Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 25, 1856, Image 3
tall this hu been dditi: ' ,y‘ hieh tl it, h i sh i sbeen the work of ,biVti Who i t g o t thoy were drafting with an intelli ,tt, m ole, and sotiog as the trattitebli bf tit i s oesnajesitemii bilt at the arab° time con , n ¢ and conscientious Detruterady. a dversaries of the bemorratic party e dissolved the American Union in- ad ca, far as by their own action they can institute that &did result. They can no a ger assemble in National Convention ; hey congregate as the representatives of a rissment of ono half of our happy cottntry, ad they arrogate to themselves the anatitery f the &aloha)! by attempting to eon/foli ate* Berne and fanatical sectional majority ,esorp - department - of — the.: government. , Idols» that the country la on the eve saitrecadralted convulsions, and they pro taim their purpose to arrest these convid ions by ignoring and insulting fifteen soy reign States of the Union. They talk of ' , cats, and In their Conventions proclaim a hey which must end in civil war. They g p t al to R ten to sanctify a movement, hick, if sucauftil, would destroy the flue- fabric of freedom on the globe. They 1 rite our countrymen to support their cause n the midstpf the most irreverent blatiplie .llcs of the 'Constitution. They prole of ex luriveArnericanisin, while they accept - as ciders, men wlr. profane the sages Of the ,at with inconceivable calumnies. But oy deservecredit for their boi aUt..v. They• to not attempt to conceal the fearful clot Miele:. should they succeed, nitimt, crown heir efforts. True to the history of alt see m:al parties, they would unite men not by love of country but by a hatred of national finalities. Their bond of action is h sytn thy of intagoniams, not a harmony of rat 'otic sentiments; sad to ceitaumtnate their urposes they would sacrifice every great naterial Intelsat of society. They have (read auoceeded in dividing the Christian lunch'rad now they would lay their hands ,ton that bulwarks of Our liberties : they .:kforreat the Constitution (rein the glo. bus purpose to which it was dedicated by to tbg. ert; they would erect at Washing. its I - s 'opal des - Math= whose ,p.• Mitt; . irotl4, betaillity to thirequolity • States and the equality of the citizens, nil rguitless war upon the donnatic diens of the South. The Democratic party, on the other hand, presents' our whole country. - Standing pen the firm fotindatimis of the Con)ditit ion, its doctrines are the name on the shores f the Paioific and the Imr.l - F, of the tit Law- • me- It 'addresses itself to noloeal feeling, t involves no sectional support ; it protects.' the rights guaranteed by the fundamental aw, no matter what portion o f the penile is tiredly interested iii their prettei Is minion is a peaceful uns , ,ent. Should the Dotal nations of the Chicionnti Con Vii lion be eustaimicti, 49 we confidently bi het c therwill be, the Pi . ituoci role ',arty o ill en title itself to the renewed einitidenee and gratitude of the nation by extcrentniting every elenaant'of discord that now disturbs odrhappy land. Under the guidance of n hied Proviaence, we shall have In the 'Presi • deatial chair a patriot vi lin will labor eon« eelentiously and courageously to tender his administration worthy of the expectations of hit emantry. This be w ill havanwropriately closed Ms tong career, arelhave emu /ileitis name a blessed memory and l ey ailhil cianiple (Itiongliont coming • 'rho Central Committee itt conclitsion iti tbeitttention of the I)einuerats of the late to the important work of an immediate ed through zation. 'rho Committee won continue to do its whole uty ; but like ones and in a can - like the pribsent, every Mihridual Deiur crat sherrad - w active and vigilant ; every !heal district should be explored by our oeng men, and every nook sad corner or tk. tate filled with truthful documents. That wsaniestion is always the best which derives Is vigor hum systematized primary lasts-is tiontb Our adversaries are skilled in the WO* of circulating their dogmas among title maple. They long ago enlisted fanatical dellegjett and agitators their ranks sad boast of having planted Nome (if their moat dangerous doctrines itt our good Lf...we add to these (seilUies, the QM secret plots of oath is of der, at ti-vjanco,Litl tllli malot - whit oe it - re - have - to cooked t‘ith. T.Ct 1/11, then, arouse the sleeper a, if any tin re be. Let ns continue t h e gi,in ions lit Itlry sad putricitic unity which noii thrill and en liven OUT tanks from ?dame to iii‘kelP I A no Democrat deceive tilll .elf nail the ide,a that he can do no good eiy vilort, no matter how feeble, is n cnnlnlunnu to the %WM nnolt It . can,e nut ~ and organirAtioo it n aiity qatelielly persevered in, a) el ,it- cly andgleidly discbarged. Joint \V, Fun`. en , ChNii AP 1,4 C-T, Re4sewt to 1A: :zints o f Lands (o, •Me non-payment of Tares. Sedum 1. Be it criacttil by ate &-natc awl noose of timpaesentatives of the Com ma/smith at Pennitylve hie, and it is hereby seeneeilk bribe authority of the same; That ja al4 public Wert of lona hereafter wide by the Treasurer or Oemrniseionere of the sever al eesiollae of tieikOomnionwealth, in puree.: alive Of the laws of this Grxitmmwealth, the title of Caveaterfe i r shall apply except in *op, doujile essmant or whore the texesort-whieh sale is matte shall have ege roolouely paid, or where the laude do norlie within the tvounty ; and neither said Trimmer nor Commissioners shall be re qtared to refund the purchase money, coats or time paid upon any tract or tracts of land Do sold ale aforesitd. ardion 2. That from and after the pas of 4i act, assessora, supervisors and of road anti . school taxes, be and they tire hereby required to make their lA terns for the collection of all taxes on tin alikted /ands on or before the first day of January in each and every year, antlif rot le Mlle by said assessors and collectors, etch 'atoms shall not theocafter be reoei Aar shall such taxes be a hen or real estate. Preeukft, That this section shall not be con strued ttei exempt any such asiessors and %nectars and their bail Iron, liability for ilxit malting their returns according to lave. dlectiont 3. That it shall he the duty of 1111 and collectors of toad taxes, and collectors of any dther taxes whatever, to make rtnrn to the County.Commissiouers of tit is ironorationa claimed by them on or i theritrat day of January in each year, elk! it 0411 not be lawful for the said County efs to grant any exonorations after that 'isle, nor for the Clounty