Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 18, 1856, Image 3
tiftiosibr the Degiocraitio Wdei %pm, itow riek thy lanan,andsollt titY iiiitti pik e, Biers, Ilin,l,lllthtephereStleg diaels, • ~..., r Otithrwell the colic of ptiff'd Aquinas . mime. Wash thy cheek; and llet the sea spout bleed; • Than Wiriest for neater." • ' :' • • IttiaSlol. EntrOas..:7llt is an old shying that . the_way_pf tip transgressor in hard; which -waling has lieen verified in tits Oh - principled muliOn, vybp is the advertised - oliter of the f Reverend Crtistliwitite's free love organ, In • their last issue (begot in love's despite and ' nature's norm) this vagrant and his rever end master endeavors to bring every inill ' victual to It A level et ith their own present lie basing•anthldisreptitablekolmo. In the case of this oontemptible pauper, innate deprav ity wad not to be eradicated by miataken charity education ; ner could those degen erate passions, winch have characterised his '--,--whole life, be absorbed in a sense of duty winch he should owe fh society and the country , Ilia ethics were unfortunately 'learned in the 'school of intrigue, (limy mulation • and treachery, and our of - WO school ho will never ho able to- travel:L— -' Ve his endeavored' to lacerate rrivato ~ „--fsalings, enter the domestic circle with his iltaranitlon, falsehoods awl vulgar abuse, 1 until our,community have liecoinif sickened - and will not permit the filthy sheet to be " ronitin their families. Itut the dog will re turn to his vomit—the hog to his totte— • there,let this pauper rest---his 'Censure is ii -," In otir neighborhood we all hold the Rein • trend Crostliwaite and confederates resmili ' Bible . for the conduct' . of the unprincipled minion. This reverend gentleman professes to own the await machnie—keeps the coo totflptiltle_panp?Le in his .ettiploy, and is his , Mentor—lnd charicis ybdvith bon g 4 , Arhil lilt second , " This is a feint—a 'feeble one, - =roPrieter, his pauper, anti the gal moralist knew you were not the author of eitite; of them, is Zoe were not .in possession'Of the fa . Cts therein hinted et : and I *toted in iny-firat,ennimiiiiicatitier " if • you al not understand the drift of it they would," and so you have found it. The Reverend Uronthwnite iv responvible for all the brothel abuse that appears iii his smut •l tackles. , No sane man Will (10111 , t, this Now what Lind of a Niiiittinnity liare s you 1;./A.e1....north that permits and encourages anon a nuisance—fatal, 01 , 47,11,11. A and in sulting to all respectable citizens. Illiat ,kind of feelings and principles mat the , Reverend PropriefOr Crosthwaite possess, who endeavors, under his clerical roues, to lead every man to perform his duty, to hive i 4 bia neighbors, and then permits his parasite 1 Minion to &Mao and villify respectable eiti ' sons, regardless of age, sex or condition. True, did I Joy in my first communication, "we can not make a silk purse out ...of a 'sow's ear." This clerical monger and his • confederates must, as an act of justification and dutyhe driven from their.m.eret dens, and eihilited in all their naked deform ity. They are in positions that ran be, ex plainixf, showing that they are no more honest than they 'should lie, while you might say to the Reverend CrO§timnite, with Sbakilpeare, 4 .1 Mall /beetroot of this good laeson keep, :As wahataran to my heart, but my wnnl brother, too* Urn.. ungractou, Puatori do, , w me abe steep and ']homy %nay is 1100.4444, 4 , whilst, like a y)off'd and reekleam libertine, Ithia*f . the pewee° pain of llllinuee treads, .814111,1ardo not his own lemon " Buts wiirti to their correspondent, "Paris • -- of'lluirail : "ithy, lagoiere you there'!" Did you not understand my first communi cation I Yes, you did ; for you could net help it, as part of your artillery u as turnild on yonfaelf. " Slandered village !'' Why the olden . you grow, your hipidity increases. I ban a small note from Vi iitininaport that might be of benefit to you. There are some other people in this county like you, in , wham we emilldenee, that Inv he 1 as honest as yonrself, and hefore, 1 1011 flout , I . with you, I 'will convince you that lum ' ACill f.F.L.: 4 vv HOWARO , For\ he benefit of the'llev'sl Mr. Crustle ;Ritea insert the third communication of Achill a. 4 ,•They will ho followed rip by others which will keep pace with the rever- 1 - ind Niemen in the path ho has thogen to' . . Irrstou for the Dr morrJtie Watch ;max . EDITORB --Your correspondent, (liell, ill, very fieceptlble to us, and the ' • Selman is cad with gusto by our citizens -otali-pastios , --Yow havo#utirtnf tied (00 , innr, rt.,oa4 shame; but perhaps yin were OA td place your jolter ()ft a llevel that 'munitions print. there Is a time ma for all things. However much you linty be, iodised to puldiah a respectable par as the organ Of the Democratic party to this canwity, Without resorting to vulgar person alities of private character, which sever did any good, hut is always tettonde l with evil -4n- any community , and partield rly to this . coat?: yet you have-1n m ri Def ttel the y. Mr. `rosthwaite and cohorts 0 - ought his pees, to assaid'You and the I emoevatie party in the Joidet wanton and ryeless Man },,,_, W I and jefr think to hide tleffrbt (It oie helmet their r*k lean hireling. They ha • treated my fiat communication % ith nileittu , yet I hinted at some facts ; btit shone, teas, per tops, their better policy not to dot ice ; pt. that will not serve them. We hate in our towitithip.three or four of these den-stricken, oath-bound, secrets Advocates that pro claimed that rift were to be annihilated by thaethwaito & Company. What is the re. - 4 .0111 t ottheir low abuse i Why, you have 114, .414 1 Ur pom. 0111110 Nix Nahscribers to their *Ate: • -it you c0t4.1 only bear one of Limit) 'adventurers, Nimrod (i'foole, 1.: , ..q., poet `llaureit, to the "811111 t machine," you could .not help exclaiming, ~ hew terrible our 'army swore in.Flanderii." This know has - become the butt and laughing stock of our boys. ' ere were a few young men who were le d by curiosity and the fttivehoods of hypocri a to join the Ilindoos ; but they Are lea ng them, and rallying undier the De inocreti banner of their fathers. Even our . 