlllO in Mitre< 1.1011. he hopes 111,11 t the fA,:r and gustana of th• jo:1 Pc I $11,14 i rt'y of Freeport nn LUNDE'S! or 11l lAll re, V/111 111, 1 11,1 nk, port Exelinngo" p!c Is Int nt. I chi LII etoppiiir piece. Proprietor. Frueport. llhnula DENNSYLVANIA HOTEL, 8. W. On- NER of be biannual, Ilcilefeutr, Centre Co Pa —This large nod coos eidently 'vented house., having been completi Iy rem /died, I'oll4l and ginprevcd, is now 01 , 114,1 for the am:outmoded 01.1 of the pnlthe The, propriehlr of Oda establilloitsint resi..octfuliy infurlos his friend,' rind the public that he Las spared neither p tins nor exports, to wader it r0 ) , , ,,t 1,, all who may favor bim with a call, n+ Jul • 1.1,n in di rill in his power hi promoto their c o mfort and convenience Ilia Table nil! Itlvrayn be supplied with the beet that the meetly will off id The Rooms are large anti tiellexintnlalett Pit uldrog venni. •tod with Bit; astabliAhment lawn' grid oral in eliargc of careful and experienced hostler, Be also has treuted s6edl fur the use of carriages end buggies. !Bagel" me nrrit log and &Titling It chart nothing shall br togleoted to give entire satisfaction to those filtering him with a sail It. It. ClllllllllWith Bellefonte, Pd. MEI THE PEOPLE'S STORE! JAcxsalcvlL IT3I ALLISON, rtniticl reepcotfully Lac.rA thank tho pobltr for the iery !Merin :patronege heretofore conferred upon him, by deli% a lair and honorable business, hopes to merit Its coidantianea. I hare just rotuined Flom Philo:lelphla nod oxlitetl for lo spoction,,s. %cry larg o assortment of all rY-MAlli; CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HA 8, CAPS, Hosiery, Umbrellas, Milan ,iinget, Woollen nod Cot. ton Undershirin, Cravats, 091lani, Looking Gismos, Notions, , dr, MAILIJWAR/r.-1 IlitOpP,ll,l,BB, in short„ every 11114 wosally'kept to a country store. irp- The highest privy paiiifor tall kinds of Pro duoo in exchatigo for!roods. WM. ALLISON, Jr. Jeckeonville, Also, dItTIIVICS pi:lx-8141am; /RUPP CANS at Ilismifacturer prince Ail morubants to Centre county nil Ito snuffed by sending their dere tholigh the mall. dee?,B-bay pRUNEWS CHEAP OROCICRY rORE —grateful for Um patronage so IMO*lly be stowed upon biro by a generous 'ebrilinctlelly and hopes by striot attention lo business, to always emtliuue 40 merit the applobation of no appraointing public .I.l‘ informa his frionds, customers, and tho phbllo kenerally,, that he is prepared to furnish them, at his well Itnown - etatol with 6fety — Yariety of (Mgt.:BRIER that may be galled for. Persons wishing to eeoranulas will please nail and a rg ent their Grooories of me t as ant deterzainpd to m sztit faction to all. nor 27 _ WILLIAM PRUNER OM It " V A genoiai nuortmonl of 'porthiwo and Table Cutlery for Halo by ja4lo J.ll AWL k CO , BeirefOut. A i l l ar O go OT tuiilor l tniol l ' D i l t Of sTalLtn El oi r o lloole and Jomt , rooolliod and fur wili, by tlecIll• - , A Lie IaNDEVIF PRODUQB TAKEN A - A..fn exchange for goods for 10114 the highest market price will be Lye tons of Pork rrented by ' Jan 23 I - J. $. •• AWL 110311 Mr, ,211:01 =MS, ute of all klacia, J 1141.0041,0 ipd 'Or salt by noy27 PRUNEW