Treas. ettekto sell aby Lands which shall have been returned and taxes exenoratod after the said thee. I Section 4. That ittildiall not bo After the first da.yiof January A. 1)., 1/157, ttr the Om:natty Treasurer of any county of tbls Commonwealth to chart() and receive any fee for advertising any bind for sale for non-payment of taxes, when the owner or, owners thereof shall pay said taxes on or before ,the Aral/Nit, of March previous to the day of sole for xes in the year in which such gale advertised. IcivitAltoficor L. Woinerr, Speaker of the House of Reps. Wu. M. PeAr, Speaker of the Senate. eeryeal tio twenty-first day of April net. -147!Nair wiesst,sol4 Mpntgomory, Ala on the l iftb, at 01,56 •r•iiustieti MR. litfatlANAN'El LE7 4 7 . E72 OF AC en!TANCE. We ptildisli bettor the correspondent° be tween the Committee of the late ft eitioCratie National Co inform Mr. ttuchitnith (Aids nottlhadon, and Mr. Buchanan. The; lette'r Of acceptance will be read With esgeOlal interest at this titneir embodying as it &VS is riUhi, tletir and statesmanlike view or our National, tiflairti, and prtstenting with fbrcti and sound reasoning the lilies dud respon sibilitiesof the Deinocritic party of the diMuitry in the piesent critical junctu're-- IdoillAwren, June lath, 1f5513. Sin —The Natit3ital Convention of the Democratic party, which assembled at Cin cinnati, on the first Monday in June, unan imously nominated you daft candidate for the offl6o of President of the Uttltvd States. We have been directed by the convention to convey to you this intelligen°e,land to re quest you, in their name, to °eosin the nom ination for the exalted trust which the Chief Magistracy of the Union imposes. Tbk, Convention, founding 'their 'action. upon the time honored prinei pies of the Dem ocratic party, have announced their views In relation to the chief questionti which en gage, tlic politic mind and, while ;uttering to the trnti, a or the •paid, bare inanifeatett the policy of the present in a Series of reso lutiona, to which we invoko your attention. The Convention feel fissured, in tendering to you this signal proof of the respect and esteem of your countrymen, and they truly reflect the opinion which the people of the' Ilnitot States ontertnin of your eminent' character and Ilimtioguished imblic. services. They cherish a profound conviction that your elevation to the first office in the Re public, will give a moral guarantee to the country, that the trve principles of the Con• stltution will be asserted and mantained ; that thepublic tranquility will be established, that the tumults of faction will be stilled ; that our domestic industry will flourish; that otw forein will bo conducted with such wisdom and firmness as to assure the prosperity 94 the people at home, while the interests and honor of our country are wisely, but inflexibly' mantsined in our intercourse ith o the, notions ; and, especially, that our piddle ex pt. I ie oce dui the conMenre of your countryrnt n 011 l conble you to give sth'et to i) lnoetntis pnwirtes, so to; to render' ytittldt , the strong bonds 01 mural interoA and nattonal glory which unite our confeder acy and secure the prosperity of yourpeople. ' While we otter to the country our ft itleCrb ! rongrabilattons upon the fortunate auspices of the Wine, we tender to yen, personally. the RN -Alf Itllfseg of the respect and esteem of Your fellow cal ZCIN. Jolts W ARD , stutl Minn tin), W. B. LAWRENCE, A. O. Itiv,wN, J.O. L. MANNING, JOUN W. PR R4TON, J. liewvf vn Taxan, lionATto SMIIR R. 44.11/01 BVCICANAN. WIIEAMAND, NEAR LANCASTKII, I -June, 1.6,1856. Gent/eine-n-1 hare the honor to teknOwl edge the receipt of lour communication of the 12th inst., informing the officially, of my notnination by the Democratic National Con vention, recently held in Cincinnati, as ato Democratic citriantate tbr the otG'e of Pron.. idesn Of the Unitkil sates. I shall hot at tempt to express the grateful feelings which [ t tittxtain towards my Democratic fellow citizens for having deemed me worthy of thin, the highest political honor on earth-- 'an honor such an the people of no other country have the power to 'bestow. Deeply sensible of the vast and varied re arnisibility attached to the station, cape cially at the present eris 9 in our atlairs, I have earefully refrained from aecking thinemina tiori either by word or decd. Now that it )08 Leen of/4nd by the Itennocratio party, I a ertl,t it v,stli dittblencti in lily (Inn abilities but s Ith an hunible (lust, that in the event of iny tlection, I may be enabled to ilia• e r ia l rp-e my duty in ant+ to manner as to at. la • dollletitle ht 1.16.. 1110 true place and rii.14141,111 - Witt - ItrrriAn tinttcma; and -yin trod.. the im et jute; c , ,t, of the ltepuldic. In Sr., 111111.4 the itoinholuen, I 11C11(1 8. a/ k`4 iy ka; , .. that I a-cept io ite '.,:xiot spit it, 1110 1 o.ololloto; couylltuling Ili.,‘)] in of pi e•iplt,.;. . 1 oqlot IT tlo l'oovviitloo. To thin platiorin I 1111.1.111 I. ~Iltilt, III) ' , Of iIITOU'AII- nit the i hifahs, b. bef ihig dust I lime no air the candidate of the -Democratic I•v ails won lig intotogatorim prf sent nivi and dill irent iii ni b. fore the le elite. It will not bo t xpectod Mat air this an ew Cr, I should specially ft f,'r to the sill:ice:A of each of the resoluttons and I shall ;lore flare confine myself' to the to o topics now most prominently before the people.' And in the first place, I cordially concur In the sentiments expressed by the ,Conven tion on the subject of civil and neltglous lilh erty. No party founded on religious or po. laical intolerance towinis ~ one ells.; of American citizen',, whetheit t berri in oar, dal) or in a-foreign land, can long continue to ex ist in thin country. WO are all Nine before God and the 'oostitution ; and the dark spirit of t iles's - Maw and bigotry which would create odious distinctions among our fellow citizens, will he speedily rebuked by a f?co and enlightened public opinion. The agitation on the question gf domestic slavery has too long ilistraeisdnd divided the people of this l' nem. and &limit:Lied their attectioms front each othi r. This agitation has assumed, many forms since its com mencement, but it now seems to be directed j chiefly to the l'erritoriett : 'and, judging from its present, character., I think wo inay safely ntiet pate that it in rapidly approai long a finality." The recent legislation Of t'on grt !Pi respecting domestic slavery, derived, an it tit a brill, from the i rlinal and Ore fountain of legitimate political power, the will of the