'rupee de Whigs, who thought it right to ti t ii *atilt o Democratic party last fall and united with them, are now declaring they 'Wilt not trust them any ]pager, nit they say they nre for the constitution and the Union, _fit. Croathwaite and his 'file-leaders will alma -trouble in our townships this fall. They iLI e canno i t iez de t e x ei a v r e ti o c u ui rL iy o mold r e i tt ,e n t y m l: s ni N g . c a r l. ; for we know thew, and know all about them. t w ho vireo them political vitality, cannot i their barna ingratitude and treachery. may endeMor to justify their betrayal 01 the Democracy of Centre, who lifted them `' 4 l4: the slough of despondency , and indi ii4; by cants/g just ifi cation, which is an Ut=lit to tIW people of our townships, who • sienrthe first to take hold of them and sus - tabs Itutm. We did think that they week! • at least be grateftd to the people who lifted *her from obscurity—by which means they hard'ittit ttp,ht the warld--mirrors of wealth —snd when asked the' reason for' deserting the Democratic party, Cain like reply, we are not your keepers. Go on Messrs. Editors; you are right. We all approve of your present 'course. I Witt eye you some notes hy the way, of the endpoints front this tide . Our correspondent will find his commuid cation somewhat curtailed. We have no disposition at present to putdislt all the facts Iter .Ny written. We' shall preserve them for More reference, • LOCA 4i, AND PER•§O, - eltsruswo.--,The Town Cobncli of this bor . ou glt rcftised to subscribe to hub-third of the Mod of:the Bellefonte gab vv46 by a vote. k , Pus Piers os JULY. Sldi. bath' ta'fotrie - COebitilia'lit a Pffiliet — juanderl I in ittirlaarough; purinOtho day there will % military parade, hi the trusting there will be a beautiful - display of fireworks, The 'flay' will be ushered iniby the firing of the cannon and music. 81U.1.11140/7111 GAS WORKR.—At a meeting of the Slockholdere of the Bellefonte Gas Works, herti..4n . Satusday, 'the 14th inst., the following persons t were unanimousl elected the officers of the Copplity, to•con thine in office until the first Monday in Jan uary, 1857 f , President, Edmund Blanchard, Esq. Secrets») , Jscob V. Thomas. Treas urer, Win. M. Murray. Managers, P. B. Wilson, 11. N. McAllister, Esq.; Om W. Tate, A. S. Valentino, IlenV Brockerliott, John T. Johnston,. NEW , ADVERTISTMENTA: —ln OUT Afllertiaing columns will be found a number of cards to which we direct the attention of our re,adcrii., Jefferson Fire Insuranco Company of Phila delphia; 1)r..1. Rhoads, of Jacksonville ; Derr's Express lino to Lewistown ;Notice to Mania Dealers ; , The Princi of the House of David ; ;Meeting of the ;laid Eagle Limber Manufacturing Company ; J. A. Rhodes' f ever and agoo cure ; Dissoietion of 'pailner - - 21ep of Jahn T. hoover and.litnes Gilliland; Samuel 'J. Nichols, house painter, glazier and paper hanger. GRAND tiszEithlottoT4r FOURTH OF JULY.—In pursuance of a notice, the Centre Dragoons, met at the house of Capt. R. D. Cummin g s, at 9 o'clock 1 , , M., Saturday 14th, at which time and place the following were the proceedings: On motion of Al 'Lam Stone, It. O. DoO l e.eo, Rat. D. Cikrinnings, and James IL Rankin, were appointed a Committee to invite Major General George Buchanan, and the seven,' companies of the 3d Brigade, to unite with thou in celebrating the anniversary of the Declaration of independence. On motion of Capt. It. D, Cummings, the following gentlemen were appointed a committee to regulate the fire works : Win. W. flays, L. W. Rittenhouse,- Solomon Derr, Martin Stone, Joseph Sourbeck, and Austin Snyder. On ;notion of Henry Dcrr, it was Resolved, That the commissioned officers be a-commit tee to invite. Messrs. Burnside, Curtin and Durham, to deliver addresses; and also to invite the " Bellefonte Bram Band" to be • present. It was also resolved on mbtldit oT Isaac Lose, that Jas H. Rankin, be requested to read the Declaration of Independence. John D. Tetiiken WAS appointcil to take charge of the Eking of the cannon. Gaps- R. P. CUMMINGS, Prest. J. IL 'RANKIN, Rec. Sec} PUBLIC ISI EETIN G-T E BELLEFONTE I On Saturday evening the Tith inst., a meet- i of the cititens of Bellefonte and vicinity, rotted in the preservation and improve-, tiers! of the Bellefonte Gfave-Yard, and in, the establishment of a Cemetery in emplec , `i non with, or contiguous thereto, was held in the M. K Church. Wm. Harris was called I to thofjper, and The'e Burnside appointed tzec'T. The sleeting was addressed by lion. la's T. lisle and 11. N. WA/lister., • On motion, the following resolution was unitilmousty adopted : ' I Resolved, That tho Bellefonte Cemetery Association be and are hereby requested to move the fencOtt the east end of the Belle fontelitia.4„-Yard, 04.11. on a lulu with the fence of the Belrefoilte Cremetery-zdelaTte Charge of Aln, Bellefonte Grave• Yard, and to mak , s atutioiLieteo such rtiles and regulations in re- Ifereticenolinteiments therein as in their jedg merit may he necessary and proper for the protection and good government thereof, The following statement was then read to the meeting by 11. N. M'Alltsier, Esq.: WifrflEAS, Ja's Burnside, Edw. C. Humes, Jab Hale and 11. N. Itl'Allieter have pur chased between-four and live acres of land adjoining the Bellefetne Grave-Yard, and fenced the same with a view to the forma tun of a Cemetery, and have made application to the Court of Common Pleas of Centro Co for corporate rights, immunities and privi lersoindertlfe name, style and title of " The Bellefonte cemetery Association," AND Wiiiiscas, They have laid out and expended as follows, to wit : 105, May 3. For land purchases' of Mary Ann Citrlin and .1. M. Thompttott, Itodue( lot sold Jurnee Bl7llll'itiO, - - - tt 1,50 Sept. 7. _For-lattd re-pur chaeefi, 1513,3-353,51 6943,43 _ _ _ Cash paid Jno . . 11. Morrison far surrender of lease, - 1 - - - 12,00 708,43 Interest froin*May 3, '65, to June • 14, '5B, (1 y. 1 m. ) E 11 days,) I 7,30 1855, Sept. 18. For Igtord pur chased of Mrs .. Burnside, 166 pp Int. from Stmt. 15,'55 to - June 14, 'sB' (9 months) 4,50--1 , 60 Paid on Real Estate, as above, 800,23 1855, July 21. Cash paid D. &inseam for lumber, 245,97 ' July 26, Cash p'd A. Walk• er t for,Rosta, - - - - 30,26 JulY 25 > Gash cOdlor blank Rao - - - • 15 00.A2., Cash paid John , Culdwelf fbr huvlieg, - 4,04 - Oct. 24, Cash paid Adam %Volker, for post*, - - 12,50 Nov• 7, Cash paid A. Bra dy, for work, - '- • 85 1 , 40. 6, Cash p'd R. %Man for making fence, • - 4,77 Deo. 20, do. do. do,, 102,10 , 1860, May 3, Cash p'd Jack- - . son .)