majority, promises ! crc long to allay the dangerous excitement. This le gislation is founded upon principles as an as free government itself, and in an roilaneu with bleat, has simply declared that Olt; pcoido of a Territory, like those of a State, shall decide for them: elves whetlier slavery shall or shall net exist isithittJtheir limits. Tho Nebraska-Kansas act does no more than give the force df the law to this vie. inentary principle of self-goverinnont; de claring it to ho the true intent end mean ing of this-act not to legislate slavery into any Territory or titate, nor to exclude it therefrom ; but to leave the people thereof perfectly free to form and mutate their do mestic institutions in their ownwity, subject , only to the Constitutkin, of the United \tittites. , ' 'Chia principle %Oil surely not be controverted by any indiridnei of any party mfessing devotion to' popular Government. , W s id e s, how rain and illusory would any other pritifiple prove in practice iriregard to the Territories. This is appaieut from the fact,; admitted by all, that after a Territory shall have entered the Union and become a State, no'iMnstitutional power would then exist which could prevent it from clam. cia•OUsiiiiik 'dr I establishing, ,slayery, es the case may be,. according to its soliereign . Olt and pleasure. Moat boa would it be,l for the country if this long Agitation were at an end, 1)n -ring its whole e ltroixessit lute produced no practical isocol'to any hulasho toting. whilst, tt hu NOP i the sottree of grostand denier JAmts PoLtocc ous evil. It his 'Alienated. and estranged one portion of the trnlon from the other, and has even Seriously , threatened It every Inds. tenee. To my own wetland knowledge, it has produced the impression among foretell nations that our groat'and glorious confedot% acy is in constant danger of ,dissolittiom This does us serious injury, because ack nowledged power and stability always com mand respect among nation*, and are among best securities against unjust nasession and in favor of the maintenance of honorable peace. May wo not hope that is the mission of the Democratic party, now the enly, s ! , survi ving conservative party of the , ministry, ere long to overthrow all seethmalptir' ties and restore the pence, friendship id mutual 1 confidence which prevailed in e good old, ki t time, among the different mem bers of the confederacy. its character is strictly na- I Lionel, and it therefore sweets no Principle tbr the guidance of the Federal Government which is not adopted and sustains by its members in each and every State. For this (11 reason it is everywhere the Name de ermined foe of all geographical parties, so 411/Ch and so justly dreaded by the Father of his Conn- try, From its very nature it must continue • to exist so long as there is a Constitution and a Union to preserve. A conviction of those truths _has induced many of The pu• rest, the ablest and most independent of our 1 former opponents, who have differed with 1 us in times' gone by upon old end extinct party issues, to come into our ranks and de. vote themselves with us to the cause of the Constitution and the Union. Under these circumstances I most cheer- fully pledge myself, should' the nomination of the Convention be ratified by the people, 1 that all the power and influence, cot - lA:tn. 1 tionally possessed by the Executive, shall be exerted, in a firm but conciliatory spirit, during the single term I shall remain in-, office to restore the same harmony among 1 sister States which prevailed before this apple of prord in the fern. of slavery egi. ,ta(ion, haul been cant into their midst. Let the members of the family-abstain from in- 1 1 termeddling with the exclusive domestic 1 concerns of each other, and cordially unite, 1 on the basis of , perfect equality amott,e, ' themselves, in promoting the great national objects of COIDIIIO/1 interest to all, and the good work is ill be instantly Seromplished..._ in regard to our foreign policy, to which you have 11 fern it in your corronumestiom-- is quite impossible for any human fore. knonledge to prescribe positire rides in ad. vatic°, to regulate the conduct of the future administration in all tho exigench's which may arise in our various and ever 'changing relations with fnreign powers. The Federill government must, of necessity, exercise a sound discretion in dealing with interns tiennl pie Inuits as they may occur; but this under the strictest responsibility which the Executive must al ways feel to the m i r k or the United States and the judgment of poster ity. You will therefore excuse Inc for not entenng into particulars ; whilst I heartily concur with you in the general sentiment, that our foreign aflitirs night to be con. ducted tvitii such wisdom and firmness as to assure the prosperity of the people at home, i whilst the ntorests And honor of our eOllll - are wisely, Pmt inflexibly maintained abroad. Our foreign 'Airy ought. vier to be based ripen the principle(' of doingjut. i tics to all nations, and requiring justice from 1 them in return: and from this prini-iple I shall never depart. Should I be placid in tile txectillre Chair, I shall use my best exertions to cultivate veaco and friendship with all hatibrib, believ ing this to be our highest pulley at well as hur most imperative duly ; but at the same time, T shall never forget that in cast. the necessity should arise, uhich I do not now apprehend, our national rights soil national honor must be IlreStYVCd at all N 17413414 Mid ; at any sscrifiee. Firmly convinced that a special Provt dence governs the affairs of nations, let us humbly implore His continued blesiang upon our codutry, and that be may avert from es the punishment we justly deserve fiii being ifisconttuted and ungrateful whiln enjoying privileges &Imo nil tannins, under myth a Constitution and SIP In a Union as Illi) , never Leon vottelisolcd to any other pi ople. Yinirc very respectful F, .TAIiE4 ill CP I:A''';. -- , lul4ll_l. Wind, W, ,t. kttithartisen, .. flinty Hibbard, W. E. Lawrence, A. O. lime n, John L. :11anning, John Forsyth, W , Preston, J. Randolph 'fucker end Ho ratio Sey mom, Committee sr. TIE ANTI-Fu r 3 ‘I:7E:7STi of the American or Know Nothing party, a Melt aas in ins -I,ion last week in New 'Fork, reat smobled on Friday, pursuant to adjournment. Thin Conventunt„ berm. 1101i1Illating Bank.; Johnston, and - ter n Ith the Reim bl wan eurn t V 1 4 ,11111 Iltila,lo - in reference to a project; of err operation. 'the comtnitte,c had returned, and through (icorgil I. tl.w ; ibt chairman . , rep>r,ted. ill ,11 1) - stance that they had been discouretasaitly and shalibiljr treated by the party at Mandel ; • phit. Thn report merely recounted the tacit, I , hut did not recommend any action ; ist will. adopted. Horatio N. Wild, or New Yeti:, made a apeech, iChOlt, and . tt double soniftr sault-bacile to the Palo of Kiliniore ; and Mr. Caulkina, of _Pennsylvania, follor# hisl4)l ex ample.. Mr., Wilhain ' Sott, of- r nyjdvartiA ani Mr. Schaffer, of New York, ' tide speech es eMuleinnatery of the course of the Repub licans. THR STAR SPANRI.IIOBANA'ER ea . our great confederacy has long been floating over the fiends of nn intelligent people. Let not Cana i4isni pluck one star fret the gtotious con stclhation, nor disunion ever ring its doleful regmem upon the still atmosphere of our peaceful rallies. But lo! does yon flag, sus pended from a window of the Arcade, bear the emblem of our comlry's liber ty Yes it is a guarantee unto every citizen, of the Oonstitutioiuil rights of entering J. Smith Barnhart's Picture Gallery for the 'purpose of obtaining either Ambroty to, Crystalto g,rapli. or; daguerreotype likciie4s. lO his line Mr. B. hat no superiors Republica*, ia, a view of the fact, that the tKriow4ilothiagfpapers boastt;(l a? loudly overSho euthusiasm likely to result from the nomination of ANDREW JACKSON donelson, - Ibr the Vice Presidency, now feels some lit tle natural cariosity to' see whether these journals will not raise the flag of J. c. Fremont, ' ^son-in•lmaof that three-tailed bikshavy," COI., THOS. H. DENTON o:7llenry B. Graves, Ban-in-Jaw of Ex- Clorernot. JM►tthn, has copse out against the fusionists of Connecticut, and announce that he will sat hereafter with the tientoet racy., ri•This , TAlsHavry Departutent,'up,,to urday afternoon, had paid 06,041,000 of the Texse debt. N, Q - tiV. IL Niftier, convicted at New' Or leans of forging lrnd warrants, fiefs been *an tencp4l to the Putpienj, tun ' =I ME 13110=1 inn sarcirtun *lmlay pox tails m 05000,114 *Ana I= ilina 24. TINT 00.15 a $1 50 per 10131) Wheat, 911tionte tesl.lo. , • ,lye, 45 tents Corn,. 40 to 46 canto. , . , Oiti, 81 oente and eery 0414 Amin ipto POtAtUO6, 624 e, - Batter, 124 e. Eggi, soiree at 10 cants' Bacon, eddze and should., eared, 1111 to 124 cents per pound at retail Rifear, 124 to 144 e• No change to note in the Phil*, niadtat, horn hot areek'e paper - , • A.R RIR . 4 On 21d of May, by the R. Win: R. Yeartok, RACHAt/ to,Klea Et,' Ilteptt ttAA ill of Gregg tap., Centre co On the ifith 'tom, by the Ham, Mr I filsir it " An" Kid:, Welker,twp., Centro ,to WIN RLISA. DWI% rt•rlittATlT of Porter lownelnp, Clinton en. FIHE In ilowanlldllage, on Thurnday, 16194 hut., Ilt,tptaarn, daughtar or Patrick Narlin, aged 15 montha and 2 'rooks. And on Frany, 20th inet,, Mre MARY hianrtx, aged 2f4 yearn air,' or Nark& hfartfu. A Votes remit Vines:us. Oahin heist hurry Co , Vs Dr Seth N. Ifiume : wan in fiat (inure in April, 1854, and from a paper f receivet, of yours was induced to buy'a box of your rcsoininaniled as a sovereign care fbr the Epileptic trio, 41 that time one of my se rtnnta had been Minded with 114 about twelve yearn. Mr heo reit/31011g home, I &de mented with the pine recording to din:elitism. .1 do not think Om hen had one ranee. My ISM, Omagh, in wnnewhat induced to beliere site nay Mire had eine only. Enelosekyou will find flue Annetta, foe w hi o y ou will pirystio"fOrWAllli mn two hOkee :1 e you Call for ward . them by . YOor000:1• pl atme will oblige Me. Yount rosyee fully M. 1, Etbrinox. 14nee'n Epileptic. Pills are alio is sovereign remedy for every modification of hernias diseasee The nenrorm - lotferer, whether tonne:deft by the mole, phynieal agony of neural gia , thdolereux, or ordinary lietda4lie, *Misted w ith cave tenon, weakened by Porinclical fits, threatened with pers. lysin, borne down and dispirited by Bat terrible lassitude which proceeds trout a lack of netxOtts energy, or expetionelog soy,otherymiii of dlnoTdllty ruining. from the Orin/aural condition et the woe derful iiineldnery which' imoneele et cry nit OW with the source of li:qui:Won, motion noel Mold-- derives immediate benefit f r ou, the ono boon which at once saline, invigorates, anti Mates the ilhattered nervous organization. Sent to any part of the country by mall, free if postage Aililrees Seth N. Hance, 108 Baltimore stn,d; Baltioire, Md, ltrioo, une box, El, to, $5, tlelee, s2t, t IV 11 11:10:118, fix Ant) ASP MuilTACiiioN fore to pow In Mix week+ by Dr, I, t PONT ' S CAIN!, lit C , Ol 1'01.7h II Warranted tint to stain oir tnjn re the Prico 00 per Package, or thnie for y, t;oot, to any port of the country, by moll. on re' ipt of a remittanoc. Addrene HB Kwrweit A Cu , ltua 739 Poet office, Thatrintore, Maryland fri - Bank Notice. —The Undersigned, ; ,:iti,n. of Cootte ennuis-, intenl to eleko nt'ii', lion to Iho nest Legislature of I de•Ootaniunon,ibb po .' for thn mcorttitiou of a Bank of Issue, diA onnt l ' and deposit, to be located at Bidiefitnto, to 11,e ' nounty aforesaid, lobe nulled "Tint Farint.t. not Manufaoturcri' Danl." of Centro Coanty, 001, tk capital of Two Hundred Thousand Pollan, FAlmut d blatuithard, batiniei Linn, ileorge Jack, ' Vim. Undeunist I, it enrgn Boat, 211osce, Thomism°, A. B. Vierrumn, J. M. Mseay, loon Irvin, jr , II BrockaidilT, Win. A. Thmuas, • L.. neozwzra.t,n,,, Hervey) Mayo, P. B Bray, Bond Vett-oboe, .lonob Bray, John Bithland, John Biel:ad, Wm. C.,Dinman, • 1i entge Vakenttt it, ' I'oter Wilson, Jon llegehn, Jared V Fisher, Harauel Steithcalicr, it V, Nine, John Forster, - 1 J'otteptt Omen, - ' - Jahn r Packer, John I'. Hoover, Tiltrturte lidgb es, j.i25-Ain Jacob &Mlle ii.:F — Notice.