• Ellia, for repairing • fenco, - - 1,00 May 3, Caah.poid Edw. C. • FlurpesA• Bro., for sun- 33 - ,89 - - - 4 Int—from Sept. 14, 1866, , (9 months.) - 19 4 93-46?,0l r r • - ) 323 , 24 Deduct 'Quill received for old rails aDd_posisi x sold by H. N. 1 - • , 'lO,OO Amounting le the elm oc .1;3111,24 P4;l4N'ti VALLNX, CEM ETER Y, - $1,050,00 UM Aft' WHIRR/19 j The further gum of $1,086,- 7$ [making 11,000,00, sillottid be prop fiHy.piperided in L aying out nd ornament • ling, the grounds, and in the or *.e of 'build- AND „, vY }MAUR, said Burnside, Humes, Hale M'Allister are desirous that all who feel hit interest in the object of the associa titin sliiittlit - be—a fronded 41n equal- ortparlunity whir thnrittiblresi, as wog to contribute In wards the expenses, as to participate in the initna'getrieht thereof. With a view. therefore, ni the mem that-, ough organization of the Nati; Bellefonte . Association it is agretifllMl -dive ,itfsurri of three thousand dollars be divided into sixty shares, of fifty dollars each, Mid that every,, person subscribing and paying fol one share be entitled tootle vote, and to one vote for evry additional share aubscribedfrond,puitt, and that Ire said Burnside l Humes, Hale and !WA Iles ter shall be. densaleted as having taken two shares each, and as hiving paid int the same leaving the .balance dim them nine hundred and thirty dollars and thirty-fotwcutits ; and ,that mild the same be reirribursed_Willi niter yet they shallOtt additiAn- to their stock, be, I entitled to one vote fdr each and every fifty dollars which they have or thrill advance to the said Association over and above, their stock ji , r i eittid; and that just as sops as the whole, oney expended, with the interest thereof, s hall have teen reimbursed oniriT the proteins di the sale of lots, the Whole managertimi of the Bidlefonte Cemetery As sociation shall devolve upon the lotdiolders as specified lit the article of association.:_lj being understood Mai ilia actual payment of at least 6fiv dollars is a prerequisite to the right to vote, or to participate in the manage ment of 'said Association at arty tune prior In the reimbursement of the money advanced Or to be advanced as afinesaid. On motion, Rifo/re4, That the above ,p'rot , ttedidas he signed by the officers, and published In all the papers of the Borough. NINI. HARRIS, Meet. riolij - tritootoE, Seep The Democratic Watchman role t CAPIPAIGN. Thu Demovrottv IVUtehmult for the m‘preaoh lug Presidential campaign will be mailed itrsub earthen' Immediately after the Demooratio 11011/DA - lion, at the following low rate,: 1 ropy 60 trews. 111 Copies $43 00 10 Copley - 10 00 40 C•pless 13 00 CO coPi , * - - . soo oco The Democracy of Central Pennsylvania wishing a sound National Democratic paper, will hale an opportunity of procuring one for the oiraPaign at the above low rates. KE" The money must socon- e any the order In Ivory instance. Address, HENRY RAYS, Bellefonte, Pa 17 ' Our friends everywhere will eonfer a favor by interesting themselves' in getting up flubs for . theetarepaign. A small effort on the p art of tho friends of the good cantle would be the meant of placing sound Democratic argument - within the roach n( every man A Votyk /Gull VIRGINIA Cabin Point Furry Co — , Vu. , fir Seth R 11%nae ---I was in itnithnove in Ai 1854, and front a paper I received of yoje. W. 5 Induced to buy a box of your Pilla, reeovriononded An a tolereign c.e for tltc Niiroptic±"to At that time one of my aervnitto hod bennaXlrl,l with film about twelve yearn AY ht," rOl 71K /11117‘1 . , o,,no mnnrcel ladth the Tiflis neeerdlr todtteCtionot. Ido not think oh,, ham hod one *ion My vette, though, 11l pennovrtutt indvcod to kites e nho natty have hod one only finelmied yeti will MA fro fur which you will plocio forward one two Latex Supitoge you CUJ r , tirard them lay mail Your Coln pittance will ore IOUr4 ropect folly M P 'Noir /)r 7jailefe . ;l Eptl. ptin Pella .1.111 atet, n n,et prrign retnetty for 01 Pry to stifloation of 0001000 (1.811010 , Tha neryotin 11111110Tvr, whether 1.0,111e 0 b h by the 110111 V, Ithyteenl agony of neernhott, tvqbder , ttlr, or ordinary heal who, attlietc.l,-Intt vague tairori, witakenutl by I,, , ti,,tlical the, tbreetenntl wi In rim lyric, borne florin met dittptrand by that tea riblo In situlle which 10,11 a hub r f 110110 all oncrAy, or a xpet ieneing any 01b0, petit of ln a bility nrit'irtj 611111 OW tuiuntutrl no n,i t t, o n o r the wen (terra! Istulitnery 001110•ebi 0,01-V 101 nth, with ala 80104111 and thou g ht i,, rune the use of tto, p.II•, at inl,go r mex, and frp,lll• I.oot 1110 .11.1.1100.4111.21,1.1101 017,111111.10011 Kent In ttoy port of Ole country by Inolt, ( l ee of I ,, Clogr . A 1.1. ,, •5-11. K Mauer 104 lishimore a1tue1,,,„.1301/u4tartt. 11,1, rt.latt. Mut boa. Li. /Ant $l, t.oul • a4:21. Ty1 , W111 6, k1111..., Itr tuo AND Mt Ot At th u rOrN3 to Know :n Ina weeks by Or I,..voNT's C.ktiootr ft W.rtan(l,l WA to ■lain or fnjoru the skin Price $1 00 per Package, or three fur $2 SO Sent t..s any part of the country, hy,ntatl on receipt of a remittance ALlrtrevs hnr.r.ranit ‘4, , Hoz 739 rota ()Mee, Baltimore, Maryland 11.11 - Notioe.—A Keating of the Board of pire.wr. of the Bald Eagle ',anther Manufacturing Company, will ho held at Julian Furnace, on Mon day, the seventh tiny of July next, At the swine time and plane there will he it meek ing of the Stuekholders, ter the perm's° of sleeting a Unmet of Direeiors floe the etuutsig pular The stockholders and nil who feel interested iu the en terprise are invited to attend A P 'eIH if nunovilio, I'n , , Centre fraKoons ! - AtteAtion! -- The ininnibeil of (unt rn braxiions sru honthy wrileritpil to most in full uniform, for ',truth, u, v 1 Atilt, in the borough of Bellefonte err the 4th Mley of July neat, at 8 o'cloAc A M IlirAtt a number of other C,,,,, patil us ore expect ed to Wane in town on (list day. it is o ',inn:led that every member will turn out fly order of the Cap lain. A VARNEIt, 1) S. jelB-31' (i - Dissolution of Parta}onship.-- 'rho ritytherehip ltertlefoto telettng Itotween John T Hoover and JAujell ittllannd, under the nano , or Ifo•orer, wits dissolved by mune' ,f 111 - Runt on the 211th of May lost. J4lllul ffilltland having purolinsed the interest of John T Hoover James 11111114nd, to pay all debts, and all perwols Indebted to sed firm urn snake payment to him JNO T. 1(00 V ER, JAS. orLwr.Arn), Moehannon Mills, Juno If,, IPA. • N. B.—The undersigned notifies all prations in debted to blur, or to James itilliland & Co , and Mimed t Etoova, that he has commenced to close up the book. of said firms, and Woollen* And will Matinee until all accounts are settled and telexed Those 'who neglect to call and pay, or make latistantory afrangemonts, must not complain If coats are added. Necessity coatmle me to tato title 00117116, 11.11.1 it wilt he strb-tly permed without respect to petunia ' JelB JAR GILLI.kit ND. MOTIOW TO MARBLE DEALERS.