—lieeting et the Board Cf Directors of the Lia.k Haven and Tyrone Railroad —Notine is hereby Oren, that d TAM meeting of the Board of DirooLfi of the Imo ]hams and Ty rone Railroad. will be held at LOCH HAVEN, on TUESDAY, the let day of duly nob, at 2 o'clock P M All persona interested In the earl e retn• nienermont or the work, are ins Led to ettetri. j 025 e FALLON, President 1;7, - Notice. --Lock Haven and vono ft tit road Meeting in Bellefonte —Not eaa i.,berehy giNrott, I.ltek'n Itutdnest Meeting of th• ettinierkher, to the ataetr of the Leek Haven tand I`y rune read, will he held at the et , Nli. AI) HOUSE, In liol/ta4talAk r art.4.l.T.o LILLY, .th.c./.3111 tiikLQl.llll'.! net ,at 3 o'ctork N. TheoWortof thameeting 19 to alt.' up the Oontre county sulowtiptiern fhe amount of *oak reported to tho Treasurer .4 . the Company. at Leek Ilt.ven, on the 20:11 inn , wan MS (Amu , sit , amend of sto , k for whieh hetet for the Arai I,Ltlatent hate been taken, sl;to,nan AnCid of stook euhaorthed for which notes have and bet.n taken. meludnhr 0 des of Hood r, t 1.1,n1/1 who halo guAt.niteed to ' tr.l, 3.11:AC. 17,000 Total reported, - 1187,01 , 0 Seim-al s'o , di hook., worn not rtpornd, and it la .1 , tied I hat tell hai log hooka and knowius them ,eli ei , todel,ted in then guarantee , ' stook, will he present, as (hoot, who have gia en their note/ for the first inntilment of garmonteed gook, hoot Ilene no Milli the express rondilion that they are not to be delivored to the Treatarer of the Cutapiuty until cam', guaranlood note has been taint; , i is A flat of Individual*, who have not furnaod +v. Irensurer with tho notes for thhi lostoast of their „i t guaranteed etnok, will lin Poosent,q, t the mooting A fall attondanot ia requeotott i order to have he subscription of Centre eouulY , By ilted at thatmeettose Or thekl7lrnotori, to' b lajO Lock the !slanting wool(' .t, '' A ', je2A, kr 4Rur.R . 11 _____ fr7liatice.—A Nioeting of the Bonlid of Direeton of the Bald Engle Lolnher*nnefarturing Company, will he held at Julianlarnace, on him , day, theneyenth day of July nett, tAt the some that and Main there will Ma a meet ing of the She:Minotaur+, for the purpose of oNoltiofr n Board of IHreo'orn for the wigwag a ear rie idockholdors and all who fool Interested in tho cat= tarpone aro invite," to atterig A P II 1,14tX, BeerefarV, jell, Unionville, l's , Q" -/- Centre , Dragoon& I --Attention! --- The moinhein of tne Grentro Diravakaa are hot eby ordered to meet tit full uniforms), for Foga+ , and 4111, in the lioroblh of liodleftwito on thh ;di do., of July noel, at H l'elank A NI. IRAs II mambo" of other Companies are crown". ea to paradu hi lows on Oita slay. It lie granted that every trioadne will tare mat By order of the Cap tain ~ . 'l . CARNIO. - , 0 B jai tilt , _. - --mpg 11:7"Dissolution of Partneishi prirtoorship herolohrro eziellog between Joh. • Itopvtor eta Jonsrd tialitoud, under the toms° or ointitool at !loos or, nor diesot.e4 by muted con ttent on tho 20th of Zsy hvit , JoAnso. Itmettig pork:ls:ol , A the intarost or Jol la T lloovry Jemeellilitiend to par ell ,41ebts, said o il po rw m indebted to rush! firm ore to 111810 M TIV lOt 1. JNtt. T. gooll'.lt, JAS. orLtiLANA), moshnunon Mile, Juno YO, 1066. h —The undargignal 411 - partnna in debted 115 lila:, 9r to Ames lidillend 4 Co., and 011111 and tr, Hoover, that he 1 ,, U , tOMISI3NiaCsed to alone up the books o , said lirre,, and to sanest, end will oestlano ,until all amounts nro *tied cud atheist Those who neglect tO Ntll NA ps i o r iginittakiefigolory grangemontg, malt 499,09909jr, if are added. Neagagll7 t 4 tits Cootie, said it will be glrtallY pu dad without togpoot to parsing. jolB .Tit; I— E'POSIT BASK, numk9, MoALI,MII,II, MALE deco., • BZLI,XFONTig,.CIINTIIF. Co P4i DIXPOSITS itlorikav , EM466 OF BKOTIANGg? , NLI NOT X 8 DI& 00UNTED. COLLEdTIONS il i A ft, NS riSIANIOS RE, MI X _ _... OliiiTl.T. EX/MANOR GS ST co?Ial' A 4t,lhn OW ____/1:4 wow enoz maiIMAW . -"- Tho rieberiber having ereowd • lasta am Saw .11111, lis wowed to saw to order. Wills of any duo alba atolta atrattast noUos • # i Apgar LIPTON, • Oa jkanowaboa rod, 11 milia flovllB-11.14 ' • 3.lllatWairtipiai- - E; AArIY itita NieROl4C tiIDUEDI AINVIR AND GLAZEIty AND PAPHR HANGICR, • • • - • I#OIt.4IIPaNTIN Pk. Wila *tend tar ig mien, In his lino With promt beat n4 deopsurh. Jell3p plea) . . _ 'EMT. CLULD.—DV J..)1110AD 8 no, r IlainfbzintgbeolitnizLnl, t 1 holeio.o gostrusantrott •at JaoktionvVlo, and will Promptly a IOP &lila i a the different bronchia , of Ids flisidioal or surgical, at reasonable ehorftel. - 0114 Alio, poparixt to biortr-prilaolal tooth ea. 1 mmtling to the latest improvements, and the most 4 me T s ' ed stiles, Mulde perform all other operations, in i Namely in 'good style nod at reasonable • 1 ankfol for pest favors,,he bopee by prompt at- Wilting to business, still do merit a olhltilumnee oft a share of the psblio patronage Gird him a trial. He wishes to rise or fall only as his merlin and skill dese rire. jelB-ly • usuovAL. JEFFERSON FIiaI3MMURCE Co Or rIiItAVELPIIIA. XONTIII HART CORIUM or TIIIBP AND' /101(31fitOof) NATI% TAIibIANY) STMIFTS. Inoorporated by the Leigleintere of Penni. CFI A HIER PERPBT UAL. CAPItAGMIOOIII7RD lIT fIAW, 1L500,000. hlakc - lnearanee agoinst lets or /tentage by Arc, on Putllic or Private 114taingc. Vorniture, Storks of (nettle, and Metatiandise of . an hinds, on favora ble terms, "' JUT t.P.CrOn ;4, • , - - . George Rroly, ItoorgsK. Arhifh, - Henry Grricer, b rederck Sfanke, John Pi' flalnterling, Win II Weber, Anginal C. Miller, 'f homan Hargrave, Win 54'1/nolo), d drehan Bowman, Win. C Smith, Joon); Bobsoilidn i notify Trontier, George Buts, Jr', Jaeoh Nutlet, a txiltag ygEty, I',/uiden t Jvnv Pi Brt.srsitiitswi Yirrt .ergoidottt, Pnitar Coi.ewta, tleorteggrey, jeGitrorl9 IrrILE PRINCE (ICE /1013811 . OP a. GA VID.--iThreo.yetirfi in the Holy City in the Asp of Pontine' I'lloAo, Being • fraefilstlon from the Alernndrign MSS, In the Dinliathegne of Cairo, in Elliot, of the letters of Adips, s dowlak Marten of oral drift, sojourning in Jerusalem In he dayn of Herod, addressed to her father. • Wealthy J e w It. Boot, relating as an eye wittlnsa all the mamma wad wonderful inolilents in the life of Josue of Ns a sreth, from Ms inipthirn in Jordon to his Crucifixion on Calvary Rector of St, John's Church, Mobilo Otte volume 400 pagers, 12r0a., eleib, gilt, beauti fully Illuefrided. Trion 51,20 An the demand fir (tile book will be very large, bo wixh n supply of the fleet edition "liouid Bend :dung thin r ontervirtninodistely. /V Agent,' wonted in nll parts of the United litetes, to cell the 0 1 0,1 work. In whom liberal 111 - , 1UL:11111W - 0, Will be given 111 vunri d Ronsatf„ pobliskeie Alt order. should 1,43 wl4reesod to II Onttotal Agent, 70 dohrostreet, Now York JOlB , TONICS WO r j)(I —THE lY NEVER did d more than glee temporary reli e f, and they never,,will It it benurni they don't toiteh the (%n}'SP: of the it tease The I' 11 of ell ague rind bildatn dfsennerrin the at itioniherie v ;io M 11,111.1 Or Malaria !I entrAli,o the 1.1101n 1) by it, N 1l l'ltAf, ASTIOTII, and all by it theapprarn ut °Two - It halite Peter and A gnu' vitro he tills A tahloto to Mated& rind Olt/Moil! It ton nerfeetlybarrule.ol tried Inn Th., „ f • Chemist „1 .1 Chatrw. of No w y„,t, to (lid , effect, to ottenhed tOitNttry ',oak timtrfore if it dons no gait it does no ltortn This it morn than van lie