- ..IL. The undersigned has in ale err ',egomania In the East by which ho can itapply the Country trade by whole sale at city prices. Those email ettebilshr mean throughtnit Centre evenly, eon gyve 'money by dealing with 1110, o I LA , vo pot received nter one hundmd tons of the host fta tun and Amerloan marble whiptt io uttered for sale wholesale at oily prices. Aloe a groat variety of reedy made work ma hand and for sale. 13. A. GIBSON, Look havoc Marble Werke. ".SOI.OICON %PRIMA BETWRAN LEivrsTowx AND B laibrONTß. - 2 PREIGMT AND PACKAGES wig no minted bieketooni.tut atiovepole end inter snallaw pineee with gro a t oaro dis *tog. -' NOTES, DICAPTS AND BID °collected *Utter in Bellerente, Lewistown, pr on the road on moderate terms, end prou lot rotura male., .GOODS ruitertAscl per order, or any other biathlon atom:led to with despatch and ildelitir ••-• SOLOMON DiMlit ion m.IiMiEfP,AND 013XLMIZIOS' 4SUOVS, constantly on band, oisil made to ortioeb, X. II •pr)ADICR. . . . Fiiiie 11114111041 M. RIPORtn WHHELY vos rim AIIyOCRATIO WATCH WAN, IT wit, a. le g SUM . L .....L.4.. . L. Bsilwromns, June 17. Through tbo pasi week tbore hum boon buts HD]- ; Itml amount et , grain kitptts:kt Into thin market. Farmers are not tlisposettlibtl, and buyers are not IMryauXtalle to pureliteiriburru haw - been ittmeirl °ruble kruin iiined to' lr g toe. besides Flour /13 points on the easmt wit short time. Flour Culling at $0.80057.50. "i• heel, 00 cent., to $1..00, Itja, kreeitlx. Corn, 40 U) 45 cents. Oats, 23 cent**. 'utatnee. 50 to 132i0. - • - .; Butter, plenty at 1.:21:014 . Oa In trade- • Egge, 10 dents pot. 'Dann, shies sad shott4 °Atari 01 1 21 141 -11 i aeala per pnatel at retail. ,/ If she, 12; .2. n D EL/'.U1.1 KRT. MoNDAr ArtietifOott, ipso 16. FLOUR—The Floor morl.ot is dull today, under the advice , finip.attrotul .. Tlittyqiplcon sato le light but the tamittul fo Via RIO: holdnrs generally aro (roc Collars at $1 for Andartil broods. The only, tranonetion tomb publia is 200 'Ads crtra at $0 Olt per hbl For hoino ,uso, priors range at -from $0,15&50 for common logistics totalling brands ‘ and bakers' fioar, and $1 75t $0 50 for'ostra inni 1 Money family brands, :Arcot. r ag to duality Ilyn Floor contalues dull, tool pr cal are nominally uu• 1-11,111g7:1) Corn Meal is to or limier; ,ri Bole of 550 hortolo of Ponnoylt a* meal wet mule nt $2.50, but favorite brood' aro generally held higher. llama—There is vo6' little prima Wheat offar ing, but illrellOr nod fair lot aro plattly lituk dull at praidassly Trotral roles, so Meiotic allritt 2.190 busluds Potmaylvania alnt t them tolls nt 110.112dt fur inflator and 1450 fur Alit c, moStly at the latter tats, allrmat; 1)00 bus iirlino Vita also 0011 at 155 n I6oe Rye In steady, will further sales of 1500 bus Penna., in lots, at 72c, a store. Corn contra nos dull, with mipt and intro 013) (AIL no tins about 11000 bushels hatie been dispostol od* at ttOtt fOr good Soothorn yollOw !Id 35a15a for dam agad loin, metalling tarondltnn elmoge Anti 3(10 bushels, mostly vino Penns a Leon sold at Sic. un,.:. . . BALT/MOR i 311/4.4117E , T. 14.1.rniona, June 14. Seel of 11300 . harrela Four, juices Julve not boon affected by . theE an ru.rieea Wheat ana Corn are unchanged. . NEW CO MA re KE T 'Nam SODA, Jllll . l 14 - • Pinar is l i o'nmst, siles IC 10,500 bids. st Et 90a $5 45 for straight State, $15,5055 5 MO for Ohio, $0 06 ss6 Tt fin Southern, $9:11014875 for extra brstels. Wheat droopley, 40,000 bushels r.ld Cor n heavy, 30,000 intsbels sold. Mess fink hen 4 , lllltletk 1400 barrels sold at $1925 ih,f firtn, 7 3oo barrolo sold. Lord drooping, :'..)1111arrolo,a1 SAMUEL J. 11d 15/ICHOLS, nottHE PAINTHR - A.NI) PAY BELL NTR, PA , Wilt attend to all o era in his lino pith .(off mitd nearand despatett , MEDICAL .—DR. J. RHOADS r,,,,rkoirrwly informs tho mains of Jankson q4' tho sorrouridtog iioantry, that ho has Parnitiieiaty I •2a:,1 at J slid ,till otinipily ail roil to ail calla in Ow ill& rent of his 1 ,,.in•,.16,1, nrntlr,al or Ringlet!, at reasonable ohargi e. Is also prep-trod to tn.ert led teeth a-- cordlii,r to the l dint onpros unentt, and the nii•ii Approved styles, nut fo perform all olhrr oparalt ins in Dental Hur,rry in good It le and at reasonable rat, • Thankful for pnid ?avast, 'he In - teat/Y . prompt at teidion to business, still to merit a Forditimanee 01 a shorn of the palm p ttronage (live him • trial He wishes to lieu or fall only an hi( midis and desert . ° , jirithibby WSW JEFIFILSON FIRE INSURANCE r~I'J JrE- NORTH l AsT Corrir.le or TIMID Alb Ili rru , 4l% 0, (TO TAnil ssl) STREICTII Incurporatvil by the Legislature o 4 Penne CIIAWVEIL PLItt'ETUAI. ('ArITAI. AIITfIUngI:U OT LAM, 41d00,1100 Mako lasurania aglio.,t loss or ifanisgr by Fire, on PAJti, ,Jr PEll,lte 11“1111111W, of G mda. an 4 Alc , cband.: of all kinds, 011 ora blo kn UM, DII: E( . 1 . 0/24;', Onorgii ftivA.y, (inoripi It S Milli, .,y I.lnrker, Fiesieriiik Soinkn, ...lin I' liiilate.rliug, Win. II Wein,. Aiii?wit C Minor,alumna listrirrarc, Win Nl'Ditniel, Mina, Bowman, Win C, Smith Jamb Ficliiinilein, niniri 'tinnier, (hurt° Ruts, jr , Januti Ninlint. 01:01:;114 EREIY Pretylent B==lM=== Pima' E 011.11111 C ... , *rereiary joltilinrl9 THE PRINCE OP TER HOUSE OF 1).4r fit --Three ),Intrirt tfte Italy l'ity to the iirin of Pontina Itelag a tranilation 11 , 0 the Ale •iintlrtan MKS, in the Illikllatho4lll`lli CM.). Egypt, Of iho letters of Adieu, a Jewirli Maiden of Alex,. ilrin, sojournit,4 in Jerusalem in the ila)s of lter . ott, addrFtse,l to lier father, a wealthy Jew In Egypt, ralilitig an an eye witness all the. 11,•11, and wonderful ineideuta in the life efJ"iiii of Nna• math, from his baptists, la Jardine to bia Cr-m.192t0n en Calvary. Jteotor 67191 Johp'it Chureh, Ono volume 400 pages, 1111... clo th , gilt, beauti fully Illustrated. J noo $1,25, Art the demantl for this book will be f tiny huge, bookrtrllera who wirlt a supply of the first should tend along theirorcleiw immediately reAlc,fitle wanted In all pelt , of the United States, to Ar4l the ahoy° work to whole Itlatral - ilneementei will be given, Iluv to. r t .4 /11 ,,,,, 11., publi4iera All ordery ettotad bo n idre,, ,, il (~ II Dayton, II carrel Agent, 79 J.Ollll x4rrt, N, IN York rrONICS WON'T DO! --TM NEVER ..... do do mare than give temporary relief, and they rower wilt It in hosanna lb y 114M:tit/Oat the - gni CNA' of the dreattee The t`.l I'`n F: of %If agile not bitimia ilrni`lVl.4l 19 lbrirrnM9ll9l , 9l , piil9 91113111114 :11 1 , 0 11 13 or hl aigrim it eutrniina the pilau, by Ito NATI/ iL AI, AN Tl. 1.101 B, and nil dower, canned I by it disappears at ewe., Rboda'w Farr 191111 Ague r" , '" lb" PadiLote to dielaria, and more,. er it i 4 it rerfe:tly !larvae's medicine The eartifleinle of ti„ eelahrutod cheinidi, .1. R Chilton, iit'l+ew York, 1 to kW., ytlnt, to ntanahed 129 e. cry hattlo ; thorntore i f it lions no good it does AO harm. Thin 141110 re than emtlee-est,t .4 Qnduitattrrlan 1 iA any,totd4lo ealateneth se their ono is ruiridirt to i the vomit (Lotion and brings 011 DITAIII Ad UK which i 1111 Vet IkIIOW3 IR person to feel perhastly yell for a ningle moment In illmstration of lii9le triagis I i ~,„„,,,, wrote a gt remits from abetter Just Chdebred grout C o l'hysidaii ... IleOrgetown;ollio, March 17, 180 J A n A Llnonan. Esti -'Derr ;Ur Yours (if , /t but In at hand The aura arrived late last Year and the illfhoully in gelling a n y on , t o try t i k,„ grently Memento' from Ara Ibiet. that a rensedylliul I been chttialiteed whieh was knowing In_ favor ',to 1 the pubil 1, ea Leung holler that using Quinine, -' no t k now ing Ipresume that tlut remedy they us,‘4l t o eft, vo t u bing Quinine, neeinalnoil the DILUt} ITRMIA" Thai retnetly, (krtarra as "SritiMee Tonic ' ") would 1 Inrartably BREAK en ague, I,4ltdia no teuitr, it, as it would otter return with Mewed vigor Thin one eirournitatioe I deemed 10 yourfavor , if I would, iostltutd a teat emunart.m billycan It eel your tillltli. The following is the Myth . Three pennina took your oia " all of which toilwere canes of "Quotidian In ts on t Fever," o f m 'l'llo) a n y weeks standing '1'110) ?ol so ailed Quinine, and other remedies, oce ammellY inhaling a 011111, hut. It was, (se In all mot.ll ow ty wearing them out., and laying the foundation of other and "Vero? TARIMInni; I 111 a tiIICOGOa hi aly to ting u rad foal mire of all three of thane ow Vith,your tame• dy, and ( hey have not lot in shine( Nye/ In all three *ramp eases tne .Bruith's Took , Aid been *lsere,. and would tti, before stated, brea k . the shill, but after per iod or two,kad cisLibil it mould re btu. IV think th orn will be no di salt. invn. In Isbring to your '•Oure'l the vantage ground of ,any ocher remedy now inittee here, ito., dio , ~ . - IY rLLIA Al ITORNIIII,,, yd, D. ItHoDElV'Finißit end Mill's CgRE, or ANTI- DOTR TO MALARIA, the only harmless remedy In existence, is equally radian/ ass PREVINTIVE mo a "CURE." Teko it when tau feel giiP,ohllis ootaitpg ou t sod yo• wlit , norily kit* • 111•11* 4 0 14 ' I JAMBS ik. Elirtpw, Preptiet", s'rirriasnes, R. I. For sale by Dructistit . . kOilieralkr. • Jelg I 8 A.A 0 - " A Y _ mammon trquoß IMIEBOILART. Defiler in floe Old 'Whiskey, Brendle', Witte", Glue .to., which will bo sold according tethe Inte lel', by the gelled). 1. hyp QAITERB.- .44 A good supply shrive on bnu N i, Or 'made to onion 11nt. of tho boot mil 4 T. F. BOALYI3II,- • - 14 - e a it I Bli & mom g Ew. S 'SUCIiRSSOitiI TO dill. Lld 'o!,as, 'r BEILEITNTE PA. Wnot.wfiAt.n win RfiroblDuALuns Of DRIIOB, MEDICINES,- ‘ • PERFUMERY, - ~ PAINTS, . .. . . , OILS, vaVxsuss, , • -DXE-STUBS, • TOIT,ET SOAPS • 7AIII. ANWTOOTII BRUSH Bit IItHIES,ES, *,r, FIPAiNOY AND TOILET ,AliTiotsir TRUSSES lAND SHOOLDER BRACES, ' ~,.. , • DARDEN SEEDS. Custotnere will find our alook complete and fresh, J and all*.doki at tnodorato priues Lk•Fanners and Plivivinne from the noiintry aro invited in eanniiiin our lituuk. my 24 CENTRE HALL HOTEL,- C. YEAuEIi having leaned the well known Louse, Ce, run It ‘l,ll, ettu.slopt pt the point en the I,CIViStAATiI gad Itollotente lor4p4lte, elected by the 1-;prnoe Crook and I.thrtihurg road, (Jentre uounty : Po , would inform kilo trotelline public that he is prepnroil ht uttend le the mints 01 such, in 0. 111411 , 1Wr ectnl, if not sepelior, tit, WV . Other 4441 or phblin tonne in the entity Tile ithuse 11/ lagrtgleettatwlthusisl , that talitihr.l as Bell its Ittdieit t esti hare sop ante [OOlOl 0 hick pt Made II li4 TAMA:, he put p,weil, eh nil rio with any in the eountty, tilwart affetgling the bent the nun bet MID 1 . 11.11A11 The snorkel, tor it shn.ll always he purchased With. utt , 10 tto the V 11110114114 taste situ sons in ILIA ((AR shall oontalu the eltoiceat liquors of ' every variety it unsurpassed i. the minor". To attend to it, he lin, neatire 1 (i.e: any neon of au I attentive anti no that the guest may rent x 10414 a km. w3lll. 11'6 coliirOtt to ea cry rest cot to being cared tot, that his animal shall not. ho negleeled TU TuE DROVER, this Blend furnishes pecu liar advantages l'astuto is nonvonli it, simodant, and easily obtained • - • TO 'I who wishes to es Capri (Ito ilantuti uud Mai trio,* IltrainAlolinrn .rA lin city, dui log Initi4llllll,r, 111 A In t h e int lily restoring and invigorating in ninialti air tho nit! Cod (lularn (fall just do, (olio.° fat 1.1. 0 . 'r,, all the above elite., anti liana not invitation la gr., en, to call and nntrify theinspilet to to the truth of the above Ho would further ad I, that hie experience, obtained &mu trsydfinig, nod a knowledge of many 1;0;460 of eattlrlailnnicol, of geed repute, auto their anoommetiations, with which ' ho Is well acquainted, Jintlif,Y him ht nyiri Out his house shah tender II illOcAcr 'lOll In il{r guilts --at to 111, .itt 11101 car InratllA r irti 01 O'S to} 2 d FOR BALE AT THE LOCK HAVEN MAlty.fili WORK N, every Ileseription of rittri. wow, such as Cemetery Feneiag, rues, Chain. and Teasels, Door B o nds, Veramfah Reding, he Ale., ritatunry, so II no Li , c6is, Italian Morcott, Newfoundland Dogs sinsll enough to lay at hall doors, Ilgotes of Ilelse, awl olemnity its large an Casts, I:toad:van, An H. A (i forio.y, my 2111 Moronblarbl4Works PLEASANT GAP HOUSE, On the Lewistown pike. four miler, from Bello Coate This subscriber rt speetfullf informs hie friends and the travelling puldlo that ho has reflttial and refurnished (ho above home for tho aeeornmoda- Lion tit guests Ile mill ho at all times toady to furnish refreshment.; to parties or j ileuNre. ;oil re. creation 'I his house afinttk, in rams wigiong a Mlerulatit summer in, .rt great inducements, on na. Louot of tho run in amain nit, an 1 Sltintit - O no welt r ml2l I,AranyttillE E STATE OF ALOMON 6,11'1E118, —vvh.rea. , ,,Lmt..l., of AduirlostrAt oak dr 111/0 1 /10/1, 101 tho Estate 4,f A lgoron Mpo lAN , d" I ho Borough of Belkfooto, hate been graotod to the too loon I tolohto.l %Id `1: ate ale reopn{oo,,kei to lualco luonodilto payownl, :ot,l tho,o hAvirt% eCuinu, ngxtnat tho .101/ / wdl pr,si,t [burn to C PERE uu2L-81, Administrator _4'lo LB.OII-MAIST — E - RS AND LUM-r ItI:I(NVEN - ALI' lk MX, TIM Milt LA NI) AT l'ltl \ till ;4.11.1„ ,aunntning el henry Oak and White l'n,‘ 1 lea Janet le attach ,1 Union townelltp, 24 olden went of the Snovolnie ink°, and 2) noltot t,oin the I:rte pike Tht9 tram (mitt:m.4 1.1) 1 A1 )1 , .N1 , 1)).1) AN)) T)/litTY-S)X 'A CU I.S, of whit h between forty nod buy noreo are under eultication 'I hen , is 1111 Ilia rellli , en a tan. story Log Howie, a Log Darn, a goOd Cider Preai, a never falling Spring of IVnter, an Orr:hard Af be uiog Applo mot other Fruit Tre, Thin traet ~(fern groat in,hremen'a to Imobor. men and iron-mastera tiood tit!. pitch Apply to Is' AI IlltOWlrlt. Colon Ton Or, at (Ito ()Irv:a of oh. \Vat. tun to Illy OFPOSITION TO ALL IRO- NoPol,l' -4 D.W.r ACC() 1! 