van' of Quinine bo' Of any tong , In oxistencO, To their use Ie ttllitittlP to t.llO oOnetitntion and brings onDIJAIB Alf UE, whirl never talons a. person to feel perfectly well for single moment In illontrArtion or these truths I annex r ono a xtrazts nom a letter jail received from 1111 fleorwinen, Ohio, March 11, 18,911 Jit A. Alines FitiQ —Deer Yours of 201 inns in at hand Tbn earn arrived /AM lent year and the 4iitTieulty in getting nnv one to try it was greatly Increased from the fret that arentedy been introduoed which, was gnortug iu (Inn, with the radio, as being bett4r then ontniritc (famine,— not knowing [rename that the remedy th e y oe ,l to 'a' riot tattlltig Quinine, centaintd flue Int Cif Tlivi remedy, (known ) wot da invariably lilt KAI{ an squa t but html not It r, an It would, one, return with renewed rigor "Ibis one rIICLIITOLIIIIIIO I deemod in your favor, it I aoaLi a test riunperi betaio, It nil (TILE The following is the result 'I hi, e persons look your cure " all of whirli were naves Fever.' of many weeks standing They had tried Quinine, and otbor remedion, oceutonally miming a chill, but it was, fan in ail aueh eased,) slowly woming them ' , nit, an 1%3 bog the fourvistion of other and I did Jiiii•eenf In effort wg a r.vb icy! cure of all throe of Ow, mists with your rel.r. dy,mottheyhotenothadachillcurio in ell throe these eaves Lite "i 4 mith'im Tonto" h el hi eu no l o o ki, xx belay stated, break thin chill, but nftor n. period or twit had r lawny I It would rr t un , 1 adult tiu•rn wilt be 110 ilialcidly now ur gLN Hag to you ! ' Curt," LllO 11111L8V0 groom! ul any 01, r r, eon in use herr. it • , h. WILLI ISI HITOKNkit M it it.([!%[II::,'WFXF.B. aryl l(11'1: Una, ~r ,‘', I I 14) A 4 tn x!,t , equ ally cortaAmil 1'.III:V1:IT1 nt II Ci it I: ' Lake it ,Lon you fe , I lb , .111 1 1 , I.u, ant 70 I, will never base S wqrt , JAMI:3 A ItlllinE 4 , l'ota P ! vale Lc Druggii!!! gon , r.llr BOALICH'S A AND Sitir. A.1.1,(.11‘ 4 1 Step,: r, Ilgt t,, vo .übm-riber ze3um),) hu=itn at /.4 ohl +,1,1 inrurtivi end the pr l blt, th 7 ., he It ti turned Gant Phtimlelphl vi It a large alai ch 11„0 GlBl , ,rtm, tit oI t?, he 4( re tail .10Lk t ver 44,•rp.1 to the 111hVh'. (lENTI.VNII:N':. AND t HIL 1)1t1,', QATTEIL,,, in o,r ry dretription, riylu Bid gnallly, in 11,9 or I 1111) other market Hit work r iiinotho v; idled fo r itIIItAItILITI(andCIIEAPNES 4 11 . Jr lientlernen wishing n neat fitting Hoot, Shoe or 14 eiter, non procure a good article at Illy titian I have now on hand a splendid stock of Leather, do„ and employ Om workmen my miltairters; therefore, can lunette the full worth of thei Owaft•Y. (The p*bito #rel raved:l'4,ly I , n 4 r call ' A T. r •B itori to oALTeti 'MOTICP, TO MAUI/ likhipas The undersigned bee tolls iirrmgernentrit in tln Bunt by which he the Country traele by Mholc eAle at c Thrtteunlleetwbileirfr ntepta throughout dentre timely, eau eo e Money liy ,taanforg with ate, lAA I have just recairod over ono ttundrcol torts of the host Itahtin and Aniet , ..l marble which is offered for sale wholesale at ally Alto a great variety of road v made work on hand and for sale ,f 3 A rtartiON, jolt; Lock fraren Marbire Work, SOLONEON DERR'S SEMI-WEEKLY 1.-,EXPRESS PETIVEBN LEWISTOWN AND IIEbLEFoNTE VAELOUT ANI) p4Cidtol. wih bu CaFrleft botICA,II tho ihbo‘li )1 , 1111-i Ivn,l ieWt inettiltto s 11 ~ 1h ith Clre and 41:11.1,t4111 , DIi g APTS ANI) HILEA • llMlefonto, I.OIkISIOVIII, or on tlo row( on tnotint'itto lorron and proctpl f CLAIMS 111100 (14 )I)l,Ri pal orilo'r, or any other imainrai sttrit tat to with di e ,pai.oli and 2,91.0310:4 DEUR jots 11 US'PENDERS.--- t A .) A I,..mitirut suasortinea, joat recriscil at tho new Clothing Ma Vurriiiihinig Moroni' nty? 3. 11.10 A rarturnY itioN MARTIN IS'TONE., mitrrtorictit. 11.1tat,„1, r,., attj,ttt In all 1/11.1414.111 in his lino nktii poi:retrial ity jr _ 1.1 WS GOODS, CiILOCUILIES, tter,,,40,-- A Ingo 'Wei elneye ouluind to supply cue. Somers Or sate terrelteep, by ~ Jolt MACILTIN 81.41E, , Ddloeunte, TRAY 13611. - -STR -- LAD AIWA' A b.J WM CB NOW, with e fim Kook siZte. Any porwin 1111wling het will planet give 4910 MIUIR'L Nl,TNN;Bellefonte CMU, SETTIMB, AND Boucot& °p ins. A woandtd stilbrtment always en hand. omens wiebing any of these artjolos *lll do woll to cell and exatrdae my stook. as they WM not fedlW be melted MARTIN BTONE, , Oll Rellefonto TooktOY'S (MAIN eILADtES.--THE beet article in nee The tebeeriber hes been illimointed. 4.egent he the sale of these celebrated &A je ll l cradles. MARTIN 870 NE, BMleforde. 111 i 8 .WANIV).-6.000 POUNDS 4 4 1 " gir d s imartpd, whight it/ WNW , posii• ~in be . 40.7 • - • .. 111.4443 fur"- • - --- 1 .- OFFICii- I' H .2datd T S' A LICIENBRD LIQUOR MIIRORANT. Deal,i in tine Old Whiskey, Brandies, Wines, Oine o , which will be sold according the late law, 'b the gallon r lay?' LADIES' dA1T111113.2-L. A good supply elwaye on band, or mode to order out of an) beet materials, by ,veyl,l • T. F: BOALIOH. • if oit .4c- o 111 B SUCOESSOUN TO (lice. 1. MILIII, . BIit.EFONTE, PA. WIIOI..NIIALIN AND . ANTAII, DE•1.1:1111 IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, P.E.RFUMEHY, PAINTS. 011,5, -DIPE-VAHAEB4, 'MIMI, SOAPS, • BRUSHES, HAIR AND TOOTLL BRUST, BANDY. AND To GIRT ARTIOLI. 4 B. TRUSSES tiND SHOULDER RAVES, - °ARDEN RENDS. Customer* will Awl our stock oorupiote•and flesh, and alt 'mkt at modulate prices. fir"Parmifts and PAysioiano from tho country are invited to eianihm uur atoOk. rriyN CENTRE ITALL HOlh3L.- J. C. YEAUEIt having leased the well known house, unnTna lLsta„ situated at thelmint un the Lewistown and lkliefooto Turnpike, inter sected by the tipnitem Creek and Lewis - bung road, Centno county, would inform the traeolling imblie that he fa prepared to attend to the wants ej suck, Ina monner slosh if not sainctior, to any ushei h o t e l Cr point's noose in the. r• in Tito house is largo nod commodious, an thp f idles eat well /14 1110'0 .0013/1741V ti•whieh vetelwte Intrusion TAftliE, ho purpose*, slt!l vie trith rtny in the country, always elfording the heot the tutuitof con furnish•. Tin supplies for it shall always be Pitrolisseit pith en epi to the varieties of lute nisi e1k,111411 BAR. strati contain Lila °Loretta liquors of every variety Tilli NTAULINII in unsurpameri la the connty To attend to it, he has neeured the)serrions of an attentive and obliging Iftwtier, no that the guest may rust entiaAled Chu while his oontfert in every reatiaret is bring eared for, that his animal /Mail not It neglected TO THE DROVEll c this stand fundshos pecu liar advantages Pasture in convenient, abundant and easily obtaineg, TO THE METROPOLITAN, who 'Oben to es cape the heated and malarious atmosphere of the oily, daring mitlapramer, am! to Wide the health relunring owl in, igeratlint intalittant air of the unit liar, will hind Centre put the place fur lion To all the altos clot, anti that, not includer,..rn int itation it gown, to oill and battery theater Int. 11 , to tlitt truth tit the abase Ile neat,' Wither null that I:',,..l,•tienee °tante, , 1 111 , 1,11 t tr.t vetting, and a Itoooludgl , . of loall fialou a of - ortterooonooll, nit gut, r epot , : an lo I'M I r tweolnuaalatiool, alili Whit hr In. well acritialutati, justify hint in saying that his house obeli render astisr.ration t hit gnettia.