311- 1•' If 1:"I'IV 1: I, V BE 1,L,H.1 , (1.V AND /,/,'IVRIMIVN This lino bad hem or. the for the purpose of aoeottito,l'ittla , Illy 11,1111 tot rtllole, and Tiu rferrrt 111 he swlrwl In lacalar it Loth pod I {IIIU% Tik . ,tt vs t C - inivge botch, Holkf olt,,crer3 to slog at o'dock and arise at Lewistossa, IT thou for the }:a.t.ern and Weatera train. From Le wottown they will start id, ILA hi. art,ntoo Ipdv hit rlleri to thi, TLo nrruag+•uiVulC 0.,n4 the Fond will be or um. CL t,t^t (',ireful and expetieneed drit erm ur• eagapod, Coa,hee ge , ttred and oothm/S I , ft andotie which will swan/ thin voultdc.nau and pa trosiag, of thin pollie• jet It I/ (31 , MAtIlitIS k CO ':'.lit A , CtiiAliirCE FOB. BARGAINS. AfAl /1 / 1 /./ . ; 7. , f I rrA eVOR Y • it groriNer her lots to Inform hi; friends nod the public oenetolly, that he still continue,. to marry on the Salllery horitreeA iit .11 (In 1, arionn foram:lwo Ho hoe recently It lEltett/v lilt his Atop to rho hoildnis relJoinlng the tneern of .111f11,1 M oh.mon. ,M IS lt`i I ( ll' t•lt rat, lit,. bin 0 prepared tx, intspurooltut kits. p t...,1,1,t,nt1y Ott ittmd u Cull orcrortroont of Soddle, , W goo I inrncss, II rid les, rat, Inge It.. r heed, Collar+, 11'sg.on Tronlre, "Innen+, Valises, to,r he , rip.',Forwerrsno.l, the vnblie i l iFraer elf, in want of artioles iu hie Iwo wauldolo well to 0 , 11 SUIt esttm• inn hie rrt+N k (retort, eurohnsing risertheror ash , . IC determined to cell nt NAIR I'ita:R. 4 7.n" All lill'work to bo will 1.1 tepoitikur And rand° .4' the hest trntterial LP - Don't forgot the stroot, !holt h Fide, between "Our 1i0n5...," nod rho too ern of Johroon JACt 3 / 1 1411 . 12 1 )Af, jet l-ly Bellefonte - V. 8: MAIL LINE FOR - ""h1 W idTOWN to CON .AD ii(if.,Sh, 1.1 very morning ad 7 o'cdook, (Sunday's ex enpted je4 _ • , , _ __ _ axJUST RECEIVED.' 30 tibia No. 3 soodlurn bfackeral 20. do No. 2 do do 112. do No 1. du do 10 do No 3 largo du 10 do No 2 do do 5 do No. 1 do do In half and iiiraitcr liprrgle for faintly dao• - 5.13311. Shad. 5 to Mormon, In kills for (amnion , . ,ti o ,, ' . an; ',nor lut of country coml. Mile., Sirotildors awl Hanoi, which will hu wild oficap for coal, at Kfl,4lBll'B. bertritir — iori : i - 7 74 :4 : Jl,,,Ptaistiolo,just recialred an I far sale °bump, by 304' t ' T. IL REYNOLDS. .471,E0. L PAIN 21Wolal l ()31; p,gertuin cure for Ithouniatism, t4pritius, Purim atts all paint ht the breast anti baoli t'ro. r,l only by 'GREEN & xifoMREN, Bellefonte. _ 1333P)111101t — LOT ofBLEACH - PI) Xi• and unbleaoho4 Olusling, cheap at jet ft/L1,1.81.1'8 ONE- HUIDOM items CALICO, warranted Gut °More, for aria •t 'jai KEA LBWS. . , CONRAD HONOR NatATONTE, lithr Joxlf x.multhisozz, , Jea ,roprumw.. HENRY If .IYI3 PLAIN• . TAECT, Am) ' OEM wr ju, • - 1 DEMOCRATIC WATOPKAN T FFI9E, Ihnurests, .11;•,, ', , =2l j. BQALIOK'S i(itor ,ANI:i AU OR STO RA „a" ' AI43IITANY STRIORT, MI LLICFORTZ Tho entirsniber havin g resumed busters' at 111, old stud, intortne`his friends and Lho publlo gen erally, flat be bee just talarpei than Flilladelphia with a lar g o and choice itasortmeht alhe best to tail stock ever offered to the public, etnltraeing E:, LADI' IlffiliTl,l.3lllNl4 Mill ,clllll.llltililti .-, .1300113„, BptueB AND SI A 118,&,...,. Dr avery de - seripliott, et ,xloroul t ality, in this col 4,,„00,,,,,eir git tu1: It,. noth ,o ily be exoelletf Am DURABILITY and eugni. ea._ 4, ) !Ir. 1...41,,, or (ielitleinnsi ,vh., apg a t i en t n o int Root,,Rhva or (latter, can procure to good nri let, nt my tOwc.,• I hove how co, bawl n splendid Into' of Leai q t, de, and employ the lie i t workmen. toy cum °mere, therefore, coo procurt Om full.teurth X thei money. 1 The pAlio are respeoll'ally Invited to nail- ' ntyld , - T. F. "MALLOW SA bountiful nalsirlinont, just toskil eil Hint Clothing and Furnishiniciiiioto ofs sny7 • J. Atohiluazdi4V k soN. , 41 I„,,k"Tho Shares ut the flidge'stay • tan and doll o.4apanr trill Inc raised from Two 1" tired Dolltir ' s to Three Hundred Pollan atter the 2, t of Juno/ heA YARN WITHIN THE REACH OF TA FRY It AN -- 2reiii Atit'..l.B OF ,t.,1 all and COAL It,lN Lin Elk enmity, liet,Linger tontiVir, Potinsyisimin, for Cute, giving a (nem of 25 nave 611 521111, pay ablo In iniththoonis of $f pet I.Yi etc, or tut the it'll° rate monthly fistula of 511, 75, lOU, or more Ince, arljnnom in pypt/r),frot Each farm fronds t 1 1 41 ,,tt toad thirty fort wolti;.;,i " lIE 5011.0 t n rich limestone loam, illitd rept . - , ct lly adapted to eultiVation, as it is ntittrt hilly 10.1111 y hut gently rollint 'or 'line table !anti. Around nod thiough thi4 properly their° ate-already 4111,10 21),UM1 Verel iiillieroiltlyrtlion, and itsfertility li as been estohlwhol froin the etoi s produeefi -- 1' ,nn this ,1111 . 10411. In is entry to he foil . ) s atklied 1 here is a,-only east, 110111.1 . 1, flay firAlitee irl.h•ln in. tomb inciter than trade, it i 4 th f • ('ll IiAPE-'I ,4: , ( aa' lanai of a similar finality vi r. , llitt . ,r. at miteli iii i..r pi ivesitilof,hiing,nra eso , • ^ lilly Brit as tarot ajw , l. , al Till: com, -'l l l4, in p thiamine 14 Of)) 4,111 DV, 11 - 1 , 1, .et or il mini underlaying the whore privet ly /inti, the tifiention of 01111,11, AIIII 1.1,01 (, • 11 4 , .4nt1ir1 ,sill Cnit Iniclu, is ilunnuily I` t 111490 it It ta4 110- ad% ant age fit Init g ale 1,„14, 4 47 . inn line Kterat lake market, with which it will Veonate7 . ted by the Sat, huty owl hale itailreaflydnir under eonittart and In n oilrm , of oomph then front Erie to Ittolgptray, Italia 411,.entling grail i tle ,1,,,1, ~,,, Th,..nil em yr ini (woinouic I ~ Irl uythe he ,t, for unsta,.oe V,lngirtind and , oiler 1011111 MA. Tlio tin. , 500 an CC ig , trlthog for the ruin, Ar.ll,r, 01 II lull eerlininly, in PO In‘..rable II I'ICRIIUTS . alltn 11 611111 i time pay Isrgely 'I LW ie tonpartant as lus Ilisilicilv• oral tr i it iilll ii , noll it 1 Vrnir colt comp inks Itartrit' Lee. started to work nano, ID the sioinity,imil there Ate nut; fifteen „i,„l,wia,-non,l St Mary ' s. 'l'llE ' 11h( ItElt. Steeklitild CI ' 11110 re,ice -- MTlaere is II" 1,1, V/111011 1 , 1,41, Cr 1 . 1(4,1ril of 11 11 nett 01 i 0/11, jj, is -try I nilinanle. All will pay for a groat part or tho lath !In neetattit of the excellence of etrenros there are fine opportunititt fur titill.e. FOlt HEALTH, Out looation is mach reeomntend ed by ph:tete:am, The chills will ferors are err !Mon 11, tile n 11111111 MM" ft.antilints, being prote..lml is ri from thot tin, , ,st minds in ,Olio. A ljegh Jill , 'rine water tm per. , and anion bri the — lteet, the land I abounding in (hie springs FAITH II A [Mt° A Hri will shortly he completed eontitteling It 1 4 a Me V'? coma indention with New, Y. , 1 k, Philailelphi ',Pittsburg Mitt, Mullein, Rod all the cities vim the Lakes ']hey 'are Fitithory end Elie, the Allegheny Valley, !kr Pit • sharg and ma.. foie, met the Venting° firretArtie exertions am at, being mad,, for the building of tho Tyrone end ( learllf Id. alin in also pas,' through ibis property The t tf,, t of tins Ilie 111 11 . 104 and teinernl net piLp merit, As well a• 111 , rust all ly in,, 1.10,4 . 1001 i 1 Ito lat,re and flourialithie to•rn alt St Yam ' s is the tient». of 11 n tr,et,ninikettng meat ..,0110 in haliitants It has lioleloWoil polite gel , cola, O nes 1 ATV' grist mills, stares well stocked with , rerytimit; desired There are 221 half:twee le . in the town of St Merit's, which will be add ate the proceeds elually tiCittied amongst those who buy fairilli Ittligowst7 is the onunty 300.1., where an ClACt.alia al balsam,. as 1111111 P adjoins the i pact ww the west -The all, Ito distil all is intetsoiteil by g to.l turnialle, mid other meth t i . Th.a is a rare "rdnumßy',,fr..rts3 i ID iLkSe who Nrs3ll to•farte or In tie aigoed tor stionnt fur tee fu tort- Ily making propel . Mg elrli n and efitatifiett nig the atlvatitagt s of zoit t'iti an an , nridatussi of roll, Ineallinflitne‘i of Amato, realr ,, att Co•iiittes, and its Ina 01011, a ~,I reel pnino ,, ot may lie furtued of tic present toliantlAcs and tilt= Ile more:tee. no ,srltlng to 'OW , otn, doe tons will he given tO (110412. wen 1,11,401# N matt OW Mini A rritott of d entitions will shanty Ini tul ell Titi#re is snits valeta opening for rarionsei , of merhaitimil Wittiness, espainlly tenets' g/, "orrh,..lirrtghtit,, Aze handle maker, eons 'linkers corlirillon , sod 0,11e1" t v-1...,n,1 amt in , 1)-0:illi In:7 Cll loelilf.; the first instalment Lenin el eon hold titers 11/ their own right '1%).1e. is ninquemionubty good, anti warrantee ,le,,is givenr A4 , iri ii Inn iiiply to SAltlllhl, W CATTELI, Seora•tury, 1 'tS Walnut tereet, between Fourth awl Fifth streets, Philadelphia, 11.1:VERLSCVS llonry 31 11'1111n, 1:T , 144'. 1 nlitut Ort•rt, I'llllo4ln. C Caen Jobn Caen fo, . Pitni lola of Phil, l ie. Co . Ith ntitet, C untivat, , I rlw cum of Cout City Ow office, 7th otrect, n 1,0% r Philo 11.ui'lmen o•er the fowl and cell:nine,' the ILm (le,,rgq• It. Durrett, ticurfield, Pu , h as been “nee the 1.,m1 If, Illy ;4,lllliftt, FMq 1I S itllet, Residence Nu 1112 N sth strvet, Pita.% slammed the: bend Wu, 11.0, Esq , south rule of Walnut stref.t, below 4th,examtned the land. iio/1 Alexnut. I. ffs.ts,, lane/tater Ono Weltusey, St MarircElk. Cu , s recent settler Ilt,hancbardner. C.:lllPuiflar errant-, , has ox unittleol the land 1141r611 ri 1 , Trrrprietor of the literetne House, t, elJote Arch, Phila , has en- nlntne , l the lend E C 14 hillt s, E, , Jikilfro of tlio Pence, i t Illinry's Chill, Lula, , Prtii4ent a the. Doroggh of •=t )lacy . 6 J , Weis. EN ,Potrtkanstvr. St Mary's 0./rgi , 'l'n) or, Evti pep Pstinster, St Mary a Ma, Win 11 Mau's, Ma John Miller, Pura! Muter, St Mary's Mr Jolla Collo% ' " • E.. It Nom, , WoII,YIIItI. thaio, Cl ,1 opetrato,r W541111K433. llonorun IL OF ST hihlll' , ll TO Trig 61/.21.' Thix to hi certify that, hal ing been war (Milt orimeti by the padictray Yana and Curd, , t y losttpany, and given it a thorough examination, pet jowl the representation , of that Company to be e‘orena \'; find the Roil to by the most fertile —thu Coal and Iron IJre to ill . in fne.rhanailble ynante(we through the whole dt,lrh t-•llw farm, in excellent order, and the intelli;eiu e 0101 I,peperity of lira 1K 11110 to 11l of the tiv.l gratil . ving 1,11/111,1 , 11!1 . \V e l'o4v7lott (ht., TV) healthier Irpeltioti tut till, St Ile, HIP 1 1 .1. 00)11141411 r ,1t I\ 111.1. de:oratile place ~Welltvitt make floe declaration, ni we belie, e there 111117 b., merry percent who are lina..quanited M ith thew , fatale, m i nd wu are 1111111fieti, frail oar knowlungo of the poil t “..l, that int'orunit tun upon it all! be a public benefit JaenliAlnfor, Elk Co Slar,eyar, 4l Mniry'n. Elk en rlikitno loilir, l'rcenient of I.lonnilo uf 81 r .r) , . Jelin 4„.•„ 11, .Nfrinher toe Bill, Council, Et. lary'd Ch 1 1, A ItrlUlkM, 4111 00 tio. 4. . 11 .1 W,i4-410, do do do 0 Enid daihnl.. 1/11/ 110 110 /JO 11111.1. , .. fire gentlemen ore ill itte.eot the tuting w tolool of the Town Cotewil of tit Nfary'r, iIK ("may, and that the strove their hand tent er,,peitere. hi teetimonv whereof 1 hare eeh,ribil toy mune, end CAIVICII I the Santo{ °eine to ho attached thereto; and f fully oomiur in thisaelye recommendation ISE ',Neu tee Rest.. Chief Bur,fess of 111311ary'e, Elk co,Pa Oct 30,11355 TO SEE THE LAND -- Start tom Philadelphia erpther place on Tuesday night, at it o'clock, for Tyninp, from Which a stage will leave erery IVenl• neiido witiThlng , for St. Mary's , Elk county, All are reeiheetect to tie. It is euggested that parties who omelet go will ritth together and treed a com mittee It 14$ hcautilul and interesting trip. After the Ist of Judo the prim, of forfeit will he greatly raised 19,13 -St MARTIN r - q'TON.II, Pei., attends to all beelines in lie line 'fills plinatwelity. je4 , DRY GOODS, GROCUM RIS, &c., 110.-- A largo stook always int hats" to supply 001- talitr*, co, sa3o l ot eixerf.ll pti. MARTIN e,TON V, 801 l atonic, STRAY SOW.-AriIIAYED AWAY A witlTE SOW, with' few Km* aillenr. Any person flinitpig her wilt I,4ense ggi4o ininonsi t tn Jel.o • Mien% FLYNN, 13 eller. CHAISE, BBTrEII9, AND RCKIKLIG 011A,188. A splendid' easeotimentwlw&ye on hand. Persons Wlphlng out) , of these-attiblei do wall to call and strain my stoelc.-u they mut not fell to be eullat. MARTIN 8 fONB, ell • Bellefonte . 11 - _WIWI ORLIN ORADIJOS.--TEIII ' 411 e 4 - 6 " &rat , in . 0.10 ,The orbenrilsepr has hem appointeil age nt, Ox the sell or thee.) oelahrated grain cradles MARTIN STORM, jell , Malta/este. 1111 LOON. n,ly , WaTBD.--s.ootheito 4017111/1 et SUM wrote& 16411 , 14,16 tettestlerie• it It the ctro . , . . 4 . • ..1 MAC MAY: w w •;~ ~~ _ ~ :ILE f ISINESS IMIENQY. 4 I Y AT LA k 1110....MPON ir. TE, PA., It. : . .• Arm IgernllAßl H. BLAIR, AITOUNLY AT LAW tELLtyoNTE, pow om., with ItoW .Lames T Rah, yitw2ft WM. P—MACICANUS, r .A.DrotiNET AT LAN. ti-In coiled ion:: in C entre; Clinton nod Cldiir field conntic;i. MAO, bee,le, 14 twiggy's, he., lerraly drawn. -.- TA , I MA, Inollerute. Qtfi;o ~with Jli wee 3t.e.mneuq, Vert , Itellefo&e. Pa., - • j a 0184, -- - • AVDICAL TAILTNER9II.I2.