-.0 tenet t t theme in tieta no on .in,..1 a t a il my 24... FoR BALE `AT THE LOCK HAVER' At %AOSTA', WORKS, ry dr+;ripiion of IRON Viotti< , 411.41 n. I'.•Japtt• y eluttan Tota•wl.t, Do, livaat, /lead+ 1. 01;111(11th Itathag, 'dt - o .AIA.), Statuary, sat ) 4 sa /1111101 h, Nenftnlll , llloltl loam „„„„ 0 , to 1,, y A t li n t! .laorr, figura, of Bela', ai, t l 1401. 11,lit) at I Argt• as life, 1 00 . 1., F4.uittall 8 A IMISON, Loa Hai en Mal Ma Workn In% 21 - -- PLEASANT GAP HOUSE, iil the LoNli.looVii pibe, true mitn,, from r. lin faxte Iha nutiewlier iempeetfiiily ihteruolnx frien4lA and the trarelliag poLlio that he and eclat ufelied the uleoie hour" for the guerts 11, a ill he at all rely to fortwat rilfroglitlerill to portiem . pluneura and re• creation 1 hie h . oton th-te to pr Brae wishing Ocus tint IitIMILIPY mend grant SolinceoHOOtP. On OA, Ouht of the pure moulitaln air, and orliologouie water trayll J. H. LAI 111:110/II:. ESTATM aF ALOERON ft, MYERS, hooq.d Lotlets of Adinlni,tration dr too; I. 11 nn, im tha rnt.ftle or Al4en , o S Myrt. , Into of the BdrouKb of itellrinotr, h,,,,b,0n g ra m,' to the and rrAtirmod. Ihil i loninolni luilehted to Spill, 1 aro I.nowtod 111 0 linninAtato payrnen,4, pot those hating claim.) nvinst the antra wit present them to 14:111t, rn3 21-Qt A du:allot retor mTOIIION-MASTEI3.S AND VIM - - - fp; II Elt.M NN --C ALVA 111,1: TIMISERIII6I LAND AT Pitt V, TR tt tI,E, condsting of hoary o,,,t,k 4 snd 11/its Pine Tin /AM) on situated in Unnon towne.lp, 21 welt of this linnowshoo piton, and 21 mite q front the kilo pit. Tints trail. rfitUlt UNWIND A Nit Tif Hal" i•IX A IT ys, of nhiah whreqn forty mid tiny antra aro and. r v Tina , it on Om V 01111244 a two .oory L og Iloule, n Log Bat,. n 14 ,, m1 or (tiling Spring of Witter till Orchard of I, arm); &pria and ono, Fruit 'Trle. Ilits Ira< t prat thdliC , (ll , //'S to IttillbCr- Dl , ll rod. I lon•lmmt,i (toga Apply to WM lilt/ I it' Loon To w or at ti,. out , o of On- Watohnonon' OFPOSMON-TO ALLam. , 11.111,1 lu„ I'i, A IU LLII I IV `; 911/411110 /4.1 4 bt La pia, '1 oa the 1 .0 •11, lar 111 , o • t gill I. I,c) 1,,1 , 1, t , r 116 , 111 - ~, ,I tv.r )P311) Cala ,ryl.k ,1, 1 111, , at JAVVIIMIIWII 116111 / 11111 1 . ,A11.111 1/1, , i V 111111 111111,• 1.11/11, 1111 IS 11,y, iluee r.lll aee,Longlu'e t., retie, lie Mlllli.gOlurgd 00,14 th.• roarl Witt bent Thy. imiwt 1, !We, l'araat vx.rvaaL t ,l dtt‘ eta are eagige I, tte , bmit Cow hca 5e",014 and aoifong left , Itol9au huh will Pll .11t* .11111 pr 11,1111:40 14' the thel,le• t it It CUSTAIINttIi 4 co A CHANCE FOR BARGAINS. `'.l 1)11 LE 4 Nll 11.111 MA 2V I VAC Tt)11 . . lb; n:rbarniher beki bare' to Inform Ilk ( t ient, nod the publie generally, that he suit c totinoie bt carry on the l addlpry business lh ail Its various broaches- Jfe has rectently RXMOVET! his *hap to the. SoWife asticifhlftif Ma Gwent of Jam fir e, Johnson, at BL-11101` iltreet, rhezn hp E I!"Pl`tvtd, to ma.,ufyotura and keep onnotanny on blind a Nit art rt WA a of Walton !farness, "fiddles, cQarri.Re !lateens, C(111an, anon Whlri, 1414( . / , ke , Ao or I yr}'armers and thepublic genefally, In runt articles in his line would do well lucell and exam ine his stook before purchasing afsewhere, as ho is dctortatned to *all at PAIR Itli.ftltt, and waiwitt root hi; lurk ty be well mit together and made of the hoot niatorlal fyrthxn't forget tre plate—lfistlep 4ra,et, south. shin. Lelwacn "Out ft ouae " •141 the tarerrihr e.t.a NI Johnson JACOR eor FLOM, jet 1.-ly • 111licfouto. - THE U. 8. MAIL E FOR riV I,illllV S lerviaa tho C"Nr." inorrairrreel n'al,,ek. (Sunday'' , ox -30, _ . a.. .... JUST RECN7YED. 30 I,hl* Nn 3 1200140 , M*.keria 20 •do No 2 do 40 10 do, No I do, do 10 40 No 3Mr go I flp , 10 du Nu .2 o ' 6 do No 1' lo du to halt and gum-tar hAff.))lolr fami l y we 11 lila' Shad. - . L du %tillipon, in kitim for fatnilv Alv titles l. NU! prior lot lot of wuntry cured ern and)lmung, wLklr rill bo i t t Aeftli for 1; 111 1 KNAI.S an It e; ' cLiMer, - k - st'illatTE, .41.41 , srtibin, just rstioivnel fn. I Jr 111 i 0 chenr, by i. 4 • • it ii. ItUYNOIAA. -- ( 4 ,:ntrErra v o ll at .V-g*A2M,.,.. , mug , oert,i n nano toc nanutimust4; rProb‘ 3, Burns, anti sli pains in the bromt and bonitr Fro ritre4 only by liftEEN g 244131, 1 Nate. -----t. _ SUPERI,OR I.4Yr OP t • MID and ulibletuhrd Moellw, cheep, at it 4 . KRALsit'S. ogs xnEitOt.nocxs maw wamietsd bit' oilers, 1114. Wm at je-1 NSA GBH'S coinum Roost . agusporrE, Pa. Jou tr . R. MORRISON, ja4 rropnltor. E.N R .1 PLAIN, FANCY, OHR An, AMENTAI. ?HINTER, 15,g.MOOIRATI WATCHMAN OPZICH, ,Bramcitorric, PA BEILOOTI BUM MOTOR, JAXES H. •RANKIN, ATTORNEY AVLAW nsLucrolern. PA.r WILLIAII BLAIIt, ATTORNEY ATTAW. • RELLEFOTE, PNWS Office with 4on, 5417)C11 T. %h. none Arr r; Macs Airy , , Attewia colidetib;is CC A nOr% „Glrbfo ir aiM AT 01 4' 604 emultles. • 6". Mi.ppr.d, Armiggo, „*.d.o4,oing hidettette. with Seined Pollertiptm • P . .14111 41 . 1 t ' MEDICAt PARTNEROHIP.--m <I L • POTTER, having wasoeitted Van 1111 in fliti practice of medicine, Dr. J. R. MIT. lint., they offer their prohilikinal services to dos eilitens of Bellefonte and. *Winn", When 10506.- Karr. filo unremitting attention of both will be given widiuut additional charge., j,"" Dr. Mitchell's residence at Mn. Ilenuer's. Bellefonte. deoll-14" r • IrENTISTILY,--7, D, WINGATE "1".4".