-14. i.L.YJL 4EO L POTTER, haylonomiocigttni trial him in the practice of medicine; 'Dr J. Ifk. CILELL, thilyofrer their profenaloont service to the citizens of Dellnfante and vtcinityy khrot moo?' nary, thn unrentitting titlention nt bothedil on without residonao aE Mn. liemter's, • aral2•lf , 4 I'I4DENTISTRY. J. D. IVIECIIAN I -1:11LOEON WM! T I I 4 T itto T ro lis ft ieuils • • be bet, perlN/Menity inceelt in f Ile will by lekppy to titteell tr ressional sot steel. All It style sea tr - tlxviritto3 (Moo and 3lr Sostyttee:. Fritekti. ERY ETA.RZE., w von.A i 3 ixAsANTlttil -1110 IIP , ottl•• r Ir,forr.lllt. et:isomit oC 80104011.47 `; 1V•/ 111. tr 1r elite; r:11,11e grwersiltyi Int (lee a lU rdel,/-lif.d WWI goo•I and tet•er OT 11JAVirtg il4 1100. geol , 1•••• k of 1101, os wolf at - lltel.'4 l,, i•Cre• rt Ill,lr R••.•4•1,‘ • :7 , ',1111 , 1ti'9, Corot ilte • for .1,1.1.4 4,•n dr.irrd II 111, v, 141 to II ris ire and f..t, welt nil} to nest owl r••fnll.rNtLlu .\ L3ll4ytPy I . ,a up th,ooltwolated It It 11611t•firtste ..... /Coy who wleh hip I,ro tit done fit fle mintegt # Ibe thirells4dme!mlY_ nonce." - apz.ry— , REMOVAL , - TO THE FUZLIO.— 71. , •.,,0 , •,11., rt V .clittlly informs It , 11.1 , —. • etintprner 4. AIM 111, , 1 Ctihlte lii general hilt he hoc rf ri1, ,, 1 101111111 : SIR I.:ET, in the r. ,, rm tatoly 00n.pj.,11 , y Or l'oltot, on I),, prertihr, of tl,e I ,t,. j,,,,,,,it„ti,,,, ! 1,,• ,1, , ,,1,ere he will he Itlipp) .“ allewl In ,Al 0,./er. in 1) , ,. TALIALI N 6 1:I SISP ( * , illiking ulvsyn ON co 111'.1^Le,linn toll. vs' r n ti n. It. WOrillnitlifkirl Glll , l .1,114,N. he 11 %Wand!) . tiOliC1:1. o. 'hart of tublie..etiottn., er2-(lni .1 W 1101"tlftOCK -- - PA* AND FA£DUONABLE BAIR Dil li:+,Si!'4 All. SliAViNi) SA LOON.:-. Thu under-igned respertfolly announces In the oili rens of itellefonto nod Vleirll is, that ht) has opened a new and Coslnoun Huh Ir rrinK sari Khavltuc nn AI ,then} street. to the how 'occupied I.) Mr 'I mu, I, where, to , strict 'Mention to ith huniue, he hops to um •rit a I h^ral share of inAlio Far - al:Igo AZAII.I 4 tart mor2C,ly / CABINET A 1111) IFFEWI I i it STEIIINtt Th* ribor I( ~ ,otfully inform* hot frlctoltt unt). tbr 1,a1,11 - that Ito hos cummolloud I lo• elbiort ts rtll its •rn• liroto•hot, oil will In. jrt pared to farEPI) twrl, I bat ‘,III rornj, uc tri.b 4iny iti talc in ton brst P 11 1 ,• to OW' larger rn r II it org ho• 1 prtiotictti cTrerlefme, e, soy isrll,lll4 . twainers, portorts ,eta trlo n(alc to lout .111 lot str.urml that it 'Olll,O d , ue hs it vtuntittl l **.tom.le it to. • Alirghony atiret, Belefidae, m tho shop formerly ot-upli..l by 31r. It-orafrl,l tirrler ,•. JOHN HcBRIDE, ) AND /I.ititillNSi d EM,.... A:R $l , ;Oi 11, rof 111S11( il` oo A 1.1;6 I HAN 1( Htrutitof Pcnna. Hawing . pernnumhiiy I,,cattAi. it Wit ragrunlin t, to Vely In Ill° Saddler: 1 / 1 61 llsnn ns bon t: n 11l keep eimstnntly !In band anti tumid, tare in tbv latent style, and to the mewl N 7,161.1,0,0, I,,Tralvtr, tiodkl Ilfttll CP, C.ll H.lecrir IVagen nn,l Cain Ingo Ii motor, Wage,, and Itrith.g. Trunk,, v. 1., 1' irpe; - rn ehoot (•,•ry t. 4,1113 manufartarcliy - Sni. vu Icfa All ,rk Isdrr.inl 4 p.thl yi, r e hits a can btforo tattolotatogalleatt Lev,. pLASTEALING.--- 1 — Tho und ,, rivnu , l, losing inaJo.tlte mod az tenril aming•lnnule, Lnqi 11:11111g a Thrgt Ott/4 , k of material ow lintel, will leC ready at n thortnotioa to attend to 411 mar,' i$ L,n cl.l lino Dr httilluesS. le LIAM th, tO,O wnrhrnen ; and all work entruNtr.l., to lilt run) Ire exeNttool in a al tie vtini,ll 9tn , aet he te.IC dell IVLOACY.r r fur. utsL mitterittl,, TIV. WORE WILL DE WADE ANTED 'llpn ne:n emldoy,•d nre p,n,r ) , .11 the Ley'. a 4 in floc üb•vtce revue, r. buildele can tell upon Kazin; thrie not k &tee tr, 54,11 a manner a nn til I All L.l.{no a(liire , ad to Ilegeronte. Centro county. Pa % , 11 be prwortly attended to fe1,27-tf C W. LAMBERT fr COACH AND WAGON NAN t. A 4) AWN:- HOW-A*44 4/4ee•ea, (north suit, 1:, Ilefonte The nib amber taken (hie met hy/I I/. hq-rra rho 1404 that Ca p hi th,‘ and IVAGONI AfAlaNii Itr.-:TNT: 4, at the above Vince, wbem Ito prep.ired DinotiLiet Ur , . to onrer, .114 1. sully keep on hut u s 1101• • • • • Itnniof such ae (thcii kw i t vs, CARRYALLS, hLU (I (LS, ne,well es II HAI'Y FARM ' at I ihers I F . 41 iVeil . • 44 EPA Ili ISO tittne nt t , , thtttl , o4-not ter ty Yin t Ott 1.1t.m W 11.01IMPi and mna vrs b prices he Itnytett ttt 11111 a a ehara pntroangn - . I,4l'lletormiwt ilio pine.. on the north Pidr of Ilunquol eruct, In ,11.. oliqp Nei nenalArd by Dothl Campbell, Lot inure Itir.4. by Sty t:oorr,e, Swilley. ~ aplo-din B ELLEFONTE MARBLE WORKS. 11. w t :•"14140.1:-IlMEN'e s IV 1f Ti ,Niii.Aieni,i.y., I t of l'hilinialphia, would no-t 14 .pr. Ifnity erklf the rattonthot of the public to in. lono•,,sna wi II nelecte4l stock of it Allyn mini Atuci Lot. Mniiiro,, whirl, h o has selected will, ! e ire flout ft prate'L•ni no: hewn, caul 1) :N.0, - ; i hall the esponenos of punting op rq - cry hut Or work to l'himlelphitt, the putiiio ..n rest swottro , l that they will not be imposed upon, by bat in.; their no, k ,tone in an inforior manner. Me thvßee thn public to call and ern oiLe for itimuscli en, and they willOnA Ills( they Can o front 24 to h 0 per vet,' Sputtnpull of tuy work eAtt ho cettlt taltrflint cent., teriet in verge., ionnty (In hand a large stook of rrA LIAM and AMER WAN NA am.r. with ,whiolt ho is prepanni to inanucucture Afwionrent.r, 'tomb &tong. Prenoh (ouches, a re ei nn Tomt,i, tbiukor 14 fence, Curled latutha and Inno;Ls, Mut We roeld, awl_ 11alling f,r , family burial lot , Alt work rontrneted 'or by tas. knot, Mr A Jacob, will bo clecutut with Mistimed and des patch,• 14,23-I , ......_ ____ _ nuicit BALER' dr IglirA.4 VIM P/213 ,V , „ The tahaeti her ntarbotfullY infanta' the eiti-: sera of Centro and adjoining euuntiee, twat be hni opened a NEW STMRE 22213P:LLEFONTRly • ~, , lie, 2 Arcade entitling, *Worn he hits just teld ope'i" MAGNIFICENT' Orocx, OF (i9O'DM i which hate. Leen earefolly ,soloopta, to eatit 4 hotti town ami-eountry cuetont, *omitting of dela and beautiful SPRING AND fit kfMjilt(looB,+` fur Ladles' sod filentJemep'q mn, esubritetlaterori varlet, at Cloths, reistmeres. Vendee, A epleiettil sAtorirooot of bilks, noregeS no Laing. inne„iikitttsattei; }lobes, Cbslllea, Chintzes, Trimusisgs, Embroideries.. ' Dluellnn fmnetinv, A u. 1114.1iL11.11A DE ICLOTIIINkI, A I els, Cape. Boots snit filvps, ..yobreillut sad liailige' Norasols, Ya. 116; C. 11.1110, 'trustless As. - flartirrare, Cutlery, Oils sod Artstries, Visit and ,Pisidor, Deem, !floor 100 Ifefd, isotlet , O Y I I7 - Wog usually kept ty ureol I rospostfuit> starrossillog pre krykl to fttr pare With pot . , eboartso Sad Vain 'Asa Wham tosnwo of Elko township, fume Yid to rya said mil eall %Oki* = -..4tTE; ,A DEN Tudrort:that fofont., that J. M c 1 Eft ~_