• 8111“11SON and INIECILSNIoAL plati • TIST, would /alum Ida friends into patrons the* he halt permanently located in Botteibloto, arid that ho will be happy tu attend to any who wish kis pro-• feemionallwea All work don* In the Deetallo ifia — lrArrttrltCll; • Office 41114 r^ (,knee in tho Uri louse el* of Mr t 4 aurbeck's '•Franklin Houck" Ap2-17 c _ so LIVERY STABLE. Mit 'ls. ir - SOS A PLEASANT RIDE. I r an/ear/her informs the eitisena of Bellefonte and licirtiPy, land the trabelling public generally; llint they min dt all titnec he finciasbed trill gisect and trlisty lamer fin , either rolingor &Aria/I,llr calling tin h i t nc nat the l'enylvania Hotel. Bahian a good Moe of Homes, an well An Ungilles, Car rindrc, !Jacks, Rockaways, Saddles, Ifarneee, to Careful illistrr fond-heti when desired. I 0. -- All who with to drive safe and fret homes, end lido in neat and t - nrm-table rehialee, son hi accommodated , ; It Ir. CUMMINGS, Ilect2 Bellafente. l , _ _ 1 REMOVAL TO TIER Pit : Ori..--1 The sohoorlhor respootfolk* Informs Ms phi onatomors, and the pubAd In general that be ham romovo,l to Illtill FlTfitrr, In the mom lately oocuptod by 74 Pont•r., on the premises of tha late Joule.. Rethrooh, dee'd,' a here be will be happy lo attend to Alt uoth ra. In the , I:AIL,OlirNil lITISINWC. • if t , in g a w . % 4 .,. # , K , patiAwtion tohin TiMIOI.II all IA 1% ur hlo 11.0/f p a wl VI lee:, bo re.pectfOily sahib, a ohole of lo,hhe p Itrontilte np2 hut NEW - AND FASIIIONABLE HAIR pra:sstrui SRA VINO HALOOIL— Tho reapeetTolly 611,10UnCEIS 10 the Obit zone of Ilellosfbuto tout ri , totty, that he boo opeswr a 11 ,. ) , 4114 fm.hirotAblo fintr lboootroc tool 211toyitv ' 4 16,0n 00 A Ilegbeny t, in the hwy.° r* pi by Mr. Tomer, where, by strbA altentlett to Lbp boAtoe., l,e bopy., to morit a liberal attars at polka pttronogr I`,Z, 1: AZ4II: put In r "'I 23- hy -- CABINET AND ITPROL wt.}..II I NI; h,til./11.U.11 . 1,Nt/i'N'J' rospikethillir Informs hie fv , ol+ tho that hr hiis conteillennott trphoiil.riuq hussoesa In all Its St- Cooe hransbeil. a4 ,, 1 rriltired to nimbi, not k Oka w .;1 tat/nowt Wit., troy mall, la the host 10 .au ittrA, ritt,l Haste); heat prliettott IWO 111 ery br inch ut Laeiruw, pawns an, troo •oii work to lirin wilt he Kolsrud tbst it *ill bit 111 ft Rallorootory woofer L v HF,P, \ I 11l NC; promptly iitte•ndinl t 6) A At ri. ot, It otiefolote , in the situp Consort: ec.,11.,1 by Mr IternVold kyle al) JOHN MaTIREDE, • 14 4, s A 1)1)Lt; ttnior Es:3 v•zt. MAK • at..• . 1, 1 :212 - 61111441101 , wal Ai.LtiG IIdA Y 804414 Ilallefonte, Purina. (IV( idg I. , ,rtneneitt/y . luatAttwl tp inSioni In. tenths t o angokfre e:Kti.n•tvely in' the fiuldicry and II anrcaa ) 14.•liC•ol Rill 'keep rvnalantly on bow •11 , 1 141:Olt'f.O!tUrO to onler, in the Intuit style, am.- iu the inoott,rorkinanlike manner, Sadiitor, Andlee V. , ltare. Halters, Weron and Curriagn II true,,, 11 ag." o and I)rtir ing Trunka, Carpet Dar, to , In 614 , ,r1 , emr.ry 'Mug usually inanttfultnrta 1q144 M et * All wort, warrantail gaud tiles ht , ♦Mii bervro parchaaingoLlawhote 110-1111 p L A 8. T E R I If 0:- Tho oodettagaed, boring too t le lbw most tu tor: it e •rrengenttas, and 100 tug I largo stook al oretotirt on hand, will ha ready at a abort natio* so attend to sal orders in hit old lift of basher. Alp hat ottiployt , l woe hot, ike Voskroson: still all work ontiontod to his r.t-e, etoostieJ to • Rtylo wbialt cortnet be excelled Wlttowyer I tar ni.h mot, itolsi- Wiftli WILL Ill¢ WAIIItANTED Tito rusts cuatiioy,d ataQUt but blot beat, must iho of opprentiool, builders ern rely topsoil' tinning ttoor work don , : in suob a 10.110q * P wili give o»tfornot.7oir.- - ( v ,itt wiltrotsod to Lellefonta, Coalta 1111 to r.,., wilt to, promoty mton,i,„l 'l. -:f C W LAMBERT.. - . Arilt.... , CQA WI AND WAOOR JEAN `r>l,-._., ['At' fun • it(Ar AK .6tmet, ', 'u--" (,)( tth xtto.) Itellatiotitet he mak, 11,0, r tlttot" tutthrti. to itlotits the Vs to •th*l Ito has o t .mtoonootl Ihn (')AC II JUNI . ALMN. NI A K INK it Ui.IN ILS,, et tLo a home pities, witlii i. la I/loomed lo tatttuttfitottatt Itt oilitatillat Ilya_ .:, r, ooti, to, t hand a, nukellol , tlo.l4 CIUTI I IIO. dou il , ~, 'KA, WA y;:, eAuItYALLS, it 0- ti Ml, tta Pio{i as lIFAVY FARM 1N . ...()0N5,de al! et libri ul rine. It hP AMINO dune ed the ehorteet petrel", IA T strict ettenteun to busitiely and aseilialte• prier , . 6e arliee to Malt a fhard of EIP•VAIrrIAMo. it - Reinert - Ora lire place, on the earth ekti frowent adreet, in the *hen furteerty ottieuphed Desk] C.utifiban, but wore Lately by Geepie kOrttley. MpiFdle _ B i zrzsatoirrs LIABLE wait- Nam ESTAI3I.I:OII4WIT. Wftl II S 11E AR ALA IV, lota of. Phili4olo6 world nowt rea:Arcifitlly null' tho attoutickt 0 the pcillio to hit la.higu and *nit rclechoil Atuuk of Italinia and American NiatLlo, which he tins actuated wig" care. flat* a practical workman, and hn had tho 11141011,111C0 of plltdDg up every kind work lo Philadelphia, the public can net that they wilt not bo iloyunong upon, tor halitif Una work a. 114• in an macro , lie 111•11.041 the pUbliC lu roll nQif exanano for theinvolt ea, and they will find that tiloy,.olin auto from to ISO pea oem I Speciown. , l of my wink can he eccn at all duo NM tortes it. Centro eannly • On band n Large /utak of ITALt AN 44.14011.1- WAN, kr,Altl3lll, with wineb he is plowed innottfeettfro Aranotnente, - Temb Etienne, irgeoh thtinthes, Oreeien Tombs, Quaker Monet, CHlreell Ltwobe aoti !wows, Marble Peale and Railhs o u r f.u.ity All work centrieted kr by toy Nrobt, Mt, A Jamli, will be eceoutLii with nod des pateh 114/44/- VIM SUES & SMALL PRONTO 111.1 The substottiper Trepoot fully-N(oo4y Q. aid. Zl`lls of Centre and adjoining 00110404 .411 M k ik h a , npone•l a 1 • NEW t3t46k IS.IILLLEFONTS, - Nu. 1 Anode 8.111,11ag, ahem he has Justopthed itl AONI.PICUIT le/VCR OF 41061) - $, which have been carefully selected, to POI town and ownittry custom, ouniamting a nob• and betut,ii • eI!TZI 4Z, I) til.lMll 00001% 6, r ( htalurckn's ,deaf, en)biatiNg eeeri variety of t . . Cloths, Clissirosi , res, Vestitier, A pi/hi - Wild • Hermes, De /Able, l ewae, Brlt/Leartess, • Challies, Chintses, Trimmlnp, lizebroiderloo, fiheating', la._ R. ENIVI'• At A Dr; CLOTIINC Hats, Caps. Notki And • and tu, Panirclls, Vann, Combs, Brushais Lu Ilm-dwaxe, Cntlg7, 011 e anadrilitat Oruourios, Fish 101 "it,• .t' Plaetar, Don , Floor • 'tad hod. id tildt a te. thing mot , kept In • opotitfr*ora ,• • • • C TR'ITAT XRODIIrr i Walla risspootrAttasito sitoolfas* SkUoilftos sea surrok * odlng okuntry, dio **ant sa t dill prepared,* IhtSoLdi Is di pods lbat vet es pare with-any es* oared *the thibileow regards ekes*** sod arability. , T. ILSTirdiank I 0 111 4 1 4 4ti ll gi r tcer .data oI pttaditit Bistottok, &to d,14.t0 of t° k m . imp ireaattoi Ibtotl worsoMo. ott penal* ar Vadipodialo • Ihe 'and ibiowlsOtryleMillin e WA! , filt mod thoilltrlllr ° try, Mr peollit.4% 1 4 ‘ 0,... 1. t 1 M!M(11 E 11 MO .1 W ROVIROOK J M A AVER